Paraffin applications for children. Paraffin with ozokerite at home for hip dysplasia Paraffin ozokerite applications

Since Soviet times, children have been treated in sanatoriums with paraffin and ozocerite applications. Now it is very difficult for a child to get to a sanatorium - free vouchers are practically not allocated, and buying a course of stay and treatment in a resort organization can cost a tidy sum for parents. In addition, you cannot send small children to the sanatorium alone; they need to be accompanied by their mother or father, which often turns out to be impossible. But do not lament, there are such physiotherapy procedures that you can perform at home on your own. Below is a detailed description of how paraffin applications are made for children, and for what diseases they can be useful. They are often prescribed by doctors in clinics, relying on a deep warming effect.

What diseases are prescribed paraffin applications for children?

The vast majority of paraffin applications for children are associated with the presence of congenital hip dysplasia in the baby. However, this is far from the only indication for paraffin applications.

Paraffin (as well as ozokerite) is a product of industrial oil refining. It conducts heat little, but retains it well, while having a low melting point (about 55 degrees). Such properties make it possible to apply paraffin to the skin in a molten state in layers. The first layer will form a film that protects the skin from burns, subsequent layers will provide deep and even heating. On average, the temperature of tissues under paraffin increases by 1-2 degrees, which is quite enough to improve blood circulation, relax muscles and activate trophic processes in tissues. The paraffin layer does not allow moisture and air to pass through at all, therefore, under the application, a sauna effect is created: sweating increases, toxins and toxins come out through the pores in the skin.

The use of paraffin applications for children in the treatment of many chronic inflammatory diseases is based on these effects:

  • Digestive tract: gastritis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis, dyskinesia, colitis.
  • Musculoskeletal system: dysplasia, arthritis, arthrosis, myositis, dislocations and fractures.
  • Neurological diseases: neuritis, neuralgia, plexopathy, radicular pain syndrome (sciatica).

How are paraffin applications for children made?

There are several ways to prepare paraffin applications for children. Stick to the one prescribed by the doctor, because only a specialist can take into account the nature of the pathology, as well as its localization, the age of the child and the tolerance of thermal procedures.

In all cases, only medical purified paraffin is used for applications. It can be mixed with ozocerite in a 2:1 ratio (for better ductility) or used alone.

Paraffin is heated in a water bath, for which two saucepans are used - a larger and a smaller one. After melting the pieces of paraffin, it is necessary to warm it up to a temperature of 55-60 degrees or a little more. It is not necessary to sterilize medical paraffin. Next, the finished mass is cooled to a temperature at which application to the skin will be tolerable. The skin should be clean and previously degreased with alcohol or lotion. There are several ways to apply paraffin.

1. Using a paint brush. Paraffin applications for children used in this way are applied in layers. Each subsequent layer is applied after a slight hardening of the previous one. The total thickness of the compress is 2-3 cm.

2. Overlay with finished layers. To do this, melted paraffin is poured into large flat forms (for example, a baking sheet) on previously placed plastic bags.

3. Paraffin mask. For its preparation, gauze folded in several layers is lowered into molten paraffin. Next, the excess paraffin is allowed to drain and a mask is applied to the surface of the body.

4. Paraffin boot or mittens. To prepare them, you need to prepare a form of thick oilcloth in advance. Paraffin chilled to 45-50 degrees is poured into it and the limb is immersed, on which a layer of paraffin was previously applied with a brush.

Whatever way you apply paraffin applications for children, you need to put cellophane or compress paper on top of the paraffin layer, warm it with a terry towel or woolen scarf. The duration of the procedure can be gradually increased from 15 minutes to 1 hour. It is better to carry out applications at night, but if this is not possible, you should leave the child in a warm bed for 1-2 hours after the procedure. The course of treatment reaches 20 procedures. Paraffin applications are well combined with massage, electrophoresis.

With dysplasia, massage, physio and paraffin are usually prescribed. If you did not get an appointment for paraffin, then it is quite possible to carry out the procedure at home. I wish this post would help me, maybe it will help someone else!

So, to do paraffin therapy, you need to prepare a few things:

1. Cosmetic paraffin - 500 gr (2 packs), sold in a pharmacy within 80-90 rubles

2. Ozokerite - 250 gr (1 pack) I took the same company as paraffin, although not all pharmacies have it. It also costs 80 rubles

3. Vaseline oil - 1 bottle, costs 14 rubles

4. Soviet thick oilcloth - still sold in pharmacies)))

Everything. Now melt two parts of paraffin and one part of ozocerite in a water bath. Also add vaseline oil.

While the paraffin is melting, prepare the mold from oilcloth. It should be about the same size as your baby's butt, and a little wider to grab a little bit of the barrel. Just fold the oilcloth and clamp the edges with clothespins. It’s good if there is a form or a baking sheet of the same size so that you put the oilcloth inside and the paraffin doesn’t spill for sure. But if not, just make the sides of the oilcloth higher.

We check whether all the paraffin has dissolved and pour it into the mold

It is necessary that the thickness of the paraffin was at least a centimeter (I got even more). After about 10 minutes, the paraffin will set, check its temperature with your elbow and you can remove it from the oilcloth.

Pay attention that it has cooled down over the entire thickness and does not leak in the middle.

And now we put: a warm blanket - a sheet - paraffin - a child's booty on paraffin. And we wrap the ass tighter so that the paraffin does not move. You can’t do paraffin above the priests - there are kidneys, on the genitals, of course, too. But at the same time you can make “boots” on the calves if, for example, the child stands on the toe and the calf muscles are not developed. For children up to six months, 5-7 minutes of paraffin is enough, after six months you can do 10 minutes. There are 20 sessions in total, and it is advisable to do a massage after paraffin with an emphasis on the legs - a frog, a bicycle, breeding legs, etc.

Well, that seems to be all! The main thing is to keep an eye on the temperature of the paraffin, but be prepared that the baby will not be delighted in any case when his booty is laid on paraffin. although after a couple of minutes it calms down :) After the procedure, the ass should be red, maybe even sweaty. True, the color is paler in the photo)))

I didn’t take this instruction out of my head - the masseuse suggested it. Good luck to everyone, good health!!!

ps The used paraffin is then re-melted and used, over time it will be possible to simply add ozocerite. And yet, paraffin can also be used by adults, for example, for colds, applications on the chest area for warming up.

Only at first glance, the term "ozocerite" seems complicated and incomprehensible. In fact, this is the name of mountain wax, natural carbon from the oil group. Sometimes it is conditionally referred to as minerals. In fact, it is a mixture of high molecular weight, saturated hydrocarbons. It looks and smells like kerosene. In pharmacies, it is sold in the form of small blocks that can be heated in a water bath and used as directed by a doctor. Paraffin-ozocerite applications are widely used in medicine. Their action is due to the content of biologically active components that penetrate the body through the skin and have a healing effect. Separate components of ozokerite activate the restoration of damaged tissues and organs. Therefore, paraffin-ozocerite applications are used for children and adults with a variety of diseases.


Usually, a person does not know about this method of treatment until a doctor prescribes applications. And after with ozocerite it becomes a permanent assistant, which is used for a number of diseases. And this is no accident. Paraffin-ozocerite applications at home are used to achieve a short-term spasm of blood vessels with their subsequent expansion. At the same time, blood flow and metabolism increase, regeneration processes are launched. Chemicals from ozokerite stimulate cell growth and activate immune processes.

What are the therapeutic effects

In addition to the chemical composition of the application, the thermal factor is also of great importance. An increase in skin temperature in the affected area by 2-3 degrees at a depth of 4-5 cm leads to vasodilation, increased blood flow, synthesis of biologically active substances and activation of the secretion of the endocrine glands. As a result, a number of positive effects are observed.

Doctors note an anti-inflammatory effect, which is important for problems with the musculoskeletal system. In addition, there are antispasmodic, resolving and analgesic effects. Paraffin-ozocerite applications for children most often begin to be done closer to the year, if due to tone they cannot start walking. Usually it is enough to carry out 10-14 procedures, and the baby begins to confidently stand on his legs, and then move around.

Indications and contraindications

Most often, these are inflammatory diseases of surface tissues and internal organs, the consequences of diseases and injuries of the musculoskeletal system. Often, with the help of this simple method, it is possible to effectively treat pathologies of the reproductive system, diseases of the skin and ENT organs. Even such a complex disease as trophic ulcers associated with vascular obstruction can be corrected very well together with local and systemic therapy.

However, the procedure also has contraindications that cannot be ignored. These are acute inflammatory processes, heart disease, cirrhosis of the liver and various tumors. Do not use paraffin-ozocerite applications during pregnancy. Moreover, the lactation period is also a reason to postpone the course of treatment until it is completed. Only if your doctor individually decides to make an exception, you can ignore this rule.

Cost of the procedure

This is another factor that speaks for the use of paraffin-ozocerite applications. The price of such procedures is relatively low even in a hospital (220 rubles per application), but at home you can buy a package of paraffin and ozocerite and use them as many times as you need, each time only warming up. Each of them will cost 80-90 rubles. Add to this the cost of wrapping fabric, oilcloth base and application brush, it still won’t exceed 500 rubles. And after the course of treatment, all this can be carefully removed until the next time.

How to use

There are several ways to perform this procedure. However, it is best to entrust it to an experienced nurse. It does not represent anything dangerous, but the heating technique itself must be worked out to automatism. A little less - and a cool application will not be able to give a therapeutic effect. A little overheated - and paraffin-ozocerite applications can severely burn unprotected skin. That is why caution does not hurt.

There are several ways. The first is to melt it to a temperature of 65 degrees and apply with a brush to the skin. The second method is similar, but the effect is deeper. The limb is coated with ozokerite, and then placed in a vessel containing a molten mixture of paraffin and ozokerite. And again we will warn about the need to observe the correct temperature regime. It will not be possible to quickly clean the limb from too hot a substance.

Applications are an easier option for beginners. Paraffin-ozokerite applications are performed in this way most often at home. To do this, the molten ozokerite is poured onto the oilcloth laid in the mold in a small layer and, after waiting for cooling (checking with your own hand), is transferred to the surface of the body.

In fact, the procedure is quite simple, and therefore everyone can perform it at home, the main thing is to practice a little. However, there are several important factors to consider:

Application making

And we go directly to technology. Now we will take a closer look at what paraffin-ozocerite applications are. How to do them, you will better understand by trying it in practice. As a test subject, it is better to use one of the adults. The session will require the following components:

Let's get straight to the point

We have everything ready, and now you can make paraffin-ozocerite applications. How to make a child, it is best to learn from a nurse or for the first time to make an application on the father's neck. First of all, you need to melt the solid substance over a very slow fire. Make sure no water gets into the mixture. It takes much longer to cool than paraffin itself and can burn the skin. When the product has completely melted, you can add Vaseline and mix. On pre-prepared wide layers of gauze, laid out on a layer, pour a layer of the mixture.

Now the place for applying the mixture must be thoroughly dried and with a soft brush apply several layers of paraffin. It quickly grabs and protects the skin from discomfort. A slightly cooled gauze is applied on top of it. The heat from this composition will last long enough. The child is covered with a blanket and left for 15 minutes.

Do not forget that the use of such applications is possible only as directed by a doctor. With hypertonicity, they can bring a quick positive result, and with hypotonicity, on the contrary, they will relax the muscles too much, which will only worsen the condition. Therefore, despite the importance of preventive measures, consult your doctor first. But if the baby is sick, but the temperature is normal, you can make warming applications on the chest and instead of socks.

Instead of a conclusion

As you can see, paraffin-ozocerite wraps are not difficult. They can be used for adults and children. Women often use cosmetics to maintain the beauty and health of the skin of their hands and feet. These procedures are not only very useful, but also pleasant and uncomplicated. Having bought reusable paraffin and ozocerite in a pharmacy, you will be able to use them for many years and enjoy the results achieved.

Representing one of the most effective methods of heat treatment, paraffin therapy has long been used in the treatment of many diseases that can be treated with high temperatures. While maintaining the set temperature for a long time, paraffin is applied to the body in the form of applications and compresses, while additional additives can be used. This enhances the degree of effectiveness of the procedure, allowing heat and beneficial substances to penetrate as deeply as possible into the upper layer of the epidermis.

The concept of the method

The use of paraffin is based on its ability to maintain high temperature for a long time and evenly transfer it to the deep layers of the skin without the appearance of a burn: paraffin applications make it possible to warm the upper layer of the epidermis to a temperature of 60-70 ° C, while the heat acts as softly and continuously as possible. Since most diseases are cured with the help of high temperatures, paraffin applications can significantly improve the patient's condition with many organic lesions.

Evenly penetrating into the skin, facilitating faster penetration of drugs into the body and absolute harmlessness to health, this method is especially interesting for the treatment of many organic lesions, both in monotherapy and with complex exposure. Today, several basic methods are used to combine paraffin procedures with other activities and means that will enhance the therapeutic effect of their use.

The video below will tell about this method of treatment:

Its types

There are several varieties of this physiotherapy, which can reduce the risk of complications and increase the effectiveness of the applied method of therapeutic exposure.

  • For example, paraffin-ozocerite applications, in which a natural substance is used as an aid. It has the properties of rapid tissue repair, eliminates signs of inflammation, stimulates the body's defenses.
  • Also widely used are procedures to improve the condition of the skin of the face, for which it is used cosmetic paraffin: quickly smoothing the skin, it stimulates the regeneration of the skin of the face, décolleté and neck, increases blood flow, eliminates signs of aging and dryness.
  • As a kind of procedure using paraffin - paraffin boots, which are most commonly used in the treatment of children. Several layers of melted paraffin are applied to the legs up to the knee and left to act for 30-50 minutes. After the procedure, the hypertonicity of the legs is eliminated, the blood circulation process improves, blood circulation is stimulated. The considered type of procedure is excellent for the treatment of acute respiratory viral infections and acute respiratory infections, which is most often observed in children.

Pros and cons

The most important advantages of this method include the following:

  • speed and ease of implementation;
  • long-term preservation of temperature in the material, which ensures long-term heating of tissues;
  • softness of warming up and absence of probable risk;
  • the possibility of using various medicinal additives in paraffin therapy, which enhance the degree of therapeutic effect.

The breadth of beneficial effects when using paraffin applications is also considered an important advantage of this method of treatment: a positive effect when applying warm paraffin is noted for damage to muscles, ligaments of joints, diseases such as arthritis, myositis, dislocations, arthrosis, skin diseases such as trophic ulcers that heal poorly wounds, burns, with, with lesions of internal organs and the nervous system.

The disadvantage of such a procedure as paraffin applications should be considered the impossibility of its use with a high degree of skin sensitivity to high temperatures, with allergic manifestations in the process of applying paraffin. Some note as a minus the need to heat the paraffin, which is an obligatory stage of preparation for the process.

A risk in the implementation of paraffin therapy can be considered burns with increased skin sensitivity, however, temperature control when heating paraffin avoids such a risk.

Indications for use

The use of paraffin applications allows you to quickly eliminate the painful manifestations of such dermatological diseases as skin rashes, dermatitis, fractures, trophic ulcers. With the help of paraffin applications, the following lesions of internal organs are cured:

  • duodenal ulcer;
  • radiculitis;
  • neuritis.

Depending on the age, location of the lesion, the degree of its neglect, the method of applying this physiotherapy may vary somewhat. This method is used in both women and men for, and,.


For women, paraffin therapy can be used both as a remedy for eliminating organic lesions, as well as for cosmetic purposes. The best method of applying paraffin in the form of applications has proven itself for the following purposes:

  • face masks that eliminate and increase the degree of its elasticity, relieve inflammation. When performing a course of paraffin mask procedures, there is an acceleration of blood flow and lymph movement, toxins and toxins are removed from the skin faster, making it easier to breathe;
  • masks and baths for the limbs, which perfectly warm them up and allow useful substances to be more deeply absorbed into the upper layer of the epidermis;
  • paraffin wraps: this technique has shown itself well in eliminating such defects as orange peel on the thighs, traces of cellulite.

The above methods of using paraffin applications allow women to maintain their youth, health and activity for a long time.


Paraffin applications are also used by men. Their main task for them is to cure such organic lesions as muscle pain, joint diseases - these manifestations are typical for people who receive significant physical activity, athletes.

Also, men use paraffin applications for manifestations of colds, SARS. In some cases, cosmetic paraffin is used to eliminate skin defects.

Children and newborns

In childhood, the use of paraffin is also indicated. The most commonly used is warming up the limbs with signs of a cold, acute respiratory infections.

For use in early childhood, paraffin packs should be used with extreme caution to prevent the possibility of burning the delicate skin of children: checking the temperature of the paraffin before applying it to the skin will avoid the risk of burning.


The use of paraffin therapy has a number of limitations in its application. These include the following conditions and diseases:

  • acute stages of inflammatory processes of the skin;
  • feverish state of the body with fever;
  • cardiac lesions;
  • diabetes mellitus and other metabolic diseases.

During pregnancy, lactation and during menstruation, the use of paraffin applications is undesirable. The listed contraindications should be taken into account when compiling the seme of the use of paraffin therapy.

Preparation for paraffin applications

For the use of paraffin applications, you must first clean the skin on which the paraffin will be applied. Cleaning can be done with a neutral detergent or soap.

How is the procedure carried out

Before use, paraffin should be melted in a water bath, for which it is placed in a container that is heated in a saucepan with water. Paraffin melts when the temperature rises above 45°C.

Now molten paraffin is applied to the cleansed skin, for which a spatula, a wooden stick, can be used. The application of the substance should be carried out in several layers, and then allow the paraffin to harden. While retaining heat for a long time, paraffin warms up the skin without causing burns, skin irritation - heat transfer is carried out gradually and does not have a negative effect on the body.

The duration of the procedure can vary from 15 minutes for children to 30-45 minutes for adults.

In special institutions

Medical institutions providing services in the form of physiotherapy may offer paraffin applications. The conditions for performing the procedure are identical to how it is carried out at home.

Paraffin is heated in special tanks, after which the warm substance is applied to the surface of the skin. At the same time, the temperature of heating of the substance is controlled, skin cleansing after the procedure is also carried out professionally.

At home

At home, applying applications to the skin is also quite simple. Warming up of paraffin is carried out on a steam bath, it is applied in molten form to previously cleansed skin.

During the selected time, there is a gradual and soft penetration of heat into the epidermis and adjacent tissues, which allows you to warm up the desired area and get the necessary positive therapeutic effect. The course of procedures averages 8-12 repetitions.

Paraffin boots at home - the topic of the video below:

Consequences of use and possible complications

After a course of procedures, positive results are manifested in the form of an improvement in the condition of the skin, smoothing its surface, and eliminating its defects. The cure of inflammation, manifestations of a cold, the elimination of pain due to damage to muscle tissues, tendons and joints - all these are the positive consequences of using paraffin applications.

A complication may be an increase in the manifestations of inflammatory manifestations that occur in the body, the appearance in the form of skin rashes with skin sensitivity.

Recovery and care after application

Passing the course of paraffin applications does not require any special changes in the usual lifestyle or habits. Treatment should be carried out, which is prescribed by a doctor, the use of drugs that stimulate the fastest recovery.

The skin after the end of the procedure should be thoroughly cleaned with alcohol or ether to remove paraffin residues.

Paraffin therapy and ozokeritotherapy are thermotherapy procedures. Ozokerite with paraffin for children is prescribed in the treatment of cerebral palsy, hip dysplasia, injuries, with increased muscle tone. Paraffin and ozocerite have a thermal effect on the body. Treatment is relatively safe when taking into account all contraindications. Heat therapy can be done at home.

The concept of paraffin therapy and ozokeritotherapy, indications, limitations to the appointment

Heat therapy is the use of heated substances or objects to treat various pathologies. Warming of the body is carried out due to direct contact of the heat source with the skin.

Heat has a stimulating effect on metabolic processes in tissues. This effect is observed only with prolonged exposure to heat (30-60 minutes). Thermal exposure can relieve pain, increase blood flow, accelerate the outflow of lymph from tissues. The main methods of thermotherapy are paraffin therapy and ozokeritotherapy.

Paraffin treatment, basic techniques

Paraffin therapy is a physiotherapy technique that involves the use of medical paraffin. It is a high molecular weight carbohydrate molecule related to methane derivatives. Paraffin is produced from petroleum products. For physiotherapeutic treatment, a product with a high degree of purification is used.

Paraffin is a white substance. It has a moderately hard structure, melts at 52-55°C, retains heat well, and prevents it from passing through itself. These properties in heat therapy are of great importance. Paraffin mass is used for applications.

Before using paraffin, the substance should be heated to 95°C. Paraffin is melted in special paraffin heaters powered by electricity. The operation of the heaters is based on the "water bath" method.

The main methods of paraffin therapy:

  • Cuvette-application method.
  • Napkin-application method.
  • layering method.
  • Paraffin bath method.

The cuvette-application technique involves the use of a special cuvette, which has the size necessary for applying the application. An oilcloth is placed in a cuvette, molten paraffin is poured onto it. The thickness of the paraffin mass layer is 1-2 cm. After cooling, the still soft paraffin is removed from the container. The mass is applied to the surface of the body with an oilcloth up. From above cover the place of warming up with a blanket.

The napkin-application technique involves the application of a gauze napkin soaked in paraffin mass to the surface of the body. The thickness of the overlay should be 0.5 cm. A napkin (8-10 layers of gauze) is placed on the mass layer. An oilcloth is applied to the gauze layer, and then a blanket.

The layering technique involves smearing paraffin with a brush to a thickness of 1-2 cm. The mass layer is covered with oilcloth. Covered with a blanket on top.

The bath technique is the way in which a bath is used. A paraffin mass of 1-2 cm is smeared with a brush on the hand or foot, after which it is covered with oilcloth. The treated limb is lowered into a bath with paraffin (60-65°C). It is allowed to use an oilcloth bag instead of a bath.

Before applying the paraffin mass, wipe the skin dry to avoid burns, shave off the hair on the skin (at the application site). You can lubricate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin with pronounced hair growth with petroleum jelly. This will prevent the hairs from sticking to the paraffin after it has hardened.

Ozokerite treatment, properties, rules for the use of ozokerite

Ozokerite treatment is carried out using an ozokerite applicator. It is a derivative of petroleum products. Ozokerite is a rock. It is also called "mountain wax". After extraction, the substance is purified. Only high purity ozocerite is used for physiotherapy.

The substance melts at a temperature of 52 to 68°C. Ozokerite is able to retain heat even more than paraffin. The thermal energy available in ozocerite practically does not go away. Therefore, heat is retained even longer than with the use of paraffin mass.

The composition of the ozocerite mass contains components that stimulate the work of the vegetative system. The use of ozokerite helps to enhance the recovery of nerve fibers. Hormone-like components were also found in the ozocerite mass, which are indicated in the treatment of infertility.

Indications and restrictions for the use of ozokerite or paraffin application

Application techniques have their limitations and indications for use. When prescribing therapy, the doctor must take them into account.

Application indications:

  • Inflammatory pathologies (during recovery, non-purulent).
  • Pathologies of the motor system (arthritis, arthrosis, deformities of the articular apparatus).
  • Diseases of the peripheral nerves, especially after bruises, fractures.
  • Pain syndrome during the recovery period after bruises, sprains.
  • Increased motility of the walls of hollow organs (intestines, stomach, gallbladder and bladder).
  • Contractures of the articular apparatus due to severe muscle spasm.

Application therapy is not used for acute and purulent inflammation, exacerbation of chronic pathologies, and sensitivity disorders.

Scope and rules for the use of paraffin and ozokerite therapy in pediatric practice

Paraffin with ozokerite for children is used in newborns, infants, patients of preschool and school age. Treatment is prescribed for patients with cerebral palsy, in the presence of contractures, severe muscle spasms. Paraffin therapy for children is used for muscle hypertonicity, as well as torticollis. Application therapy is prescribed for cough, respiratory diseases.

Ozokerite for children is prescribed for the treatment of neuritis or nerve infringement. It allows you to restore the structure of the nerve fiber, accelerate the conduction of nerve impulses. Ozokerite therapy is also allowed to treat damage to nerve fibers after bruises and injuries.

For newborns and infants, paraffin therapy is prescribed for muscle hypertonicity. Take gauze fabric folded in several layers. It is moistened with melted paraffin. Polyethylene is applied to the gauze fabric. Woolen socks are put on top of the child.

When carrying out physiotherapy, it is imperative to monitor the temperature of the paraffin in order to prevent burns. The skin of infants is much softer than that of older children. Before physiotherapy, the temperature of the application mass is checked with an elbow or a thermometer.

A session in infants should last 7-10 minutes, in newborns - up to 5 minutes. Course therapy is 10 physiotherapy. If necessary, the treatment can be repeated.

You can apply ozocerite on the legs of a child. It retains heat better. Often it is used for cerebral palsy (ICP). The substance helps to reduce muscle spasm, accelerate the conduction of impulses along nerve fibers. The technique of physiotherapy is similar to paraffin therapy. Treatment greatly facilitates rehabilitation for cerebral palsy.

Paraffin and ozocerite applications can be applied to the entire leg, only up to the knee or on the feet, depending on the pathology. In case of valgus deformity of the knee joint, paraffin or ozocerite is applied to the leg with the capture of the knee joint, lower leg and foot. Applications are made on the arms and legs at the same time with cerebral palsy, speech delay and general development. Against the background of therapy, speech function improves significantly when therapy is carried out 2-3 times a year. Paraffin and ozokerite therapy are often prescribed by pediatricians and speech therapists.

For colds and diseases of the respiratory system, paraffin is applied to the legs and arms, upper back. Ozokerite when coughing for children is prescribed on the back, but only at the recovery stage. In the acute period of the disease, treatment can not be carried out.

Paraffin can be applied to the neck area. Treatment is used for severe torticollis. Against the background of physiotherapy, the spasm of the "nodding" muscle decreases. The temperature of the mass should be no more than 40-45 °C. The duration of therapy is 7-10 minutes (depending on age). Course therapy is 10 physiotherapy. If necessary, treatment can be extended.

The application technique is used for the treatment of hip dysplasia (HBS). Paraffin is applied to the area of ​​the thigh and hip joint. The procedure lasts 5-10 minutes. Course therapy is 20 sessions. If necessary, the treatment is repeated after a month. The use of physiotherapy can improve the condition of the joint.

Application therapy can be done at home. To do this, you should consult a doctor to eliminate restrictions. You also need to clarify the sequence of the physiotherapy. For therapy, you need to purchase medical paraffin or ozocerite mass. Before using the application material, be sure to read the instructions. During therapy, the proportions of the application of the applicator must be observed. It should be heated in a water bath.

It is impossible to melt paraffin and ozocerite in a microwave oven and on direct fire.

You can buy ozocerite and paraffin mass in pharmacies, specialized stores. The price of an ozocerite-paraffin applicator is 164-290 rubles. Ozokerite costs from 120 rubles. Paraffin has a cost of 117 rubles. It is better to buy special children's applicators. They are more secure.


Application thermal physiotherapy can treat hypertonicity, torticollis, hip dysplasia. It is allowed to carry out therapy in patients with cerebral palsy. Treatment can be carried out independently at home. Before therapy, you should consult a doctor. If you follow all the rules of the physiotherapy, it will only benefit.

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