Instability of the cervical spine: manifestation and treatment. Symptoms and treatment of instability of the cervical vertebrae Functional instability of the cervical spine

The maximum number of movements is possible in the neck. But at the same time, the spinal cord and nerve pathways to all underlying parts of the body should not be damaged. Therefore, the functioning of this part of the spine is characterized by the words mobility and stability.

Instability of the spine is the development of excessive mobility of the vertebrae at a certain level. In this case, excessive amplitude or new pathological movements appear, and bone structures begin to change their location under loads.

Differences between mobility and instability

Mobility is the ability to perform various movements while maintaining the stability of the structure.

Despite various changes in the position of the head and neck, the line of the spinous processes remains smooth, the central axes of the vertebrae do not shift relative to each other, and the spinal canal has a constant diameter. Mobility is provided by the intervertebral discs.

The fibers of the fibrous membrane of the discs, ligaments and joints between the processes of the vertebrae maintain the integrity and uniformity of the spine, the exact mutual correspondence of the position of the structures at different levels. And numerous muscles, a special connection of 1 and 2 vertebrae with each other and elastic discs allow you to perform a variety of movements without deforming the spine.

Instability of the spine is the pathological mobility of bone structures. This condition is functional, that is, instability is manifested during movements. Stationary displacement of the vertebra does not apply to this pathology. But if, when turning or tilting the head, rotation, movement, inclination of the vertebral body relative to a common axis occurs with the development of certain symptoms, then they speak of instability of the cervical spine.


Instability can be caused by trauma, dysplasia, degeneration, or appear after surgery.

Injuries are not only fractures and fracture-dislocations of the bodies and arches of the vertebrae. Sprains are much more common. This leads to:

  • sudden movements when braking vehicles (whiplash injury of the neck),

  • when playing sports (especially its group types),

  • falls.

Often they are not diagnosed in time. Compression damage with deformation of the vertebral bodies is also possible.

Instability of the cervical spine in infants is also of a post-traumatic nature. Damage occurs during childbirth. They can be obtained with some types of obstetric assistance (manual removal of the head, the imposition of forceps and a vacuum extractor), anomalies in labor and operative delivery.

Operations lead to a violation of the integrity and elasticity of the ligaments, compensatory changes in the range of motion in adjacent departments.

Dysplastic instability of the cervical spine appears with anomalies in the structure of the vertebral bodies and pulpous nuclei of the discs, with congenital weakness of the ligamentous apparatus. Dysplasia is also noted in other bones, which leads to anomalies in the development of the palate, teeth, facial skull, shoulder girdle, and body asymmetry.

Possible underdevelopment of 1 and 2 vertebrae (atlas and axis). At the same time, there is an inferiority of the occipitoatlantoaxial articulation, which provides more than half of all possible movements in the neck.

Dysplasia can result in an eccentric position of the nucleus in the intervertebral disc or an angle between the endplates of the vertebrae. As a result, the load is distributed unevenly, which stretches and injures the supporting ligaments, leading to displacement of the bone structures.

Degenerative processes are most often caused by osteochondrosis.

  • Violated the integrity and elasticity of the discs,

  • their height and shock-absorbing ability are unevenly reduced.

  • Appearing bone growths lead to restriction of movements, to compensate for which hypermobility occurs in neighboring sections. From this, the ligaments are stretched, the vertebrae change, instability increases and gives more and more complications.

Whatever the cause, the signs of spinal instability will be similar.

Clinical manifestations

The symptoms of cervical instability are caused by changes in different systems. The process involves:

  • musculoskeletal system (bones, discs, joints, ligaments and muscles);

  • nervous structures (roots, spinal cord, nerve ganglia);

  • vessels (the vertebral artery feeding the brain and arteries going to the spinal cord).

Therefore, the possible signs are:

  • movement restriction,

  • sensory disturbances and paresis,

  • vegetative symptoms and syndromes,

  • manifestations in the brain.

Pain occurs due to degenerative and inflammatory processes, with the involvement of the nerve roots, with muscle tension.

Existing changes in the bones and joints lead to aseptic inflammation and give pain during movement. Also, there is a muscular tension of a protective and compensatory nature. There are irritative and muscular-tonic symptoms. At first, the muscles can hold the vertebrae with a moderate range of motion. At the second stage, such muscle compensation is no longer enough.

It is possible to carry out massage using a special technique, manual therapy courses (against the background of regular muscle-strengthening exercises), physiotherapy (magnetotherapy, electrophoresis).

With instability of the cervical region, it is desirable to train exercise therapy techniques under the supervision of an instructor. Exercises are aimed at the formation of a muscular corset to support the vertebrae. They should not hurt, be sharp, with a load or at the limit of the possible amplitude.

To limit movements, exercises are carried out on a special simulator. At home, it can be replaced with a wide elastic bandage, folded in a loop and fixed to the wall at the level of the forehead of a seated person. Putting a stretched support loop on your forehead, you need to slowly tilt your head alternately in all directions up to 20 times. Then, turning and putting the loop on the back of the head, carry out the next series of inclinations.

Pathology manifests itself with movements. But the progression of the process can cause irreversible changes and serious consequences.

Instability of the cervical spine in children brings a lot of trouble to the health of the child, requires painstaking treatment and attention from adults.

With instability of the cervical spine, children complain of headaches, poor school performance, inattention, restlessness!

Indeed, at the same time, the vertebral arteries are clamped and blood flow to the brain is limited. The nervous system experiences oxygen starvation and a lack of nutrients.

With instability of the cervical vertebrae, displaced vertebrae can be put in place. This is successfully done by manual therapists.

But the danger of repeated displacements and subluxations is too great. Therefore, the number one task for instability in children is to strengthen the muscles of the neck, create a muscular corset, dilate blood vessels, and nourish the nervous system.

In other words, with instability of the cervical spine in children, complex and long-term treatment should be carried out. This may take several years.

Reasons for the instability of the SHOP

The disease is based on birth trauma in an infant. Its reasons lie in the pathological course of labor activity in the mother.

Rapid childbirth.

In this case, the baby's head enters the birth canal of the mother, not yet prepared for his birth. Intense contractions literally push the fetus out. The contractions are so strong that the baby flies out of the tummy like a cork from a bottle. The baby's neck is injured - because it is so thin, vulnerable. Swelling and bruising, microdamages of the ligamentous apparatus of the cervical vertebrae develop. Occasionally, with such a quick and rapid birth, there is a fracture of the collarbone. In some cases, there is also damage to the brachial plexus.

Prolonged childbirth.

They are caused by the weakness of labor, early discharge of amniotic fluid. The fact is that the fetal head gets stuck in the mother's birth canal. For many hours, excessive pressure is exerted on the fetal neck. This also leads to swelling and microdamages of tissues.

Wrapping the umbilical cord around the baby's neck.

Another important point in the origin of NSOP is the entanglement of the umbilical cord around the baby's neck during childbirth, in which ligaments and muscles can be damaged, cervical vertebrae can be displaced.

Immediately after birth, outwardly, any changes on the baby's body can not be seen. It is very important for parents to know this, because the NSOP clinic appears much later - at 3-5 years old, and even at school. And the parents are surprised and angry - why, they say, they didn’t tell us anything in the maternity hospital!

What then happens to the cervical spine? Thank God, nothing bad. Everything grows and recovers. But the ligaments holding the vertebrae are relaxed and the mobility of individual vertebrae is somewhat enhanced.

The child grows, turns his head in different directions, somersaults, makes a lot of movements and the ligaments in the cervical region are weakening more and more. Anatomically, the spine is arranged in such a way that two large vertebral arteries pass through special holes in the depths of the spine, supplying the brain with blood.

Under conditions of NSOP, the arteries can be compressed and less blood is supplied to the brain than it should be. And this means a lack of nutrients and oxygen. Over time, the child may have complaints, which we will talk about now.

Symptoms of SHOP instability

In the acute period of cervical injury, i.e. immediately after birth and during the first months of life, signs of neurogenic torticollis, weakness of the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle are visible.

In these cases, a pediatric neurologist prescribes osteopathic treatment, massage and physiotherapy for the baby. Over time, the external manifestations of the neck injury are smoothed out and in the future the psychomotor development of the baby does not lag behind the age norms. Everyone safely forgets about birth trauma.

From the age of two or three, many parents worry that the child speaks little, if not completely silent. They go to a neurologist, get a consultation. The reasons for speech delay can be different. One of them is NSOP with circulatory failure in the brain. Properly organized treatment will quickly improve the situation and the child's speech will begin to develop well.

But the child goes to school. Loads increase and complaints of headaches, fatigue, restlessness, poor memory begin in a stream. Parents again turn to a pediatric neurologist. Of course, there are many reasons for concern. It's not just about the NSOP.

Many common diseases, such as frequent colds, helminthic invasions, pyelonephritis, bronchial asthma, can be accompanied by both fatigue and headaches. The transferred concussion of the brain can also give both a decrease in academic performance and headaches in the long term. Finally, the long-forgotten perinatal encephalopathy, which weakens brain activity during exercise, can also provoke such complaints.

The task of a pediatric neurologist is to establish the true cause of the disease. To identify the role of instability of the cervical spine in the origin of patient complaints, the doctor resorts to an appropriate examination. Now I will introduce you to some points of this survey. I just want to note - do not repeat the neurological examination of your child yourself. Trust the doctor! Forget about the catchphrase "Everyone can teach and heal." You are not your child's enemy!

Diagnosis of SHOP instability

There are two stages in the diagnosis of instability:

  • Clinical examination;
  • instrumental data.

What symptoms can be seen on a neurological examination that will help diagnose NSOP?

1. Looking at the child's face, you can notice the presence of Horner's symptom, which is characterized by narrowing of the palpebral fissure, slight retraction of the eyeball and pupil constriction. The nerves that provide innervation to the eyeball start from a special center located in the cervical region. The presence of this symptom indirectly confirms the transferred cervical birth injury.

2. Looking at the location of the head and shoulder girdle with an experienced eye, one can notice the presence of residual effects of neurogenic torticollis.

3. With palpation (palpation), you can determine the tension of the trapezius (shoulder) muscles. Another option for the consequences of a neck injury is the atrophy of these muscles and the complaint of the parents that the child cannot pull himself up on his hands or push himself off the floor.

4. Asymmetry of the rectus cervical muscles. One of the muscles is tense, hypertrophied, and on the other hand, it is not palpable at all.

5. Soreness with pressure on the spinous processes of the SHOP, especially in the upper cervical region.

6. Limitation of head tilts to the sides is a very characteristic symptom!

P.S. Items 2-6 are characteristic symptoms in children from about 5 years old.

Instrument data:


To detect instability of the vertebrae, an x-ray taken in a lateral projection is 100% indicative. Moreover, they do it with functional tests, that is, with the head lowered and thrown back. Additionally, another picture is taken through the mouth, on which you can see the subluxation of the main vertebra.

But magnetic resonance imaging is not necessary to clarify the diagnosis of instability. It's absolutely useless. Enough radiography.

Doppler ultrasound.

It is imperative to do this study, because you can see the presence of compression of the right or left vertebral artery; asymmetry of cerebral blood flow and impaired venous outflow. For a neurologist, this is very important data.

Instability of the cervical spine is associated with a birth trauma. Very often, clinical symptoms do not appear in a child immediately, but years after birth. And if the diagnosis confirms the diagnosis, you should proceed to treatment.

Treatment of CS instability in children

Therapeutic measures must be carried out in a complex. Often mothers say that they had several sessions with an osteopath or had a massage course. And that's it! This ended the treatment. This is a very wrong approach to the treatment of such children.

After all, the goal of treatment is not only “to put the cervical vertebrae in place” and thereby eliminate the obstruction to blood flow through the vertebral arteries. It is very important to further maximize this blood flow so that the brain receives the best nutrition and blood supply and begins to develop more intensively. Only then will complaints of headaches go away, the child will behave better and learn better. And this, my friends, is not done quickly. And be sure to include several different procedures in the treatment course.

This method affects the tone of the neck muscles located very deep. Regular massage affects only the superficial muscles of the neck. As a result of manipulations by an osteopath, the cervical vertebrae fall into place, pressure on the vertebral arteries is eliminated, and cerebral circulation improves. Typically, procedures are done once a week, the number may vary. This question is decided by the osteopath himself. After the session, you need to be more careful - run and jump less. It is absolutely impossible to tumble. It is better to free the child from physical education lessons. It is recommended to wear the Shants collar during the day. Periodically, you need to look around at the osteopath and maintain the correct condition of the spine.

Classic massage.
It is also very widely used in NSOP. It cannot be combined with osteopathy. Massage relaxes tense muscles. Weakened muscles are strengthened. An intensive metabolism takes place in the muscles, blood circulation increases, microcirculation improves. The clinical manifestations of the disease disappear.

Usually combined with massage. Most often, electrophoresis with vasodilator drugs is prescribed, which further improves cerebral circulation.

In my opinion, this is almost the most important way to treat CS instability. Of course, you need to start treatment with massage, osteopathy and physiotherapy. But to consolidate the result - physical therapy. The most interesting thing is that if you, dear parents, really want to save your child from instability, as well as prevent development in the future, physical exercises should be done daily throughout his life. Yes Yes! Otherwise, the muscles will gradually return to their original state and clinical complaints will again appear. Therefore, NSOP - in childhood are very important.

It will be very good if your child starts to visit the pool. Swimming improves spinal statics. It is useful to do gymnastics, choreography. In general, to strengthen the cervical muscles, as well as the shoulder girdle, arms, torso.

Of the drugs during the course of treatment, the neurologist will prescribe symptomatic drugs to the child: vasodilators, nootropics, sedatives and other drugs. In general, it is necessary to be treated under the guidance of a pediatric neurologist, who first examines the child and, based on the data obtained, draws up a treatment program. Will watch him. A few years of attentive attitude to the problem of the child and everything will pass. NSOP must be cured in childhood so that later your son or daughter does not suffer from cervical osteochondrosis.

Instability of the cervical spine in children, no doubt, impairs cerebral circulation. Even despite the presence of collateral circulation. This is confirmed by instrumental examination methods, in particular, Doppler ultrasound.

With jostled with instability of the cervical vertebrae? Find out effective methods of treatment that will quickly relieve you of the uncomfortable consequences of the disease.

Instability of the cervical vertebrae is one of the most common diseases in the spinal column. Symptoms of the disease, such as pain, loss of mobility, or vice versa, excessive mobility of the neck bring discomfort to the patient, radically changing his life.

Determination of instability of the cervical vertebrae using an x-ray

With timely diagnosis and a competent approach to treatment, the patient will be able to quickly get rid of the disease and return to the previous rhythm of life.


Cervical instability is an ailment that is manifested by excessive mobility in the spine. The stability of the spine is disturbed by damage and, accordingly, the displacement of the structure of the vertebrae.

Step 0 Reasons

There are many factors in the development of the disease. Conventionally, they can be divided into four main groups.

Complications during childbirth

Complications are formed at the time of birth. Among them are the following:

  • rapid labor activity;
  • sipping the child by the head, which in turn provokes the cracking of the spinal disc;
  • large fetal weight (over 3.7 kg);
  • the presence of the mother of the baby narrow birth canal.

Mechanical damage

Different types of injuries: falls, blows, sports injuries, etc.

Most often, instability of the cervical vertebrae occurs in children.

In babies, the spine is weaker than in adults, as it grows stronger gradually as a person develops, which makes children more susceptible to disease.

Chronic pathologies

Chronic diseases in a patient in the area of ​​the articular apparatus of the cervical region provoke the appearance of instability. A striking example is osteochondrosis, which was not cured in a timely manner and reached a neglected or chronic form.

Step 1. Looking for symptoms

Both in adults and in children, the symptoms and methods of treating the disease are identical. In general, doctors distinguish the following characteristic features of the disease:

  • pain syndrome (may progress after physical exertion);
  • dizziness and headaches;
  • deformation of the affected area;
  • restriction of movement;
  • tension of the muscles adjacent to the affected area.

Note.Often the disease is accompanied by weakness of the limbs, as well as involuntary twitching. Such symptoms occur when the spinal cord is compressed by damaged vertebrae or a disc.

Step 2. We diagnose and examine

Before proceeding with treatment procedures, the patient must undergo a diagnostic examination. First of all, doctors will collect an anamnesis.

Note.Anamnesis is information received from the patient: a description of the symptoms, if any, the history of the disease (for example, injuries or falls that provoked the pathology).

Then, an examination is scheduled to make an accurate diagnosis. It includes:

  • palpation of the neck (detailed examination of the neck from different sides, the emphasis is on the contour, swelling, skin changes around the affected area);
  • radiography (the specialist takes pictures of the damaged area, both at rest and when flexed).

Step 3. Conservative treatment

As practice has shown, in the early stages of the development of instability of the cervical region, both in children and adults, conservative treatment is sufficient to combat the disease.

The treatment is carried out in a complex way (taking medications, wearing a collar, manual therapy, massage, etc.) upon prior consultation with the attending physician.

note. Self-treatment can worsen the patient's health. Consultation with an experienced physician is the key to a quick recovery.


Drug treatment is not able to save the patient from pathology, it is aimed at relieving pain and eliminating the inflammatory process.

Self-administration of medicines is contraindicated, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary, who will prescribe an effective drug and indicate to the patient the period of administration and dosage.


The collar is an effective auxiliary tool. It is made in the form of a soft frame, which, fastened around the patient's neck, limits the rotation and bending of the diseased area.

Minimize damage and pressure on the cervical vertebrae with a special collar

Thanks to the neck brace, the load on the affected area is reduced, the risk of damage to nerve endings is minimized, and the muscles are constantly in good shape.

The collar should be worn during the day, no more than 3 hours. You need to take it off at night.

The collar is appointed by physicians. The patient is not recommended to choose a model on his own. The doctor must prescribe the type of bandage and correctly fix it on the patient's neck.

Today, manual therapy is considered one of the most effective methods of treating spinal diseases. It is recommended to carry out therapy simultaneously with physiotherapy procedures.

Manual therapy is aimed at eliminating pathologies in the spine: treatment, return to the place of the displaced vertebra and improvement of the blood supply process.

Therapeutic massage will help relieve neck pain and return the displaced vertebra to its place.

As a rule, the duration of the procedure varies within 30 minutes, the interval between sessions is 2 days.

For more information about the method of manual therapy, follow the link.

The procedure is characterized by some contraindications. Among them are the following:

  • infectious diseases of the spine (for example, osteomyelitis, the appearance of which is influenced by bacteria);
  • injury to the affected area (falls, bumps, hematomas);
  • malignant neoplasm in the spine.

Spinal traction

Spinal traction is an effective treatment method for both a child and an adult.

The essence of the technique lies in the fact that the patient in the process of traction increases the diameter of the intervertebral foramen, which in turn relieves the patient from the pressure of the nerve roots, reduces their swelling, as well as adjacent tissues.

Special traction of the cervical spine

The patient has a decrease in muscle tension, ligaments, the load on the spinal discs decreases. The procedure allows you to increase the distance between the discs, which was violated by the disease.

For patients with diseases of the cervical vertebrae, it is necessary to use dry traction of the vertical or horizontal type.

Implementation technology. In the first case, the patient is placed on the couch in a sitting position, wearing a specialized collar. The patient's head is fixed in the Glisson loop, and the other end is attached to the beam, to which the weight is subsequently attached, gradually increasing.

In the second case, the procedure is identical. But the patient is placed not in a sitting position, but in a lying position.

The procedure has contraindications:

  • increased pain during stretching;
  • infectious diseases in the spine (for example, tuberculosis);
  • malignant tumors;
  • overweight;
  • bearing a child.


Thanks to the procedure, the patient will be able to get rid of pain, muscle spasms, and improve blood circulation in the affected area.

With the help of therapeutic massage, you can improve blood circulation in the neck and get rid of pain.

There are universal rules for massage What patients need to know before starting the procedure:

  • Massage movements should be carried out smoothly and gently. During the session, the patient should not experience discomfort or severe pain.
  • All movements should be carried out in the direction of the lymph, respectively, the specialist will begin to move from the neck to the shoulders.
  • Pressure on the spine contraindicated during the procedure. Such actions can provoke inflammation in the vertebrae. A specialist, making a therapeutic massage, affects only muscle tissue.

Physiotherapy procedures

Physiotherapy procedures - act as ancillary measures.

Before undergoing the procedure, you must consult with your doctor. An experienced specialist will be able to choose the most effective procedure:

  • Electrophoresis - makes it possible to "deliver" medicines to the patient through the skin channels, bypassing the gastrointestinal tract. The technique allows you to eliminate pain and relieve inflammation.
  • Phonophoresis is a method based on the treatment of the spine with the help of ultrasonic waves, which quickly relieve the patient of pain.
  • UHF therapy - the method involves the impact on the damaged area with the help of special plates that supply current. Thanks to the heating of the cervical region, UHF effectively fights inflammation.

Step 4. Surgical treatment

Surgery is a last resort. It is necessary in cases where conservative methods of treatment for several months did not demonstrate the desired result or damaged vertebrae began squeeze nerve roots.

The main task of the operation is to eliminate the instability of the spinal motion segment, normalize the musculoskeletal properties of the affected area.

The essence of the technique lies in the installation of implants between the processes of diseased vertebrae. The patient is under general anesthesia while the surgeon makes a small incision and places the implant.

Modern implants are able to provide stabilization of the spine, while maintaining its anatomical structure and natural functioning (accordingly, mobility is not impaired).

Average operation takes less than one hour a. Recovery patient passes quickly, already after a couple of hours patient after surgery can stand up and sit, the pain syndrome is practically not noticeable.


Ignoring timely treatment threatens the patient with serious complications. Among them are the following:

  • increased pain in the head;
  • the affected area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe neck becomes excessively mobile, or vice versa, any movement will be difficult;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • violation of coordination in the process of walking and other movements.


To prevent instability of the cervical vertebrae in children and adults, we recommend that you follow a few simple rules:

  • minimization of sports and domestic injuries (for example, falls, bumps, etc.);
  • it is necessary to avoid hypothermia, as it provokes an inflammatory process in the area of ​​​​nerve endings;
  • practice moderate physical activity that strengthens the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe arms and shoulders;
  • timely treat diseases of the spine (for example, osteochondrosis).

Thus, the instability of the cervical vertebrae is a serious pathology, which is accompanied by unpleasant syndromes: pain, impaired mobility, headaches, and so on.

Modern medicine offers patients effective treatment methods that will help to permanently get rid of the disease of the cervical region.

Dear readers, if you have any questions, post them below for more information. Users who have useful tips or recommendations for people who are faced with a disease of the cervical region, share your comments.

The greatest torment and inconvenience is brought by diseases that develop in the cervical region, which is responsible for the ability to make head movements and withstand loads without consequences in the form of vertebrae deformation or the appearance of pain. The first possibility is provided by the mobility of the neck, the second is its stability. Ideally, there should be a balance between them. Any change in this proportional relationship threatens with a diagnosis: instability of the cervical spine.

The maximum information about this disease can be obtained only by considering all the points relating to it, namely:

  • causes, types of disease;
  • symptoms;
  • diagnostic methods;
  • treatment.

Causes and types of disease

Conventionally, the causes that cause the development of such an ailment can be divided into groups, they also underlie the classification of its types. Modern medicine distinguishes the following three types:

  1. Degenerate. It can be caused by both internal (endogenous) and external (exogenous) factors. The first category includes the following reasons:
    • genetic predisposition - impaired development of ligaments and discs from infancy (instability of the cervical spine in children), weak fixing ability of intervertebral joints, insufficient bone density;
    • osteochondrosis (may be both hereditary, laid down in the womb and expressed in the underdevelopment of discs and joints, and acquired, resulting from the depletion of cartilage tissue due to age-related changes);
    • osteoporosis (destruction of bone tissue due to the loss of most of the necessary minerals, phosphorus and calcium, in most cases the disease develops against the background of disturbances in the endocrine system and hormonal changes in the body).
    The group of external causes includes:
    • improper distribution of the load (either lack of movement for a long time, or too much physical activity, causing tension in the cervical region and ultimately leading to osteochondrosis);
    • unhealthy lifestyle (abuse of tobacco, coffee and alcohol, illiterate hormone treatment, lack of dairy products in the diet and an excess of meat, all these are catalysts for the development of osteoporosis).
  2. Dysplastic. This type is associated with phenomena that change the state of the connective tissue, which can be caused by the following factors:
    • diseases of a systemic inflammatory nature (autoimmune processes that negatively affect the tissues of the joints and weaken their ability to fully perform their function);
    • infectious diseases (purulent-necrotic processes affecting the vertebrae, joints and discs, leading to their deformation and destruction).
  3. Post-traumatic. The name speaks for itself. The main causes that cause it are injuries, dislocations, subluxations, fractures and bruises.

It is important to correctly determine the type of disease, only in this case it will be possible to prescribe the most effective treatment.

Instability of the cervical spine: symptoms

It is not enough to know the reasons, you still need to be able to recognize the first alarming "bells" given by the body. The sooner a problem is found, the easier it will be to fix it. Obvious, signaling an imbalance between mobility and stability are symptoms such as:

  1. Pain. It is characterized as periodic. It increases during movements, including at the moments of flexion, turning to the sides or extension of the head, as well as after prolonged physical exertion. Significantly limits the range of motion, since each action responds with a new pain attack.
  2. Tension in the neck. Constant feeling of tiredness. Ordinary physical work quickly tires. There is a frequent need for rest (immobilization of the neck). In addition to tone, loss of sensitivity in some areas of the skin may also be disturbing.
  3. Spinal deformity. The intensity of the pain weakens when the neck is in a fixed position, when the head is tilted to the side. A long stay in this position leads to a change in the shape of the ridge. Sometimes the deformity is so severe that this symptom can be seen with the naked eye.
  4. neurological manifestations. Shooting, weakness and numbness of the upper limbs, twitching, pain when touching or probing the affected area of ​​the neck. This is how the nervous system reacts when the disease manifests itself.
  5. Tinnitus, blurred vision, dizziness. These symptoms are the result of compression of the vertebral artery due to changes in the upper segment of the spine (the height of the intervertebral discs, the appearance of outgrowths).

At the slightest suspicion, you should urgently contact a medical institution in order to confirm the alleged diagnosis and receive high-quality treatment.


Instability of the cervical spine: symptoms and treatment - no experienced and qualified doctor will dare to treat it without having all the information regarding the disease on hand. He can obtain such important data by means of various diagnostic methods. Namely:

  • collection of anamnesis (the ability to identify symptoms by questioning the patient);
  • radiography (a study of internal structures that allows you to determine the area affected by the disease by examining a film or paper that reflects the results of radiation diagnostics);
  • MRI (indispensable for clarifying the diagnosis, makes it possible to visually familiarize yourself with the three-dimensional image of the organ under study, nearby joints and tissues).


The desired result can be achieved only if the treatment is prescribed correctly. Depending on the type of disease and its course, the doctor chooses one of four possible options, namely:

  1. Physiotherapy. A special course (exercises for instability of the cervical spine), designed specifically for each individual patient. When developing it, the severity of the pathology, the type of disease, age, the presence or absence of concomitant diseases and other factors characterizing the patient's condition are taken into account. The purpose of gymnastics is to strengthen the ligaments and muscles of the neck.
  2. Physiotherapy procedures. Exercise therapy for instability of the cervical spine can also be successful in the case of such activities as:
    • massage (improves blood flow, accelerates metabolic processes in connective tissues);
    • wearing a corset (strengthens the weakened neck ridge, indispensable during an exacerbation);
    • electrophoresis (relieves inflammation with the help of drugs injected under the skin);
    • magnetotherapy (the focus of inflammation is extinguished by means of exposing the diseased area to a magnetic field).
  3. Medical treatment of instability of the cervical spine. It can also be treated with drug therapy. Depending on the cause of the development of the disease and on the basis of the information obtained as a result of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a specific medicine belonging to one of the groups, namely:
    • muscle relaxants (relieve spasm of the muscles of the neck, eliminate the infringement of the roots);
    • chondroprotectors (protect intervertebral cartilage from destruction and damage);
    • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs (relieve inflammation and anesthetize);
    • vitamin D and calcium preparations (return the density and strength of bone tissue, saturate it with essential minerals);
    • vitamin B (repair nerve fibers).
  4. Surgery. It is used only for serious injuries in the vertebrae. Most often, the meaning of the operation is to install a bone graft, designed to immobilize adjacent vertebrae.

It should be noted that the instability of the cervical spine has contraindications! At the first suspicion of the development of such an ailment, you need to seek professional help.

In contact with


Not very common, but rather uncomfortable phenomenon can be considered instability of the cervical vertebrae. Such a problem, appearing, can change life not for the better. Timely diagnosis, well-chosen treatment will correct the situation. Experts will help to understand the features of the disease.

The cervical region is the most mobile of all, therefore it provides freedom of movement. We can perform circle movements, tilts, flexions and extensions. Stability and mobility are essential components for the cervical region: along with mobility, the vertebrae must be protected from deformation.

Violations can lead to pathological mobility in software, which is called instability. Injuries of the vertebral section are manifested through the destruction of structures - anterior and posterior - and a decrease in supporting activity.

Reasons that can provoke violations:

  • operational intervention;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • congenital ailments;
  • injuries post-accident, mechanical.

The mobility of the department is provided by seven elements. Atlas is the first vertebra that does not have an intervertebral disc and a body consisting of arches that limit the canal and are connected by thickenings.

Axis is the second vertebra, having a body and a process, but without a disc. The remaining elements have a body that performs the supporting function of shock absorbers. Nerves, muscles and blood vessels surround the SHOP.

The main symptoms of instability are:

  • pain of an irritative nature, which can intensify and disappear;
  • violation of stability due to physiological effects;
  • destruction or displacement of the vertebrae;
  • reduction of support functions of protection;
  • restriction of mobility;
  • manifestations of a neurological nature;
  • muscle tension.

Sciatica and lumbago may indicate the presence of radicular syndrome. Spinal instability in children and adults is characterized by compression of the spinal cord, impaired blood flow. May be accompanied by numbness and weakness in the limbs, twitching.

Increased muscle tone quickly leads to fatigue. Subsequently, this will cause a decrease in tone and hypertrophy. To ensure the retention of the usual load, immobilization of the neck will be necessary.

Types of instability of the cervical spine

According to the characteristics of the disease, physicians classify several types of NSO.

The main types of the disease are:

  • post-traumatic;
  • degenerative;
  • dysplastic;
  • postoperative.

A strong blow, a fracture can lead to displacement, and if it does not exceed 2 mm, then the situation is under control. If the disk displacement exceeds this norm, then the instability will progress. This type of disorder can appear regardless of age. Due to the lack of qualifications of the obstetric staff, post-traumatic instability occurs in children.

Osteochondrosis causes degenerative abnormalities. Fragmentation of the disc tissue and defibration of the annulus fibrosus lead to minimization of the fixing function. Insufficient enrichment of cartilaginous tissues with vitamins violates the statics of the spinal column. Laminectomy can lead to postoperative illness.

Hernia recurrences, load provoke the development of instability of the vertebral section. Spinal dysplasia is a feature that is characterized by an underdeveloped column structure. Growing up does not relieve the anomaly, therefore, over time, it can flow into spondylarthrosis and osteochondrosis.

Timely detection of the disease allows you to avoid difficult situations. Phenomena such as nerve syndrome, myelopathy, cervical dyscalgia are well studied and subject to treatment. Latent instability is often misdiagnosed.

Even an x-ray does not always help to understand the cause of pain, for example, with excessive sliding of the vertebrae without manifestations of convergence. Characteristic syndromes allow the doctor to make the right decision and immediately begin treatment.

Treatment of the cervical spine

Measures are divided into operational and non-surgical. When conservative treatment gives a result, there is no point in resorting to a complex operation.

The disease can be managed with the following measures:

  • head holder soft or hard type;
  • novocaine blockades with exacerbation of pain;
  • non-steroidal drugs for inflammation;
  • exercise therapy and physiotherapy;
  • traction of the spinal column.

Wearing a corset keeps the neck in the desired position, minimizing the risk of complications. However, constant use leads to a weakening of the muscle frame and ligamentous apparatus. Having removed the corset, the patient may again face the problem.

How to cure cervical vertebrae

Phonophoresis, laser irradiation, massages and reflexology improve the patient's condition. Exercises are selected by an experienced doctor, since the disease is quite complex. In no case do not self-medicate, do not visit unskilled massage therapists, otherwise compression of the spinal cord will lead to disability or cost your life.

If there is a pronounced pain syndrome for more than one and a half months, despite conservative treatment, then surgical intervention is required. In addition, the patient has intolerance to drugs and procedures.

Surgery is needed to decompress spinal and radicular syndromes and eliminate vertebral subluxation. Restoring stability can be achieved by fusion, either anterior or posterior.

The bone graft is placed between the vertebrae, creating immobility. Graft resorption or the appearance of a false joint are complications of posterior fusion surgery. When fixing adjacent vertebrae in front, the traumatism decreases, and rehabilitation takes less time.

Exercises for instability of the cervical spine

Wearing a collar should be accompanied by exercises so that the joints do not lose mobility.

The complex is selected by the attending specialist, and it will be possible to perform it at home.

  1. Turns the neck to the side. A slight crunch is acceptable, but if pain occurs, consultation is required immediately.
  2. A rubber bandage is attached to the wall, and the head is threaded through the hole, leaving the elastic band on the forehead. Sitting straight on a chair, bend to the side, forward.
  3. Head rolling from one shoulder to the other. The chin is pressed close to the chest. The head does not lean too far back. Stretch behind the top of the head to the ceiling, do not tilt your head.
  4. Arm raises do not require much intensity. At the slowest pace, hands on the belt, raise your shoulders, then take them back, trying to bring your elbows together.

Such a complex will give lightness in the cervical joints and the interscapular region.

CSP instability in children

Children's NSOP requires the attention of parents and long-term treatment. At the heart of the disease is birth trauma due to pathologies of labor activity.

The main reasons may be:

  • protracted childbirth;
  • rapid childbearing;
  • entanglement of the umbilical cord.

During the early discharge of water, the fetus undergoes pressure, which is fraught with complications. During intense contractions, the baby is born rapidly and can get a neck injury. An umbilical cord wrapped around the neck harms the ligaments and can cause displacement of the vertebrae.

Treatment of the baby through massages, physiotherapy smoothes out deviations. In conditions of instability of the SHOP, the arteries are compressed, so over time the child will begin to complain of pain. An increase in workload with the arrival at school affects the child's well-being: he becomes restless, gets tired quickly, and does not remember the material well.

Neurological examination reveals the characteristic symptoms of the disease. Narrowing of the palpebral fissure and pupil, slight retraction of the eyeball indicate a birth injury of the neck. When examining the location of the head, the doctor will see the phenomena of child torticollis. During palpation, you can feel the tension of the shoulder muscles.

Muscles can be asymmetrically developed - one is too developed, and the other is poorly palpable. The spinous processes at the top of the neck can cause pain when pressed. Activities for the treatment of children are carried out in a complex manner.

A couple of visits to an osteopath or massages will not give a reliable result. The goal of treatment is to remove obstacles to the flow of blood through the arteries of the column. Thus, improved nutrition of the brain will lead to intensive development.

Basic procedures for children with NSOP

Osteopathy allows you to put the vertebrae in place, eliminates excess pressure. The child is not allowed to tumble and jump after the session, and he is exempted from physical education at school. The Shants collar should be worn during the day. Regular exercise exercises will help return the muscles to their original state.

Traditional massage helps to relax tense muscles, improves microcirculation. Swimming and gymnastics will help improve the statics of the spine. During the treatment period, the neuropathologist prescribes nootropics, sedatives and vasodilators.

Ultrasound dopplerography confirms that SHO instability affects the nutrition of the brain, so you should get rid of the disease in childhood. Otherwise, the child will experience dizziness, migraines and cervical osteochondrosis.

Anatomical and functional features of the cervical spine

The cervical spine consists of seven vertebrae and is the most mobile. The first cervical vertebra has a special structure and name - atlas (C1). This vertebra lacks a body and an intervertebral disc. The atlas consists of two arches (anterior and posterior), which act as a limiter for the lumen of the spinal canal and are interconnected by lateral bone thickenings. On the upper surface of the atlas there are concave articular elements - processes that connect with the condyles of the occipital bone.

The next, second cervical vertebra is called the epistrophy or axis (C2). It has a vertebral body that passes into the odontoid process and no intervertebral disc. The odontoid protrudes upward, connects with the inner surface of the anterior arch of the atlas and forms a joint. Atlas and axis are interconnected by three joints: two lateral and one middle. When these three joints are combined, a combined joint is formed, which allows rotational movements of the head. The other five vertebrae have a vertebral body that performs a supporting function. These vertebrae are separated by intervertebral discs, which act as shock absorbers for the spinal column. The vertebrae are surrounded by ligaments, muscles, nerves and blood vessels.

Stability and mobility of the cervical spine

This section of the spine has conflicting properties of mobility (mobility) and stability. Mobility refers to the ability to perform various types of movements (flexion, extension, lateral tilts, circular movements) with the head.

Stability is understood as the ability of the spine under physiological stress to maintain the relationship between the vertebrae, protecting it from deformation and various pain sensations. The stability of the spine directly depends on the stability of its individual segments.

A vertebral segment is usually called two adjacent (nearby) vertebrae, which are interconnected by an intervertebral disc.

Spinal instability (SP).

Instability is called functional deviations, pathological (abnormal) mobility in the spinal segment. These include: the emergence of new degrees of freedom of movement, an increase in the amplitude of movements. The displacement of the vertebrae is one of the main indicators of NP.

Types of NP:

post-traumatic - instability appeared after an injury to the spine (fracture, dislocation of the vertebrae).

- degenerative - develops against the background of ongoing degenerative-dystrophic processes in the spine (for example, with osteochondrosis).

- postoperative - develops due to a violation of the integrity of the supporting structures of the spine, occurring, as a rule, after surgery, more often after a lamyectomy (an operation aimed at stopping compression of the spinal cord, as well as one or more nerve roots).

- dysplastic - appears against the background of abnormal formation (change in size, structure, shape) of the vertebral body, ligaments of the spine, intervertebral disc or intervertebral joints.

Causes of spinal instability in the cervical region:

– injuries (sports, traffic accidents, etc.);

- osteochondrosis of the spine (implies degenerative-dystrophic changes noted in the spine);

- congenital malformation of the intervertebral disc.


- Irritative pain (pain caused by irritation of the nerves or their centers) - is of a periodic nature and intensifies after physical exertion. The occurrence of pain occurs due to reflex tension (spasm) of the cervical muscles.

- Violation of the stability of the spine when exposed to external physiological loads.

- Deformation of the spine - pathological destruction of the elements of the spine or displacement of the vertebrae.

- Failure of the support complexes that protect the spinal cord from irritation and protect the spine from deformation.

- Violation or limitation of movements in the cervical region.

  • radicular syndrome (lumbago, sciatica),
  • muscular neurodystrophic syndrome (decrease in muscle strength, pain when probing the affected muscle, decreased range of motion in the joint, in the functioning of which the affected muscle is involved),
  • spinal syndrome - occurs when the spinal cord is compressed or its blood circulation is disturbed (impaired sensitivity, twitching, numbness or weakness in the arms and legs, paresis).

- Tension of the muscles of the cervical region. At the initial stage of the disease, an increased muscle tone occurs, which leads to their overwork. Later, there is a violation of blood circulation in the muscles, a decrease in tone and hypotrophy (a decrease in blood supply and nutrition). The ability to withstand the usual physiological load is impaired and it may be necessary to additionally immobilize (immobilize) the neck.


- collection of anamnesis (questioning of the patient);

- X-ray examination in the lateral projection and functional radiographs (in the position of maximum flexion and extension).

Treatment of instability of the cervical spine:

1. Conservative treatment - is prescribed in the absence of severe pain and spinal symptoms.

- gentle mode (no high loads on the spine and neck);

- wearing a soft or hard collar;

- taking non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (usually in tablet form);

- painkillers, and with an exacerbation of the pain syndrome, novocaine blockades are used;

– physiotherapy exercises (a special course is being developed with an emphasis on exercises for the neck and shoulder girdle);

– manual therapy aimed at strengthening the muscles of the spine (according to indications);

– physiotherapy treatment (magnetotherapy, ultrasound, electrophoresis);

2. Surgical treatment is aimed at restoring the stability of the spine and decompression (reducing compression) of the nerve structures.

Surgical treatment is prescribed for those patients who:

- a pronounced pain syndrome persists for 1-1.5 months, despite the ongoing treatment;

- intolerance to drugs and physiotherapy necessary for conservative treatment;

- persists persistent spinal and radicular syndromes caused by compression of the nerve structures;

- subluxation of the vertebra against the background of instability.

To restore stabilization of the spine, the method of anterior or posterior fusion is used.

Spinal fusion is a surgical intervention using a bone graft, which is placed between adjacent vertebrae to create their immobility.

When performing an operation using the method of posterior fusion (a plate fixing the cervical vertebrae is attached from the back), complications such as graft resorption or the formation of a false joint in the postoperative period may occur.

When using the method of anterior fusion (fixation of adjacent vertebrae occurs from the front), it is possible to reduce the subluxation and decompress the nerve structures. This method is the least traumatic for the patient and the recovery period after the operation takes much less time.

To achieve the most reliable stabilization of the spine in severe post-traumatic instability, a combined intervention with posterior and anterior approaches is used.

Posterior access is used for lamyectomy (dissection or removal of the vertebral arch to gain access to the spinal cord) to decompress the nerve structures. Spinal fusion is performed with an anterior approach to stabilize the spine with a graft.

The choice of the method of prescribed treatment depends on the type of instability and the severity of the disease.

The cervical region consists of seven vertebrae, the formation of which ends by the age of 20–22. During this period they are most vulnerable. They perform both mobile (tilts, rotations) functions and protective ones. The stability of each vertebra is important for overall health.

What is spinal instability?

When any segment of the cervical vertebrae is destroyed, their fixation in the normal position becomes unstable. Excessive mobility indicates a disease if it causes pain. Deviation from the norm (offset) three millimeters is considered sufficient to have an impact on overall health.

Causes of the disease

Pain with instability of the cervical vertebrae is caused by pinching of the nerve roots. The reason is the displacement, which leads to a violation of the correct fixation.

There are several categories for the causes of instability:

  1. The consequences of osteochondrosis with displacement of the vertebrae, causing changes in the intervertebral discs with pain, are diagnosed as degenerative-dystrophic instability. Processes of this nature arise due to a decrease in the strength of the fibrous ring.
  2. Post-traumatic- occurs when the support complexes of the vertebral segment are damaged. A blow, a fall, an accident, etc. can lead to this. Injuries to babies received during childbirth are among them. The cervical vertebrae are small and have weak muscular protection, which is why they are very vulnerable.
  3. Postoperative- can occur with early loads on the ridge during the recovery period. Repeated complications occur after extensive resection of the vertebral tissues, laminectomy ( bow removalvertebra). The ongoing degeneration of disc segments and the development of new hernias lead to instability. The cause can be both the error of doctors and the peculiarity of the disease.
  4. With dysplastic syndrome ( underdevelopment of bones, tendons, muscles) instability can occur, affecting large areas of the body. Cause dysplastic instability is a congenital inferiority of the development of the cervical vertebrae. The severity and form of the disease depends on the extent of tissue damage.

Predisposing factors

There are diseases, the presence of which contributes to the instability of the cervical vertebrae. The risk group includes people with the following pathologies:

  • Hhereditary predisposition. Deficiencies in the structure of the spine can be transmitted genetically. With such symptoms in children, weak protection of the discs or ligaments is revealed. Instability can occur with a slight load or injury.
  • Diseases leading to the destruction of bone tissue. Vertebrae with tuberculosis or osteomyelitis become fragile and vulnerable. Depending on the degree of damage, trauma or sudden movement can provoke instability.
  • Lack of immunity. The inflammatory process of the tissues connecting the vertebrae can lead to their instability. The chronic form of the disease contributes even more to this.
  • Lack of nutrition of spinal tissues with microelements leads to osteoporosis. The vertebrae become brittle, their stability is lost. Some fragments are erased, violating the fixing functions.

Symptoms of instability

Instability of the cervical vertebrae can be overt or covert. In the first case, the picture of symptoms is unambiguous and corresponds to clear signs of the presence of the disease. In the second, it is much more difficult to diagnose the disease.

Based on the symptoms and additional examination, the doctor makes a diagnosis. Explicit instability is accompanied by the following complaints:

  • Periodic neck pain. They get stronger with prolonged use.
  • The patient is looking for the optimal position for the neck, in which the pain is reduced. Unnatural tilt of the head becomes noticeable.
  • Sleep is disturbed due to the fact that the patient cannot find a comfortable, relaxing position.
  • Migraine becoming regular.
  • When the blood vessels are compressed, dizziness, change in blood pressure.
  • The person may feel weak and numbness in the limbs.
  • Noise in my head.
  • Vision problems.
  • Desensitization skin covers.

Latent instability does not have unambiguous symptoms, they may be inconsistent or absent. An x-ray may not always reveal it. Difficulties in diagnosing can lead to an error.

Features of instability in childhood

The child's spine is in the developmental stage and does not have an intervertebral disc. Because of this feature, the cervical region has a large range of motion. Unformed vertebrae are vulnerable, which can lead to their instability and cause acute torticollis. Traumatism is the main cause of vertebral instability in children.

Actions during childbirth that can cause instability:

  1. Sluggish labor activity or, conversely, rapid labor.
  2. Use of forceps.
  3. Wrong head rotation.
  4. Squeezing the child with a narrow birth canal.
  5. Excessive sipping of the baby's head by an obstetrician with assistance in childbirth.

If the child complains

In addition to birth injuries, a child can damage the vertebrae at an older age with increased activity. Therefore, parents should pay attention to Behavioral changes that may indicate the presence of the disease:

  1. Complaints of pain in the neck after sleep, with a long stay in one position (classes at school) or sharp turns of the head.
  2. With torticollis, the child constantly bows his head, taking an unnatural position.
  3. Frequent complaints of headache.
  4. A serious signal is a noticeable asymmetry of the face.

What is included in the complex treatment?

Comprehensive treatment of instability of the cervical vertebrae is as follows:

  1. To relieve tension from the muscles of the neck and properly fix the vertebrae, Shants corset.
  2. Stimulation of nerve endings, application of laser and EHF-therapy(electromagnetic radiation).
  3. To restore impaired blood circulation, use laser puncture. In this case, there is an impact on the biologically active points of the body.
  4. Myostimulation (the process of influencing the muscles with a pulsed current) will serve to strengthen the muscles of the shoulder and neck areas.
  5. Physiotherapy and massage help restore the musculoskeletal activity of the vertebrae.

In complex treatment, stimulation of damaged tissues of the vertebrae and nerve endings is used. use phonophoresis (Delivery of drugs to the organs using ultrasound. The effectiveness of this method has not been proven), electrophoresis (electrokinetic effect) and much more.

How to protect the baby from injury?

It is necessary, first of all, to protect the child from excessive loads on the cervical region. This is especially true in the recovery period after treatment. The child is contraindicated:

  1. Perform physical exercises in which repeated displacement of the vertebrae is possible. These include somersaults, standing on your head, jumping, any additional load on the spine.
  2. Engage in active and traumatic sports.
  3. Using a pillow that is too low or too high for sleeping.
  4. Be in a draft where you can get inflammation of the neck muscles or nerve endings.
  5. Massage in the neck, if it is not specialized for the disease.

Treatment of instability of the cervical vertebrae

The specialist determines the cause of complaints of pain in the neck. Additional diagnostic procedures are prescribed. Based on them and the symptoms, a method of treatment is chosen. Initially, conservative rehabilitation is offered. If the condition does not improve, surgical intervention is prescribed.

conservative methods

The conservative treatment is complex application of various forms of influence on the vertebrae capable of restoring their former functions. Appointed in the following cases:

  1. In the absence of pain and ambiguity of symptoms.
  2. With displacement, if the diagnosis of instability remains in question.
  3. In the early stages of instability.

Complex of conservative method of therapy:

  • If necessary, reduce the load on the vertebrae gentle mode motor activity. The patient needs to change his usual lifestyle: avoid overwork, give up hard work, do not make sudden movements, use an orthopedic pillow for sleep.
  • To stabilize the vertebral gaps can be used hardcollar (corset), which fixes the correct position and relieves stress. The corset is selected by a specialist and helps to properly fix the neck.
  • Usage Shants collar(it is softer) is prescribed to stabilize a slight deviation from the norm. It relieves tension and pressure on the vertebrae.
  • In inflammatory processes, a reception is prescribed relevant drugs. By removing inflammation that interferes with the normal function of the spine, the patient gets rid of unpleasant pain in the neck.
  • When pain occurs - apply analgesic blockade. If there are no contraindications, novocaine is administered.
  • Physiotherapy contributes to the restoration of the musculoskeletal system of the neck. Specially selected exercises strengthen muscles, restore sensitivity in the limbs.
  • With a more complex displacement, it is possible spinal traction. This helps to fix the vertebrae in the correct position, preventing them from moving.
  • Sometimes assigned massage which is carried out by a highly qualified specialist. This effect can bring both relief and harm. Therefore, it is contraindicated to trust such a procedure to self-taught masseurs.

Along with the above methods, laser, magnetic, acupuncture physiotherapy. Widely used electrophoresis and other types of influence.

Spinal instability is a serious disease. It can cause not only pain and discomfort, but also lead a person to disability. Therefore, you can not self-medicate and neglect health.


Complicated forms of instability of the cervical vertebrae can be corrected with the help of surgery. The indications for surgery are:

  1. Inability to correct instability by conservative methods. If the pain does not go away and causes pain to the patient.
  2. The appearance of some species disc herniation. Sometimes the operation must be done urgently so that the patient does not remain disabled for life.
  3. The instability caused subluxation of a vertebra. It is possible to fix the normal position with surgical intervention.
  4. Severe sharp pains with short breaks. It is necessary to release the restrained tissues that cause discomfort.
  5. Intolerance patient methods conservativerecovery health.

The essence of the operation is to free up the space between the vertebrae and fix their normal position, while maintaining mobility. The method and method of fixation is selected by a specialist based on the severity of the damage. A transplant is used to establish the required gap between the vertebrae. It can be fixed on the back of the vertebra (laminectomy) or on the front.

In very severe injuries, it is possible to use a combined method, when both anterior and posterior fusion are used ( operation on spine for fusion and immobilization of adjacent vertebrae). After laminectomy, postoperative complications occur more frequently than with anterior fusion. There is a possibility that the graft will resolve and form a false joint. This may lead to a second operation.

Physical exercises

Therapeutic exercise (LFK) helps to strengthen the muscles of the neck and stabilize the vertebrae. It is usually recommended for complex conservative treatment, when the patient is forced to wear a corset. With a long stay in it, the muscles of the neck weaken. To keep them in good shape, special exercises are needed.

The rehabilitation course of exercise therapy can only be prescribed by a doctor, having studied the course of the disease and the patient's condition. The necessary set of exercises is selected. The trainer monitors the correct execution and the patient's response to various loads.

It is impossible to engage in therapeutic exercises spontaneously with violations in the spine. The principle of the exercises boils down to the fact that you need to carefully tilt your head in different directions, circular rolling or tilting with opposition. Do not make sudden movements with tilting your head back. Exercise therapy should be done regularly for six months.

Exercise therapy is prescribed as a preventive measure with a predisposition to the disease or during recovery after treatment, surgery. You need to do it with the permission of the doctor, so as not to aggravate the position of the cervical vertebrae. In some forms of displacement or instability, exercise is contraindicated.

Possible negative consequences

A neglected disease or improperly selected treatment adversely affects the patient's condition. In severe cases Untimely access to a specialist can lead to disability. Disease of the spine over time begins to affect other organs. Do not allow destructive processes in the body, remember the possibility negative consequences:

  1. There is a syndrome of constant fatigue. Even in a relaxed state, a person feels like after hard work. Small loads are very tiring, there is a desire to lie down and relax.
  2. Pain intensifies. Any work is given with difficulty, the patient is more and more looking for peace. Normal household chores take a lot of energy. The desire to leave the house disappears, every movement becomes a burden.
  3. Neck movements become poorly controlled. There is hypermobility or stiffness. Sometimes the neck can be pinched and turning the head becomes impossible.
  4. Sleep mode is disturbed. A person does not get enough sleep, so the previous activity disappears. The desire to communicate disappears, irritation becomes permanent.
  5. Visual or hearing impairment may occur. In the morning, swelling appears on the face, noise is heard in the head, memory deteriorates.
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