Bump on Achilles tendon from shoes. What is Achilles Tendinitis? Causes, symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendons. Traditional medicine and prevention measures

Pain in the ankle area is caused by inflammation of the Achilles tendon. This is a disease of athletes who overload themselves with training, and women who prefer to wear shoes on high heels. At the same time, there are more prosaic situations - birth defects, for example, a shortened tendon, salt deposits, arthritis, gout. All these diseases are united by a common term - inflammation of the Achilles.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon

Several types of diseases in the area ankle joint hide under one name - inflammation Achilles tendon. They are united general symptoms, the rate of development of the disease, and, of course, the place where the disease is localized. The main symptom is severe pain at the junction of the heel bone with the Achilles tendon. Treatment is traditionally aimed at relieving pain and inflammation, relieving edema, getting rid of fibrous accumulations, and restoring blood flow.

Attention! Another name for the Achilles tendon is the heel tendon, it is the most durable in human body, as it is able to withstand a weight of more than 350 kg when stretched. However, this tendon is more likely to be injured and inflamed than others.

Types of inflammatory diseases of the Achilles tendon

In the Achilles tendon, inflammatory processes are localized, which differ in symptoms, the type of tissue damage, and the degree of movement restriction. Treatment of the Achilles tendon is required when there are persistent pain in the ankle, in the ankles that occur after rest, after getting out of bed and starting to move.

When resting, the tendons are in a relaxed state, and when loads appear, the pain quickly returns, preventing walking and moving the legs. Anyone can get sick, but most often such inflammation is the result of high physical exertion, from which rupture and stretching of the tendon can occur.

Diseases are very diverse! Diseases of the Achilles tendon are diverse, they have been studied great multitude, and all of them affect the shells of the bone, connective tissues and ligamentous apparatus ankle.

Pain symptoms in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon indicate the manifestation of various diseases:

  • calcification, when plantar fasciitis develops against the background of deposits of calcium salts;
  • hygromas;
  • tendinosis;
  • tendopathy;
  • Haglund's deformities;
  • peritendinitis;
  • enthesopathy;
  • Achilles bursitis;
  • paratenonitis;
  • achilles of the ankle;
  • crepitating tendovaginitis of the tendon.

The beginning of each of these inflammatory diseases, and the list is far from complete, is characterized by the appearance of a thickening on the tendon, reddening of the skin, some swelling of the entire zone, crunchy sounds in motion. On the video you can see what the leg of a sick person looks like, how a doctor examines it. At the beginning of inflammation, when hyperemia and burning appear in the heel area, one might still think that a fungus is developing. However, after a day or two, the symptoms increase sharply, and it becomes clear that this is not a fungal disease, but a real inflammation of the tendon, in which the leg begins to swell.

Achilles tendon hygroma is a special type of cyst that develops on tendon tissues. Typically, this cyst is very painful bump filled with liquid, hence the name "hygro ...". The consistency of the liquid is jelly-like, transparent, the bump on palpation is determined by both hard and softened. Hygroma is benign education, amenable to medical, physiotherapeutic treatment. The Achilles tendon is often exposed surgical operation. This pathology has a high chance of a complete cure, since the postoperative period usually proceeds without any complications and consequences.

Quite common is a disease such as enthesopathy of the Achilles tendon. It is one of the types of achilles tendonites, but has its own features and flow characteristics. inflammatory process. Enthesopathy is a degenerative process inflammatory nature, which develops at the site of attachment of the tendons to the bone, where calcifications accumulate and form a serious obstacle to the full movements of the leg.

At first, it may seem to a person that he just pulled his leg, and he, limping, goes to the healers to correct the joint. However, things are much more serious. Due to tissue degeneration, calcification develops, a heel spur is formed. This will require long-term supportive treatment based on permanent reception anti-inflammatory drugs.

Increased loads on the feet and lower leg muscles lead to the development of crepitant tendovaginitis of the Achilles tendon. Treatment should be started immediately, since the inflammatory disease is manifested by thickening of the tendon, pain in movements, and tumor formation. Distinguishing Symptom- sensitive characteristic creaking when moving the joints. Tenosynovitis crepitus type affects the synovial membrane surrounding the tendons of the extensor muscles. The aseptic type of crepitating tendovaginitis is not associated with infection of the body, because of this it is an independent inflammatory disease.

Disease of professionals! Occupational inflammatory disease of the legs in sprinters, gymnasts and acrobats is paratenonitis of the Achilles tendon.

It is based on adhesive processes with the formation of compaction, scars developing on the tissues of the sliding apparatus of the Achilles zone. It occurs as a result of microcirculation disorders, old injuries, pathologies of the spine. Against its background, a secondary inflammation of the connective tissues of collagen properties develops. Acute period The disease is characterized by a widespread tumor of the Achilles tendon, sensitive pain syndrome, lameness when walking. This is due to the violation of the outflow of lymph, and the compaction of the synovial membranes of the sliding tissues. Collagen inflammation of the Achilles tendon is treatable through the use of therapy innovative methods and the latest pharmacological agents.

Diagnosis of the disease

If the doctor suspects inflammation of the Achilles tendon, treatment begins after complete examination and clarification of the diagnosis different specialists narrowly qualified surgeon, orthopedist. They check the preservation of the tendon reflex, pain on palpation and joint movements. Doctors in the complex undertake to cure a person, on the condition that he seeks medical help in a timely manner.

Diagnostic methods:

  • examination by a doctor;
  • radiation examination;
  • x-ray examination.

The doctor conducts the initial examination, as seen in the photo, with the help of palpation, finds the places of the greatest pain response to touch. This helps to suggest an injury or inflammatory process, after which further examination is prescribed. Radiation diagnostics provides information when there is an accumulation of calcifications on the tendon. Only in this case, the doctor can see the information that provides the basis for clarifying the diagnosis.

MRI is the most informative examination to date. Magnetic resonance imaging of tissues shows the slightest ruptures, the initial form of inflammation, spurs, and the condition of tendon tissues. Ultrasound determines if surgical care in the treatment of the inflammatory process. X-rays accurately show the location of inflammation. After diagnostic confirmation of the presence inflammatory disease, the doctor prescribes a complete and competent treatment.

Symptoms of the disease

Inflammation on the Achilles tendon occurs in two forms - acute and chronic. Depending on the form of the course of the disease, the manifestations of the disease differ.

Acute inflammation manifests itself:

  • pain during movement;
  • gradual subsidence of pain during rest;
  • discomfort when touching the heel and ankle;
  • general redness around the tendon.

With a long good rest microscopic tears have time to heal, so the person feels significant relief, and can walk a little without limping. However, from new motor loads, a new injury to the tissues of the ligaments also occurs. On the slightest symptoms it is necessary to pay attention in time, since without treatment the inflammation will turn into chronic form. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon gives symptoms that cannot be confused with any other disease.

Chronic inflammation manifests itself:

  • gradual increase in pain;
  • feeling severe pain even after a long rest;
  • increased pain when descending or climbing stairs.

Both forms of inflammation give the following manifestations:

  • pain increases sharply;
  • the tendon thickens;
  • there is tension in the calf muscles;
  • limited mobility in the ankle area;
  • there is a creak in the ankle joint with any movement;
  • Difficulty bending the foot and lifting on toes.

Each person is responsible for their own health. Is it worth it to allow such serious complications, or is it still better to go to the clinic to your doctor and start treatment on time so as not to get sick and not remain immobilized for many years of life. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is well treated at home, and traditional surgeons medical practice they themselves advise resorting to folk recipes.

Treatment of inflammatory processes on the Achilles tendons

Achilles tendons can become inflamed due to the habit of wearing uncomfortable shoes. Another reason for the development of inflammatory processes is a metabolic disorder, when cholesterol levels rise in the blood. The inflammatory process of Achilles of the ankle joint develops as secondary disease with gout, tonsillitis, with the deposition of urate microcrystals, with frequent formation of corns on outside heels.

The main treatment is:

  • exclusion of loads;
  • cold cloth compresses for 10 minutes several times a day;
  • restriction of movement of the ankle joint;
  • use of an elastic bandage;
  • taking medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • wearing shoes without heels.

Even before the appointment medications, with the fulfillment of the indicated requirements of the doctor, patients receive significant relief. The surgeon examines the leg, palpates the inflamed area, prescribes an X-ray examination. With enthesopathy of the Achilles tendon, treatment is prescribed after a complete examination, including x-rays.

After receiving images confirming the presence of an inflammatory process on the Achilles tendon, the doctor prescribes:

  • painkillers in injections;
  • injection of medication directly into the joint;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics.

Anti-inflammatory agents are used in tablet form or in injections. The doctor makes injections in the tissue of the leg near the tendon in order to pump the medicine directly into the site of inflammation. Effective application nonsteroidal ointments and gels as a topical effect on inflammation.

Comprehensive treatment! Together with medications, a physiotherapeutic effect on the site of inflammation is used. As a rule, these are UVT, magnet, laser, ultrasound, electrophoresis, mud, massage, therapeutic exercises.

Traditional medicine treatment

After consulting a doctor, inflammation can be treated with folk methods. Of the variety of culinary seasonings, a herbal supplement stands out - curcumin, which has an antibiotic property. It is recommended to chew and drink 0.5 g of curcumin daily with water. It works great antioxidant and helps relieve inflammation.

If the site of inflammation swells, it helps to relieve pain and stop the development of the inflammatory process with ice massage, which is carried out with ice cubes in the tendon area. Coniferous baths will relieve inflammation, help relax the tense tendon, with the addition of sea salt to the water. traditional healers suggest smearing the inflamed area with plantain and nettle juice, freshly squeezed from young plants. This is a laborious method, but it gives nice results along with honey, which can be rubbed on the leg and covered with a cotton cloth.

An unconventional way is to be treated by wrapping the inflamed leg with a milk compress. The compress must be heated, when cooled, you can again dip the fabric into hot milk and wrap the leg again. Do this several times, in total in time - up to 30 minutes.

For ingestion, a vodka tincture is prepared from the internal partitions of walnuts. You will need a glass of crushed partitions and 0.5 liters of good vodka. It is necessary to pour a full bottle of chopped walnut partitions, pour vodka over them, leave for 20 days in a dark, dry place. The resulting medicine is recommended to drink 2 times a day, 1 tsp.

life forecast

According to the reviews of people who have suffered inflammation of the Achilles tendon, one must be patient in the treatment, as it is long and versatile. Persistent long-term treatment helps to completely get rid of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, restore full movement of the ankle joint. Important condition in achieving complete cure- change your lifestyle, protect your legs from stress as much as possible in order to avoid exacerbations. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the surgeon in order to exclude deterioration up to disability and surgical intervention.

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The Achilles tendon is very large, which is why it is most often exposed to negative effects. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is characterized by certain symptoms and requires qualified treatment.

Causes of the pathological process

This tendon is daily subjected to high physical stress and influence. negative factors which can lead to inflammation. Causes of inflammation of the Achilles tendon are:

  • Professional sports especially running and dancing. AT this case the tendon is subjected to frequent excessive loads;
  • Tendon injury;
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes, shoes with high heels;
  • Inflammatory bone diseases and soft tissues of the foot and ankle. In this case, the infection is transferred with the blood and lymph flow to nearby healthy tissues;
  • Congenital pathology of the tendon. Birth with a short tendon;
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body, which leads to the deposition of salts (urates) in soft tissues;
  • Gout;
  • Chronic pathology lower extremities;
  • Elderly age can also cause inflammation. With age, the body various changes. In particular, the connective tissue becomes less elastic, which can lead to microtrauma and inflammation.

Achilles tendon inflammation symptoms

The clinical picture of inflammation or Achilles tendinitis is bright. Already in stock characteristic symptoms on examination, the doctor can put accurate diagnosis. All symptoms are increasing in nature and over time the patient's condition only worsens.

Pathological symptoms of inflammation of the Achilles tendon:

  • Soreness in the tendon area (lower third of the posterior surface of the lower leg). The pain is aggravated by movement and walking. It should be noted that at rest the pain can be significantly reduced or even disappear completely;
  • puffiness in the ankle area. This is due to an increase in the size of the inflamed tendon;
  • Hyperemia the affected area. The skin becomes red;
  • Local hyperthermia, that is, an increase in temperature at the site of inflammation. The skin becomes hot to the touch;
  • Crunch in the area of ​​the tendon during movement and walking;
  • The calf muscle is tense, which can be manifested by unpleasant and even painful sensations;
  • Feet may be difficult to move/

If this pathology is not treated or selected wrong therapy, then the inflammatory process acquires chronic. This is manifested in pain during physical exertion, which does not go to the end even after a long rest.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon in the heel

Inflammation can occur in any part of the Achilles. If inflammation occurs in the heel (the junction of the tendon and calcaneus), then the disease is called Achilles bursitis. Features of the inflammatory process in the heel region:

  • Pain in the heel and ankle, which increases with the load on the foot;
  • A person cannot stand on tiptoe or jump;
  • Puffiness in the ankle joint, and swelling is found on both sides of the joint;
  • Foot movements are sharply limited, and sometimes impossible. The patient cannot step on the affected limb.

AT severe cases inflammation can go to the surrounding bone and joint structures.

How to Treat Achilles Tendon Inflammation

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon can be: conservative (medication, exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy) most often has a positive trend and surgery is performed in severe cases. With the appearance of minor pain in the Achilles region, surgeons and Traumatologists recommend the following:

  • Provide rest to the injured limb:
  • Refuse to wear uncomfortable shoes, high heels;
  • Apply an ice pack or cold compresses to the affected area;
  • Avoid sudden movements foot;
  • Using an elastic bandage to fix the tendon

If after the the above activities improvement is not observed, then it is necessary to start drug therapy.

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Medical therapy

Achilles tendon can be treated medically with the following drug groups:

  • Analgesics(Analgin, Baralgin, Tempalgin and others). These drugs help relieve pain and relax the tense muscles of the lower limb;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs). The most commonly used are Ibuprofen, Nurofen or Naklofen). These drugs help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, thereby reducing swelling;
  • Antibacterial agents more drugs are prescribed a wide range actions. They are prescribed if the cause of inflammation is bacterial infection;
  • Antipyretics are used extremely rarely, in the case when the patient has a general hyperthermia with high values(in weakened people with poor immunity);
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes shown to strengthen defensive forces and speed up recovery;
  • Glucocorticosteroids. Blockades are carried out with these drugs, which help relieve intense pain. The drugs are injected into the soft tissues surrounding the tendons.

All of the above drugs are used in the form of tablets and injections. Also make compresses with Analgin to reduce discomfort. In some cases, it may be necessary to immobilize the ankle joint with plaster cast or special orthopedic devices.

The use of medicinal ointments

In the treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, ointments are used. They render complex impact on the body, depending on the constituent active ingredients. Ointments that are prescribed for Achilles inflammation help to initial stage diseases, as well as mild form pathologies:

Physiotherapy and massage

Along with the main drug treatment, physiotherapy is carried out. This type of treatment helps relieve tension from the affected tendon and calf muscles, reduce inflammation and swelling.

Types of physiotherapy treatment that are used in the treatment of Achilles tendonitis:

  • ultrasound therapy;
  • Electrophoresis with lidase helps to reduce pain;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Mud cure. Applications of mud are applied to sore spot;
  • Treatment with a laser.

This procedure should only be carried out by a specialist (masseur), otherwise the tendon may be further damaged.

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon at home with folk remedies

If the pain is not severe, then this pathology can be treated at home using traditional medicine recipes. However, in this case, you should first seek the advice of a doctor (therapist, surgeon).

  • Rest of the limb. It is necessary to unload a sore leg. In the early days, you need to move carefully and rest more, while placing your foot on a soft surface;
  • Cold to the sore spot;
  • Enter into nutrition a large number of foods rich in calcium (fermented milk products);
  • Apply a tight bandage.

If at home it is impossible to get rid of the disease, then you need to re-contact a specialist to correct therapy.

You can treat inflammation of the Achilles tendon at home using traditional medicine recipes:

  • Compress with onion gruel. To prepare it, chop the onion heads (3 medium-sized onions) using a grater or meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with sea ​​salt(2 tablespoons). Apply the resulting mixture to gauze and bandage it to the sore spot;
  • lavender oil you can lubricate the affected area. This tool can be purchased at any pharmacy;
  • Ice treatment. Pour water into a plastic container and freeze. After freezing top vessel it is necessary to massage the sore spot. This will help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.


Surgery indicated when conservative therapy is ineffective for a long time (6 months or more). The operation is performed to examine the inflamed tendon and excise the altered connective tissue fibers. AT postoperative period Immobilization of the limb is carried out using a plaster cast.

In the first 4 weeks, stepping on the affected leg is strictly prohibited to avoid damage to the sutured tendon.

The rehabilitation period lasts 1.5 months. It includes both medical treatment and the use of physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and massage. All these activities are aimed at restoring the functioning of the tendon and preventing re-inflammation and the occurrence of various complications.

How long does Achilles tendonitis take to heal?

The duration of treatment depends on several factors.:

  • The severity of the pathology;
  • Timeliness of seeking help;
  • Correctness of treatment;
  • General condition of the body and immunity.

At mild inflammation with moderate or minimal pain, recovery can be observed after 7-10 days, subject to all the doctor's recommendations.

significant inflammation, with timely access to a doctor and adequate therapy, it is treated in 2 to 4 weeks. In some cases, the disease lasts for several months.

After the surgical treatment recovery takes a long time, from 30 days to 3 months.

Achilles tendon suture

Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the tendon that attaches and connects the heel bone and calf muscle. It is he who allows the feet to bend when we raise our legs while walking and when we stand on our toes.

Inflammatory and destructive processes here begin due to overstrain. In the future, all this can lead to the fact that the Achilles tendon ruptures, and there will be no opportunity to walk.

According to the international classification of diseases, achilles tendonitis is assigned the code M 76.6. For treatment and diagnosis, you should contact orthopedists, traumatologists and surgeons.

Development mechanism and causes

The Achilles tendon is a connective tissue cord that is connected at the top to the soleus and gastrocnemius muscles, and at the bottom is connected to the calcaneus. This tendon withstands significant loads while walking or running a person, has high strength and elasticity (it can stretch up to 5% of its original length).

Under the influence of various causative factors, fiber damage occurs and an inflammatory process develops with the participation of cells. immune system. They produce substances (prostaglandins) that irritate sensitive nerve endings with the development of a feeling of pain, they reduce the outflow of blood from the site of inflammation (hyperemia) and cause the development of tissue edema. To the main causative factors, causing damage Achilles tendon fibers include:

  • age - in people over 35 years of age, the strength and elasticity of the Achilles tendon decreases, and even with low loads, damage to its fibers can occur;
  • loads that exceed the strength of the connective tissue fibers of the ligaments and lead to micro-ruptures - often in athletes who run ( shuttle run), football players, in long and high jumps;
  • congenital changes foot shapes (flat feet) cause a gradual increase in stretching of the Achilles tendon;
  • tight shoes also leads to overstretching and damage to the ligaments of the foot, which develop gradually over time significant gap time;
  • genetic deformation (Haglund's syndrome) - a tubercle on the back of the heel, located under the Achilles tendon at the junction with the calcaneus and stretching it, leading to the development of tendonitis;
  • bacterial infection - microorganisms can enter the substance of the connective tissue cord through the blood (hematogenous), lymph or skin damage, the lack of adequate treatment leads to purulent complications in the form of an abscess or phlegmon.

The reasons

The disease is more common in people professional activity which is associated with heavy physical or sports loads. The main factors provoking the development of tendinitis are:

  • Microtraumas received due to increased physical activity;
  • Availability chronic diseases musculoskeletal system (arthritis, gout, arthrosis);
  • A malformed or weakened tendon;
  • Age-related decrease in the ability of the tendon to stretch;
  • The presence of flat feet, which is accompanied by the collapse of the foot inward (hyperpronation);
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes or abruptly switching from high heels to low heels.

Inflammation, microtears, and later tendon ruptures can be caused by various reasons.

As we age, we produce less and less of the elastin and collagen that make up Achilles. Because of this, the extensibility (strength too) of our tendons becomes much less, and therefore any inadequate physical activity easily provokes microtears, inflammation and damage. To prevent this, adulthood during training, you need to pay as much attention to the warm-up as possible; Achilles tendonitis is an ailment of many dancers, athletes, gymnasts, and just those who walk a lot and are busy with heavy physical labor. If the tissues do not have time to rest and have “forgotten” how to relax, Achilles shortens and may begin to collapse over time. It is important for such people to pay attention to any pain and give their legs a rest;

But not simple, but with falling inside the foot, that is, overpronation. Needless to say, the tendon is constantly and greatly stretched;

But not all, but the one that is chosen incorrectly. This is especially true of sneakers and sneakers that are not suitable for this type of physical activity.

Also, tendinitis on the heels can haunt women who constantly walk on stilettos and at the same time abruptly change it to a flat sole in the evening. A tendon shortened for the whole day can stretch so quickly for me, so it collapses and tears quickly;


There are three types of Achilles tendinitis:

  • Peritendinitis. Just inflammation of the Achilles tendon, in which there may not be destructive processes in the tissues around the tendon (and in itself).
  • Tendinitis. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which leads to degeneration of the tendon, but does not interfere with the functioning of the surrounding tissues.
  • Enthesopathy. Inflammatory process with severe degeneration and calcification. A heel spur appears.

All these types are interconnected and pass one into another.

According to the anatomical localization of damage and the inflammatory process, Achilles tendonitis can occur in the following forms:

  • peritendinitis - inflammation of the fiber located around the tendon without involving its substance in the process;
  • tendinitis - direct inflammation of the ligament substance;
  • enthesopathy - an inflammatory process develops at the junction of the tendon with the calcaneus.

Depending on the course of the disease and the clinical picture, there are three main types of Achilles tendonitis:

Peritendinitis is a type of disease characterized by inflammation and degenerative process of soft tissues surrounding the joint;

Tendinitis is an inflammatory lesion of the Achilles tendon itself, without involvement of adjacent tissues;

Enthesopathy is a degenerative process in the Achilles tendon at the junction with the bone (in some cases accompanied by the development of a heel spur).

What signs can be used to suspect the development of tendon pathology?

Since Achilles tendinitis can be acute or chronic, the symptoms in both cases will be distinctive. Consider the symptoms and signs of a disease that occurs in the acute stage:


Patients usually complain of pain and swelling in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon. The disease can develop gradually or vice versa quickly, for example, after changing the mode of sports loads.

The tendon appears thickened on examination, and the skin over it may be reddened. Patients report limited movement in the ankle and foot.

Often they complain of lameness and the fact that it is difficult for them to walk up stairs.

In Haglund's disease, a bony prominence of the calcaneus can be palpated, as well as an inflamed retrocalcaneal bursa.

Achilles tendinitis can be both acute and chronic.

The first type is characterized by a gradual increase, pain at the very beginning of walking or training, which subsides and completely releases when you rest. Also, the patient may feel discomfort when touching the heel and Achilles.

Achilles tendonitis photo

With a chronic course, pain grows much more slowly: for about several months and does not subside even with rest.

Both cases are characterized by symptoms such as:

  1. tendon swelling, redness and local increase temperature.
  2. Pain closer to the heel.
  3. Restriction of ankle movement and tension in the calf muscle.
  4. Pain when jumping or notion on socks.
  5. Achilles is thickened.
  6. There may also be swelling in the heel area and creaking of the ankle joint.

Damage and inflammation of the Achilles tendon can be acute and chronic. The main manifestation is pain, which has the following characteristic features:

  • a sharp onset of pain at the time of injury is characteristic of acute tendinitis;
  • the appearance or intensification of pain at the time of the beginning or end of the load, when trying to perform flexion of the ankle joint, or its extension;
  • constant It's a dull pain, which extends to the tendons of the foot, characterizes the development chronic course Achilles tendinitis;
  • increased pain on palpation (palpation) - happens with any form of tendinitis;
  • thickening of the tendon, which can be seen with visual inspection or palpation, the severity of the increase in diameter depends on the degree of damage and inflammation;
  • swelling and redness of the skin in the projection area of ​​the inflammatory process;
  • crepitus (characteristic creaking) during movements in the ankle joint;
  • feeling of stiffness in the lower limb while walking.

In case of development infectious process can develop general intoxication, damage to other ligaments of the foot due to the spread of infection.


Diagnosis of acute and chronic tendinitis of the Achilles tendon consists in a thorough questioning and examination of the patient, including determining the nature and localization of pain on palpation, determining hyperemia and hyperthermia.

Additionally, radiography, magnetic resonance imaging or ultrasound may be prescribed.

Conservative therapy, which is most often used for uncomplicated cases, consists of the following activities:

  1. Partial or complete immobilization injured tendon;
  2. cold compresses;
  3. The use of various auxiliary devices for the immobilization of orthoses, brace, taping, walking sticks and crutches;
  4. Physiotherapy - magnetic, laser, shock wave, ultrasound and ultraviolet therapy, paraffin or mud applications, electrophoresis with lidase;
  5. The introduction of painkillers and corticosteroid drugs that help relieve pain and inflammation;
  6. After the relief of pain and the inflammatory process, a complex of physiotherapy exercises and massage is prescribed.

Surgical treatments are used in advanced cases, in the presence of a purulent process, pronounced degenerative changes or tendon rupture.

Diagnosis consists of a series of studies, if the sick person does not fully pass them, there is a risk of harm. Start by taking anamnesis.

Important: professional features, expected load on the lower extremities, family history (patients can talk about the hereditary nature of heel spurs).

In women, they find out how long they wore shoes with heels, whether the pain is the same in the area of ​​interest, that is, the right or left joint is more worried.

Also, the patient may complain of tightness, sensations of squeezing with shoes or socks that used to be in time, which may indirectly indicate edema.

In the presence of a spur, a person notes that there is a growth or bump in the heel area, the stabbing nature of the pain in this place, which is difficult to describe correctly. (cm.

photo) In the area of ​​interest, the patient may indicate a seal or neoplasm, outwardly like a hard wart, it cannot be cured at home, bandaging also does not work.

After questioning the patient, the doctor proceeds to an objective examination. Palpation is critical.

If pain and hyperesthesia stretch along the entire tendon, and do not move during movement, then peritendinitis can be assumed. If the point of soreness is strictly localized, but shifts with movement, the diagnosis of tendinitis is likely.

You can also diagnose tenopathy - when the process is not of an inflammatory nature.

The treatment of diseases and injuries of the Achilles tendon is carried out by a traumatologist-orthopedist. During the examination, the doctor scrupulously finds out the history of the disease, conducts clinical tests in order to evaluate the function of the foot and ankle, as well as to identify problem areas of the tendon.

When radiography is well defined areas of calcification of the Achilles tendon, as well as deformity of the calcaneus as a spur in Haglund's disease. On magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), areas of degeneration and inflammation of the Achilles tendon are well visualized.

Diagnosis begins with the collection of information from the patient about the nature of the pain.

  1. During the examination, special samples, for example, the Thompson test, in which the patient is placed on the stomach with the feet hanging off the table. After the calf muscle is compressed, the doctor observes whether the sole is bent. If so, then there is no tendon rupture.
  2. Radiation examination and x-rays are also performed.
  3. The final stage of diagnosis can be magnetic resonance imaging.
  4. Ultrasound may also be used.

Tendonitis of the foot and Achilles tendon can be suspected based on the appearance of one or more symptoms of the process. To verify the diagnosis, additional research which includes:

  • radiography or tomography of the ankle;
  • ultrasound examination;
  • blood tests for markers of the presence of an inflammatory process.

Diagnosis of Achilles tendonitis is usually carried out on the basis of the history and the results of the examination of the patient. In some cases, additional diagnostic methods, namely X-ray examination of the lower leg (ankle joint), ultrasound and magnetic resonance imaging.

With the help of a radiograph, areas of calcification of the tendon characteristic of tendonitis are revealed. Ultrasound procedure and magnetic resonance imaging are more accurate diagnostic tools.

Using these techniques, it is possible to accurately determine the localization and size of areas of inflammation and degenerative changes in the tendon.


Achilles tendonitis needs to be treated. You can not ignore the disease, subjective sensations, endure to the last. Treatment is carried out by orthopedic doctors or traumatologists.

Tactics depends on the stage and type of pathology. Methods - conservative and operational. The agent for acute processes is widely known. They are treated with anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), antibiotics are not always necessary.

The first stage is immobilization. Bandaging is performed on the tendon area. You have to bandage tightly, you can also use cold compresses. The limb is in strict rest for 2-3 days, preferably in an elevated position. The purpose is to prevent edema and hemorrhage.

NSAIDs are used for 7-10 days, they help relieve pain. The price of such drugs is acceptable, which is a plus. A long duration slows down the reparative processes in the tendon tissues and negatively affects the gastrointestinal tract.

Specific drug Diprospan is a glucocorticoid used in heel spurs, bursitis, joint stiffness, rheumatoid arthritis etc. Produced in ampoules, injections are prescribed by a specialist according to an individual scheme.

It is forbidden to use the drug on its own. Even if you have already been diagnosed, do not ignore contraindications.

In addition to injections, ointments are used, for example, Solcoseryl, Dolobene. To improve absorption, it is advisable to use ultrasonic devices. Antibiotics are needed only in very severe cases, when there is an autoimmune process, or suppuration has occurred near the tendon tissue.

Now laser, shock wave, and ultrasound therapy are successfully used.

If you are an adherent of traditional methods of treatment, it can help home decoction herbs. Recipe that finds feedback: elecampane grass - about ¾ tablespoons pour 12 liters of boiling water. Convenient jar 500 ml. Boil in a water bath. Apply the moistened bandage to the affected area.

With a well-chosen treatment regimen after application conservative therapy improvement occurs and you can move on to rehabilitation measures.

In the absence of the effect of drug therapy, in advanced situations, one has to resort to surgical method treatment. The treatment of a disease is complex operation with long rehabilitation period recovery takes strength.

An absolute indication for surgical intervention is a rupture of the Achilles tendon, as well as when it is separated from the calcaneus. In the process of surgical intervention, tissues in which changes have occurred are cut off.

Thickened areas are also removed. Part of the operation is the plastic elements of the tendons of the plantar muscles, their aponeurosis is dissected, the tissue section is transferred.

Enthesopathy involves cutting off the bag, removing all damaged tissues, followed by stitching the remaining healthy ones.

Achilles tendinosis requires treatment in planned using surgical intervention.

In the period after the operation (2-3 weeks), the patient wears an immobilization orthosis in the form of a boot. Rehabilitation after each type of operation is carried out within 2-3 months, the patient undergoes a course of exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy.

The specialist prescribes an individual set of exercises, while physical activity should be limited.

Tendinitis is a disease that, in addition to pain, can also lead to lameness, shortening of the leg. This may also affect the child.

If you notice swelling of the lower extremities, the leg begins to hurt and crunch or creak when walking, urgently undergo an examination. Don't rely on folk experience in treatment.

Do not attempt to bandage or bandage the limbs yourself. Only an experienced physician can help you.

If the attending physician has confirmed the diagnosis of "Achilles tendonitis", he determines necessary methods therapy, based on the stage of the course of the disease and its form.

So, if conservative treatment is indicated, tendonitis can be eliminated. in a comprehensive way: with physiotherapy, the use of special corrective agents, taking medications.

All forms of Achilles tendinitis disease: treatment in the early stages is the same.

Anti-inflammatory therapy is carried out, ice is applied and after a tight bandage, the leg is fixed in an elevated position.

Therapeutic measures are aimed at reducing the severity of inflammation, pain and restoring damaged ligament fibers, including the following approaches:

  • the use of anti-inflammatory drugs that block the synthesis of prostaglandins (nimesil, ketanes, rheumoxicam);
  • immobilization (immobilization) of the foot with an elastic bandage or splint;
  • physiotherapy (electrophoresis, magnetotherapy);
  • surgical treatment for severe inflammation - excision of the damaged and inflamed area is performed, followed by its plastic surgery.

After the main treatment measures are carried out, rehabilitation is carried out, which includes therapeutic gymnastics With gradual increase load and range of motion. late start or wrong treatment This pathology can lead to walking disorders in the form of lameness.

Treatment this disease performed on an outpatient basis. Conservative treatment includes the use of drugs NSAID groups, immobilization of the injured limb in an elevated position and physiotherapy procedures (electrophoresis, electrical stimulation and ultrasound).

With inefficiency conservative treatment(in rare cases) and strong degenerative changes surgical intervention is indicated in a planned manner. At the stage of rehabilitation, massage and exercise therapy are effective.

Prevention of Achilles tendinitis

As a prevention of tendinitis, it is recommended to play sports only after a thorough warming up of the muscles. Need to pay Special attention Warm up and stretch before running. It is also not recommended to carefully choose sports shoes so that they are exactly the right size and comfortable.

    megan92 () 2 weeks ago

    Tell me, who is struggling with pain in the joints? My knees hurt terribly ((I drink painkillers, but I understand that I am struggling with the effect, and not with the cause ...

    Daria () 2 weeks ago

    I struggled with my sore joints for several years until I read this article by some Chinese doctor. And for a long time I forgot about the "incurable" joints. So it goes

    megan92 () 13 days ago

    Daria () 12 days ago

    megan92, so I wrote in my first comment) I will duplicate it just in case - link to professor's article.

    Sonya 10 days ago

    Isn't this a divorce? Why sell online?

    Yulek26 (Tver) 10 days ago

    Sonia, what country do you live in? .. They sell on the Internet, because shops and pharmacies set their margins brutal. In addition, payment is only after receipt, that is, they first looked, checked and only then paid. And now everything is sold on the Internet - from clothes to TVs and furniture.

    Editorial response 10 days ago

    Sonya, hello. This drug for the treatment of joints is really not realized through pharmacy chain to avoid overpricing. Currently, you can only order Official website. Be healthy!

    Sonya 10 days ago

    I'm sorry, I didn't notice at first the information about the cash on delivery. Then everything is in order for sure, if the payment is upon receipt. Thanks!!

    Margo (Ulyanovsk) 8 days ago

    Has anyone tried folk methods joint treatment? Grandmother does not trust pills, the poor woman suffers from pain ...

    Andrew a week ago

    What only folk remedies I didn't try, nothing helped...

    Ekaterina a week ago

    Tried to drink a decoction of bay leaf, no use, only ruined my stomach !! I no longer believe in these folk methods ...

    Maria 5 days ago

    Recently I watched a program on the first channel, there is also about this federal program to combat joint diseases spoke. It is also headed by some well-known Chinese professor. They say that they have found a way to permanently cure the joints and back, and the state fully finances the treatment for each patient.

Achilles pain often haunts people, especially runners, basketball players, dancers and other athletes. About 11% of total number diseases of athletes who jump a lot or start and stop abruptly, falls on the Achilles tendon. Today we will tell you about the causes and treatment of pain and bruising in the Achilles tendon.

If you have pain in the Achilles tendon, the reasons for this can be varied. First, pain in the Achilles area can appear with age, as its ability to stretch decreases, which causes micro-tears. Especially often the Achilles tendon hurts when running in people over 35 years old, if they have not previously warmed up and have not performed several stretching exercises.

Secondly, pain in the Achilles can occur due to overtraining. This affects not only beginners, but also professional athletes who train too aggressively.

Pain in the Achilles tendon when walking is common in people with flat feet, as well as in those who wear the wrong sports shoes or in women who walk all day in high heels and then wear flat shoes.

Other causes of Achilles tendon pain include tendinitis, tenosynovitis, tendinosis, and various diseases and leg injuries.

How to treat Achilles tendon pain

If your Achilles tendon hurts, then you need to give your legs a rest and completely eliminate the load. Try not to exercise or carry heavy weights for a few days. And to relieve pain, use cold compress: apply it to the sore leg 3-4 times a day for 10-15 minutes.

If you feel that your Achilles tendon hurts after running, you can limit the movement of your leg with an elastic bandage. Also pay attention to your shoes: they should be of high quality and designed specifically for sports, running, and so on. Women with pain in Achilles are advised to unload the tendon, stop wearing high-heeled shoes.

In the event that the pain in the Achilles becomes regular, and the above recommendations do not give the desired result, you should consult a doctor. He will conduct a detailed diagnosis and prescribe medical treatment. This may be physical therapy, in some cases it may be necessary surgery or other treatments for Achilles rupture.

How to treat a bruise in the Achilles area

Sharp pain, swelling and hematoma formation are the main signs of an Achilles tendon injury. Don't ignore these symptoms as tiredness and fatigue. Neglecting the treatment of an Achilles bruise can cause complications, a decrease in the strength and elasticity of muscle fibers.

Treatment of an Achilles tendon injury should begin with complete failure from physical exertion, you should not just reduce the intensity of training, but provide complete rest to the tendon.

Apply a cold compress to the injured area, fix the leg elastic bandage. A bruised Achilles tendon can be treated with anti-inflammatory ointments (Fastum-gel, Voltaren). To relieve Achilles, put rubber or gel heel pads in your shoes. Outflow massage gastrocnemius muscles - good method treatment for an Achilles tendon injury. Be as careful as possible, do not touch the damaged Achilles.

How to relieve Achilles tendon pain

Achilles pain can be relieved at home with various ointments and gels. AT modern medicine there are a large number of painkillers, warming and accelerating the healing of tendons ointments.

Troxevasin ointment is popular and effective. It improves blood circulation, helps reduce capillary fragility, improves the tone of blood vessels, and also prevents the formation of puffiness and blood clots.

Voltaren ointment is also well suited for relieving Achilles pain. It is often prescribed to treat inflammation and swelling after injuries. However, pay attention to contraindications if you have hypersensitivity to diclofenac, it is best to choose a different ointment.

Dolobene-gel is a drug that helps tissues recover faster and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Reparil-gel and Solcoseryl have the same effect.

Apply ointment to the affected Achilles 2 times a day. It is ideal to combine ointments and gels for Achilles with ultrasound. In any pharmacy, you can purchase a small ultrasound machine: Reton, Auton, and so on.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is a fairly common disease that is most often observed in athletes after serious physical exertion. Despite this, even in people who do not play sports, the development of this disease is possible. Let us consider in more detail the causes of inflammation of the Achilles tendon and ways to eliminate such an ailment.

Symptoms and signs of inflammation of the Achilles tendon

Usually inflammation of the Achilles tendon is accompanied by the following symptoms:

1. The appearance of an acute cutting pain, which is localized in the heel area and extends to the area under the calves. The nature of the pain is burning, growing, pulling. In this case, the pain syndrome is sometimes so high that a person is completely unable to completely step on his foot.

2. An increase in body temperature is possible when inflammation is running.

3. Redness of the skin in the area of ​​the inflamed tendon.

4. The appearance of a characteristic crunch of bones in the ankle, which manifests itself when moving the foot.

5. Development severe swelling soft tissues in the Achilles tendon.

6. Feeling of pulsation in the leg.

7. Discomfort when stepping on the foot.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon: causes

Usually, Achilles tendon flares up for the following reasons:

1. Congenital pathologies the development of this tendon in childhood leads to the fact that the child constantly walks on fingers alone. At the same time, even in comfortable flat-soled shoes, the baby will not be able to fully step on the leg. Usually with age this problem does not disappear anywhere, since the tendon is greatly shortened. This leads to him chronic inflammation and even lameness.

2. Clubfoot or flat feet are also congenital defects in the development of the foot, which make it difficult for a person to walk. At the same time, he can not only become inflamed in the tendon, but also experience constant swelling of the feet, pain when walking and rapid fatigue legs.

3. Constant wearing uncomfortable shoes that are too small or rub, extremely negatively displayed on general condition feet and can easily cause inflammation of the tendon.

Even more dangerous is wearing shoes with high heels. This is explained by the fact that when wearing shoes with heels, the Achilles tendon gradually shortens, since it simply no longer needs to stretch to walk on a normal flat sole. Over time, the problem is so prolonged that when a woman decides to go in for sports and puts on sneakers, it is simply uncomfortable for her to walk. This is what leads to inflammation.

4. Excessive physical load on the foot leads to its overstrain and the development of inflammation in the tendon. This is usually seen in athletes during intense training.

5. Metabolic disorders in the body.

6. Increased content cholesterol in the blood.

7. Previously past trauma feet.

Methods for the treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon

Before starting treatment, the disease should be diagnosed. To do this, the patient should conduct such studies and procedures:

1. General analysis of blood and urine.

2. Ultrasound of the foot.

3. Radiography.

4. Examination and palpation of the foot by a traumatologist and surgeon.

After the diagnosis is established, a person is prescribed treatment depending on the neglect of the disease and the observed symptoms.

Drug therapy involves the appointment of such groups of drugs:

1. Painkillers (analgesics) are used for severe pain syndrome.

2. Antispasmodics can be used for sudden pain attacks.

3. Antipyretic drugs are prescribed for high temperature.

4. Anti-inflammatory drugs.

5. Drugs to improve blood circulation.

6. Vitamin complexes.

Physiotherapy treatment is prescribed after drug therapy. It provides for the following procedures:

1. Massage. It must be done by a specialist. The duration of the massage treatment course should include at least ten sessions.

2. Treatment with mud.

3. Ozokerite.

4. Usage paraffin applications.

Traditional treatment inflammation of the Achilles tendon has the following features:

2. If it is impossible to step on the foot for better immobilization, it is recommended to wrap the foot tightly with an elastic bandage. You can also apply a plaster splint instead.

3. At the time of treatment, it is important to completely exclude any physical activity on the sore leg.

4. Applying cold compresses to the sore leg.

5. Wearing special fixing shoes.

Surgical treatment is prescribed to patients in the absence of the expected effect from drug treatment. Usually it is carried out with a severe lesion of the tendon and its rupture.

The operation itself consists in suturing the ends of a torn or damaged tendon with synthetic threads. In this case, the operation is usually closed method(no open surgical incision).

The duration of recovery after such treatment is usually from one to three months. AT given period A person should follow these guidelines:

1. Avoid any physical activity on the legs.

2. Treat area from operation antiseptic solutions so that the wound heals faster. You can also apply sterile dressings and healing ointments. In this case, all the means that are used should be discussed with the attending physician, especially oral intake painkillers.

3. Within a month after the operation, it is necessary to constantly wear a fixing bandage made of gypsum.

4. To improve blood circulation, the foot should often be raised above the level of the pelvis. To do this, it will be enough just to put a high pillow under the sore leg.

5. If severe pain or suppuration occurs, it is important to immediately inform the doctor about this.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon: treatment and prevention

To prevent the development of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, you should follow the following medical recommendations:

1. Temporarily stop playing sports if they cause pain in the leg. Usually 1-2 weeks are enough for the muscles to “rest” and return to shape to resume sports activities. If during this time the pain does not go away, then the break should be extended. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to train with visible pain.

2. If swelling of the legs occurs, they must be rewound with an elastic bandage to restore blood circulation. Cold compresses with ice will also help, which are allowed to be pinned for no more than twenty minutes.

3. To relieve tired legs, massage should be done. Massage oils can also be used for this.

4. Should be used orthopedic insoles for shoes so that they take the load off the feet. In addition, now there are special heel liners that will reduce the tension of the tendon and help get rid of the already existing inflammation.

5. Shoes with high heels can be worn, but only on special occasions and then not for the whole day.

6. Every time before a strong physical load on the legs, it is recommended to do a special warm-up for the feet.

7. You should choose shoes with a solid heel that will fix the foot well.

8. When the first suspicions of inflammation of the tendon arise, it is important to immediately consult a doctor and not delay your condition, otherwise, you cannot avoid dangerous complications.

With absence timely treatment Inflammation of the Achilles tendon in a person can develop such complications:

1. chronic pain in the leg, because of which he simply will not be able to step on the foot. This will lead to lameness.

2. Tendency to tendon rupture. At the same time, the tendon rupture itself will bring much more pain and significantly prolong the course of treatment.

3. The development of tendonitis or tendinosis - a condition in which the structure of the tendon is deformed. This leads to its fragility and tendency to break.

4. Chronic swelling of the lower part of the legs, which will not only lead to impaired blood circulation, but also significantly complicate the process of wearing shoes (due to swelling of the foot, it will simply not be possible to wear narrow shoes).

5. Fever and weakness appear as a consequence of permanent inflammation and stress in the body.

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