The Most Loyal Dog Breeds: A Guide to Choosing a Friend. The most faithful and devoted dogs The most faithful dog in the world

When talking about dogs, the first characteristic that people mention is loyalty. Dogs have been living next to humans for more than 10 thousand years, and during this time they have learned to understand people well, to become strongly attached to them and to love.

A dog is the only creature that loves you more than yourself.

Josh Billings, American writer

Choosing the first pet, beginners try to make a choice in favor of a breed that will become selflessly devoted to the family and owner. However, this depends to a large extent on the character of each individual dog, and not on breed characteristics. It is important that a strong internal bond develops between a pet and a person, which depends on how communication is built between them, how much attention the person pays to his dog, and not on the breed.

However, zoopsychologists have identified faithful dog breeds that are distinguished by a predisposition to loyalty and self-sacrifice. Here is the list of breeds:

  • Collie
  • st bernard
  • Kuvasz
  • Epaniol Breton

There are many examples in history of selfless devotion and love of a dog for people who are not forgotten after decades.

History of Akita Inu named Hachiko

When it comes to loyalty, the very first story that comes to mind is the Akita Inu. Hachiko. The film with Richard Gere did a lot for the wild popularity of this breed. The tape is based on real events that unfolded in Japan in the 20s of the last century.

Professor Hidesabur Ueno was presented with an Akita Inu puppy, who accompanied him every day to the railway station, and then met his owner. But one day the professor did not come: he had a heart attack, and they could not save him. At that time, Hati was only 1.5 years old. He never left his post, waiting for the owner every day in any weather, when the professor's relatives tried to take him to their house, he ran away and again found himself in his place.

Years passed, but every day the dog kept looking at the doors of the station. They learned about this story in the press and wrote a full spread report. After that, a pilgrimage of curious people began to feed the dog at Shibuya Station. Hachiko lived for 9 years, as it turned out, he died due to cancer in the last stage. After his death, Japan declared national mourning, and a monument was erected at the station, near which to this day lovers swear allegiance to each other.

Skye Terrier named Greyfriars Bobby

One of the earliest documented instances of unwavering loyalty was in Scotland in the 1850s and 1870s. Police officer John Gray has a Skye terrier puppy, which he named Greyfriars Bobby. For two years, Bobby accompanied the owner everywhere, went with him on night rounds of the city, but then John died of tuberculosis.

Bobby outlived his master by 14 years, and all this time he spent in the cemetery, guarding the grave. He went away only to find food or wait out the most severe frosts. There were many who wanted to take him for themselves, but the little terrier did not allow himself to be taken away from the grave of his only owner.

The dog was to be destroyed as a stray, but the Lord Mayor intervened, who personally ordered a collar for him and paid a fee for him. Bobby died there in the cemetery, next to which he was buried, having installed a tombstone for public money. A monument to this dog was also erected nearby.

Similar stories happen today. German Shepherd Captain from Argentina never parted with her owner Miguel Guzman, but in 2006 the owner died. Soon the dog also ran away from the house, when the relatives came to clean up the grave, they found the Captain there, who now carried out his service here.

Several times they tried to take him home, but he always returned. And today, the faithful shepherd dog has not left there, the cemetery staff feeds and takes care of it, so for several years the Captain has not left the cemetery.

German Shepherds are often very attached to their owners, one such case occurred in Russia. In the mid-1990s, in Tolyatti, the whole family died in a car accident, only the dog survived. For the next 7 years, he came to the scene of the tragedy, neither the piercing winds, nor the pouring rain, nor the exhausting heat could drive him away.

The locals called the sheepdog Bones, they felt sorry for the dog, they were looking for a home for him, but it was in vain: Kostya's only desire was to be in this place, to wait for the owners. After his death, the authorities of the city erected a monument "Monument of Devotion" there, where newlyweds always come to rub their bronze nose for good luck.

Border Collie Ruswarp

The world received another confirmation of the dog's love for its owner in 1990. Graham Nuttell spent his free time hiking, went to the mountains with him every time Ruswarp.

In January 1990, Graham disappeared in the mountains of Wales, the search at first led to nothing, but in April a lone hiker stumbled upon his body. Graham crashed, but Ruswarp was alive. The emaciated and hungry dog ​​sat near the deceased owner and guarded him, instead of leaving and saving his life. When rescuers arrived, it was discovered that the collie could not walk, he was so exhausted that he had to be transported by hand. Ruswarp paid his last tribute to his master and attended Graham's funeral. A few days later, as if realizing that he had fulfilled his duty, Ruswarp passed away.

Faithful dog from Jindo Island

I would like to tell a less sad story about the Korean dog of Jindo Island. This breed, which was recognized by cynological associations only in 1998, is highly valued in Korea, so when the owner found himself in a difficult financial situation, he sold his pet to a new owner.

The previous owner was extremely surprised when, after 7 months, he saw his pet on his doorstep. The smart dog walked 300 kilometers and found his home and his friend. The new owner, seeing such devotion, did not insist on the return of the dog and did not demand the money back.

It is difficult to say why a dog is so attached to a certain person, but the fact is obvious: some animals are connected with their owners by a great love that nothing will erase. A person needs to open his heart and show attention to the pet, and centuries-old instincts will do their job: they will bind the owner and his dog with invisible bonds.

It is characterized by maximum affection for its owners. Representatives of some other breeds recognize only one owner, and the border - all family members. If there are children in the house, the collie will definitely make friends with them, reacting quite calmly to their pranks.

German Shepherd

According to many, the first place in terms of loyalty to one's master should be awarded to the German one. Unlike the already mentioned border collie breed, most often they are attached not to all family members, but to a specific person. They keep loyalty and devotion to him throughout their lives.

Labrador retriever

This four-legged friends is the most suitable . They have a soft, kind and tolerant character, which allows them to get along well with all family members. A dog of this breed is loyal to all the people around it. The Labrador will never run away from his owners. On the contrary, if he gets lost, he will make every effort to return home.

Epaniol Breton

This one was bred in France specifically for hunting. Epaniol Breton lends itself well to training. In addition, he is very loyal to his owners. Recognizes not a specific person, but all family members. The dog is ready to fulfill all those who surround her constantly.


The Beagle has a personality very similar to that of a cat. Therefore, it can be found in many families. Not aggressive, patient. The family in which he lives, remains faithful all his life.


Like the Germans, this breed chooses a single owner. They remain faithful to this person until their death. A boxer cannot be given into the wrong hands, as he becomes uncontrollable and, or dies of longing.


Hungary is considered the birthplace of this breed. They are very funny and have a sense of humor. Loyal to all family members. Likes to be in the center of everyone's attention.


According to some, dachshunds originated in Germany. They are jokingly called hot dogs because they have an elongated body. Dogs of this breed are playful and loyal.

St. Bernards

Representatives of this breed are muddlers. But they are very loyal. Previously, they were even used as rescue dogs. St. Bernards love to please their owners.

yorkshire terriers

This is a very cute dog breed. You can often see them at exhibitions. Terriers are not aggressive and loyal.

Each dog recognizes and respects his master, loves him in his own way. However, there are some breeds that are distinguished by special devotion. It is from them that our TOP 10 most faithful dogs in the world are compiled, which will be real friends of adults and children.

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In first place in the world is Akita (the representative of the breed was Hachiko from the film). This is perhaps the best Japanese dog breed, which is distinguished by an independent, proud, independent disposition, fearlessness. They are strongly attached to their master, and miss him very much.

By liking, a companion dog of this breed is active, very playful from a young age to old age. Akita needs constant supervision and training. Answering the question which dog is suitable for strong-willed, confident and persistent people, we can say that this is Akita, because he may not perceive others as authorities.

German Shepherd

Second is the German Shepherd. These pets are very loyal, smart, they will follow the owner anywhere. No wonder dogs of this breed are chosen as assistants to law enforcement agencies, customs officers, and the military. A properly trained "German" can become a wonderful guard and protector of his entire family.


The third place in our list is occupied by truly family dogs, which are distinguished by special fidelity, devotion - these are Labradors. Although initially the breed was positioned as a hunting dog, after that it began to be perceived as a companion dog for sports, a guide dog, and a nurse with children. Retriever is very kind, playful, perky.

The dog will always get along with both adults and children. Even to people he does not know, he is loyal.


Collie she is a Scottish Shepherd gets along well and gets along well not only with the whole family, but also with other pets. She is slightly haughty and suspicious of strangers, but when she becomes attached and loves someone, she will never betray. She experiences loneliness very badly, she yearns for human attention very much. The Border Collie is attached not to one particular person, but to the whole family. Such a dog will stand up for his master in any situation.


Fifth place deservedly give the Beagle. Such a pet selflessly loves its owner, ready to be with him around the clock. He is very friendly, easily finds a common language with small children, plays and plays with them. However, in order to bring up such a clever girl, you need to pay due attention to discipline and training.

st bernard

Probably, each of us remembers the film "Beethoven", in which the main character was a dog of the St. Bernard breed. Dogs of this breed are phlegmatic, calm, very good-natured. If the owner does not offend the dog, then he gets the most devoted and loving friend for the rest of his life. Saint Bernard takes part in children's pranks with pleasure, does not get irritated, does not show aggression. He is smart, understands the commands that the owner gives him, but does not follow them blindly, but assesses the situation.


Boxers are strongly attached to their master, and are ready to die for him if any difficult situation arises. They cannot be given or given to other people, because far from the family they become aggressive and may even die. In a sense, they are jealous, because they are ready to fight for the attention and love of their master. Therefore, it is very important to introduce such communication rules from a young age if you do not want the dog to constantly lick you for the next 20 years. He is ideal as a watchman or guide.


In eighth position, a dog with a long body and short legs, who loves his master incredibly much. It is painful for dachshunds to let go of the owner even for a short time, it is difficult for her to endure his long absence. They pick up commands very quickly and are easy to learn. They memorize a new action in just a couple of minutes, but they do not tolerate when they are shouted at or ordered to do something rudely. In this case, they become closed and stubborn.


Considering the most loyal dog breeds in the world, it is important to mention Rottweilers. They are obedient, smart, calm, well trained. They are ready to give their lives for their family. The Rottweiler is a companion dog with which you can not be afraid for the child, letting them go for a walk in the evening.

Behind the formidable appearance lies a sensitive and vulnerable soul, Rottweilers need love, affection, and care. The only nuance that you should pay attention to is that you need to play with such a dog carefully, because it is very strong and rather heavy, in a fit of enthusiasm, it can simply not calculate its strength and injure the owner. For the same reason, Rottweilers are not kept in families with small children.


Doberman completes the list. He is considered, first of all, an excellent watchman. Despite the fact that in films, dogs of this breed are usually shown as angry, this is not true. Given their high intellectual level, Dobermans can be easily trained. They are balanced, calm, so they never offend their family, on the contrary, they always protect. These dogs are loyal friends and good protectors.

Bad, vicious breeds of dogs do not exist at all. All of them are good, they just need the right upbringing, caring treatment, love, affection. The same can be said for attachment to the family. Those dogs that have a less pronounced sense of loyalty and affection, when weaned from their family, get bored, experience severe psychological stress, and those who have more - get sick, and sometimes even die. Therefore, you need to love and care for a dog of any breed, and then it will answer you with boundless devotion.

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Video " 10 most loyal dogs in the world»

The video presents the 10 most faithful dog breeds.

Most people dream not only of a smart, but also a devoted pet. Many stories and legends are associated with this quality, however, the special features of the breed determine the degree of fidelity of the dog to the owner. Each pet recognizes and respects its owner in its own way, but there are varieties of four-legged friends that are distinguished by great devotion and courage - they take risks, participate in a person's life and do not leave him even in a critical situation.

What breed of dog is the most loyal? There are a dozen names in the world, the future owner of the animal should know them. All of them are famous for their loyalty and other valuable qualities.

What determines a dog's loyalty?

As a rule, the described quality is inherent in the animal at the genetic level. Once upon a time, all dogs in the world were wild and lived in packs where there was a leader. Now four-legged friends have become exclusively domestic and see the leader in the face of their master, which means they obey and respect him.

When listing the most intelligent and loyal dog breeds, it is important to know that a lot depends on the person. The dog keenly feels a good attitude and will adore the one who gave him care and a cozy home.

Over time, a strong emotional connection is established between the owner and the dog, however, if the first one dies, then the pet continues to remember him and wait, since the concept of death is not familiar to the animal.

It is interesting that the most devoted dogs love the owner despite external factors, they are indifferent to his position in society. So, history knows cases when four-legged friends took their owners out of danger zones, assisted a person in critical situations.

How to choose the right dog?

Before buying a puppy, future owners want to figure out which breeds are different for the better. Connoisseurs have compiled a list of the most loyal pets, which includes the following dogs:

  • German Shepherd;
  • Labrador;
  • Border Collie;
  • Japanese Akita Inu;
  • collie;
  • St. Bernard;
  • bulldog;
  • doberman;
  • rottweiler;
  • dachshund.

The top 10 most loyal dog breeds are rightfully headed by the German Shepherd. She has served a person for many years, performs complex tasks and quickly learns new commands.

This animal has developed intelligence and courage, which allows it to participate in rescue operations and cope with the search for criminals. Purebred representatives of the breed do not have negative character traits and, subject to proper upbringing, become excellent companions, benefiting people.

The most loyal dogs in the world are Labradors. Like their close relatives, retrievers, they love their owners very much, however, they cannot be considered guards.
Ideal companions, guides, detectives grow from such pets. It is worth noting that their scent is impeccable, this allows you to use the Labrador to search for missing people or objects. In general, this is a good-natured family dog ​​that adores its owners.

And also in the top ten breeds devoted to man is the border collie. This wonderful friend is smart and quick-witted, and his cheerful disposition attracts pet lovers from all over the world.

What are they? Such dogs become attached to all family members, are easy to train and do not show aggression. In order to teach your pet everything you need, you need to apply knowledge and spend a lot of time, but the result is worth it - a faithful and reliable companion will accompany you everywhere.

Included in the top of the most faithful dogs, the Akita Inu in Japan is revered as an eternal symbol of devotion and friendliness. It is curious that the most loyal dogs are famous for their independent and proud character, while they are strongly attached to the owner.
Therefore, if you are looking for a reliable and brave life partner, take a closer look at the Japanese dog. Despite its large size, it retains playfulness until old age and is able to carry out all kinds of commands, however, the owner must be insistent and demanding, otherwise the puppy will dominate people.

The Scottish Shepherd or Collie is a popular dog in the world. These animals are famous for their luxurious coat and magnificent colors, and their intelligent eyes deserve attention. What are they like next to a person? Such pets get along well with all family members, but behave arrogantly with strangers.

All collies do not survive loneliness well and cannot be left without love and affection. A favorite appreciates care and will never betray his master.

The 10 most loyal dogs cannot do without a St. Bernard - a calm and good-natured pet. She enjoys participating in games, remembers commands and loves her hosts very much. It is worth noting that the dog does not follow all the instructions blindly, the animal understands the situation and evaluates it sensibly.

Having earned the love and devotion of a St. Bernard, a person can feel safe. The four-legged friend treats children with tenderness and is the best companion.

The ten most faithful dogs include the bulldog. This charming pet is very attached to people and does not understand his life without a master. Contact and playful, he will gladly keep the child company in games or calmly lie with a person on the couch while he watches TV.

The bulldog suffers parting with the owner very painfully, the animal experiences stress even with a short separation. Therefore, when starting a representative of this breed, you should take care of free time for walks and joint games.

Doberman became famous for his devotion. The dog, which is included in the top of the most faithful pets, is considered an excellent watchman and an intelligent companion. He is easy to train, balanced and calm.

Rottweilers have similar qualities, such animals, despite their formidable appearance, are in great need of affection and love. However, you need to play with large dogs carefully, otherwise the pet in a fit of fun can injure the owner.

Surprisingly, dachshunds complete the top of the most devoted pets. These funny but proud dogs follow their owners everywhere and even stand up for him in difficult situations. There are cases in the world when long and seemingly clumsy dogs protected children and detained criminals.

Which dachshunds are most loved by owners? People respond positively to both standard and miniature representatives of the breed. They spend maximum time with the owner and look forward to his return from work. Therefore, despite its modest size, this pet is rightfully included in the top ten faithful animals.

What other breeds of four-legged friends are distinguished by love for people? The world famous boxer, who constantly needs the presence of the owner, this dog requires a special approach and is happy to serve people.

In addition, the beagle selflessly loves its owner. This pet is always ready to be with him, but requires training and demanding education, otherwise the animal will become uncontrollable.

Cultivating Loyalty in a Pet

It's no secret that humans and dogs have a lot in common. However, in order to grow a true friend and a cheerful companion from a small puppy, the owner needs to make a lot of efforts.

Try to find out as much information about the animal as possible, because the breeds included in the top of the most devoted dogs need training and teaching the norms of behavior. In addition, a person needs to express severity, otherwise the pet will turn into a leader.

The most loyal dog breeds become so after understanding the educational process. Cynologists believe that any pet that people care about can become faithful and reliable.

However, do not spoil the dog and ignore its territorial claims, otherwise you risk getting an irritable and noisy animal. Everyone knows how funny little dogs are at home, many owners do not treat their training with due interest, which is why pets bark and demand the fulfillment of all their desires.

Summarizing the above, it should be noted that relationships in which the pet acts as a junior partner are considered optimal. Perfect understanding and love must be achieved between him and the owner, the only way to grow a true friend.

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