With God's help, everything will be fine. “Impact, shock and tragedy. Everything, with God's help, will be fine

Everything will be fine - trust me!

Everything will be fine - trust me!

If someone does not fall under sorrow, but in the hope of God bears the burden of sorrow, then a great reward from God is ready for him for his patience.
Saint Basil the Great

What does a person who has completed his earthly path leave in memory of himself? At least two dates between which either a dash, or a minus ... Or a dash. This dash contains all without a trace of human life. They say that if we cannot expand the time limits allotted to us, we cannot lengthen our life, we should - within the allotted time - expand it. Each person can interpret this recommendation in his own way, but those who lead a meaningful spiritual life know exactly what and how this volume is achieved. For in this case it is not about escaping from boredom, but about saving an immortal soul.

Today we are saved by the patience of sorrows. Paradoxically, we want nothing more unconditionally than salvation, and at the same time we fervently and unceasingly pray for well-being. That's the way man is. We are afraid of the cross, we are afraid to drift and betray. We are afraid of pain. We sin with lack of faith and cowardice. We know this about ourselves, we mourn our weakness in confession, but we remain the same. If it were not for those beacons that are lit by the strong in spirit, we would be doomed to darkness, because our lamps are good for nothing. By the grace of God, there are beacons. They shine for everyone who starts moving vertically.

We met Natasha three years ago at an Orthodox forum. A pretty young woman, mother of three sons. Faithful and loving wife. All life is given to the family. Perhaps what immediately surprised me was her seriousness and some kind of stubborn focus on the main thing. And the main thing for her was loyalty to the Christian path. She did not spray on the petty and vain. Now I understand why: she did not have time for this.

I don't feel like talking too much. I don't even want to talk, just pray. Speaking of which, that's the main thing. Just like Natasha did. I will give her the floor. Here is one of the advantages of virtual communication: the words are pronounced in writing. Thanks to this, I have the opportunity to tell about Natasha in her words, carefully gathered by brothers and sisters in Christ - those with whom Natasha was in friendly and prayerful fellowship.

She and her husband were not going to become a large family. But God gave children, and Natasha accepted them with gratitude.

Using my own example, I will tell you how you can do without infanticide. We came to Russia ten years ago. There was no housing, normal work, stable wages. When I began to go to the temple, there was hope for the best. I unexpectedly became pregnant with my second child. The husband was against the birth. It is clear why. And I was very sick, the wind wore. Thoughts about abortion, thank God, was not. In the last stages, the doctors said that the child could be born ugly. The priest in the church blessed me to take communion often, and I soon gave birth to a healthy son. Thank God! The Lord was merciful to us and my husband was offered a good job. Then we bought an apartment, kind people also helped. One woman gave a loan without a receipt and interest, the other simply gave a large amount of money. Six years later, I again became pregnant with my third child. My husband was planning to buy a car. He did not want to understand that abortion is a terrible murder of his own child! It was hard. Prayed to the Mother of God. Thank God, she gave birth to a third son! Such joy for everyone! And the Lord miraculously attached the car. But it's not even about cars or other goods. The Lord blesses the family and all their offspring if this family does not kill God-given children.

I am always surprised by the mercy of God in the fact that a person has free will. But this precious gift is often used by people not for the glory of God, but in the service of the devil. I have long read that one person with indignation in his soul prayed to the Lord like this: “Lord, why are there only criminals, thieves, drunkards around? Why are those in power such shameless deceivers? Where are the normal people? And he heard a Voice: "You killed them in abortions..."

So, you and I and all people have free will - how to raise children, what example to set for others. We need infirmities and sorrows for enlightenment on the Path of Truth. I myself am very worried about the children of the sick and crippled by their own parents. But God forbid me to cripple my children with education and a bad example.

I love October too. And I also want to look at the graphics of black branches, admire the bend of each branch, the shapes of the buds. And October plays a significant role in my life. In October, I met my future husband, two years later, in October, I got married to Rev. Sergius of Radonezh (October 8), and a year later, on the Intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos, our son was born. And we always move in October, and we moved five times.

My mother gave birth to me at the age of 42, she went with heaps of sores. Doctors then just rolled tantrums, where they say, to give birth, and even so sick, and you yourself will die, and the child will die. Although I was born on time, but with a weight of 1400. I didn’t even have the strength to take a breast. They fed me with a pipette. The doctors immediately told my mother that I was not a tenant. But my mother was fighting, she rebuffed all the doctors and took me home, began to nurse me together with my dad. Here we go, thank God! And I, with God's help and God's grace, gave birth to three boys, I still need to give birth to the fourth! Every child conceived has the right to life. Enlightenment to all our Orthodox! (unchurched, baptized).

Natasha's Christian path began with a child's illness. What enlightenment could be more effective than this? Thank God for everything!

I had such a day. For a long time. About fifteen years ago. My four-month-old son was seriously ill. We were admitted to the hospital. They began to diligently treat, but it was of little use. The child was dying. He didn't sleep well for two weeks. I'm completely exhausted with him. At that time I knew one prayer. The most important: "Our Father ..." I read it and cried. The son has not yet been baptized. The son stopped crying and fell asleep. I also lay down with him. I had such a dream in a thin dream that I still clearly remember everything and goosebumps. I dream that I take the child and go to the exit. I feel that there is someone behind my back, although I was alone in the ward. I look around - grandfather is sitting on the bed. Such a noble one! Fear took me, I think that's it! This grandfather came not from this world for my son! And he says so kindly, so affectionately: “Don't worry! Your son will get well soon! And disappeared. Then, however, we were quickly discharged. Now my son is 16 years old. Thank God for everything! I think it was Nikolai Ugodnik.

From the creations of the Holy Fathers, it becomes known that diseases are allowed to people not only because of their sinfulness, but also to test the Faith, and also for reasons known to the One Master. Children also get sick for various reasons: both because of the sinfulness of their parents (for their own enlightenment), and by the Providence of God (remember the illness of Ilya Muromets). It happens that a sick child grows in love for other sick people, knowing the severity of illnesses, setting an example for healthy people.

I really like to reread Matushka Sokolov's "Under the roof of the Most High", but her cross is really heavy. But what wonderful children grew up - an example of a father was !!! And what else!

Natasha spoke about her faith as if she was in a hurry to reach out to every heart. Now her words seem like a message, a parting word to us, who have remained until the time on this side of the threshold.

We all need to acquire a love that does not seek its own. Then there will be no disappointment. We are all egoists, we all have a mindset for “pleasure”, and not for bestowal, sacrifice. No matter how much Christ teaches us, we all divide people into “bad” and “good!” You have to start with yourself ... And end with yourself too ...

Without God, life is meaningless. Think for yourself, why live? To eat, drink, get rich, get sick and die? At the beginning of churching, we all aspire to God by calling grace, and then we have to work. Go to church as often as possible, read and confess. Everything will be fine - trust me!

Life in Christ, humility, meekness, courage and faithfulness to the Truth - this is what we should strive for.
Madness is allowed by God for godlessness! For pride, for vanity, and so on (the list is long). Any person, “without skin”, the kindest, but without God he is a dummy.

Often we make mistakes too. A person can change, with God's help. "You are the salt of the earth..." "You are the light of the world..." Let's all shine. And the communists too.

It is clear that at all times there have been true Orthodox, and those who consider themselves as such, but live like demons, then God is the judge. And very sorry. There are sins - as the saints say - that need to be corrected for a long time, but there are those that need to be cut off immediately, without justifying oneself that supposedly many now have this. You rotate in such a circle and see the same ones, thinking that there are many of you and everyone will soon stand up for your protection. Even if the whole world follows you, it's a waste of time. The Lord will be on the side of those who hate sin and eradicate it.

In any situation, the Lord will not leave. He is with those who forgive and love, and not with those who seek thrills for themselves. Help you Lord!!!

God bless you, don't be discouraged. When it's hard for me, I tell myself - it's temporary. Unfortunately, many families have similar difficulties now. The Lord will not leave you - you just do not leave Him.

Be more often in the temple - the Lord will heal everything. The best remedy for despondency is to look around and see who is even worse, to help as far as possible. Turn your attention to others. Also, spiritual literature nourishes the soul very much and does not allow evil thoughts to torment it. I did it, with God's help, of course. Now I think - how good, but in fact it would never have reached the temple. God bless you and His Most Pure Mother!!!

The last, fourth pregnancy was difficult for many reasons. Natasha then asked for prayers very much. She surprised us with the strength of her spirit and the meekness with which she endured all the trials that fell to her lot.

"Begotten, not yet born,
You have always been human!
Nine months of secret most
You hoped, believed, loved!”

Really beautiful poetry? It was I who read them on the poster in the antenatal clinic.

It is always necessary to delve into oneself, but with benefit and with Hope. Cling closer to God and His Most Pure Mother, as small children do in moments of danger - they cuddle up to their mother and seek solace, if earthly mothers are unable to refuse their own child, then even more so the Heavenly Mother will not refuse consolation to anyone!

In due time, the baby John, of a heroic physique, was born. I regret now that I didn’t save the SMS messages that Natasha sent me from the maternity hospital in the phone’s memory.

Shortly after being discharged from the hospital, Natasha began to have serious health problems.

... have to tell me the result of the tests. And I believe that it will not be a pure accident, and it will not be a mistake of doctors, even if they tell me that there is nothing. It will be the grace of God! Forgiveness and forgiveness of my grave sins! We must seriously prepare for confession, Communion and unction.

The examination left no doubts about the diagnosis: cancer.

Thank God for this little one! If you could see what a wonderful baby! I will miss my kids again. Isn't it a MIRACLE that I carried a baby with a tumor? After all, the Lord will not allow that my baby does not remember his mother. Tomorrow I am waiting for the priest with the Holy Gifts, I hope Christ will come again, cleanse my soul, help my sick body. This is the great Mercy of God to me, a sinner!

I am very sinful, but I do not fully realize this, and there is no true repentance in me. The Lord visited me with a disease, cancer, I had already been treated for 2 courses, I was discharged, but now, after 2 months, metastases appeared in the vertebra. We have 4 sons - 17 years old, 11 years old, 5 years old and 6 months old (Vladislav, Vladimir, Dimitri, John). Thank God for everything!

As soon as there is an opportunity, maybe we should share what we have. But honestly, I don’t see anything interesting in my life - one worldly vanity, what can you tell about here? If I were somewhere, I would see something, otherwise all 18 years - pots and diapers ...

All this time I went to the temple with the children, they were noisy, then they needed something (you understand!), What kind of prayer did I have in the temple ?! No! At home - all the time running around. Previously, she could read secretly, when her husband was at work, canons, akathists, spiritual literature. Now I don’t have the strength, the children need a lot of attention, I’m glad that I can serve them at least this way. I pray on the go. Short rule. And in the evening, and even worse - fatigue and barely in bed "Our Father ..." And "Virgin Mary ..." I will master. I don't have any spiritual life.

I am not a person of deep faith, but a sinner, cowardly and cowardly, otherwise I would not have been sick like that. The Lord teaches my evil soul, teaches, does not teach in any way. How much He has done for me! Thank God for giving me sisters and brothers in Christ who tirelessly pray for me. Everything that did good, so it was the Lord who did it in me, but I have nothing to do with it.

Now I am in the hospital, with liver toxicosis, in general, it takes a long time to be treated, the body can no longer withstand the loads, everything has piled up at once. Thank God, there is an opportunity to be treated and slowly, God willing, it will get better.

Help everyone, Lord, to live in love and harmony! Now I suffer from insomnia, but you can not suffer, but read a lot here and cheer up. Pray again properly. To see the opinions and love of people, how they cope in difficult unpredictable situations. Yesterday I received a text message on my cell phone from Good Word: “Frequent communion and fervent prayer healed many when the doctors refused. (ig. Nikon (Vorobiev) The Lord comforts me, does not leave me a sinner, no matter what. Of course, I knew this for a long time and also did it before. But now I had to read THIS again. I wrote it, maybe someone will also come in handy.

I pray briefly, but I fervently asked, it is clear that I need to suffer more, I feel sorry for my loved ones.

February 13.
Tomorrow I am waiting for the priest with the Holy Gifts, I hope Christ will come again, cleanse my soul, help my sick body. This is the great Mercy of God to me, a sinner!
The worst thing is to die without repentance, and this disease provides a good opportunity to repent.

February 17.
Christ came to me a sinner, the priest performed the Sacraments. Thank God! I started eating, the pain was tolerable. The merciful God does not leave us, glory to Him!
God forbid I forget the Lord, who has bestowed so many mercies on me, sinner! Glory to Thee, Lord!

March 14th.
Today ultrasound of the liver showed metastases. It looks like my candle is burning out... If I don’t write to you for a long time, then remember the rest.
I only hope for the mercy of God. What I can? And what about my “fortitude”, because it was the Lord who did everything in me, strengthened and supported me.

On April 7, Natasha turned 39 years old. On April 8, she received the Holy Mysteries of Christ. On the night of April 9, her angelic soul departed to the Lord. Until her last minute, her faithful and loving husband Alexander was by her side.

Faith in God is a gift from God. If we often do not have this Gift, it is because of our sinfulness. Think about what will happen to us after death - where will we be and who will we stand before?! Human life is not grass: it has turned green and withered forever. The soul is IMMORTAL!

Eternal memory to the servant of God Natalia, may the Lord rest her bright soul in His Kingdom.

Christ is Risen!

Still, it’s interesting: why are we, people, always dissatisfied with everything? We don’t like that we are hungry, we eat and get angry that we overeat ... We are looking for love, we suffer without it, we find it and now we are unhappy that our passions are too jealous of us, if the passion stops being jealous, we are angry that he (she) they are too indifferent to us ... We suffer that we need to take a bunch of exams at "this stupid university" and go into depression when we imagine that in another year - and we will become free people ... For we don’t know why we need this freedom, in fact need ... We are angry that since childhood we have been driven into the framework of socialization, sent to school, where we, the unfortunate, laborers for 10 years ... dissatisfied. However, a person can never be completely happy. He will always find a reason to moan, complain about life ...
How many times I myself cursed everything around me when something didn’t work out for me .. Some kind of trifle. Oh, poor thing, there are problems with the guy ... Oh, unfortunate thing, I passed the exam for 3. How many tears were, snot ...
Every minute I am more and more convinced of the long-known truth: to become happy, you don’t need money, a high social status, and even, damn it, you don’t need a loved one. More precisely, these are not necessary conditions for happiness. But the necessary and sufficient condition for this glorious happiness is harmony with oneself, with one's soul. The main thing is to accept yourself the way you are. And you know what's most amazing? When you truly accept yourself and begin to appreciate, others begin to appreciate you too ... Probably because they feel this calmness, self-confidence in you ... Next to you, they feel good ... You never noticed that next to is it even difficult for eternally whining people?
I know for myself...
I am a depressed person, with a difficult character, black stripes (which I PERSONALLY create for myself) last for several months. And I noticed this trend: when you complain about life, the first time your friends listen to you and how they can try to help, when you do it the second time, your friends still try to help, but with less enthusiasm ... And the third time it causes a concrete irritation and misunderstanding even among the closest people. So, sadly, I realized that a person must get out of any depression on his own and no one is obliged to him and cannot help him in this ...
People are weak by nature ... Plus, each person has so many problems of his own that he simply physically cannot constantly think about the problems of others. Besides, agree. If you are NOW, AT THE MOMENT, WELL, you don’t want to spoil this “good” for yourself, you don’t even want to communicate with someone who can shake your peace even a little ...
But actually I started writing this strange post in everything not to talk about depression.
I wanted to say that today I somehow clearly understood how YOU and WE are the masters of our lives. I am not a fatalist. I don't believe in fate one ounce. I know one thing: PERSON DETERMINES HIS LIFE. Believe me, all the troubles are just nonsense. Life just can't always be good. What is important is the attitude towards these very troubles. They got nasty in transport - laugh at the stupidity of the conductor, smile at a beautiful girl (guy) passing by and believe me - everything will be just fine.
Perhaps I am writing common truths. You probably understand all this yourself ... But today my own stupidity just became so obvious to me !!!
After all, small problems can simply not be noticed, big problems arise from the fact that we simply do not want to solve them ... And not because I am "so unhappy, unlucky, God does not love me."
For example, I'll take myself... and my unforgettable boyfriend. We fight with him very often. We feel so bad sometimes .. Just awful. I sometimes do not get out of depression for weeks. You can blame God for this, you can blame my boyfriend ... But it's best to blame YOURSELF. This I can't decide. If you love, then love. Goodbye. Take it the way it is. If you don't like it, leave...
After yesterday's global quarrel, I decided that "enough". It's time to answer these simple questions. And the answer is simple: I love it. Therefore, if I love him, then you just need to love ... Do not find fault ... Do not make trouble. And to love. So, I will try. It would be nice if he looked at the world the same way as I do :))))

Z.Y. And yet, I advise everyone to re-read the Bible... For the 10 commandments are 10 steps to harmony with oneself, and therefore to happiness.
I do not consider myself Orthodox, but I consider myself a believer. Believing in God as a symbol of supreme justice. For me, God is the spiritual core of man, all that light that moves our souls... The sunniest, most beautiful impulses of our souls. So, with God's help, I will strive to know myself, to be in harmony with myself, to happiness...

Everything, with God's help, will be fine

Sergey Kazuk worked as the head of the exhibitions directorate at the Perm Fair for 25 years. For 18 years he was the executive director of the art salon "ART Perm" and the exhibition of author's dolls and Teddy bears "The Magic Wardrobe".

Sergey Alexandrovich, how did you react to the news about the closure of the Perm Fair in June 2016?

For me it was a blow, a shock and a tragedy. I worked at the Perm Fair from the first day of its foundation. The whole life of this company has passed before my eyes, but this is not the main thing. The essence of the drama lies in the fact that now, most likely, many projects that have become so loved by all Perm residents will “perish”. One "ART Perm" is worth something! After all, this project is already booming all over Russia, and it is still on the rise.

February 2016, when the last exhibition was held, proved this: there were artists from all over Russia among the participants, more than 25 thousand people visited the exhibition in 10 days, the folder with applications for participation next year, as always after this exhibition, was filled with hundreds of applications, including from completely new artists and craftsmen. And now what? Perm lost one of its best cultural events, lost something to be proud of.

Now I remember the reviews of the participants and visitors of the salon from Moscow, St. Petersburg and other cities. They said that only in Perm one could see such a grandiose event, that nothing like this had ever happened in their capitals and it was unlikely that it would ever happen. Now here in Perm it is unlikely ...

At a press conference held on the occasion of the closing of the Perm Fair, the founders said that the exhibition business in Perm had reached its "ceiling", that it had nowhere to develop, and this was the main reason for the sale of exhibition pavilions. What do you say to that?

I strongly disagree with the founders and I think they are disingenuous. I think that the motives for selling pavilions are completely different. On the contrary, the presence of such a developed exhibition infrastructure in the city center is a huge plus for the Perm Fair. Other regions do not have the advantages that our exhibition center has. My opinion is that the Perm Fair had more than enough opportunities to continue its activities, but the management and founders decided in their own way.

Here is another example of how the free market regulates and coordinates little, or does it stupidly and how it hurts. Look what's happening: no competition. Specialists working in a company, one of the best in the country, in a modern exhibition complex with 25 years of business experience, leading excellent social and commercial projects, were left with nothing. Yes, with nothing! As soon as more luxurious incomes loomed on the horizon, everything collapsed, despite the social and cultural significance.

You say that a holy place is never empty? And let's see what Perm gets in return. It seems to me that the process of revival, if such begins, will be long and very painful. I think that only the state, that is, the government of the Perm Territory, can revive the exhibitions in Perm by building a new exhibition complex, but judging by the way we are building a new zoo and a new gallery, I think that we should not hope too much for this.

Sergey Alexandrovich, shortly before the news about the closing of the Perm Fair, you submitted a letter of resignation. You already knew what was going to happen. If not, what motivated you?

I swear to God that I did not know anything about the plans of the founders, and the news that a hypermarket would be made from the exhibition complex was really news to me. Rumors were, of course, different, but none of my colleagues, nor I even imagined that everything would end so suddenly.

With God's help

To the great joy of the students, the Master said that he would like a new shirt for his birthday. Bought the best fabric. The village tailor came, took measurements and promised, with God's help, to do it in seven days.

Week later. A student was sent to the tailor: The master asks where is his new shirt?

I didn’t have time to finish it, - the tailor answered, - but with God’s help, I’ll finish it tomorrow.

The next day it happened again:

Sorry, not ready yet. Come tomorrow - if the Lord wills, I will finish by all means.

The next day the Master said:

Ask him how long it will take him if he works alone, without the help of the Lord.

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