Why does the chest hurt near the nipple. Wrong linen. Pathological changes causing pain in the nipples

Periodically occurs in every woman. Soreness can be associated with both pathologies and temporary non-dangerous phenomena.

Why does the nipple hurt? There can be many reasons for pain.

The most common cause of nipple pain is premenstrual cider. This pain is called cyclic pain and begins about a week before menstruation. At the same time, both nipples and both mammary glands hurt. The pain is accompanied by swelling, heaviness and fullness of the chest, an increase in its size. Painful sensations pass immediately with the onset of menstruation. Cyclic pain is associated with hormonal changes that occur in a woman's body every month.

Pain in the nipples and mammary glands can occur during pregnancy. They are related to changes in female breast in preparation for breastfeeding.

The cause of pain in the nipples can also be the use of drugs for the treatment of infertility. Antidepressants can also lead to this type of pain.

If the nipples hurt the chest before menstruation, then this may be a sign of mastopathy, which must be distinguished in time from premenstrual syndrome and be sure to consult a doctor.

Often, pain in the nipple is associated with breastfeeding. Many women consider this phenomenon to be the norm and sometimes endure considerable torment. But doctors believe that pain cannot be tolerated, and its causes must be eliminated. Moreover, lactation should bring not torment, but pleasant sensations to both mother and baby. If the mother experiences severe pain, the feeding process may simply not be happening correctly.

As a rule, the left nipple or right nipple hurts if the position of the child or mother during feeding is incorrect.

Problems with the nipples can occur when they are excessively dry, an uncomfortable bra or the wrong size, damage and

Such pain is possible if a breastfeeding mother is both breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. Usually in this case, the baby simply sucks the breast incorrectly.

If the nipple hurts during the period breastfeeding, then, perhaps, the woman's mammary gland has become inflamed. This disease is called mastitis and is characterized, in addition to pain,

Breastfeeding mothers get breast pain if she doesn't change her bra and nipples for a long time for a long time moisturized.

So that the breast does not hurt during breastfeeding, it must be carefully looked after. Nipples should not be injured and squeezed. Dryness and excessive moisture should be avoided. Try to wash your nipples with soap as little as possible and do not use alcohol-based preparations to treat them.

If cracks or wounds appear, feeding should be stopped immediately until the wounds heal.

Of great importance for the prevention of pain in the nipples is proper feeding child. In order for the nipple to be squeezed less, the child must also capture the areola. At the end of feeding, the breast should not be pulled, otherwise the baby will press the nipple. It is necessary to carefully release it by spreading the child's gums.

It happens that the nipple begins to itch, and then the woman involuntarily combs the delicate skin, which leads to painful sensations. The cause of pain can even be a breast operation done many years ago.

The nipple hurts even if it is slightly damaged while sleeping on the stomach during lactation. Painful sensations can occur if a woman produces milk very quickly.

Lace, bra seams, or tight underwear can damage sensitive skin nipples.

Causes of pain can be damage to the nerve of the nipple, circulatory disorders, candidiasis, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, herpes, pustules.

Pain can occur when the outlet is blocked and a milk bubble forms.

If you experience any pain in the nipples, you should consult a doctor so as not to miss life-threatening diseases.

Almost every woman has experienced chest pain several times during her life. If the nipples hurt, most often the cause is hormonal changes that occur during puberty, during pregnancy, during lactation and during menopause. To accurately answer the question why bother discomfort in the nipple area, we have prepared a detailed article describing all the reasons.

Before menstruation: premenstrual syndrome

PMS or premenstrual syndrome is cyclic period preceding menstruation. During this time, mental and physical symptoms, which usually disappear on the first day menstrual cycle. For some women, PMS stops only at the end of their period. Basic cause of PMS is a hormonal change that affects the central nervous system.

Over the course of about 28 days—corresponding to the average menstrual cycle—a woman's body goes through several changes that prepare the uterus for pregnancy. In the first 14 days (the first phase of the menstrual cycle), the period of preparation for ovulation begins - there is an increase in estrogen levels. This hormone is responsible for general state women. In the next 14 days (the second stage of the menstrual cycle), the endometrium on the walls of the uterus begins to thicken - a “bed” is being prepared for possible child. At this stage, there is a decrease in estrogen levels and an increase in progesterone levels. This change, when one hormone drops very dramatically and another rises, can cause a range of symptoms, including chest pain. It is during this period, after ovulation, that many women experience severe nipple pain.

With PMS, most women experience physical symptoms - sore nipples before menstruation, breast swelling, bloating, swelling, nausea, changes in appetite. As well as psychological - irritability, tearfulness, depression.

To facilitate PMS symptoms, it is important to carry out regular physical activity to relieve feelings of pain, tension and anxiety. Exercise releases hormones that make you feel wellness, improve bowel movement and reduce fatigue.

AT severe cases the use of contraceptives is indicated, which can help reduce symptoms.

breast cyst

The cyst is the most common benign disease breast and can be found in women of any age, although most often the disease occurs in women from 35 to 50 years.

There may be one cyst or there may be several, located only on one or immediately in both mammary glands. They may be round or oval, often described by patients as grapes or a small balloon filled with water that can be palpated in the chest.

In medicine, a cyst is any liquid or semi-liquid inclusion that is surrounded by a membrane, forming a kind of bag or bag. Breast cysts are made up of fluid, which is a mixture of water and mineral salts.

The likely cause of cysts is related to hormonal abnormalities during the menstrual cycle and lifestyle, but the exact mechanism that leads to their formation is not yet clear.

Breast cysts can be classified according to their size:

  • Microcysts. These are very small breast cysts that can be found during an examination such as a mammogram or ultrasound, but they are too small. Cysts are usually less than 0.4 cm in diameter.
  • Macrocysts- These are rather large cysts of the mammary gland, they can be detected by palpation of the chest. They can reach up to 5 cm in diameter. Macrocysts can compress adjacent breast tissue and cause pain or discomfort.

Pain on palpation of the cyst is also common, especially if it is large (greater than 2.0 cm). In some women, cysts may start to hurt spontaneously.

Breast cysts that are simple and asymptomatic do not require any treatment. If the cyst is palpable, fine needle aspiration may be performed. However, recurrence of cysts is common, so you need to identify the cause of their appearance.

Breast cysts are, by definition, benign. A simple breast cyst is not cancer, it does not run the risk of becoming cancer, and it does not increase the patient's risk of having cancer in the future.


AT different periods life, women experience significant hormonal changes in the body and because of this, in many cases, there is pain in the nipples and chest, as well as increased sensitivity in this area. Starting from puberty, when the mammary glands begin to develop and grow, the breasts become more sensitive, and this process can lead to serious inconvenience. These symptoms disappear after development is completed. If the pain persists or becomes unbearable, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Pregnancy and feeding

Another milestone on which women usually feel pain in the nipples is pregnancy. During these months, the body begins to prepare for childbirth, significant changes occur, such as thickening of the uterus and breast enlargement. Breast tissues are being prepared for milk production. There is also an increase in the production of hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. All of these changes can lead to tenderness, pain, and hardening of the nipples and breasts. Usually, even before a woman finds out about pregnancy, she notices that her nipples are swollen and sore.

Because it natural process body and the transformation inherent in gestation, there is no way to avoid this hypersensitivity. However, it is important to know that pain is not normal. If during pregnancy you notice a significant increase in sensitivity, but not pain, this is normal. In case of severe pain, it is advisable to report the problem to the doctor.

Also, pain in the nipples is not a rare symptom during breastfeeding. In this case backfire may be complicated by the sucking of the breast by the child, it becomes more sensitive than usual. If the nipples hurt after feeding, you need to reconsider the process itself. On the this stage in addition, very often appears, inflammation of the mammary gland, which occurs when milk does not flow properly and remains in the ducts and accumulates. This disease causes symptoms such as pain, swelling, redness, and hypersensitivity.


While hormonal changes are the most common cause of nipple pain, there can be other causes as well. For example, excessive arousal and stimulation. The nipples and areolas are very sensitive areas of the breast and any over stimulation can lead to pain in some cases. To avoid this, it is very important to be mindful of the sensitivity of this area and to control the amount of stimulation so that it is gentle and unhurried.

Low temperature

During periods low temperatures nipples may constrict and cause slight discomfort. Therefore, when it gets cold, it is recommended to use padded bras, dress well and take care of the skin, moisturizing it to avoid dryness.

It is also important to moisturize the skin of the body, including the nipples, all year round to prevent them from drying out and irritating the skin, which can end up causing some discomfort.

Allergy to fabric

There are people who are very sensitive to certain types of tissue. The fabric of underwear or T-shirts can irritate the nipples and thus cause pain. In this case, you need to choose clothes made from natural fabrics, such as cotton, and do not wear underwear made from synthetic fabrics.

It can also happen contact dermatitis and cause pain, irritation, and redness of the nipples when using cosmetic products or gel that are too harsh for your skin.

Injury and muscle training

After an injury or blow in the chest area, pain in the nipples may appear. If the result is a hematoma, there is bleeding, or the pain is very severe, you should see a doctor urgently for checks.

If you play sports, do push-ups and give a load pectoral muscles- this can cause discomfort in the chest. It is worth waiting a few days, do not put a load on these muscles.

Mammary cancer

In very rare cases nipple pain is bright symptom breast cancer. At the same time, it is important to check appearance mammary glands to see if there are significant changes in their shape, if nodules are present. If all this is present, you should contact a mammologist or gynecologist immediately to confirm or exclude the diagnosis of this disease. Remember to check yourself at home every month after your period is over.

Usually, there is no need to use medication to relieve chest pain. To take off unpleasant symptoms It is enough to make some changes in the habitual way of life.

  • Do not wear too tight underwear that squeezes the chest.
  • Eat a healthy, low-fat diet rich in fruits, vegetables and whole grain. Animal fats (cheese, sour cream, fatty milk, fatty meat) should be replaced with vegetable fats (olive, linseed oil).
  • Support correct weight It helps to stabilize hormone levels.
  • Increase your intake of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), vitamin B1 (thiamine), and vitamin E.

The breast is an extremely sensitive area of ​​the female body, which, due to its characteristics, requires heightened attention. Women who monitor their health should regularly examine their breasts on their own and contact specialists if they find any alarming symptoms and changes. So, feeling pain in the nipples, you should analyze possible reasons its occurrence and understand whether to sound the alarm.

Pain in the nipples is most common in women during pregnancy and lactation and, as a rule, is a variant of the norm and is temporary. At non-pregnant women who stopped lactation, such pain most often indicates the development of any pathology. For effective diagnostics it is important to identify the patterns of their occurrence, which can help specialists make a diagnosis:

  • Is the pain related to the menstrual cycle?
  • what is the nature of the sensations. So, acute, aching, pulling and stabbing pain in the nipple.

Pain in the nipples - causes

The causes of nipple pain can be divided into two groups - pregnancy and lactation, as mentioned above, and illness. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

Pain in the nipples during pregnancy and lactation

Pain in the nipples during pregnancy is caused by changes that occur in a woman's body after a fertilized egg attaches to the wall of the uterus. Increases the level of the hormone prolactin in the body, which provokes active growth fabrics mammary gland and milk ducts. The nerve endings located in the chest simply “do not keep up” with such a pace and soreness occurs.

Pain in the nipples during feeding is often caused by mechanical damage, which is especially susceptible to delicate skin at the very beginning of the lactation process. Over time, the skin adapts to new conditions and the pain goes away by itself. But sometimes the problem can be caused by a more serious cause - lactostasis or milk stasis, which is accompanied by seals and pain in the nipple.

Pain in the nipples - possible diseases

If a woman is not pregnant, the cause of nipple pain may be various diseases. For effective treatment important timely diagnosis Therefore, it is necessary to know the signs of possible pathologies.

1. Fibrocystic mastopathy accompanied by:

  • pain in the nipples before menstruation;
  • seals different nature;
  • pain and discharge of fluid when pressing on the nipple.

According to statistics, most of the fair sex regularly faces such a problem as nipple pain. And often this phenomenon is quite natural and natural in nature, because these painful sensations are an integral part of almost every menstrual cycle. However, in some cases, pain in the nipples occurs suddenly, for no apparent reason, which is why every woman who encounters this ailment immediately begins to panic. So why should we be concerned about this painful syndrome? And how dangerous is it? In this article, we will tell you about why nipples can hurt.

Causes of pain in the nipples

The chest is perhaps the most sensitive part female body, which is why any even the most insignificant painful sensations always cause great discomfort. Of course, these painful sensations can occur for several reasons, among which the most common are the following:

    Incorrectly chosen, too tight underwear. If you regularly wear tight and narrow underwear, then pain in this case there is a "clamp" of all nerve endings located in the nipples, which can cause such a syndrome as pain in the nipples;

    Acceptance of any hormonal drugs. As a rule, when taking any hormonal drugs, the pain in the nipple area is quite intense, and this happens due to the presence of a hormonal imbalance in the body. In order to get rid of these unpleasant sensations, it is enough to consult with your doctor, who, after passing the tests, will select the drug that suits you;

    During the premenstrual cycle. This period in medical terminology is called mastodynia and its essence is as follows: immediately before the onset of menstruation itself, the level of a hormone such as progesterone rises in the blood, which, interacting with other active substances, as it were, “provokes” fluid retention in the body and in the mammary gland in particular. As a result of this process, there is an increased blood flow to the breast, as a result of which the female breast increases significantly in volume and becomes very sensitive, pain in the nipples also appears. This process lasts about five to seven days and disappears with the onset of the menstrual cycle;

    Improper breastfeeding. During lactation, most women regularly experience such a problem as nipple pain, and this may be due to several factors. So, for example, the incorrect position of the mother or child during feeding can contribute to the occurrence of pain in this area. Incorrect removal of the breast from the baby or his Wrong way sucking - all this also leads to pain in the nipples;

    In the first trimester of pregnancy. When pregnancy occurs, the occurrence of pain in the nipples is quite natural reaction body on the beginning of hormonal changes in the female body. And the thing is that thanks to such a hormone as prolactin, the “growth” of the ducts of the mammary gland occurs, which is why we feel pain, burning in the nipples and soreness when touched. By the way, sudden pain in the nipples is a sure sign of pregnancy;

    With a disease such as mastopathy. The essence of this disease is the presence benign education in the mammary glands, which, in case of untimely detection and non-treatment, can cause the formation oncological tumor. That is why, with regularly occurring pain in the nipples, it is necessary to visit the appropriate specialist, namely, a mammologist.

In addition to the discomfort in the nipples themselves, a woman can also be accompanied by symptoms such as pain in the area armpits and shoulders, swollen lymph nodes in the armpit, and bloody issues by pressing directly on the nipple itself.

As you already understood, nipple pain can be caused by different reasons, which can be both natural and natural in nature and do not pose any threat to our health, and vice versa - this pain syndrome may occur as a result of the development various pathologies and diseases which, if left untreated, may result in serious consequences. That is why, with regularly occurring pains in this area, it is strongly recommended to visit your doctor, who, after passing tests and undergoing ultrasound and tomography will help to establish true reason the occurrence of this pain and prescribe the appropriate treatment.

Of course, we all rarely prefer to seek help from doctors, however, if there is the following symptoms need to urgently visit medical institution, because their presence may indicate the development oncological disease mammary gland:

    Regularly occurring pain that is not associated with the premenstrual cycle, which is also accompanied by pain in the axillary zone;

    Enlarged lymph nodes in the armpit;

    Change in color, size and shape of the nipple and its areola;

    The presence of redness and swelling around the nipple and throughout the mammary gland;

    The occurrence of cracks and erosion on the nipples;

    The occurrence of any discharge from the nipple (both with an admixture of blood and pus, and without admixture) outside the period of breastfeeding.

The condition of the female breast - important indicator health. If a woman has sore nipples, this is often a symptom of many serious illnesses. Therefore, this sign cannot be ignored.

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    The main causes of pain in the nipples

    The female breast is one of the most sensitive areas in the body of the fair sex. At the same time, the most high sensitivity observed in the area of ​​the nipples. After all, the skin there is very thin and delicate.

    Nipples in women can hurt due to natural physiological processes in the body. These include:

    • period of gestation;
    • lactation;
    • premenstrual syndrome.

    Very often, pain in the nipples appears due to long-term use hormonal drugs or antidepressants.

    Among the diseases, the symptom of which is pain in the nipple area, one should name such ailments as:

    • breast cyst;
    • mastopathy;
    • breast cancer.

    Besides, in postpartum period The development of pain in the nipples can be caused by diseases such as:

    • lactostasis;
    • mastitis;
    • damage to the nerve fibers of the nipple.

    Pain in the nipple area, which begins after critical days, indicates various hormonal changes in the body, up to a significant hormonal failure. In this case, it is advisable to visit a doctor.

    Often the nipples swell and become sore during the use of hormonal contraceptives. In this case, the cause of pain may be in excessive dosage or wrong choice contraceptive. It is necessary to solve such a problem only together with a specialist.

    Mental disorders, stressful situations, emotional upheavals, depression and other violations of psychological comfort can cause pain in the nipples. Especially if the stress on the nervous system continues for a long time.

    Cyclic mastodynia

    Cyclic mastodynia causes nipple pain at certain points in the menstrual cycle. The reason for this is an increase in the level of progesterone in the blood. This hormone, when interacting with certain biologically active substances, can cause an increase in the level of fluid in the mammary gland and in the body as a whole. The intense release of progesterone during this period also causes pain in the lower abdomen. The nature of the pain is usually pulling, aching, but quite tolerable.

    Blood flow to the breasts increases markedly, causing an increase in overall volume. Increasing impact on nerve endings located in the mammary glands. This causes a noticeable increase in the level of nipple sensitivity. In some cases, severe pain is possible at the time of touch.

    On the eve of menstruation in women prone to premenstrual syndrome, the breast becomes sensitive and visibly swells. The nipple becomes swollen and coarsened. The main reason in this case is increased output prolactin and progesterone. Nipples may hurt during or after ovulation.

    The duration of this process is no more than 7 days on the eve of menstruation. In case of a delay in menstruation, this period is extended. Beginning of active bleeding critical days helps to reduce fluid levels in the body. The soreness of the nipples goes away. This process is natural, so no treatment is usually required.


    During puberty, the girl's body begins to prepare for future motherhood. During this period, the breast grows rapidly and develops. Gradually, the mammary glands grow, to accommodate them, a larger volume is required. Nipples increase in size.

    In some cases, this process is painful. Weak pains and some inconvenience caused by changes in the body will have to be endured. To avoid serious problems, it is advisable to consult a doctor. Especially if the pain does not become intense and does not go away for a long time. When puberty ends, the pain in the girl, caused by the restructuring of the body, stops.

    Relief of nipple pain

    Physiological pain in the nipples that occurs during the premenstrual period or during gestation and feeding of the infant can be significantly underestimated without treatment. For this you need:

    • avoid touching that causes discomfort;
    • wear comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics and without seams;
    • pick up breast decorations so as to avoid their accidental contact with painful areas;
    • properly care for the skin of the breast and nipples.

    Non-cyclic mastalgia

    When pain in the mammary glands is not associated with restructuring hormonal background, there is non-cyclic mastalgia. Its main reasons are:

    • neoplasms in the mammary glands;
    • inflammatory processes in the chest area;
    • metabolic disorders in the body;
    • intercostal neuralgia;
    • pituitary dysfunction;
    • diseases of the adrenal glands;
    • disorder of the central nervous system;
    • liver dysfunction.

    Nipples in girls and women often begin to hurt due to prolonged emotional experiences and stressful situations. Some hormonal contraceptives in the case of their prolonged use cause hormonal imbalance in the body.

    In this case, it is necessary to be examined by a doctor in order to identify disease processes in the body and carry out the necessary treatment course.

    Benign breast tumors

    With the development of breast neoplasms, pain in the nipple is one-sided or captures both nipples. Painful or discomfort in the nipple-areola zone can appear only with tactile contact or light pressure on the nipple. Change external signs nipple points to internal pathologies so you need to check with your doctor.

    Mastopathy is a pathology of the mammary gland, causing appearance various benign neoplasms in the chest area. This disease often causes pain in the nipples, which increase at the moment of touch or light pressure. Additional symptom mastopathy - nipple discharge, transparent or whitish. When cancerous tumor discharge becomes bloody.

    Allergic reactions, injuries and skin conditions

    allergic reactions, causing pain and irritation in the nipple-areola zone, can be caused by synthetic underwear. In some cases, contact dermatitis is possible, its cause is the use of improperly selected products for breast care. cosmetics. Some gels, creams, or soaps can be harsh on the skin. As a result, pain in the nipples, irritation and inflammation of the skin begins. If the situation is left unattended, infection of the nipple-areola zone is possible.

    Pain in the nipples may appear after a blow or injury chest area. For example, in the event of a fall, accident, traffic accident, etc. On the nipples or near the nipple areolas, bleeding begins or a hematoma appears. In this case, severe pain is possible. Therefore, you need to immediately seek help from a specialist.

    Dryness of the skin of the nipples and areolas occurs when hypothermia or overheating of the body. In some cases, drying of the skin in the nipple-areola zones is associated with the individual properties of the skin.

    Oncological diseases

    Incipient breast cancer causes pain in the nipples and the appearance of characteristic nodules on the areola. An additional cause for concern in this case is a change in skin color, the shape and size of the nipple or mammary gland as a whole, and an exacerbation of sensitivity.

    In this case, you should visit a gynecologist or mammologist for an examination. Women and girls who constantly experience pain in the nipples on the eve of menstruation should carefully examine the nipples after the end of the critical days. This will allow timely identification dangerous manifestations, consult a doctor and prevent dangerous consequences.

    Stimulation, piercing and tattooing

    Pain in the nipples can begin due to excessively intense stimulation of the breast. The nipple-areola zone in women and girls is very sensitive. Therefore, with too active stimulation, the delicate tissues of this zone are easily damaged. Damage and excessive blood flow caused by intense breast stimulation often causes nipple pain.

    Modern fashion trends, such as nipple piercings or peripapillary tattoos, often cause pain in the nipple. Especially if these procedures were carried out by a non-professional and without observing hygiene standards. An incorrectly performed piercing may block the milk ducts. This causes severe pain.

    Skin irritation resulting from tattooing can cause inflammation of the nipple and the entire breast. Especially if the procedure was carried out in unsanitary conditions.

    Therefore, piercing or tattooing on the chest of a woman or girl should be done only in a special clinic with a trusted specialist. Otherwise, numerous health problems are possible.

    Dangerous symptoms

    Persistent chest pain unrelated to physiological processes, - an alarm signal, especially if the intensity of pain gradually increases.

    In this case, it is necessary to visit a specialist.

    Pain in the mammary glands and especially in the nipples may have varying degrees intensity. There may be a slight tingling and mild discomfort if accidentally touched. At strong problems with health, pain in the nipples becomes sharp, intensified, sometimes unbearable. In this case, it is possible to return pain to the region of the shoulder blade, shoulder or forearm.

    A mandatory consultation with a doctor is required if such symptoms are observed. additional signs, how:

    • nipple discharge not associated with lactation;
    • swelling of the nipple area;
    • redness or erosion;
    • bleeding of the nipples;
    • change in the shape, size or color of the nipple (or areola);
    • swelling of one or both breasts;
    • the appearance of a rash or cracks on the nipples;
    • itching and burning in the nipples and areolas;
    • temperature increase up to +38°;
    • vomiting, nausea, indigestion;
    • sudden general weakness.

    In this case, it is possible to start cancer mammary glands. After the examination, the gynecologist will prescribe, in addition to the above tests, a biopsy of the mammary glands.

    Diagnostic methods

    Diagnosis for pain in the nipples is carried out through activities such as:

    • anamnestic conversation with the patient;
    • examination of the breasts with the use of palpation;
    • mammography;
    • Ultrasound in the area of ​​pain and adjacent areas;
    • blood test to determine the hormonal background.

    Treatment Methods

    Depending on the cause, nipple pain is treated different means. A specific course of treatment can only be compiled by a doctor after examining the patient.

    Sore nipples can be treated with remedies such as:

    • ointment Actovegin;
    • ointment Solcoseryl;
    • oral antibiotics;
    • immunomodulators;
    • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory action;
    • analgesics;
    • Danazol;
    • fortifying agents.

    Folk remedies

    Cracked nipples can be treated castor oil. To do this, gently wash the chest, wipe it with a soft cloth. Lubricate the nipple-areola area with castor oil. Lie down for about a quarter of an hour with an open chest so that the oil is absorbed.

    If damaged nipples bleed, oil should be applied as described above. Cover smudged area compress paper and put on a bodice made of natural fabric.

    To disinfect and heal cracks and soften the skin, the surface of the nipple is smeared with a solution of brilliant green. Vaseline is applied next.

    For cooking homemade ointment you need to pour into an enamel bowl or a small saucepan 200 ml vegetable oil. Add 20-30 g of natural honeycomb wax (matchbox size lump). Bring to a boil over low heat, stirring occasionally to melt the wax.

    Yolk of 1 hard-boiled egg, cut in half. Add the yolk in small portions, stirring the mixture so that it does not run away. After foaming, remove from heat and stir in the rest of the yolk. Thoroughly stir the resulting mixture and strain through a nylon sieve. Before the next use on the nipples, the ointment must be warmed up to optimum temperature and consistency. Apply to a napkin thick fabric and apply to damaged nipples.

    Grated apple should be mixed with butter in equal proportions, add a little carrot juice. Apply the finished slurry to a thick cloth or a special napkin and apply to the damaged nipple. Fix and leave for 2 or 3 hours. It is desirable to do such compresses up to 3 times a day at regular intervals.

    Pain during pregnancy and lactation

    For many women, especially primiparas, nipple pain is the main sign of the onset of pregnancy. This is due to the preparation for future lactation and breastfeeding of the baby.

    After conception, a significant amount of blood begins to flow into the breast of the expectant mother. Due to the release of prolactin, which is often called the hormone of pregnancy, the ducts of the mammary gland gradually grow. Nervous tissues increase in volume more slowly. That's why nerve fibers are very tense. This causes pain in the breasts of a pregnant woman and a burning sensation. When touching or rubbing against underwear and clothes, discomfort is noticeably intensified.

    As the fetus develops and the female body adapts to the new state, these processes normalize, and the pain disappears completely or noticeably loses intensity.

    After childbirth, the epithelium begins to change on the nipple and areola. A rougher layer of skin grows. This can cause pain in a woman. There is no need to worry in this case. After about 6-7 days, the pain will go away.

    Breastfeeding a baby is a natural process that is enjoyable for mom and her baby. Therefore, during this period, some mistakes of a young mother can become the cause of chest pains. This is especially often observed in primiparous women who do not have the necessary skills.

    The sensitivity of the nipples increases significantly during the addiction of a young mother and her baby to breastfeeding. Pain in the nipples in this case can be caused by such moments as:

    • incorrect position of the baby when sucking;
    • improper removal of the breast from the baby's mouth;
    • drying of the skin in the nipple area;
    • women's mistakes in breast care;
    • the appearance of cracks and other skin lesions in the nipple area;
    • random mechanical damage pacifier.

    The baby's head must be carefully supported during feeding. Otherwise, the baby will not be able to properly grasp the nipple. If the baby's head is not slightly raised when sucking, the baby will not be able to swallow milk normally.

    He will inevitably choke, cough, choke. This will cause the baby to have indigestion, difficulty breathing, emotional stress. Subsequently similar situation may cause the baby to refuse the breast.

    Often during feeding, the child injures the nipples and areola with his jaws. mother's breast. In this case, you can lubricate the diseased nipple with breast milk, special gels and ointments that the doctor will advise.

    Over time, the child will learn to take the breast correctly, without pulling in the lips. The tissues of the nipples will lose excessive sensitivity, and feeding will not be painful for the mother.

    The gradual mastering of the process of feeding by the child and mother, their getting used to each other, proper care behind the breast and timely treatment various injuries help to get rid of any discomfort associated with breastfeeding.

    You still need to see a doctor. The specialist will give necessary recommendations, will teach a woman to properly feed her baby, choose underwear and take care of her nipples.

    Reducing pain that occurs during breastfeeding is facilitated by measures such as:

    • maintaining good hygiene;
    • the use of special soap when washing the breast;
    • softening the skin of the nipples with sea buckthorn oil;
    • protection of nipples from accidental damage;
    • use of special breast pads.

    During feeding, the baby should completely capture the lips of the nipple and areola. To this he must be gradually accustomed. In order for the child to learn how to take the breast correctly, you need to give up pacifiers and nipples. Water and feed the child only with a spoon.

    When the next feeding is over, you should not pull the nipple out of the baby's mouth. He will definitely squeeze the nipple, causing discomfort to the mother. This happens on a reflex level. To extract the nipple, the mother needs to spread the gums baby lung movement of the little finger. In this case, the baby will release the breast easily and immediately.

    When cracks or other minor injuries appear on the nipple of a nursing woman, the baby should not be fed with this breast until it is completely cured. Feeding is carried out with healthy breasts. If the left nipple is damaged, only the right nipple should be used to feed the baby.

    The damaged mammary gland is gently and regularly lubricated special ointments. Milk must be expressed regularly so as not to disturb the lactation process.

    lactose in breastfeeding mothers

    Lactose is another cause of nipple pain during feeding. With an excessive amount breast milk the baby cannot completely empty the mother's breast. Milk stagnates, seals form in the chest. Pain begins in the nipples and in the entire mammary gland.

    Therefore, the milk remaining after feeding must be expressed. Another option for removing excess milk is frequent feeding child. Otherwise, infection, inflammation and increased pain will begin in the chest.

    The production of breast milk in a nursing woman is regulated by the hormone oxytocin. With its deficiency, the following symptoms are possible:

    • engorgement of the nipples and mammary glands;
    • swelling of the nipples;
    • redness of the nipple-areola region;
    • hyperthermia.

    In particularly difficult cases, the mother is given an injection of oxytocin. To increase its production naturally massage and stimulation of the mammary glands is necessary.

    Inflammation of the mammary glands

    Mastitis or breast is an inflammation of the mammary glands. Breastfeeding mothers often suffer from breastfeeding. In the absence of breastfeeding, fibrocystic mastitis may develop.

    In a young mother, mastitis occurs when milk stagnates in the milk ducts. In non-nursing girls and women, mastitis develops when the nipple and mammary gland become infected through minor injuries or when benign neoplasms form.

    Antibiotics are used to treat mastitis novocaine blockades restorative agents. If necessary, purulent accumulations are opened to remove pus.

    To cure mastitis and eliminate pain in the nipples helps:

    • compress, cold or warm;
    • treatment of cracks and other damage to the nipple;
    • massage of the affected areas;
    • observance of the strictest personal hygiene;
    • breast and nipple massage;
    • regular expression of milk.

    Treatment of nipples during breastfeeding

    To relieve pain and inflammation in the nipples, you can use a cabbage leaf. It must be rinsed with running water and dried with a paper towel. Before applying to the chest, a little is applied to the cabbage leaf. butter or bee honey. After placement cabbage leaf on the chest it is covered with a napkin.

    Fresh cabbage, scrolled in a meat grinder, is mixed with yogurt. The resulting slurry is applied to a napkin made of dense fabric and applied to the sore nipple. A restraining bandage is applied on top.

    Puffiness of the nipples will help relieve cold compresses. For them, you can use a napkin moistened cold water, or crushed ice. Ice compress should be applied for no more than 20 minutes.

    To treat cracks and foci of inflammation on the nipples or areolas, Purelan, Bepanten and other external preparations of healing and anti-inflammatory action are used. Use any medicine possible only with the permission of a doctor. Otherwise it may cause serious harm baby.

    To make it easier to express milk with mastitis, a young mother can use the dry leaves of plants such as:

    • mint;
    • alder;
    • coltsfoot;
    • burdock.

    Mint and burdock can be used in a mixture or separately. Dry raw materials must be brewed with boiling water for 2 minutes before applying. Then apply the resulting slurry to gauze swab. Attach to the chest for a quarter of an hour. The procedure should be carried out before each next feeding of the baby or before decanting the remaining milk.

    Homemade ointment for lubricating the breast is prepared from toadflax seeds. They need to be ground into a powder and mixed with butter or ghee to make a slurry. After lubricating the breast, you need to apply a protective bandage and lie down for a bit.

    Hygiene standards

    During breastfeeding, a young mother should observe the following hygiene standards:

    • daily shower with special gel;
    • daily change of bra;
    • removal of milk drops from the surface of the nipple with a special napkin or cotton pad moistened with boiled water;
    • timely healing of damage to the nipple.

    If the breasts are very tight and lactation is excessive, it will be very difficult to express milk manually. In this case, it is better to purchase a breast pump. The advice of a doctor will help you choose the right device. The procedure for using the breast pump and the rules for caring for it are set out in the attached instructions. With active lactation, use special pads that will absorb the flowing milk.

    A little about the bra

    The bra is one of the most important pieces of women's underwear. It should be in a comfortable shape. The size of the bra must be selected according to the size of the breast. Too small cup of uncomfortable shape with rough purl seams will inevitably irritate the nipple and the surrounding area of ​​the breast. This will cause discomfort and pain of varying intensity. Synthetic fabrics used to make a bra can cause nipple pain associated with allergic reactions on the composition of the canvas.

    Many women, in an effort to correct the figure, wear slimming underwear. Its size must also be carefully selected. Too tight coverage of the chest with such underwear can cause nipple pain.


    It is not at all difficult to prevent nipple pains that are not associated with physiological processes in the body. For this you need:

    • take proper care of your breasts
    • use only special products to wash the breast;
    • wear a comfortable bra made of natural fabric and without seams;
    • dress according to the season so as not to overcool or overheat the chest;
    • eat properly;
    • to refuse from bad habits;
    • regularly visit a mammologist and gynecologist.

    In the cold season, the chest must be kept warm. To do this, wear a padded bra with padded cups and dress for the season. So that the skin does not dry out, it must be lubricated with special ointments, gels, oils to give it elasticity.

    AT intense heat the skin of the nipple-areola zones dries up from lack of moisture. During this period, you need to use special moisturizers to treat the skin. It is better to choose a bra made of thin natural fabric. The main thing is that he does not squeeze the chest and does not rub the nipples when worn.

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