Chickpeas - the best cereal for weight loss, benefits and harms, cooking recipes. How to quickly cook chickpeas. Harmful properties of chickpeas

In this article you will find everything about chickpeas chickpeas: composition and beneficial features, use for weight loss, for women and men, children, benefits and harms, methods of application and possible contraindications.

For the past few years, on the shelves of stores in our country, we can see a non-standard type of peas. Its name is even more wonderful - chickpeas.

What is it and what is the use of chickpeas for the body?

What dishes can be prepared on its basis, what is the calorie content and are there any contraindications for use? About all this and more will be discussed farther.

From this article you will learn:

Turkish Chickpeas - Benefits and Uses

Chickpeas This plant is a member of the legume family, Latin name cicerarietinum.

This food product is very common in the countries of the East and is the basic component for preparing dishes such as hummus, etc.

The plant is an annual, loves heat very much.

The product is very old. Turkey and other countries of the East are considered his native country.

According to some reports, it is known that the nut was discovered seven and a half thousand years ago. Moreover, people back in those days distinguished several varieties of this product and prepared from it different dishes.

The descendants of Cicero earned their bread precisely by selling unusual peas.

Botanical description

Photo: Turkish chickpeas

This plant is grown in more than thirty countries. Most favorable climate for cultivation - tropics or subtropics. The product perfectly tolerates heat and does not like precipitation.

The grains of the culture resemble a pleasant nutty smell, are oily, resemble a nut in their configuration, come in different shades: green, red, black, beige, brown.

The growing season is ninety to one hundred and ten days.

Late varieties have from one hundred and fifty to two hundred and twenty. Oriental peas grow at a temperature of 3-5 degrees. Tolerates light frosts well.

Turkish chickpeas photo

Varieties and varieties of chickpeas

In our state, on the shelves of shops you will see beige or yellowish nuts. However, there are many more varieties, and in other countries there are the following types of plant:

  1. black peas, which have a persistent smell and nutty flavor;
  2. green develops rapidly and can be consumed dry and fresh;
  3. reddish and brown is different high content gland.

Photo: black chickpeas

Among the most popular varieties, it is worth noting separately:

  • desi, nuts, characterized by a dark color, roughness, the ability to reduce blood glucose levels. Moreover, this variety has a wonderful smell and excellent taste;
  • large beans round shape having a thin and delicate surface.

Chickpeas benefit and harm: composition and properties

The chemical composition of the bean

The benefits of chickpeas for the body become immediately obvious after studying its rich composition:

  • protein, which in its characteristics resembles the protein of a chicken egg;
  • approximately 6-8% fat;
  • cellulose;
  • vitamins and minerals: manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, iron, thiamine, riboflamin and more;
  • amino acids.

Generally speaking, this product contains about eighty substances. Oriental walnut is especially relevant and useful for those people who do not eat meat.

Nutritional value and calorie content of chickpeas

Chickpeas are great for people who sit on different diets Oh. It is enriched with vegetable fiber and has a very low calorie content.

So, one hundred grams of boiled beans contains one hundred and twenty calories.

calorie content of chickpeas

In its raw form, the calorie content of the product is 364 kcal per 100 grams. Due to the huge protein content, some varieties of beans are very low in calories: only 30 kcal per 100 grams.

Useful properties of chickpeas for the body

Regular use of this ingredient has a positive effect on general well-being, prevents the development of many diseases, improves the condition of diseased organs.

It has long been believed that this culture has the property of enhancing male libido and stimulates lactation, normalizes the menstruation cycle, effectively removes excess liquid from the body and eliminates kidney stones.


Moreover, unlike simple peas, it does not cause flatulence in the gastrointestinal tract, it is considered more useful and nutritious.

In our time, it has been proven that this product contributes to effective elimination cholesterol from the body.

Useful properties of the product:

  • indispensable component of diets. Is different better digestibility when compared with ordinary peas;
  • an excellent source of protein, which makes the product an excellent alternative to meat, can be consumed during the fasting period;
  • saturated with carbohydrates and protein, which the body needs so much to maintain health;
  • when used with rice, it saturates the body with a whole set of amino acids;
  • to get enough, it is enough to eat quite a bit;
  • rich composition has a unique therapeutic effect on the body, cleanses the blood, favorably affects the teeth, eliminates inflammatory processes oral cavity, helps with disorders heart rate relieves back pain, helps with various diseases bodies digestive tract;
  • increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood. This makes it indispensable for pregnant and lactating women;
  • reduces the level bad cholesterol normalizes blood sugar;
  • positively affects the functionality of the liver;
  • helps with depressive states and apathy;
  • has rejuvenating properties, stimulates brain activity, prevents malignant processes;
  • helps with eye pathologies;
  • has astringent ability;
  • promotes the elimination of kidney stones and removes excess fluid from the body;
  • reduces the likelihood of heart disease;
  • useful for people who have excess weight;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, nails and hair;
  • recommended by dermatologists and other doctors in the presence of skin pathologies;
  • reduces the risk of developing seizures.

However, not everything is as smooth as we would like. Chickpeas also have a list of contraindications, which is why it is not suitable for everyone.

Who should not eat chickpeas - contraindications

Before including beans in your diet, be sure to read the list of contraindications and precautions:

  1. Like all beans, chickpeas can cause intestinal flatulence, although this phenomenon will not be as pronounced as after eating peas.
  2. A decoction with dill will help to kill the previous property. Before use, experts recommend soaking the beans in cold water and leaving for the whole day or night.
  3. Do not combine this product with cabbage, regardless of the type of vegetable.
  4. You should not drink cold drinks along with nuts, you can provoke acute stomach cramps.
  5. Do not eat peas with fruits containing pectin.
  6. If you have diseases Bladder you should avoid eating an oriental ingredient.
  7. Gout, circulatory problems, thrombophlebitis, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract are contraindications to the use of an exotic product.
  8. If you consider yourself an allergy sufferer, you should be wary of eating these peas.
  9. Older people should be extremely vigilant and it is better to combine the use of a bean with cumin, after a meal, eat anise, as at this age the risk of strong gas formation increases.

The benefits of chickpeas for the body of women, men, children and for weight loss

Benefits for Women - Cooking Recipes

The benefits of chickpeas for the body of women are worth special attention.

An incredible effect during the period of menstruation has been proven, which is due to the replenishment of iron levels and the normalization of hemoglobin. Peas are also needed for women in position, as well as during lactation.

Ingredient stimulates increased output milk.

However, despite all the positive side, it is necessary to take into account possible risks. Yes, in connection with high content m of protein, the product can adversely affect the digestive system of a pregnant woman and her baby.

It is useful for women in position to include peas in the diet no more than once every seven days. It is unreasonable to completely exclude it from the menu of nursing and pregnant women.

Oriental chickpea bean is able to compensate for the lack of iron and mineral salts. The product is able to increase hemoglobin, which eliminates the development of anemia.

Useful properties of chickpeas for men

The product is famous for its excellent ability to improve male potency, that's why stronger sex Be sure to include peas in your diet.

Constant use provides, both for men and women, a toned figure, healthy complexion, excellent skin condition in general, and gives excellent well-being.

Moreover, it is able to normalize blood sugar levels, so it is recommended for people with diabetes.

The effect of chickpeas on the children's body

Exotic bean-based dishes should be given carefully to children.

The digestive system in children is still fragile, so they may simply not perceive this ingredient. This applies to all preschool children.

Adults need to gradually accustom children to the nut, so that in the future the body gets used to it and receives only benefit from its use.

Benefits for weight loss: cooking recipes

Despite the fact that raw chickpeas are considered high in calories, they are recognized as an indispensable component of various diets for weight loss.

Moreover, based on oriental raw materials, products are prepared for losing weight.

These funds will help not only get rid of excess body weight, but also provide the body with a number of useful components.

Effective Recipe:

  1. Pour the main ingredient with water and leave overnight.
  2. In the morning, grind the raw materials in a meat grinder.
  3. Eat a nut if you consulted a doctor in advance and he approved this diet for you.

How to soak beans properly:

  • Raw materials are soaked overnight. If time is limited, you can leave at least four hours. Make sure that the liquid is absorbed;
  • Ideally, when soaking, chickpeas are placed in the refrigerator or any other cool place.
The Turkish ingredient has a wonderful ability to reduce the calorie content of food while maintaining all the nutritional characteristics. That is why it is successfully used in nutrition. It is a great alternative to potatoes, rice, flour products. Chickpeas remove all excess from the body, eliminate toxins and eliminate toxins.

It must be borne in mind that it contains carbohydrates, so it is better to consume it in the morning. Do not abuse it in evening time. Only in this way will the benefits of chickpeas for weight loss manifest themselves.

For diets, it is suitable only in canned form, since it contains a lot of salts in its raw form.

Healing properties of chickpeas and treatment recipes

Chickpeas will be incredibly useful in the following cases:

  • if diagnosed diabetes;
  • with atherosclerosis;
  • in the presence of anemia and low hemoglobin content;
  • if there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • in the presence of problems with the lungs and respiratory organs;
  • with cardiac pathologies;
  • The benefits of chickpeas for vision are enormous in such diagnoses as glaucoma, cataracts and many others.

Healing recipes with chickpeas for different purposes:

  1. Body cleansing. Take one second of pure raw materials, pour in a liter of water and leave until the liquid is absorbed. Rinse, grind using the available kitchen equipment. The first time should not be abused. One tablespoon before a meal will suffice. Everything else you need to eat a little bit during the day. The course of treatment is ten days.
  2. To get rid of an obsessive cough, you need to pour two liters of liquid into one glass of walnut and cook for thirty minutes. Then add butter, and eat throughout the day in small doses.
  3. atherosclerosis and diabetes. Pour one large spoonful of crushed raw materials into one glass boiled water. Express liquid and consume three times a day before meals.

Before using and preparing recipes, read the list of contraindications.

Sprouted chickpeas - benefits and harms

Chickpea sprouts are incredibly beneficial due to great content they contain vitamins, fats, protein, minerals. It is an essential ingredient in a vegetarian diet.

Photo: sprouted chickpeas

Benefits of Sprouted Chickpeas:

  • Sprouted chickpeas, unlike regular chickpeas, contain two useful amino acids: methionine and cysteine. Moreover, ascorbic acid is also collected in them.
  • Seeds are saturated with living energy, provide the synthesis of useful components, renew and regulate important processes, increase defensive forces body and metabolism.
  • The use of such an incredibly rich product serves as an excellent prevention of SARS, influenza, diseases of the digestive tract, and heart pathologies.

Sprouted chickpeas have increased levels of antioxidants, making them the best prophylactic against colds in cold seasons. If you are overweight or have diabetes, the ingredient must be included in the daily menu.

How to germinate chickpeas:

  1. Whole seeds must be placed in a container in a small layer, pour in water and add liquid every day as it decreases.
  2. After a while, young shoots will appear.

The product is similar in taste to a raw nut, at the moment the stem appears, the air is filled with the smell of a rose.

Chickpeas - Use in cooking

Peas are served as side dishes, they are successfully combined with salads, soups, cereals. Popular dishes such as hummus and roasted chickpea falafel are made from it.

Fried chickpeas are very popular in Eastern countries.

Some countries make spirits from the product, preserve it and serve it as a sweet.

Italians make excellent pasta from oriental beans, it is marinated with vegetables, added to yoghurts.

chickpea flour

Chickpea flour is incredibly healthy because it does not contain gluten.

It gives baked goods an amazing taste, makes them more satisfying and increases energy value.

It is included in the list of breading mixtures, used as an excellent thickener for sauces.

Photo: chickpea flour

Vegetarians love to make omelets out of it. You can cook incredibly delicious cakes, pancakes and pancakes, sweets.

How to cook chickpeas correctly?

Basic moments:

  1. Before cooking, the product must be sorted out by hand and washed thoroughly.
  2. Peas should be soaked for at least four hours, preferably twelve.
  3. The ingredient is brewed unpeeled. But if your goal is to make tender hummus, then it's best to get rid of the shell. Boil the seeds for about an hour, cool immediately, pour cool water, grind with your hands, releasing the peas from the skin. Drain the water from the shell, fill in the water and start cooking the cereal again.
  4. Do not add salt during soaking and cooking. Otherwise, the peas may become hard. However, Eastern traders advise soaking the product in salted water with sugar and soda. So, for one liter of liquid, you will need one small spoon of each component. If you follow all the principles, the taste of the dish will be delicious.
  5. To prepare porridge after boiling the beans, add a little butter, mix thoroughly and seal tightly, cover tightly with a blanket and leave for about thirty minutes.

On a note!

Remember one thing important rule: beans are soaked only in water cold temperature. Boiling water will not speed up the swelling process and will only cause problems. The protein will begin to fold, and the surface of the peas will become denser.

Growing chickpeas at home

In our country, Turkish chickpeas are successfully grown by summer residents. Gardeners liked this plant very much for its complaisant nature.

For achievement good harvest you must first prepare the seed before planting. Raw materials must be sorted and large seeds removed.

Before sowing, it is necessary to treat the material with nitragin for several hours.

Prepare a clean area of ​​land with drained soil.

Nothing will grow in a weedy area. Carefully dig up the soil, as deep as possible, get rid of debris, lime the acidic earth.

How and when to plant chickpeas?

The ideal time for landing is the end of spring. Start sowing as soon as the ground is warm enough.

If the soil is dry, lay the seed deeper, if it is wet, shallower. In total, the depth of the hole is approximately 10-15 cm.

Sow the plant in rows with a distance of about ten centimeters. Rows need to be tamped down a bit. The harvest will directly depend on timely sowing.

The first appearance of the plant must be treated with special nitrogen fertilizers.

The soil requires constant quality weeding. Peas are not capricious about moisture and are not watered very often.

The culture matures approximately within 120 days after planting.

It is important to harvest the crops in a timely manner, since rainfall with the onset of autumn can lead to negative consequences.

The beans are poured onto a linen and dried in the sun.

Use in cosmetology

Of course, so rich useful components the product can not be used in cosmetology.

Systematic internal use This component saturates the body with protein, calcium and iron. This has a positive effect on the health of the skin, hair and nails.

Also, beans are used for preparation for external use. So, pea masks have beneficial properties.

Pea masks from chickpeas for the face

To prepare the mask, you need to take ½ cup of raw materials and leave it in water for about half a day. Peas are carefully crushed, a tablespoon of honey and the same amount of vegetable oil are added.

The resulting product must be carefully applied to the skin of the face, leave to act for thirty minutes. After manipulation, the face is rinsed with water in which the product was soaked.

Permanent pea masks will help make the skin fresher, younger, relieve rashes and acne.

Storage conditions and expiration dates

Peas must be whole, have a smooth surface, not deformed, not dry, without any stains, mechanical dents, etc.

  • How to store chickpeas?

The benefits of chickpeas for the body directly depend on its storage. The product is stored in hermetically sealed containers. Can be placed in natural bags.

Chickpeas like a dark, cool, and well-ventilated area that doesn't have the intoxicating aromas of spices and spices, as the legumes can absorb odors.

If you adhere to these rules and also ensure optimal temperature storage of the product up to five degrees of heat, the shelf life can last up to a year.

Chickpea is one of the oldest crops growing on our planet. However, despite this, he became known to the inhabitants of Russia relatively recently. This leguminous plant is considered a kind of symbol of oriental cuisine, where delicious national dishes are prepared on its basis.


Chickpeas, or Turkish peas, or mutton peas, are annual plant with an upright stem and pinnate leaves. Its height can be from 0.2 to 0.7 m. The beans are small, short, swollen, each with 1 to 4 seeds.

The surface of chickpeas is tuberculate, rough; in its appearance, these peas resemble the head of a ram. The diameter of one seed is in the range of 0.5-1.5 cm. The color is from light yellow to dark. Depending on the cultivar, a thousand seeds can weigh about 150-300 g.

However, chickpeas are characterized by one inconvenience - it takes quite a long time to cook. First, dried grains are soaked for several hours in water, and then cooked for a long time. We will talk in more detail about how and how much chickpeas are cooked a little lower. Here I just want to mention that instead of a dried product, it is quite possible to use canned. In terms of their taste, they are almost the same, plus, using the latter saves a significant amount of time.

Those who first encounter chickpeas are interested in what it tastes like. Chickpeas are not like ordinary peas, beans, soybeans, or other types of legumes. Its taste can be called almost neutral - there are no pronounced notes in it, there is only a slight nutty tint. If you cook it without any spices, then its taste will be a bit like mashed potatoes. And it is precisely this tasteless facelessness that makes chickpeas a universal product - when using it in cooking, you just need to change the set of spices and as a result you can get completely different dishes. Everything is cooked from chickpeas: soups, salads, casseroles, sauces, snacks and desserts.

Difference from peas

Looking at chickpeas, some have another question: how does it differ from peas. Both belong to the legume family and in general these plants are quite similar. But in fact, the difference is significant. Consider the main differences:

As you can see, peas and chickpeas are different in many ways, just like the dishes in which they can be used.


Chickpeas have a high nutritional value and rich composition.

  • It contains a fairly large portion of carbohydrates, valuable fats and, of course, high-quality proteins.

    On a note! Chickpea seeds contain about 30% protein, the quality of which is very close to egg quality, and the share of carbohydrates is approximately 55%!

  • In addition, it is rich in minerals such as calcium, magnesium, selenium, manganese, copper, zinc, sodium and iodine. Their portion is about 3-4%.
  • Chickpeas also contain vitamins, including A, beta-carotene, B1, PP and K.
  • Chickpeas outperform other legumes in terms of content essential amino acids tryptophan and methionine.
  • Chickpeas are a source of dietary fiber - 9.9 g per 100 g of product.

The calorie content of chickpeas is 364 kcal per 100 g of product.

In general, chickpeas are quite nutritional product, and therefore he is quite capable of replacing meat, not only during fasting, but also in vegetarian menu. Plus, such a diet can provide the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

Impact on the body

Chickpeas have a low glycemic index of 35, making them suitable for most diets. In other words, this product contains only healthy carbohydrates, which slowly release energy, do not lead to sharp spikes in blood sugar and give a feeling of satiety for long time. Thus, breakfast with chickpeas is an ideal option.

Due to the large amount of fiber, Turkish peas are able to "look after" our digestive system. The young seeds of this plant have a beneficial effect on the work of everything. gastrointestinal tract and promote health intestinal microflora. Dietary fiber binds and removes toxins from the body, maintains normal cholesterol levels and helps regulate weight.

And the beneficial properties of chickpeas do not end there. AT folk medicine this product is often used for the treatment and prevention of cataracts and glaucoma. As you know, the transparency of the lens is affected by metabolic processes occurring in the body. And when they are violated, slagging of the intestines, liver occurs and the blood count worsens. Against this background, clouding of the lens develops. Chickpeas help to remove toxins and restore the normal circulation of aqueous humor (jelly-like intraocular fluid), thus preventing the development of complex diseases eye.

Iron, which is part of chickpeas, ensures the production of hemoglobin and prevents anemia. This property of chickpeas is especially useful for women during pregnancy and lactation, since it is at this time that the body consumes the largest number mineral salts of this substance.

Low-fat proteins and valuable amino acids are responsible for cell regeneration, building muscle mass, and also contribute to the production of antibodies and enzymes. And thanks high concentration manganese in this product the work of the nervous system returns to normal and immunity is strengthened.

Important! When introducing chickpeas into your diet, it should be remembered that they are a so-called heavy product that is slowly digested and can provoke fermentation in the intestines. For this reason, in some cases, chickpeas will bring not so much benefit as harm. It is highly discouraged for ulcers, constipation, a tendency to indigestion, as well as inflammation of the bladder and poor blood circulation!

In order for chickpeas to show their beneficial properties as a cleanser, they are used as follows:

  • put the chickpeas in a ceramic bowl, fill with water and leave for 8-12 hours at room temperature;
  • in the morning we pass it through a fine sieve of a meat grinder twice;
  • we use the resulting raw chickpeas in small portions (1 teaspoon each) three times a day for a week.
After seven days of admission, we take a break for a week. Full course cleansing takes 3 months.

On a note! Grated chickpeas can be added to salads, soups and other dishes!

Cooking rules

Absolutely all recipes with the participation of Turkish peas begin with its cooking. And therefore, for starters, it’s worth figuring out how to cook chickpeas.

So, if you decide to use dried chickpeas, then, first of all, it should be soaked. Pour it into a saucepan and fill it with water, the level of which should be about two fingers higher than the chickpeas. Add a pinch of salt and half a teaspoon of soda (about 3 liters of water). Thanks to this technique, the shell of the chickpeas is well softened and, as a result, the cooking time is reduced. Cover with a lid and leave it at room temperature for 8-12 hours.

Advice! It is most convenient to soak the chickpeas in the evening and leave them in the water overnight!

In the morning we drain all the liquid, wash our peas in several waters and fill it with clean water. We put the pan on the fire and, with a strong supply of gas, bring to a boil. Reduce the heat and cook the chickpeas until tender. How long to cook chickpeas after soaking? This can take from 40 minutes to 1.5 hours. Salt is desirable to add at the very end. The finished grains will become quite soft, but at the same time retain their original shape.

Next, chickpeas are usually used to make pasta. To do this, drain the remaining water and transfer the finished chickpeas to the blender bowl. If desired, you can add a small amount of butter, cream or milk to it. Grind everything until smooth.

In a slow cooker

Considering the rules for cooking chickpeas, it should be noted that it is quite possible to cook it in a slow cooker. This useful and very convenient device is in almost every kitchen today, and it greatly facilitates the process of cooking.

Cooking rules are simple:

  • soak chickpeas overnight as described above;
  • in the morning we wash it and put it in a multicooker bowl;
  • fill with fresh water - its level should be 3 cm higher than the level of peas;
  • close the lid of the multicooker and set it to the “Stew”, “Soup” or “Pilaf” mode;
  • after an hour, check the readiness and, if necessary, cook for about half an hour.

Golden chickpea porridge is very tasty and also healthy, it is quite capable of acting as a main dish and served as a side dish.

Best Recipes

The most famous chickpea dishes are hummus and falafel. They are prepared from pea paste with the addition of spices, spices and herbs. In addition, chickpeas can be fried for a great appetizer or deep fried.

As you can see, there are a lot of options, and at the same time, absolutely all recipes for cooking chickpea dishes are very simple and their execution will be clear to any hostess. Today we invite you to consider some of them. It is possible that among them you can choose something for yourself.

Snack Pate

To prepare a spicy chickpea snack, you will need:

  • 430 g canned chickpeas or 350-400 g boiled;
  • 6-7 pitted olives;
  • half a head of red onion;
  • a small bunch of parsley;
  • half a lemon;
  • salt pepper, olive oil.

We put boiled or canned chickpeas, finely chopped greens, finely chopped onions, chopped olives in a container, squeeze juice from half a lemon. We take a fork or crush and knead the mass a little. Add salt and pepper to taste, add olive oil and mix.

On a note! The finished snack should not have an absolutely uniform consistency; pieces of chickpeas and other ingredients may come across in it. But at the same time, the mass should easily stick together!

Turkish chickpeas fried with spices

To make fried chickpeas you will need:

  • 1 can of canned chickpeas or 300-350 g boiled;
  • 1 teaspoon smoked paprika;
  • ½ teaspoon cayenne pepper;
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil;
  • zest of half a lime;
  • salt (preferably sea).

Drain liquid from canned chickpeas and spread thin layer on a paper towel. While it dries, combine in large capacity cayenne pepper with paprika. We set aside.

Hello my friends and readers!

It contains a huge treasure useful substances which I will now try to tell you about.

From this article you will learn:

Turkish Chickpeas - Benefits and Uses

Chickpea is an annual leguminous plant, it is believed that its homeland is Central Asia. Chickpeas are completely cultivated and do not grow in the wild.

It is often called Turkish peas or lamb, because according to appearance grains resemble the head of this animal.

People have been growing and using this legume for over seven thousand years.

AT Ancient Egypt the name Nut was the goddess of the sky, the wife of the god of the Earth. The plant symbolized power, wealth and prosperity. Its grains were placed in the tombs of the pharaohs for completeness afterlife. With sprigs of chickpeas in their hands depicted the rulers on the frescoes.

Thanks to its nutritional properties, richness of minerals, and the fact that dried peas are easy to store, the product has saved many lives during lean or dry periods.

Interestingly, having appeared in Europe in the 17th century, chickpeas were originally used not for food, but as the basis for a hot drink.

What is the difference between regular peas and Turkish chickpeas?

There are more differences between common and Turkish peas than similarities. The difference in size is obvious - chickpeas are twice as large and do not have such a perfectly round shape.

There are other differences as well:

  • There are many more grains in the pod of ordinary peas, the Turkish one has a maximum of 3.
  • Chickpeas contain more proteins, carbohydrates and vegetable fats.

In cooking, mutton peas are more often used in oriental and mediterranean recipes, ordinary - a product rather of American and European cuisine.

A distinctive feature of chickpeas is its nutty flavor.

Green peas are less capricious in choosing a growing area; chickpeas need a warm, dry climate and plenty of sun to ripen.

Useful and nutritional properties Turkish peas are out of competition among legumes.

chickpeas calories

100 g contains 309 kcal, while the product has a very low glycemic index. It contains up to 60% easily digestible carbohydrates, up to 30% proteins and up to 12% active substances.

The composition includes:

  • Manganese, potassium, magnesium, selenium, calcium, boron, silicon and iron.
  • Vitamins of groups E, B, PP, PP and vitamin C.
  • Sources of Vitamin A
  • aminocarboxylic acids.

The most popular varieties of chickpeas

Turkish peas are different.

On the this moment a little more than 40 varieties of this culture are known. More common varieties with light peas - beige colour, but there are black, red, brown and green.

The most popular types of chickpeas are desi and kabuli.

Desi (deshi or desi) are dark beans with a thick rough shell. Grown in Mexico, India and Ethiopia. It is quite difficult to prepare, but it has a rich delicate taste.

Available in our stores, the variety of kabuli is easy to prepare and tastes good. Has smooth round beans light - yellow color covered with a thin shell.

The whole pharmacy in a pea - the beneficial properties of chickpeas

The benefits of eating chickpeas are due to the variety of trace elements and vitamins that make up its composition.

Chickpeas can help you lose weight.

The presence of riboflavin in it speeds up the metabolic processes.

High saturation with fiber gives a feeling of fullness and improves the functioning of the digestive tract.

This pea prevents the development of harmful putrefactive bacteria in the intestine.

Tryptophan, which is part of it, improves brain function by stimulating the production of serotonin, which provides the transmission of electrical impulses, being an excellent assistant in the fight against depression.

During the ripening process, chickpeas accumulate selenium, a substance necessary for the prevention multiple sclerosis, cancer, thyroid disease.

It can successfully replace meat in the diet, it contains more protein than in soy.

All these properties have provided a strong place for lamb peas in traditional medicine recipes.

It normalizes blood composition, helps with toothache and inflammation of the gums, soothes an attack of arrhythmia, lower back pain, and is useful for problems with the liver and spleen.

A chickpea menu will help reduce swelling and dissolve kidney stones. It will cleanse the body of toxins and saturate it with useful microelements. Improves the condition of nails and hair.

It will increase hemoglobin during pregnancy and increase lactation during feeding.

Helps with skin diseases.

On the basis of chickpea flour, masks are prepared that help get rid of acne and improve complexion.

Chickpeas in cosmetology - recipes for use

By the way, about cosmetology. In addition to the therapeutic effect, the chickpea-based mask has a whitening effect.

Oriental beauties have long used a mask of Turkish peas and sour milk. It evens out the complexion, brightens the skin, removes dark dark spots and fight acne.

Preparing the mixture is quite simple: you need to mix with fatty yogurt in a ratio of 1 to 1.

After that, you should apply the finished mixture on the face and décolleté area, rinse with warm water after 10-15 minutes. It should be noted that the mask slightly dries the skin.

The recipe for a chickpea flour mask can be found in this one.

What is useful chickpeas - video?

Cooking and eating - chickpea recipes

In modern cooking, peas are used to make soups and as a side dish. Salads, desserts, snacks are prepared from it, used in the manufacture pasta and in baking.

  • How to cook chickpeas?

Many are interested in: how much to cook chickpeas?

The process of properly cooking these peas is not complicated, but time-consuming.

  • Before cooking, it is thoroughly washed, turning over with your hands.
  • To reduce the cooking time, peas should be pre-soaked in water in a ratio of 1 to 4 for 4 hours. To pea mash came out more tender, it is better to get rid of the shell.
  • To do this, the beans are boiled for about an hour, quickly cooled under running water, then rubbed with their hands, freeing the grains from a thin skin.
  • Then poured cold water and cook for about an hour.

Modern chefs categorically do not advise adding salt when cooking legumes, arguing that this makes them harden.

But oriental housewives claim that peas will cook faster if they are soaked correctly. To do this, add a teaspoon of salt, sugar and baking soda.

On the net you can find recipes for various chickpea dishes.

Based on it, porridges and various variations of pilaf are prepared. A small piece of butter, introduced at the end of cooking, will help to cook delicious chickpea porridge.

After adding oil, the mass must be mixed well, removed from heat and wrapped in warm, leaving to infuse for at least 30 minutes.

And to cook a delicious pilaf, you can use both soaked chickpeas and its sprouts.

Sprouted chickpeas: benefits and composition

The benefits of beans increase if you eat not boiled peas, but its young shoots.

At the same time, sprouted peas differ from other crops in low calorie content, only 116 kcal per 100 g, and high content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Chickpea sprouts surpass all legumes in the amount of methionine and tryptophan. The total content of antioxidants differs from simply boiled chickpeas by almost 6 times.

Experts advise eating chickpea shoots regularly for several reasons:

Sprouts are effective in improving the intestinal microflora.

bind free radicals, reducing them negative impact on the body.

Providing a general strengthening effect, strengthen.

For pregnant and lactating mothers, chickpea sprouts will help reduce the manifestations of toxicosis, increase hemoglobin levels.

We germinate chickpeas correctly:

  • To get chickpeas, you first need to soak the peas for 10 hours.
  • Then rinse and put in a shallow dish, covered with a damp cloth.
  • Leave the beans indoors at room temperature and green tails will hatch in 12 hours.
  • Moisten the cloth regularly so that the sprouts do not dry out and reach a size of 1 cm (after about 48 hours).
  • Store sprouted chickpeas in the refrigerator in a loosely closed container for up to 5 days.

How to use chickpeas?

Chickpea sprouts can be eaten on their own or added to salads.

Salads should be seasoned vegetable oil lightly sprinkled with lemon juice.

To give brightness to the taste, you can add leek or young wild garlic.

Sprouted peas go well with poultry meat and white fish.

It is appropriate to serve with olives, seafood, is a suitable side dish for lamb and veal.

Read about the benefits of chickpea flour and what you can cook from it.

Sprouted chickpea hummus


  • chickpea sprouts - 250 g;
  • vegetable oil - 50-70 ml;
  • cilantro - a bunch;
  • sesame paste - 2-3 tbsp
  • lemon juice - to taste;
  • young wild garlic, salt, spices.


Grind sprouted chickpeas, cilantro and wild garlic in a blender. Add spices and oil, mix until a homogeneous even mass, beat lightly. If it looks cool, dilute a small amount warm boiled water.

You can form pasta into small patties and serve sprinkled with paprika and a little olive oil.

Select and store

When buying beans, you should pay attention to their appearance.

Chickpeas should be whole, uniform in size and smooth, have an even color without specks and darkening.

The product should be stored at a temperature not exceeding 5 0C, in a dry, dark place. In this case, it will not lose its useful properties within one year.

Buy real organic chickpeas of excellent quality, you can here

Can Turkish peas harm - contraindications

For all possible benefits, chickpeas can harm the body. There are people with intolerance to chickpeas, in such cases, such food will not bring anything but harm.

Like any plant in the legume family, chickpeas increase the processes of gas formation in the intestines. Therefore, it should be used with caution by people aged and suffering from diseases of the genitourinary system.

Chickpea dishes are contraindicated in kidney disease, people with various forms inflammation of the stomach or intestines, thrombophlebitis.

In order to minimize harmful effects eating peas, when soaking, add a teaspoon of baking soda to the water. This will speed up the breakdown of carbohydrates and get rid of the problem of bloating.

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Chickpeas have many names - Turkish peas, Uzbek chickpeas, shish peas, mutton peas, bladder, nohat (emphasis on the last syllable). This is a leguminous annual plant with swollen short pods, which contain 1-3 grains of an unusual shape. Rough grains resemble a ram's head with a bird's beak. They can be yellow, green and brown, depending on the species, place of growth.

The plant grows up to 70 cm high. On an upright stem covered with glandular hairs, pinnate leaves are located. Beans are formed at a temperature of 24-28 o C, and pollination occurs when the flower is closed. Central Asia is considered the birthplace of cultivated chickpea, but it is also cultivated in Central Asia, India, Eastern Europe, East Africa, Mediterranean region. Mostly white-seeded varieties are used for food.

What is the difference between chickpeas and regular peas?

Common peas and chickpeas are legumes, but the latter is significantly superior to its "relative" in terms of qualitative composition, although it is inferior to it in terms of protein content. And the sprouted product fully satisfies the body in vitamins A, C. Chickpeas, the calorie content of which per 100 g is only 128 kcal, also has, in comparison with other legumes, increased amount essential acids - tryptophan and methionine.

If we talk about the visual difference, then chickpeas are larger (a dry pea has a diameter of up to 1 cm) and is characterized by a bumpy surface. In addition, the grains are particularly hard, so before cooking, they certainly need to be soaked for quite a long time time. Ready beans have an unusual oily-velvety structure, have a pleasant nutty aftertaste.

Ingredients of Turkish Peas

Dried mutton chickpeas consist of 55-60% easily digestible carbohydrates and 20-30% protein, which is close to egg quality in quality. The fat content varies from 4% to almost 8%, this indicator depends on the variety. The share of minerals and vitamins is about 11.8-12%, of which there are more than 80. Among the most basic are manganese, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, potassium, B vitamins, folic, pantothenic, nicotinic acids.

In addition, beans also contain lysine, which is vital for the production of hormones, antibodies, support for muscle mass, and tissue repair. The benefits of chickpeas also lie in the presence of soluble, insoluble fibers (fiber), which are known to help eliminate "bad" cholesterol, harmful substances from the body. Dry grains contain only 11% water.

What is useful chickpeas?

Due to its nutritional value, chickpeas can fully replace meat, for example, during fasting. This menu will strengthen the blood vessels and heart muscle.

Regular consumption of chickpeas has a beneficial effect on digestion, prevents constipation, and neutralizes other disorders. He also possesses unique property reduce the risk of heart attacks, strokes, improve heart function. In England official medicine allowed the use of mutton peas as an astringent. Recent studies have shown that lovers of this product slow down the aging process, and the skin remains smooth for a long time.

The energy received from beans is consumed gradually, which allows diabetics not to worry about the increase in sugar levels in the body. Even in antiquity in the treatment skin diseases chickpea dishes were used as a component medical nutrition. Besides, high performance iron content makes chickpeas especially beneficial for women during pregnancy, breastfeeding preventing anemia.

According to traditional healers, the constant presence of chickpeas in the diet protects the eyes from cataracts, which lead to clouding of the lens and complete blindness. And, as you know, the transparency of the lens is affected by a violation metabolic processes, slagging of the intestines, liver, blood. You can eat beans not only in preventive purposes but also for the treatment of cataracts.

Harmful properties of Turkish peas

Like all beans, chickpeas increase gas formation, so it is not recommended to drink water immediately after eating. Due to digestion problems, older people should not overindulge in chickpea dishes. The cause of trouble is oligosaccharides, which are poorly soluble in gastric juice. Soaking grains before cooking for at least 12 hours can soften this quality.

Despite its beneficial properties, it is contraindicated in patients with bladder ulcers, with acute nephritis and gout, as well as in cases of individual intolerance. Do not use it for people with circulatory failure, thrombophlebitis, cholecystitis. At risk are allergy sufferers, people with hypersensitivity.

chickpeas is a legume (pod) plant, which is also called Turkish or lamb peas. Grains of an unusual shape remind many of the head of a ram with a beak (see photo). In small pods, there are no more than 3 grains. Their color is mostly yellow, but other shades are also acceptable.

The homeland of chickpeas is considered to be Central Asia. To date, the cultivation area has increased significantly, and the plant can be found in Europe, India, Africa and the Mediterranean. Some sources have information that they used chickpeas long before our era. By the way, grains were used not only for food, but also for the treatment of certain diseases. Chickpeas are an environmentally friendly product because nitrates, toxins and other harmful substances do not accumulate in it.

How to germinate?

Any person can sprout chickpeas, there would be a desire. Take the number of grains on the basis that the volume will increase by 3-4 times from the original. It is best to use 1 tbsp. Turkish peas. Do everything in several stages:

Beneficial features

The beneficial properties of chickpeas are due to the content in its composition of numerous vitamins, macro- and microelements, as well as other substances. The calorie content of chickpeas is small, for example, there are only 120 kcal per 100 g. Among other crops, chickpea stands out for its content methionine - an amino acid that has the ability to lower blood cholesterol levels, and it also improves performance and has a positive effect on the functioning of the nervous system. People who consume chickpeas regularly may forget what a fatty liver is.

It is impossible to deny the benefits of chickpeas, since the grains contain approximately 80 substances important for the body. For example, they contain selenium, which resists the aging process and reduces the risk of developing oncological diseases. Grains have a positive effect on activities of cardio-vascular system, and they also normalize sugar levels, which is important for people with diabetes. Given the presence a large number manganese, improves the functioning of the nervous system and strengthens the immune system. Chickpeas contain iron, which is beneficial for people with anemia, as well as for women during pregnancy and lactation.

Chickpeas contain not only soluble, but also insoluble fiber. This results in bowel cleansing. various toxins and decay products, and also improves the functioning of the digestive tract. Since chickpeas are high in fiber, they are low glycemic foods. That is why peas help to quickly get rid of hunger and feel full for a long time. That's why it is recommended to use during weight loss and to maintain shape. For vegetarians and people who have given up meat, chickpeas are an indispensable product. The thing is that it contains low-fat natural protein and lysine, an amino acid that is important for tissue repair and for increasing muscle mass. Chickpea sprouts are also useful, which include ascorbic acid and vitamin A, as well as magnesium, calcium and potassium.

Use in cooking

The use of chickpeas in cooking is due to the ease of preparation. It attracts with a nutty flavor. Many countries consider mutton peas a delicacy, and they are especially popular in Thailand, India, Africa and other exotic countries.

Both fresh and canned chickpeas can be used to prepare various dishes. It is suitable for cooking first and second courses, as well as salads, appetizers and sauces. You can make flour from lamb peas, which is used for homemade pastries and batter. Chickpeas are the basis for the preparation of the popular Israeli dish - hummus. Another well-known Arabic dish from this type of legume is falafel. Interestingly, you can make dessert from chickpeas. For example, in the Philippines, it is preserved in syrup.

Chickpeas go well with rice, which is why many people add them to pilaf. As a side dish, it is best served with lamb or other types of meat. To discover or improve taste qualities, you can use dill, fennel, cumin, cumin and garlic. As a dressing, olive oil and lemon juice are suitable. It is not recommended to combine chickpeas with different types cabbage and fruit.

How to cook?

There are several ways to prepare chickpeas. Before any heat treatment it is recommended to soak mutton peas. It is important to observe the proportion: for 1 tbsp. grains take 3-4 tbsp. water. Liquid should be at room temperature. If use hot water, then the chickpeas will become even more dense and unusable. If you will use chickpeas to make hummus, then to soften it is worth adding soda at the rate of 1 tbsp. peas 0.5 tsp. Leave everything for at least 4 hours.

Now let's figure it out how to cook chickpeas. Drain the liquid in which the mutton peas were soaked, and then fill it with cold water. Place the container over high heat and bring to a boil. If foam forms, it should be removed. Then the fire must be reduced to a minimum and cook for 1-2 hours. Salt is not recommended to be added during cooking as it prevents the chickpeas from softening.

Easy to cook chickpeas in a slow cooker. To do this, also pre-soak it, and then put the grains in a bowl and pour water so that its level is 2 fingers higher than the beans. Set the "Extinguishing" mode to 3 hours. After 2 hours, you need to periodically check the readiness of the chickpeas. You can also select the “Pilaf” mode for 2 hours and check the readiness after an hour.

You can cook fried chickpeas. To do this, it is also soaked and boiled for 2 hours. In this case, salt should be added in the middle of cooking. Before frying, the grains should be dried. It is recommended to roll the mutton peas in spices before this, then cook over medium heat for 10 minutes, stirring from time to time.

You can also prepare a semi-finished product, which will later be useful for soup, pilaf, hummus, etc. To do this, the grains should first be boiled for an hour, and then cool and rinse under cold water. Then take a large container, pour into it cold water and already in it peel the peas from the shell. After that, the peas should be boiled for another hour.

The benefits of chickpeas and treatment

The benefits of chickpeas and treatment have long been appreciated by traditional healers. For example, with its help cleanse the body. Soak the grains in water overnight. Then grind them into a paste. Consume it in small portions. You can add it to different dishes. Spend similar procedures within 7 days. Thanks to this, you not only cleanse the intestines, but also be able to get rid of excess weight.

In folk medicine, chickpea flour is also widely used. She possesses astringent action what is important in diseases digestive system. It can be prepared from nourishing masks for face. Chickpeas are used to make a soup that will help cope with cough and bronchitis. Take 1 tbsp. chopped chickpeas and fill it with 2 liters of water. Cook the stew for half an hour, and then add to it butter and consume in equal portions. If you add radish oil, celery and grated almonds to it, you get excellent remedy, to resist the formation of stones and sand in the bladder.

In case of poisoning you can use a decoction of sprouted chickpeas. Take 2 tbsp. spoons of beans, fill them with 1.5 tbsp. water, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes. on minimum heat. Then strain and consume in small portions to deal with constipation and poisoning.

You can prepare an infusion recommended for use with atherosclerosis, constipation, diabetes, and also as a prevention of the appearance of kidney stones. To prepare, take 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sprouted chickpeas, pour 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave for 30 minutes. Then strain and drink 50 ml 3 times a day before meals.

Harm of chickpeas and contraindications

Chickpeas can be harmful if there is an individual intolerance to the product.

Contraindications for use are in people prone to flatulence.

Carefully it is necessary to use dishes from chickpeas to elderly people.

It is forbidden to use Turkish peas for bladder problems.

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