Color therapy: the meaning of colors. Color therapy: blue color

Blue- the color of the night sky, deep, dark, velvety, mysterious and incomprehensible. When we look into the night sky, we begin to think about our own soul and reflect on the higher meaning of life. And at such moments we are visited by clairvoyance, which does not arise on a bright day when we are busy with work.

Like all colors of the blue part of the spectrum, blue leads away from worldly life and leads to the spiritual world, where intuition is more important than reason, and faith is more important than proof.

Blue colour frees thinking and blood and frees from fears and anxieties that prevent us from hearing that inner voice that knows what we really need. If you are seeking to develop your psychic abilities, expose yourself to the color blue by visualizing it or meditating with it. It will help you discover your “higher self” and develop inner vision. Blue color helps to decipher the meaning of dreams.

The blue color refers to the pituitary gland, located at the base of the brain, which is an important endocrine gland in the body. The pituitary gland, with the help of hormones, exercises general control over the rest of the glands, including thyroid gland and adrenal.

The blue color and the pituitary gland correspond mainly with brow chakra which is placed between the eyebrows in the center of the forehead (ajna chakra). This area of ​​the head is also known as the third eye. With the third eye, we see what is not available to ordinary vision. With inner vision, we go beyond time and space and see what is in other dimensions.

Treatment in blue

  • Physiological diseases- deafness, cataracts, bleeding, nervous breakdown
  • Negative mental states - obsession, paranoia, hysteria, hypersensitivity

Affirmation example:

“I always trust my intuition which guides me through life”

Blue qualities:

  • Positive– Psychic ability, Depth, Vision, Wisdom, Inspiration
  • Negative– Fear, Arrogance, Self-deception, Loneliness, Heightened idealism

From the book "Secrets of Color Therapy" by Stephanie Norris

Various colors are nothing but a beam of light, with a certain frequency of oscillation and wavelength. Visually, we perceive their constituent parts in the form colors.

Human organs also have their own oscillation frequency, in many respects it coincides. Even ancient Chinese philosophers attributed a certain color to each organ.

It was believed that the heart is red, and the liver is blue-green, the lungs are white, the kidneys are black, the pancreas and spleen are yellow.

Any disturbance in the movement of the body's internal energy changes the color of the organ, which leads to disease.

Progressive medicine uses the frequency of color vibrations to treat disorders of the body, and this science is called color therapy, that is, color treatment. Each color in its own way affects human health, emotional and physical state restoring balance internal environment, increasing immunity and vital activity of cells.

In the previous article, you got acquainted with the influence of green energy on the human body. According to vibrations, it is considered the strongest of the entire spectrum and affects the spiritual energy of a person. Today we are talking about blue.

The effect of blue on human health

Blue color irritates receptors nervous system. In response to this, it has a calming effect on all organs and systems of the body. It is considered the antipode of red and has the opposite properties.

It carries inhibitory qualities, reducing any activity, both mental and physical. To some extent, it has a lulling effect on a person.

Lowers temperature and blood pressure, so it is favorable for the interior of the bedroom. In other words, the effect of blue on human health is calming.

This color, experts say, has an analgesic effect. His sphere of influence includes skeletal system with the spine, head and brain, eyes, ears, nose, endocrine system. It is used in the treatment of:

  • asthma, bronchitis,
  • migraines, skin diseases,
  • inflammations and bruises,
  • dysfunction thyroid gland,
  • kidney diseases.

It is connected to the pituitary gland of the brain, which is central authority endocrine system affecting metabolism, growth, reproductive function organism.

Blue color is able to minimize the negative vibrations that settle in the subconscious of a person, heals from unpleasant and painful memories, emotional upheavals.

Vibrations of blue color give in to diseases such as deafness, nervous disorders, eye diseases, bleeding.

Human perception of blue

We compare the blue color with the color of the night sky, it is perceived by us as velvety, dark, deep and mysterious. Since ancient times, it was considered the color of the soul and God.

covered in blue sacred objects in temples and monasteries, and the priests wore blue clothes. It promotes inspiration and reflection, the emergence of innermost desires, evokes thoughts about one's own soul and the meaning of life. This is the color of the development of human spirituality, where faith and intuition prevail, and reason is in the background.

This color is cold and hard. It contributes to the development of will and determination, self-confidence, forms their own views on life, which sometimes do not fit with real life.

Belief in one's own beliefs often conflicts with what is happening around. man loving Blue colour strives for management and leadership, imposes his opinion on others and is upset when he is not perceived.

When blue prevails in a person, and other colors are suppressed, the person becomes dry and hard, diseases of radiculitis and osteochondrosis, inflammation of the joints can occur.

When blue is in harmony with other colors, a person becomes understanding, sociable and contact. Ultimately, this leads to the renewal of the body's energy and healing from many diseases, this is how the effect of blue on health is manifested.

An important feature of this color is that blue helps a person to penetrate into the essence of things, absorbing new information, carry everything through yourself and convey it to people in an accessible form. It is the color of insight and genius.

Light blue shades or inspire carefree fun in a person, dark blue leaves an imprint of satisfaction and deep peace. With illness and overwork, the need for blue intensifies.

Ultramarine or indigo color contributes to the healing of all organs of the head: ears, nose, eyes, teeth ... this shade of blue keeps a person in constant tone and its excess can lead to sadness and sadness.

color therapy blue

Because the blue spectrum considered the color of peace and tranquility, in color therapy it is recommended for relaxation, relieving nervous tension, restoring strength and energy, and treating insomnia.

  • Blue color, affecting human health, slows down all vital functions,
  • establishes closer contact between consciousness and subconsciousness,
  • enhances the process of self-hypnosis and hypnosis,
  • promotes self-restraint
  • heals the respiratory organs, skin, is especially effective in diseases of the upper respiratory tract, bronchitis and lungs,
  • beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland,
  • slows down bleeding, promotes wound healing.
  • Blue color removes psycho-emotional stress removes aggression, fear and anxiety. Calms breathing and lowers blood pressure. People with a disease manic psychosis, placed in a room lit in blue, quickly calm down and get better.
  • Experts recommend it to women with menopause and menstrual irregularities.

An excess of blue causes negative reactions, boredom, fatigue and melancholy, anxiety and doubts may appear.

The Psychology of Blue Effects

If we consider the influence of blue from the point of view of psychology, then it carries satisfaction, peace and complete absence unrest. Man in blue robes always feel calm and comfortable. Blue frees thinking from worries and fears.

People who are in love with shades of blue are distinguished by a certain degree of independence, willingly get acquainted and make friends, expressing a desire for communication, but friendship, as a rule, is superficial. Choosing this shade, a person expresses the need for order and stability.

People who reject the color blue consider it cold, lethargic and boring. They avoid it, but meanwhile they experience one stress after another and really need it. beneficial effect. Color therapy researchers claim that people close to stress and heart attack always prefer red.

“Whoever rejects the blue color deprives himself of harmony with the world” - Luscher. They have unreasonable anxiety and fussiness, excessive emotionality, a tendency to doubt anything, superstition and envy of the achievements of people.

Swiss psychologists consider blue - female color which helps create calm atmosphere in the house.

The darker the blue color, the more it brings a person closer to the infinite and the Eternal, awakens the desire for the supernatural.

If you do not have enough blue energy, look carefully at blue photos, choose the one that you like best. Or watch the video:

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One of the methods alternative therapy is color therapy, which is based on the method of exposure to color radiation on the human body for treatment various diseases. Since ancient times, this method of treatment has been successfully used to treat nervous stress, immune disorders, some internal diseases. Medical scientists speculate that human brain different colors are perceived in the same way as food by the stomach.

It has been found that different colors stimulate biochemical reactions that normalize the function of the glands. internal secretion, and also have a stimulating effect on the areas of the brain that produce hormones (the pituitary gland). That is, a person's health can be determined by the spectrum that surrounds him. Today, the most famous scientist studying the effect of colors on a person is the Swiss Max Luscher.

Color therapy for stress relief

Today's world is full of stresses and challenges that we face on a daily basis. The more natural the desire of any person to find a way to resist negative impact environment. Stress is a pronounced psycho-emotional stress that an individual experiences under the influence of external stimuli and color therapy (or chromotherapy) has been successfully used to combat this condition. The therapeutic effect is the radiation of various shades.

Color therapy for stress relief is great for patients who often go through such situations. But it must be taken into account that long-term severe depression it is impossible to cure without the help of a specialist, chromotherapy alone is not enough in such cases.

There are a few things to consider before starting treatment. The first - for hypertensive patients and in inflammatory processes, red tone is not used, blue is not used for hypotensive patients, and green and its shades are used for oncopathology. The second - in the treatment of stress, black is used only in combination with others. Third - you can not use one color in therapy for a long time.

For color therapy, both colored lamps and simple lamps with multi-colored filters, as well as glasses with colored glasses are used. AT recent times color aroma baths are used with great success, in which color therapy is combined with aromatherapy, which increases the effectiveness of treatment. Such procedures are very pleasant and perfectly relax. For baths, colored salt is used, the water temperature should be comfortable. In the first half of the day, invigorating warm colors are used, in the second - cold.

Color therapy for stress relief

In color therapy for stress relief leading role plays out the color. In everyday stress prevention, the use of blue is recommended, which has an excellent relaxing effect, eliminates stiffness, calms, helps to concentrate and increases stress resistance. For those who work behind a monitor screen, we recommend using a blue desktop screensaver or using a blue mouse pad.

To resolve business issues one of best colors is black. It gives rigor and sets people to work, so it is often used at business meetings.

If there are problems in relations between colleagues or there is a feeling of self-doubt, use green shades in clothes. This color is able to give determination, improve immunity, invigorate. Shades of orange are used to improve mood, bring bright colors to gray everyday life, as this is the color solar energy that brings joy to life. Purple color will help to cope with anger and short temper. A pink color scheme will help reduce aggressiveness and get rid of insomnia, therefore, if you have problems with sleep, it is recommended to decorate the bedroom in pink tones. The red color will help get rid of a headache, which improves the production of adrenaline and, thereby, improves blood circulation.

Color therapy for children

The role of flowers in a child's life is huge. They can not only soothe, but also excite, and sometimes frighten the baby. Through colors, you can understand the child's character, anxieties and experiences of the child. Already from birth, the child distinguishes all colors and color therapy for children is based on the effect of light photons that they have on the baby's brain. This method is used to eliminate apathetic states, aggressiveness, disinhibition.

AT one year old children prefer yellow-green colors, so the color of their toys should be calm, solid. At the age of 2-3 years, a maximum of four different colors, and by the age of six, children begin to prefer bright colors.

Colors such as red, orange, yellow are active, exciting colors. And green, pink, blue, white are passive, soothing. Brown, lilac, violet increase anxiety, cause a feeling of melancholy and sadness. Therefore, the choice of the color of the toy must be approached deliberately. The number of toys of exciting colors should be limited.
Similar rules apply when choosing the color of clothes. Monochromatic calm tones are preferred.

If a child defines a favorite color as yellow, green, red, then this indicates proper development. Such a baby is inquisitive and mobile. If preference is given to black and white, then such a baby is closed and unsociable.

Color therapy for kindergarten

Highly wide opportunities has color therapy for kindergarten where educators and psychologists have available ways identifying not only certain psychological traits of each child, but also the possibility of timely correction of identified problems. Thanks to the harmonious atmosphere that is created by color therapy, children show interest in classes and react to them very emotionally.

With the help of a palette of colors it is possible to reveal fears, elevated level anxiety, low self-esteem, insecurity own forces. This is evidenced by the choice dark colors child. A black color can also talk about a decrease in vision, and at the age of about 3 years, protest. In older children, a preference for dark colors indicates the presence of certain problems.
According to researchers using chromotherapy psychological help to babies it turns out to be the most natural, gentle methods of correction.

Meaning of colors

In children's color therapy, the meaning of colors is similar - the green scale is good for overwork, nervous tension, but an excess of green causes headache and longing. The use of purple, blue, blue color palette is used to calm, reduce anxiety, anxiety, relieve pain. Orange and yellow colors help well if the child cannot calm down for a long time on his own. For therapy, the necessary colors are used in the design of the children's room, in the selection of toys, etc.

Color therapy treatment

The energy impact of different colors on a person is due to the fact that each color corresponds to a certain wavelength and amount of energy, which can either increase or decrease the human energy potential. Treatment with color therapy is by no means a panacea, but use it as additional method treatment is quite possible.

Chromotherapy improves emotional and physiological state by stimulating the pituitary gland and pineal gland, which produce hormones that affect many functions of the body. Related to this are the recommendations of scientists when choosing clothes to take into account the influence of color on a person and select a certain tone for a specific purpose.

The colors of the red palette have an antidepressant effect, stimulate metabolism, increase blood pressure, appetite, immunity, performance, improve brain activity and vision. These colors are not used for hypertension and obesity, in these cases exposure is recommended. pink, which acts soothingly and helps to improve mood, create a romantic atmosphere.

Orange color will help get rid of fatigue, constipation, allergies, improve appetite, get a sense of joy. At the same time, purple will contribute to the development of intuition, increase attention, it will relieve irritation, relieve anemia, obesity, and insomnia. Yellow tones have a mild tonic effect and are used for muscle spasms, epilepsy, diabetes, gallstones, impotence.

Green color will help to increase resistance to stress, improve immunity, and relieve pain, which is a source of energy for restoring health. Blue and blue colors are used for depression, inflammation, toothache, joint diseases, migraines, hypertension, thyroid and lung diseases.

Our whole life from the moment of birth is a constant series of seasons and colors. In spring and autumn, winter and summer, nature appears to us in a variety of colors and shades.

The colors of nature add up in certain combinations, creating a color mood for each of the seasons. The basics of color science allow you to use natural colors as healing remedies in such an industry alternative medicine as color therapy - color treatment. Let's see what practical color therapy is in medicine, and how it is applied.

Color therapy: treatment with color according to the person's temperament

All people are divided into 4 specific mental types - these are sanguine, melancholic, phlegmatic and choleric. Each of them is close specific color.

sanguine- open and cheerful person, usually optimistic, although at times he is able to experience not only delight, but also sadness.

As a matter of fact, the yellow color is close to him for color therapy, which gives him friendliness and lightness, fun and optimism. As an additional color, the sanguine occasionally uses purple, because the dark colors somewhat reduce his gushing temperament.

melancholic- This is a relatively secretive and reasonable person who appreciates stable relationships and is prone to inaction.

By nature, blue-blue tones are suitable for color therapy, which cause a feeling of peace and satisfaction, have a calming and relaxing effect. Red-yellow colors complement his mood, which push him to activity, giving an energy impulse.

Phlegmatic person- this is a relatively passive person with a balanced stable temperament, he is an introvert by nature (focused on his inner world) and loves peace and stability.

The green color, related to it, has a stabilizing and calming effect on the phlegmatic during color therapy. The color of the foliage evokes a sense of balance, the bluish nuances of green a sense of focus, and they also help to distance oneself from the external environment. Yellowish-red tones enliven the phlegmatic and give activity.

Choleric- this is a very temperamental and sociable person, he is an extrovert by nature (focused on the outside world), has an unstable explosive character.

He is close to the red color, which is in tune with a stormy and dynamic temperament. The color of the foliage during color therapy causes a sense of balance in the choleric person.

Color therapy: how color treatment works

Red. it warm color giving the body vitality. Red can also be called the color of life, as it energizes the body, relieves blues and depression.

Red activates the work of all body systems. In color therapy, it helps against various blood diseases, as it stimulates the production of erythrocytes (red blood cells), improves heart function. Improves skin color.

The healing properties of flowers have contraindications, for example, red is contraindicated in irritable, nervous people. The abundance of red should be avoided by people with increased blood pressure because it will only worsen their condition. Although the color red helps the body cope with ulcers and various wounds, it is contraindicated in people who have inflammatory processes in the body. Red is a very intense color and should be avoided for a long time.

Orange color is similar to red in some healing properties. In the process of color therapy, it also has a beneficial effect on hematopoietic system, warms cold parts of the body, is contraindicated in nervous, excitable people and can cause negative effect at long-term exposure. Orange color improves secretion internal glands, respiratory organs, helps with kidney diseases and has a general rejuvenating effect on the body.

Pink, unlike red, is not as intense and acts more gently. Gives warmth and improves mood during color therapy sessions. It has a sedative effect on the nervous system, improves sleep and promotes general muscle relaxation.

Yellow is the color of intelligence and spiritual development. Color therapy with yellow color activates the activity of the brain, enlightens thoughts. This stimulating color helps to cope with mental fatigue. When exposed to it, an increase in skin elasticity and its rejuvenation are noted.

Green is the color of harmony and prosperity. About him healing properties it is known that it is a good stabilizer that normalizes the activity of all body systems (especially circulatory and nervous). Treatment in green is a good growth stimulant. Since the green color affects the acceleration of cell growth of all types of tissues, it is recommended for pregnant women, people with broken bones and for rejuvenation of the whole organism. The healing properties of flowers can also be negative, for example, an excess of green can cause negative energy, which will negatively affect the human body.

Blue has a predominantly cooling property, so from the point of view of color therapy, it is effective in the treatment of burns and fevers. This is a calming color. Intensively influencing the nervous system, the blue color allows you to cope with anxiety, anxiety, various fears and experiences. Strengthens the body's defenses, replenishes energy losses. It is used in color treatment of insomnia and various nervous diseases. Narrows blood vessels. The blue color also has a calming effect on the brain, clarifying the mind, contributing to more contemplative thinking.

But you should be careful about the abundance of blue during color therapy. Since this color affects the body very deeply, too long exposure to it will have a depressing effect and lead to apathy or make a person sad.

Blue color in color therapy is known for its analgesic effect. This is the color of pure consciousness, clarity of thought, a sober mind, healthy spirit. This calming color normalizes the work of all body systems. Special attention blue color should be given to overweight people, as this color reduces appetite and has a beneficial effect on digestion, helps to recover from nervous tics and insomnia.

Too much lasting impact blue disrupts the circulation of energy flows in the body and can lead to a malfunction in its work.

Indigo in color therapy personifies the cosmic abyss. It is a purifying color that acts on a spiritual level. It clears up stagnant, muddy thoughts and brings a person to the awareness of other levels. Since ancient times, indigo has been used to heal diseases and wounds of the soul. It also has astringent properties.

Too much indigo color will lead to headaches and increased sleepiness.

Purple is called an inspiring color. In addition to relieving tension, creating a feeling of lightness in the body and inspiring, violet has a beneficial effect on the lungs, heart and blood vessels. Effectively used in color therapy in the treatment of ears, eyes, nose, especially when colds.

White is the color with the strongest cleansing property in color therapy. It will help the body cope with any diseases, cleansing all its systems at the most high levels. This color is not without reason found in abundance in hospitals and other medical institutions: white is the best pain-relieving and general healing color.

The gray color acts as a protector against negative impressions, stress, softening bad influence various unpleasant events on the body, protecting against overwork and exhaustion.

Black is a color that is used quite rarely and very carefully. This is due to its strong energy, which can adversely affect the body undergoing color treatment. But carefully used black color can help to cope with diseases caused by cold and moisture, balance the work of the kidneys, normalize arterial pressure. Black color in color therapy is effective in quality general tonic for people with poor health.

1.1 History of color therapy

And the world lies like a box of bright colors...

J. Priestley

Color is light, without which our existence is unthinkable.

We perceive color primarily through our eyes, but unconsciously we absorb it through our skin, muscles, and even bones. Color, penetrating in this way into our body, causes certain biochemical reactions in tissues, stimulates important glands including the pituitary gland. This gland generates hormones that control body functions: sleep, sexual arousal, metabolism, appetite. Influencing our body, color can become its healer. The science of healing with color is called color therapy.

Color treatment has been used since ancient times. The peoples of the ancient civilizations of Egypt, India and China used the healing properties of color. So, we find documentary evidence that, for example, Chinese doctors from ancient times treated stomach diseases with yellow, and patients with scarlet fever were recommended to wear red scarves.

Avicenna, in his famous work The Canon of Medicine, also wrote that the bleeding man should not look at red, but should use the calming properties of blue in order to stop the bleeding from the wound. He also used in his practice multi-colored ointments and colored elixirs. In the Middle Ages, large stained-glass windows were used in temples under construction, through which multi-colored healing rays fell.

The science of color therapy itself originates from the discovery of the English scientists Down and Blunt (1877) medicinal properties ultraviolet rays (treatment of skin diseases and rickets). an important step in the development of science were the works of American scientists Edwin Babbitt (The Principles of Light and Color, 1878) and Pleasanton, which describe the therapeutic effect of each color of the spectrum. So, Babbitt recommended treating infertility with red, nervous disorders with blue, and using yellow as a laxative.

The German physician Georg von Langdorf discovered that red dilates blood vessels, while blue, on the contrary, narrows them (Die Licht- und Farbgesetze und ihre therapeutische Anwendung, 1894). Rudolf Steiner, an Austrian philosopher, mystic and educator, used color in his spiritual teachings. He founded anthroposophy, the science of the spiritual perception of man and the development in man of self-awareness in connection with the universe. Schools were founded on the basis of the study of anthroposophy. In the premises of the first center for the study of anthroposophy, windows with multi-colored glasses were installed so that people could experience therapeutic effect colored rays. In modern Langdorf schools, color is used at every stage of children's development. When teaching young children, bright and warm tones are used, and for teaching older children, cold tones are used.

Warning! Since colors cause certain physiological reactions in the body, red color cannot be used in inflammatory processes, high blood pressure. Blue should not be used under reduced pressure. It is also dangerous to expose yourself to any color for too long, especially the red end of the spectrum. Treatment also requires complementary color therapy, even if only for a short time. As a general rule, green or blue end of the spectrum therapy should not exceed 15 minutes, and red end of the spectrum treatment should last less than half of the above time. Complementary color healing lasts three minutes for red and blue, and seven minutes for green.

1.2 The healing effect of color

In Egyptian temples, archaeologists have discovered rooms whose design forced the sun's rays to refract into one or another color of the spectrum. Egyptian doctors, having determined which person lacks which color, seemed to bathe the patient in healing streams of rays that heal him.

Each color contains a whole gamut of shades, from the thinnest and most delicate to deep, permeated with wisdom and knowledge. It is necessary to plunge into the color, as into the depths of the sea, surrender to its vibrations, like the waves of the sea, bathe in color, absorb color, be filled with color, and only then you begin to feel what color is.

Colors are invariably present in our environment. At home or at work, in a store or on the street, consciously or not, we constantly feel the influence of color on ourselves. It was found that when the stairs in the working rooms were painted red, employees stopped to chat with each other less often. To pacify violent prisoners in the United States, rooms painted in soft pink are used. After some time, there was a decrease in muscle activity. There are many examples of the effect of color. Camille Flammarion, a French astronomer who lived at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, proved by experience that plants and animals are not indifferent to color. Lettuce under red glass grew four times faster than under the sun, reached a very high altitude, but under the blue glass, its growth was insignificant. Beans bloom under white and red light, and die under green and blue light.

The effect of color on the body is well known. In fact, doctors have long used elements of color therapy. Strong excitation was removed from the patient even during attacks of violence, when he was placed in a room with blue walls, blue lighting. The greatest physicians of the past considered color to be one of the most important factors in the healing process. So, Celsus, when prescribing a medicine, always took into account its color: light purple, blue, pink ... For the treatment of wounds, he used a black, green, red or white plaster, depending on the type of wound. Avicenna made a diagnosis based on the color of the patient's skin and urine. A great connoisseur of human nature, he compiled a special atlas, where he described the relationship between color, human temperament and human health. He believed that the bright morning color helped digestion; red color creates an optimistic mood and enhances blood flow) covered his patients with a red cloth), yellow colors heal the liver, reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

Traditional medicine widely used color treatment, giving particular preference to red. So, for a long time in Russia, red flannel was used to treat scarlet fever, and with erysipelas- red wool; to protect themselves from jaundice, they wore golden beads. In Scotland, red wool cured sprains, in Ireland it helped with sore throats, and in Macedonia it prevented fever. In old England, a small child's hand was tied with red thread so that his teeth would grow better.

Another example: one of London's bridges was painted black. It was noticed that the largest number suicides in the city happened on this bridge. After the bridge was repainted green, the number of suicides dropped sharply.

Modern scientists believe that color therapy is one of the most promising and reliable methods of treatment and recovery.

Light is a stream of electromagnetic radiation in the wavelength range visible to the human eye, the components of which (depending on the wavelength) are perceived by a person in the form of a color octave. Each color has its own specific effect on the human body, including its psycho-emotional and physiological state.

longwave part visible light(red, orange, yellow) has a sympathetic-tonic effect, the short-wave part (blue, blue, violet) has a parasympathetic effect. The green part of the world harmonizes both influences.

Chromotherapy is carried out mainly through the eyes, while "... the energy flow of light is perceived by a colossal network of vessels, a concentrated pigment-reactive system of the iris and retina, and then it is freely and instantly transmitted to the regulatory centers of the brain."

Further, light causes a whole cascade of transformations in the body, affecting organs and systems, activates physiological processes, restores the balance of the internal environment, maintains the stability of cellular metabolism, regulates metabolism, increases the viability of cells and tissues, immunity and supports the natural mechanism of homeostasis.

Each color of the optical spectrum has a certain effect on the psycho-emotional and physiological state of a person. Red, orange and yellow have a stimulating effect; green, blue, indigo and violet - sedative effect.

Red color

It has sympathicotonic, antidepressant, thymoerectic effects on the nervous system: it increases the activity of tropic hormones, enhances metabolic activity, increases heart rate and respiration, normalizes cardiac activity, eliminates congestion, and increases blood pressure. The energy of red color improves appetite, enhances sexual desire, will, speeds up the pace of thinking, increases efficiency, endurance, strength, visual acuity, stimulates the immune system.

The use of red is effective in the treatment of influenza and viral diseases upper respiratory tract, hypotension, hypochondria, flaccid paralysis, as well as skin manifestations of certain diseases: measles, lupus, erysipelas, chicken pox, scarlet fever.

At the same time, the red color can cause a feeling of emotional tension, excitement, anxiety, arterial hypertension and tachycardia. Therefore, one should not abuse the red color for obese people suffering from hypertension. Such patients are recommended to use pink, which calms the nervous system, reduces excitability, and improves mood. How often do we say that someone "looks at the world through rose-colored glasses" without thinking about the root cause of this statement.

Orange color

Improves blood circulation, digestion, skin trophism, promotes regeneration of the nervous and muscle tissue, stimulates the activity of the gonads, enhances sexuality, increases the level of neuroendocrine regulation, appetite, muscle strength. Orange color is effective in the treatment of diseases of the bronchi, lungs, especially bronchial asthma, in addition, it is used for hypotension, anemia, diabetes, colitis. Excess color causes excitement. Orange color stimulates the thyroid gland, helps fight hiccups, convulsions.

If you experience stomach pain, imagine a bright orange flashing color, and the pain will soon subside.

The psychotropic effect of orange corresponds to a combination of antidepressant and mild psychostimulant action. Increases mental activity, appetite, physical performance, decreases exhaustion, fatigue, drowsiness. Improves memory. Increases sexual desire.

The sympathetic-tonic effect is minimally expressed. This allows you to assign orange color to the elderly and those with diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Stimulates the entire gastrointestinal tract, pancreas, liver, activates the autonomic nervous system, has a cleansing effect on the entire body. It is used in the treatment of eczema, allergic dermatitis, chronic gastritis, atonic colitis, constipation, diabetes, chronic diseases liver and bile ducts. Increases mood and mental abilities. Creates harmonious attitude to life. Enhances the antidepressant effect of red, but prevents the increase in anxiety. Consistent use of red and yellow color gives good results in the treatment of depression. Strengthening the processes of excitation, or weakening the inhibitory processes, yellow color increases physical performance, relieves fatigue and drowsiness.

Yellow color increases appetite, stimulates the nerves, liver, strengthens the heart and controls blood sugar levels. When you're depressed, take everything yellow out of your closet and bathe in that sunshine.

Excess increases the production of bile, causes arousal.

Green color

It affects the cardiovascular and nervous system, relieves spasms of smooth muscles of blood vessels and bronchi, has a sedative effect on the central nervous system, slows down the heartbeat, lowers blood pressure.

In medical terms, the green color is effective for hypertension, headaches, neurosis, stress, neurasthenic syndromes, insomnia, fatigue, bronchial asthma.

In the absence of green color, excitability, nervousness, irritability, and inappropriate activity increase.

It is a harmonizing color. Eliminates excitement, anxiety, relieves emotional stress. Has a hypnotic effect. Stabilizes emotions, relieves vasospasm, improves microcirculation.

Causes a feeling of balance, harmony.

For the prevention and elimination of visual fatigue, the appointment of green is recommended. With prolonged visual stress (working with a computer), it is recommended to conduct sessions every 30-40 minutes.

Soothes, has a bactericidal effect, has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland, vocal cords, bronchi, lungs, digestive tract. It normalizes blood pressure, regulates the work of the heart, relieves muscle tension, helps reduce appetite, lose weight, and at a certain dosage (in combination with red) has a tonic effect.

The therapeutic value of blue tones is great: they are used for various inflammatory diseases of the throat and vocal cords, hepatitis, burns, rheumatism, in the treatment of eczema, pustular lesions skin, with childhood infections, itching, insomnia.

A positive result of the use of blue color in osteochondrosis, in obese and overweight people was noted.

An overdose of color causes a feeling of fear, enhances the cooling effect of wind and cold factors.

Blue colour

It has an effect on the pituitary gland, parasympathetic nervous system, has antibacterial properties, helps fight infections, fevers, is effective in sore throats, spasms, headaches, palpitations, intestinal upset, rheumatism. A large therapeutic effect was noted in patients with thyroid diseases. Dark blue color (indigo) is effective for asthma, inflammatory diseases of the lungs (clears mucus), whooping cough, jaundice, colitis, spasms. Its effect is curative for hysteria, epilepsy, neurosis, fatigue, insomnia.

The psycholeptic effect of blue color includes a sedative, muscle relaxant and hypnotic effect. There is calmness, muscle relaxation, the pace of thinking decreases, speech motor activity, speech expression, anxiety decreases. The combined use of blue and yellow flowers does not cause inhibition of volitional processes and thinking.

An excess of color causes dryness, fatigue, obsession, a feeling of fear.


In purple, as it were, the action of two colors is combined - blue and red. It has a tonic effect on the brain, eyes, increases muscle strength, normalizes the functioning of the spleen, parathyroid glands, nervous system.

It is used for mental and nervous disorders, concussions of the brain, increases efficiency and normalizes sleep, facilitates the treatment of colds. Effective in inflammatory diseases of the liver, kidneys, urinary and gallbladder, rheumatism.

It has a pronounced psycholeptic effect, modulates interhemispheric relations. Prolonged use can cause a state of melancholy and depression.

1.3 Color exposure

increases internal energy, libido (sexual desire) and sexuality, helps to activate hematopoiesis, normalize blood circulation and metabolism. From ancient times primitive people associated red with life force. It symbolizes the energy and power of creation.

Psychologically, red can promote growth or cause destruction.

Red color has a strong cleansing effect; it will relieve you of longing and drive away negative emotions, heal the psyche and body. Muscles also react to red. It helps to relax stiffened limbs and joints, especially the legs, and is useful for paralysis.

Red color warms, it should be used by those who are prone to colds and need warmth. Helps stop the inflammatory process. However, the abuse of red can cause irritation and complications of the disease.

If you feel lethargic or unwilling to take on difficult but necessary tasks, work on the visual representation of red, and this will give you strength.

Red is optimistic. He has energy and pressure, pushing to do great things. Red color strong people, he personifies perseverance and will, cheerfulness and fun. However, if you have high blood pressure, it can aggravate your condition, causing anger and irritation.

If you are excited or, on the contrary, get tired quickly, constantly want to sleep, try decorating the room in which you work with something red. Buy red roses, hang a picture in front of your eyes in red tones, or just put a bright red folder on the table. This will immediately improve your mood, put your nerves in order, increase your efficiency and vitality.


helps to defeat fatigue, blues, depression, insecurity, anxiety and fear. Orange color is useful for any disorders in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, heals the kidneys and bladder, stimulates the adrenal glands. When a threat occurs, the adrenal glands produce adrenaline, which instantly enters the bloodstream and makes you act quickly to avoid danger.

Orange is the color of the harvest, the fruits of the earth that have grown under the rays of the sun. It whets the appetite.

This is the color of action, enthusiasm and freedom, which will help you rebuild your life when everything seems to be shattered: you are experiencing grief, divorce, bereavement, shock.

People suffering from pulmonary, cardiac and endocrine diseases should definitely get orange curtains. The body will respond to this color with great well-being. And if you hang them in the bedroom, you will forget about sexual disorders.

This color is good during menopause, as it balances the hormonal state. It helps with infertility and helps clear mucus from any system of the body.

Orange color treats mental breakdowns and depressive states. It helps to get rid of obsessive fears and strengthens morale.

Orange encourages you to move forward. Working with this color, a person instinctively gropes the right way regardless of their intelligence. Possessing the energy of orange, you will become the mistress of your destiny.

increases concentration, improves mood and memory. Its influence is very beneficial in violations of the liver. Yellow affects the solar plexus, which is associated with the liver, gallbladder, spleen and stomach. Thus, the area of ​​yellow color extends to the entire digestive tract. It is useful for the skin and nervous system, improves vision.

Yellow color is a wonderful "orderly". It tones and detoxifies the entire body, helps to get rid of constipation, controls weight, as it promotes the movement of bodily fluids, for example, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice necessary for digestion, controls sweating, relieves swelling.

It is noticed that the yellow color strengthens the central nervous system, promotes the desire to speak out, which relieves the soul and relieves obsessive thoughts.

Yellow color gives liveliness to the mind, helps to quickly assimilate information, promotes clarity and accuracy of thought, and awakens curiosity. With the help of yellow energy, you can overcome all difficulties and use all opportunities. This is the color of energetic people.

Vibrations of yellow are useful for lack of self-confidence or shyness. Yellow color gives fun and joy. It can get rid of depression and a gloomy outlook on life. This is the color of laughter.

Yellow is very diplomatic, full of self-control, style and sophistication. It is the color of focus, so use it when you need to bring certainty into your life.

contributes to the rhythmic work of the heart, rest of the eyes, has a moderate anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effect, is useful for reduced kidney function, dizziness, nervousness. It is the most harmonious and balanced of all the colors of the Universe. This is an emotional indicator - if the balance of the green color is disturbed, there are pains in the heart, which may be the result of envy and jealousy. Green is conducive to wholeness and love. It is the color of emotional relationships. Since green helps to get rid of negative feelings, turn to it during the stormy periods of life, it will calm and cool emotions. Green guides. Therefore, it is used when a decision needs to be made.

Green is the gateway to freedom, halfway rest, the color of friendships, it relieves negative emotions and stress, reduces arousal and restores stability.

Green is the color of decision making. If you hesitate and feel indecisive, close your eyes and visualize the color green. He is very productive, especially in business. A characteristic feature of the green color is practicality. He disposes to generosity, brings consolation to the world.

Green is made up of yellow and blue. Yellow is last color the hot side of the spectrum, and blue is the first part of the cold side of it. Yellow brings clarity and blue brings wisdom. Together they help to make sense of the events in your life. This is very important, because most of the diseases develop as a result of negative images of the past, from which it is necessary to get rid of.

Green loves harmony and balance: it is neither hot nor cold, neither active nor passive. This is the color of great change. Green color helps with claustrophobia (fear of closed spaces) by expanding the space.

Green color perfectly treats heart diseases, relieves headaches, improves liver function, stabilizes blood pressure and calms nerves. It is a wonderful tonic. It harmonizes with everything, therefore it is a healing color. a wide range actions. Trees and grass - what could be the best color therapy for a person?

soothes, improves immunity, relieves inflammation and burning sensation, for example, with sunburn, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the thyroid gland. This is the color of the present time - the era of Aquarius, the seeker of truth, going ahead in search of truth.

The color blue represents higher order mind. His strength is in calmness and directness; Diplomats usually have a blue aura. Sometimes craving for blue means a thirst for change.

Blue color helps with stress and anxiety, it can lower blood pressure. With its help, they relieve inflammation, stop bleeding, reduce pain in sciatica and stomach ulcers; it helps with urinary incontinence.

Blue brings peace and contentment. From him emanates calmness, balance. It encourages reflection, reminds you of the need to relax and unwind.

How many people suffer from insomnia and do not know what to read at night under a blue lampshade, then sleep will not take long. You can hang a blue-blue patterned carpet in the bedroom, the result will be the same.

causes a feeling of comfort and peace, relieves tension, lowers blood pressure, calms breathing. Specialists in color therapy especially recommend the blue color to women with menstrual irregularities and during menopause. Blue color facilitates the course of diseases of the endocrine system. In addition, it affects the skeletal system, especially the spine. The brain, eyes and sinuses are also treated with blue.

This is the most powerful pain-relieving color of the spectrum. It is able to reduce the effects of air, water and food pollution, as well as negative vibrations that are embedded in the subconscious. Since the ears, eyes and nose are included in its field of influence, the blue color helps well with acute inflammation sinuses and catarrhal phenomena.

Blue color is used for bronchitis, asthma, migraine, eczema, bruises and inflammation, in small doses - for hyperthyroidism and kidney disease.

Blue color can reveal addictions of any kind - to drugs, alcohol, cigarettes. Similar bad habits usually indicate that something is wrong with a person. This color heals from painful memories, helps to cope with emotional upheavals, promotes inspiration; wonderful cleaner. Blue is the color of wish fulfillment and intuition. With it, you can understand what you need to get rid of in life.


enhances intuition, normalizes the state of the lymphatic system, helps with migraines. Physically, violet affects the pineal gland located in the diencephalon. All mental orders come from here. Violet must be used with care - it is a heavy color. Too much of it can cause depression. It is not recommended for the treatment of young children.

Violet color is very useful for any internal inflammation. It is also good for sciatica. Reduces rashes on the skin, weakens the heartbeat, helps with any disorders associated with the head (for example, with a concussion). Supports the immune system and can soothe frayed nerves. Useful for fatigue and pain in the eyes, calms emotionally unstable people.

Purple is a very powerful color. It carries the world, combining strength and gentleness. This is the highest energy of humanism, kindness and love. Absorb purple to reveal and release hidden possibilities. If you feel lonely or out of touch with life, imagine the color purple - it will protect you.

Since purple combines red and blue, it promotes the union of body and spirit. Sharpens vision and senses, but suppresses appetite.

1.4 The emotional impact of color

Harmonization of health, emotional state of adults with speech disorders can be done by viewing specially selected (taking into account your temperament) paintings by famous Russian artists from the collection of the Tretyakov Gallery.

There is a triple action. The main effect is the color palette of the picture, then the plot, and, finally, the geometric proportions of both the picture itself and the various objects in this picture (recall the rules of the “Golden Section”, which most artists adhere to).

Scientists in the field of “color science” believe that all spectral colors in one way or another affect the functional systems of a person.


"Warm" colors

thermal, warming, exciting, energetic, penetrating, active, activates all body functions; used to treat chicken pox, scarlet fever, measles, open festering wounds, weeping lichen and some skin diseases; for a short time increases muscle tension, increases blood pressure, accelerates the rhythm of breathing


tonic; acts like red, but weaker; accelerates blood pulsation, improves digestion, regulates the activity of the thyroid gland, enhances lactation, normalizes the menstrual cycle; it is prescribed for depression and fear, for psychosis and blues, discontent, pessimism; used for weight loss, rickets, osteoporosis and anemia, heart failure

tonic, invigorating, antidepressant effect, indicated for melancholy, physiologically optimal, least tiring; stimulates vision and nervous activity, favorably affects the intellect

"Cold" colors

physiologically optimal; reduces blood pressure and dilates capillaries; soothes and relieves neuralgia and migraine; for a long time increases motor-muscular performance

calming; reduces muscle tension and blood pressure, calms the pulse and slows down the rhythm of breathing and improves sleep; indicated for inflammation, abrasions and skin diseases accompanied by itching

cooling, soothing effect turns into a depressing one; contributes to the inhibition of functions physiological systems person; indicated for purulent processes, pain and hyperemia


combines the effect of red and blue colors; produces a depressing effect on the nervous system; favorably affects the spleen and stimulates leukopoiesis, eliminates the feeling of hunger

Color can be used in other ways as well. For example, it is correct (taking into account your temperament) to choose the color of the walls (wallpaper), curtains, lampshades of table lamps and floor lamps, carpets, bedspreads, floors, your clothes, apartment or office furnishings, etc.

For example, "warm" bright colors red, orange and yellow colors cause a cheerful, lively, active mood and harmonize melancholic and phlegmatic people, while “cold” blue, black, gray, white and green colors are favorable for sanguine and choleric people.

According to Goethe, color tastes different. Blue and green will taste alkaline, and yellow-red will taste sour.

"Warm" colors correspond to a piece of music in major, and "cold" - in minor.

All manifestations of reality, according to Goethe, are related.

Let's represent the above in the form of a table of preferences.


"Hot" temperaments

"Cold" temperaments

sanguine, choleric

melancholic, phlegmatic

blue, black, grey, white, green

red, orange, yellow


musical notes

do, re, re-sharp, mi

salt, la, la-sharp, si

musical pieces

In the proposed paintings, we used, in a certain way, selected color combinations that have the strongest impact on a given temperament, but you can also use other paintings by famous artists, both domestic and foreign.

If you got into stressful situation or you are depressed, or your emotions go over the edge, or your temperament is in an overexcited state, then regular (daily) viewing, for at least 15-20 minutes, of reproductions of paintings famous artists offered below for each temperament normalizes well-being. Calms down if a person is overexcited, and also tones up when depressed.

Paintings that harmonize choleric people:

Almost all paintings by Shishkin and V.M. Vasnetsova, I.I. Levitan, V.A. Serov, in which green color prevails.

Dnieper in the morning. A.I. Kuinzhi

· Birch Grove. A.I. Kuinzhi

· Forest Glade. A.I. Kuinzhi

Overgrown pond. V.D. Polenov

Moscow courtyard. V.D. Polenov

Cathedral of the Assumption. V.D. Polenov

· Black Sea. I.K. Aivazovsky

· Rainbow. I.K. Aivazovsky

· Lake. A.M. Vasnetsov

· Snow Maiden. A.M. Vasnetsov

The youth of St. Sergius. M.V. Nesterov

· Vision to the youth Bartholomew. M.V. Nesterov

· The Rooks Have Arrived. A.K. Savrasov

· Shrovetide. B.M. Kustodiev

Pictures that harmonize sanguine people:

· Moonlit night on Capri. I.K. Aivazovsky

· Moonlight night. I.K. Aivazovsky

· Ukrainian night. A.I. Kuinzhi

· Night on the Dnieper. A.I. Kuinzhi

· Sick. V.D. Polenov

· On Lake Tivernad (Genisaret). V.D. Polenov

· Conscience, Judas. N.N. GE

In the Garden of Gethsemane. N.N. GE

Pictures that harmonize phlegmatic people:

Babs (green shawl). Malyavin F.A.

· Vortex. Malyavin F.A.

· Wench. Malyavin F.A.

· Gorgeous. B.M. Kustodiev

· Guests. A.E. Arkhipov

Paintings that harmonize melancholic people:

Pictures or icons, with a predominance of yellow and golden colors.

· Trinity. Rublev A.

In conclusion, you can use the "Color Relaxer", which helps to relieve mental stress and achieve an extremely balanced state by focusing on an external object (a relaxation picture specially made for your temperament).

To make a "Color Relaxer", take a sheet of colored paper (for example, A4 size and a color that matches your temperament, see note). In the center of the sheet, draw or paste from paper, of a different color, a circle with a diameter of 1-2 cm, corresponding to your temperament (see note). The diameter of the circle is selected in such a way that it is still clearly visible from a distance of 2 m. Hang the "Color Relaxer" on the wall at eye level while sitting.

If you need to regulate out of control emotions, you need to sit opposite the "Color Relaxer" at a distance of 1.5-2 m. Relax and look at the center of the sheet at the colored circle for 20-30 minutes. Look until you are slightly tired, then, after resting with your eyes closed, look at the point again without tension and fatigue.


The color of the leaf for choleric people is green (light green), the dots are red.

The color of the sheet for sanguine people is blue, the dots are yellow.

The color of the leaf for phlegmatic people is red (pink), the dots are green.

The color of the sheet for melancholics is yellow (gold), the dots are blue.

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