Low pressure fatigue drowsiness. How to get rid of drowsiness. Causes of apathy and constant fatigue

It is natural to feel tired and exhausted after a day at work. In this case, sleep well enough to get rid of lethargy and become alert and energetic again. But what if sleep doesn't help? If fatigue and apathy haunt you in the morning? What if you don't want anything in this life? If you regularly break down and yell at your husband, or is your wife constantly suffering from your irritability, as a result of which the marriage is bursting at the seams? How to deal with these negative manifestations, get rid of them and return to normal again? How to relieve fatigue and keep yourself in good shape? Let's try to figure it out.

Symptoms and signs of persistent fatigue

The following signs indicate that there is increased fatigue and fatigue in your life:

  • decrease in mental and physical performance;
  • sleep disorders;
  • irritability (often break down on loved ones, especially the wife and children suffer);
  • slowing down the mental processes of the brain;
  • decrease in vitality.

Causes of apathy and constant fatigue

There can be many reasons for increased fatigue and constant fatigue: these are various diseases, an unhealthy lifestyle, and hormonal changes during pregnancy.

One of the main causes of increased fatigue and fatigue is the lack of nutrients and vitamins, in particular B12 and D.

  • Vitamin B12 deficiency

Vitamin B12 is involved in the formation of red blood cells, which are responsible for delivering oxygen from the lungs to body tissues. If this vitamin is not enough, you will not have enough oxygen, resulting in a feeling of weakness and fatigue. The presence of such symptoms may also indicate a lack of vitamin B12: diarrhea, numbness of the fingers, dizziness, burning sensation of the tongue, memory problems. To replenish the reserves of this vitamin in the body, you need to eat meat, fish, dairy products and eggs.

  • Vitamin D deficiency

Vitamin D is necessary for the optimal functioning of the nervous system, therefore, with its lack, a constant feeling of apathy, fatigue, and even depression can appear. Other signs of a lack of this vitamin: loss of muscle tone, deformity of the joints, deformation of the shape of the teeth. To avoid the adverse effects associated with vitamin D deficiency and feel better, eat eggs, fish, liver, and take small (at least 10 minutes) walks daily.

  • stress and depression

Another cause of fatigue can be a psychologically unfavorable state of a person. Depression is always accompanied by weakness, apathy and lethargy, a feeling of melancholy, loss of vitality. A person loses interest in everything and does not want anything, his physical and mental performance decreases, as a result of which he may even lose his job. In case of depression, it is necessary to consult a psychotherapist. Relatives of a person experiencing depression, especially a husband or wife, should be sympathetic to each other's condition and provide support. Stress can also be the cause of fatigue.

If you are often accompanied by a bad mood, apathy, weakness, you can try to get rid of them with the help of sports. For example, yoga helps to relax, relieve fatigue and stress. In the classroom, they will explain to you how to deal with fatigue, how to quickly relieve fatigue.

It’s great if you do exercises every morning in the morning. Morning exercises will charge you with a feeling of cheerfulness for the whole day.

  • sleep deprivation

Chronic insomnia and improper daily routine can also lead to constant fatigue, depression, weakness and lethargy, and decreased mental performance. To feel rested, an adult needs to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. If you sleep less and feel tired and overwhelmed, change your daily routine, and if you suffer from insomnia, it makes sense to consult a doctor - he will prescribe special medications to help restore healthy sleep.

  • Diseases of the endocrine system

Diseases of the endocrine system include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus and some others. All of them are accompanied by weakness, a pronounced decline in strength and fatigue. Other signs of these diseases: changes in weight, pressure in the neck, dry mouth, irregular menstruation in women, impotence in men. If you have even some of these signs, you should immediately contact a specialist, diagnose and start treatment as soon as possible.

Only an endocrinologist can treat diseases of the endocrine system and prescribe medications!

  • Taking medicines and medicines

This is a fairly common cause of increased fatigue and lethargy. Some medications have side effects such as drowsiness and lethargy. This is especially true of antihistamines. If you are taking any medications and feel sleepy all the time, check with your doctor to prescribe other medications for your treatment.

  • Insufficient physical activity

Insufficient physical activity adversely affects the state of health, both mental and physical. Physical activity should be present in the life of every person. Even a woman during pregnancy can lead a moderately active lifestyle, doing simple yoga exercises.

  • Mental and physical stress

Very often, excessive stress on the body becomes the cause of fatigue. With increased mental and physical stress, the body spends too much energy and does not have time to restore it, hence the constant fatigue, weakness and apathy. Often overload at work becomes a source of problems in married life: a tired and annoyed wife who comes home from work yells at her husband because of some trifle, as a result of which a real quarrel flares up. Therefore, it is so important to fully relax, especially for women during pregnancy.

  • bowel problems

The cause of constant fatigue, apathy and weakness can also be celiac disease - the inability of the intestines to digest the gluten of cereals. As a result, the body is deprived of many nutrients, which leads to fatigue and drowsiness.

  • Heart problems

Weakness, drowsiness and fatigue can be signs of cardiovascular disease. They can accompany myocardial infarction, coronary heart disease, arrhythmia. Often they are accompanied by symptoms such as shortness of breath, rapid or slow pulse, pain in the heart. If you have these symptoms, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

  • Hormonal disorders

Most often, women face this problem. This is due to the fact that hormonal "jumps" are more common among the fair sex. They occur during menstruation, pregnancy, menopause. Often these conditions are accompanied by weakness, drowsiness, apathy, loss of strength.

  • Constant fatigue during pregnancy

Fatigue during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon, because a woman's body undergoes hormonal changes, which provokes body fatigue and weakness. A pregnant woman often feels unwell, tired, constantly wants to sleep. That is why a woman during pregnancy should not overstrain, both mentally and physically, shift part of the household chores to her husband and have a good rest. Do not hesitate to ask for help from loved ones: husband, friends, relatives.

How to relieve fatigue and get rid of from her forever?

Tips and treatment:

  1. Proper nutrition

It is necessary to provide the body with all the useful substances and vitamins it needs, so your diet should be complete and varied, especially for women during pregnancy. It is best to eat 5 times a day in small portions, while breakfast should not be skipped in any case - this is the most important meal of the day.

  1. Complete rest

A good rest is a change of activity, for example, mental to physical. If you have been working hard mentally, then the best rest for you will be walking in the fresh air or exercising in the pool. A bath with essential oils before going to bed also provides relief from fatigue.

  1. Healthy sleep

Go to bed no later than 11 pm, and wake up no later than 8 am. You need to sleep at least 7-8 hours a day. This mode is the best way to relax. If you find it hard to fall asleep, walk for half an hour before going to bed and be sure to ventilate the room in which you will sleep. Involve your family in this routine as well.

  1. The course of vitamins

If you are not sure that you can stick to the right menu, drink a course of vitamins. People taking vitamin complexes admit that after some time after the start of the course, they begin to feel much better. Vitamins are especially indicated for people with increased mental and physical stress, as well as for women during pregnancy.

  1. Physical exercise

Sport is one of the best remedies for fatigue, weakness and apathy. Regular exercise makes your body more resilient and able to cope with stress more easily. Even women during pregnancy should lead a moderately active lifestyle, do exercises in the morning, and perform special exercises to relieve fatigue.

  1. The doctor's consultation

Constant fatigue, weakness and apathy is a reason to see a doctor, because these seemingly harmless symptoms can hide quite serious diseases that may require long-term treatment, so do not put off a visit to a specialist. Your doctor can help you determine the cause of your fatigue and prescribe the right treatment.

Constant fatigue and drowsiness, apathy, indifference to everything, low efficiency- almost every person notes such signs at least once. Interestingly, this state is experienced by many energetic, businesslike, responsible and successful people. Experts believe that many of them do not pay due attention to their well-being, provoking a decrease in the body's resistance to stress and infections, and this, in turn, reduces the level of production of serotonin (stimulating hormone, hormone of joy).

Serotonin by the way, a very important hormone that not only creates a positive emotional mood, as everyone used to think, but regulates most of the processes in the body. In many respects, it is precisely because of the decrease in its level in the blood in the winter that the inhabitants of Russia become overweight, there is constant fatigue, weakness and drowsiness, hair becomes brittle and falls out, the skin becomes faded.

According to scientists' research, when serotonin levels in the brain are low, the person begins to experience strong cravings for foods rich in carbohydrates: to sugar, sweets, cakes, chocolate. Trying to make up for the lack of serotonin in such an uncontrolled way, a person simply begins to gain weight.

And Dr. Wartman (MA) believed that low levels of serotonin lead to to constant fatigue, seasonal depression, low performance, premenstrual syndrome.

Constant tiredness and drowsiness- a serious consequence of a low level of serotonin in the blood - the body receives the installation: I am bad, I am unhappy, I cannot be attractive to the opposite sex, I am weak and need rest. All processes in the body seem to work to save energy and accumulate fat (future fuel).

Many women 20-40 years old feel constantly tired. They often have an irresistible desire after work to get to the sofa as soon as possible and, as it were, disconnect from the outside world. It would seem that you just need to lie down - and everything will pass. But no. Morning comes - and with it new problems and worries, accumulating like a snowball. And again - low performance.

Constant fatigue and drowsiness can be provoked by the environmental situation, frequent stress, lack of vitamins, and chronic lack of sleep. Treatment is necessary here, otherwise health begins to deteriorate and the body's defenses decrease.

If constant weakness and fatigue persist even after a long rest, and this condition lasts more than six months, in medicine this condition is called chronic fatigue syndrome.

The most important symptom of chronic fatigue syndrome is constant fatigue and a feeling of weakness, which appear even without significant exertion. Things that you used to do easily and without difficulty become a heavy burden, annoying and literally exhausting. Even a simple walk or a trip to the store can become very tiring, not to mention the physical and emotional stresses such as fitness classes, negotiations, the sales process, and long contact with people.

Other permanent (chronic) fatigue syndromes

Some scholarly works describe the following factors, entailing constant fatigue and often causing Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

    increased formation of lactic acid in muscle tissue after exercise,

    decreased intensity or impaired oxygen transport to tissues,

    decrease in the number of mitochondria and their dysfunction.

This is a kind of complex disease that affects both the body and the brain.

Interesting facts about constant fatigue.

    Most often, people aged 40-50 suffer from weakness and constant fatigue. However, children and teenagers can also show signs of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Most of the research notes more frequent symptoms of CFS in girls than in boys.

    Calm, harmonious and good personal relationships with family members and friends is an important factor in the full recovery of patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. It turns out that your family is also the key to getting rid of constant fatigue.

    Chronic fatigue syndrome can cause joint pain. Therefore, often people suffering from constant fatigue abuse painkillers.

    According to another widespread theory, energy metabolism processes in the mitochondria of cells are disrupted as a result of a combination of stress, allergies, and viral diseases. In mitochondria, the synthesis of ATP, which contains the energy necessary for the body, decreases. For example, the energy needed for muscle contraction is also released when ATP is broken down. All patients with CFS are characterized by low levels of ATP, and we can say the same about people who feel constantly tired and sleepy.

    allergies is the only abnormality of the immune system seen in most patients with CFS. Some studies have reported that up to 80% of CFS patients have allergies to food, pollen, and metals.

    People who feel constantly tired least susceptible to treatment by self-hypnosis(or the placebo effect, in other words). On average, studies of various diseases show 30-35% cures due to the placebo effect. For patients diagnosed with CFS, these rates are less than 30%.

With this disease, an integrated approach is needed. Revision of lifestyle, more active physical activity, sleep and nutrition, avoiding alcohol and smoking.

What can be done to make constant weakness and low performance a thing of the past?

To overcome fatigue, treatment can be different. The ideal option is to change your lifestyle, with proper rest, a good diet, outdoor walks, exercise and the absence of stress. Trips to waterfalls, the sea or mountains help a lot.

It is not available to everyone and not always. So people are looking for other options.

At a waterfall, high in the mountains, on the sea after a storm, there are negative ions that have a beneficial effect on the body, improve well-being, and increase the level of serotonin in the blood. Weakness and fatigue disappear on their own.

Negatively charged ions or anions These are the smallest particles that enter our body with air and have the following effects:

    Enhance the ability of the blood to absorb and carry oxygen

    They have a powerful antioxidant effect, similar to the action of vitamins. Anions stop oxidative processes in the body, thereby removing the cause of weakness and fatigue.

    They have a powerful antiviral and antimicrobial effect. This fact has long been used in modern medicine for disinfection. For example, surgical gloves are treated with a special ionized powder. But about her later.

    Enhance the growth of the number of mitochondria. Mitochondria are intracellular formations that produce energy in the body. They synthesize adenosine triphosphoric acid, tk. the basic energy unit of living organisms and are located in places where it is necessary to use energy for any life processes,

    Contribute to the increase of mental activity and metabolic processes in the body,

    Contribute to the rejuvenation of the body. It has been proven that in the environment of ionized air, cells multiply 2.5 times faster,

    And finally, they contribute to the production of serotonin in the blood.

This feature was used in the creation of energy bracelets. LifeStrength, with the wearing of which, during the first week, constant fatigue and drowsiness disappear or significantly lose ground.

In the production of seemingly simple silicone bracelets, the same ionized powder is used, which helps surgeons in the disinfection of gloves. The special composition of the seven-mineral powder allows the bracelet to retain its ionic charge for a long time. The anions in the LifeStrength bracelet help you fight constant weakness and fatigue for 5 years. That is their lifespan.

People who have tried bracelets on themselves, I cut off what low performance or unwillingness to work means. Scientists have proven that negative ions also slow down the aging process. Therefore, LifeStrength energy bracelets with a high concentration of negative ions are so popular among the beautiful half of humanity.

Why do you always want to sleep in the morning? The day has not yet begun, but already there is weakness and unwillingness to do something!

Constant fatigue and drowsiness, malaise and some weakness may be signs or causes that need to be corrected!

Moreover, constant drowsiness and fatigue can accompany if you have slept for many hours, but the body still does not want and cannot wake up.


  • distraction
  • carelessness
  • memory loss
  • apathy
  • loss of interest and some indifference
  • the desire to lie on the couch in front of the TV or sleep and sleep again

I also want to draw your attention to the fact that regardless of age, these symptoms can accompany both adults and children! Therefore, it is necessary to find out why you constantly want to sleep, so to speak. root cause!

The reasons

  • Avitaminosis or lack of essential and very important trace elements

You should especially take care of such important vitamins as iron, iodine, vitamins D and C!

  • Constant diets and a small amount of kcal in contrast to the energy consumed
  • Reduced immunity and lack of a healthy lifestyle can provoke all the signs
  • Low pressure
  • lack of water
  • Toxicity and slagging of the body
  • Pregnancy

For pregnancy, it is important to take a complex of vitamins on time, walk more in the fresh air and perform special exercises!

  • Depression

Depression, as you know, is the wrong direction of thought, unwillingness to do business, go to work, everything is tired, etc. The surest way to remove constant drowsiness and fatigue is to start working on the foci of your depression!

If we take the basis and psychology, then fatigue reflects resistance, boredom, unwillingness to do one's work. That is, an unloved business that occupies the main part of life kills all enthusiasm and the body strives to get it in a dream! Fatigue and drowsiness only show that you have chosen the wrong path!

What to do with constant fatigue and drowsiness?

  • Be sure to drink vitamins, and constantly, especially for those of you who live in cities and metropolitan areas!
  • Cleansing the body and intestines.
  • Sleep should be full, for 8 hours.
  • Relaxation

Relaxation for 20-30 minutes a day with no thoughts and proper body position. when all the muscles relax, it gradually removes all unnecessary tension and resistance, which sometimes causes all the symptoms on the face.

  • Hobby

Remember what you like to do more and strive to devote time to it every day! Perhaps you will have many ideas and plans in the future!

  • aromatherapy

Buy yourself some incense. essential oils to invigorate you. For example, aromas of coffee, pine needles, sea, spring smells. Don't be lazy!

  • fall in love

What love does to us is known to those who have gone through these moments! Either you need to set a goal to work on existing relationships, bring freshness or fall in love. Moreover, it has long been proven by scientists that no matter mutual love or not, the state of being in love raises the sensations of its bearer to a high level of vibrations! Symptoms will be removed as if by hand!

  • Drink a cup of good aromatic coffee twice a day
  • Drink green tea with lemon throughout the day
  • It's great if you buy Ginseng root in a pharmacy or Eleutherococcus roots, guarana
  • Sport

Underestimate this point! What kind of sport is there if you feel weak and want to sleep? These sensations disappear after a while. as soon as the body begins to produce hormones and endorphins that raise tone and mood.

  • fresh air and breathing exercises

Constant fatigue and drowsiness is not a disease, but a lack of joy that is expressed through our body! Start small, and be sure to switch to a healthy lifestyle!

The frantic rhythm of modern life, hard work, constant stress, endless household chores lead to chronic fatigue. The feeling when you seem to have slept at night, but still constantly want to sleep during the day, haunts many. Moreover, when we get to bed, it is not always possible to immediately fall asleep. Sleep is often superficial or intermittent and in the morning haunts a feeling of weakness and even more. Such symptoms indicate chronic mental and physical overwork.

With chronic fatigue during the day, he constantly sleeps, and at night - on the contrary, a person suffers from insomnia. The result is a breakdown, weakness and bad mood. Chronic fatigue syndrome is fraught with problems in the family and at work, as the level of working capacity decreases and the quality of life in general worsens. Let's figure out why you constantly want to sleep during the day and what to do to cope with this problem.

Why you constantly want to sleep during the day - the main reasons

The main factors provoking pathological daytime sleepiness are:

  • a strong mental or physical plane, when you constantly feel tired and want to sleep;
  • increased anxiety, high emotional stress;
  • hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the brain and pathological conditions associated with damage to sleep centers;
  • disorders of the central nervous system, in which inhibitory reactions predominate over excitatory processes;
  • taking certain medications that cause increased drowsiness;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • other pathologies affecting the activity of the brain.

If you are in good health, but you want to sleep all the time, this is due to physiological reasons, that is, natural needs. At a young age, long-term abstinence from sleep is tolerated without serious consequences due to the body's own reserves. But this cannot go on forever. Without a regular night's rest, overwork quickly sets in, which is expressed in lethargy, drowsiness and a deterioration in mood.

The most common physiological causes of daytime sleepiness include:
  • The climatic factor - seasonal changes in the weather, atmospheric pressure drops have a significant impact on the general well-being of a person. For example, in cloudy and rainy weather, weather-sensitive individuals note a decrease in blood pressure, apathy and drowsiness, while when the sun appears and bright, warm days, vigor and activity return to them.
  • Afternoon nap. Everyone knows the state when you want to sleep after eating. This effect is explained very simply - if the stomach is full, then all the body's reserves are aimed at digesting food. At this time, the brain gets less oxygen, and it goes into economy mode, which immediately affects the overall activity. Especially after dinner you want to sleep if the stomach is overloaded. Therefore, you should not overeat, it is recommended to eat in small portions, fractionally, then the digestive system will work normally and the brain will not have to go into "sleep" mode.
  • Malfunctions of the vestibular apparatus. Everyone knows that the vestibular system is responsible for the sense of balance. However, for many, this device is imperfect, which is especially pronounced during travel and travel by transport. As a result, when motion sickness occurs, weakness occurs and you want to sleep, a person becomes lethargic and inhibited.
  • Lack of sleep - drowsiness may appear when the biological regimen is lost, for example, during a shift or daily work schedule. To feel alert and active during the day, an adult should sleep at least 7-8 hours. When the regime is disturbed, and the biological rhythms go astray, fatigue gradually accumulates, manifested by daytime sleepiness.
  • Drowsiness after sex - during intercourse a lot of energy is expended. But after sexual discharge, a feeling of satisfaction and peace sets in, all stressful situations are forgotten, and the brain rests. That's why, so you want to sleep after.
  • Pregnancy - in this state, increased production of hormones begins and significant changes occur in the body. A woman is gradually preparing for motherhood and, against the background of a changing hormonal background, absent-mindedness, inattention and constant drowsiness are noted. That is why during this period expectant mothers have such a strong need for daytime rest.
Psychological factors play a special role

A person may feel increased drowsiness after a strong emotional or nervous shock. This is how the protective reaction of the body manifests itself, which seeks to protect the nervous system from overload. During a strong psychological stress, the body's resources are depleted, and a breakdown causes drowsiness.

When stressed, sleep has a positive effect on a person - it relieves excessive stress, normalizes blood pressure, and restores the energy resources of the body. In addition, during sleep it is easier to endure a stressful situation, and during the day - to resist its negative consequences.

The concept of drowsiness and its symptoms

Under the concept of "drowsiness" lies a constant desire to fall asleep at odd daytime hours and this condition is caused by fatigue or psycho-emotional overwork. If this feeling haunts you constantly, it means that you are overtired and signals the need for rest. In this case, the following signs of drowsiness appear:

  • consciousness becomes dull;
  • heart rate slows down;
  • yawning appears and the perception of the surrounding reality decreases;
  • eyelids stick together by themselves, and a person tends to sleep at an inopportune time.

Constant daytime sleepiness is a big problem, both for the person himself and for his environment. This feature can develop to a pathological condition, which will extremely negatively affect the general well-being and quality of life of a particular person.

The danger of pathological drowsiness

If you are constantly very sleepy, but this condition is in no way connected with physiological causes or stressful situations, you need to think about your own health. Most likely, pathological hypersomnia (increased need for sleep) is caused by malfunctions in the body.

Drowsiness can be provoked by head injuries, concussion, liver intoxication, dehydration, kidney or heart failure. You will constantly arrive in a half-asleep state with certain disorders of the thyroid gland (hypothyroidism) or metabolic disorders. Such a condition should alert you and serve as a reason for applying for. Here it is already necessary to solve not the problems of sleep, but to direct our efforts to identify the disease and fight it.

An unusually strong craving for sleep during the daytime is noted in depressive states, when a person feels a particularly strong breakdown. In this state, he does not react to anything, he is not interested in anything, and there is not even a desire to get out of bed. A dangerous symptom is the need to sleep for more than twelve, fourteen hours a day, if the person has not experienced such a desire before.

We list the conditions accompanied by pathological drowsiness:

With anemia in the blood, the level of hemoglobin sharply decreases, and the process of transporting oxygen to the tissues is disrupted accordingly. Hypoxia primarily affects the brain and nervous system, which immediately affects the general condition of a person. Patients with anemia can be identified by their appearance - they are pale, slender, lethargic and lethargic. The consequence of anemia is a drop in performance, daytime sleepiness, weakness, dizziness, increased need for rest (including a few hours of sleep during the daytime).

Infectious diseases

Colds, exacerbation of chronic infections, deplete the body's defenses. During the recovery period after illnesses, a person especially needs a long rest, so it is not surprising that returning to the working rhythm, he experiences a periodic desire to lie down during the day. There is even a so-called visceral theory, according to which, after a serious illness, the body especially needs sleep, during which it tests the work of internal organs.

Atherosclerotic changes

One of the dangerous pathologies - cerebral vessels leads to oxygen starvation and manifestations of ischemia. With chronic disorders of cerebral circulation, the patient suffers from such unpleasant manifestations as headaches, tinnitus, sleep disturbances at night, drowsiness and absent-mindedness during the day, memory impairment and respiratory depression. Atherosclerotic changes are mainly observed in the elderly and are accompanied by a gradual deterioration in the nutrition of the brain, which causes increased drowsiness during the day.

Hypersomnia and narcolepsy

Idiopathic hypersomnia is a disease that occurs more often in young people and is manifested by a tendency to sleepiness during the daytime, difficult awakening in the morning, accompanied by a bad mood and increased aggressiveness.

Narcolepsy - one of the variants of hypersomnia, is manifested by restless sleep at night, a feeling of fatigue and lack of sleep, irresistible drowsiness, at any time of the day. Such pathological conditions significantly reduce the quality of life and most adversely affect working capacity, social and family relationships.

Body intoxication

Against the background of acute or chronic intoxication, daytime sleepiness manifests itself most clearly. What conditions cause such a reaction?

  • Alcohol intoxication - after a state of extreme excitement during intoxication, there is a need for sleep, and before that there is lethargy and drowsiness.
  • Smoking causes vasospasm, which leads to oxygen starvation of the brain. In this case, inflammation of the walls of blood vessels and arteries is observed, which leads to a breakdown and drowsiness.
  • Taking sedatives. Regular use of sedatives contributes to the development of chronic drowsiness. The same effect can be observed when taking sleeping pills.
  • Dehydration of the body. This condition develops against the background of food or drug poisoning, is accompanied by loss of fluid and electrolytes due to indomitable vomiting and diarrhea, provokes severe weakness and drowsiness.
Diseases of the endocrine system

Among the endocrine pathologies that can cause daytime sleepiness, experts call the following conditions:

  • Hypothyroidism. A disease associated with a drop in the level of thyroid hormones, which causes a slowdown in metabolic processes and provokes severe drowsiness, apathy, deterioration of the brain due to hypoxia.
  • Adrenal insufficiency - the pathology is manifested by weight loss, loss of appetite, low blood pressure, which leads to high fatigue, decreased performance and drowsiness during the day.
  • Diabetes mellitus is accompanied by a carbohydrate imbalance, and fluctuations in blood sugar levels cause an increase in encephalopathy, one of the symptoms of which is weakness and the need for daytime rest.

Diseases of the internal organs

Many pathologies associated with damage to internal organs have a depressing effect on the nervous system and thus provoke the appearance of weakness, apathy and daytime sleepiness. Among them are the following states:

  • Heart failure (chronic). It is accompanied by a deterioration in cerebral circulation, which leads to hypoxia, sleep disorders, and daytime drowsiness.
  • Kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, hydronrefrosis, renal failure) cause the accumulation of toxic nitrogenous compounds in the blood, which leads to pathological lethargy and a constant need for sleep even in the daytime.
  • Liver damage. Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis, liver cancer, liver failure are severe pathological conditions accompanied by a violation of protein metabolism. As a result, the concentration of substances toxic to the brain increases in the blood, which the diseased liver is not able to neutralize. Against the background of a deterioration in cerebral blood supply, other dangerous symptoms from the respiratory system develop, and irresistible drowsiness occurs.
  • Encephalopathy against the background of hypertension causes a violation of the functions of the central nervous system and enhances the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, which is manifested by such a characteristic symptom as an increased need for sleep at inopportune times.
  • Intoxication of the body against the background of infections. Pathological drowsiness can be provoked by infections of various etiologies (bacterial, viral, fungal, neuroinfections). So, for example, the most characteristic consequence of intoxication is chronic fatigue syndrome, combined with decreased performance, weakness, apathy, drowsiness, and a drop in immunity.
  • and mental disorders - another reason that can lead to the development of pathological drowsiness and an irresistible desire to sleep during the day.
  • Oncological diseases. Cancer tumors deplete a person in a short time, depriving him of vital energy and strength, which is manifested by high fatigue, weakness and constant drowsiness.


This is one of the most mysterious disorders, the cause of which doctors still cannot pinpoint. A person falls into a sleepy state, which can last for a long time. There are cases when the patient spent many years in a lethargic sleep.

At the same time, all signs of vital activity are minimal - breathing is almost not determined, reflexes are absent, the heartbeat slows down very much. In the Middle Ages, a person in this state was often mistaken for the deceased and buried. No wonder there are many terrible legends about people buried alive.

In fact, lethargy is not a dream - it is a pathological depression of the nervous system and cerebral cortex, which can be caused by nervous and physical exhaustion, prolonged starvation, severe infectious processes accompanied by dehydration or mental disorders.

So, if you are worried about severe daytime sleepiness, chronic fatigue, apathy and other unpleasant symptoms, you should undergo a diagnostic examination in a timely manner and find out the cause of this condition in order to know how to deal with it.

What to do if you constantly want to sleep during the day?

Many people ask the question - what to do if you want to sleep during the day? If the state of drowsiness is associated with diseases, it is necessary to solve this problem as soon as possible in order to avoid serious complications. The sooner you seek medical help, the sooner you will be given the correct diagnosis and the necessary treatment regimen will be selected.

If the drowsiness is of a psychological nature, you cannot do without the help of a psychiatrist, since it is very difficult to get out of this state on your own.

With drowsiness of a physiological nature, each person can cope with this condition without outside help. In order not to suffer from drowsiness, you can follow the following recommendations:

  • Reconsider the daily routine - go to bed no later than ten o'clock in the evening, and the dream itself should last at least eight hours. During this time, the body will have time to rest and gain strength.
  • Take vitamins in the form of multivitamin complexes or increase the consumption of fresh vegetables, fruits and berries. This will help improve digestion and healthy sleep.
  • Do not overeat (especially at night) - then there will be no feeling of heaviness in the stomach, and instead of a sleepy state during the day, you will get a surge of strength.
  • Take a contrast shower in the morning - it will give vigor and strength for the whole day.
  • Morning exercises are good for health, simple exercises will help activate energy processes and provide vigor and a good mood for the whole day.
  • Ventilate the room more often, as stuffiness negatively affects well-being, and a lack of oxygen leads to drowsiness.

Good to know

In general, moderate physical activity, walking in the fresh air, dousing with cold water will not only save you from blues and apathy, but will also have a positive effect on your health.

Feelings of enduring weakness, fatigue and drowsiness periodically manifest themselves in every person, regardless of age, gender, active life position and employment. According to experts, this condition is the result of a low level of serotonin in the blood - the “hormone of joy”.

Photo 1. Chronic fatigue can be both a consequence of lack of sleep and illness. Source: Flickr (miund).

Fatigue, weakness, drowsiness - causes

A condition that begins with a constant feeling of fatigue and drowsiness often leads to general weakness, indifference and a significant decrease in performance. These feelings can occur for the following reasons:

  • Lack of oxygen: the oxygen inhaled by a person directly affects the mood - the more fresh air, the greater the feeling of cheerfulness. The oxygen that comes with breathing is carried along with the blood throughout the body, so its insufficient amount negatively affects the functioning of internal organs. The brain suffers especially hard, which reacts appropriately to a decrease in oxygen levels - causing fatigue, weakness and drowsiness.
  • Weather: Decreased mood and other similar problems often occur during or just before rain. The reason for this is a decrease in atmospheric air pressure, due to which a person’s heartbeat slows down, blood pressure decreases, and the amount of oxygen circulating in the blood decreases. Additionally, psychological factors influence the melancholy mood: lack of sunlight, monotonous raindrops, dullness and dampness.
  • Vitamin deficiency: mood problems are often the result of insufficient intake of a number of vitamins with trace elements - vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid), vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin P (in particular, its rutin component), vitamin D, iodine. The lack of these substances leads to a violation of the course of metabolic processes, a decrease in immunity and malnutrition of the brain, and as a result, to regular poor health.
  • Hormonal disruptions: hormonal disorders also lead to constant weakness and fatigue due to various factors - lack of vitamin and mineral components in food, insufficient rest and the presence of certain diseases. Sometimes they are associated with dysfunction of the thyroid gland (for example, due to an autoimmune reaction) or inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system.
  • Bad habits: the use of alcoholic beverages and smoking harm the internal organs - alcohol leads to liver damage and destroys all the reserves of vitamins and minerals in the body, tobacco impairs the functioning of the circulatory system and blood supply to the brain. So an unhealthy lifestyle leads to chronic weakness, fatigue and drowsiness.
  • Improper nutrition: frequent malnutrition leads to poor health and impaired performance, due to which a person begins to have problems with a lack of energy, as well as regular consumption of unhealthy foods (fatty, sweets, "fast food"), forcing the body to spend energy not on activity and performance , and to eliminate the consequences of taking the wrong food. Also, the problem of weakness and fatigue is associated with frequent fasting, followed by heavy meals, due to which the digestive system is overloaded with an incorrect distribution of energy.
  • chronic fatigue syndrome(CFS): A long-term decrease in performance, which even prolonged rest cannot cope with, is most likely a symptom of CFS. The condition usually develops due to a deficiency of various micro and macro elements in the diet, some viral infections, increased physical and emotional stress.
  • Other problems: the cause of performance, reduced due to weakness and drowsiness, can be some diseases and conditions (herpes affecting the central nervous system, apnea, insomnia, traumatic brain injury, freezing, overdose of drugs, damage to the liver and kidneys, heart problems, severe poisoning ).

Additional symptoms

Fatigue, weakness and drowsiness may be due to simple overwork or factors that can be managed by taking vitamins and normalizing lifestyle. However, this condition can be the result of serious health problems, so a person should pay attention to the following accompanying symptoms:

  • muscle weakness;
  • hearing or vision problems;
  • decrease in mental abilities;
  • insomnia;
  • increased sweating;
  • irritability;
  • depression and/or aggression;
  • excitability or lethargy;
  • appetite disorders;
  • problems with the ability to perform rhythmic movements or fine motor manipulations.

Diagnosis of possible pathologies

If there are additional symptoms with weakness, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo a series of examinations:

  • general and biochemical blood analysis;
  • blood test for viral hepatitis, syphilis and HIV;
  • biochemical urine test;
  • assessment of hormonal balance;
  • immunogram;
  • blood pressure stability monitoring(carried out throughout the day);
  • brain MRI;
  • encephalogram;
  • examination of the blood vessels of the neck and head;
  • assessment of the condition of the fundus;
  • chest fluorography.

It is important! First of all, you should seek help from a general practitioner who will prescribe the necessary examinations and either prescribe treatment or refer you to a specialized specialist. This may be a neurologist, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, immunologist, hematologist, oncologist or psychotherapist.

Homeopathy to the rescue

For problems with frequent fatigue and increased drowsiness, homeopathy plays a special role in the treatment. As a rule, official medicine, if no pathologies are revealed, but general weakness is simply noted, recommends resting more. For homeopathy, such a state is a signal from the body for help that must be provided.

Photo 2. For homeopathy, fatigue is a reason to deal with your health.
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