Shuttle run. Description, standards, technique. Shuttle run technique and interesting facts about its benefits

Shuttle run is a type of training run a, during which the athlete repeatedly runs the same short distance. The movements of the athlete imitate the movements of the weaving shuttle: in the forward and backward directions several times. Hence the corresponding run new exercise. As a rule, the length of the distance for the shuttle run and does not exceed 100 meters. Each time, reaching the end of the distance, the athlete must touch the finish line with his foot or go around some kind of obstacle. Shuttle run often used in the classroom, especially when there are no conditions for run run 60- and 100-meter distances. This kind run but the organizers of various competitions like "Funny Starts" or "Mom, Dad, I'm a sports family" like to use it. This is not surprising, athletes go the distance very quickly, recklessly, with a lot of stops and turns. Although it is sharp turns and a change in movement at the ends of the distance that make the shuttle run the most traumatic run new exercise. Shuttle start run and can be both low and high. However, blocks, which are mandatory for sprint disciplines, in the shuttle run e do not apply. High start in the shuttle run It doesn’t look like the start of skaters: the pushing leg is as tense as possible, the fly leg is behind on the toe with a slight turn. The ability to start quickly is the main success factor in the shuttle business. run e. It is for the development of the starting speed that this type is used run and in training run unov-sprinters. To develop maximum speed in the shuttle run e, the passage of the distance must be the same as in run for short distances: run on toes, high cadence, high hip elevation. But the speed in this run new discipline is not the main thing. It is very important to develop agility in order to pass the finishing stretch and turns with minimal time losses. Practicing a stop step, which an athlete performs before turning, is necessary in such game disciplines as,. Explosive kicking qualities of the legs are a necessary skill for a good .Shuttle finish. run It is no different from finishing in a hundred-meter race. In the final section of the distance, the athlete tries to develop maximum speed and run through the finish line with the greatest acceleration. Don't try to finish with a forward body throw like experienced athletes do in a competition. This requires very good body coordination. Just finish at top speed. Shuttle run- this is a very serious burden on the body, so in order not to get injured joints or muscles during these exercises, you need to have a good run new training. At the same time, the shuttle run- one of the best run new exercises for the development of starting speed, agility, finishing jerk. This type of practice run but they help to develop coordination of movements, improve their speed qualities, learn how to properly distribute forces over a distance.

Table of scoring for the exercise
"Shuttle run 10x10m" (U-FP-42) for military personnel:

Points Men
Women under 30
Women over 30
100 24,0 29,0 31,0
99 24,1 29,1 31,1
98 24,2 29,2 31,2
97 24,3 29,3 31,3
96 24,4 29,4 31,4
95 24,5 29,5 31,5
94 24,6 29,6 31,6
93 24,7 - -
92 24,8 29,7 31,7
91 24,9 29,8 31,8
90 25,0 29,9 31,9
89 25,1 - -
88 25,2 30,0 32,0
87 25,3 30,1 32,1
86 25,4 30,2 32,2
85 25,5 - -
84 25,6 30,3 32,3
83 25,7 30,4 32,4
82 25,8 30,5 32,5
81 25,9 - -
80 26,0 30,6 32,6
79 - 30,7 32,7
78 - 30,8 32,8
77 26,1 - -
76 - 30,9 32,9
75 - 31,0 33,0
74 26,2 31,1 33,1
72 - 31,2 33,2
71 26,3 31,3 33,3
70 - 31,4 33,4
68 26,4 31,5 33,5
66 - 31,6 33,6
65 26,5 31,7 33,7
63 - 31,8 33,8
62 26,6 - -
61 - 31,9 33,9
60 - 32,0 34,0
59 26,7 32,2 34,2
58 - 32,4 34,4
57 - 32,6 34,6
56 26,8 32,9 34,9
55 - 33,1 35,1
54 - 33,3 35,3
53 26,9 33,5 35,5
52 - 33,7 35,7
51 - 34,0 36,0
50 27,0 34,1 36,1
49 - 34,2 36,2
48 - 34,3 36,3
47 27,1 34,4 36,4
46 - 34,5 36,5
45 - 34,6 36,6
44 27,2 34,7 36,7
43 - 34,8 36,8
42 - 34,9 36,9
41 27,3 35,0 37,0
40 - 35,1 37,1
39 - 35,2 37,2
38 27,4 35,3 37,3
37 - 35,4 37,4
36 - 35,5 37,5
35 27,5 35,6 37,6
34 - 35,7 37,7
33 - 35,8 37,8
32 27,6 35,9 37,9
31 - 36,0 38,0
30 - 36,1 38,1
29 27,7 36,2 38,2
28 - 36,3 38,3
27 - 36,4 38,4
26 27,8 36,5 38,5
25 - 36,6 38,6
24 - 36,7 38,7
23 27,9 36,8 38,8
22 28,0 36,9 38,9
21 28,4 37,0 39,0
20 28,8 37,1 39,1
19 29,9 37,2 39,2
18 29,6 37,3 39,3
17 30,0 - -
16 30,4 - -
15 30,8 - -
14 31,2 - -
13 31,6 - -
12 32,0 - -
11 32,4 - -
10 32,8 - -
9 33,2 - -
8 33,6 - -
7 34,0 - -
6 34,4 - -

Shuttle run technique 10x10m (U-FP-42):

The exercise is performed on a flat area with marked start and turn lines. The width of the start and turn line is included in the segment of 10 m. At the “March” command, the student must run 10 m, touch the ground behind the turn line with any part of the body, turn around, and thus run nine more segments of 10 m each.

On the command “To start”, the trainee stands in front of the starting line, so that the pushing leg is at the starting line, and the other is set aside half a step back.

At the “Attention” command, slightly bending both legs, the trainee tilts the body forward and transfers the weight of the body to the front leg. At the same time, the shoulders should be lowered down, the arms bent at the elbows, take one forward, the other back. The arm opposite to the exposed leg is brought forward. The runner's gaze is directed somewhat forward to the track. Let's put our hands on the ground.

At the “March” command, vigorously push off the ground with the front foot, simultaneously move the fly leg forward and start running.

Starting acceleration after the start and the next turn is carried out with wide rapid steps and alternates with sharp braking at the end of each 10-meter segment when driving in a straight line and with frequent steps when cornering. Before changing direction, the pace is more frequent, the steps are shorter, the knees are bent more than when running to maintain balance. Hand movements are natural, helping to move in a straight line and around corners.

The turn will be faster if the last step is performed with a jump on the same leg (for example, from the right foot to the right) and turn around on the supporting leg.

Exercise errors:

At the start, the torso is tilted too far forward. The shoulder and arm are brought forward, the same name as the forward leg. The pushing leg is set far back; legs strongly bent at the knee joint. False start allowed.

During the turn, any natural or artificial object was used as a support, irregularities protruding above the surface of the track.

When finishing, the speed at the finish line is reduced, or the finish line is crossed by jumping. Allowed to fall on the turn or at the finish throw.

I approve


"___" _____________2017

Methodical plan

Conducting training sessions with the personnel of the guards on duty

Discipline: Physical training.

Topic: Passing standards for physical training. Exercise for speed and agility No. 1 Shuttle run 10x10m.

Date of the lesson: . Type of occupation: practical.

Allotted time: 1 hour.

The purpose of the lesson: to improve the speed and agility of l / s.

1. Literature used during the lesson:

Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 153 of March 30, 2011 "On approval of the manual on the physical training of personnel of the federal fire service";

Order of the EMERCOM of Russia No. 402 dated July 26, 2016 “On Amendments to the Order of the Emergencies Ministry of Russia dated March 30, 2011 No. No. 153";

Order of FGKU SU FPS No. 6 EMERCOM of Russia No. 217 dated August 12, 2014 “On approval of methodological recommendations for the preparation of methodological plans by managers for conducting classes with personnel on duty guards (shifts)”;

The training program for the personnel of the FPS GPS EMERCOM of Russia from 11/18/2016;

Order of the FGKU SU FPS No. 6 of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia No. 333 dated December 27, 2016 FGKU "On the organization of vocational training for 2017";

2. Benefits and equipment used in the lesson: sports uniform, inventory.

2. A detailed lesson plan.

P / p Actions of the leader of the lesson and the assistant The main elements of the lesson, training questions and time to practice them

Preparatory part 5 minutes

1. Building, checking personnel, a brief explanation of the tasks, goals and content of the lesson, checking the sportswear of trainees, labor protection requirements. The construction is carried out on the facade of the GBM.

Checking the personnel according to the list of the “Journal of classes, attendance and academic performance”.

Physical training classes are held in sportswear or uniform, depending on the topic of the lesson, venue and weather conditions.

Labor protection briefing.

Injury prevention is ensured by:

Careful fitting of uniforms, sportswear and shoes;

Checking the serviceability and safety of sports facilities, places for performing exercises, inventory and equipment;

Maintaining high discipline in the process of classes and competitions;

Advance preparation and use of insurance means and assistance in performing exercises (techniques) associated with risk and danger;

Taking into account the state of health and physical fitness of personnel who have had a disease;

Constant monitoring of external signs of fatigue of personnel;

Explanatory work among personnel on measures to prevent injuries;

Compliance with measures that exclude the possibility of frostbite, other fainting conditions.

In the classroom, the following tasks are solved:

The development of endurance, speed, strength and agility, the development of determination and courage through training in high-speed movement on different terrain, at different times of the day and in any weather.

Main part 30 minutes.

2. Familiarization and learning the technique of shuttle running 10x10 m.

The leader of the lesson and the assistant clearly explains and shows the implementation of the exercises. It is performed on a flat area with marked start and turn lines. The width of the start and turn line is included in the segment of 10 m. On the command “MARCH”, run 10 m, touch the ground behind the turn line with any part of the body, turn around, run nine more segments of 10 m in this way. - any natural or artificial objects, irregularities protruding above the surface of the track.

In this exercise, the soldier is required to develop the maximum speed on a segment of 10 meters, slow down the movement, turn around and start it again in the opposite direction. All this must be done quickly enough 10 times. There is no full-fledged distance running, so the exercise is performed at shortened steps of the starting acceleration. The elements of the exercise - running, braking, turning - are first practiced at a speed below the limit by the repeated method (2-3 series of 3-5 segments each). The turn must be combined with the tilt of the torso in the new direction of running, which creates the conditions for a quick starting acceleration.

3. Bringing the body into a relatively calm state. The total indicator of the magnitude of the load (duration plus intensity) is the value of heart rate measured 10 and 60 minutes after the end of the session. After 10 minutes, the pulse should not exceed 96 beats per minute, and after 1 hour it should be 10-12 beats per minute higher than the initial (advanced) value. For example, if before the start of the lesson, the pulse was 70 beats per minute, then if the load is adequate, 1 hour after the end of the workout, it should be no more than 82 beats per minute. If, within a few hours after training, the heart rate values ​​are significantly higher than the initial ones, this indicates an excessive load, then it must be reduced.

These exercises will help the body recover.

Ex. 1. - standing straight, raise your hands up. Shaking hands, then lowering them down and tilting the torso forward.

Ex. 2. - standing straight, arms lowered along the body. Shake one leg, performing movements in different planes, standing in emphasis on the other leg, then change legs and do the same with the second leg.

Ex. 3. - standing straight, raise your hands up. Lower your relaxed arms through your sides down while leaning forward and crossing your arms in front of you.

Ex. 4. - turn around to face the tree and put your hands on the trunk. Swing your relaxed leg forward, then back, and then repeat the exercise with the other leg.

Ex. 5. - hanging on the crossbar. Within 3-5 minutes, turn the torso to the sides with the maximum possible amplitude.

Option number 2

Item No. Tasks Content

1. Preparatory part 10 min.

1.1 Organization of those involved.

Construction, verification, a brief explanation of the tasks and content of the lesson.

1.2 General strengthening of the body and preparation for more strenuous work in the main part of the lesson. Warm up. Running in a circle (on a hundred-meter strip) is a general warm-up and warming up of the whole organism as a whole.

Circular movements of the head - warming up the cervical vertebrae and the neck as a whole

Circular and horizontal arm swings in a standing position - to achieve soft and stable work of the shoulder joints

Tilts of the body forward, backward, left, right with the adoption of a vertical position - warming up the spine, muscles of the middle and lower parts of the body.

Jumping up from a sitting position, with clapping hands above your head - warming up the legs and arms. (And other exercises).

2. Main part 30 min.

2.1 Mastering the basic motor and applied skills and their improvement. Shuttle run 10x10m. It is performed on a flat area with marked start and turn lines. The width of the start and turn line is included in the segment of 10 m. On the command “March”, run 10 m, touch the turn line with your foot, turn around, and thus run nine more segments of 10 m. It is forbidden to use as a support when turning any natural or artificial objects, irregularities protruding above the surface of the track.

2.2 Development of physical and moral-volitional qualities. The head of the lesson conducts a competitive race among the personnel along two sports tracks. SPSC sites. Identification of the best participant in the race and education of the competitive spirit and moral and volitional qualities of the l / s.

2.3 Raising the ability to apply the acquired skills in a difficult environment that arises in the course of official activities. The head of the lesson conducts a test run among the personnel along two lanes of the SPSC sports ground. The assessment of the exercise is set according to the standards for physical fitness.

Score Age group (men)

Satisfactory 26 27 28 31 34 36 39

Good 25 26 27 30 33 35 38

Excellent 24 25 26 29 32 34 37

Estimate Age group (women)

Satisfactory 36 38 44 52 good 34 36 42 50 excellent 32 34 40 48 Women of 5 and older age groups are not subject to physical fitness testing.

3. Final part 5 min.

3.1 Bringing the body into a relatively calm state. Walking and slow running. Muscle relaxation exercises combined with deep breathing.

Exercise 1. Stand on your toes, simultaneously raise your arms to the sides and further up - inhale, lower yourself on the entire foot, arms down - exhale.

Exercise 2. Stand on your toes, at the same time raise your arms to the sides with your palms up - inhale, lower yourself on the entire foot with the body tilted forward, cross your relaxed arms in front of your chest - exhale.

3.2 Summing up the lesson. Tidying up classrooms and equipment.

Summing up the lesson.



The methodological plan was drawn up.

Most people have known shuttle running since their school years - many had to pass this standard in physical education classes. However, this technique is used by both professional athletes and beginners. This technique effectively develops speed, agility and resistance to sudden changes in pace and direction of movement. Next, we will consider what shuttle running is, the features of the technique and consider a training program using shuttle running.

About the shuttle run

Shuttle running is a run with a constant change of direction. As a rule, the movement occurs back and forth over a short distance (no more than a hundred meters). The number of segments between two points can reach 10 pieces. This technique borrowed its name from the shuttle - a part in a sewing machine that moves up and down, threading the thread into the fabric.

Features of the shuttle run

Shuttle running has a number of differences from interval races or jogging. This technique creates a slightly different load. Shuttle features:

  1. Start at maximum speed in the first seconds.
  2. Turn in the opposite direction with minimal loss in speed.
  3. Touching the floor or carrying objects when reaching the pivot point.
  4. Change of direction - 180 degrees.
  5. Development of maximum speed after the last turn.
  6. Multiple overcoming of a short distance.
  7. No need for a large area.

Shuttle run technique

Proper shuttle running technique saves precious seconds. You can learn by following a simple sequence of movements.

Body position at the start:

  1. Body tilt forward;
  2. The push leg is bent at the knee, the fly leg is used as a support on the toe;
  3. The right hand may lightly touch the ground;
  4. The back is straight.

Starting, you need to sharply push off the ground, and throw the body forward. At the same time, the body is raised. When running, the arms are bent in the elbow zone. The speed of overcoming the distance is determined by the frequency of steps. At the same time, it is correct to run a shuttle run on toes, which will allow you to run faster.

Jumping rope will help increase the speed of the shuttle run. Such training trains the calf muscles involved in the process of "pushing out" and acceleration, develops the musculoskeletal system as a whole.

One of the hardest parts is making turns. After all, hitches on turns are fraught with a loss of time. Here are some tips to help you turn around quickly and efficiently:

  • It is necessary to prepare for the turn after passing the first half of the distance, gradually reducing the speed;
  • At this stage, you need to easily reduce the speed by performing a "stopping" movement;
  • The front leg is carried forward making the last step. After that, a sharp stop turn is made.

Next, you need to turn the body 180 degrees. Movement in the opposite direction begins with the "stopping" leg. After the turn, you need to restore the pace again. At the finish line, you should run the shuttle run as quickly as possible.
- should be rhythmic. Breathing can be combined - through the nose and mouth. The ideal shuttle run breath should be frequent, as the run is performed at a high intensity. at the same time, it should not exceed the norm by 70-80%.

Shuttle speed is less important than the level of technique. Thus, an athlete who has perfectly mastered the technique of starting and turning has every chance of overtaking an opponent with better results in a straight line.

The video will allow you to get acquainted with the shuttle running technique in more detail:

How to start running shuttles

Beginners who are just starting to master this technique need to start with short distances - from 10 to 30 meters. At the same time, great attention should be paid to warm-up exercises aimed at developing coordination, speed and endurance.
To begin with, you can perform three races for ten meters (3x10). Within a month, you can gradually increase the total distance to one hundred meters (10x10).

Beginner training program

Examples of workouts using shuttle running

Shuttle running will help to perform both independently and as part of complex training. With it, you can diversify the program and increase the efficiency of the loads. Below are workouts for athletes with different levels of training.

  1. 200m run, 10 pushups, 3x20 shuttle run. Only 3 cycles.
  2. Push-ups - 30 times, 20 squats, jumping rope - 60 seconds, shuttle run - 5x10. Three cycles.
  3. Pull-ups - 30 reps, push-ups - 10 reps, 40 push-ups, shuttle run 20x4. 2 cycles.

In this case, the exercises can be supplemented by the transfer of objects during the shuttle run.

Improving results

You can improve the results of shuttle running by following a number of recommendations. To optimize the accumulated base will help:

  1. Performing a warm-up aimed at warming up and increasing the elasticity of muscles and ligaments. Ignoring this rule can lead to injury to the calf muscles.
  2. Regular workouts.
  3. Stretching. Increases muscle endurance and strength.

Thus, shuttle running develops the skills necessary for various sports. Its benefits are obvious - it makes it possible to increase muscle tone, improve coordination, strengthen the cardiovascular, respiratory systems and the body as a whole.

Physical culture as a school subject should comprehensively develop fragile children's organisms. Unfortunately, the state of health of students is unfavorable. For example, the rate of chronic diseases of various forms is growing, a sedentary lifestyle leads to the formation of excess weight. Few people understand the importance of physical development, and after all, elementary can not only invigorate, but also improve blood circulation, activate the body and give strength for full-fledged work for the whole day. And these are not empty words, not a motivation for a healthy lifestyle, which most people ignore, dismissing the standard “I don’t have enough time.” This is a real fact. Most people are lazy and don't want to exercise. From this - constant illness and fatigue, which prevent you from enjoying life.

But back to physical education. Elementary exercises can greatly affect the functioning of the body. They need to be done regularly or at least several times a week.

Physical education and attitude to it

The school program for the entire period of study includes a lot as well as basketball, volleyball and more. In fact, classes are held taking into account the available equipment and a full-fledged venue. So, the situation with the above in most schools in small towns is regrettable. Somewhere better, somewhere worse, but that's not the point. It's just that both children and some teachers have a dismissive attitude towards physical culture. They treat it like a lesson where you can sit and do nothing. Nobody wants to run and sweat, but everyone wants to be slim and beautiful. Few people think that the elementary shuttle, the implementation of which is quite complicated, is used to train football players, boxers, karatekas.

This is the development of the vestibular apparatus, a sense of coordination, dexterity. Although, in fact, it looks simple - to run from one point to another several times. What difficulties arise, you can understand if you consider in detail, for example, a 3x10 shuttle run, the technique of which is familiar to most students of secondary educational institutions.

Features of the shuttle run

It's strange, but for some, a distance of 100 meters is much easier than a run of 3 times 10 meters. This is due to the nature of the movement during the exercise. In a short stretch, the student must accelerate, brake, touch the ground (line, floor, cube), turn around and do all this a few more times.

This is a significant burden on the body, in particular on the heart and lungs. It exhausts the muscles. This is traumatic, but good for blood circulation, for coordination. Using 3x10 to warm up, the technique for which everyone seems elementary, you can achieve a lot. But it is necessary to teach children how to perform the exercise correctly and consolidate it in practice.

Components of the exercise "shuttle run"

The execution technique consists of several points.

1. Preparation:

Determining the distance, choosing a venue, marking the venue;

Warming up the student, explaining the technique, demonstrating the implementation by example.

2. Execution:

High start;

Reduced acceleration time;

Braking with the need to touch the ground, line or in order to pick up the cube;

U-turn with a locking step used in football, basketball;

Return to the starting point in the same way.

Special attention to the finish

Running the last segment, the student no longer needs to slow down, so he will accelerate in order to finish faster. For starters, as an introduction to this exercise, a regular 3x10 shuttle run is suitable. The execution technique can be supplemented, you can diversify it. As an option, the number of segments can be added - 5x10, 10x10, the segment itself is increased or running backwards is added (for more experienced athletes).

It all depends on who performs the exercise, on the risk of injury, on compliance with safety regulations and on the imagination of the person leading the subject of "physical education". Shuttle running mobilizes the entire human body, but can cause serious damage to the legs, arms, and other parts of the body.


Naturally, as a component of the subject of physical education, shuttle running should also be evaluated. Standards vary by grade and by gender. Shuttle run 3x10, the execution technique of which affects the time of the exercise, provides for the following standards:

In general, each of the three segments should take no more than three seconds on average. Nine seconds to increase your body's stamina to improve blood circulation and strengthen immunity.

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