What can happen if the lower abdomen is pulled. Why does the stomach pull

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen is a common symptom that worries many people, both men and women. And if you have such a symptom all the time, and you cannot explain the nature of its origin, then it is better to visit a doctor to determine the causes of the pain. Since self-medication can drown out the pain, but also hide the disease, which will continue to develop on the sly.

What pain is called pulling?

The pain can be localized in the lower abdomen, above the pubis, lower on the right side or on the left. Drawing pain is usually aching, lasts at least half an hour, moderately strong, but not sharp and not cramping. It brings tangible discomfort to a person, if you take a comfortable position, then the pain may subside, but there will still be sipping sensations. This pain usually lasts for a while, then subsides and comes back again.

Pulling sensations are more likely to bother women than men. This is due to the fact that in addition to the common causes of pulling pains, in women, these sensations occur for a number of physiological reasons associated with gynecology.

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The reasons

The reasons that the lower abdomen hurts in men may be:

Aching unpleasant pain in women in the lower abdomen can be for the following reasons.

Physiological state

With an increase in pressure on the bladder in a pregnant woman, frequent urination is different. The enlarged uterus puts pressure on the intestines and therefore there may be pain in the right side, or the left side may be affected, depending on which has more pressure.

Previously, the muscles of the abdominal cavity felt freer, but now, because of the "interesting position" of the woman, they feel constant tension. Sometimes the cause of pulling pain can be constipation, because the fetus interferes with the active promotion of stool, squeezing the walls of the intestine.

Pathological conditions

In women, judging by the above points, there can be much more reasons for concern. But in them, abdominal pain can also be caused by a physiological state, while in men it is always a sign of pathology. So a man, feeling a pulling pain in the lower abdomen, should immediately consult a doctor to establish the cause of this phenomenon.

A woman may initially think if this symptom is normal, and if so, then there is no reason to visit a doctor. But if none of the physiological conditions of the woman is noted, or other symptoms are added to the pain in the abdomen (bloody discharge from the vagina, severe weakness, headaches, nausea), then it is better to consult a doctor about this.

Women should know that with menopause, pain in the lower abdomen can only appear in the first and third periods, and a pulling sensation in the second period is a reason to see a doctor.


To find out why there are pulling pains in the lower abdomen, you need:

If you still went to the doctor, then be prepared to undergo an examination, for women this is a mandatory gynecological examination, men can be examined by a proctologist or urologist, if necessary.

It will be necessary to pass the following tests and undergo examinations:

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A gynecologist, proctologist, urologist, traumatologist, surgeon, rheumatologist can examine the patient. The choice of a specialist will depend on what disease will be assumed.


If you have established the physiological nature of abdominal pain, then here you can take an antispasmodic or painkiller, try to relax or sleep. The pulling feeling in this case passes after a few hours and becomes less and less noticeable with every moment. But if you do not know what it is, then it is better not to self-medicate, so as not to stop the symptoms of an incipient disease, but to identify it in the early stages.

In this case, the doctor will diagnose and prescribe treatment depending on the diagnosis. It may be appropriate to use antiseptics for inflammation, antibiotics for bacterial infection, radiation and chemotherapy for malignant neoplasms, surgery for a hernia, or any other therapy selected individually.

Therefore, if you notice pulling pains in your lower abdomen, try to see a doctor as soon as possible, especially if they bother you for a long time, are chronic or occur along with other symptoms. A good doctor will choose a treatment for your disease, not a symptom, and this is much more effective than spending your whole life on painkillers without treating the cause. Having been treated once in this way, it will be possible to forget about pain in the abdomen, if not forever, then certainly for a long time.

When there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen in women, its causes, as a rule, may lie in the course of chronic inflammation in the pelvis, genitourinary system, intestines or uterine regions.

In the event that there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen in women, the reasons for it will help to find out - a gynecologist, a gastroenterologist, a urologist and a surgeon.

All causes of pulling pain in the fair sex are divided into two hotel categories:

  1. Physiological causes of pain.
  2. Pathological causes of pain.

From a physiological point of view, pulling pain in the lower abdomen in women, the causes of which are changes in the body, is regarded by experts as a relative norm. Most often, this phenomenon occurs in women during pregnancy. In this state, pulling pain may occur due to contraction of the uterus. This is especially noticeable in the later stages of bearing a child. At the same time, it is worth knowing that if the tone of the uterus is increased and a hard belly is felt in a woman, then this can be dangerous for the fetus.

Painful sensations in early pregnancy can act as the first signs of successful fertilization. In this case, a woman may feel manifestations that will be similar to menstruation. The next physiological cause of pain is the rush of blood to the uterus, the flow of which inevitably increases during pregnancy. In this state, the pelvic organs begin to work actively due to increased blood circulation. According to statistics, pulling pains are inevitable during pregnancy.

If they are not accompanied by bleeding, congestion or unpleasant discharge, then such pains are calculated by gynecologists as the norm, which does not pose a threat to either the expectant mother or the fetus. Despite this, when they appear, a woman should definitely inform the observing doctor about this in order to protect herself from possible complications and termination of pregnancy.

Very often, a pulling type of pain occurs in women during their first pregnancy, when the ligamentous apparatus is only adapting to bearing a child. Also, this phenomenon can occur in women who have given birth again, who had a significant interval between the first and second pregnancy (at least five years).

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It should be noted that sometimes pulling pains during pregnancy can be pathological and indicate a spontaneous miscarriage or ectopic pregnancy. In this state, a woman will be disturbed by severe pain and burning. There may also be uterine bleeding. This is a good reason to urgently call an ambulance or self-refer to a doctor.

The next physiological cause of pulling pain in women is ovulation. In this state, the maturation of the egg and its release are observed. It usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle.

In this state, pulling pain can be monotonous for several hours. Sometimes this symptom is very pronounced, and worries a woman for 1-2 days.

This pain syndrome is substantiated, primarily by hormonal disorders and an increase in the ovary, which provokes tension in the ligaments of this organ. Sometimes these pains can indicate chronic inflammatory processes. These phenomena should be detected and treated in time, otherwise they can lead to infertility in a woman.

Separately, it is worth mentioning this type of pain, such as pain during menstruation. Most women regard this feeling as the norm, and do not attach any importance to it.

At the same time, you need to know that the severe pulling pains that are observed with every menstruation are not the norm, but a pathology of the reproductive system that requires treatment.

In most cases, provokes such severe pain in the abdomen (right and left) a disease called endometriosis. Less commonly, their cause will be a physiological pathology of the structure of the genital organs or chronic diseases of the uterus. Pathological causes of pain in the lower abdomen (pulling nature) usually indicate the progression of an acute or chronic disease. Most often, these are diseases of the female reproductive system, which are treated by a gynecologist.

Very often, pulling pains occur during an ectopic pregnancy. In this state, a woman will feel severe discomfort and pain in the lower abdomen. This phenomenon is extremely dangerous, because its untimely elimination can lead to rupture of the fallopian tube and profuse bleeding, which is life-threatening for a woman. That is why, already at the first pains of this nature during pregnancy, it is worth talking about them to the doctor and doing a control ultrasound.

In the event that in the first trimester of pregnancy, along with pain, a woman observes bloody discharge in the form of clots, she should also be examined by a gynecologist. This may be a sign of a miscarriage or threatened miscarriage. In the third trimester of pregnancy, pulling pains may indicate an early birth or placental abruption. Very often, pulling pains are a sign of advanced chronic diseases of the female reproductive system.

At the same time, these pains are usually exacerbated precisely during menstruation, when the released blood becomes an excellent medium for the reproduction of pathogenic microbes. In addition to pain, a woman in this condition can experience a fever, severe weakness, loss of appetite and nausea. If an infection has joined the chronic inflammation, then purulent or mucous discharge from yellow to dark green can be added to the usual vaginal discharge. This is the signal at which delaying the trip to the doctor can be dangerous to health.

It is important to know that most of the chronic inflammatory diseases in women develop precisely because of infection with sexual infections, which they were “awarded” by their sexual partner. For this reason, women who often change sexual partners and practice unprotected sex are most susceptible to inflammatory processes.

Moreover, it is easy to catch an infection and subsequent inflammation is possible during surgical manipulations in the uterus, which can occur during an abortion. Less commonly, this can happen with hypothermia or the use of intrauterine contraceptives. A disease called algodismenorrhea can provoke pulling pains in women with an acute course. It can be provoked by a hormonal disorder in the body, overexertion, poor nutrition and stress.

As medical practice shows, girls with an unstable nervous system, who are very suspicious, are most susceptible to this condition. Already two years after the onset of menstruation, such patients spontaneously develop algomenorrhea, which occurs together with the so-called premenstrual syndrome.

Moreover, such a disease is also often interconnected with scoliosis and a disorder of the autonomic system (VSD). A very dangerous cause of pulling pains can be the development of oncological pathologies in the female reproductive system. In this case, the tumor itself can be cancerous and benign in the form of a cyst. In any case, acute inflammation and tumor growth leads to sprain and pain.

The latter has a pulling character due to the fact that the disease progresses slowly. In addition to pain, a woman in this condition may feel weakness, nausea and vomiting. There is also weight loss, loss of appetite, hormonal disruptions and pallor. In any case, these signs are very dangerous, so when they appear, you should immediately contact a specialist and conduct a full examination.

Sometimes pulling pain occurs due to a psychological factor when a woman has a depressive syndrome. This phenomenon should be treated not only with antispasmodics, but also with sedatives, because as soon as the patient normalizes her psycho-emotional state, then her abdominal pain will also disappear.

Aching pain in the lower abdomen: causes for diagnosis and treatment methods

Pulling and aching pain in the lower abdomen, the causes of which can be both physiological and pathological, in any case, requires an appeal to a gynecologist.

If a disease is suspected and just for prevention, the doctor may prescribe the following studies:

  1. General analysis of blood and urine.

Sometimes aching pain in the lower abdomen, the causes of which are unclear, can become dull or, conversely, worsen. It depends on the specific disease and its form (chronic pathologies proceed monotonously, and acute pathologies manifest themselves “in all their glory”). After the diagnosis is established, the treatment is selected for the patient (based on the specific disease, its form, neglect and the presence of concomitant pathologies).

Usually drug therapy is used for this. Aching pain in the lower abdomen, the causes of which may indicate inflammation, is best eliminated by antispasmodics. You can take them only with the permission of a doctor. Some decoctions of medicinal herbs also help well, but they should also be used for their intended purpose. Self-medication in such a state would be extremely unwise, because it can only mask the symptoms and worsen the course of the disease.

Drawing pain in the lower third of the abdomen and back is a common complaint. They occur more frequently in women than in men. This is due to the difference in the anatomical location and structure of the genital organs. The causes of pain can be caused by a large number of diseases not only of the internal organs located in this area, but also of the musculoskeletal system, kidneys, etc. Due to the variety of conditions that provoke pulling pains, when they occur, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination to establishing a diagnosis.

What diseases can lead to pulling pain?

Most often, the cause of pulling pains in the lower back and lower third of the abdomen are diseases of the organs that are located in this area or border it. These include:

  • Pathologies of the urinary system. These pains can capture the lumbar region, spread to the lower abdomen. They are accompanied by frequent urination, the appearance of impurities in the urine (blood and mucus). May appear against the background of an increase in body temperature.
  • Pathologies of the digestive system. The causes of such pain may be disorders of the large and small intestines, pancreas, appendicular process. In this regard, there are complaints of a violation of the stool (constipation, diarrhea or their alternation), flatulence, an increase in the excretion of gases, an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth, a change in taste preferences and hyperthermia.
  • Diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Depending on the nature of the pathology, various additional complaints will be observed. With osteoporosis, there is a change in posture, pain when tapping on the vertebrae, the appearance of folds on the sides of the abdomen, etc. If oncological pathology occurs, signs of intoxication, weight loss, fever, changes in the parameters of the general blood test are revealed.
  • Pathologies of the nervous system. These include ganglioneuromas, chronic pelvic pain syndrome, and others.

Drawing pain in the lower abdomen in women

Pain that worries women can be caused by diseases and conditions caused by the characteristics of the reproductive system. They depend on the stage of the menstrual cycle, on the presence of pregnancy and inflammatory processes. The most characteristic is the appearance of pulling pains in the lower third of the abdomen, if the following conditions develop:

  • Early pregnancy. During this period, such pains can serve as a sign of a normal pregnancy and are observed constantly. In this case, they are caused by softening of the ligaments, displacement of internal organs and hormonal changes. Pulls not only the stomach, but also the lower back. But the same pain can be observed against the background of the threat of termination of pregnancy. This is especially true with the appearance of bloody discharge from the vagina. It is not possible to independently identify the cause of pain. You need to see a doctor for medical help.
  • Second trimester of pregnancy. During this period, pulling pains in the lower abdomen can be a sign of a health disorder on the part of the fetus and a pregnant woman, overwork. To receive adequate treatment, you must urgently consult a doctor.
  • Late pregnancy. Drawing pains can be observed from squeezing the internal organs of the pregnant uterus. They are also harbingers of the upcoming birth.
  • Ovarian cyst. Pulling pains disturb as the cyst grows. They can increase during sexual contact or after it.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive system. Pulling pains in the abdomen on one side or in the suprapubic region may be the result of a woman having an infectious process in the genitals. Often they occur after an abortion or unprotected intercourse with a new partner. They may be accompanied by profuse vaginal discharge with a changed color and smell (white, yellow, green, fetid), fever and itching in the perineum.

Drawing pains in men

Pathological changes in the seminal vesicles and prostate can lead to pulling pains in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region. In connection with their location near the bladder and rectum, there is a spread of sensations to these organs. In this regard, there may be complaints on their part: increased urination, diarrhea, etc. Diseases of the male reproductive system, leading to the occurrence of pulling pains:

  • Prostatitis. In the chronic form of this disease, there is constant pain in the perineum, sacral region, above the pubis, combined with a feeling of heaviness and squeezing. During an exacerbation, there may be an increase in body temperature and increased urination. The disease results from inadequate treatment of acute infectious processes (prostatitis, etc.), physical inactivity, sexual disorders, prolonged shaking while riding in a sitting position. If left untreated, the disease can lead to erectile dysfunction and cerebrovascular syndrome.
  • Vesiculitis. With inflammation of the paired organs - the seminal vesicles, which are located to the right and left of the prostate, there is a pulling pain in the suprapubic region, along the inguinal fold. Pain may increase with bladder filling and ejaculation. There is an increase in sexual excitability (frequent wet dreams and ejaculations). The disease is a consequence of urethritis, epididymitis or other inflammatory diseases.
  • Oncological diseases. Early stages of prostate cancer may be asymptomatic or masked by chronic prostatitis. The pain may even subside during the course of the disease as the area of ​​spread increases. Later, its intensity increases. It starts to hurt so badly that it can resemble sciatica. There may be an increase in temperature and signs of intoxication.

What to do if there is a pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back?

Pain is a signal that there are processes in the body that require attention. More than 30 diseases can serve as causes, so it is impossible to make a diagnosis on your own. When contacting a doctor, it will become clear why the lower abdomen is pulling, what was the impetus for the disease and what means can be used to stop the pain. No matter what period of time the nagging pains appeared, the doctor's professional advice will help to establish the cause and get adequate treatment. It must be remembered that a person's life may depend on the timeliness of seeking medical help.

One of the most unpleasant symptoms that a person feels is pain in the lower abdomen. More often, the problem appears in the beautiful half of humanity and you need to know the main reasons when it hurts and pulls the lower abdomen.

Symptoms occur during or before menstruation, a few days before, but this is not always the case. Sometimes the cause is a serious illness or pregnancy.

Pulling pains in the lower abdomen, which are provoked by diseases, can be in women and men. If the cause lies in diseases, then there are additional symptoms by which an accurate diagnosis can be determined.

Causes of sipping in the lower abdominal cavity

There are main causes of pain that are manifested both in the male half of the population and in the female. All of them are caused by diseases and inflammations:

  1. Malfunctions of the genitourinary system. As a rule, pains appear pulling, they are felt in the lower abdomen and can proceed almost imperceptibly for the patient. As additional symptoms, patients have lower back pain, frequent urination, and there may be blood or mucus in the urine itself. If such reasons are noticed, then you need to visit a doctor, namely a urologist who examines the kidneys and treats them.
  2. Pelvic infections. With the defeat of the pelvis of various kinds of infections, any person may experience pain in the lower abdomen. Symptoms are characterized as pulling, the bottom not only hurts, but also a temperature and chills appear. When there is an infection, an uncharacteristic discharge, for example, pus, may appear from the genitals.
  3. Exacerbation of appendicitis. With this disease, women and men experience severe pain. Initially, localization occurs in the navel, after which it flows down to the right. In some cases, the stomach pulls. With such sensations, you should immediately call an ambulance, since the treatment is carried out only surgically, and the disease cannot be started.
  4. Failure of the digestive tract. To the main type of symptoms, when the lower abdomen hurts, vomiting, nausea are additionally added, the patient refuses to eat, and his appetite completely disappears. In diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, there may be a strong increase in temperature. If you do not pay attention to the symptoms and stop them with pills, then complications may appear and then the result will be deplorable, and in some cases fatal.
  5. Neoplasms. If the patient's lower abdomen is pulled for a long time, the pain does not go away, but it does not particularly cause discomfort, then the development of tumors is possible. To determine the presence of a tumor in one or another part of the abdomen, it will be possible if you carry out a detailed diagnosis, take material for a biopsy.
  6. Gynecological pathologies. In women, gynecological problems are one of the common causes when it hurts in the lower abdomen. It is recommended to consult your doctor in order to rule out or confirm the disease.
  7. Discomfort during or after sex. With the defeat of the pelvic organs, women may experience pain in the lower abdomen. They occur immediately after sexual intercourse or during it.

The nature of sensations is pulling. The patient must make a visit to the gynecologist to obtain information and establish a diagnosis that will allow you to choose a treatment.

Sometimes, the reason that pulls the lower abdomen is inflammation of the ovaries, sexually transmitted diseases, or thrush.

Of course, the causes are not always hidden in diseases. In women, discomfort, pain in the lower abdomen appear when they are pregnant.

But in this case, about pregnancy, when the stomach pulls, it is necessary to talk in more detail.

Pulling the stomach - it means pregnant

In women, until critical days, pains in the lower abdomen are possible, more often the abdominal cavity is pulled, but if there are delays and pulling pains, fatigue and sensitivity of the chest appear, then pregnancy may be the cause.

The stomach pulls at this time for a simple reason - the uterus begins to constantly change its size, which is why women experience some discomfort.

Throughout the entire period of pregnancy, pulling pains may appear from time to time.

In this case, you need to listen to the body, since in the early stages it is considered the norm when it pulls the lower abdomen, but in later periods, the reasons may be different.

Drawing pain during pregnancy

The reasons for pulling in the lower abdomen during pregnancy are very different. Some of them are safe for the health of the mother and child, and some may signal terrible pathologies.

To be specific, you need to know several important factors:

  1. "Training bouts". In women, during pregnancy, the body prepares and prepares for childbirth, thereby causing contractions. Due to this, the female body is prepared. In this case, you should not worry, this is a natural and normal process.
  2. Hypertension of the uterus. Such a problem speaks of early contractions of the uterus, which are caused by the excitation of its muscles. As a rule, almost all cases when there are pulling sensations are caused by hypertonicity of the uterus. The condition is quite dangerous and there may be premature birth, abortion.
  3. Detachment of the placenta. This pathology is very dangerous for the fetus, since it is the placenta that protects the fetus from many factors and many tasks are assigned to it.

When it is detached, women experience pulling sensations and it is necessary to carry out surgical intervention, after which treatment is carried out.

After the operation, a woman needs rest, only bed rest and the rejection of any stress.

All reasons require certain actions. First of all, there is no need to panic and worry.

Immediately you need to call or go for an examination to your doctor, and after examinations and complaints, establish the true reasons why the pain appeared below.

After examination and collection of tests, the doctor will be able to establish a diagnosis and prescribe therapy.

The essence of therapy is to relieve discomfort, through the use of antispasmodics. True, they are used in the easiest form of the flow of a particular problem.

In a more advanced form, inpatient treatment and a complete examination are used.

Additional symptoms

In addition to the main symptoms, you need to monitor other signs of disease. They may indicate the following:

  1. With an increase in temperature, the presence of chills can be diseases of the small pelvis: gonorrhea, chlamydia, and other diseases.
  2. If appetite disappears, nausea, vomiting, that is, pathology of the gastrointestinal tract.
  3. Fainting and shock, with a sharp change in pressure, indicates bleeding inside the abdomen.
  4. Painful urination, cloudy urine, and fever indicate problems with the kidneys and urinary tract.

Additionally, you need to know the nature of the pain that occurs in the lower abdomen. This will allow you to correctly describe your condition to the doctor in order to establish an accurate and correct diagnosis.

So if discomfort appears abruptly, then the cause may be exacerbations or diseases in an acute form.

Such symptoms should not be joked with, otherwise a perforation may appear, bleeding will occur, or a certain organ will tear.

If the pains are pulsating and quite rhythmic, then the pressure of the organs increases, and with dull and dull pain, which occurs slowly and intensifies over time, there may be inflammatory processes, obstruction.

Any pulling pains should not be ignored, and the sensations should be stopped on their own.

It is better to go for an examination to a doctor who can determine the true causes. Only then can the principles and methods of treatment be discussed.

Examination methods

If the pulling sensations do not leave the body, then the person needs to seek help from a competent doctor:

  1. Gynecologist.
  2. Urologist.
  3. Therapist.
  4. Gastroenterologist.

After examination, data collection, the doctor will be able to make a diagnosis and determine the causes of the disease. Diagnostics is:

  1. Visual examination of the patient.
  2. Palpation of the abdominal cavity.
  3. Questioning the patient, his feelings and additional symptoms.
  4. Collection of analyzes by the method of laboratory and instrumental research.

To establish an accurate diagnosis, you may need:

  1. Blood test, both general and biochemical.
  2. Analysis of urine.
  3. Pregnancy test.
  4. Smear.
  5. Blood test for the norm of sex hormones.
  6. Other analyses.

When using instrumental diagnostic methods, doctors use ultrasound of the pelvic area, abdominal radiography, laparoscopy, colposcopy and other diagnostic methods.

In case of suspicion of neoplasms, a biopsy is taken with further examination of the material.

How to get rid of pain

If pain appears in the abdomen below, then it can be stopped, the main thing is to know the real reasons for this appearance:

  1. During pregnancy, stretch marks or the preparatory process of the uterus, you can simply take a prone position, on your left side. After a few minutes, relief will come, and the pulling symptoms will pass. In this position, you need to exclude stress, stressful situations, and always rest after walking. True, moderate physical education is necessary and important for pregnant women.
  2. For problems with the stomach or intestines, with additional symptoms in the form of constipation, it is necessary to follow a diet and play sports to activate the digestive tract. You should eat more vegetables and fruits, drink dairy products. Exclude onions, legumes, black bread from the diet.

The above are general preventive measures, and treatment depends on the cause of abdominal discomfort. During pregnancy, no treatment is used, because it can harm the fetus.

The main thing is to follow the basic rules and use the described advice to relieve pain.

If discomfort occurs before menstruation, you can use antispasmodic drugs, as well as tablets that dilate blood vessels.

Perhaps, to stop constant pain, you will need to drink a course of vitamins, and sometimes doctors prescribe hormonal drugs.

In the case of colpitis, complex treatment is used. Local treatment consists in the use of antiseptic preparations that can wash the genitals, ointments and suppositories are additionally used. In rare cases, doctors prescribe hormonal drugs.

Those who have colpitis should follow a diet based on fermented milk products, you need to drink less water. While undergoing therapy, you need to give up sexual intercourse.

And to restore the microflora, probiotics and prebiotics are used, for example, "Acilact".

In women, when diagnosed with endometriosis, a conservative and surgical method of treatment can be used. Combined oral contraceptives are often used.

Ibuprofen, as well as antispasmodics, will help relieve pain. If hormonal drugs do not give positive results, then an operation is performed.

For cystitis, fluoroquinolones, possibly nitrofurans, are used. Ibuprofen and antispasmodics are used to relieve pain.

As you can see, pulling pain below appears under different circumstances with various reasons, which are caused not only by serious pathologies, but also by other factors.

Some reasons do not pose a threat, but even bring joy when it comes to pregnancy.

But due to the abundance of diseases and the similarity of symptoms, it is better to consult a doctor in order to exclude diseases that are dangerous to health and life, start timely treatment and prevent exacerbation.

Not always self-medication and the use of folk remedies for pain relief lead to positive results.

Folk remedies, as well as medications, have contraindications and side effects.

Useful video

Drawing pains in the lower abdomen is one of the most common complaints that women turn to a gynecologist with, the reasons for them may be different. Some of them are quite harmless, while others speak of serious violations. Therefore, you should not immediately panic, but it is highly recommended to learn as much as possible about this symptom.

In our article, we will understand the reasons why at certain moments a woman's lower abdomen is pulled, as indicated by the pulling one on the left.


Pain in the lower abdomen in women can have a different character. The pulling pain must have been felt by every woman. It is she who is usually the precursor to early menstruation. This feeling in the lower abdomen is not acute, it is constant, aching, and not paroxysmal - pain in women, as it were, “pulls”, hence its name “pulling”.

Drawing pain is usually not short-lived and lasts at least 40 minutes. You can tolerate it, unlike a strong acute one, but you should not do it.

If the feeling does not leave you for a long time, you should pay attention to this symptom.

Main Factors

Numerous factors that can lead to pulling pain syndrome, divided into two categories - physiological and pathological. With physiological everything is simple. This includes pregnancy and the menstrual cycle, since discomfort in the lower abdomen often occurs in women before menstruation or at their onset.

Pathological causes are the following:

  • Diseases of a gynecological nature;
  • Discomfort after sexual contact;
  • adhesive processes;
  • Algodysmenorrhea;
  • bowel disease;
  • Pathology of the spine;
  • Diseases of the excretory system.

It is worth considering in more detail each category of reasons. Pulling pain sensations often occur in the middle of the menstrual cycle- about 14-15 days. The reason is the rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg - ovulation. There may even be some bleeding.

In this case, the pain syndrome is one-sided and lasts from a couple of hours to several days.

Most women feel characteristic pain during menstruation, before or after it. In this case the reason lies in the rhythmic contractions of the uterus.

If the receptors of the latter are very sensitive, the discomfort is very strong. It can also give to the lumbar region and other areas. But usually after menstruation and the condition goes away. If they have already ended, but the pulling pain is also very disturbing, you need to go to the doctor to eliminate the risk of pathologies.

Separately, it should be said about pregnant women. During this period, the body spends maximum resources to ensure proper development of the fetus. Because of this, other organs may feel discomfort. The size of the uterus increases, it can put pressure on the intestines, bladder, ovaries.

Previously, the abdominal muscles could be completely relaxed, but now they rely on the load. Expectant mothers may constantly want to go to the toilet, and the reason for this is increased pressure on the organs of the genitourinary system. An additional problem is constant constipation.

Despite the fact that it will not be possible to get rid of some conditions before a certain period, constant discomfort should not be ignored.

If you notice spotting, call an ambulance as soon as possible, as there is a risk of miscarriage.

Still more difficult with pathological causes. In a normal state, pulling pain after an intimate act should not occur, unless, of course, we are talking about the loss of virginity.

If such a state worries you, and constantly, this may indicate the presence of an abnormal septum in the vagina innate character.

The size of the partner's penis also plays a role. If it is too large, there is a risk of damage.

Pain syndrome is a frequent consequence of the inflammatory process. on the cervix and in itself. A white liquid may come out of the vagina. Pay special attention if it turns yellow or green. This suggests that a bacterial infection is possible, and you should not hesitate to visit a specialist.

Another pathological cause is algomenorrhea.. Pain during menstruation is a normal condition, but if it is tolerable and passes quickly. With the same pathology, everything is more serious.

Most often, this trouble is provoked or of nervous origin. It can usually manifest itself 1.5-2 years after the start of the cycle. In addition, a woman may have a fever, vomiting and even fainting.

Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs can provoke adhesions. This is probably with pathologies in the intestines, excretory and reproductive systems. If diseases become chronic, then adhesions are a protective reaction of the body from bleeding or spreading inflammation. Since they are not capable of resolving on their own, they can gradually transform into chronic ones.

Identification of the tumor process in the genital area is quite difficult, especially at the initial stages. Often it is pulling pains that speak of pathologies. For example, it may be a cyst in the ovary.

At first, sensations will be localized in one direction. But if the formation becomes malignant, the pain will spread throughout the pelvic area. The reason for this is that in the affected area, muscle peristalsis is disturbed.

You will learn about effective methods of treating chronic urethritis in women, and what to do with its acute form.

In what cases can you cope with the problem at home

If the pain occurs before or during menstruation, then you can do without a doctor. These sensations usually go away on their own as the cycle progresses. You can take a painkiller or antispasmodic pill, apply a heating pad.

Also avoid heavy lifting. and strong activity. It is better to rest and lie down, then the discomfort will pass faster.

Sometimes such pains during pregnancy are quite understandable, because the uterus grows, and the organs are displaced because of this. But, despite this, remember that during this period you are doubly responsible, and you should not ignore any deviations from the norm.

When you need a doctor

If the discomfort tormented you for a couple of hours and disappeared on its own, no longer making itself felt, you can calm down. But if the pain is constant and quite noticeable, consult a specialist. There can be many reasons for this condition, and usually a visual inspection is not enough to determine a specific one. The first doctor you should go to is a gynecologist. He may order the following tests:

  • General blood and urine tests;
  • Ultrasound and X-ray of the problem area;
  • Sowing and cytology for the determination of genital infections;
  • Hormonogram;
  • Hysterosalpinography - evaluation of the fallopian tubes.
  • Colposcopy is a detailed examination of the vaginal area.

Pulling pains along with secretions may indicate microflora disorders., about a bacterial infection. However, if a bloody fluid is secreted in a pregnant woman, there may be a high risk of miscarriage, vascular damage, or placental abruption.

If the right side of the lower abdomen is pulled in a woman, thoughts of appendicitis immediately appear, and the left usually hurts in the case of chronic sigmoiditis, suggesting inflammation at the place where the colon and rectum are connected. But Only ultrasound and x-rays can confirm all these diagnoses..

A gynecologist can refer you to a gastroenterologist, surgeon, traumatologist, rheumatologist. After all, one of the most popular causes is a vertebral hernia in the lumbar region. She gives to the genitals, and not vice versa.

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