How to treat inflammation of the Achilles tendon. characteristic manifestations of the disease. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon: causes

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The Achilles tendon is very large, which is why it is most often exposed to negative effects. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is characterized by certain symptoms and requires qualified treatment.

Causes of the pathological process

This tendon is daily subjected to high physical stress and influence. negative factors which can lead to inflammation. Causes of inflammation of the Achilles tendon are:

  • Professional sports especially running and dancing. In this case, the tendon is subjected to frequent excessive loads;
  • Tendon injury;
  • Wearing uncomfortable shoes, shoes on high heels;
  • Inflammatory bone diseases and soft tissues of the foot and ankle. In this case, the infection is carried with the blood and lymph flow to nearby healthy tissues;
  • Congenital pathology of the tendon. Birth with a short tendon;
  • Violation of metabolic processes in the body, which leads to the deposition of salts (urates) in soft tissues;
  • Gout;
  • Chronic pathology of the lower extremities;
  • Elderly age can also cause inflammation. With age, the body various changes. In particular, the connective tissue becomes less elastic, which can lead to microtrauma and inflammation.

Achilles tendon inflammation symptoms

The clinical picture of inflammation or Achilles tendinitis is bright. Already by the presence of characteristic symptoms during examination, the doctor can make an accurate diagnosis. All symptoms are increasing in nature and over time the patient's condition only worsens.

Pathological symptoms of inflammation of the Achilles tendon:

  • Soreness in the tendon area (lower third of the posterior surface of the lower leg). The pain is aggravated by movement and walking. It should be noted that at rest the pain can be significantly reduced or even disappear completely;
  • puffiness in the ankle area. This is due to an increase in the size of the inflamed tendon;
  • Hyperemia the affected area. The skin becomes red;
  • local hyperthermia, that is, an increase in temperature at the site of inflammation. The skin becomes hot to the touch;
  • Crunch in the area of ​​the tendon during movement and walking;
  • The calf muscle is tense, which can be manifested by unpleasant and even painful sensations;
  • Feet may be difficult to move/

If this pathology is not treated or the wrong therapy is selected, then the inflammatory process acquires chronic. This is manifested in pain during physical exertion, which does not go to the end even after a long rest.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon in the heel

Inflammation can occur in any part of the Achilles. If inflammation occurs in the heel (the junction of the tendon and calcaneus), then the disease is called Achilles bursitis. Flow features inflammatory process in the heel area:

  • Pain in the heel and ankle, which increases with the load on the foot;
  • A person cannot stand on tiptoe or jump;
  • Puffiness in the ankle joint, and swelling is found on both sides of the joint;
  • Foot movements are sharply limited, and sometimes impossible. The patient cannot step on the affected limb.

In severe cases, inflammation can also spread to surrounding bone and joint structures.

How to Treat Achilles Tendon Inflammation

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon can be: conservative (medication, exercise therapy, massage and physiotherapy) most often has a positive trend and surgery is performed in severe cases. With the appearance of minor pain in the Achilles region, surgeons and Traumatologists recommend the following:

  • Provide rest to the injured limb:
  • Refuse to wear uncomfortable shoes, high heels;
  • Apply an ice pack or cold compresses to the affected area;
  • Avoid sudden movements with the foot;
  • Using an elastic bandage to fix the tendon

If after the above measures there is no improvement, then it is necessary to start drug therapy.

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Medical therapy

Achilles tendon can be treated medically with the following drug groups:

  • Analgesics(Analgin, Baralgin, Tempalgin and others). These drugs help relieve pain and relax the tense muscles of the lower limb;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs). The most commonly used are Ibuprofen, Nurofen or Naklofen). These drugs help relieve pain, reduce inflammation, thereby reducing swelling;
  • Antibacterial agents more drugs are prescribed a wide range actions. They are prescribed if the cause of inflammation is a bacterial infection;
  • Antipyretics are used extremely rarely, in the case when the patient has general hyperthermia with high values ​​(in weakened people with poor immunity);
  • Vitamin and mineral complexes shown to strengthen the protective forces and accelerate recovery;
  • Glucocorticosteroids. Blockades are carried out with these drugs, which help relieve intense pain. Drugs are injected into the surrounding tendons soft tissues.

All of the above drugs are used in the form of tablets and injections. Also make compresses with Analgin to reduce discomfort. In some cases, it may be necessary to immobilize the ankle joint with a plaster cast or special orthopedic devices.

The use of medicinal ointments

In the treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, ointments are used. They render complex impact on the body, depending on the constituent active ingredients. Ointments that are prescribed for Achilles inflammation help to initial stage diseases, as well as mild form pathologies:

Physiotherapy and massage

Along with the main drug treatment, physiotherapy is carried out. This type of treatment helps relieve tension from the affected tendon and calf muscles, reduce inflammation and swelling.

Types of physiotherapy treatment that are used in the treatment of Achilles tendonitis:

  • Ultrasound Therapy;
  • Electrophoresis with lidase helps to reduce pain;
  • Magnetotherapy;
  • Mud cure. Mud applications are applied to the sore spot;
  • Treatment with a laser.

This procedure should only be carried out by a specialist (masseur), otherwise the tendon may be further damaged.

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon at home with folk remedies

If the pain is not severe, then you can treat this pathology at home with the help of recipes. traditional medicine. However, in this case, you should first seek the advice of a doctor (therapist, surgeon).

  • Rest of the limb. It is necessary to unload a sore leg. In the early days, you need to move carefully and rest more, while placing your foot on a soft surface;
  • Cold to the sore spot;
  • Enter into nutrition a large number of foods rich in calcium (fermented milk products);
  • Apply a tight bandage.

If at home it is impossible to get rid of the disease, then you need to re-contact a specialist to correct therapy.

You can treat inflammation of the Achilles tendon at home using traditional medicine recipes:

  • Compress with onion gruel. To prepare it, chop the onion heads (3 medium-sized onions) using a grater or meat grinder. Mix the resulting mass with sea salt (2 tablespoons). Apply the resulting mixture to gauze and bandage it to the sore spot;
  • lavender oil you can lubricate the affected area. This tool can be purchased at any pharmacy;
  • Ice treatment. Pour water into a plastic container and freeze. After freezing with the upper part of the vessel, it is necessary to massage the sore spot. This will help reduce pain, swelling, and inflammation.


Surgical treatment is indicated when conservative therapy is ineffective for a long time (6 months or more). The operation is performed to examine the inflamed tendon and excise the altered connective tissue fibers. In the postoperative period, the limb is immobilized with a plaster cast.

In the first 4 weeks, stepping on the affected leg is strictly prohibited to avoid damage to the sutured tendon.

The rehabilitation period lasts 1.5 months. It includes both medical treatment and the use of physiotherapy, physiotherapy exercises and massage. All these activities are aimed at restoring the functioning of the tendon and preventing re-inflammation and the occurrence of various complications.

How long does Achilles tendonitis take to heal?

The duration of treatment depends on several factors.:

  • The severity of the pathology;
  • Timeliness of seeking help;
  • Correctness of treatment;
  • General condition of the body and immunity.

For mild inflammation with moderate or minimal pain, recovery can be observed after 7-10 days, subject to all the doctor's recommendations.

significant inflammation, with timely access to a doctor and adequate therapy, it is treated in 2 to 4 weeks. In some cases, the disease lasts for several months.

After the surgical recovery treatment takes long time, from 30 days to 3 months.

Tendinitis (tendopathy) of the Achilles tendon - inflammation or damage to the tissues of the calcaneal tendon. Often the disease occurs with high loads on the tendon, especially in athletes. Older people suffer from tendonitis due to age-related decrease in tissue elasticity.

If timely provided medical care, the tendon can be quickly restored. Treatment is aimed at eliminating the cause of the pathology, relieving inflammation and rehabilitating the patient. If the disease is started and treatment is not started on time, the pathological process becomes chronic form.

Causes and mechanism of the development of the disease

The Achilles tendon (heel tendon) is strong and durable, and can withstand heavy loads when walking or running. From below it is connected to the calcaneus, from above - the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles. Tendon injury can occur due to various factors. Cells immune system are involved in the inflammatory process. They synthesize prostaglandins that irritate nerve endings, causing swelling and hyperemia at the site of injury. Damage can be mechanical without inflammation, but sometimes tendinitis is inflammatory. Cracks and microtears form in the tissues. Over time, they heal, but the tissue no longer restores 100% of its former elasticity, and microscopic scars remain on it.

Causes of Achilles tendonitis:

  • Injury due to excessive load that exceeds the strength of the connective tissue. Often happens to athletes.
  • Age from 40 years. The strength and elasticity of the fibers are reduced, and at the slightest load without prior preparation, the tendon is injured.
  • Congenital anomalies of the foot (flat feet with hyperpronation). The tendon is gradually stretched, which leads to its injury.
  • Wearing tight shoes or high heels.
  • Haglund's deformity - the presence of a tubercle under the Achilles tendon on the back of the heel.
  • A bacterial infection caused by microbes entering the tendon fibers through damaged skin, blood or lymph. If treatment is not started on time, the process is complicated by an abscess or phlegmon.

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Achilles tendonitis can develop in several forms, depending on its location:

  • Peritendinitis- an inflammatory process in the tissue around the tendon, in which its substance does not become inflamed.
  • Tendinitis- direct damage to the tendon, in which the surrounding tissues are not inflamed.
  • Enthesopathy- degeneration and inflammation of the tissues at the site of attachment of the tendon to the calcaneus. May be accompanied by the development of a heel spur.

Signs and symptoms

The course of the disease can be acute and chronic. The acute form of tendinitis is characterized by a gradual increase in symptoms:

  • Sharp pain at the beginning of the load, after which it subsides.
  • After resting, the pain completely disappears.
  • Discomfort on palpation.

In the absence of treatment, a chronic process develops:

  • Gradual increase in pain over a long period of time. It increases during exercise and does not disappear after warming up.
  • With prolonged rest, the pain does not go away, it can manifest itself at any time.

With any form of tendonitis, there may be:

  • Tension in the calf muscle.
  • Tendon thickening.
  • Swelling and redness in the area of ​​inflammation.
  • Creaking in the ankle during movement (not always manifested).
  • Restriction of motor activity in the ankle area.


To verify the diagnosis, in addition to the symptoms of the disease, additional examination. To do this, use the following diagnostic methods:

  • Complete blood count and rheumatic tests (if the cause of the disease is a rheumatoid or infectious process);
  • radiography;
  • Sonography (reveals a change in the structure of the tendon).

General rules and methods of treatment

If during movement or training there is pain in the Achilles tendon area, you need to give your legs rest as soon as possible. For a while, the tendon should not be subjected to stress. To relieve swelling and redness, apply ice 3-4 times a day to the sore spot for 10 minutes. A tight bandage made of an elastic bandage can reduce pain. If the pain after the measures taken does not subside, but increases with the load, then this may indicate a rupture of the tendon. The immediate help of a specialist is required.

Conservative Therapy Options

The leg with tendinitis of the Achilles tendon should be at rest for up to 2 days. This will help to avoid hematomas and ruptures. It is better to keep the leg slightly elevated. The limb can be immobilized with plaster, splinting, taping (application of special tapes for fixing muscles), orthosis (for fixing at an angle of 90 °). Orthoses are provided to fix the leg at night. Only in severe cases they are used around the clock.

The patient needs to adjust his lifestyle. It is forbidden to carry weights during treatment. Shoes should be worn with low heels (not flat soles).

Drug therapy includes:

  • Antibiotics (if there is inflammation).
  • (Nimesulide, Ibuprofen, Diclofenac). The course of treatment with such drugs is up to 10 days. If they are taken longer, the tendon will not recover well.
  • Compress using Novocain, Analgin and Dexamethasone (1:1:1). These drugs can be administered intramuscularly to relieve pain at night.
  • (Hydrocortisone, Prednisolone). These drugs should not be injected intramuscularly into the area of ​​attachment of the tendon to the bone. They can cause tissue rupture.
  • Ointments (Solcoseryl, Dolobene, Voltaren).

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To accelerate the healing of the Achilles tendon and the rehabilitation of the patient, physiotherapy methods are prescribed:

  • ultrasonic;
  • paraffin applications;
  • electrophoresis with Lidaza.


If conservative treatment does not work for a long time and there is a tear or crack in the tendon or degenerative tissue changes (tendinosis), surgery may be required. A median skin incision is made and the tendon is exposed. The affected tissues of the tendon and around it are removed. When more than ½ of the tendon is excised, the tendon of the plantar muscle is sutured in its place.

If tendinitis has developed as a result of Haglund's syndrome, then the bone outgrowth is excised, which presses on the attachment of the tendon to the bone. For the operation, an osteotome (a chisel for cutting bones) is used. After the operation, the patient must wear an orthosis for immobilization of the tendon in the form of a boot for 1.5 months. You can stand on your leg 2-3 weeks after the operation. At the end of the period of wearing the orthosis, you can start exercise therapy.

Exercise therapy and gymnastic exercises

The main task of the exercises is to strengthen the tendon muscles during drug treatment and to speed up rehabilitation after surgery. In the process of exercise therapy, the load on the tendon decreases, and it is stretched.

  • Walking with a soft roll from heel to toe. Do not turn the toe out. Increase the load force and stride length gradually.
  • Put socks on the edge of the platform. Do ups and downs. Do 3 sets of 10 times.
  • Put your heels on a small hill, and do squats.
  • Become facing the wall. Lean your hands on it. One leg is bent, the other is extended back. Emphasis on the toe. After half a minute, return to the starting position and change the leg. Do 5 sets.

Attention! Exercise therapy is better to start under the guidance of an instructor. This will help to avoid mistakes in the classroom.

Folk remedies and recipes

As additional measure to conservative treatment with the permission of the attending physician, you can use traditional medicine.


  • Assemble a glass of partitions with walnut and pour ½ liter of vodka. Insist 3 weeks. Take orally 1 teaspoon twice a day. Take with caution for those who have problems with the thyroid gland.
  • Dissolve 1/2 g mummy in warm milk. Take orally for 10 days, 1 tbsp. spoon three times a day.
  • Make a decoction of pine needles and add sea salt. Do foot baths before bed.

To minimize the possibility of injury to the Achilles tendon, you should follow some recommendations:

  • Wear comfortable and good quality shoes. For training and sports, choose special shoes.
  • When wearing shoes with heels, you need to give your feet the opportunity to rest.
  • When playing sports, the load should be increased gradually. Allow muscles to warm up before exercise.
  • Regularly do exercises using exercises to strengthen and stretch the muscles.
  • or stay tuned

Especially often tendinitis is diagnosed in athletes and people whose work is associated with increased physical exertion.

The early start of treatment allows you to completely restore the affected tissues, otherwise the pathological process becomes chronic.

The Achilles tendon consists of the most durable and strong tissues. Its upper part is located at the junction of two muscles. The lower one is fixed to the heel tubercle. It is this department of the musculoskeletal system that experiences the greatest load when walking. The same impact in one case leads to the strengthening of tissues, in the other - to a decrease in their extensibility and strength. It all depends on the state of the tendon at the time of the load.

Violation of tissue nutrition leads to their drying. Metabolic products in some diseases are not excreted from the body, but begin to accumulate in the joints. Tendons become less resistant to stretching, microtrauma occurs.

Similar changes are almost always found in people older than 40 years. The occurrence of tears can be a consequence of the increased load exerted on the legs after a long period of sedentary lifestyle. In some cases, tendinitis does not show signs of inflammation. The fabric recovers over time, but loses the required elasticity.

Disease types

Doctors distinguish 3 forms of inflammation of the Achilles tendon.

  1. Peritendinitis is an inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the ankle joint.
  2. Tendonitis, on the other hand, covers the tendon itself, without affecting nearby areas.
  3. Enthesopathy is an inflammatory process at the junction of soft tissues and bones. In some cases, it leads to the formation of bone growths.

The first sign of all forms of inflammation is pain. With improper treatment, it disappears for a while, the disease passes into a chronic phase.

The causes of inflammation of the Achilles tendon can be different. First of all, this elderly age. Tendons contain elastin and collagen fibers. The former give it elasticity, the latter - strength. The tendon can increase by 5%. This allows the legs to jump.

With age, the above indicators deteriorate, even slight loads lead to fiber rupture. Therefore, people over the age of 35 should not start intensive training without preparation. This is especially true for people who experience pain in the heels.

Achilles tendon injuries can also occur in athletes. This is explained by excessive loads and excessive tissue tension. With continuous training, the tendon does not have the ability to recover and loses the ability to relax. Quite often, in the early stages, the disease goes unnoticed. Then it starts to cause minor inconvenience. This indicates the appearance of microfractures.

Another reason for the development of tendonitis is considered to be flat feet with hyperpronation - retraction of the foot inward. Being in this position, the tendon experiences extra loads during movements.

Incorrect footwear can also contribute to inflammation. The risk group includes women who prefer high heels. The cause of acute tendinitis is often infectious diseases.

Signs of inflammation

The disease can occur in both acute and chronic forms. The first is different gradual increase intensity of symptoms. Initially, the patient experiences pain when running and jumping, after a long rest they disappear. This is due to the fact that micro-ruptures have time to heal during this time, and reappear with repeated movements. Left untreated, tendinitis becomes chronic. The intensity of discomfort increases gradually. The pain intensifies during training, it does not disappear even after a long rest.

Other symptoms of inflammation of the Achilles tendon are:

A photo. Inflammation of the Achilles tendon

  • feeling of tension in the calf muscle;
  • skin redness;
  • limitation of ankle mobility.

Pain can cover the entire affected area or concentrate at the junction of bones and soft tissues. A person is not able to stand on his toes or jump. A characteristic sign of tendinitis is a crunch in the joint.

Ultrasound, CT and MRI are used to detect inflammation of the Achilles tendon. Often the diagnosis is made on the basis of the results of the initial examination and questioning of the patient. characteristic feature tendonitis is the displacement of pain on palpation performed after movement of the foot. X-ray examination reveals the presence of ruptures and degenerative changes in soft tissues. In the absence of calcifications, this technique is ineffective. MRI and ultrasound allow the doctor to choose the most effective therapeutic technique.

Methods of treatment

In acute forms of tendonitis, accompanied by minor pain in the heel area, a long rest is indicated. For a while, it is necessary to exclude any load. Cold compresses are used to eliminate swelling and redness. A tight bandage applied to the affected area helps to cope with pain.

If discomfort after the procedures described above does not disappear, you should consult a doctor.

There are several ways to treat inflammation of the calcaneal tendon. Your doctor may recommend immobilizing the joint. Various orthopedic devices that can be seen in the photo help in this.

Drug treatment begins with taking NSAIDs to help relieve inflammation. With tendonitis of infectious origin, antibiotic therapy is performed. With the help of ultrasound, Dolobene and Voltaren ointments are introduced into the inflamed areas. To eliminate pain at night put compresses with analgin.

During the recovery period, special exercises and massage are shown.

Depending on the causes of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, surgical interventions may be used. During the operation, the doctor makes an incision in the skin and dissects the affected tissue. In Haglund's syndrome, the osteophyte is removed. After the operation, fixing devices are used. Stepping on the foot is allowed after 3-4 weeks. Recovery period lasts 1-3 months.

Alternative Treatments

Treatment with folk remedies is considered auxiliary, its use does not imply abandoning traditional methods:

  1. Inflammatory processes can be eliminated with the help of curcumin. This spice has antiseptic and analgesic properties. It is eaten at 0.5 g 1 time per day.
  2. No less effective is the alcohol tincture of walnuts. 1 glass of partitions is poured with 0.5 liters of vodka and infused for 3 weeks. Take 2 times a day before meals. This drug is not recommended for people with medical conditions thyroid gland.
  3. The mummy oil solution is used as a rubbing. Mountain resin can be taken orally, previously dissolved in hot milk. The course of treatment lasts 2 weeks, after which a 10-day break is made.
  4. Improvement in tendinitis is facilitated by conifers foot baths and massage using cold.

With the help of special exercises, you can eliminate unpleasant symptoms in the area of ​​the calcaneal tendon and restore the elasticity of soft tissues. They reduce the load on the joint, accelerate the healing process after surgical interventions. The easiest exercise is walking. Before going for a walk, you should choose comfortable shoes. You need to walk, rolling your foot from heel to toe. During the rehabilitation period after surgery, the load on the leg should be increased gradually. Squats and running are useful, but such training should be carried out after a warm-up.

No less effective are exercises in the water. The human body in this case loses most of the weight, which reduces the load on large joints. All actions must be performed under the supervision of an experienced instructor. Start training simple exercises, gradually moving to more complex ones.

You can develop the Achilles tendon at home. To do this, they become facing the wall, resting their hands on it. One leg - on the toe, the other slightly bent. In this position, you must stay at least 30 seconds. Exercise is performed 4-5 times.

Tendinitis is a disease of athletes and people involved in physical work. In the early stages, it can be cured completely, otherwise the disease becomes chronic. The most dangerous complication is tendon rupture, which permanently deprives a person of the opportunity to walk.

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Be sure to check with your doctor!

Achilles tendinitis treatment

Achilles tendonitis or tendinopathy is a degenerative process (inflammation or tissue damage) that occurs in the heel tendon.

In adults after 40 years, this pathology occurs due to a decrease in the elasticity and extensibility of the connective tissue, however, this condition is more common in athletes and people whose main activity is associated with excessive physical exertion.

Timely access to a doctor allows you to quickly recover damaged tissue tendons, and the lack of treatment and prevention can lead to chronic tendonitis.

What does it represent?

The Achilles or heel tendon is one of the strongest and strongest tendons in the human body:

  • The upper part of the tendon is located at the confluence of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles;
  • The lower part is attached to the calcaneal tuber (its back surface);
  • The calf muscle, together with the calcaneal tendon, lifts the heel when lifting the foot and pushing off the ground with the toes, and also lowers the forefoot after the heel has touched the ground.

Climbing up and down hills, running on uneven inclines, and choosing the wrong shoes with hard soles and soft heels place a high and uneven load on this tendon, and that is why it is most often injured.

Injuries in the places of attachment of the tendon to the bone are the result of overload. The load on the tendon, which is the same in strength and intensity, in one case can lead to its successful adaptation and strengthening, and in the other, it can reduce its strength, contributing to the occurrence dystrophic changes. It all depends on the state of the tissue at the time of the load.

Various violations of tissue conductivity can lead to a deterioration in metabolism and drying of the connective tissue due to water loss.

Metabolic products are poorly excreted, salts accumulate - this significantly reduces the elasticity of collagen fibers and their extensibility.

The stability of the tendon during stretching deteriorates and various micro-tears can occur with sudden movements.

Similar processes occur at the age of 40 and older.

But athletes and busy people physical labor, the aging of tissues in the tendons is accelerated by constant overload and periodic injuries at the cellular and tissue level.

Experts call tendinitis mainly sports injuries caused by increased loads and the lack of a normal full recovery between workouts.

Strong loads on a poorly extensible muscle lead to inflammation or damage to the connective tissue of the Achilles tendon - as a result, any movement of the foot (running, walking, jumping) causes severe pain.

In the absence of adequate measures, the tendon can be avulsed from the calcaneus or torn.

The occurrence of injuries in the Achilles tendon indicates a large load, which was undertaken against the background of a sedentary lifestyle without prior preparation, or a violation of the training regimen and overload.

Damage can be mechanical in nature without the onset of an inflammatory process, but in some cases, tendonitis is associated with inflammation.

Tissue with micro tears and cracks heals over time, but becomes less elastic with numerous microscopic scars.

Treatment of inflammation in the tissues of the tendon is carried out quickly with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, and mechanical damage require long-term therapy and special training before full recovery tissue and tendon endurance.

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Forms of the disease

There are 3 forms of Achilles tendinitis:

  • Peritendinitis is inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tendon. It may be accompanied by tissue degeneration.
  • Tendinitis is inflammation and damage to the tendon. Surrounding tissues are not involved in the process.
  • Enthesopathy is degeneration and inflammation of the tendon where it attaches to the bone. Sometimes accompanied by the development of a heel spur or calcification.

The beginning of treatment for each of these forms is similar.

Initially, there is acute pain and the tendon is stressed.

Without proper treatment, the pain can go away for a while, but then return and become chronic, in the worst case, a complete rupture of the tendon occurs.


The causes of problems with the Achilles tendon can be different.

Age changes

The tendon consists of collagen and elastin fibers: the former provide it with strength, and the latter with extensibility.

Normally, the Achilles tendon is able to stretch by 5% of its original length - this helps the leg to make springy movements, that is, the tendon performs a shock-absorbing function.

But with age, tendon extensibility decreases, and loads can lead to fiber damage and micro-tears.

That is why, after 35 years, untrained people are not recommended to start any training without first warming up the muscles and warming up.

This warning should be taken seriously by people who experience pain in the calcaneal tendon area, and those who have previously had problems with it.

Excess loads

Even professional athletes and trained people can develop calcaneal tendon problems.

It occurs as a result of excessive training and excessive strain on the tendon.

Without the necessary rest, tissues do not have time to recover and lose their ability to relax.

Very often, athletes ignore the onset of the disease.

The resulting inflammation begins to cause mild pain - this may indicate that microtears have occurred in the tissues and there is a need for a temporary refusal to train or weaken the exercise regimen.

But on different reasons the athlete does not do this and running or even chronic inflammation and tissue damage can lead to complete break tendons.

Therefore, it is necessary to treat tendinitis on time, and the doctor determines the time when you can return to classes.

Flat feet with overpronation

Hyperpronation of the foot is called its physiological collapse inward.

In this position, the tendon during walking and other loads experiences excessive stretching and is injured.

Wearing uncomfortable shoes

Incorrect shoes can contribute to the development of tendonitis:

  • the use of improperly selected sports shoes during training significantly affects the distribution of the load on the legs and can increase it.
  • women who wear high-heeled shoes all day, in the evening, when switching to a flat sole, experience pain in the calcaneal tendon and calf muscles. This is due to the fact that the muscle and tendon have been in a shortened state all day, and when they try to stretch them in the evening, they “protest”.

Haglund deformity

This is a kind of bony growth on the heel bone near the place where the tendon is attached - outwardly it looks like a bubble on the heel.

Because of this growth, the tendon has to stretch even more under various loads.

Depending on whether there is inflammation of the tendon bag, whether swelling of the tissues develops, this outgrowth can be either soft or hard.


The cause of the inflammatory process in the tendon can be various acute and chronic infections.

Symptoms and signs

Achilles tendinitis can be acute or chronic.

The acute form is characterized by a gradual increase:

  • first, the patient experiences pain at the beginning of a workout or load after a warm-up, the pain subsides, and rest completely eliminates all pain.
  • some discomfort may be felt on palpation.

The subsidence of pain after a respite and aggravation when walking is explained by the fact that during a long rest, all micro-ruptures grow together, and with a new movement, they are again injured.

If left untreated, this symptom quickly causes the development of chronic tendinitis.

In chronic Achilles tendonitis, the pain increases gradually over several months or weeks:

  • during exercise, it intensifies and even after warming up and stretching does not go away;
  • long rest does not bring relief - pain can occur even in the morning after sleep;
  • climbing and descending stairs or an inclined surface cause the development of pain.

In both cases, you may also experience:

  • tendon thickening;
  • feeling of tension in the calf muscle;
  • redness and hyperthermia of the skin;
  • limitation of mobility in the ankle.
  • pain - can be localized along the entire tendon, or closer to the heel;
  • at a height of 2 to 6 cm, edema may occur;
  • it is difficult to carry out the dorsiflexion of the foot and stand on toes;
  • sometimes - a characteristic creak when the joint moves in the ankle.

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Diagnostic methods

For diagnosis, the following examination methods are used:

  • physical examination;
  • radiation diagnostics;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound procedure.

Most often, the diagnosis is made on the basis of a conversation with the patient and a physical examination, with palpation, the doctor determines the points of greatest localization of pain.

A characteristic feature of calcaneal tendonitis is that when the foot moves and further palpation, the pain shifts slightly, since the tendon and muscles have been stretched.

FROM special attention inspected for breaks.

X-ray examination can show the presence of inflammation or degenerative changes only if there are foci of calcification.

If there are no calcifications, then radiation diagnostics will not help to make a diagnosis.

MRI and ultrasound can determine if there are any tears and if there is a need for surgical intervention.

How to treat?

With a single occurrence of minor pain in the area of ​​​​the calcaneal tendon, the legs need rest.

For a while, all loads should be limited. Ice can be applied to relieve swelling and redness, and to cope with pain, an elastic bandage should be applied to the painful area.

If the pain is very severe, does not go away even after rest, and increases with exertion, when there is a suspicion of tendon rupture, you should immediately consult a doctor.

He will examine and, if necessary, appoint an additional examination.

To treat inflammation, he can prescribe special drugs, advise folk remedies and draw up a rehabilitation plan. It may require immobilization, partial or complete, or surgery.

Folk remedies

It is possible to treat tendinitis with the use of traditional medicine, only the methods must be agreed with the attending physician:

  • Curcumin, a natural antibiotic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory, can be used to treat tendon inflammation. To do this, you need to eat half a gram of this remedy per day.
  • You can prepare a tincture of walnut partitions on vodka. For one glass walnut partitions you need to take 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for about 20 days. Take 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon. If there are any problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland, then before taking it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • An oily solution of mountain resin mummy can be rubbed into the affected area, and about 0.1–0.5 g of resin dissolved in warm milk can be taken orally. Such two-week courses can be repeated with a 10-day break.
  • You can make coniferous-salt foot baths.
  • Ice massage using pieces of ice helps to reduce pain. Ice cubes should be massaged on the painful area for 20 minutes.

How to treat epicondylitis of the elbow joint? Find out here.


With the help of special exercises, it is possible to treat achilles tendonitis, to carry out recovery after medication and surgical treatment, facilitate the condition of the connective tissue, stretch it and reduce the load, as well as carry out prevention this disease.

  • The most important and simple exercise is walking. It should be carried out in comfortable shoes, in compliance with special techniques: a soft roll from the heel to the toe, without excessively turning the toe outward. During rehabilitation after surgery, the stride length, walking time and load force increase gradually.
  • Half-squats on toes, lifting on toes and returning to the starting position, running are useful, but they should be carried out after a slight warm-up and exercises to stretch the muscles and tendons.
  • Exercising in the water is also helpful. The human body in the water loses most of the weight, so it is in the water that you can begin to carry out all the exercises recommended by the instructor. The most difficult of them with dry training will probably be performed 1-2 weeks later than in water.

Stretching exercise calf muscles and Achilles tendon:

  • Stand facing the wall and rest your hands on it. Stretch back and rest on the toe of the leg whose tissues you want to stretch, and bend the other leg slightly at the knee.
  • Maintain this position for about 30 seconds and then return to the starting position. You need to repeat 3-5 times.

Exercise to increase the strength and elasticity of the Achilles tendon:

  • Stand with your heels on the edge of a small rise or a special step platform and squat.
  • It is necessary to make 3 trips of 12 squats daily.
  • On the same platform, stand with your toes on the edge and go down, up, down, up.

Both of these exercises are eccentric, aimed at both stretching and tension of the tissues and are great for restoring the calcaneal tendon.

However, errors in execution can be dangerous, so it is advisable to initially conduct training under the supervision of an instructor.

When performing any exercise, you need to remember that the restoration of physical activity should occur gradually.

It is not necessary to return to sports, dancing or your usual physical activity immediately, slowly increasing the intensity.

So that the muscles do not lose strength, and the ligaments do not lose mobility, there are different kinds parterre gymnastics, the exercises of which are performed in a lying or sitting position.

Medical treatment

The first thing to ensure before starting treatment is to reduce the load on the tendon.

There are several ways to immobilize the foot in this area:

  • tire overlay;
  • gypsum;
  • use of crutches;
  • elastic bandage;
  • taping;
  • the imposition of orthoses, completely or partially restricting movement.

In most cases, with this disease, the following course of treatment is carried out:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used - Nimesil, Naklofen, etc .;
  • in the most difficult cases, antibiotic therapy may be prescribed;
  • it is possible to introduce Voltaren, Dolobene gel and Solcoseryl ointment into the affected area using ultrasound;
  • to relieve a pain symptom at night, you can put a compress of Analgin, Novocaine and Dexamethasone in equal parts or give intramuscular painkillers injections.


If a conservative methods treatment does not bring the desired result, then surgery may be needed.

During the operation, an incision is made and the affected areas are excised, and then the tendon is sutured; in case of Haglund's deformity, the bone outgrowth is removed.

Figure: Achilles tendon repair surgery

After the operation, the patient wears a special boot for about 6 weeks.

Over time, after 2-3 weeks, you can already step on the operated leg, and after removing the immobilizing orthosis, a rehabilitation course is carried out for recovery, which lasts from 1 to 3 months.


In order to prevent, you must follow certain rules:

  • physical exercises should be performed with a gradual increase;
  • before any physical activity, it is advisable to warm up the muscles and tendons and perform stretching exercises;
  • for training and everyday wear, you need to choose comfortable shoes;
  • if pain occurs, you need to stop training.

Achilles tendonitis - a disease of athletes, people doing physically hard work and women who prefer to wear high-heeled shoes - in the early stages is very effectively and simply treated.

But if you run it, then complications may arise in the form of a tendon rupture or chronic inflammation.

Used for treatment whole complex measures: special exercises, drug therapy and immobilization of the painful area in various ways.

It is impossible to carry out all these activities on your own, therefore, if you experience pain in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon, you need to go to a specialist for help.

Video: Achilles tendon injury

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The best treatment for any disease is prevention. Isn’t it easier, if possible, to simply abandon the studs, especially since now you can do a lot of at least interesting models pick up?

What is Achilles Tendinitis? Causes, symptoms and treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendons

The Achilles tendon got its name from an ancient Greek myth. According to legend, the mother of Achilles, when he was a child, dipped him into the river Styx to endow her son with immortality. Immersing the boy in water, she held him by the heel, so this part of the body remained vulnerable. It was in her that Apollo shot an arrow and killed Achilles.

The human calcaneal tendon is one of the largest and strongest, but despite this, it is injured very often, which can cause inflammation and pain.

General information about the disease

Inflammation of the tendon of the heel (Achilles) is called achilles tendonitis. Accompanied by pain and limitation of movement in the affected leg. There are three types of illness:

  • Tendinitis - only the tendon is affected without the involvement of surrounding tissues.
  • Enthesopathy, in which the tendon becomes inflamed where it attaches to the bone. In some cases, it is accompanied by calcification (deposition of calcium salts, calcification) or heel spur.
  • Peritendinitis - Inflamed tissue surrounding the tendon.

Where is the Achilles tendon

The gastrocnemius muscle has two heads (lateral and medial). They originate from femur, in the middle of the lower leg converge and pass into a thin tendon, which, in turn, is woven into the Achilles. The latter is attached to the heel tubercle and, together with the calf muscle, provides heel lift when the leg is lifted off the ground and in lowering the entire foot to the surface (when lifting on toes, jumping, running, walking), that is, it works to flex and extend the ankle region.

Causes of inflammation

The following factors influence the development of achillotendinitis:

  • intense sports and other types of high physical activity on the legs, especially without warming up and stretching;
  • injuries of the tendon or calcaneus (dislocations, bruises, fractures, ruptures);
  • plantar fasciitis, or in common spur;
  • naturally short tendon, flat feet;
  • tight, uncomfortable shoes constant wear high heel.

The Achilles tendon can also become inflamed with diabetes, Haglund's deformity, Achilles bursitis, infectious diseases, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and other systemic joint and connective tissue pathologies.

Attention! After years, the elasticity of tissues decreases, so excessive loads can lead to damage to the tendon of the heel and inflammation.

Diagnostic methods

If tendonitis is suspected, in addition to external examination, palpation of the affected area to identify the most pain point, conversations with the patient for diagnostic purposes use:

Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound show if there are tears. An x-ray image reveals inflammation, calcifications, displacement and damage to bone structures.

Symptoms and photos

The main symptom of inflammation of the calcaneal tendon is a sharp pain above the heel. It can be very strong, burning, usually radiating to the calf muscles and increases with movement. Less commonly, pain is moderate and makes itself felt only when walking (a person is forced to limp).

Other symptoms of achilles tendinitis:

  • redness of the skin and swelling in the affected area;
  • local increase in temperature;
  • feeling of pulsation over the heel;
  • often when raising and lowering the foot, a crunch is heard;
  • the general temperature rises if the inflammatory process is running, as well as with the development of infection.

Attention! Similar symptoms may accompany other diseases - arthrosis, foot bursitis, arthrosis.

If Achilles tendinitis has become chronic, then dense connective tissue (adhesions) appears at the site of inflammation or salt deposits (calcifications) form. At the same time, to the touch, the affected area becomes rough, compacted.

Attention! I remind you that in case of any problem, you can seek advice from our specialists.

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendons

Therapy depends on the degree of damage to the tendon. In case of injuries, ruptures, immediate surgical intervention is required. With inflammation without violating the integrity of tissues (which is rare), anti-inflammatory drug treatment, gymnastics and a course of physiotherapy are sufficient.

The first thing to do when acute tendon pain appears above the heel is to completely immobilize the foot. You can do this using:

  • plaster or tires;
  • elastic bandage;
  • orthoses with full or partial restriction of movements;
  • taping (teips - adhesive fixing strips);
  • crutches.

Loads are excluded, and to reduce swelling and redness, apply ice or something cold to the leg. After that, hurry to see a doctor, because a tendon rupture or other injury left unattended is fraught with complications, which will be more difficult to deal with later.

Drug therapy: how to cure Achillitis and tendonitis with drugs

Of the medicines for achilletendinitis, the following are used:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - topically and orally to reduce pain and inflammation (Ketoprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren, Nimesulide, Indomethacin or others).
  • Analgesics - are indicated for severe pain syndrome in the form of intramuscular injections or compresses on the heel area (Novokain, Analgin).
  • Antibiotics are needed for the infectious nature of tendinitis to destroy pathogens. Macrolides (Erythromycin, Clarithromycin), cephalosporins (Cefotaxime, Cefozalin) or other antimicrobial agents are prescribed, depending on the type of pathogen.
  • Corticosteroids in the form of local injections (Flosterone, Dexamethasone, Kenalog) are used when analgesics and NSAIDs cannot cope with pain.

Medication is used in the acute phase and should only be prescribed by a specialist based on the results of the diagnosis. After removing the pain syndrome, they switch to therapeutic exercises, massage and physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy procedures and gymnastics for inflammation of the tendons on the leg

Ultrasound and laser therapy help to reduce swelling, pain and inflammation, which also contribute to the rapid healing of damaged tissues. Local cryotherapy can be used - it has a good analgesic effect.

Good to know! With calcifications and seals of the connective tissue with Achilles tendinitis, which has passed into a chronic form, shock wave therapy helps to cope.

The method not only softens dense hardened areas and breaks up salt deposits, but also improves blood flow in a sore spot and reduces pain.

From exercise The easiest way to develop and repair the Achilles tendon is walking. But it has its own characteristics - you need to go, smoothly rolling from toe to heel, without sharp heavy steps. Also, do not pull the sock out to the side too much. During the recovery period, start walking with short steps and small distances, gradually increasing them.

For the tendon of the heel are also useful:

  • incomplete squats standing on toes;
  • gymnastics in the water (you can start the rehabilitation period with it, and later switch to regular exercises);
  • raising and lowering on toes;
  • smooth deep slopes with legs as straight as possible;
  • stretching facing the wall, one leg is forward and bent at the knee, the other is straight and laid back - in this position, you need to do springy squats on the front leg.

Surgical intervention

An operation is necessary if conservative therapy does not give the desired result or does not make sense at all (for example, with severe tears). If the inflammation is caused by Haglund's deformity, then the bone outgrowth is eliminated. In case of rupture, tissues are excised and the tendon is sutured.

After the operation, it is necessary to wear a special orthosis (immobilizing boot) for 1.5-2 months. After this time, they proceed to rehabilitation procedures - massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises.

How to treat inflammation of the Achilles tendon at home folk remedies

With injuries and inflammation of the Achilles tendon, alternative medicine is rarely used. The main cause of inflammation and pain in this area are injuries that require medical attention.

Remember! Self-medication with herbs and other products, at best, will reduce pain, but will not get rid of the disease, but only mask it, and achilles tendonitis will become chronic.

Treatment at home can only be auxiliary and symptomatic. For local anesthesia and removal of puffiness after consultation with a specialist, you can use:

  • solution of mummy tablets in oil for rubbing;
  • camphor oil for compresses;
  • alcohol tincture on a golden mustache for lotions;
  • turmeric for oral administration (half a gram per day, mixed with milk and / or honey);
  • warming applications of paraffin with advanced tendinitis;
  • foot baths with sea or ordinary salt and coniferous extracts (or essential oils of pine, juniper at the rate of 10 drops per 2 tablespoons of salt and 5-7 liters of water).


The risk of getting Achilles tendinitis can be reduced if:

  • warm up well before training, doing stretching and warming up exercises; and also stretch the muscles after exercise;
  • wear comfortable and high-quality shoes, matched to the size;
  • fix the foot and lower leg with an elastic bandage in case of minor pain;
  • eat a balanced diet and take vitamins;
  • promptly identify and treat infections and diseases of the musculoskeletal system (arthritis, flat feet, bursitis, and others).

Useful video

Elena Malysheva and her colleagues talk about the symptoms and treatment of Achilles tendinitis.


Inflammation and injury of the Achilles (or calcaneal) tendon are common among athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor, as well as in old age. Most patients present with symptoms of swelling and pain in the area above the heel as a result of injury or heavy use of the legs.

Treatment consists in immobilization of the foot, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, and, if necessary, surgical intervention is also required (with tendon rupture, fracture, less often with infectious septic inflammation). The prognosis for timely treatment to the doctor is favorable.

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All materials on this site are for informational purposes only.

The site should not be used as a source of information on self-medication.

  • Microtrauma.
  • Age changes.
  • Uncomfortable shoes.
  • local hyperthermia.
  • Slight swelling.
  • Crunchy sound.


  • Pain in the tendon.
  • Redness.
  • Swelling in the heel area.
  • Painkillers.

  • Magnetotherapy.
  • laser therapy.
  • ultrasound therapy.
  • Shock wave therapy.
  • Electrophoresis with lidase.
  • Mud applications.

  1. Decreased elasticity with age. The composition of the tendon includes collagen and elastic fibers, which make it strong and extensible. The older a person becomes, the more these indicators decrease, and the loads can lead to ruptures or damage to the tendon fibers. It is with this that the fact that after 35 years any training should begin with a warm-up is connected.
  2. Big loads. As a rule, athletes are exposed to them. Excessive training leads to overstressing the tendon. short period rest does not allow tissues to recover sufficiently and fiber rupture may occur.
  3. Flat feet with overpronation, when the foot collapses inward. When walking in this position, the tendon is more stretched and can be injured.
  4. Uncomfortable shoes, especially for sports training. There is an incorrect distribution of the load, which can lead to the development of this pathology. Women's love of high heels can end up with Achilles tendonitis. Treatment in this case is also necessary.
  5. A growth on the heel (Haglund's deformity) where the tendon attaches.
  6. Infectious diseases can also provoke the development of pathology.
  7. Certain bone and joint problems, such as arthritis. Different leg lengths.
  8. The cause of the development of pathology can be gout, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease.

  • Acute.
  • Chronic.

  • Gradual increase in pain.
  • During exercise, the pain becomes stronger, even warming up and warming up do not help.
  • Rest also does not relieve pain, immediately after waking up you can already feel them.
  • During the descent or ascent of the stairs, pain develops.
  1. The tendon thickens.
  2. Excessive tension is felt in the calf muscles.
  3. Mobility may be limited in the ankle area.
  4. The pain may be felt throughout the tendon or just in the heel area.
  5. There may be a creak during movement of the ankle joint.
  6. It becomes more and more difficult to bend the foot and stand on toes.
  1. Peritendinitis is manifested by an inflammatory process in the surrounding soft tissues.
  2. Tendinitis - the Achilles tendon itself is affected, adjacent tissues are not affected.
  3. Enthesopathy. With this form of the disease, the degenerative process develops on the border with the bone, a heel spur may appear.

  1. Physical examination. The doctor performs palpation and determines the places where pain is most felt.
  2. Radiation diagnostics, but in the absence of calcifications, it will not help to make an accurate diagnosis.
  3. An MRI will help determine the presence of tears.
  4. ultrasound. It can help determine the need for surgery.
  5. It is also carried out x-ray examination, it shows the places of the inflammatory process.
  1. conservative therapy.
  2. Medical treatment.
  3. Folk methods of therapy.
  4. Physiotherapy procedures.
  5. Surgical intervention.
  • Apply a splint or plaster.
  • Use elastic bandage.
  • Taping.
  • The imposition of orthoses, which may partially or completely restrict movement.
  • Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - Nimesil, Naklofen.
  • If there is an extensive inflammatory process, then antibiotic therapy may be required.
  • To relieve pain, you can put a compress at night using Analgin, Novocain, or inject an anesthetic.
  • If Achilles tendonitis is diagnosed, treatment with ointments is also possible. For this, Voltaren, Dolobene Gel, Solcoseryl are often used.
  • Magnetotherapy.
  • Laser treatment.
  • Ultrasonic treatment.
  • Shock wave therapy.
  • Electrophoresis.
  • Mud applications.
  1. Ice massage. To do this, take plastic cups and pour water into them, place in the freezer. When the liquid freezes, the injured area is massaged with the top of the container for 15-20 minutes several times a day.
  2. "Home plaster". Gotta whip chicken protein and add 1 tablespoon of alcohol or vodka. Beat well and add a tablespoon of flour. Apply the mixture to an elastic bandage and bandage the sore spot. It is necessary to change such a bandage every day, it will help relieve swelling and pain.
  3. Traditional healers recommend adding turmeric to the diet. Curcumin, which it contains, helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation.
  4. Use of saline dressings. First you need to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Soak a washcloth in the liquid, wring it out, wrap it in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for a few minutes. Apply to the sore spot and bandage, hold until the napkin is completely dry.
  • Prepare an infusion from a tablespoon of comfrey, calendula and 250 ml of hot water. Bring to a boil, insist for several hours, and then dilute 1 tablespoon of the infusion in 300 ml of water and make a bandage on the injured area.
  • Compress from elecampane. You need to take 3 tablespoons of grass and pour 0.5 liters of hot water, boil for 15 minutes. Soak a washcloth in the solution and apply to the affected area.
  • Using pine twigs to prepare baths. You need to take a bucket and fill two-thirds with pine branches, pour cold water and boil for half an hour. Then you need to insist 2-3 hours and take baths for 15-20 minutes.
  • Use a mixture of 2 drops of fir and lavender oils to rub the sore spot, and add a teaspoon of any vegetable oil.
  • Wormwood tincture has a general strengthening effect on the body and relieves inflammation. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dry grass and pour 250 ml of boiling water, after a 30-minute infusion, take a tablespoon several times a day.
  1. Calendula ointment will help to cope with the inflammatory process. Preparing is quite simple: you need to mix baby cream and calendula flowers in equal amounts. It is best to apply on a sore spot at night.
  2. Take the same amount pork fat and ointments from wormwood, combine and melt on fire. After cooling, it can be applied to the affected area.
  3. You can prepare an ointment from clay. To do this, take 500 g of clay and dilute it in water to the consistency of mastic, and then add 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Then moisten a napkin in the resulting composition and apply to the sore spot for an hour. The course of therapy is up to 6 procedures and helps to get rid of pain and swelling.

Thus, if "Achilles tendinitis" is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies will help you quickly return to your usual lifestyle.

  1. In the first place is walking, for this you need to choose comfortable shoes and, in the process of movement, carry out a smooth roll from heel to toe. Walking time, speed and stride length should be increased gradually.
  2. It is recommended to do lifting on toes and half-squats.
  3. Well help recovery exercise in the water. The body loses most of the weight, so those exercises that cannot be done in the gym at a certain period can be safely performed in the water.
  4. Jogging can only be done after a good warm-up.
  5. It is useful to perform exercises to stretch the calf muscles and tendons, to do this, stand near the wall, lean on your hands, and put the injured leg back and rest on the toe. Stay in this position for 30 seconds.
  6. Stand on the edge of the platform and squat. This exercise increases the strength and elasticity of the Achilles tendon.
  1. With age, the elasticity of the tendon decreases, therefore, after 40 years, it is necessary to lead a mobile lifestyle and include in the set of exercises those that will help to use the calf muscles.
  2. Going in for sports or any loads, you should not immediately start the main exercises, you need to do a warm-up and stretching complex.
  3. All athletes should follow the training regimen, the muscles should not be overloaded.
  4. For any sports activity, you need to choose the right shoes.

The tendon is the junction muscle tissue with bone. It consists of connective tissue, which in the context is a combination of collagen fibers. Main Feature tendon is high compressive strength and minimal tensile strength.

Tendons are of various types:

  • short;
  • long;
  • rounded;
  • wide;
  • narrow;
  • ribbon-like;
  • cord-like;
  • lamellar.

In the human body, there are a large number of different tendons, each of which performs its own function.

The Achilles tendon is a tendon that is located on the back of the leg. His main function is the junction of the gastrocnemius muscle and the calcaneus.

The Achilles tendon is the largest tendon in the human body, and as a result, it has a huge load. Most often, people involved in running are at risk for inflammation of the Achilles tendon. It is running that gives a high load, often exceeding the allowable one.

Pain and inflammation in the Achilles tendon area can occur for many reasons:

  • Daily wearing of shoes with heels. The Achilles tendon in this case is shortened, and the transition to another type of shoe will be uncomfortable and painful. If symptoms are ignored, Achilles is likely to develop.
  • Shortened tendon at birth. Over time, the Achilles tendon can be stretched with exercise therapy or, in the worst case, with surgical operation. In addition, inflammation can develop due to flat feet and metabolic disorders.
  • Excessive load on the Achilles tendon during sports. With a neglected diagnosis, there is a huge likelihood of developing serious complications.
  • Infection through the lymph flow or blood.
  • Loss of fiber elasticity in adulthood (about 40 years of age) can lead to damage from low loads.

According to the area of ​​inflammation, the disease can be divided into three types:

  1. Inflammation of the substance surrounding the tendon.
  2. Inflammation of the internal substance of the tendon.
  3. Inflammation of the junction of the bone and tendon.

You can self-diagnose inflammation by the following symptoms:

  • Pain during movement in the tendon. It has an increasing character and can lead to loss of the ability to move.
  • Swelling in the tendon area due to thickening of the tissues.
  • Redness.
  • High temperature in the tendon.
  • Cracking in the lower part of the legs when moving.

The most important thing in the treatment of the Achilles tendon is the establishment exact reason inflammation. To make a correct diagnosis, you need to consult a specialist. If untreated, a subsequent rupture of the Achilles tendon is possible.

First of all, when detecting inflammation of the tendon, it is necessary to reduce physical activity and, if possible, adhere to bed rest. Then you need to fix the leg in the correct position with an elastic bandage or plaster cast.

For the treatment of inflammation of the tendons, there are many proven folk recipes.

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon with herbal tinctures

  • Elecampane tincture.

Boil a small amount of herbs hot water and insist for 12 hours. Apply as a compress.

  • Tincture from pine branches.

In a container up to 5 liters, pour dry chopped branches a little more than half. Pour in water and boil for half an hour. Let the decoction brew. Apply for foot baths.

  • Elderberry tincture.

In a container up to 5 liters, pour dry chopped branches a little more than half. Pour in water and boil for half an hour. After the boiling process is completed, add one tablespoon of soda to the broth. Cool down. Apply for foot baths.

  • Tincture of hay dust.

Pour into a 3 liter container for 1/3 hay dust. Pour in water and boil for half an hour. Insist for 15 minutes. Apply as a compress or foot bath.

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon with oils

To relieve inflammation, blends of oils are suitable:

  1. Lavender + sunflower.
  2. Lavender + fir + sunflower.
  3. Lavender + geranium + cloves.

It is necessary to lubricate the tendon twice a day with the recommended mixtures. Oils can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home.

Treating inflammation of the Achilles tendon with onion or wormwood

Wormwood and onion are great for relieving inflammation:

  • Chop onion or wormwood.
  • Mix with a spoonful of salt or sugar.
  • Apply as a compress to the affected area for a week.

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon with ointment

  • Mix baby cream with calendula flowers. Lubricate the sore spot and cover with a bandage at night.

Treatment of inflammation of the tendon with clay compresses

  • Mix half a kilogram of dry clay with water and a small amount apple cider vinegar until smooth. Apply the resulting mixture to the sore spot for a week at night, wrapping with a bandage.

Treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon with ointments and gels

Gels and ointments are widely available, easy to use and fast acting.

Unlike tinctures, decoctions and compresses, when using ointments and gels, there is no need to spend time preparing the medicine.

Ointments and gels:

  1. improve blood circulation in the inflamed area;
  2. strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  3. have anti-inflammatory, warming, healing and analgesic effects.

The most effective preparations in the form of ointments and gels:

  • troxevasin ointment;
  • ointment Voltaren;
  • Dolobene-gel;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Fastum gel.

The best prevention for inflammation of the Achilles tendon is:

  1. Warm-up before training. Before playing sports, it is necessary to perform stretching and warming up the muscles (this will help to avoid sprains and damage to the tendons).
  2. Fixing the joint with an elastic bandage when the first pains appear.
  3. Wearing comfortable shoes.
  4. Proper nutrition rich in nutrients.
  5. Development of tendons in adulthood through muscle stretching and physical activity.

When following these five rules, you can not worry about the condition of the Achilles tendon.

If the disease nevertheless overtook you, it is important to remember that to establish correct diagnosis and only a specialist can recognize the nature of its occurrence.

Achilles tendonitis

Achilles tendonitis- inflammation in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon.

It can develop due to constant overload of the gastrocnemius muscle (in athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor) or due to an excessive single load on an unprepared tendon (in people 40-60 years old, associated with age-related tendon rigidity).

It is manifested by pain, swelling and a slight limitation of the dorsiflexion of the foot. The diagnosis is made on the basis of symptoms, MRI and X-ray data. Treatment is conservative.

Achilles tendonitis is an inflammation of the Achilles tendon. It is more often detected in athletes, is the result of overload, improper technique or violation of the training regimen.

It can be diagnosed in people 40-60 years old after a single intense load of the Achilles tendon (for example, when trying to run), a high probability of developing tendonitis in such cases is due to the stiffness of the Achilles tendon that increases with age and some decrease in the range of motion in the ankle joint.

In clinical traumatology, there are three forms of tendonitis. Peritendinitis is the inflammation of the tissues surrounding the Achilles tendon. Tendonitis is inflammation of the tendon itself, leading to its degeneration.

Enthesopathy - an inflammatory process localized in the area of ​​​​attachment of the Achilles tendon to the calcaneus, may be accompanied by the formation of a heel spur and foci of calcification in the tendon tissue.

All three forms of the disease can occur in isolation, be observed simultaneously or pass one into another.

The disease develops gradually. Initially, the patient feels pain in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon only in the first minutes of the load or training. After a warm-up, the pain decreases, and at rest it finally disappears.

On palpation of the affected area, some discomfort appears, but pain is usually absent. If untreated, the disease eventually becomes chronic.

Pain develops over several weeks or months. Unlike initial stage, after a warm-up, the pain does not decrease, but intensifies.

Relief does not bring even a long rest, some patients are bothered by pain after a night's sleep.

Many patients report pain when descending or climbing stairs or an inclined surface.

On examination, tension of the calf muscle, thickening of the Achilles tendon, local hyperemia and a local increase in skin temperature in the affected area are revealed. The range of motion in the ankle joint is somewhat limited.

With peritendinitis, pain is usually localized throughout the entire tendon, with tendinitis - 2-6 cm above the heel, with enthesopathy - in the area of ​​​​attachment of the tendon or slightly above it.

The diagnosis is made on the basis of complaints and external examination data. Of the additional research methods, radiography of the lower leg and ankle joint, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound of the ankle joint are used.

On radiographs, in some cases, foci of calcification are determined. With tendinitis, they are “scattered” throughout the tendon, with enthesopathy, they are localized mainly in its lower part.

The absence of calcifications is not a basis for confirming or refuting the diagnosis of tendonitis.

Ultrasound and MRI are more accurate techniques that allow you to examine soft tissues in detail, identify foci of inflammation and areas of degenerative changes.

In addition, MRI of the ankle joint can reveal acute stage inflammation - at this stage, a large amount of fluid accumulates in the tendon tissue, however, external edema is little or absent, which makes clinical diagnosis difficult.

Treatment of tendinitis is predominantly conservative, carried out on an outpatient basis in a trauma center. In the acute phase, rest, elevated position of the limb and tight bandaging during walking are shown.

In the first days of the disease, cold should be applied to the affected area.

To eliminate pain, eliminate the inflammatory process and restore the function of the tendon, the patient is prescribed NSAIDs for a period of not more than 7-10 days.

After the elimination or significant reduction of the pain syndrome, therapeutic exercises begin.

The exercise therapy program for tendinitis includes light strengthening and stretching exercises that help restore the tendon and strengthen the calf muscle. Subsequently, resistance exercises are gradually introduced.

Along with exercise therapy, physiotherapeutic procedures are used to restore the tendon: electrical stimulation, electrophoresis and ultrasound therapy.

Massage is used to improve blood circulation, strengthen and stretch the tendon. With valgus or varus deformity of the foot, the patient is recommended to wear special fixators for the ankle joint.

Fixation using a plaster cast is used very rarely - only with severe constant pain in the tendon area.

With a particularly persistent pain syndrome, therapeutic blockades with glucocorticoid drugs are sometimes performed.

Glucocorticoids are injected only into the surrounding tissues, injections into the tendon itself or its place of attachment are strictly prohibited, since these drugs can stimulate degenerative processes and provoke tendon rupture.

Surgical intervention is indicated when conservative therapy fails for six months or more. The operation is carried out in a planned manner in the conditions of a traumatological or orthopedic department.

A median skin incision is made along the posterior surface of the lower leg, the Achilles tendon is isolated, the degeneratively altered tissues are examined and excised.

If during the intervention it was necessary to excise 50% or more of the tissue of the Achilles tendon, the removed areas are replaced by the tendon of the plantar muscle.

In the postoperative period, immobilization is carried out for 4-6 weeks, using an orthosis or a plaster cast. Stepping on the foot is allowed after 2-4 weeks, rehabilitation measures are carried out for 6 weeks.


In most cases, the reason Achilles tendon inflammation is wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time. Most often, the inflammatory process occurs in athletes and dancers, whose feet have a large load.

Another cause of inflammation may be a disturbed metabolism.

As a result of the fact that there are a large amount of fats and cholesterol in the blood, as well as in the case of gout, an acute inflammatory process may develop due to the fact that urate microcrystals begin to be deposited in the tissues of the body.

In addition, pain in the tendon area can occur with diseases of the bones or joints, in the presence of a heel spur or an inflammatory process in the arch of the foot.

Factors that can lead to inflammation include:

  • Microtrauma.
  • chronic diseases musculoskeletal system.
  • Misformed tendon.
  • Age changes.
  • Flat feet, which is characterized by the presence of hyperpronation.
  • Uncomfortable shoes.

The main symptom of the inflammatory process in the Achilles tendon is the presence of pain in the heel or under the calves.

In most cases, pain occurs after a long rest, that is, after sleep, when a person gets up and starts walking.

This is due to the fact that during sleep, the tendon relaxes and the pain subsides, but when there is a load, the pain manifests itself and does not allow you to step and step normally. In addition, there may be other symptoms:

  • Thickening and redness of the skin can be found in the tendon area.
  • local hyperthermia.
  • Slight swelling.
  • Crunchy sound.

Appearance bone pain in the Achilles region tendon, may indicate the development of not only Achilles tendinitis, but also other diseases, in the form of bursitis or arthrosis of the foot.

Fluid in Achilles tendon may present with the following symptoms:

  • Pain in the tendon.
  • Redness.
  • Swelling in the heel area.
  • Movement in the ankle and ankle is significantly hampered.

How to treat Achilles tendon? When an inflammatory process is detected, it is first necessary to perform:

  • Avoid stress on the tendon.
  • Apply cold compresses throughout the day for 10 minutes.
  • Limit movement in the tendon. To do this, you can use an elastic bandage and wear shoes with low heels.

First of all, the doctor, after examining the patient, prescribes the execution x-ray, on which you can see if there is really inflammation of the Achilles tendon. If there is inflammation, the doctor may prescribe:

  • Painkillers.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
  • In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Medicines can be given as tablets or injections, which are administered directly near the tendon.

How to Treat Achilles Heel Inflammation with traditional medicine? You can try to cure the inflammation of the Achilles tendon with the help of traditional medicine. However, before using any methods, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since self-medication harms the body. Among the methods of folk treatment can be distinguished:

  • The seasoning curcumin is natural antibiotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent. It should be eaten about 0.5 g per day.
  • Tincture of walnut partitions on vodka. To prepare it, you need to take 0.5 liters of vodka and 1 glass of walnut partitions. Mix and infuse for 20 days. After that, this remedy can be taken 2 times a day, 1 tsp.
  • Oily solution of mountain resin mummy. This tool can be rubbed into the tendon area, and also taken inside 0.1-0.5 g of resin, which is dissolved in warm milk. This can be done within 2 weeks, after which a 10-day break is required.
  • Pine-salt foot baths.
  • Ice massage. To do this, you need to massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tendon with pieces of ice.

In combination with drug treatment, the inflammatory process can be treated with the help of physiotherapy, which includes the following methods:

  • Magnetotherapy.
  • laser therapy.
  • ultrasound therapy.
  • Shock wave therapy.
  • Electrophoresis with lidase.
  • Mud applications.

In order to avoid inflammation of the tendon, it is necessary to prevent the disease:

  • It is necessary to knead the tendon before doing heavy exercises.
  • It is necessary to periodically pump the calf muscles and increase the load over time.
  • You need to do a jump, which will ensure elasticity not only of the Achilles tendon, but also of other tendons of the legs.
  • After loads, it is necessary to stretch the calves.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the fact that the Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon, it is most often amenable to stress and can be injured. Therefore, before performing any exercises, you need to do a little warm-up and prevention.…


  • tendon structure
  • Causes of pathology
  • Symptoms
  • Treatment

As you know, the muscles in the human body are designed for protection and the ability to make movements. Since the legs have a large load, they are damaged more often than other parts of the body.

Consider a common injury to the ligament apparatus in the ankle area, where the Achilles tendon is located. Inflammation in the Achilles tendon is common in athletes, people over the age of 40.

Pathology is accompanied by severe pain, swelling and the inability to normally move the ankle.

Pain in the Achilles tendon prevents a person from walking and running normally, which causes discomfort and limited mobility.

Injury or inflammation of the Achilles tendon can be obtained both during sports or physical labor, and under the influence of diseases that occur in the body and weaken the ligamentous apparatus. Treatment and rehabilitation are always lengthy and require patience and the need to follow all the doctor's recommendations. Only then will the normal mobility of the leg return.

To understand why an inflammatory process occurs in the Achilles tendon, we will analyze its structural and physiological features.

Nature endowed him with strength among all the tendons located in the body.

This is necessary to withstand the load of the entire body weight and take part in the movement, protecting the bones and joints from injury and displacement.

From above, the tendon is located at the junction of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of the leg, and from below it is attached to the back surface of the calcaneal tubercle.

The task of the Achilles tendon is to take part in the rise of the heel, in the ability to push off with the toes and in the lowering of the forefoot after the heel touches the ground.

The greatest load on the tendon occurs at the time of lifting up or descending from a hill. Under such circumstances, the tendon is in constant tension and if the muscles are not trained, then the legs quickly get tired.

The load on the ankle and calf muscles increases when wearing uncomfortable shoes, when the shoes have a hard sole, but a soft heel. The combination of uncomfortable shoes and heavy loads on the muscles increases the risk of injury.

Inflammation most often occurs when the connective tissue of the tendon is damaged, causing pain with any movement of the foot. A person cannot walk, run, jump normally.

The causes of inflammation in the Achilles tendon are associated with exogenous and endogenous factors.

It should be noted that pathology is more common in two categories of the population:

  1. People over the age of 40. In their body, failures occur associated with impaired metabolism, which causes the connective tissue of the tendon to suffer - it lacks fluid and a drying process occurs. Also, salts accumulate in the joints and muscles, which makes the collagen fibers less elastic and extensible. Such people are more prone to injury to the fibers, including getting micro-tears.
  2. Athletes. Despite the fact that their muscles are trained and strengthened, they experience more loads than an ordinary person. Often, athletes strive for maximum loads, get injured while playing sports. Naturally, this is not in vain and over time, the Achilles tendon cannot fully recover.

Consider the causes of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, or tendinitis, as it is called medically, of an endogenous nature, that is, those factors that are associated with pathological processes in the body.

In order for the tendon not to be damaged and inflammation to occur, it is necessary that collagen fibers be in a healthy state, which give strength, and elastin fibers, which are necessary for ligament extensibility.

The natural stretch of the tendon allows you to land on your feet painlessly when jumping, running or walking.

There comes an age when the Achilles tendon has a load that it cannot withstand, and this condition is associated with damage and micro-ruptures in the fibers.

The reasons for this are in the accumulation of urates, uric acid or an increased concentration of cholesterol in tissues. Cholesterol levels increase with obesity, metabolic disorders, and eating fatty foods.

Pain and inflammation can be caused by gout or other conditions associated with the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the tissues.

Among the internal causes, one can note the presence of flat feet or clubfoot. With age, increased stress on the Achilles tendon leads to tendinitis. As well as the aging of the body, injuries received during life affect the structure of the tendon.

Consider external causes. Injury is a major factor in the occurrence of inflammation.

When injured, a sprain or rupture of the tendon can occur, which will affect the ability to move normally.

Shoes also affect the strength and integrity of the tendon apparatus. It should be comfortable, not cause rapid fatigue or discomfort.

The symptoms of tendonitis are not particularly different from inflammation of other tendons, but due to anatomical features The location of the Achilles tendon limits leg mobility. The degree of manifestation of pain depends on the extent of tissue damage and the neglect of the process.

Of the symptoms, pain in the heel area and surrounded by the calf muscles of the leg predominates. Inflammation causes acute pain, the person has a feeling that something is burning in the leg.

If you do not start treatment immediately, then the pain occurs immediately upon waking up after sleep and increases with the movement of the leg.

A person cannot fully lean on his leg, which is manifested by lameness.

A characteristic sign of tendonitis is the occurrence of swelling in the part where inflammation has developed. On palpation, swelling and thickening of the tendon is felt.

Outwardly, hyperemia of the skin in the calf area is clearly visible.

Inflammation can cause a local increase in skin temperature and crepitus during leg movements.

It is difficult to judge the degree of pain, since it all depends on such factors:

  • individual characteristics of the body, that is, the pain threshold of sensitivity;
  • the degree of damage, which depends on the type of damage (rupture, stretching, inflammation due to internal factors);
  • the extent of the process and localization of inflammation.

It is worth noting that the sooner you start treating tendonitis, the faster the rehabilitation will be.

Often serious injury Achilles tendon require surgical intervention, so it is better not to delay visiting a doctor if pain does not go away due to an injury.

After the operation, a person will temporarily lose his ability to work, as he will not be able to step on his foot, therefore, he must be mentally prepared for this.

If inflammation is not treated and the disease is transferred to the legs, then chronic tendinitis may develop with periods of exacerbation and remission. The chronic form can force a person to give up their favorite sport, which will be reflected psychologically.

Since stretching or rupture of the Achilles tendon is accompanied by severe pain, the doctor in the diagnosis should exclude fractures and dislocations in the foot, ankle and other bones.

For this, an x-ray is prescribed. If no damage to the bones is detected, then the apparatus of the ligaments is examined. The doctor chooses between ultrasound examination and MRI.

Inspection, palpation and collection of complaints are also carried out.

When the diagnosis is made, the doctor chooses a treatment algorithm. Doctors try to prescribe conservative treatment, using medications for pain relief, fixing the legs and using ointments.

When the question is where to treat the disease, the answer is simple. If there are no fractures and ruptures and the patient has the ability to walk, then the treatment can be carried out on an outpatient basis - at home.

If surgical intervention is required, then the patient is left in the hospital, since rehabilitation after the operation should be carried out under the supervision of a doctor who will select the exercises and prescribe the necessary procedures.

Prescribed drugs from medicines NSAID groups. Pain and inflammation relieves Nimesulide, Ibuprofen. When there is a threat of infection, for example, with an open wound, antibiotics and regular dressings with wound treatment are prescribed.

You can immobilize the ankle with the help of an orthosis, a bandage with an elastic bandage is also allowed. In case of breaks and trauma to the bone, a plaster cast is applied, and in case of an open fracture, surgery is needed. The goal after surgery is to restore mobility to the leg, to develop muscles.

Physiotherapy can speed up the recovery and healing of ligaments. Ultrasound is prescribed with therapeutic ointments, with Voltaren, Solcoseryl, Dolobene-gel. With severe pain, compresses with Analgin, Novocaine or Dexamethasone can be used.

For complex injuries, treatment is carried out with the help of surgery. . During surgical intervention, the tendon is sutured, deformity or compression is eliminated.

After the operation, a special orthosis is worn, which limits the mobility of the leg. Rehabilitation includes physiotherapy, massage, exercise therapy and can last up to 2-3 months.


Pain in the ankle area is caused by inflammation of the Achilles tendon. This is a disease of athletes who overload themselves with training, and women who prefer to wear shoes with high heels.

At the same time, there are more prosaic situations - birth defects, for example, a shortened tendon, salt deposits, arthritis, gout.

All these diseases are united by a common term - inflammation of the Achilles.

Several types of diseases in the ankle joint are hidden under one name - inflammation of the Achilles tendon. They are united general symptoms, the rate of development of the disease, and, of course, the place where the disease is localized.

The main symptom is severe pain at the junction of the heel bone with the Achilles tendon.

Treatment is traditionally aimed at relieving pain and inflammation, relieving edema, getting rid of fibrous accumulations, and restoring blood flow.

In the Achilles tendon, inflammatory processes are localized, which differ in symptoms, the type of tissue damage, and the degree of movement restriction.

Treatment of the Achilles tendon is required when there are persistent pain in the ankle, in the ankles that occur after rest, after getting out of bed and starting to move.

When resting, the tendons are in a relaxed state, and when loads appear, the pain quickly returns, preventing walking and moving the legs.

Anyone can get sick, but most often such inflammation is the result of high physical activity, from which both rupture and stretching of the tendon can occur.

Pain symptoms in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon indicate the manifestation of various diseases:

  • calcifications, when plantar fasciitis develops against the background of deposits of calcium salts;
  • hygromas;
  • tendinosis;
  • tendopathy;
  • Haglund's deformities;
  • peritendinitis;
  • enthesopathy;
  • Achilles bursitis;
  • paratenonitis;
  • achilles of the ankle;
  • crepitating tendovaginitis of the tendon.

The beginning of each of these inflammatory diseases, and the list is far from complete, is characterized by the appearance of a thickening on the tendon, reddening of the skin, some swelling of the entire zone, crunchy sounds in motion. On the video you can see what the leg of a sick person looks like, how a doctor examines it. At the beginning of inflammation, when hyperemia and burning appear in the heel area, one might still think that a fungus is developing. However, after a day or two, the symptoms increase sharply, and it becomes clear that this is not fungal disease, but a real inflammation of the tendon, in which the leg begins to swell.

Achilles tendon hygroma is a special type of cyst that develops on tendon tissues. As a rule, this cyst is a very painful lump filled with fluid, hence the name "hygro ...".

The consistency of the liquid is jelly-like, transparent, the bump on palpation is determined by both hard and softened.

Hygroma is a benign formation, amenable to medical, physiotherapeutic treatment. The Achilles tendon often undergoes surgery.

This pathology has a high chance of a complete cure, since postoperative period proceeds usually without any complications and consequences.

Quite common is a disease such as enthesopathy of the Achilles tendon. It is one of the types of achilles tendonites, but has its own features and characteristics of the course of the inflammatory process.

Enthesopathy is an inflammatory degenerative process that develops at the site of attachment of the tendons to the bone, where calcifications accumulate and form a serious obstacle to full leg movements.

At first, it may seem to a person that he just pulled his leg, and he, limping, goes to the healers to correct the joint. However, things are much more serious.

Due to tissue degeneration, calcification develops, a heel spur is formed.

This will require long-term maintenance treatment based on the constant intake of anti-inflammatory drugs.

Increased loads on the feet and calf muscles lead to the development of crepitant tendovaginitis of the Achilles tendon.

Treatment should be started immediately, since the inflammatory disease is manifested by thickening of the tendon, pain in movements, and tumor formation.

A distinctive symptom is a sensitive characteristic creaking when moving the joints. Tenosynovitis crepitus type affects the synovial membrane surrounding the tendons of the extensor muscles.

The aseptic type of crepitating tendovaginitis is not associated with infection of the body, because of this it is an independent inflammatory disease.

It is based on adhesive processes with the formation of compaction, scars developing on the tissues of the sliding apparatus of the Achilles zone. It occurs as a result of microcirculation disorders, old injuries, pathologies of the spine.

Against its background, secondary inflammation of the connective tissues of collagen properties develops. The acute period of the disease is characterized by a widespread tumor of the Achilles tendon, sensitive pain syndrome, and lameness when walking.

This is due to the violation of the outflow of lymph, and the compaction of the synovial membranes of the sliding tissues.

Collagen inflammation of the Achilles tendon is treatable through the use of therapy innovative methods and the latest pharmacological agents.

If the doctor suspects inflammation of the Achilles tendon, treatment begins after complete examination and clarification of the diagnosis with various narrowly qualified specialists - a surgeon, an orthopedist.

They check the preservation of the tendon reflex, pain on palpation and joint movements.

Doctors in the complex undertake to cure a person, on the condition that he seeks medical help in a timely manner.

Diagnostic methods:

  • examination by a doctor;
  • radiation examination;
  • x-ray examination.

The doctor conducts the initial examination, as seen in the photo, with the help of palpation, finds the places of the greatest pain response to touch.

This helps to suggest an injury or inflammatory process, after which further examination is prescribed. Radiation diagnostics provides information if there is an accumulation of calcifications on the tendon.

Only in this case, the doctor can see the information that provides the basis for clarifying the diagnosis.

MRI is the most informative examination to date. Magnetic resonance imaging of tissues shows the slightest ruptures, the initial form of inflammation, spurs, and the condition of tendon tissues.

With the help of ultrasound, it is determined whether surgical assistance is needed in the treatment of the inflammatory process. X-rays accurately show the location of inflammation.

After diagnostic confirmation of the presence inflammatory disease, the doctor prescribes a complete and competent treatment.

Inflammation on the Achilles tendon occurs in two forms - acute and chronic. Depending on the form of the course of the disease, the manifestations of the disease differ.

Acute inflammation manifests itself:

  • pain during movement;
  • gradual subsidence of pain during rest;
  • discomfort when touching the heel and ankle;
  • general redness around the tendon.

With a long good rest, microscopic tears have time to heal, so the person feels significant relief, and can walk a little without limping.

However, from new motor loads, a new injury to the tissues of the ligaments also occurs. On the slightest symptoms it is necessary to pay attention in time, since without treatment the inflammation will turn into a chronic form.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon gives symptoms that cannot be confused with any other disease.

Chronic inflammation manifests itself:

  • gradual increase in pain;
  • feeling severe pain even after a long rest;
  • increased pain when descending or climbing stairs.

Both forms of inflammation give the following manifestations:

  • sharply increased pain;
  • the tendon thickens;
  • there is tension in the calf muscles;
  • limited mobility in the ankle area;
  • there is a creak in the ankle joint with any movement;
  • Difficulty bending the foot and lifting on toes.

Each person is responsible for their own health.

Is it worth it to allow such serious complications, or is it still better to go to the clinic to your doctor and start treatment on time so as not to get sick and not remain immobilized on long years life.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is well treated at home, and surgeons of traditional medical practice themselves advise resorting to folk recipes.

Achilles tendons can become inflamed due to the habit of wearing uncomfortable shoes. Another reason for the development of inflammatory processes is a metabolic disorder, when cholesterol levels rise in the blood.

The inflammatory process of Achilles of the ankle joint develops as secondary disease with gout, tonsillitis, with the deposition of urate microcrystals, with frequent formation of corns on the outside of the heel.

The main treatment is:

  • exclusion of loads;
  • cold cloth compresses for 10 minutes several times a day;
  • restriction of movement of the ankle joint;
  • use of an elastic bandage;
  • taking medications prescribed by a doctor;
  • wearing shoes without heels.

Even before the appointment of medications, with the fulfillment of the specified requirements of the doctor, patients receive significant relief.

The surgeon examines the leg, palpates the inflamed area, prescribes an X-ray examination.

With enthesopathy of the Achilles tendon, treatment is prescribed after a complete examination, including x-rays.

After receiving images confirming the presence of an inflammatory process on the Achilles tendon, the doctor prescribes:

  • painkillers in injections;
  • injection of medication directly into the joint;
  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • antibiotics.

Anti-inflammatory agents are used in tablet form or in injections. The doctor makes injections in the leg tissue near the tendon in order to pump the medicine directly into the site of inflammation. The use of non-steroidal ointments and gels is effective as a local effect on inflammation.

After consulting a doctor, inflammation can be treated with folk methods.

Of the variety of culinary seasonings, a herbal supplement stands out - curcumin, which has an antibiotic property.

If the site of inflammation swells, it helps to relieve pain and stop the development of the inflammatory process with ice massage, which is carried out with ice cubes in the tendon area.

Coniferous baths will relieve inflammation, help relax the tense tendon, with the addition of sea salt to the water. traditional healers suggest smearing the inflamed area with plantain and nettle juice, freshly squeezed from young plants.

This is a painstaking method, but it gives good results along with honey, which can be rubbed on the foot and covered with a cotton cloth.

An unconventional way is to be treated by wrapping the inflamed leg with a milk compress. The compress must be heated, when cooled, you can again dip the fabric into hot milk and wrap the leg again. Do this several times, in total in time - up to 30 minutes.

For ingestion, a vodka tincture is prepared from the internal partitions of walnuts. You will need a glass of crushed partitions and 0.5 liters of good vodka.

It is necessary to pour a full bottle of chopped walnut partitions, pour vodka over them, leave for 20 days in a dark, dry place.

According to the reviews of people who have suffered inflammation of the Achilles tendon, one must be patient in the treatment, as it is long and versatile.

Persistent long-term treatment helps to completely get rid of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, restore full movement of the ankle joint.

An important condition for achieving complete cure- change your lifestyle, protect your legs from stress as much as possible in order to avoid exacerbations. It is necessary to strictly follow the recommendations of the surgeon in order to exclude deterioration up to disability and surgical intervention.


The Achilles (heel) tendon is the strongest joint in the human body. It connects the calcaneus and calf muscles. Withstands loads up to 400 kilograms.

Requires mandatory treatment, in the absence of which the disease becomes chronic.

The causes and factors that lead to inflammation are as follows:

  1. Tendon injuries.
  2. Overload of the calcaneal tendon. Excessive stress on the calf muscles leads to prolonged tension on the Achilles tendon. The gastrocnemius muscle is shortened, and the tendon is in a state of constant tension. This leads to the development of tendonitis.
  3. Age changes. With age, the elasticity of the Achilles tendon decreases, its ability to stretch decreases. With a minor injury or prolonged load on the lower limb, inflammation develops.
  4. Professional sports. In athletes, tendinitis occurs due to prolonged physical activity on the legs if the regimen and rules of training are not followed.
  5. Sedentary lifestyle. At the same time, the calcaneal tendon becomes less extensible and elastic, which contributes to the development of the disease in case of injuries or loads on the ankle joint.
  6. Incorrectly fitting shoes increase the load on the Achilles tendon, which contributes to inflammation. Prolonged wearing of high heels by women causes its shortening. When changing from heels to shoes with flat soles, the tendon is strained and there is pain in the legs. These factors lead to the development of the inflammatory process.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is represented by 3 forms:

  1. Peritendinitis - an inflammatory process affecting the tissues surrounding the tendon.
  2. Enthesopathy - characterized by inflammation of the Achilles tendon in the area of ​​connection with the calcaneus. Often with this form of tendinitis, a heel spur appears. The process of calcification of bone tissue may begin.
  3. Tendonitis - an inflammatory process develops only in the tendon. Surrounding tissues are not affected.

According to the nature of the flow, they distinguish:

  1. Acute tendinitis. It develops primarily after exposure to a damaging factor. It is characterized by severe symptoms.
  2. Chronic tendinitis. Occurs due to lack of treatment in the acute stage.

Depending on the stage of the course of the disease, the symptoms will vary somewhat.

In the acute course of the process, they are:

  1. Pronounced pain syndrome. The pain is localized in the heel region, at the site of inflammation of the Achilles tendon. It hurts when I try to stand on my toes Bottom part shins behind.
  2. Unpleasant sensations and soreness appear when you try to touch the Achilles region.
  3. Swelling in the area of ​​inflammation, redness of the skin.
  4. After waking up, when the patient gets out of bed, the pain is unbearable. It subsides gradually, in the process of walking, and by the evening it may completely disappear.
  5. There is limited mobility in the ankle joint.

The chronic process is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. Prolonged pain syndrome, can disturb for 2-3 weeks, sometimes several months.
  2. In the area of ​​inflammation, a seal is formed due to permanent damage to the Achilles tendon.
  3. The swelling of the tissues decreases, but does not completely disappear.
  4. When you press on the back of the heel, a characteristic creak appears.

Diagnosis of the disease is not difficult. The following examination is carried out:

  1. Identification of patient complaints.
  2. Interrogation of the patient. Allows you to identify possible reasons inflammation.
  3. Inspection and palpation of the affected area of ​​the Achilles tendon.
  4. Holding functional tests. This will rule out or confirm an Achilles tendon rupture.
  5. Radiography of the affected area in the posterior and lateral projections.
  6. Magnetic resonance imaging.

It is carried out in severe cases. According to MRI, the localization of the inflammatory process and areas of calcification, degenerative changes are determined.

Therapy is aimed at eliminating the inflammatory process. You can treat it in conservative ways with the use of folk remedies. Surgical treatment is performed for chronic inflammation of the Achilles tendon, degenerative changes.

1. Conservative treatment:

  1. Ensuring rest of the injured limb in an elevated position.
  2. Cold on the site of inflammation (compresses, pieces of ice).
  3. Fixation of the Achilles tendon with an elastic bandage or pressure bandage. In case of severe inflammation and dysfunction of the ankle, a plaster cast is applied.
  4. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are prescribed - indomethacin, voltaren. They reduce inflammation, relieve swelling of tissues and anesthetize.
  5. Physiotherapy. Appointed after the subsidence acute symptoms. It is aimed at stretching and strengthening the tendon and muscles of the lower leg.
  6. The disease can be treated with physiotherapy methods.
  7. They are prescribed after the elimination of acute symptoms. Shown electrophoresis with anti-inflammatory drugs, ultrasound treatment, electrical stimulation.
  8. Massage. Helps strengthen and develop the Achilles tendon. Under the influence of massage, blood circulation in the area of ​​inflammation, the muscles of the lower leg improves.
  9. You can treat folk remedies. It must be remembered that alternative treatment cannot act as the main method. The use of folk remedies should be combined with traditional ways. Turmeric, walnut shell, mumiyo are widely used. Derivatives of these substances are used for compresses, dressings. You can make salt or coniferous foot baths.

2. Surgical treatment.

It is prescribed for the ineffectiveness of conservative methods within six months. An excision of the altered area of ​​the tendon is performed, followed by plasty.

The removed areas are replaced by the tendon of the muscles of the sole. The recovery period lasts about a month. During this period, wearing a plaster boot is shown.

Then rehabilitation is carried out, including exercise therapy, massage, physiotherapy.

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon unpleasant disease affecting the patient's quality of life. It is necessary to treat the disease in the early stages of development.

If symptoms of inflammation of the tendon appear, you should immediately consult a doctor.

This will help to avoid the development of chronic tendonitis and adverse effects.


Achilles tendonitis or tendinopathy is a degenerative process (inflammation or tissue damage) that occurs in the heel tendon.

In adults after 40 years, this pathology occurs due to a decrease in the elasticity and extensibility of the connective tissue, however more often this condition occurs in athletes and people whose main activity is associated with excessive physical exertion.

A timely visit to a doctor allows you to quickly restore damaged tendon tissues, and the lack of treatment and prevention can lead to chronic tendonitis.

The Achilles or heel tendon is one of the strongest and strongest tendons in the human body:

  • The upper part of the tendon is located at the confluence of the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles;
  • The lower part is attached to the calcaneal tuber (its back surface);
  • The calf muscle, together with the calcaneal tendon, lifts the heel when lifting the foot and pushing off the ground with the toes, and also lowers the forefoot after the heel has touched the ground.

Climbing up and down hills, running on uneven inclines, and choosing the wrong shoes with hard soles and soft heels place a high and uneven load on this tendon, and that is why it is most often injured.

Injuries in the places of attachment of the tendon to the bone are the result of overload. The same force and intensity load on the tendon in one case can lead to its successful adaptation and strengthening, and in the other - to reduce its strength, contributing to the occurrence of dystrophic changes. It all depends on the state of the tissue at the time of the load.

Various violations of tissue conductivity can lead to a deterioration in metabolism and drying of the connective tissue due to water loss.

Metabolic products are poorly excreted, salts accumulate - this significantly reduces the elasticity of collagen fibers and their extensibility.

The stability of the tendon during stretching deteriorates and various micro-tears can occur with sudden movements.

Similar processes occur at the age of 40 and older.

But in athletes and people engaged in physical labor, the aging of tissues in the tendons is accelerated by constant overload and periodic injuries at the cellular and tissue level.

Experts call tendinitis mainly sports injuries caused by increased loads and the lack of a normal full recovery between workouts.

Strong loads on a poorly extensible muscle lead to inflammation or damage to the connective tissue of the Achilles tendon - as a result, any movement of the foot (running, walking, jumping) causes severe pain.

In the absence of adequate measures, the tendon can be avulsed from the calcaneus or torn.

The occurrence of injuries in the Achilles tendon indicates a large load, which was undertaken against the background of a sedentary lifestyle without prior preparation, or a violation of the training regimen and overload.

Damage can be mechanical in nature without the onset of an inflammatory process, but in some cases, tendonitis is associated with inflammation.

Tissue with micro tears and cracks heals over time, but becomes less elastic with numerous microscopic scars.

Treatment of inflammation in the tissues of the tendon is carried out quickly with the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, and mechanical damage requires long-term therapy and special training until the tissue is completely restored and the tendon is endurable.

There are 3 forms of Achilles tendinitis:

  • Peritendinitis- inflammation of the tissues surrounding the tendon. It may be accompanied by tissue degeneration.
  • Tendinitis- Inflammation and damage to the tendon. Surrounding tissues are not involved in the process.
  • Enthesopathy- degeneration and inflammation of the tendon at its attachment to the bone. Sometimes accompanied by the development of a heel spur or calcification.

The beginning of treatment for each of these forms is similar.

Initially, there is acute pain and the tendon is stressed.

Without proper treatment, the pain can go away for a while, but then return and become chronic, in the worst case, a complete rupture of the tendon occurs.

The causes of problems with the Achilles tendon can be different.

The tendon consists of collagen and elastin fibers: the former provide it with strength, and the latter with extensibility.

Normally, the Achilles tendon is able to stretch by 5% of its original length - this helps the leg to make springy movements, that is, the tendon performs a shock-absorbing function.

But with age, tendon extensibility decreases, and loads can lead to fiber damage and micro-tears.

That is why, after 35 years, untrained people are not recommended to start any training without first warming up the muscles and warming up.

This warning should be taken seriously by people who experience pain in the calcaneal tendon area, and those who have previously had problems with it.

Even professional athletes and trained people can develop calcaneal tendon problems.

It occurs as a result of excessive training and excessive strain on the tendon.

Without the necessary rest, tissues do not have time to recover and lose their ability to relax.

Very often, athletes ignore the onset of the disease.

The resulting inflammation begins to cause mild pain - this may indicate that microtears have occurred in the tissues and there is a need for a temporary refusal to train or weaken the exercise regimen.

But for various reasons, the athlete does not do this, and neglected or even chronic inflammation and tissue damage can lead to a complete rupture of the tendon.

Therefore, it is necessary to treat tendinitis on time, and the doctor determines the time when you can return to classes.

Hyperpronation of the foot is called its physiological collapse inward.

In this position, the tendon during walking and other loads experiences excessive stretching and is injured.

Incorrect shoes can contribute to the development of tendonitis:

  • the use of improperly selected sports shoes during training significantly affects the distribution of the load on the legs and can increase it.
  • women who wear high-heeled shoes all day, in the evening, when switching to a flat sole, experience pain in the calcaneal tendon and calf muscles. This is due to the fact that the muscle and tendon have been in a shortened state all day, and when they try to stretch them in the evening, they “protest”.

This is a kind of bony growth on the heel bone near the place where the tendon is attached - outwardly it looks like a bubble on the heel.

Because of this growth, the tendon has to stretch even more under various loads.

Depending on whether there is inflammation of the tendon bag, whether swelling of the tissues develops, this outgrowth can be either soft or hard.

The cause of the inflammatory process in the tendon can be various acute and chronic infections.

Achilles tendinitis can be acute or chronic.

The acute form is characterized by a gradual increase:

  • first, the patient experiences pain at the beginning of a workout or load after a warm-up, the pain subsides, and rest completely eliminates all pain.
  • some discomfort may be felt on palpation.

The subsidence of pain after a respite and aggravation when walking is explained by the fact that during a long rest, all micro-ruptures grow together, and with a new movement, they are again injured.

If left untreated, this symptom quickly causes the development of chronic tendinitis.

In chronic Achilles tendonitis, the pain increases gradually over several months or weeks:

  • during exercise, it intensifies and even after warming up and stretching does not go away;
  • long rest does not bring relief - pain can occur even in the morning after sleep;
  • climbing and descending stairs or an inclined surface cause the development of pain.

In both cases, you may also experience:

  • tendon thickening;
  • feeling of tension in the calf muscle;
  • redness and hyperthermia of the skin;
  • limitation of mobility in the ankle.
  • pain - can be localized along the entire tendon, or closer to the heel;
  • at a height of 2 to 6 cm, edema may occur;
  • it is difficult to carry out the dorsiflexion of the foot and stand on toes;
  • sometimes - a characteristic creak when the joint moves in the ankle.

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Diagnostic methods

For diagnosis, the following examination methods are used:

  • physical examination;
  • radiation diagnostics;
  • Magnetic resonance imaging;
  • ultrasound procedure.

Most often, the diagnosis is made on the basis of a conversation with the patient and a physical examination, with palpation, the doctor determines the points of greatest localization of pain.

A characteristic feature of calcaneal tendonitis is that when the foot moves and further palpation, the pain shifts slightly, since the tendon and muscles have been stretched.

With special attention, an inspection is made for the presence of gaps.

X-ray examination can show the presence of inflammation or degenerative changes only if there are foci of calcification.

If there are no calcifications, then radiation diagnostics will not help to make a diagnosis.

MRI and ultrasound can determine if there are any tears and if there is a need for surgical intervention.

With a single occurrence of minor pain in the area of ​​​​the calcaneal tendon, the legs need rest.

For a while, all loads should be limited. Ice can be applied to relieve swelling and redness, and to cope with pain, an elastic bandage should be applied to the painful area.

If the pain is very severe, does not go away even after rest, and increases with exertion, when there is a suspicion of tendon rupture, you should immediately consult a doctor.

He will examine and, if necessary, appoint an additional examination.

To treat inflammation, he can prescribe special drugs, advise folk remedies and draw up a rehabilitation plan. It may require immobilization, partial or complete, or surgery.

It is possible to treat tendinitis with the use of traditional medicine, only the methods must be agreed with the attending physician:

  • With curcumin seasoning- natural antibiotic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent, can treat inflammation of the tendon. To do this, you need to eat half a gram of this remedy per day.
  • You can prepare a tincture of walnut partitions on vodka. For one glass of walnut partitions, you need to take 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for about 20 days. Take 2 times a day, 1 teaspoon. If there are any problems in the functioning of the thyroid gland, then before taking it is necessary to consult a doctor.
  • Oily solution of mountain resin mummy can be rubbed into the affected area, as well as taken orally about 0.1–0.5 g of resin dissolved in warm milk. Such two-week courses can be repeated with a 10-day break.
  • You can make coniferous-salt foot baths.
  • Ice massage using ice cubes helps reduce pain. Ice cubes should be massaged on the painful area for 20 minutes.

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With the help of special exercises, it is possible to treat achilles tendinitis, to carry out recovery after medical and surgical treatment, to alleviate the condition of the connective tissue, stretch it and reduce the load, and also to prevent this disease.

  • The most important and simple exercise is walking. It should be carried out in comfortable shoes, in compliance with special techniques: a soft roll from the heel to the toe, without excessively turning the toe outward. During rehabilitation after surgery, the stride length, walking time and load force increase gradually.
  • Half-squats on toes, lifting on toes and returning to the starting position, running are useful, but they should be carried out after a slight warm-up and exercises to stretch the muscles and tendons.
  • Exercising in the water is also helpful. The human body in the water loses most of the weight, so it is in the water that you can begin to carry out all the exercises recommended by the instructor. The most difficult of them with dry training will probably be performed 1-2 weeks later than in water.

Exercise for stretching the calf muscles and Achilles tendon:

  • Stand facing the wall and rest your hands on it. Stretch back and rest on the toe of the leg whose tissues you want to stretch, and bend the other leg slightly at the knee.
  • Maintain this position for about 30 seconds and then return to the starting position. You need to repeat 3-5 times.

Exercise to increase the strength and elasticity of the Achilles tendon:

  • Stand with your heels on the edge of a small rise or a special step platform and squat.
  • It is necessary to make 3 trips of 12 squats daily.
  • On the same platform, stand with your toes on the edge and go down, up, down, up.

Both of these exercises are eccentric, aimed at both stretching and tension of the tissues and are great for restoring the calcaneal tendon.

However, errors in execution can be dangerous, so it is advisable to initially conduct training under the supervision of an instructor.

When performing any exercise, you need to remember that the restoration of physical activity should occur gradually.

It is not necessary to return to sports, dancing or your usual physical activity immediately, slowly increasing the intensity.

So that the muscles do not lose strength, and the ligaments do not lose their mobility, there are various types of parterre gymnastics, the exercises of which are performed in a lying or sitting position.

The first thing to ensure before starting treatment is to reduce the load on the tendon.

There are several ways to immobilize the foot in this area:

  • tire overlay;
  • gypsum;
  • use of crutches;
  • elastic bandage;
  • taping;
  • the imposition of orthoses, completely or partially restricting movement.

In most cases, with this disease, the following course of treatment is carried out:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used - Nimesil, Naklofen, etc .;
  • in the most difficult cases, antibiotic therapy may be prescribed;
  • it is possible to introduce Voltaren, Dolobene gel and Solcoseryl ointment into the affected area using ultrasound;
  • to relieve a pain symptom at night, you can put a compress of Analgin, Novocaine and Dexamethasone in equal parts or give intramuscular painkillers injections.

If conservative methods of treatment do not bring the desired result, then surgical intervention may be necessary.

During the operation, an incision is made and the affected areas are excised, and then the tendon is sutured; in case of Haglund's deformity, the bone outgrowth is removed.

Figure: Achilles tendon repair surgery

After the operation, the patient wears a special boot for about 6 weeks.

Over time, after 2-3 weeks, you can already step on the operated leg, and after removing the immobilizing orthosis, a rehabilitation course is carried out for recovery, which lasts from 1 to 3 months.

In order to prevent, you must follow certain rules:

  • physical exercises should be performed with a gradual increase;
  • before any physical activity, it is advisable to warm up the muscles and tendons and perform stretching exercises;
  • for training and everyday wear, you need to choose comfortable shoes;
  • if pain occurs, you need to stop training.

Achilles tendonitis - a disease of athletes, people doing physically hard work and women who prefer to wear high-heeled shoes - in the early stages is very effectively and simply treated.

But if you run it, then complications may arise in the form of a tendon rupture or chronic inflammation.

For treatment, a whole range of measures is used: special exercises, drug therapy and immobilization of the painful area in various ways.

It is impossible to carry out all these activities on your own, therefore, if you experience pain in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon, you need to go to a specialist for help.

Video: Achilles tendon injury

The Achilles tendon has the second name of the calcaneal tendon, is the strongest tendon in the human body, as it can withstand a load of up to 400 kg without being torn. However, despite this fact, it is the most commonly injured tendon.

In most cases, the reason Achilles tendon inflammation is wearing uncomfortable shoes for a long time. Most often, the inflammatory process occurs in athletes and dancers, whose feet have a large load.

Another cause of inflammation may be a disturbed metabolism. As a result of the fact that there are a large amount of fats and cholesterol in the blood, as well as in the case of gout, an acute inflammatory process may develop due to the fact that urate microcrystals begin to be deposited in the tissues of the body.

In addition, pain in the tendon area can occur with diseases of the bones or joints, in the presence of a heel spur or an inflammatory process in the arch of the foot.

Factors that can lead to inflammation include:

Microtrauma. Chronic diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Misformed tendon. Age changes. Flat feet, which is characterized by the presence of hyperpronation. Uncomfortable shoes.

The main symptom of the inflammatory process in the Achilles tendon is the presence of pain in the heel or under the calves. In most cases, pain occurs after a long rest, that is, after sleep, when a person gets up and starts walking. This is due to the fact that during sleep, the tendon relaxes and the pain subsides, but when there is a load, the pain manifests itself and does not allow you to step and step normally. In addition, there may be other symptoms:

Thickening and redness of the skin can be found in the tendon area. local hyperthermia. Slight swelling. Crunchy sound.

Appearance bone pain in the Achilles region tendon, may indicate the development of not only Achilles tendinitis, but also other diseases, in the form of bursitis or arthrosis of the foot.

Fluid in the Achilles tendon may present with the following symptoms:

Pain in the tendon. Redness. Swelling in the heel area. Movement in the ankle and ankle is significantly hampered.

How to treat Achilles tendon? When an inflammatory process is detected, it is first necessary to perform:

Avoid stress on the tendon. Apply cold compresses throughout the day for 10 minutes. Limit movement in the tendon. To do this, you can use an elastic bandage and wear shoes with low heels.

First of all, the doctor, after examining the patient, prescribes an X-ray, which shows whether there is really inflammation of the Achilles tendon. If there is inflammation, the doctor may prescribe:

Painkillers. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed.

Medicines can be given as tablets or injections, which are administered directly near the tendon.

How to Treat Achilles Heel Inflammation with traditional medicine? You can try to cure the inflammation of the Achilles tendon with the help of traditional medicine. However, before using any methods, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since self-medication harms the body. Among the methods of folk treatment can be distinguished:

Curcumin is a natural antibiotic, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory agent. It should be eaten about 0.5 g per day. Tincture of walnut partitions on vodka. To prepare it, you need to take 0.5 liters of vodka and 1 glass of walnut partitions. Mix and infuse for 20 days. After that, this remedy can be taken 2 times a day, 1 tsp. Oily solution of mountain resin mummy. This tool can be rubbed into the tendon area, and also taken inside 0.1-0.5 g of resin, which is dissolved in warm milk. This can be done within 2 weeks, after which a 10-day break is required. Pine-salt foot baths. Ice massage. To do this, you need to massage the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe tendon with pieces of ice.

In combination with drug treatment, the inflammatory process can be treated with the help of physiotherapy, which includes the following methods:

Magnetotherapy. laser therapy. ultrasound therapy. Shock wave therapy. Electrophoresis with lidase. Mud applications.

In order to avoid inflammation of the tendon, it is necessary to prevent the disease:

It is necessary to knead the tendon before doing heavy exercises. It is necessary to periodically pump the calf muscles and increase the load over time. You need to do a jump, which will ensure elasticity not only of the Achilles tendon, but also of other tendons of the legs. After loads, it is necessary to stretch the calves.

In conclusion, I would like to say that, despite the fact that the Achilles tendon is the strongest tendon, it is most often amenable to stress and can be injured. Therefore, before performing any exercises, you need to do a little warm-up and prevention.

We are told all the time that exercise is good for health. Of course, moderate physical activity is simply necessary to be in good shape and have healthy body and healthy mind. But, as you know, professional sports are not only money and fame, but also frequent injuries, which sometimes cause an athlete to leave big-time sports. In our article, we will analyze one of these diseases - Achilles tendonitis. Treatment this disease will also be considered.

Tendinitis is a disease that is characterized by an inflammatory process in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon. Pathology often develops in people who are professionally involved in sports, that is, exposing the Achilles tendon to overstrain, which leads to the appearance of the disease.

Let's take a closer look at the treatment below. Achilles tendinitis can develop at an older age, even in those who do not play sports. This is due to age-related changes, the range of motion in the ankle joint gradually decreases, and the tendon becomes less elastic, which can lead to injury.

Have you been diagnosed with Achilles tendinitis? Treatment and causes of this pathology will be discussed in the article. To begin with, let us dwell in more detail on the factors provoking the disease:

Decreased elasticity with age. The composition of the tendon includes collagen and elastic fibers, which make it strong and extensible. The older a person becomes, the more these indicators decrease, and the loads can lead to ruptures or damage to the tendon fibers. It is with this that the fact that after 35 years of age any training should begin with a warm-up is connected. Big loads. As a rule, athletes are exposed to them. Excessive training leads to overstressing the tendon. A short rest period does not allow the tissues to recover sufficiently and rupture of the fibers can occur. Flat feet with overpronation, when the foot collapses inward. When walking in this position, the tendon is more stretched and can be injured. Uncomfortable shoes, especially for sports training. There is an incorrect distribution of the load, which can lead to the development of this pathology. Women's love of high heels can end up with Achilles tendonitis. Treatment in this case is also necessary. A growth on the heel (Haglund's deformity) where the tendon attaches. Infectious diseases can also provoke the development of pathology. Some bone and joint problems, such as arthritis. Different leg lengths. The cause of the development of pathology can be gout, rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease.

Any of these reasons can lead to the fact that serious treatment is required, Achilles tendonitis will not go away on its own. It is advisable to consult a doctor when the first signs appear.

This disease can occur in two forms:

Acute. Chronic.

If there is an acute form of pathology, then the following manifestations are possible:

The appearance of pain during exercise or the training process. Gradually, the pain subsides, and after rest it disappears altogether.

If you feel the Achilles tendon, you feel discomfort.

If you give your legs a rest, then micro-ruptures grow together, which is why it seems that everything has passed, but new loads lead to re-injury.

If you do not pay attention to the symptoms in time, then gradually the pathology turns into a chronic form, which has the following symptoms:

Gradual increase in pain. During exercise, the pain becomes stronger, even warming up and warming up do not help. Rest also does not relieve pain, immediately after waking up you can already feel them. During the descent or climbing stairs, pain develops.

Both chronic and acute form diseases may also have the following manifestations:

The tendon thickens. Excessive tension is felt in the calf muscles. Mobility may be limited in the ankle area. Pain may be felt throughout the tendon or only in the heel area. Squeaking may appear during movement of the ankle joint. It becomes increasingly difficult to bend the foot and stand on toes.

Chronic Achilles tendonitis should not be allowed to develop. Treatment in this case will require a longer and more serious.

The course of the disease can manifest itself in different ways. Depending on this, several forms of pathology are distinguished:

Peritendinitis is manifested by an inflammatory process in the surrounding soft tissues. Tendinitis - the Achilles tendon itself is affected, adjacent tissues are not affected. Enthesopathy. With this form of the disease, the degenerative process develops on the border with the bone, a heel spur may appear.

If tendinitis of the Achilles tendon is suspected, treatment should be started only after the diagnosis has been clarified.

The following are used as diagnostic methods:

Physical examination. The doctor performs palpation and determines the places where pain is most felt. Radiation diagnosis, but in the absence of calcifications, it will not help to make an accurate diagnosis. MRI will help determine the presence of tears. Ultrasound. With it, you can determine the need for surgical intervention. An X-ray examination is also carried out, it shows the places of the inflammatory process.

After the diagnosis confirms Achilles tendonitis, treatment should be prescribed by a doctor.

If discomfort in the tendon arose for the first time, then it is enough to limit the load for a while and give rest to the legs. You can use ice to remove swelling and redness.

If even after resting and reducing the load, the pain does not go away, then you will have to visit a doctor. As a rule, the treatment of this disease is carried out in several directions:

Conservative therapy. Drug treatment. Alternative methods of therapy. Physiotherapy procedures. Surgical intervention.

Depending on the severity of the disease, the doctor chooses the tactics of treatment.

If Achilles tendonitis is present, treatment of ruptures or minor injuries should begin by reducing stress and immobilizing the area. This can be done in several ways:

Put on a splint or plaster. Use an elastic bandage. Taping. Applying orthoses that can partially or completely restrict movement.

It is with this that treatment should begin if there is Achilles tendonitis. The photo demonstrates this well.

Taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - "Nimesil", "Naklofen". If there is an extensive inflammatory process, then antibiotic therapy may be required. To relieve pain, you can put a compress using "Analgin", "Novocain" at night or inject an anesthetic. If Achilles tendonitis is diagnosed, treatment with ointments is also possible. For this, Voltaren, Dolobene Gel, Solcoseryl are often used.

After the medication can relieve inflammation and reduce pain, you can proceed to physiotherapy.

Physiotherapy methods are an excellent addition to medical treatment. Most often, patients are prescribed the following procedures:

Magnetotherapy. Laser treatment. Ultrasound treatment. Shock wave therapy.

Electrophoresis. Mud applications.

Properly performed therapy, if there is Achilles tendonitis (treatment and symptoms are presented to your attention in the article), will soon give a positive result. Pain subsides and mobility is restored.

For many diseases, alternative treatment can help. Achilles tendonitis also lends itself well to it. The most effective ways are:

Ice massage. To do this, take plastic cups and pour water into them, place in the freezer. When the liquid freezes, the injured area is massaged with the top of the container for 15-20 minutes several times a day. "Home plaster". It is necessary to beat the chicken protein and add 1 tablespoon of alcohol or vodka. Beat well and add a tablespoon of flour. Apply the mixture to an elastic bandage and bandage the sore spot. It is necessary to change such a bandage every day, it will help relieve swelling and pain. Folk healers recommend adding turmeric to the diet. Curcumin, which it contains, helps relieve pain and reduce inflammation. Use of saline dressings. First you need to dissolve a tablespoon of salt in a glass of warm water. Soak a washcloth in the liquid, wring it out, wrap it in a plastic bag and place it in the freezer for a few minutes. Apply to the sore spot and bandage, hold until the napkin is completely dry.

If there is tendinitis of the Achilles tendon, treatment with folk remedies can be carried out using infusions and decoctions of medicinal herbs:

Prepare an infusion from a tablespoon of comfrey, calendula and 250 ml of hot water. Bring to a boil, insist for several hours, and then dilute 1 tablespoon of the infusion in 300 ml of water and make a bandage on the injured area. Compress from elecampane. You need to take 3 tablespoons of grass and pour 0.5 liters of hot water, boil for 15 minutes. Moisten a napkin in the decoction and apply to the sore spot. Using pine twigs to prepare baths. It is necessary to take a bucket and fill two-thirds with pine branches, pour cold water and boil for half an hour. Then you need to insist for 2-3 hours and take baths for 15-20 minutes. Use a mixture of 2 drops of fir and lavender oils to rub the sore spot, and add a teaspoon of any vegetable. Wormwood tincture has a general strengthening effect on the body and relieves inflammation. To prepare it, you need to take 2 tablespoons of dry grass and pour 250 ml of boiling water, after a 30-minute infusion, take a tablespoon several times a day.

Calendula ointment will help to cope with the inflammatory process. Preparing is quite simple: you need to mix baby cream and calendula flowers in equal amounts. It is best to apply to a sore spot at night. Take the same amount of pork fat and wormwood ointment, combine and melt on fire. After cooling, it can be applied to the affected area. An ointment can be prepared from clay. To do this, take 500 g of clay and dilute it in water to the consistency of mastic, and then add 4 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. Then moisten a napkin in the resulting composition and apply to the sore spot for an hour. The course of therapy is up to 6 procedures and helps to get rid of pain and swelling.

Thus, if "Achilles tendinitis" is diagnosed, treatment with folk remedies will help you quickly return to your usual lifestyle.

If all conservative methods of treatment have been tried, but there is no result, then you will have to resort to surgical intervention. During the operation, the doctor makes an incision and excised the affected area, and then the tendon is sutured. If there is a growth of Haglund, then it is also removed.

If you still had to resort to surgical intervention for a disease such as Achilles tendonitis, treatment, rehabilitation after surgery will take a couple of months. You will have to wear a special boot for 6 weeks. Gradually, after about a couple of weeks, you can try to step on the operated leg.

After removing the orthosis, a rehabilitation course is prescribed, which will help to fully restore the functioning of the tendon. This usually takes from one to three months.

After surgery, a set of exercises will help you recover faster. Here are some tips for doing them:

In the first place is walking, for this you need to choose comfortable shoes and, in the process of movement, carry out a smooth roll from heel to toe. Walking time, speed and stride length should be increased gradually. It is recommended to do a rise on toes and half squats. Exercises in water help recovery well. The body loses most of the weight, so those exercises that cannot be done in the gym at a certain period can be safely performed in the water. You can only run after a good warm-up. It is useful to perform exercises to stretch the calf muscles and tendons, for this, stand near the wall, lean hands, and put the injured leg back and rest on the toe. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Stand on the edge of the platform and squat. This exercise increases the strength and elasticity of the Achilles tendon.

When performing any exercises, it must be remembered that the load should increase gradually. You can return to sports training only after the permission of the attending physician.

We examined such a disease as Achilles tendonitis. Treatment and prevention of it should be at the proper level in order to prevent the development of pathology. To do this, you should follow the following recommendations:

With age, the elasticity of the tendon decreases, therefore, after 40 years, it is necessary to lead a mobile lifestyle and include in the set of exercises those that will help to use the calf muscles. While playing sports or any loads, you should not immediately start the main exercises, you need to do a warm-up and a stretching complex .All athletes should follow the training regime, the muscles should not be overloaded. For any sports activity, you need to choose the right shoes.

If you consult a doctor with the appearance of the first symptoms of the disease and follow all the recommendations for treatment and recovery, then the prognosis for Achilles tendonitis is quite favorable. Gradually, the tissues will recover, the inflammatory process will come to naught, and it will be possible to return to sports mode or habitual way of life. But we must always remember that our health is only in our hands, so take care of yourself.

The Achilles tendon, or calcaneal tendon, is considered the strongest in the human body. It has an enormous load, as a result of which it is vulnerable to various kinds damage. Most often, it becomes inflamed in athletes due to excessive physical exertion, but anyone can face such a problem. To be fully equipped, you need to know how the pathology manifests itself and how to treat the Achilles tendon at home.

Why does Achilles inflammation occur and how does it manifest itself?

A typical cause of the development of the inflammatory process in the Achilles tendon is its stretching, leading to rupture of the fibers as a result of excessive loads. Rupture of connective tissue occurs due to a short rest between sports training preventing them from recovering. There are a number of factors that provoke inflammation of Achilles:

  • age-related decrease in the elasticity of collagen and elastin fibers that make up the tendon;
  • flat feet with turning the foot inward (hyperpronation);
  • wearing uncomfortable shoes, as well as walking in high heels in women;
  • heel growth (Haglund's deformity);
  • congenital pathologies, for example, shortening of the foot, different length legs, etc.;
  • pathology of the musculoskeletal system.

In addition, the tendon ligament can become inflamed due to infection, disorders metabolic processes and earlier past injuries feet.

The inflammatory process can develop inside the fibers, in the area of ​​​​the junction of the bone and tendon, in the surrounding tissues.

The following symptoms will help to independently recognize the pathology:

  • severe pain syndrome, manifested during movement, acquiring a permanent character;
  • swelling and redness of the affected area;
  • crunch in the shin area when moving;
  • an increase in temperature in the damaged area.

In addition, inflammation of the calcaneal tendon is often accompanied by a general increase in body temperature. However, the symptoms in each patient manifest themselves individually, depending on the degree of damage and the characteristics of the organism.

How to deal with a calcaneal tendon injury

An elastic bandage will help reduce pain

If there is a sharp growing pain in the area of ​​the Achilles tendon, as well as a severe headache, accompanied by dizziness and blackouts in the eyes, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible. The specialist will determine the severity of the injury and prescribe the appropriate treatment. A torn tendon is rarely treated without surgery.

Important! Delay will complicate the situation and lead to the development of serious consequences.

When stretching a tendon, first apply cabbage leaf, make a tight bandage from an elastic bandage and wrap your leg in a blanket (plaid, woolen scarf).

It is important to ensure that the limbs are at rest.

After an hour, change the cabbage leaf and repeat the procedure.

You can put raw potatoes on the ankle for half an hour, peeled and cut into circles. Wrap gauze around the affected tendon, put potatoes on it and place the foot in heat. This compress normalizes blood circulation and relieves tension in the damaged area.

Treatment methods at home

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon is also treated with folk remedies. Immediately after giving first aid for a sprain, do not load the leg. Move less and use crutches, a cane or other means of support when moving.

Helps tendons recover faster proper nutrition. You need to eat more dairy products, cheese and other foods rich in calcium.

An excellent remedy for the treatment of the Achilles tendon at home is a healthy drink made from goat's milk with honey (1 tablespoon per glass of milk). It improves general well-being, restores strength. Drink healing mixture can be at night or in the afternoon and evening.

Remember that you can treat inflammation at home only after the doctor makes a diagnosis.

Medical treatment

With inflammation of the Achilles, anesthetics and NSAIDs are prescribed

The main symptom that accompanies inflammation of the calcaneal tendon - a sharp pain syndrome - is removed with anesthetics. At home, you can take pills, suppositories, and also use local preparations: ointments, creams, gels.

In the treatment of inflammation of the Achilles tendon, drugs are selected individually in each individual case. Anti-inflammatory helps nonsteroidal drugs(NSAIDs/NSAIDs) in combination with painkillers.

The most commonly prescribed combination drugs for the treatment of inflammation:

  • Diclofenac;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Naklofen;
  • Nimesil.

Penetrating into tissues and maintaining a therapeutic effect for a long time, they relieve inflammation well, relieve pain and have an antipyretic effect.

When diagnosing an extensive inflammatory process, a course of antibacterial agents is prescribed.

At home, anti-inflammatory ointments are actively used for inflammation of the Achilles tendon. Well proven:

  • Collagen ultra;
  • Solcoseryl;
  • Dolobene gel;
  • Voltaren.

They are available as an ointment/gel and are used 5-7 days after the dressing has been removed.

Immediately after injury to the calcaneal tendon, a cooling gel can be applied that easily penetrates the skin, quickly relieves swelling and lowers the temperature.

Treatment with folk remedies

Inflammation of the Achilles tendon can be treated with folk remedies. Alternative medicine stores great amount effective recipes proven over the years.

  • Ice massage. Fill several small plastic/glass containers (glasses will do) with water and place them in the freezer. As soon as the liquid freezes, take out the container, drive for 10-15 minutes with the ice surface formed in the upper part of the container, along the affected tendon. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day.
  • Home (household) gypsum will quickly relieve pain, swelling. You need raw protein chicken egg and 1 tbsp. l. alcohol (vodka). Add ethanol to whipped protein, shake, add a pinch of flour. Spread an elastic bandage with a creamy mass, wrap the inflammation center around it, walk for a day until it completely hardens. Tight bandaging is not necessary. It is recommended to change the "gypsum" mixture every day.
  • Saline dressings. Stir 1 tbsp. l. salt in 250 ml. water. Moisten a cloth, then squeeze thoroughly, wrap in a plastic bag and place in the freezer for an hour. Wrap the frozen bag with a bandage, without tightening it, to the inflamed area, wear it until the bandage dries.
  • Lavender oil. Mix half a glass vegetable oil from 2-3 tbsp. l. dry lavender mixture Shake it, then place it in heat for 7-10 days. Lubricate the damaged area with ready-made lavender oil 2-3 times a day for a week.
  • Infusion of comfrey and calendula. 1 st. l. Add the herbs to a large glass of hot water and bring to a boil. Let it brew for 6-8 hours, then 1 tbsp. l. dilute the decoction in 300 ml of water. Slightly wring out a gauze napkin moistened with infusion, tie it to a sore spot.
  • Ointment from calendula flowers. Mix dry crushed flowers of the plant with baby cream. Lubricate the affected areas before going to bed and they will hurt less.
  • Onion. Pass 2-3 medium onions through a meat grinder and mix with 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt. Put the resulting slurry on gauze (bandage), apply a compress on the inflamed area for about a week.

An integrated approach and strict adherence to the doctor's recommendations will help to quickly restore the Achilles tendon. The use of folk remedies in combination with medications will help to quickly cure and return to a normal and active lifestyle.

To prevent damage to the calcaneal tendon, you need to constantly take care of the health of your legs, adhering to simple rules:

  • wear comfortable shoes;
  • after a hard day's work, do a foot massage;
  • start each exercise with a warm-up;
  • do not overcool your feet;
  • do not abuse heavy physical labor;
  • balance physical activity.

If you follow the above tips, Achilles tendon pain will never bother you.

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