Why does the distance between teeth increase. What is diastema and trema. Initial situation. Between the incisors a significant gap - diastema

The gap between the front teeth in dentistry is called a diastema. This anomaly is very common and is often associated with another common defect - three, gaps of various sizes in the dentition. A characteristic feature of the diastema is the presence of a gap 1-6 mm wide in the space between the central incisors of the upper or lower dentition. However, in severe clinical cases, the width of the gap can reach 10 mm.

Most often, this defect is observed between the incisors of the upper jaw, while the diastema of the lower jaw is considered rare. Depending on the complexity of the anomaly, some changes in the patient's appearance become noticeable, as well as speech and diction dysfunctions. But since many people do not know what the gap between the teeth means and what is called, some of them put up with this defect and avoid the treatment that is so necessary even with such a seemingly insignificant problem.

Reasons for the formation of a diastema

There are different opinions about the formation of a large gap between the front teeth. Some researchers believe that a significant factor in the development of the anomaly is the low level of attachment between the central incisors of a short and powerful frenulum in the region of the upper lip. Others argue that the reason for this is the insufficient calcification of the seam in the sky. And still others defend the point of view regarding the overdevelopment of the upper jaw, which allegedly leads not only to the appearance of a gap between the front teeth, but also to the development of gaps (three) in general.

Be that as it may, the proven cause of the development of the mandibular diastema can be considered the high fastening of the frenulum of the tongue, which limits its movement and violates diction.

In this case, the operation to cut off the frenulum and suturing the surface of the wound is used as a treatment. If we talk about the occurrence of this anomaly in general, then an interesting topic is the transmission of diastema by inheritance, voiced at the beginning of the 20th century, which implies the presence of a gap between the front teeth in about 50% of the patient's relatives.

The development of the diastema of the upper incisors is caused by the following reasons:

  • the presence of a germ of a supernumerary tooth between the roots of the anterior teeth;
  • the frenulum of the upper lip accompanying the formation of the diastema, attached too low;
  • microdentia of the central incisors;
  • excessively developed bony septum in the region of the central incisors or the jaw as a whole;
  • early loss of one of the front milk teeth;
  • defect in shape and size, as well as the complete absence of lateral incisors;
  • anomaly in the position of all teeth of the anterior group;
  • belated change of milk teeth by molars.

Despite the extensive list of causes that can lead not only to the appearance of a gap between the anterior incisors, but also to the formation of gaps, the most common cause of this anomaly is considered to be low attachment of the frenulum, corrected by surgery.

Tremes: causes and treatment

Tremes are gaps of various sizes found in the dentition, both in multiple and in a single manifestation. According to the principle of occurrence, they are divided into pathological and physiological. At the same time, the method of treating this defect is very similar to the same process with diastema.

Tremas of physiological origin can be observed in the second period of the milk occlusion. Their appearance is due to the high growth rate of the child's jaw, while the teeth do not change their original size, which leads to the formation of gaps.

Pathological tremas, in turn, occur already at the end of the process of changing milk teeth and can be caused by the following reasons:

  • malocclusion;
  • partial adentia (lack of one or a pair of teeth);
  • anomalies in the size and shape of the teeth;
  • displacement of teeth.

With physiological trema, treatment is not required, since the defect is corrected on its own immediately after the appearance of molars. In the case of pathological types, the procedure for correcting the anomaly depends on the cause of its occurrence and may include both the use of orthodontic devices and surgical solutions. In some cases, an integrated approach becomes necessary.

Types of diastema

Before thinking about how to fix the gap, you should find out what kind of distema belongs to - false or true.


An anomaly of the true type develops in the intact dentition, and is also characterized by the presence of a wide gap between the upper incisors and a powerful frenulum of the lip woven into the incisive papilla. At the same time, a compacted seam of a small size is visible on the x-ray. And the retraction of the upper lip leads to whitening of the mucous membrane of the incisive papilla up to its displacement. This type of gap between the tooth and the gum is considered to be a hereditary defect.


False diastema develops in the absence of lateral incisors, various anomalies in the size and shape of the central teeth, and also when there is a supernumerary tooth of an impacted type between the anterior incisors, which can be easily identified radiographically. In this case, the frenulum of the upper lip remains normal, however, the decision to close the diastema, as in the case of the true form of the defect, is made based on aesthetic and speech disorders of varying severity.

What to do about diastema

Removal of the diastema can be performed both surgically and orthodontically. At the same time, the need for one or another method of treating this anomaly directly depends on its complexity, as well as the age of the patient. So, for example, with a diastema of milk teeth, the defect resolves itself immediately after the change of teeth, which eliminates the need to search for an answer on how to remove the gap between the teeth in a child when changing milk to molars. If the gap in the child remains even after their renewal, then treatment is inevitable.

The most common method of diastema repair is considered to be the use of weak force, provided, for example, by removable plates with hand-shaped springs. This approach is due to the fact that the use of high force can lead to bone resorption and deformation, and they, in turn, to complications from the perapical tissues.

When looking for options on how to get rid of the diastema and close the gap between the teeth in adults, as in the case of children, one should count on orthodontic or surgical correction. And if, for example, the presence of an overdeveloped short frenulum of the lip is confirmed, it becomes justified to get rid of the diastema by surgery by excision and plastic displacement of the inter-incisal connective tissue. This method of diastema restoration, even in adults, facilitates further treatment, and also allows you to consolidate previously obtained results.

However, the choice of only surgical intervention cannot be final, since it is always associated with an integrated approach, and therefore, with diastema, orthodontic treatment is no less important. It should also be noted that the use of specialized devices can be carried out both before the operation and after it. This means that with diastema, braces can be used both as an intermediate remedy and as the main device for correcting the gap.

Cosmetic treatments

Modern dentistry offers patients a number of quick cosmetic solutions to eliminate the defect - veneers and tooth extensions:

  • Veneers are thin overlays for teeth made of porcelain or composite material. For their reliable fastening, a special composition is used, which in function resembles superglue, applied to the pre-treated tooth surface. In general, they are quick to implement and handy as a temporary solution, but do not physically fix the anomaly.
  • In the case of extension, the actual treatment of the diastema also does not occur, however, this method of closing the gap between the teeth is the most preferable if it is only a restoration. It involves applying a certain number of layers of photographic material to the walls of the front teeth, designed to fill the existing gap. And although the reliability of building is higher than, for example, when using veneers, the strength of the created coating is incomparable with the natural resistance of the teeth.

The presence of gaps of various sizes in the dentition is called three teeth, and is often present along with an equally common anomaly known as a diastema.

The latter is characterized by the presence, either in the upper or in the lower row of teeth, of a gap between the central incisors reaching a width of 1 to 6 mm. Individual clinical cases of high severity are known, in which such a gap reaches a 10-mm value.

Mostly the incisors of the upper jaw are spaced at an abnormally excessive distance from each other, while the lower jaw is much less likely to develop such a defect. The severity of the stage in which such an anomalous phenomenon is present determines the extent to which, as a result, the appearance of a person with the presence of this disease can change, worsening of diction and speech impairment can progress.

Many of those who have gaps between their teeth resign themselves to this fact, not considering it to be any significant negative phenomenon, and completely in vain do not find it a sufficient reason to worry and go to the dentist. Meanwhile, three teeth is a fairly common dental defect, and the methods of modern dentistry can help to successfully get rid of this problem.

ICD-10 code

K00.2 Anomaly in size and shape of teeth

Causes of trema

Causes of trema in the first place may lie in hereditary factors. If there are tremas and diastemas, at least one of the parents is a risk factor that large gaps between the teeth may form in the child during the formation of the jaws and the growth of teeth.

The reasons determined by the peculiarities of the development of the child's body include the presence of a congenital pathology of the frenulum of the upper lip. The abnormal location of the thin film, if attached very low and in close proximity to the teeth, its excessive tension leads to the fact that the teeth practically spread along the dental arch.

Another congenital factor is the following. Due to pathological, exceeding the norm, the growth of the jaw bones, or due to the too small size of the teeth, significant gaps can occur between them.

Further, late weaning of the child from the nipple can lead to the appearance of trema if he sucks on a pacifier, other objects, or his own fingers for a long time. All this can adversely affect the processes of normal development and teething.

In adulthood, or in a child during the period when milk teeth are replaced by permanent ones, when an empty space is formed due to the loss of one of the teeth, the adjacent teeth are displaced, resulting in an increase in the gaps separating them.

Regardless of what acts as the cause of trema, its presence requires a visit to the dentist to carry out the necessary correction. An exception can only be the phenomenon of the formation of gaps between the teeth of a child, when milk ones are replaced by permanent ones. After a complete replacement, the dimensions of the gap are normalized independently.

Trem between teeth

Trema between the teeth is a dental defect, as well as diastema, characterized by the presence of gaps between the teeth. However, in this case, a characteristic feature is that such gaps take place not only in the form of a too wide gap between the anterior incisors of the upper or lower jaw. Slits of great width can separate any of all the other teeth in the mouth.

The reason for the appearance of such an anomaly is the excessive development of the jaw, anomalies in the development associated with the size of the teeth - if they are too small. The formation of a large space between the teeth often occurs during the eruption of milk teeth in a child, when the jaw is in a state of active growth. Normal for trema is an indicator that does not go beyond the value of 0.7 mm, and if the gaps between the teeth exceed 1 mm, this gives grounds to state the fact that there is a dental pathology.

The presence of large gaps between the teeth refers to defects of a predominantly cosmetic nature, however, in addition to this, they can also act as a cause of functional problems. Due to the presence of trema, speech defects occur, the soft tissues of the gums are injured, and the formation of gum pockets is provoked.

In adults, this dental pathology is a risk factor for a significant increase in the likelihood of both diseases affecting the teeth: caries, pulpitis, and gum disease: periodontal disease and periodontitis.

Based on this, the gaps between the teeth, despite their seeming harmlessness and the fact that they usually do not cause any significant discomfort in everyday life, require immediate corrective orthodontic treatment.

Trema and diastema

The concepts of trema and diastema are close in meaning due to the fact that each of them is characterized by dental pathologies similar in nature and which have similar manifestations. Both diastema and trema are used to refer to abnormally large gaps between teeth in the maxillary and mandibular dentition. In fact, the only significant difference between them is that diastema is said to be when the central incisors are separated by an excessive gap, and trema means a large distance in the gaps between all other teeth.

The owners of the gap between the teeth, or diastema, is a fairly large number of people. It can occur in every fifth person, and occurs with a much greater frequency in the upper jaw. As for the lower jaw, it becomes the site of localization of such a pathology with a much lower degree of probability.

As a rule, for many, the gaps between the teeth do not pose any serious problem, they live their lives calmly, without even paying any attention to it. And some even perceive the gap between the teeth as an important component of their image, which is some kind of special highlight of their appearance. But as statistics show, the majority is still inclined to consider such features as a flaw rather than something belonging to the number of positive features of their appearance.

Tremas and diastemas at the present stage of development of dental equipment and techniques can be effectively corrected. It comes to the aid of all those who are dissatisfied with their appearance, and helps to get rid of all kinds of associated complexes and self-doubt, and can also improve the quality of life.

Trema symptoms

The symptoms of trema appear as extremely large gaps of empty space present between the teeth in the lower and upper jaws. Those tremas that reach a width of more than 1 mm are classified as pathological. Tremas occur when there are all kinds of anomalies and deformities that have maxillofacial localization, with small teeth, in cases where some teeth are missing in the dentition, etc.

By their nature, this anomaly is divided into physiological and pathological.

Physiological trema tends to occur during that period of a child's development, when permanent teeth replace milk teeth, and its appearance is associated with the processes of jaw growth. In the absence of trema in children aged 5 years, a delay in the development of the jawbone can be assumed, which, if confirmed, leads to the need to take appropriate corrective measures. In adults from 30 to 50 years old, trema may indicate that periodontal tissues are subject to destructive processes, that they are characterized by a decrease in the bone tissue of the alveoli of the teeth and displacement.

Trema of a pathological nature can appear when there are already fully formed permanent teeth. Gum disease, atrophy of the jaw bone tissue, etc. lead to its occurrence.

Thus, the symptoms of trema, which makes it possible to have this disease, are mainly reduced to the presence of more than one abnormally wide gap between the teeth in a row. This fact makes it necessary to contact the dentist to take the necessary measures to eliminate such a defect.

Trema treatment

Some people can live long enough with trema without experiencing any particular discomfort. However, it should be taken into account that over time, the gaps between the teeth tend to widen. And sooner or later there will come a time when it will be necessary to seek help from a specialist. Therefore, it is better not to delay the treatment of trema, and proceed to it as soon as possible.

Modern medicine provides a wide variety of all sorts of ways to eliminate such a problem. The choice of the most suitable one takes place on the basis of an individual approach to each specific patient, taking into account the general condition of the teeth in the oral cavity and how far the process of formation of gaps between the teeth has gone, etc. Based on these factors, the dentist evaluates the feasibility of using braces, mouth guards, or orthodontic plates. The purpose of using each of these methods is, first of all, to straighten the position of the teeth with their subsequent fixation in this normal, correct state.

If there is no urgent need for orthodontic treatment, and all that is required is to restore the aesthetics of a smile, veneers can be used. The principle of using these artificial overlays made of composite materials or porcelain is that they close the gap, creating the necessary visual effect that makes the smile natural and beautiful. Their fixation is carried out on glue, which is applied to the surface of the tooth, previously treated in a special way. The use of veneers allows you to achieve purely aesthetic goals, since they do not provide a physical correction of the anomaly. By the fact of building up teeth with a diastema, that is, filling the gap between them with a special photographic material, there is no real therapeutic effect, only restoration takes place.

Treatment of trema can be carried out using various methods of modern dentistry, each of which implies the achievement of one or another beneficial effect: therapeutic or aesthetic.

Trema elimination

It seems possible to achieve that the elimination of the trema occurs using a number of methods, which are given below.

The longest, but at the same time, the most high-quality and sparing in relation to dental tissues correction of excessive gaps between teeth occurs when using the orthodontic method. Its use does not involve any preparatory actions on the teeth; there is no need to pre-prepare, grind or grind them. In children under 12 years old, the anomaly is eliminated thanks to special orthodontic plates. Starting from the age of 13, wearing braces for a certain period of time is indicated.

The therapeutic method is also known as artistic restoration. It involves the use of composite veneers, with the help of which the missing tooth tissue is built up.

Trema can be eliminated using the orthopedic method. To eliminate the defect of the teeth, crowns or ceramic veneers are used. As a result of its application, the orthopedic method surpasses the method of artistic restoration with composite materials in terms of the level of aesthetic effect.

So, as a result of using some methods, the elimination of trema is carried out by normalizing the position of the teeth in the dentition, while others are aimed mainly at restoring the aesthetic aspects of the appearance, without eliminating the actual physical cause of large gaps between the teeth. The choice depends on what goal you are pursuing by contacting a specialist about this.

Trema prevention

Approaching such an issue as the prevention of trema, it should be noted that, in fact, there are no special specific prescriptions and recommendations that go beyond the well-known basic rules of care and principles for maintaining dental health.

This disease in many cases comes from childhood, since trema can occur even in the process of changing milk teeth to molars, and due to loss of teeth, adjacent to the fallen ones are able to change their position, forming large gaps. With sufficient parental control of the state of the child's oral cavity, the risk of developing pathological three decreases, therefore it is very important to teach children the basics of personal hygiene, which also includes dental care and the rules for brushing teeth. In addition, it is very important to regularly visit the dentist, who, when examined, is able to identify the features of the development of the child's teeth. In particular, to find that they are smaller than normal, or, for example, that the jaw develops excessively, which can provoke a trema, and appropriate treatment should be prescribed as soon as possible until the disease has progressed to a stage at which the fight against its consequences is difficult.

Trema prevention for adults is similar. The need for regular dental monitoring of the condition of the teeth is also completely justified. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and the absence of bad habits also play an important role.

Anna Paquin, Vanessa Paradis and Victoria Secret star Jess Hart. The owners of three between the front central teeth - diastema.
The gaps between the teeth are called trems, they are pathological and physiological.

When three teeth is normal

Physiological trema refers to the peculiarities of milk occlusion in its 2nd period - at the age of 6-7 years.

Diaeresis arises as a result of jaw growth and due to three, a physiological displacement of the teeth occurs in the process of changing them and the necessary position of the dentition of the permanent bite is established. That is, the gaps between the teeth are part of the life cycle of human teeth.

When is three teeth abnormal?

In what cases can we talk about the negative, pathological effect of dental gaps?

Pathological tremas appear more often after the change of milk teeth to permanent ones with mesial and distal occlusion with protrusion of the lower or upper frontal teeth.

Trems- this is not only an unsatisfactory appearance, it is also a violation of the dentition. Tremas are actually the presence of large and small gaps between the teeth. A large gap between the central teeth has a separate name - diastema. We see a classic example of a diastema in many movie and sports stars, in particular, Mike Tyson and Samuel L Jackson.

Tremas can form when there is a discrepancy between the size of the jaw and the size of the teeth. The absence of individual teeth or their incorrect position in the dentition, for example, turns, protrusion, etc., also plays a role.

It's good when you, for example, are a movie star and your cosmetic defect of the teeth is your business card. But when you are a simple person, tormented by this problem and being the subject of ridicule since childhood? And although childhood has long ended and ridicule is a thing of the past, the fact of the presence of large gaps between the teeth itches and torments a person every time he smiles broadly and catches someone's gaze. Yes, this is a complex and it is difficult to force yourself to overcome it. Then maybe it’s better to solve it radically and eliminate the gaps between the teeth that have already become hated and visible to outsiders?

Let's start with three causes.

The causes of the appearance of pathological three

  • adentia;
  • anomaly in the size and shape of the teeth (small subulate teeth) and anomaly in their location;
  • biting the tongue, lips;
  • thumb sucking, pencil and other bad habits. This also leads to open bite in adulthood.
  • wide, low attached frenulum of the upper lips;
  • excessive use of the pacifier during infancy. Also, in addition to the formation of trema, it is also a candidate for an open bite
  • the absence of some teeth due to caries or periodontitis.

The negative impact of trema between teeth on health

Tremes are not only a cosmetic flaw. Because of them, the gum edge is often injured by food in the interdental spaces, which leads to the appearance of pathological gum pockets. Yes, and food stuck between the teeth and gums is the cause of caries and bad breath. Tremes also make it difficult to pronounce sounds. I must say that with age they usually increase. So, in addition to the aesthetic side of the problem, the elimination of three is necessary for the health of the oral cavity and the prevention of more serious consequences.

Correction of three between the teeth

Although we are talking about all these dental trems, as the calling cards of many stars, but even more of them still decide to correct dental pathology and eliminate three. Cristiano Ronaldo's treatment for trema, for example, has benefited. Is not it?

The treatment of such a cosmetic defect usually requires the complex work of a group of specialists and takes quite a long time (we can talk about many months, up to a year and a half). But the result, as in the case of Ben Affleck, is super, he had treatment even before he became a mega star:

Zac Efron did not think long about his diastema and eliminated it in his youth:

In the case of open bite, progeny, prognathia, the treatment of the main anomalies by correcting the dentition causes their elimination.

Doctors do not recommend cosmetically eliminating trema, without treating the main pathology. Otherwise, a relapse will not take long, malocclusion leads to excessive stress on the temporomandibular joint (TMJ), which is fraught with additional danger in adulthood. That is, only after alignment of the malocclusion, it will be possible to do cosmetic restoration.

How is triple aligner treatment performed?

Three types of orthodontic treatment are performed depending on the situation, using transparent mouthguards to correct the bite.

During such treatment, both the visible parts of the teeth and their roots come together with the restructuring of the surrounding bone tissues.

Treatment of three on the aligners gives a guaranteed, stable result

The most interesting thing is that the therapeutic effect in the treatment of trema with Star Smile aligners can be simulated and seen even before the start of treatment using 3D visualization on a computer. See how bite problems are eliminated on a computer - in life, the treatment goes exactly the same, one-on-one:

Aligners have an exceptional ability to predict all future treatment on a computer and see the final result even BEFORE treatment begins.

The cost of treating trema on aligners

Now you have the opportunity to get a beautiful smile, without three, at a cost of:

  • for the simplest case of correcting trema on aligners from 4000 rubles per month
  • in the most difficult case of eliminating the gaps between the teeth on the aligners - less10 000 rubles per month

In reality, Star Smile today has - minimalprices in Russia for aligners compared to all aligner manufacturers! (Invisalign, Orthosnap, 3D Smile)

P.S. According to the cost of treatment on aligners: Star Smile also has the best prices for the treatment of tremens and diastema on aligners in Russia, and these are more than 70 cities of the Russian Federation, since the main task of the company is to make the prices for aligners affordable for the vast majority of patients. You can see for yourself - look at the prices for aligners.

Well, if for some reason the convergence of teeth with the help of transparent mouth guards is impossible - the size of the teeth, shape, color need to be corrected, then

Trem between the teeth can be eliminated by the following methods:

  • Therapeutic, using artistic restoration with composite veneers.
  • Orthopedic when the defect is closed with ceramic veneers or crowns. It looks better than in the case of a composite material.

Star Smile offers you a free consultation with an orthodontist to correct three in your city!

And it's not a joke. Star Smile is represented by certified orthodontists in more than 70 cities of Russia and we can offer you a unique opportunity - to model your future treatment result in three even BEFORE it starts. If you like it, you yourself decide how you want to correct trems - with aligners or in another alternative way. And do you need to fix trema.

Since Star Smile is the leading Russian manufacturer of mouthguards for straightening teeth, our prices for the treatment of three teeth are really the most comfortable for you. And the consultation is free.

Do you want us to sign you up for a free consultation on correcting three in your city?

Diastemas and tremas are pathologies of the location of the teeth, which are, first of all, a cosmetic defect.

Trems - These are pathological large gaps between two or more teeth, which can reach 6 mm. Diastema - This is a significant gap between the central incisors. It can be present both on the lower and on the upper jaw.

Causes of the development of diastema and trema

Diastemas, which are most often seen in the maxilla, can form as a result of an anomaly of the frenulum of the lip—the low attachment of this skin fold and its entanglement with the incisive papilla. X-ray examination, as a rule, determines the sealed seam. This defect is often hereditary.

The most likely causes of trema are:

  • hereditary predisposition (with diastemas and tremas in one or both parents, the likelihood of developing a similar pathology in their child is much higher);
  • bad habits (later weaning the child from the pacifier, biting the lip, sucking a finger or foreign objects);
  • excessively large jaw;
  • abnormally small anatomical sizes of tooth crowns;
  • loss of teeth without timely prosthetics (in the absence of one or more units, neighboring ones can move towards the empty space in the dentition);
  • gum disease;
  • atrophy of the bone structures of the jaw.


A gap of 0.7 mm is considered as a variant of the norm. If the distance between the teeth is 1 mm or more, this is already a pathology.

Types of gaps between teeth

It is customary to distinguish the following types of significant gaps between the teeth:

  • false diastema;
  • true diastema;
  • physiological trema;
  • pathological trema.

false diastema is more characteristic of a milk bite and is associated with the intensive growth of the jaws in a child. It does not require orthodontic intervention, and in most cases disappears without a trace as the permanent teeth erupt. The cause of a false diastema in an adult patient may be the absence of lateral incisors, as well as anomalies in the anatomical shape of the crown part. In rare cases, an impacted supernumerary tooth is revealed on an x-ray between the anterior incisors. The frenulum of the lip is usually of normal size and insertion.

true diastema is detected already in adolescence with a permanent bite and the absence of other defects in the dentition.

Physiological trema typical for a removable bite, i.e. when there is a gradual replacement of milk teeth with permanent ones. Like a false diastema, it is due to the rapid growth of the jaw.

Pathological trema diagnosed in patients with permanent teeth.

Possible complications

With small diastemas and tremas, aesthetics suffer first of all, but with their significant sizes, functional problems can also develop. At a significant gap between the front incisors, speech defects are possible.

The mucous membranes of the gums can be chronically injured; sometimes pathological gingival pockets appear. In adult patients with an abnormal position of the teeth, the risk increases significantly. Some teeth are overloaded during chewing, while others remain practically without load. Over time, this leads to, which is characterized by gum recession, root exposure and pathological tooth mobility.

Anomalies of the dentition can lead to problems with the temporomandibular joint, which are manifested by an intense pain syndrome when opening and closing the mouth.


When a patient (especially a teenager) with a defect in the dentition is embarrassed to smile, over time this can lead to the development of complexes and mental disorders.

Due to the high risk of developing diseases of the dentoalveolar system with diastema and trema, it is strongly recommended to carry out orthodontic treatment as soon as possible.

How is diastema and trema treated?

As a person grows and develops, pathological gaps tend to increase, so it is advisable to consult an orthodontist as soon as possible.

False diastemas and physiological tremas do not require the intervention of a specialist.


According to medical statistics, more or less pronounced diastemas and tremas are diagnosed in almost 20% of the population, but not everyone turns to the dentist for help.

There are several options for eliminating these anomalies. The tactics of treatment in each case is selected purely individually. The most commonly used special or caps. These designs are most effective for patients under 12-14 years of age. For adults, a doctor may recommend wearing.

The goal of all orthodontic techniques is to correct the position of the teeth in a row and fix them in an anatomically correct position until the result is fixed. Bracket systems and other structures often have to be worn for up to a year and a half or more.

In some cases, orthodontic appliances are not used to restore the aesthetics of a smile. Alternatively, the teeth are covered with ceramic or metal-ceramic crowns. With small teeth, sometimes their extension is practiced.

It is also practiced to manufacture special overlays on the vestibular (labial) surface of the teeth -

Diastema is the pronounced distance between the central incisors. It is believed that the diastema gives a certain charm to a person, but many do not like such a natural zest.

Trema is when there are gaps between the teeth of the upper jaw and the lower jaw. Naturally, connoisseurs of fine dental aesthetics cannot like such an arrangement of teeth and the search for a solution to the aesthetic problem will begin. This kind of aesthetic problems are eliminated in the civilized world with the help of a bracket system.

In general, there are several options for an aesthetic solution:

Aesthetic restoration;

Very thin dentures;

Orthodontic treatment.

Braces can be safely noted as the most gentle treatment option. The advantages of this choice include minimal interference with tooth enamel, because the bracket is glued on top of the tooth enamel. If you follow the recommendations of the orthodontist, the fixed result will always delight you! To obtain the optimal result of treatment, the orthodontist often works together with the surgeon, because one of the causes of diastema is the low attachment of the frenulum of the upper lip.



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Underbite or progeny is characterized by underdevelopment of the body of the upper jaw, protruding lower jaw and chin. The teeth have a reverse overlap, that is, the upper teeth overlap the lower ones. Signs of mesial occlusion are so characteristic that it cannot be confused with any other pathology. Mesial bite is one of the most


Deep bite

Deep bite refers to a group of anomalies in the vertical plane. A deep bite has very characteristic, pronounced signs in the oral cavity. It is characterized by a significant overlap of the lower frontal teeth with the upper ones in the absence of incisive contact between them.


Open bite

An open bite is one of the most difficult orthodontic treatments. An open bite is characterized by non-occlusion of the teeth in the anterior or lateral areas. Previously, orthodontists categorically refused to treat an open bite, because they lacked the knowledge and opportunities.



Crossbite is characterized by incorrect (reverse) overlapping of the upper teeth in relation to the lower teeth. Cross bite can be observed on one side or both, front or side of the jaws. Patients with a crossbite are practically deprived of the opportunity to eat properly and nutritiously, since they can


Level bite

Many patients and doctors do not perceive a direct bite as a kind of pathology, but only as long as the patient's teeth do not turn into uniformly worn flat areas. The direct bite is characterized by the ratio of the anterior teeth "butt to joint", while normally the upper teeth should cover the lower ones by 1.3 crown lengths.

Crowding of teeth

Crowding of teeth is not only a cosmetic defect, but also guaranteed problems with the gums and other periodontal tissues. After all, tightly and incorrectly located teeth are especially vulnerable to the carious process due to the constant accumulation of plaque. In this case, a kind of closed chain is obtained: plaque causes caries and inflammation of the gums.



Adentia is the complete or partial absence of teeth. Adentia can occur at any age, which means in milk, replaceable, or permanent dentition. That is, in other words, a patient without at least one tooth already has a diagnosis of "edentulous". Teeth can be removed due to dental diseases or not erupt at all.


Retention of the orthodontic result

Retention of the result is an important stage in the completion of orthodontic treatment. Your treatment does not end immediately after removing the braces, you continue to be treated by an orthodontist. There are various options for maintaining the result after removing the braces: splinting teeth, making retainers, elastic mouthguards, using a trainer, etc.

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