Herbion is a preparation for dry and wet cough. Which Herbion syrup is more effective? Application features

Many mothers choose plant-based cough preparations: they have completely natural composition, act gently and are not addictive. Herbion syrup for children is a popular remedy designed to fight all types of coughs.

Gerbion - medicine plant origin with expectorant effect.

Description of the drug

Herbion - natural herbal preparation. Produced in Slovenia by the pharmaceutical company KRKA. The mechanism of action for wet and dry cough is written in the instructions for use and depends on the active substance. There are three types of drug. All of them are discussed in detail below in our review.

Herbion with plantain extract

The drug is a brown or reddish-brown syrup with a herbal smell and a bright sweet taste. AT cardboard box, in addition to a bottle of medicine (volume 150 ml) and instructions, there is a measuring spoon with divisions of 2.5 and 5 ml, which is convenient to give the remedy to children. Approved for use in children over 2 years of age.

Plantain syrup has an immunostimulating and antibacterial effect.

The composition of the syrup includes water extracts of plantain (5 times stronger than plant juice) and mallow flowers, vitamin C, essential oil orange. Means prescribed for dry cough to eliminate the feeling of perspiration and pain in the chest, to facilitate the discharge of sputum.

The medicinal effect of the drug is associated with the effect on the production liquid mucus in cells of the trachea and bronchi. The cough becomes productive, sputum is actively secreted from the lungs along with the causative agent of the infection, and recovery occurs. In addition, plantain extract has:

  • anti-inflammatory action;
  • antibacterial action (prevents bacteria from multiplying).

The average price of a bottle is 245 rubles.

With ivy extract

Gerbion syrup for children with ivy extract also has a brown color, slightly viscous consistency and a vegetable smell. Means Approved for use in children under 1 year of age. It has the following medicinal effects:

  • mucolytic - accelerates the formation and discharge of sputum, softens the pharynx with a dry cough;
  • bronchodilator - relaxes the smooth muscles of the bronchi, facilitates breathing, eliminates shortness of breath;
  • anti-inflammatory.

An ivy-based drug is prescribed for dry and wet coughs.

The average price of the product is 235 rubles.

In our childhood the best remedy for the treatment of colds and coughs, the most common inhalations and hot baths for parkas were considered. Every parent needs to know how to soar the legs of a child.

Determine if a child has a dry or wet cough

Many mothers are at a loss when they are asked what kind of cough their child has. Indeed, how to determine the nature of this symptom without special medical knowledge?

Answer the questions below:

  • Is your child complaining of a sore throat or chest?
  • Has the illness just begun?
  • Is the cough hoarse, sharp, paroxysmal and torments throughout the day?
  • Do you hear the baby coughing up mucus?
  • The condition makes it easier warm drink: after a cup of tea or fruit drink, does the child feel better?

If you answered “yes” to most of the questions, then the child’s cough is dry and psyllium syrup is more suitable for him.

If the answers are “no”, consider the following questions:

  • Do you hear "gurgling", the sound of sputum discharge during coughing?
  • After coughing, the child feels relieved, and for some time the symptoms of the disease leave him?
  • Has it been a few days since the onset of the illness?
  • Most of all, does the baby cough after sleep, rest, or, on the contrary, active games (accumulated sputum comes out)?

If the answers to these questions are yes, it is better to choose primrose syrup.

Only a doctor can prescribe the correct dosage.

And Herbion with ivy extract is suitable for the treatment of both wet and dry coughs, especially in children under 2 years of age, for whom other types of medicine are contraindicated. Ivy syrup is especially effective for (narrowing of the bronchi) and the development of shortness of breath.

Maria, 29 years old:

“We are treated by the whole family. This year my daughter went to Kindergarten and got sick often. The doctor usually prescribes any expectorant syrup of his choice, and we buy Gerbion with psyllium. He helps us very quickly, literally in 2-3 days. My daughter likes the taste of the syrup, although it seems too sugary to me. I heard reviews that some medicine causes allergies, but this did not happen to us. And one more nuance - the product cannot be stored in the refrigerator, since all of it beneficial features will be lost."

To quickly remove sputum from the bronchi of a coughing child, massage his back and chest. If, it will contribute to increased blood circulation in the lungs and the discharge of mucus. The baby will feel better. Get well soon →

How to give Gerbion: dosages by age

The syrup is taken orally, regardless of the meal. Be sure to offer your baby warm water or tea after he drinks the medicine.

Age dosages of Gerbion are shown in the table below.

The duration of treatment with the drug is individual and is determined by the attending physician. It is recommended to drink syrup during the period of active cough, as well as within 2-3 days after the symptoms of the disease have disappeared. It often happens that at the beginning of the disease, the doctor prescribes a syrup with plantain, and then, when sputum forms and begins to leave, he changes the medicine and recommends buying a remedy based on primrose extract. Maximum duration drug treatment - 3 weeks.

The course of treatment is from 2 to 3 weeks.

Side effects

Herbion for children has practically no unwanted effects. Allergies are possible, rare cases- and caused by individual intolerance. In this case, you need to stop taking the remedy and show the baby to the doctor.

Ksenia, 37 years old:

“Herbion with primrose helps us out when the daughter’s sputum seems to be separated, but too viscous for her to cough it up well. But I would advise caution when giving medicine to very young children who still do not know how to cough up sputum well. And my eldest son has bronchial asthma, the doctor strictly forbade any herbal preparations, as they can cause allergies and exacerbate the disease.


There are many plant-based cough medicines on the pharmaceutical market. Comparison table of the main analogues of Gerbion indicating active ingredient, release forms and prices, is presented below.

A more expensive analogue of Gerbion is Prospan.

The advantage of Gerbion is its naturalness: the drug does not contain dyes and flavors and is made from vegetable raw materials. It reliably and effectively solves problems with wet and dry coughs, is in demand and deserves good feedback not only for children's doctors, but also for mothers.

Svetlana Sharaeva

In diseases of the upper respiratory tract, syrup from wet cough"Herbion". Instructions for use recommends using this remedy in the formation of liquid sputum in the bronchi. Under the brand name "Gerbion" they produce several types of syrups that have different composition and miscellaneous therapeutic effect. Some of them are effective only with a wet cough, and some - only with a dry one.

Types of syrups

Only natural ingredients are part of the Gerbion syrups from wet cough. Instructions for use informs about the mechanism of action of the drug, it depends on the main ingredient. Currently, several types of syrups are produced:

  • with primrose;
  • ivy;
  • plantain.

The drugs are available in 150 ml vials. Each package of syrup includes a measuring spoon.

Dry and wet cough

Before you buy the necessary type of syrup, you need to visit a doctor and find out the origin of the disease and the type of cough. The choice of the composition of "Herbion" will depend on this. The instruction warns that dry cough syrups do not help with coughing up sputum. At the first, severe redness and irritation of the throat occurs, the mucus does not go away, it becomes difficult to breathe. In the second, the inflammation of the throat is not so strong, a lot of mucus comes out. This symptom is called a productive cough.

If it is necessary to alleviate a dry cough, then you will need a drug that thins the mucus and promotes sputum discharge. Such drugs are called mucolytics.

If the patient is concerned about coughing with sputum, then agents are prescribed that soften the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, disinfect the affected areas and accelerate the release of sputum.

Primrose syrup

Primrose Syrup is Gerbion for a wet cough. The composition and properties of this remedy help to free the bronchi from sputum. The syrup contains the following extracts:

  1. Primrose root. This substance has expectorant properties.
  2. Essential It has a bronchodilatory effect, facilitates the discharge of mucus.
  3. Menthol. It has an analgesic and bactericidal effect on the respiratory mucosa.

Instructions syrup "Gerbion" from a wet cough recommends taking this remedy for infectious and inflammatory diseases respiratory organs. The composition with primrose extract and thyme is prescribed only for coughing with sputum discharge. When unproductive, it is ineffective and even harmful.

How to take "Gerbion" from a wet cough? Adults are prescribed 2 drugs (single dose). Children 2 to 5 years old can take half a scoop at a time, and 5 to 14 years old can take 1 scoop. The medicine is taken 3-5 times a day.

Ivy syrup

Ivy syrup is universal remedy, which helps with productive and unproductive cough. It contains saponins - substances that thin the sputum and contribute to its removal. This drug of the "Gerbion" line for dry and wet cough, the instruction recommends prescribing for acute respiratory diseases and chronic pathologies bronchi.

Children 2-6 years old are given 0.5 tablespoons twice a day, and from 6 to 14 years, a single dose is increased to 1 spoon. Adults are prescribed 1.5 tablespoons 2 times a day.

Plantain syrup

Plantain syrup is used only for dry cough. It contains the following components:

  • water extract of plantain;
  • mallow flower extract;
  • vitamin C.

The syrup is prescribed for inflammatory respiratory diseases accompanied by a dry cough. The drug is taken 3 times a day. single dose for an adult - 2 scoops, for a child aged 7-14 years - 1.5 spoons, and for a child aged 2-7 years - 1 spoon.

Plantain syrup is a mucolytic, that is, a means of thinning mucus in the bronchi. Taking "Gerbion" can not be combined with drugs that reduce the amount of sputum, this will reduce the therapeutic effect of the drug.


Primrose and thyme syrup is not prescribed for pregnant women, as its composition can provoke a miscarriage. It should not be taken by children under 2 years of age. Instructions syrup "Gerbion" from a wet cough prohibits prescribing a composition with primrose for diabetes, malabsorption syndrome, intolerance to glucose, fructose and galactose, as well as children who have had false croup.

Ivy syrup is contraindicated in children under 2 years of age and people who are allergic to its components.

Plantain syrup, like other types of "Gerbion" from dry and wet cough for children, is not prescribed under the age of 2 years. organism small child can't recycle herbal ingredients this tool.

All syrups of the Gerbion line are contraindicated in case of bronchial asthma, gastritis and stomach ulcers, they should not be combined with cough suppressant tablets.

Unwanted Effects

Instructions for use "Gerbion" from a wet cough reports that when taking the drug, unwanted symptoms may occur. Such phenomena are often observed in people who are allergic to any of the herbal components of the syrup. In this case, a rash of the type of urticaria, swelling of the skin, itching appears. In such cases, the drug should be stopped immediately and consult a doctor about replacing the cough remedy.

If the recommended dose is exceeded, negative manifestations from the side gastrointestinal tract. Herbal components of syrups can irritate the mucous membrane of the digestive system. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea may occur. Such phenomena are rarely observed, mainly in patients suffering from stomach diseases. Instructions for use "Gerbion" from a wet cough recommends in such cases to reduce the dosage of the drug or replace the syrup with another remedy.

Storage, price and analogues

It is recommended to store bottles with syrups at a temperature not higher than +20 degrees. The drug can be used for 2 years, such an expiration date is determined by the instructions for use of "Gerbion". If the syrup bottle has already been opened, it must be used within 1 month. After the expiration date, the drug can not be used, its plant components lose their healing properties.

The cost of Gerbion cough syrups is approximately the same and does not depend on the composition of the medicine. The price of the drug in pharmacies is from 200 to 250 rubles.

Analogues for active ingredients does not exist. You can only pick up cough medicines with a similar therapeutic effect.

Can be used for wet cough the following drugs, similar to "Gerbion with primrose":

  • Althea Root Syrup.
  • "Ambroxol".
  • "Tussamag".
  • "Fluditech".
  • "Pertussin".
  • "Gedelix".
  • Codelac broncho.

Medicines "Althea root syrup" and "Codelac broncho" can only be given to children over 12 years old. For a small child, Tussamag and Ambroxol are suitable, they are prescribed from 12 months. From this list of analogues, only the preparations "Gedelix" and "Flyuditek" are more expensive than "Gerbion", all other medicines are cheaper.

The closest analogue of "Gerbion with ivy" is the drug "Prospan". It also contains ivy extract. More often this remedy is used for unproductive cough. The price of the drug is about 350 rubles. "Prospan" can be taken by children from infancy.

Analogues of the syrup "Gerbion with plantain" are dry cough preparations:

  • "Sinekod";
  • "Bronholitin";
  • "Stoptussin";
  • "Codelac Fito";
  • "Linkas".

It is difficult to choose a replacement for "Gerbion" on your own. The choice of dry and wet cough remedies is quite extensive, but each vegetable syrup has its own characteristics of application, which depend on its composition. If the drugs of the "Gerbion" line cause allergies or dyspeptic symptoms, then only a doctor can choose another medication for therapy.

Herbion is a popular cough syrup for children. Effective remedy based on plant extracts quickly eliminates symptoms colds in the respiratory tract. The medicine fights dry and wet cough, facilitates sputum discharge.

Most parents and pediatricians note positive impact drug Gerbion on the body. A safe, affordable medicine will relieve the child of negative symptoms in a few days.

How to choose a medicine for coughing in children

Before the purchase medical syrup with anti-inflammatory, expectorant, enveloping action, parents should know what composition is needed for certain form cough. An incorrectly selected remedy will not give the desired effect during therapy, it will delay the moment of complete recovery.

Types of cough:

  • dry - sputum does not come out well, the child coughs hysterically, the throat is very irritated. Often there is shortness of breath, painful, "barking" cough;
  • wet - the child coughs up, sputum leaves the respiratory tract quite easily. The volume of mucus depends on the disease. The throat is less irritated than with the dry type, there is no shortness of breath.

By duration:

  • acute - up to two weeks;
  • protracted lasts 2-4 weeks;
  • subacute - symptoms are noticeable for a month or two;
  • chronic. coughing different intensity noted for two months or more.

Important! When prescribing a medicinal syrup, the pediatrician takes into account the type of expectoration (wet or dry). Herbion is a herbal preparation that has a positive local effect, but uncontrolled use causes side effects.

Rules for the selection of syrup:

  • with dry cough, frequent attacks, when the child cannot cough up, with severe inflammation you need a mucolytic agent. The task of the drug is to make sputum more liquid, prevent stagnation of mucus, and facilitate its removal. It is important to relieve irritation, suppress the development of infection;
  • with a wet cough, preparations with a softening, local enveloping effect are needed to restore the surface of irritated airways. Syrups with active expectorant, antiseptic action are recommended. The drug should also thin the sputum, accelerate its excretion.

The well-known pharmaceutical company KRKA (Slovenia) has been producing two types of the drug Herbion with natural base to combat dry and wet cough in children and adults. Safe, with a minimum side effects, formulations are allowed for the treatment of children from 2 years. Primrose and plantain extract in combination with others useful components quickly solve problems with sputum excretion.

Herbion syrup with primrose for wet cough

A popular remedy that improves the outflow of thick mucus, thinning sputum. Healing syrup gently but effectively affects the inflamed Airways, quickly improves the condition of young patients with pathological processes in the bronchi, colds,

Active ingredients of the drug

Main Ingredients:

  • aqueous extract of primrose root;
  • menthol;
  • thyme herb extract.

Sufficiently thick syrup (150 ml) is in dark glass bottles. The product has a specific taste, combining mint and herbal notes. For ease of use, a measuring spoon is included with the bottle.

Action on the body

The combined phytopreparation exhibits pronounced expectorant properties:

  • saponins in the extract of primrose liquefy thick mucus, accelerate the excretion of sputum;
  • thyme essential oil is a strong bronchospasmolytic. Thymol in the composition of the oil has a detrimental effect on pathogenic bacteria.

The herbal remedy Herbion with a healing primrose extract exhibits anti-inflammatory, local analgesic effect. The child coughs more easily, the redness of the mucous membranes decreases, sore throats disappear.

Indications for use

The drug is used for complex treatment the following diseases:

  • , influenza, diseases accompanied by spastic, ;
  • , tracheobronchitis, with viscous, difficult to separate mucus.


Pay attention to the restrictions:

  • fructose intolerance;
  • problems with glucose absorption;
  • age up to 2 years;
  • in history.

Possible side effects

Overdose high concentration saponins provoke disruption digestive tract. Children develop nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Sometimes there are signs of allergies: swelling, redness of the epidermis, rashes, swelling of the mucous membranes, skin itching.

Be sure to tell your doctor about the development negative signs. Before visiting the pediatrician, cancel the intake of the therapeutic composition.

Rules for use and dosage

The frequency and dosage of the drug Gerbion with primrose in the treatment of wet cough is the same as when using the drug with psyllium extract. After eating, give the child with a cold a certain number of scoops of syrup, then offer warm tea or compote.

Effective analogues

With a good expectoration of sputum, it is easy to find a drug similar in action to Gerbion syrup. The replacement of the drug is carried out by the pediatrician. It is obligatory to take into account the age of the young patient, to find out if there is a tendency to allergies.

The best medicines for wet cough in children:

  • Ambrobene (suitable for the treatment of respiratory diseases in infants).
  • Cook's syrup with herbal extracts (allowed after 1 year old).
  • Doctor Theiss syrup (for babies after 1 year).
  • Prospan with ivy extract (allowed from three months).
  • Doctor Mom on herbs (allowed after the age of three).

Herbion syrup with plantain for dry cough

The composition of the remedy

The basis of the medicinal syrup is an aqueous extract of plantain and an extract from mallow flowers (proportions 1: 5). Vitamin C added to boost immunity.

One scoop contains 5 ml useful tool. Gerbion is a thick liquid Brown color with a specific, pleasant taste.

How does the drug work

The combined phytopreparation renders complex impact to the respiratory tract:

  • thins mucus;
  • stops reproduction harmful bacteria, causing inflammation and cough;
  • has an enveloping effect;
  • enhances the immune response when infectious agents enter;
  • softens mucous membranes;
  • exhibits expectorant action.


Positive points:

  • lack of aggressive synthetic components;
  • fast action, noticeable effect from the application;
  • suitable for small children after two years;
  • after taking the drug, side effects are rare;
  • acceptable cost.



Minimum restrictions:

  • fructose intolerance;
  • the child is under 2 years old;
  • intolerance to syrup ingredients;
  • allergic reactions to plantain and mallow.

Important! 5 ml of therapeutic syrup contains sucrose - 4 g. In diabetes mellitus, the drug is prescribed with caution.


In case of an overdose, negative reactions are possible:

  • signs of allergy: swelling, itching, skin rash;
  • nausea, .

At backlash body, stop taking the drug, spend symptomatic treatment(antihistamines, diet, heavy drinking).

Instructions for use

Rules for taking the drug Gerbion with plantain:

  • let's little patient therapeutic syrup after eating;
  • a prerequisite - you need to drink the composition large quantity warm liquid. Suitable tea, compote, herbal decoction;
  • course duration - 10-20 days.

Dosage and frequency:

  • From 2 to 7 years old, offer your child 1 scoop herbal medicine three times a day;
  • 7 to 14 years old, give 1 or 2 scoops after breakfast, lunch and dinner;
  • Adolescents 14 years of age and older require 2 scoops 3 to 5 times daily.

Note! With light and medium degree respiratory diseases, many children recover in 5-7 days. To consolidate the effect, extend the treatment up to 10 days.

Interaction with other drugs and analogues

Do not combine Gerbion and antitussive drugs that reduce sputum production. At simultaneous reception compositions, the excretion of mucus is disturbed, attempts to cough up fail.

An effective remedy for eliminating dry cough is Broncholitin syrup. The drug is allowed from the age of three. Self-medication is prohibited– the active component glaucine hydrobromide is not suitable for patients suffering from high blood pressure, heart disease, with angle-closure glaucoma.

Other analogues of the drug Gerbion:

  • Bronchosan.
  • Bronchophyte.
  • Pectoral.
  • Rapitus.
  • Pectolvan Stop.
  • Altemix Broncho and others.


Both types of syrup (with plantain and primrose) belong to inexpensive drugs From cough. The price of Herbion syrup in a 150 ml bottle is from 200 to 230 rubles. Parents write that in most cases one bottle is enough for the cough to disappear.

The shelf life of the composition is 2 years, but use the started bottle for a month. Store in a cool place (temperature not higher than +20 C).

Among the modern medicines recommended for diseases of the lower respiratory tract, doctors distinguish Gerbion from dry cough - the instructions for use assures that a medicine based on plantain leaves helps to cope with an irritating cough at any stage. Is this remedy effective and how to use it correctly? Is it possible to give the drug to children?

Herbion syrup

The Slovenian company KRKA has 3 types of Gerbion cough syrup, which differ in the active ingredient: these are medicines based on an extract from:

  • plantain;
  • ivy;
  • primrose.

The last 2 options are focused on a wet cough, the first one is on a dry one. In all cases, the medicine has an anti-inflammatory effect, helps the immune system, but does not eliminate the cause of the cough. The manufacturer mentions that all components of Gerbion are absolutely natural, so the drug can be used even for the treatment of a small child, without fear of adverse reactions. Even if the dose recommended by the instruction is exceeded, there will be no negative response from the body. Patient reviews confirm the words of the manufacturer.


Herbion syrup for dry cough contains mainly herbal ingredients. The basis is 2 elements:

  • Aqueous extract plantain (from leaves).
  • Aqueous extract of mallow (from flowers).

Their ratio is equal, although the manufacturer calls this drug "psyllium syrup", omitting the presence of mallow in the composition. each of active components it contains 1.25 g per 5 ml serving. Raw materials are diluted with water in a ratio of 1:5, so the concentration is moderate. Plantain herb causes Herbion's ability to soothe mucosal irritation that occurs with an unproductive cough, but vegetable base at the same time is strong allergen.

It has Gerbion and a short list of auxiliary components:

  • ascorbic acid in a volume of 65 mg, making the syrup an easy immunostimulant;
  • sucrose (in the amount of 4 g);
  • orange oil, which gives a characteristic aroma to the drug (12.5 mg per 5 ml);
  • E218 is a food preservative that has found application in medicine due to its antiseptic properties.

Release form

A convenient format is what pediatricians value this medicine for: Gerbion is available only in the form of a syrup, which makes its use in young children simple. The packaging is small dark glass bottles, there is only one volume option - it is 150 ml. According to reviews, this amount of syrup is enough for several courses of treatment. unproductive cough. The syrup has brown may have a reddish tint. The aroma is herbal with a light orange note, the taste is sweet due to sucrose, which is partially designed for a small child. The consistency is not thick.

The following is attached to the medicine by the manufacturer:

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

Plantain extract contains mucus, which is produced from the leaves during prolonged contact with water. It provides the main property medicinal product based on this plant - the ability to alleviate a dry, unproductive cough due to the fact that the inflamed throat membrane is enveloped in this mucus. It also serves as a protective barrier that does not allow irritants to pass through, causing seizures cough. Rich chemical composition, which the medicinal herbs included in Gerbion possess, helps to achieve the following goals:

  • Stimulate the process of expectoration of sputum to turn a dry cough into a wet one and speed up recovery.
  • Relieve cough with soothing effect vegetable slime.
  • Strengthen immunity - the presence of vitamin C in the composition of Gerbion and a number of trace elements from plantain and mallow are responsible for this, increasing the proportion of oxygen in cells and stimulating the production of interferon, which is necessary in the fight against infection.

However plant extracts, which are present in psyllium-based syrup, stopping coughing, do not completely block it. The duration of the attacks is reduced, the feeling of "tearing throat" is eliminated, but first of all, the medicine promotes expectoration, so suppression cough reflex not visible. Before going to bed, you should not drink the medicine.

According to the data official instructions Gerbion syrup has following effects:

  • antibacterial (bacteriostatic);
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • expectorant.

Indications for use

As part of complex therapy doctors find the use of this drug effective if the patient is diagnosed with pneumonia, bronchitis, tracheitis. Persons who notice the first symptoms of a cold in themselves can take a short prophylactic course with Gerbion to prevent the development of the disease. The single use of this syrup can be useful in the following situations:


The composition of Herbion is maximally spared from hazardous components, therefore, the list of precautions regarding the use of this drug is short, however, due to the presence of a large amount of sucrose, which provides a sweet taste, the syrup is undesirable for use in persons who have:

  • diabetes;
  • sucrose-isomaltase deficiency (otherwise referred to as sucrose-isomaltase malabsorption);
  • hypersensitivity to fructose;
  • problems with the absorption of sucrose-galactose;
  • stomach ulcer.

Gerbion - instructions for use

Doctors recommend that you drink the syrup, I use it for this warm water or unsweetened and weak tea (ideally, take green). A course of therapy to eliminate dry cough in the presence of a strong inflammatory process or infectious disease can last 3 weeks. If it is planned to treat an senile cough or provoked by smoking - until the main symptoms are eliminated. An adult patient takes Gerbion with a dry cough, 10 ml at a frequency of up to 5 times / day.

During pregnancy and lactation

This syrup does not have an embryotoxic property, therefore Gerbion can be taken during pregnancy and lactation, but only after consulting a doctor. The only nuance, in view of which Herbion is rarely assigned to expectant mothers, is a large number of side effects (especially in the 3rd trimester of pregnancy) from digestive system.

Herbion for children

Therapy of inflammation of the mucous throat and dry cough of a different etiology with Gerbion can be performed in a child older than 2 years. The use of syrup is carried out according to next instruction:

  • Children under 7 years old are given no more than 5 ml per dose, you can drink syrup 3 times a day.
  • Schoolchildren under 14 years old are recommended up to 10 ml 3 times a day.
  • Teenagers over 14 years of age can drink syrup at adult dose, especially if the dry cough is long and the attacks are long: this is 10 ml up to 5 times a day.

Interaction with drugs

According to doctors, like all medicines for an unproductive cough, Gerbion cannot be taken simultaneously with antitussives, especially if thick sputum begins to be released during therapy. It can be combined with mucolytics, but with caution. Other groups of drugs, including those that affect the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, can be used with this syrup.

Side effects

Like all herbal extracts, Gerbion syrup can provoke allergies, especially if the body is acutely sensitive to psyllium and / or mallow. Individual intolerance to herbs occurs with the same frequency as problems with the absorption of synthetic substances. Adverse reactions after using the drug in case of allergies are observed mainly from skin. It:

  • hives;
  • rashes.

In more severe cases angioedema is not excluded (even without an overdose), requiring immediate medical attention. The use of Gerbion in the event of adverse reactions is excluded. Additionally, body responses to sucrose can also be observed, mainly from the digestive tract:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • bouts of vomiting.

Terms of sale and storage

This drug is released from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription, but it is not recommended to self-medicate even with it. Like most potions natural origin, Herbion dry cough syrup is recommended to be kept in a cool place, but not refrigerated. The optimal temperature corridor, according to the instructions, is 15-30 degrees. It is advisable to protect the bottle from direct sunlight. If it stands still for a long time, sediment may form at the bottom. Shelf life according to the instructions - 2 years from the date of issue.


In view of high price and a small volume, designed for 1-2 courses of dry cough treatment, patients are looking for an analogue of Gerbion, which would work just as effectively, but cost less. Doctors claim that most of drugs based on natural ingredients(meaning herbal extracts) act in much the same way, so you can look at the following options:

  • Linkas. This drug has a strong expectorant effect and is recommended by pediatricians for the treatment of cough even in babies of six months of age. The composition contains licorice, adhatoda, hyssop, marshmallow and a few more herbs.
  • Syrup Altea. Most cheap option medicines to help cope with an unproductive (dry) cough. It has a good enveloping property, effective even during bronchitis.
  • Stoptussin. This medicine can be found in the form of tablets and drops, the last form is recommended for children. By pharmacological properties Stoptussin is an antitussive drug, the instruction allows its use in children who have reached the age of 2 months.

Herbion Price

Among cough syrups (all types are taken into account - wet and dry), Gerbion is not the most budgetary: a 150 ml bottle can be purchased for 270-300 rubles. The exact cost is determined by the pharmacy, some of them additionally add 150-500 rubles when ordering online. for delivery. In Moscow, the price range for Herbion, which helps with a dry type of cough, looks like this:

Pharmacy Price


Gerbion, like its analogues, is used to treat cough in adults and children. Viruses, bacteria, dust, smoking and other allergens can cause a terrible, obsessive dry cough. Moreover, it often joins inflammatory process, and then, in addition to coughing, the patient may complain of fever, weakness and other unpleasant symptoms.

In order to get rid of inflammation and dry, irritating cough as quickly as possible, many drugs have been invented, including antibiotics. Means for the treatment of all types of cough play an important role in this process. Their task is to translate the cough into a wet (wet) state, thin the sputum and transport it outward, clearing the airways of mucus stagnation. It then causes inflammation, cough and fever.

Herbion syrups differ in their composition, so their action also has its own characteristics. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to correctly diagnose, and in the case of selecting analogues, pay attention not only to the fact that they are cheaper than herbion, but also repeat it therapeutic effect. Herbion has only one dosage form- syrup.

Gerbion is produced in Slovenia, and syrups are made only from purified and natural plants- plantain or primrose. In order to pick up analogues, let's first get acquainted with these syrups.

Herbion with primrose - instructions

This syrup is suitable for garnishing a wet cough. with thick, sticky and viscous sputum and has a pronounced expectorant effect. Primrose syrup is indicated mainly for tracheitis and bronchitis.

The composition of the drug contains two main components - it is liquid extracts primrose and thyme. Thanks to medicinal herbs herbion relieves spasm smooth muscle bronchi, liquefies sputum that sticks together and releases it from the respiratory tract.

The syrup is not prescribed until two years of age if the patient has diabetes or a tendency to it, with bronchial asthma, pregnancy and breastfeeding, intolerance to the composition. Also, primrose syrup is not recommended for galactose and obstructive laryngitis.

Against the background of taking the syrup, side reactions can sometimes occur, such as: rash, nausea, upset stool.

The syrup package contains a measuring spoon.

  • Children under 5 years old are allowed to take 0.5 scoops,
  • up to 14 years - 1 measuring spoon,
  • everyone else - 2 scoops.

The syrup is taken three times a day, it is recommended to drink it with water.

The course of treatment is always determined by the doctor, but in any case, the minimum therapy is 5 days.

Primrose syrup (150 ml) can be purchased at any pharmacy, its cost is within 270 rubles.

If for some reason the herbion does not suit the patient, they look for analogues, often at the request of the patient they offer something cheaper.

Gerbion with plantain - instructions

Unlike primrose, plantain syrup is recommended for dry, obsessive paroxysmal cough.

This product contains two extracts: plantain and mallow. This combination has a calming effect on the cough center, envelops the mucous membranes, softens them and disinfects.

The main task of plantain and mallow is to translate the cough into a wet state (wet). If the patient observes an increase in the amount of sputum after taking this syrup, we can say that the drug "works".

The indication for use will only be a dry, irritating cough, as well as a cough in smokers.

  • The drug up to 5 years is taken only 5 ml (single dose).
  • For everyone else, a single dose can be increased to 10 ml.
  • The minimum course of treatment is 7 days.

The cost of syrup with plantain (150 ml) is 280 rubles.

Gerbion analogues should be looked for among those drugs that are recommended only for dry cough.

How to choose analogies for the Herbion series?

These syrups do not have structural analogues, so the search for substitutes will be according to the therapeutic effect.

Herbion primrose - analogues are cheaper

The following drugs will help replace primrose:

  • marshmallow root syrup (150 ml) - 215 rubles - suitable for children over 12 years old;
  • ambroxol (100 ml) - about 110 rubles, allowed from 12 months;
  • codelac broncho (100 ml) - 170 rubles - after 12 years;
  • tussamag (200 g) - 250 rubles - from 12 months;
  • pertussin (100 g) - 30 rubles (from three years old);
  • gedelix (100 ml) - 370 rubles - after two years;
  • fluditec (125 ml) - 350 rubles - after two years.

From the above syrups it can be seen that only fluditec and gedelix are more expensive than herbion with primrose, all other remedies are cheap analogues.

Herbion plantain - a list of analogues with prices

The analogues of plantain include the following means:

  • bluecode (100 ml) - used from three years old, price 240 rubles;
  • broncholithin (125 g) - after three years, about 100 rubles;
  • linkas (120 ml) - shown from six months, price 180 rubles;
  • stoptussin (100 ml) - recommended from the year, the price is 240 rubles;
  • phyto codelac (100 ml) - allowed from two years old, price 150 rubles.

All of these drugs are cheap analogues of herbion syrup with plantain.

Is it possible to choose an analogue yourself?

Many patients select analogues on their own, but don't do it. All medicines have their own composition and act in a completely different way in a certain situation (clinical case).

When buying cough syrups, patients often get disappointed, they say that it’s useless to drink them, nothing helps, and they begin to lean towards antibiotic therapy. Antibiotic therapy in some cases is simply a necessary component, and syrups only complement the treatment.

In order not to guess on coffee grounds, contact a specialist and undergo an examination. The results obtained will give an answer to further plans for treatment.

As for the syrups of the Herbion series, you can also get into a mess with them, because each of them is used for a different cough.

And now let's move on to comparing the herbion and its analogues, determine the pros and cons of these funds.

  1. Considering cough medicines, you can see the advantages and disadvantages of each. Some, for example, are used for everyone, including babies. Other syrups and potions are allowed to be used only by adults, so the circle of potential patients is reduced.
  2. To find the pros and cons of a particular drug, you need to comparative assessment, after which it will be seen which remedy is best suited in a particular case.

Gedelix or Herbion (primrose) - which is better?

The main disadvantage of Gedelix is ​​its price. It is more expensive by about 120 rubles, and the volume of syrup is 50 ml less. Gedelix has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and sputum thinning effect. It can be used from infancy, and herbion only from two years. Also, the advantage of Gedelix is ​​its use in people with impaired glucose tolerance.

Both drugs in their composition have only plant components, only they are different. allergic reactions can cause even the most harmless herb, so only the experience of use will show if there are side effects.

Studying the opinions on the forums, we can conclude that the majority of members of the forum are inclined towards the herbion.

A doctor will always help you choose a drug, but an independent purchase of such funds is also possible.

Stoptussin or gerbion (plantain) - what do we choose?

The syrups in question have vegetable composition, which includes plantain. The difference is that this active substance mallow grass has been added to the herbion. Stoptussin also includes thyme and thyme.

Syrups are designed to treat obsessive, sometimes uncontrollable coughs. They perfectly suppress the cough center, relieve inflammation, and translate the cough into a productive state. If a few days after treatment there are complaints about increased outflow and the amount of mucus, then this is a favorable sign.

Stoptussin can be used after 12 months, and Herbion only from the age of two.

The price of drugs does not differ much, it can fluctuate within 40 rubles in favor of Stoptussin, it is cheaper.

As we said before, herbs can give allergies, so the best remedy is the one that is ideal for the patient.

According to statistics, pediatricians are more inclined to prescribe herbion, despite the fact that it has been used only since the age of two. Children perfectly tolerate herbion therapy, they are satisfied with the taste, side effects are rare.

Gerbion or bluecode - which is better?

The active substance of sinecode is butamirate citrate. Nothing to do with herbal remedies this composition does not have. Despite this, synecode is successfully used to treat whooping cough, dry cough with various pathologies and to suppress cough during the period when it is necessary to carry out medical manipulations.

What to choose - bluecode or herbion - is an ambiguous question. Everything is individual, as they say, to each his own. Sinekod in syrup is used only after three years, herbion - after two. To adverse reactions synecode refers to drowsiness, the herbion does not have such an effect.

According to patients, the synecode shows a stronger effect to suppress an obsessive cough, especially in cases where a dry cough attacks with attacks, up to a gag reflex.

The drugs are close in price, synecode is a little cheaper, by about 30-50 rubles.

Ascoril or Herbion?

Ascoril is complex drug, which has a complex composition: guaifenesin, bromhexine hydrochloride, salbutamol. This complex has three effects: mucolytic, expectorant and bronchodilator. Herbion is a herbal non-toxic and safe remedy.

With a normal cough, ascoril is not prescribed. This is due to the presence in it of salbutamol - a drug that expands the bronchi. Therefore, the main indications for ascoril are obstructive diseases. respiratory system. Ascoril is also prescribed for whooping cough, bronchopneumonia, bronchitis, bronchial asthma, tuberculosis, emphysema, pneumoconiosis, cystic fibrosis.

Herbion is prescribed for cough caused by viruses or bacteria, but with uncomplicated obstructive changes. The patient coughs, then sputum appears, then the bronchi are cleared, and recovery occurs. Herbion is suitable for the treatment of such a cough.

Therefore, when choosing these funds, it is necessary to look at the given parameters.

  • If the herbion can be purchased independently, and treatment can be safely started, then ascoril requires only medical prescription. Gerbion is used from two years, ascoril - from a year.
  • The price of ascoril and herbion is the same, in some pharmacies the cost of the first drug is sometimes slightly higher.

Comparing these drugs, it can be seen that the drugs are completely different, even in therapeutic effect. Ascoril is stronger and acts faster.

Gerbion or Erespal?

Erespal contains Chemical substance- fenspiride hydrochloride, which has anti-bronchoconstrictor activity and anti-inflammatory action.

  • Unlike herbion, erespal is also used for the following diseases: nasopharyngitis, laryngitis, sinusitis and otitis.
  • Gerbion and Erespal are not used in children under two years of age. Erespal has more side effects, and, therefore, it is more toxic. Against the background of the reception, various negative symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract, tachycardia, hypotension and others. Patients often state the appearance of drowsiness, dizziness, skin rash.

In terms of price, there are no special differences between drugs. Erespal or herbion - it is up to the doctor to decide after a thorough examination of the patient.


When choosing cheap analogues, it is necessary to take into account the following factors: the age of the patient, the nature of the cough, accompanying illnesses and individual susceptibility to composition. Only compliance with all of the above components will help to achieve an adequate therapeutic effect.

You should not buy syrups and cough tablets on the advice of a pharmacist at a pharmacy. A pharmacist cannot diagnose you in five minutes and take into account all the features of the disease. Buying drugs at random, the patient risks spending extra money and precious time on treatment. How often do you have to repeatedly run around pharmacies, only then, instead of one medicine, purchase at least 2-3 drugs for treatment.

Any cough that persists for more than three weeks and does not respond to antitussives should be carefully evaluated. First of all, this is a fluorography or x-ray of the lungs in a direct, and sometimes also in a lateral projection. Be healthy, and do not start the disease!

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