Vietnamese star. Vietnamese asterisk instruction. Balm with your own hands. Is it possible to give to children

Healing Balm Golden Star

A few years ago, a Vietnamese medical product for external use appeared in the pharmacies of our city - the Golden Star balm. The unusual name, bright packaging, general availability, a full guarantee against any undesirable side effects when using it - all this served him as a good advertisement. And it is not surprising that in almost any home first-aid kit you could then see two or three round metal boxes with fragrant vaseline-like ointment.However, the popularity of the "Golden Star" was short-lived.Without getting the expected result, many lost faith in its healing value.

What, in fact, is the reason for the weak effectiveness of the balm? Lack of information about its properties and inability to use it correctly. A brief annotation attached to each package required a detailed transcript. But, unfortunately, neither doctors nor pharmacists showed due interest in the new drug. It's in. To some extent, it can be explained by the appearance of a variety of medicines synthesized by chemical means, which relegated (and, I must say, unfairly) herbal medicines to the background. And the "Golden Star" was created on a plant basis. Meanwhile, in Vietnam, the Golden Star balm has long been recognized as a very effective remedy for many ailments and is widely used.

If you take the average figure for its use, you will have 3-5 packs. per person per year. The balm contains essential oils of camphor laurel, clove lilac, field mint and some other tropical essential oil plants. , antiseptic, analgesic, local vasodilating action, that is, a whole complex of the most valuable pharmacological properties, due to which the "Golden Race" is a means of relaxing, absorbing, soothing, anti-inflammatory.

1 - influenza; 2 - angina; 3 - headache; 4 - pain in the ear; 5 - rhinitis; 6 - pain in the maxillary cavity, frontal sinus; 7 - pain in the facial nerve; 8 - toothache; 9 - pain in the shoulder joint; 10 - pain in the elbow joint; 11 - spastic pain in the abdomen; 12 - pain in the region of the heart) 13 - pain in the focus of local inflammation; 14 - itching in fungal diseases and chronic dermatitis; 15 - sciatica; 16 - pain in the knee joint

Ivan LUKYANCHUK. Candidate of Biological Sciences, Head of the Regional Pharmacy Department,

Balm "Golden Star" - a healer of various diseases

Cervical osteochondrosis
Elbow Pain
trigeminal neuralgia
Weakness and numbness in the limbs
Intercostal neuralgia
Lumbodynia (lumbar pain)
Immunodeficiency (decrease in the body's defenses)
Pain in the eyeball
hearing loss
Pain in the region of the heart
Hypertonic disease
Hypertensive crisis
Hypotension (low blood pressure)
biliary colic
Painful menstruation
Sexual weakness
Attacks of causeless fear, fear of a test, fear of waiting, panic
Overwork (mental and physical)
hysterical fit
Sensitivity to weather changes
Unbalanced, lack of cheerfulness
Melancholy, painful memories
For a good sleep
Excitement, stress, distress
Inertial injury

International name:
Clove flower oil + Camphor + Cinnamon oil + Menthol + Peppermint oil + Eucalyptus oil (Caryophylli floridis oleum + Camphor + Cinnamomi cassiae oleum + Menthol + Menthae piperitae oleum + Eucalypti foliorum oleum)

Group affiliation:
Local irritant

Description of the active substance (INN):
Clove flower oil+Camphor+Cinnamon oil+Menthol+Peppermint oil+Eucalyptus oil

Dosage form:
inhalation stick, ointment and liquid balm

Pharmachologic effect:
The combined drug has a locally irritating, distracting and antiseptic effect.

Symptomatic treatment as part of combination therapy: flu, colds, headache, rhinitis, insect bites.

Hypersensitivity, skin diseases or violation of the integrity of the skin at the site of the intended application of the drug.

Side effects:
Allergic reactions.

Dosage and administration:
Outwardly, apply a thin layer and lightly rub: for headaches - on the temple or neck area, for flu and "cold" diseases - on the chest and back, for rhinitis - on the wings of the nose, for insect bites - on the bite site.

Special instructions:
If allergic reactions occur, the drug must be discontinued, and the remnants should be washed off the skin with warm water. Avoid contact with mucous membranes of the eyes and nose.

Treatment of respiratory diseases with balm "Golden Star"

All catarrhal diseases traditional Eastern medicine refers to the so-called Yin diseases. The term "yin diseases" is derived from the word "yin". According to the Chinese philosophical and medical tradition, yin is one of two opposite poles in a single yin-yang whole. Yin refers to the internal organs: liver, heart, spleen, pancreas, lungs, kidneys. The period of the off-season, according to the views of Chinese medicine, is considered the most dangerous when a person can get sick with "wind disease". Cooling of the body, a common cold or an untreated sore throat with improper treatment or its absence can lead to serious consequences. For example, to pneumonia and its severe form, like viral influenza pneumonia. It is usually difficult to treat. The consequence of cooling can also be rheumatism with the formation of heart disease, various diseases of the joints, kidneys. Who is to blame for this? Doctor or his patient? Or maybe the Russian healthcare system is to blame? Or our attitude towards ourselves and our health?

Numerous immigrants from eastern countries live in our country today. They often treat a banal cold with medicines brought from home. The Chinese improve their health with special teas and medicinal herbs that are unfamiliar to our therapists. Indians bring pills made in their homeland. For the Vietnamese, a universal remedy for all diseases is the Asterisk balm. Well, in this case, we are on the side of the Vietnamese. Balm "Asterisk" is really an indispensable remedy for all kinds of diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Next, we will give you the most effective recipes, but first we want to give you some useful tips.

For colds, hot drinks, berry fruit drinks (with lingonberries, cranberries, raspberries), inhalations (breathe with steam), shock (2-3 g per day) dose of vitamin C, cough lozenges and sore throats, rubbing with Asterisk balm or vodka (hands, feet, chest, back) at night. You can brew and drink 3-4 times a day St. John's wort, lime blossom, raspberry leaves (if there is no allergy). Antipyretics are best used only at night or at temperatures above 38 ° C.

You should avoid hypothermia, make sure that clothes and shoes are dry, eat regularly. Is it true that you need to keep your feet warm and your head cold, and then no viruses are afraid? True, but only half. In fact, you need to keep both feet and head warm. When the feet are hypothermic, blood circulation in the nasopharynx slows down reflexively, and all kinds of viruses begin to multiply there, both our own and those of others, which we accidentally inhaled. If your head is frozen, blood vessels narrow directly without any reflexes, the body's defenses weaken, and your next acute respiratory infection is right there. Moreover, the facial nerve can be blown by the wind, which makes all your teeth ache at once, and your hair in the cold will begin to fall out due to malnutrition of the hair follicles. In general, when it's cold outside, dress warmly and don't be smart.

How to apply the asterisk balm correctly when rubbing, massage.

In each pharmacy, buying a Vietnamese Golden Star balm, you can familiarize yourself with the location of the points on the human body, which are proposed to be massaged and lubricated. Such descriptions are now widely promoted in the media. Meanwhile, such recommendations, as a rule, are of the most general nature, and the meaning of the procedure remains unclear to those who use them. Yes, and it is almost impossible to find the points indicated in the diagrams.

We offer drawings indicating points that you can find yourself without much difficulty. At the same time, our proposals are limited to precisely those points, the massage of which is most effective in terms of its effect on your body. We focused on their special sensitivity (or even soreness), which is important in the treatment. This is especially true for points located on (in) the ear.

Since ancient times, Chinese doctors have argued that the auricle is a mini-map of the entire human body. On its surface there are about 120 different points that maintain a reflex connection with all organs and parts of the body. Consequently, the impact on certain points of the auricle is transmitted to the organs of the whole body. So you can treat a variety of diseases, in the same way you can influence your own nervous system - figuratively speaking, you can "pull yourself out of stress by the ears."

With the help of massage using the "Asterisk" balm, you can normalize blood pressure, get rid of pain in the heart area, discomfort in the stomach, intestines, etc. You can not only massage individual points, but also rub some parts of the body with the "Asterisk" balm . Head massage, for example, is loved by almost everyone, especially women. There is good reason to believe that they love going to the hairdresser not only to style their hair, but also to massage their scalp. Nerve endings are located very close to the surface of the skin, and it is extremely sensitive to any kind of massage. Shampooing also stimulates the massage of biologically active points of the skin in the temporal part, helping to relax the whole body. If you periodically rub your head with a Vietnamese balm, you can regain good health.

When primates dig into each other's fur, their bodies release natural drugs - endorphins; the same thing happens when we are rubbed and massaged, so submissive subjects who are vigorously rubbed on their backs or massaged on their heads feel great after such a procedure, even if they were not burdened with any diseases.

There are other benefits of rubbing: not only does it remove dead skin cells and open up pores (reducing ingrown hairs), but it also improves circulation and pushes the body to eliminate harmful toxins, which means healthy, smooth, youthful skin.

Speaking of skin...

Pay attention to your skin before massage

The skin is the direct object of massaging, the skin is the place of contact between the remedy and your body.

The skin is, first of all, a barrier between the body and the environment, protecting the body from adverse external influences - cooling, overheating, shock, penetration of pathogens, etc. It is associated with all parts of the body, but primarily with the nervous and circulatory systems, is directly involved in the most complex metabolic processes.

The condition of the skin almost always reflects the general well-being of a person. Doctors even use this expression: the skin is a mirror of the body. But there is also an inverse relationship - skin disease affects the functions of internal organs and the human condition.

Thus, the skin is a complex organ that plays an important role in the normal functioning of the body. It consists of two layers - inner and outer. In the inner there are sebaceous and sweat glands, blood vessels; in the outer - a large number of sensitive i gsrny endings - receptors. The latter, reacting to changes in temperature, touch, pain, send appropriate impulses to the brain, from where certain impulses-orders are already coming. Let's say a person becomes cold - immediately the subcutaneous blood vessels narrow, and the body's heat transfer decreases; the ambient temperature rises (and with it the body) - the vessels expand, and heat transfer increases, while sweating also increases, which further accelerates the cooling of the body (due to evaporation of sweat). The excretory function of the skin is not limited to the activity of the sweat glands alone. The sebaceous glands secrete oil to lubricate the skin.

On the surface of the body there are constantly obsolete, dead cells in the form of scales. They interfere with the normal functioning of the glands. This worsens both the general condition of the person and the condition of the skin. Massage helps to cleanse the skin of scales, improve its blood supply, and consequently, the nutrition of the glands; it enhances the metabolic processes in the skin, makes it elastic, smooth, beautiful.

With age, human skin changes - it becomes flabby, wrinkled, often covered with brown pigment spots and senile warts. All these changes can be mitigated, or even completely avoided with the help of regular massage.

Massage is useful for everyone: for some it will help strengthen muscles, ligaments, health, for others it will help maintain vigor, increase vitality, prevent or smooth out age-related changes and diseases.

Contraindications for massage.

Massage procedures should not be carried out:

In acute febrile condition;
acute inflammatory processes;
bleeding and bleeding;
abscesses, wherever they are;
skin diseases (eczema, boils, lichen, phlegmonous processes, inflammation of superficial lymphatic vessels, skin rashes);
excessive excitement or overwork after a lot of physical activity;
inflammation of the veins, vein thrombosis and large varicose veins.
You can not massage birthmarks, malignant and benign tumors.

In any other case, massage, especially with the Asterisk balm, is simply irreplaceable.

Help and biologically active points for treatment with balm "Golden Star"

The composition of the "Golden Star" balm and methods of treatment are consistent with the principles of traditional oriental medicine when treated by acting on certain points of the body. Traditional oriental medicine usually uses acupuncture in such cases, but it is not available to everyone. But to rub the "Asterisk", while doing a massage, as mentioned above, anyone can do it. This procedure has the same effect as acupuncture. To achieve the goal, it is only important to ideally correctly determine the point on the human body, where the ointment should be rubbed for various functional disorders of the body.

Once again, we will repeat how to use the drug "Asterisk". Take a little ointment on the tip of your finger and apply a thin layer to the point, press lightly and then rub clockwise (sometimes counterclockwise, as indicated). In the figures, the points are indicated approximately, zonal. You will find the point itself by slightly more noticeable, compared to neighboring areas of the skin, painful sensations when you press it. If the point is found correctly, you will quickly feel the healing effect of the balm.

Usually, in order to cure some kind of ailment, acupuncture point massage is used in combination. For example, influenza responds in many organs, it is accompanied by headache, runny nose, weakness, cough, tinnitus, often even vomiting. This means that in order to remove these painful sensations, it is necessary to act on different points at the same time.

There are points of narrowly focused action, but there are also universal ones. The latter, for example, include a point located at the junction of the thumb and forefinger on the back of the hand. It is called the "junction point". Exposure to it brings relief from headaches, tired eyes and hearing, nosebleeds.

Massage of skin active points with pharmacological preparations

Acupuncture points can be affected by drugs, the action of which is mainly associated with irritation of the nerve endings of the skin. These are ointments "Nicoflex", "Efkamon", Finalgon "balm" Gold Star ".

Vietnamese balm "Gold Star", popular in our country, contains cinnamon oil, eucalyptus, clove, mint oils and other natural aromatic products. Selected in the right proportions, essential oils easily penetrate the skin and effectively affect the body in many diseases. The modern formulation of the balm is also being studied at the Institute of Traditional Medicine in Ho Chi Minh City. Here, special schemes for using the ointment for various pathological changes in the body have been developed. The balm is rubbed into certain ATK of a person, while doing a point massage. To do this, take a little ointment on the tip of your finger and apply a thin layer to the point, press lightly and rub with a little force, making rotational movements clockwise until the skin turns pink.

Professor Bui Ti Hieu, one of the creators of the modern formulation of the balm, notes 40 active points, into which the balm is rubbed with various functional disorders of the body. On the ATC diagram are indicated approximately. When pressed, these points are more painful compared to neighboring areas of the skin. With the correct location of the point, the effect comes quickly.

You have familiarized yourself with the methodology of the Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Central Institute for the Improvement of Doctors V. Goydenko. If it seemed complicated to someone, we offer several recommendations from the Japanese acupressure specialist Yoshiro Tsutsumi from his book Simplified Finger Exercises for Maintaining Health.

The author developed the technique for 30 years. Many books on oriental medicine have been studied, thousands of scientific and practical experiments have been carried out. Now Yutsumi claims that by exercising regularly three times a day, anyone can achieve positive changes in health within six months.

So, let's get to work.

It can be said without exaggeration that any person, living in modern society, struggles with mental stress. Difficulties in human relationships, in public life, the position of the individual as a link in an organization, family troubles, the impact of the information boom... you can't list everything. In order to live normally, it is necessary to quickly relieve stress and increase endurance.

In Eastern medicine, physical strength is interpreted, mainly based on how a person stores and uses the energy given to him by nature, as well as another - the energy received from food. If the body is filled with energy, then physical strength is in full bloom, but if it needs energy, then physical strength is reduced.
To increase stamina, three points are annoying. One is located in the center of the back of the wrist and is called "yoti". The other is on the ring finger. The third "kangen" - On the anterior midline of the body, 5-6 cm below the navel.

Exercise 1. Massage the ring finger and the yoga point. At the same time, relax the abdominal muscles and take a deep breath. Then a slow exhalation with alternate stimulation of all three points. Repeat 10 times.

Exercise 2. In a sitting position on a chair, throw the right leg over the left so that the shin of the right leg lies on the thigh of the left. Then, with reinforcement, they are pressed against each other for 5 seconds, now relax. Change the position of the legs Repeat each exercise 8 times.

REMINDER: in the method of Y. Tsutsumi it is said that it is not necessary to find the exact active point. It is enough to massage the entire area adjacent to it. The effect of this is not reduced.

Do we all know about the Vietnamese balm "Golden Star"?
With the help of this ointment, you can successfully treat influenza, tonsillitis, sciatica, rhinitis, pain in the heart, ears.

Balm "Golden Star" is available in the medicine cabinet of almost every Vietnamese family. And this is not at all accidental: with the help of this ointment, obtained as a result of lengthy experiments, it is possible to successfully treat influenza, tonsillitis, sciatica, rhinitis, pain in the heart, ears. Ointment relieves itching in skin diseases, helps with toothache.
The composition of this ointment and its methods of treatment are consistent with the principles of traditional oriental medicine when treated by acting on certain points of the body. Usually in such cases, acupuncture is used, but it is not available to everyone. But to rub the "Golden Star" ointment, while making a massage, anyone can do it. And this procedure has the same effect.
To achieve the goal, it is necessary to take into account special schemes in the form of certain points on the human body, where the ointment should be rubbed for various functional disorders of the body.
You need to use the ointment as follows. Take a little ointment on the tip of your finger and apply a thin layer to the point, press lightly and then rub in a clockwise direction. On the diagrams, the points are indicated approximately, zonal. You will find the point itself by a slightly more noticeable - compared to neighboring areas of the skin - painful sensations when you press it. If the point is found correctly, then you will quickly feel the healing effect of the balm.
Usually, in order to cure some kind of ailment, the points are used in combination. For example, influenza responds in many organs, it is accompanied by headache, runny nose, weakness, cough, tinnitus, often even vomiting. This means that in order to remove these painful sensations, it is necessary to act on different points at the same time.
There are points of narrowly focused action, but there are also universal ones. These, for example, include a point located at the junction of the thumb and forefinger on the back of the hand. It is called the "junction point". Exposure to it brings relief from headaches, tired eyes and hearing, nosebleeds ...
So, always have the Golden Star balm on hand.

The amazing properties of essential oils that are part of the Vietnamese "Asterisk"

Essential oils are found in a huge number of plants. The essential oil species include the aster family (composite) - peeled chamomile, bitter wormwood, common yarrow, common tansy, etc .; yasnotkovy (labial) - peppermint, medicinal sage, thyme, thyme, oregano, etc.; celery (umbrella) - common anise, fennel, garden dill, etc.; rosaceous - various types of roses; myrtle - species of eucalyptus; laurel - camphor laurel and some others.

In medical practice, essential oils are used in their pure form (mint, anise) as a means of improving the smell of medicines and changing their taste, as well as in the form of fragrant waters (mint, dill) for flatulence and intestinal colic in children. Most essential oils are characterized by the presence of disinfectant, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral or antihelminthic activity (essential oils of chamomile, tansy, yarrow, juniper, calamus, etc.).

Balms and resins are formed in plants as a by-product during metabolism and, like essential oils, they are often found together with them in special containers - resin ducts. By filling the wounds inflicted on trees, balms and resins protect them from drying out and the penetration of microorganisms.

To obtain balms and resins, cuts are made on plants. The amount of balsams and resins flowing from the incisions depends on the number and structure of the receptacles. In the presence of round or oval receptacles, only a few drops protrude. For example, Canadian balsam is obtained by repeatedly piercing the bark of a Canadian fir tree. It is colorless, transparent, has the density of honey and a pleasant aromatic smell.

In medicine, complex preparations containing essential oils from many medicinal plants are used, including the Vietnamese Golden Star balm. The composition of the drug includes eucalyptus oil, clove oil, peppermint oil, menthol oil, cinnamon oil, the properties of which can hardly be overestimated.

By applying "Asterisk" to the skin, we thereby use the essential oils that are part of the preparation as active medicinal substances. It has long been known from psychology and physiology that smell affects the mental and physical state of a person. Therefore, in ancient times, aromatherapy was very popular. And now the half-forgotten methods of aromatherapy are returning to us again.

Essential oils are successfully used in homeopathy for herbal treatment and, unfortunately, too rarely - in classical pharmaceutics. Essential oils easily penetrate the skin and show their effect by binding to the fats that make up the cells. Volatile essential oils evaporate quickly and enter the body when inhaled, and also irritate the millions of sensitive cells lining the nasal passages. These cells send signals directly to the brain and influence the emotions and nervous regulation of the functions of all organs. Therefore, you should know that, for example, when inhaled with the Zvezdochka balm, essential oils simultaneously affect both the physical and mental well-being of a person. The same thing happens if the balm is rubbed into biologically active points on the body.

However, it should be noted that all serious physical and mental illnesses necessarily require consultation with a professional aromatherapist.

Now in more detail about the ingredients that make up the "Asterisk".

Eucalyptus (eucalyptus oil)- It has long been proven that eucalyptus oil has a stimulating effect on the receptors of the mucous membranes, and in combination with other essential oils is an excellent anti-inflammatory and antiseptic agent. The essential oil of eucalyptus helps well with inhalation - it quickly and effectively clears the nasal passages.

Thanks to eucalyptus oil, Asterisk stimulates sensitive nerve endings and is indispensable for headaches and colds. Its aroma is a great help as a means of fighting mosquitoes - "bloodsuckers" can not stand the smell of eucalyptus.

It is characteristic that the leaves of this tree are harvested only in late autumn, winter and early spring - it is at this time that they have a special healing power.

Much has been written about the amazing properties of eucalyptus. We add that now you can buy eucalyptus oil "Ors". This remedy has proven itself very well for headaches, coughs, inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, insect bites, indigestion and abdominal pain.

Peppermint (peppermint oil)- Peppermint essential oil is steam distilled from the leaves and flowering tops of the mcntha piperita plant. It has a pronounced smell of menthol with a grassy tint. Peppermint is widely used in Eastern and Western Europe as part of toothpastes, breath fresheners, etc.

Peppermint oil is an excellent adaptogen, it contributes to the normalization of body functions and its resistance to external influences. Some biologically active points are recommended to be massaged with mint oil.

Peppermint oil is mainly used for mouthwashes and breath fresheners. To do this, just add one drop of peppermint oil to half a glass of water. With colds, flu, sinusitis, peppermint oil cleans the respiratory tract well. In these cases, steam inhalation, evaporation in an aroma lamp, direct inhalation or massage with a mixture of oils (massage of the chest and back) are especially recommended. Peppermint oil has a dual effect - it cools in the heat, warms in the cold, so it is used to normalize body temperature. It is used for nausea, malaise; hangover syndrome.

Peppermint oil relieves headaches; used for digestive disorders, flatulence; taken orally (one drop of oil in a glass of water or in honey). Action: sedative, analgesic, antiseptic, tonic, antispasmodic, choleretic. Increases the secretion of the digestive glands, improves appetite, reduces the acidity of gastric juice, enhances intestinal motility. Activates the secretory activity of the endocrine glands. Improves capillary circulation.

Indications: headache, migraine, stress, psychoneurosis, excessive emotional arousal, fatigue, insomnia, neuralgia, rheumatism; dyspeptic disorders (nausea, heartburn, flatulence, vomiting), spasms of the gastrointestinal tract, cholecystitis, cholangitis, hepatitis, increased acidity of gastric juice, poor appetite, digestive disorders; inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract (rhinitis, pharyngitis, laryngitis, tracheitis), bronchitis, bronchial asthma; angina pectoris and diseases associated with spasms of cerebral vessels, hypertension; itchy dermatoses.

Oil can be added to creams, lotions for the care of combination skin, in water for rinsing with toothache.

Clove (clove oil)- dried unblown buds of clove flowers - belongs to the most ancient and well-known spices. Homeland is Indonesia. In China and India it was known before our era. Most of all, cloves are cultivated in Madagascar, in Zanzibar, in the Moluccas, as well as in India, Sri Lanka and Guinea. During the time of the Roman emperors, its popularity and use extended to the Mediterranean. In those days, cloves were highly valued and sometimes were more expensive than gold. She got to Europe through Ceylon, she was taken by ships to the ports on the Red Sea, and then by caravans - to Alexandria and Tsargrad.

The clove tree reaches a height of 10-20 m. It blooms twice a year. The flowers are white with a purple calyx. The fruit is an ovoid berry containing one or two seeds. Propagated by cuttings, but most often by seedlings grown from seeds.

Carnation (flos caryophylli) is obtained when the tree reaches the age of 6-12 years. Flower buds are harvested when they begin to turn red. Dry in the sun or in dryers, after which they become brown.

The main component of cloves is essential oil (15-26%) containing up to 96% eugenol. It also contains humulene, caryphyllene, tannins, oleanolic acid, mucus and fatty substances.

Cloves have a strong, distinctive aroma and a spicy, spicy taste. It is used as a spice and medicine. In dentistry, clove oil is used as a good antiseptic.

It is used for the preparation of bitter stomach liqueurs, hot drinks with wine, the popular Slovak zhenka, punches, fruit juices and compotes, and fruit preservation. It is also used for dishes from red cabbage, pork, lamb, game, meat sauces, pickled herring. Together with onions and kohlrabi leaves, it improves the taste of sauerkraut. It is added to mushrooms and to jellied meat. A pleasant taste is acquired by brawn and pastes from game with cloves. It is used very sparingly in the form of a powder for cooking fish, combined fish dishes, spaghetti, sauces for them and the famous Italian pizza. Thanks to cloves, these dishes acquire a special, unique taste.

Menthol (menthol oil)- a relatively volatile solid with a pleasant odor. Added in small amounts to cigarettes, cough drops, chewing gum and other products, it produces a pleasantly cool sensation in the mouth.

Menthol oil (pharmaceutical preparation) is used for a cold - 2-3 drops in each nostril. Lubricate the corners of the wings of the nose with oil. Children under three years of age are not recommended. With a headache of a catarrhal nature, with backaches in the head, with migraine, menthol oil is lubricated with forehead, temples, crown, back of the head, under the skull (where the fossa is). At night, it is very useful to lubricate the respiratory tract (nose) with menthol oil mixed with petroleum jelly. Apply in a thin layer. Can be mixed with camphor oil. The procedures are the same. Helps well with the onset of a runny nose.

In our time, the drug sex-lubri-kant with menthol has appeared. It is applied as follows: a small amount of water-soluble, fat-free and non-toxic odorless lubricant moisturizes the genitals for maximum pleasure from intimacy. The lubricant is compatible with latex and rubber products. Ingredients: water, propylene glycol, glycerin, hydroxyethylcellulose, polyquaternium-5, aloe gel, chamomile extract, Siberian ginseng extract, guarana extract, lecithin, vitamins C, A, E, citric acid, tetrasodium EDTA, sodium benzoate, potash, methyl paraben, dyes yellow No. 5, red No. 40 and blue No. 1, hemp oil.

Cinnamon- Premium quality cinnamon oil is obtained from the young bark of the Ceylon cinnamon tree (cinnamonum zeilanicum), wild and cultivated in Sri Lanka, as well as in the Seychelles and Madagascar.

Cinnamon oil improves the blood supply to the hair follicles, is used to care for falling hair. The healing effect of cinnamon is manifested in the stimulation of blood circulation, which is especially useful for hypothermia, colds, diseases of the joints and spine. It allows you to warm up at any air temperature, eliminates muscle stiffness and trembling. Used in antirheumatic mixtures. Eliminates the syndrome of intoxication, reduces the manifestations of fever (weakness, headache, sweating, drowsiness) with flu and colds. Cinnamon oil is one of the strongest antiseptics used in aromatherapy. It gives an excellent effect not only in the treatment of colds, flu, viral diseases, but also some skin infections, such as warts.

Essential oil of cinnamon is a good anti-fatigue, helps with dizziness, nausea. Anti-traumatic agent - dissolves bruises. Enhances sexuality. Cinnamon oil is also used in dentistry as a means to strengthen teeth.

The magical effect of cinnamon is under the planetary influence of Mars - the most courageous planet. Its aroma gives strength, makes a person sexually active and enterprising. It tempers the spirit, encourages new projects and enterprises. The aroma of cinnamon helps to gain independence and originality, strength and confidence. The influence of this oil on the emotional state lies in the effect of warming and BURN-release. This is especially noticeable during the winter blues, melancholy, when there is a lack of mobility, warmth and optimism. The aroma of cinnamon somewhat excites, leads to sensual revival, spurs to action. It amuses, warms, eliminates astheno-depressive conditions and emotional coldness. It has something of a merrily crackling fire in the fireplace.

The aroma of cinnamon creates a cozy atmosphere of trust and goodwill. If the aroma of cinnamon soars in the office of your company (starting with the secretary's reception), then a business-like calm atmosphere of trust will be created for visitors. The smell of cinnamon is compared to a warm blanket that warms, relaxes, pacifies, inspires.

As a spice, cinnamon was mentioned in the chronicles by Emperor Shen Nung Kwan (2700 BC). Translated from Greek, cinnamon means flawless spice. At all times and among all peoples, it was highly valued. Cinnamon is included in most Chinese recipes. It is also mentioned in the Bible: cinnamon was one of the spices that God told Moses to take with him from Egypt. The ancient Egyptians used it in the fight against epidemics and for embalming. The Greeks and Romans bought it from the Arabs. The Portuguese (in the 16th century) and the Dutch (in the 17th century) cinnamon appeared as a result of the colonization of Ceylon (Sri Lanka). The Dutch began to breed her, and she became more famous in the West.

The sweet, spicy-burning aroma of cinnamon is well known to all cooks. Cinnamon in the form of slices or powder is one of the oldest spices currently used mainly in desserts, sweets, dough. This spice is great for flavoring rice dishes, cottage cheese, coffee. In tropical countries, an additional purpose of using this seasoning is the antiseptic effect of the essential oil contained in it, which prevents food poisoning and indigestion.

Some applications: inhalation - 1-3 drops; foot baths - 1-3 drops; warm compresses - 1-3 drops; rubbing - 1-3 drops per 5 ml of sweet almond oil; enrichment of vodka - 1 drop per 0.5 l, shake well, let stand.

Formic acid- The unique properties of the famous oriental balms have long been known. Oriental balm "Asterisk" is created from a combination of extracts of medicinal herbs and essential oils (i used in traditional oriental medicine) and fortified with formic acid. Formic acid has been used since time immemorial to relieve pain of various origins and to heal many ailments.

Natural formic acid contains a large amount of organic zinc components. And zinc, as you know, is an antioxidant and immunostimulant. It protects the body from free radicals, which play a key role in the development of atherosclerosis and a number of other diseases, and also stimulates the immune system, contributing to the treatment of chronic diseases. It turns out that in its action natural formic acid is similar to such widely used medicines as vitamin C or ginseng preparations. Formic acid has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, warming and penetrating tonic properties.

Preparations based on formic acid are enriched with extracts of medicinal herbs and oils used in traditional medicine and have a strong aromatherapeutic effect. They are recommended to be used (in combination with traditional methods of treatment):

To relieve joint pain of various origins: arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism;
- providing a restorative and tonic effect on the structure of muscles and joints;
- reduction of morning stiffness in the joints;
- strengthening of blood vessels, effective elimination of edema;
- improving blood circulation, relieving heaviness in the legs;
- with varicose veins, with pain;
- relieve muscle tension, fatigue;
- with the deposition of salts, gout;
- for cosmetic purposes, to slow down the aging process and rejuvenate the structure of the skin, improve blood circulation and microcirculation.

In recent years, doctors are increasingly turning to the so-called non-traditional methods of treatment (despite the fact that this particular treatment has been tested by many generations of our ancestors). These include insect therapy, that is, the use of insects for medical purposes. Balms, gels, and creams based on formic acid have appeared. These are, in particular, Muravivit balm, Ant foot cream, Muravivit massage with sea minerals, etc.

Rose hip- Rosehip fruit extract, due to the presence of bioflavonoids (vitamin P) and phenolic substances with antioxidant properties, enhances the effect of ascorbic acid on the body, helps maintain the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, participates in the normalization of capillary permeability, enhances the anti-sclerotic effect of ascorbic acid, is useful with vascular diseases of the brain and eye diseases, accompanied by small hemorrhages; has a choleretic effect, helps to reduce inflammation in the bile ducts and gallbladder, improve the outflow of bile, has a beneficial effect on the functional state of the liver in case of toxic damage, cholecystitis, biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis and hepatitis. Thanks to a mild diuretic and laxative effect, it reduces renal and cardiac edema, facilitates difficult urination and contributes to the normalization of the kidneys and gastrointestinal tract. It has the properties of an adaptogen and increases the body's resistance to adverse factors, colds and respiratory diseases, in particular influenza; favorably affects the course of a number of diseases: pulmonary tuberculosis, peptic ulcer, anemia, asthenia, neurasthenia, atherosclerosis; facilitates the course of cardiovascular and oncological diseases; reduces and stabilizes blood glucose levels in patients with diabetes mellitus. It is useful for iron deficiency and other anemia due to the presence of iron, as well as for patients in the preoperative and postoperative periods, with injuries, chronic and acute pneumonia. Accelerates the recovery of bone tissue in fractures.

Rosehip extract is found in many gels, creams, sprays, shower and bath creams. An intensive care product for skin that has lost its tone - a warm bath with rosehip extract. Improves metabolic processes in the skin, saturates with useful vitamins (C, P, B1, B2) and mineral salts, helps to relax and restore mental strength. The product dissolves in warm water, forming a thin layer of foam on the surface with a luxurious aroma of nutmeg rose.

Application: shake the bottle, pour a small amount of oil under a stream of warm water. After taking a bath, take a contrast shower.

In our time, a dry extract of rosehip meal has been obtained by ultrasonic water extraction. The chemical composition of biologically active substances was determined. Vitamins (ascorbic acid, thiamine and riboflavin), carbohydrates, carboxylic acids, amino acids, flavonoids, carotenoids, pectin substances were found. For the obtained dry extract, the acute toxicity test was studied. It turned out that the extract is non-toxic and has anabolic and adaptogenic effects. Rosehip extract includes almost all water-soluble biologically active components contained in dry rosehips: natural vitamins C and B, bioflavonoids (vitamin P), organic acids (citric and malic), pectins and tannins, as well as a number of essential mineral components food (potassium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium) and trace elements (manganese, copper, molybdenum, etc.).

The preparation "Dolmatin S", which can now be purchased at a pharmacy, has a distinctive property - one tablet of the drug combines the biological activity of vitamin C, calcium, magnesium and a large number of natural components of rose hips. The drug is used as a food supplement:

For the general improvement of the body and providing it with vitamin C;
- relieving eye fatigue during prolonged work with a computer;
- during preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation;
- with high physical and mental stress, stressful conditions and metabolic disorders;
- hemorrhagic diathesis, bleeding and other diseases leading to anemia;
- reduced body resistance to infectious diseases, especially during the period of the influenza epidemic and acute respiratory infections;
- treatment of bone fractures and consequences of injuries;
- treatment of atherosclerosis, heart diseases, high blood pressure, headache, liver diseases (cholecystitis, dyskinesia of the bile ducts, intoxication with industrial poisons) and kidneys;
- periodontitis, osteoporosis and other diseases associated with the loss of calcium by the body.

Ordinary rose hips, brewed like tea, have an amazing beneficial effect. To prepare a healing tea, you need 5 tablespoons of crushed fruits per 1 liter of water. Boil 10 minutes. Wrap up for the night. Drink like tea at any time of the day with anything. This tea perfectly cleanses the circulatory system) ", improves metabolism. The infusion is rich in vitamin C and is used for anemia, scurvy, kidney and bladder diseases, a diseased liver as a tonic.

Camphor- (camphor) (camphor) is a solid volatile ketone with a characteristic pleasant odor. The L-form is obtained from the camphor tree, and the D.L-form is produced on an industrial scale by synthesis from other natural products. The aroma is clean, fresh, warm, sharp. On the basis of camphor, a solution for external use is prepared. It has the ability to relieve various inflammations and warm.

Indications for the use of camphor solutions externally: myositis, neuralgia, etc.
Dosage regimen: administered in the form of rubbing.
Side effects: allergic reactions are possible.

Contraindications: hypersensitivity to the components of the drug. Special instructions: the drug can be used to prevent bedsores. Camphor, when administered intravenously, stimulates the respiratory and vasomotor center, enhances metabolic processes in the heart muscle, and constricts peripheral blood vessels. Camphor is able to have a sobering effect and soothe sexual overexcitation.

Kemaben-2- Transparent viscous liquid of pale or light yellow color. The smell is soft, specific. Antimicrobial preservative for cosmetics. Highly effective, compatible with most cosmetic ingredients.

Petrolatum- it is a homogeneous, odorless, white or yellow, viscous-plastic mass stretching with short threads. When melted, petroleum jelly gives a homogeneous, transparent, odorless, fluorescent liquid.;topic=2710.0

Balm "Asterisk" was created long ago by scientists in Vietnam. It is a complex homogeneous composition of essential oils of many plants. The use of Zvezdochka balm is recognized both in official and in folk medicine for the successful treatment and prevention of a number of diseases. This drug is loved and widely used by people of several generations.

The composition of the balm

The substances included in the "Asterisk" practically do not have a negative effect on human skin. The exception is individual intolerance to the drug.

So, the balm contains crystalline menthol, oils: mint, clove, eucalyptus, cinnamon, vaseline, camphor.

Pharmacological properties

The widespread use of the asterisk balm is due to its actions and properties:

  • locally irritating;
  • antiseptic;
  • distracting.

Camphor, menthol irritate the nerve endings of the skin, cause slight tingling and burning, local anesthesia, and have antiseptic properties. They are also possessed by cinnamon, clove, mint oils. Cloves also protect against various infections. Cinnamon is used to treat the upper respiratory tract.

It is used as the strongest antiseptic for influenza, colds, inflammation, coughs, runny nose, bronchitis, skin irritations. Increases the protective properties of the body, repels insects, relieves headaches.

Shows antiseptic properties. It has primarily antibacterial and antiviral effects. It is used in the treatment of respiratory tract infections, cough, bronchitis, with a cold. It has anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

What are the types

There are several different balms, and each of them is intended for the treatment of certain diseases:

  1. Anti-cold.
  2. Universal.
  3. Anesthetic.
  4. Post-traumatic.
  5. Gentle.

Let's consider each type. So, "Golden Star" is a balm, the use of which is very common among people with acute respiratory infections and acute respiratory viral infections. The anti-cold form is used for the prevention and treatment of inflammatory, respiratory diseases, influenza.

Anesthetic balm is used to prevent and treat pain in the muscles, spine, joints, injuries, sprains, bruises.

Universal - the name of this species speaks for itself. It is used for colds, pain, insect bites (relieves itching).

Post-traumatic treats swelling with bruises, injuries in athletes.

Gentle is intended for use in burns, skin irritation.

Balm "Asterisk": instructions for use

The ideal option is application to active points. The most active place is the human ear. By lubricating certain points on it, a large number of diseases can be cured. Also, the tool helps with depression, fatigue, stress, strengthens the nervous system (rubbing the scalp, ears, back of the neck, temples). The balm will remove toxins from the skin and tighten it.

When an insect bites, it is necessary to apply balm to this place, and if it itches a lot, then around it. Lubricate every 2 hours. The balm is applied to the chin, temples, wings of the nose, the point between the fingers, forefinger and thumb (on both hands), on the upper lip for influenza. If you suffer from a strong cough, it is necessary to lubricate the pits under the collarbone, shoulder blades (both), temples, under the chin.

There is a runny nose - the balm is applied to the upper lip, wings of the nose (on both sides), on the wrists.

With general malaise, coughing, inhalation can be performed, provided that there is no elevated temperature. To do this, boil a liter of water, add a tablespoon of salt (preferably sea) and balm (a small pea). The head is covered with a towel. Breathe in vapor for 10 minutes, close your eyes. After the procedure, immediately lie down in bed, drink herbal tea with lemon.

If the joints hurt, you need to rub the balm twice a day into their area around the perimeter (maybe not even over the entire surface). Then cover the joint with a towel or tie with a cloth.

Spine hurts - apply pointwise balm on the sides of the spinal column.

"Asterisk" will help soften and then remove dry corn. To do this, after taking a hot bath, you need to rub the balm into it at night every day.

If "Asterisk" is applied after foot contrast baths in the evening on the sole, the area of ​​the ankle joint, it will help relieve swelling and relieve pain in the legs.


The use of balm "Asterisk" is very wide. It can be used in aroma lamps. To do this, you need to put a balm the size of a pea there, set fire to a candle. Put the lamp in the room where the whole family is gathered. It is better to use other oils with balm. This will be a good prevention of respiratory diseases. However, aromatherapy should not be carried out if there are children under the age of five, asthmatics, pregnant women, allergies.


There are three forms of the product: creamy, liquid, pencil (for inhalation). The method of using the drug also depends on them. The pencil is in a plastic tube and a pack of cardboard. A tin can contains 4 g of balm, and a bottle of balm in liquid form contains 5 ml.

The ideal option is to purchase a cream and an inhaler stick, which is very convenient to carry with you, take on a trip. It looks like lipstick. Screw cap keeps essential oils from drying out. Inhaling the vapors of the inhaler, you can at any time relieve nasal congestion, prevent discharge. The drug is also sold in liquid form. But this will be discussed below. It is worth noting that the most common is the use of Asterisk balm in a creamy state.

Liquid balm "Asterisk". Instructions for use

This drug is a brown-red liquid. Transparent, with a specific smell (thanks to the essential oils included in the composition). The balm is poured into branded miniature bottles, on the back of which there is an embossed star.

In pharmacies, the drug is dispensed without a prescription. It is recommended to store the balm in dark places inaccessible to children. Storage temperature - 15-25 degrees (in other words, room temperature). The drug is valid for 5 years.

The volume of the bottle into which the balm is poured is 5 ml. This includes (according to the instructions):

  • crystalline menthol - 28 g;
  • peppermint oil - 22.9 g;
  • eucalyptus - 0.1 g;
  • cinnamon - 0.38 g;
  • clove - 0.46 g;
  • camphor - 8.88 g;
  • liquid paraffin.

The balm has an antiseptic, distracting, irritating (locally) effect. It is used in complex therapy as a symptomatic remedy for headaches, flu, respiratory diseases, insect bites. The balm has general indications for use for all types. This was written above.

How to use the asterisk liquid balm? Its use should only be external. Apply a thin layer on painful areas.

If you suffer from a headache, rub it into the temples, runny nose - into the wings of the nose. For colds, rub the chest and back. Lubricate the site of insect bites.

As for the use of Asterisk balm during pregnancy and lactation, as the manufacturer indicates in the instructions, there is no such experience. Therefore, it is not recommended to prescribe and use the drug for this group of people.

The use of balm for a cold

Rhinitis is a common problem among both adults and children. In the pharmacy you can buy a large number of vasoconstrictor drops. However, it is undesirable to take them for a long time because of the possibility of addiction. Safer to use will be "Asterisk" - a balm, the use of which for a cold has been widespread for many years.

For the treatment of rhinitis with a balm, it must be applied acupuncture to affect the biologically active points of the body. You need to do this several times a day (up to 6) and always at night.

To correctly determine active points, you need to press on a certain area. If there is a lot of soreness in such a place, this is it. It is here that it is better to apply the balm with massaging movements.

With a runny nose, "Asterisk" is applied:

  • on the earlobes;
  • between the eyebrows;
  • on the chin;
  • for whiskey;
  • on the wings of the nose;
  • above the upper lip.

Application for babies

Adults can safely use such a remedy as "Asterisk" (balm) in the treatment. Children can also use it, but this must be done carefully. Babies are more sensitive to the action of the oils that make up the product.

Each package contains a leaflet. Do not ignore it and throw it away. For safety, it is better to familiarize yourself with the information that it contains.

How can kids use the Asterisk balm? Instructions for use for children are simple. The minimum amount is applied on first use. It is necessary to watch that children do not touch the balm with their hands, to prevent it from getting into the eyes and mucous membranes. The tool is not used for babies under two years of age.

How to open a jar?

Oddly enough, this question comes up from time to time. A special study was conducted, during which it turned out that the easiest way to do this is to put it on its edge, press it, roll it lightly (like a car wheel). Option two - gently slip a knife under the lid and lift it up. Well, the main way is to hold the bottom of the jar with the fingers of one hand, and twist the lid with the other. It comes off easily with half a turn.

When not to use the product

There are a number of cases when it is better not to use the Asterisk (balm) remedy. Use during pregnancy and lactation, as already mentioned, is undesirable. Also, you can not use children under two years of age, asthma patients, those who are allergic to the components included in the composition. It is forbidden to apply the balm on wounds, cracks, ulcers, mucous membranes, around the eyes. To avoid burns, a very thin layer of Asterisk should be applied to the skin.

Despite the widespread use of the balm for several generations of people, it also has side effects if the recommendations for use are not followed. As for the nervous system, there may be dizziness, overexcitation, headache and even convulsions. Allergic reactions: itching, rashes, irritation, urticaria. Cases of an increase in the frequency of bronchospasm have been recorded.

Balsam "Golden Star" over the past decades has been one of the most effective and affordable products on the pharmacological market. Low cost, efficiency and natural composition make this tool really indispensable.

Balm "Golden Star": composition and properties

This drug is intended for topical external use. It is made exclusively from natural ingredients, following the effective recipes of oriental medicine.

The ointment is available in small jars containing four grams of the substance. So what is the medicine? It contains only natural ingredients and valuable essential oils, including menthol, eucalyptus clove and peppermint, as well as camphor and cinnamon. Vaseline, paraffin and natural

Balm "Golden Star" is famous for its properties. Firstly, it perfectly relieves pain and acts as a distraction. Secondly, it warms well those areas of the skin that have been treated, and also relieves inflammation. The drug is used to neutralize certain reactions. It also has antiseptic properties, improves blood circulation and dilates capillaries. Thanks to the essential oils of menthol and mint, this ointment also affects the nervous system, stimulating its work.

Balm "Golden Star": instructions and indications for use

To begin with, it is worth noting that this remedy must be applied either externally or in the form of inhalation. The medicine perfectly copes with headaches, colds, dizziness and is also used to relieve fatigue. To this end, a small amount of ointment must be carefully rubbed into the frontal and occipital lobes, and massage the temples. Before applying the balm, you need to cleanse the skin.

The drug helps to relieve inflammation and pain, therefore it is recommended for injuries, arthritis, hematomas, dislocations. To do this, apply a small amount to the painful area of ​​​​the body, rubbing in with gentle movements.

Balm "Golden Star" is also suitable for nasal inhalation. To do this, a small amount of the medicine must be dissolved in hot water and inhaled essential oils. This method is suitable for the treatment of rhinitis and colds.

By the way, the Golden Star balm is allowed during pregnancy - it can be used to cope with nausea and headaches. It is also used to treat insect bites, as this drug relieves pain, burning, itching and swelling.

Balsam "Golden Star": contraindications and side effects

To begin with, it is worth noting that this drug should not be used by people with allergies to any of its components - otherwise a skin reaction is possible. And because of the high content of menthol, it is not recommended for the treatment of children under the age of three.

Balm should not be used on areas of skin with burns, open wounds or deep scratches. If too much ointment is applied, a slight burn may occur. Make sure that the drug does not get on the mucous membranes of the eyes.

At the moment, a large number of drugs have already been created to help get rid of colds and viral diseases. Among the leaders, which must be used for inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, is the legendary Asterisk balm - the owner of active ingredients that can cure both an adult and a child.

What is Asterisk Balm

Balm Golden Star is a budget medical product that was very popular in Soviet times. The Vietnamese asterisk, as it was popularly called, is a yellowish ointment, similar in appearance to petroleum jelly, for external use. This universal drug irritates the nerve endings and acts as a distraction, analgesic, antiseptic.


The composition of the Asterisk is limited to plant components and essential oils: clove, cinnamon, mint, eucalyptus, vaseline, camphor oil. Additional components are anhydrous lanolin, crystalline menthol, paraffin, beeswax, which help enhance the effect of the balm. Thanks to this composition, the gold star can be considered a natural product.

Indications for use

Basically, the ointment is used to treat the common cold, but this balm has a huge range of applications. It helps with headaches and toothaches, migraines, insect bites, joint diseases, with the appearance of calluses on the legs and swelling of the feet, with skin diseases, and all diseases that are accompanied by cold symptoms: fever, severe cough, irritation of the mucous membrane - severe runny nose, congestion nose. The use of the Golden Star will be a good prevention of influenza, a way to treat rhinitis.


In order to understand whether Asterisk is contraindicated for you, study its composition. Contraindication is hypersensitivity to the components of the balm. It is not recommended to use the cream for skin diseases, violations of the integrity of the cover, for skin burns. Contraindications for use are pregnancy, lactation and age up to 3 years. Overdose reactions have not been recorded.

Instructions for use balm Asterisk

The manufacturer of the Golden Star is not limited to the release of one ointment. In pharmacies, you can find funds in the form of not only an ointment, but also a liquid balm, an inhaler pencil. All three types have an effective therapeutic effect. These three types can be distinguished by packaging. All Golden Star products are sold without a doctor's prescription. Each type is used in a different way.

From a cold

An asterisk from the common cold is used everywhere. Nasal congestion can all types of this drug. Liquid balm is recommended for inhalation. Dissolve 1 tablespoon or 2-3 drops of liquid Asterisk in one liter of boiled water. The principle of this procedure is similar to hot potato inhalation: the patient bends over the solution and covers himself with a towel, sheet, etc. You don't need to take deep breaths. Perform this procedure in the morning and evening for 15-20 minutes.

When it comes to the medicinal properties of the ointment, the question often arises of where to smear Asterisk with a runny nose. The ointment will have a therapeutic effect when applied topically or rubbed with a chest balm. With a point procedure, it is effective to smear the wings of the nose: apply a small amount of Asterisk, rub in circular motions for several minutes. After the procedure, wash off the ointment. The components of the preparations have a strong antiseptic and distracting effect. Use the pencil as a mobile inhaler: inhale 2-3 times a day.

For a headache

If you have a headache, therapeutic massage with ointment will help. For headaches and migraines, it is recommended to apply it to the inner, outer edge of the eyebrows, temples, temporal bone, which is located just above the ear. Scoop a small amount of the drug with your index fingers, massage the desired area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin for 5 minutes, then lie down for 15-20 minutes until the drug takes effect.

From cough

When coughing, liquid Asterisk will help. The essential oil has volatile properties, so the balm quickly enters the nasopharynx and lungs. Effective rubbing with balm of the chest. Apply Asterisk in an even layer without rubbing. Ointment Asterisk must be applied under the collarbone, on the temples, chin, under the shoulder blades. This method is perfect for the treatment of colds.

For toothache

Toothache will continue for a long time if you do not consult a specialist. But ointment will help relieve a strong pain attack. To do this, find a point located in the middle of the fossa under the zygomatic bone. Apply the ointment to that area and massage for 1-2 minutes. To enhance the effect, massage the earlobe with the ointment. Wash your hands after applying the drug.

The price of balm Asterisk

Prices for the Gold Star in pharmacies:



Release form



liquid balm


Danafa Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, Vietnam


Danafa Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company, Vietnam

inhalation pencil


Since the Golden Star is an inexpensive, but sold drug, Asterisk has analogues around the world:




Release form


golden cup

The Thai analogue of Asterisk is used to treat swelling, bruises, sprains, joint pain, and is used for insect bites. The components of the Golden Cup have an anti-inflammatory effect. Inhalations with balm will remove nausea, fatigue, anxiety.

Golden Cup Phrmaceutical, Thailand

Chinese Tiger is useful for colds, runny nose, coughs, flu, inflammation and pain in the nasopharynx. It is recommended for headaches and dizziness, for injuries such as bruises, sprains. Helps in relieving itchy skin.

Xue Shan Bai Cao, China

It is intended for the treatment of skin diseases accompanied by itching: Neurodermatitis; Eczema; Atopic dermatitis.

DHU, Germany

Ointment, cream

Treats demodicosis, acne (pimples), has a bactericidal, anti-inflammatory, antipruritic effect

Pharmaceutical Joint Stock Company ORS,


An active pain reliever helps to cope with pain and other symptoms that occur with the following diseases: bone fractures, varicose veins, neuralgia, myalgia, arthritis of various etiologies, hematomas, sprains, sciatica, itching and burning of the skin caused by dermatitis.

AO Pharmaceutical, Russia

Naftalan ointment

It is prescribed for skin diseases, diseases of the joints and spine, extra-articular diseases of soft tissues and the motor system, disorders of the nervous system, burns, frostbite, hemorrhoids, sports injuries.

TOV "Biliol", Ukraine


Balm asterisk: composition and application

Vietnamese asterisk balm is used in Russia and the CIS countries. It contains a complex of natural essential oils and is based on an ancient recipe of oriental medicine. The natural ingredients included in the composition do not have a negative effect on the skin and help cure many diseases.

Composition and contraindications

The composition of the balm includes essential oils of cloves, cinnamon, mint, rosehip and eucalyptus. Medicinal properties:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antiseptic;
  • soothing;
  • painkiller;
  • antiviral;
  • cooling.

Menthol in the composition has a local cooling and analgesic effect, Vaseline softens, and camphor relieves inflammation.

Due to the presence of essential volatile oils, the balm is not recommended for use:

  • during pregnancy;
  • for children under three years of age;
  • with individual intolerance to the components.


Consider the most popular ways to use the Golden Star balm.

Inhalations for coughing

Inhalations with "Asterisk" are useful for dry and not passing cough. You need to do 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes each. Do not inhale too scalding steam, just enough that the air is slightly hot and humid. Due to moisture, sputum is liquefied, and essential oils of the balm eliminate inflammation and soothe.

One pea of ​​balm on the tip of a match is enough for the floor of a pot of hot water.

Prevention of colds and treatment of the common cold

In winter, lubricate the wings of the nose and the edges of the nostrils with the Golden Star. This will help protect against colds and flu if you have to contact an already sick person or be present in crowded places.

Helps with stuffy nose. Whenever you feel like you can't breathe, do the following:

  1. Lubricate the wings of the nose and the bridge of the nose with "Asterisk".
  2. Bring the balm itself to your nose and inhale deeply.

Soon your breath will ease. Ointment can be saved at night, when it is difficult to sleep because of a cold. Keep it handy and lubricate your nose several times a night.

When you are cold, afraid of getting sick, or feel like you are coughing, rub the balm on your feet before going to bed and put on woolen socks.

Headache and toothache

"Asterisk" is effective for headaches, if you rub it on the temples, the bridge of the nose, the area behind the ears, as well as the point in the middle of the back of the head and wait 5-10 minutes.

Video from Mikhail Fokin:

The second way is to breathe in the balm. Its aroma calms the nervous system and relieves pain. Good results are obtained by the use of the "Gold Star" for depression or bad mood. It quickly reduces tension and distraction.

For toothache, balm is rubbed on the cheek from the side where the tooth hurts. In addition, they can be smeared on the gums of a diseased tooth, just make sure that saliva does not enter the stomach. To speed up the effect, the balm is applied to the earlobes and, holding them between the index and thumbs, massage them for several minutes.

Insect bites

When bitten by bees, wasps, mosquitoes, ants, the balm is applied to the site of itching and redness.

The smell of the product repels insects, so it is advisable to have it on hand when traveling to nature.

Do not apply ointment to areas with combed and damaged skin. It will pinch strongly and an allergy may begin!

Bruises, sprains, muscle pain

If you hurt yourself or pulled a muscle, lubricate the diseased area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body with balm. This will reduce pain. After applying, wrap the place with a warm scarf to warm it up.

An asterisk helps with stiff muscles, but the result may not come immediately, so you need to smear regularly, about once every 2 hours. You can do the procedure at night, relief should come in the morning.

1 comment for “Asterisk balm: composition and application”

    With a runny nose, an asterisk helps well if it is rubbed at night between the toes and hands (where there are, as it were, membranes). It is even better if you put on woolen socks and gloves after that and go straight to bed. In the morning, the runny nose was gone, so we treat ourselves as a whole family during the period of colds. You can also rub the chest and calves of her legs with a cold.

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