Comfrey useful properties. Medicinal properties of comfrey officinalis and its use in folk medicine. From tuberculosis of the bones and gout

Do you know who hides in the trenches in peacetime? If this is an endless steppe, then in any case gophers or ferrets. If this is outside the outskirts of the grandmother's village, then there is no doubt - mischievous kids are mastering some kind of "Zarnitsa". And if this is an abandoned ditch or a ravine in the forest, then there are high chances that a comfrey hid there, beneficial features and whose contraindications have been known to European medicine for several centuries. To heal a serious wound, to heal a complex fracture, to relieve an attack of rheumatism - comfrey will help everywhere. And the ointment from this amazing plant has long settled in Russian home first-aid kits.

From the monastery gardens to the present day

Bone breaker, fold, viz-grass, white-bellied, greasy (fatty) root - as soon as the people did not call comfrey medicinal. It is impossible to confuse this charming grass with anything: hanging inflorescences resemble bells of various shades of blue, light blue and purple.

Behind decorative properties comfrey was very fond of in imperial Russia - if you really try, then even today in abandoned estates and estates you can find thickets of wild white-beard, which once adorned noble gardens and kitchen gardens. And long before that, comfrey was already known in ancient Rome, its use in folk medicine was extremely specific - to treat wounds and fractures.

The ancient Roman scientist Pliny wrote about the “wound-healing” power of an ordinary wild flower, then the French scientist and doctor Odo from Mena sang real odes to comfrey. And the most interesting thing is that the recipes of the ancient Frenchman are still relevant today. You just listen: "The bone that is broken holds the grass together with the ointment in the fat...". Yes, yes, this is how everything should be done, the exact recipe is given below. And now…

Comfrey officinalis for bone healing

Comfrey is a unique herb. Plants capable of healing bones in folk medicine have been counted once or twice, and the lop-eared among them is the most honorable. It can only compete with the white-beard in this, but it's not even a plant. Therefore, the grass was nicknamed "larkspur" among the people.

The sebaceous root reduces pain in bones and joints, accelerates the growth of new tissues, helps to quickly get back in shape after fractures and strengthen bones so that such injuries are minimized in the future. For "bone" treatment, infusions and decoctions of the white-bellied beetle are usually used - everything that is taken inside.

The secret of such healing power is the substance allantoin. It relieves inflammation, stimulates cell regeneration, heals and has an antibacterial effect. The humble comfrey is the only herb that contains this miraculous allantoin (more than nutritious foods– wheat, beans, soybeans and rice husks).

But comfrey heals not only broken bones: the use for joints, sprains and dislocations helped him earn truly popular love.

  • If arthritis, osteochondrosis tormented, an attack of neuralgia occurred, you accidentally “earned” a sprain or hurt yourself, you need an external medicine. herbal baths, ointments, compresses, washing with comfrey will not only save sore joints and bones, but also improve skin condition.
  • From ancient times in track record larkspur also includes skin diseases - eczema, various ulcers, cracks and banal dryness. And the modern pharmacy comfrey ointment even treats skin infections and insect bite marks. So if you have been bitten by a city mosquito or a village wasp, and no newfangled balm can relieve swelling and itching, rather go to the pharmacy - for comfrey ointment!

Healing properties of comfrey

What else is comfrey grass famous for? What heals, besides broken bones and overworked joints? Let's be honest - even if it were all limited to this, larkspur would already be a famous medicinal herb. But the list of indications for phytotherapy with comfrey is much wider ... Infusions, decoctions and external compresses with viz-grass help:

  • Stop bleeding (both internal and external). Eliminate Instantly nose bleed it is possible to moisten cotton swab juice and inserted into the nostril. And if an ordinary wound bleeds, you can simply drip the juice onto the skin - so the blood will quickly clot, and the wound will “close”.
  • deal with gastrointestinal problems. Recipes with comfrey help fight diarrhea and constipation, relieve intestinal pain, restore appetite and improve digestion. And a bone breaker is recommended in complex treatment with ulcers of the stomach and intestines.
  • Cure a cold. Due to the powerful antibacterial effect, tinctures and decoctions of the white-bellied beetle help relieve sore throat and cope with sore throats, cure a simple runny nose and even flu.

Remember about contraindications!

Although medicinal properties even official medicine does not question comfrey, its reputation is ambiguous. And all because of the dangerous pyrrolizidine alkaloids allegedly found in the roots of the fold.

And the comfrey story began in 1970, when Australian scientists published in scientific journal an article with the loud title "Comfrey kills" - it was about a mass food poisoning in Afghanistan. Then it turned out that it was not comfrey that killed at all, but another substance from this plant family, but the sediment remained.

In the 1990s, the anticopnic boom overtook Germany. They published a strict ban on the use of certain alkaloids, and preparations with comfrey were automatically blacklisted. Later, numerous experiments showed that the substances in comfrey roots, although toxic, are not typical pyrrolizidine alkaloids. And to lethal outcome cannot bring.

Today, comfrey root is freely used in many countries. Its use, contraindications, dosage still have their own specific features. So, the United States and a number of European countries recommend using comfrey only externally, and refrain from infusions and decoctions. In extreme cases - 2-4 small treatment course per year, no more.

Comfrey is strictly prohibited for allergy sufferers, children and pregnant women. Except your toxic action, the fold strongly stimulates the muscular muscles (including the uterine), so expectant mothers can provoke a miscarriage.

Comfrey ointment - buy or make yourself?

The most popular comfrey recipe is an ointment. You can find it ready-made, in city and online pharmacies, and make it yourself. Such an ointment costs from 70-80 rubles, depending on the manufacturer and volume. Comfrey gel is also available, it is easier to absorb, smells better, but will cost a little more.

Comfrey ointment has an indisputable advantage - the instructions for use offer an impressive list of diseases in which this simple medicine will help. This:

  • any injuries (bruises, sprains, closed fractures);
  • osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia;
  • non-healing wounds (including open ones) and sores;
  • sciatica, arthritis, sciatica;
  • skin infections and eczema;
  • bites of various insects;
  • cracks and severe dryness skin.

Homemade ointment cannot boast of such a wealth of indications for use, it is used only for the treatment of joints, a sore spine and bruises. But you will not doubt the naturalness of its composition, because it is extremely simple.

Ointment from comfrey

First you need to buy comfrey root at a pharmacy or dig it yourself, because it is the root that is the most healing part of the white-bellied plant. It costs from 80 rubles. for 100 gr. Then a tablespoon of roots (ideally fresh, but dried ones are also suitable) finely chop or rub on a grater. Mix with a tablespoon pork fat and simmer for half an hour in a water bath.

When the comfrey ointment has cooled down, you can add 10 ml of dimexide or 5 g to it - this will only increase the effectiveness.

medical prescriptions

For other recipes with viz-grass, the requirements are not so strict. Whether dried or fresh root comfrey, its use in tincture or decoction will be effective, so feel free to buy desired product in a pharmacy. The only exception is with the juice from the roots of comfrey - here, with dried raw materials, nothing will come of it purely technically.

Comfrey infusion for colds

Pour a tablespoon of white-bellied roots with a glass of boiling water and insist for 6 hours in a warm place. Choose from a warm oven or a thermos. You need to drink two tablespoons before meals - at least 6 times a day!

Infusion for the treatment of joints and fractures

This herbal drink is recommended to be combined with comfrey ointments and compresses to enhance the effectiveness of the treatment. The ratio of ingredients is the same as in the previous recipe, only you need to insist longer - 10 hours in a thermos. The entire portion of this comfrey tea should be drunk slowly throughout the day.

Comfrey juice to stop bleeding

This recipe is ideal for those who grow comfrey either in their summer cottage or close to country house. We take a freshly dug root of viz-grass, wash it well, cut it across and three on a grater. Then it remains only to squeeze the juice through the gauze - and the medicine is ready.

Comfrey leaf poultices

It is used to treat aching lower back and sore joints. This recipe is the simplest - you don’t need to dig up any roots, just pick fresh leaves. Then carefully tear them with your hands, attach to the sore spot, wrap with a bandage and leave overnight.

About comfrey - with gratitude?

And what do the reviews say about the fatty root? What is nice - some thanks. Neurologists and orthopedists are well aware of comfrey - its use, according to doctors, is optimal in the form pharmaceutical ointments and gels. This is what they recommend to their patients on a regular basis.

On medical and women's forums, visitors also often write about the miraculous comfrey:

“My fitness trainer constantly uses comfrey ointment, it's a sport, sprains and muscle pain are common. When my lower back began to ache, I began to smear myself on the advice of the coach, and after a couple of days everything went away.

“I had unbearable back pain after giving birth. During lactation, many drugs are not allowed, and comfrey ointment turned out to be absolutely safe. I didn’t even expect such an effect from a penny ointment, but on the second morning I felt relieved, and after 5 days daily use and forgot to think about my problems.

Comfrey officinalis - from that amazing breed of plants that are equally good both in the first-aid kit and on dining table. There are many recipes with white-bellied, which are considered full-fledged medical nutrition. Here is the simplest one - some fresh comfrey leaves, fresh onion and cut, season with butter, salt, and sprinkle with grated boiled egg on top. An excellent replacement for lemon fresh with mummy in the treatment of fractures!

Comfrey is official name a plant that many know as larkspur. People were able to appreciate its beneficial properties during the war and the epidemic, since it can be used to effectively treat severe fractures and injuries. Therefore, each field doctor always had a comfrey with him. Therapeutic effect of this plant is associated with its effects on bones and joints. With timely application damaged tissues begin to recover quickly, so it is often used for fractures, dislocations of joints and bruises. In other words, this plant is ideal for situations where it is necessary to disinfect a wound and speed up the process of tissue regeneration.

Description and photo of comfrey

Comfrey is one of the famous representatives herbaceous plants that can be found in Europe and Western Asia. In our country, this plant is represented everywhere in the European part, in the south Western Siberia, in the Crimea and the Caucasus. The favorite habitats of this plant are broad-leaved forests, glades, wet meadows, coasts of water bodies, as well as forest ravines and the outskirts of swamps. Often it grows near houses, in gardens and kitchen gardens, as well as in places where garbage is stored, where high humidity prevails.

Comfrey is a classic perennial from the borage family. In the process of growth, it forms a branched stem that can grow up to 1 m. At the bottom, the plant has a tetrahedral shape, it is decorated with large oblong leaves, having a length of 10-15 cm and a width of 5 cm. The foliage located at the bottom of the stem has long winged petioles, the leaves at the top are sessile. characteristic feature leaves and stems of comfrey is the presence of hard hairs.

An adult plant has a short black root with a thickening. At the point of cut, the rhizome has White color The pulp has a sweetish astringent taste.

During the growing season, small tubular-bell-shaped flowers are formed. They grow in the form of panicles at the ends of the stem and branches. By themselves, they resemble a one-sided curl, which remains closed until flowering. When this time comes, the flowers begin to change: at this moment they can acquire a purple, lilac or purple hue. Flowers usually begin to open between May and June.

At the stage of seed maturation, four smooth black nuts, reaching a length of 4-5 mm. They usually ripen in July-September. Each adult comfrey can produce 800-1000 seeds per season. For propagation, you can use seeds or divide the rhizome.

IN medicinal purposes use the roots and leaves of comfrey. The collection of roots must be done in early spring until the leaves open. They can also be harvested in the fall, but only after the flowering time has passed. The collected raw materials must be thoroughly washed, cut and left in a drying room. This process takes a long time, because during the growth of comfrey roots accumulate a large number of moisture. Comfrey leaves are harvested during flowering.

The roots of this plant are of great value due to the presence of biologically active substances in their composition: allantoin, alkaloid cynoglossin, saponins, tannins, etc.

Among the experts it the family is called Symphytum, which in Greek means "to grow together." And this is quite logical, since the properties of comfrey allow you to treat bone fractures. The species itself is called officinale, which can be translated as "medicinal".

The name of this plant, which is popular among the inhabitants of our country, can be explained by the places where comfrey grows. Most often it can be found in damp low-lying places. It is also known under other names - borage, pharmaceutical omentum, pravokost.

Comfrey officinalis: application

Folk healers For a long time we were able to get acquainted with the beneficial properties of the comfrey root. Preparations from this raw material are very effective in the treatment of bone fractures, wounds, kidney diseases, coughs, bronchitis, and pulmonary tuberculosis. They can also help with inflammation of the stomach and intestines, diarrhea, restore metabolism. As an external agent, they used in the fight against such diseases, How:

  • stomatitis;
  • purulent rashes;
  • skin cracks;
  • trophic ulcers.

For internal consumption, comfrey-based products are used in cases where it is necessary to achieve the fastest accretion bones and tissue healing. Unique properties have decoctions and infusions of herbs, thanks to which you can stop bleeding. They also help with hemoptysis, chronic inflammation respiratory system, as well as in the development gastrointestinal diseases. External use of these agents is associated with the treatment of conditions such as:

  • dislocations;
  • fractures;
  • bruises;
  • inflammation of the veins;
  • skin diseases;
  • ulcers;
  • wounds;
  • rheumatic pains.

Application of comfrey root

No other plant can be compared with this plant in the treatment of joint diseases, because it has healing, anti-inflammatory and antirheumatic effect.

Such healing properties of comfrey herb can be explained by the fact that a large amount of allantoin is present in its composition. It's unique natural antibiotic, which has a powerful bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect, perfectly cleanses the lesion, triggers the formation of new, healthy cells.

This plant is indispensable in the treatment of fractures, severe bruises and dislocations, as well as joint diseases because it has the ability to relieve inflammation and swelling. But most importantly, it stimulates the cartilage healing process.

Infusion of comfrey roots

For this remedy, you need to take one tablespoon of crushed roots and pour one glass of hot boiled water. Next, the mixture is allowed to brew for 6-8 hours and filtered. When the roots increase in size, they are again poured with 1 cup of boiling water, but now the duration of infusion is reduced to 30 minutes. After that, the infusion is filtered again. After the stages, two parts of the infusion are taken and combined. Finished product drink two tablespoons every two to three hours.

This infusion helps in the treatment of chronic bronchitis, catarrhs respiratory tract. Effectively fights inflammatory processes, facilitates the process of sputum removal.

Comfrey root tincture

For this remedy, you will need half a glass of fresh chopped roots, which must be poured with 40 ° vodka in an amount of 0.5 liters. Next, the mixture is placed in a dark cool place. After 10 days, the finished tincture should be filtered. Means drink 20-30 drops. Scheme of administration - 3-5 times a day before meals, adding to a small amount of water.

With the help of infusion and tincture of the comfrey plant, you can speed up the healing process for bone fractures, dislocations of joints, severe bruises, osteomyelitis, as well as wounds and purulent periodontal disease.

Also, these are effective as baths, washes, lotions, compresses which can be combined with oral administration.

Drugs can alleviate the patient's condition with chronic inflammation, stomach ulcers and duodenum, diarrhea, dysentery, chronic bronchitis - relieve inflammation, pain in the intestines.

Useful properties of infusion from this medicinal plant manifested in the improvement of metabolism, digestion and increased appetite.

Decoction of comfrey root

To prepare this remedy, you will need 1 tablespoon of the roots, which must be poured with one glass of hot boiled water. Next, the mixture is put on the stove and boiled over low heat for 10 minutes. Ready broth must be filtered.

The tool is intended for internal and external use in the treatment of conditions such as:

  • rheumatism;
  • gout;
  • wounds;
  • boils;
  • ulcers and other skin diseases.

Also, a decoction of comfrey root can help people who have uterine, hemorrhoidal and other bleeding and there are signs of inflammation Bladder.

It is useful to use a decoction of a medicinal plant to eliminate nosebleeds. This will require tampons, which are moistened in a decoction, and then inserted into the nostrils. Also, this remedy can be used to treat skin wounds, abrasions, bruises with hemorrhage.

Also, a decoction of the herb can be used in cosmetic purposes. To do this, lotions are made to eliminate the effect of dry skin, as well as poultices, which are effective against irritation, redness and peeling of the skin.

With regular use of a decoction of herbs, you can improve the condition of hair that has a problem such as alopecia areata - hair loss.


Comfrey is a fairly well-known plant in our country, which is often used as an effective remedy in the treatment of fractures. Moreover, the most valuable part of the comfrey are roots from which preparations are made. The healing properties of comfrey are associated with its ability to act on damaged tissues, triggering the mechanism of their regeneration. Therefore, this tool is appropriate to use not only for minor damage, like wounds and abrasions, but also in more serious conditions, such as fractures.

Based on the roots and leaves of comfrey, infusions, tinctures and decoctions are prepared, which can help with other disease states. Therefore, when inflammatory processes occurring in the internal organs, as well as weakened immunity, many experts advise using preparations based on this plant.

medicinal plant comfrey

Comfrey - perennial grass growing in forest areas.

In this article, we will provide a photo and description of comfrey, as well as find out where it grows, talk about the use of the plant root and existing contraindications.


Comfrey (or livestock)- tall grass. IN wild nature grows over a wide area from Britain to Japan. Mostly loves moist forests with fertile, rich in minerals. Although it is, thickets are almost never found.

Zhivokost has a powerful thick stem, grows up to one meter in height. It has large fleshy leaves. It blooms with inflorescences similar in appearance to, pink.

The most valuable thing about comfrey is its strong and big root. Outside it is black, inside it is white and juicy, greasy to the touch.

Did you know? Name« comfrey» in Russian it is determined by the favorite place where the plant grows-lowlands, ravines, ditches. Another common name- « livestock» , common in other Slavic languages, describes healing property root-help with bone healing.

Flowering occurs in May, and in June fruits appear - nuts, four on each bush.

Chemical composition

The roots contain:

  • alkaloids - enhance the medicinal effect;
  • tannins;
  • glycosides;
  • mucus - provide anti-inflammatory effect, analgesic effect;
  • gums;
  • resins;
  • essential oil;
  • allatoin is the main useful component of livestock. Thanks to great content of this substance, the plant heals wounds so well, splices bones.
  • vitamins B4, B12, C.

How useful is the plant?

Comfrey has many. Preparations based on it have a tonic effect, improve appetite and eliminate digestive problems. Pronounced antimicrobial activity.

Did you know? Information about comfrey is found in ancient Greek works on botany and medicine. Ancient Roman soldiers used this plant to treat wounds and fractures. Paracelsus also spoke well of him.

But the larkspur is especially valued for its regenerative abilities - wound healing, bone healing. It can also stop bleeding, has a beneficial effect on the skin and its condition.

Application in various fields

Such a set of useful properties simply could not be ignored. On the basis of live cost, many products have been created for use in medicine and cosmetology. Comfrey is best known as a medicine used for joints.

In medicine

  • It is used for the treatment of the musculoskeletal system, for diseases of the joints.
  • Effectively helps with fractures, arthritis, gout, arthrosis.
  • To stop bleeding. Equally effective for external (allantoin and mucus) and internal ( active substances affect through the neurohumoral mechanism) bleeding.
  • A decoction of the root is useful for chronic bronchitis- due to anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects.
  • For problems with digestive system prescribe an infusion of rhizomes.
  • Milk infusion is part of the treatment of bone tuberculosis.
  • Livestock-based ointment is prescribed for edema, various wounds, ulcers. In such cases, the healing effect of the plant is ideal.

In cosmetology

Comfrey extract is used to prepare baths. This aromatic procedure heals, moisturizes and softens the skin, quickly regenerates cells, heals the skin.

In dermatology, larkspur is used because of its properties to cure psoriasis, acne and other skin diseases, even boils. Herbalists recommend using freshly squeezed juice to relieve inflammation, treat acne and minor skin lesions.

In dentistry

Zhivokost is actively used in dentistry for the treatment of gums. To get rid of periodontitis, stomatitis, rinses from herbal mixtures with comfrey. Well proven in the treatment of caries.

Contraindications and harm of comfrey

Zhivokost is inherent not only benefit, but also harm. You should not use comfrey in such cases:

  • Pregnancy and lactation.
  • Individual intolerance to the drug.

Important! Comfrey is poisonous! The alkaloids contained in comfrey (cynoglossin, consolidin and lasiocarpine) can cause paralysis of the central nervous system. In addition, they also have carcinogenic properties and cause mutations in the body.

Procurement and storage of medicinal raw materials

The most valuable part of the plant are considered roots. In spring or autumn, the roots are dug up and cleaned. Then cut into small slices of 15-20 cm and left to dry. Drying is carried out in warm, well-ventilated areas. Final drying is carried out at a temperature not exceeding 40°C.

It is difficult to imagine an herb that heals broken bones, but there is one in nature. This is comfrey, or larkspur, - a powerful perennial from the Burachnikov family. The proposed article contains information about what comfrey looks like, how and why it is used in traditional medicine, how to properly grow it in a personal plot, and who should not take plant preparations.

Comfrey photo

Thick stems of comfrey easily grow to a height of 1.2 m. They branch profusely and overgrow with large, up to 15 cm long, alternate leaves, in which the length of the petioles decreases as they move up. The whole plant is abundantly covered with light, hard hairs, giving it a characteristic roughness.

The rhizome of the larkspur goes to a depth of 50 cm, providing the plant with a safe wintering and reproduction by shoots. Outside, the rhizome is covered with almost black bark, on the cut it is white, juicy, it seems greasy to the touch. The root system of the plant enters into symbiosis with soil nitrogen-fixing bacteria, due to which it accumulates a large amount of protein. For addition botanical characteristics should indicate that:

  • flowering occurs in May-July;
  • the color of the corollas is blue or purple;
  • flowers are collected in an inflorescence curl;
  • nuts fruits ripen by September.

In folk healing practice, comfrey is used, and in total this genus has 19 plant species that differ in height, leaf shape and structure of underground organs.

The whole plant is abundantly covered with hairs, giving it a rough texture.

Chemical composition and application

Comfrey grass is rich in vegetable slime, organic acids, tannins and pyrrolizidine alkaloids. The main medicinal component of the live cost is the nitrogenous compound allantoin, the content of which in the roots reaches 0.8%. The World Health Organization has included allantoin in the list of topical astringents and topical analgesics.

Its main application is the healing of injuries with bruises, cuts, dislocations, fractures, pain in the amputation stump. The substance is also used in cosmetic creams for the care of sunburnt, chapped and excessively dry skin. Ointments with comfrey are used to treat psoriasis, acne, acne.

The use of comfrey in folk medicine as a remedy is more diverse. Infusions and decoctions of plants are used as effective remedy for the treatment of mastitis, periodontal disease, boils, as well as rinsing for diseases of the larynx and oral cavity, for the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Comfrey herb is rich in plant mucus, organic acids and tannins

Medicinal properties and harm

Useful properties of comfrey and contraindications to its use are associated with chemical composition plants. Allantoin improves the nutrition of dividing cells, promoting bone fusion by accelerating the regeneration of periosteal tissues. It also softens the keratin of the skin, stimulates the exfoliation of dead cells and their replacement with new ones. The osmotic properties of allantoin make it possible to cleanse wounds by removing bacterial waste products.

Rosmarinic acid in the composition of comfrey root has an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Due to the property of choline to improve capillary circulation, hematomas resolve faster. The saponins contained in the herb and root have an antimicrobial effect.

However, livestock preparations are used with caution due to the presence of pyrrolizidine alkaloids in them. These substances are able to block the work of the nerve ganglia, thereby causing partial paralysis. They also have carcinogenic and mutagenic properties, as confirmed by studies on rats. The ratio of benefits and harms of the plant is such that comfrey is banned for use in the United States and many other countries. Children, pregnant women and people with chronic hypotension plant is contraindicated.

Comfrey is banned in the US and many other countries

Distribution and cultivation

In nature, comfrey occupies a vast area, including the forest and steppe zones of the European part of Russia and further west to the Atlantic. The plant prefers well-moistened fertile soils of damp meadows, forest edges, river floodplains. Larkspur fruit can spread by sticking to the soles of shoes, so it often grows along roadsides and in front gardens.

This is an extremely undemanding plant, the only whim of which is the inability to grow on acidic soils. At home, planting a plant is desirable through seed stratification for 2 months on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. In the northern regions, for early placement of plants in the garden, seedlings are grown starting from the end of February.

For livestock, a slightly shaded place is selected: near a fence or outbuilding, in a lowland, along a garden path. In the first year of life, the plant forms only a rosette of leaves, so it needs frequent weeding. Subsequently, it will itself crowd out the weeds. Comfrey does not need to be protected from frost, but it will have to be systematically thinned out so that it does not take up too much area.

Comfrey prefers well-drained soils

Collection, preparation, storage and recipes

For medicinal purposes, comfrey roots are used, since by winter they accumulate maximum amount allantoin. Harvesting of raw materials is carried out in late autumn or after the snow melts. The roots are dug up, rinsed, dried, cut into pieces and dried at a temperature of 40 degrees. It is allowed to store them in cloth bags, cardboard or wooden containers for no more than 3 years.

You can also use fresh larkspur root. It is rubbed on a grater, mixed with a small amount vegetable oil and applied to bruises, bruises, sore joints and ligaments. In winter, to prepare a similar gruel, the powder of dry roots is poured warm water, after softening, squeeze out excess liquid and mix with oil.

To prepare comfrey infusions, pour a tablespoon of the root crushed on a coffee grinder with a glass of boiling water and leave it under a flannel cap for 2 hours. After filtering, they are used as compresses or drink 1 tablespoon every 2 hours for fractures.

You can also prepare a medicine from comfrey root in the form of a tincture. To do this, 2 tablespoons of the root is poured with a liter of high-quality vodka and left in a dark place for 2 weeks, shaking daily. Ready tincture is used for rubbing in diseases of the joints.

Comfrey roots are used for medicinal purposes.

Comfrey is borage or not?

Like many other plants, larkspur received many names among the people, and among them - borage. The fact is that the leaves of the plant, crushed in the fingers, emit a distinct smell. fresh cucumber. This phenomenon is due to the presence in comfrey and cucumbers a small amount related essential oils. Therefore, comfrey and borage are one and the same.

But with a plant called larkspur, comfrey has nothing to do. They even belong to unrelated families. Nevertheless, their purpose in folk medicine is similar - to treat damage to the skeleton.

Can comfrey be used for oncology?

Before passing a verdict, is it possible to use comfrey when malignant neoplasms, it is necessary to put accurate diagnosis and determine the stage of the disease. The peculiarity of this plant for the treatment of cancer is that the alkaloids contained in it can stimulate carcinogenic processes. Therefore, it is used only externally and in strict accordance with the doctor's prescriptions.

Comfrey in oncology is used only externally.

Rough-gray comfrey with bright blue flowers, suddenly appearing on the edge of the garden, is a useful guest. It is beautiful in itself, is an excellent honey plant, in the fall its large shoots can be cut off and added to the overripe compost. And if you prepare a little dry root, there will always be a supply in the pantry folk medicine for the treatment of annoying and painful injuries.

Zhivokost is a plant with a “talking” name that accurately characterizes its properties. This green healer has another name - comfrey. Useful properties and contraindications to its use, we will consider in more detail. Herbaceous perennial can reach one meter in height, has large elongated leaves covered with fluff. For medicinal blanks the root of the plant is more commonly used, but the leaf can also be used medicinally.

Comfrey in the backyard

When and how to harvest comfrey

Comfrey root is best dug in the spring, before the leaves begin to bloom. You can also harvest it in the fall, after the plant has faded.

If you need exactly the leaves of the live cost, then you need to collect them during flowering.

When harvesting the root, it is important to dry it reliably - comfrey prefers to grow in damp places, loves moisture very much and accumulates it in its roots.

The root extracted from the ground is thoroughly washed, cut into small pieces, dried for a long time. In order to maximize the concentration of nutrients in the roots of the plant, the temperature for drying raw materials should not be higher than +60°C.

To store the roots and leaves of comfrey, you will need paper bags or boxes, the raw materials have healing power approximately 1 year. It is the roots of the plant that contain active substances - allantoin, alkaloids, tannins, essential oil, glucoalkaloids, sugar, organic acids, resins, etc.

Tinctures, decoctions, steams from comfrey roots are used to treat various kinds fractures, with bruises of bones and soft tissues, dislocations, sprains, with damage to the spine. Zhivokost - lives the bones (literally), contributes to them accelerated fusion, its scope therapeutic effect extends to muscles, joints, tissue repair. The plant has gained well-deserved popularity in folk and official medicine, and even during the war, it was the first aid for victims in the field.

Medicines, which include larkspur, have an anti-inflammatory effect, antimicrobial, astringent, hemostatic effect. Comfrey loves a humid environment, places near natural or artificially created reservoirs, various ravines, depressions in the ground (trenches), which is why it got its name. IN vivo its growth should be sought in such an area.

Where is livestock used?

As mentioned above, the use of comfrey is relevant for bone fractures, various skin and muscle injuries, and gastric and intestinal inflammations. He also helps kidney disease, diseases of the respiratory tract, with various abscesses, ulcers, irritations on the body, rheumatic manifestations, inflammation venous vessels. All kinds of ointments are prepared from it, alcohol infusions, medicinal decoctions, powders.

In some countries fresh leaf Larkspur is used in food as a soup seasoning, as well as a "green" additive to all kinds of salads. fresh decoction(napar) rhizomes and leaves relieves intestinal aggravation, improves appetite, promotes digestion, helps with indigestion, colitis. A decoction of the plant relieves the condition with exacerbations of stomach and pancreatic ulcers. Since ancient times, small weak children were bathed in a bath with a decoction of larkspur roots so that the bones were strong, they were additionally allowed to drink tea from the roots and leaves. For compresses or therapeutic washings, three tablespoons of dry roots are poured with a liter of water, put on fire (but not brought to a boil), after which they insist 3-4 hours. Pounded to a mushy consistency, freshly dug comfrey root is the best natural compress for a bruise. Decoction is recommended to rinse oral cavity for various dental problems.

Freshly squeezed juice of the plant helps in the treatment of wounds, even in cosmetology, larkspur has found its use, many regenerating masks, applications, oils also include its extract.

For cooking medicinal infusion take 1 tablespoon of finely chopped roots, pour 250 ml of boiling water, cover the container with a lid and leave for 8-9 hours. Then strain the contents, and re-fill the roots with the same amount of boiling water, soak for half an hour, strain through gauze, mix both infusions. The resulting drug is recommended to take 2-3 tablespoons every 3 hours - it helps with respiratory diseases, coughs, sore throats, bronchitis, promotes sputum discharge, relieves inflammation.

Alcohol tincture of comfrey is done like this: take 100 g of raw materials, fill with a bottle of vodka (0.5 l, 40 degrees of strength). It is necessary to insist the roots for about 2 weeks, after this time the mixture must be filtered. This medicine should be taken orally 15-20 or 30 drops dissolved in 100 ml of water (frequency - 3-5 times / day). The same composition can be used for rubbing, compresses, lotions for dislocations, bruises, for accelerated union bone fractures, for washing wounds (previously diluted with water), rinsing the mouth. This tool helps with gastric diseases, ulcerative manifestations, kidney inflammation, with mastitis (applications).

Comfrey root - use as a decoction: 1 tbsp. a spoon is placed in 250 ml of boiling water, simmered for about 10 minutes, cooled, filtered. The resulting composition is successfully used to treat the above ailments, plus it is used for douching with "female" diseases, exacerbations of hemorrhoids (after consulting with a doctor), inflammatory symptoms Bladder. This decoction is good for your appearance - skin irritations come to naught, peeling, various kinds of redness are removed. Hair, and especially the scalp, respond well to rinsing with comfrey decoction, hair loss is significantly reduced, irritated skin calms down, and itching goes away.

Steamed tincture of comfrey - excellent tool, which helps with the misfortunes described earlier, even with the complex treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis, its reception often improves general well-being, accelerates regeneration processes. To prepare it, you will need an ordinary thermos, 15-20 g of finely chopped roots, 250-300 ml of milk or pure water. The root is placed in a thermos, filled with boiling liquid, left overnight. Take Napar should be 50 ml, every 2-3 hours.

Contraindications to the use of comfrey

As always happens, the medal has a reverse side - despite wide range of useful components, comfrey grass is still poisonous. The plant contains toxic alkaloids. plant origin, glucoalkaloids. Scientific research proved that long-term use preparations based on live cost can provoke the growth of neoplasms in human body and even cause changes in the gene structure.

Any use of pharmacy and self-prepared potions containing comfrey must be agreed with the doctor. If you are suffering from low blood pressure, comfrey can not be accepted. Livestock is strictly contraindicated for pregnant or lactating women! With individual intolerance, of course, you should not torment the body and take medicines containing comfrey (both folk and pharmacy). With a tendency to form blood clots, treatment with this herb should also be excluded (especially the intake of decoctions and infusions inside).

Observe correct dosage, start treatment with the smallest doses - do not experiment with your own health. Remember - there is poison in the cup, and a healing elixir in the spoon, then comfrey, the beneficial properties and contraindications of which you are now also familiar with, will give you its natural strength.

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