Harm of a raw food diet. Harm of a raw food diet: reasons worthy of attention! What it is

I am a 2 year lacto vegetarian who has studied raw food diet"from and to". After watching a lot of videos, reading a lot of articles and a number of books, studying the arguments for and against raw food diet,...

It has long been known that a vegetarian lifestyle is good for health. The American Dietetic Association states that "...proper planning of a vegetarian diet provides health and nutritional benefits, as well as health benefits in the treatment and prevention of certain diseases."

Much of what is known about the benefits vegetarian diet for health, based on a study of lacto-ovo vegetarianism. This literature review was conducted to determine the extent to which scientific documentation of health and raw food nutrition is found, as a first step towards further study of this dietary practice.

In the world, there are few results of raw food diet research. Most of the published research has been done in Finland at the University of Kuopio. Of the 24 papers included in this review, 15 were published in Finland. The rest of the research was carried out in the USA, the Netherlands and Germany.

There is little evidence in the scientific literature for a raw or "living food" diet. One paper by Kenton (1985) engages in a philosophical discussion of food energy and its role in maintaining optimal health. Other documents focus on the specific health effects of adult patients following a raw or "live food" diet for different periods time - from a week to 3.7 years. The study groups consisted of 13 to 513 subjects. Findings include dietary effects on weight, serum lipids, symptoms rheumatoid arthritis and fibromyalgia, tooth erosion rates, fecal microflora, cancer treatment, vitamin B12 and antioxidant levels, and water and other nutrient levels.

Four studies of a vegan raw food (live food) diet have shown significant weight loss. In one case, the loss was associated with a decrease in diastolic blood pressure, in one case with a decrease in fibromyalgia symptoms, and in another case with amenorrhea. Other studies have shown subjective improvements in fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis symptoms with a vegan raw food diet.

Vegetarian raw food diet reduced total serum blood and LDL-cholesterol. Another study found that a long-term vegan raw food diet led to a decrease in omega-3 levels. fatty acids in connection with high consumption linoleic and oleic acids. Two studies have shown significant reduction serum vitamin B12 concentration in raw food subjects, it is suggested that long-term adherents of a vegan raw food diet should include reliable sources vitamin B12 in your diet.

Other research focuses on favorable influence vegan raw food diet on fecal microflora and other potential preventive factors to reduce the risk of cancer. One study showed overall beneficial changes in metabolic and biochemical parameters health, including whey protein, urine and total cholesterol in subjects who if raw food for a week, but here the findings of observation for a longer time are needed. Another study showed increased risk tooth erosion in subjects fed raw vegan food. Another study looked at 7-hydroxylation coumarin in subjects consuming raw vegan foods compared to omnivores and concluded that plant matter little effect on the activity of coumarin hydroxylase.

Finally, another study of 141 Americans who ate raw food for a long time (average 28 months) showed an improvement in health and quality of life. The study was conducted based on the results of the current state of the subjects and the retrospective of health before dietary changes. The study showed that salads, fruits, carrot juice and cooked grains in such a diet provide 60-88% of the nutrients. Juice from dried barley herbs, nuts and seeds,

Good day, my dear friends and readers of my blog.

One day I became interested in raw food as a way of eating. In no case do not think that I will forcibly impose this extreme type of nutrition on anyone. I myself am not a raw foodist, I never became one. Before trying the raw food diet for myself, I decided to talk not only directly with people who have experienced the raw food diet. Feedback from nutritionists was no less interesting for me.

I collected a large number of information about this nutrition system, about its harm and benefits. By the way, one of the educators on this topic was Denis Terentiev. He has been a raw food dieter for 6 years and is quite an experienced expert in the transition to this food system. Explains very well and clearly.

The raw food diet is an offshoot of vegetarianism. Another name is strict vegetarianism. With such a nutrition system, people are required to adhere to a certain diet that prohibits the use of foods that have undergone chemical or heat treatment. Raw foodists believe that any processing destroys all vitamins and useful material in the product.

Raw food is The best way cleanse and improve your body, say raw foodists. Raw food became especially popular among the fair sex. For girls and women who want to get rid of extra pounds, the raw food diet has become a panacea. Especially after they read about .

Many fans who have experienced the raw food diet say that they have become more energetic, their health has improved significantly. BUT! This is a very small number of people.

Now we will talk about female representatives. Women and girls switch to a raw food diet most often for weight loss. And already beginner raw foodists everywhere say, rejoicing that menstrual days on raw foods stop or have already stopped. Admirers of the raw food diet have found not quite a sound medical answer to this. They claim it's the result complete recovery and body cleansing. Do you also agree that this is complete nonsense? Any competent doctor will tell you that this is a violation of the work of the female reproductive function. And there can be no talk of any "purity" of the body.

To give birth, perhaps you will give birth, but all this “recovery - weight loss” will come back to haunt you and your children later. One of my well-known doctors from the maternity hospital told me about how he observed raw-food mothers and their children. The statistics are deplorable: a large percentage of children were born with anemia, with disorders of the nervous system and other abnormalities. Very often children of raw foodists lag far behind in mental and mental development.

The opinion of nutritionists

Many nutritionists do not support giving up meat. But, for example, doctors allow vegetarianism with certain reservations:

  • Temporary waiver of certain products;
  • Ovo-vegetarianism (eggs remain on the menu);
  • Lacto-vegetarianism (the diet includes all dairy products - milk, cheese, cottage cheese, and so on);
  • Ovo-lacto-vegetarianism (mixed type).

Doctors do not categorically support a permanent strict raw food diet..

Chief Physician of the Healthy Nutrition Clinic "Weight Factor", Candidate medical sciences Marina Kopytko says:

“A strict raw food diet, as an offshoot of vegetarianism, can be used as a fasting diet. When a person wants to cleanse the body, after the winter, during which we mainly eat animal food and often overeat corny. The best option- This is the rejection of meat for 1-3, maximum 5-7 days.

Any of you will tell me that the meat is stuffed in supermarkets now various hormones and antibiotics, animals are fed poor quality food. And I absolutely agree with you. But even from this situation, you can find a way out. Find a conscientious meat supplier and that will solve the problem. Meat is necessary, but such meat must necessarily be useful for our body.

Feedback from a raw foodist

Particularly impressive for me were the reviews of a doctor who experienced a raw food diet. Mikhail Sovetov lives and works in Moscow. healthy eating one of Michael's top recommendations. But the doctor does not recommend a raw food diet to all patients in a row. He claims that the transition to this type of nutrition is quite a responsible and serious step.
Mikhail Sovetov experienced both the pros and cons of a raw food diet. Therefore, trusting such a specialist is not only possible, but also necessary. Here's what he says about the raw food diet:

Mikhail himself has been a raw foodist for 6 years and adheres to the principle “ It is better to eat more fresh plant foods».

“Good health can be achieved without a 100% transition to a raw food diet. To do this, it is enough to improve your diet. You just need to exclude toxic foods from your diet (fast food, sweets, convenience foods, meat, eggs, mayonnaise, chips and other hazards). So you get the same good health at a lower cost. I am a supporter of a raw food diet, but I am not a supporter of a quick transition to such an extreme type of food. A quick transition can entail not only big problems health, but fatal outcome. Therefore, today for each person it is necessary to build their own system of transition to a raw food diet under the supervision of a doctor.

Pay attention to the cautious and gradual transition to a raw food diet. drastic changes in nutrition, it is always stress for our body, and not only for the body, but also for the human psyche. Be prepared that the transition will take about six months. But, again, it all depends on the individual factors of the person ( general state health, age).

On the other hand, I completely agree with Mikhail that in order to improve the body, it is not necessary to become a 100% raw foodist. Refusal of the use of toxic, as well as products that poison our body, contributes to the systemic improvement of the whole organism. You need to rethink your diet. Mikhail Sovetov says that about 50% of vegetable food should be present in the diet, or even 70%.

Consider contraindications

Raw food is forbidden to children, adolescents, whose organisms grow and develop. Doctors impose a taboo on raw food also for pregnant women who need good nutrition for fetal development. A raw food diet is dangerous even after 70 years due to the fact that the metabolism is significantly deteriorating. Also consider all diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (for example), as well as allergic reactions.

And yes, I almost forgot, regardless of whether you decide to switch to a raw food diet or not. Believe me, there are many other ways to improve your body. Vadim Zeland writes very informative about the relationship between food and health in the book “ Pure Nutrition. A book about clean, simple and strong food ". A must read!

I repeat, before switching to a raw food diet, think 100 times so that you don’t undergo treatment for such a “recovery”. Do not follow the principle: "where everything is - there I am."

Health to you and good. Take care of yourself!

When creating this article, I tried to collect all the most important things for the first dive into the topic, because new image life must be built on a solid foundation of knowledge. It's time to learn about all the pros and cons, take into account different opinions and understand whether it is safe to change your diet so drastically.

Briefly about what is a raw food diet

Raw food is the most natural look nutrition for humans. It is this argument that the raw foodists are the first to provide.

Their opinion is not meaningless. Man comes from the family of hominids, which means that primates are closest to us on the evolutionary tree. They are 100% plant-based with little addition of animal products.

But omnivorousness is more a way to survive, and not required condition, plus this percentage is negligible compared to the total amount of food. Man has distanced himself from nature as far as no other biological species has ever done. Therefore, the transition to a raw food diet will allow you to return to the natural food intended by nature itself.

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet: table



1. Improving the functioning of the immune system. 1. Hard depression. You will miss junk food.
2. The overall endurance of the body increases, fatigue disappears. 2. Weakness, inconstancy of sleep. The body at first does not understand what is happening to it, in fact it is breaking.
3. Reduced risk cardiovascular pathologies. 3. Numbness of hands and feet. The body goes to new mode life.
4. The skin is cleansed, toxins accumulated in the body for years are released. 4. Hair loss. It doesn't always happen, but it does happen. Depends on the way of transition, the state of the body. Happens temporarily.
5. Recoverable normal weight. 5. Indigestion. Especially if you mix different groups products among themselves incorrectly.
6. Sleep sound, healthy. It takes much less time to rest - on average no more than 5 hours.6. Mood swings. Lack of vitamin B negatively affects balance.
7. Emotional addiction to food, scourge modern society, leaves and does not return. You eat really little and that's enough for you.7. Exacerbation of chronic diseases. With a sharp, wrong transition.
8. Thermoregulation improves. Heat and cold are much better tolerated. Some raw foodists show amazing resistance to cold, using a minimum of clothing.8. Erosion of tooth enamel. It is observed if the diet is not balanced.
9. Eating this way internal "defensive" systems better protect a person from poisons and carcinogens.
10. clarity of thought, a feeling of joy from every minute of life, incredible optimism. The mental state improves.

Raw food and health

Studying the raw food diet, the benefits and harms for the body, we are faced with a new statement - a significant improvement in performance. The body, freed from the daily burdens of digesting unnatural food, directs its forces to the recovery processes in the body.

Infectious, chronic diseases bypass a person. We are healthy like never before. Plus, the overall endurance of the body increases significantly, fatigue disappears. This is especially noticeable to those who prefer sports and leisure. Laziness, apathy, loss of strength - all this will remain in the past.

Switching to a raw food diet involves a different way of eating

A raw food diet has both benefits and harms, but it is worth focusing on the positive aspects of the issue. Adherents of this menu reduce the risk of cardiovascular pathologies and even cancer.

Many, knowing about the likely heredity, it is because of this that they switch to and share hundreds of positive reviews about excellent health.

The inflammatory processes accumulated in the body for years are stopped. Even the smell goes away, the hair regains its shine and does not get greasy for a long time. Some even wash them once every 2 weeks.

Raw foodists get absolutely all the nutrients from fruits and vegetables, which is not observed during heat treatment.

Normal weight is restored: thin people get fat, overweight people lose weight. Moreover, these are relatively quick results, or other digestive problems, which are common with diets.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Everyone discovers their positive sides, but everything is individual and depends on the state of the body, age, etc.

Considering the raw food diet as a lifestyle, its benefits and harms, it becomes clear that only fresh food is preferred here. And along with this, the same fact carries a whole layer of negativity from the opponents of the raw food diet.

Tip: start this practice only after a well-chosen nutrition program.

Understanding the benefits and harms of a raw food diet

Harm and possible consequences

Even experienced raw foodists know that this is a coin with two sides. And all the "bonuses" listed above do not mean that such food is right for you.

The first thing you will stumble upon is a total misunderstanding of others. And this is not a joke! Family, loved ones, and loved ones will almost certainly say “stop” to your aspirations. Moreover, they can categorically resist this, try to "save" you and return you to normal nutrition.

When I just tossed out the obvious garbage from my food basket and started looking towards the raw food diet, the family seemed to support me (verbally). Notable results and healthy look contributed to this, but in fact they began to panic, I would say subconscious horror.

They literally slipped harmful things and pressed psychologically, dissuaded them from a raw food diet, because they were really scared.

This picture, like nothing else, well illustrates the attitude towards food in our society. You can literally be out of society and be the "black sheep" among the crowd. And then one of two things: either everything will work out and help your friends, or quit.

A long and often painful period of restructuring of the body, physiological and psychological, awaits you. After the transition to a raw food diet, the benefits and harms will become apparent and the stronger this effect.

Raw food and vitamins

Opponents of the raw food diet insist that such a set of food is limited and a person does not receive too many vitamins. And this is very dangerous. Everyone is especially concerned about the topic of pernicious anemia.

This rare and serious illness appears when there is a shortage. Subsequently, it simply is not absorbed. Enzymes responsible for its conversion to active phase- are dying. This disease has no cure and can lead to neurological damage and even death.

In contrast, an experiment is given that proves that the relationship of an unbalanced diet with vitamin B12 is a very rare phenomenon.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that the issue itself is little studied, and now raw foodists in our country are mostly pioneers who experiment on themselves. On the one hand, this approach is justified; On the other hand, there are no guarantees.

An abrupt transition is very dangerous and unpredictable, and a breakdown in regular food poses a threat to health. But it's still a question of who's to blame: unhealthy food or raw food.

Tip: for completeness of information, before switching to a raw food diet, studying its benefits and harms, read the story of the former complete raw foodist Victoria Butenko. Many criticize her for her lack of scientific analysis, but perhaps her experience will help you avoid possible mistakes.

It is important to remember the need for mineral and vitamin balance in the body

Raw food diet - benefits and harms for the pancreas

A terrible disease when destructive inflammatory processes occur in the body. The enzymes produced remain in the pancreas itself and the organ digests itself. As a result, toxins have a destructive effect on the kidneys, brain, liver, etc.

This disease appears as a result of malnutrition and consumption:

  1. Acute
  2. Smoked
  3. frankly harmful
  4. Bold
  5. Preservatives

Fearing the possible repercussions, we seek to switch to proper diet. AT this case, if your choice fell on a raw food diet, do not rush, otherwise you can "break wood."

An abrupt transition can provoke an exacerbation of the disease and a series of attacks. In addition to the fact that the body is not used to digesting food in this form, you are also depriving it of the usual animal protein.

For those who suffer from pancreatitis or are worried about the health of their pancreas, we recommend using the services of a raw food doctor. It will help you make the right balanced diet for your specific case.

Go to new model nutrition should be as soft as possible

You should smoothly transition from cooked to raw, starting with proportions of approximately 50 to 50. Avoid foods with coarse fiber, large quantity Sahara. The emphasis should be exclusively on vegetables. Avoid tomatoes and citrus fruits completely.

Some raw foodists claim to avoid it altogether discomfort will not work, because the pancreas, even a healthy one, is also being rebuilt in a new way.

Good to help with that. They do not load the pancreas, since their absorption does not require a large amount of enzymes.

Whether to be treated in this way is up to you. This requires careful monitoring of the reaction to a particular product and specialist advice.

Tip: Whenever possible, eat food grown in your own garden. So you will be sure that you do not aggravate the situation with chemically harmful substances.

Raw food diet - benefits and harms. Doctors' opinion. What does science say about this?

For the most part, official medicine has a negative attitude towards a complete raw food diet. Seeing it as a maximum weekly course of recovery, no more. Most often, they are worried about the lack of a number of useful substances, to alternative sources treated with distrust.

Again, there is concern about the lack of B12, which can only be obtained from animal products. But, in truth, we solve this moment by taking vitamins in a timely manner and periodically taking tests.

Raw foodists, in turn, cannot fully trust the opinion of such interested people who promote completely different forms of recovery.

Majority negative reviews doctors are associated with cases where the culprits of the problems were the people themselves, ignoring their own ailments and disturbing symptoms.

These include:

  1. disappearance monthly cycle among women
  2. Improper mental development in raw food children
  3. Violation of the psycho-emotional state

Try to eat only natural products

At the same time, Alexei Kovalkov, the chief nutritionist of Russia, insists that with right approach such a diet is quite acceptable. But at the same time, it is important to correctly calculate exactly how much protein we get from plant foods.

In such conditions, in the presence of a full range of knowledge, a raw food diet will not cause harm. The main thing is that it becomes a part of life, and not a fashionable trend for a day or two, in which case it is better to refrain from undertaking.

The video at the end of the article will help to dot the "i" in the topic "Raw food - benefits and harms". Mikhail Sovetov is a former doctor, and now a fruitarian with 6+ years of raw food diet experience.

He tried this diet and, by his own example, dispelled a number of myths about the dangers of the direction. At the same time, he notes that such a power scheme is not suitable for everyone. The most important thing is to take each step consciously and slowly so that the raw food diet does not entail physiological and mental abnormalities.

He himself claims that a complete transition will require a very decent life goal. For the rest, it will be enough to achieve the fullness of their diet with raw vegetables and fruits in the amount of 70%.

Tip: in without fail do a detailed blood test every six months.

Switching to a raw food diet is an extremely important step.

Transition difficulties

If you decide to embark on this innovative path to wellness, be prepared that things won't go smoothly at first. At this time, the body is completely rebuilt in full harmony.

Approximate transition stages:

  1. At first, there will be a state similar to euphoria. The body will feel light and happy.
  2. You start thinking about food, eating and thinking again. A “zhor” may open when the psyche rather than the body requires saturation.
  3. Depression, apathy, coldness in the extremities. You will be dissatisfied with the situation, perhaps nervous or even aggressive towards your neighbor. Crises and exacerbations of diseases occur precisely at this moment.
  4. Normalization of appetite, obsessive thoughts recede away.
  5. Digestion has completely changed. There is a set of weight, it becomes easier to think, health is normalized and from that moment it only improves.

Tip: if you are interested in this topic, check out the books by Paul Bragg, Ter-Avanesyan Arshavir and Alexander Eliseev ("Raisin").

18/11/2015 14:35

A raw food diet is a philosophical way of life that people with a strong will and a pure mind can come to. Not everyone can refuse familiar dishes and put up with the constant hungry rumbling of the stomach.

So what are raw foodists anyway? People who have given up the pleasure of pampering themselves delicious food or healthy and full of strength personality? You will find the answers to these questions in our article!

What is a raw food diet and what are its types?

A raw food diet is a nutrition system in which the basis of your diet is raw foods, without heat treatment (cooking, frying, baking, smoking, pasteurization).

Supporters of such nutrition argue that the processing of products by the thermal method is unnatural, because our forefathers ate exclusively raw, natural products.

Modern culinary innovations are a tribute to fashion, which does not benefit our body in any way, as adherents of a raw food diet believe.

A well-recognised fact why so many people choose to go raw has to do with vitamins and minerals. Dies on heat treatment most of vitamins and useful trace elements, and in raw food they remain intact and are better absorbed by the body.

The system of raw food diet according to the admissibility of products is divided into several types:

  1. Omnivorous raw food diet- in the diet you can include meat, fish, eggs in raw or dried form.
  2. Vegetarian raw food diet- it is forbidden to eat meat and fish, eggs and dairy products in raw form are allowed. This is the most common type of raw food diet in the world.
  3. Vegan raw food- excludes food of animal origin, including eggs, milk and dairy products. The vegan diet contains only raw plant foods.
  4. fruitarianism- this is nutrition with the fruits of plants - fruits, berries, nuts, fruit vegetables.

Raw food options also differ in the method of diet planning:

  • Mixed- products are divided by composition, and in one meal they use products that are adjacent in composition - vegetables + vegetables, fruits + nuts, and so on.
  • Monotrophic- in one meal only 1 product is used without heat treatment.

Where to start - how to switch to a raw food diet?

A raw food diet is not a diet, but a food system in which you give up your usual foods and from cooking with the help of heat treatment.


A sharp rejection of an established diet can adversely affect the body. Therefore, you should switch to a raw food diet smoothly and with the knowledge that you really need it.

  • Avoid food first industrial production, in the 2nd week - from red meat, in the 3rd - from white meat, in the 4th - from eggs, in the 5th - from fish, in the 6th - from milk and fermented milk products, from the 7th week - from cereals. Eat more raw food every week.
  • Keep a diary of a raw foodist, where you will write down all the sensations, thoughts, information about harmful and useful products, your goals (getting rid of overweight, health improvement and so on) and necessarily - the results.
  • Plan your diet according to the time of year. Summer and autumn are the most favorable periods to start a raw food diet, because your diet will be dominated by fresh fruits and vegetables. In winter and spring, you can include in the menu products that are stored in the cellar (onions, carrots, potatoes, apples). In the spring, you can add more greens to your diet.
  • An important factor in the transition to a raw food diet is willpower. Main principle this food system - duration. If you wanted fried fish then don't deny yourself once in pleasure. The rest of the time, eat, adhering to the raw food diet.

Benefit and harm

What are the benefits of a raw food diet?

Adherents of a raw food diet claim that by adhering to this nutrition system, you can cleanse the body of toxins, toxins and other harmful substances. At the same time, you are adjusting to a new lifestyle, getting one step closer to natural, simple food.

The benefits of a raw food diet include:

  • Development of immunity to colds.
  • Nutritional endurance. If harmful substances are found in products, the body senses them, neutralizes and rejects them without consequences for gastrointestinal tract and for health in general.
  • Weight loss through food intake healthy foods without heat treatment.
  • Increased energy, improved well-being, ability to drive active image life.
  • Raw foodists do not receive harmful trans fats and saturated fat, which has a beneficial effect on the work of the heart muscle. Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Harm of a raw food diet

According to experts, a person eats fully if six elements enter the body daily - proteins, carbohydrates, fats, minerals, vitamins and water. A raw food diet does not provide enough nutrients to the body.

The disadvantages of a raw food diet include:

  1. Protein deficiency. Some essential amino acids found only in foods of animal origin. According to doctors, the lack of nutrients in the body of a raw foodist leads to a decrease in immunity.
  2. Lack of B vitamins. Vitamins B12 and B2 are found in beef liver and in dairy products. They are important for correct exchange substances and the full functioning of the central nervous system.
  3. Lack of wholesome plant foods winter period. The raw food diet was founded in countries with a hot and humid climate, where all year round residents have access to fruits and vegetables. But the winter period in our country is characterized by a minimum fresh vegetables and fruits, as well as their dubious usefulness. Most often, greenhouse products contain a lot of harmful chemical additives, which means they will no longer be useful.

To whom is a raw food diet contraindicated?

  • With diseases of the gastrointestinal tract (acids in fresh foods irritate the stomach lining).
  • When allergic reactions on some products (nuts, citrus fruits, pollen).
  • In addition, experts do not recommend switching to a raw food diet before the age of 30. Before this age mark, some processes in the body are still actively formed, but after 30 years the body is already fully developed.
  • A raw food diet is also contraindicated for pregnant women, since good protein nutrition is important for the full development of the fetus.

Raw food rules and tips for beginners - what are the most common mistakes beginners make?

You already know that the transition to a raw food diet should be gradual so as not to injure the body. However, novice raw foodists often admit typical mistakes at the beginning of your journey.

Beginning Raw Foodists Mistakes:

  1. Lack of water. Many novice raw foodists believe that they get enough water from plant foods, but this is not the case. In addition to plant foods, a person should consume at least a little purified water in order to saturate the body with it.
  2. Lack of green vegetation. There is a danger that raw foodists do not have enough animal protein. To make up for this deficiency, greens (parsley, onion, dill, celery, nettle) and nuts should be eaten.
  3. Use in the diet vegetable oils, a large number of dried fruits, honey, canned, fermented foods. Oils are concentrated foods that contain a lot of fat. And fat disrupts metabolism and impairs the functioning of the digestive system. Dried fruits for raw foodists are acceptable when raw food is temporarily unavailable (for example, on the road).
  4. Binge eating. Abuse of food leads to drowsiness, lethargy, lack of energy, heavy morning rise. Over time, you need to reduce the amount of food eaten.
  5. Regular exercise or at least jogging helps to strengthen muscles and cleanse the body. By itself, raw food will not strengthen your muscles and will not make you healthy if the sofa is your best friend.

Raw food diet - we make the right menu for 7 days


Breakfast. 2 bananas, 1 kiwi.
Dinner. Green buckwheat, salad from fresh cucumbers with tomato, onion and sweet pepper, seasoned olive oil cold pressed.
afternoon tea. A handful of any raw nuts.
Dinner. 1 cup vegetable smoothie (tomato, avocado, basil, herbs)


Breakfast. 2 persimmons.
Dinner. Sprouted with tomato and greens of onion, garlic, parsley.
afternoon tea. Raw carrot cutlets.
Dinner. Salad of tomatoes, mushrooms and cheese.


Breakfast. Fruit and vegetable smoothie.
Dinner. Pumpkin porridge With linseed oil and pumpkin seeds.
afternoon tea. 2 apples.
Dinner. Zucchini caviar with rye bread.


Breakfast. 2 slices of fresh melon.
Dinner. Vegetable cream soup (made from onions, cauliflower, carrots, young peas and greens).
afternoon tea. Salad of fresh cabbage, cucumbers, herbs, seasoned lemon juice and linseed oil.
Dinner. Sprouted wheat porridge with blackcurrant.


Breakfast. 1 cup banana and strawberry smoothie.
Dinner. pumpkin porridge with pine nuts, zucchini salad with herbs.
afternoon tea. 2 oranges.
Dinner. Arugula, cauliflower and tomato salad with sesame seeds, dressed with lemon juice and olive oil.


Breakfast. A handful of fresh strawberries.
Dinner. Sprouted chickpeas, salad of young zucchini and carrots in Korean.
afternoon tea. Apples stuffed with dried fruits.
Dinner. Seaweed, broccoli, onion salad dressed with lemon juice and linseed oil.


Breakfast. Smoothies from kefir and blackcurrant.
Dinner. Gazpacho soup.
afternoon tea. A handful of any nuts.
Dinner. from vegetables.

Raw eating is a very strict food system, which provides for the complete exclusion of any food subjected to heat treatment - both boiling, frying, etc., and freezing. Raw foodists allow the consumption of food dried in the sun, as well as cold-pressed vegetable oils. They include cereals in the menu only in the form of germinated grains.

Adherents of the raw food diet argue the expediency of such a system by the fact that the nutritional value products. The principles of the system are based on the fact that the human food chain could not include thermally processed food. Therefore, it is the raw food diet, in their opinion, that is a biologically natural type of nutrition. Details about the features of this power system, as well as arguments for and against, reviews are given below in the article.

Peculiarities of nutrition of raw foodists

The benefits and harms of a raw food diet are viewed differently by raw foodists and scientists. According to raw foodists, when heated, the lion's share of useful nutrients is destroyed. Therefore, unprocessed food is considered useful, which is consumed in its “original” form by raw foodists.

Undoubtedly, the benefit of unprocessed food is that it contains a large amount of , minerals . After all, everyone knows how useful the consumption of fresh gifts of nature. However, raw foodists not only determine the advantages of such a diet, but also recognize it as the only right one for the body.

Whether this is actually the case, conclusions can be drawn by learning more about the principles and consequences of this type of nutrition. Mostly raw foodists are dominated by vegans - that is, those who do not consume animal products at all. However, some people who consider themselves raw foodists, on the contrary, eat only raw meat and raw animal products.

The following types of raw food diet are defined:

  • Omnivorous - a person consumes all types of food, but only raw or dried.
  • Vegetarian - fish and meat are excluded, milk, raw eggs are included in the diet.
  • Vegan - only raw plant foods are consumed.
  • Carnivorous - the basis of nutrition are raw fish, meat, seafood, eggs, and vegetables and fruits on the menu are kept to a minimum.
  • Fruitarianism is the consumption of only berries and fruits, as well as some varieties of vegetables.

At the same time, the opinion of adherents of each of the listed nutritional options is reduced to the belief that raw food is most beneficial for the human body.

The vast majority of raw foodists are vegans, so below we will focus on the benefits and harms of this type of food. Very often you can find reviews that a raw food diet helped get rid of various diseases- both acute and chronic, lose weight, and improve the condition of nails, hair, skin.

Most often among fans of raw food consumption, the following theses are heard:

  • Among all biological species, only humans and some domestic animals eat thermally processed food. That is why only they get cancer and genetic diseases.
  • When food is heated it breaks down beneficial enzymes, are released carcinogens and free radicals , which provokes dangerous diseases.
  • When nutrients contained in the products are heated, they can provoke destructive chemical reactions. So, thermally processed carbohydrates provoke and degenerate into the carcinogen acrylamide.
  • During the frying process, they are destroyed and provide protection against the influence of free radicals.

The effect of raw food on the body

Thermally processed foods tend to be more difficult to digest than raw foods. In turn, unprocessed food provides the following effects:

  • Reduces the acidity of the body, "providing" it with alkalis.
  • Much less often leads to inflammatory processes and fermentation in the intestines. Such food passes through the digestive system more easily, thereby ensuring a more coordinated work of the digestive tract.
  • Makes the treatment of patients more effective hypertension , autoimmune diseases, oncological diseases and etc.
  • Prevent accumulation in the body.

Nutritionists often argue about whether it is worth practicing a raw food diet, harm or benefit dominates with this type of diet. Some of them partially agree with certain theses in favor of this nutrition scheme. However, adherents of the raw food diet “attribute” a lot to it. positive qualities, arguing that the raw food diet:

  • reduces the severity inflammatory processes in the body;
  • improves the functioning and condition of the heart muscle;
  • cleanses the skin;
  • prevents development and helps to get rid of such a problem;
  • contributes to maintaining a healthy body weight and a beautiful figure;
  • reduces the amount of carcinogens and antinutrients in the body;
  • helps to normalize liver function;
  • provides the body with nutrients.

Expert opinion

However, scientists are less optimistic about the benefits of following such a diet. Currently, research on the effect of this type of nutrition on the body will continue. The results of some of them already give grounds to draw conclusions about the impact of eating raw food on health and answer the question of whether such a diet is harmful.


Studies conducted to determine whether there are links between heart disease and raw fruit consumption have shown the benefits of a raw food diet. If a person ate a lot of thermally unprocessed fruits and vegetables, his risk of getting vascular and heart diseases was significantly reduced. Also, in such people, the level of “bad” decreased and the amount of “good” increased, which also had a positive effect on the state of the heart.

Weight loss

In the course of various studies, experts came to the conclusion that by practicing a raw food diet, you can significantly reduce weight and body mass index. According to the results of one of the scientific experiments, which lasted seven months, people, adhering to such a diet, managed to lose an average of 3.8 kg. Thus, in this case, the answer to the question of whether a raw food diet is beneficial is positive.

The impact on women's health of prolonged practice of a raw food diet

A study was conducted on the impact of a raw food diet on 297 women and 216 men in order to determine raw foods and weight loss. All volunteers were divided into five groups, depending on what was the percentage of raw food in their diet. According to the results of the study, scientists recorded that men on average lost 9.9 kg, and women - 12 kg. However, about a third of women under 45 years of age had a manifestation - complete or partial. As a result, the experts concluded that possible harm prolonged raw food diet, which consists in maintaining too low weight and the manifestation of amenorrhea.

Dental condition

In a study on the impact of a raw food diet on the frequency and severity of dental erosion, information was studied on 130 people whose diet was at least 95% raw food. On average, they followed this diet for 39 months. The results confirmed that this type of diet, compared with the usual, increases the likelihood of tooth erosion.

chronic diseases

In an experiment aimed at studying the effects of eating exclusively raw food for a week on the body of people with chronic diseases The volunteers were divided into two groups. People from the first spruce only raw vegetables, from the second - cooked in a microwave oven. According to the results of a survey of volunteers, the experts concluded that such a diet is useful if it is followed for a short time.

The Impact of a Raw Food Diet: A Rodent Study

The purpose of this experiment was to determine the impact of raw and cooked foods on the health of rodents. Laboratory rats were divided into three groups. The rodents from the first consumed only raw food, and in the end they were healthy, energetic and produced normal offspring. After opening their bodies at an age equivalent to 80 years in humans, scientists noted that all organs of the rats were in a normal state.

The rats from the second group ate the cooked food. And her harmful effect on health was pronounced, since rodents suffered from, they often developed pneumonia , cataract , arthritis , crayfish and others. Many rodents from this group died prematurely; pathological changes in different bodies. Rats from the third group received raw food, but only up to an age that corresponds to the human 40 years. Then they alternated raw food and periods of fasting. As a result, after the autopsy, scientists noted that internal organs the rats weren't damaged enough.

Harm of a raw food diet

Some of the health hazards of a raw food diet have already been described above. But apart from negative impact on the condition of the teeth, female reproductive system and underweight, there are other disadvantages of this type of nutrition.

Answering the question of what is harmful consumption of raw food, first of all, it is necessary to note the increased risk of a number of diseases due to an unbalanced diet. It is very important that a person receives, along with the products, the rate and amount of useful substances that he needs. Discussing the dangers of a raw food diet, experts note the following: negative effects associated with it:

  • Increases in the body homocysteine , which leads to the risk of getting heart and vascular diseases.
  • Deficiency of an important for the body, lack bone mass insufficient amount of "good" cholesterol.
  • The risk of toxins in some foods, as they are neutralized during the cooking process.
  • An increased likelihood of changes in sex hormones in men, in particular a decrease in production.

Not every person is able to withstand such a diet, taking into account both taste preferences and willpower. In addition, some people have direct contraindications to eating only raw food. You can not adhere to such a diet for people with problems in the digestive tract, a tendency to food allergies, since the consumption of raw food can provoke complications, as well as the manifestation side effects. This diet should not be practiced by the elderly and those who suffer from chronic diseases.

Until today, there is no consensus on whether children can practice this type of nutrition. After all, on the one hand, there is proven evidence that small raw foodists have good health good, they are active and not obese. On the other hand, it still poses a risk to developing organism, because digestive system small child cannot get nutrients from raw food in the same way as it does in the gastrointestinal tract of an adult. Therefore, nutritionists do not recommend giving babies only raw food.

Many doctors confirm that raw food children are often diagnosed with anemia ,d deficiency of protein and a number of other substances important for the body.

To date, not enough research has been done on the impact of raw food consumption on children's health. However, in most cases, experts agree with the following beliefs:

  • A raw food diet is dangerous for children, as it does not make it possible to get enough vitamin B12 contained in the liver, fish. For the development of the baby's brain, this vitamin has a very great importance, because with its deficiency there is a violation of cognitive functions and social development child.
  • This type of diet can provoke a noticeable decrease in cholesterol levels, which, in turn, will lead to the development of depressive and anxiety state. Also reduced level cholesterol can be one of the causes of manifestation.
  • In children who eat only raw foods, there may be a lack of iron, because the source of this trace element is: meat, legumes, eggs. In the first years of life, iron is very important for the development of the brain - its deficiency can cause a deterioration in immunity and a slow development of intelligence.
  • Consumption of raw foods for children can be dangerous in terms of infection pathogenic microorganisms (coli , salmonella ), development of an intestinal infection.

It is highly discouraged for expectant mothers to practice this way of eating, as this can lead to premature birth and low birth weight.

If a woman is categorically determined to eat only raw food during the period of bearing a baby, she needs to make sure that the body is provided with all the substances and elements important for the development of the baby. In this case, the expectant mother is advised to take vitamin supplements.

AT herbal products contains less essential than in meat and fish. But if you combine products correctly, then when consuming raw food, you can get a lot of useful substances.

Adherents of a raw food diet during pregnancy claim that women with such a diet can easily control their weight, they feel alert and energetic, and receive enough fiber. However, it is important that the health indicators of a pregnant woman are monitored by specialists.


Thus, a raw food diet is a healthy diet for the body, if you follow its principles for a short time. For those who periodically practice such a nutrition system, it is important to properly compose a diet, especially when choosing products for children responsibly. However, the constant consumption of exclusively raw food can be dangerous for the body and cause severe harm to health.

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