Poisoning from canned pineapple. Exotic fruits: benefits and harms. Drinks and drinking in case of poisoning

The taste of ripe fruit is tempting. And why wait for the ripening season of your favorite fruit if it is already on the shelves? Entrepreneurs use the desire to be deceived, to quickly try a tasty fruit. Fruit poisoning most often occurs on the basis of nitrate fruits.

Previously, the fight against nitrates was easier - washed under warm water, peeled - and they are gone.

This was the case until entrepreneurs used only one growth hormone, which accumulated in the roots, the top layer of the peel.

But the desire to make a big profit forced to go to other tricks. Now the fruits are pumped with growth hormones, which are safely deposited in the pulp. It gives a pleasant taste, aroma, and an inattentive buyer, not noticing anything, gets poisoned.

How to choose the right fruit?

Poisoning occurs. There are other chemicals that are actively used to improve the appearance, storage, pest control.

People like attractive-looking fruits. Sellers began to actively use this and began to cover them with a special solution - diphenyl. It seeps tightly inside, remains in the peel. It is necessary to thoroughly wash the fruit, peel off the peel.

To avoid poisoning with rotten fruit, inspect their appearance. Black, white specks, friability, blackening - signal the unsuitability of fruits. For example, a banana with a blackened peel and loose flesh should not be eaten.

Fruit selection features:

  1. Avocados are best taken slightly unripe. Press evenly on the surface, it should be like a ripening pear;
  2. Tap on the pineapple, you should hear a dull sound. Too soft pineapples will be hot - they did not ripen in natural conditions;
  3. The heavier the orange, the sweeter the flavor and the stronger the aroma. Do not buy oranges brought from South Africa, Peru - they were not ripe, and during long transportation the conditions could be violated;
  4. The apple should have dark bones, a pleasant aroma. The formation of yellowness at the incision is a sign of the absence or low content of nitrates;
  5. Abkhazian tangerines are considered ecologically clean. Dry skin with spots is a sign of poor quality and rotting of the fruit;
  6. When choosing grapes, shake the bottle, if the berries begin to fall off, the skin is not elastic, but loose, then it is better to refuse to buy;
  7. Smell the kiwi, if there is a hoppy smell, the skin is too soft, there is a white coating and black spots - you can’t eat, you can’t buy such a fruit.

Symptoms and first aid for poisoning

Symptoms of fruit poisoning occur in the first hours, it is impossible not to feel. If more than an hour has passed since the toxin entered the body, the symptoms have acquired, an intensive character will require more complex treatment.

What are the symptoms of concern:

  1. Nausea;
  2. Vomit;
  3. Bubbling in the stomach;
  4. Lethargy, loss of strength;
  5. headache, dizziness;
  6. Pain in the abdominal cavity;
  7. Heat.

What to do:

  • Rinse the stomach "";
  • Drink a sorbent - "", "", "", "Polypefan";
  • Replenish the fluid supply with water or rosehip decoction.

A child should immediately call an ambulance, because a child's body is weaker than an adult. Even a mild form of fruit poisoning can cause unpredictable consequences.

Call a doctor for:

  • Prolonged vomiting with an admixture of blood;
  • Temperature above 38 degrees;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • Yellowness of the whites of the eyes, skin;
  • Anaphylactic shock, allergy attack;
  • Diarrhea with blood.

Fruit poisoning: prevention

To avoid unpleasant poisoning, always follow the rules of prevention.

How to protect yourself:

  1. Wash fruits thoroughly under warm water;
  2. Oily, large, shiny fruits should always be peeled;
  3. Before giving fruits to children, make sure that they do not have allergies;
  4. Do not buy fruits brought from distant countries. They were most likely treated with chemicals, could have been stored incorrectly;
  5. Before you eat an exotic fruit - find out how to eat it, contraindications to its use;
  6. Do not take too large, bright, even fruits. This appearance indicates the presence of chemicals;
  7. Buy certified fruit from trusted outlets.

Video: 10 strange facts about fruits

For many, tangerines are a favorite winter treat, especially around the holidays. There are people who do not like tangerines, but for the most part, almost everyone recognizes the taste of these fruits, and the extraordinary citrus smell is uplifting. There are situations when, at first glance, a safe mandarin fruit causes poisoning.

Symptoms of intoxication

Many are surprised: “Is it really possible to get poisoned by tangerines?”. There is no doubt that this is possible, and the results of intoxication are very unpleasant. The fruit is a source of antioxidants that help remove toxins and free radicals from the body, and also help improve metabolism. In addition, tangerines contain a lot of carotenoids, which have a positive effect on vision.

But also in tangerines there is a huge amount of allergens that cause itching, tearing, gastric upset (see Diarrhea in case of poisoning). More often, poisoning occurs when eating fruits brought from afar or stale fruits. If the products came from far away, they most likely contain chemicals that prevent rotting. Such substances can easily provoke dangerous poisoning (see Fruit poisoning).

Find out if grapes can poison you and how to avoid intoxication?

Causes of blueberry poisoning and ways to eliminate intoxication.

If a person has received tangerine poisoning, the symptoms are manifested by nausea, stomach pain. More often, the symptoms are accompanied by an increase in body temperature, vomiting and headache. The degree of symptoms depends on the severity of the poisoning. At the first symptoms, treatment should be started.

Harm of tangerines and contraindications for use

The benefits of lemons, oranges and tangerines are great, because they contain a very large amount of vitamin C, but in no case should you overeat. Excessive vitamin intake leads to hypervitaminosis. An overdose of tangerines is harmful to humans: the body loses hemoglobin, manifestations of an allergic reaction in the form of a rash on the skin are possible, and intestinal function is disturbed.

Mandarin is a fruit with a high sugar content, it is best consumed after meals, preferably in the afternoon, from 10:00 to 14:00. During this period, the body is most active, due to which it is easier for it to cope with a sharp increase in blood sugar levels.

Contraindications for use:

  • hepatitis;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diabetes;
  • nephritis;
  • allergy.

If a person does not have such diseases, do not rush to buy kilograms of your favorite treats. If you eat such a volume at once, you can easily earn hypervitaminosis, which will harm even a healthy body.

Those people who think that after eating 1 kg of fruit will stock up on vitamins for a month in advance, they are mistaken. They simply harm the body with an excessive amount of "benefit". The result of such a supply of vitamins: rash, diarrhea, vomiting.

Poisoning in children

Allergy is the body's most common reaction to citrus fruits, which are highly allergenic. Therefore, to maintain health, it is necessary to control their intake into the body. It is important to observe how many treats the baby eats. Tangerine poisoning in a child is very serious, since it is much harder for a child's body to cope with an overdose of vitamins.

Tangerines may not be fresh. Adults, having eaten such a fruit, simply will not notice anything, unlike children, who are likely to develop symptoms of intoxication. The main signs of child poisoning:

If a child got tangerine poisoning, what should I do? During care, the emphasis should not be on the treatment of diarrhea and vomiting, because in this way the body removes toxins. Vomiting, on the contrary, must be provoked if the child is over 5-6 years old. Therapy for food poisoning is the most common: lie down as much as possible and not allow the temperature to rise. If the child's condition is severe, which is extremely rare from poisoning with this particular fruit, you need to call a doctor.

Important! When poisoning babies under three years old, call an ambulance. The loss of 10% of body fluid is dangerous for a child.

What to do in case of poisoning with tangerines:

Patients are put on a diet. The diet should be sparing. It is very important that the body does not waste energy on digesting food. Therefore, if a person has no appetite, do not force him to eat. It is better to focus on fractional drinking, so as not to cause vomiting.

It is useful to use various cereals cooked in water, dry white bread, sugar-free compote, steamed vegetables, as well as low-fat kefir (on the second day).

Improper treatment of children and adults can cause very serious harm. It is strictly forbidden to use antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. Only he can accurately determine which drugs are needed, as well as prescribe the dose and regimen.

During rehabilitation, it is advised to include only baked dishes in the nutritious diet. This is important after suffering serious poisoning, when it is necessary to gradually load the stomach. Most are interested in what fruits are allowed to be consumed in such situations, the following delicacies are recommended:

  • bananas;
  • nuts;
  • pears;
  • apples;
  • apricots;
  • peaches.

It is necessary to observe the body after eating some of the above fruits. Reception of some of them aggravates the patient's condition. In such cases, fruits are excluded from the diet for at least a few days.

Manifestations of plum poisoning and principles of first aid.

Find out how peach poisoning occurs: what danger the fruit is fraught with.

All about raspberry poisoning: causes, symptoms, help.

Many patients are interested in: "Is it possible to eat tangerines in case of poisoning?". There is a list of prohibited fruits and berries, tangerines are included in this list:

  • grapefruit;
  • orange;
  • mandarin;
  • sweet cherry;
  • watermelon;
  • melon;
  • lemon;
  • plum.

It is forbidden to eat the above products to ensure the safety of the patient from unpleasant consequences. If a person consumes fruit, and at the same time his condition is normal, then no one can forbid him to do this.


In order to avoid poisoning with your favorite tangerines, you need to be extremely careful about the quality of the fruits you buy. You should not trust a beautiful wrapper. It is necessary to be vigilant, do not overeat, cut off all parts of the fruit that look suspicious. Even if trouble happens, there is no need to get lost, quickly take all necessary measures. Be healthy!


Canned food poisoning: symptoms, treatment, first aid

Canned food, like other food products, can also be poisoned. Even high-quality, at first glance, canned food can lead to symptoms of severe poisoning.

Of particular danger are such delicacies cooked at home. If you are preparing canned food yourself, you must follow strict instructions, as mistakes can lead to irreversible consequences.

Proper storage of canned food

Do not forget that after opening the can, the product in it deteriorates much faster, since the metal can ceases to be protective for it.

The depressurized product should be immediately transferred to a glass container or consumed immediately.

In the modern abundance of products, preserves, canned fish that are not sterilized, have become quite popular. In the case of sterilization and sealed packaging, the product does not require special rules and proper conditions.

Such products can stand for several years at room temperature, in a dry place, without spoiling. Preserves are a product with a short shelf life, so they should be consumed as soon as possible.

For proper storage of this product, you should adhere to several rules:

  1. Canned products are packed in metal containers, over time, the product in it may develop a special taste of metal.
  2. When frozen, they do not spoil, but after defrosting, the fish becomes loose.
  3. Do not store containers in rooms with high humidity, as the tin can will corrode.
  4. Microbes that enter the product provoke the fermentation process, as a result of which gases are formed. The tin can swells, and the product in it becomes unsuitable for consumption.

If canned food poisoning occurs, a person manifests:

  1. Nausea in mild illness. In this case, to begin with, toxic substances should be removed from the body with the help of heavy drinking.
  2. Vomiting and diarrhea are signs of severe poisoning. In this case, the disease is accompanied by dehydration, so you should take plenty of fluids.
  3. If acute symptoms such as nausea, general fatigue, abdominal pain do not go away for a long time, then you should urgently seek help from doctors. Such manifestations can lead to botulism, which is a deadly disease.

Mild poisoning can be treated at home by inducing vomiting. To do this, you need to use a large amount of water or freshly brewed strong tea.

Acute poisoning will not do without the advice of doctors. Until the ambulance arrives, it is worth drinking plenty of water, making an enema.

Treatment Methods

If you managed to pull out, then you need to take a sorbent that can remove toxins. The most popular is activated carbon.

It is imperative to replenish the body with fluid, as it quickly dehydrates. Best of all in this case, a saline solution, Regidron, helps. If you can't get rid of the symptoms, it is better to go to the hospital.

If you have been poisoned by canned fish, consult a doctor immediately. These ailments can lead to serious consequences, which in some cases end in death.

Those who are concerned about their health should carefully consider the choice and use of canned food. Spending more money on a quality product will save you money on remediation.

It is especially important to feed canned food to children, since their body copes with poisoning much harder than adults.


Poison, which is characterized by the smell of bitter almonds

The smell of bitter almonds is characteristic of hydrocyanic acid, a colorless volatile liquid with a specific odor reminiscent of the smell of bitter almonds. Indeed, almonds contain a certain percentage of hydrocyanic acid. To be poisoned by it, it is enough to eat 40-60 grains of bitter almonds.

Potassium cyanide

Hydrocyanic acid is a toxic substance, the lethal dose of which is 50 mg, subcutaneously - 1 mg / kg. Everyone has heard about the most popular poison of past centuries, which poisoned famous and inconvenient people. We are, of course, talking about potassium cyanide.

Cyanide is a component of hydrocyanic acid and is the source of the characteristic smell of almonds. The popularity of this poison was associated, first of all, with the simplicity of its production, the reliability and speed of its action in any of the states of aggregation. However, not all people can feel this smell, but about 40% of the population, owners of a certain allele of genes.

In addition to almonds, hydrocyanic (as hydrocyanic) acid is also found in other fruit seeds belonging to the genus of plums, which contain a poisonous substance with the smell of bitter almonds:

  • sweet cherry;
  • cherry;
  • apricot;
  • peach;
  • bird cherry.

In ancient Egypt, cyanide was mined from peach. The poison, which smelled of almonds, was called peach. This fact became known after the deciphering of the hieroglyphs - such a context as "under fear of peach poisoning", or "under fear of death from a peach" was recognized as a variant of the chemical substance extracted from this fruit.

Where are cyanides found?

This poison can occur naturally in some plants, as well as in the coking of coal, in tobacco smoke. Toxic gas with the smell of almonds is also released when smoking cigarettes, burning nylon fibers, polyurethane. It is easy to get poisoned by toxic fumes in the production of precious metals, for the purification of which hydrogen cyanide is also used, which easily turns from a liquid into a gas.

Vapors of hydrocyanic acid are rare in everyday life, but the main danger can come from products containing it in large quantities.

Hydrocyanic acid in the bones performs a protective function. It repels insects that can damage the grain to allow it to germinate.

Cyanides - salts of hydrocyanic acid and a source of almond smell - are necessary for the release of gold and silver from ores. For this, a method called "cyanidation" is used - a method of dissolving metals. As well as:

  • electroplating of gold, silver and other metals in order to obtain a thin shell of precious metals on non-precious alloys also occurs with the help of cyanides;
  • in the chemical separation of metal alloys;
  • in other activities in the chemical industry.

In addition to the classical use of potassium cyanide as a poison, known from the novels of Agatha Christie, it was actively used in World War II as a chemical weapon.

Cyanides in the composition of hydrocyanic acid were previously actively used to control rodents - rat poison was made from the substance.

In addition to the usual and expected places, cyanide can also be found in the most unexpected cases - when we are least ready for it and most vulnerable. For example, you should be extremely careful when offering plastic utensils to young children and allergy sufferers. Before you put food or drink in it, make sure that the dishes do not smell of almonds - this factor indicates that the rules for its manufacture were not followed in the production of plastic. Poor quality plastics due to improper manufacturing may contain the poison cyanide, which is released in large quantities, especially from hot temperatures. That is why there is a “do not use for hot dishes” marker on plastic dishes. Since at hot temperatures, cyanide vapors may be released, leading to poisoning.

Thus, harmless plastic cups or reusable plastic water bottles can, if not kill, undermine health. Particular care should be taken with children whose stomachs have little acidity, they are the most tender and susceptible to dangerous substances. Use glassware or special safe plastic made from environmentally friendly materials.

cyanide poisoning

Cyanides inhibit tissue respiration and disrupt the delivery of oxygen to tissues. Symptoms:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • pressing pains in the chest;
  • breathing difficulties;
  • stomach ache;
  • convulsions.

After an increase in heart rate, excitement and convulsions, a sharp slowdown in the pulse occurs, loss of consciousness, coma and, with severe poisoning, death. If a critical amount of poison is taken, symptoms develop within minutes. If you do not take an urgent antidote, there may be a fatal outcome.

The antidote for almond-flavored poison is Amyl nitrite, sodium nitrite, Chromosmon, sodium thiosulfate. Sodium thiosulfate, acting on cyanides, turns them into rodanides, which are harmless to the body.

In case of minor poisoning, ordinary sugar will act as an antidote - it is recommended to drink sweet drinks in large quantities so that the symptoms of poisoning disappear as soon as possible.

They quickly bind cyanides in the blood, forming cyanmethemoglobin - substances under the general name of methemoglobin formers. These are the most effective antidotes that react with natural hemoglobin in human blood. They should be used as a complex treatment along with other types of antidotes. At the same time, they are also extremely dangerous substances, as they can completely stop the transfer of oxygen in the blood. Therefore, the dosage, controls and decision to take these substances should only be taken by a doctor.

How to eat foods containing hydrocyanic acid

Almonds and other grains with cyanides - apricot pits (beans), cherry pits, etc. - are pre-dried in the sun, achieving their complete drying, since under the influence of sunlight the dangerous poison is neutralized, which allows you to safely use nuts and grains in the future without fear for health and life.

In addition to exposure to sunlight, you can thermally process products in another way - by roasting the seeds, placing them in the oven and treating them with high temperature in sufficient quantities in another way. With prolonged exposure to hot temperatures, hydrocyanic acid molecules are destroyed and the poison evaporates.

And vice versa - wet fresh grains and nuts, only freed from their shells, are extremely dangerous for humans. Even with the use of 40 grains of bitter almonds, serious poisoning can occur, which will require hospitalization. The taste of these cyanide products is also different - they are less palatable than after frying or drying.

Thus, it will be safer to make compote from cherries than tincture, since the dangerous poison continues to be the active ingredient in cherry tincture with stones. While in compote, when boiling, these elements will no longer be.

The pleasant aroma of almonds, as it turned out, carries a mortal danger. However, cyanide in a concentrated form smells completely different - the almond taste and aroma of the poison is characteristic only in its very low concentration.

Like everything in nature, the potent poison in our favorite treats is absolutely harmless if you know how to use it correctly - in minimal doses with a properly processed product, potassium cyanide is harmless, as it is neutralized in the human body by glucose contained in the blood. Sugar, always present in human blood, act as a natural antidote - we are only required not to exceed the maximum available concentration in the blood.


Pineapple poisoning: causes, main manifestations and first aid

Food poisoning with the appearance of dyspeptic phenomena are equally common in both adults and children. At the same time, such conditions can be the result of eating a variety of foods, including canned fruits and berries. Is it possible to get poisoned by pineapple? Yes, such cases of poisoning do occur.

In this case, there can be two reasons for poisoning. Firstly, poisoning is associated with food poisoning, when a large amount of toxins enters the human body. And, secondly, severe symptoms occur when eating canned food with bacteria from the genus Clostridium, which are the causative agents of botulism. Knowledge of the main symptoms of pineapple poisoning and the principles of first aid will prevent the progression of the disease and reduce the duration of disability.

Pineapples and poisoning

Pineapple poisoning can happen to anyone, and it is associated with various factors that should be analyzed separately.

food poisoning

Food poisoning is the most common cause of dyspepsia in people of all ages. Incorrectly stored pineapples, lying open or sliced ​​for a long time, become a place for active reproduction of bacteria, which on their own are not capable of causing any disease in humans. However, in the process of their life or death, a large amount of toxins are released that can negatively affect the gastrointestinal tract in an irritating way, which causes the appearance of all symptoms.

Learn about tangerine poisoning: causes, symptoms, first aid.

Read whether it is possible to get poisoned by grapes and how to avoid intoxication.

With this type of poisoning, toxins are rapidly destroyed in the gastrointestinal tract, which causes a rare development of serious conditions. However, it is important to remember that even a small piece of pineapple can accumulate a large number of bacteria and their toxins.


Once canned pineapples are packaged, clostridium can accumulate inside the package, which can cause the disease botulism. These microorganisms produce large amounts of botulinum toxin, an extremely toxic substance that has a depressant effect on the central and peripheral nervous system. This form of poisoning leads to the development of respiratory failure, damage to other internal organs. Botulism requires immediate hospitalization of the patient, as it is associated with the development of life-threatening conditions, up to the death of a person.

Main manifestations

Identifying the symptoms of pineapple poisoning allows you to quickly make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe proper treatment. The main manifestations of food poisoning are as follows:

  1. Sharp pains in the epigastric region with nausea, vomiting, which brings relief to the patient. If the intestines are involved in the process, then diarrhea of ​​varying severity joins the symptoms.
  2. In connection with the development of the inflammatory process, the patient has symptoms of intoxication: rise in body temperature, headache, general weakness, malaise.
  3. In severe poisoning with the development of dehydration, signs of dehydration may appear: depression of consciousness, increased drowsiness, lowering blood pressure, tachycardia.

It is important to know the features of the course of botulism, since it has symptoms similar to those of food poisoning, but requires early initiation of specific treatment and hospitalization of the patient in the intensive care unit. The characteristic signs of the effects of botulinum toxin on the body are as follows:

  1. Visual disturbances associated with the effect of the toxin on the oculomotor and ciliary muscles: doubling the picture, flashing "flies" before the eyes.
  2. Speech and swallowing disorders leading to slurred words, choking, respectively.

If these symptoms appear, you should immediately seek medical help due to the risk of developing rapid respiratory depression and cardiovascular activity.

Diagnostic methods

Proper diagnosis plays a crucial role in prescribing treatment for pineapple poisoning. As a rule, the first place in such a situation is the collection of an anamnesis, which includes asking the patient about the products used, the place of purchase, the condition of the pineapples in appearance, their smell and taste.

If a person has consumed canned fruit, then it is necessary to ask about the condition of the package, the presence of swelling on it, clouding of the juice. In most cases, an accurate diagnosis can be made already at this stage of the questioning. In addition, laboratory research methods are prescribed:

  1. A clinical blood test will show a picture of leukocytosis (an increase in the content of leukocytes in the blood) and a slight acceleration of ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate).
  2. In the biochemical analysis, hyperfibirinogenemia and an increase in the content of C-reactive protein are noted, which indicates the development of an inflammatory reaction in the body.

Ancillary instrumental methods (computer and magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound) are often not required, since it is not difficult to make an accurate diagnosis.

All about peach poisoning: what danger is the fruit fraught with.

Read about pear poisoning: symptoms and first aid.

Find out if you can eat a banana in case of poisoning: for whom a banana is contraindicated.

First aid

Timely proper first aid plays an important role in ensuring the recovery of the patient, preventing the development of negative consequences. The following guidelines should be followed:

  1. Provide the patient with gastric lavage to clean washings. To do this, he is given to drink about 1.5–2 liters of warm water, possibly with the addition of a small amount of potassium permanganate. This allows you to remove toxins from the stomach, prevent their absorption. Vomiting is caused by pressing a finger on the back of the tongue.
  2. The next key point in first aid is the intake of enterosorbents (Activated charcoal, Smecta, Enterosgel), which bind bacterial toxins in the lumen of the small and large intestines. It is necessary to use drugs in accordance with the instructions for use.
  3. Vomiting and diarrhea, along with an increase in body temperature, lead to the development of severe dehydration. Therefore, patients are shown the use of a large amount of liquid in the form of ordinary warm water.
  4. If the patient develops any neurological symptoms (double vision, swallowing or speech is disturbed, breathing is difficult), then it is necessary to urgently seek professional medical help, since these manifestations are characteristic initial symptoms of botulism.

Following the specified sequence of actions allows you to remove most of the bacterial toxins from the body, to prevent the progression of poisoning. Therefore, if any symptoms of food poisoning appear, you must immediately begin first aid, and also contact a medical institution to exclude the diagnosis of botulism.

Most cases of poisoning are caused by rapid reproduction in food products of Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli. Poisoning is most often provoked by poor-quality expired products or those that were stored in inappropriate conditions or prepared in violation of sanitary standards.

Also, poisoning is often caused by plants collected and eaten through ignorance or negligence.

Test yourself

The first signs of poisoning may appear half an hour after eating low-quality foods, but most often - after 4-6 hours, and sometimes - after a day.

Typical symptoms of poisoning: diarrhea (watery, fetid stools, with undigested food residues), severe nausea, repeated vomiting.

Also characterized by weakness, dizziness, fever, chills, heaviness or painful spasms in the stomach, flatulence, profuse salivation.

Keep in mind

Most often, poisoning is caused by dairy and sour-milk products, cakes and pastries with cream, glazed curds, soft cheese, boiled sausage, pates, eggs, homemade mayonnaise, salads dressed with mayonnaise or sour cream, tomatoes and tomato juice, soy sprouts.

First aid

At the first sign of food poisoning, it is necessary to wash the sick stomach to empty it. For washing, you can use a weak (pale pink) solution of potassium permanganate, filtered through a paper filter or four-layer gauze.

A solution of baking soda (1 teaspoon per 1 liter of boiled water) or table salt (2 tablespoons without a “slide” per 5 liters of water) is also suitable.

The solution for washing must be prepared in advance in the amount of 8-10 liters. It must be warm (temperature - 35-37 ° C) in order to prevent hypothermia of the body, as well as slow down intestinal motility, which will slow down the progress of toxic substances through the gastrointestinal tract.

At the first dose, you need to drink from 2-3 to 5-6 glasses, then induce vomiting by irritating the root of the tongue with two fingers.

The washing procedure must be repeated until the flowing water is clean.

We must try to provide the patient with complete rest, if he is shivering, wrap him up warmer.

The first day it is better to refrain from eating, on the second day you can enter the broth, mashed vegetable soups with rice, mucous decoctions, gradually expanding the menu. Until complete recovery, pickled, spicy, salty and smoked foods that irritate the gastric mucosa should be avoided. The patient is advised to drink boiled water, weak sweet tea, berry fruit drinks, jelly. Carbonated drinks are prohibited.

On a note

In case of poisoning, enterosorbents are taken. These drugs bind and remove toxins, poisons, microbes and bacteria from the body, preventing the entry of toxic substances into the blood. They help relieve the symptoms of poisoning and normalize the human condition.

To prevent dehydration of the body caused by vomiting and diarrhea, special saline solutions are used to replenish the loss of fluid and restore the acid-base balance, disturbed due to the loss of electrolytes. Usually they are produced in the form of powders, which must be diluted in a liter of hot boiled water. The resulting solution in an amount of 10 ml / kg of body weight should be drunk after each liquid stool in small sips, stretching the portion for an hour.

If diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then after each attack of vomiting, an additional solution of 10 ml / kg of body weight should be taken.

By the way

In case of poisoning (including food, but especially with drugs or alcohol), the liver suffers, because it is this organ that has to neutralize toxins and remove them from the body. Hepatoprotective drugs - herbal or containing essential phospholipids - help restore normal liver function.

Also, biologically active additives containing lecithin, amino acids, antioxidant vitamins A, C, E, selenium and chromium, omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids are used to improve liver function.

To the doctor!

Most often, the symptoms of poisoning disappear on their own within a week, only symptomatic treatment is sufficient. However, in some cases, poisoning is dangerous. Be sure to seek medical attention if:

  • against the background of intestinal and gastric disorders, the patient has a severe headache, pain in the kidneys, liver or other internal organs;
  • the patient has a high temperature, severe sweating, a feeling of suffocation;
  • poisoned a small child or an elderly person;
  • there is a suspicion that you were poisoned by mushrooms;
  • severe vomiting, diarrhea persist for two days;
  • symptoms of poisoning persist for more than a week.


Especially dangerous are poisonings with home canned food, in which, due to a violation of cooking technologies, botulinum toxin was formed, which causes a serious illness - botulism.


: increasing muscle weakness, frequent shallow breathing, dilated pupils, muscle paresis or paralysis, dry mouth, vomiting, loose stools, visual impairment, speech impairment, lack of facial expressions, pallor of the skin.

First of all, the muscles of the eyes, larynx, then the respiratory muscles suffer. Botulism can be fatal, so if you suspect it, you should immediately call an ambulance.


The best food poisoning prevention is good food preparation hygiene, proper food storage, and basic vigilance.

Pay attention to the color, smell and taste of food. An unpleasant putrefactive smell, sour taste, tingling on the tongue should alert. A sign that the product is spoiled may be a change in its consistency, the appearance of mucus on its surface.

Feel free to throw away moldy foods, spoiled vegetables and fruits, even if only a tiny barrel has rotted, swollen cans and bags of juices or sour-milk products.

The jar, “rolled up” with an iron lid, should open with a characteristic pop, indicating that it has been hermetically sealed. If there was no cotton, canned food should not be eaten.

When buying, be sure to check the production dates and shelf life of products, the integrity of the packaging.

Check your refrigerator regularly.

Do not buy ready-made salads dressed with mayonnaise: they spoil very quickly.

Observe the thermal regime of food preparation.

Thoroughly wash vegetables and fruits, dishes and cutlery, hands before eating and preparing food.

Before cracking an egg, wash it with soap and water.

Change kitchen towels, washcloths for washing dishes more often, because pathogenic bacteria accumulate in them.

Get some cutting boards. Greens, vegetables and fruits, cheeses and sausages should not be cut on a board on which raw meat and fish were butchered.

Do not store raw meat and fish and prepared foods in the same compartment of the refrigerator.

Don't overcook a lot of food. Cooked meals in the refrigerator should not be stored for more than three days.

Be selective in your choice of food outlets.


Remember, self-medication is life-threatening, consult a doctor for advice on the use of any medications.

Fruits and berries are tasty and extremely healthy. It is fruits that enrich the body with essential vitamins and minerals. Eating unwashed or stuffed with nitrate fruits can lead to severe poisoning, which is extremely dangerous for the body.

It is for this reason that doctors recommend taking only seasonal natural fruits. And the bright, large fruits, as in the picture, are full of chemicals that poison them both during the growing process and when transporting the product over long distances.

The main cause of fruit poisoning is the intoxication of the body with chemicals. The following substances, presented in the table, can provoke poisoning:

According to experts, in the spring-summer period, early watermelons, melons, and strawberries most often cause poisoning. In winter, imported imported apples and citrus fruits can provoke this problem.

The fact is that earlier chemical nitrates were used externally in order to accelerate growth, in the form of special solutions, and to clean it from it, it was enough just to thoroughly wash the fruit and calmly eat it. However, now every berry or fruit is literally pumped with growth hormones, which ensures rapid ripening.

It is believed that in sunny weather, nitrates should become safe, since ultraviolet rays destroy them, transforming them into proteins. The problem is that modern manufacturers apply an excessive amount of chemicals, which leads to a rapid and huge accumulation under the peel.

In order for fruits to look as attractive as possible and preserve their marketable appearance for a long time, they are treated with wax, paraffin and diphenyl, which is an oil waste product, extremely dangerous and considered one of the most powerful allergens.

In order to protect fruits from pests, powerful pesticides are used that do not wash off with water. Some compounds include mercury, heavy metals that are harmful to the human body.

But in addition to chemicals, poisoning can provoke the use of stale, spoiled fruits!

Clinical picture

Fruit poisoning manifests itself quickly enough, for several hours. In this case, the patient has the following characteristic clinical signs:

  • pain sensations localized in the abdomen, which are acute, cutting in nature;
  • flatulence;
  • bloating;
  • pallor of the skin (in some cases, the patient's skin may acquire an icteric hue);
  • nausea and bouts of vomiting;
  • tachycardia, palpitations;
  • labored breathing;
  • bouts of dizziness, possibly fainting;
  • violation of the processes of urination;
  • severe diarrhoea, with loose, frothy stools;
  • excessive gas production.

In the event of severe intoxication of the body, additional symptoms join:

  • febrile state, increase in body temperature to critical levels;
  • headache;
  • the appearance of bloody impurities in the vomit and feces;
  • constriction or, conversely, dilation of the pupils;
  • impaired coordination of movements.

The degree of manifestation of painful symptoms depends on how much fruit was eaten. The state of the immune system, body weight, age category of the patient matters. The most severe fruit poisoning is tolerated by young children and the elderly.

The symptomatic picture, with a reference to the possible causes of poisoning, is shown in the table.

Nitrates · nausea;

· stomach ache.

Pesticides nausea and profuse vomiting;

· fever;


weakness, dizziness;

· headache;

Disorders in the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Diphenyl acute pain localized in the abdomen;

stool disorders;

· nausea and vomiting;

· tachycardia;

· labored breathing;

Allergic attack, possible anaphylactic shock

growth hormones disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

nervous disorders;

· headache;

Mucous stools, possibly bloody;


anxiety symptoms

Mild poisoning can be cured at home, after consulting a doctor, but it is necessary to call an ambulance immediately if fruit poisoning is accompanied by the following warning signs:

  • yellowing of the skin and eye proteins;
  • bloody diarrhea;
  • intense, profuse vomiting with bloody impurities;
  • an increase in body temperature over 38ºС;
  • pronounced pain syndrome;
  • anaphylactic shock.

If a child has been poisoned, then you should consult a doctor even in the absence of the symptoms listed above, since even a mild form of poisoning can provoke the development of dangerous, unpredictable consequences in a small patient!

How to provide first aid?

Fruit poisoning is accompanied by severe intoxication and can lead to dehydration, which is dangerous not only for health, but also for the life of the patient.

To prevent such consequences, a poisoned person should be given plenty of drink - water and rosehip broth.

At the first signs of poisoning, it is necessary to induce artificial vomiting, do, with or. An adult will need to drink about 3 liters of solution. Gagging usually comes on its own, otherwise they can be provoked by pressing on the root of the tongue.

Washing is done until the water that comes out with the vomit becomes clear and clean. You can give the patient a cleansing enema.

If after gastric lavage, the patient's condition has improved, then there is no need for hospitalization. Further treatment includes keeping rest, drinking plenty of water and a diet that involves the use of light, sparing food.

Treatment Methods

In case of severe intoxication, treatment is carried out on condition that the patient is hospitalized in the infectious or toxicological department.

Specialists use the following methods aimed at detoxifying the body, normalizing the functioning of internal organs and systems:

  • dehydration;
  • gastric lavage with a probe;
  • the use of laxatives;
  • conducting forced diuresis;
  • intravenous administration of saline and glucose by drip;
  • the use of painkillers in order to reduce pain localized in the abdomen and alleviate the general condition of the patient.

If there are appropriate medical indications, the patient may also be prescribed cardiac, antibiotic drugs. In case of manifestation of pronounced allergic reactions, antihistamines, corticosteroids are used.

How to protect yourself - preventive measures

Preventive measures aimed at preventing fruit poisoning are extremely simple. First of all, it is recommended to give preference to seasonal, local fruits.

Avoid acquiring picture-beautiful, bright, excessively large and early fruits. Try to give up imported, exotic fruits.

Always pay attention to the country of origin. It should be understood that the farther from your region the supplier is located, the more chemicals are contained in the fruits lying on the counter!

You should buy fruits only from trusted suppliers, at retail outlets that have the appropriate certification. You should refrain from purchasing fruits in spontaneous markets, especially those located near roads. According to experts, such fruits are characterized by a high content of heavy metals.

Pre-treatment will help reduce the aggressiveness of most chemicals. Before eating, be sure to wash any fruits and berries under running water. Exotic fruits and imported fruits purchased in the autumn-winter period should be doused with boiling water before washing.

The presence of chemicals on the surface of fruits can be determined by running your palm over the peel - an oily film will remain on the skin. The fruits treated with diphenyl are distinguished by their smoothness, unnatural lacquer sheen. Such fruits, before eating, must be peeled - washing or scalding in the fight against the chemical - diphenyl will be powerless.

Include only fresh fruits in your diet, utilizing rotten and spoiled fruits. It is recommended to store fruits in the refrigerator, especially in the summer!

Fruits are necessary for the body, however, you should be careful about choosing this tasty and healthy product. Give preference, albeit not very beautiful in appearance, but natural and natural fruits - they will bring disproportionately more benefits to the body!

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