Biseptol course of admission. Biseptol - complete instructions for the use of tablets and suspensions. Side effects and overdose

Means "Biseptol" is a combined drug with antibacterial properties. It is produced by the Polish pharmaceutical company "Polfa" and is dispensed from pharmacies exclusively by prescription.

His active ingredients perfectly fight the reproduction of bacteria, destroy gram-negative and gram-positive microorganisms, including those that have developed resistance to other drugs of the sulfanilamide group. In this article, we will tell you all about medicine"Biseptol": what helps, what are its indications and contraindications for use. We will also describe how and in what doses it should be used, what side effects it can have on the human body. We hope you find this information useful.

Release form of the drug "Biseptol"

This drug is produced in several versions: in the form of tablets of 120 mg and 480 mg, suspensions for oral administration of 80 ml and ampoules with a concentrate of 8 ml. Regardless of the form of release, the drug contains two main components: sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim (400 mg and 80 mg, respectively). The suspension is prescribed for children and has a pleasant sweetish taste. In addition to active ingredients, it consists of Cremophor RH 40, sodium salt carboxymethyl cellulose, magnesium aluminum silicate, citric acid, sodium hydrogen phosphate, maltitol, propylhydroxybenzoate, methylhydroxybenzoate, propylene glycol, purified water. Ampoules are used only for inpatient treatment. They, like the suspension, contain, in addition to the two main active, several auxiliary components: propylene glycol, sodium hydroxide, benzyl alcohol, ethanol, and water for injection. Tablets have a round flat shape, white-yellowish color and engraved "Bs". Except active ingredients, consist of potato starch, talc, magnesium stearate, and other components.

pharmachologic effect

The drug "Biseptol" has a bacteriostatic effect on different kinds pathogenic microorganisms. Sulfamethoxazole disrupts the metabolism of bacteria, including preventing the synthesis of dihydrofolic acid in their cells. Trimethoprim prevents the formation of nucleic acids necessary for the growth and reproduction of microorganisms, which leads to their rapid death. The active components of Biseptol tablets are absorbed into small intestine. They penetrate into the fluids and tissues of the body: into the kidneys, lungs, tonsils, prostate, in vaginal and bronchial secretions. Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim are passed through the placental barrier and during lactation can be excreted in breast milk. 60 minutes after taking the drug, the concentration active substances reaches its limit in the blood. Therapeutic effect kept for 12 hours. The drug is excreted from the body within 10-12 hours, mainly with urine. So, we examined what effect the drug "Biseptol" has. From what it helps, we will tell further.

In what cases do doctors prescribe the drug "Biseptol"?

The drug destroys various gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria and even some pathogenic fungi. It is effective against such pathogens as Escherichia coli, Klebsiela, Proteus, Enterobacter, Morganella, Streptococcus, Salmonella, Legionella, Toxoplasma, Neisseria. It is also active against chlamydia and vibrio cholerae. Wide spectrum pathogenic microorganisms, sensitive to the active complex of sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim, causes an impressive list of diseases for which Biseptol is prescribed. What does he help? Often this remedy used to treat acute infections respiratory tract(pharyngitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchiolitis), ENT infections (otitis, chronic sinusitis). Often, doctors prescribe the drug Biseptol for bronchitis caused by bacteria. It is worth remembering that when a cough appears, it is impossible to purchase and use medicine without a doctor's recommendation. Inflammation of the bronchi can be caused not only by bacteria, but also by viruses that are resistant to the components of the tablets. In order not to harm your body, the drug "Biseptol" for coughing should be taken only after visiting a therapist. Self-treatment unacceptable.

What do Biseptol tablets help from?

The drug is often used to treat diseases urinary tract and genitals. It is effective in the presence of urethritis, including post-gonorrhea, gonococcal infection, pyelitis, chronic pyelonephritis, prostatitis. Often the drug "Biseptol" is prescribed for cystitis. The thing is that in almost 80% of cases the cause of infection in the urinary tract and inflammatory process Bladder is coli. Tablets "Biseptol" perfectly fight this pathogen.

Nevertheless, it is worth remembering that in the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, you should be guided by the recommendations of your doctor. He will probably prescribe you not Biseptol tablets, but a fluoroquinolone antibiotic. Inadequate therapy and self-medication can lead to chronic diseases of the urinary tract, which are extremely difficult to treat. In addition to cystitis, the drug "Biseptol" also helps in the presence of a gastrointestinal infection: typhoid fever, bacillary dysentery, paratyphoid, cholera. It is also effective in the presence of infections of soft tissues and skin, such as furunculosis, pyoderma or abscess. Sometimes doctors prescribe the drug "Biseptol" in the treatment of meningitis. From what it helps, we examined. Next, we describe the scheme of application, as well as talk about contraindications and possible side effects of this drug.

Instructions for use. Dosage

The duration of treatment is set for each patient individually. It can be from 5 to 14 days. Usually the daily dosage of the drug is calculated according to the following formula: 30 mg of sulfamethoxazole and 6 mg of trimethoprim per 1 kg of body weight. Babies are prescribed the drug "Biseptol" in the form of a suspension or syrup. The standard dosage for children is as follows:

  • at the age of 3 to 6 months - 2.5 ml (every 12 hours);
  • at the age of 7 months to 3 years - 2.5-5 ml;
  • at the age of 4 to 6 years - 5-10 ml;
  • at the age of 7 to 12 years - 10 ml.

Children 12 years of age and older and adults should take 20 ml every 12 hours. When prescribing Biseptol tablets to patients with impaired renal function, the dosage is halved.

Contraindications and side effects of the drug "Biseptol"

It is contraindicated in patients with pronounced violations functioning of the kidneys and the hematopoietic system. The drug "Bispetol" is not recommended for people with folic acid deficiency, as well as those with hypersensitivity to active components (trimethoprim and / or sulfonamides). He is not assigned to childhood up to 3 months, during pregnancy and lactation. With prolonged and uncontrolled use, the drug "Biseptol" can adversely affect well-being, including causing nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis. AT rare cases use may contribute to the appearance of hepatitis, acute necrosis liver, pancreatitis. Also, against the background of taking pills, there may be allergic reactions: urticaria, itching or skin rash.

The drug can also cause headache, dizziness, cause apathy and depression. Its use in high doses can develop thrombocytopenia, anemia, agranulocytosis and disrupt kidney function. Therefore, do not neglect the appointment of the attending physician and exceed the recommended dose. Be healthy!

Acceptance of funds that have a strong antibacterial action, allows you to eliminate diseases caused by pathogenic fungi, protozoa, gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. Biseptol tablets are a drug with a bactericidal effect: it provokes the death of a microbial cell by blocking the synthesis of folic acid, without which it loses its ability to divide. This drug does not belong to the group of antibiotics. Biseptol is produced in the form of tablets, syrup and suspension. The last two forms mentioned are usually recommended for the treatment of children. Each dosage form has features of administration and dosage, therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to obtain an exhaustive consultation of a specialist. It should be noted: the drug is dispensed by prescription.

Biseptol - a drug with an extensive range of action, belongs to the group of bactericides. It is prescribed to eliminate microbes that cause infectious diseases.

Characteristics of the drug

Biseptol tablets are a combination drug that is characterized by a wide spectrum of action. It contains sulfamethoxazole, which disrupts the synthesis of the acid necessary for the development of bacteria, as well as trimethoprim, a substance that enhances the effect of the first active ingredient and prevents the reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Biseptol is effective in many pathologies, the effect appears soon - on the second day of treatment, an improvement is noted

This medication is active against pathogens such as:

  • gonococci;
  • meningococci;
  • chlamydia;
  • salmonella;
  • coli;
  • some types of fungi.

Note! Biseptol does not act on viruses, so it is not used for treatment purposes. viral diseases. The drug is also not active against pathogens and leptospirosis, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, spirochetes.

This medication is produced not only in the form of tablets - Biseptol suspension, syrup and ampoules containing a concentrate are also available. Biseptol suspension is suitable for children; the drug contained in ampoules is used exclusively during inpatient treatment under the supervision of medical personnel.

Tablets and other forms of medication are rapidly absorbed from the stomach, and their active ingredients have the ability to penetrate tissues and biological fluids body - in the kidneys, tonsils, lungs, bronchial secretions, cerebrospinal fluid.

The maximum concentration of the active components of the drug in the blood is observed 60 minutes after its administration.

Indications and contraindications for taking the drug

Treatment with Biseptol is effective in the treatment of acute infectious diseases respiratory tract, infections of the ENT organs and the gastrointestinal tract, diseases of the urinary tract and organs reproductive system. Also, the use of the drug is advisable for infections skin and soft tissues.

Biseptol is prescribed for infectious and inflammatory diseases of the urinary and reproductive systems.

Indications for taking Biseptol are the following diseases and pathology:

  • acute and chronic;
  • lung abscess;
  • malaria;
  • scarlet fever;
  • brucellosis;
  • toxoplasmosis;
  • acne;
  • brain abscess;
  • pyoderma;
  • salmonellosis;
  • typhoid fever;
  • osteomyelitis;
  • cholera.

Even having an idea of ​​​​what Biseptol helps from, you should not take it without a doctor's prescription. This drug has some absolute contraindications. These include:

  • children's age up to 3 months (for taking a suspension) or 3 years (for taking tablets);
  • impaired renal function;
  • hypersensitivity to the active substances of the drug;
  • the period of gestation and breastfeeding;
  • hematopoietic disorders;
  • deficiency of folic acid in the body;
  • liver failure;
  • cardiovascular failure.

Note! If the patient has previously experienced an allergic reaction to certain medications, Biseptol is prescribed with caution, and treatment in this case is carried out under the special supervision of a physician. Also, tablets are prescribed with caution in case of diseases. thyroid gland, at an early age and in old age.

When a patient is recommended to drink Biseptol, he must be warned about the likelihood of adverse reactions. Although in most cases this drug is well tolerated by patients, the following undesirable manifestations may occur:

At long-term use high dosages of Biseptol, side effects may be more pronounced. Serious allergic reactions are occasionally recorded, development is possible due to changes in the composition of the intestinal microflora
  • nausea;
  • abdominal pain;
  • apathy;
  • depression;
  • dizziness;
  • trembling fingers;
  • an increase in the volume of urine excreted;
  • feeling short of breath;
  • pain in muscles and joints;
  • temperature rise;
  • chills;
  • skin itching.

Biseptol is contraindicated in patients with severe diseases internal organs- liver, kidneys, as well as hematopoietic disorders

Side effects, if they occur, are mild.

Note! Particular care in the treatment of Biseptol must be observed in the elderly, as well as in persons suffering from alcoholism or malabsorption of substances.

Biseptol tablets are available in dosages of 120 and 480 mg. The difference between them is that the first type of drug contains sulfamethoxazole in the amount of 100 mg and trimethoprim in the amount of 20 mg; in the preparation with a dosage of 480 mg - 400 mg and 80 mg of substances, respectively.

Each package contains 20 tablets.

Instructions for Biseptol tablets prescribe the following:

  • reception is carried out after a meal;
  • to prevent the formation of crystals in the urine, provoking urolithiasis need to take pills large quantity water, and during the entire course of treatment drink at least 2 liters of water per pure form daily;
  • during therapy, limit exposure to direct ultraviolet rays;
  • when taking tablets, adults and children should limit the intake of protein foods, which reduces the effectiveness of the drug;
  • it is important to stop using alcoholic beverages, which not only neutralize the effectiveness of the drug, but can also cause the development of allergic reactions.

Before starting treatment, the specialist should explain to the patient how to take Biseptol. The dosage of the drug depends on the existing disease:

  • Biseptol with cystitis, other diseases of the urinary tract of an infectious nature, as well as chronic in adults, is taken according to following scheme: 960 mg of the drug per day, which is equal to 2 tablets at a dosage of 480 mg or 8 tablets at a dosage of 120 mg. You need to take the tablets 2 times a day. Biseptol is taken in the same way;
  • with gonorrhea, 1920-2880 mg of the drug per day is indicated. The indicated dosage is divided into 3 doses per day;
  • with diarrhea, it is recommended to take 960 mg of the drug, in two divided doses. Between each of them must pass 12 hours.

The minimum period of use of this medication is 4 days. It is not recommended to continue therapy for more than 2 weeks, since prolonged use of Biseptol provokes a violation of the synthesis of folic acid, and this, in turn, can lead to hematopoietic disorders.

When treating, it is important not to exceed the rate of the drug prescribed by the doctor. An overdose of Biseptol can cause the following symptoms:

An overdose of Biseptol can greatly affect general state sick. This is manifested by frequent headache and dizziness. In some cases - aseptic and depression. At similar symptoms need to see a doctor
  • drowsiness;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • fever;
  • pre-fainting state;
  • the appearance of blood in the urine;
  • jaundice;
  • depression;
  • hematopoietic disorders.

If signs of an overdose appear, the patient is assisted in the form of gastric lavage, intramuscular injections folinate, acidification of urine.

Can children take Biseptol tablets?

Can Biseptol be used in childhood? If it is necessary to take this drug, Biseptol for children is recommended in the form of a suspension. It can be given to a child from the age of 3 months. Biseptol syrup is recommended to be given from the age of 1 year. As for the medication in tablets, it can be used from the age of 3 years. Parents are often concerned about the question of whether Biseptol is an antibiotic or not. This remedy does not belong to the group of such drugs, but its use must be discussed with a doctor.

How many milligrams should the dose of the drug be? Instructions for the use of Biseptol for children provide for the following:

  • at the age of 3 to 5 years, the daily dose of tablets will be 240 mg (2 tablets with a dosage of 120 mg);
  • children from 6 to 12 years old are given 480 mg of the drug per day (4 tablets of 120 mg or 1 at a dosage of 480 mg);
  • at the age of 12 years and older, the allowable daily dose can reach 960 mg per day. The daily intake is divided into 2 times.

When taking Biseptol by a child, it is important for parents to control his condition. If adverse reactions occur, you should immediately contact a specialist. On the advice of a doctor, you can supplement the treatment with vitamin and biologically active additives that soften bad influence drug on the work of the intestines and kidneys.


Analogues of the drug Biseptol 480 for the active substance are:

  • Bactrim;
  • Disepton;
  • Intrim;
  • Cotrimoxazole;
  • Trimezol;
  • Ziplin;
  • Sumetrolim;
  • Oriprim;
  • Duo-Septol;
  • Cotrifarm;
  • Berlocid;
  • Bisutrim.

The price of the drug Biseptol is from 27 to 40 rubles for a package of tablets with a dosage of 120 mg and from 80 to 110 rubles for a package of tablets with a dosage of 480 mg.

The drug is dispensed exclusively by prescription and is taken according to his instructions.

Attention everyone who uses Biseptol 480: instructions for use of this drug should be carefully studied! The dosage prescribed by the doctor should in no case be exceeded, otherwise there is a significant risk of developing side effects.

Biseptol is a fully synthesized combined remedy, which has antimicrobial action and containing in its composition co-trimoxazole.

The latter belongs to the group of sulfonamides, which are the first systemic antimicrobial agents.

On this page you will find all the information about Biseptol: complete instructions for use for this drug, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Biseptol. Want to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Antibacterial sulfanilamide drug.

Terms of dispensing from pharmacies

Released by prescription.


How much does Biseptol cost? average price in pharmacies is at the level of 40 rubles.

Release form and composition

Substance providing Biseptol healing effect, is called co-trimoxazole. This name combines two active compounds, the ratio of which in one tablet is 5 to 1. Depending on the amount of such active substances, the drug is presented in two dosages:

  1. Tablets 120 mg, in which there is 100 mg of sulfamethoxazole supplemented with 20 mg of trimethoprim.
  2. Tablets 480 mg, of which the patient receives sulfamethoxazole in an amount of 400 mg, and trimethoprim in a dose of 80 mg.

Biseptol tablets are distinguished by their round flat shape, white (sometimes with yellowness) color, as well as the presence of risks and engraving Bs. They are packaged in blisters of 20 pieces and sold 1 blister per pack.

Pharmacological effect

"Biseptol" (480, 120 and 240 mg) is an antimicrobial drug broad action, which refers to sulfa drugs. The combination of active ingredients prevents the synthesis of folic acid, which is responsible for metabolic processes in microbial cells, as well as their division.

Co-trimoxazole does not kill pathogens of various diseases, but limits their reproduction, giving the immune system the opportunity to independently cope with pathogens. This explains the absence of a strong toxic effect during treatment with biseptol.

The drug is able to cope with about 40 types of pathogenic microorganisms, including streptococcal and staph infections, cholera vibrio, toxoplasma, salmonella, chlamydia, E. coli and others. The drug has no effect on anaerobic and mycobacteria, as well as viruses.

It is also used for primary and secondary prevention pneumocystosis and toxoplasmosis in HIV carriers.

Indications for use

According to the manufacturer's instructions, Biseptol is prescribed for medical therapy infectious and inflammatory diseases that are caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug, namely:

  • Infections of soft tissues and skin, including pyoderma, furunculosis;
  • infections genitourinary system including salpingitis;
  • Various respiratory tract infections, including lung abscess, pleural empyema;
  • Infections of the gastrointestinal tract, including typhoid fever, typhus, bacterial cholera, dysentery, diarrhea.

Biseptol - an antibiotic or not?

According to the annotation, Biseptol is not an antibiotic. This is a bactericidal drug (it causes the death of microbial cells), but it does not apply to antibiotics. The action of the drug is due to the fact that it blocks the synthesis of folic acid, without which the microbial cell cannot divide. Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim complement and reinforce each other in this mechanism.


Absolute contraindications:

  • severe renal dysfunction in the absence of the ability to control the concentration of the drug in the blood plasma;
  • hyperbilirubinemia in children;
  • severe blood diseases;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • established damage to the liver parenchyma;
  • severe renal failure;
  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, as well as to sulfonamides.

Biseptol should not be taken by women during pregnancy and lactation.

Children do not prescribe the drug:

  • tablets - up to 3 years;
  • suspension - up to 2 months (or up to 1.5 months if the child was born from a mother with HIV infection).

Caution requires the use of Biseptol in the presence of the following diseases:

  • bronchial asthma;
  • deficiency of folic acid in the body;
  • thyroid disease.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy, the drug should be prescribed only if the expected benefit from its use outweighs the possible risk to the fetus, since both trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole penetrate the placental barrier and, thus, may affect the exchange of folic acid. On the later dates pregnancy, the use of the drug should be avoided due to possible risk development of kernicterus in newborns.

Due to the fact that trimethoprim and sulfamethoxazole penetrate into breast milk, the use of co-trimaxosole during lactation is contraindicated.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that the dosage of Biseptol is set individually depending on the disease. The drug is taken after meals with a sufficient amount of liquid.

  1. For children aged 3 to 5 years, the drug is prescribed 240 mg (2 tablets of 120 mg) 2 times / day; children aged 6 to 12 years - 480 mg (4 tablets of 120 mg or 1 tablet of 480 mg) 2 times / day.
  2. For adults and children over 12 years of age, the drug is prescribed 960 mg 2 times / day, with long-term therapy - 480 mg 2 times / day.
  3. The duration of the course of treatment is from 5 to 14 days. For severe disease and/or chronic infections it is possible to increase the single dose by 30-50%.

With the duration of the course of therapy for more than 5 days and / or an increase in the dose of the drug, it is necessary to control the picture of peripheral blood; when pathological changes should appoint folic acid at a dose of 5-10 mg / day.

  • For pneumonia, the drug is prescribed at the rate of 100 mg of sulfamethoxazole per 1 kg of body weight / day. The interval between doses is 6 hours, the duration of admission is 14 days.
  • For gonorrhea, the dose of the drug is 2 g (in terms of sulfamethoxazole) 2 times / day with an interval between doses of 12 hours.

In patients with renal insufficiency with CC 15-30 ml / min, the standard dose of Biseptol should be reduced by 50%.

Side effects

Patients may experience the following side effects when treated with Biseptol:

  1. urinary tract: tubulointerstitial nephritis, elevated level creatinine, saline diathesis,
  2. Metabolism: Biseptol should be taken with caution in potassium metabolism disorders;
  3. Gastrointestinal tract: hepatitis, stool disorders (diarrhea), cholestatic syndrome, glossitis, increased liver enzymes, in patients with severe chronic diseases and immune diseases, acute pancreatitis is often diagnosed;
  4. Skin reactions that often disappear after discontinuation of the drug: increased sensitivity of the body to ultraviolet radiation, polymorphic erythema, malignant exudative erythema, acute or toxic epidermal necrolysis, hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  5. Central nervous system : meningeal syndrome, impaired coordination of movements, hallucinatory states;
  6. Musculoskeletal system: muscle and joint pain;
  7. Change in the blood picture: a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the total cellular composition of the blood, a decrease in the number of neutrophils, a low content of platelets, neutropenia, folic acid deficiency, aplastic anemia, an increase in the concentration of methemoglobin, Werlhof's disease.

In patients who do not suffer diabetes, in the first days of therapy, a decrease in the concentration of glucose in the blood is observed. Hypoglycemia also occurs in individuals with kidney and liver disease. The reason for this pathological condition may become inadequate nutrition.


With a significant excess of the recommended therapeutic dose symptoms develop acute poisoning- nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, headache, disorders of consciousness. In this case, the drug should be stopped and medical attention should be sought.

Detoxification therapy includes washing the stomach, intestines and symptomatic therapy. Chronic overdose can lead to inhibition of hematopoiesis with a significant decrease in the number of all blood cells.

special instructions

Regular monitoring of the concentration of sulfamethoxazole in the blood is necessary. If the indicator is more than 150 μg / ml, then the treatment is stopped until the value reaches 120 μg / ml and below. If the course of treatment is designed for a month or more, then regular monitoring of the blood condition is required.

When appointed folic acid hematological changes are reversible. In AIDS patients, side effects are more common and pronounced. Biseptol is not recommended for prescribing pharyngitis and tonsillitis caused by beta-hemolytic streptococcus gr. BUT.

drug interaction

  1. Derivatives salicylic acid increase the effect of Biseptol.
  2. Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim increase anticoagulant activity indirect anticoagulants, as well as the effect of hypoglycemic drugs and methotrexate.
  3. In combination with thiazide diuretics, there is a risk of thrombocytopenia and bleeding.
  4. In combination with diuretics, the risk of thrombocytopenia increases.
  5. Biseptol reduces the intensity of hepatic metabolism of phenytoin and warfarin, enhancing their action.
  6. Phenytoin, barbiturates, PAS increase the manifestations of folic acid deficiency in combination with Biseptol.
  7. Benzocaine, procaine, procainamide (as well as other drugs, the hydrolysis of which produces PABA) reduce the effectiveness of Biseptol®.
  8. Ascorbic acid, hexamethylenetetramine increase the risk of crystalluria when taking Biseptol.
  9. Biseptol may increase plasma levels of digoxin in some elderly patients.
  10. In combination with drugs that inhibit bone marrow hematopoiesis, the risk of myelosuppression increases.
  11. Biseptol reduces the effectiveness of oral contraceptives.

Biseptol ® is a fully synthesized combined agent that has an antimicrobial effect and contains in its composition. The latter belongs to the group of sulfonamides.

Their use in medical practice over several decades has provoked the emergence of many strains resistant to these drugs. To overcome this resilience, combined preparations, whose representative is Biseptol.

Sulfonamides are able to integrate into the structure of the pathogen, thereby disrupting metabolic processes and affecting the reproduction and growth of microorganisms.

Biseptol ® is one of the most commonly prescribed medicines at infectious lesions urinary system.

It is used as a prophylaxis for pneumocystis pneumonia, which is often diagnosed in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS). Biseptol is indicated for diseases bacterial etiology, the causative agents of which are:

  • streptococci (ovoid asporogenic gram + bacteria);
  • staphylococci (non-motile gram + cocci);
  • meningococcus (gram-diplococci causing meningococcal infection);
  • gonococcus (gram- aerobic bacterium causing gonorrhea)
  • Escherichia coli (gram-rod-shaped bacterium, common in lower section intestines);
  • salmonella (a non-spore-bearing rod-shaped bacterium);
  • cholera vibrio (gram-motile bacterium of the genus Vibrio);
  • bacillus anthrax (causative agent of anthrax);
  • Pfeiffer's bacillus (non-motile gram bacterium);
  • listeria (gram + rod-shaped bacterium);
  • nocardia (gram + immobile aerobic bacteria);
  • whooping cough (small, immobile, non-spore-forming gram-coccobacilli that affect the epithelium of the bronchi);
  • enterococcus fecalis ( conditionally pathogenic microorganism);
  • as well as Klebsiella, Pasteurella multocida, Proteus, Francisella, Brucella, Mycobacteria, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Legionella pneumophila, Providencia, Serration marcescens, Shigella, Yersinia, Morganella, Pneumocystis, Chlamydia trachomatis, Chlamydophila psittac, Toxoplasma, Actinomycetes.

The antimicrobial effect does not apply to corynebacterium, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Koch's bacillus, pale treponema, leptospira and viruses.

Pharmacological group

The pharmacological group of the drug is combined sulfanilamide antibiotics.

Prescription for Biseptol ® in Latin

Rp.: Biseotoli 0.48
D.t.d. No. 20.
S. 1 tablet four times a day.

Biseptol ® instructions for use of tablets for adults

Biseptol is taken orally or practiced intravenous injections. Drugs are taken after meals and washed down with plenty of water. Infections occurring in acute form treated for at least five days.

Disease Dosage Duration of treatment
Gonorrhea Ten tables. 480 milligrams One day. Tablets are taken in the morning and evening hours
Acute uncomplicated urinary tract infections Four tables. 480 milligrams Three days. Preferably taken at night
Pneumocystis pneumonia (most often diagnosed in debilitated non-borns) Sulfamethoxazole up to 0.1 g/kg body weight and trimethoprim up to 0.02 g/kg Every six hours. Course duration - two weeks
Severe infection 480 milligrams three times a day
Chronic form 480 milligrams twice a day

Annotation to Biseptol ®

The bactericidal effect is based on the ability of the active active substance to block the synthesis of folates in the cells of foreign agents. Sulfamethoxazole affects the production of dihydrofolic acid, and trimethoprim does not allow dihydrofolic acid to turn into tetrahydrofolic acid. The latter is the active form of folic acid and is responsible for protein metabolism and division of microbial cells.

At oral intake sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim are completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The maximum concentration of the components is observed after 60-240 minutes. Trimethoprim penetrates well into cells and tissue barriers - into the lungs, bile, saliva, sputum, seminal and cerebrospinal fluid, the secret of the vagina.

Plasma protein binding for trimethoprim is 50 percent, for sulfamethoxazole 66 percent. Biological T1 / 2 for the first substance takes from 9 to 16 hours, for the second - about 10 hours. In elderly patients and in those with pathologies of kidney function, the half-life increases, therefore, in this case do not do without dosage adjustment.

Sulfamethoxazole and trimethoprim cross the placental barrier. Both substances are found in breast milk. The drug is eliminated by the kidneys.

Photo of the packaging of Biseptol ® in tablets of 120 mg

With long (more than 30 days) courses of treatment, it is necessary to regularly monitor blood counts, since there is a high probability of hematological changes. The latter are reversible in the appointment of vitamin B9 ( folic acid). Biseptol is prescribed with caution to persons suffering from folate deficiency. Folic acid is also indicated for long-term treatment and at high dosages.

To prevent crystalluria, it is necessary to maintain enough excreted urine. If renal filtration is impaired, the risk of toxic reactions increases.

Against the background of therapy, you should not eat foods that contain para-aminobenzoic acid (legumes, spinach, tomatoes). During therapy, ultraviolet radiation should be avoided.

With regard to interactions with other drugs, Biseptol inhibits the intestinal microflora, which helps to reduce the effectiveness of oral contraceptives. The effect is enhanced by salicylic acid derivatives ( acetylsalicylic acid, methyl salicylate, analgin, sodium salicylate). The combination with diuretics is dangerous because the risk of developing thrombocytopenia increases. Biseptol, taken together with barbiturates, increases the manifestations of vitamin B9 deficiency.

Dosage of Biseptol ® for parenteral administration

Intravenous injections are given every twelve hours (maximum 1920 milligrams). For maximum effect a constant serum trimethoprim concentration should be maintained at 5 micrograms.

For malaria, the causative agent of which is Plasmodium falciparum, intravenous injections are made within two days (1920 milligrams twice a day). At kidney failure administer half the standard dose for three days and then only half of the standard dose.

Biseptol 480 is intended exclusively for intravenous administration. The duration of the introduction is 60-90 minutes. In severe cases of the disease, the dosage is doubled.

Biseptol ® indications for use

Biseptol stops infections that are localized:

  1. in the respiratory tract: acute and chronic, bronchiectasis, pneumocystosis, pleural empyema;
  2. in the gastrointestinal tract: typhoid fever, shigellosis, angiocholitis;
  3. in ENT organs: , ;
  4. in the urinary system: donovanosis, inguinal lymphogranulomatosis, chancroid,;
  5. on the skin: acne, ;
  6. in the musculoskeletal system: last line drug for osteomyelitis.

The chemotherapeutic agent demonstrates high performance effectiveness in the treatment of acute brucellosis, nocardiosis, septicemia and Gilchrist blastomycosis.

What contraindications does Biseptol have?

Biseptol is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to sulfonamides and other auxiliary components in the composition;
  • violation of one or more functions of the liver and kidneys;
  • decrease in the level of leukocytes;
  • decrease in the number of platelets;
  • decrease in the number of leukocytes;
  • pernicious anemia;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • aplastic anemia;
  • insufficiency of G-6-FDG;
  • pneumocystosis;
  • the suspension is contraindicated in children under three months old;
  • intramuscular injection is not carried out in patients under six years of age;
  • hyperbilirubinemia in childhood.

The drug should be taken with caution in the elderly, with a deficiency of vitamin B9, bronchial asthma, seasonal allergic rhinoconjunctivitis, atopic eczema and thyroid pathologies. Biseptol is able to increase the symptoms in patients with porphyrin disease. The use of an antibacterial chemotherapy drug is contraindicated in severe heart failure, impaired hematopoiesis and increased concentration bilirubin.

Side effects from taking Biseptol ®

If the dosage prescribed in official instructions, HP is well tolerated by the body. When taking Biseptol most often occur skin rashes and frustrations from digestive tract. In patients with hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, allergic reactions appear: heat, Quincke's edema and pulmonary eosinophilia, which is manifested by shortness of breath.

Patients may experience the following side effects when treated with Biseptol:

  • skin reactions which often disappear after discontinuation of the drug: increased sensitivity of the body to ultraviolet exposure, polymorphic, malignant exudative erythema, acute or toxic epidermal necrolysis, hemorrhagic vasculitis;
  • gastrointestinal tract: hepatitis, stool disorders (diarrhea), cholestatic syndrome, glossitis, increased levels of liver enzymes, in patients with severe chronic diseases and immune diseases, acute pancreatitis is often diagnosed;
  • change in the blood picture: a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the total cellular composition of the blood, a decrease in the number of neutrophils, a low platelet count, neutropenia, folic acid deficiency, aplastic anemia, an increase in the concentration of methemoglobin, Werlhof's disease;
  • urinary tract: tubulointerstitial nephritis, elevated creatinine, saline diathesis,
  • central nervous system: meningeal syndrome, impaired coordination of movements, hallucinatory states;
  • musculoskeletal system: muscle and joint pain;
  • metabolism: Biseptol should be taken with caution in case of potassium metabolism disorders.

In non-diabetic patients, a decrease in blood glucose concentration is observed in the first days of therapy. Hypoglycemia also occurs in individuals with kidney and liver disease. The cause of this pathological condition may be inadequate nutrition.

Frequency of unwanted drug reactions significantly higher in patients with acquired immune deficiency syndrome. heavy and serious side effects(up to lethal outcome) most often occur in the elderly and in patients with comorbidities.
Biseptol ® during pregnancy

As a result clinical research it was found that the active components of this chemotherapeutic drug are able to overcome the placental barrier, therefore, during pregnancy, treatment with Biseptol is not advisable. If a woman takes drugs during lactation, then she should stop breastfeeding.

Treatment with this drug refers to teratogenic factors, since Biseptol ® negatively affects embryonic development and can cause miscarriage or premature birth. Komarovsky E.O. believes that Biseptol ® should never be taken in the first trimester (3-10 weeks) of pregnancy.

Considered safer for pregnant women the following drugs:

  • (azalide, slowing down slows down the growth and reproduction of bacteria);
  • (a semi-synthetic broad-spectrum antibiotic related to);
  • (bactericidal, broad spectrum antibacterial agent, inhibiting transpeptidase);
  • (cbeta-lactam antibiotics that inhibit the synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer);
  • ( , binding to the 50S subunit of ribosomes);
  • uroseptics (create a sufficient concentration of active substances in the urine and tissues of the genitourinary system).

It should be borne in mind that azithromycin ® and erythromycin can only be taken in the second trimester.

Biseptol ® suspension for children: instructions for use and other dosage forms

In the UK, Biseptol is prescribed only from the age of twelve.

Photo of the packaging of Biseptol ® in the form of a suspension

In Russia and the CIS countries, the drug is widely used in pediatric practice, pediatricians prescribe it even to small children. The basic rule of Biseptol therapy is strict observance dosage.

Treatment takes on average about four days. chronic diseases require a longer course of treatment. While taking Biseptol, the child's body should receive a sufficient amount of fluid. It is also necessary to adjust the diet: refuse to use flour products, sweets, chocolate and some vegetable crops(cabbages, carrots, tomatoes).

Disease Dosage Duration of treatment
Prevention of recurrence of urinary tract infections (up to 12 years) 12 milligrams Three months to a year
Brucellosis About one month
Typhoid fever Up to three months
Cystitis 480 milligrams twice a day Three days
Gonococcal pharyngitis 4320 milligrams Five days
Pneumocystis pneumonia 120 mg/kg/day The interval is six hours. Two weeks


Biseptol ® is not used to treat pregnant and lactating women. If necessary, the appointment of Biseptol ® during breastfeeding, for a while antibiotic therapy breastfeeding is temporarily stopped.

Alcohol and Biseptol ®

Sulfamethoxazole + trimethoprim is categorically incompatible with alcohol. For the period of treatment with Biseptol, it is necessary to stop drinking alcohol.

Taking alcohol against the background of antibacterial therapy with Biseptol increases the risk of side effects from taking sulfamethoxazole with trimethoprim, and also increases the load on the liver and exacerbates the manifestations of dysbiosis.

Biseptol ® is a combined antibacterial agent with a wide spectrum of bactericidal activity. It contains the sulfanilamide antibiotic sulfamethoxazole ® and trimethoprim (a bacteriostatic antibacterial agent belonging to the class of digrofolate reductase inhibitors). A fixed combination of sulfamethoxazole ® and trimethoprim, in a ratio of five to one, is called.

Biseptol ® is produced by the Polish pharmaceutical company Polfa ® . The cost of a pack of tablets (20 tablets) of 0.12 grams is 35 rubles, 28 tablets of 0.48 grams are 110 rubles.

Biseptol ® 480 in ampoules with a concentrate for the manufacture infusion solution(10 ampoules) - 440 rubles.

Suspension (0.24 grams in five milliliters) produced by the Polish farm. Campaigns Medan Pharma ® -140 rubles.

Since co-trimoxazole is an antibiotic, Biseptol is not used for uncomplicated SARS. This is due to the fact that antibacterial agents do not act on viruses and do not help against elevated temperature. With pure viral respiratory infections the use of antiviral drugs is recommended.

However, with complicated ARVI, accompanied by the addition of a bacterial component, Biseptol can be used. The drug is effective against the widest spectrum pathogenic microorganisms, including most pathogens of infection of the upper respiratory tract and respiratory tract.

Biseptol can be taken with such bacterial complications ARVI as sinusitis (sinusitis), otitis media, bronchitis, pneumonia. With sore throat, pharyngitis, tonsillitis (tonsillitis), Biseptol is not used.

Dosage calculation

Biseptol in the form of a suspension can be used from three months of age. Tablets of 0.12 grams are contraindicated up to three years. However, up to twelve years, it is preferable to use the drug in the form of a suspension.

  • From three to five months, 2.5 milliliters of suspension are prescribed twice a day. The interval between doses should be twelve hours. From six months to five years, five milliliters of antibiotic are used twice a day. From six to 12 years old, ten milliliters are prescribed twice a day. At infectious processes With severe course the dose may be increased.
  • Patients over 12 years of age and adults are prescribed two tablets of 0.48 grams or eight tablets. 0.12 grams twice a day. The drug should be taken after meals with plenty of water.

At severe infections the dose may be increased to three tablets of 0.48 grams twice a day.

The duration of therapy depends on the severity of the disease. As a rule, Biseptol is taken from five to fourteen days.

If it is necessary to treat with an antibiotic for more than five days, it is recommended to carry out general analysis blood. If signs of anemia appear, folic acid should be prescribed in a daily dose of five to ten milligrams.

How to drink Biseptol ® when coughing for an adult and a child?

The antibiotic penetrates well and accumulates in sputum and lung tissue and is effective against the entire spectrum of the main pathogens of bacterial bronchitis and pneumonia caused by sensitive flora (Hemophilus influenzae, etc.). With pneumocystis, Biseptol is the drug of choice.

Pneumocystis pneumonia is typical for immunocompromised patients. For such patients, Biseptol is recommended to be administered first intravenously in the form of infusions, with a further transition to taking tablets or suspensions.

The dosage of Biseptol ® for pneumocystis pneumonia is calculated according to sulfamethoxazole, based on daily dose 100 mg per kilogram of body weight. Daily dosage divided into four introductions.

Patients under three years of age, intravenously this antibiotic can be administered only with pneumocystis pneumonia. For other diseases in this age category only suspension can be used.

The duration of treatment with co-trimoxazole for pneumonia should be at least fourteen days.

Biseptol ® for bronchitis

An antibiotic may be prescribed to treat bacterial infections caused by microorganisms sensitive to co-trimoxazole. In particular, Biseptol is effective against Haemophilus influenzae, which is resistant to ampicillin preparations, staphylococci, some streptococci, Escherichia coli, Proteus, Klebsiella, etc.

Except acute bronchitis, Biseptol ® can also be used to treat chronic forms diseases. If it is necessary to use an antibiotic for more than 14 days, a maintenance dose of 0.48 grams twice a day may be recommended.

The duration of treatment and dosage should be determined by the attending physician.

Biseptol ® for sinusitis

When else is Biseptol ® used?

Co-trimoxazole can be used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, such as urethritis, pyelitis, epididymitis, etc. It is also used for gonorrhea soft chancre, inguinal and venereal lymphogranulomas.

The antibiotic is also effective for infections that affect the gastrointestinal tract: typhoid fever, paratyphoid,

With creatinine clearance less than thirty, but more than 15, it is recommended to reduce the standard prescribed dosages.

Suspension of Biseptol ® can be administered from three months of life, other forms of release from three years.

Co-trimoxazole is also contraindicated in blood diseases and oppression of the hematopoietic function of the bone marrow.

With caution, an antibiotic can be prescribed to patients with thyroid dysfunction and bronchial asthma.

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