Pulls the stomach on the day of ovulation. Abdominal pain on fertile days

Every healthy woman ovulates every month from puberty to the onset of menopause. It occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle and lasts approximately two days. It is during this period that a woman can feel pain accompanying ovulation. During ovulation, the lower abdomen can be pulled, the chest hurts. Many women may notice pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation. Why is this happening? Is it normal? And how to get rid of pain during ovulation? Let's take everything in order.

What is ovulation?

Before we talk about the causes of painful ovulation, let's recall what ovulation is. In simple terms, this is the period when a mature egg is preparing to leave the ovary. The moment when the egg is released to descend into the fallopian tube is considered the end of ovulation. This happens 11-17 days after menstruation, and this variation depends on the duration of the menstrual cycle, which lasts 21-35 days.

Ovulation symptoms

Now let's look at the most common egg maturation symptoms that many women experience.

  • Allocations. They can be transparent or have some shade.
  • Swelling of the mammary glands. Some women may experience sore breasts after ovulation.
  • Stitching or drawing pains in the lower abdomen.
  • Temperature rise.
  • Increasing sexual desire.

Not all women experience pain during ovulation. They can be pronounced and barely noticeable. According to statistics, every fifth woman feels pain during ovulation. Painful ovulation, the causes of which may be purely physiological or associated with a disease of the female organs, deserves attention. A woman who constantly experiences various kinds of pain during and after ovulation should at least once see a specialist to exclude female diseases.

Why does my stomach hurt during ovulation?

The main cause of pain in the lower abdomen is the very peak of ovulation, when the ovarian follicle "explodes" and a mature egg comes out of it. Sometimes, when the follicle bursts, a woman may notice a small amount of blood clots in the discharge. That is, in this case, abdominal pain during ovulation has a purely mechanical origin. By the way, pain in the abdomen can be every time from different sides. On the right, when the egg is released from the right ovary, and vice versa.

There are several more causes of abdominal pain during ovulation that should not be a cause for concern. These include:

  • stretching of the ovary during the maturation of the egg,
  • spasm of the walls of the fallopian tubes during the passage of an egg into them,
  • hormonal failure, which leads to a contraction of the ligament of the ovary,
  • small detachment of the endometrium,
  • the psychological aspect in which women experience slight discomfort during ovulation, but tend to "wind" themselves.

Why does my stomach hurt after ovulation?

Sometimes a woman may notice that her lower abdomen is pulling after ovulation, and not necessarily immediately, but on days 4-6. These pains may be similar to those that were during ovulation, or may differ from them in their localization and intensity. There can be several reasons for pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation. The main ones include:

Why after ovulation pulls in the lower abdomen

Pulling the stomach after ovulation is not a pleasant, but quite natural symptom that is familiar to women in a certain period of the cycle. But still, many are alarmed by these aching sensations. Below is a detailed description of why the stomach pulls and hurts after ovulation and what to do about it.

The main causes of pain

For a better understanding of the causes of the appearance of tangible aching pains, some aspects of female physiology should be recalled. Ovulation occurs approximately 12-14 days before the onset of menstruation. At this time, the egg matures and can be fertilized by a sperm. If conception occurs, pregnancy occurs. If not, the unfertilized egg leaves the body during menstruation.

The cause of pain, when after ovulation pulls in the lower abdomen, is the rupture of the follicle - at the very moment when the mature egg goes on a "journey" to the uterus through the fallopian tubes. This kind of injury often causes discomfort. In addition, everything can be accompanied by nausea, mood swings, weakness and a number of other symptoms. It goes away after a few hours.

It should be noted that pain in the lower abdomen in the middle of the cycle is a variant of the norm. Some do not feel it at all, while others characterize it as "spasmodic", "pulling", "cramping" or "dull". It all depends on the characteristics of the body, age and physical form of the woman.

Rejoice or sound the alarm?

If your stomach pulls strongly immediately after ovulation, and the pain does not go away for several hours, you need to see a doctor. These may be sensations not caused by ovulation: inflammation of the internal genital organs, surgical pathology (for example, appendicitis or intestinal obstruction), renal colic, bursting ovarian cyst, etc.

Many pregnant women and accomplished mothers know that pain in the uterus 5-7 days after ovulation is one of the indicators of fertilization that has taken place. The egg, attaching to the wall of the uterus, causes a little pain. Sometimes this process is accompanied by a slight bleeding, which is called implantation.
However, if the likelihood of pregnancy is excluded, and the pain is getting stronger, this is a reason to consult a doctor. They can be a symptom of a number of diseases, the treatment of which should be started as soon as possible.


Pulls the stomach on the 5th day after ovulation - blog My Betashka

Girls, share who had this and what is happening. Already several cycles at 4-6 DPO pulls the lower abdomen. In the last cycle, after this, they were // on the test, which then turned pale and disappeared ... Maybe it's my implantation so early?


So I have pricks and pulls ... Oh, according to the tests, it was yesterday and the PA is painful

Oh, I didn't make them this time.

Why didn't you mark tests for O on the graph?

Geny, you can determine me for ovulation by ultrasound and the program sets itself.


The main purpose of a woman is to be a mother, and this requires strength, health, endurance. The work of the body performs a certain plan every month, physical and chemical reactions take place in stages to prepare all systems for conception and gestation.

Features of the female body

For a healthy woman during childbearing age, hormonal changes are natural throughout the entire menstrual cycle. Sensitive and emotional young women mark the stages of the cycles on the calendar, and notice even the slightest symptomatic deviations in their body.

The pain associated with the first days of menstruation seems natural, they are prepared and used to. Ailments do not upset and do not cause any particular anxiety. But not all girls understand why the lower abdomen is pulled after ovulation. There is a suspicion of pregnancy, especially if there was unprotected intercourse that coincided with the period of ovulation. It can change the habitual way of life.

Possible conception:

  • planned;
  • random;

can bring a storm of emotions in any case. The probability of getting pregnant is highest during this period of the menstrual cycle.

What does medicine say?

Can all women pull the lower abdomen after ovulation and why do mild pains appear? Most likely, the doctor will not see any special deviations or reasons for concern if, within 2 days after ovulation, there are complaints about:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • pain syndrome in the lumbar region:
  • it hurts and pulls the stomach and gives it to the lower back.

If all these troubles quickly ended and did not exceed 48 hours, the doctor will attribute such pain to the physiological norm and advise you to observe further changes. Quite possibly, this is a sign of nascent life. Transformations in the body at the time of ovulation give such symptoms. This is why the stomach hurts after ovulation.

But most often, women do not pay much attention to such processes. Not everyone feels pain after ovulation. Some are not familiar with such manifestations from menstruation to menstruation, when pain is expected and does not raise questions.

When do you need a doctor's help?

Drawing pains in the lower back and pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation disappear on the first day, rarely appear the next day.

Continued malaise, increased pain after 48 hours requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist. You should concentrate your attention and tell the doctor about this:

  • pain duration;
  • where the pain is concentrated, the place and strength of the pain;
  • pain recurs in each cycle or for the first time;
  • body temperature, if it exceeds 37.5?;
  • other symptoms that were not noticed before.

Examinations and your descriptions will help prescribe painkillers or hormonal drugs if diseases are found that caused pulling pains.

Not always possible pregnancy is the reason when, after ovulation, the lower abdomen is pulled, it tingles in the side and the lower back hurts. Or rather, fertilization and the growth of the embryo can cause such sensations for some time, but prolonged pain already speaks of illness.

Unfortunately, sometimes the fetus does not enter the uterus, its development takes place in the tube (ectopic pregnancy), then the pain increases. Rarely, but still there is a threat of fetal loss for various reasons. For long-term pain, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

Cause of pain

The release of a mature egg into the fallopian tube is called the period of ovulation. With rare exceptions, it is repeated cyclically, after 20 - 35 days. About two weeks from the beginning of the cycle in the female body, follicle growth takes place.

On the 14-16th day, the egg is released, the corpus luteum is formed. Here, the stretching of the ovary due to the growth of the follicle can cause pulling pain on one side. During ovulation, minimal ovarian bleeding occurs, which slightly irritates the abdominal cavity, which gives physiological pain.

All transformations are not dangerous, pain and heaviness in the abdomen after ovulation are not strong. Gradually they go away, rather quickly forgotten. The rest of the time until the next menstruation, the woman feels normal.

Short-term pulling pains in the middle of the cycle

The time of ovulation is considered the most favorable for conception. Young girls and women are afraid of these days if their plans do not include an addition to the family. For some, this is a taboo, a strict ban on sexual games, for others it is a strict protection, and only those who yearn for motherhood use the opportunity to become pregnant at this time.

The enamored and the fastest sperm, having mastered the egg, fertilizes it and in sparring they form a zygote. Exit to the uterus, fixing to the walls, changes in hormonal levels cause pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. But after a day or two they pass, and they are replaced by other and very first signs of the beginning of a new life:

  • mild dizziness;
  • mood changes and severe emotional reactions;
  • there is anxiety, insomnia;
  • there is an aversion to habitual odors;
  • may hurt the chest;


5 days after the expected ovulation, the stomach hurts, what is it? - blog My Betashka

Girls, I'm looking for help from you. Today I have the 18th day of the cycle, my stomach hurts impossible, and it hurts in the sides and bottom, where the uterus is also aching. I'm scared. I don't know what it is. Yesterday the whole evening I felt sick, I felt very bad. I understand that it's too early to talk about something, but maybe someone had it? Please share...

Tadavyd, I do not believe in graphs, I should not even build them. I had the second phase on the schedule of 17 days, and BT kept above 37. But then I was no closer from B than to China.

Tadavyd, my second B was completely different, not like the first one. So it's not an indicator if something is different. Yes, and I found out about the first B when the specific toxicosis had already begun, and in the second B I suspected already at the 5th week, and in the third, even before the delay, I was sure. Oh, girls, do not wind yourself ahead of time. No one will be better than this anyway.


When does conception occur after ovulation?

Ovulation: what is it, timing of onset, symptoms

Before starting a conversation about conception, and the possibility of conception after ovulation, it is necessary to remember what ovulation is - a key link on the path to a desired pregnancy.

So, ovulation is a physiological process that takes place in a woman's body and consists in the exit from the ovarian follicle of a mature egg, ready for fertilization.

Ovulation usually occurs in the middle of the menstrual cycle. So, for example, with a 28-day menstrual cycle, ovulation occurs on day 14. But it should be remembered that under the influence of external factors, such as stress, increased physical activity, taking hormonal drugs, it can shift the timing of ovulation.

There are a considerable number of methods, methods and tests for determining ovulation: determination of basal temperature, calendar method, folliculometry, pharmacy express tests, etc. Each of the methods has its own advantages and disadvantages. Each woman chooses the most suitable for herself.

In addition to tests, your body can also report the onset of ovulation. Many women during the period of ovulation may experience the following symptoms: aching, cramping or stabbing pains in the lower abdomen, in the projection of the ovary, increased libido, a change in the nature and color of vaginal discharge.

There is no doubt that ovulation is the most favorable time for conception.

But is it possible to conceive after ovulation? To answer this question, you need to understand what the process of ovulation is.

Ovulation and conception: how does it happen?

In a woman's body, on either side of the uterus are the ovaries, which produce a number of hormones, the well-known ones are progesterone and estrogen.

The eggs in the ovaries are still at the stage of intrauterine development. In the ovaries of a newborn girl, there are hundreds of thousands of eggs, which are inactive until puberty and the first ovulation. Before this period, a certain number of eggs die, leaving about 400,000 full-fledged eggs.

From the moment of the first ovulation to the onset of menopause, a woman experiences from 300 to 400 menstrual cycles. During each cycle, one full-fledged egg matures; in rare cases, two eggs mature.

Under the influence of the pituitary hormone, which is called follicle-stimulating, a follicle begins to grow in the ovary, with the egg contained in it. At the beginning of the cycle, the follicle diameter is 1 mm, while by the end of the cycle it increases to 20 mm. The follicle contains a small amount of fluid and a small nucleolus. As the follicle grows, a bulge forms on the surface of the ovary, the size of which by the middle of the cycle reaches the size of a grape.

The entire period of egg maturation lasts from 8 to 30 days, although on average this process takes a time period of 2 weeks. The main factor that affects the duration of this process is the time it takes the body for the level of estrogen to reach its limit. High levels of estrogen lead to a surge in lutein-stimulating hormone, which in turn causes the egg to leave the follicle within 2-3 days of the surge in lutein-stimulating hormone.

Thus, approximately 12-13 days after the onset of menstruation, the pituitary gland releases a large amount of luteinizing hormone into the blood, and ovulation occurs 36-48 hours later.

Chromosomes, which are located in the nucleus of cells, are unique carriers of genetic information. The purpose of fertilization, which occurs at conception, is the fusion of two germ cells from heterosexual individuals. The peculiarity of the cells of the human body is that each of them contains 46 chromosomes. Therefore, when the sex cells merge, a new cell must be formed, which also contains 46 chromosomes. But by simply adding up the number of chromosomes, we get 92, therefore, each "parent" must reduce the number of chromosomes by half.

The reduction in the number of chromosomes in the egg occurs after the pituitary gland releases luteinizing hormone some time before ovulation. It takes 36 hours for an egg to reduce its genetic makeup. In anticipation of a spermatozoon, a mature egg cell forms a small sac on its periphery, which contains the necessary set of chromosomes. The meeting of two germ cells must occur at a strictly allotted time. If the meeting occurs before the time when the egg divides the chromosomes, then it will not be able to accept the sperm. And if later, then there is a risk of missing the moment when the egg is as ready for fertilization as possible.

The following days after ovulation in the body of a woman, processes are aimed at preparing the mucous membrane of the uterus for the introduction of a fertilized egg into it.

How long does an egg cell live and why do you need to know it?

After maturation, the egg enters the fallopian tube, where it waits for its sperm for 12-24 hours. Spermatozoa, on the other hand, retain their ability to fertilize in a woman's body for 2-3 days, and in rare cases up to 5-6 days.

The maximum probability of conception and, as a result, pregnancy is observed directly on the day of ovulation and is about 33%. The probability of pregnancy on the day before ovulation is also high - about 31%. Two days before ovulation, the probability decreases to 27%, and three, four and five days - to 16, 14 and 10%, respectively. The day after ovulation and six days before it, the chance of conception through sexual contact is negligible.

Thus, the answer to the question "When does conception occur after ovulation?" simple - only in the first day.

First signs of conception

You should not hope that the very next day after the accomplishment of a miracle called conception and fertilization, your body will tell you that you are pregnant. Firstly, the fact that conception has occurred does not guarantee the onset of pregnancy. The meeting of the egg and sperm most often occurs in the fallopian tubes, and a normal pregnancy, as everyone knows, develops in the uterus.

Based on this, it follows that the fertilized egg still needs some time to reach its destination. This usually takes about 7 days. That is why you can feel the earliest signs of conception at least a week after ovulation.

An increase in rectal (basal) temperature slightly above 37 degrees, which does not decrease after ovulation, can tell you about the onset of pregnancy. A slight general subfebrile condition can also be observed, as with a beginning cold. However, other symptoms of the disease will be absent.

Some women experience implantation bleeding. It is associated with the penetration of a fertilized egg into the wall of the uterus. Bleeding is not abundant, a few drops. Most often observed on the 7-10th day after ovulation.

Hormonal changes lead to mood swings, fatigue, irritability.

Laboratory tests confirming the fact of pregnancy are based on changes in the level of hormones, in particular chronic gonadotropin in the blood and urine. Although it is possible to determine the increase in this hormone in the urine at home, by purchasing a pregnancy test at the pharmacy. Many of the tests are highly sensitive and are able to dispel your doubts even before the onset of a missed period.

Such a symptom as frequent urination is also observed quite often. It is associated with an increase in the blood hormone progesterone, which has a relaxing effect on the sphincter of the bladder.

Breast enlargement is possible, some women even notice the appearance of a small amount of white or yellowish discharge - colostrum.

But it should be remembered that the feelings of each woman are purely individual. And any of the above symptoms may indicate not only the onset of pregnancy, but also the onset of a disease of the reproductive system. So, if you have any doubts or suspicions, do not be shy - contact your gynecologist!


Brown discharge 5 days after ovulation - My Bat Blog

Hello, please help me! My chart showed ovulation on 25.02 (although for some reason not on the beta, on 2 other sites it showed 25.02) on the same day I had PA and the day before O was PA. After Ovulation, Bt stayed above 37 degrees, today it fell a little and at night I saw, excuse me, there was very little blood on the scarlet-colored toilet paper, and in the morning it was already a little brown daub ... what could it be ??

00052 !!! one chart, one blog Anika. (-thirty)

Read comments 52:

[email protected], this could be ... Quite ...

Thank you girls... So many people responded to my topic!

Yulli, and also my discharge may be due to the fact that my G prescribed Endometrin to the vagina in the vagina on the 16th day of the cycle .. and I started taking it immediately after menstruation and took it for 5 days for sure. Yesterday she called, she scolded me and told me to take Tranexam 4 times a day to stop all this .. Because it causes menstruation, as I understand it ..

Marianne, I just had a check-up just a month ago.. do you think it's worth that often?

But yes, any discharge should be alarming.))

Myiren, my cousin was shedding for two weeks, it was shedding, but it was not implantation ...

[email protected], can on survey to go to the doctor? Let's see the neck. It's okay if you look carefully.

This may be a sign of implantation. I do not want to encourage, but - good luck to you !!!

Marianne, thank you so much, I love a contagious sneeze)))

Maybe this is it, good luck!

In my opinion, BT is an outdated way to define anything. Sometimes the schedule is so-so, and as a result, pregnancy. And vice versa, ideal schedules, and as a result, a bunch of health problems are discovered. If we talk about personal experience, then I twice determined Ovulation by ultrasound and compared it with BT and the behavior of the body. My pace only rose on the second day after O. In my opinion, the most important thing is to find an intelligent doctor. And spare no means to fulfill your desire. Maybe it will come true in this cycle. Aphihi

[email protected], and PCOS, unfortunately, is usually lifelong. Everything that girls usually do, on the site you can read a lot of interesting things about it, everything tends to come back after a while. Everything gives only a temporary effect. Type PCOS in our search, you will find a big blog about it, you can read for several days, where girls share their experiences and victories.

[email protected], unsubscribe tomorrow, how will you come with an ultrasound, okay? It's interesting though...)

Yulli, Well, who said that they had not been examined for several years? I was examined ... it’s just that at that time I was treated for another problem - this was the absence of menstruation for 4 months, and 3 months ago I came with a problem that I thought it was easy to get pregnant, but it wasn’t there ... It doesn’t work .. And now they began to treat another problem ... It’s just that if the last schedule clearly showed me that there was an anovulatory cycle and then I didn’t even take anything, no medications, and after going to the doctor and prescribing a lot of medications, I had a completely different schedule, which I was delighted with. Well, since ovulation is in doubt, it doesn’t matter .. I’ll go for an ultrasound on Monday and everything will clear up there.

Pulling the lower abdomen after ovulation - a symptom of what disease is this, or is this normal? To answer this question, you need to know the very nature of "ovulation".

All girls and women with the onset of puberty and before menopause, ovulation occurs almost every month. It occurs approximately on the 12-14th day of the cycle and lasts a couple of days. Ovulation is the period when the egg is fully mature and ready to be released from the ovary. The end of ovulation is considered the moment when the egg enters the fallopian tube, this happens on the 12-17th day of the cycle. Such a large time interval is explained by the individual characteristics of the female body and the duration of her menstrual cycle. During ovulation, a woman may feel pain in her chest and lower abdomen. And this is the norm, but it happens that pain persists in the second half of the menstrual cycle. This is not the norm.

One of the most common complaints of gynecologist patients is pain in the uterus and ovaries, which in some cases also radiates to the lower back. Usually women are concerned about pulling pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation.
It is worth noting that such pain cannot be caused by premenstrual and menstrual syndrome due to the fact that these periods have already ended. Such complaints can be a sign of various pathologies and gynecological diseases, the diagnosis of which takes into account the results of various tests and examinations, most often ultrasound.

So, why can a woman feel such pain? If at the end of menstruation you continue to have pain or a week after ovulation pulls the lower abdomen and lower back, then you should know: this symptomatology is not characteristic of either premenstrual or ovulation syndromes. With rare exceptions, painful manifestations can occur due to the effects of prolonged and heavy periods. But as a rule, this indicates the progression of the pathology of the genital organs. These include ovarian apoplexy, displacement of the appendages, cysts or tumors, adhesive and inflammatory processes.

However, pain in the abdomen after ovulation does not always indicate pathology, rather the opposite - it is often a sign of pregnancy. Including ectopic, unfortunately. And often the threat of miscarriage. If you were planning to have a baby, it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor in order to save a possible pregnancy.

It is also necessary to see a doctor because it can be a sign of serious illness. Sometimes women notice, in addition to pain, also bleeding, nausea. There are also fainting spells. In this case, you can not pull, you need to urgently call an ambulance.

The nature of such pains is such that they often radiate to the back and lower back. At the appointment, the gynecologist will ask you questions about when the pains began, where exactly they are localized, their nature, whether there is soreness of the chest and nipples, the presence of nausea, headache and temperature, the treatment being carried out and its effectiveness. After conducting additional research, the doctor will make a diagnosis, say why, after ovulation, the lower abdomen is pulled specifically for you and prescribe the necessary treatment. It is important to seek medical help immediately after the first signs of pain appear in order to prevent the development of serious diseases and unwanted complications.

The main purpose of a woman is to be a mother, and this requires strength, health, endurance. The work of the body performs a certain plan every month, physical and chemical reactions take place in stages to prepare all systems for conception and gestation.

For a healthy woman during childbearing age, hormonal changes are natural throughout the entire menstrual cycle. Sensitive and emotional young women mark the stages of the cycles on the calendar, and notice even the slightest symptomatic deviations in their body.

The pain associated with the first days of menstruation seems natural, they are prepared and used to. Ailments do not upset and do not cause any particular anxiety. But not all girls understand why the lower abdomen is pulled after ovulation. There is a suspicion of pregnancy, especially if there was unprotected intercourse that coincided with the period of ovulation. It can change the habitual way of life.

Possible conception:

  • expected;
  • planned;
  • random;

can bring a storm of emotions in any case. The probability of getting pregnant is highest during this period of the menstrual cycle.

Can all women pull the lower abdomen after ovulation and why do mild pains appear? Most likely, the doctor will not see any special deviations or reasons for concern if, within 2 days after ovulation, there are complaints about:

  • pulling pains in the lower abdomen;
  • pain syndrome in the lumbar region:
  • it hurts and pulls the stomach and gives it to the lower back.

If all these troubles quickly ended and did not exceed 48 hours, the doctor will attribute such pain to the physiological norm and advise you to observe further changes. Quite possibly, this is a sign of nascent life. Transformations in the body at the time of ovulation give such symptoms. This is why the stomach hurts after ovulation.

But most often, women do not pay much attention to such processes. Not everyone feels pain after ovulation. Some are not familiar with such manifestations from menstruation to menstruation, when pain is expected and does not raise questions.

When do you need a doctor's help?

Drawing pains in the lower back and pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation disappear on the first day, rarely appear the next day.

Continued malaise, increased pain after 48 hours requires a mandatory visit to the gynecologist. You should concentrate your attention and tell the doctor about this:

  • pain duration;
  • where the pain is concentrated, the place and strength of the pain;
  • pain recurs in each cycle or for the first time;
  • body temperature if it exceeds 37.5⁰;
  • other symptoms that were not noticed before.

Examinations and your descriptions will help prescribe painkillers or hormonal drugs if diseases are found that caused pulling pains.

Not always possible pregnancy is the reason when, after ovulation, the lower abdomen is pulled, it tingles in the side and the lower back hurts. Or rather, fertilization and the growth of the embryo can cause such sensations for some time, but prolonged pain already speaks of illness.

Unfortunately, sometimes the fetus does not enter the uterus, its development takes place in the tube (ectopic pregnancy), then the pain increases. Rarely, but still there is a threat of fetal loss for various reasons. For long-term pain, a visit to the doctor is necessary.

The release of a mature egg into the fallopian tube is called the period of ovulation. With rare exceptions, it is repeated cyclically, after 20 - 35 days. About two weeks from the beginning of the cycle in the female body, follicle growth takes place.

On the 14-16th day, the egg is released, the corpus luteum is formed. Here, the stretching of the ovary due to the growth of the follicle can cause pulling pain on one side. During ovulation, minimal ovarian bleeding occurs, which slightly irritates the abdominal cavity, which gives physiological pain.

All transformations are not dangerous, pain and heaviness in the abdomen after ovulation are not strong. Gradually they go away, rather quickly forgotten. The rest of the time until the next menstruation, the woman feels normal.

Short-term pulling pains in the middle of the cycle

The time of ovulation is considered the most favorable for conception. Young girls and women are afraid of these days if their plans do not include an addition to the family. For some, this is a taboo, a strict ban on sexual games, for others it is a strict protection, and only those who yearn for motherhood use the opportunity to become pregnant at this time.

The enamored and the fastest sperm, having mastered the egg, fertilizes it and in sparring they form a zygote. Exit to the uterus, fixing to the walls, changes in hormonal levels cause pain in the lower abdomen, in the lumbar region. But after a day or two they pass, and they are replaced by other and very first signs of the beginning of a new life:

  • mild dizziness;
  • mood changes and severe emotional reactions;
  • there is anxiety, insomnia;
  • there is an aversion to habitual odors;
  • may hurt the chest;
  • there is a change in appetite;
  • the temperature remains elevated.

More than two days after ovulation, painful symptoms usually do not last. Drawing pains in the uterus cease.

Possible diseases with pain in the lower abdomen

Pain after ovulation, which lasts more than 2 days and can even be for 4-5 days, is accompanied by a sharp tingling in the lower abdomen, is reflected in the side on the right or left, and suggests the presence of an infection or a serious illness. If the stomach continues to hurt 4-5 days after ovulation, this may be an indicator of:

  • inflammation of the genitourinary system;
  • cystitis;
  • cyst rupture;
  • inflammation of the ovary;
  • appendicitis;
  • intestinal colitis.

If the symptoms of pain increase, invite a doctor, otherwise there is a risk of losing health. The pain is tolerable, but constant - urgently visit the hospital yourself, timely treatment will help to avoid complications.

Modern diagnostic tools will allow you to identify the problem in time, or remove your concerns. When the lower abdomen hurts after ovulation for 5-6 days, it already goes beyond the normal range. It is necessary to look for the cause in a medical institution.

Pain after ovulation occurs in about every 5 women. They can be a sign of a normal physiological process or pathology. Much depends on their duration, intensity and the presence of concomitant symptoms.

Sometimes, in order to determine what exactly caused the discomfort, you need to see a doctor. Timely help from a specialist can be vital.

Pain is a variant of the norm when it comes to postovulation syndrome. This term refers to a set of symptoms that occur after the release of the egg from the follicle into the fallopian tube. One of the symptoms of the syndrome is pain in the lower abdomen. Sometimes it feels like it is shifted to the side.

Other symptoms include:

  • deterioration in general well-being;
  • emotional instability;
  • more pronounced sexual desire;
  • change ;
  • bloating;
  • mild nausea.

One of the features of the postovulatory syndrome is the duration of pain: they can bother from 2 hours to 2-3 days, but not longer. If all the signs match the above, then there is no cause for concern. This condition does not require special treatment and goes away on its own.

Another variant of the norm may be pain in the framework of premenstrual syndrome. It usually develops a few days after ovulation, but if the maturation and release of the egg is delayed, it can begin immediately after this process or coincide with it. In addition to pulling pains in the lower abdomen, insomnia, depression, discomfort in the heart area, a feeling of suffocation, and fever appear. Also, many women note the appearance of mild edema, bloating, swelling of the mammary glands. But all these symptoms stop with the onset of menstrual bleeding.

Pain in the lower abdomen after ovulation can be a sign of pregnancy. Often they are accompanied by implantation bleeding - spotting brownish discharge. In this case, after 2 weeks it is necessary to do a pregnancy test, most likely, the result will be positive.

Causes and nature of pain

The cause of pain in postovulatory syndrome is the rupture of the follicle. In this case, tissue damage occurs, a certain kind of injury. Unpleasant sensations often occur not in the entire abdomen, but on the side: on the side where the maturation and release of the egg occurred.

Pain in premenstrual syndrome occurs due to hormonal changes that affect the functioning of the autonomic nervous system. It can be felt not only in the stomach, but also in the head, muscles, heart. It has been noted that the stronger the depressive manifestations during this period, the stronger the somatic ailments are felt.

If the stomach hurts due to the onset of pregnancy, then the cause is a change in the uterine membranes, accompanied by damage to tissues and blood vessels. This is necessary so that the fertilized egg is well fixed on the walls and can turn into an embryo.

After ovulation, pain in the abdomen can be different: spasmodic, cramping, acute, muffled. Sometimes it lasts constantly or occurs intermittently. Much depends on the woman's pain threshold, that is, on the characteristics of the nervous system.

How to relieve pain?

When pain is normal, no special treatment is needed. Most women can tolerate the discomfort on their own, without medication. But if the pain is severe, difficult to bear, then you can take an anesthetic (for example, Ibuprofen). With postovulatory syndrome, applying a warm heating pad to the lower abdomen helps.

To alleviate the condition, you need to spend as much time as possible in a calm home environment, avoid stress and unpleasant emotions. Exercises to relax the whole body help to get rid of pain. It is also important to maintain optimal water balance.

If the pain becomes unbearable and the pain reliever does not help, you need to see a doctor. He will conduct a diagnostic examination and, in the absence of any diseases, may prescribe hormonal drugs that suppress the process of ovulation.

In what cases do you need a doctor's help?

Abdominal pain after ovulation is not always normal. It is worth carefully monitoring your condition during this period. Urgent treatment is necessary if the pain in the abdomen is intense, does not stop after taking pain medication. Bleeding (not implantation), bouts of nausea, vomiting, shortness of breath, loss of appetite, headaches may also develop. The abdominal muscles at the same time become hard, urination and defecation are difficult.

If you notice the above symptoms, you should immediately seek medical help.

The following diseases are possible:

  • Rupture of the ovary, accompanied by internal bleeding and requiring urgent surgical intervention.
  • Diseases of the genitourinary system: pain can signal pyelonephritis, salpingitis, adnexitis, as well as infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis, etc.).
  • - a complication that is life-threatening for a woman and requires surgical intervention.


Prevention of pain after ovulation should primarily include preventive examinations by a gynecologist every six months. Such visits to the doctor will help to identify the disease in a timely manner and begin treatment.

In order to independently be able to determine when pain is caused by natural processes in the body, and when it is pathological, you need to keep a diary of the menstrual cycle. In it, you can mark the days of menstruation, ovulation, as well as record the symptoms that accompany a particular period.

To prevent premenstrual syndrome, it is important to prevent emotional instability: avoid stress, exclude coffee, alcohol from the diet, limit sweets, adhere to the daily routine. With severe depressive manifestations, you can start taking antidepressants in advance.

Pain after ovulation can be both a variant of the norm and a sign of a disease. In order to determine whether medical assistance is needed, it is worth carefully monitoring changes in the body. Postovulatory and premenstrual syndromes do not require treatment.

Useful video about ovulation

In the absence of health problems, ovulation in women of reproductive age occurs 14 days before the onset of menstruation. During this period, the mature follicle bursts, and an egg ready for fertilization enters the fallopian tube from it. In some women, this process is accompanied by moderate pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, someone does not feel anything at all.

But there are situations when the pain continues for several days after ovulation, while the nature of the pain changes and becomes more intense. Shooting and aching pains can also appear in the lumbar region, as well as the sacrococcygeal zone and even the gluteal muscles. In order not to miss the onset of a serious illness, you need to know what causes pain after ovulation, and in which cases you should consult a doctor.

After the dominant follicle is fully mature, it bursts, and the egg comes out of the ovary, which, when it meets the sperm, will be ready for fertilization. The gap on the wall of the ovary fills the corpus luteum, which produces hormones necessary for the successful attachment of the egg to the uterine walls, as well as the preservation and development of pregnancy. If conception does not occur, the released egg dies, and the ovary heals completely within a few days and prepares for a new cycle.

Slight pulling pains within 1-2 days after ovulation are considered the norm if the woman no longer makes any complaints. They are localized mainly in the lower abdomen on the side where the injured ovary is located.

Moderate pain can occur when a small amount of blood enters the abdominal cavity. In most women, this process is not accompanied by any discomfort and goes unnoticed, but with a low pain threshold, it is possible to increase sensitivity and the appearance of minor pulling pains in the lower abdomen, as well as in the abdominal space.

There was pain in the lumbar region - what does it mean?

Pain in the lumbar region is also considered normal if it meets the following parameters:

  • pain lasts no more than 48 hours after ovulation;
  • pain syndrome has a weak or moderate intensity;
  • along with pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, discomfort appears in the mammary glands (breast swelling may be observed);
  • discharge during this period have a characteristic consistency and color.

Gynecologists always pay close attention to secretions from the genital tract, since by their appearance, consistency and nature it is possible to determine whether there are deviations in the work of the genital and reproductive organs. During ovulation, the discharge should meet the characteristics listed in the table below.

Important! If the pain in the lower abdomen and lower back after ovulation lasts no more than 1-2 days, has an average intensity, and the nature of the discharge does not change, there is nothing to worry about.

In especially sensitive women, such pains may be accompanied by other symptoms, which should also disappear within a few days after the release of the egg from the ovary. These include:

  • weakness;
  • lack of appetite;
  • dizziness;
  • sleep problems;
  • changes in the work of olfactory receptors;
  • emotional instability.

All these symptoms are manifested under the influence of hormones that the corpus luteum produces. As soon as the walls of the ovary heal, the woman's condition stabilizes, and all adverse symptoms disappear. If this does not happen within 48 hours after ovulation, and the pain intensifies, it is necessary to contact the observing gynecologist, since the cause may lie in inflammatory processes.

Possible causes of pain after ovulation

One of the most common causes of pain in the lower abdomen and lumbar region after the release of an egg is pregnancy. The pain in this case appears due to the rupture of blood vessels in the walls of the uterus, which occurs at the time of attachment of the embryo.

The intensity of pain depends on the sensitivity of the woman and the pain threshold. Some feel only slight sipping in the lower abdomen, which disappears after 1-2 days. Women with a low pain threshold may experience severe pulling pain that radiates to the lower back and continues for 5-7 days after ovulation. After a week, the symptoms usually subside and reappear after 7-10 days, when the woman notices that she has a delay.

Pregnancy is the most common cause of pulling pain in the lower abdomen and lower back after ovulation.

Pain after ovulation, which occurs due to the onset of pregnancy, is usually accompanied by the following symptoms:

  • severe soreness of the chest (a woman cannot sleep on her stomach and experiences pain when trying to roll over to the other side);
  • an increase in the size of the mammary glands;
  • slight spotting (literally a couple of drops);
  • temperature rise to 37-37.3 ° (keeps for several days).

Important! The listed symptoms may be absent, even if the fetal egg has already attached to the walls of the uterus, therefore it is impossible to diagnose pregnancy only by these signs at this time.

Injury to the ovaries

Injury to the ovaries is one of the most common causes of pain after ovulation.

This is one of the most common causes of pain after ovulation. In case of damage to the walls or tissues of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, strong pulling sensations appear, which can radiate to the lower back. The pain can take on a stabbing character, intensify with movement or any load. Any negative factors can lead to a violation of the integrity of the walls of the ovaries, which include:

  • lifting heavy objects;
  • too active partner movements during intimacy;
  • increased physical activity (for example, associated with professional activities).

Severe stress and excitement increase the likelihood of injury, as under the influence of hormones released in large quantities during emotional stress, the tissues of the organs soften. An ultrasound of the pelvic organs will help to accurately determine the cause of the pain in this case.

Rupture of an ovarian cyst

Cysts are the most common complication in the functioning of the organs of the reproductive system. A cyst is a cavity in the tissues of the ovary, which is filled with serous contents. Most often in women, follicular cysts are determined (formed at the site of rupture of the follicle) and cysts of the corpus luteum. Education can grow for several months without showing itself. When the cysts reach a large size or become inflamed, painful sensations appear in the lower back or the sides of the lower abdomen.

The cyst is removed by laparoscopy. If this is not done on time, the cyst may rupture, while its contents enter the abdominal cavity, which is fraught with the development of peritonitis, sepsis and other severe pathologies, therefore it is necessary to consult a doctor if the pain does not go away within 2 days after ovulation.

Inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs and the genitourinary system

Another cause of pain after ovulation is inflammation. Inflammation occurs under the influence of bacteria and microbes that enter the mucous membranes of the organs and actively multiply there. In some pathologies, pain will appear only in the lower abdomen (for example, with cystitis - inflammation of the bladder), but sometimes it can occur in the lumbar region. This clinical picture is observed in pyelonephritis or glomerulonephritis.

Inflammatory processes of the organs of the genitourinary system are accompanied by other symptoms that cannot be ignored. These include:

  • temperature rise;
  • painful and frequent urination;
  • darkening of urine and the formation of sediment in it;
  • the appearance of streaks of blood in the urine.

Reproductive organs can also become inflamed: the uterus, appendages and ovaries. Pain in this case can be given to the coccyx, lower back and even buttocks. The intensity of pain is usually high. Character - sharp, shooting.

In order to prevent the progression of pathologies and serious complications, it is necessary to go to the hospital in a timely manner.

bowel problems

Some women make a serious mistake when, when pain occurs, they try to drown out the discomfort by taking analgesics or begin to be treated on the advice of friends and acquaintances. Most diseases can have similar symptoms, but the treatment is completely different, so you need to take any medication only after contacting a doctor.

Drawing pains in the lumbar region, as well as in the lower abdomen, which appeared 5-7 days after ovulation, may indicate intestinal inflammation - colitis. The disease is typical for women 20-35 years old. Hormones that are released in large quantities during ovulation dull the symptoms of the inflammatory process, so pain occurs a few days after the release of the egg into the fallopian tube, when the hormonal background stabilizes.

Important! For the treatment of colitis, a woman will need to take anti-inflammatory drugs, selected by a specialist, and a strict diet. Dietary restrictions are necessary during the acute stage, so as not to aggravate the course of the disease and not injure the inflamed mucosa with coarse food.

Video - Where does the pain in the lower abdomen come from in women?

Malignant processes

Cancers can appear at any age. The lesion can affect any organ. In women, the most vulnerable is the reproductive system. In the presence of pulling pains that do not go away within 7-14 days after ovulation, cancer is diagnosed in one woman out of 10,000. This is not a very high figure, but such a possibility cannot be ruled out.

If a malignant process begins in the body, other symptoms may appear, which are usually not paid attention to. These include:

  • increased mucous secretions;
  • the appearance of blood streaks in the mucus;
  • temperature jumps;
  • headaches and general malaise.

Important! At the initial stage, when the tumor is just beginning to grow, cancer has no symptoms, so it is important to undergo a complete examination at least once a year. Women over 45 years of age should be examined once every six months, since during this period the predisposition to oncological processes increases.


Inflammation of the appendix is ​​a serious pathology that can lead to severe complications. The main symptom of appendicitis is a pulling dull pain in the abdomen, which can radiate to various parts of the body: the lower back, back, arm, forearm and the area between the shoulder blades. When the pathology passes into the stage of inflammation, the pain takes on a diffuse character and it becomes impossible to determine its localization.

A characteristic feature of appendicitis is the posture that the sick person takes. To reduce pain, the woman lies on her left side and pulls her legs bent at the knees to her stomach (“fetal position”). If in this position the abdomen is palpated, pain will be determined after pressing on the area where the appendix is ​​located.

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