During ovulation, the lower abdomen hurts. Pain in the lower abdomen during ovulation. Causes of late ovulation

Moderate drawing pains from 14 to 17 days of the cycle are the norm. They are physiological in nature and do not threaten the health of a woman. In 90% of women, pain during ovulation is associated with natural processes, 10% with pathologies reproductive system. With a high pain threshold, pain ovulatory phase considered normal if:

Important! According to medical statistics, 25% of women always feel the process of ovulation.

Where does pain come from?

Ovulation (release of a mature egg) is controlled by special natural cycles. When there are 2 weeks left before the onset of menstruation, one of the dominant follicles (graafian vesicle) increases in size. When fully mature, under the influence of hormones, the follicle ruptures. It is at this moment that a woman may experience discomfort, sharp short-term pain in the abdomen, slight cramps or drawing pain.

Mild pain is considered the norm, because with a rupture there is a risk of microdamage, and the fluid from the follicle causes irritation in the peritoneum. The pain can also migrate to suprapubic region and in the lower back (if blood enters the gap between the rectum and the vagina).

The nature of the discomfort before, during and after the release of the egg from the ovary

Pain in the lower abdomen before ovulation most often has a mild character and lasts from about an hour to 2 days. Most often, the pain is pulling and aching in nature. The reason may be that ovulation started too early. The reason for the shift in the schedule may be stress or a change in the time zone, and in more serious cases:

  • endocrine disorders;
  • inflammation of the uterine appendages;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Here attention should be paid to whether early ovulation a one-time manifestation or it entered the system. If the abdomen regularly hurts intensely before ovulation, this may be a symptom of salpingo-oophoritis (inflammation of the uterine appendages) or a growing uterine fibroid. During ovulation, both the lower abdomen and other parts of the case can hurt. Pain may be felt:

Rarely, chest pain may occur.(tension of nerve endings in preparation for the intended pregnancy). It can be cutting, stabbing or cramping.

Since the ovaries work alternately and the follicles mature either in the right or in the left ovary, the pains appear in the right or left ovary, respectively. In time, pain during ovulation can last from one hour to 3 days (depending on the individual characteristics of the body). Within 3-5 days after ovulation, pulling pains of low intensity are the norm.

Aggregate clinical manifestations may be similar to premenstrual syndrome. If selection white color after ovulation are accompanied severe itching it is necessary to consult a gynecologist, this may be a symptom of candidiasis. AT rare cases abdominal pain after ovulation can be caused by ovarian apoplexy.

Pain may be accompanied by:

  • pressure drop;
  • general weakness;
  • the appearance of cold sweat.

Apoplexy requires hospitalization. Also, pain in the ovary after ovulation can be a symptom of:

  • rupture of an ovarian cyst;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • adnexitis;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • development of the early menopause.

In what cases should you contact a specialist?

If the pain (low or medium intensity) before ovulation or during the same for many years, then there is no reason to worry.

What else can be symptoms of pathology? It:

  • algomenorrhea;
  • too heavy menstruation;
  • regular violation of basal temperature;
  • contact bleeding;
  • pain during intercourse;
  • lack of libido.

Important! The intensity of pain sensations largely depends on the individual pain threshold of a woman.


First of all, competent consultation of the gynecologist is necessary. It is the gynecologist who conducts an examination for possible pathologies and selects suitable medications. To get rid of pain, the doctor treats the underlying disease. To establish the diagnosis of pathology, the doctor may additionally prescribe an ultrasound. Self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Pain can be relieved with simple over-the-counter pain medications. Depending on the individual characteristics of the body, the doctor prescribes antispasmodic, myotropic and vasodilators. Rarely antibiotics. In mild cases, they can help:

  • ibuprofen;
  • Paracetamol;
  • Aspirin.

The following drugs have also proven themselves well:

  • Solpadein;
  • Tamipul;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketonal;
  • Ketanov;
  • Ketorol (for symptomatic relief of pain).

Common remedies for spasms are the drug:

  • No-Shpa;
  • Baralgin;
  • Spazmalgon.

Hormone therapy can also help in some cases ( oral contraceptives).

It should be remembered that a gynecologist must be visited once a year, and after 30 years at least 2 times.

So let's sum it up. Always listen to your body and pay more attention to health. If the lower abdomen or other parts of the body hurt with a certain frequency, for example, it appears stably before ovulation, during or after it, this is an occasion to think about the state of your health and turn to a qualified medical specialist to identify possible pathology. Modern diagnostics allows you to quickly and accurately identify and solve problems.

Ovulation is the moment when a cell comes out for possible fertilization. The process is almost in the middle female cycle. Each representative of the fair sex has different perceptions and feelings at this moment, which helps in determining the right day for conception. Let's try to understand the physiology of this phenomenon, and why a woman can experience certain unpleasant moments, including when the right side hurts during ovulation.

Pain during ovulation

Pain is one of the most common factors. When ovulation occurs, the right side or left lower abdomen hurts. This feeling is experienced by up to 20% of women, and its character is different for everyone. Someone feels a tingling sensation, someone has a slight unpleasant pulling pain perception, and some feel a spasm. The time of exposure also differs in women: once or constantly, a few minutes or a whole day (day).

Why does my right side hurt?

The pain sensation when the cell exits is quite justified. Let's figure out why the right side or the left side hurts during ovulation. A mature egg, when released, breaks the follicle membrane, causing excessive stretching of the tissues, and, as a rule, a small amount of blood enters the peritoneum. A small wound remains on the shell.

All this taken together and gives a woman insignificant discomfort. Follicles can grow alternately in the ovaries, but sometimes one of them can work for 2 cycles in a row. Therefore, why during ovulation the right side hurts, and not the left (or vice versa), is understandable. This proves that in this moment it was the right ovary that released the cell ready for fertilization. If the pain is on the left, it means that the left one “worked” in this rhythmic period.

Discharge during ovulation

If there is a vaginal discharge that resembles the white of an egg with barely noticeable brownish or bloody streaks, the fact of the release of the egg is evident. But not everyone has blotches, but “protein” is a sure sign of ovulation.

Pain after ovulation

If sensations of an unpleasant character appear in the lower part, the left side is disturbed or the right side hurts after ovulation after 5-7 days, implantation of the embryo is quite likely at this time. The process involves stretching the tissue of the uterine lining, which is accompanied a little pain.

All symptoms normally last no more than a day, after which they disappear, and can be the first signal of pregnancy, which is then confirmed by tests.

In addition to ovulation, the causes of similar pains can be:

  • the presence of inflammatory diseases of the genital organs;
  • hormonal disorders in the body;
  • the presence of tumors;
  • developmental pathology reproductive organs in a woman, the wrong location of the uterus with appendages;
  • irregular menstrual cycle, etc.


So what if the right side hurts during ovulation long time(more than a day), discomfort does not stop, there is an increase in temperature or other symptoms of health problems (nausea, vomiting), you should visit your specialist to determine the cause of the ailment. This picture is typical for adnexitis (inflammation of the ovaries) and inflammation of the appendages (oophoritis). In this case, recoil occurs in the lower back. An acute painful attack is observed when a cyst ruptures or appendicitis.

Not everyone has information about ovulation, they do not know about the causes. The phenomenon that causes the ripening follicle to burst, followed by the release of the egg into the fallopian tube, is called ovulatory syndrome. Two weeks after ovulation, the menstrual cycle begins. The process is accompanied painful sensations and bad feeling in the abdomen or in the genitals.

Regardless of the torment, ovulatory syndrome is a favorable moment for conceiving a child. In a day, the egg is ready for fertilization, women conceive a child. Others, on the contrary, abstain from sex to avoid pregnancy. Knowing the time of ovulation helps to determine the time of onset of pain and prepare.

During ovulation, the stomach hurts due to the stretching of the follicles, which burst, bringing the egg into the uterus. The sensations are heavy, not only the stomach hurts, the whole body suffers. True, for most women, the process is painless and fast. There are many reasons for suffering, in case of prolonged discomfort, consult a doctor for advice.

Midway Impressions menstrual cycle different, from neutral to painful symptoms. main role plays the state of health of women. A diseased organism endures trials worse than a healthy one. The passage of the ovulatory period serves as an indicator of the state of health.

Some women experience discomfort during ovulation, although it all depends on the characteristics of the body. At the end of the first half of the menstrual cycle, the ovary sometimes hurts, pulls the lower abdomen. The pain is so severe that it creates a fainting state. Unpleasant sensations last in different ways, the period is measured in moments and ends in days. After ovulation, menstruation occurs after 14-15 days. Deviations from the deadlines are rare, caused by a complex of reasons.

Malnutrition, diet, affects the menstrual cycle, inhibiting the production the right hormones. Proper nutrition- pledge wellness. You need to carefully monitor the balanced content of fats and fiber. Negative factor excessive alcohol consumption causes hormonal fluctuations, leading to early ovulation.

Disorder hormonal balance cause various factors. Among them stressful situations, diseases, physical overload, hard sexual intercourse, factors, causing change body chemistry leading to hormonal imbalance. It's okay to try to save female body from negative influence.

After childbirth, the menstrual cycle is disrupted and ovulation may not occur. It will take at least six months, a maximum of two years, before the cycle is restored. Don't worry about the absence monthly cycle after childbirth, it is part of the natural process. During childbirth, one should be attentive to the health of the body, if symptoms are suspicious, consult a doctor.

Characteristics and signs of ovulation

There are types of pain: weak or strong, sharp and dull, quickly passing or lasting. Painful sensations are aggravated by physical overload, movements and sex. Lower back suffers groin area and a cross. This is accompanied by bleeding. Rarely, nausea, vomiting, and faintness occur.

Not every woman feels pain; for most, the process is painless or accompanied by a minimum of discomfort. For others, only part of the ovulation is painful suffering. These sensations last for hours, depending on the state of health of the woman. Do not delay with a visit to the doctor with severe excruciating pain.

Pain in the abdomen does not always mean the beginning of the release of the egg, there are other signs that indicate the beginning of the process. This includes the appearance of blood discharge associated with bursting vessels in the lower part of the follicle. Level cervical mucus is growing. An additional clue is an increase in sexual desire.

A complex of reasons helps to accurately determine the readiness of a woman for childbirth. Accordingly, during this period it is worth conceiving a child or, conversely, refraining from contact. For women who do not know how to determine the right day, special tests have been developed that are purchased at a pharmacy.

Causes of pain during ovulation

Before the release of the egg, the walls of the mature follicle stretch as much as possible, which can cause suffering. Pain may indicate rupture of blood vessels. The fluid formed after the rupture enters the uterine epithelium and the abdominal wall, causing irritation, which turns into contraction of the uterus and the appearance of pains of various sizes. Blood in the secretions is the result of a decrease in the level of estradiol or exfoliation of the endometrium. If a bleeding repeated regularly or is bleeding you need to consult your doctor immediately.

The painful passage of ovulation becomes a consequence of gynecological diseases, inflammation of the genital organs. These include cystitis, mastopathy, ectopic pregnancy, varicose veins in the pelvic area, as well as oncological disease(cancer of the ovaries and cervix). You should not consider the pain natural, it is better to find out what the doctor will say.

Fever, aching or cutting pain in the right side can be symptoms of appendicitis. If all the described symptoms are present, consult your doctor. Also, torment is sometimes caused by excessive pain sensitivity in the small pelvis.

What is the danger of pain during ovulation

If ovulation is a natural process, why does it hurt? This incomprehensible natural phenomenon accompanies the physiology of a woman. What is happening is associated with the participation of special cytosine enzymes, causing inflammation, as well as spasms of blood vessels. The peculiarity of these phenomena explains the phenomenon: some women do not feel pain, and the elect lose consciousness.

To know exactly what danger pain in the middle of the cycle represents, you need to undergo an examination at the clinic. Experienced doctor With the help of ultrasound, the presence of causes of discomfort will be determined: inflammatory tumors small pelvis, adhesive disease of the pelvic organs, functional cysts ovaries, tumors, underdevelopment of the genital organs and more.

Based on the results obtained, the doctor will prescribe microbiological and hormonal studies. After all procedures, a diagnosis is established. If there are no diseases, there is only one cause of pain - ovulatory syndrome. Further actions depends on the level of pain. If it is tolerable, it is permissible to refuse further treatment. When pain gets in the way normal life is consulted with a physician.

Reduced pain symptoms of ovulatory syndrome

If, after the examination in the clinic, it became clear that the pain is caused by ovulation, and not by the disease, it is already possible to decide how to deal with it. The most common way is the use of painkillers and antispasmodics. They do a great job of relieving pain. It also helps suppress ovulation symptoms. birth control pills, but before use, you should carefully consult a doctor, they sometimes harm the body.

It is advisable to take a day off during the crisis and lie down at home. During this period, reduce physical exercise and stressful situations. It pays to move less, move less and sleep more. In communication, you should avoid scandals and nervous shocks that will negatively affect your well-being.

Another way to reduce pain is to special diet. During this period, it is worth giving up fried, salty, spicy, sweet and fatty foods. It is not recommended to consume legumes, chocolate and coffee. These products have a negative impact on nervous system. Also, bloating and flatulence leads to pain in the abdomen.

Medical assistance

A gynecological examination is necessary every six months, even if everything is fine with health. It's time to go to the doctor when the pain in the middle of the menstrual cycle does not go away for two days. Should be more careful with alarms, the symptom of the disease varies:

  • Pain so severe that it leads to loss of consciousness (go to the doctor urgently, and not wait until it passes).
  • Increased body temperature, headache and dizziness, persistent nausea and vomiting painful urination, shortness of breath and diarrhea (possible with blood impurities).

It is worth paying more attention to signs that turn out to be ovulatory syndrome or the first signs of the disease. After thirty years, it is worth paying more attention to the health of the body. Diseases begin to manifest as an unpleasant sensation, the sooner treatment is started, the faster the recovery will be. You should be aware of all the symptoms that affect pregnancy.

A woman of childbearing age may experience various pains during the month - at the time of menstruation, during ovulation, or at the end of the cycle. Most often they are associated with changes in the body, but sometimes they can indicate gynecological diseases. Usually the ovulatory process is asymptomatic or with minor discomfort with increased sensitivity to pain. But what if the pain has a pronounced character, radiates to the back or side, and occurs with a certain frequency? What additional symptoms may indicate serious pathological processes?

Various factors can lead to painful ovulation, but if the woman is healthy, the reasons may be as follows:

  1. A large follicle creates pressure on the walls of the ovary, which can provoke discomfort before it ruptures.
  2. When dominant follicle bursts, a gap forms on the ovary, which is sometimes felt painfully.
  3. At the moment of release of the oocyte, fluid flows out of the follicle, which irritates the abdominal cavity. The same irritating effect is the blood that has leaked into a small amount from blood vessels damaged by rupture of the follicle.
  4. Accelerated peristalsis of the fallopian tubes during ovulation also causes discomfort.
    Drawing pains after ovulation can be triggered by a pregnancy that has begun, when a fertilized egg passes through the fallopian tubes and then implants into the uterus.

If the pain during ovulation is prolonged and / or severe, this may indicate adhesive disease in the pelvis, which occurs when chronic inflammation reproductive organs or after operations on the ovaries and appendages.

Strong pain syndrome is a harbinger of such pathologies as:

  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • rupture or twisting of the cyst leg;
  • ovarian rupture;
  • endometriosis;
  • inflammatory processes of the reproductive organs;
  • ovarian hyperstimulation due to medication;
  • appendicitis.

These diseases require urgent medical care, so do not hesitate and endure the pain in anticipation that it will pass by itself. You need to contact a medical facility as soon as possible.

If a woman has pain threshold low, then she will feel how the ovaries hurt during ovulation. The main signs of discomfort, as mentioned above, are associated with the very process of maturation and release of the oocyte from the follicle. It is worth noting that at this moment one ovary, which "worked", hurts more often. If last month pain was felt in the right ovary, then this month, most likely, the left organ will ache.

Sometimes it happens that both ovaries hurt. This may mean that both organs have “worked hard”, and this month there is an opportunity to conceive twins.

If the ovary hurts after ovulation for several days, there may be reasons such as an increase in corpus luteum, which was formed from the follicle after the release of the egg from it. The growth of this gland sometimes reaches 2 cm in diameter, which creates pressure inside the ovary, and can cause pain.

But it is worth noting that such pains do not always speak of a process in the ovaries themselves. If the inflammation began in the appendages or in nearby organs (appendicitis, intestines), the pain is localized on one side, and it can be confused with pain in the ovary.

It is noticed that the right ovary most often hurts during ovulation. This happens because there are more blood vessels in it, which means that more blood when ruptured, the follicle will spill into the peritoneum. And this leads to irritation of the walls abdominal cavity. After 1-2 days, the blood and fluid from the follicle are absorbed by the walls of the peritoneum, and the pain disappears.

And also with right side large quantity nerve endings, because of this, the right ovary hurts more than the left.

If a painful ovulation accompanied additional features (bloody issues, dizziness, nausea, etc.) or pain radiates to the leg, thigh, pubis or lower back, this rather indicates an inflammatory process in this area. Therefore, a trip to the doctor in such a situation is mandatory.

Pain in the left ovary

If the ovary hurts after ovulation on the left side, this may indicate not only gynecological pathologies or the release of the oocyte from the follicle, but also intestinal diseases. Especially if the pain is accompanied by bloating, increased gas formation, diarrhea or other malfunctions in the gastrointestinal tract.

The fact is that the intestine is located very close to the organs of the small pelvis, and if inflammatory processes begin in it, this is expressed by a kind of soreness from the side where the focus of inflammation is localized. The pain may radiate to the lower abdomen or back.

When the left ovary hurts, be sure to pay attention to such features as:

  • the nature of the pain - pulling, stabbing, cramping;
  • where does the pain syndrome give - in the thigh, lower back, leg, stomach;
  • gastrointestinal symptoms - type of stool, flatulence, nausea;
  • other symptoms - bleeding, migraines, fever And so on.

Symptoms of painful ovulation

When a woman has no gynecological and intestinal diseases, pain before ovulation will have a short period with a slight pain syndrome. The duration depends on the processes in the body, but usually does not exceed two days. The localization of pain depends on the ovary, which should covulate, since the dominant follicle has matured and creates discomfort in the organ. If two eggs in different ovaries have reached maturity, the pain can be expressed on both sides, and can only be localized on the right.

But it is worth knowing that painful ovulation in healthy woman has other symptoms:

  1. Increased libido. Since ovulation is the most auspicious time to conceive a child, nature tried during this period to increase sexual desire.
  2. The consistency of the secretions changes. A few days before, during and after the ovulatory process, the discharge becomes more liquid and stretchy, like egg white. These changes contribute to the fastest penetration of spermatozoa into reproductive organs women and their progress towards the egg.
  3. The color of the highlights changes. because of sharp drop estrogen levels and the absence of progesterone, the production of which has not yet begun, the endometrium begins to exfoliate a little. This changes the color of the secreted fluid, which now contains some blood, giving it a pinkish tint.
  4. Soreness of the mammary glands. Just before the release of the egg, the body prepares for possible pregnancy, which is reflected in the mammary glands. Therefore, they become more sensitive or slightly ache. But this passes with the beginning of the emergence of the corpus luteum.

But you should pay attention to your health if there are additional symptoms:

  • pain syndrome lasts more than 2 days;
  • soreness intensifies;
  • body temperature rises;
  • there was nausea or vomiting;
  • there is bloody discharge from the vagina of any intensity;
  • fainting state.

In this case, it is better to consult a doctor so as not to miss the moment when the disease can be detected on early stage and cure without waiting for complications.

Headache during ovulation - what to do

Often women complain that their head hurts a little during ovulation. There are various explanations for this.

If headaches occur before the onset of ovulation, this is most likely due to a decrease in estrogen in the blood. As a result, the vessels leading to the brain are reduced, less oxygen is supplied to the cells of the head, and this leads to a headache.

When pregnancy occurs, you can also have a headache. This is due to early toxicosis and the restructuring of the woman's body for gestation.

After the release of the oocyte from the follicle, the uterus periodically contracts to ensure the movement of the egg. These spasms lead to pressure on blood vessels, because of which there are symptoms of hypoxia.

Reception contraceptives changes hormonal background the female body, which at the time of ovulation leads to discomfort and headache.

Improve health and relieve yourself of an unpleasant condition will help healthy eating and healthy lifestyle life. Increasing vitamins in your diet also has a beneficial effect on the processes occurring in the female body.

should not be neglected and drug treatment headache. Only the reception of antispasmodics must be agreed with the attending physician.

If painful ovulation is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, bleeding, bloating, or weakness, it is clear signs presence gynecological disease. Only a doctor can help here.

What do pulling pains in the lower abdomen after ovulation say

Drawing pains in the abdomen during and after ovulation can tell about the following pathologies:

  1. Follicular cyst. A growing cyst presses on nearby organs, which leads to aching unpleasant symptoms in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bit formation, and gives it to the lower abdomen.
  2. Premenstrual syndrome. Due to the decrease in progesterone, the same sensations occur as at the time of menstruation, only without bleeding.
  3. Ectopic pregnancy. Its first manifestation is detected precisely by pulling pains in the lower abdomen, and later, with the growth of the embryo, other symptoms are added.
  4. development of the climacteric. Painful ovulation may indicate the first signs of this problem, and then there are reductions in the number of periods, headaches, and increased sweating.
  5. When the uterus hurts during the alleged ovulation, a pregnancy test should be done. If conception occurred in the last cycle, but for some reason there was spotting that was mistaken for menstruation, then in this cycle there may be a threat of miscarriage. To prevent this from happening, if the test is positive, it is better to immediately consult a doctor who will prescribe treatment to maintain pregnancy.

It should be noted that pulling pains during ovulation in the lumbar region do not always indicate healthy physiological processes. More often, pain in the lower back and even in the spine gives off with such pathologies as:

  • risk of miscarriage;
  • uterine fibroids;
  • appendicitis;
  • inflammation in the kidneys;
  • cystitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the intestines;
  • rupture of a cyst of the corpus luteum or ovary.

Why does the back hurt in such cases or after ovulation? The whole problem is that nerve endings adnexa, uterus, kidneys and lower divisions intestines are interconnected. And when any of these organs is irritated, the pain impulse diverges to other innervated structures.

Side pain during ovulation

In addition to the appendages, kidneys and adrenal glands, pain in the right side can be triggered by the onset of inflammation of appendicitis after irritation during ovulation.

This will be indicated by aching and cutting pains in the side and raising the temperature. Although appendicitis does not always pull only the side. If this organ is closer to bladder, then the pain can also radiate to the lower abdomen.

Therefore, if the left side hurts, it is better to undergo an examination, since this disease can also have a chronic form.

If painful ovulation is associated with natural physiological processes, it is recommended to follow some rules for a few days before it starts and for some time after it ends:

  • rest more at this moment;
  • refrain from excessive physical exertion;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • take soothing baths aromatic oils and herbal decoctions;
  • reduce in the diet dishes that negatively affect intestinal motility - legumes, cabbage,
  • sharp and fatty food, chocolate, coffee.

If severe pain not related to inflammatory processes, and are repeated at ovulation monthly, the doctor may prescribe pain medications, such as Diclofenac, Indomethacin, Solpadein, Ibuprofen.

Antispasmodics are also used to block pain. More often appoint No-shpu, Baralgin or Spazmalgon.

But it is not recommended to use on such days drugs that contribute to a negative effect on the egg. And in no case should you resort to the help of a heating pad, since excessive heat, on the contrary, will aggravate the situation.

If the patient is not going to become pregnant in the future, the specialist may advise some types of contraceptives. They block the growth and release of eggs, thereby preventing pain. However, for young women who want to become pregnant, this method is not used.


In order not to miss the moment of the onset of the disease, when the pathology is easier to cure, doctors advise listening to your body and monitoring all symptoms every month. And in order to determine whether the nature of the pain during ovulation is associated with natural processes or there are other reasons, causing discomfort, it is recommended to keep a special diary. It needs to record all the features that occur in the cycle. Any deviations from the norm are best discussed with a gynecologist.

For most women, ovulation occurs unnoticed and does not cause discomfort. However, the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg may be accompanied by pain and even slight bleeding. If the lower abdomen pulls during ovulation, this is considered normal and does not require treatment, unless the pain is too strong and negatively affects the quality of life.

An egg ready for fertilization is released from the ovary in the middle of each menstrual cycle. Schematically, this process looks like this:

  • in the first phase of the cycle, which lasts an average of 10 to 18 days, under the influence of estrogen hormones, the dominant follicle begins to grow;
  • in a vial filled with follicular fluid, a female germ cell matures;
  • as soon as the egg is fully formed, it breaks the outer shell and exits the follicle into the abdominal cavity;
  • the further path of the egg is to the fallopian tubes, where the “fateful” meeting with the spermatozoon occurs or does not occur. If pregnancy does not occur, monthly bleeding begins and new cycle follicle maturation.

The moment when the egg leaves the ovary is called ovulation. The time period in which the process proceeds - the ovulatory period - takes from 16 to 32 hours. It is during this interval that a woman may experience pain. different kind: from slight discomfort to severe spasms.

Why does my stomach hurt during ovulation?

Painful ovulation does not count. gynecological pathology, but at the same time it cannot be called the norm for 100% of women childbearing age. Many people are not able to determine by subjective feelings when they have this event. Asymptomatic release of the egg can be suspected only by indirect evidence: mood swings, increased libido, but not aching stomach and waist.

If pain always accompanied ovulation, every woman would know for sure, with an error of 1 - 2 days, that she had an ovulatory period. However, it is not. For determining fertile days ladies have to measure basal body temperature, go for ultrasounds and do tests, otherwise they do not feel any pronounced changes.

ovulatory syndrome is idiosyncrasy body, as well as

  • the duration of the menstrual cycle and its individual phases;
  • the presence or absence of premenstrual discomfort, its severity;
  • the nature of menstruation;
  • soreness at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the ovulatory period.

As a rule, unpleasant sensations at the end follicular phase correlate with poor health during critical days and PMS, and pulling pains in the abdomen resemble those with monthly bleeding. Medicine still has not exactly determined the culprits of ovulatory syndrome, but the most common explanation is hypersensitivity specific body to pain and hormonal fluctuations.

The main causes of pain and their nature associated with the mechanism of enlargement and rupture of the dominant follicle.

The nature of the painProbable Cause

When the main follicle matures, a cavity filled with liquid is formed, which rapidly increases in size. If at the beginning the diameter of the formation is only 1 mm, then by the time of ovulation it increases to 16-20 mm, and the volume of the follicular fluid becomes 100 times larger. Graafian vesicle stretches the ovarian capsule, causing pulling pains in the lower abdomen.

The release of the egg is accompanied by a rupture of the wall of the follicle. A burst bubble can cause pain in the abdomen, which disappears after a few minutes.

At the moment of rupture, fluid and blood flow from the damaged vessels from the follicle, irritating the peritoneum. If a woman is too sensitive to pain, she may experience prolonged discomfort. In the area of ​​​​special risk - ladies with abundant adhesions in the pelvis.

Trying to grab and push the egg, the fallopian tubes make contractile movements. Subjectively, a woman may feel this as severe spasms, recurring periodically.

Pain associated with ovulation should not last more than 3 days and be accompanied by heavy bleeding. Slight bleeding is acceptable for 2 to 3 days.

How to determine that pulling pains in the abdomen are caused by ovulation

Abdominal pain is always a cause for concern. Women with established stable cycle the easiest way to determine the onset of ovulatory syndrome. Every month they experience menstrual-like discomfort around the same time. The period of ovulation depends on the duration of the cycle: the longer it is, the later the egg matures.

For example, with a 28-day circle, the rupture of the follicle falls on the very middle: the 14th day, with a 32-day cycle - on the 18th. Similarly, the estimated date of ovulation is calculated for a different cycle length: 14 is subtracted from the number of days between two periods ( average length the second phase, which is the same for most women). Thus, around this time, plus / minus 1 - 2 days, the girl may feel unwell:

  • slight discomfort in the lower abdomen;
  • pulsating or shooting tingling on the right or left;
  • aching sensations lasting several hours or days;
  • sipping in the pelvic area from tolerable to strong enough;
  • cramping attacks of pain.

You need to understand that the above calculations are very approximate and you can rely on them with an ideally stable operation of the reproductive system. However, the female body is sensitive to all sorts of irritants. The cycle can fluctuate, and the date of ovulation can shift in one direction or another even with the timely onset of menstruation under the influence of internal and external factors:

  • stress
  • infectious disease;
  • irregular or too active sexual life;
  • heavy physical exertion;
  • diets.

The ovulatory cycle can shift due to various factors

The maturation of the ovum can be premature and late, and in some cases - completely absent (the so-called anovulatory cycle). For women with irregular periods, it is even more difficult to predict the onset of ovulation. Therefore, the appearance of symptoms at the wrong time when they are expected cannot be ruled out.

Thus, pain in the ovarian region, local, covering the lower abdomen and radiating to the lower back, is considered a variant of the norm if:

  • occur during the period of expected ovulation;
  • last no more than 2 days;
  • accompanied by a slight "daub" from the vagina;
  • do not violate the normal way of life;
  • are not complicated additional symptoms(temperature, vomiting, signs of intoxication, etc.).

If the stomach pulls so hard that it interferes with daily activities, makes you refuse to have sex, it is better to contact a gynecologist to rule out other causes of pain.

Do I need to see a doctor if my stomach pulls during ovulation

If the ovulatory syndrome every month knocks a woman out of the rut, is displayed on well-being and performance, this condition must be corrected. First of all, an examination is carried out to confirm that the pain is provoked by ovulation, and not pathological process in the pelvic and abdominal organs.

If diseases are excluded, the patient is offered to take oral contraceptives. Hormonal contraceptives suppress ovulation, and therefore all unpleasant symptoms associated with it. When planning a pregnancy, the pills are canceled, and fertility is quickly restored: after 1-2 cycles, conception is possible.

An immediate visit to the doctor is required if alarming signs join the usual monthly discomfort:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • profuse bleeding;
  • severe pain on the right side;
  • atypical discharge from the genitals;
  • heat;
  • weakness and other symptoms of intoxication.

Too much pain - a reason for immediate medical attention

For abdominal pain in women, it is necessary to exclude:

  • appendicitis;
  • ovarian apoplexy;
  • rupture of the follicular cyst;
  • torsion of the legs of an ovarian cyst;
  • inflammation of the appendages (salpingitis, oophoritis, salpingo-oophoritis);
  • intestinal pathology (colitis);
  • cystitis.

Inflammatory diseases in women urinary organs and symptoms of an "acute" abdomen require emergency treatment, in most cases - in a hospital setting.

Another reason pulling belly in the middle of the cycle, which a woman can confuse with ovulatory syndrome - the onset of conception. The fertilized egg attaches to the uterine wall, causing discomfort from the bottom and waist. The droplets of blood that are released at this moment are not ovulation, but implantation bleeding.

A woman can notice early signs pregnancy:

  • weakness;
  • dizziness;
  • breast swelling;
  • sensitivity to smells and tastes;
  • morning sickness;
  • mood swings;
  • drowsiness.

In the first days of pregnancy, a powerful hormonal changes which causes all these symptoms. However future mom does not always pay attention to them, linking the deterioration of well-being with the ovulatory process.

What to do if the stomach pulls during ovulation

Regular manifestations of ovulatory syndrome require lifestyle changes the day before and during dangerous period. The main recommendations that can reduce abdominal discomfort:

  • reduce physical activity;
  • increase water consumption;
  • avoid stressful situations;
  • minimize sleep deprivation and overexertion;
  • follow a diet;
  • reduce sexual activity if pain increases during intercourse.

From the menu should be excluded fatty, fried, salty food For a few days, forget about coffee and chocolate. Black bread, legumes, cabbage and others gas generating products provoke bloating, which, coupled with a bursting follicle, increases pain.

A warm heating pad on the ovarian area helps to relieve unpleasant symptoms during ovulation. last resort you can drink an analgesic drug: No-shpu, Ibuprofen, Paracetamol.

Video - Pain in the lower abdomen. Main reasons

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