Hazardous ingredients in toothpaste. Classification methods and composition of hygienic, therapeutic and prophylactic and anti-inflammatory toothpastes

Toothpaste is a special dosage form intended for oral hygiene, prevention and treatment of diseases. With the help of toothpaste, effective cleaning of the oral cavity and therapeutic and prophylactic effects are ensured.

To do this, abrasive, antimicrobial, bacteriostatic, stimulating and surfactants are introduced into its composition. Main properties of toothpaste- cleansing, antimicrobial, organoleptic and consumer.

The cleansing action of toothpastes is necessary to eliminate food residues, microbes and plaque from the oral cavity. To this end, they include chalk, dicalcium phosphate, sodium metaphosphate, aluminum hydroxide, silicon dioxide, etc.

Antimicrobial and bactericidal substances are included in the composition of toothpastes both to influence the microflora of the oral cavity and to preserve the properties of toothpastes. To reduce the cariogenic effect of oral microflora, some toothpastes include antiseptics, such as chlorhexidine. Currently, pastes have appeared and are being actively developed, which include enzymes that act on the oral cavity, dissolve soft plaque and food residues. Another effective remedy is gel toothpastes.

To improve the organoleptic and consumer properties in toothpastes, substances that increase plasticity, flavorings, and food colorings are used.

For inflammation of the gums, periodontal diseases, toothpastes containing herbal supplements, biologically active substances, vitamins, and metabolic regulators are used.

Toothpaste should contain fluorine, calcium and phosphorus. It is known that fluoride prevents the development of caries. However, it should be noted that many fluorine compounds are toxic, so their content in toothpaste is strictly limited. Optimal for the prevention of caries and acceptable for home use is 150 mg / 100 g in pastes for adults and 50 mg / 100 g for children.

To facilitate the removal of bacterial plaque, surfactants, tensides, stimulating the formation of foam, are added to the paste composition. Typically, these substances are used at a concentration of 0.5 to 2%. Exceeding this limit can cause gum irritation.

Should not contain sugar, as it is harmful to the teeth. Therefore, xylitol is added to modern toothpastes - a sugar substitute that prevents the development of microorganisms. In addition, xylitol is recognized as a prophylactic against caries. At the same time, to achieve a tangible result, the content of xylitol should approach 10%.

But the presence of triclosan in toothpaste should be feared. This compound really kills most microorganisms, including the natural microflora inherent in the human body. And this threatens with the fact that the place of "their" microbes can be taken by "strangers", the means to combat which, perhaps, have not yet been invented.

For children, be sure to buy a special children's toothpaste that does not contain substances that are toxic if swallowed! Do not forget that children, unlike adults, often swallow about half of the toothpaste.

Now let's take a closer look at some of the substances contained in the pastes.

Fluoride. Pastes containing fluoride or fluoride are now recommended not only for children, but also for adults, as fluoride strengthens teeth and reduces the risk of caries. The percentage of fluoride in the paste in relation to other elements should be from 0.1 to 0.6%. Children under 6 are advised to buy toothpastes with less fluoride.

Pyrophosphates. These substances are used to prevent the occurrence of plaque and tartar. Pastes containing pyrophosphates are good for everyone, not just people suffering from tartar. But do not forget that if you have already formed plaque or tartar, pastes will not save you from it, you should contact a specialist and get your teeth cleaned.

Strontium chloride and nitric potassium. These elements should be included in the paste if you have sensitive teeth. In many adults over the age of 35, as a result of frequent grinding of the teeth or too much pressure on the gums during daily brushing, the gum line sinks, leaving root areas on the surface. Naturally, then your teeth react very sharply to cold, hot and other irritants. These substances reduce the sensitivity of nerve endings. Within a few weeks of using the paste with strontium chloride and potassium nitrogen, the patient will feel relief and can switch to using a regular paste.

soda and peroxide. They are added to the paste one at a time or in combination. They do not have a curative effect. They are used for more comfortable brushing of teeth, as they leave a feeling of freshness and cleanliness in the oral cavity.

Brightening ingredients. Removes plaque caused by coffee, tobacco and some other substances, but cannot lighten your teeth if you have yellow enamel. Most of these substances are abrasive in nature, that is, they simply scrape plaque from your teeth, so the frequent use of toothpastes with brightening components can cause damage to the enamel. You can use the brightening paste once a day and the regular one another time.

Sodium lauryl sulfate. The results of some studies show that this element can increase pain in stomatitis. However, this information has not been fully confirmed and needs further experimental studies. If you have stomatitis, then it is better to look for a paste without this component.

Toothpaste is an effective tool that is used to prevent dental diseases. It is used exclusively with a toothbrush and allows you to maintain good aesthetics and healthy teeth in excellent condition. Toothpaste is always used for improvement: it acts as an abrasive to remove plaque and food debris from teeth, helps fight bad breath, and delivers active ingredients (most commonly fluoride) to help prevent gum disease (gingivitis). Toothpaste is not intended to be swallowed, as it contains fluoride, which is a harmful component in large quantities. Seek medical attention if abnormally large amounts of toothpaste are swallowed.

For hundreds of years, brushing your teeth has been a hygienic and social necessity. Removal of bacterial biofilm or plaque that accumulates allows the prevention of many dental diseases. Quite often, on the shelves of various stores, supermarkets and, of course, pharmacies, we find a huge range of toothpastes, which, for non-professionals, most likely differ only in the color of the package and the price. It's time to find out what ingredients in toothpaste necessary for teeth and what are the harmful ingredients in toothpaste.

There are different classes of ingredients that can be found in all toothpastes. They can be classified into the following groups: abrasives, binders, foams, wetting agents, detergents, fragrances, dyes, preservatives, fluorides, etc.

Most brands contain at least 50% abrasives (commonly referred to as scouring and polishing agents). Abrasives are ingredients that help keep teeth clean. Baking soda, calcium carbonate, calcium phosphate, alumina, and silica are all primitive abrasives found in toothpastes. Most often, manufacturers use hydrated silica, it is able to polish the surfaces of teeth more efficiently than other representatives of this group. A high level of abrasives in toothpaste can negatively affect hard tissues - this is due to the weakening of the enamel. It is advisable to use a toothpaste with a mild abrasive. Depending on the size and shape of the particles, silicon will have a whitening effect. However, do not forget that professional teeth cleaning will bring much more benefits to dental health than toothpaste with abrasives.

The Egyptians scrubbed their teeth with a mixture of shells and pumice - this was as early as 5000 BC. The ancient Romans used a mixture of crushed bones, shells and crushed charcoal.

The degree of abrasiveness of a particular compound depends on how much water it contains (hydration level), the size and shape of its particles, the purity of the product, and how it has been processed, both physically and chemically. Ideally, abrasives should be chemically inert, meaning they won't form new compounds with other substances in the toothpaste. If you see in the composition of toothpaste: hydrated silicon (which can be obtained from sand), hydrated alumina, calcium carbonate, dicalcium and phosphates, be aware that none of these materials will have any effect when brushing your teeth without the additional action of a toothbrush. brushes. In addition, you can only remove stains from your teeth using abrasive toothpaste, but the presence of these components does not guarantee a whitening effect!

Fluoride content in toothpaste

Fluoride was first introduced into the toothpaste formula in 1914 and is currently the most valuable component in its composition. Despite the fact that fluoride can prevent and reduce the development of many dental diseases, toothpaste manufacturers did not pay due attention to this component until the 1950s. In February 1955, the effectiveness of fluoride pastes was proven, but it was not until 1960 that they were approved by the American Dental Association. Fluorine performs a very important function: it strengthens tooth enamel and makes teeth more resistant to caries. If bacteria on the surface of the tooth produce acids and damage the enamel, then fluoride can "absorb" harmful products and remineralize the hard tissues of the tooth. Tooth enamel that has been treated with fluoride for prevention will be much more resistant to acids. By far, fluoride is the most active ingredient in toothpaste, measured in ppm. There are three types of fluorides that are used in toothpaste:

  • Sodium fluoride - Sodium fluoride (NaF) is the most commonly used fluoride in toothpaste
  • Stannous fluoride (SnF2) This type of fluoride can stain yellow or brown teeth.
  • Monofluorophosphate (Na2PO3F)

Fluoride ions in toothpaste cause a lot of controversy! Some scientists are convinced that fluoride can help prevent tooth decay, while others argue that it has too many side effects that outweigh the benefits. The best way to help prevent cavities and get a beautiful smile is to eat daily. Some people are afraid of fluoride so they don't use fluoride toothpaste. Their choice. But, the benefits of fluoride far outweigh the risks if you don't have fluorosis.

Any toothpaste foams due to the fact that it contains detergents. The purpose of surfactants is to weaken the structure of substances that collect on the teeth and cannot be washed off with plain water. Detergents are used in minimal concentrations, as they should not irritate or sensitize oral tissues.

Sodium lauryl sulfate - allows toothpaste to foam

Surfactants are capable of destroying the surface of any liquid. Most likely while washing your hands, you may have noticed how soap removes grease - this is an example of the action of surfactants. The most common detergent used in toothpaste is sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS). You may have seen this ingredient in other cosmetic products that lather, such as shampoo. This substance can be obtained from coconut or palm oil. Despite online rumors that sodium lauryl sulfate is life threatening, these claims are not backed up by scientific research. This powder has actually been used safely in toothpaste for over 50 years. It has been observed by the American Dental Association that this component can irritate the oral mucosa in people prone to ulcers. These patients should understand that they need to buy toothpaste without sodium lauryl sulfate.

Humectants are included in the toothpaste to maintain texture and retain moisture, and they prevent the mixture from drying out. Glycerin, sorbitol (sorbitol), propylene glycol, xylitol, and water are the most common moisturizers. If the toothpaste does not have these components, it will undergo constant drying and will need to be mixed before each use in the same way as paints.

Thanks to humectants, toothpaste can be stored for several years.

Xylitol is the best type of humectant as it is able to increase the flow of saliva, which helps prevent and prevent cavities.

Toothpaste without the addition of flavors cannot be used while brushing your teeth! Therefore, among the ingredients you will always find various natural and artificial flavors and sweeteners such as saccharin. The humectant sorbitol also adds a sweet taste. The Dental Association will never put its seal on toothpastes that contain sugar or any other ingredient that promotes cavities.

Mint flavor is the most common in modern dentistry

Mint is the most popular flavor used by virtually all dental hygiene product developers. Popular manufacturers that produce branded natural toothpastes often use more exotic flavors from anise, fennel, lavender and other plants. These types of essential oils can cause allergies and tissue irritation, so beware!


To maintain the correct consistency, thickeners or astringents are included in the composition of the toothpaste. The brightest representatives of this group:

  • carrageenan (derived from red seaweed)
  • cellulose gum
  • guar gum
  • xanthan gum
  • gum arabic (acacia juice)
  • sodium carboxymethyl cellulose
  • magnesium aluminum silicate

Xanthan gum (food additive E415) is the safest thickener. Irritation from this ingredient can be observed quite rarely. The most common side effects are bloating and gas. Usually side effects result from ingestion of a large amount of xanthan gum, the concentration of which will be much higher than that usually used for toothpaste. If food supplement E415 is inhaled in powder form, this can lead to respiratory failure.

preservatives in toothpaste

To prevent the development of harmful microflora inside the tube and maintain the established period of use, the creators of toothpastes add preservatives, such as:

  • sodium benzoate
  • methylparaben
  • ethyl paraben (an antimicrobial used as a preservative in foods, drinks, and cosmetics)

Among all common preservatives, sodium benzoate is the safest. Some "natural" toothpastes may use citric acid. Too much citric acid can cause side effects such as abdominal cramps, diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting.

Sweeteners and Colors

Sweeteners used to improve the taste of toothpaste. Hygiene products that contain sodium lauryl sulfate taste terrible, which is why sweeteners such as saccharin, stevia or xylitol are used. The best form is xylitol as it has many of the oral health benefits discussed earlier.

Dyes- Artificial ingredients are not uncommon in most toothpastes. Titanium dioxide is the most common element. It is best to avoid toothpastes with artificial colors.

Antibacterial toothpaste

Using toothpastes with an antibacterial effect, you will influence the microflora of the oral cavity and can cure a lot of dental diseases. Antimicrobial agents should reduce the number of harmful microorganisms on the teeth and gums. Most often, triclosan is used for this purpose. The safety of this component has been questioned, but scientific studies show that adding triclosan to toothpaste can do much more good than harm. It is necessary to know that triclosan has not only an antibacterial effect, but also an antifungal one. Pretty effective remedy!

Triclosan: what is the use in toothpaste?

Prolonged use of any antibacterial ingredients can cause big problems, bacteria will develop resistance to. These days, many personal care products contain antibacterial agents: soaps, deodorants, hand cream, etc. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), antimicrobials added to toothpaste cannot affect methicillin-resistant golden staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) and other dangerous bacteria, as they are resistant to any form of antibiotics.

Most people don't think about what toothpaste is made of. Don't buy into pretty labels, read the ingredients and decide for yourself which toothpaste is best for you. Your toothbrush and brushing technique play a big role, but toothpaste is the way to keep a beautiful smile on your face!

Toothpaste is a kind of dosage form needed to ensure proper oral hygiene. With the help of toothpaste, the teeth are not only cleaned, but also receive prevention of the appearance of caries and other diseases. The composition of the paste is replete with incomprehensible components, so you should know what they are for.

Classification of toothpastes

The composition of the paste may include different components, but for a particular problem it is useful to select certain substances. Means for cleansing are divided into:

  1. Hygienic - clean and deodorize the oral cavity, there are no marks on them or there is a tag "for the whole family".
  2. Treatment and prophylactic - they can find information "with a high content of fluorine" or "calcium", they can only be prescribed by a doctor.
  3. Special - are used to eliminate certain defects in the enamel. They are divided into:
  • anti-caries - with or without fluoride, where it is replaced by xylitol or calcium glycerophosphate ("Blendamed");
  • desensitative - for teeth with hypersensitivity, include painkillers, marked Sensitive ("Colgate");
  • anti-inflammatory - eliminate inflammation of the gums, contain antiseptics, natural extracts of herbs, marked Activ ("Paradontax");
  • organic - with a high content of natural ingredients, are labeled Fito;
  • sorption - containing enterosgel;
  • eliminating stomatitis;
  • bleaching - containing abrasives, enzymes or peroxides, marked White ("President").

Based on natural ingredients

The composition of the paste can be natural, then it will include the following components:

  • chalk and silicon oxide - abrasives;
  • organic glycerin - to form viscosity;
  • xylitol, sorbitol - sweeteners;
  • seaweed, alginates, carrageenans, gum - thickeners;
  • zinc and sodium citrates - remove plaque, regulate acidity;
  • sodium benzoate, potassium sorbate - preservatives;
  • maltodextrin, sodium silicate - improve texture;
  • soda, salt, clay - abrasives;
  • essential oils, decoctions of herbs.

synthesized substances

The composition of the toothpaste also includes synthetic products, here are the main ones:

  • thickeners, viscosity formers (paraffin);
  • antiseptics (Chlorhexidine);
  • dyes;
  • flavors, fragrances (menthol);
  • vitamins;
  • salts of fluorine, calcium;
  • Tensides are foaming agents.

Toothpaste Ingredients

The chemical composition of the paste is rich and saturated with components, each of which performs its function. In most funds you can find:

  • essential oils of herbs;
  • compounds of calcium, potassium and fluorine;
  • antiseptics;
  • abrasives;
  • pyrophosphates;
  • components that reduce tooth sensitivity.

All kinds of dyes and flavors are needed so that the product has a pleasant taste and appearance, thickeners are introduced to form the correct consistency, and tensides increase foaming. It is unacceptable to meet sugar and triclosan in the composition of the product. The first serves as a source of reproduction of bacteria, and the second leads to dysbacteriosis of the oral cavity. The composition of children's toothpastes should not contain saccharin, sodium lauryl sulfate, formaldehyde and chlorhexidine.

Essential oils of medicinal plants

The components in the composition of the pastes can be obtained from medicinal plants with medicinal effects. Here are some of the plants:

  • brine - reduces bleeding gums;
  • oak bark - has an anti-inflammatory effect ("Forest Balsam");
  • chamomile, St. John's wort, cloves, yarrow, calamus, calendula, sage, ginseng - reduce tooth sensitivity;
  • sage, peppermint, echinacea, myrrh, ratania - anesthetize, provide regenerative treatment;
  • chitin, chitosan - have an anti-caries effect;
  • lavender - kills bacteria and fungi.

Means containing calcium in their composition help to avoid demineralization of enamel and relieve tooth sensitivity. Their main components are:

  • calcium glycerophosphate;
  • synthetic hydroxyapatite;
  • calcium lactate;
  • calcium pantothenate;
  • calcium citrate.

When choosing a product, you need to pay attention that it does not contain fluorides and calcium salts at the same time, because they can bind to each other and form insoluble salts. If you brush your teeth with such a paste, then the ions of these substances will not be released, which will lead to a lack of useful components by the enamel. Calcium-containing pastes prevent caries.

Antiseptics for the oral cavity

In the complex composition of the paste, there are antiseptics that are designed to suppress the growth of pathogenic bacteria that can cause caries. Popular substances are:

  • Chlorhexidine - kills microflora, pastes with it in the composition should not be used by a child for more than 4 weeks, because this can lead to dysbacteriosis.
  • Aluminum lactate - is intended to relieve inflammation caused by the formation of bacteria. With prolonged use, it causes candidiasis as a result, so you can not use funds with it for more than a month.
  • The antibiotic metronidazole and compounds based on it are a dangerous antimicrobial component, undesirable in the composition.

Fluoride compounds in toothpaste

The most important component is fluorine in the composition of the paste. It is presented in the form of fluorides, which prevent the appearance of caries and serve as participants in the exchange of calcium and fluorine in enamel. Popular compounds are:

  • tin fluoride;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • monofluorophosphate;
  • sodium fluoride;
  • aminofluorides.

All these compounds increase the resistance of enamel to acids, microorganisms, and enhance remineralization. Active fluorine ions kill bacteria, and in combination with silicon abrasives form a special fluoristat system. For fluorides, their concentration is important because they are toxic. The optimal concentration is 0.1% for adults and 0.023% for children.

Abrasive Components

An important component of the product is an abrasive that reacts with inorganic tooth tissues. The classic abrasives are:

  • chemically precipitated chalk (Colgate);
  • dicalcium phosphate dihydrate ("New Pearl");
  • dicalcium phosphate monohydrate;
  • anhydrous dicalcium phosphate;
  • tricalcium phosphate;
  • calcium pyrophosphate;
  • sodium metaphosphate;
  • aluminum hydroxide;
  • silicon dioxide (Splat);
  • zirconium silicate;
  • polymeric compounds of methyl methacrylate.

Often in a cleanser you can find several abrasives at once, differing in dispersion, hardness, and acidity. Due to the fact that abrasives act aggressively and remove plaque from enamel by mechanical action, it is often impossible to use pastes with their high content (whitening) - it is better to alternate them with ordinary ones.

Soft natural abrasives are enzyme compounds, soda and peroxide, which have the properties of mild cleansing and polishing. Papain refers to an enzymatic abrasive that gently removes plaque without harm to the tooth surface - it is contained in Roks paste. Roc gel pastes are characterized by the absence of abrasives, so they are less effective in terms of whitening.


To prevent the occurrence of plaque and gingival calculus, pyrophosphates found in ordinary human saliva are used. They bind to the calcium phosphate crystals in the enamel, keeping it hard and strong. In addition, they slow down the growth of bacteria, preventing the development of caries. Due to the instability to saliva phosphatase, components are added along with them for the strength of the joints.

Most people firmly believe that choosing the right toothpaste is a very simple task. However, at present, pharmacies and chain stores offer such a wide range of products that it can be quite difficult to navigate this variety.

Benefits of toothpastes for adults

Modern toothpastes are the result of improvements to older oral hygiene products - tooth powders. The first toothpastes were patented at the end of the 19th century, and began to be widely used in the 30s of the last century.

These hygiene products have a number of advantages over powders: they are more convenient to use, their packaging is compact, and their taste is incomparably better. The composition of the first toothpastes included crushed chalk (as an abrasive), glycerin, perfume oil, thickener (sodium carboxymethyl cellulose), foaming agent (sodium lauryl sulfate), as well as various flavors to give a pleasant smell and preservatives to increase shelf life.

Later, biologically active substances were introduced into the composition of the paste, which made it possible to prevent the development of certain diseases and even fight a number of pathologies of the oral cavity. Thus, three main varieties of toothpastes for adults have appeared.

Classification of toothpastes

All such hygiene products can be divided into 2 categories: toothpastes according to their intended purpose and toothpastes according to the method of application.

Pastes by appointment

Currently, it is customary to distinguish three main groups of such toothpastes:

  1. Hygienic.
  2. Therapeutic and prophylactic.
  3. Therapeutic, complex.

Hygienic toothpastes are used only for the mechanical removal of soft plaque and food debris and refreshment (deodorization) of the oral cavity. They are indicated in the complete absence of any diseases of the teeth, periodontium and mucous membranes and are intended for people with a high level of hygiene. Exceptionally hygienic pastes can now be bought only for children, since it is almost impossible to find an adult with absolutely healthy teeth.

Therapeutic and preventive means are designed to eliminate a number of factors that can eventually cause the development of diseases of the teeth and periodontal tissues. In particular, pastes with a high fluoride content strengthen the enamel, preventing the development of caries.

Medicated toothpastes contain active ingredients that affect certain pathological processes. An example is formulations with antifungal compounds to combat candidiasis.

Types of therapeutic and prophylactic toothpastes

Therapeutic and prophylactic - this is a large group of pastes, which can vary significantly in their composition and the nature of the impact.

At the same time, they distinguish:

  • Pastes that have a positive effect on the mucous membranes and periodontal tissues. They may contain antiseptics, anti-inflammatory drugs, enzymes, mineral elements, enzymes, vitamins, herbal extracts and other biologically active components (antioxidants and immunomodulators). They use aluminum hydroxide as an abrasive, and extracts of chamomile, St. John's wort, needles, sage and green tea prevent or eliminate inflammation. Anti-inflammatory pastes are indicated, in particular, for gingivitis.
  • Pastes that affect the mineralization of enamel. Manufacturers introduce calcium hydroxyapatite, fluoride compounds (usually sodium fluoride), phosphorus salts, as well as various complexes of microelements into them. Means of this category are shown with a reduced content of fluorine in drinking water, as well as insufficient intake of calcium into the body, violations of its digestibility or an increased need for this macronutrient.
  • Means that prevent the formation of dental plaque. They include mineral salts, enzymes, fluoride compounds and antimicrobial components.
  • Pastes for the prevention of the formation of hard mineralized deposits (tartar). For this purpose, pastes with a high content of abrasive particles are used.
  • Paste for sensitive teeth(for example - Oral-B Sensitive) - may contain formalin, as well as strontium and potassium compounds.
  • Whitening toothpaste- contains abrasives, peroxide compounds (sodium borate), as well as ingredients that prevent the crystallization process.

Note:Whitening paste allows you to slightly lighten the enamel with long-term regular use, but does not replace professional whitening, which can only be carried out by a dentist.

Most modern dentifrice formulations are characterized by a combined action due to the fact that they include a number of active components. Often, the same substance can be active in relation to various pathological processes.

Thus, therapeutic and prophylactic pastes can be divided into two groups - combined and complex. The former contains several active ingredients that have a similar effect. The latter contain a "universal" therapeutic drug that allows you to prevent or slow down the development of various pathological processes.

Medicinal preparations that are part of toothpastes for adults

Some domestically produced pastes contain an extract of kelp - a seaweed, also known as "seaweed". The extract is characterized by pronounced reparative (restorative) and immunostimulating properties. It helps to reduce inflammation, accelerate the process of regeneration of the damaged mucous membrane and normalize the condition of the periodontium.

Nettle extract promotes a deeper penetration of useful components into the periodontium, making it possible to stop inflammatory processes in the shortest possible time.

Substances such as chlorhexidine, triclosan and metronidazole can be included as antibacterial components in the composition of the pastes. Chlorhexidine is a powerful antiseptic, but long enough use of pastes with this component can lead to a change and decrease in taste sensitivity, as well as dispigmentation of the enamel.

Most often, modern pastes include triclosan, which is perfectly compatible with other components and cannot cause allergies. Metronidazole selectively affects some representatives of pathogenic microflora; it is part of some medicinal pastes.

Classification of pastes according to the method of application

Toothpastes for adults and children can be divided into:

  • pastes for everyday dental care (hygienic and treatment-and-prophylactic);
  • pastes for single use or for use at certain time intervals (therapeutic and treatment-and-prophylactic).

Note:Whitening paste is designed specifically for single use, since it contains a large amount of abrasive particles. Regular use of such products can cause thinning enamel.

Currently, a number of companies also offer consumers gels intended for applications on the enamel surface cleaned from plaque. They are used as an additional means of hygiene to prevent demineralization of dental tissues and prevent inflammation of the gums and periodontium. They contain fluorine compounds (in high concentrations) and/or enzymes and antibacterial components.

Basic requirements that adult toothpastes must meet

When choosing pasta, you need to pay attention to several criteria:

  1. Really high-quality pastes should refresh the oral cavity well, remove soft plaque efficiently and have a pleasant taste.
  2. As a result of their use, a person should not develop allergic reactions or local irritation of the mucous membranes.
  3. A necessary requirement is also the stability and homogeneity (homogeneity) of the composition.
  4. Pastes must contain components that prevent the growth of bacteria during storage and use of these hygiene products.

If a carious lesion already exists, then it is better to use pastes without fluorine, since they will no longer be able to stop the development of the disease, and the process may be aggravated.

The natural mineralizing properties of saliva are improved with the use of complex therapeutic and prophylactic pastes, which include sodium monofluorophosphate. To strengthen hard tissues, calcium hydroxyapatite is often included in the composition, which is a ready-made “building material” for enamel.

Note:Paste as such cannot completely eliminate the development of caries. Choosing the right toothbrush and following the correct brushing technique is of great importance!

Pastes are useless against already formed mineralized deposits, but products that include pyrophosphates reduce the risk of their formation by half!

Pastes without fluorine are indicated for people living in areas where this element is contained in sufficient quantities in running water used for drinking and cooking. An excess of fluoride can cause fluorosis, the main clinical manifestation of which is the appearance of "chalky" or pigmented (yellowish) spots and streaks on the surface of the enamel. Those who live in the areas of the so-called. "endemic fluorosis", pastes with a high content of calcium compounds, but without fluoride (Oral-B Sensitive and Colgate Calcium) can be recommended.

Salt pastes should be used for lesions of periodontal tissues and periodontium. Mineral salts improve local blood circulation and stimulate metabolic processes.

The sensitivity of the enamel is significantly reduced if you use pastes with a low abrasive index, but containing potassium chloride or nitrate, as well as strontium chloride.

Whitening pastes should be used with caution and not every day. They can lead to a decrease in the strength of the enamel.

Note:Bleached hard tissues of the tooth are easily stained by the action of pigments present in coffee, tea, berries, red wine and some vegetables!

Medicinal pastes can only be used on the recommendation of a dentist. They contain enzymes and biologically active components that serve to treat certain pathologies of the oral cavity.

Pastes with a high content of sodium bicarbonate (baking soda) are able to create an alkaline environment that neutralizes the action of acids (including those produced by microorganisms). High pH is maintained for 15-20 minutes after the end of hygiene procedures. The hypertonic environment helps to reduce swelling of the gums against the background of gingivitis. Soda provides excellent cleaning of enamel, although it does not have an abrasive effect. Sodium bicarbonate is characterized by bactericidal activity against bacteria Streptococcus mutans, the vital activity of which is considered one of the leading etiological factors in the development of carious lesions of the teeth.

Important: Only a dentist can choose the best toothpaste for you after a routine oral examination. You should visit the doctor at least once every six months!

The specialist is able to objectively assess the level of hygiene and identify the presence of certain diseases, as well as predisposition to them. In accordance with the condition of the teeth and mucous membranes of the oral cavity, the dentist will give recommendations on the choice of paste.

Remember that it is advisable to purchase hygiene products only in pharmacies or other specialized outlets; otherwise, the risk of buying counterfeit products is quite high.

Plisov Vladimir Alexandrovich, dentist

Toothpaste is a very complex medicinal formula that has many components, united by one goal - to maintain healthy teeth and gums. But if the paste is in the mouth every day, interacts with the body, how to choose a safe and high-quality cleanser? Is it worth it to look at "natural"? How to learn to understand the tricky composition? MedAboutMe asked the dentists.

Toothpaste is not just a tool that provides fresh breath and clean teeth, with the right choice, it can help solve certain dental health problems. The main thing is to choose it correctly, in which a dentist can help.

If we consider the classification of toothpastes, then it is quite diverse:

  • hygienic - do not differ in any medicinal properties, their main task is high-quality cleaning of the teeth;
  • therapeutic and prophylactic: additional ingredients are introduced into their composition, intended for the treatment or prevention of certain diseases. As additional ingredients, they can use: minerals - against caries, extracts or decoctions of plants, as well as antiseptics - for the treatment of inflammation of the gums;
  • whitening: their main purpose is to restore the original color of the enamel. They work by combining abrasives and some active substances.

ClearaSept COAL & MINERALS Intense Whitening Toothpaste

Despite the dark color of the paste, due to the coal, it does not stain the teeth and gums and is one of the whitening. Charcoal acts as an adsorbent, absorbs pollution, as well as pathogenic bacteria, which allows you to achieve fresh breath, a snow-white smile and prevent oral diseases.


Suitable for teeth whitening in patients suffering from hyperesthesia, which is provided by mild abrasives and enzymes. The remineralizing components of the toothpaste compensate for the loss of minerals, thereby protecting the enamel from caries, and help to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of sensitivity.

Despite all the variety of toothpastes, among them you can find common components that can be found in any paste, even in the so-called natural ones:

  • abrasives. These substances are necessary for high-quality cleaning of teeth from plaque. We can say that this is a scrub for the teeth;
  • flavors. The chemical composition of toothpaste can hardly be called pleasant to the taste and. It is for this reason that various flavors are introduced into their composition. The most popular are mint, citrus fruits, but lovers of everything unusual can find pasta even with bacon flavor;
  • humidifiers. These substances allow you to retain moisture and provide the consistency of the gel. Glycerin or sorbitol are often used as humectants;
  • foaming agents are represented by various substances, and not just sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS).

Expert comment

The ability of the paste to form foam is one of the main indicators of its effectiveness. Similar to the action of hydrogen peroxide, the foam cleans plaque on the surface of the teeth - the main cause of gum disease and cavities.

Simply put, the better the toothpaste foams, the higher its hygienic performance. But you need to understand that it will not be possible to remove plaque with high quality with foam alone, abrasives or enzymes are also needed. Only in a group will these components effectively clean teeth.

R.O.C.S. Teens Chocolate Mousse»

The patented MINERALIN complex provides pronounced protection against oral diseases: gum disease and caries. The pleasant taste of chocolate will appeal to children and adults.

R.O.C.S. PRO Young & White Enamel

With enviable regularity on the net, and even from blue screens, one can hear that one or another component in the paste is dangerous to health and can cause certain diseases. Impressed patients begin to take a closer look at the composition of the toothpaste, trying to figure out the small print and complex chemical names, so what to look for? And is fluorine, parabens, the notorious sodium lauryl sulfate so dangerous?


Every self-respecting paste should include a complex of minerals that help strengthen enamel and resist caries. Today, manufacturers of hygiene products for teeth and gums have patented complexes, each of which has its own advantages and disadvantages. If there is no such complex, then it is better to choose a paste with calcium glycerophosphate (Calcii glycerophosphas).

Dietary modification - the inclusion of foods containing minerals in an easy-to-absorb form, is not half as effective as topical use of minerals, for example, when brushing teeth or during professional procedures in the dentist's chair.

If we talk about fluorine, then its presence is highly recommended. Studies have proven the significant value of fluoride in the prevention of caries, the treatment of increased sensitivity of the teeth.

If we look at the data American Dental Association, then according to their recommendations, the minimum concentration of fluorine in the paste should be 1350 ppm.

Ppm is a part per million. That is, a liter (!) of the paste contains 1.350 g of fluorine. MedAboutMe reminds that the daily requirement for fluoride is just over 2 mg for an adult.

ClearaSept SENSITIVE "For sensitive teeth and gums"

The minerals included in the composition help to reduce the unpleasant symptoms of tooth sensitivity and prevent caries. The active ingredients provide an anti-inflammatory effect.

ClearaSept FLUOR "Remineralization of tooth enamel"

Paste for effective remineralization and strengthening of tooth enamel with pronounced anti-inflammatory, antiseptic properties. Fluorine, zinc lactate contribute to the prevention of caries due to enamel mineralization.

Chamomile extract prevents bleeding gums. Pasta can be recommended as part of the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases.

R.O.C.S. PRO Brackets & Ortho

The toothpaste is designed specifically for patients with orthodontic or orthopedic constructions in the oral cavity. The unique composition with active enzymes provides a high-quality cleaning of the oral cavity, even in the field of structures, which is difficult for a toothbrush. The active ingredients in toothpaste help reduce the risk of inflammatory gum disease.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) is not the only detergent found in toothpastes and numerous other hygiene products. There are a lot of rumors around this foaming component - one worse than the other: from and to the cumulative effect, carcinogenicity and increased risks of oncological diseases.

The WHO does not recognize SLS as a carcinogen, and there are no reliable studies proving the danger of the detergent.

Due to the presence of detergents, it is possible to achieve not only better cleaning of the teeth and gums, but also to increase the contact surface of the treatment and prophylactic components with the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity.

Expert comment

You should not be afraid of SLS and all the properties attributed to it. This is another marketing ploy of pasta manufacturers seeking to increase sales. Recently, manufacturers have begun to say that their pastes do not contain detergents at all, and cleaning is carried out due to the action of surfactants, which is essentially the same thing.


Parabens are a group of preservatives with pronounced antiseptic properties. The purpose of their introduction is to allow the paste to be stored for some time, and not to destroy more than a variety of microflora in the mouth.

Toothpaste manufacturers sometimes deliberately emphasize that their product does not contain parabens. Then, it is logical to assume that the shelf life is reduced to several weeks, and only under certain storage conditions. But if you look at it, then the shelf life is more than long, which leads to the question: at the expense of what?


Oddly enough, there is the least gossip around this component, but it must be used in a dosed manner, and only after consulting a dentist. The main role of triclosan is to kill bacteria, so it is not included in the composition of hygienic toothpastes, but only medicinal ones with a specific focus, for example, for the treatment of inflammatory gum disease.

Scientific studies dated 2013 showed that triclosan is safe for the body, and its combination with fluoride is effective in the treatment of inflammatory gum disease, as well as in the prevention of caries.

Flavors and Additives

First of all, toothpaste is a complex chemical formula that has many components to give it its familiar look. For additional deodorization of the oral cavity, flavors are introduced into the composition of the pastes, and for taste - xylitol, sorbitol and other sweeteners.

An aura of "horror stories" has been created around these sweeteners. But a Cochrane review shows that xylitol-fluoride toothpastes are 12-14% more effective at preventing cavities than fluoride-only products.

Abrasives, some types of enzymes, as well as active oxygen, beloved by many, can be counted among the whitening components.

Abrasives are necessary for high-quality removal of plaque. Fine particles polish the enamel, helping to remove it. Before buying toothpaste, you need to evaluate the level of abrasiveness, expressed by the RDA index. In pasta, it should not be less than 100, on average 100-130.

Enzymes - gently cleanse plaque, and, to some extent, are able to restore the former color of tooth enamel and the beauty of a smile. Most often they are introduced into the composition of hygienic and therapeutic toothpastes. And if we talk about whitening, then here they are just additional ingredients.

natural toothpastes

In general, the term "natural" in relation to everything, and not just toothpastes, is used to clearly distinguish between what is good and what is bad! In relation to toothpastes, this term is used by adherents of alternative medicine. But is there a difference between ordinary, let's call them "chemical", toothpastes and "natural" ones?

A review and study of the composition of pastes showed that most often on the packaging of "natural" toothpastes you can find the following:

  • water is the basis of toothpaste;
  • various calcium compounds;
  • xylitol, sorbitol (but what about the numerous pseudo-studies proving the terrible harm of these components?);
  • detergents (yes, you heard right);
  • sodium lauryl sulfate (by the way, not in all brands, but in most);
  • and etc.

Manufacturers of such pastes often say that such pastes are devoid of fluorine and extol this as a significant plus. Pastes contain extracts of citrus fruits and their acids, but do not contain mint - what is wrong with mint is not clear, but from the point of view of manufacturers of natural pastes, this is a significant plus.

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