Interesting facts about the most, most .... The world's largest eyes and more

If it's true that the eyes are the reflection of the soul, then these people, whose photos you will see, probably have the most beautiful souls in the world. on the owners of the most amazing eyes on our planet. Truly, a mesmerizing spectacle?

1. It's a boy named Azu. He is 10 years old and hails from the Indian state of Rajasthan. His greatest hobby is to show tricks with which he entertains his fellow countrymen. Azu's eyes look magical; in fact, they are green, but with yellow and gray patches. Also, the iris of his eyes is highlighted with a darker circle.

2. Ping is a small Japanese boy with incredible eyes. Not only because they have a beautiful green hue, but also because they are completely green. Unlike most ordinary people, the pupils of Ping's eyes practically do not stand out in any way, although he does not have any defect in vision.

3. This little Aussie has no doubt stunning eyes. The photographer who caught this moment did not even recognize the name of his young model. The girl's eyes are huge and the perfect blue color, so the author of the picture called it "Ocean eyes".

4. This lady is a belly dancer, and she has the most beautiful brown eyes surrounded by a greenish ring. With makeup, they look even more expressive.

5. And this baby is from Sudan, and she also has beautiful and unusual eyes. Their fantastic color is due to an interesting combination of shades of blue and green. In addition, they chic contrast with the color of the girl's skin. She will surely grow up to be an amazing beauty!

6. And this is Adrian, a boy from Africa, with very beautiful eyes. Their iris is light blue, very light blue. When you first look at him, you may even think that the boy wears contact lenses. According to Adrian himself, other children often make fun of him because of the color of his eyes.

7. This lovely girl is the owner of rare eyes, their iris is honey-colored. And again we see a stunning contrast of dark skin and such clear and bright eyes that stand out very much on the face.

8. These brother and sister are absolutely amazing. Only 4% of the population has perfectly green eyes, and here there are two of them at once! The boy's eyes generally look somewhat alien.

9. This is the famous 1985 National Geographic cover photo that made a splash. The girl's name is Sharbat Gula and she is from Afghanistan. For many years, the identity of the girl was unknown, until she (she was born in 1973) was found in 2002 by reporters. Looking into those eyes, you can learn the whole story of her life.

The owner of the largest eyes (in proportion to body size) among mammals, for which he is listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Each of his eyes weighs more than his brain. Tarsier has stereoscopic vision, which is very similar to human vision.
This is a small animal of brown or brown-gray color, depending on the area of ​​​​distribution. The body length is from 10 to 15 centimeters, which is comparable to the hand of a child.

In the past, tarsiers played a big role in the mythology and superstition of the peoples of Indonesia. The Indonesians thought that the heads of tarsiers were not attached to the body (since they could rotate almost 360 °), and were afraid to collide with them, because they believed that the same fate could happen to people in this case.

The owners of the largest eyes among representatives of the animal world are cephalopods - octopus, squid, cuttlefish.

The giant octopus (Octopus dofleini) especially “distinguished itself” - the diameter of its eyes can reach 40 cm. The diameter of the eye of a cuttlefish is one tenth of its body length.

The eyes of cephalopods are not only unusually large, but, without exaggeration, perfect, no one in the underwater world can compete with them in visual acuity. Being hunters, they develop impressive speed in pursuit of fish, and therefore they simply need good eyesight.

The retina of the eyes of cephalopods is much more sensitive than that of fish. Cuttlefish, for example, are capable of perceiving 150,000 visual elements, while carp are only 50,000. Some cephalopods, not relying only on visual acuity, have acquired additional “aggregates” - various devices that allow them to illuminate the underwater darkness.

The eyes of mollusks are in many ways similar to human ones, only the ability to see at different distances is achieved in cephalopods by approaching the lens to the retina or moving away from it, which makes them similar to fish (in humans, the lens is motionless, only its shape changes). The eyelids of cephalopods also work differently - they do not close, but are twitched by a special curtain.

It has the largest eyes (diameter 2.5 cm) in relation to body size (length 28 cm). To have such a ratio (1:11), a person's eyes had to be the size of a tennis racket canvas.

The hellish vampire squid (Vampyroteuthis infernalis) is the name given by the German zoologist Karl Hoon to a strange small velvet-black mollusk that was caught in a trawl during an expedition on the research vessel Valdivia. William Beebe, descending into the abyss of the ocean in a bathysphere near Bermuda in 1934, saw from the porthole at a depth of 1 km this small, but "terrible", black as night "octopus". Indeed, at first glance, Vampyroteuthis infernalis resembles finned octopuses by the presence of fins, body shape, and umbrella, and was previously assigned to this group of cephalopods. But then, after a detailed study of a large collection of these animals collected in different parts of the oceans, it became clear that vampires are not octopuses, but not squids either, although they have similarities with both, but a special order of cephalopods (Vampyromorpha) . Grace Pickford considers V. infernalis (the only member of this order) to be a relic species among shell molluscs. This is an animal of medium size, up to 37 cm long, with a mantle length of 11-13 cm, velvety black in color. The wide-conical mantle has a pair of fins at the posterior end. Arms

Caught back in 2007, "colossal" squid, scientists have discovered the largest eyes on Earth. The size of the lens of his eye is comparable to an orange, and the eyes of a ferocious hunter in diameter can reach up to 40 cm.

The poor fellow was caught in February 2007 by New Zealand fishermen in the Antarctic waters of the Ross Sea. A 450-kilogram squid accidentally got on the hook of fishermen, as it turned out later, the squid belonged to the "colossal" species.

The Colossal Squid is named after its enormous weight. It was believed that in length (the maximum value has not been established) this species of squid does not exceed the giant squid (Architeuthis dux). But it was definitely known that the colossus is much heavier than the giant. Hence the name of the species.

A variety of colossal squid has been known to science since 1925, but since then scientists have rarely met colossi. The last time a young female weighing 150 kilograms was caught alive in April 2004 - in the same waters of the Antarctic coast in the Ross Sea.
The fishermen felt that releasing the squid into freedom did not make sense, since it would not survive anyway. With great difficulty, but carefully, trying not to damage, they lifted the carcass on board and sent it to the freezer. It took over two hours.

On land, the fishing company donated the "catch" to New Zealand's national museum "Te Papa". In the museum, a valuable specimen was frozen for further research. The caught marine miracle of nature turned out to be not only a representative of a rare and mysterious species of colossal squid, about which little is known to scientists. But also a very large specimen of the species.

Scientists managed to establish that the 450-kilogram squid, whose length is 8 meters, is just a teenager. Moreover, the creature turned out to be a special female. An adult can reach a weight of 750 kg. "By studying this individual, we found that this animal can grow to a large size and increase in weight," says Steve O'Shea, a marine biologist at the University of Auckland.

But the scientists managed to make the main sensational discovery by examining one of the miraculously preserved squid eyes. Despite being a teenager, the colossal squid turned out to be the owner of the largest eyes in the animal kingdom. "This is the first time that the eye of a colossal squid has been discovered intact. This is an impressive phenomenon. It is the largest eye in the animal kingdom," squid specialist from the University of Auckland Kat Bolstad does not hide his admiration.

The lens of the eye of a squid is comparable in size to an orange (80-90 millimeters in diameter). The diameter of the eye itself reaches 25 cm, but during life, as scientists suggest, its size reached 30 cm, and in an adult squid - up to 40 cm.

"His eyes are the largest ever recorded and studied," echoes Eric Warrant, a Swedish member of the international research team, who specializes in studying invertebrate vision. in the dark depths where these squids hunt," Warrant adds. Colossal squids that descend to depths of up to 2 km are known as ferocious hunters.

Among domestic animals, the cat has the largest eyes relative to body size. Like most predators, a cat's eyes are directed forward and their visual fields overlap. Therefore, cats have stereoscopic vision, which allows them to estimate the distance to the object of observation.

The whole world is talking about this girl, 17-year-old Masha Tielne from Kharkov (Ukraine). After all, no one else has eyes like hers.

Eyes are not just a part of the human body that has taken on an important function. They reflect the human essence, make us evil or good, help express emotions and feelings.

Eyes are, indeed, mirrors that reflect our essence, our depth, our mind and emotionality. It is not surprising that they are given such a role everywhere, such a significance that there are so many myths, legends and tales around them.

Why in the article we decided to pay attention to the size of the eyes? Because it is this characteristic that receives the most attention. You only hear everywhere that someone has too big, and someone has too small eyes, that someone decided to enlarge their eyes, and someone does not know how to reduce them. So I decided to give you some ideas to think about.

It would seem that the eyes, i.e. eyeballs should be different for everyone. Like height, for example, or breast size in women. Those. there should be some average value, approximate, but the differences from it in both directions can be quite large.

In fact, everything is not so. There is a value - 24 mm. This is the diameter of the eyeball of an adult. And it is so in almost all people, and the differences are so insignificant (fractions of a millimeter) that it’s not worth mentioning them.

And what we call "eye size" is nothing but the size of the cut, its shape. It is she who is different for everyone, she draws up the organs of vision, she decorates or makes our faces not very attractive. It will be discussed in our article.

Now we’ll just linger a little more on anatomy and talk about the size of the organs of vision in children. This topic is quite popular. Most people pay attention to the fact that the eyes of babies seem very large.

Some believe that children are born immediately with standard-sized organs of vision (i.e. 24 mm), and that the eyes do not grow over the course of life. Let's see how things work in reality.

When a small person is born, his eyeball weighs 2.3 g, while an adult's weight is 7.5 g. adult - 0.02%. The difference is significant, right? In the first year of life, the most active growth of the eyes is observed, by the age of two they increase by 40%. And by the age of 22, when the growth of the organs of vision finally stops, they manage to increase by 1.5 times.

Now, probably, it became clear why the eyes of children look so big, attract so much attention to themselves. They are really impressive in size relative to the small bodies of babies.

Therefore, even those who have a narrow slit in the eyes, or a small slit, are inherited, in childhood they have rather large eyes.

It is clear that we are not talking about an increase in eyeballs. Nobody needs it. People want to change, correct the shape of the eyes, make it more expressive, more “correct”. So, as it seems to them, the face as a whole will look harmonious and attractive.

Path number 1. get sick

If you want to visually enlarge your eyes, a very simple and effective way is to get sick. You can stop anorexia and stop eating. After a while, you will lose a lot of weight, and your eyes will look very large against the background of a thin body. You probably already noticed that getting rid of a few kilos leads to changes in the proportions of the face, and the organs of vision seem somewhat larger.

Another sure way is Graves' disease. This is a problem with the thyroid gland, which causes bulging eyes, lifting the upper and lowering the lower eyelids. It turns out a very significant increase in the eyes. Look around more often when you are in public places. Surely, you will come across a person with Graves' disease. You will immediately recognize him by his unusually bulging organs of vision.

But these are extreme ways that a normal person is unlikely to resort to. But what about the more civilized?

Path number 2. Use makeup for your own purposes

The right makeup will help you achieve your desired goal. An excellent opportunity to emphasize the existing beauty of the eyes, visually enlarge them, make them brighter and more expressive. Open sources are full of articles and videos that will show you in detail and tell you how, what and with what colors you need to make up in order to get the desired result. Shadows, and eyeliner, and mascara, and even lipstick will help.

Numerous photos will help you realize that even if you are not naturally gifted with a chic cut of the eyes, nothing is impossible. Give your makeup about an hour, and you will become a goddess with beautiful eyes.

Path number 3. Operations to correct the incision of the eyes

Quite popular today are operations to correct the incision of the eyes, the so-called reshaping. The fashion for such a procedure came to our region from eastern countries, from peoples with a narrow slit of eyes. In Japan, for example, there is a fashion for European appearance. In general, the eyes play an even more significant role there than ours. Therefore, probably, anime is extremely popular in the region ...

Eye augmentation surgery includes several techniques. The incision can be adjusted, increased both vertically and horizontally. Depending on the need in each case. Plus, eyelids are corrected, bags under the eyes are removed. All surgical incisions are made on the inner sides of the eyelids, so the scars from operations will not disturb.

Before reading this section, think about how often you even pay attention to the size of other people's eyes? Maybe you pay more attention to their color, expressiveness, depth of view and intelligence that peeps through them? Or do you pay attention in general to beautiful faces, and eyes are only part of the big picture?

What do we want to say? What exactly the size of the eyes is given, in our opinion, too much attention. That the differences, in general, are not so great and are perfectly corrected with the help of cosmetics. That most of us do not think about the size of each other's eyes at all, but are only concerned about ourselves and our organs of vision (and not only). What plays an important role is the face as a whole, it can either be attractive to some person or not. And the eyes here play not the most important role.

The explanation goes like this. Women with big eyes supposedly look like children, and a man wants to protect children. So he chooses the appropriate lady for himself.

It doesn't sound very plausible, to be honest. Firstly, it is not clear why male protective desires do not apply to women in general, but only to child-like ones. Secondly, all the same, males choose females for themselves, roughly speaking, to satisfy the instinct of reproduction. It is not clear why they need a child for this, because they need a full-fledged woman. Therefore, we dare to recognize this argument as untenable.

Let's think about what, connected with the eyes, can really attract a man. Maybe these mysterious creatures just like ladies with beautiful eyes of an interesting color? And given that everyone’s taste is different, it is likely that eyes of any shape, any size and any color can be attractive to someone, but you won’t be nice to everyone, no matter how hard you try.

A woman with certain facial proportions, with a certain distance between her eyes, seems pretty to us. But as soon as this harmony is slightly disturbed (say, slightly enlarge the lady's nose), the face will immediately become much less attractive. And you don't have to touch your eyes.

What is hidden behind the usual flare, which constantly comes from men, about the importance of beautiful eyes? It is likely that they are trying to see in women some positive traits they need through the organs of vision. After all, these are the very mirrors ... Speaking about beautiful eyes, they dream not of a physiological feature, but of some kind of spiritual harmony, of kindness, of a set of some kind of moral characteristics.

Big eyes suit everyone

It seems that if the eyes increase, then the face will immediately look better. It is not true. Each person has their own facial features, their proportions and sizes. It is likely that if you slightly increase the cut of the eyes, then the harmony will be disturbed. And the face will partially lose its attractiveness. That is why plastic surgeons strongly recommend considering surgery to change the shape of the eyes.

People with big eyes are more successful

Maybe our lack of self-confidence is to blame? It seems that if you change the size of the eyes a little bit (and at the same time increase the chest, ass, make the waist thinner, etc.), a man will immediately appear, and you will go up the career ladder, and in general you will become happier and more successful. And it is the eyes that are to blame for all the failures. In fact, they have nothing to do with it.

Yes, according to research, beautiful people are generally more successful than ugly people. But this is not the determining factor. So, like the shape of the eyes - not a determining factor in attractiveness. If a person is confident in himself, does not dwell on his appearance, considers himself attractive, and most importantly, if he really has some abilities, the chances of success are the same. And small eyes don't hurt.


These fish live in Mexico and Central America. They are very small, up to 32 cm in length, feed on insects, so they spend most of their time near the very surface of the water. Despite their name, these fish only have 2 eyes. However, these eyes are separated by a vein, and each half has its own pupil. This strange adaptation allows the four-eyed bird to see well both above and below water.

stalk-eyed flies

These small but unusual creatures live in the jungles of Southeast Asia and Africa. They got their name because of the long protrusions on both sides of the head with eyes and antennae at the end. Males have longer stems. Females have been observed to prefer males with longer stems.


It is a small nocturnal primate that lives in the rainforests of southeast Asia. This is the only predatory primate in the world, it feeds on lizards, insects and even birds. But its most interesting feature is its huge eyes, disproportionately large in relation to the whole body. If these proportions are applied to a person, then his eyes should be the size of a grapefruit. The tarsier has very sharp eyesight. It has even been suggested that they can see ultraviolet light. On the other hand, tarsiers have poor color discrimination, like many other nocturnal predators.


Chameleons are known for their color-changing ability, which helps them communicate and express their intentions or moods (only a few chameleon species use color change as camouflage). These lizards also have very unusual eyes. The eyelids are fully connected, there is only a small gap for the pupil. Each eye moves independently of the other, allowing the chameleon to keep an eye on prey and possible threat at the same time.


The dragonfly's eyes are so large that they cover almost the entire head, making it look like a helmet and giving it a 360-degree field of view. These eyes are made up of 30,000 parts, each containing a lens and several light-sensitive cells. Dragonflies have excellent eyesight. They can detect colors and polarized light, and dragonflies are especially sensitive to movement.

leaf tail gecko

The leaf-tailed gecko has very unusual eyes. He has vertical pupils that have several "holes" in them. These openings widen at night allowing these lizards to see better. Gecko eyes contain many more light-sensitive cells than human eyes, enabling the animal to detect objects and even distinguish colors at night. While cats and sharks see 6 and 10 times better than humans, geckos see 350 times better.

colossal squid

It is the largest invertebrate known to science. This squid also has the largest eyes in the animal kingdom. Each eye can be up to 30 cm wide. Such large eyes allow the squid to see in the semi-darkness, which is very useful for an animal that spends almost all of its time hunting at a depth of 2000 m underwater.


Opisthoproct is a deep-sea fish with one of the strangest eye structures. A characteristic feature of the opisthoproct are the eyes of a cylindrical shape, directed upwards.

mantis shrimp

These crayfish are known for their aggressiveness and peculiar weapons (they have a very sharp and powerful claw that can easily cut a human finger in two and break glass in an aquarium). Mantis shrimp have the most complex eye in the animal kingdom. They distinguish 12 primary colors - four times more than humans, as well as various types of light polarization, that is, the direction of vibration of a light wave. Light-sensitive cells of the eye rotate relative to the plane of polarization of light, perceiving almost the entire visible spectrum - from the ultraviolet to the infrared. Now we can only guess what the world looks like for this crustacean.

Ogre spider

Spiders are known to have many eyes. The ogre spider has 6, but it looks like it has 2, as the middle pair of eyes is very enlarged. All this serves to improve night vision. Ogre spiders have excellent night vision, not only because of the size of their eyes, but also because of the large number of light-sensitive lenses that cover them. This membrane is so sensitive that it breaks down every morning and grows back at night.

Joel Wall from the USA pushes his masterpiece - the largest ball of rubber bands. The 4,097 kg ball was measured in Lauderhill, Florida on November 13, 2008.

The largest number of people dressed as Smurfs was 1,253. These are the people who came to the Muknomania festival in Castleblaney, Ireland, on July 18, 2008.

The record for the 100-meter hurdle race was 22.35 seconds. The record holder was the German Maren Zonker in Cologne, Germany, September 13, 2008.

The world's largest pocket knife is 3.9 meters long when unfolded and weighs 122 kg. It was designed by Telmo Cadavez from Portugal and handcrafted by Virgilio Raul also from Portugal on January 9, 2003.

The heaviest lemon in the world weighed 5 kg 265 g and was grown by Aharon Shemel on a farm in Kfar Zeitim, Israel.

Scott Murphy of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, bent a 30 cm diameter aluminum pan in 30 seconds on July 30, 2007. In girth, the resulting “lump” turned out to be 17.46 cm.

The most number of mugs of beer carried by a woman 40 meters is 19. This was done by Anita Schwarz in Mesenich, Germany on November 9, 2008 on Guinness World Records Day.

Sam Wakeling rode 453.6 km on a unicycle in a day in Aberystwyth, Wales from 29 to 30 September 2007.

Jean-Francis Vernetti of Switzerland has collected 8,888 different Do Not Disturb signs from hotels in 189 countries since 1985.

The total length of the nails of Melvin Booth (left) from Michigan is 9.05 meters. Lee Redmont (right), who hasn't cut her nails since 1979 and filed them carefully to grow to 8.65 meters, lost her "wealth" in an accident in February. The 68-year-old record holder says that this is the most dramatic event in her life, but also admits that it is much easier without them.

227 T-shirts were worn by Jeff Van Dyck at the Unizo event in Brecht, Belgium on April 24, 2008.

Harry Turner from the UK can stretch his skin on his stomach up to 15.8 centimeters, and all because of his Ehlers-Danlos syndrome - a connective tissue disorder that affects the skin, ligaments and internal organs. This disease affects collagen, which strengthens the skin and determines the level of its elasticity, which leads to weakening of the skin and increased joint mobility. In more serious cases, it can be fatal as a result of ruptured blood vessels.

1 911 - exactly the same number of bottles of soda with Mentos were collected in one place, namely, in Latvia by students of the TURIBA Higher School of Business on June 19, 2008.

The largest jicama weighs 21 kg and was grown by Leo Sutisna in West Java, Indonesia.

The largest collection of clones from the LEGO Star Wars game consisted of 35,310 individual models and was compiled by LEGO in Slough, UK on June 27, 2008.

The oldest person to bungee jump is Helmut Wirtz. Wirtz was 83 years 8 months and 7 days old when he bungee jumped in Duisburg, Germany on August 9, 2008.

The largest collection of watches belongs to Jack Schoff from the USA, who collected 1094 watches on June 17, 2008.

The new record was set on January 23, 2009 by Wim Hof ​​from the Netherlands - he spent 1 hour 42 minutes 22 seconds completely buried in the snow.

The largest chalk drawing was 8,361.31 meters and was drawn by 5,578 children from Alameda, California schools for a special children's project from May 27 to June 7, 2008.

The record for the fastest ride on the rear wheel of a motorcycle sitting on the handlebars was achieved by Enda Wright in York, UK on July 11, 2006 and was 173.81 kilometers per hour.

The longest skis in the world are 534 meters long. 1043 skiers rode these skis at the event in Sweden on September 13, 2008

The oldest table tennis player is Dorothy de Lowe. She was 97 years old when she represented Australia at the 14th World Veteran Table Tennis Championships in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on May 25, 2008.

The "Snake Boat" from Aleppi, Kerala, India, is 43.7 meters long. Her team consists of 143 people, including 118 rowers, 2 drummers, 5 helmsmen and 18 singers. The boat appeared in public in Kerala, India on May 1, 2008.

The highest speed on a skateboard in a standing position was 113 km per hour. This record was set by Douglas da Silva in Rio Grande do Sull, Brazil on October 20, 2007.

The largest gathering of Santa Clauses took place at Gilhall Square in Derry, Northern Ireland on December 9, 2007 and amounted to 13,000 people.

The PAV1 Badger, developed by Howe and Howe Technologies, is the smallest armored vehicle ever built, measuring just 1 meter wide. It's strong enough to knock down doors, yet compact enough to fit in an elevator. It was commissioned by the California Public Protective Service.

The largest gastropod is the African giant snail (Achatina achatina). The largest of the individuals reached 39.3 cm from head to tail tip. The length of the shell was 27.3 cm, and the snail weighed exactly 900 grams.

Jalapi Roland from Hungary set an unusual record on November 12, 2008: a horse dragged a burning Roland 472.8 meters.

The highest speed of the lawn mower was 98 km per hour. The record was set by Tommy Passemante from the USA at Miller Park in Utah on November 18, 2008, especially for the MTV show Nitro Circus.

The Japanese Kenichi Ito got into the Guinness Book of Records as the person who ran the fastest 100 meters on all fours - in just 18.58 seconds. The record was set in Tokyo on November 13, 2008.

The longest distance that a person has traveled on a bicycle without touching the ground for exactly one day is 890.2 km. The record holder was Marko Balo from Slovenia on September 6-7, 2008.

The beard of Sarwan Sing from Canada measured 2.33 meters from the tip of his chin to the tip of his beard. The record was recorded on November 11, 2008.

Ashrita Furman cracked 80 eggs on his head in one minute at New York's Panorama Cafe on December 10, 2008.

The longest ears of the dog reach 34.9 cm on the right and 34.2 cm on the left. The ears belong to Tigger, a Bloodhound owned by Brian and Christina Flessner of Illinois.

Indian Anthony Victor has hair growing from his ears, the length of which reaches 18.1 cm.

The space cowboy, also known as Cheyne Hultgren from the show "Lo Show Dei Record", set a world record on April 25, 2009 in Milan: he dragged 411.65 kilograms only with the help of his eye sockets.

The heaviest transport that a person moved 30.48 meters weighed 57,243 kg. It was dragged by Kevin Fast from Canada to the TV show "Live with Regis & Kelly" in New York on September 15, 2008.

The largest edible hamburger weighs 74.75 kg and costs $399 on the menu at Mally's Grill in Southgate, Michigan. This yummy was made on August 29, 2008.

Victor "Lari" Ramos Gomez (pictured) and Gabriel "Danny" Gomez (both from Mexico) are two members of a five-generation family who suffer from a rare disorder called congenital hypertrichosis, characterized by increased facial and body hair. Women in the family have a light coat of hair, while men have hair covering approximately 98% of the body, excluding the palms and feet.

Ilrek Yilmaz of Turkey squeezed 279.5 cm of milk out of his eyes at the Armada Hotel in Istanbul, Turkey on September 1, 2004.

Mike Howard of the UK walks a beam between two hot air balloons at 6,522 meters near Somerset, UK on September 1, 2004. This feat was filmed for the television show Guinness World Records: 50 Years 50 Records.

The heaviest apple weighed 1,849 grams. He was raised by Hisato Iwasaki on his farm in Hirosaki, Japan. The apple was plucked on October 24, 2005.

On July 7, 2006, the smallest horse was Tambelina, a miniature bay mare 44.5 cm at the withers, owned by Kay and Paul Gossling of St. Louis, Missouri. Radar - a Belgian heavy horse - on July 27, 2004 was 19 palms without hooves. Radar lives on the farm of Priefert Manufacturing Inc. in Texas. The horses were photographed together for the Guinness Book of Records on September 3, 2006.

Bigfoot 5 is 4.7 meters in height, its wheels reach 3 meters in height, and this miracle weighs 17,236 kg. This is one of 17 Bigfoot Jeeps built by Bob Chandler of St. Louis, Missouri. This model was built in the summer of 1986. The car is "parked" in St. Louis and occasionally appears at city events.

He Pingping from Mongolia - the smallest man in the world (his height is 74.61 cm) - stands between the legs of Svetlana Pankratova - the woman with the longest legs. Pankratova's legs are officially 131.83 cm. Svetlana says she likes being the woman with the longest legs, but it has its drawbacks - it's not easy to find a man who enjoys being with such a tall woman.

Michael Jackson impersonator Hector Jackson performs with hundreds of people at the Revolution Monument in Mexico City August 29, 2009. The Guinness Book of Records registered 13,597 people simultaneously dancing in the style of Jackson

Kim Goodman from the USA can protrude 11 mm from their sockets. This record was recorded on the television show "Guinness World Records: Primetime" in Los Angeles on June 13, 1998.

Participants in the biggest pie fight at ABC Studios in New York on September 17, 2009 during the show “Live with Regis & Kelly.”

The world's tallest man Sultan Kosen from Turkey is measured by Guinness World Records on September 21, 2009. Kosen's height is 246.38 cm. Sultan Kosen, 27, says he is "proud and happy" to be the tallest man and man in the world. “Before that, I had a pretty difficult life,” says the giant, whose growth was the result of a pituitary gland disease. “Now it will be much easier for me to live.”

Great Dane Gibson was the tallest dog in the world. His height was 107.18 cm from floor to shoulder, and on his hind legs he reached 2.19 meters. In this photo, Gibson is playing with his friend Zoe, a 19cm Chihuahua. The tallest dog in the world died of bone cancer on August 12, 2009.

The greatest underwater depth at which a person rode a bicycle is 66.5 meters. This was done by Vittorio Innocente in Santa Margherita Ligur, Liguria region, Italy on July 21, 2008.

93% of Isobel Varley's body is covered in tattoos. Absolute record among the elderly

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