Cyst or pregnancy test negative. Clinical manifestations of an ovarian cyst. Who said infertility is hard to cure

Expecting a child is a pleasant and desirable process for every woman. But sometimes the joy of future motherhood overshadows the development of ovarian neoplasms. To understand whether an ovarian cyst and pregnancy are compatible, it is important to undergo a complete examination, since the ability to bear a child depends on the location and size of the neoplasm.

What is an ovarian cyst and how does it affect pregnancy

An ovarian cyst is a hard-walled neoplasm with a watery (serous) fluid inside. In its appearance, it resembles a round mushroom, attached to the ovary by a thin leg of a cyst. A tumor forms inside the ovary or on its outer walls.
Education according to the fluid content is benign or malignant. If the tumor does not affect the production of hormones, then it is difficult to diagnose the pathology. More often, her presence is detected during a routine examination of a woman. Pathology does not have specific symptoms that directly indicate the disease.
Tumor sizes vary from 20 mm to 8-20 cm. Large neoplasms threaten to rupture the ovary and peritonitis.

The effect of a neoplasm on pregnancy depends on its type and size:

  1. If pregnancy has already occurred, then small follicular neoplasms and tumors of the corpus luteum resolve in the first trimester.
  2. In the presence of a large pathology, teratoma, dermoid formation, surgical removal of the tumor may be required.
  3. In most cases, during pregnancy, pathology is only observed, its treatment is carried out after delivery.

Pregnancy planning

Cystic pathology is diagnosed in 70% of women of childbearing age undergoing a gynecological examination. Neoplasms are diagnosed (rarely enough) in adolescent girls, women during menopause.
If the tumor is detected before the onset of conception or due to the absence of it, then pregnancy planning here will depend on the type of pathology. If a neoplasm is detected before conception, treatment is first carried out, then pregnancy is planned.
If it turned out to become pregnant with an ovarian cyst, then its treatment is carried out in exceptional cases, monitoring of the patient's condition is shown. An ovarian cyst during pregnancy is not treated. In the third trimester, the issue of delivery of the pregnant woman is decided. If the tumor is large, then a caesarean section is used, during which the tumor is removed. Drug treatment of pathology (if possible) is carried out after the birth of the baby.

An ovarian cyst during pregnancy is one of the most common pathologies. Any neoplasm that has arisen or discovered during the gestational period can cause stress for the expectant mother. And they should be avoided at all costs. Therefore, it is worth immediately rejoicing women in the position that a cyst is a benign liquid formation enclosed in a capsule, which usually does not harm pregnancy.

However, each such formation carries a potential threat, because it can rupture with the outflow of contents and the development of peritonitis. Or reach huge sizes, mechanically squeezing the surrounding tissues.

Types of cysts

What are the cysts, what they threaten and what to do if such a formation is found during pregnancy? These questions are of concern to more and more expectant mothers. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to this pathology.

So that there are no unpleasant surprises for conception, it is better to prepare. An ultrasound examination should be done during the period of preconception preparation in order to exclude pathologies of the female genital organs, including cystic formations. Before conception, it is recommended to get rid of cystic formations.

If there was no preliminary examination, and a cyst was found during pregnancy, then dynamic monitoring of its condition (growth / resorption) is required.

In the gestational period, the same types and types of benign tumors can be detected as outside the gestation. Allocate:

  • True cysts (functional, endometrial, paraovarian).
  • Cystic formations (dermoids and mucinous cystadenomas).

Functional cysts are the most common type of these neoplasms. They are usually divided:

  1. On the luteal (formed in place of the corpus luteum, which has not undergone regression).
  2. Follicular (formed from the vesicle / follicle in which the egg matures).

Given the fact of pregnancy, follicular neoplasms can be excluded with a probability of 90%.

Functional cysts are the only formations described that are prone to resorption. They are single-chamber, filled with a clear liquid, sometimes with an admixture of blood, rarely large. Their appearance and development is associated with cyclic transformations in the female body, and by the 15-16th week of pregnancy, they should resolve on their own.

Benign tumors of any other origin do not tend to disappear on their own:

  1. Endometrial cysts are formed from the hypertrophied lining of the uterus during its pathological growth in other organs (endometriosis).
  2. Paraovarian are formed from the tissues around the ovary, without directly affecting its tissues. These formations are very large.
  3. Cystadenomas are usually multilocular, and their contents are the secret of the mucous lining of the cyst itself.
  4. The strangest tumors are dermoids. Their contents are fragments of embryonic tissues. They are congenital, and very rarely found during pregnancy because it is difficult to assume that the first ultrasound of the pelvic organs took place only after conception. Although this is possible.

If the doctor considers the condition of any such tumor threatening pregnancy, laparoscopic removal of it will be recommended. In rare situations, laparoscopy is not possible and abdominal surgery is required.

Laparoscopy is not performed with very large cysts and if it is reliably known that the neoplasm has begun to degenerate into a malignant tumor.

The reasons

Why a cyst forms during pregnancy is an open question. To date, the main role is assigned to hormonal changes in the body of a woman and disorders associated with hormones.

Auxiliary factors that increase the risk of cyst formation are considered to be:

  • Frequently recurring or chronic STDs.
  • Medical termination of pregnancy (especially if there were many such procedures) and other surgical interventions.
  • genetic predisposition.
  • Psychogenic factors (frequent or acute stress, chronic depression).
  • Unbalanced diet.
  • Environmental disasters and work in conditions of industrial hazards.
  • Pathologies of internal organs (for example, the thyroid gland).
  • Stimulation of the ovaries in attempts to treat infertility.
  • Hormonal disorders that have developed against the background of the use of oral contraceptives.
  • Exhausting workouts and/or diets (starvation).

Modern doctors assign the last role to the irregularity of sexual activity and low fertility. So, it is noticed that women rarely give birth to more than two children. But their ovaries work tirelessly, which leads to failures with age.

Threat of cysts

Usually, during gestation, the cyst does not pose a real direct threat, but the potential danger exists with the formation of any type of described tumors. So, formations that have reached more than 6 mm in diameter and, first of all, rupture, torsion of the legs are considered dangerous.

In the first case, if the capsule wall is damaged, the contents of the cystic formation can pour out into the abdominal cavity. The rupture is dangerous with serious blood loss. Blood entering the peritoneum irritates the nerve endings in its wall. This causes severe pain, nausea, and vomiting. Bleeding leads to loss of consciousness and hypovolemic or hemorrhagic shock.

Such a development of events threatens the patient with death. And this means that the rupture of the cyst also affects the child. In particular, it can cause:

  • Severe fetal hypoxia.
  • developmental disorders.
  • Syndrome of fading pregnancy.
  • Intrauterine death.
  • miscarriage or premature birth.

Rupture of the cystic formation of the ovary is an urgent condition and requires mandatory surgical intervention with complete or partial resection of the damaged organ. Such an operation is fraught with the loss of a child. Although a favorable outcome is not excluded. Medicine knows many cases when the mother and fetus successfully endured such operations, the child was born full-term and without visible abnormalities.

Twisting the legs of the formation is an extremely painful condition (the woman takes a forced position: bending over and pressing her knees to her stomach). In addition, the pedicle itself is permeated with the vessels that feed the tumor, torsion leads to their compression. As a result, the tissues of the neoplasm cease to be supplied with blood and die (necrotic processes begin).

Necrotization also requires prompt surgical intervention, since the very decay of dying tissues leads to the entry of toxins into the blood of the mother and, accordingly, her baby. Inflammation processes begin around the tumor.

The formation of benign cystic formations of the left ovary during pregnancy is considered less dangerous for the health of the mother and her baby, because it somewhat less often entails such a serious complication as a rupture.

This explains the peculiarities of the anatomy, namely, more intense blood flow in the region of the right ovary.

The complications described above are the most frequent and most dangerous. In addition, the described neoplasms can become malignant. Large-sized tumors mechanically put pressure on the surrounding tissues of the ovary, disrupt blood circulation in them, and can contribute to the development of the inflammatory process.


How do cystic formations manifest themselves during the period of gestation? Small bags of liquid may not let you know about their presence in any way and can only be detected during a routine ultrasound. In this case, the woman will have to go to the gynecologist more often.

With the growth of cystic formation, the first symptoms appear:

  • Dull pain in lower abdomen.
  • Chair disorder.
  • Frequent urination.

Pain appears or increases after physical activity. Also, a woman often notes a deterioration in the movement of feces through the intestines (pain and discomfort in the abdomen, sometimes constipation). This is due to the pressure of the enlarged ovary on the intestines.

Frequent urination during pregnancy is a phenomenon familiar to any healthy woman. But when the cystic sac reaches 6-8 mm in size, the edematous and overgrown ovary can put pressure on the bladder, making the need to visit the toilet excessive even for a pregnant woman.

Some expectant mothers complain of nausea, malaise and even vomiting. This condition is possible either when the integrity of the cystic capsule is violated, or when the neoplasm is large.

In case of rupture of the cystic capsule or torsion of the leg:

  1. The woman is in severe pain.
  2. Her body temperature may rise.
  3. Vaginal discharge with blood appears.
  4. There is weakness, nausea and vomiting, fainting. In this case, the symptoms will correspond to the clinic of an acute abdomen.
  5. A cyst of the right ovary at rupture imitates the clinic of an acute attack of appendicitis.
  6. The cyst of the left ovary, when damaged, gives symptoms similar to those of a stomach ulcer and its perforation.

If acute symptoms appear, you should immediately call an ambulance.


Standard methods for diagnosing cysts are:

  • Examination at the gynecologist.
  • ultrasound. But MRI is not recommended during the period of bearing a fetus.
  • Puncture (if a cyst rupture is suspected) and diagnostic laparoscopy.
  • Collection of material for histological examination.
  • Blood test for tumor markers.

An ovarian cyst during pregnancy is usually diagnosed by ultrasound. But they also resort to examination by a specialist doctor. They can also include a laboratory method in diagnostic measures (take a blood test).

All invasive procedures are to some extent dangerous for the development of pregnancy. They can be appointed only in case of emergency.

A woman with any type of cyst is registered and monitored for the development of education and the general condition of the patient and the fetus growing in her womb.


What to do if a cyst was diagnosed on ultrasound during pregnancy? Carry a child, observing all the instructions of the obstetrician-gynecologist leading the pregnancy.

The main tactic for detecting an ovarian cyst during pregnancy is expectant. If neoplasms appear against the background of progesterone deficiency, the doctor may recommend appropriate drugs, for example, Duphaston. If the growth of cysts leaves no choice, the patient may be scheduled for surgery.

If cysts appeared or were discovered in the second half of pregnancy, they are small - this is not scary. Usually, neither the pregnant organ, nor the fetus in it, nor the woman herself suffers from their appearance. Also, such formations do not threaten the process of natural childbirth. But still, the woman is under the supervision of a specialist, after giving birth she is recommended to undergo a course of treatment.

With neoplasms of impressive size, the issue of artificial delivery becomes relevant. In the third trimester, when the fetus reaches the age of viability outside the mother's womb, with threatening cyst growth, the issue of early delivery by caesarean section may be considered.

The reason for the appearance of neoplasms can be stressful situations, poor nutrition, possible sexual infections or environmentally unfavorable conditions. Pregnancy and ovarian cyst are phenomena that do not pose a danger to intrauterine development of the fetus. Very rarely, specialists decide on surgical intervention, often a benign tumor goes away on its own, under the influence of competent therapy.

Types of ovarian cysts

A cyst is a capsule that is filled with serous fluid. The prescribed treatment depends on what type of neoplasm is diagnosed:
  1. Follicular (functional or retention) - develops before conception, during ovulation. The follicle from which the egg is released does not open, a cavity with liquid appears.
  2. Paraovarian - is formed on the appendages and has one chamber.
  3. Endometrioid - occurs after endometriosis and is characterized by a benign proliferation of tissues with a dark blood content.
  4. Dermoid - grows up to 15 cm without additional symptoms and hormonal disruptions.
  5. A luteal or corpus luteum cyst of the ovary appears in the first trimester. During the formation of the placenta, the capsule dissolves on its own due to the production of progesterone.
The symptomatology of the right or left ovary is characterized by pain in the lower abdomen in accordance with the location. Right-sided pains are similar to an exacerbation of appendicitis, pain syndrome on the left side of the lower abdomen is confused with a lesion of the sigmoid colon.

Such neoplasms generally disappear on their own, without any outside intervention. But the height, size or twisting of the leg can bring a lot of discomfort to the patient's life. Therefore, development should be monitored by specialists, especially during the gestation period.

Are ovarian cysts dangerous during pregnancy?

If a woman managed to conceive a fetus with the growth of a cavity on the appendages, then for doctors, such a pathology is a reason for more careful observation. The danger is only a growing capsule, which:
  • puts pressure on the uterus;
  • violates the normal localization of the appendages;
  • provokes tissue death;
  • rupture and leakage of fluid.
During the period of intrauterine development of the fetus, many women are worried if an ovarian cyst is dangerous? In most cases, it does not pose a threat and does not affect the course of pregnancy. The risk factor is only the progression of the capsule, which can burst under the pressure of a gradually growing uterus, fester, as a result of which the fluid enters the abdominal cavity, which leads to peritonitis and infection. Cavities standing on legs are dangerous for twisting, which contributes to the occurrence of pain in the abdomen.

Pressure or rupture is a provoking factor for preterm labor, so experts recommend surgery if there are complications or if tumor degeneration is suspected.

An additional factor in predicting risks is the definition of type. The endometrioid type is the most dangerous, it is the cause of infertility in more than 25% of cases.

Ovarian cyst during pregnancy: what to do, how to treat

The functional or luteal appearance of a benign neoplasm indicates that the tumor does not require special treatment if it appears early. Careful monitoring of the patient is carried out in order not to miss the moment of increase.

In the most unfavorable outcome, which happens extremely rarely, the help of a surgeon will be required to perform the operation using the laparoscopic method. Several small incisions are made and all appropriate manipulations are carried out with miniature instruments to eliminate. During pregnancy, such an operation is not displayed in any way. But to save the life of the child and to reduce the risk of miscarriage, therapy is prescribed to preserve intrauterine development.

If the capsule formation does not cause discomfort to the woman, then only a regular ultrasound examination is prescribed, and the operation is postponed to a later date, possibly after delivery.

Conception and future motherhood must be taken with all responsibility. Planning should begin with a complete diagnosis of the body for the presence of pathologies. In most cases, the growth of pathological tissue is asymptomatic, so slight pulling pains in the groin and an irregular menstrual cycle become a reason to visit a gynecologist.

Pathological formations on the ovaries and pregnancy have been confused more than once, not only by the women themselves, but also by experienced specialists. This is due to the fact that both states are manifested by the same signs. Both conditions can be confirmed by ultrasound. Can a cyst be confused with pregnancy on ultrasound?

In reproductive age, both are possible. It would seem that pregnancy is easy to confirm by conducting an ultrasound examination. Yes this is true. But, when a woman has a short period, it is possible to confuse her with an ovarian cyst.

There are striking similarities between the symptoms of ovarian cysts and pregnancy. Below are 12 signs that will show how easy it is to confuse a cyst with a fetus.


Pregnant women need more oxygen, the fetus needs its supply for the normal functioning of all organs and systems. As the fetus grows, there is additional pressure on the mother's diaphragm and lungs, making breathing difficult.

However, pregnancy is not the only condition that can cause shortness of breath. This is a common symptom of ovarian cysts. Shortness of breath begins to bother more when the cysts increase in size.

Chest pain

Soreness of the mammary glands occurs due to changes in the hormonal level, it becomes more tender and sensitive, increases in size. A hollow tumor can also provoke the appearance of this symptom.

This is due to the fact that the uterus and ovaries are interconnected with the breasts. If a violation occurs in the reproductive system (in this case, a hollow tumor prevents the functioning of the part of the female genital organs where the egg is formed) or a failure, then this affects the mammary gland.


The progression of pathological formation leads to the appearance of constant fatigue. This symptom and cysts are associated with the fact that they can affect the production of hormones in the body.

During pregnancy, fatigue occurs only in the first trimester. The woman feels overwhelmed, she wants to sleep all the time. In the future, the sign passes.


Nausea is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy. For this reason, most women find out that a long-awaited event has occurred - conception. A change in the balance of hormones leads to an initial rejection by the body of the embryo, as well as new substances that are found with its appearance. Therefore, during pregnancy, nausea occurs, periodically accompanied by vomiting.

Nausea with ovarian cysts is also related to hormones. With the progression of the pathological condition, an imbalance of hormones in the body occurs, which leads to the appearance of this symptom.

Frequent urination

Pregnancy is accompanied by a lot of unpleasant sensations, which include problems with urination. As the child grows, the pressure on the bladder increases, the fetus needs more space, so it puts pressure on the bladder, leaving only a small place for the accumulation of urine. The reason for frequent urination during pregnancy can also be muscle relaxation, activation of metabolic processes (the kidneys begin to work faster), fluid retention in the mother's body.

In the later stages of gestation, the child's kidneys begin to work. In connection with this factor, the frequency of fluid discharge in the mother may increase.

For patients with ovarian cysts, the need for frequent urination most often has nothing to do with the kidneys. Large formations are pressed against the bladder, reducing its ability to retain fluid.


Soreness and cramps in the abdomen may indicate a cyst and pregnancy, or a complication. Only an additional examination will confirm what the pain means.


Pain in the back may indicate early pregnancy. She is a sign that the woman's body is weakening, the child inside is growing and putting pressure on the back.

But it can also be a symptom of a serious pathological condition in the reproductive system. He says that the cysts are increasing in size.


Pregnant women tend to experience dizziness or fainting as a result of low blood pressure or low sugar levels. By drinking enough water and eating well, these symptoms can be avoided.

But with a cyst, such methods of overcoming dizziness will not help. Here it is necessary to take special drugs, because the symptom is associated with an increase or decrease in blood pressure, which cannot be prevented by eating well. The reasons in this case are different, so the treatment will also be different.


Before an ultrasound, a woman visits a gynecologist who conducts an examination. At the appointment, the doctor should see if the uterus is enlarged, whether its increase corresponds to the delay in menstruation. An experienced gynecologist, according to these signs and the condition of the woman, will already diagnose "pregnancy".

However, even qualified experts can be wrong. And instead of pregnancy, an ovarian cyst will be found. To make an accurate diagnosis, a woman is sent for an ultrasound.

Ultrasound screening of the pelvic organs usually shows whether a woman has a pregnancy or a cyst. But even here it is not so simple. Even an ultrasound can be wrong.

Causes of errors in contrast to pregnancy and cysts:

  • The cyst can correspond to several weeks of the fetus, it has a spherical shape, edematous. Therefore, it can easily be confused with a fetal egg.
  • Old equipment and insufficient qualification of the specialist.

A more reliable test for diagnosis is a pregnancy test or blood donation for hCG.

Many women wonder: is it possible to confuse an ovarian cyst with pregnancy? Such a question is quite logical, since for a woman of childbearing age, both the first and second options are characteristic. In order to accurately determine the diagnosis, a woman needs to undergo a gynecological examination. In order to have a general idea of ​​what diagnosis can be made, it is necessary to know what signs a cyst and pregnancy have.

If the patient has a cystic neoplasm, most likely she will be haunted by unpleasant sensations in the lower abdomen (feeling of heaviness and pain, bursting). In addition, she feels weakness, nausea or vomiting. With intimacy, there may be a feeling of discomfort. During the day, a woman has a frequent need to relieve herself, there are malfunctions in the intestines (constipation or diarrhea). In addition, some girls have jumps in blood pressure, excess weight and increased oily skin.

The most important symptom of a cyst is menstrual irregularities. Often they manifest themselves in the form of a delay in menstruation. For this reason, many women confuse an ovarian cyst with pregnancy. However, there is one difference. When a formation occurs, periods can become spotting and rare, but not in all cases they stop completely. This failure is caused by a hormonal imbalance. The tumor prevents the release of the germ cell from the ovary, resulting in an overabundance or lack of certain hormones.

A delay in menstruation can also indicate pregnancy. However, at the same time, the allocations cannot be even minimal, they stop altogether. The endometrium from the uterus is essential for proper fetal anchorage and tissue development. Signs known to all women are nausea and vomiting. These symptoms appear for the reason that with the advent of the fetus, the hormonal background of the mother changes. The body cannot accept the embryo at first, therefore it reacts to it in a similar way.

Note: Against the background of changes in the hormonal background, a woman develops mood swings, irritability and a state of apathy. A feeling of discomfort in the abdomen occurs due to an increase in the uterus in size. In addition, the intestines and bladder begin to work a little differently, which forces the patient to go to the toilet often.

Why there is confusion

Comparing the descriptions of an ovarian cyst and the birth of a new life, we can conclude that it is quite possible to confuse the symptoms because of their similarity. In order to be sure whether you have a cyst or pregnancy, you need to contact a gynecologist. Education is formed on the surface of the penis, and the development of the child occurs in the uterus, so making an accurate diagnosis for the doctor will not be a problem. Diagnosis is never based on patient interview data alone. One of the most popular diagnostic methods is an ultrasound examination.

Important! But in some cases, even during an ultrasound examination, the gynecologist has doubts. Cystoma may look like a spherical formation, resembling a picture in the fourth or seventh week of pregnancy in size.

Dermoid formations are particularly difficult to diagnose. With such a cyst, the endometrium thickens, and the uterus swells. Thus, an insufficiently qualified doctor may come to a false conclusion during the diagnosis. In order to prevent this from happening, it is very important to contact a trusted and qualified specialist who will make an accurate diagnosis.

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