What determines the size of a penis in men: the opinion of a sexologist, facts and fiction. Determination of the average penis size (length, thickness and width)

When assessing the length of the penis, a man is guided by generally accepted norms. The penis is represented by muscle fibers, three sections of the cavernous bodies and one spongy layer. The parameters of the member and its functioning depend on their state. The normal penis size varies from 12 to 18 cm. Minor deviations from the norm in both directions are not a pathology. The measurement is made when the penis is in a state of erection. The temperature conditions, the hormonal background of the man and the psycho-emotional state are taken into account.

In the article we will tell:

What is the normal penis size?

Scientists have identified the normal penis size through numerous studies. According to statistics, the average length of the penis is 13-15 cm when in a state of erection. The diameter of the penis in an excited state is 5-10 cm. In medicine, a penis less than 12 cm in length is considered a pathology.

In medicine, the following categories of parameters of the penis are distinguished:

  • normal penis size (more than 12 cm);
  • small penis (in an erect state, its length is 7-9 cm);
  • micropenis (a pathological condition in which the length of the organ does not exceed 4 cm).

Organ length norm

When determining the size of the penis, it is necessary to take into account the structure of the body of a man. Representatives of large builds differ in the size of the penis above average. With a miniature physique, the length of the organ in the region of 11-13 cm is considered normal. Therefore, hasty conclusions regarding the parameters should not be made.

In medical practice, a length of 12 to 18 cm is considered the norm. Everything else is considered as a pathology. It should be borne in mind that in adolescents, measuring the length of the penis is impractical, since it is in the stage of active growth.

normal penis thickness

The circumference of the penis is just as important as its length. Volume directly depends on genetics. It is not necessary that this indicator be proportional to the length of the organ. A thickness of 3 to 5 cm is considered normal. The average circumference is 5-10 cm.

What determines the size of the penis?

The size of the penis depends on a combination of factors, among which heredity is of paramount importance.

Other important factors include:

  1. Hormonal background. Male puberty begins at 12-13 years of age. At this age, there is an increased production of hormones responsible for the quality of spermatogenesis and the development of the cavernous bodies. With hormonal imbalance, deviations in the size of the penis are observed.
  2. Wrong nutrition. The lack of nutrients slows down the reproductive organs. This also affects the parameters of the penis.
  3. Ecological situation. Unfavorable environmental conditions can have a depressing effect on penis growth in adolescence. A similar effect is exerted by toxic substances entering the body (drugs, alcohol, nicotine).
  4. Accompanying illnesses. Most often, the violation of the formation of the genital organs is prevented by endocrine diseases or hereditary pathologies.
  5. Excess weight. Against the background of obesity, the length of the penis is significantly reduced. This is due to the visual illusion provoked by the appearance of fat folds in the lower abdomen. After weight loss, the situation changes dramatically.

During puberty, the parameters of the penis change. Upon reaching a certain age (after 55-65 years), the size of manhood decreases. This is considered a normal process associated with age-related changes occurring in the body. The number of elastic fibers capable of stretching is significantly reduced. This is reflected in both erectile function and penis size.

Scientists have found that the length of the penis in a calm state is in no way related to its parameters during arousal.


When determining the parameters of the penis, accuracy in measurements is important. The conclusion is made on the basis of three indicators - the length, girth and diameter of the penis. To measure, use a tape measure or centimeter. Initially, you should achieve a stable erection.

To ensure better sliding, it is advisable to use a lubricant. One side of the tape measure or centimeter is fixed at the base of the penis, from the top point. In the area of ​​​​the end of the head of the penis, a mark should be made with a pen or pencil.

To determine the girth, a piece of thread or a centimeter is used. Measurements are made in the thickest part of the erect member.

The centimeter is wrapped around the penis, after which a mark is made on it. The resulting number is the length of the girth.

To determine the diameter, additional research is not necessary. It is enough to divide the girth indicator by the number 3.14. The resulting value indicates the diameter of the penis. To avoid errors, it is advisable to carry out calculations using a calculator.

Causes of deviations in size

Normal penis size is found in only 60% of the male population. Various deviations are laid even in the period of intrauterine development. Sometimes they arise under the influence of external factors in adolescence. In an adult male, penis size cannot change.

The following factors can provoke deviations:

  • hereditary diseases;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • organ injury;
  • excess weight.

Congenital pathologies of the structure of the penis are eliminated surgically. Implants are most often used to thicken the organ.

How to get the penis size norm?

To increase the size of the penis to a standard length, you must resort to the help of specialized tools. But first, the feasibility of these measures should be determined.

There are several ways to adjust the size:

  • surgical intervention;
  • use of creams and gels;
  • use of extenders and vacuum pumps;
  • various fittings.

Devices for penis enlargement at home are widely used. These include vacuum pumps and local use.

The vacuum method of influencing the genital organ promotes blood flow, due to which there is an increase in volume. Creams, ointments and gels have an irritating effect that improves microcirculation.

Extenders are most often used after surgery. They are not visible at all under clothing. At the initial stages, the device is worn for 2 hours.

In the future, the wearing time is increased to 8 hours. The total duration of use is several months. The device stretches the cavernous bodies, allowing you to increase the length of the organ by 2-3 cm.

Surgery is the most effective way to change the parameters of the penis. It is carried out in the classical way, according to the method of ligamentotomy or by penile prosthesis. Ligamentotomy is considered the most popular technique. It involves cutting the ligament that holds the penis.

After the operation, you need to wear an extender to fix the desired result.

The disadvantages of surgery include a long rehabilitation period. The advantage is the preservation of the result until the end of life. A temporary effect is the increase in the penis with the help of injections of hyaluronic acid.

Folk methods only help to increase sexual desire. They do not affect the size of the penis. They are recommended to be used in conjunction with other methods of adjusting the size of manhood.

What do women desire?

According to surveys, penis size is not a priority for women. Most of the fair sex pays attention neither to the length, but to the girth of the organ. But the skills of a man and the quality of foreplay are of paramount importance. What penis size is considered optimal depends on the particular woman and the structural features of her genitals.

The normal length of the penis is a relative concept. Generally accepted standards should not be a guide, as there are many other factors that affect the quality of a sexual life. In most cases, the problems provoked by insufficiently large sizes are psychological in nature.

Practically each of the representatives of the stronger sex was interested in what normal is and compared with their own parameters. There was a lot of discussion around this topic at one time, but now it's time to look into this issue and put an end to this topic.

Latest Research

Scientists from the French National Academy of Surgery recently decided to clarify and determine the normal penis size of the average man. The results of the studies showed that the average length of the object of male pride at rest is 9-9.5 cm, and during erection it reaches from 12.8 to 14.5 cm. At the same time, the girth at rest averaged 8.5-9 cm, and in an erect state - 10-10.5 cm.

Also, the experts of the academy came to the general opinion that penis enlargement is very often unreasonable. According to French surgeons, men insist on such an intervention, considering that their parameters do not correspond to the anatomical norm. However, they often have a normal penis size. According to statistics, the number of such requests is more than 85% of the total number of those who applied for such services.

At the same time, the report notes that the existing methods of penis size correction are very limited in terms of effectiveness, and at the same time can lead to serious complications. For example, one of the most common methods of surgical intervention - dissection of the suspensory ligament of the penis - can cause an increase in size with the help of fat implantation, which gives only a temporary and insignificant cosmetic effect. Regarding the use of silicone or other artificial fillers, experts believe that the method should be banned altogether.

The use of these techniques can be justified only when there is a congenital anomaly of the genital organ, or to eliminate the consequences of oncological diseases and injuries. Experts believe that when a man with a normal penis size makes such a request, the doctor is obliged to politely and clearly explain the groundlessness of such requirements and notify him of the possible consequences.

Curious facts

Women will be interested to know that a man's sexuality can be assessed based on the shape of his ring finger. At least that's what Camilla Ferdenzi, a sexologist at the University of Geneva, made. And the popular publication Men's Health, in one of its articles, reports that there are two types of penis. The first one has a smaller initial size, but during an erection it lengthens and expands more than the second one. In the latter, on the contrary, at rest, the size is larger, but an erection does not lead to its increase too much. Thus, the difference in sizes in the excited state can be leveled out. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the normal size of a penis when it is in a non-erect state. According to statistics, 79% of men can be attributed to the first type and only 21% to the second.

The well-known manufacturer of protection products LifeStyles conducted its research, according to which only 4% of men can boast of a penis length equal to or greater than 17.78 cm. And the officially registered length of the longest subject of male pride was 34.3 cm.

Harmonious development worries both the parent and the child equally. And in particular this applies to the puberty of the boy.

An untimely detected deviation from the norm can cause the young man to quickly develop complexes. Which will be aggravated and in the period of adulthood, he can go out as a person with severe depression and strong complexes.

In contact with

Comparing the boys to each other seems like pampering, but this is a serious psychological stage, and each of them unconsciously seeks to prove himself a leader. In order for the child not to "lose" in this battle, he must develop correctly and know what corresponds.

Age, combined with interest in their own sexual development, is variable in young people.

Some begin to show interest and compare themselves with their peers as early as 7-8 years old. Especially if they have physical education classes or a sports club in the pool, where the shower is shared.

Others think about comparison closer to adolescence, at 14-15 years old, when the topics of sex and self-satisfaction begin to rise in the social circle.

The average age at which the point of attention appears is between 12 and 15 years old.. Depending on what social circles the boy found himself in and what conditions of his upbringing.

At the same time, both early interest and timely interest are not a pathology in the mental development of a young man, this is just a natural process. But if you think about sexual maturation and your compliance, he is in no hurry even by the age of 18. Then you need to think about sexual infantilism, which will need to be overcome.

If a parent notes that a child is lagging behind in puberty, he should not focus on this and tell the boy about the problem directly. You will need to carefully lead him to a conversation on this topic, if the issue is psychological, or to a trip to the doctor, in case of difficulty in any of the aspects.

Regardless of whether the young man or parents are interested, it is necessary for correct conclusions. And to perform such a procedure is quite easy, it is only important to observe a few points:

  • The measurement is first carried out in a relaxed state and only after that - in an excited state.
  • To measure the penis without undue pressure and stretching is fixed in a position in which it is parallel to the floor.
  • The measurement process should take place in a comfortable position, but standing is the best option.
  • To avoid errors due to subcutaneous fat, the measuring device is placed close to the skin at the root of the penis, and measurements end at the tip.
  • It is better to use not a hard ruler or tape measure, but a soft meter, which will reduce errors in the results.

It is not necessary to re-measure the body every day or every week, since pronounced changes will not appear during this time, but additional stress will be created. With strong concern, you can repeat measurements every 3-4 months, and even better every six months.

At 13

Statistics always come to the rescue, to determine any average indicators and the penis size of young people is no exception.

Often, both the boys themselves and their parents think about what is normal at the age of 13.

And if we conditionally call the average size the norm, then at the age of 13 this figure in a relaxed position is 5 cm. In a fully excited position - 10-13 cm.

At 14

The subsequent question of the older and younger generations about the average penis size at 14 is also interesting. By choosing the average of the statistics, we can conclude that in a passive state, the penis of a boy of this age group is 5-6 cm, and in absolute readiness 11-15 cm. However, we must not forget that these data are again average, and not the only true and mandatory for each boy.

At the age of 15

For parents and children who think about the average penis size at 15 years old, the statistics are again ready to give an average figure, conventionally called the norm. Measured the completely relaxed genitals of a boy of this age should be 6-7 cm, buterect - 12-16 cm.

Normal length at this age

It is worth considering that normal penis size at 13, 14 or 15 years old, may differ from the average.

Fluctuations in the indicator in a relaxed state in all these age categories often do not exceed 2 cm up or down. And when measuring an excited organ, differences from the average data can be one and a half to two centimeters.

Although there are average deviations from the conditional normal size, you should not panic if they do not exceed 3 cm. And only if there is such a difference, you should think about visiting a doctor.

At what values ​​you should not worry and why

Deviations from the average do not always occur in a big way, so the boys and their parents are interested in the case in which the disadvantage is considered normal.

At the age of 13, the minimum size in a calm state is an indicator of 5 cm, and in an excited state - 11 cm.

At 14 a relaxed penis can reach at least 6 cm, and in a standing penis - 12 cm.

At the age of 15 at rest, the indicator is approximately equal to 7 cm, and in erect - 13 cm.

All of these minimum points are considered as such at the discretion of the medical staff. Which have been confirmed by observations and studies that such parameters are sufficient for further development and can still be replenished as they grow older.

Watch the video about the norm and when the difference in size is critical:

How to achieve the normal development of the body

In addition to being interesting for parents and boys, what should be the length of the penis at 13, 14 or 15 years old, I am also interested in how to influence the growth process so that the organ meets the norm.

First of all, to avoid pathologies that may affect this characteristic, among them:

The diet has a pronounced impact on human health and development. Therefore, the next item is the boy's nutrition, which should be enriched and have a positive effect on his body.

These include:

Although these products are important for the normal growth of a boy's penis, we must not forget that there is an allergy. Therefore, you need to carefully choose products and before you make up a diet from them, pass an allergy test.

In no case should you give a child hormonal drugs without prescribing them by a doctor, since this can harm the body.

Parents and the boy should be interested in the size of the penis at 13, 14 and 15 years. And in any other age interval, to be sure that growth and development occur at a normal pace.

It is important to adhere to a lifestyle that will prevent deviations from the norm. And if there is a delay in the development of the penis or its stop, the existing control will allow you to start fighting the problem in a timely manner and restore the body of the young man. So that in the future he will not have problems in his intimate life.

We invite you to watch an interesting video

Today our focus will be on the penis. The Internet is flooded with advertisements about all sorts of ways to increase the male genital organ. And this suggests that there is a demand - many men are ready for anything to increase their dignity. Well, it turns out that a fair part of all the representatives of the stronger sex are dissatisfied with the size given to them by nature? Do most people really have small penises, or is the problem psychological? Let's try to figure it out...

What kind of penis should be considered normal? The norm is the average among all sizes of the genital organs. In almost 90% of men on our planet, the penis in a calm state has a length of 8 to 13 centimeters, and the average erect penis has a length of 16 cm. Therefore:

  • A member in an excited state of less than 13 centimeters is recognized as small.
  • A normal penis is considered to be in an excited state from 14 to 18 centimeters.
  • A large penis is recognized in an excited state longer than 18 centimeters.

In medicine, a micropenis is a member whose length in an excited state is less than 10 centimeters. With such dimensions, it becomes difficult for a man to have sexual intercourse. By the way, huge members are also not very good in a functional sense. A penis longer than 24 centimeters is more likely to malfunction.

What's wrong with small organs?

Small penises (we mean recognized small sizes) have a bad effect on the quality of sex for the following reasons:

  • A penis that is too small does not allow anatomically deep penetration into the vagina, and therefore, women with a vaginal type of orgasm will not be able to experience pleasure during sex.
  • Not all sexual positions are suitable for men with a small penis (by the way, this also applies to owners of huge penises). This leads to the monotony of the sexual life of partners.
  • The micropenis has a minimal area of ​​contact with the vagina and causes minimal stimulating irritation.

I repeat that we are talking about really small penises - those that in an erect state reach less than 13 cm. All of the above does not apply to larger members.

Poll results

There are many myths around penis size. For example, some ladies believe that the length of the penis can be found by looking at the hands, nose or ears of a man; that the owners of large penises are insatiable lovers and much more. Dr. Richard Edwards did extensive research and found out how things really are. He interviewed a large number of men and found out:

  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the nose.
  • There is no relationship between the length of the erect penis and the size of the hands.
  • There is no correlation between the length of an erect penis and the size of the ears.
  • There is a weak relationship between the length of the penis and the height of a man (the general proportions of the body were taken into account).
  • Men who consider their penis to be large tend to change sexual partners frequently.
  • Men who consider their penis small tend to have a permanent relationship with one partner.
  • 72% of straight men were satisfied with the size of their penis.
  • Of gay and bisexual men who have been circumcised, only 58% of those surveyed described penis size as satisfactory.

Long organ and quality of sex

The size of the penis (except when it comes to ultra-small or super-large penis) has absolutely no effect on sexual activity and the quality of sex. It's all about the structural features of the vagina in women. This organ is elastic and can stretch.

The average size of the female organ is 10-13 cm. Scientists believe that a lady experiences maximum pleasure when the walls of the vagina are stretched by 3-4 cm. Therefore, with an erect penis length of 11-17 cm, a woman is able to enjoy and will not consider her partner's penis small .

According to experts, a penis 13-18 cm long will suit about 87% of women, 11-13 cm long - every fourth young lady, 19-22 cm will suit only every twelfth (the rest will experience discomfort when having sex with such a "giant").

Appearance can give away

It has already been mentioned above: the relationship between the size of the nose, ears, fingers and the length of the penis has not been identified. But this does not mean that, looking at a man, it is impossible to predict the hypothetical dimensions of his dignity. The length and thickness of the penis is affected by the level of sex hormones released during puberty. They also determine the type of body structure and sexual temperament (increased libido, the ability to perform prolonged intercourse, sexual emancipation, etc.).

Men of strong sexual temperament and with a penchant for large genitals usually have:

  • Strong squat build.
  • Average height (closer to low).
  • Wide chest, large head, narrow hips.
  • Tendency to intense body hair.
  • Distinctive character traits: assertiveness, a tendency to aggression, ambition, impulsiveness.

Women's opinion

What is the opinion about the size of the male organ that most beautiful ladies have? Judging by numerous surveys, only 12% of women believe that good sex can only be with the owner of a large penis. For the vast majority, foreplay, sexual techniques, and a variety of techniques are of primary importance.

Yes, in sexual fantasies, you can imagine yourself with a partner with a huge sexual organ, but in fact, most women recognize that the ability to handle their dignity is much more important. In addition, sex with a man with a too large penis can not only be unpleasant, but also cause injury ...

Psychotherapist Joy Davidson puts it this way: “The question is not so much about the length or width of the penis, but how much a man fits a particular woman. The location of the clitoris, positions during intercourse, as well as the correspondence of partners to each other from a physical point of view - the ratio of height, body structure, weight, etc., to a greater extent affect the female orgasm.”

But here it is worth mentioning one point: it is no secret that men who are satisfied with their body feel more courageous and strong, and, therefore, behave liberated and bold. And this is what attracts women. That is why women will definitely call men with large penises more attractive - it's not about size, but about the stereotype that such representatives are stronger and more active (mankind has always associated a large male organ with dominance, strength, dominance).

It's all in the head

The well-known sexologist Virginia Johnson (Masters) in an interview commented on people's sympathy for large penises: “If a man believes that a large penis excites women more, then nothing can change his mind.” This is psychology, and there is no getting away from it.

Even if, at the level of physiology, small and medium members are in no way inferior to long organs, but if a person has convinced himself of the opposite, then he will no longer be able to feel confident in bed (and they will blame their “baby” for all misses, although the size of the penis will not be at what). It's the same with a woman: she can convince herself that she can only enjoy contact with large penises. As a result, just looking at a man with a small dignity, she will immediately be negative.

So it turns out that men with a long penis have more sexual partners compared to owners of a modest size. A long, thick, well-developed sexual organ inspires a man with a deep sense of his sexual potency, endows him with a healthy male "ego", and this already has a very strong effect on sexual strength.

So, what is the normal penis size for a man to feel completely happy? What are the general sizes of penises in nature (width, average or normal) and what can be adjusted under the concept of “average penis size”. We pay attention to these and other important points in this article, and also help men understand that the largest penis size in women is by no means an exceptional dignity. The secret is simple, the main sexual “organ” in men, according to ladies, is the mind!

However, it is impossible to leave alone the moment that worries the representatives of the stronger sex the most, so the article will announce the size of the penis in average versions, penis volume, circumference, width, size and the concept of average parameters.

Are doubts in vain

The vast majority of men believe that the normal length of the penis should be considered from 17-18 centimeters, or even more. They are haunted by the advertised 25 centimeters of a virtual penis on the photos of porn sites, but doctors are forced to cool the heat of passions and state the facts - the share of those men who can boast of such an impressive size accounts for no more than 1% of the total population of the Earth, if we count only the strong half humanity. And by no means can it be considered standard or normal!

Therefore, the rest have to be content with the average size of the penis, its length and width, so to speak, according to the average version.

Most men drive themselves into a nervous breakdown for absolutely no reason, believing that their 13-14 cm penis is a reason to be shy, especially when meeting a new woman for the first time.

Fearing misfires, they minimize sexual intercourse (up to once a month, or even a year), which, of course, does not add optimism and potency. And just sometimes you need to choose a position (a woman on top most often) so that the completeness of penetration is sufficient and normal to complete a full-fledged intercourse.

According to polls, only a third of men are satisfied with the length of the penis, the rest consider their penis size to be below the norm and by all means want to increase it, sometimes agreeing to very extravagant methods that people voice in various thematic forums. Adjusting to the standard invented by them from 17-18 cm, men acquire special devices, do exercises, buy bundles of dignity-enhancing drugs, and even decide on the most dangerous operations. But few people are able to really realize that the small size of the penis, or micropenis, occurs in very small cases.

Most men consider their penis to be smaller than normal.

A person who believes that his penis length does not fit the concept of “average penis size” can familiarize himself with the data provided by WHO statistics.

The table of average penis sizes fully reflects the whole reality that exists in reality, regardless of the bravado of individual individuals. A photo of the size of an average penis on the Web can complement what is written in the table.

As you can see, the average size of the penis is by no means threatening in size, and the proportion of those who can be considered a sexual giant is a meager number of people.

The leaders are those men whose penis is within 15-18 cm, so the lion's share of all men's anxieties and psychological discomfort about the length and width of the penis is simply far-fetched and has no basis.

Not from cutlets, but from years

Teenagers are most likely to worry about the small size of the penis. That is why it is advisable for parents to discuss this topic with the boy in time and talk about the real average figures for the width and length of the penis, depending on the age of the person. The fear of a teenager in the transition period can be quite justified, since often more developed friends begin to brag about how big their penises have grown, how powerful they are in width. It is worth looking at it calmly, the development of the male body follows a strictly individual schedule and does not always mean that a small age indicator of length and width will remain so in the future.

For one man, puberty began at the age of 9, for another only at 14, so the growth of the penis will be uneven. For example, the normal size of a penis in a boy at the age of 11 with an erection is only 4-8.5 cm, up to 13 cm he “grows” at 13-14 years old, and already at 18 years old, a normal standard average size of 12.5-16 cm can be observed in a teenager .

In addition to the length, the width of the penis (girth) also changes. The maximum length of the male genital organ is indicated by the age of 17, but subsequently it may decrease slightly due to the increasing width (thickening) of the penis. After 20 years, the penis practically does not change and remains with a normal average size or with slight deviations from the average. The width is also unchanged.

Penis growth in men is observed up to 20 years.

What is the average size of the phallus in men who have reached the milestone of 50-60? Unfortunately, as age makes itself felt, not only libido and the amount of testosterone in the blood decrease, and the erection becomes more sluggish, but there is also a negative dynamics of penis growth. Of course, one should not think that the previous 17 cm will be reduced by exactly half and will “lose weight” significantly, but a loss of a centimeter and a half can be quite expected.

By the age of 70, the average size of manhood undergoes changes even more, which is associated with the natural extinction of sexual life, for most men, sex becomes a memory, so they use the sexual organ exclusively for one-sided purposes.

Women's cunning, or "Members of the peoples of the world"

Does the stability of family well-being depend on the size of the penis and its width? Contrary to what men think, sex plays an important role for a woman, although this is not talked about openly.

According to the survey, almost 50% of women who decide to divorce did so because of dissatisfaction with their husband regarding his performance of marital duties. One of the good reasons is the reduction in penis size, low penetration, loose girth and, as a result, the inability to achieve a full orgasm.

A lot of centimeters or a little - the decision is strictly individual, and you definitely should not calculate the size of the penis by the hand or pay attention to the size of the legs.

And what is the penis size of men of different nationalities? The average length dimensions still fluctuate between 13-16 cm, below you can find out the specific parameters:

  • Congo - 17.8.
  • Iceland - 16.5.
  • Italy - 15.
  • Chile - 14.
  • Russia - 13.5.
  • India - 10.1.
  • Korea - 9.6.

The size of a man's penis depends on nationality.

As you can see, the normative averages are far from what they try to impose on men on the Internet. Even the recognized owners of a large penis living in western Africa, the sizes are far from the imposed 25 cm. Russian men also do not get out of the role, although they believe that they cannot compete with the temperamental Italians.

It is noteworthy that men from countries with very high fertility have a very modest average size and are at the very bottom of the list. This once again proves that sex and the average size of the penis, its length and width is a purely individual phenomenon and certainly does not become an obstacle to procreation.

A large penis or a very modest average size, not always a man can independently assess the degree of how attractive he is to a woman. It is important to remember that ladies evaluate a partner not only by the average length and width of the reproductive organ, but also by the ability to control it, by how much a man cares about the partner herself, her emotional state. And certainly a penis size chart will not help if the two simply do not match each other in terms of personal qualities.

Dissatisfaction with yourself, suspiciousness, fear of not satisfying your partner properly - all this is just a reason to work on yourself, perhaps with the help of a psychologist, and not an unbridled desire to increase the length and width at the expense of dubious folk remedies or surgery.

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