Viruses are running. Differences between bacteria and viruses. Methods for detecting a disease

Today, thousands of bacteria are known - some are beneficial, while others are pathogenic and cause diseases. Many terrible diseases: plague, anthrax, leprosy, cholera and tuberculosis are bacterial infections.

Well, the most common are meningitis and pneumonia.

It is important not to confuse bacterial infections with viral ones, to know the symptoms and treatment options.

What infections are called bacterial?

Bacterial infections are a huge group of diseases. One reason unites them - bacteria. They are the most ancient and numerous microorganisms.

  • Airways;
  • intestines;
  • blood;
  • skin covering.

Separately, bacterial infections in children and latent sexual infections in women and men are distinguished.

Bacterial infections respiratory tract often develop after a cold, as a complication. The immune system becomes weaker, and pathogenic bacteria that did not manifest themselves before begin to multiply. Respiratory bacterial infections can be caused by the following pathogens:

  • staphylococci;
  • pneumococci;
  • streptococci;
  • whooping cough;
  • meningococci;
  • mycobacteria;
  • mycoplasmas.

Upper respiratory tract infection usually presents with bacterial sinusitis, pharyngitis, and acute tonsillitis(more famous name- angina). In this case, a pronounced focus of inflammation is always observed.

To bacterial infectious diseases of the lower respiratory tract include bacterial bronchitis and pneumonia.

Bacterial infections of the intestine often occur due to unwashed hands, the use of products with poor heat treatment, improper storage or expired. In most cases, the problem is caused by:

  • shigella;
  • staphylococci;
  • cholera vibrios;
  • typhoid bacillus;
  • salmonellosis.

Bacterial intestinal infections are the most dangerous because their symptoms (such as diarrhea) are not always taken seriously.

Intestinal bacterial infections are more often manifested by the following diseases:

In women and men, bacterial infections affect and genitourinary system . Most often, women are bacterial vaginosis(gardnerellosis), chlamydia, cystitis, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis. Men suffer from urethritis, chlamydia, bacterial balanitis or prostatitis.

In children most often there are viral infections, which are complicated by bacterial ones due to the weakening of the body during the period of illness. In most cases in childhood the following viral diseases are observed:

  • measles;
  • rubella;
  • piggy;
  • chicken pox.

Children who have been ill with such infections receive strong immunity and are no longer exposed to these diseases. But if during the period of illness the child had contact with harmful bacteria, it is quite possible to develop complications in the form bacterial pneumonia, otitis, etc.

How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one

Bacterial and viral infections are often confused. They may have the same symptoms and even similar results in diagnostic tests.

It is imperative to differentiate these infections, since drugs for their treatment are completely different.

There are several signs by which you can determine whether a bacterial or viral infection is present in the body:

  • duration. Symptoms viral infection usually subside quickly (in about 7-10 days), and a bacterial disease can last for more than a month.
  • Slime color. If the disease is accompanied by sputum or nasal mucus, then you should pay attention to their color. The virus is usually accompanied by secretions of a transparent color and liquid consistency. For bacterial infections, the discharge is more characteristic of a dark greenish or yellow-green color. You should not completely rely on this sign.
  • Temperature. Both types of infections are usually accompanied by fever, but in bacterial diseases, it is higher and is characterized by a gradual increase. With a virus, this indicator behaves the other way around - it gradually decreases.
  • Ways of infection. Among bacterial infections, only some diseases are transmitted by contact, and for the virus this is the main route of spread.
  • Development and localization. Bacterial infections tend to develop slowly, and the virus immediately manifests itself brightly. In the first case, the lesion is isolated, that is, the disease is localized in a certain area. A viral disease affects the entire body.
  • Test results. One of the main indicators is the level of leukocytes and lymphocytes. Leukocytes increase with infection of any etiology, but neutrophils are elevated during bacterial infection(this is special kind leukocytes). With a viral infection, leukocytes can be increased, but most often they are lowered (including neutrophils) (for example, with influenza, viral hepatitis, measles, rubella, mumps, typhoid fever, leukocytes are necessarily below normal), but here with a viral infection, an increase in the number of lymphocytes is necessarily traced, and an increase in monocytes may also be observed (with infectious mononucleosis, for example), therefore, the result of a general blood test is evaluated comprehensively. Another analysis is bacteriological examination. biological fluid(detachable eye, ear, sinuses, wounds or sputum, for example). This analysis will identify the causative agent of a bacterial infection.

Symptoms of bacterial infections

There are many possible bacterial infections. Each has its own characteristics, so the set of symptoms is different.

The incubation period for bacterial infections has a wide range. Some pathogens actively multiply in a few hours, while others take several days.

Signs of a bacterial infection depend on which part of the body it has affected. Intestinal diseases in this case are manifested by the following symptoms:

  • high temperature and fever;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea.

These symptoms are generalized because certain diseases manifest themselves differently. For example, with a typhoid infection, not only the stomach hurts, but also the throat, as well as the joints.

Children's bacterial infections are characterized by a wider range of symptoms. The thing is that almost always a bacterial infection is a continuation of a viral one. For example, a child gets sick with adenovirus, but when certain conditions he develops a bacterial infection as a complication of the original disease, so the clinical picture is erased.

But still, the diseases are expressed by the following symptoms:

  • high temperature(more than 39°C);
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • plaque on the tongue and tonsils;
  • severe intoxication.

If, after improving well-being, a deterioration in the patient's condition is observed, then most often this indicates the development of complications of a bacterial nature after a viral illness.

Bacterial infections in the upper respiratory tract also often appear after the transferred virus, when immunity is reduced. Infection is expressed in the following symptoms:

  • deterioration of well-being;
  • pronounced lesion;
  • purulent secretions;
  • white coating in the throat.

A bacterial lesion in women affecting the genitourinary system has the following symptoms:

  • vaginal discharge - the color and consistency depends on the causative agent of the infection;
  • itching and burning;
  • bad smell;
  • painful urination;
  • pain during intercourse.

In men, the development of a bacterial infection has a similar character:

  • pathological discharge from the urethra;
  • unpleasant odor of discharge;
  • painful urination, itching, burning;
  • discomfort during intercourse.


For bacterial infections, specific investigations are needed. They are used to differentiate a bacterial lesion from a viral one, as well as to determine the pathogen. The course of treatment depends on the results of the tests.

Bacterial infections are diagnosed mainly through laboratory tests. The following methods are usually used:

  • Blood test with leukocyte formula. In bacterial infection, see increased number neutrophils. When the number of stab neutrophils is increased, they speak of an acute infectious disease. But if metamyelocytes, myelocytes are found, then the patient's condition is characterized as dangerous, and requires emergency care physicians. With the help of such diagnostics, it is possible to identify the nature and stage of the disease.
  • Analysis of urine. Shows whether the urinary system is affected by bacteria, and is also necessary to determine the severity of intoxication.
  • Bacteriological research with antibiogram. With the help of this analysis, it determines the type of causative agent of the infection, and by what means it can be killed (the so-called sensitivity of the pathogen to antibiotics is determined). These factors are important for prescribing the correct therapy.
  • Serological study. Based on the detection of antibodies and antigens that interact in a specific way. For such studies, venous blood. This method is effective when the pathogen cannot be isolated.

Dr. Komarovsky tells in detail about how laboratory diagnostics is carried out to distinguish a bacterial infection from a viral one:

Laboratory research is the main direction in the diagnosis of bacterial infections. In some cases, additional examinations are required:

  • X-ray. Performed to differentiate specific processes in individual organs.
  • Instrumental diagnostics. Ultrasound or laparoscopy is more commonly used. These methods are needed to study internal organs for specific lesions.

The appointment of the correct treatment, its effectiveness and the risk of complications directly depend on the timeliness of diagnosis. You should contact your doctor as soon as possible anxiety symptoms- At the reception, the patient is always prescribed tests.

General approach to the treatment of bacterial infections

The treatment of bacterial infections is guided by general principles. This implies a certain therapy algorithm:

  • Eliminate the cause of the disease.
  • Cleanse the body of toxins.
  • Heal the organs affected by the infection.
  • Reduce the severity of symptoms and alleviate the condition.

Treatment of a bacterial infection implies the mandatory use of antibiotics, and if this intestinal infection and also following a special diet.

As far as taking medications, broad action include antibiotics penicillin group and 3rd generation cephalosporins.

There are a lot of antibiotics, each group of such drugs has its own mechanism of action and purpose. Self-treatment in best case will not bring effect, and at worst - will lead to neglect of the disease and a number of complications, so the doctor should prescribe treatment depending on the nature of the disease. The patient is only obliged to follow all the doctor's instructions and not to arbitrarily reduce the course of taking antibiotics and the prescribed dosage.

Let's summarize what has been said. There are a lot of bacterial infections, and the effectiveness of their treatment directly depends on the identification of the causative agent of the disease. Most people are carriers of certain bacteria, but only certain factors provoke the development of infection. This can be avoided with preventive measures.

The most basic step in any diagnosis is to identify the focus or cause of the disease. This plays a big role in the further elimination of the disease. There is a similarity in the appearance of a viral disease or bacterial origin. But it should be noted that there are some differences that make it possible to determine the etiology. In order to spend differential diagnosis it is necessary to draw enough blood for laboratory research. Practically in any hospital you can take a blood test and determine the viral or bacterial disease in a person.

How to identify a viral or bacterial infection?

Differences between bacteria and viruses

To understand the difference between bacterial infection and infectious origin you don't have to be a doctor. You just need to carefully study these varieties. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms. The nucleus may not be present in the cell, or may be unformed.

So, depending on the species, bacteria can be:

  • Coccal origin (streptococci, staphylococci, etc.). These bacteria are round.
  • In the form of sticks (dysentery and the like). Long stretched forms.
  • Bacteria of other sizes, which are relatively rare.

You must always know that all life in the human body or in the organs are present a large number of these representatives. If a person's immune system does not suffer and functions sufficiently, then no bacterium poses a danger. But as soon as a decrease in the level of human immunity is observed, then any bacteria can threaten the body. A person begins to feel bad and fall ill with various ailments.

But the cell also does not sleep, as soon as the process of virus reproduction occurs, the body acquires a protective state. Based on this, the human body begins to fight, due to immunity. The defense mechanism is triggered, which is a fundamental factor to resist foreign intrusion.

Unlike bacteria, viruses do not last long, until the body completely destroys them. But according to the classification of viruses, there is a small amount of viruses that are never excreted from the body. They can live throughout life, and become more active in case of weakened immunity. They are not stopped by any drugs, and most importantly, their immunity is not a threat. These representatives are the virus herpes simplex, human immunodeficiency virus and others.

Deciphering a blood test for a virus

To determine, on the basis of the study, a disease of viral or bacterial origin, no special professionals in the field of medicine are needed. Even a common person can determine on the basis of analysis.

In order to determine the cause of the appearance of the disease, it is enough to analyze each column with special attention.

For detailed consideration pathological change with viruses, you need to know certain indicators:

  1. A slight decrease in the level of leukocytes, or no fluctuations.
  2. Moderate increase in the number of lymphocytes.
  3. Raised level.
  4. A sharp decrease in neutrophils.

Deciphering the analysis

If the analysis shows that a person is sick, due to the penetration of the virus into the body, it is still necessary to study clinical manifestations. To make a differential diagnosis by symptoms, the virus has a rather short incubation period. The duration is up to 5-6 days, which is not typical for bacteria.

As soon as a person becomes ill, it is necessary to determine the viral or bacterial infection.

Deciphering a blood test for a bacterium

As for bacteria, there are some difficulties. Sometimes blood tests and clinical manifestations can be slightly inaccurate. But in most cases, laboratory research gives us a positive answer. Main characteristics:

  1. At 90% elevated level leukocytes.
  2. Elevated levels of neutrophils (neutrophilia).
  3. Moderate decrease in lymphocytes.
  4. A sharp jump in the level of ESR.
  5. Identification of special cells - myelocytes.

As mentioned above, the incubation period of bacteria is relatively longer than that of viruses. Usually up to two weeks.

You should also always be aware that bacteria in the human body can be activated due to viruses. After all, when a virus appears in the human body, immunity decreases and the bacterial flora gradually begins to affect the body.

It is quite easy to determine a viral or bacterial infection by a blood test. According to the results, it is possible to say with certainty why the disease appeared. You must always remember that it is not always possible to cope with the disease yourself, so you need to consult a doctor and be treated based on his recommendations.

If a bacterial infection has entered the body, the symptoms of the pathological process are similar to signs of intoxication, require treatment with and without antibiotics. The general condition of the patient worsens, and the disturbed temperature regime is bedridden. Bacterial diseases successfully amenable to conservative treatment, the main thing is not to start the spread pathogenic flora.

Infectious or not

To answer this question, you need to know everything existing species bacterial infections and timely undergo diagnostics to identify the pathogen. For the most part, such pathogenic microorganisms dangerous to humans, transmitted by contact-household, airborne and alimentary. After the infection enters the body, inflammation, acute intoxication, and tissue damage occur, while the body's immune response decreases.

Symptoms of a bacterial infection

Symptoms are similar to those general intoxication organic resource, accompanied by high body temperature and severe chills. Pathogenic flora, as it were, poisons an organic resource, releasing waste products into once healthy tissues, blood. General symptoms bacterial lesions are presented below:

In children

Patients in childhood are much more susceptible to bacterial lesions, because general state immunity leaves much to be desired. With the release of toxins, the symptoms only increase, chaining the child to bed, forcing parents to go on sick leave. Here are some changes in children's well-being that need to be addressed Special attention:

  • constant moodiness;
  • tearfulness, lethargy;
  • instability temperature regime;
  • fever, chills;
  • pronounced signs of dyspepsia;
  • skin rashes unknown etiology;
  • appearance white plaque on the tonsils, with great soreness in the throat.

Bacterial infections in women

At respiratory diseases respiratory tract very often we are talking about bacterial infection. As an option, angina, pharyngitis, laryngitis progresses, which are accompanied by recurrent sore throat, less often - purulent discharge from the pharynx. Microbes cause the following changes in female body:

  • temperature jump up to 40 degrees;
  • choking cough with progressive coryza;
  • pronounced signs of intoxication;
  • violation of the intestinal microflora, vagina;
  • acute otitis media depending on the location of the infection;
  • prolonged bouts of diarrhea;
  • signs of decreased immunity.

Signs of a bacterial infection

In order for the diagnosis of bacterial infections to be timely, it is necessary to pay attention to the first changes in the general well-being of the patient, not to refer to the classic cold, which “will pass by itself”. Should be alert:

  • frequent trips to the toilet, diarrhea;
  • feeling of nausea, complete lack of appetite;
  • a sharp decline body weight;
  • temperature rise above 39 degrees;
  • pain different localization depending on the nature of the infection, its localization.

How to distinguish a viral infection from a bacterial one

Without holding bacteriological analysis cannot be dispensed with, since this is the basis of diagnosis and the ability to correctly differentiate the final diagnosis. However, an adult patient is able to independently distinguish the nature, localization of the focus of pathology. This is important for future treatment, since bacterial lesions are successfully treated with the participation of antibiotics, while pathogenic viruses cannot be eradicated with antibiotics.

The main difference between a bacterial infection and a viral one is as follows: in the first case, the focus of pathology is local, in the second it is more systemic. Thus, pathogenic viruses infect the entire body, sharply reducing general well-being. As for bacteria, they have narrow specialization, for example, rapidly develop laryngitis or tonsillitis. To determine the virus in such clinical picture required general analysis blood, to identify the bacterial flora - sputum analysis (in case of infection of the lower respiratory tract).


After inflammation of the mucous membranes and the appearance of other symptoms of bacterial damage, it is required laboratory way determine the nature of the pathogenic flora. Diagnosis is carried out in a hospital, the collection of anamnesis data is not enough to make a final diagnosis. AT modern medicine the following types of infections are declared, which have a predominantly bacterial flora and cause such dangerous diseases body:

  1. Acute intestinal bacterial infections: salmonellosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, food poisoning, campylobacteriosis.
  2. Bacterial lesions skin: erysipelas, impetigo, phlegmon, furunculosis, hydradenitis.
  3. Bacterial infections of the respiratory tract: sinusitis, tonsillitis, pneumonia, bronchitis.
  4. Blood bacterial infections: tularemia, typhus, plague, trench fever.


In the process of reproduction pathogenic bacteria in the absence of timely therapy infectious process acquires chronic form. In order not to become carriers dangerous infections, it is required to pass in a timely manner comprehensive examination. This is a mandatory general blood test, which shows increased amount leukocytes, ESR jump. Other changes in body fluid infected person are presented below:

To avoid the development and spread chronic disease, the following types are recommended clinical examinations:

  1. Bacteriological (study of the habitat of microbes, creation favorable conditions to form viable colonies in laboratory conditions).
  2. Serological (detection of specific antibodies in the blood to certain types pathogenic microbes - under the microscope they differ in color).
  3. Microscopic (after sampling, the biological material is examined in detail under a microscope, at the cellular level).

How to Treat a Bacterial Infection

Pathological process starts incubation period, the duration of which depends on the nature of the pathogenic flora, its localization and activity. The main goal of the implementation conservative methods- prevent blood poisoning, restore the general well-being of the clinical patient. Treatment is symptomatic valuable advice competent specialists:

  1. Prescribing antibiotics and representatives of other pharmacological groups should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician, since certain microorganisms are immune to certain medicines.
  2. Apart from conservative treatment needs to reconsider daily nutrition habitual way of life. For example, it is useful to completely abandon salty and fatty foods, bad habits and excessive passivity. Be sure to strengthen weak immunity.
  3. Symptomatic treatment should be carried out depending on the location of the focus of the pathology, the affected body system. For example, in diseases respiratory system mucolytics and expectorants are needed, and with tonsillitis, antibiotics cannot be dispensed with.


If bronchitis or pneumonia occurs, such dangerous diseases must be treated with antibiotics to avoid extremely unpleasant complications with the health of an adult patient and a child. Among side effects we are talking about allergic reactions, digestive disorders and more. Therefore, the appointment of antibiotics should be carried out exclusively by the attending physician after diagnosis. So:

  1. To slow down the growth of pathogenic flora, bacteriostatic agents such as Tetracycline, Chloramphenicol in tablets are prescribed.
  2. To exterminate a bacterial infection, bactericidal preparations such as Penicillin, Rifamycin, Aminoglycosides are recommended.
  3. Among the antibiotics penicillin series Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Amoxicillin are especially in demand.

How to cure a bacterial infection without antibiotics

Symptomatic therapy adult and child spend on medical indications. For example, in the fight against headaches, you will have to take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, for example, Nurofen, Ibuprofen. If there are pains of another localization, they can be removed with Diclofenac. To cure an infection bacterial nature without antibiotics, recommended such medical preparations:

  1. Diclofenac. Painkillers that additionally relieve inflammation have bactericidal properties.
  2. Regidron. saline solution, which should be taken acute intoxication body to clear the infection.

How to treat a bacterial infection in children

In childhood with acute infections recommended plentiful drink, symptomatic treatment. Antibiotics must be abandoned if the disease is on initial stage, secondary microbes are absent. With an upper respiratory tract infection, cough medicines, mucolytics will be needed. For diseases of the throat, it is better to use local antiseptics - Lugol, Chlorophyllipt. Patients with meningitis should be urgently hospitalized.


The penetration of pathogenic flora into the body can be prevented. To do this, at any age, it is recommended to adhere to the following preventive advice knowledgeable specialist:


As Dr. Komarovsky answered correctly, recognizing a viral infection not an easy task even for certified doctors (especially if they do not deal with SARS every day). However, there are a number of symptoms that are characteristic only of a viral infection.

Features of the viral process stem from the biology of viral bodies. We will not talk about this, this is the subject of a separate lecture. Remember the main thing - viruses are not living objects. They do not drink, do not eat, do not shit, do not make love, like all living things on earth. And this feature is fundamental, since it is impossible to kill something that is not alive (the answer to the question why antibiotics do not work with a viral infection). In fact, a virus is a computer flash drive, where instead of a chip, an RNA (DNA) helix is ​​wrapped in a protein shell (similar to a plastic case). After all, it is no coincidence that programmers dubbed malware viruses, not bacilli. Hence the symptom complex (constituting the catarrhal syndrome).

1. gradual increase in the clinic with a maximum on the second day (night),
2. spasmodic body temperature (coincides with the release of viruses from destroyed cells), unlike bacteria, which keep a constant temperature level throughout the day due to endotoxins,
3. change, redness of the mucous eyes (with bacteria, the mucous membranes are pale),
4. the appearance of "friability" and redness (often slight with a bluish tint) in the throat.
5. changes in the nose ranging from congestion to "three streams",
6. coughing (up to barking cough),
7. "hard" breathing, not a specific symptom, is very important for a thinking doctor.

ARVI is cured only when the body's "anti-virus firmware" is updated (we continue the analogy with programming), that is immune system will decipher the antigenic composition of the virus and, having assessed it, will begin to produce antibodies. A complete viral cycle takes up to a week on average.

Hence the principle of treatment - a curative-protective regimen. What has been talked about a lot.

13/05/2014 17:20

Ukraine, Kyiv

Here they called an ambulance of the well-known Dobrobut company the other day. The child could not bring down the high temperature (39.7), rose by 24-00, syrup (nurofen) and suppositories (with paracitamol) did not help, and it was impossible to give them additionally, because. you need to endure a break, it was the 4th day of illness. They were afraid not to wait for ours, they called this one, hoping that there were such specialists (similar to our Evgeny Olegovich). They arrived quickly, helped to bring down the temperature, looked at the blood test and said that the virus had provoked the actor's infection and prescribed an antibiotic, then they began to tell us that we did not give antiviral drugs that SARS should be treated in this way, I was shocked by these words (I tried to prove the opposite), but in my direction there were big eyes!!! who do you teach! It seems that they called our pediatricians from the clinic only for a completely different amount! Such an eminent clinic, but the prose of life is the same .... it’s good that they didn’t say to wipe it with vinegar. Like this...

08/02/2014 12:41

soika Ukraine, Guards

The granddaughter is 1.5 years old, for three days there was a red throat and a temperature of up to 38.5.
The throat is no longer red, but the temperature jumps, there is a runny nose and cough (not dry, but not wet), wheezing with free breathing is not audible.
what can you advise?
go to the doctors, they will definitely send you to the hospital, because. they themselves are not capable of anything (I have known these doctors for 25 years, sometimes I had to take my children to school for reference)

The concepts of "virus" and "infection", at first glance, may seem the same and do not have certain differences, but this is not so. They are different from each other in many ways that must be taken into account. The article will help to understand this issue and forever understand exactly what a “virus” and “infection” are.

Let's get into the definitions

To understand exactly how an infection differs from a virus, you need to know exactly what each of these concepts means.

So what is a virus? A virus is a primitive form of life that consists of genetic materials with a protein coat. How exactly these organisms arose is still not clear. In most cases, they exist at the expense of other organisms.

What is an infection? Infection is the entry of pathogens into human body, which is accompanied by their further development and reproduction, leading to the emergence of diseases and pathologies.


Virus and infection differ not only in their general terms, but also their life activity.

There are diseases that can be triggered by both infections and viruses. As for the treatment, it will be different, as it depends on the pathogen.

Signs of diseases

As mentioned earlier, viruses and infections can provoke in the body various diseases. To determine which disease is developing, it is necessary to pay attention clinical signs, which have their own distinctive characteristics:

Clinical signs of viral diseases:

  • Fever that lasts at least four days.
  • Body temperature rises rapidly to the highest levels.
  • There may be non-specific signs, such as: increased weakness, malaise of the body.
  • The secreted mucus in diseases has a light shade.
  • Viral diseases occur during periods of temperature extremes and high humidity.
  • If the protective properties of the body are reduced, then viral diseases may be complicated by bacterial infections.

Clinical signs of infectious diseases:

  • Fever, accompanied by a high body temperature for at least three days.
  • May occur purulent discharge and plaque on the mucous membranes, depending on the type of disease.
  • Duration inflammatory process will also depend on the form and stage of the disease.
  • There may be shortness of breath, wheezing in the chest.
  • Vomiting, nausea.
  • The secreted mucus has a green or yellow-green color, as purulent masses are present.
  • Infectious diseases can be passed from person to person. also get an infection Great chance just in the spring.

All of the above symptoms may vary, everything will depend on the type of disease. To accurately establish which organism is progressing, it is necessary to conduct an examination and pass all the tests.

Differences between viral and infectious diseases

A distinctive characteristic will be presented below, which will help to understand exactly what is the difference between these two organisms and how they can affect the human condition.

Differences between viral and infectious diseases:

  1. The virus is able to completely infect the entire human body, and infectious diseases are localized only in one area.
  2. The virus is accompanied by such a main symptom as fever and intoxication of the body. Infectious diseases have a slow development, but more pronounced clinical symptoms.
  3. To cure the virus, it is necessary to use antiviral drugs. In order to get rid of infectious disease antibiotics are recommended.

As far as treatment goes, don't do it. self-treatment, since it is impossible to determine, based only on the signs, what is progressing in the body - a virus or an infection. Such therapy can only aggravate the situation and provoke complications. Charmingly, you need to contact a specialist and take blood tests that will accurately establish the cause of the poor condition.

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