What herbs treat pulmonary fibrosis. Pneumofibrosis of the lungs: causes and symptoms, treatment and prevention. Recipes for the treatment of pulmonary fibrosis with folk remedies

Pneumofibrosis is actually the final stage (outcome) of chronic lung tissue disease. The outcome of a long-term pathology leads to the fact that even the appearance of the lungs worsens significantly. They become like an organ eaten away by ulcers. In medicine, this kind of them is called a “cellular lung”.

Features of chronic diseases of the lung tissue (these diseases are called interstitial) are associated with inflammatory processes in the interstitial tissue (the so-called connective tissue of the lungs). Part of this tissue is called the interstitium. Small blood vessels pass through this tissue, through which the function of gas exchange is carried out (carbon dioxide is exhaled, oxygen is taken to be transferred to the cells of the body).

In a healthy state, the interstitial tissue is very thin and almost invisible on X-ray. But in chronic diseases, it begins to thicken due to inflammation, become covered with edema and scars (the same pleuropneumofibrosis develops). The simplest symptom of this transformation is shortness of breath.

Pneumofibrosis is a consequence of inflammatory and / or dystrophic processes of the lungs, in which the lung tissue is replaced by connective tissue. At the same time, the formation of a “honeycomb lung” is noted with the formation of cavities and cysts in the lung itself. Fibrosis - this is a "perforated" lesion of lung tissue.

Pneumofibrosis belongs to the general group of pneumosclerotic pulmonary pathology along with pneumosclerosis and cirrhosis of the lungs. Such states differ from each other in that of all the pneumofibrosis is characterized by the slowest rate of growth of connective tissue.

For reference. More often, pneumofibrosis develops in males.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs - what is it

Currently, pneumofibrosis occurs, unfortunately, more and more often. This is explained by the fact that:

  • The influence of harmful substances on the lungs is constantly increasing. The air we breathe becomes dirtier every day and slowly destroys lung tissue.
  • The frequency of chronicity of pathological processes in the lung tissue increases, which steadily lead to the development of pneumofibrosis.
    The basis of pneumofibrosis is a gradual change in the elasticity of the lungs, deterioration of gas exchange processes.

The displacement of the lung tissue by the connective tissue occurs gradually. In general, the dynamics of such a process can be characterized by several stages of development:

  • Progressive hypoxia in the lungs. The lack of oxygen activates fibroblasts - connective tissue cells, which, during hypoxia, begin to actively produce collagen. It is this, constantly formed, collagen that is the connective tissue that replaces the lung.
  • Violation of lung ventilation. Under normal physiological conditions, the lung tissue is elastic and actively participates in the process of respiration. With an increase in the elasticity of the lung tissue, it becomes more difficult for the body to stretch it in order to perform full respiratory movements. Under such conditions, the pressure inside the lungs begins to rise, the walls of the alveoli are compressed.

    Normally, the alveoli should expand during inspiration, but since pneumofibrosis gradually covers the lung, many alveoli can no longer perform their functions, as they are affected by connective tissue. In turn, the connective tissue does not have sufficient elastic properties and the alveoli, which lose their elasticity, cease to participate in respiratory movements.

    This is because weak alveoli require little or no effort to stretch, the pressure in them decreases and they simply begin to collapse. Such areas are excluded from the breathing process, oxygen does not enter them, the functional surface of the lungs decreases.

  • Violation of drainage functions. Inflammation of the bronchial wall leads to its edema. The ability to outflow the inflammatory secret (exudate) is significantly reduced and its accumulation occurs. Against the background of the constant accumulation of inflammatory fluid, favorable conditions develop for the onset of an infection, which will lead to inflammation of all other parts of the lung.

    At the same time, the bronchi begin to clog, intrapulmonary pressure changes, and the lobe or section of the lung with such affected bronchi begins to subside, not taking part in the performance of respiratory movements.

  • Violation of lymph and blood circulation. The growth of connective tissue leads to compression of the pulmonary vessels. In such arteries and veins, congestion begins to develop. In the case of the duration of this position, the stagnant fluid begins to sweat through the vascular walls, forming areas of effusion. Such areas, finding no way out, also begin to be replaced by connective tissue, further worsening the condition of the lungs.

For reference. The result of such violations is respiratory failure.

Causes of pneumofibrosis

The development of pneumofibrosis is a long process that can last several decades. In the development of such a state, there are
a number of reasons:

  • Syphilis.
  • Tuberculosis.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
  • Heredity.
  • Constant inhalation of dust, harmful gases.
  • Diseases of the cardiopulmonary system with symptoms of stagnation.
  • Chest injury.
  • Ionizing radiation.
  • Hypoxia.
  • The use of certain medicinal substances with a high toxicity profile.
  • Fungal, viral, bacterial lung infections.
  • Lung atelectasis.
  • fibrosing alveolitis.
  • Silicosis and other occupational diseases of the lung tissue.
  • Vasculitis.

Any of these causes sooner or later becomes the direct cause of the loss of lung function due to the growth of connective tissue.

For reference. With a weakened immune system, even minor infections of the bronchi and lungs accelerate the development of pneumosclerosis.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs consequences

The consequences of pulmonary fibrosis are obvious - the steady progression of connective tissue proliferation leads to a loss of lung capacity, loss of functionally active lung tissue, depletion of blood with oxygen, hypoxia and the development of respiratory failure, which ultimately in the vast majority of cases causes death of patients.

Do not forget about the development of pulmonary heart failure due to pneumofibrosis. The consequences of such a process are accompanied by loss of consciousness, edematous syndrome and the development of right ventricular hypertrophy.

Symptoms of pneumofibrosis

The leading clinical sign of pneumofibrosis is shortness of breath. At the beginning of the disease, it occurs with pronounced physical
loads and then at rest.

In general, the symptoms of pulmonary fibrosis depend on its type, but there are common signs that are observed in all patients:

  • The development of a cough with the separation of viscous sputum, in which there is blood and pus.
  • Pain in the chest, aggravated by coughing.
  • Blue skin that first begins with acrocyanosis and then spreads to the entire surface of the skin. This phenomenon is associated with increasing hypoxia.
  • Weakness, fatigue.
  • Loss of body weight.
  • Frequent alternation of low and high body temperature.
  • Later, rales appear in the lungs.
  • Bulging of the neck veins.
  • Strengthening the symptoms of the underlying disease, which caused pneumofibrosis.

The progression of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic signs:

  • Changes in the fingers of the upper extremities (“fingers of Hippocrates”) - while the phalanges thicken, the nails can take on the appearance of watch glasses.
  • The development of hemoptysis, as a sign of insufficiency in the pulmonary circulation.

In its forms, pneumofibrosis varies depending on the cause, the extent of the lesion and the rate of spread.

Classification of pneumofibrosis


Most often, hilar pneumofibrosis of the lungs develops after suffering pneumonia, bronchitis. In such cases, it is not necessary to develop pneumofibrosis immediately, it can begin to form long after the underlying disease.

The main sign of hilar pneumofibrosis is the formation of areas of compaction in the lungs.


Diffuse pneumofibrosis speaks for itself - it affects the entire lung tissue. This kind of pneumofibrosis faster than others leads to the development of respiratory failure in a short time. It is the most dangerous variety of all pneumofibrosis, since it can simultaneously affect both lungs. Very often complicated by the occurrence of pleuropneumofibrosis, involving the pleura in the pathological process.


A more benign form of pneumofibrosis is considered local. In this case, a certain area of ​​the lung undergoes replacement with connective tissue.


Focal pneumofibrosis is similar to local, since it also does not involve the entire lung in the pathological process. The difference is that with focal pneumofibrosis, several pathological foci are formed.


Basal pneumofibrosis is characterized by the fact that the main affected areas are the base of the lungs. With this form, treatment is prescribed in the presence of inflammation, the addition of a secondary infection. If there are no such signs, then breathing exercises are recommended.


Limited pneumofibrosis is similar to local. It is also characterized by a long and slow progression. With this process, small foci of pneumofibrosis practically do not suppress the function of respiration and do not disturb gas exchange.


This variety occurs against the background of frequent pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis and other inflammatory diseases of the lungs.


For interstitial pulmonary fibrosis, one of the distinguishing features is the early onset of dyspnea. The leading cause of interstitial lesions is vasculitis - inflammation of blood vessels of various sizes.


In postpneumonic pneumofibrosis, large-focal areas of fibrosis begin to form after inflammation. Most often, such pneumofibrosis develops simultaneously with pneumonia and other inflammatory processes in the lungs.


Severe pneumofibrosis is the lot of heavy smokers. Constant inhalation of nicotine leads to dysfunction of the bronchi, sputum retention in them. Also, severe pneumosclerosis can develop in chronic pathology of the bronchopulmonary system.


This kind of pneumofibrosis can be the result of absolutely any inflammation in the lungs.


Moderate pneumofibrosis is characterized by a slight damage to lung tissue.

Pneumofibrosis in children

Pneumofibrosis does not spare children either. The development of pneumofibrosis in childhood has the same causes as in adults. That is why it is necessary to pay close attention to diseases of the respiratory system in children, not to start them, to carry out prevention, hardening, to limit the child as much as possible from contact with harmful substances.


The most important method for diagnosing pneumofibrosis is an x-ray of the lungs. With its help, it is possible to determine the first symptoms of the disease, pathological changes, concomitant diseases.

Also, with the help of X-ray diagnostics, pneumofibrosis is differentiated from lung cancer.

The main radiological signs of pneumofibrosis will be:

  • Strengthening the pattern of the lungs.
  • Deformation of the lung pattern.
  • Expansion of vascular shadows.
  • "Lung shadows" with sharp, uneven contours, which are lesions.
  • Shadows that look like lines with a random direction, the formation of cells, which indicates the neglect of the process.

The next mandatory diagnostic method will be an assessment of the function of external respiration, vital capacity of the lungs and functional vital capacity.

The third necessary study will be bronchoscopy in order to recognize the form of the disease and exclude the oncological process.
As additional diagnostic measures, magnetic resonance imaging, computed tomography can be prescribed.

To diagnose lung diseases, you need to look for a qualified pulmonologist. Of course, a general practitioner or therapist can also make general recommendations. However, a specialist lung specialist such as a pulmonologist is preferable for complex cases.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

Upon completion of all necessary diagnostic manipulations, it is necessary to begin treatment.

It is important that for pulmonary fibrosis treatment should be only complex with the use of all these therapeutic measures.

The main therapeutic measures aimed at improving the health of patients are:

  • Treatment of the underlying disease that caused the development of pneumofibrosis.
  • The use of broad-spectrum antibacterial drugs for signs of an infectious lesion (the choice of antibiotics depends only on the patient's condition and his concomitant pathologies.
  • Appointment of expectorant drugs on a chemical and plant basis (ACC, Lazolvan, Bromhexine, licorice root, anise, rosemary).
  • Taking glucocorticosteroids to enhance anti-inflammatory therapy (Prednisolone, Dexamethasone).
  • Cardiac glycosides with concomitant heart failure (Korglikon, Strofantin).
  • Vitamin therapy.
  • Physiotherapeutic methods of treatment depending on the condition and indications.
  • Therapy with oxygen.
  • Breathing exercises.
  • Diet.

Unfortunately, a complete cure for pneumofibrosis is currently impossible. The goal of treatment is to stop the pathological process, to preserve the activity of respiratory functions as much as possible and to delay the development of respiratory failure.

For reference. Running forms are an indication for surgical treatment.

Moreover, one should not hope that pneumofibrosis can be cured at home, at home. This approach can only worsen the course of the disease and its prognosis.

Attention! Treatment of pneumofibrosis is carried out only in a hospital!

All patients with a confirmed diagnosis of pneumofibrosis must be registered at the dispensary for at least a year.


The main method of preventing pneumofibrosis is timely diagnosis, proper treatment of the underlying disease and pneumofibrosis itself, as well as the implementation of all doctor's recommendations.

Smokers, of course, will have to give up their bad habit.

Attention. If the labor activity of a person is associated with constant contact with dangerous and toxic substances, then the best option would be to abandon such a profession.

Pneumofibrosis prognosis

Since pneumofibrosis is not an independent disease, but is a consequence of the underlying pathology, the prognosis will primarily be determined by the severity of the cause of pneumofibrosis.

Important. The constant replacement of lung tissue with connective tissue leads to destruction, deformation of the bronchi, a decrease in lung volume, and their wrinkling.

With the development of severe pulmonary insufficiency, especially complicated by the addition of a secondary infection, deaths are frequent.

In general, for most forms of pulmonary fibrosis, the prognosis is considered relatively unfavorable due to the impossibility of a complete cure for the disease.

If coughing fits or severe shortness of breath are regularly observed, then this does not always indicate a common cold. This condition may indicate a serious illness, such as pneumosclerosis. Pneumosclerosis of the lungs is a pathological change in the lungs, which is manifested by excessive growth of lung tissue. In this case, the bronchi are deformed, due to which the lungs decrease in volume, and the disease quickly manifests itself in full.

Reasons for the development of the disease

Quite often, such a disease develops due to serious lung pathologies that have not been treated properly. It is possible to identify common causes of pneumosclerosis, these include:

  • Damage to the lungs due to infection or foreign objects.
  • Inflammations of a viral nature that were not treated in a timely manner.
  • Tuberculosis and various mycoses.
  • Chronical bronchitis.
  • Obstructive lung diseases.
  • Work in hazardous production, where there is always dust, gas and other harmful substances.
  • Congestion in the lungs in pathologies of the heart.
  • Connective tissue diseases.
  • Allergy that promotes the formation of alveoli.
  • Injuries to the lungs that were received during heavy falls.
  • Some hereditary diseases.

Besides, the cause of this pulmonary pathology can be disturbances in blood flow, as well as weak immunity. The disease can develop at any age, but men are most often affected.

Pneumosclerosis responds well to treatment with folk methods, so you can avoid taking medications.

The main symptoms of the disease

Pneumosclerosis is distinguished by a small number of specific symptoms by which this disease can be identified. The main signs of pneumosclerosis look like this:

  • a history of chronic pathology of the respiratory organs;
  • noticeable shortness of breath, not only during exertion, but also at rest;
  • discharge of thick sputum with traces of pus when coughing;
  • listening to wheezing, both dry and wet;
  • dull and very dull sound when percussion of the lung area;
  • deterioration in breathing;
  • noticeable deformity of the sternum, especially on the side of the damaged lung.

All these symptoms are sometimes quite difficult to distinguish from typical bronchitis or a similar disease of the respiratory organs. Only an experienced doctor can immediately make the correct diagnosis.

If symptoms of pneumosclerosis are observed, it is imperative to undergo an examination and begin treatment.

Aloe treatment

Treatment of pneumosclerosis of the lungs with folk remedies gives a good result, especially if therapy is started in a timely manner. A good result is the treatment of aloe, this inconspicuous plant is in almost every home. The fleshy leaves of this medicinal plant contain many vitamins and other substances that help cure a person from many diseases.

The most effective drug from aloe is a tincture, in order to prepare it, you must follow these instructions:

  1. Five large sheets of aloe are twisted through a meat grinder or tinder on a grater.
  2. Take 2 tablespoons of liquid honey and mix with the resulting gruel from the leaves.
  3. 2 cups of high-quality homemade wine from dark grape varieties are added to the resulting thick mass.

The finished tincture is poured into a glass container and put in the refrigerator, it is necessary to use this medicine in 2 weeks. Drink a tablespoon 3 times a day, always 20 minutes before meals.

Before preparing the medicine, aloe leaves should be kept in the refrigerator for about a week.

Eucalyptus tincture treatment

With diffuse pneumosclerosis of the lungs, folk remedies based on eucalyptus vegetation can be treated. With the essential oil of this plant, inhalations can be carried out, and with a pronounced and debilitating cough, refreshing lollipops can be absorbed.

Eucalyptus has a pronounced antiseptic effect, therefore it helps a lot in the fight against pathogenic microflora and putrefactive processes. In addition, eucalyptus has a positive effect on the nervous system and has a slight sedative effect.

To prepare a healing tincture, you need to take two tablespoons of chopped eucalyptus leaves and pour half a liter of boiling water, then let it brew for 20 minutes and drink a tablespoon 4 times a day. To enhance the therapeutic effect, linden honey is added to such a tincture.

It is worth remembering that all folk methods have a cumulative property, therefore, in order to achieve a lasting result, all such tinctures must be taken for a long time. Eucalyptus tincture is taken for at least a month, after which they switch to tinctures of other medicinal herbs.

Before using any folk recipes, you should consult a doctor!

Oat grains

Both natural oat grains and already processed ones are suitable for the treatment of pneumosclerosis.. A glass of cereal is thoroughly washed and poured into an enamel pan. After that, a liter of water is poured into the container and left overnight. In the morning, this mass is brought to a boil and kept on low heat until half of the liquid has evaporated. After that, the composition is cooled, filtered and drunk throughout the day before meals, several sips.

Tincture of oat grains helps to cleanse the body of toxins and toxins.

Onion treatment

Among folk healers, onions are considered a first aid for respiratory diseases and pathologies of the respiratory tract. Phytoncides, which are contained in this vegetable, have a detrimental effect on pathogens. Onion treatment is quite effective for pulmonary pneumosclerosis. There are two methods for preparing onion medicine.

  1. The onion is finely cut and put in sugar or honey syrup, where it is boiled until transparent. The resulting broth is drunk during the day very often, at least 10 times a tablespoon.
  2. The average onion is peeled and boiled whole in a glass of water. Ready vegetable during the day you need to eat. You can enhance the effectiveness of this decoction by boiling onions in milk.

Caution should be treated with onions for those people who have chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried fruit treatment

For the treatment of lung pathologies, folk healers use dried apricots and raisins.
. These dried fruits are full of useful substances and vitamins. You can prepare a remedy in different ways:

  1. The same proportions of raisins and dried apricots are washed with running water, poured with boiling water, insisted for a couple of hours and drunk throughout the day.
  2. 100 grams of dried fruits are twisted through a meat grinder, poured with a glass of water and brought to a boil over low heat. After that, insist under the lid for 15 minutes, filter and drink the resulting broth, alternating it with eating squeezed dried fruits. You need to take 2 tablespoons 3-4 times a day.

For the preparation of any decoctions and tinctures, you can use only glass or enameled dishes.

In addition to tinctures and various decoctions, folk healers recommend giving the patient a honey massage, for this purpose they take fresh honey and rub it on the back. Before such a massage, the patient will definitely find out if he is allergic to bee products. It is not only possible, but also necessary, to treat pneumosclerosis with folk remedies. This disease responds well to therapy, especially if it is not neglected.

Nature created tissues in the human body in a rational, limited way.

When various pathologies arise, they can change their shapes and volumes.

Such a phenomenon is observed with an ailment: pulmonary fibrosis.

Treatment with folk remedies is possible only after examination by a doctor, according to his appointment.

When pneumofibrosis occurs in the lung tissues, an abnormal growth of connective substances occurs. Such an ailment does not form by itself, but is the cause of an already existing one. It is not distributed by gender; both men and women suffer from it.

It is important to contact the clinic in time so that there are no dangerous consequences in the form of violations:

  • elastic
  • dystrophic
  • decrease in gas exchange in the respiratory system
  • deformation

According to the conditions of vital functions, a person breathes, but if he is sick, he constantly lacks air, which causes deformation of the respiratory tract and their main tool -.

But for the appearance of pneumofibrosis, a provocation is needed, it can be an acquired infection or mechanical damage.

When diseases are poorly treated in cases of their incorrect definition by the attending physician or the patient self-medicated in an inappropriate way, two types of pathology may occur:

  • local with compacted segments of lung tissues and mild pathological
  • diffuse in the form of a more severe form, with a violation of the normal lung structure with a decrease in volume, an increase in seals

During local pneumofibrosis, gas exchange in the lungs does not significantly decrease, a change in mechanical properties, their elasticity also does not occur.

A completely different process occurs with a diffuse disease, in this case, full-fledged pulmonary ventilation is significantly reduced.

But the varieties of the disease are not limited to this, in nature there are also:

  • linear, with scarring
  • basal, damaging the lungs in the lower part
  • basal, speak for themselves, arise in the roots
  • x-ray
  • estimation of the value by the Tiffno index
  • bronchological methods

Thanks to x-rays, it is possible to identify the presence of the first signs and the appearance of the disease at the first stage, to determine concomitant pathologies.

The x-ray machine will show:

  • reinforced pulmonary pattern with its deformation contours
  • expansion of vascular shadows
  • affected departments
  • violations in the directions of various branches

With the help of the index, its abnormal decrease, changes in external respiration and the nature of lung damage are determined.

The study of the bronchi allows you to assess the foci of pneumofibrosis, to determine its type.

How are they treated

In outpatient treatment, the doctor begins by identifying and eliminating the causes. He tries to localize the primary disease with medication, prescribes all methods, until the clinic of the disease is destroyed, until the x-ray shows clean lungs.

Experts have many ways to deal with the disease, among them are the following:

  • antibiotic therapy with the appointment of macrolides and cephalosporins
  • physiotherapy
  • administration of expectorants
  • body position while sleeping
  • whether cardiac glycosides are needed in the form of strophanthin and corglixone
  • do not forget the appointment of a vitamin program in conjunction with physiotherapy

To alleviate the suffering of patients, doctors do not miss showing them special respiratory movements, conducting oxygen therapy in order to saturate the body with oxygen.

other methods

A great helper to therapists are folk healers and their methods of healing, but only as an addition to the main treatment.

The specialist himself will prescribe, if the diagnosis revealed pulmonary fibrosis, herbal treatment, and they will help improve breathing, ease shortness of breath, and strengthen the immune system.

Aloe, popular among the people, belongs to medicinal indoor plants. Its leaves contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Based on it, tinctures, mixtures and rubbing are made.

In conjunction with the use of medications, having received medical approval, and only scars after tuberculoma remain on the lungs, the condition of pneumofibrosis will improve if you include in the nutritious diet (three times a day, 25 g) a mixture consisting of ingredients:

  • internal mutton or any animal fat - 100 gr.
  • walnut - 100 gr.
  • honey - 100 gr.
  • aloe leaves - 100 gr.

It is very simple to make a homogeneous mass, all solid elements are twisted in a meat grinder. The internal fat and honey are melted over low heat, do not bring to a boil and mix thoroughly.

Well cleans the respiratory tract, prepared tincture:

  • need red wine -1 glass
  • honey - 2 tbsp. l.
  • aloe leaves - 6 large leaves

The leaves are chopped, added to wine, mixed with honey. All funds received are stored in a cold place, used before eating, but not more than three times a day and not more than 1 tablespoon.

Eucalyptus is used as an antiseptic. It has many therapeutic effects in various pulmonary diseases, heart ailments, and nervous breakdowns.

It is very easy to make a medicinal potion with its leaves. You need to take boiling water and put crushed there, you can apply immediately after 20 minutes. To enhance the effect, honey is added to the solution.

The use does not require time limits, but in order to avoid accumulation formations, it is better to change the herbs after a month of taking.

The use of common pikulnik, creeping thyme also has a beneficial effect on the body and respiratory tract. The manufacturing method is identical to eucalyptus, the herbs are simply brewed like tea.

A decoction of oat grains is considered a therapeutic method for pulmonary pathology. It is also consumed before meals. To do this, at night, the cereal (1 cup) is poured with water (1 l.), And before breakfast, the solution is heated to a boil, and continue to heat until the water is reduced by half. You can drink the strained broth in a warm form.

There are many tips to alleviate the plight of a sick person, but the surest is to contact a professional.

About idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis - on video:

♦ Heading: .

Respiratory diseases are among the most common ailments in our time.

It is very important for people who are predisposed to such diseases to know about pulmonary fibrosis, because this disease requires a certain careful approach to treatment and an experienced pulmonologist should prescribe it.

Therefore, now we will consider in detail: what is it - pulmonary fibrosis, and how to treat this disease with folk remedies.

Pneumofibrosis of the lungs is a disease characterized by the growth of connective tissues in the lungs due to an inflammatory process, and this, in turn, leads to a violation of the structure of the human lungs and reduces ventilation functions in the body.

The further course of the pathological process leads to deformation of the bronchi, a decrease in volume and wrinkling of the lungs.

This disease can occur in a person at any age.. Interestingly, the results of statistical data show that men are more susceptible to this disease.


The reasons

Is pulmonary fibrosis contagious? This disease is not contagious, does not have a viral and infectious nature, however, a patient who has had one of the bronchopulmonary diseases can be exposed to it.

Therefore, it is important to know not only the symptoms of pneumofibrosis, but also the causes of its development. There are the following main reasons for the development of this pathology:

The development of pneumofibrosis in the lungs is often a consequence of oxygen starvation of tissues, and already against this background, fibroblast cells are activated. These cells contribute to the production of fibrillar protein collagen and the growth of connective tissues.

At risk are people who come into contact with coal, dust, flour, cement, asbestos, wood, metal and talc, as well as smokers.

In this case, dusty chronic bronchitis often develops. Against the background of bronchitis and other similar diseases, sputum stagnation occurs and traffic jams appear.

If left untreated, fibrosis develops..

Much less often, diffuse pneumofibrosis appears as a result of exposure to the human body of high doses of ionizing radiation or the intake of drugs (antiarrhythmic and antitumor drugs).

Local (radical) fibrosis is mainly a consequence of previous pulmonary tuberculosis.

The focal form of this disease may not manifest itself for a long time. The presence of an ailment can be found out only after an X-ray examination.

Diffuse pneumofibrosis differs in the following symptoms:

All of the above symptoms of pneumofibrosis cannot be the basis for a final diagnosis, so the patient needs to undergo an additional examination.

Before starting treatment, a thorough diagnosis should be made to exclude other pathologies (cancer, various tumors). Therefore, the following types of research will be required:

Bronchoscopy may be performed if necessary.. In addition, the attending physician must necessarily identify the patient's previous respiratory diseases, as well as the presence of any chronic pathologies, the patient's living and working conditions (negative professional factors).


In the process of treating pneumofibrosis, the main factor is the elimination of the direct cause of the development of the disease with medications or the implementation of the correct measures to maintain therapy.

If pneumofibrosis has developed against the background of another disease, initially the doctor prescribes a course of treatment aimed at eliminating the primary pathology.

Unfortunately, there is simply no single approach in this case. A specialist can prescribe a course of treatment only after a comprehensive diagnosis.

How to treat pulmonary fibrosis? As practice has shown, the treatment of this disease with traditional medicine recipes often does not give a stable long-term result.

Folk methods can only get rid of unpleasant symptoms in the treatment of pneumofibrosis, but do not cure it.

If the underlying cause of the disease is pneumonia, the doctor initially prescribes treatment with antibacterial agents. In most cases, the complex effect of drug treatment and physiotherapy exercises helps to cure pneumofibrosis.

The peculiarity of the treatment of this disease is that it should be carried out until the final recovery of the patient. Why is it necessary? Otherwise, there is a risk of recurrence of the disease in a much more complex form.

However, even after a complete cure, the patient must be under the constant supervision of a pulmonologist for at least 1 year.

In the event that pneumofibrosis has not passed into an acute form, resorting to inpatient treatment is completely optional. Nevertheless, at home, the patient is prescribed strict bed rest, due to which sputum leaves much faster.

It should be noted that none of the methods of treatment of pneumofibrosis can give a 100% guarantee that the disease will completely recede without the development of complications.

The thing is that the cells that produce connective tissue do not go anywhere on their own, therefore the disease can reappear at any moment.

If the patient has a high temperature, he is shown bed rest, if the condition improves a little - semi-bed rest, then - general.

It is recommended that in the room where the patient with pneumofibrosis of the lungs lies, the air temperature is 18-20 ° C and it must be ventilated. Such a patient is shown to walk in the fresh air as much as possible..

A diet for pulmonary fibrosis should be aimed at accelerating immunobiological and oxidative processes in a weakened patient's body, increasing reparation in the lungs, reducing protein loss along with sputum, improving hematopoiesis and the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Taking into account the general condition of the patient, the specialist may prescribe a diet of 15 or 11 tables, the diet of which should consist of dishes with the necessary content of carbohydrates, proteins and fats.

However, at the same time, the menu should be replete with products that contain calcium, vitamin A, B vitamins, ascorbic acid, potassium salts, folic acid and copper.

With pneumofibrosis of the lungs, breathing exercises contribute to a noticeable improvement in respiratory function..

Below are simple to perform, but quite effective exercises for the treatment of this disease:

You can also do light jogging or a simple walk in the park.. Hardening exercises and swimming have proven to be very effective in pulmonary fibrosis.

Although this recipe is so old that it is called a medieval way to cleanse the respiratory tract, during this time it has proven its high healing effect.

After a course of treatment with this remedy, you will breathe much easier and perform breathing exercises:

If necessary, you can add honey to the drink in a small amount and cool the broth to room temperature before drinking.

Since the drink gives a lot of energy, it will be a good help for you during sports..

What else is this drink good for? Rosehip and oman in combination contribute to the restoration of lung tissue, remove sputum and mucus from the lungs, which cause coughing, protect the respiratory mucosa from the development of infections and inflammations.

Therefore, we can say with confidence that treatment with such a remedy will be the right step in the treatment of pneumofibrosis. Then you can carry out treatment with other folk remedies that restore the lungs.

Other folk remedies

How long do people live with pulmonary fibrosis? Fortunately, if the disease is detected in a timely manner and conservative complex treatment is carried out, the disease does not pose any danger to the patient.

An unfavorable prognosis occurs only when the patient has a "cellular lung". In this case, respiratory failure may progress, resulting in a marked increase in pressure in the pulmonary artery.

But even the "cellular lung" is cured only in case of timely surgical intervention.

Simple methods of prevention will help minimize the risk of developing the disease. So, in order to avoid the development of pulmonary fibrosis, it is recommended to treat diseases of this organ in time, both with the help of traditional medicines and proven recipes of traditional medicine.

Pneumofibrosis is the proliferation of connective tissue in the lungs, which occurs under the influence of a dystrophic or inflammatory process. Pneumofibrosis of the lungs leads to a violation of their elasticity and insufficiency of gas exchange functions of the affected areas.

Types and causes of pneumofibrosis

According to the prevalence, the disease is divided into diffuse pneumofibrosis and local (limited).

Pulmonary fibrosis local is a dense area of ​​lung tissue. At the same time, the volume of the affected lung is reduced. With diffuse pneumofibrosis, the lungs are reduced in volume, dense. The normal structure of the lungs is lost.

Limited pneumofibrosis does not affect the mechanical properties of the lungs and their gas exchange functions too much. But with diffuse disease, normal ventilation of the lungs is significantly reduced.

As a rule, pneumofibrosis is a consequence of various lung diseases, namely:

  • chronic obstructive diseases;
  • invasive and infectious diseases (pneumonia, including those that have arisen after syphilis, tuberculosis, mycoses, etc.);
  • diseases arising from exposure to the body of gases of industrial origin and aggressive dust, inhalation of various toxic substances;
  • hereditary lung diseases.

Often, pulmonary fibrosis is a consequence of exposure to toxic drugs or ionizing radiation.

Symptoms of pneumofibrosis

Localized pneumofibrosis may be asymptomatic.

The main symptom of diffuse pneumofibrosis is shortness of breath, which tends to progress over time. Often shortness of breath is accompanied by a strong dry cough, aggravated by intense breathing. Other symptoms of pneumofibrosis include general weakness of the body, aching pain in the sternum, weight loss, and a constant feeling of fatigue. If the patient's basal parts of the lungs are affected, then this leads to the formation of the so-called Hippocratic fingers.

In the later stages of the disease, patients experience the so-called squeaking in the lungs, similar in sound to rubbing a cork. This becomes especially noticeable on inspiration and over the area of ​​​​the anterior surface of the chest.

Diagnosis of pneumofibrosis

The main method of diagnosing this disease is an X-ray examination of the lungs. Only this study allows you to get the most objective idea of ​​changes in the lung tissue of a sclerotic nature and differentiate the diagnosis of pneumofibrosis from tumor lesions of the lungs.

To determine pneumofibrosis, the patient is prescribed an x-ray of the chest organs. Complementary investigations may include tomography and radiography. Of great importance in recent years in determining the state of the lung tissue is acquiring computed tomography.

Treatment of pneumofibrosis

To date, there are no effective methods for the treatment of pneumofibrosis. With local pneumofibrosis without symptoms, as a rule, no therapeutic effect is applied at all. If local pneumofibrosis develops as a result of past destructive-inflammatory diseases and proceeds with periodic outbreaks of the infectious process, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial drugs, as well as measures aimed at improving bronchial drainage.

Bronchological examination allows you to determine whether surgical intervention is advisable for the disease.

If the disease is extensive and caused by external factors, then the treatment of pneumofibrosis should first of all be aimed at eliminating the causes. If necessary, respiratory failure is also treated.

The prognosis of pneumofibrosis depends on various factors, including the complexity of the course of the disease. A decrease in lung size significantly aggravates respiratory failure, in some cases it can cause increased pressure in the pulmonary artery system and the development of cor pulmonale. A lethal outcome is possible if pneumofibrosis is complicated by a secondary infection or the development of tuberculosis.

Prevention of pneumofibrosis

The main method of prevention of pneumofibrosis is the timely detection and adequate treatment of those diseases that contribute to its development. When working with pneumotoxic substances, it is necessary to strictly adhere to safety rules, to carry out regular monitoring aimed at identifying the pneumotoxic effect of various drugs. If any pathological changes are observed in the lungs, it is urgent to take measures aimed at eliminating them.

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