Cancer man, born in the year of the Rat: characteristics and compatibility in a relationship. Cancer born in the year of the rat. Rat-Cancer woman: characteristics, life goals, attitude towards love and marriage Born in the year of the rat cancer

Cancers born in the year of the Rat have intuition that will show them the right path. Therefore, such a woman gets the coveted job without any problems, quickly meets a reliable life partner and marries him.

She is called incredulous and secretive, but only surrounded by those with whom she is unfamiliar - she opens up instantly to relatives and friends. She is satisfied with friendship only for a long time, as well as relationships. She is skeptical about changes in her personal life.

Sometimes he closes himself too much, needs timely help from those he trusts.

You will see an outwardly balanced person who does not like noisy companies and prefers home comfort to outings. Cancer-Rat is cautious, she will think a hundred times before taking decisive action. Thriftiness and high intuition help to achieve success and make profitable deals.

Love for a Cancer-Rat woman

A woman with such a combination of signs constantly seems to be underestimated, she does not get what she wants. This leaves an imprint of eternal imperfection on relationships with men. Cancer-Rat needs to be able to enter into the position of a satellite if she wants to achieve reciprocity.

Differs in activity and insatiability in love, absorbs the partner without a trace.

She likes to be admired with or without cause, low self-esteem requires frequent praise, then she shows herself from the best side. Do not skimp on compliments and gifts for this woman. Having trusted a man, she becomes caring and gentle, the main thing is to accept her for who she is, without undue criticism.

Marriage and family relations of Cancer-Rat

She provides warmth and care to her family, thinking how to provide everyone with sufficient comfort. Housekeeping successfully combines with professional activities, and you can rely on it both at home and at work.

The Cancer-Rat woman does not immediately marry, but then dissolves into the family without a trace.

Sometimes he suffers from biased assessments, which can lead to conflicts with loved ones. However, this is offset by the fact that he always takes full responsibility. She takes the problems of children and her husband to heart, can give advice on any issue.

Lidia Lunkova

Cancer-Rat is a charming and attractive sign. He does not have a discouraging beauty, rather, there is something unusual in his appearance, which attracts the eyes of the people around him. Plus, he's an excellent storyteller. Cancer strives for knowledge, always likes to learn something new, and in tandem with the Rat, this quality is further enhanced. Cancer Rat is a homebody, and the house is a special place for him to hide from the hustle and bustle of the outside world.

Characteristics of male Cancer-Rats

Thanks to the desire to learn new things, the guy Cancer of the year of the Rat has a sharp mind, insight. Nature rewarded him with the ability to act clearly in any difficult situation, to bring what he started to the end and go ahead to the goal.

This is not a dreamer, but a person with an analytical mindset who can predict events in advance

However, this is not associated with any mystical abilities. In reserve, he always has a couple of possible ways out of a difficult situation. Obstacles are not a hindrance to him, he believes in luck. And with the help of his sharp mind, he is able to step over any obstacles. If you describe his character in a few words, then it is: ingenuity, perseverance, intelligence, purposefulness.

Sign flaws

The main disadvantage of the Cancer-Rat sign can be attributed to internal weakness, which manifests itself in the fear of becoming defenseless. Therefore, the Rat-Cancer does not use all the resources that life gives him.

This character often does not start a family for a long time. Not because he is an avid bachelor, but because he is taken over by social life, and his personal life remains in the background. Often he has a choice between several ladies of the heart, he hesitates for a long time, but when he chooses the only one, she really remains the only one for the rest of her life.

Thanks to the desire to learn new things, the Cancer boy of the year of the Rat has a sharp mind.

Cancer Rat is a wonderful family man and father. And it’s even good that he doesn’t throw himself into the pool from a young age: early marriages in his case are not the best solution. Therefore, this can even be considered a plus.

Characteristics of women Cancer - Rats

Cancer girl, born in the year of the Rat, is a dreamer and romantic in life. She loves beauty in everything. She likes to receive courtship and gifts from men, and even a slight sign of attention is enough for her to make the opposite sex approved and noticed.

The Cancer-Rat woman feels great in the field of business. She has a confidence that men sometimes don't have.

In life, she achieves a lot thanks to her assertiveness, determination. But she is by no means deprived of sensitivity and sentimentality. However, these qualities of her are not visible to everyone, but only to the closest people, whom she sometimes searches for a long time.

In the field of business, Cancer-Rat often behaves ambivalently. On the one hand, "rat" activity brings her a lot of new ideas, on the other hand, there is a "crayfish" fear of change.

The nature of this sign is such that finances are not important to him. This woman is content with little. She makes a career only if a good option turns up, she will not specifically go over the heads for this.

The Cancer-Rat woman is picky about men. There are always fans around her, but she will not rush into the pool with her head, because, thanks to her insight, she sees almost all the shortcomings of future chosen ones, which for a long time does not allow her to fall in love with someone. But this does not mean that she will remain alone for the rest of her life. As a result, at a more mature age, she will definitely find a kindred spirit with whom she builds a strong family. At the same time, career management does not interfere with housekeeping. The Cancer Rat girl will do an excellent job with both of these life goals.

Cancer girl, born in the year of the Rat, is a dreamer and romantic in life

Sign flaws

The main disadvantage of this sign is changeability of mood and frequent whims. In such a bad mood, everyone falls under the hot hand, insults and sorrows that were once experienced are taken out on relatives and friends. Some people think that Cancer-Rat is a weak sign, but this is not so. They have a decadent mood, but this is a temporary phenomenon that is easily solved surrounded by loved ones, loved ones.

Cancer Love Compatibility in the Year of the Rat

What to hide: for Cancer-Rat, relationships do not come first. That is why he has been in search of a partner for so long, although it would be more accurate to say that he is not in this search. He is busy with other, more important things for him.

If this sign never finds a second half, he will just continue to do what he did before.

But if, nevertheless, Cancer-Rat finds love, then the family comes to the fore - after work and social activities.

Compatibility in love with Cancer-Rat is durable and strong with: Monkey, Dragon and Ox. Horses, Cats and Roosters will not suit them: their family union will not be strong and will quickly lead to discord in relationships and divorce. The initiative in the gap will most likely come from the Cancer-Rat.

Maximum Compatibility Average Compatibility Minimum Compatibility
Eastern calendar Bull, Dragon, MonkeyGoat, Pig, Dog, Snake, Rat, TigerRooster, Horse, Cat (Rabbit)
according to the western calendar Scorpio, Pisces, Taurus, Virgo, CapricornLeo, CapricornAries, Gemini, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Libra

Full characteristics of a cancer child born in the year of the Rat

The Cancer-Rat girl is charming and beautiful. She is always in the spotlight among older boys. Their distinguishing feature is a frequent change of mood, which is subsequently transmitted into adulthood. A minute ago, this girl was having fun to the point of madness, and now she is bursting into bitter tears. She is a very homely child, she does not need noisy companies along with other peers, the main thing is peace in the family, the attention of mom and dad.

The Cancer boy of the year of the Rat has bright leadership qualities. He literally leads the others. This child is charming, modest, but it is almost impossible to deceive him. Rather, it is he who will go to the trick to achieve his goals.

December 2, 2017, 00:41

You are constant, do not like to change your lifestyle and habits. You often become attached to people, pets and even things and really appreciate family relationships. Your mood is changeable - today you can be full of plans and ideas, and tomorrow you can be sad and show despondency.

Your character can hardly be called predictable - it has a lot of contradictions. You can value friendship, but because of a trifle, break off relations with a person you are interested in, dream of great love and find fault with trifles. You do not like to command and you can hesitate for a long time before deciding on a bold act.

Cancer Rat Woman in Love

In love, they are capricious and contradictory - it all depends on your mood. Strive for great love, pure and harmonious relationships, but it is not easy to please you. You can quickly lose interest in a partner, and then remember him fondly. Sometimes you don’t even know what you want, obeying the moment. You avoid responsibility and often hide behind a strong male shoulder.

Married Cancer Rat Woman

You are very sensitive, vulnerable and at the same time masterfully manage others, achieving what you currently need. You long for the perfect relationship in marriage, you can choose a partner for a long time and very carefully, but you will appreciate him if he meets your expectations and keeps his distance. They are prone to impulsive acts, betrayals, do not tolerate pressure and constantly change their decisions and plans.

Rat Cancer woman in bed

Intimacy is of great importance - you want to get everything at once. Rough, passionate relationships are unlikely to attract, sincere disposition, love and tenderness are important to you, so you can only open up to your partner over time. You decide on a frivolous relationship only out of great love or for reasons of profit. True love or marriage attracts you much more.

Cancer-Rat woman in a career

You make a career through cunning, skillful diplomacy and the ability to wait. You can give the impression of an indecisive and unambitious person, waiting for the moment to come forward. You achieve success through influential acquaintances and communication with stronger people. You yourself rarely show fighting qualities and determination.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Wooden Rat (1924, 1984, 2044)

You are calm, balanced, but firmness and purposefulness are felt in the character. Knocking you off the intended path is not so easy - you always know what you want and know how to wait to take advantage of the circumstances. For you, a career is always more important than family life, although romance novels add joyful moments and special piquancy to it.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Fire Rat (1936, 1996, 2056)

Strengths of character - activity and purposefulness. You also have an incredible fearlessness and the ability to navigate any situation, no matter how dangerous it really is. You achieve success by intuitively feeling where you can prove yourself. In family life, you are not afraid of responsibility, but you easily part with partners.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Earth Rat (1948, 2008, 2068)

The strong side of the character is practicality and purposefulness. You always know what you want and do not get lost in the face of difficulties, you know how to bypass obstacles and achieve success even in spite of circumstances. It is for this reason that luck often turns to face you, which helps you achieve your goals.

Cancer Woman in the Year of the Metal Rat (1900, 1960, 2020)

You do not like to remain in the shadows and try to do any business beautifully and with brilliance. You are characterized by accuracy, pedantry and determination, you easily achieve your goals both in your favorite business and in your personal life. In love, you rarely become dependent on a partner, as in family life, you are not afraid of divorce and betrayal.

Cancer-Rat - a man whose characteristics will be presented in this article - is distinguished by high determination and irrepressible energy. For him, life is a strip of obstacles that he successfully overcomes. But love is far from the main thing ...

general description

Rat-Cancer (male) often calls himself Lucky. The characterization of the signs confirms that this is the case. This combination of stars in the sky gives people a lifetime of optimism. They are easy-going, stubborn in achieving their goals and firmly believe in the favor of Fortune. As a rule, they are really lucky. Especially since they never go ahead. Is there an obstacle on the way? Don't attack her! It is better to use ingenuity, logic, non-standard approach and choose the best way to implement your plan. This almost always works. Methodical and cunning, inventive and consistent, stubborn and unbending, our hero will always find his way in the right direction.

Business qualities

Rat-Cancer (male) has many talents. The characteristic of his personal qualities suggests that he is an extremely trainable person. This helps him to realize himself in almost all areas of life. It is accompanied by stable career growth. He makes friends without any problems, successfully cooperates with colleagues, finds a suitable life partner. Moreover, he does this not intentionally, but at the call of the soul. The horoscope claims that the Krasa-Rak man is in dire need of being surrounded by loved ones. This is his reliable rear, without which he is extremely uncomfortable. Support, love and care play a big role in his life. Therefore, he will listen to his mom and dad for a long time. However, they always make their own decisions. In addition, it is extremely important for him to show himself as an experienced professional. This makes him feel like a real person.

Creative skills

An extremely self-confident person is the Rat-Cancer (male). The characterization of his nature speaks volumes. He goes through life with his head held high. His words are listened to, his opinion is respected. The representative of the above signs of the horoscope always has a lot of ideas. He is furiously engaged in their embodiment and attracts associates to the implementation. The creative path will be the most fruitful activity for such a person. In this regard, he is waiting for absolute recognition. Out-of-the-box thinking and unerring intuition will help him achieve amazing results. Cancers born in crayfish make great actors, writers, artists and TV presenters. They know how to look great and make a good impression on others. In addition, they have a vivid imagination, so they are real creators who can create unique cultural values.

Attitude towards money

Rat-Cancer is a man who strives for financial stability. He is constantly trying to improve his material well-being. Moreover, earnings can be the most non-trivial. Very often, money comes from the most unexpected source that has nothing to do with the profession of our hero. He can work as a research assistant and an actor. This will force him to look for alternative earnings, and he will certainly find it. He will be very lucky if he is born into a wealthy family and receives a solid inheritance. However, other options are also possible. An enterprising representative of the signs we describe may well find an investor for the implementation of their own ambitious projects. Moreover, the investment of the latter will definitely pay off.

Romantic relationship

Rat-Cancer is a man who is not interested in casual relationships. He is annoyed by fussy and emotional people who can tear him away from important matters. He will easily sacrifice a relationship with a woman who can interfere with his plans. In addition, our hero is a very bright person. His companion will have to be in the shadows all the time, and this is not as easy as it seems. The union will be successful if the girlfriend gives up her own ambitions and devotes herself completely to her partner. The purposeful Cancer-Rat man does not like to waste time on nonsense. He may consider courtship and compliments a waste of time. Not every woman can deal with this. Only out of great love can one close one's eyes to such shortcomings of the chosen one.


It will take a long time to look for a suitable one. The characteristic of this person indicates that he rarely marries in his youth. First of all, he needs to take place in the profession, become the owner of a certain fortune, and only then - get married. By then, he will have accumulated enough life experience to take good care of his family. A lot depends on his chosen one. On the one hand, she needs to be homely and hospitable. On the other - proud and self-sufficient. Rat-Cancer (male) should cherish his family, devote time to his soulmate, take care of children. Only a real woman is able to captivate him with family responsibilities without hurting his pride and self-esteem.


The Cancer man, whose full details are presented to your attention, can converge with the Monkey, Rat or Dragon woman. The secret is that the representatives of these signs of the Chinese horoscope have good intuition. They have their own life guidelines, but they will never build a life to the detriment of their partner. An alliance with a Horse, Tiger or Dog is not suitable for Rat-Cancer. They are full of disappointments. Ladies born under these signs are very demanding and uncompromising. They torture their partner with endless claims. The break will be inevitable. Moreover, the initiative will come from our hero.


Now you know what Rat Cancer (male) is. The characteristic, compatibility of a person who was born under such a combination of stars in the sky is also not a secret for you. Ambition, purposefulness, determination, optimism and sociability - these are the main qualities that help him in life. He is an excellent partner, a good friend, and in adulthood - a wonderful husband and father, able to fully provide for his family.

(from 01/28/1960, from 02/15/1972, from 02/02/1984, from 02/19/1996)

He likes to stay at home to enjoy doing household chores. It is homework, solitude that allows him to tune in to a harmonious perception of reality. He does not like noisy companies and parties, preferring to take care of his home. At the same time, he does not like to receive guests, as he believes that he has spent too much energy on his house. In relationships, he is conservative and reserved.

Characteristics of Cancer man - Rats in LOVE

He hardly finds a woman for himself, because he does not like new acquaintances at all and prefers to spin in his circle. In addition, he is too distrustful to quickly find a common language with a woman. Usually he selects a lover from among his acquaintances, since these relationships are well-established, and he does not have to worry about deception. In this case, he does not need to show his suspicion.

He is very prudent in love, so he always evaluates his partner from a material point of view. He rarely falls in love without looking back, indulging in a romantic mood. His love is a calculation of reliability and a desire to find common interests. In addition, he completely shifts all the worries and initiative in the relationship to the girl. And many girls like it, as they have complete control over it.

Cancer born in the year of the Rat in BED

He is suspicious and excessively closed, so he decides to be close with great apprehension. However, he must simply evaluate his partner in order to stop doubting her. In this case, he can be truly happy from the attention of his chosen one, as well as her tenderness and care. He usually decides on this relationship if he loves his chosen one and trusts her one hundred percent.

He loves the simplest, so the bed for him should be simple and safe. He will be happy if his partner does not demand something unusual from him, force him to experiment. He will also be happy if she takes all the initiative, and he simply obeys. This arrangement is the most acceptable for him. It must be remembered that the entourage is not important to him, the main thing is trust and love.

Cancer man horoscope - Rats in MARRIAGE

He is a reasonable father who will know how to realize the talents of his children. He creatively approaches their upbringing, values ​​their friendship very much. However, he often imposes on them his desires, which he once did not realize himself. That is why he should be softer and take the opinion of the children into account. Such relations do not develop with his wife, since he completely obeys her and listens to her opinion.

Marriage for him is the only salvation from all the difficulties of communication. In marriage, he begins to feel more confident, can easily solve many problems. As a rule, he hardly gets used to a new role, but then she even captivates him. As a result, he becomes an ideal master who succeeds in everything. He does everything with ease and with great benefit.

The most important! What kind of girl does he want?

He is recommended to be more open to the world and evaluate only what is happening around, without inventing something new. Also, in a relationship, one should be a greater personality, not dissolve in a partner, as this often prevents him from achieving some heights in his career and personal growth. It is also better for him to always have his own hobbies that will make his life brighter and fuller, and not lock himself only in his cozy home.

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