Body healing system. Removal of old cells from the body. Pickled herbs, vegetables and fruits

Health system of K. P. Buteyko

Recall that the author of this system, Konstantin Pavlovich Buteyko, while still a young man, became seriously ill. He developed malignant hypertension, headaches and heart pain, and insomnia. Knowing that he had no more than a year and a half left to live, he began to look for a way out of the situation. And found. The future author of the classical system of healing through breathing noticed that when deep breath his whole chest was getting worse - dizziness, weakness, pain in his heart appeared. When he did the opposite, his condition after only a few minutes improved. From this observation, the theoretical concept of the Buteyko method was formed: main reason many diseases is a deficiency carbon dioxide(CO2) in the lung alveoli caused by deep breathing. It turns out that the deeper you breathe, the worse the condition of the body will be. According to Buteyko to "diseases deep breathing» include not only lung diseases proper: asthma, asthmatic bronchitis, pulmonary emphysema, bronchiectasis, pneumosclerosis, but also hypertension of the small circle (heart disease), hypertonic disease, angina pectoris, disorders cerebral circulation, obliterating endarteritis, cerebral vascular sclerosis and some others. The outcome of all these diseases is sclerosis of individual organs, which ends with a brain infarction or myocardial infarction.

normal breathing healthy person is a slow shallow breath (2-3 seconds), a slow exhalation (3-4 seconds) and then a pause (3-4 seconds), during which the lungs rest after exhalation. In the Buteyko system, all attention should be paid to reducing the depth of inhalation and increasing the pause after exhalation. In addition, it is necessary to carry out periodic maximum breath holdings after exhalation. A pause of 60 seconds is the norm. Anything less is deep breathing sickening. The smallest pause of 5 seconds is a threat to life. A pause above sixty seconds speaks of a person's super-endurance. The maximum pause is 180 seconds, Buteyko himself trained up to such a breath hold.

The pause is measured like this. The patient sits on the edge of a chair. The back is straight, it is impossible to breathe through the mouth. (According to Buteyko, we should always breathe only through the nose. Then the inhaled air is disinfected, warmed and humidified. When we breathe through the mouth, nothing like this happens.) A normal exhalation is made, after which the nose is pinched with fingers. The seconds for which the breath is held are counted. Holding your breath introduces you into a state of “slight lack of air”, after which you need to breathe calmly and shallowly, trying to maintain a feeling of lack of air for as long as possible. If drawn to " deep breath", you have to start over.

The second exercise is holding your breath while walking. You need to hold your nose and walk around the room. Then open it and restore breathing. As soon as the breath has calmed down, everything should be repeated for about five minutes.

There is an effective way to reduce the amount of inhalation - through the relaxation of the whole body, and not due to the willful "under-breathing".

In principle, these exercises can be performed in any position - lying or sitting on the floor, legs crossed. The main thing is to learn to keep yourself in a lack of air. After holding the breath, you need to make a control pause again - sit up straight, holding your nose, and count the seconds for which the breath is held during exhalation. The indicators should become a little higher after the first lesson.

The control pause in almost all patients in the first sessions is approximately 15–17 seconds. The author claims that after exercising for several days, almost everyone notes that the symptoms of the disease go away - someone began to sleep better, someone reduced their pill intake ... But the main indicator of improving lung function, and therefore healing the body, is the size of the control pause .

The technique provides classes six times a day. As with any system, there are many subtleties that are best familiarized with in advance. As you have already understood, the Buteyko method is a non-drug method of treatment. It was created on the basis of a fundamentally new view of the mechanism of the development of diseases, including those to which our book is devoted.

Buteyko's healing method, called by the author "volitional elimination of deep breathing", is, first of all, new look life. The author warns: if you later refuse it, the disease may return.

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Buteyko Method © AST Publishing House LLC All rights reserved. No part electronic version this book may not be reproduced in any form or by any means, including posting on the Internet and in corporate networks, for private and

From the author's book

Part Two The healing method developed by K.P.

From the author's book

Part II The Wellness System You have tested yourself and determined your coronary risk. Let's say you have every reason to go to health system. The degree of coronary risk, or the threat of a heart attack (stroke), is moderate or even high. Don't fall into

The most effective method of healing the body

Until the age of fifty, I probably, like most people, did not pay attention to my health and did not attach special significance exercise. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue. When I woke up in the morning, I couldn't get out of bed.

After a slight cooling, I was shackled by sciatica. I spent two months in the hospital. Cardiogram showed angina pectoris, heart failure, atrial fibrillation and other heart defects. Hypertension began to progress rapidly.

Ultrasound revealed an adenoma prostate. He was discharged from the hospital and thought about how to live on. I had a desire to understand complex device human body. Having studied many medical literature, I have developed my own method of healing the body, which I constantly update with new knowledge and my own experience. I am 86 years old and have a bunch of diseases that I not only do not allow to progress, but also weaken them harmful actions. Radiculitis cured completely, mainly by therapeutic exercises.

Waking up at 7 o'clock in the morning, I measure arterial pressure automatic blood pressure monitor I write down my testimony in my diary. Decide what dose of pill to take. I do not allow the pressure to rise above 130/80, since even with a slight increase in pressure, the heart suffers from overload. It wears out faster. And the normal functioning of all organs depends on the work of the heart. And with very high blood pressure, not only the heart suffers, but also the blood vessels.

For more than two years I have not taken any pills for the treatment of hypertension. Through my many experiences, I have developed a way to relieve pressure by stretching the spine. In addition, I reduce the pressure with melt water; after rotating it in a circle clockwise for 5-7 minutes. I suppose that the stretching of the spine has a positive effect on all organs, since the compression of the nerve fibers passing between the vertebrae from the brain to all organs is reduced. After stretching the spine, I clean the blood and lymph.

To do this, I take a spoonful of unrefined sunflower oil into my mouth and shake it under my tongue for 21 minutes, and then spit it out and rinse my mouth well. Under the tongue are large blood vessels and lymphatic vessels. The oil absorbs (absorbs) slags, toxins, salts, mucus and all harmful substances from the blood and lymph that harm our health and shorten life.

I borrowed this cleaning method from Tibetan traditional medicine, slightly changing it. For bowel cleansing, I drink a mug (350 ml) of flint water with the addition of a teaspoon apple cider vinegar and stop spoon, honey. I drink water in small sips, holding it in my mouth. At the same time, the blood is thinned, and the heart and brain receive good food(honey, vitamins and trace elements).

After sleep, you need to activate the work of the so-called "peripheral hearts" (skeletal muscles), which drive venous blood to the heart and suck arterial blood from the heart, thereby facilitating the work of the heart muscle. To do this, I perform such physical exercises in order to improve blood circulation in all organs and, first of all, provide the brain with enough oxygen. I do all the exercises 49 times. In Tibetan folk medicine, the number 7 is considered magical: 7×7=49.

Physical exercises performed lying on your back.

1. For hands. I bend my fingers, squeeze them into a fist, wave my brushes, turn them around. Leaning on my elbows, I describe with my hands as large circles as possible in one direction and the other. Then I wave my hands towards myself - from myself.

2. For legs. I move my fingers, move my feet towards me - away from me, rotate them in one direction and then in the other direction. And finally, I turn my feet to the left and right.

3. To activate capillary blood circulation, I raise my legs and arms vertically upwards and vibrate them for two minutes. And then I stretch my legs forward, and I wind up my hands, behind the back of my head, fingers crossed. I vibrate my whole body for two minutes too.

4. I do a stomach massage in a circular motion clockwise (in the direction of food movement) with palms superimposed on each other. This eliminates the prolapse of the stomach and kidneys, improves digestion and the work of the stomach, intestines, spleen, pancreas, kidneys, as stagnation in them is eliminated. 5. I take a breath with my stomach, sticking it out as much as possible. Without holding my breath, I repeat short breaths through my mouth through tightly compressed lips in a count of 1-2-3-4-5-6-7. This exercise is a massage internal organs.

Sitting exercises

1. I massage the soles of the feet and occipital part neck roller massager. These zones are biologically active points all organs, so their work is activated.

2. I firmly press the palms of my hands to my ears and, without tearing them off, moderately tap my fingers on the back of the head. So I cured headache that haunted me from a young age. Then I massage my ears, moving my palms up and down, which increases the blood circulation of the brain.

Standing exercises

I rise on my toes, 1 cm off the floor and, clenching my teeth, sharply fall to the floor. At the same time, stagnation of blood in the coronary valves and the formation of blood clots are eliminated, and the development of a heart attack is prevented. This concludes the morning workout.


The main rule of my diet is to eat only when I'm hungry and eat as little as possible. I eat slowly and thoroughly chew food, moderately warm. I don't drink tea after meals digestive juices will liquefy and the food will be poorly digested. I try to diversify my food. Special attention I give products containing potassium and magnesium, so necessary for the heart and brain. This is oatmeal and buckwheat porridge, potato. In the morning vegetable salads with sour cream or sunflower oil. I add a boiled egg to the salad and occasionally wheat germ, which have valuable medicinal properties. In the morning I drink a spoonful of olive oil, and in the evening, too, a spoonful of flaxseed. Will never be constipated linseed oil. These oils must be unrefined, as refined oils do not have healing properties.

Every day I do other ways of healing

1. Massage of the whole body and head.

2. Before breakfast, gymnastics of 21 exercises is applicable; to my illnesses.

3. Breathing exercises Strelnikova. So I got rid of my breath.

4. In the evening I take a bath with warm magnetic water for 20 minutes. This contributes to the expansion of the ureters, the removal of sand and small stones from the kidneys, sore joints are treated, harmful substances are released from the body with sweat, and the skin is freed from sweat deposits. The nervous system calms down, which contributes to quick falling asleep and restful sleep.

5. I heat the liver with a heating pad for 35 minutes. The great scientist A.S. Zalmanov argued: "Who wants to live longer and not get sick, must warm up his liver."

6. Twice a day I lie with my legs up for 14 minutes. It promotes outflow venous blood from the legs, prevents the formation varicose veins veins, edema of the cardiac and renal nature is removed.

7. I try to visit every day fresh air in the form of a walk with a bag in hand. I don't use public transport.

8. I do not allow lifting heavy weights, as it was before. With a weakened body, this leads to prolapse of the stomach. Then the valve located between the stomach and the duodenum tightly

does not close. Strongly alkaline bile from the duodenum enters the stomach and neutralizes the acids contained in it; Violated, digestion of food. In the intestines, food rots and poisons the entire body.

9. Our blood becomes strongly alkalized and thickens from meat and especially from dairy products, as well as from drinking water. In them high content calcium ions (alkaline element). Therefore, to thin the blood, I acidify it with ascorbic acid (vitamin C) during meals, one gram per day. And the melt water obtained by freezing and thawing loses up to 70% of calcium. One gram of vitamin C ( ascorbic acid) was taken by Academician A.A. Mikulin (aircraft engine designer), who developed his health system when he became seriously ill at the age of 50. He lived active life up to 96 years old.

10. I found that dehydration contributes to the appearance various diseases. Especially in this case, the brain suffers. Therefore, I drink at least 1.5 liters of melt water per day, taking into account all liquids.

11. To improve the air in the bedroom, I have an enamel pan with flint water.

12. When clothes rub against the body, positive electric charges appear on it, which act depressingly on the body. To remove them from my body, I “ground myself” several times a day, i.e. I hold on to the metal part of the faucet for 2-3 minutes.

13. Good soothing nervous system and my 3-year-old smart cat hides my loneliness. She uses the toilet on a par with me, and sometimes asks to give her a seat. One morning I watched how she "stretches into line", i.e. stretches the spine. I thought it was the instinct of self-preservation, and began to do it myself. I have noticed that it lowers blood pressure. For more than two years now I have not taken any pills for pressure, which reached 190/110 mm Hg. column, but only stretching the spine with simultaneous impulse volitional breathing. It is known that between the vertebrae are nerve fibers from the brain to all organs. They are squeezed by the vertebrae because of our vertical position body, and even from carrying heavy loads. So, in my opinion, stretching the spine not only reduces pressure for 12 or more hours, but also contributes to the healing of all organs,

14. According to medical research, weak magnetic fields have a positive effect on the brain. To do this, I put a ring of 7 turns of insulated wire with soldered ends on my head. According to the law of electromagnetic induction in this ring appears electricity by influencing it magnetic field Earth. This small current creates its own small magnetic field, which directly affects the brain.

a) blood pressure drops to 10 units.

b) the process of falling asleep and sleep improves.

c) memory improves a little

d) noise in the ears disappears.

15. In the morning after waking up, lying in bed, being in a semi-drowsy state, listening to my breathing and heartbeat, I say 3 times: “Every day, with God help my health is getting stronger, I feel strong and cheerful”

16. When doing physical exercises, I disconnect from * all thoughts, and direct all attention to therapeutic effect these exercises. It's not easy, but it's a must. It is known that the dependence of a positive physiological effect on the mood of one's thinking when performing physical exercises is scientifically substantiated.

17. I always try to be calm and friendly with people.

18. I find joy in life without smoking and alcohol.

19. For general health I massage the symmetrical points under the knees of the “Zu-san-pi” body. To find it, you need to sit on the patella with the palm of the same hand (middle patella in the middle of the palm). Below the tip of the little finger, at the level of the end of the middle finger, there will be this point. They can be heated with salt heated in a bag for 21 minutes. I also massage the “he-gu” points between the thumb and forefinger.

20. I heal all my illnesses with tinctures and infusions of herbs. It turns out. I don't take pills. I also use for the treatment of seafood and bee products.

In May, I underwent a medical examination. The test results are satisfactory.

Be healthy!

Now it is unusually fashionable to talk about the most effective and right ways healing of the whole human body. And it is quite understandable today that everyone wants to be healthy and look as natural as possible.

Unfortunately, life in today's modern world is simply replete with a huge variety of factors that negatively affect the health of each person extremely negatively. Moreover, the main of these factors are both poor ecology and the very dubious quality of most modern products food, and drinking water heavily contaminated with slags or toxins.

This can also include insufficiently high-quality, not always timely medical care, and of course stressful situations that overtake a modern person literally every day and a lot of bad habits. This is probably why today it is so important to pay regular attention to the urgently needed improvement of the whole organism with the help of the most various techniques and public funds.

A few basic principles of healing the human body

Initially, I would like to say that the human body (as nature intended) is an incredibly complex interdependent complete system biological type, based on close connections and interaction of literally all its organs or their systems. Therefore, every person who wants to improve their health needs to use several methods in a complex way for the general improvement of the whole organism, which in turn improves physical health person, his quality of life, and even increases life expectancy.

  • Firstly, it is important to regularly conduct high-quality cleansing of the most vital human organs or their entire systems. We are talking, first of all, about cleansing the intestines - the place where most of the main processes of digestion take place. And also about cleansing the liver or kidneys, since it is these organs that are responsible for cleaning our blood, it is they who are able to remove soluble (both in water and in numerous fats) toxins from the body. And, of course, about purges vascular system human, which is necessary to improve the systems of blood flow and lymph flow. We must also not forget about cleaning the joints, to maintain the normal condition of the entire musculoskeletal system.
  • Secondly, and regularly use moderate, but not excessive physical activity, which is incredibly useful for healing the whole body. For example, it is usually quite enough to perform a small set of simple exercises daily, in the form morning exercises, which should last for 5 ten or fifteen minutes. In addition, it is recommended to go jogging at least once or twice a week, you can instead ride a bike, rollerblade or skate, maybe just swim.
  • Thirdly, it is incredibly important to constantly lead a normal, fairly active lifestyle. At the same time, one should not forget about a completely healthy good sleep during which the entire human body is able to recover. But as for proper healthy nutrition, it should always be balanced, comprehensive, contain as many correct natural products. Of course, it is necessary to try to maintain the correct ratio of the so-called vegetarian and less wholesome animal food, when there should be approximately 85% plant food and 15% animal food.

Speaking about human nutrition for healing the body, it is always recommended to give preference to: oily fish, and not the same meat, some cereal dishes, rather than potatoes, vegetables and raw sweet fruits, pastries and cakes for a week.

In addition, for a general holistic healing of the body, doctors recommend consuming as much fresh herbs as possible, ordinary nuts, it is recommended to exclude numerous flour products, sweets, tea, strong coffee, as well as any alcoholic beverages.

It is incredibly important to be able to get rid of the unusually harmful and even dangerous habit of constant overeating, because you should eat about five or even six times a day (fractionally) and in very small portions. In this case, the last of the meals must be carried out no later than four hours before going to bed.

Every day, to improve orgasm, you must try to use maximum amount liquids, including fresh natural juices. But as a full-fledged therapy with moderate slagging of the body, it is recommended to take proper sunbathing daily for at least twenty minutes. It is equally important to regularly walk and stay as much time as possible in nature (meaning in the fresh air), preferably in areas with a lot of green spaces or simply on the banks of natural reservoirs.

The main methods and methods of healing the human body

Of course, today people have invented many wonderful opportunities that can allow a person to maintain their health as long as possible. At the same time, the main thing is to be able to make a real right choice, because for the use, literally, each of these methods usually requires a strictly individual approach.

For example, some of the methods of healing the body may be completely contraindicated for patients with oncological problems, while other methods may not be suitable for allergy sufferers or experienced hypertensive patients. However, today there are also a lot of unique universal techniques that can improve general state physical and physiological health, which can be very beneficial for almost everyone.

So, let's say, a fairly effective and popular method of healing the body can be considered, and in particular, regular dousing with cool or even enough cold water. There is also a softer (sparing) version of such hardening - this is a contrast shower, and perhaps elementary walking around the house barefoot.

In addition, you should separately pay attention to a full-fledged winter swimming or swimming in the winter in the icy water of open natural reservoirs. This method, is undoubtedly considered one of the best for full hardening, to increase immune protection organism, one of the most strong methods in natural physiotherapy, which has already been able to help many people to completely recover from many fairly serious ailments.

But next way, which allows us to perfectly heal our body - this is the regular adoption of certain healing sometimes herbal baths. For example, to obtain the desired, and sometimes urgently needed healing effect, natural water is added to the prepared bath water. sea ​​salt, various decoctions medicinal herbs or even the most beneficial essential oils.

By the way, doctors also include here turpentine, hydrogen sulfide baths, which usually contribute to the speedy restoration of the capillaries of our epidermis. In addition, such baths perfectly stabilize the work of the entire cardiovascular, nervous and even endocrine systems. But in the course of the positive impact of the so-called hyperthermal baths, some expansion of the smallest vessels usually occurs, as a result, this leads to the normalization of blood circulation in any tissues. Baths of this kind eliminate blood stasis, as well as lymph stasis, while the cells, of course, begin to eat much better.

And of course, other methods of healing the human body should also include properly conducted breathing exercises, periodic therapeutic fasting, as well as hot Russian baths or more modern Finnish saunas. In addition to this, for recent times Incredible popularity among people is acquiring this kind of unconventional ways wellness as:

  • phototherapy technique.
  • Apitherapy.
  • The same is the method of acupuncture (or Chinese acupuncture) or moxibustion.
  • homeopathic methods.
  • Of course, and even Ayurveda.

It should be noted that today there is a lot of real evidence that some healers who practice certain alternative methods of treatment can often help people who have been trying to get rid of certain unpleasant ailments for years.

How to heal the body yourself at home?

I would like to say that today, in order to improve their own health, people do not have to constantly use purely expensive professional methods or procedures using certain medications. It is generally accepted that time-tested folk remedies can be no less effective for the full recovery of the whole organism.

At the same time, the main advantages of such folk methods, of course, is the maximum ease of use, and of course completely safe natural origin. Note that for such self-healing at home can be used, indeed, the most inherently different components.

Most often, the improvement of the body, carried out at home, is aimed at primary cleansing and even rejuvenation of the body, for which you can use a variety of methods or means. For example, one of the simplest, but at the same time the most effective ways recovery is the regular use in the morning on an empty stomach of a properly prepared fortified mixture.

And to prepare such a mixture, you need to prepare about 200 ml of purified water, where you will have to add one full tablespoon of May honey and the same amount of vinegar, fresh lemon juice, cherry juice, cranberries or lingonberries. The mixture prepared in this way is able to speed up the metabolism, as well as contribute to the best removal of numerous toxins, such a mixture also contributes to the rapid cleansing of the liver.

Proper healing of the whole organism - or what is first of all important to pay attention to

Quite often, some folk methods of healing the body may involve the use of useful (or even medicinal) properties of a wide variety of pharmaceutical plants or medicinal herbs. For example, in order to improve the body, you can easily prepare a certain herbal infusion significantly boosting immune defenses.

To prepare such a recipe, approximately 100 grams of dried herbs should be prepared, such as:

  • Flowers .
  • Color .
  • Grass.
  • As well as dried birch buds.

These ingredients are mixed and placed in a tightly closed container or other vessel. Then one dessert spoon of the resulting mixture is poured with boiling water, after which it is placed for about fifteen minutes in a boiling water bath.

Further, the already prepared and cooled infusion is taken only fresh three times a day, in fact, until the originally prepared collection is over. It is important to say that this type of healing course should be carried out no more than once a year. At the same time, it is impossible not to understand that the full recovery of the body can truly play a huge role for general health person.

And all because it good health can allow a person to enjoy a truly happy full-fledged life for as long as possible, as well as look young, healthy and attractive enough. At the same time, the basis of regularly conducted healing procedures should be the systematic, properly carried out cleansing of various organs or entire systems, adequate physical exercise, a fully active (healthy) lifestyle without bad habits, rational balanced diet and, of course, maintaining an adequate daily routine.

Currently, people are increasingly thinking about how to prolong life, avoid many diseases and maintain health until old age. For this, proven methods or popular novelties are used. But before you carry out the improvement of the body, you should study all the existing methods and factors, existing contraindications, consult with your doctor.

You need to take care of your body not only when any diseases are detected, but also to prevent ailments, strengthen immunity. It is very important to carry out rehabilitation in a comprehensive manner, paying attention to all vital organs and systems.

Traditional healing methods

well-known hygiene factors- this is a healthy lifestyle, regular physical activity, the distribution of the daily routine, the rejection of bad habits. At sedentary work, you should take walks, perform simple exercises during the day. It is useful to visit the pool, ride a bike. The main methods of healing the body are cleansing the internal organs, proper nutrition, strengthening the immune system.

Proper nutrition

To normalize the work of organs digestive system should review your daily diet. The menu should be balanced, saturate the body with vitamins and microelements. For this it is useful to use:

  • fresh fruits;
  • vegetables;
  • cereals;
  • legume crops.

Fatty, fried, smoked, salty foods, mayonnaise, carbonated drinks, sweets are forbidden products. They help slow down the metabolism cholesterol plaques in the blood, disruption gastrointestinal tract, increase the load on the liver.

Important factors: diet and sleep. Eating should be regular, you need to eat in small portions. Before the end of dinner, there should be a slight feeling of hunger, because saturation occurs in 10-15 minutes. Daily rate fluid consumption is 2 liters, you need to drink only clean, non-carbonated water.

The last meal should take place 3-4 hours before bedtime, because during this period the metabolic processes in the body.

Healthy foods:

  • dietary meats;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • nuts;
  • fat free dairy products;
  • boiled or baked fish;
  • bran bread.

Used to make salads olive oil. From cereals, you can cook buckwheat, oatmeal, rice porridge. If stick correct mode nutrition, there is not only an improvement of the body, but also the weight is normalized, the condition of the skin improves, the general tone increases.

Cleansing the body

In the course of life, the body accumulates a large number of harmful toxins and slags that cause intoxication. Cleansing the organs helps to eliminate toxic substances.

When starting cleaning, you need to follow the basic steps, if they are performed in the wrong order, positive result fail to achieve. First, the colon is cleansed with therapeutic enemas, this can be done at home or under the supervision of a specialist. Recovery is contraindicated:

  • with ulcerative colitis;
  • with cancer of the rectum, large intestine;
  • at severe forms hemorrhoids;
  • with Crohn's disease.

The next step is to cleanse the liver. 2-3 days before the procedure, they eat only plant foods and natural juices, drink a lot of warm liquids. Cleansing is done with vegetable oil or medicinal herbs with a choleretic effect. Some time after cleaning, stones from the gallbladder, various flakes and threads come out along with feces.

It is contraindicated to do the procedure for malignant tumors and exacerbation of cholecystitis.

After the liver, the kidneys are cleansed. Preliminary observe therapeutic starvation. The procedure is carried out using a specially prepared remedy made from medicinal herbs with a diuretic effect and essential oils. As a result, there is a gradual dissolution and removal of stones. With caution, cleansing is carried out with acute infectious diseases of the kidneys or with serious pathologies organ.

The last step is to cleanse the body of accumulated toxins. Help in this natural methods: physical activity that contributes to the oxidation and removal of toxins, preventing their appearance in the future. It is useful to drink natural juices from:

Enterosorbents are used to cleanse the blood of toxins ( Activated carbon). A visit to the bath or sauna helps to eliminate toxins through the steamed open pores of the skin. Thermal treatments contraindicated in hypertension.

Step-by-step recovery steps help to cleanse organs, blood, systems, and cells from accumulated toxic substances and stone deposits. Recovering them normal functioning, are activated vitally important processes in the body.

Recovery by hardening

Improving the body with the help of hardening helps to strengthen the immune defense, increase resistance to viruses and infections. Before starting the procedure, you should consult with your doctor. There are several types of hardening:

  • dousing with water;
  • winter swimming - swimming in ice water;
  • walking barefoot;
  • cold and hot shower;
  • aerotherapy - treatment with air;
  • heliotherapy - hardening by the sun.

Rehabilitation begins only when a person is absolutely healthy. The habituation of the organism should occur gradually. For example, when dousing, first use water at room temperature, gradually lower the degree. If a child is tempered, start with contrast shower legs, then to the waist and so on.

In the human body, adaptation to environmental conditions is developed, the work of all organs and systems improves. Are activated natural factors protect the body from colds, viral diseases.

Breathing exercises

A.N. Strelnikova in 1972 created therapeutic breathing exercises. It was founded by short and sharp breaths through the nose and passive exhalations through the mouth. As a result, body tissues are saturated with oxygen, metabolic processes are accelerated, and immunity is increased. Gymnastics is recommended for both therapeutic and preventive purposes.

For therapeutic purposes, the procedure is performed 2 times a day, for health promotion - in the morning or in the evening after exercise. Healing the body with breathing exercises Strelnikova helps to reduce the number colds treat diseases of the respiratory organs, genitourinary system. Vision improves with myopia, posture in people suffering from scoliosis, mental capacity, memory.

Therapeutic fasting

Unloading diet therapy or fasting is a voluntary abstinence from food intake for 1-3 days. During this period, excess body fat is burned, a natural cleansing of the body is performed. Fasting can be complete, absolute or combined.

  1. At complete failure from food, the use of liquids in unlimited quantities is allowed.
  2. With absolute - it is forbidden to eat and drink, it lasts no more than 2 days.
  3. Recovery by the combined method involves the combination of the first two in certain days. In addition, other cleansing procedures and physical activity are performed.

Therapeutic starvation can last from 1 to 40 days. After abstinence, they adhere to restorative nutrition: natural juices, raw vegetables and fruits, then dairy products. Such a diet is observed as long as the fasting lasted.


  • diseases of the cardiovascular, circulatory system;
  • malignant formations;
  • diabetes;
  • viral hepatitis, liver cirrhosis;
  • tuberculosis.

If you violate the rules of fasting, you can cause significant harm to the body. There is a failure in the work of many systems and organs, a person's well-being worsens. Therefore, recovery should be carried out under the supervision of a specialist.


Natural healing factors - changing climatic conditions, rest at sea. Useful for strengthening defensive forces body to take regular spa treatment:

  • healing mud;
  • mineral springs;
  • massage;
  • thalassotherapy.

The climate of the mountainous and coastal regions has a tonic, hardening effect. Bathing and swimming are very beneficial physical activity in which all muscle groups work.

Non-traditional wellness methods

Some are also very popular modern methods body healing:

  • aromatherapy - treatment based on exposure to the aromas of essential oils;
  • apitherapy - treatment with bee stings;
  • phototherapy - healing with light waves of a certain length;
  • homeopathy - the use of weakly concentrated drugs that cause diseases;
  • yoga - the Indian doctrine of controlling the processes of the body;
  • acupuncture - acupuncture.

There are a large number of ways and methods to strengthen and improve the body. Which one to choose depends on the desire and individual capabilities of each person. It is important to complete the complex medical procedures, stick to proper nutrition and lifestyle for health and longevity.

It is quite possible to improve and rejuvenate the body at home. You just need to familiarize yourself with the basic principles of this procedure, as well as adhere to the rules of the body healing program at home.

The human body is holistic and complex biological system which is based on the interaction of all its organs. That is why to carry out healing of the body is necessary in a complex manner. This will help improve the quality of life, physical and mental health and also prolong life.

Sport is the basis healthy lifestyle life

The main principles of recovery are as follows:

- systematically clean the most important organs and systems;

- Do moderate exercise regularly. To maintain the body, a short exercise in the morning will be enough, as well as cycling, running or swimming once or twice a week;

- try to maintain an active lifestyle;

- organize a good sleep.

There are a large number of ways and recipes for cleansing the body on their own. It is necessary to choose an effective safe method considering the state of the body and accompanying illnesses, if any, and also execute them in a particular order.

Since even the most effective program, which will not be performed in the order in which it is necessary, will not give the expected result and thereby devalue all efforts.

Regular exercise and gymnastics promote good health


The program of healing the body at home is a procedure for cleansing the body, which must be performed in a strictly specified sequence. This program consists of the following items:

  1. Purgation

First of all, the intestines, the main function of which is the absorption of numerous nutrients and the removal of digestive waste, must be cleansed.

Intestinal microflora consists of more than five hundred types of bacteria that affect the entire body, and can be disturbed by improper diet. Namely, a large amount of animal, high-calorie and starchy foods, and insufficient intake of plant foods and fiber.

Imbalance of microflora is fraught with reproduction putrefactive bacteria, which negatively affect the immune system, contributing to the development of diseases and dysbiosis, as well as other consequences:

- violation main function intestines described above;

- self-intoxication;

- education fecal stones;

- deterioration in the functioning of the pelvic organs, liver, kidneys;

- heart disease;

- the development of oncological formations.

Cleansing the intestines from toxins and toxins should be carried out regularly

You can clean the intestines with folk or medications at home or in specialized clinics by the hardware method.

  1. Liver cleansing

In the body, the liver performs quite a few tasks, including a barrier one. She cleanses from harmful substances all the blood that enters it from the intestines. Without a liver, a person dies of poisoning very quickly. due to stress and malnutrition there is the formation of stones, which are formed from hardened bile.

Stones interfere with the outflow of bile, blocking bile ducts, and adversely affect the quality of bile, contributing to the reproduction of bad microorganisms in it, causing its inflammation.

  1. Kidney cleansing

In the body, the kidneys also perform important role, being an organ that maintains a balance in the internal environment of the body. The cause of kidney pollution can be food and water, excessive consumption of food before bedtime, hereditary predisposition.

They say about kidney pollution:

- swelling;

- education salt deposits;

- acid-base imbalance;

inflammatory processes in the kidneys, etc.

  1. Cleansing the stomach

This purification is carried out in order to get rid of excess food that does not have time to be digested and remains on the stomach walls and turns into toxins that poison the body and cause exacerbation of chronic diseases or contribute to the emergence of new ones.

Also, food debris interferes with the proper secretion of gastric juice, exacerbating the problem. Consequently, the body receives less and less useful substances, and this entails a breakdown, a decrease in activity and the development of diseases.

Useful products for cleansing blood vessels
  1. Vessel cleansing

This purification is needed to improve lymph and blood flow, as well as to prevent hypertension, atherosclerosis, and memory impairment. It is necessary to get rid of the plaques formed on the walls of the vessels in a timely manner, as they make the vessels narrower, thereby reducing the amount of blood passed through.

Consequently, the heart is forced to work harder to ensure the same level of blood supply. Cleaned vessels contribute to:

getting rid of vascular diseases, headache, sclerosis;

— normalization of pressure;

- reduce the likelihood of paralysis or heart attack;

- normalization of cholesterol levels;

- improvement of hearing and vision;

- decrease varicose problems;

- improvement of the condition of the lungs, nasopharynx, bronchi, gastrointestinal tract;

- improvement of the general psychological state.

Positive attitude and laughter prolongs life

To home health program passed easily and effectively, you should use the following tips:

- it is necessary to choose a certain method of purification intuitively;

- you should listen to the reaction of the body and, if you feel discomfort, stop cleaning and talk to your doctor;

- it is necessary to perform the cleaning procedures strictly in order, do not start a new one without finishing the previous one.

Take care of yourself and be healthy!

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