Potato juice for a child. With sore throat, sore throat and to strengthen the nasopharynx. Reception of potato juice for various ailments

Is Juice Really Healthy? raw potatoes, or his medicinal properties exaggerate? Exist different opinions. For example, nutritionists do not recommend its use due to high calorie. Although there are a lot of calories only in a fried vegetable, a boiled root vegetable loses nutritional value in the process of processing. A is a panacea for all ills.

Biological and nutritional value

potato juice contains the following components:

  • vitamins: A, C, E, PP, H and almost the entire group B;
  • minerals: calcium, potassium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, phosphorus, sodium;
  • amino acids;
  • Sahara;
  • fiber.

Vegetable juice consists of macro and microelements, a complex of minerals that have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Nutritional value of this product:

  • carbohydrates - 24%;
  • proteins - 3%;
  • fat - 0.3%.

I would like to note that the main benefit of potato juice is the easy digestibility of all components. The calorie content of the product per 100 mg will be 80 calories. This is not a big indicator, so vegetable juice can be consumed by people on a diet and are not afraid for their weight.


In its raw form, it is quite difficult to use the root vegetable, due to bad taste and great content starch. Therefore, for medicinal purposes, it is worth using potato juice. Moreover, there is such a rich mineral composition.

This natural substance is useful:

  1. Wound healing and ulcer effect. Freshly squeezed juice is very useful to drink in the morning on an empty stomach. After ingestion, the liquid envelops the walls of the stomach, contributing to the healing of ulcerative scars. Also, juice reduces acidity, relieves heartburn.
  2. Potato liquid has a diuretic effect, eliminates signs of swelling, and helps to normalize kidney function.
  3. Not so long ago, a scientific statement was made that potato juice can lower the amount of sugar in the blood. And also at moderate use, can increase the efficiency of the pancreas. Which certainly won't cure diabetes but prevent the disease from worsening.
  4. This drink heals wounds and burns on skin. Strengthens the body's immunity, helps to cope with migraines and high blood pressure.
  5. In medicine, potato juice is valuable due to the presence of fiber. It affects the digestion process, helps to cleanse the body of toxins, toxins, radionuclides.
  6. Maintains a normal amount of hemoglobin.
  7. positive effect on the central nervous system, saves from insomnia and irritable condition.


However treatment with root juice does not always go smoothly. Like any product or medicinal product there are contraindications.

How to use for treatment?

To make the most of useful substances from potato juice, it should be consumed freshly squeezed, no later than 10 minutes later. Otherwise, over time, the juice oxidizes, darkens, and the substances become less useful and nutritious.

It is best to prepare vegetable juice in a special juicer that can process whole tubers.. Well, if such a device is not at hand, you should use a fine grater and gauze to squeeze the pulp.

  1. First of all, we choose a healthy, non-sprouted vegetable, with no visible signs of rot.
  2. Wash well, remove dirt and sand.
  3. Peeling is not necessary, because the peel also contains vitamins.
  4. Apply suitable way spin.

It is recommended to choose pink varieties of potatoes. Also best time for treatment vegetable juice- summer-autumn, but not later than February. In winter, potatoes grow old, dehydrated, germinate. Solanine accumulates in it, which will not bring benefits.

It is important not to abuse the product. An overdose will obviously lead to undesirable consequences. The number of receptions of a natural substance should be no more than 4 per day. The total volume of liquid is 600 mg per day, that is, drink 125 mg at a time.

Application features

It is clear that potato juice is widely used as medicine in traditional medicine . But even when contacting a regular hospital, they may prescribe the use of potato liquid. After all, its effect has been officially proven.

For women's diseases

Perhaps not everyone knows, but root juice helps the weaker sex to cope with various ailments. Among them:

  • cervical erosion;
  • inflammation;
  • uterine myoma.

Let's analyze in detail:

  1. Women suffering from uterine erosion and inflammation of the appendages are advised to drink potato juice in the morning 30 minutes before meals daily. The procedure should be carried out daily for 2 weeks. For speedy offensive recovery, you can use the juice for douching.
  2. From the age of 35, women develop dangerous disease uterus - myoma. Expressed this disease as benign tumor. With small sizes, this outgrowth discomfort does not cause. Women live fully. However, over time, the tumor can increase in size, and sometimes reach 1 kg of weight, which makes it dangerous for the body as a whole.

    Therefore, to avoid surgical interventions and eradicate from internal cavity uterus swelling, you need to try to drink potato juice. 125 ml of juice daily on an empty stomach, and so on for 6 months. After that, they take a break for 4 months and again the course is restored. It has been noticed that already after two months of taking potato juice, the tumor begins to decrease.

Is indispensable vegetable product but only after heat treatment. Fresh potato juice, the benefits and harms of which depend on the quality of the source material, is a medicinal drink. Its reception is due to some restrictions on health, dosage and duration of the course.

Proper preparation and composition of potato juice

Raw material for medicinal drink serving potatoes. It is important to find tubers that have grown with a minimum of top dressing and treatments during the growing season. Potatoes, like a sponge, absorb from the ground, absorb the entire periodic table from the air. Therefore, it is important to use an environmentally friendly product.

The source can be your own summer cottage. AT medicinal purposes selected medium-sized from healthy bushes. He shouldn't have green plaque on the skin. Potatoes are used starting from August 2. This is the day of the first treat of young potatoes. In February, even in a cold cellar, potatoes lose their beneficial features for treatment.

So that potato juice does not bring harm instead of benefit, only products from summer residents are bought from summer residents on the market. household. On large areas, the cultivation technology is based on intensive top dressing.

Why an untested product is dangerous can be understood from the chemical composition of the juice. It includes 30 elements, many of which are extremely rare in other cultivated plants. A complete set of vitamins for group B, the presence of vitamins C, E and PP allows you to strengthen the enzyme series of the body.

Present in the composition:

  • amino acids;
  • potato protein tuberin;
  • phenolic substances;
  • pectins.

Such the richest composition does not represent any product. Elements are included in a set of easy to digest organic compounds. However, it is the complex chemical composition Potato Juice Can Be Beneficial And Harmful misuse product.

During heat treatment, some of the useful substances decompose, some go into solution or change. Therefore, the faster fresh juice is drunk, the more nutrients will enter the body. Another indispensable condition is the limited use of the drink. Substances that are useful for the body in small quantities, with uncontrolled use, can become poisonous.

It is impossible to prepare juice from frozen potatoes, from tubers with a greenish skin. The cellular composition of such a product contains a lot of solanine, a toxic substance. Sprouted tubers are also not suitable.

Juice use long time unacceptable. Juice has a harmful effect on the pancreas, it is possible to disturb the balance of processes in the body

The effect of potato juice on the human body

Eating raw potatoes is tasteless and of little use. Juice from raw product used in folk and official medicine. The benefits of potato juice are confirmed by official studies.

Physiological action healing drink on the body is based on a large amount of starch. With problems of the gastrointestinal tract, it envelops the walls of organs and blocks the mucous membrane from pepsin gastric juice. In this case, you should know that the drink lowers the acidity in the digestive system.

With gastritis against the background of low acidity, you can not take potato juice. The drink has an alkaline form, neutralizes the acid, which is already not enough.

Potato juice helps with various ailments:

  • associated with various inflammatory diseases:
  • to cleanse the liver. kidneys, gastrointestinal tract;
  • neutralizes toxic substances and removes from the body;
  • helps to saturate the body with minerals and vitamins.

For treatment with potato juice, the body is prepared in advance. For 3 days should be excluded from the menu protein food not plant origin. The longer the term vegetarian diet the more effective the result will be. Spicy food incompatible with juice intake. Before starting treatment, the gastrointestinal tract should be cleansed twice with an enema. The body is prepared in the same way, and the schedule for taking a healing drink depends on the reason that made you resort to taking the drink.

Before using potato juice for medicinal purposes, you should consult a doctor. There are contraindications for use, especially for patients with diabetes, problems with pancreatic function.

Reception of potato juice for various ailments

At various diseases how to drink potato juice, the healer decides. He prescribes the course and the amount of the drink, which is measured not in glasses, but in tablespoons.

If the patient suffers from an ulcer duodenum, he is entitled to 2 courses of 10 days. Half an hour before a meal, you need to drink 10 tablespoons of juice. During the day, the juice is used 2-3 times. During this time, the composition will create a protective film on the walls that promotes wound healing. There are 2 courses with a break of 10 days. No more juice should be taken during the year.

Potato juice with pancreatitis is consumed in the form of a cocktail. The composition is prepared by taking 12 tablespoons of carrot and potato juice. Drink a mixture of juices only in the morning on an empty stomach. The treatment lasts 2 courses of ten days, the rest is a decade. Secondary treatment can be repeated no earlier than after 3 months in agreement with the doctor.

Patients with hypertension take a healing drink in the morning on an empty stomach, after waking up, for 10 days. The result will be noticeable in a few days. The body is saturated with potassium and magnesium, the heart muscle is strengthened. But you can repeat the intake of juice only after 20 days, so as not to overload the rest of the organs. The dosage is standard - 10-12 spoons at a time.

Potato juice with gastritis reduces heartburn. Reducing acidity reduces the aggressive properties of gastric juice. Starch, enveloping the walls of the esophagus and stomach, is the protection of the inflamed walls.

Juice reduces toxicosis in pregnant women. In the first trimester, it helps to cope with nausea, in the second - with heartburn, and is always a remedy for constipation. Take juice in the morning and evening, for 7 days with a break. If the result is achieved the first time, you do not need to abuse it.

Juice promotes healing and softening of hemorrhoids. Wipes moistened with juice are applied to problem area up to 3 weeks. Cracks are tightened, pain manifestations are reduced.

Freshly made potato juice traditional healers treat trophic ulcers and burns on the body. Potatoes are passed through a juicer or rubbed, juice is squeezed out, on open wound the liquid is applied with a swab, a potato gruel is applied on top. The pain subsides, the wounds heal quickly.

To cleanse and strengthen the body with the help of juice therapy is the decision of a person who monitors his health. Enough once a year for 10 days in the morning on an empty stomach to drink 12 tablespoons of juice, and the effect will be noticeable on the face.

A bit of history

Potato, as a product, entered the culture 14 thousand years ago. The vegetable came to Europe in 1565, to Russia - in 1698. Potatoes in Russia were introduced by force, up to riots. At first, people poisoned themselves with inedible balabolkas, eating them. Peasants learned to use tubers only at the end of the 18th century.

Video about treatment with potato juice

The raw material for the healing drink is raw potatoes. It has a rich complex chemical composition. A fresh raw potato drink contains vitamins of the well-known groups PP, B, E, C, potassium, sodium, iron salts, carotene and useful amino acids. Also in potato juice are phenolic substances, potato protein, pectins.

Juice from potato tubers has an analgesic, wound healing, diuretic, antispasmodic, regenerating, strengthening, antimicrobial effect on the body and is very useful for digestion.

In traditional medicine recipes, potato juice is consumed exclusively in its raw form, and the drink must be consumed immediately, otherwise it will quickly darken and lose its medicinal properties.

This juice is used in official folk medicine. Official studies have confirmed the physiological effect of this healing drink on the body, which is based on a high content of starch. It envelops the walls of the gastrointestinal tract, its mucous membrane from the pepsin of gastric juice and creates a protective film on its walls, which promotes wound healing. He neutralizes toxic substances removes them from the body.


Potato juice: contraindications

Despite the naturalness and harmlessness of the vegetable, the contraindications of potato juice are mainly associated with low acidity stomach. The drink is high alkaline balance and can be very irritating to mucous membranes. digestive organs. Therefore, with gastritis with hyperacidity you can not take potato juice, because it will neutralize the already insufficient acid in the stomach.

Potato juice contraindications:

  • Acute pancreatitis
  • Severe form of diabetes
  • Enamel caries
  • Intestinal tendency to fermentation, bloating
  • Individual intolerance or allergy to this vegetable
  • Tendency to constipation or diarrhea
  • Acute stage obesity
  • Diseases of the urinary system

Since the drink is made from raw potatoes, you should pay attention to the quality of the vegetable. After all, he, like a sponge, absorbs a huge amount of valuable substances from the earth and from the air. Ideally, if the tubers were collected on their own site and were not treated with chemicals. Purchased vegetables may contain harmful impurities, pesticides, which are added in the process of growing tubers.

You can not use the juice of potatoes grown in unfavorable regions: polluted, near highways and industrial facilities. A vegetable tends to absorb harmful compounds from the soil, and taking juice from such a potato can be harmful, not beneficial. It is forbidden to drink juice from green tubers - it contains high concentration solanine and can lead to intoxication of the body.


Benefits of Potato Juice

Drinking juice from fresh potatoes puts in order the level of hemoglobin, relieves spasms and stimulates intestinal motility. It helps to saturate the body with valuable vitamins, minerals (especially potassium and magnesium).

What are the benefits of potato juice? The drink is excellent for indigestion, problems of water-salt metabolism.

Useful properties of potato juice for the body:

  • Enveloping and wound healing effect. Juice produces a beneficial effect on the digestive organs, gently envelops the mucous membranes, reduces acidity. It is recommended for stomach ulcers, gastritis with symptoms of high acidity.
  • Relieves heartburn.
  • Removes from the body excess liquid, removes puffiness.
  • Improves liver function.
  • Helps get rid of regular constipation, relieves manifestations of hemorrhoids - it contributes well to its softening and healing, reduces the pain manifestations of this disease.
  • Lowers arterial pressure.
  • Cleanses organs from toxins, harmful compounds, radionuclides.
  • It is widely used in cosmetology for getting rid of acne, skin whitening, and relieving irritation.
  • Used to treat burns trophic ulcers by tightening them.
  • Brings balance to metabolism.
  • Removes inflammatory processes in tissues.
  • Used for treatment female diseases(erosion, fibroids).
  • Improves performance of cardio-vascular system, strengthens the heart muscle.
  • Relieves inflammation in colds and viral illnesses.
  • Promotes weight loss.

It helps with ailments associated with inflammatory diseases, for cleansing the kidneys and liver.

As medical therapy tuber juice is used for pyelonephritis in combination with cranberry juice, which enhance the effect of this healthy drink.

Potato juice for the liver

Potato juice is useful for cleansing the liver, as it active ingredients qualitatively remove accumulated toxins and deposits of harmful substances from the body. The alkaline constituents of the drink bind uric acid and remove it from the body. As a treatment, you need to drink 1 glass every morning on an empty stomach. fresh juice from potatoes.

In order not to harm the body, before the first dose, you should study the contraindications of potato juice. Long term use drinking without interruption is also dangerous and can be fraught with metabolic disorders, pancreatic dysfunction and worsening general condition organism.

How to make potato juice

We encounter this popular vegetable almost daily, so there are no innovations in the preparation of this drink. However, some rules should be followed to ensure the correct concentration remedy, and know the contraindications of potato juice.


  1. Wash the potatoes with a brush, peel the eyes, and do not remove the peel
  2. Cut the potatoes into cubes and send to the processor (you can also grate the vegetable)
  3. Squeeze the resulting mixture through gauze (fine sieve)
  4. Let stand for a few minutes to allow the cloudy starchy contents to settle.
  5. Drink no later than 10 minutes after preparation

You should carefully approach the choice of tubers. Old, wrinkled potatoes are not suitable as a raw material for making juice. Tubers should be smooth, fresh, without the slightest sign rot or damage by diseases, spoilage.

It should be borne in mind that in February, the potato becomes unsuitable for medicinal purposes - it loses its healing properties and accumulates solanine, poisonous to humans, in its cells, tk. active germination of tubers begins.

How to drink potato juice

This juice should only be drunk raw and fresh. With even slight heat treatment, potato juice loses its beneficial properties (part of the valuable substances decompose, change). And the faster you drink freshly squeezed potato juice, the more the body receives therapeutic effect from its nutrients.

Depending on the severity and characteristics of the disease, a drink from potato tubers is taken in a strict dosage in courses.

It is unacceptable to drink this juice for a long time - it has a harmful effect on the pancreas. If you exceed allowable doses, there may be a glut of the body with substances (which are useful for the body only in small quantities), which will provoke poisoning.

In order for the body to receive only benefit from treatment with potato juice, and not harm, it is recommended that you thoroughly prepare in advance for treatment with it. Livestock products, seasonings, hot spices, pickles and pickles should be excluded from the diet (so that the treatment is most effective). Before starting the course, it is recommended cleansing enemas.

Take a drink from potato juice in the following dosages:

Heartburn: 100 ml of juice during acute manifestation discomfort

Uterine fibroids: course for 4-5 months, taken on an empty stomach in the amount of 200 ml of juice

Cholecystitis: twice a day, 200 ml at a time before meals

Constipation: the drink is drunk at night in a volume of 150-200 ml

Increased acidity of the stomach: 100 ml 4 times a day before meals

For diseases respiratory tract, inflammation of the gums: apply rinsing with potato juice 4-5 times a day

If at the initial stage of taking potato juice is disgusting, you can combine it with the juice of carrots, cabbage, celery, beets.

Accept potato drink better through a straw to eliminate its destructive effect on tooth enamel.

It is recommended to take juice before meals, no earlier than 30 minutes. The standard course of treatment is 10 days, after which a week-long break should be taken. But you can take a 20-day break in case of suspicious reactions to treatment with this juice.

Potato juice for the stomach

Very often, a drink from tubers is recommended for stomach ulcers, gastritis, and high acidity. How useful is potato juice for such diseases and how to take it? Just a few days of treatment will help get rid of pain in the stomach, relieve heartburn, nausea and improve digestion.

At ulcerative lesions stomach is shown next move potato juice:

  • It is recommended to start taking juice with minimum quantity- 1 tablespoon (3 days before meals)
  • In the next three days, increase the volume of juice to 2 tbsp. spoons in one go
  • In the middle of the course, take a drink of 1/2 cup
  • Full course treatment - 3 weeks, after which treatment should be interrupted for 7 days
  • The course is repeated until a stable therapeutic effect occurs.

Potato juice during pregnancy and breastfeeding

It will help reduce toxicosis in a pregnant woman, cope with nausea. While carrying a child, a woman can use potato juice for medicinal purposes to prevent constipation and heartburn. To normalize digestion and adjust the stool, it is recommended to take 100 g of the drink in a course of 10 days before meals. But if a positive result is achieved the first time, then you should not abuse it.

Also, a pregnant woman can safely use the juice of tubers for inflammation of the respiratory tract. In conjunction with chamomile infusion juice is used for gargling. The antiseptic action of chamomile, combined with the starchy components of potato juice, produces a powerful healing effect and relieve the symptoms of a cold.

During lactation, potato juice is also not contraindicated. It can be taken in small doses (50-100 ml) to normalize digestion and restore metabolism.


Potato juice in cosmetology

In cosmetology, potato juice is used to whiten the face, remove oily sheen and get rid of acne. Tuber juice perfectly copes with pigmentation and returns the skin to a healthy, well-groomed appearance.

A mask made from potato juice and honey is very effective:

  • 50 g of a fresh drink is mixed with a teaspoon of honey and applied to the face.
  • After 20-30 minutes, the mixture should be washed off with water and a moisturizer applied.

In combination with sour cream, potato juice rejuvenates the skin, regenerates small cracks and relieves the effects of sunburn.


diets and healthy eating 09.11.2012

In my blog, I pay a lot of attention to simple recipes for maintaining our health. Let's talk about potato juice today. About the benefits of juices and how to be treated with them, I already wrote in the blog. There were articles about carrot juice, cabbage juice, beetroot juice. Here now we will talk about potato juice. Probably, many people know about its benefits.

The pharmacy is often located right in the kitchen. Only we often forget about such simple ways treatment. We love to fry, stew, bake, boil potatoes so much, but we often forget about potato juice. But it is very useful and effectively helps with colds, stomach diseases, relieves fever and swelling, treats cough and sore throat.

So, benefits of potato juice:

  • Contains vitamins and minerals, so necessary for our body. These are vitamins of groups B, E, PP, C, as well as minerals: calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, sodium and some others.
  • Potato juice contains natural sugar, which is perfectly absorbed in our body. It is impossible not to say that when potatoes are cooked, this sugar turns into starch, which is not at all good for health.
  • Has anti-inflammatory action.
  • Improves the work of the heart, kidneys.
  • It is great to use potatoes to treat the stomach. Relieves spasms, heals ulcers.
  • Stimulates the work of the entire gastrointestinal tract.
  • Acts as a mild diuretic.
  • Heals wounds.
  • It lowers blood pressure, so it is good to take hypertensive patients.
  • Beneficial effect on the nervous system.
  • It is great to use in cosmetology: it treats acne, relieves inflammation, removes swelling.
  • It has a general strengthening effect.
  • Relieves heartburn.

Potato juice. Contraindications.

Decreased acidity of gastric juice. Strong gas formation in the intestine. Severe forms of diabetes. Obesity.

Potato juice. Treatment.

What is important to know when treating with potato juice?

  • It is best to be treated by them until February. It just accumulates in potatoes later harmful substance- solanine. July to February is the best time to treat with potato juice.
  • Most the best varieties for the treatment of pinkish color. There are many more useful substances. The effectiveness of treatment is higher.
  • Treatment can be carried out only with freshly prepared juice. There are no other options if you want to achieve a cure. Even a refrigerator won't help.
  • Before starting treatment with potato juice, at least 2 weeks in advance, give up meat and fish, spices, spicy, smoked foods, and minimize all sweets. Ideally, switch to vegetables and fruit dishes. And even better raw vegetables, but this is for those who are ready and who have experience. For everyone else, at least the rejection of the first products. During treatment, also follow this diet.
  • 2-3 days before the start of treatment with potato juice, a cleansing enema should be done every evening.
  • It is best to drink potato juice through a straw, because. juice is harmful to tooth enamel.
  • Shake potato juice before drinking.

Of course, you may not adhere to these rules as strictly, but then the treatment may not be as effective.

How to make potato juice?

Rinse potatoes, peel. It is best to use a juicer for this. If you don’t have it, then it’s not bad to cook everything the old fashioned way: grate the tubers on a fine grater, then squeeze the juice through gauze. 2-4 potatoes, depending on the size, are enough for you to make a glass of juice. Take only high-quality, selected tubers. By no means green!

All housewives know that as soon as we peel the potatoes, literally 5 minutes will pass, and it begins to turn black. The same thing happens with juice. Therefore, I repeat once again, treat only with freshly prepared juice.

It is great to mix potato juice with carrot juice and celery juice. And it tastes better this way, and there are more benefits for cleaning and strengthening the immune system. Especially for children, this juice is best suited. Few children like potato juice.

The same recipe can be recommended to everyone with stress, insomnia, irritability, headache. The proportions are arbitrary, as you like. I like this one the best (2 parts potato juice, 2 carrot juice, 1 celery juice). Drink half a glass 3 times a day half an hour before meals for 2-3 weeks.

Potato juice for the stomach.

In diseases of the stomach, intestines, with heartburn, 3 courses of 10 days are carried out with breaks of 10 days.

Drink a glass of potato juice on an empty stomach, then it is recommended to lie down for half an hour. Breakfast can be taken in an hour. 10 days of treatment, 10 days break and so 3 courses.

potato juice with stomach ulcer .

For stomach and duodenal ulcers, it is best to start drinking juice in smaller doses. First, a third of a glass, then a quarter and three-quarters of a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment is 20 days.

potato juice with pancreatitis .

It is best to prepare a mixture of potato and carrot juice, better in half. Take a glass of this juice half an hour before breakfast.

potato juice with prostatitis.

Nowadays, many men face prostatitis. The disease is easily treated entry level. Folk methods treatment is no better than drug treatment. The use of potato juice, along with physical exercises for prostatitis, will help to quickly restore impaired body functions.

For headaches, constipation, hypertension Potato juice is taken in half a glass 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. Can also be added for constipation beetroot juice(only keep it preliminarily for 2 hours at room temperature). Proportions: half potato and beet juice.

With pyelonephritis it is very good to add a little cranberry juice to potato juice, which has antimicrobial action. Take half a glass of juice 3 times a day half an hour before meals.

With diabetes Potato juice is taken in a quarter - half a glass 30 minutes before meals 2-3 times a day. Treatment is best done in a course of 2-3 weeks.

potato juice with angina, sore throat.

Highly good effect gives a rinse. Apply several times a day, quickly helps relieve sore throat. And it is very useful to change the rinse. Now potato, then cabbage juice, then carrots. Everything is checked by our experience. An immunologist once suggested this to me - they strengthened my daughter's nasopharynx. Rinse a little, drink a little juice right there. Wonderful. So she was grateful. And they drank the course for immunity. And the child was simply unrecognizable.

potato juice with myoma, inflammation of the appendages, with all gynecology.

It must be understood that fibroids and all inflammatory diseases This is very serious for any woman. This is where you need to see a doctor. But help yourself, including folk remedies not bad. Take half a glass of potato juice on an empty stomach half an hour before breakfast.

The course of treatment is long - up to six months. But it is necessary to look at the state of health and the presence of other diseases. Often the effect is noticeable after a couple of months. It is especially effective to take potato juice in the initial stages of fibroids.

potato juice with burns, inflammation on the skin .

Make juice, soak gauze with it, apply it on skin areas, fix it. Change every couple of hours.

potato juice in cosmetology.

When preparing potato juice, leave some for yourself, your beloved, to make a mask out of it. Add a little honey to the juice and wipe your face with this lotion. Leave for 20 minutes. wash away warm water. It is also better to conduct such a course of treatment. The code is cleaned up very well. Acne is treated, it is good to use for age spots.

These are the recipes I have for today with potato juice. I will also add my simple recipes about potato treatment. Maybe someone will be useful.

If the child has a fever, simply place potato slices on the forehead from temple to temple. Secure them with a scarf.

And another easy recipe. It happens that you hit, and now severe pain. It was like that with my leg when it hit hard. Tie just grated potatoes to this place, fix everything. Pain relieves great.

My sincere gift is one of my favorite romances by Rimsky-Korsakov to the words of Alexei Tolstoy performed by Elena Obraztsova Not the wind, blowing from above . At the piano Vazha Chachava. So everything is subtle, unusual, aristocratic in the best sense of the word. Now we are just working on this romance with one of our soloists. Listen to everything yourself.

I wish you all health, health from nature and with the most simple recipes. Let there be comfort, harmony and Love in your home.

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    15 Mar 2013 at 2:20



















    Potatoes are a real storehouse of nutrients. It contains vitamins of group B (including folic acid) and C, amino acids, as well as phosphorus, silicon, potassium, calcium, zinc, copper and other trace elements, vital necessary for a person. The trouble is that even with the most sparing heat treatment(steaming or in “uniforms”, baking in a peel) it is possible to save no more than 70% of the useful substances of the tuber.

    To solve this problem, naturopathic doctors as a therapeutic and prophylactic from various diseases recommend drinking raw potato juice: it is easily digested and saturates the body with compounds that increase immunity.

    The benefits of potato juice

    Potato juice has many medicinal properties:

    • strengthens the immune system;
    • serves as a mild laxative, normalizes the process of bowel cleansing;
    • has a diuretic effect;
    • normalizes metabolism;
    • helps to get rid of heartburn;
    • relieves pain from bruises, inflamed joints and migraines;
    • has an antibacterial effect;
    • helps with inflammatory processes;
    • accelerates the process of tissue regeneration;
    • promotes wound healing;
    • lowers blood pressure;
    • strengthens blood vessels;
    • prevents hair loss;
    • strengthens weak and loose gums;
    • eliminates skin irritations, acne;
    • brightens circles under the eyes;
    • smoothes fine wrinkles.

    Attention! Self-medication can be harmful to health, before using the product, consult your doctor.

    Preparation for a course of treatment with potato juice

    Potato juice is a powerful medicine. Therefore, you need to seriously prepare for its reception. At the time of treatment should be excluded from the diet of alcohol, meat and fish products, as well as confectionery, coffee, carbonated water and drinks containing sugar. It is advisable to eat raw vegetables, fruits, buckwheat. From dairy products, it is necessary to give preference to fermented baked milk, kefir, natural yoghurts.

    A few days before the start of the course of treatment, it is recommended to do one or two cleansing enemas (every other day). They can be replaced by castor oil in capsules.

    How to make healthy potato juice

    For potato juice to bring maximum benefit, you need to choose tubers, guided by the following rules:

    • the juice of young potatoes is most useful (from June to September). Less useful, but suitable for use, are tubers that have been stored until February inclusive. Juice from old potatoes (starting in March) can be harmful to health;
    • in no case should sprouted or green potatoes be used to make juice;
    • Most of the nutrients are found in pink-skinned tubers. Potatoes with yellow pulp are the least suitable for juice;
    • so that the juice does not cause harm to health, it is desirable that only organic fertilizers be used when growing potatoes and various pesticides are not used.

    Most of the nutrients are found under the skin of the tubers. Therefore, for making juice, it is better not to peel the tubers, but simply wash them thoroughly. Potato juice loses its healing properties within 10-15 minutes after preparation. Therefore, it must be drunk immediately after pressing.

    The best way to make juice is to use a juicer. If it is not there, the potatoes can be chopped on a fine grater, and the resulting slurry can be squeezed out through several layers of gauze.

    Potato juice for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

    Potato juice is extremely useful for gastritis with high acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers. It is recommended to take it for constipation, dyspepsia, heartburn.

    Starch, which is contained in the juice, envelops the gastric mucosa and prevents injury. Juice has a depressing effect on the causative agent of gastritis - bacterium Helicobacter pylori, reduces inflammation and accelerates the process of scarring of the ulcer.

    The body, weakened by the disease, needs to be given time to adapt to an unusual product. Therefore, they start taking juice with one tablespoon two to three times a day. You need to drink juice 30-40 minutes before meals. After taking the medicine, you should lie down for at least half an hour. Working people can take potato juice twice a day: in the morning and in the evening, but in this case they will have to add an additional course.

    The juice doesn't taste very good. If it causes nausea, you can add a little honey, beet or carrot juice. For those who do not like sweets, it is recommended to mix the juice of potatoes and celery root.

    Three days later, when the body adapts to an unfamiliar product, the dose is increased to 50 g, after another three days - up to 100 g. For gastritis with high acidity, they drink potato juice in courses of 10 days, making a ten-day break between them. In total, three to four courses will be needed.

    With a stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer, the course is 20 days, the break between courses is 10 days. During the first course, the dose is gradually increased from a tablespoon to 100 g (half a glass) two to three times a day. All subsequent courses drink 100 g two to four times a day half an hour before meals. As in the treatment of gastritis, after taking the juice, it is recommended to lie down for half an hour. Two to three courses are needed for a cure.

    With heartburn, dyspepsia, chronic constipation, potato juice is also taken in courses of 10 days with a ten-day break. It is drunk 200-250 g once a day (preferably in the morning, half an hour before meals). It is allowed to mix potato juice with pumpkin juice in a ratio of 1: 1, as well as add 50-100 g of freshly squeezed apple juice. If a person does not suffer from gastritis or stomach ulcers, it is recommended to add 50 g of cranberry juice to the mixture.

    Since migraine can be the result of slagging of the body and chronic constipation, after treatment with potato juice, headaches either stop altogether, or the attacks become much weaker and less frequent.

    Potato juice for cholecystitis and pancreatitis

    Potato juice helps with inflammatory processes in gallbladder and pancreas. This healing fluid normalizes the excretion process digestive enzymes. The only condition: juice is allowed to be taken only during the period of remission, but in no case during an exacerbation.

    The course of juice intake is 10 days, during which it is necessary to drink once a day, in the morning, on an empty stomach, an hour and a half before meals, 200 g of potato juice. For taste, it is allowed to add 50-100 g of carrot juice or 50 g of celery root juice to it. To achieve positive results, you will need 3-4 courses. The break between two courses is 10 days.

    Potato juice in diseases of the cardiovascular system

    Thanks to high content vitamins of groups B and C, as well as potassium, potato juice strengthens the walls of blood vessels and the heart muscle.

    With hypertension, it is recommended to drink 200 g of a mixture of potato and beet juice for ten days in the morning, on an empty stomach, an hour before meals.
    With tachycardia, you should drink 100 g of potato juice in the morning, an hour before meals, for 14 days. A break between courses is a week, 3-4 courses will be needed.

    According to the same scheme, they drink potato juice and varicose veins veins. At night, juice compresses are applied to sore spots.

    Potato juice during pregnancy and gynecological diseases

    Pregnant women often suffer from constipation. Potato juice works both as a mild laxative and as a diuretic that eliminates puffiness. Its undoubted advantage is the high content of potassium. Any diuretic drug, together with the liquid, necessarily removes this useful trace element from the body. Potato juice simultaneously with the excretion of fluid saturates the body with potassium, which has a beneficial effect on the state of the cardiovascular system.

    Juice contains a large number of folic acid required for fetal development. Therefore, drinking potato juice is useful at any stage of pregnancy, but especially in the second trimester. It is recommended to drink 100 g of juice in the morning, one hour before meals. The duration of the course is 21 days, the duration of the break between courses is 7–10 days.

    With erosion of the cervix and inflammation of the appendages, it is necessary to drink on an empty stomach for two weeks, 30 minutes before breakfast, 200 g of potato juice with a teaspoon of honey (if you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with a teaspoon of sugar, and even better - chilled stevia infusion). The interval between courses is a week. Repeat courses until complete recovery. Douching with potato juice is also recommended.

    With myoma, 100 g of freshly squeezed pink potato juice should be drunk on an empty stomach, half an hour before breakfast, for 6 months. Then they take a break for 4-6 months and, if necessary, repeat the course. The effect of taking the drug is usually noticeable within a month after the start of treatment. However, juice can only be taken on initial stage diseases when the tumor is still small and surgical intervention not required.

    Naturopaths treat an ovarian cyst with a mixture of potato juice and sulfur, but in this case, you must first consult a doctor.

    Potato juice and some other diseases

    In the old days, crushed raw potatoes were the most effective means against scurvy. Due to the high content of vitamin C, the juice strengthens loose gums and prevents loosening of teeth. It is necessary twice a day, in the morning and in the evening, after brushing your teeth, keep the juice in your mouth for 5-10 minutes. Side effect such a procedure - the juice kills the bacteria that provoke caries, even in those places where the toothbrush could not be reached. With a toothache, rinsing with potato juice brings tangible relief.

    At colds it is recommended to gargle with freshly squeezed potato juice several times a day. He stops inflammatory process, relieves pain, kills pathogens. To enhance the effect, you can add one or two drops of iodine to the juice. When iodine reacts with starch, the juice will immediately turn blue. Thanks to starch, iodine disinfects the mucous membrane of the throat and oral cavity but won't burn it. Instead of iodine, 4-5 drops of hydrogen peroxide are sometimes added to the juice.

    stress and syndrome chronic fatigue- the scourge of city dwellers. Meanwhile, most often it's just a lack of vitamins. With stress, insomnia, excessive nervousness, it is necessary to drink a mixture of 50 g of potato juice, 50 g of carrot juice and 20-30 g of celery juice 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. This remedy has a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

    Drinking potato juice significantly improves the condition of patients with type II diabetes. In this case, it is necessary to drink 50-100 g of juice (the norm is selected depending on the reaction of the body) 2-3 times a day half an hour before meals. The course is 21 days, the interval between two courses is a week. 2-5 courses should be held per year.

    For the prevention of Parkinson's disease in the elderly, as well as those who have weak vessels, it is recommended to treat once a year with potato juice according to the scheme described above.

    Potato juice for weight loss

    Most often, the presence of excess weight is due to metabolic disorders due to malnutrition and sedentary image life. Dietitians claim that constant feeling hunger is due to a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body. From this point of view, potato juice is ideal. dietary product: it is low-calorie, but very rich in useful substances.

    Taking potato juice allows you to make weight loss gradual. But at the end of the course excess weight does not take long. Due to the high content of vitamins B and C, the skin in problem areas becomes more elastic and does not sag in folds, as during normal fasting, but gently tightens.

    The diet with potato juice is not too strict, you don’t need to get out of it in a special way, and if you have to eat something tasty, but not at all healthy, at a party during the course of taking juice, nothing bad will happen, just the diet will need to be extended for week.

    Within two weeks, it is necessary to drink 100-150 g of freshly squeezed potato juice in the morning and in the evening half an hour before meals. To make the taste more pleasant, it is allowed to add a little pumpkin, apple or carrot juice to it. If you don’t feel like eating in the morning, you can do without breakfast or combine it with an afternoon snack. For dinner, you should eat some light dish, preferably a vegetable. For two weeks of such a diet, you can lose 3-4 kg. If desired, the course is repeated in a month.

    Potato juice in cosmetology

    For those who take at least a few courses of potato juice a year, the network of vessels on the face gradually disappears. In order to get rid of acne, you need to wipe your face every evening with a swab dipped in freshly squeezed potato juice. At the same time, you should wipe the neck and décolleté area: this is an excellent prevention of wrinkles. The juice softens and whitens the skin. It has a particularly beneficial effect on skin that is weathered or burned by the sun.

    If you apply tampons dipped in potato juice on your eyelids for 20 minutes every day, you can permanently get rid of dark circles under the eyes.

    Contraindications to taking potato juice

    Potato juice is not a panacea, and not everyone can take it. It is contraindicated:

    • with gastritis with low acidity;
    • with exacerbations of pancreatitis and cholecystitis;
    • at severe forms diabetes.

    The dangers of potato juice oncological diseases due to what one can expect positive effect wasting precious time. Therefore, it is dangerous to self-medicate. When serious illness you should consult a doctor, and then strictly adhere to his prescriptions.

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