Effective means for removing sputum. Getting rid of sputum with the help of folk remedies. Expectoration of white thick mucus without coughing

Expectorants and sputum-thinning agents are frequent components of treatment for bronchitis, pneumonia, and tuberculosis. Without their use, it is extremely difficult to clear the airways and ensure normal breathing. Such funds cannot be used arbitrarily, because they can cause side effects.

In what cases are thinning and expectorants used, and when are they prohibited?

In the bronchi of every healthy person, special mucus is produced. It makes impossible the negative impact of microorganisms, dust, allergens that enter with the air. In the normal state, the cilia of the bronchi independently push out the mucus with all the "unnecessary". If an inflammatory or some pathological process begins in the respiratory tract, the mucus begins to change its viscosity. It becomes thick, sticks to the lung tissues, there are more microorganisms in it, they begin to multiply, which further complicates the situation. The bronchi can no longer cope with excretion on their own. It is in this situation that funds come to the rescue that provide liquefaction of sputum when coughing and contribute to its rapid removal.

Expectorants and thinners are often recommended for:

  • bronchitis (both in acute and chronic form);
  • pneumonia of viral and bacterial origin;
  • COPD;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • tracheobronchitis;
  • emphysema of lung tissues;
  • laryngitis;
  • tuberculosis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • diseases accompanied by difficult sputum excretion.

Means of this type have certain contraindications. The latter directly depend on the active substance and the mechanism of action. So, for example, products based on Ambroxol cannot be used in case of serious disorders of the kidneys and liver, based on Acetylcysteine ​​- for bleeding in the lungs, bronchial asthma, based on plant extracts - for high acidity, gastrointestinal diseases, gastritis.

In fact, all expectorant and thinning agents are strictly prohibited when:

  • pregnancy (especially in the first trimester);
  • hypersensitivity to any of the components of the agent;
  • in early childhood (up to 1 year);
  • oncological diseases of the respiratory system.

Mucolytics and their action

Mucolytic drugs are called drugs that are designed to dilute the thick mucus in the lungs. Directly or indirectly, these drugs prevent the adhesion of fluid formed in the lungs, have a moderate anti-inflammatory effect.

All mucolytic agents can be divided into 3 large groups:

  • drugs that affect the elasticity of the liquid and the viscosity itself;
  • reduce the volume of mucus;
  • accelerate elimination.

Unlike expectorants, sputum-thinning drugs do not cause an increase in sputum in the lungs. They are actually never recommended for dry cough, which often occurs with influenza and acute respiratory infections. You can take mucolytic drugs when the cough is at least a little wet.

There are 4 active ingredients on the basis of which mucolytic preparations are made:

  1. Acetylcysteine. The main representatives are: ACC, Fluimucil, Vicks Active, ACC Long, Expectomed. Means of this group are most often carried out in the form of tablets or powder. Less commonly, in the form of solutions for the preparation and implementation of inhalation, as well as injections. They perfectly cope with the dilution of the liquid, have a moderate antioxidant effect, due to which they can fight some poisons.
  2. Bromhexine. On its basis, such medicines are made: Nycomed, Bromhexine, Bronchosan. One of the oldest drugs of the mucolytic type. Once in the human body, it undergoes specific processing, due to which it turns into Ambroxol. The latter performs a therapeutic effect.
  3. Carbocysteine. Sold under commercial names: Libeksin Muko, Bronhobos, Fluditek. According to their direct indications and contraindications, these tablets are very similar to Acetylcysteine. Appropriate for use in whooping cough, sinusitis, otitis media.
  4. Ambroxol. It is the main component of such drugs as: Lazolvan, Flavamed, Ambrobene, Ambroxol, Ambrohexal. Today it is considered the most effective substance for cough control. It is a combined remedy, because it simultaneously dilutes and has an expectorant effect. Ambroxol is able to prevent sticking of mucus and enhances the action of many antibiotics. Given this, it is often recommended for pneumonia.

Expectorants and their uses

Expectorant drugs have their main task to remove sputum from the lungs. As a rule, before using them or in parallel with them, doctors recommend mucolytic drugs to thin the sputum in the bronchi, as well as inhalations, expectorant massages.

The drugs of this group, in accordance with the mechanism of their action, can be conditionally divided into 2 main groups:

  • reflex action - affect the gastric mucosa and activate the vomiting center of the brain, as a result of which the production of mucus is significantly accelerated, so the lungs are forced to get rid of it reflexively;
  • direct action - can affect the bronchi themselves.

Means of both groups are taken orally and begin to act after successful assimilation by the digestive system. Medicines of reflex action are performed, as a rule, on the basis of plant extracts. Means of direct action can have both natural and chemical composition.

Many drugs of this type have simultaneously expectorant, thinning, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. The most prominent representatives of expectorants with a reflex action are:

  • medications based on Althea (Alteika syrup, Mukaltin) - especially often used for bronchitis, emphysema; not recommended for children under 3 years of age, in addition, with ulcerative diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • thermopsis drugs (Termopsol, Codelac broncho) - have a bright mucolytic and expectorant effect;
  • products based on plantain extract (for example: Stoptussin syrup, Gerbion Coldrex broncho) - can be used for various types of cough, including dry; distinguished by their soft action and safety;
  • made from thyme (thyme) (Bronhikum C, Tussamag, Pectusin) - can be used to treat children from 6 months.

The composition of direct-acting preparations often includes components such as essential oils, ammonium chloride, potassium iodides. The main drug in this group can be called Amtersol.

Expectorant and liquefying herbal remedies

Some herbal remedies, plant extracts also help to effectively dilute mucus and remove it from the human respiratory system:

  • option number 1 - oregano and pieces of coltsfoot;
  • option number 2 - licorice, plantain, coltsfoot leaves;
  • option number 3 - anise extracts, pine buds, sage extracts;
  • option number 4 - elements of common chamomile, licorice, calendula herb, violet flowers, wild rosemary,

Additionally, you can use - wild rosemary grass. Performs a reflex action on the bronchi, the central nervous system. Able to reduce microbes in the upper lobes of the body. It can be used both for gargling the throat and mouth, and for oral administration.

Features of the use of thinning and expectorant drugs

Thinners and mucolytics are now available in a wide variety of pharmaceutical forms, including tablets, capsules, injections, herbal infusions, decoctions, teas, syrups, and the like.

Important rules that in no case should be neglected when starting treatment with cough remedies are:

  • use as a volumetric amount of liquid (for example, warm teas, fruit drinks, boiled or mineral water) - they contribute to a more rapid liquefaction of mucus;
  • categorical rejection of antitussive drugs - if they are combined, you can count on very serious consequences, including pneumonia, necrosis of lung tissues and even death.

Treatment with mucolytics and expectorants will not be effective if the conditions of stay are not optimal for the patient. Be sure to ventilate the room and provide moist air.

When there is no improvement within 2 days from the start of using the drugs prescribed by the doctor, it is urgent to retake the tests and replace the drugs or their dosage. It is worth remembering that all expectorants and mucolytics are equally safe, sometimes they cause side effects. Among the most frequent are:

  • discomfort in the stomach;
  • diarrhea
  • migraine;
  • skin rashes;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • increased acidity;
  • pulmonary bleeding;
  • dizziness.

Most drugs of these groups (especially in the form of tablets) can cause an overdose. Noticing any of the negative reactions, you need to urgently contact a specialist and stop taking the selected drug.

With well-chosen drugs and their use provided for by the instructions, the patient does not experience negative reactions that could interfere with driving or important technical processes.

Although some expectorant medicines are made on the basis of alcohol, their combination with alcoholic beverages is not desirable, as the toxic effects on the liver and kidneys increase.

Given the above, you should not refuse the advice of a doctor about the use of mucolytic or expectorant drugs when there is a difficult cough. A large number of pharmaceutical forms and active ingredients enable the specialist to choose the most convenient and effective option.

  • Wet cough with sputum difficult to separate in acute and chronic bronchitis, tuberculosis and a number of other diseases.

Features: mucolytics directly or indirectly thin the thick bronchial secretions and reduce the ability of sputum to stick to the wall of the respiratory tract. All mucolytics have a mild anti-inflammatory effect.

Important information for the patient:

  • Mucolytics are not indicated for dry cough that accompanies influenza and other acute respiratory viral infections.
  • When taking expectorants and mucolytics, it is desirable to use liquid more often than usual and in large quantities: weak tea, fruit drink, compote.
  • Mucolytics and expectorants should not be combined with antitussives.
Trade name of the drug Price range (Russia, rub.) Features of the drug, which is important for the patient to know
Active substance: Acetylcysteine

(Geksal, Sandoz)

ACC Long

(Geksal, Sandoz)

Vicks Active ExpectoMed(Procter & Gamble, Teva)


It is usually taken orally as tablets or soluble powders. Well liquefies sputum. It can be used both for bronchitis and sinusitis for better discharge of thick mucus from the sinuses. In severe cases, it is used in injectable form. It has an antioxidant effect, and therefore it can protect against poisoning by certain poisons (for example, it is used as a remedy for an overdose of paracetamol). Can sometimes cause heartburn and nausea. Contraindicated in exacerbation of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
Active substance: Carbocysteine


Libeksin Muko(Sanofi Aventis)



The drug is similar in action and contraindications to acetylcysteine. It is used for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, whooping cough, otitis and sinusitis.
Active substance: Ambroxol





Ambrohexal(Geksal AG)

Lazolvan(Boehringer Ingelheim)





Halixol (Aegis)
One of the most active and frequently used drugs with mucolytic and expectorant action. Stimulates the synthesis of surfactant - a substance that prevents the adhesion of the alveoli and small bronchi, and therefore can be used not only for bronchitis, but also for pneumonia. May increase the concentration of some antibiotics in bronchial secretions. Used mainly for oral administration. However, there is a special dosage form "Lazolvan" for inhalation use through a nebulizer. Contraindicated in case of individual intolerance, in the 1st trimester of pregnancy and while breastfeeding.
Active substance: Ambroxol + Sodium Glycyrrhizinate + Thyme Liquid Extract
Codelac broncho with thyme(Pharmstandard) 104-215,5 A complex preparation in which the mucolytic and expectorant action of ambroxol is enhanced by the anti-inflammatory action of sodium glycyrrhizinate. Thyme herb extract, which is part of the preparation, contains a mixture of essential oils with expectorant and anti-inflammatory and slight antispasmodic action. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation. In children, it can be used from 2 years.
Active substance: Ambroxol + sodium glycyrrhizinate +

dry extract of thermopsis + sodium bicarbonate
Codelac broncho(Pharmstandard) 90-157 A complex drug, each of the components of which has a specific therapeutic effect. Ambroxol reduces the viscosity of sputum and promotes its discharge. Sodium glycyrrhizinate has anti-inflammatory and antiviral effects. The thermopsis extract has an expectorant effect, reflexively increasing the secretion of the bronchial glands. Sodium bicarbonate shifts the acid-base balance of bronchial mucus to the alkaline side, reduces the viscosity of sputum and stimulates its excretion. Contraindicated in pregnancy, lactation and children under 12 years of age.
Active substance: Bromhexine
Bromhexine (Berlin-Chemie)





Long used expectorant and mucolytic drug. As a result of processing in the body, bromhexine turns into ambroxol, which directly has a therapeutic effect. Currently, bromhexine is considered an outdated drug, doctors recommend it less and less.
Active substance: Herbs thermopsis lanceolate powder + sodium bicarbonate
Cough tablets(Tathhimfarm-

drugs, Dalhimfarm)
10,2-55 Thermopsis grass has an expectorant effect, increasing the amount of sputum, and sodium bicarbonate stimulates the bronchial glands and reduces the viscosity of sputum. Tablets are contraindicated in gastric and duodenal ulcers in the acute phase, as well as in children under 12 years of age.
Active substance:

Bromhexine + guaifenesin + salbutamol + levomenthol
In these syrups, the expectorant and mucolytic components of bromhexine and guaifenesin are combined with salbutamol, which prevents or eliminates bronchospasm. Due to this, the drugs are well suited for the treatment of obstructive bronchitis and other diseases accompanied by the formation of viscous sputum that is difficult to separate. Syrups can also be used as a component of the complex treatment of bronchial asthma. They have many contraindications, the main of which are pregnancy, lactation, hypertension, cardiac arrhythmias, decompensated diabetes mellitus, thyrotoxicosis, exacerbation of gastric and duodenal ulcers.
Joset(Unique Pharmaceutical Laboratories) 102-221,5
Active substance:

Bromhexine + guaifenesin + salbutamol + racementol


Active substance:

Bromhexine + guaifenesin + salbutamol


Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications.

With a wet cough, inflammation of the bronchi, SARS, patients are prescribed antitussive medications. They are used in case of poor separation of thick sputum. To thin it, the doctor prescribes mucolytics, to facilitate the discharge of mucus - expectorants for dry cough. In order to avoid side effects before using the drug, it is recommended to study the instructions for its use.

Classification of antitussives

Cough expectorant reduces the viscosity of mucus in the bronchi. When the airways become inflamed, secretions accumulate. Sputum stagnates, it becomes difficult to remove it. Impaired breathing is accompanied by irritation of the respiratory tract. The reaction of the body in this case is a cough against the background of thick and viscous sputum.

In order to avoid the development of serious pathologies (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.), it is important to consult a specialist in time. The doctor will listen to complaints, check the lungs, the condition of the throat and nose, and send you for testing. To reduce the density and viscosity of mucus, the patient will be prescribed an expectorant. Do not self-medicate! Incorrectly selected medications can lead to an aggravation of the situation.

In medical practice, all cough remedies for adults and children are prescribed depending on the nature of the cough symptom. In accordance with this, medicines are classified into several main groups:

  1. Antitussive drugs. They are used if the cough is unproductive, dry. The symptom is accompanied by disorders of sleep, appetite.
  2. Expectorants. They are prescribed for adults and children to stimulate the process of sputum discharge and the acquisition of a productive cough. After using the syrup or tablets of this group, the disease passes into the stage of production of not too viscous and thick mucus.
  3. Mucolytics. The indication for use is a productive cough with a large amount of viscous and thick mucus. Means are prescribed for its better release from the bronchi.

Cough expectorants are divided into secretomotor and secretolytic drugs. Their differentiation is based on the principle of action of medicines.

Secretomotor drugs

They have a reflex action. It consists in irritation of the nerve endings (cough center) located in the brain. It is also activated as a result of reflex action. As a result, there is an increased production of mucus in the bronchi. Strongly coughing people find it difficult to suppress a paroxysmal symptom. The use of a secretory drug often causes a gag reflex. This is due to the fact that the cough and vomiting centers are located in close proximity to each other (medulla oblongata).

This group of medicines includes herbal remedies. Expectorant effect is exerted by extracts of licorice root, essential oils (for example, eucalyptus), wild rosemary, thyme. You can prepare syrup for expectoration when coughing dry and wet on your own. If this is not possible, the medication by age is purchased at the pharmacy in accordance with the recommendations of the therapist or pediatrician.

Secretolytic drugs

They have a direct resorptive effect. It consists in increasing the secretion of mucus after irritation of the bronchial membranes. The active substances of the drug are absorbed by the gastric mucosa, and then spread throughout the body and affect the respiratory system.

Effective cough syrup with psyllium

A good effective expectorant is selected individually according to the recommendations of a specialist. At the same time, the form and nature of the course of the disease are taken into account.

Children and pregnant women should take expectorant medicines with extreme caution. When using medications, concomitant symptoms often occur - tearing and runny nose.

In order to avoid the allergic component, as well as relieve swelling, the patient is prescribed antihistamines. Also appointed:

  • nasal drops (for inflammation of the paranasal sinuses);
  • antipyretic (in case of an increase in body temperature);
  • immunostimulants (the patient's body is depleted, so a drug is taken that increases the production of interferons);
  • antibacterial or antiviral compounds (for infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract);
  • physiotherapy (inhalation with saline). They are indicated for asthma and pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis, laryngitis. With the help of a nebulizer, it is possible to alleviate the patient's condition. The procedures allow the mucus to swell and be released from the bronchi.

Cough medicines in this group are represented by preparations based on ammonium chloride, potassium, sodium iodide, sodium bicarbonate. They are taken at the stage of sputum production, when they are not quite viscous and thick.

Expectorants for dry cough

An unproductive dry cough accompanies the disease at an early stage. The symptom leads to a narrowing of the lumen of the respiratory tract, the appearance of wheezing and whistles in the bronchi.

Causes of dry cough - SARS, influenza, asthma, inflammation of the lungs and bronchi.

Doctors are faced with the task of translating an unproductive symptom into a productive cough, and then getting rid of it with the help of mucolytics and expectorants.

The following medicines help with dry cough:

  1. Syrup Broncholitin. It has a pronounced antitussive effect, as well as a bronchodilator effect.
  2. Drops Sinekod. Effective antitussive drug.
  3. Syrup Gerbion. Natural psyllium-based remedy for dry cough relief.
  4. Tablets Codelac Broncho. Synthetic drug of mucolytic, expectorant and anti-inflammatory action.
  5. Tablets Stoptussin. Combined antitussive drug.
  6. Syrup Linkas based on herbal ingredients. It contains extracts of licorice, pepper, fragrant violets, etc.

Antitussive formulations are indicated in the case of a debilitating symptom. However, doctors do not recommend their use along with mucolytic drugs.

Choosing the best expectorant for dry cough is not easy. One drug composition is suitable for someone, another product becomes effective for someone. Each of them is selected individually.

Expectorants for adults

In various diseases of the respiratory system, a concomitant symptom of which is a cough, antitussive drugs of a different spectrum of action are prescribed.

In acute and chronic forms of bronchitis, cough pneumonia, expectorants are prescribed in combination with other groups of drugs (antibiotics, antiviral drugs, immunomodulators). Expectorants are used to:

  • reducing the inflammatory process of the mucous membranes of the larynx, trachea, bronchi and lungs;
  • alleviate the patient's condition with an unproductive cough;
  • liquefaction of the produced mucus;
  • stimulation of the release of sputum from the bronchi.

I do not expectorate sputum, what should I do? What remedy for a cough symptom effectively fights bronchitis and other pathologies of the respiratory organs? The following mucolytic drugs are most effective:

  1. Ambroxol (expectorant cough tablets or syrup). In the case of transmission from a child to children of an infection and the occurrence of bronchitis, doctors prescribe Ambrovix cough syrup for small patients. The drugs are indicated in diseases with acute inflammation of the bronchi, lungs and other respiratory organs.
  2. Lazolvan is the best imported expectorant. Its analogues: Ambrosan, Ambrobene, Flavamed.
  3. ACC (Acetylcysteine). It has anti-inflammatory and mucolytic action. In the case of an allergic nature of the origin of the cough, the ACC drug is taken with extreme caution.
  4. Solvin (Bronchosan, Bromhexine). It has a slight antitussive effect. It has strong expectorant properties.

Methods for the treatment of dry cough in a child at home.

With bronchitis, mucolytic drugs of the reflex group are also prescribed. These include Mukaltin, Alteyka, Thermopsol. They contribute to increased production of viscous and thick mucus.

Folk expectorants

Folk expectorants for coughs are effective, easy to prepare and affordable. Along with drug treatment, it is good to resort to the use of homemade decoctions, syrups and infusions.

It is not difficult to prepare remedies at home to eliminate the symptom. To liquefy sputum, folk remedies for coughing for adults are used expectorants:

  1. Recipe 1. Milk with butter. The old proven way. Helps to relieve irritation in the bronchi, soften cough and improve the excretion of mucus. The mixture is recommended for adults and children. It is prepared by heating milk, to which 5-10 grams of butter is added. Despite the popularity of the recipe, some pediatricians do not recommend resorting to it due to the increased load on the child's pancreas.
  2. Recipe 2. Warm milk with honey and fat. To 250 ml. dairy product is added fat and honey. Everything is mixed and drunk. The method helps to thin the sputum and accelerate its discharge from the bronchi. With the allergic component of the cough, resorting to taking a mixture of "milk with honey" should be done with extreme caution.
  3. Recipe 3. Honey in radish. Based on the ingredients, juice is prepared. This cocktail has an expectorant effect. It affects the larynx, trachea, bronchi. An expectorant for dry cough is prepared as follows: a hole is made in the radish, where 2 teaspoons of honey are added. When the fruit releases juice, the remedy is drunk in several doses throughout the day.
  4. Recipe 4. Milk-fat mixture of fat (badger), milk, aloe, honey. The composition is considered one of the best expectorants for bronchitis, tracheitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia.

Inhalations and fees

Carrying out home inhalations with the addition of herbs for coughing with sputum allows you to effectively thin the mucus and speed up its excretion. The procedure replaces the use of syrups and infusions. Chamomile, oregano, string, sage, calendula, etc. are considered the most effective.

Expectorant cough recipes are also presented with medicinal preparations. Folk remedies for coughing for adults and children are prepared by preparing decoctions based on herbal formulations and tea. Their natural components have healing properties, while helping to fight various pathologies of the respiratory system.

Expectorant collection is purchased at the pharmacy. It contains specially selected medicinal herbs. Decoctions contribute to the thinning of mucus, improve its discharge from the bronchi. From dry cough, infusions based on plantain, oregano, thyme, sage, marshmallow and licorice help.

The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Expert advice is required!

To expectorants include drugs that thin bronchial mucus and help it evacuate from the respiratory system.

Mechanism of action

In the bronchi of a healthy person, mucus is constantly produced, which helps to clear them of incoming dust particles and dead cells. During a disease affecting the respiratory organs, more mucus is produced, it becomes more viscous and sticky. Therefore, the bronchi are clogged with mucus, breathing is complicated, favorable conditions are created in the mucus for the development of microbes. The surface of the bronchi is covered from the inside with a ciliated epithelium, the movement of the cilia directs the mucus from the bronchi. But during illness, the cilia stick together with mucus. Thus, the work of the bronchi is disrupted and the threat of pneumonia is created.
In order to prevent complications in diseases that cause accumulation of sputum in the bronchi, expectorant drugs are used.

Indications for use

  • Pneumonia
  • All other diseases that occur with a productive cough.

Medicines with a reflex action

This group includes mainly drugs based on medicinal herbs that facilitate the release of bronchial mucus from the bronchi and bronchioles.
Such funds, entering the body, irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive organs, which entails the activation of the production of bronchial mucus. Mucus is secreted in large quantities, so it is less thick.
This group of drugs includes: thyme, licorice root, marshmallow root, thermopsis herb, as well as pharmacy and home-made breast fees.

Direct acting drugs

These drugs affect the function of the bronchi and the quality of the mucus produced. These funds, in turn, are also divided into two subgroups: acting on the functions of the bronchi and acting on the quality of sputum.

Bronchial function is affected by drugs such as baking soda, iodine salts, and some essential oils ( eucalyptus, anise). These funds are used most often in inhalations. When inhaled, they contribute to the production of thinner mucus.

The second subgroup is the so-called mucolytics or drugs that affect the quality of bronchial mucus. The most famous representatives of this group: bromhexine, ambroxol, acetylcysteine.
Once in the bronchial mucus, the components of these drugs destruct the protein molecules present in it and giving it density. Therefore, the mucus becomes less viscous and is easily evacuated from the bronchi during coughing.
A number of mucolytics also activate the production of a substance that covers the bronchial mucosa ( surfactant) and does not allow microscopic villi to stick together, promoting mucus from the bronchi.

Medicines for children

Mucolytics: ambrobene, bromhexine, ACC, rinofluimucil, lazolvan.
Indications: tracheitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngotracheitis and other diseases accompanied by cough with thick sputum.

Expectorants: gedelix, pertussin, licorice root, mukaltin.
Diseases accompanied by a cough without a large amount of sputum.

For children, convenient dosage forms of drugs are available in the form of delicious syrups or drops. It is advisable to consult a pediatrician before giving the drug.

Remedies for bronchitis

At the very beginning of the disease, if there is no wet cough, you should not immediately drink expectorants. These funds can adversely affect the condition, enhancing the inflammatory process of the bronchial mucosa. It is better to do with a warm drink, decoctions of vitamin berries.
If a dry cough passes into the productive stage, and sputum appears, you can start taking expectorant drugs. The gold standard for treating bronchitis at this stage is ambroxol and acetylcysteine.

Remedies for pneumonia

Expectorants for pneumonia are used to normalize the drainage function of the respiratory system.

Mucolytics: bisolvon, ACC.

Expectorants: thermopsis, plantain leaf, mukaltin, ammonium chloride, potassium iodide.

Preparations for pregnant women

Expectorants approved for use during pregnancy: ammonium chloride, sodium benzoate, thyme oil, camphor oil, thermopsis, terpinhydrate.

Expectorants prohibited during pregnancy: preparations based on ipecac ( can provoke vomiting and nausea during pregnancy, as they affect the gastric mucosa in a special way). Potassium iodide and sodium iodide can interfere with the normal development of the fetus.

Mucolytics are more effective than expectorants. In the first three months of gestation, none of the drugs in this group can be used.

Forbidden: bromhexine ( bisolvone).

Allowed: ambroxol, acetylcysteine.

Medications for asthma

The course of bronchial asthma is characterized by increased production of bronchial mucus, as well as stagnation of mucus in the bronchi. In addition, asthma mucus is produced more viscous and thicker. Bronchial patency deteriorates. The quality of the walls of the bronchi also changes: they become deformed, become stiffer and thicker.
The removal of mucus in bronchial asthma is the most important task, since in almost all people who died from asthma, the bronchi were clogged with thick mucus.

The following requirements are imposed on the means used for asthma:

  • Should loosen phlegm
  • Increase the amount of water in the sputum
  • Should reduce the degree of adhesion of mucus to the bronchi.
The most effective drugs for asthma:
  • Acetylcysteine
  • Mesna
  • Bromhexine
  • Ambroxol
  • Carboxymethylcysteine.

Means for smokers

In chronic bronchitis provoked by prolonged smoking, it is recommended to use herbal expectorants: thermopsis, oregano, thyme, coltsfoot, rosemary, marshmallow. The essential oils of these herbs irritate the bronchial mucosa and accelerate the excretion of mucus.

In the event that an experienced smoker has an inhalation shorter than an exhalation, it is necessary to start taking expectorant drugs that will help clear the respiratory system and avoid emphysema. It is useful to use the above herbs in the form of essential oils for inhalation, so that particles of the treatment solution get as deep as possible into the respiratory system, it is best to do inhalation with a nebulizer.

Herbal expectorants

Althea root, cyanosis root and elecampane root - these remedies have the ability to relieve inflammation, reduce the strength of cough, envelop. They should not be taken in acute bronchitis, as these drugs are effective in inflammation of the upper respiratory tract ( exacerbation of chronic bronchitis and tracheobronchitis).

thermopsis- improves the discharge of bronchial mucus, facilitates breathing. Effective in chronic bronchitis, emphysema.

Liquorice root- is indicated in cases where bronchitis occurs with bronchospasm, with shortness of breath.

Thyme- indicated for scanty sputum, with dry cough. The drug soothes, inhibits the growth of pathogenic microbes, helps to expectorate mucus.

pine buds- are indicated for acute bronchitis with an abundance of thick sputum, as it makes sputum more liquid, and in addition enhances local immunity in the bronchi, activates the production of immunoglobulin BUT .

root of source- is indicated for inflammation of the medium and large bronchi with scanty secretion of thick mucus. An infusion or decoction of this plant makes the mucus thinner and more abundant. You should not take the root of the istoda for people suffering from stomach or intestinal ulcers, diarrhea, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, gastritis.

Folk remedies

1. 0.5 kg of onion, 0.4 kg of sugar, 1000 ml of water and 50 gr. bee honey. Remove the skin from the onion, chop, cook with sugar for 3 hours on the smallest fire. Then let it cool down and add honey. Keep in a well-sealed container. Drink 4 - 5 tablespoons after a meal.

2. 150 ml water, 2 bananas, 2 tbsp. l. Sahara. Grind bananas on a sieve, make a syrup from sugar and water. All combine and use inside.

3. 2 tbsp. l. coltsfoot leaves and 1 tbsp. l. chamomile flowers, combine everything, for 2 tbsp. l. mixture, take 500 ml of boiling water. Pour into a thermos and hold for half an hour. Pass through a sieve and consume 70 ml in the morning, afternoon and evening after a meal.

4. Take 60 gr. underground parts of hot pepper and 1 glass of white wine, pass through a sieve. Drink hot three times a day and at bedtime.

5. Chop one large onion on a grater, add melted goose fat so much to make an ointment. Ointment with massaging movements to treat the chest and neck, wrap with a woolen scarf. You can use 1 tbsp before breakfast. l. mixtures.

6. 20 gr. wormwood pour 500 ml of vodka. Leave for at least a day, preferably longer. Use 1 tbsp. l. three times a day and at night. Should not be given to children.

7. Take equal amounts of oregano herb, coltsfoot leaf and raspberries, mix very well. 1 st. l. collection, brew 200 ml of boiling water, soak for 20 minutes and use instead of tea in a warm form.

8. Prepare juice from raw cabbage, consume 1 tsp. up to 6 times a day. A good expectorant, and also softens the voice with hoarseness.

Almost all catarrhal inflammatory diseases of a bacterial or viral nature are accompanied. Depending on the nature of the pathology and the physiological state of the lungs and bronchi, a cough may pass with sputum (wet) and may not be accompanied by secretions ().

Modern pharmaceutical companies offer a variety of remedies to help cope with a cough of various etiologies and prevent its unpleasant consequences.

What are expectorants and mucolytics used for?

considered the most dangerous to the body. A sharp contraction of the bronchi without the release of the product leads to various pathological conditions. In the absence of sputum production, the cough reflex causes a lot of suffering. Humidification of the respiratory mucosa is vital for the body, since this secret helps the internal organs to protect themselves from the negative effects of pathogenic microorganisms and dangerous factors of the external and internal environment.

With a large amount of sputum discharge, it can also be life-threatening, since the production of mucus by the bronchi is more than necessary according to the physiological norm, leads to blockage of the airways and serious difficulty in breathing in the future. Accumulating in the bronchi, sputum can gradually thicken and harden, accumulating harmful substances in itself and provoking the risk of developing a more serious condition of the patient.

It is in the mechanism of action on the lungs and bronchi that the main difference between expectorants and mucolytic drugs lies.

Expectorants contribute to the active secretion of sputum. They act on the cough center of the brain and help the bronchi to contract more intensively, bringing sputum out.

Mucolytic agents are used in cases where, during the course of the disease, sputum is released too much and at the same time it has an extremely dangerous, viscous and thick consistency. Mucolytics are needed in order to break down the molecular bonds inside the sputum, making it more liquid and available for natural excretion from the body.

After the mucus becomes easily separated and its passage through the respiratory tract does not cause difficulties, doctors recommend either switching from mucolytic agents to expectorants, or immediately prescribing a combination drug that can have several therapeutic effects on the human respiratory system.

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Types of expectorants

Expectorants are also called "secretory", because they are able to start the process of sputum production and alleviate the internal state of the human respiratory organs.

Depending on the mechanism of action of expectorant drugs, experts divide such drugs into two groups:

  1. drugs of reflex action;
  2. direct acting drugs.

Reflex action drugs actively affect the receptors responsible for the secretion of secreted sputum. This occurs due to preliminary irritation of the receptors of the stomach and active influence on the cough center of the medulla oblongata. This mechanism of action enhances the severity of the cough reflex and accelerates the synthesis of liquid bronchial secretions.

To drugs of reflex action include the following drugs:


It is capable of provoking a large number of side effects and allergic reactions, therefore pharmaceuticals with sodium benzoate are used with caution, under the obligatory supervision of a physician.

  • Essential oils : terpene and eucalyptus. The most famous preparations containing a large amount of such oils are Evkabal, Doctor Mom, as well as herbal cough collections with a high percentage of essential oil raw materials. These active substances have an expectorant and anti-inflammatory effect, acting both on the receptors responsible for the production of mucus, and directly on the epithelium lining the surface of the respiratory organs.

Direct acting expectorants contribute to the strengthening of the directly liquid component of sputum, significantly facilitating its separation. The main side effect of these active substances is increased mucus secretion and lacrimation, since the drug can affect the viscosity of any body fluids. Such drugs are considered classic or even outdated, and therefore are used quite rarely.: sodium and potassium iodides, ammonia, anise essential oil.

The exceptions are oregano and wild rosemary, which are part of popular antitussive preparations, and are also found in combined cough medicines: Dr. Mom, Bronchofit, etc.

Types of mucolytic agents

Mucolytic agents are classified mainly according to their composition, since their mechanism of action is very similar: thinning the composition of sputum, changing its composition to more easily separated from the surface of the bronchi and lungs, and gradually removing excess secretions from the body.

Among mucolytics, experts especially distinguish the following drugs:

To achieve the fastest effect, medical specialists recommend using mucolytic agents as inhalations, in special dosage forms for direct inhalation. This will greatly facilitate the absorption processes and will not waste extra time on the release of active metabolites directly in the body.

Despite the fact that almost all cough medicines are dispensed without a doctor's prescription, it is advisable to consult a specialist before use to select the most effective pharmacological agent in each specific clinical case.

If desired, the use of chemical drugs can be combined with popular and herbal antitussive preparations. However, it must be remembered that herbs may also be incompatible with the active pharmacological components of the medication being taken. Before using, you should carefully read the instructions, not only to familiarize yourself with the mechanism of action and side effects, but also to find out exactly how to take this medicine and what additional therapeutic measures it goes well with.

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