How to get rid of nitrates and pesticides in fruits and vegetables. Getting rid of chemistry in vegetables and fruits - useful tips. Relatively acceptable norms of nitrates

Summer period- the season of fruits, the time when a Russian person tries to eat for the future, saturate the body with vitamins and other beneficial substances. No other season can boast the same juicy and sweet peaches, fragrant bunches of grapes and bright purple blueberries.

But there is one serious problem- many of them (when we are talking about an imported product - almost all) contain pesticides. The soft fruit skin has microscopic cracks and easily passes deep into the fruit or berries that are dangerous for human health pesticides. Therefore, no thorough washing of the coveted fruits under the tap, with warm water and even with soap will not save.

Annually American Nonprofit Working group(EWG) analyzes data released to the public by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) and compiles a list of the most contaminated fruits and vegetables, as well as a list of the safest, that is, the least contaminated.

Today in the spotlight are 9 fruits that are most often saturated with pesticides. If you decide what is better to eat - a chocolate donut or, the choice is obvious. But, unfortunately, many imported fruits are by no means organic.

Pesticide-Rich Fruits

  1. Grape. According to the EWG, grapes are one of the top fruits containing pesticides. Measurements of samples of grapes of different varieties carried out in 2012 gave disappointing results. In total, in grapes (including), scientists counted 64 pesticides.
  2. Cherries. In the process of growing this berry, carbaryl is most often used. modern medicine suspects this pesticide in the development cancer and neurological disorders such as Parkinson's disease and birth defects in newborns.
  3. Pears. An EWG analysis of fruit pesticides showed sad results for the average consumer: 92% of samples of fresh pears gave positive result for traces of at least one pesticide, with 26% of fruits literally laced with chemicals and containing more than 5 pesticides.
  4. Imported plums (usually shipped from Chile) contain one of the most common fruit pesticides, the fungicide iprodione, which scientists name among the likely cancer-causing substances.
  5. Strawberry. If we are talking about a berry grown in your summer cottage or bought from a friend of an old summer resident, you can sleep peacefully. None harmful substances in this one is not. But an imported berry, according to the USDA, can have up to 13 varieties of pesticides.
  6. Nectarines. Virtually every sample of imported nectarines (smooth peaches) showed numerous traces of pesticides. USDA officials claim that the ripe fruit medium size may contain more chemicals than any other food.
  7. Peaches. The lion's share of pesticides used in the cultivation of peaches are somatic. They are sprayed on plants before the fruiting period. But do not rush to rejoice - chemicals easily penetrate fruits during the growth and ripening of peaches, and there is no way to remove them from there.
  8. Blueberry. American blueberries, grown in specialized farms, did not lie next to our Russian blueberries, which can only bring benefits and no harm. More than 40 different pesticides were found in a berry from the USA. A great argument against buying imported blueberry jam, isn't it?
  9. Apples. These are almost the most popular fruits in the world, and therefore they got from the modern chemical industry in full. Pesticides, these well-known provocateurs of cancer and hormonal disorders, sources of neurotoxins, were all found in 98% of fruits.

With all these facts and figures in mind, the experts from the EWG have compiled a list of fruits that should only be bought marked "organic". And apples are number one there.

Hi all!

We all know that it is very difficult in this world to grow a fairly rich industrial-scale crop, and then also keep it on long time without the use of chemical fertilizers...

And, after all, most people just buy store-bought fruits and vegetables, that is, those that were grown on an industrial scale, which means they were fertilized with incomprehensible what ...

Not everyone lives in their own homes, has dachas and landing sites “for themselves” ...

Today I read sad statistics just about this... Every day on the planet about 5 thousand people get serious poisoning with pesticides!

And such poisonings are, in fact, a VERY serious thing, and the consequences of such poisonings are very serious ...

In general, I decided to look into this topic in even more detail and clarify for myself a number of important points how to get rid of nitrates in foods...

From this article you will learn:

How to get rid of nitrates and pesticides in vegetables and fruits?

So, I will try to answer these important questions:

  1. What are nitrates and what are pesticides. What is more dangerous?
  2. Why are such poisonings dangerous, how to prevent them, and why are fruits and vegetables with nitrates and pesticides harmful in PRINCIPLE?
  3. How to protect yourself and your family from the use of "chemical" fruits, vegetables and herbs?
  4. How to recognize the first symptoms of poisoning with “chemical” products in yourself and your loved ones and how to help yourself before the ambulance arrives?
  5. Is it possible to distinguish visually whether a vegetable or fruit is “pickled” or not, and how to do this?
  6. Are there any ways to reduce the content of nitrates and pesticides in fruits, vegetables and greens at home? How to get rid of nitrates?
  7. Are there any “standards” for the content of nitrates in foods that can roughly show how dangerous this or that fruit or vegetable is?
  8. What vegetables and fruits accumulate the most hazardous substances that were used in cultivation?

So many questions, friends. And all of them, absolutely ALL are important and the answers to them are more than relevant! Do you agree?

Therefore, we will answer these and other questions in today's article.

What are nitrates and what are pesticides?

First you need to understand the very first question for yourself: What are nitrates and what are pesticides?

Salts and esters are called nitrates. nitric acid, ammonium and some other metals (nitrate), which are used in technology, in medicine (pharmaceutical industry). They are also used in agriculture as mineral fertilizers for plants.

Pesticides are a group of chemicals (special preparations) that are used in agriculture to get rid of pests and weeds when growing plants. They are also used as a way to control diseases in cultivated plants.

The group of pesticides includes:

  • Herbicides - with the help of herbicides destroy harmful plants (weeds).
  • Fungicides - Fungicides are used to control various fungal plant diseases.
  • Zoocides - Zoocides serve to destroy warm-blooded animal pests, primarily rodents (ground squirrels, mice, rats) and birds.
  • Insecticides - Insecticides are used to control insect pests.

Which is more harmful: nitrates or pesticides?

The answer is, of course, pesticides. But ONLY because they need much less than nitrates for serious poisoning!

Nitrates are also dangerous and harmful, so their danger should not be underestimated in any case!

Regular intake of nitrates is dangerous and can cause serious damage to the body, as well as dangerous diseases!

Harm and danger of nitrates and pesticides for human health

It turns out that all these poisons have some benefit for growing vegetables and fruits, and at the same time - a certain harm to the health of a person who then consumes these products ...

It should not be forgotten that all these chemical fertilizers accumulate not only in the grown vegetables and fruits, but also enter the soil, where they have the ability to accumulate and poison the next crop, to which such fertilizers will not be applied!

They poison the water, they poison the air...

Whatever benefit they bring agriculture, you must remember: these are, first of all, POISONS, the danger of which is great!

It turns out very sad that this is what happens: you grow crops “for yourself” on your site, that is, without any “chemistry”.

And a neighbor nearby grows using some kind of "Amafoska", which she naively considers harmless ... Or sprays her plants with something poisonous ... And your plants just get a "dose" ... It's a shame ...

The negative impact of any chemicals used in growing crops is that when they enter the human body, they have the ability to ACCUMULATE there.

And then provoke violations in hormonal system, causing hormonal disorders(diseases) in the body, destroy the immune system.

Scientific research

Quite recent research by scientists suggests that accumulated harmful substances in the body interact with each other, as well as with medicines that a person uses (medicines) and with bacteria living in the human body.

Yes, many chemical fertilizers and pesticides have been banned.

But! On the this moment about 330 types of pesticides remained in “absolute permission” and supposedly “harmlessness”!

  • Amazing fact, scientific study!

Over the past decades, the use of pesticides has greatly expanded, causing not only catastrophic harm environment, but also the harvest itself! It is established that for last years the yield from the use of pesticides has decreased by HALF!

Such a result from the research leaves us hope that a revision of the views of agricultural entrepreneurs on the use of pesticides will be made ...

  • Another study!

Research by American scientists led them to the following conclusion: pesticides are "guilty" of such a disease in children as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. They claim that children who eat vegetables and fruits that are treated with pesticides have these disorders much more often than those children who consume "organic"!

Foods containing nitrates - why are they dangerous to health?

Harm of nitrates for humans:

  • Nitrates are absolutely harmless to plants, but for humans (including animals) they have increased toxicity!
  • Under the action of a special enzyme (nitrate reductase), nitrates are able to be converted into nitrites, which, entering the human body, interact with blood hemoglobin. And this leads to oxidative reactions in our body. As a result of this interaction, the substance methemoglobin is formed, and it is already (unlike hemoglobin) not able to carry oxygen and deliver them directly to the tissues and cells of our body. And as a result of this, serious violations occur in the respiration of cells.
  • Nitrates just DEFINITELY kill beneficial microflora in the intestines and contribute to the development of harmful microflora. As a result, entering the human body different kind toxins (toxic substances) and severe intoxication (poisoning) of the body.
  • Nitrates very noticeably reduce the concentration of vitamins in the human body and slow down the overall normal exchange substances.

Why are nitrates dangerous?

  • Destruction of immunity (the body's natural defense against various viruses, bacteria).
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Intestinal dysbacteriosis and systemic candidiasis of the whole organism.
  • emergence malignant tumors in gastrointestinal tract. Synthesis of carcinogenic M-nitroso compounds.
  • Necrosis (complete death) of body cells. Particularly sensitive to the action of nitrates are the cells of the brain and heart.
  • The development of the disease ulcerative colitis and development of Crohn's disease.
  • The onset and development of hypotension (low blood pressure), which subsequently leads to the development of acute kidney failure in a person.
  • Violation of the water metabolism of the human body, which subsequently leads to hypertension(increased blood pressure in the vessels), and kidney disease. The result (always!) is heart failure.
  • Disturbance in normal blood clotting.
  • The emergence of various inflammatory processes in the body.
  • Damage to the liver tissue, and, as a result, the occurrence serious illnesses this organ.
  • Enough development frequent infections in the upper respiratory tract, which are a consequence chronic intoxication nitrates.
  • Damage to the pancreas and stomach thyroid gland. Consequently - diabetes and thyroid disease.
  • The development of anemia (up to a serious degree!).
  • Violation in the work of memory, intellect.

Dangerous dosages and signs of nitrate and pesticide poisoning

In order to seriously poison yourself with pesticides, just a few grams of a “poisoned” product, such as greens or fruit, is enough.

Pesticides can cause allergic reactions, poisoning, acute pancreatitis. And with their long-term use, even cancer!

The danger of nitrates is slightly less.

In order to get an upset in the digestive tract, you need to eat at least one kilogram of "nitrate" vegetables or fruits. And yet, nitrate poisoning is very possible.

Symptoms of nitrate and pesticide poisoning.


  • Nausea, vomiting.
  • Headache.
  • Sudden and severe physical weakness.
  • Lethargy, drowsiness, or, conversely, too much sudden excitement.
  • Pain in the abdomen, especially in the region of the stomach.
  • Blueness of the face, especially of the lips.
  • Strong palpitations, possibly even shortness of breath.
  • Marked pallor of the face.
  • Severe (or not so) dizziness, darkening in the eyes.
  • Violation in the coordination of movements.
  • A sharp drop in blood pressure.
  • In particular severe cases- these are convulsions, loss of consciousness, up to a coma.
  • Yellowing of the whites of the eyes, enlargement of the liver.
  • Diarrhea, quite often with blood.

What to do in case of nitrate poisoning before the doctor arrives?

First of all, you need to follow these three steps:

  1. Rinse the stomach profusely by drinking large amounts of water and inducing vomiting.
  2. Take a saline laxative (magnesium sulfate).
  3. Take the required dose activated carbon or other sorbents.

How to independently determine whether there are nitrates and pesticides in purchased vegetables and fruits?

Important points:

  1. In order to determine the presence of nitrates, there is a special test device (nitrate meter) for this.
  2. If you buy products on the market, then ask the seller for a special conclusion made in the laboratory. In some markets, there are even special laboratories where you can make an express analysis of the products you brought for the presence of nitrates and pesticides. Visual and taste methods:
  3. If you find white streaks in a cut tomato, then you have a “nitrate” tomato in front of you.
  4. The larger the vegetable (fruit), the more likely it is that it was well “fed” with nitrates.
  5. "Nitrate" and melons - they are most often unsweetened, with immature seeds.
  6. Vegetables and fruits that are grown using nitrates usually do not have the pronounced taste inherent in these products. The taste is "watery" or, as the people say, "like grass."
  7. Cucumbers with dark green and very dense skins are also likely to be “nitrate”. The rind of organically grown cucumbers is a delicate herbaceous color.
  8. The shiny and smooth skin of the apple indicates that it has been specially processed. dangerous substance for preservation - diphenyl.
  9. If the carrot has a "core" of a pronounced pale color, then in front of you is “nitrate” carrots.
  10. If under the very skin of cucumbers, potatoes or zucchini you find yellow spots, then this is an indicator of what is contained there large dose nitrates, and eating such foods is dangerous.
  11. Throw away watermelon with yellow veins mercilessly, it is 100% “stuffed” with nitrates!

What foods contain the highest amount of nitrates?

These are, first of all, EARLY vegetables, fruits, herbs and berries (especially).

A significant amount of nitrates is contained in watermelons and melons, which are sold in the markets before the middle (or even the end) of August.

How to protect yourself and how to get rid of nitrates contained in vegetables, fruits and greens?

The very first (and most important, of course) is to grow your own. But not everyone has this opportunity...

It must be said right away that it is impossible to COMPLETELY remove nitrates from foods (especially those that contain a large amount of them).

But to reduce the content of harmful substances (even a very SIGNIFICANTLY lower) is very possible.

Therefore, I suggest you, friends, here are the ways to get rid of nitrates:

Relatively acceptable norms of nitrates

Important dosages:

  • Permissible for an adult is about 5 mg. nitrates per 1 kg of body weight. This is the amount for one day - that is, with my weight of 50 kg, I can get poisoned by eating more than 250 mg of nitrates per day at a time !!!
  • The allowable dose for an adult per day is 300 mg.
  • Limit level allowable dose for an adult - this is 500 mg. per day.
  • A dose of 600 mg is considered toxic. per day.
  • Lethal dose - from 8 to 12 grams.
  • For baby toxic dose - 10 mg. per day.
  • The allowable (average daily) dose of nitrates (data for the Russian Federation) is approximately 312 mg, but in spring this figure can rise to 500 mg.

Approximate content of nitrates in some foods.

(The calculation is carried out in mg. per kg.) :

  • - 70
  • They are much less in water - about 30%.
  • Even less nitrates are found in meat and fish - about 7%.
  • Dairy products contribute about 1-2% of nitrates to the human body.
  • Bread and bakery products- approximately 1%.

Nitrates in water

Nitrates, which enter our body with water, have a very, very detrimental effect on our health.

The majority of diseases are caused, as a rule, by poor quality drinking water that we use daily.

And the water of poor quality, it can significantly reduce the duration of our lives!!!

  • How do nitrates get into water?

All "thanks" to the use of various poisons and chemical fertilizers, which entrepreneurial producers add to the soil in order to increase yields and speed up the ripening process.

All these actions are most often performed with serious violation established standards!

Let's add here various "chemistry", which is used (most often - in excess of all reasonable dosages) in order to improve taste qualities and to increase the shelf life of grown products, as well as to protect the future crop from pests, the picture is, to put it mildly, not very cheerful ...

Because all this, in addition to what accumulates in plants, penetrates the soil and water!

So be very careful about the quality of the water you drink!

Well, that's all I wanted to say on the topic of nitrates and pesticides, friends.

Will appear new information- I will share

And you write in the comments below your methods of dealing with "chemistry", about how to get rid of nitrates in products, what do you use to protect yourself and your family from this "evil" as much as possible? I will be very grateful!

Also share this article with your friends in your social networks, I will be very grateful to you.

I sincerely wish you all the best!!!

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!

Pesticides can be useful and dangerous. They are essential for farmers to protect plants from insect pests, fungus, mold and other threats. At the same time, the dose of pesticides contained in the product affects its toxicity. In small doses, pesticides can be harmless, but if they accumulate in the human body, then this is clearly not good for health. However, the long-term effects of eating food with pesticides on a daily basis are unknown.

The Environmental Working Group (EWG) from the United States has released an annual Dirty Dozen ranks the most pesticide-contaminated plant foods. It has been published since 1993 and is taken into account in the preparation of dietary recommendations by many. famous doctors and medical organizations, including the American Academy of Pediatrics.

In total, 48 of the most popular vegetables and fruits were analyzed, and 70% of them found traces of at least one chemical. More than 98 percent of samples of strawberries, spinach, peaches, nectarines, cherries and apples tested positive for traces of at least one pesticide. Pesticide residues remained on fruits and vegetables even after they were washed and, in some cases, peeled. We present you the top 10 products with the most high content pesticides according to EWG 2017.

Opens the "dirty" top ten product, without which most salad recipes are unthinkable. In Dirty Dozen 2016, he was ranked ninth.

9. Celery

In 2016, this vegetable was in fifth place. Well, in the case of Dirty Dozen, the farther from the first position the product is, the better for those who eat it.

8. Grapes

7. Cherry

Persistent pesticide soldier - as it was in 7th place in 2016, it remained on it in the current list.

6. Pears

More than half of the samples tested contained traces of five or more different pesticides. Including carbendazim acetamiprid, imidacloprid and diphenylamine.

5. Peaches

In 2016, peaches were in fourth place in the pesticide anti-rating. This year, they contain fewer substances harmful to health, which cannot but please lovers of these fruits.

4. Apples

Last year, apples were in second position in Dirty Dozen, and before that, they had been leaders of the list for five years. This year they were only in fourth place, losing first place to strawberries.

3. Nectarines

Nearly all samples of these tasty and juicy fruits tested tested positive for the presence of at least one pesticide.

2. Spinach

Spinach samples had, on average, twice as much pesticide residue by weight as any other vegetable or fruit tested in the Dirty Dozen study. Three-quarters of the spinach samples contained residues of DDT, a neurotoxic insecticide. According to recent studies, it causes behavioral disorders in children younger age. However, most of the pesticides found in spinach samples are considered safe.

1. Strawberry

Leading the rating of “dirty” plant foods is the false berry loved by many (in fact, strawberries belong to polynuts). One batch of strawberries tested contained 20 different pesticides. What explains the staggering amount of pesticides in small strawberries? off-season demand. Strawberries once produced a seasonal, limited crop, but heavy use of pesticides has increased yields and extended the growing season. In California, where the majority of American strawberries are grown, 135 kg of pesticides are applied to every acre of processing.

And the cleanest were: sweet corn, avocado, pineapples, White cabbage, onions, frozen sweet peas, papaya, asparagus, mango and eggplant. Only 1% of the samples of avocados and sweet corn contained any identifiable pesticides, so they are considered the cleanest produce.

The EWG rating aims to orientate buyers towards the purchase of the purest products in terms of chemical content. EWG experts urge to buy organic products(i.e. free of GMOs, synthetic chemicals and fertilizers). This is especially important for pregnant women and families with children, as even low level exposure to pesticides can be harmful to a fledgling or highly stressed body. But if your budget doesn't allow you to buy organic foods often, or if they're rarely on sale, this selection of "clean" and "dirty" foods will help you minimize your consumption of the most contaminated fruits and vegetables.

Video version of last year's rating of products with pesticides

Fruits and vegetables are an essential part healthy eating, but many of them may contain pesticides. At the same time, not all pesticides used in the cultivation of vegetables and fruits to combat beetles, larvae and fungi can simply be washed off at home with tap water. A US study identified 12 of the most hazardous products containing pesticides. Tests have shown which fruits and vegetables still contain pesticides after normal home processing. You can avoid pesticides 80% of the time if you are careful when buying certain products. Try to look on the label for an indication of the safety of the selected product.

Celery. It does not have a protective skin, which makes it impossible to simply wash the chemicals off its surface (64 chemicals!). Buy safe celery or look for alternatives like broccoli, radishes and onions.

Peach. Orchards use multipurpose pesticides, 62 of which can be found in this thin-skinned fruit. Safer alternatives are watermelon, tangerine, orange, and grapefruit.

Strawberry. If you're buying strawberries out of season, chances are they're imported from countries with less stringent pesticide laws. 59 pesticides have been found on strawberries! Kiwis and pineapples are safer.

Apples. Like peaches, apples usually grow in orchards that use poison from various pests. During the tests, 42 different pesticides were found in the film on the apple. Peeling the apple does not rid the apple of all pesticides, but it does most of useful nutrients. Can't find a safe product? Give preference to watermelon, banana or tangerine.

Blueberry. This berry contains 52 pesticides, making it one of the most polluted on our list.

Nectarines. This fruit contains 33 types of pesticides. It is safer to eat watermelon, papaya or mango.

Bulgarian pepper. This pepper has a thin skin, which does not save it from pesticides, which were found in the amount of 49! Peas, broccoli, and kale are safer alternatives.

Spinach. Contains 48 kinds of pesticides.

Kale. Traditionally, cabbage is considered a vegetable that is quite resistant to various diseases and pests. However, this does not make cabbage a completely safe product. If you are not sure about the safety of the purchased head, take better broccoli or asparagus.

Cherry. It contained 42 different pesticides. When choosing cherries, do not rely on the ability to choose a non-imported species - this is not a guarantee of product safety. It is better to prefer raspberries or cranberries.

Potato. Everyone's favorite vegetable may contain 37 different pesticides! Maybe you should pay attention to eggplant, cabbage and mushrooms?

Grape. Imported species are much more dangerous than those grown in the country of consumption. Vineyards are sprayed with various pesticides in different periods grape growth. Neither thorough washing nor skinning can rid grapes of pesticides. Remember, wine is made from the same grapes and can also contain about 34 different pesticides. Safer alternatives are raspberries and kiwis.

Pesticides do a great job. But in addition to destroying pests, they also effectively poison the soil, air, and water. Also, everyone knows that they negatively affect people's health.

Once in the body along with products, they can cause the development allergic manifestations, diathesis, and oncological diseases. Chemicals tend to accumulate in the body, "postponing" the development pathological process for later. The worst thing is that there is no way to determine by eye or taste whether there are chemicals in the product or not. This can only be done with special device.

It should be noted here that the level of chemicals is very dependent on specific products-, berries. For example, experts are well aware of the Dirty Dozen: 12 products containing pesticides that you and I should also know. Having an idea about them, you will be able to give preference to natural, environmentally friendly products that will not harm your health, but will only bring benefits.

Foods high in pesticides

There is a lot of chemistry in these beloved by many fruits. In order for apples not to be consumed by pests, so that the harvest is high, and the fruits have beautiful view, they are treated with all sorts of pesticides that remain in the fruit even after thorough washing with water.

Therefore, in season, give preference to ordinary, not very beautiful, but environmentally friendly apples grown by local amateur gardeners.

In general, celery is known as extremely healthy vegetable. However, only in the stems of a plant can contain about 13 types of chemicals. And in the whole plant, together with the root, they can be counted about 67. In addition, celery is difficult to wash thoroughly because of the shape of its greenery.

The pulp of a peach is arranged in such a way that, like a sponge, it absorbs literally everything, including various chemicals. Therefore, when buying beautiful, even fruits at the vegetable market, remember that you should not get carried away with them.

Nectarines. Pulp, skin of fruits can contain up to 33 different types pesticides. Therefore, it is also better not to abuse them. Replace nectarines with other fruits. For example, watermelon, papaya, mango are safer in terms of the presence of chemicals.

Of course, we are talking about berries grown in large fields. They are processed huge amount pesticides and chemicals to save the crop. It is useless to wash such strawberries with water to get rid of pesticides. Much more useful is not so large and beautiful strawberries grown by the caring hands of summer residents.

The berries have a very thin skin, through which chemical substances freely penetrate into the pulp.

At first glance, it may seem that the skin of the fruit is quite strong, thick, so the pulp should contain little harmful chemicals. However, it is not. Almost all substances that were used in the processing of the plant penetrate into the pulp.

Spinach greens can contain up to 48 types of different pesticides.

The largest amount of harmful substances is in the stalk. Therefore, cut it out, do not eat it, and even more so do not let children chew it. To do this, it is better to use a self-grown vegetable, the safety of which you are sure.

Grapes are usually simply "stuffed" with a variety of chemicals. At the same time, you need to know that during the processing of grapes, they do not disappear anywhere, but pass into all products that are then produced from it, for example, wines, juices, raisins.

Here you need to know what the largest number harmful substances contained in the peel of tubers. Therefore, jacket potatoes are not so useful. Before you cook it, be sure to peel it off the skins, otherwise the pesticides contained there will end up in the pulp of the vegetable.

Berries also have a very thin skin, which does not prevent the penetration of harmful chemicals.

How to save yourself?

Manufacturing companies involved in the production of pesticides, as well as agricultural producers who use them in their fields, declare with one voice that there is no connection between pesticides and diseases. However, don't take their word for it. There are serious Scientific research proving the danger of pesticides during their exposure and accumulation in the human body.

Remember that any pesticides are designed to destroy living organisms. Therefore, it is better not to take risks, to minimize the use of these products. Try to buy natural, organic vegetables, fruits, berries, herbs.

In order to protect yourself from harmful chemicals, buy them only from reputable, trusted manufacturers. Better yet, find a way to buy herbal products food from familiar summer residents. Wash them thoroughly before use. Be sure to soak in water for at least an hour.

I hope these tips help you shop wisely so you can prevent a large number pesticides into the body. Be healthy!

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