Neutrophilic granulocytes are lowered. Decreased neutrophils in the blood in women causes. Neutrophils below normal - what does it mean

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After receiving the results of a laboratory test, the doctor must not only reliably determine the reasons why segmented neutrophils are lowered in the child's blood, but also prescribe adequate treatment. Not all patients understand what this indicator is and how its deficiency in the systemic circulation affects the general state of health. A low level of neutrophils in the blood of a child indicates a weak immune system, so action is required immediately.

What are neutrophils

In the chemical composition of blood, a set of cells is concentrated, where each type is responsible for certain functions. For example, red blood cells provide the supply of vital oxygen, platelets prevent bleeding, white blood cells and lymphocytes protect against infections. As for neutrophils, cells are a type of white blood cells that resist the penetration of microbes, bacterial and fungal flora into the body. Cells are responsible for sustainable immunity. If the allowable indicator is deviated to a greater or lesser extent, an internal disease develops.

The norm of neutrophils in the blood in children

You can determine the real indicator of neutrophils by the leukocyte formula. The limit of the norm is set depending on the age category of a person, it changes throughout life. In the presence of inflammatory diseases, it can deviate up or down, and with such abnormal deviations, doctors prescribe a detailed diagnosis with subsequent treatment. Permissible rates of stab and segmented blood cells are presented in the following table:

Age of child, adult The concentration of stab neutrophils The concentration of segmented neutrophils
3 days of life 3 – 14 47 – 70
up to 1 year 1 – 5 15 – 45
2 – 3 years 1 – 5 28 – 48
4 – 6 years 1 – 5 30 – 55
7 – 10 years 1 – 5 40 – 60
11 – 16 years old 1 – 5 42 – 60
adults 1 – 7 45 – 70

Decreased neutrophils in the blood of a child

With bacterial infections against the background of a weakened immune system, the chemical composition of the blood changes significantly. According to the results of the general analysis, one can judge the diseases of the child and adult organism. However, in viral infections, their action is weak, passive. There are a number of physiological and pathological reasons that just explain why low neutrophils in the blood of a child appear. Doctors, having correctly deciphered the leukocyte formula in each clinical picture, can predict the outcome. It is important to determine in a timely manner why protective cells are lowered.

What does it mean

Being microphages in their structure, neutrophils successfully fight bacteria and fungi, but are powerless against viruses. Produced by the bone marrow, ideally they penetrate into tissue cells through the vascular walls, while paralyzing and absorbing harmful bacteria. They themselves die, but fulfill their primary mission. If the bone marrow produces a large number of young structures, then the number of mature neutrophils decreases several times - relatively small. It is important to understand why neutrophils are lowered in a child up to a year old and older, how this condition manifests itself.


If neutrophils are present in low concentrations, the patient experiences general weakness, suffers from excessive sweating, and is prone to frequent respiratory illnesses. The symptoms of the disease are identical to those of ARVI, influenza, and other ailments, depending on the specific clinical picture. Pediatricians strongly recommend that young parents pay attention to the following changes in the general well-being of the baby:

  • high temperature, fever;
  • small weight gain;
  • complete lack of appetite;
  • tendency to inflammatory processes;
  • increased drowsiness, tearfulness;
  • life resource is reduced.

The reasons

Before you increase the neutrophils in the blood of a child that are pathologically low, it is important to find out the main causes of the pathology, to eliminate them from the patient's life. Bone marrow cells produce immature neutrophils due to physiological and pathological factors. Among the non-dangerous reasons that are not associated with the development of a serious disease, doctors highlight the following points why blood cells are lowered:

  • nutritional features;
  • the presence of bad habits;
  • stressful situations;
  • taking certain medications.
  • Pathological, health-threatening factors, why neutrophils are significantly reduced in a child in the blood, are presented below:
  • injury;
  • as a consequence of the implementation of preventive vaccinations;
  • general intoxication of the body;
  • malignant diseases of the systemic circulation, for example, leukemia;
  • extensive damage to internal organs;
  • increased activity of pathogenic flora.

Infections that cause a decrease in neutrophils

A decrease in the concentration of red blood cells indicates an infectious and inflammatory process, and requires urgent correction by medication. If you conduct additional examinations of once healthy organisms, you can detect the content of the following pathogenic flora if the blood cells are lowered:

  • infections of the digestive tract: salmonellosis, diphtheria, escherichiosis, dysentery;
  • infections of the brain and meninges: poliomyelitis, meningitis, encephalitis;
  • infections of the kidneys and urinary system: pyelonephritis, cystitis;
  • infection of the skin: pyoderma, furunculosis, erysipelas;
  • respiratory tract infections: tonsillitis, acute rhinitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

congenital diseases

With pathologically low rates of stab neutrophils diagnosed immediately after the birth of a child, doctors do not exclude progressive Kostmann's agranulocytosis of an autosomal recessive type. The disease is congenital, it is not treated, moreover, in the stage of relapse, reduced segmented cells can lead to the sudden death of a newborn patient.

benign neutropenia

This chronic disease is characterized by a significant decrease in neutrophil blood cells in the absence of alarming symptoms for the child's body. A characteristic ailment can be detected by clinical analysis of the biological fluid in the first days of life of the non-congenital. Children older than 2 years are not diagnosed. The little patient is registered with a pediatrician, a hematologist, and an immunologist. Severe symptoms are completely absent, the patient is self-healing.

Why is neutropenia dangerous?

With such a disease, the number of immune responses to pathogenic flora is significantly reduced. The child has frequent infectious and viral diseases, which are accompanied by intoxication of the child's body, immune reserves are lowered. Among the potential complications, doctors do not exclude digestive problems, chronic diseases of the digestive tract, a tendency to reduce immunity. If there are no timely response measures, chronic neutropenia is only aggravated by unpleasant relapses.

With deficiency anemia (when red blood cells are low)

How to increase neutrophils in the blood

The lack of protective cells can be made up for by dietary habits, vitamin therapy with the participation of B9 and B12, and iron preparations. If the reason why neutrophils are lowered is the increased activity of a pathogenic infection, it is necessary to identify and exterminate the pathogen in a timely manner. The specialist prescribes antimicrobial drugs, the most effective are representatives of the penicillin series.

If the reason why neutrophils are lowered is progressive stomatitis, it is recommended to use externally local antiseptics - Miramistin and Chlorhexidine. When long-term drug therapy is a pathogenic factor, it is urgently necessary to correct it, i.e. temporarily stop taking certain medications. Further treatment of neutrophilia is predominantly symptomatic.


Diseases such as inflammation or blood disorders are often accompanied by neutropenia. However, neutrophils are lowered, and there may be other reasons. To accurately determine the number of these cells in the body, it is necessary to conduct a detailed blood test. What threatens a decrease in neutrophils and how to treat this condition. Norms of cells in the blood by age categories.


In human blood, doctors distinguish two types of these cells:

  • Band nuclear. These are cells that have not yet fully matured. Their core consists of a continuous pole-shaped base. This species is often elevated in newborns.
  • Segmented nuclear. These are already adult and formed cells, the nucleus of which consists of segments.

To determine the patient's condition, it is necessary to determine the percentage of young and mature cells. An increased content of stab representatives is usually observed in newborns. These cells are later replaced by segmented ones, and by the 3rd week of life, the balance between young and mature cells in babies is restored. Neutrophils in the blood shows a complete blood count.

In order to determine the presence or absence of diseases, doctors calculate the percentage of neutrophils from the number of leukocytes. You can often hear from specialists that the patient has low neutrophils in the blood, what does this mean?


What is a neutrophil? These cells are the most numerous group of leukocytes. These cells protect our body from various microbes and pathogenic bacteria. They are part of the immune system and are an indicator of its work.

The percentage of neutrophils in the blood to leukocytes differs in children and adults. There are no differences in terms of gender.

Table of norms in a blood test for children by age:

Causes of a decrease in neutrophils

What does deviation from the norm mean? Today, doctors identify three main reasons why neutrophilic granulocytes can be lowered in the blood, namely:

  • Congenital defect (when the level is below normal from birth).
  • Acquired deficiency (for example, during illness or after chemotherapy, granulocytes are lowered).
  • Failure for unknown reasons.

Reduced number of neutrophils in a child, what does it mean? Often, low neutrophil levels can be seen in young children. If the deviation is not pathological and is not a congenital pathology, the total number of neutrophils is normalized by about 2-3 years of age.

This condition is not dangerous, but requires monitoring.

Rarely, congenital pathologies occur in children, when low neutrophils show a decrease to critical levels or are completely absent. These diseases are dangerous for children, because the immune system does not work, and the baby can often and seriously get sick, especially in the first years of life. Such children should be on a special account. With age, their condition improves due to the fact that the immune system replaces the missing white blood cells with other immune cells.

Pathological causes of declines

Neutrophils are lowered in an adult or a child with a severe course of the following diseases:

  • Viral diseases of various nature.
  • protozoal infections.
  • Typhus.
  • bacterial infections.
  • Anemia.
  • Ulcer disease.
  • Purulent inflammation.
  • Agranulocytosis, etc.

In addition, a decrease in neutrophils in adults may be due to the following conditions:

  • Transferred illness.
  • After chemotherapy.
  • After radiation therapy.
  • After vaccination.
  • With medical treatment.
  • With anaphylactic shock.
  • When living in an ecologically unfavorable area.

With reduced neutrophils, eosinophilic cells should be evaluated. Of particular importance is the determination of their number in women during pregnancy. Often in pathological conditions, a clinical blood test shows that neutrophils are lowered, and eosinophils are increased and lymphocytes are increased in an adult. This indicates a serious inflammatory process in the body. Also, other deviations in the analysis will be observed.

Reduction mechanism

In order to understand why there is a decrease in neutrophils, you need to know the mechanism of the protective function of the body. When an infection enters the body, its cells begin to actively multiply. The body sends a large number of protective leukocytes to protect, which are looking for dangerous cells. Having found such a cell, the leukocyte absorbs it into itself. After that, he dissolves it with his enzymes. Then the protective cell dies. In a severe course of the disease, when it lasts for more than one day, a greater number of neutrophils sent to protect the body have already died. Therefore, their absolute decrease is observed in the blood.

It is important to estimate the number of young stab neu. If their level is normal, we can say that their synthesis is proceeding correctly and the dead cells will soon fully recover with adequate treatment. But if there are few young cells in the blood, this may mean that the patient has a disrupted mechanism for the synthesis of neutrophils. In this case, it is necessary to examine the functions of the bone marrow to determine the true cause.

Third party downgrade factors

Lowering neutrophils below the norm can take certain medications, as well as exercise. For this reason, athletes often have a deficiency of neutrophils in a clinical blood test. In addition, people after chemotherapy also have low levels of neutrophils. This is due to the fact that chemicals adversely affect not only cancer cells, but also white blood cells. After chemotherapy, a person needs to undergo a special course of restorative therapy, which consists in purifying the blood and replenishing the vitamin balance. As a rule, after recovery, the level of cells is restored.


Why is the level of neutrophils lowered in an adult cause? And how to increase the level of protective cells in the body? Doctors give an unequivocal answer to this question, before increasing neutrophils, it is necessary to clinically identify the cause of the decrease. So if the reason for the decrease in neutrophils in the blood lies in the development of an infectious or inflammatory disease, it must be treated. After recovery and vitamin therapy, the level of cells will be restored.

If the question is how to raise neutrophils after chemotherapy, you need to approach the issue in a comprehensive manner. You can lift them only after the completion of treatment by cleaning the body and vitamin therapy.

This is the case when treatment is more important than side effects.

If the level of protective cells decreases as a result of drug therapy with individual drugs, it is necessary to adjust the treatment. In this case, the doctor will select medications for you that have fewer side effects. Treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor.

If neutrophils in your blood showed a decrease, you do not need to look for a miracle drug that increases or raises the level of these cells. This is a useless activity. Protective blood cells are reduced only if there is an underlying cause, this is not an independent disease and there is no point in treating cell reduction locally. In case of deviations in the analysis, consult a doctor to identify the true cause.

Nutritional Supplements to Boost Neutrophils

If the reason for the decrease in neutrophils is a viral cause, measures must be taken to eliminate the deficiency. This goal will help to achieve the means of natural, natural origin.

Goldenseal/ Goldenseal Root- a powerful antibacterial drug of natural origin. However, contrary to its purpose, it does not lower neutrophils, but increases it. Many have experienced the effect of this nutrient, confirming the results with blood tests. One important condition is that the period of admission should not exceed 10 days, then a 20-day break and again a 10-day course. During breaks, you can take other means. It is important to note that the remedy must be made from the root, and not from the leaves of the plant.

Astragalus Root/ Astragalus, often the cause of a decrease in neutrophils is a long-term inflammatory process. Astragalus root, known as a decongestant of various origins, curing kidney diseases, can help here. And again, the nutrient must be made from the root of the plant. It is better not to take it at the same time as Echinacea, but you can rotate it. Take the same as Goldenseal, no more than 10 days a month.

What happens in the body if granulocytes are increased? What does it mean? Granulocytes are white cells with granules inside. Their second name is granular leukocytes. They make up 60% of white blood cells. What is the rate of finding these cells in human blood?

Classification and functions of white cells and their norm

Granulocytes originate in human blood in several stages. Their origin begins in the bone marrow. It takes five days for them to form, then they enter the bloodstream. They live in the blood for about one week. Some cells are activated immediately, while others are able to settle on the walls of blood vessels until they are needed.

In human blood, they function as a protective barrier. Each type is responsible for a specific area. Their localization in one place may indicate the development of an inflammatory process.

Granulocytes are divided into:

  • neutrophils;
  • eosinophils;
  • basophils.

Neutrophils devour foreign cells. Their main function is to protect the body from viruses, fungi and bacteria. They are the first to enter the fray in acute infections caused by bacteria.

Basophils are involved in the development of allergic phenomena. They immediately react to insect bites, do not allow the poison to spread further, destroying it. In addition, they are involved in the regulation of blood clotting.

At the same time, their number is calculated both in absolute and relative values:

  1. The norm in adults is from 1.2 to 6.8% per liter of blood. The percentage of the total content of leukocytes should be from 47 to 72%.
  2. The norm of white cells in children under 12 years old differs from the norm of an adult. After 12 years, the indicators become the same as in adults.

The only case when a high level of granulocytes can be considered normal is during pregnancy, but during the period of bearing a child, the level should be under constant control. Too high indicators can cause the development of pathology in a child.

Reasons for growth

Granulocytes are increased - what does this mean? The reasons for the growth of granulocytes can be different. This is primarily due to inflammation in the body.

The main ones are:

  • Diseases of the infectious type of the acute stage.

An increase in neutrophils can be caused by:

  • taking certain funds;
  • endogenous intoxications;
  • acute infections caused by bacteria.

The growth of eosinophils indicates the development of:

Elevated basophils occur due to:

  1. Manifestations of an allergic reaction.
  2. Diseases of the blood.
  3. Taking medicines.
  4. Hodgkin's syndrome.
  5. Inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract.

Reasons for the growth of granulocytes during pregnancy

An increase in granulocytes during childbearing is a normal physiological process. But their level must be constantly monitored. White cells perform a protective function. They play an important role in maintaining the immunity of a woman, and therefore in the health of the unborn baby. Granulocytes fight viruses and infections, as well as cancer cells and allergens. White cells form immunity at the cellular level.

Leukocytes in early pregnancy should be kept normal. The slightest change in the big direction should be the reason for a complete examination in order to exclude the possibility of the development of pathology. Periodic blood tests will help to timely detect the disease in the initial stage.

Granulocytes in the first three months should correspond to the norm of a healthy person. After 12 weeks, their level becomes higher. This is due to the fact that the protective function of the body is enhanced.

The growth of granulocytes during pregnancy can occur both due to physiological processes and due to the development of the disease.

The reasons for the physiological nature of the increase include:

  1. Large physical loads.
  2. Stress, nervous breakdowns, overexertion.
  3. Hypothermia.
  4. Very hot or, conversely, cold food. Eating a lot of carbohydrates.
  5. Changes in the hormonal background, which lead to blood density.
  6. A very hearty dinner before the test.
  7. Strong overheating before the examination. For example, taking a hot bath or shower.

If the level is constantly rising, doctors prescribe an additional examination.

The growth of granulocytes during pregnancy can indicate many serious diseases:

  • viral diseases: influenza, chickenpox;
  • development of purulent processes;
  • allergies, asthma;
  • burns, unprotected open wounds;
  • severe bleeding with significant blood loss;
  • malignant neoplasms.

The level of granulocytes often increases after childbirth. A slight deviation from the norm is not considered a pathology. A woman needs additional protection after the baby is born, in addition, this is a normal physiological phenomenon during breastfeeding.

Too high a level can be associated with:

  • inflammatory process in the mammary glands;
  • not passing milk, stagnation;
  • kidney diseases.

Both during and after childbearing, a woman should be under the supervision of specialists in order to recognize the disease in a timely manner.

Granular leukocytes protect both the adult and children's body from infection. If their level is higher than normal, then pathology develops in the body.

Neutrophils (granulocytes, neutrophilic leukocytes) are lymphocyte cells that defend the body and at the cost of their own existence. When they die, they prevent the spread of infection. The presence of serious bacterial or fungal infections can be confirmed by a blood test, according to which neutrophils are elevated.

You can find out the number of these cells by the results of a general blood test. A separate column indicates the percentage of neutrophils in relation to the total number of lymphocytes. To figure out the absolute (abs.) value, you will already need basic mathematics skills. It is necessary to multiply the number of lymphocytes by the percentage of neutrophils and divide the resulting figure by 100.

Example: lymphocytes - 6 x 10 9 cells per liter, neutrophils - 70%.
The absolute number of neutrophil cells = 4.2 x10 9 /l. (6 x 10 9 x 70 / 100 = 4.2 x 10 9).

Just as often, the number of cells is indicated in thousands per microliter - thousand / μl, which leaves the numeral component of the indicator unchanged in both cases.

Excess number of neutrophils

For diagnostic purposes, not only the total number of neutrophils is interesting, but also their species ratio, they are segmented and stab, and in case of serious pathologies, metamyelocytes and myelocytes can get into the blood. It is necessary to pay attention to lymphocytes in their total number: they can be lowered, be normal or exceed it. Let us examine in more detail the reasons for the increase in the level of neutrophils, which are constantly present in the blood. But first, let's define the differences between the different forms of these blood cells.

Adult granulocyte cells have a nucleus, which is divided into segments, hence the name - segmented.

In cells that have not completed maturation, the nucleus is not fully formed and looks like a stick - they are called stab.

Increase in the total number of neutrophils

If a blood test indicates an increase in the number of neutrophils, this may be a sign of the following pathologies:

  • A bacterial infection that is accompanied by a focal or generalized (generalized) inflammatory process. In the first case, this may indicate an infection of the respiratory tract or throat, a purulent-inflammatory process in the ear, tuberculosis, a kidney infection in the acute phase, pneumonia, etc. In the second case, cholera, peritonitis, sepsis, scarlet fever;
  • Processes associated with the formation of necrotic areas. The reasons lie in gangrene, stroke, myocardial infarction, burns of a large area;
  • The presence of toxins that directly affect the functions of the bone marrow. The agent may be alcohol or lead;
  • The presence of toxins of bacterial origin, without the introduction of the bacterium itself. Often it can be the result of eating canned foods (bacteria have lost their viability, and their metabolic products are still present);
  • Malignant tumors at the stage of tissue breakdown.

An increase in neutrophils may also indicate the introduction of a vaccine in the recent past, a recovery period after an infectious disease.

Norm Options

In some cases, neutrophilic leukocytes can rise to the level of 7-8 billion in one liter of blood and be a normal value. As a rule, such indicators are typical for pregnant women. It can occur after a heavy meal, be the result of psychological stress, shock or physical activity. The analysis, as a rule, is performed several times in order to establish the truth of its indicators.

Degrees of excess

The condition when neutrophils are elevated is called neutrophilia or neutrophilia. There are several stages of the process. For their classification, the absolute values ​​\u200b\u200bof the indicators are used, expressed in billions of cells in one liter of blood (for convenience, the value is used in the degree - 10 9).

The higher the degree of neutrophilia, the harder the process in the body.

Increase in segmented neutrophils

Segmented granulocytes make up about 70% of all neutrophils in the blood. An increase in their number, along with an increase in the total number of leukocytes, indicates the following pathologies:

  1. Infections in the body (encephalitis, fungal diseases, spirochetosis);
  2. Diseases of the lower extremities;
  3. The presence of malignant tumors;
  4. Pathologies in the functioning of the urinary system;
  5. Inflammatory phenomena of a rheumatoid nature, with gout, pancreatitis, arthritis, impaired tissue integrity;
  6. An increase in the level of glucose in the circulating blood.

Increase in stab neutrophils

Stab neutrophils can be elevated in the acute course of the infectious process. Their sharp release into the blood is provided by the immune system in response to the invasion of a foreign agent. And there is also an increase in the level of neutrophils at the initial stages of diseases (provided that segmented neutrophils are within the normal range). This is due to the fact that over a period of 5 to 48 hours they “grow up” and form a segmented nucleus from a “rod” - they turn into segmented ones.

The reasons for the high rate of stab neutrophils:

  • Inflammation of the ear, kidneys, or lungs;
  • The period immediately after surgery;
  • Acute skin reaction in the form of an allergy or dermatitis;
  • Violation of the integrity of the skin;
  • Injuries to internal organs and bones;
  • Burns of varying severity;
  • Gout;
  • Rheumatoid phenomena;
  • A tumor of a benign and malignant nature;
  • Anemia;
  • Decrease or increase in ambient temperature;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Diabetes;
  • An allergic reaction to taking medications;
  • Large blood loss;
  • Bacterial infection and purulent diseases.

Physical exertion, nervous overexcitation, or elevated levels of carbon dioxide can also cause neutrophils to be elevated in the body. It is known that a blood test indicates stab neutrophilia after the use of drugs such as heparin. The same effect is observed with drugs of the corticosteroid series, adrenaline or herbal preparations based on foxglove. Neutrophils are also elevated as a result of poisoning with lead, mercury, or insecticides.

Neutrophils are elevated against the background of a decrease in the number of lymphocytes

Above, the options were considered when the level of lymphocytes increases along with the number of granulocytes. Now let's figure out why lymphocytes can be lowered with an increase in the proportion of neutrophils. A blood test can give such a result under the following conditions:

  • kidney failure;
  • Chronic long-term course of diseases of an infectious nature;
  • Reaction to the X-ray examination;
  • Reaction to a course of chemotherapy or radiation treatment;
  • Malignant diseases in the terminal stage;
  • As a result of aplastic anemia;
  • Prolonged use of cytostatics.

Such a condition is observed (lymphocytes are reduced, and neutrophils are increased) in women with premenstrual syndrome, in an adult, regardless of gender, nervous strain and prolonged stress. In such cases, as a rule, segmented granulocytes increase.

The norm of neutrophilic lymphocytes

A blood test at different ages shows a different number of such cells in the bloodstream in relation to the total number of lymphocytes. The table below shows upper limit of normal. Higher numbers indicate that neutrophils are elevated.

AgeRod-nuclear, %Segmented nuclear, %
up to 1 year4 45
1 – 6 5 60
7 – 12 5 65
13 – 15 6 65
16 and older6 72

In children, the minimum level of stab granulocytes is at the level of half a percent. In an adult, the lower limit of stab granulocytes normally does not fall below 1%.

Segmented granulocytes in children under one year old are reduced if they fall short in relative terms up to 15%, from one to six years old - up to 25%, up to 15 years old - up to 35%, in adults, in adults - up to 47%

We remind you that it is still not worth planning a course of treatment on the basis of a blood test and other studies, even after carefully studying the information on the Internet. Only a doctor can evaluate the results: not only a one-time decrease or increase in indicators matters, but also their dynamics (comparison with earlier results). It is also necessary to take into account the level of other blood cells and the results of other studies. Leave the hard work to the professionals.

If a child's blood test values ​​change, this worries parents and is a reason to see a doctor. One of these alarming changes is a low neutrophil count. Why are such blood cells reduced and is this a danger to the health of the child?

What level of neutrophils is considered reduced

Neutrophils are the most numerous group of white blood cells, the main function of which is to destroy pathogenic bacteria. They come in several forms:

  1. young neutrophils, which are also called myelocytes and metamyelocytes. There are no such cells in the normal leukocyte formula.
  2. stab neutrophils (rods). These are young cells, the lower limit of the norm of which in the first days of life is 5%, and from the 5th day after birth - 1%.
  3. segmented neutrophils. Such mature cells are predominant among all neutrophils and normally do not decrease below the following indicators:

If fewer neutrophils are found in the blood of a small patient than should be at his age, this is called neutropenia.

Causes of neutropenia

An insufficient number of neutrophils in the blood of a child can be caused by:

  1. Violation of the formation of such cells in the bone marrow.
  2. The destruction of this type of leukocytes in the blood due to the attack of harmful microbes or other negative influences.
  3. An increase in the number of lymphocytes due to infection with viruses. At the same time, the real number of neutrophils does not decrease, but in percentage terms it will be below the norm.

A low neutrophil count is diagnosed when:

  • Flu.
  • Chickenpox.
  • Viral hepatitis.
  • Anemia caused by B12 or iron deficiency.
  • Aplastic anemia.
  • fungal infection.
  • Rubella.
  • Leukemia.
  • Anaphylactic shock.
  • Condition after radio or chemotherapy.
  • Violation of the pancreas.
  • Hyperfunction of the spleen.
  • Tumors of different localization.
  • thyrotoxicosis.
  • The use of cytostatics, painkillers, anticonvulsants and some other drugs.

Viral diseases are often accompanied by a decrease in the level of neutrophils.

In rare cases, neutropenia in a child may be congenital. One of its variants is called Kostman's agranulocytosis. Babies inherit it in an autosomal recessive manner. The main danger of this disease lies in the extremely low number of neutrophils and the high risk of developing infections that threaten the life of the infant.

There is also congenital neutropenia, which is called cyclic. This name is due to the periodic (about once every three weeks) decrease in neutrophils in the bloodstream. The course of this hereditary pathology is more favorable.

In addition, benign neutropenia is often diagnosed in children under two years of age. It may develop in the first months of life, but almost always resolves by 2 years of age. Against the background of a decrease in the level of neutrophilic leukocytes, the general condition of such babies is satisfactory, and the processes of growth and development are not disturbed.

With congenital neutropenia, the development of the child and his well-being is normal


Babies with low neutrophils have frequent bacterial infections, the localization of which is very different. Depending on the pathology that provoked a decrease in neutrophils, the child may have mucosal lesions, skin rashes, headaches, high body temperature and other symptoms.

Why is neutropenia dangerous?

If a child has few neutrophils, this indicates a decrease in the defenses of his body. The lack of such leukocytes threatens children with an increased risk of infectious diseases, among which there are also very dangerous ones, for example, those caused by anaerobic flora. In addition, a deficiency of neutrophils worsens the condition of the digestive tract.

A decrease in the level of neutrophils indicates a weak immunity of the crumbs.

What to do

Before starting treatment for a child with neutropenia, it is important to establish the cause of the decrease in this indicator. For this you should show the baby to the pediatrician so that the doctor examines him and prescribes additional examinations. The child will certainly be sent for a second blood test with a decoding of the leukogram in order to exclude an erroneous result.

After the diagnosis is made, the child will be prescribed the necessary therapy:

  • If the cause of neutropenia is an infection, treatment will be aimed at destroying the pathogen. In many viral diseases, therapy is designed to support the child's body and help it cope with the infectious agent on its own. The task of parents will be to provide the child with optimal conditions and an enhanced drinking regimen. If the disease was provoked by bacteria, the doctor will select the appropriate antimicrobial drug.
  • In Kostman's disease, a child is prescribed antibacterial agents to prevent dangerous infections, as well as drugs that stimulate the formation of neutrophils in the bone marrow. In some cases, bone marrow transplantation is necessary.

  • With benign neutropenia, when reduced blood levels are not accompanied by any clinical symptoms, the child is additionally examined to exclude other causes of a decrease in neutrophils, and then registered with a pediatrician and a hematologist. The baby is observed until such a neutropenia passes on its own.
  • If deficiency anemia is the cause of neutropenia, therapy will aim to correct the nutritional deficiency that caused the anemia. For example, with iron deficiency anemia, a child must be prescribed iron supplements. In addition, parents should correct the diet of their son or daughter, taking into account the recommendations of the pediatrician.
  • For drug-induced toxic neutropenia, which provoked a decrease in neutrophils, the drugs are canceled, after which medications that support the children's body are prescribed.

You can learn more about neutrophils by watching the following video.

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