Where to start healing the body? Modern methods of recovery

The author of this healing system is a priest and a doctor. Because of his beliefs, he was shot in 1937. Serafim Chichagov was the first to oppose the treatment of symptoms, and this is still the basis of medicine in the modern world.

How is recovery according to the Chichagov system

From the point of view of the physiology of the body, the provisions of Chichagov's healing system are correct. This system is based on self-healing and self-regulation of the body.
From the point of view of Seraphim Chichagov, a person is already self-sufficient and perfect. He is a creation of God.

Human blood circulation is disturbed due to a violation of the composition and quality of blood, which is why the problem of the occurrence of diseases arises.

Chichagov believes that it doesn’t matter which doctors made the diagnosis, what matters is the quality of the blood. Diseases cannot be cured. Herbs, medicines and other methods of treating the disease will not help. All types of treatment for diseases contribute to alleviating the symptoms of the disease.
According to Chichagov, drugs are harmful and have a toxic effect on the body. God is able to heal a person. The causes of diseases are the human sinful essence of the soul, the disruption of the body.

Hormonal gland

The human body depends on the control of the hormone system. Among these glands, the main ones are the pancreas and the thyroid. When the functionality of these glands is disrupted, the body does not function properly.

What is the reason for this process? The problem is emotions that disrupt the functionality of the glands. With vegetative-vascular dystonia, a large amount of adrenaline is released from the adrenal glands. This is followed by a decrease in the production of fifty other hormones. After the symptoms of VVD appear in other systems and organs.
The disease leads to spasms throughout the human body, contributes to disruption of the gastric valves.

thyroid function

According to statistics, most of all diseases appear due to improper functioning of the thyroid gland. The purpose of the thyroid gland is to protect the human body. In the case of living in an area with insufficient iodine content, less thyroid hormones will be released.

Every human organ has a period of rest and activity. The thyroid gland works from 20 to 22 hours. Therefore, blood sampling for analysis is best done at 21.00.


Hydrochloric acid, which is secreted by our stomach, is able to destroy worms, microbes and prevent their penetration into the intestines.

Every day the stomach secretes ten liters of juice, which contains pepsins and hydrochloric acid.

The amount is distributed in this way: food is digested with two liters of juice, the remaining eight are absorbed into the human blood. There is a regulation of the composition of the blood and its quality, blood disinfection.

The substance chlorine is able to destroy viruses and microbes, dissolve stones, sand, salt in the kidneys.

Blood circulation in the stomach is disturbed due to improper secretion of hydrochloric acid inside it. The hormone, which is produced by the thyroid gland, accelerates the production of bile, contributes to the regulation of liver functions. If this hormone is not enough, bile is released at the wrong time, passes into the duodenum, at a time when there is no food in the stomach. Bile is thrown into the stomach and helps to neutralize hydrochloric acid. As a result, food is not so well digested, absorbed, since there is not enough hydrochloric acid.

The human body functions properly if there is 0.9 percent sodium chloride in the blood. Blood tastes salty, as do tears, urine, and sweat.
When the functioning of the stomach is disturbed, the amount of sodium and chlorine in the blood becomes less. Blood becomes more viscous, potassium becomes more.

As a result, there is a blockage of small vessels - capillaries, and this disrupts the functioning of organs. This is followed by blockage of large vessels, which leads to heart attacks and strokes. The reason was the wrong work of the stomach.

Pay attention to the color of your urine. It should resemble the color of beer. The smell of urine resembles the smell of ammonia. The reason is the content of urea in the urine.

With clear urine, urea is not filtered, it remains in the human body. It settles in the spine, brain, joints and blood vessels. Blood with 0.9% sodium chloride content is filtered by the kidneys. If the sodium chloride concentration rises or falls, the kidneys no longer allow blood to be filtered. Your urine becomes clear, colorless and odorless. The taste of blood becomes sweet. There is an imbalance of potassium with sodium. The person is very thirsty. Thus, the body tends to reduce the amount of potassium. The vessels narrow, they do not allow urea to accumulate, the pressure rises. The liver cannot cope with the purification of such an amount of blood and suffers from this.

Sodium and potassium, their role

The cell contains potassium on the inside and sodium on the outside. These components are combined with chlorine. The balance of these components regulates the state of the blood. Potassium with sodium enters the human body with food.

To ensure the normal functioning of cells, a person must consume two to three grams of potassium per day, six to eight grams of sodium.

With an increased intake of potassium in the body, this component draws all the water onto itself, the same thing will happen with a small amount of sodium in food. After this, there will be a violation of the heart (extrasystoles or rhythm failure). The pressure will become higher, the person will begin to swell.
Potassium appears in the body outside the cell, and this slows down or stops the supply of nerve impulses, which leads to spasm. The first sign is leg cramps. This spasm also occurs in the heart vessels and vessels of the brain.

With these problems in the body, the doctor usually prescribes medications with potassium, a diet without salt. The situation is getting worse. According to Serafim Chichagov, it is necessary to increase the consumption of sodium chloride, give the patient hot water with a small amount of table salt. Extrasystoles and edema appear due to the sodium content in a larger amount than potassium.

How to be treated according to the system of Serafim Chichagov

There are certain rules that must be followed. The stomach should be active from five in the morning until seventeen in the evening. In the morning you need to eat animal protein. At lunchtime - soups, in the evening for dinner - there are vegetables and cereals.

Breakfast plays an important role in human nutrition. When eating after eighteen o'clock in the evening, the food rots in the stomach until morning time. The body will be poisoned by food.

You need to eat a little about every 2 hours. A good breakfast would be fish, meat or eggs. It is necessary to exclude drinks with gas and sugar from the diet. Do not eat set meals.

At one time, you need to eat one product. The liquid is drunk one hour before meals or one hour after the procedure. Bread should not be used with yeast. Eat fewer foods with potassium and more with sodium.

Avoid or reduce your intake of yeast, grapes, dried fruits, nuts, honey, bananas, raisins, dried apricots, and seeds.
It is necessary to increase the consumption of meat, eggs, beets, fermented foods, fish, cabbage, spices. They produce hydrochloric acid.
In the evening, after eighteen hours, the kidneys are activated. To help the kidneys, you need to drink salted water. You need to get used to this mode of recovery within a week. This will have a beneficial effect on the body. The most important thing is to keep a calm emotional state and follow the rules of the system. The result can be seen within a week.
Serafim Chichagov wrote a book about his system, which contains recipes for homeopathic medicines from plants.

Many years of practice of communicating with people in need of health improvement led me to a disappointing conclusion: people do not want to take care of themselves and their health. If only a few years ago they simply did not know how it was done, and perceived the words of the healer as a dubious revelation, now the vast majority of those who turn to me for help are theoretically quite savvy, they read everything, they know everything, they agree with everything. But they are afraid to do anything. Everything is too simple and unusual. Moreover, those who are most feared by doctors have already “prescribed” the most radical measures, up to “surgical intervention”. You see, it is embarrassing for them to say to the attending physician: wait, they say, manenko, I will try to get rid of the problem in a simpler way. However, it's not just fears. Here we have deep-seated fear and laziness, forcing us to postpone everything “for later”. And the belief that the doctors will do everything themselves, and you know yourself to lie down and wait for the results.

By the way, when the eastern lords used the services of great healers (no one says that this is not happening now), they, really needing especially impeccable health and a large supply of energy, led an absolutely healthy lifestyle (under the supervision of all the same healers). True, they used to be knocked out of this reasonable state by solemn receptions and holidays, when they had to violate the laws of the body and act "like everyone else." And then the healer's task was to return the lord's disturbed body to its former impeccable state. And the "patient" obeyed the healer unquestioningly, because the health of such a patient is a matter of national importance. He desperately needs it. "The cap of Monomakh is heavy."

And we don't care about our health. And what happens if you get a little sick? State affairs will not be postponed, there will be no revolution and coup, the change of power will not fall on the heads of the people ... Alas, but this is true. Some personal plans are simply being rescheduled for tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Your official affairs will fall on the shoulders of colleagues, and domestic affairs - on the shoulders of household members. And that's it. We don't have any essentials! Do you feel all the humiliating vulgarity of this wording?

But why, on what intuition are we so indifferent to ourselves? Do we really have problems with digestion or pain in the heart less unpleasant? Do we really appreciate and love ourselves so little that we voluntarily condemn ourselves to suffering, moreover, almost with pleasure, fixing painful symptoms and telling others about them with savor? What's this? Sadomasochism? The pleasure of self-flagellation?

That is why I had to rewrite the book on health methods and try to explain to readers even more convincingly that they are in this world no worse than the "chosen ones", that their organisms are no different. Just a feeling of pain for them is a habitual state of uncomplaining slaves, in everything referring to the "will of God" and thereby already violating the laws of God. And I would add one more to the ten commandments: do not get sick - as mandatory.

Love yourself more, respect, cherish your body - your only asset in this world. Don't let pain and sickness torment you. Do not humiliate yourself by agreeing to a worse fate. Don't give others a reason to feel sorry for you. Be worthy of the human form that Nature has given you. Take care of your body: there will be no replacement for it, and if there is a partial one, then only after many years of suffering and always due to someone's misfortune. You need it?

First of all, you need to realize that your body is not you, but a biological mechanism given to you by Nature so that you can carry out some of Her plans under the conditions of the Earth.

And first of all, you need to accept as an axiom that the body itself will get rid of diseases, if it is not interfered with, if it is placed in favorable conditions corresponding to the laws of living Nature. A living organism in normal conditions of living Nature is self-restoring.

I understand that this is not easy to understand. You were born and live in an artificial world, in conditions created by people specifically for protection from nature. These conditions are familiar to you, convenient, relieve you of many worries. But they are fraught with health complications, because sometimes they differ radically from natural conditions that meet the requirements of the body and seem to be specially invented to oppress our vital forces. Do not be afraid, this is not the machinations of the enemies of mankind. It’s just that all living things strive for a “good life” and are distinguished by excellent laziness, like a child, from infancy trying to subjugate those around them to their whims. A person can create for himself all the conveniences for a carefree existence - so why not create them?

And here we are, dressed, well-fed, blissfully safe behind thick walls, basking in warmth and light, able to satisfy almost any desire with a wave of the hand: to create a microclimate, a self-assembly tablecloth ... just some kind of Emelya on the stove. And with all this, we get tired, suffer from diseases and age prematurely. But we know perfectly well that rest and sleep allow us to restore strength and even accumulate them for the coming day, and vacation restores health for another whole year, and the farther from civilization we spend our vacation, the more difficult the conditions of being in nature, the better we feel. .

And still - do not be deceived - our average "practically healthy" person actually remains sick even after rest and treatment, because the causes of diseases that have already manifested and are still preparing to manifest themselves remain in his body. Everything he did during his rest was only prevention, a pathetic attempt to slightly push back the sad painful end ...

For all the time of communication with acquaintances and strangers, I did not manage to meet a single healthy person. Even if he looks too defiantly healthy, even if he is cheerful and careless - one question about well-being, asked seriously, will cause him such a stream of introspection, reveal such a list of his problems that one wonders how he still manages to look carefree.

But there are the simplest conditions in which the human body completely restores health and gets rid of not only pain, from painful well-being, but also from the causes of their occurrence. Moreover, this can be achieved relatively easily, even without using the “privileges” of a vacationer or a person being treated, without bed rest, pills and operations, without suffering and worries, and only by making the immutable laws of Nature the same immutable laws of their daily existence.

However, this also scares many people away. People want to live “like everyone else”, it is not only unusual for them, but even “uncomfortable” to differ from those around them by their peculiar behavior. And then you have to explain that this measure is temporary, only for 2-3 months. As soon as the body restores its health, you are free to do as you wish: either remain healthy, living "in a new way", or return to the old way of life - the newly acquired health will be enough for you, already with experience, for many more years, and in case recurrence of trouble, you will already know what to do.

So, just for 2-3 months to become wise and fulfill just a few requirements for the sake of being happy and healthy - what could be easier!

Do you agree?

Nutrition of the Wise Men

Why do we start talking about health with nutrition?

Because a person, if the genes of his parents are in order, is born healthy and can get sick only when something that has no use and interferes with his normal work has entered his body. And it can enter the body only with food. That is, there are, of course, other causes of diseases, such as trauma, gross physical penetration of foreign objects into the body. It can also be corrected physically (surgically), and here you can’t do without traumatologists. Either through the wound, with breathing, with food, an infection got into the body (this is the "patrimony" of bacteriology, microbiology) ...

But both things happen infrequently and not to everyone, don't they? And everyone gets sick. And only food enters the body of each of us regularly from birth and several times a day. It is quite logical to conclude that it is the cause of your troubles. When you eat without observing the simplest laws of nutrition - the laws of nature - then you stimulate the occurrence of the vast majority of your problems.

So let's take a closer look at how we eat and what we eat. And get rid of diseases. This is not long, the process of normalization of the body will take only two to three months. I must warn you that this two-three-month process of healing the body dramatically affects the psychology of a person, his attitude towards himself and others, radically changes his worldview. Gradually there will be a real reassessment of values, you will perceive everything differently: simpler, more practical, in accordance with a healthy lifestyle. And the first step of soul-searching starts with food.

According to their attitude to food, people can be divided into two categories: those who eat to live, and those who live to eat. It is unlikely that both of them are doing the right thing - you still need to know HOW to eat. But in any case, it can be assumed that one who eats to live is almost indifferent to food, that is, does not pay much attention to what he eats, just to satisfy his hunger. And the one who lives to eat is greedy and takes special pleasure in eating, "gourmet".

You have to manage to partially combine both in yourself: there is only in order to live, and at the same time become very picky in food, fussy.

There are three main laws of nutrition, transmitted to us by the great Abu Ali Ibn Sina in the famous "Canon of Medicine" - with reference to the no less great Galen, who clearly was not their discoverer either. Actually, these are the very laws of Nature. They are simple and obvious and flawlessly performed by all living beings except humans. We, people, are forced to observe only two of them, but we gladly neglect the third.

The first law says: you can not eat incompatible foods at the same time. That is, those products, the mixture of which the body does not tolerate, perceives as poison. We don’t eat them, because if we take the risk of such an unreasonable act, we will inevitably get sick with an upset stomach. Our grandmothers know this very well and regularly pass it on to their grandchildren.

The second law says: you can not eat without appetite. But even here we do not give up our egoism (and thank God), we do not agree to eat tasteless. Unless we forcefully force our children to eat - we amuse ourselves with unlimited power over them and inadvertently harm their health.

The third law, now stubbornly neglected by people, says: you cannot eat foods that take different times to digest at the same time. That is, you can mix in the stomach only those products that are digested at the same time and already in a completely split form will pass through the duodenum into the small intestine. Here, too, everything is quite simple: we are talking only about the notorious proteins and carbohydrates, since the rest of the products either do not require digestion and are absorbed in their natural state, or contain the necessary amount of enzymes and digest themselves, that is, their contents will be split into constituent molecules not only in the stomach but under any conditions. And only proteins that lose enzymes during thermal cooking are digested for one and a half to two hours, while it takes only about 20 minutes to digest carbohydrates.

I know why the mere mention of not eating proteins and carbohydrates at the same time causes resistance and even outrage among gourmets. We were fed like this from childhood, and we got used to such food, and it seems that nothing terrible has happened and is not happening ... And how can we do without a lot of dishes, national or invented by culinary specialists, original, with a special taste, those that turn our an ordinary table into a festive one, and an ordinary feast into a pleasure? How to do without dumplings, pies, cakes? How can you deprive a wonderful rich potato borscht? How to eat sausage without bread and bread without sausage, cutlet without mashed potatoes, fish soup without pearl barley with potatoes? And there are thousands of such inventions in cooking.

This is a question that the vast majority of people do not dare to answer categorically and decisively. This is the problem that costs us health during life and terrible torment before death. Deprive yourself of "normal" food? Yes, for nothing!

Mother Nature made it so that everything happens by itself: animals eat either carbohydrates (herbivores) or proteins (predators). At the same time, note that herbivores, no, no, yes, they will try some kind of “meat”, mostly “live” proteins - plants such as nuts, seeds, beans and peas ... But predators almost never feast on carbohydrates such as cereals. And if they chew grass selectively, then only as a medicine, sucking out healing juices from it.

There are, however, omnivorous animals that destroy everything in a row. But this law of “unmixed nutrition” inevitably applies to them too. Without difficulty, they can only get carbohydrates - protein food "runs away" from them, and its extraction requires time and effort. In the meantime, the bird will catch the butterfly - the grain pecked before will be digested. A well-fed omnivore after eating rests, sleeps, wanders to a watering hole, but until it goes to the next hunt and runs there thoroughly before it gets anything else, a lot of time will pass.

And if you, a human demigod with unlimited possibilities, offer this animal a variety of food at the same time, then it will choose one thing that it now wants more and eat it, rejecting other foods for a while (this is how our cats and dogs eat, not exhausted by hunger). "Fussy".

But we well know how a person who sits down at the table does with food. He eats not only everything in a row, but everything at the same time, managing to mix the products already in the dish itself, without even bringing them to his mouth.

And what happens in his body, we now understand.

Fundamentals of healthy and therapeutic nutrition

In those days, when a person did not sit down at the table yet, he had to run around in search of food, he had only one question: "How to eat?" He ate to live. Then, realizing that it was more convenient to stock up on food, a person built a cellar for himself and filled it with food, that is, he ceased to depend on nature and got the opportunity to ignore its laws. He became a gourmet and asked a completely different question: “What would you like to eat?” Now he lives to eat.

He, originally a subtropical animal, moved to climatic conditions unsuitable for life, where what nature gives is of little use for his subtropical stomach. To put it bluntly, it cannot be called heavenly food. And if a person has a lot of food, then he gets sick from gluttony and inability to distribute food. And if he has little food, then he suffers from malnutrition and all the same inability to distribute food.

In search of a way out of this “vicious circle”, pundits conducted scientific research, wrote treatises, and over the past century they have invented so many “diets” and spoiled so many stomachs that a normal person loses his appetite from simply absorbing the information they sucked out of their finger. And a person without a healthy appetite is no longer an eater, he is a “slave of the stomach”, the stomach that has been tormenting him with his pains and problems for many decades of his life.

Now think: what will you do with your abundance and variety of products? If you live in order to eat, and are ready to feast on all this wealth for the sake of appetite and at the expense of health, then there is no point in reading this book further. As they say, be sick to your health, and let the Ministry of Health treat you. But if you eat to live and are ready to properly use the gifts of nature, while remaining healthy and cheerful, then forward to knowledge.

So food. Food and us.

In the womb, the baby is fed through the mother's circulatory system, and its gastrointestinal tract is inactive. It is put into "operation" at the moment of birth and passes the first tests, processing mother's milk - an ideal product containing all the substances necessary for the growth and development of the child.

But, having “teared off” the child from the chest, adults begin to accustom him to the usual food in the area. And his pancreas is gradually getting used to these products, getting used to the future diet. Very gradually and not without problems - as already mentioned, food in places remote from paradise is far from heavenly and, when digested, requires a great effort of all the forces of the body. Well, do you understand what our kids are most tormented by? Belly.

With each meal, with each word “eat”, with each spoon forcibly pushed into the child’s mouth, not only appetite, not only the correct attitude to food, but also intuition, which could unmistakably guide his nutrition in the future, are beaten off from him.

Years pass, the stomach grows stronger in trials, it already gets used to any food, it already tolerates alcohol and nicotine saliva, for some it’s easy, for others with corresponding problems and pains ... Stomach torments become ordinary, familiar, as if predetermined. People turn to doctors only when they are already unbearable, and would-be Aesculapius solder patients with pills alien to the nature of the body, put them on diets that are often devoid of logic, and often easily chop off pieces of the stomach, rip open the liver, cut off the gallbladder, leaving the person to live with it. that "spared" the surgeon's knife.

This is our life - you won't wish it on your enemy.

And now, since, alas, we no longer have the intuition given to us by nature, let the mind rule over us: let's understand the complex mechanism of digestion and understand how to get rid of problems not only the stomach, but the whole body with the help of proper nutrition.

* * *

Your body is an ideal biological system, created by Nature itself specifically for life in the conditions of the Earth and polished by many millions of years of evolution. It is a carefully selected design of various systems and organs that each perform their own work: the skeleton, brain, muscles, heart, lungs, liver, stomach, and so on. Each organ is a certain part of the body, made of a certain material - tissues (bone, muscle, nervous, epithelial ...). And each tissue consists of cells - small living creatures, whose vital activity and well-being reflect and determine the general state of your health.

And like every living being, the cell is born, lives and dies. Her age is not so long ...

Therefore, the body, in order to live, to continue to live tomorrow, must be renewed, again and again creating a huge number of various cells - both in childhood, in the process of intensive growth, and in adulthood, and in old age. More in childhood, less in old age. Actually, this is mainly the energy and matter that the body receives with food.

The body can create a new cell only from those substances that it receives during nutrition. No wonder they say that we are what we eat. But note: from those substances, not from those tissues. That is, not the bread or sausage that we ate, but a very specific set of substances, molecules, vitamins go to create a cell ... Therefore, food, food that has entered the body, needs to be crushed down to molecules and the simplest elements and use these elements already. Well, like recyclables, which are collected in order to smelt a metal of a very certain quality, from which a completely new part of the mechanism will then be created. The rest will go to waste.

Theoretically, it looks simple: I got food, chewed it, split it, picked up the right set of molecules, created a cell out of them - threw out the unnecessary. But in practice, unfortunately, the body does not receive a complete set of the necessary molecules. And where can I get them? Often our food is monotonous and dull, and it is not in vain that chefs try to make it tastier and more attractive. Every day we get the same products, and from them the same poor sets of molecules, and if cells cannot be assembled from them, we throw them away as unusable. And in order to somehow get out of the situation, the body itself creates the necessary chemical elements and molecules from what it has (as in a fairy tale), because for a normal life, a living biological mechanism needs almost the entire periodic table.

Our body is a great alchemist, and if we could know all its secrets at the molecular level, humanity would have no problems. No one knows and will never even know how many different elements and living beings our body creates, ensuring its normal function, this unique factory of living Nature: from the cell of its own tissue to the egg and sperm, from the set of genes to the set of live antibiotics. The internal secretion system created by Nature works flawlessly at a level that can never be achieved in our wretched production, and every gland in the body imperceptibly for us performs processes that we will never think of technologies.

But back to food issues.

To break it down to molecules in the body, there is a so-called digestive tube, where food is chewed, it is mechanically ground, with simultaneous exposure to saliva created by the body (for the breakdown of carbohydrates). The food is then processed with (concentrated) gastric acid, which is designed to break down proteins. This acid is also created in the chemical laboratory of your body and also from the products that you used (from where does it come from?).

For each type of food, the body is forced to create a certain composition of gastric juice so that its breakdown takes place without problems. The pancreas receives a task about the composition of gastric juice as soon as you decide to eat something specific or see the food that you have to eat. That is why, if you suddenly want to eat something specific, you try to do so: you already have juice of a certain composition. And if you force yourself to eat otherwise - do not expect pleasure.

If you have eaten carbohydrates (bread, potatoes, porridge), they are digested in the stomach for 20 minutes, and then the food is sent to the duodenum. If you have eaten proteins (meat, fish, nuts), this food is digested for one and a half to two hours, after which it goes on in the same way.

But if you ate proteins and carbohydrates at the same time, then you get a complete mess.

First, there is no universal type of gastric juice that affects all foods in the same way. Consequently, the pancreas is forced to give out a composition that digests either the product that is more in food, or the product that you currently eat with particular pleasure.

Secondly, it just so happened - we always eat more carbohydrates, side dishes than proteins, which means that the main part of the food (carbohydrates) is digested after 20 minutes and sent to the small intestine. And naturally, in this digested mass, grains of unsplit proteins that did not have time to break down to the desired condition are mixed: pieces of meat, fish, nuts ... At the exit to the duodenum, all this mass will be treated with bile, that is, concentrated alkali, its acidity will drop sharply, and now proteins can no longer be broken down.

So not split, they will reach the large intestine. And no matter how they grind along the way in the small intestines, no matter how much effort the body spends on their assimilation, it will not achieve any sense. You ate this part of your diet in vain (you won’t get any benefit from it), and not only in vain, but even to the detriment. All the efforts of the body to digest such food is wasted energy, and a lot of energy, and physically it is felt as digestive problems, heaviness and pain in the abdomen, fatigue after eating, nausea, etc.

Thirdly, the worst thing is that undigested proteins enter the large intestine, where the last, most important stage of digestion should take place. In the large intestine, it undergoes another processing - with the help of microflora, bacteria, which secrete vitamins and especially rare, but extremely necessary elements from the contents. Villi are located along the walls of the large intestine, like roots absorbing, drawing in useful substances isolated from food. In this sense, the human body is very similar to a plant, for which the large intestine is a planter with soil. Once upon a time, this plant, now called man, in order to be able to move freely around the Earth, learned to carry soil with it in its stomach.

So, bacteria will not release anything from undigested proteins (they have not split into constituent elements), and human roots will not draw anything into the lymphatic system. But the products that have got into the body just like that, it is also not a good idea to throw away, and the large intestine acts in the most reasonable way (from the point of view of Nature). He, constantly mixing the food mass and extracting everything useful from it, gradually pushes it to the exit, and not digested pieces of proteins (the remains of sausage, caviar, chebureks, khinkali ...) separates from this mass and sculpts to the walls - in reserve.

The idea here is perfect: apparently, before your body receives the next portion of food, you will have to look for it, run hungry on the ground. And while you are running, what is not digested in your stomach at a temperature of 36.6 degrees will simply rot, split by itself - that's when the body will get the substances it needs from these rotten pieces, and calmly throw away the unnecessary.

But you, unfortunately, do not run in search of food, do not starve, do not get anything useful from decomposed proteins; moreover, you do not even wait until they decompose - you just sit down at the table and take the next dose of the usual food. And no problem...

Further continuation of the conversation will cause you even less pleasant emotions. \ What you have now eaten has gone the same way, and the former undigested pieces of proteins have remained unclaimed. Moreover, now another portion of undigested foods has been added to them, and so every day, from breakfast to dinner: for decades, so-called fecal stones have been accumulating in the large intestine. They clog more and more space and close up the villi of your root system.

There comes a time when all this dirt clogs the caecum, bursts the appendix, and then the surgeon hastily grabs the knife. But this is only the first signal, because the time comes when the food, the fresh food that you eat, can no longer penetrate through the rubble of dirt to the roots and enrich the lymph; it only passes through the intestines and is thrown out, the body does not receive anything. You remain hungry, you want to eat again.

During this period, outwardly, such a person looks great: healthy, slightly stout, with a small belly and excellent appetite, he gives the impression of envy of a cheerful subject with a definitely happy future. But in fact, it has already laid the foundation for a whole complex of terrible diseases, and if you ask him in an intimate setting, he will already list you a list of problems that begin to seriously worry him. Unfortunately, he cannot even imagine what is going on in this “developing belly” and for what reason he wants to eat more and more, and that not useful substances from the eaten yummy, but putrefactive substances enter his lymph, into his blood. products from decaying undigested proteins that came with food eaten several years ago.

Continue? Please!

The blood drives these substances, completely superfluous in the body, throughout the body and does not know where to put them. After all, you cannot create cells from them, and it is impossible to get rid of them: through breathing and skin pores so much don't throw away. If a person is “lucky” and is disposed to obesity, then in the end these substances are released under the skin, into the fat layer (which is why it is not recommended to eat pork grown on the remains of a human table). If a person is unlucky and he is not disposed to obesity, then these substances are deposited on the walls of blood vessels and clog the exits from the glands, clog the skeletal system, tissues and muscles, block energy pathways and pathways for the movement of especially necessary elements.

This is subject to a normally functioning immune system. But as soon as a person cools down, hits, gets nervous, overheats, slightly weakening the immune defense in some area of ​​​​the body or in some organ - and the blood immediately begins to throw into this unprotected area what it cannot get rid of. And these are already obvious, with physical pains, specific diseases of various organs, tissue-tearing tumors, problems with blood vessels, with the respiratory system, with the female and male reproductive systems, constant headaches, heart pain, weakness, fatigue, pain in the liver. , in the kidneys, problems with the lymph nodes, the whole set of osteochondrosis, diabetes ... - in short, a bunch of problems when a person in confusion is forced to run to the doctors, trying to get rid of at least the most sensitive troubles.

Outwardly, he already looks sick, but he still keeps on his feet, works and does not even complain too much. But he is scared, and this fear, mixed with misunderstanding and a sense of hopelessness, is read in his eyes. Have pity on him, he doesn't know what he's doing. And no one around knows. And only knowledge, reason and will can save him.

When a putrefactive environment spreads in the large intestine and there is practically no clean place left, when everything is clogged with fecal stones and the process of decomposition of undigested proteins becomes global, the environment changes there, instead of slightly acidic it becomes alkaline. And in this environment, they feel very depressed and the organisms of beneficial microflora multiply and work worse and worse, but completely different, pathogenic bacteria thrive and multiply intensively. And the functions of the large intestine are gradually inhibited.

Moreover, in the alkaline environment of a clogged and diseased large intestine, B vitamins, isolated from food by the remaining bacteria of the Colli bacillus, turn into carcinogens, carcinogens enter the lymph and blood, and from there into the newly created cell, where they should have performed the function overseers. But which one is the overseer now? And the cell becomes cancerous. She stops working properly. And a cancer cell is a great deceiver, because the body, knowing that this cell was created by itself, and at the same time realizing that it does not belong to it qualitatively, takes it for its child, for the germ of future life. He begins to raise her, groom and fatten her, even to the detriment of himself.

This is how a malignant tumor appears. And how doctors struggle with this problem, how they destroy, excise these formations ... - all the same, carcinogens instead of vitamins enter the bloodstream from the dirty large intestine, and again a cancerous tumor is created, and already exhausted, emaciated, with an inactive immune system, the body will grow its own "child", giving him the last strength.

And the apotheosis of such a strange life given over to suffering becomes a nightmare in general - intestinal obstruction, when it is clogged with fecal stones to the eyeballs and they block the last thin passage for food waste.

* * *

You and I, reader, have had an unpleasant conversation. But it's true. I knew many suffering people, I tried to help them and helped most of them. And what you read about is not a figment of my imagination and not an exaggeration, but, alas, the truth that almost every person in our society faces without knowing it. And everyone suffers. Except you. Because you already know about it. And because you already almost guess how to get rid of future troubles.

More on this later, because the process of getting rid of trouble begins with something else.

Of course, first of all, it is necessary to streamline the diet, to stop the flow of food that has not been digested in the stomach into the intestines.

how we eat

The science of nutrition occupies the most honorable place in all branches of "folk" healing. This is a rather complex and well-studied area of ​​human knowledge. But we, in order not to load and once again not to tire the mind of the reader, will single out the main and extremely necessary.

So, foods, all foods on the planet, are divided into proteins - foods in which the percentage of proteins is quite high; carbohydrates - foods high in carbohydrates; neutral food.

Both proteins and carbohydrates could be digested in the stomach by the enzymes already in them. Even raw meat can be completely broken down by the enzymes that make up its composition. Nature has thought it all out and taken it into account. She did not take into account only the fact that food will be processed with fire, which will destroy these same enzymes, and a person will have to digest food on his own.

Of course, it would be good for us to eat raw food. But apparently this is absolutely impossible. After all, in our area the food is not heavenly, it is raw and cannot be chewed. And then, on Earth, everything is already so ecologically flawed, polluted, and our body, which has received everything boiled and fried for thousands of years, has completely lost the habit of defending itself from pathogenic bacteria.

Under all these conditions, it remains for us to eat what we are used to, but to strictly observe the third law of nutrition - do not eat at the same time foods that take different times to digest. That is, do not eat proteins and carbohydrates at the same time.

I am happy to provide you with extended lists of these products, where the content of proteins and carbohydrates is given as a percentage.

The task, I hope, is clear to you. For one meal, you can choose products in any quantity and in any ratio, either only from the left column, or only from the right. Mixing them is unacceptable, because immediately after such a meal, undigested proteins will enter the intestines, and the whole chain of problems that we have already described will follow.

This list includes fats and so-called live foods that have a full set of enzymes and digest themselves (that is, they decompose naturally) and which do not contain either proteins or carbohydrates. Therefore, they can be used in any quantity and in any combination either separately, or with proteins or carbohydrates. I hope that from such various combinations you will be able to prepare yourself a tasty and satisfying meal that will not harm you.

* * *

The following list contains a list of foods that should not be eaten at all, but if you cannot bear it, then you should not eat at least while your health is recovering.

The reasons for such a strict attitude towards these products are different. For example, those with numbers indicating the percentage of proteins and carbohydrates should not be consumed simply because they contain proteins and carbohydrates. Semolina, made from the core of selected grains, is completely devoid of enzymes and is digested completely at the expense of the body's energy. The same effect from white flour and polished rice - they deplete the body, practically without bringing the expected benefits. Canned food, packaged meals and sugar are technologically depleted, all useful substances are destroyed in the process of cooking, and these products are not suitable for food at all. Refined sugar, sand, which gives only a sweet effect, completely enters the bloodstream and, not containing any useful substances, all goes to clog the body (unlike boiled and fruit sugar, which are just useful, but for some reason are not sold). Crude protein is not digested. Coffee, tea, cocoa are a suspension of finely divided particles that have no use and penetrate the body in the form of toxins. And so on. We present a separate list of products, the mixture of which the body simply cannot stand.

Unfamiliar food is not recommended, because the body does not know what composition of gastric juice is necessary for its digestion, what substances it contains and how to use them. Therefore, from the use of unusual food, disorders of the gastrointestinal tract occur more often. The conversation will go a little lower about food before the digestion of the previous food, but even now it can be explained that if almost digested food is already in the stomach and fresh food is placed there, then, having completely digested, the previous food will go into the small intestine and entail fresh.

Now you have received complete information about normal nutrition that corresponds to the laws of nature. And this means that it depends only on you whether you put your body in order, get rid of diseases or not. But the secrets of nutrition are far from exhausted. And for the curious, we will expand the conversation a bit. Let's start with the basics and try to build some kind of circuit. But keep in mind that the upcoming conversation is a little more complicated, and enough has already been said about simple measures to maintain health.

human nature

1. Properties of nature

The sages of antiquity expressed the state of the body (nature) of a person with temperature (energy potential) and humidity (the ability to accumulate a water-fat layer) and believed that there is a certain balanced value of these parameters that corresponds to nature absolutely healthy person how he is born.

And we will join the opinion of the sages.

It was also believed that under the influence of many factors (from the place of birth and nutrition to the conditions of upbringing and stressful situations), people change any parameter in one direction or another already in childhood. That is, for some, nature becomes hotter, for others it is colder, for others it is drier, for others it is wetter. This is the emergence of the specific qualities of a given personality under the influence of external factors, if you like - the formation of character.

Such a “simply unbalanced” nature does not remain for long, because warming dries it, cooling moistens, withering cools, and moistening warms. As a result, we get four different types of complex human natures.

That is, all mankind can be divided into people with a hot and dry nature, with a hot and wet nature, with a cold and dry nature, and with a cold and wet nature. Here is such a simple scheme.

Go through your acquaintances in memory, and you will see that one of these four characteristics will suit anyone to one degree or another, of course, in sufficiently specific individual parameters that can be marked in a simple coordinate system as a point. Find the state of your nature, at least approximately outlining its position graphically. You will need this.

2. Properties of food

The sages in antiquity divided all the food of people according to the same principle, believing that among different types of food there is balanced food, that is, neutral, “absolute”. Once in the body, it changes itself, but does not change its parameters. Unfortunately, there are few such harmless foods. And other types of food have their own parameters of heat, cold, dryness and humidity and are considered medicinal, because when they enter the body, they dry it, moisturize, warm or cool it. That is, they change not only their properties, but also the parameters of the organism of the eater.

(By the way, there is food that, once in the body, does not change its properties, only changes the properties of the body. These are poisons, slow or fast.)

Now it is already easy for you to understand what will happen if, for example, a person with a hot and dry nature is fed foods that dry and warm. The distinctive parameters of his nature will increase, and the disease state will intensify until the organism breaks down. And vice versa, if you feed him with products with opposite parameters, then his nature will gradually level out until the general condition returns to normal.

All these nuances are generated by nature, and we are children of nature, so intuition should naturally help us navigate the abundance of food. But, as mentioned above, in the process of upbringing and feeding “from a spoon”, our intuition was “hammered”, and now we have to rely on reason and knowledge.

3. A little practice

Let's try to divide the products according to this principle, as our ancestors divided them.

Fried and salted meat, salted fish, kidneys, beans, cabbage, beets, sugar, bitter almonds, parsley, mint, onions, peppers, capers, watercress, thyme, mustard, fennel warm and dry nature.

Boiled meat, pork and pig meat, lamb legs, milk, butter, cottage cheese, radish, ripe figs, pine nuts, ripe mulberries warm and moisturize the nature ...

Potatoes (starch), sour-milk products, morel mushrooms, quince, blackberries, mountain ash, Chinese pears are cooled and dried in kind ...

Fresh fish, pure water, milk, beans, mushrooms, apples, pears, pomegranates, unripe grapes, unripe figs and mulberries, cucumbers cool and moisturize nature.

By applying these and other "medicinal" products and focusing on the point at which you have designated yourself in the chart of natures, you can gradually balance the body and then maintain it in a more or less balanced state.

The human body is such a flexible system that there are no categorical rules for nutrition “for everyone”. Nor do they exist for you personally. That is, as your nature approaches a balanced state, your taste attitudes to foods will also change, and when you reach balance in the body, then further use of the same foods can radically change your nature and give rise to ailments that are completely opposite in quality. In accordance with this, one and the same product can be liked very much today, and disgusted tomorrow. Therefore, listen sensitively to the desires of the body and, as far as possible, satisfy them. If you learn to understand it, it will not deceive you.

Grand canon

Based on his vast medical experience and guided by the works of Andromache, Antillus, Galen, Hippocrates, Dioscorides, Ibn Masawayh, Rufus and other great healers, he carefully studied, Avicenna writes:

“The one who takes care of his health should strive to ensure that the main part of his food does not consist of any healing nutrients, such as vegetables, fruits, and the like, for those foods that have a thinning property, kindle the blood, and those that have the property of thickening make the body mucous and heavy."

The main idea of ​​Ibn Sina's "Canon of Medicine" regarding nutrition comes down to the fact that when choosing food, one must take into account not only its properties, but also the properties of the body and the amount of this food so that its effect is not detrimental to the health of this particular organism. If someone mistakenly ate a healing nutrient harmful to him, then his effect should be stopped by using a substance with the opposite property, and then starve a little.

It doesn’t hurt to know what the immoderate use of foods that are common in our diet can lead to. If you don’t catch the body’s reluctance (lack of appetite) to take this or that food, or out of habit forcing yourself (or your child) to eat what you no longer like, you risk your health. And in what sense - again we learn from Avicenna:

“Hot bread is unacceptable for nature, and not baked inside floats in the stomach and creates blockages. Yeast from unbaked bread remains in the intestines and causes subsequent food to ferment.

Beef and other rough meats cause malignant tumors and malignant lichens, leprosy, elephantiasis and varicose veins, fever, melancholy and delusions.

Milk causes blockages, especially in the liver, increases bleeding and has a bad effect on the insides. Nothing can harm the body so much as bad milk. It curdles in the stomach and is harmful to those suffering from diseases of the nerves and internal tumors. Harms the teeth, corrodes them and crumbles, loosens the gums, harmfully suffering from headaches and dizziness, causes blurred vision and night blindness, harms those suffering from heart failure, causes bloating, harmfully sick with the spleen and liver, promotes the appearance of stones, weakens the stomach.

Chicken meat causes sore throats.

Cabbage causes blurred vision, harmful to the stomach.

Leek is harmful to vision, causes headaches and bad dreams, spoils the gums, swells.

The radish is harmful to the head, teeth and eyes, harmful to the stomach and causes belching, eaten before meals - contributes to vomiting.

And a little more knowledge. So that all these nutrition rules do not seem too simple to you, let's divide the products again, according to the third principle, which Avicenna also mentions.

There is soft very nutritious food. These are meat juice, fresh egg yolks heated and sprinkled with lemon juice, soft-boiled eggs and fragrant grape wine. Worse food is light and chicken meat.

There is rough very nutritious food. These are hard-boiled eggs and the meat of one-year-old lambs, and worse - beef, goose and horse meat.

There are soft, low-nutrient foods - these are balanced vegetables such as carrots, apples, pomegranates, and worse - most vegetables and fruits.

And there is coarse, low-nutrient food, like cheese and eggplant, and worse - jerky.

Soft food keeps you healthy, but does not keep you strong.

Rough food gives strength, but is harmful to health.

Indigestion from coarse food causes pain in the joints and kidneys, asthma, shortness of breath, gout, problems with the spleen and liver.

Indigestion from soft food leads to malignant fevers and malignant tumors.

Therefore, Ibn Sina advises, “a person should eat such food as meat (especially the meat of a goat, small calves, lamb); wheat, cleaned of rubbish, gathered from a healthy field, not subjected to any disaster; sweets corresponding to his nature; good fragrant wine. You should not pay attention to other types of food, except in those cases when they are necessary for curative or preventive purposes. Fruits more suitable for ordinary food include very ripe figs and grapes, and dates in those areas where they are common.

Secrets of Tibetan Medicine

The medicinal properties of food have been and are being used by Tibetan physicians with might and main. This knowledge is more specific in the sense that the healers of Tibet treat specific diseases with specific food. Here are their secrets:

« Fresh and raw seeds are heavy; ripe, dried and old are easy. And they are all digested raw, boiled and fried in the order in which they are given here.

Rice stops diarrhea and vomiting. Strengthens the body.

Small rice strengthens the appetite.

Millet heals and heals tissues from bruises.

Wheat strengthens. Normalizes breathing and bile function.

The core nourishes and increases excrement.

Barley treats the bile system, muco-serous and lacto-lymphatic systems.

Buckwheat treats the bile system, the muco-serous and lacto-lymphatic systems.

Pea stops bleeding, treats acute disorders of the mucous membranes, stops diarrhea.

Chinese pea treats local disorders of the mucous and lymphatic systems, respiration, cough, shortness of breath, hemorrhoids, stones in the seminal vesicle and blood, upsets nutrition.

Small peas upset all three life processes.

Semolina heals the respiratory, mucous and lymphatic systems, the bile system and the sperm formation system.

Meat fresh - cools, old - hot, stored for a year - heals the air system and improves digestion, frozen and fried - hard, hard to digest, dried and boiled - light and easy to digest.

Fatty mutton warms, strengthens, heals the air system and mucous, lymphatic systems, causes appetite.

Goat meat - heavy, cools, helps with syphilis, smallpox and burns, upsets all three life processes.

Cattle meat cools, heals the air system, contributing to the enhancement of vital living warmth.

Horse meat, donkey meat, mule treat abscesses and suppurations, lymph, raise low temperature in the kidneys and lumbar region.

Pork cools, heals ulcers, wounds, chronic catarrhs.

Bear meat strengthens sleep.

Buffalo meat warms, raises the temperature and causes malnutrition of the blood and bile.

Chicken nourishes sperm, helps with wounds and ulcers.

Peacock meat heals eyesight, blindness, strengthens the elderly.

Venison normalizes temperature drops in the liver and stomach, enhances digestion.

The meat of wild goats is light, cools, lowers the temperature.

Rabbit - coarse meat, enhances digestion, treats diarrhea.

Fish stimulates appetite, cures indigestion, improves eyesight, heals wounds and tumors, lymphatic and mucous systems.

The properties and methods of healthy eating listed above are more than sufficient to maintain the body and its vitality at the proper level. But let's add a few more rules, "from Avicenna":

“Eat without excess.

Eat with gusto, don't hold back your appetite.

Eat only when you are hungry.

Eat only delicious food. It is much better absorbed.

Eat hot food in winter, cold food in summer, but both should be in moderation.

Eat highly nutritious foods in the winter and vice versa in the summer.

Do not eat sweets for dessert - they will digest faster and pull undigested foods with them.

Salty or spicy jam with something moisturizing and tasteless.

The task of your stomach is to calmly digest what you eat. Don't bother him."

What We Don't Eat

Unfortunately, in our daily diet there are products that not only do not benefit the human body, but also cause significant harm to it. Excluding them from the diet already has a very beneficial effect on health.


Few people know that the passion for milk and dairy products is the cause of many diseases that turn people's lives into suffering, bring old age closer and make their death painful. The fact is that the protein part of cow's, goat's and sheep's milk is 75% casein - a complex protein that a child needs to fix his skeletal system. That is, the mechanism of “absorption” of casein into the body works perfectly, but in its pure form, casein is not absorbed by the body, it must be broken down. And for splitting, an enzyme is needed, which is commonly called abomasum, in biology - renin, in medicine - chymosin.

The child's body itself produces chymosin, and receives it with mother's milk, in which the enzyme "lives" for about 20 minutes. Everything is still going in accordance with the laws of nature: casein is split, bones are strengthened. But as soon as a child is weaned and fed with cow's milk, the load on the gland that produces chymosin increases many times over: after all, cow's milk contains 30 times more casein than women's milk, and nothing is left of abomasum, because it has long (through 20 minutes after milking) has outlived its life. Of course, the child's stomach cannot cope with such a load, and casein for the most part remains unsplit in his body.

Since it cannot be used in this form, the blood, chasing casein molecules through the body, gradually clogs the organs and muscles with deposits of uric acid. Moreover, with age, the body generally loses the ability to produce chymosin. And virtually all of the casein found in the milk and dairy products that adults consume is stored in their bodies as uric acid. What these deposits mean in the body is not difficult to imagine if you remember that casein is the glue with which tables are glued. In the body, it sticks together slag and salt deposits, filling the intervertebral spaces and joints, forming stones in the kidneys and bladder and all kinds of tumors, deposited in layers in layers of muscle tissue.

The total mass of casein in the body can reach tens of kilograms. Therefore, every patient who was forced to resort to cleansing the body of casein deposits in order to get out of a hopeless state “greatly lost weight”: it was accumulations of indigestible protein that were thrown out of his body, freeing vital pathways. It is good that weight loss took place against the background of a constant improvement in well-being, and this effect did not allow the patient to doubt the correctness of the chosen treatment method.

And only after the body had expelled the last flakes of uric acid from itself, the patient, who was completely dystrophic in appearance, acquired the appearance and weight that corresponded to world standards and the tastes of the most fastidious connoisseurs of the beauty of the human body.


They mainly contain albumins, digested from meat and bones. The body spends 30 times more energy on the digestion of broths, that is, on the breakdown of albumins, than on the digestion of soup with boiled meat, which, by the way, is well known to medicine. Therefore, it is not clear for what reasons broths are recommended to patients and children as the most effective means of "restoring strength", that is, replenishing the energy potential.

By the way, apparently, all the same Nature ordered that the substances found in animal proteins be better absorbed by the stomach “complete” with enzymes. It's very rationally put together. That is why raw meat is digested almost perfectly. In boiled, fried or otherwise thermally processed meat, most of the enzymes lose their properties, and the longer the processing, the more difficult it is to subsequently digest this product. However, the same applies to all our other food.


In a strange way, semolina porridge was included in the list of dishes recommended for patients and children. As mentioned above, semolina is prepared from the core of the grain and is completely devoid of enzymes that would help the body digest and assimilate it. A person spends much more energy on digesting semolina than he receives. Therefore, it is unacceptable to feed semolina porridge to children. By the way, they refuse it, and if they are still forced to eat semolina, they only weaken, which provokes the emergence and development of many childhood diseases. For the same reason, it is impossible to feed sick people with semolina, and it is useless for healthy people.

Half-cooked grains are considered the most useful of cereals, and polished rice is less digestible than gray rice, which is so “ugly”, but rich in enzymes.

canned food

There is practically no benefit from canned meat and fish products, in which all useful substances and vitamins are destroyed during processing: such food at the molecular level is not broken down by gastric juice into its simplest components and is not absorbed by the body. Meanwhile, trying to digest it also takes a lot of energy, which makes you feel false satiety, and besides, when you use canned foods, the body is clogged with substances that are absolutely unnecessary or harmful to it.


Canned vegetables and fruits contain significantly more useful substances - due to weak and short-term heat treatment. But some housewives use aspirin in canning, and this is a slow-acting poison. For the use of aspirin in industrial canning violators of the technology are criminally liable.

Rafinated sugar

In the same way as during canning, in the process of preparing refined products, all useful substances are simply destroyed, they lose their ability to break down under the influence of gastric juice and, because of this, cannot be absorbed by the body. A striking example of this is refined sugar, in which, apart from the sweet taste, nothing useful remains. Nevertheless, we consume this sugar in huge quantities and cannot even imagine what harm we are doing to ourselves, since all the molecules of refined sugar clog the body and do not find any practical use in it.


Especially it is necessary to talk about the melon. This is a sanitation product that helps cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, so melon is eaten only separately. Moreover, melon can be eaten only two hours after a meal and two hours before the next meal.

Children sometimes have vomiting or diarrhea after melon. Diarrhea is the release of fecal matter that has been stored in the intestines. Vomiting is more common in those who suffer from constipation. But in fact, and in another case, this healing process.

How do we heal with nutrition?

We will talk about the oldest oriental method of nutrition, which allows you to both cure and kill (depending on the desire of the person who feeds you). But let's not go into the deadly philosophy of macrobiotics, let's focus on its healing function.

I hope you know that in living nature (as well as in inanimate) there are alkaline, acidic and neutral chemical and biological environments. Yogis say that the internal environment of a healthy human body should be slightly alkaline and the blood should be two-thirds alkaline, and the environment of the gastrointestinal tract should be slightly acidic. You understand that the environment in the stomach itself is very acidic.

Remember now that the body is built from the substances of food eaten by a person. And if you have ever heard that foods are divided into alkaline and acidic, then both the logic of macrobiotics and the principle of clinical nutrition will immediately become clear to you. That is, if 60% of your diet is occupied by alkaline foods, and 40% are acidic, then according to all the rules of yoga, your diet contributes to recovery. Conversely, if acidic foods predominate in your diet, then your body becomes acidic, and if alkaline, it becomes alkaline and sick.

Maximum yin (acidity, winter, woman, right half of the body)

Maximum yang (alkalinity, summer, male, left half of the body)

In this sense, traditional medicine has many wonderful "secrets". For example, the revelation that every person has an equal number of male and female principles and that the right half of his body is male and the left half is female. The male half should be more alkaline, and the female half more acidic, but if they balance each other, then everything is in order in the body. Moreover, painful and even fatal acidification or alkalization has such negligible parameters that it can be detected either with very subtle laboratory studies, when the laboratory assistant must know the pH parameters of a healthy organism, or with careful observation of oneself and the body's reactions to a particular food.

But when excessive acidification or alkalization of the body depresses the male or female half in it, respectively, and its acid-base parameters are violated, then the person does not just get sick - he experiences a general collapse of the entire set of functions corresponding to one or another half of his body. That is, this is not just a disease of some organ in our usual sense - it is a global destruction of the entire mechanism that has so far supported you and helped you feel like a full-fledged healthy person. If you want to use an example to present the global nature of this problem, ask aquarists and they will tell you how disastrous for aquarium fish is even a minimal deviation in the acid-base parameters of the water in the aquarium. And we are not talking about the environment, but about the internal environment of the human body, where acidification or alkalization occurs at the cell level and where a barely noticeable acidification of the cell atmosphere (breathed in oxygen) makes itself felt by the whole crowd of colds and pulmonary problems - up to seizures asthma.

It should also be clarified that alkaline or acidic foods are not foods that taste sweet or sour. This refers to how the body reacts to their appearance in the stomach. Few people can imagine that the most acidic reaction in the body is caused by "harmless" eggplants, tomatoes and potatoes - these are from vegetables, and from fruits - pineapples, papaya and mangoes; from sweets - honey and sugar; from drinks - coffee, coca-cola and cocoa; spices - pepper and ginger. In the same way, it is difficult to imagine that such familiar foods as carrots and pumpkins, eggs, apples (!), onions, horseradish are capable of causing trouble with global alkalization ...

The problem of macrobiotics has occupied Eastern healers, it seems, at all times. There is even such a rather simple method of normalizing a sick organism: the patient is prescribed porridge and only porridge, and nothing but porridge. Because the pH level in cereals is the most balanced. When the patient's health returns to normal (as it does), he is allowed to taste vegetables, then soups, then salads, dessert, and finally drinks. But as soon as the patient gets worse, he is immediately transferred to the previous diet.

Aligning yin-yang with breath

This original technique was invented by the sages of the East and has passed centuries of testing, but since it is related to the great yoga, I will allow myself to make some introduction.

The fact is that the methods of healers are extremely simple, and to us, accustomed to the complexities and veil of official allopathy, they often seem absurd. I will give just one example. Someone suffers from kidney problems (again due to contamination of the body). Whether he has already learned something and began to purify himself, or not, it does not matter. One thing can be stated without a doubt: somehow a sediment appears in his kidneys: sand, stones ... How to get rid of them - a conversation a little later, but how to stop their formation - now. It's very simple: before each "trip" to the toilet, shake your stomach, jump, shake up the sediment that has accumulated over the past few hours. Now it will come out of the kidneys with urine. And if you do this regularly, the process of formation of sand and stones from the sediment will stop. And if you also carry out the whole complex of cleansing and healing the body, there will be no more problems with the kidneys.

These are the methods of healing - ridiculously, distrustfully simple and at the same time very effective. Therefore, at first, until you have tried them and are not convinced of the improvement in your condition, it is better to discard all your ironic doubts and simply do what the Guru prescribes for you. The main thing here is discipline.

So, we are going to help the body balance the acid-alkaline environment, the yin-yang parameters, because our well-being does not please us. You already know that the right half of the human body is a Man, and the left half is a Woman (which, by the way, speaks of the perfect equality of men and women before Nature). And now you will also learn that each of these halves has its own biologically active clock and a completely independent life cycle. During the active biological clock of the female half, the body receives prana (biological yin energy) and gets rid of the accumulated negative energy, and vice versa - during the active biological clock of the male half, its yang energy improves and purification is stimulated.

Prana enters the body with air, with inhalation. And we breathe through our nose. There are two nostrils in the nose. And if you are observant, you might notice that these nostrils breathe unevenly: for some time, air mainly enters the lungs through the right nostril, and for some time through the left. This is what happens depending on the hours of yin or yang activity.

(If you press your finger on the nostril that is currently breathing, then breathing through the other nostril will be difficult. Experiment and you will see that yoga is right.)

The right nostril, of course, "breathes" the right lung, and the left nostril - the left. Here you need to be more careful: when prana enters the right lung, it goes to enrich the left, female half of the body, that is, it energetically nourishes and prepares the organs of the left side of the body for active hours. Conversely, the organs of the right side of the body are supplied with prana through the left nostril. However, this is not even important, but the important thing is that we can intervene in the process of energy enrichment of the body and balance the flow of prana if a breakdown is felt in some half of our body, that is, if the yin-yang balance is disturbed.

It is enough to cover with your finger, say, the right nostril, so that the vital energy begins to pass only through the left nostril and enrich only the right, male half of your body; and vice versa, by closing the left nostril, you will thereby ensure the flow of energy into the left half of the body.

Be careful: this seemingly “ridiculous” method works flawlessly, and if you make a mistake, then your energy will go to where it is already enough, and will stop flowing to where it is now urgently needed. To prevent this from happening, work with yourself very disciplined, according to a refined yoga technique.

Sit in the lotus position, or whatever semblance of lotus position your feet can take. Put your palms together and raise them to your face. Place your nose between slightly apart thumbs. Calm down, "peace" and focus on what you are doing. Breathe through your nose, evenly, smoothly, without delays in inhaling or exhaling. Breathe with your diaphragm.

Having settled down and calmed down, before the next breath, lightly press the right thumb with the right thumb on the right nostril. Prana passed through the left nostril to the left lung, to its lower part, and went to enrich the right side of the body with positive energy. After that, press the left nostril, open the right nostril and exhale the accumulated negative energy through it. Now, without changing the location of the fingers, inhale through the right nostril, lower the prana into the right lung and again, now changing the location of the fingers to the original, exhale through the left nostril.

In short, you must exhale and inhale through each nostril. Exhale and inhale, not the other way around.

Repeat the process until you feel denial. Repeat the technique daily during rest hours until the body returns to normal. This method balances yin and yang. It is leveling, and not stimulating the state of any one of these components. Because with a uniform distribution of prana, neither yin nor yang will be oppressed, but with a violent redistribution of prana flows, it is easy to miscalculate.


You can thoroughly study the needs of your body using simple "home-grown" methods and without resorting to dubious medical analyzes (the conclusions of which are also tricky to understand). It is better to turn again to the wisdom of yogis, who can determine whether this or that food is good for you or fraught with danger.

Conduct an experiment, writing down its data in a notebook. Simplified, this is done like this: take one of the foods you most often eat, put a piece in your mouth and chew it thoroughly. Of course, it is better if it is something raw, not processed by fire. Chew food so thoroughly that a homogeneous gruel is obtained in the mouth.

It happens that during chewing, the food seems to melt, disappear even without swallowing. In this case, you can congratulate yourself, you have achieved a double effect: you have learned the process of eating from yogis and unmistakably determined that this product is extremely necessary for you. Write its name in a notebook and put a cross next to it. But it happens that you are reluctant to chew this product and after thoroughly chewing the food becomes tasteless, you do not want to swallow it. Spit out its remnants and put a minus next to the name of this product in a notebook. He is against you.

So, gradually trying out all the products included in your regular menu, you will make a list of those that you both want and need. And eat them. Set aside the rest (for a while).

Be disciplined and stay alert, knowing that you are being deceived at dinner, serving unnecessary and even harmful foods, but at the same time they muffle their true taste and your resistance with various seasonings, sauces, spices, sugar - everything that mankind has come up with for increased appetite.

If you, having made a list of “your” products, eat only them for some time, then your illnesses will inevitably subside. Here you can achieve amazing results. But at the same time, check from time to time if your taste has changed, if you want to eat something from the “forbidden” list. This can happen if the environment in your body has returned to normal or starts to go to the opposite extreme. Normalize it again, now with products from another list, but again, be sure to use those that seem tastier this time. And from now on, maintain your health with such a proven, varied and reasonable diet.

Important little things

At the end of the topic about nutrition, let me give you a few tips.

If you are afraid to switch to a rational, reasonable-separate, simply separate food, a raw food diet, or you are afraid to experience the wisdom of macrobiotics, because all this seems flawed to you and you are afraid of the “exhaustion” of the body, then think about horses. They are strong, they are smart, they are perfectly healthy and unpretentious. And the best food for them is oats.

Take unpeeled oats, wash, dry, grind in a coffee grinder, and in the evening, pour the resulting flour into a thermos and pour boiling water at the rate of 1 tablespoon of ground oats per 1 glass of water. In the morning, strain a glass of liquid from a thermos through cheesecloth and drink.

All. Now you are provided for the whole day with a full set of useful and nutritious things you need and you can eat nothing else at all. True, an empty stomach will disturb you with panic signals, but this is already the cost of his bad upbringing. So, if you don’t manage to dine outside the house or the food is very doubtful, give it up and don’t be upset: nothing threatens your life.

Eat more garlic, which contains germanium, which is not found in other foods. Germanium restores the body's valve system - there are a great many of these valves in it. Almost already at the first signs of a health disorder due to contamination of the gastrointestinal tract and with improper nutrition, the valve system begins to fail in one place, then in another (this is the heart, then the circulatory system, then the gastrointestinal tract). Put it in order, using garlic - and your path to health will be greatly accelerated.

And try to eat at least 1 tablespoon of honey every morning. In addition to all other benefits, this will provide you with an optimal daily concentration of potassium ions in the blood, which are essential for normal metabolism.

An unexpected summary

We have carefully selected the most interesting, useful and impeccable information about nutrition for you. You can use it as soon as you wish - it will not bring you anything but health.

Or you can, as they always say in the first lesson to those who entered technical universities, just forget about everything you heard earlier. But leave only one requirement for yourself and your food: do not consume proteins and carbohydrates at the same time. To do this, we provide you with a simple, compact, but quite effective food division scheme that allows you to restore and consolidate your health without resorting to complex diets:

It is clear from the table that neutral foods can be consumed in any quantity, either with proteins from the left list or with carbohydrates from the right. However, mixing products from the left column with products from the right column is deadly.

Good luck!

About drinking

We always have no time, we are lazy and shy away from difficulties, we do not know much, and all this is reflected in the very process of eating. We do not finish chewing food, we do not diligently moisten it with saliva, we do not prepare it properly before swallowing it. We just drink it down, and the food falls into the stomach in half-chewed pieces. What problems? There, everything will grind, split, but we have no time.

Just imagine what happens in the stomach after your meal. There is an unimaginable hodgepodge of products, moreover, completely unprepared for digestion. The larger the pieces you swallowed, the more gastric juice will be needed to break them down and digest them. The less time you spent chewing and wetting food with saliva, the less you processed it with alkali, and the carbohydrates you ate were not broken down, not prepared for absorption.

But the worst thing is that you drink literally every piece of food - with broth, tea, juice, coffee, compote ... And this means that you have pretty much diluted the dose of gastric juice necessary for digesting food and in this form it will not be able to digest anything. Now the pancreas will have to produce an additional (30 times more!) dose of gastric juice in order to bring its concentration in the stomach to some norm. During this time, the liquid you drink should be cleared of impurities and penetrate through the walls of the stomach into the tissues of the body, and this is an extra expenditure of energy from the body's reserves. And it's time! Until the required amount of acid is produced, the food will lie in the stomach, that is, it will ferment and “toil”. And you will “toil” in the same way, thinking, of course, that this is from satiety.

Almost the same thing happens when you drink food you have already eaten or when you eat soups. But soup is a common dish at dinner. What meal does not end with a glass of compote or coffee? As a result of such a long-term problem, a person gets another fundamental problem of the stomach - indigestion.

What to do? Remember yoga again and use its recommendations.

Water, once in the stomach, splits into molecules, becomes structurally absolutely thin. After that, it enters directly through the mucous membrane and walls of the stomach into the intercellular space of the body, into the muscle tissue in order to cleanse it of hormones and antibodies that have got there (we will discuss this below) and go out through the kidneys and other organs of the urinary system. It takes 15-20 minutes for the stomach to process water, and food must enter the stomach when there is no water there. Therefore, water can be drunk about 15–20 minutes before a meal, or, conversely, food can be taken only 15–20 minutes after the last drink.

Try to eat without drinking, chew food thoroughly, swallowing it with saliva, and even better - chew it to the point where it "leaks" into the esophagus. Such food will be most prepared for the process of digestion, and it will pass completely unnoticed.

You already know that proteins are digested in 1.5–2 hours, carbohydrates in 20 minutes. In order not to disrupt this process, you should not drink while food is being digested. In theory, you should not be thirsty. All animals after eating lie and rest, digesting what they have eaten, and then go to the watering place. Thirst appears if the digested food has entered the small intestine, but the acidity in the stomach remains. Therefore, you can drink 1.5–2 hours after eating, or rather, when you feel real thirst. And then the body will not deceive you.

Love yourself, pamper yourself, listen carefully to the signals from within. The body knows perfectly well what it needs, and if you satisfy its desires, you will be healthy and in a good mood.

The law of cleanliness

At all times, this law was an indispensable condition for the existence of living Nature, many millennia ago people already understood it, and healers of antiquity widely used it. It is also used by today's representatives of "traditional medicine". Without observing this law, it is impossible to completely recover from any disease, it is impossible to get rid of the cause of their occurrence. But it also needs a reasonable approach, because, for example, a violation of the sequence of cleansing the body can significantly delay positive results. And even health-improving effects on the body that stimulate blood circulation, such as sports or a steam room, performed without observing this law, worsen the patient's condition and can bring it to a critical point, although, in theory, they should also contribute to purification.

The meaning of the law is that there can be no diseases in a clean body and, conversely, the more harmful and superfluous substances accumulate in the body, the more vital pathways are clogged with them, the worse it performs its functions, the more often it breaks out of obedience, alerting pains about a critical condition, and in the end, having thoroughly exhausted his master, he refuses ... to live.

Accordingly, the main condition for the improvement of the body is formulated - cleansing it of unnecessary substances accumulated in the body and observing all the mandatory rules of internal hygiene of the body. With this we will begin the next topic of our conversation, first of all, paying attention to the main task of cleansing the body - the internal hygiene of the gastrointestinal tract.

If until now you have been illiterate about food, then you have completely clogged your body with toxins, indigestible proteins, waste from rotting remains of undigested food, and other similar muck. Of course, you can’t build healthy cells out of all this. Harmful substances were carried by the blood throughout the body and gradually settled on the walls of blood vessels, in the joints of the skeletal system, accumulating in organs with impaired immune defenses or with signs of atrophy, in the layers of muscle tissue and in the subcutaneous fat layer. They clogged the exits of the nerves from the spinal column and thus weakened the control of the central nervous system over the work of your organs; disturbed the balance of energy flows and prevent the movement through the body of essential substances obtained from food or produced by the endocrine glands. Thus, a gradual oppression of living matter takes place, its biological potential is muffled, reduced to nothing.

Moreover, these substances, densely mixed with cholesterol, eventually cover the walls of blood vessels with an increasingly powerful layer and gradually cover up the exits from the glands, through which hormones and antibodies should flow into the blood. As a result, the vital activity of the organism and its ability to resist diseases are reduced. And biologically active substances and immunoglobulins, which are extremely important for you and, moreover, created by the body itself, are washed off, getting into the kidneys, and excreted in the urine.

From what has been said, it is clear that one organ cannot hurt a person - the whole organism is sick. It’s just that some of the organs is the first to make itself felt with pain, and “official medicine” is willing to treat it. But treating only him is useless. Why? Because in order to successfully fight the disease, it is necessary to remove the very cause of diseases from the body - dirt, useless substances that interfere with its normal functioning.

When medicine "treats" a certain "specific" disease, then with drugs or surgery it only hides one of the consequences of a general disease. The reason remains in the body and is ready to reappear in any other organ: after all, harmful substances continue to flow from the polluted colon into the blood and be carried by it through the organs. Such an intestine becomes a source of general intoxication.

And even if, having switched to a competent diet, you stopped regularly replenishing the stocks of fecal stones, their blockages remained in place, and the large intestine clogged with them, which turned into a huge motionless bag of waste, continues to displace internal organs from their proper places. It presses the diaphragm - the main respiratory muscle - and turns it off from the breathing process, sharply reducing the volume of the lungs. It shifts the liver, presses on the kidneys, reduces the mobility of the small intestine, in men it pinches the organs of the genitourinary system ... The lower sections of the rectum are especially affected, where the transferred veins protrude with bloody bumps. This trouble - hemorrhoids - is called "occupational disease" by physicians.

Organ damage is innumerable, the diagnosis of diseases arising from the fact that the elementary rules of hygiene of the large intestine and the entire gastrointestinal tract are not observed is unpredictable. But the pinnacle of trouble is the obstruction of the gastrointestinal tract, when the last passage among the heaps of dirt is clogged with fecal stones and a person with a full stomach is doomed to starvation with general intoxication of the body. And with what other diseases he is now torturing - is it all the same? There is no salvation.

To get rid of the cause of many painful problems, you must first of all get rid of the main one - to throw out of the body everything that has accumulated in it like in a landfill for years, and first of all, physically, mercilessly, “to shine” wash your insides.

* * *

In the manuscript "The Gospel of Peace of Jesus Christ" from the disciple John, the healer of the 1st century A.D. e. this is how he addresses sick people:

“Sons of men, you have forgotten whose children you are. Your mother is Earth. And everyone who lives on Earth must live according to the laws of Nature. Health is the natural state of Man. Illness is Nature's response to the unreasonable behavior of Man. To get on the path of health, ask Mother Earth for three helpers - the Angel of Water, the Angel of Air, the Angel of Light. The Angel of Water will come to the rescue first. Find a large pumpkin with a hollow stem the size of a man, clean it from the inside, fill it with water heated in the river by the Sun. Hang the pumpkin on a tree, and insert the hollow stem into your intestines from behind. Get on your knees and bow your head low to the ground. Pray to Mother Earth to save you from the sins that you have acquired in gluttony. When the water, having washed the intestines, comes out of you, you will see with your own eyes, you will feel with your nose, you will be able to taste with your fingers what disgusting stones you carried in yourself. How to keep your body healthy and your mind clear? And so continue all week, abstaining from full food. Only then you will know what happiness it is to live in a pure body. And you will draw one conclusion, the only one possible for a reasonable conclusion: a person who washes himself only from the outside is like a tomb filled with fetid remains and decorated with expensive vestments.

We are not inclined to accuse modern man of gluttony. The fact that he allegedly eats a lot still needs to be proven, but the main thing is that he does not know what he is doing. The absence of any information about the culture of nutrition and the hygiene of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as the current discord about all kinds of diets, do not allow him, our contemporary, to correctly navigate all these subtleties. And there is nothing to say about his upbringing, since no one brought up our parents and grandfathers in this sense. They didn't know anything either!

At the same time, the more carelessly a person eats and the more obstacles are created in his body that prevent the movement of useful and environmentally friendly nutrients, the more he wants to eat. Because the body lacks the necessary building materials to replace dying cells with new ones. There is not enough energy even for normal daily life activities, since all of it is spent on unsuccessful attempts to digest what is obviously indigestible. There are not enough vitamins and other useful and necessary substances that either cannot penetrate the lymph, or in the process of the body's intense struggle for existence, they burn out before they could be of great benefit, or turn into carcinogens, instead of contributing to an increase in vital activity.

Therefore, we will start the conversation about cleansing the body with the most important thing - with cleansing the gastrointestinal tract. And first of all - with the cleansing of the large intestine. From how our contemporary can carry out this procedure, deprived of the opportunity to find "a large pumpkin with a hollow stem as tall as a man."

The practice of internal hygiene of the body (How it is done) Colon

Practice shows that not everyone readily undertakes the implementation of this procedure. And therefore, you first of all need to deeply realize that only in this way can you get rid of the dirt that has accumulated in the large intestine.

To many, this procedure seems "nasty", although they are not at all disgusted with carrying several kilograms of rotting waste in themselves. Others flatly refuse to wash only because they have to be performed on their knees, and this position is uncomfortable, or difficult, or nowhere to take (looking ahead, let's say that washing can be done both on the back and on the side - how convenient, it all depends on desires of the patient and the conditions in which he carries out this procedure, and the “tiger pose” is mentioned here only because if a person is washed without assistants, then only in this position he will be able to do all the necessary manipulations). Others are afraid that their intestines will burst, the seams of the surgeries will open ... There are any excuses. And only under the threat of a surgeon's knife or death itself, a person quickly agrees to put himself in order.

However, there are also many who readily and wisely use this specific “method” and follow all the recommendations without any “complexes”. Practice also shows that everyone, if they take up internal hygiene, will definitely bring it to the end - they are so frightened by the sight and smell of what is washed out of the body, and then they are so pleased with a significant improvement in well-being.

Therefore, before getting to the heart of the matter, you need to remember and make it a rule for yourself two recommendations: firstly, to achieve a conscious desire to mercilessly get rid of deposits that are the root cause of your diseases, and, secondly, to carefully follow all the rules of procedures, so as not to injure yourself.

Deal? Then get down to business.

So, our procedure is called "Walker's enema". To complete it, you will need a mug of Esmarch (or the same pumpkin), lemons or apple cider vinegar and vegetable oil. Esmarch's mug can be purchased for rubles at a pharmacy. It is better to remove the tip and the tap so that the water can flow freely through the tube, and to stop the flow, pinch the tube with an ordinary medical clamp or just with your fingers. Treat the end of the rubber tube with fine sandpaper, carefully rounding the edges so that it does not hurt during the procedure.

Esmarch's mug is filled with 2 liters of water, boiled and cooled to body temperature. At first, many people are horrified by such a volume of water, so we immediately inform you: about 3.7 liters fit in the large intestine of an adult. So there you still have enough space left to not only not fill the gut, but also leave room for washing. I'll explain now. If you have to wash a dirty bottle, you don’t fill it to capacity with water, you pour water up to about half the volume and then shake the bottle so that the water will better wash off the dirt with its vibrations. The same thing should happen in your intestines.

And besides, no one forces you to experience torment: Esmarch's mug is designed for 2 liters of water, and how much will enter your colon at first depends on your individual properties. At first, of course, the intestines will resist, tighten out of habit, you may even have painful spasms. You will be forced, gradually getting used to the procedure, to regulate the amount of water penetrating into the large intestine. But over time, very soon, 2 liters will turn out to be a completely normal amount, and you will forget about your worries, and the troubles will completely disappear. Apparently, it should also be said that in the future, when the intestines are washed, 1 liter of water is enough for prevention, so do not be shy, the main thing is to start.

It is supposed to boil water for reinsurance in order to protect the body from the penetration of possible pathogenic bacteria. In addition, it is necessary to pour 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or juice squeezed from half a lemon into it. In no case do not use concentrates, citric, acetic acid and other artificial products.

The fact is that in the large intestine of a healthy person, the medium itself is slightly acidic and healthy microflora lives in it - bacteria live that secrete vitamins, rare metals and other substances necessary for the body from foods. As a result of an unhealthy lifestyle, the large intestine becomes clogged with fecal stones, and then the decay and fermentation of undigested food residues changes the acidic environment to an alkaline one, in which beneficial microbes are inhibited and destroyed, but harmful microorganisms that support putrefactive processes actively develop. Slight acidification of water when washing the large intestine stops the processes of fermentation and decay, destroys pathogenic microbes and, conversely, stimulates the vital activity of the necessary microflora. In addition, the acid is anti-toxic, kills mold, which is washed off with water and comes out in the form of dark tatters.

However, acidification should be gentle: the ratio indicated here (for 2 liters of water 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar) is optimal, completely safe and will not give you any discomfort, while maintaining beneficial microflora.

Having poured acidified water into Esmarch's mug with a pinched tube, you hang the mug higher and grease the end of the tube with vegetable oil. It is vegetable, because it is a natural product that does not clog pores. Vaseline or soap are not suitable here. Then you need to get down on your elbows and knees, slightly spread your legs and try to completely relax your abdominal muscles. The tip of the tube is inserted shallowly, 5-6 centimeters. The clamp is released, and the water rushes down easily by gravity. Its temperature will also not cause you discomfort. If you manage to completely relax your stomach, then cramps will not occur. Breathe deeply, with a diaphragm, with your mouth wide open. This will also help to relax, and the diaphragm, working, will “massage” the intestines and facilitate the penetration of water into it, helping to fill it better. It is good at this time to be distracted by something, to think about other problems. In a minute, the vessel above you will be empty, and it will be possible to rise.

But, alas, this is not the end of the procedure. The water in the colon must be shaken well (remember the bottle example?). How? How do you like it. You can, like an oriental beauty, perform a belly dance, or jump, or (if neither is available to you) shake your stomach with your hands. In short, try to shake your very vessel at least a little to wash it better.

At first, it is very useful to look at what you have washed off with water. The spectacle, frankly, is unpleasant. Nevertheless, it is this effect that most of all acts as a “propaganda trick”, and you can be calm: now you won’t stop until you make sure that your large intestine is clean and you have got rid of deposits of dirt. And this can be achieved by regularly repeating the procedure. The first week should be washed daily, the second week - every other day, the third - after two days, the fourth - after three days.

Your task is to ensure that the water penetrates all the way into the caecum. Do you know where it is? below the appendix. If during “belly dancing” it will gurgle there and if the discharge stops causing you negative emotions, then consider that you have coped with the task (it turns out that this smell can be healthy).

Each new student asks me: when is it better to wash - in the morning or in the evening? It is better in the morning, because by morning the absorption of nutrients into the lymph from the large intestine, from the food you ate yesterday, has already been completely completed, and it is not a pity to part with the remnants. But washing is still a tedious procedure, so it would be nice to lie down and relax after it. That is why many are washed in the evenings, before going to bed.

After about four weeks, to maintain the induced cleanliness, it is enough to wash the colon once a week, once every ten days, or whenever you feel the need for it. But you need to do this regularly - all your life.

* * *

Let's see what happened to you now. You have washed your roots. They removed blockages of feces, rot, mold, fermentation products. Your purified roots began to take clean substances from well-eaten and thoroughly digested food for the construction of new cells. The feeling of eternal hunger has ceased. Penetration into the blood of toxins, carcinogens, poisons and other muck has stopped. Consequently, the growth and development of your diseases have ceased.

You have stopped the terrible process of slow self-destruction.

Now the nutrition of all your organs will dramatically improve, and pure blood will begin to wash away the blockages of harmful substances that it previously deposited throughout the body. The energy that used to go to fight intoxication will be released, and the body will direct it to more pleasant things. The organs displaced by the deformed colon will gradually fall into place, their work will normalize, pressure will normalize, day by day many of your pains and illnesses will gradually cease to remind of themselves.

But until recently, the stretched, limp, atrophied sac of the large intestine now hung like a rag, incapable of performing its vital functions. It is necessary to teach him to work again, to move food masses. We must force it to take its natural form.

To do this, during the washing period (and in general) it is very useful to eat cereals. They must be cooked in water. A homogeneous mass of porridge simultaneously digested in the stomach will evenly fill the entire volume of the large intestine, give it the desired shape and make it work. In addition, cereals (porridges) are among the most sparing food, stimulating the vital functions of the body and thus also helping the healing process.

We repeat - in no case do not boil porridge in milk. And do not consume semolina. You have already learned about the rules of nutrition.

There is a situation when you need to wash the large intestine very quickly (God forbid you get into such a situation). This is important if you feel dangerous tension and even pain in your appendix, or if some dangerous disease has tormented you and is already threatening to turn into a real tragedy, and doctors promise you a serious surgical intervention. Apparently, a method of emergency and global colon lavage (of course, the initial one, but very powerful) was developed specifically for such situations.

In the evening, pour 3 liters of water into a saucepan, boil, cool, stir 2 tablespoons of salt in it. Strain. You will have to get up early in the morning, because at 6 o'clock in the morning all the valves in the gastrointestinal tract open. From 6 o'clock start drinking water in glasses.

In a glass 200-250 g of water, in 1 liter - 4-5 glasses, in 3 liters - 12-15 glasses. But do not be afraid of these volumes - just drink, obeying your Guru.

After drinking the first glass, raise your arms and tilt your body to the right and left four times, bending at the waist. This exercise will help water to enter the duodenum.

Then, without taking much break, spread your arms to the sides, bend at the elbows so that the palms are at the chest, and “dance” something like a lezginka - turn the torso to the right and left four times. This exercise will allow water to enter the small intestine.

Then get down on the floor and try to crawl on your elbows and knees, taking 4 steps with each hand and foot. This will push water into the large intestine.

Squat down and goose step 4 times with each foot. For balance, you can hold on to a chair or table. This exercise will open the sphincter. However, the water has not yet reached him.

Get up and drink a second glass, after which repeat the whole complex again.

The effect of this behavior will simply amaze you: all 3 liters of water will be evenly distributed throughout the gastrointestinal tract, not only causing no discomfort, but even heaviness in the stomach. And after some time, the water will begin to be thrown out of the body, picking up some deposits of dirt and fecal stones along the way. Of course, not all, but quite a sufficient number of them to make you feel better. Moreover, if you have trouble in the stomach, then short-term painless vomiting may occur: the effect of gastric lavage.

(Water is salted so that it cannot penetrate the walls of the stomach into the intercellular space. After all, the mucous membrane passes only perfectly clean water, and in this case the stomach simply does not have enough time to cleanse it of salt.)

After a while, eat 2 tablespoons of boiled and washed rice, this will help you get rid of excess salt in the gastrointestinal tract. Chew the rice thoroughly.

And that's it. The procedure is over. Now you can go to sleep. But keep in mind that you will sleep most of the day, until 17-18 hours, and awakening will be wonderful, because after such a wash, people feel great and their mood matches it.

It is believed that such washing is enough to do at first 2 times a month, after which, to maintain overall cleanliness, the procedure must be carried out once a year. But such a regime is acceptable for “practically healthy”. If we are getting out of a globally painful state, then after the first such washing, be sure to start and go through the entire monthly complex of washings.

Small intestine

To pre-cleanse the walls of the small intestine, you need to eat a lot of greens. Any. Bunches. Between meals. Greens consist mainly of fiber, which penetrates into the duodenum in a lump, follows the same lump into the small intestine and gradually descends along it to the thick one, scraping and sweeping dirt like a broom.

In addition to this, I confess, tasteless (you can “sweeten” it with salt) “broom” during the day, prepare yourself more salads from raw carrots and cabbage, radishes and radishes. Because, alas, we cannot recommend you swallowing and pulling bandages, as the almighty yogis do.

But if you accept their other way of stimulating activity and cleansing the intestines, we will not object. To do this, you need to learn to alternately draw in and protrude the stomach, respectively, simultaneously exhaling and inhaling air using the diaphragm. Yogis say that one hundred such movements daily promise you deliverance from all diseases, to some extent associated with the gastrointestinal tract (almost all of them are associated with it). By the way, this exercise has a beneficial effect on both the large and small intestines, and the stomach.


As for the methods of cleaning the stomach, they are also very simple and effective. The same yogis resort to morning gastric lavage.

After mixing 1 teaspoon of salt and 1 teaspoon of baking soda in 1 liter of nasty warm water, you need to drink this solution, shake it with strong movements of the abdomen (remember rinsing the large intestine), and then, pressing the thumb of your left hand on the point of the stomach (under the sun plexus) and putting two fingers of your right hand into your mouth, bend over the toilet. (Prophylaxis is carried out using the same method for the first time after poisoning, until the pain is concentrated in the stomach area and has not spread through the intestines. If the pain has already penetrated into the large intestine, then the entire gastrointestinal tract is washed.)

In the first days of such washing, the water comes out light, but then gradually takes on an increasingly brown hue. However, after a few days, the water begins to brighten again, and when the walls of the stomach are finally washed off from mucus and various deposits, you can finish washing.


We talked about the Walker enema as the simplest and most effective way to get rid of the blockages of fecal stones in the large intestine. But those to whom this method seems unacceptable, we can devote to other tricks invented by people.

Wise with the experience of the ancestors, the yogi inserts a bamboo tube into the anus and, entering waist-deep into the sacred waters of the Ganges, stands with his knees slightly bent and resting his palms on them. Then he exhales the air, raising the diaphragm as high as possible and at the same time, with the muscles in the anus, as if drawing water into himself. The water is really drawn in, flows into the large intestine, after which the yogi has to perform a series of ritual movements with his stomach and throw out the impurities. (This is not a fairy tale, I had a patient, a former athlete of the highest qualification, who did similar tricks, using an ordinary bath or a three-liter jar and a glass tube instead of the Ganges.)

The procedure is repeated several times, as a result of which the body gets rid of many diseases, the person's well-being improves, his mental abilities increase, and digestion normalizes. By the way, not only hatha yoga convinces us of this, but also the experience of those who have passed the stage of purification. If you wish, you can practice, but since we are far from the Ganges, take care that the water in your bath or jar, like in the sacred river, is saturated with silver.

True, not every yogi is within easy reach of the Ganges, and in this case the exercise described a little earlier helps: draw in and stick out the stomach a hundred times in a row. Frankly, in combination with all other features of the life of yogis, it is very effective. Try to complete it at least once...

Apparently, trying to get around such difficulties, the great naturopath Paul Bragg recommended fasting once a week for 24-36 hours to cleanse the colon and the entire intestine. Like, during this time, fecal stones will slightly become limp, and if, after a hunger strike, you eat a salad of raw cabbage and carrots, then it will tear off the dirt like a broom. Unlike Paul Bragg, I cannot recommend this technique to you, and not only because hunger is unnatural for a person: it powerfully stimulates the absorption functions of the intestine, which has not yet been washed by you, which is why instead of pure and useful substances, all the same waste will enter the blood .

In our opinion, hunger can and should stimulate the cleansing of the body itself from the excess substances accumulated in it: getting rid of slag and salt deposits, tumors and stones. But this is done necessarily after a thorough washing of the large intestine, so as not to harm yourself even more.

Many patients, terrified of washings, are ready to take laxatives, thinking that they will achieve the same effect. We do not recommend doing this either. A laxative dehydrates the body, deprives it of the moisture it needs for completely different purposes. In addition, this moisture, passing through the center of the large intestine, does not wash its walls, but is thrown out, bypassing the blockages of stones. We do not recommend taking a laxative for constipation, by the way, for the same reasons: a laxative will not save you from constipation, and it will not save you from dirt. At the same time, the usual washing with Esmarch's mug restores and normalizes the activity of the large intestine, and the one who has carried out the washing cycle does not suffer from constipation.

In addition, if you have taken up the methods of natural healing of the body, you will have to throw away the medicines. The damage they do is enormous. Almost all medicines contain substances foreign to the body and cause negative side effects, and on an already cleansed body they act like a solid dose of poison. The attack of potent, far from nature substances from pharmaceutical products causes biological shock and can lead to serious consequences. Such cases are known.

* * *

Keep in mind that the normalization of nutrition and cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract should be carried out simultaneously, because the mere application of the rules of proper nutrition powerfully stimulates the absorption functions of the large intestine, and if the intestine is not washed, then harmful substances are absorbed into the blood. And internal hygiene alone will not save you from the huge energy expenditure on digesting improperly eaten food. So, there is only one way out - to agree to the impeccable implementation of at least these two, and even better three of the proposed methods: normalization of nutrition, cleansing of the gastrointestinal tract and stimulation of blood circulation, which will be discussed later.

These techniques are your new, healthy, natural way of life. They are addressed to everyone: both healthy (so that they do not get sick), and the sick (so that they recover), including those patients who, it would seem, no longer have salvation. Do not trust pessimistic forecasts. The guarantee for your optimism is hundreds and hundreds of people literally torn out of critical situations, saved from cruel inevitability.

What have you achieved

Properly eating, they provided the body with everything necessary and saved it from indigestible foods, retaining strength to fight diseases. By observing internal hygiene, they prevented the entry of harmful substances into the blood. As a result, the process of blood pollution and the development of diseases stopped, and the body stopped wasting energy.

Now your cleansed blood is gradually flushing out of the body what it has deposited in it over decades of an incorrectly lived life, and a huge amount of released energy is directed to the fight against diseases. That is, the healing process has already begun.

Usually the effect of such a lifestyle is manifested from the very first days. The pains that tormented a person pass, one by one the external signs of illness disappear. For this reason alone, you feel happy, and each subsequent day brings you more and more relief. But by the way, nothing special has happened to your body yet: the cause of all your diseases is still present in the body - in the joints and spine, in the tissues of organs and muscles, in the gradually melting subcutaneous fat layer, in the intercellular space, even in the cells themselves.

After ten to fifteen days from the beginning of your new lifestyle, it's time to take on the following techniques. On the way to the complete elimination of diseases, to ideal health, there is still a third cycle of mandatory cleansing procedures to go through. You have mastered two of them, and you will master the third, I know, especially since there is nothing super difficult in this.

The main thing is to do everything systematically and diligently, and even your faith is not required here. Just discipline and more discipline. The self-regulation of the “man” biosystem does not depend on the mental state of the patient, on the contrary, it forms a different, normal mental state, because, as always and everywhere, in our case, a healthy spirit is reborn in a healthy body.

Good luck.

Required Conclusion for Stakeholders

A cell in the human body lives for about 9 months. By starting and systematically carrying out the cleansing of the body, you first of all guaranteed the health of each cell now created by your body. Therefore, 9 months after the start of work, you will not have diseases at the cellular level.

Now you can safely take on the usual power sports. Sports training of your cleansed body will turn from a method of shaking out toxins into a way to strengthen all body systems. Do not be afraid of any complications, nothing threatens you anymore.

Well, forward, reader - to health!

Stimulation of blood circulation

(How to speed up the healing process of the body)

Let's reason

Let's take our average "virtually healthy" person. He was not brought up in the best traditions of the requirements of Nature, that is, he does not know the rules of internal hygiene of the body and eats carelessly, which means that he carelessly carries the causes of his own diseases and does not even know that he has them. And he doesn't know how to get rid of them. And when, already worried about pain, he turns to medicine, then his “treatment” in allopathic institutions, at best, ends with getting rid of the pain syndrome, but not getting rid of the cause of the disease.

So, let's take such a person and consider what are his chances for a completely healthy life, independent of medicine. Let's agree that he is reasonably reasonable, that is, from time to time he thinks about his physiological problems and, in general, seeks to improve or maintain his well-being at the proper level. Although irregular, he tries to do a warm-up, then a run, then, worse, aerobics, he does not refuse the occasional opportunity to take a steam bath or warm himself in the sauna, but in general he is busy with work and family, and he has no time.

At all times, we were convinced of the benefits of sports, steam room, sauna and all kinds of other hardening methods. All this is considered disease prevention. And all this first comes into fashion, and eventually goes out of fashion. Don't know why? Let's think. After all, sports, and sauna, and any other invigorating effect on the body causes, first of all, stimulation of blood circulation. And with the stimulation of blood circulation, if the body is not cleansed, all kinds of harmful substances are more intensively absorbed into the lymph from the contaminated gastrointestinal tract.

And naturally, these substances are more intensively dispersed by the blood throughout the body. And a person simply does not have the strength to fight such a deadly “cocktail”: they all go to trying to digest indigestible food - the result of an illiterate menu. That is, in this situation, any stimulation of vital activity only exacerbates the disease, stimulates its development. That is why all kinds of warm-ups and jogging are not at all as effective as we would like, which people who feel the pressure of illnesses or past years and decide to change their lifestyle are fond of.

This means that one who is not initiated into the laws of Nature and who does not observe them simply cannot move actively, or take a steam bath, or worry, or sunbathe ... While such a person is on his feet, he has not yet reached the state in which he has to go to doctors, but "health" self-activity, he can significantly aggravate his situation. If he felt sick, then each of his intense movements, as it were, accelerates the process of the disease, since it contributes to even more pollution of the blood, even more clogging of the diseased organ. Doctors are well aware of this and in every possible way limit the activities of patients by prohibitions on sunbathing, swimming, playing sports, most often simply prescribing bed rest to the patient. And the patient himself always wants to lie down. So he quickly "comes to his senses." That is, in a calm position, harmful substances do not spread so actively with the blood flow.

Now imagine that a person has cleansed the gastrointestinal tract of impurities and the purified blood begins to flush out of the body what has accumulated in it for decades. In addition, due to proper nutrition, it releases energy that the body can use in the fight against diseases. So now he can do anything? And run, and jump, and sunbathe, and bathe? Can. And even necessary. Now he is not in danger. On the contrary, any stimulation of blood circulation only accelerates the process of recovery, and this process is directly dependent on physical activity. If only two rules were observed: firstly, do not start any active actions until the intestines are washed to the end, and, secondly, increase the load gradually, do not give overwhelming tasks to the fragile body. This is especially true for those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases.

Finding out when your body is ready to tolerate circulatory stimulation and get only the benefits from it is very simple. In an article on colon lavage, it was said about the unpleasant odor and type of discharge that is washed off with water, which everyone has at the beginning of the procedures. Naturally, over time, when all harmful deposits are removed from the large intestine, both the smell and the type of discharge will change dramatically. They will no longer cause unpleasant emotions and, moreover, will be perceived by you as natural secretions of a healthy human body.

It is precisely this effect that will unmistakably tell you that now there is nothing harmful in the intestines and loads that stimulate blood circulation will not cause clogging of tissues with harmful substances, will not have a detrimental effect, as it was before, but, on the contrary, will contribute to accelerated digestion of food, penetration into the blood of pure vital substances and accelerated flushing out of the body of unnecessary and harmful substances that have accumulated earlier.

You can stimulate blood circulation in various ways, and each of them is good in its own way. Let's start with the most gentle.

Yogi static gymnastics

The yogis themselves know very well that a passion for only asanas (without observing all the other laws of Nature) will not give a person anything. When performing asanas, we only strain the muscles surrounding the diseased organ. Blood circulation in it and around it accelerates, the temperature rises, cholesterol melts, harmful substances are removed from the diseased organ. As a result, the pain goes away, relief comes, and after a while the newly-made “yogi” feels recovered, that is, some kind of pain in a particular organ has ceased to bother him. But he does not even suspect that the substances that cause him pain have remained in the body. They just moved from a sick place to other organs, and now those, in turn, are about to declare themselves in pain.

Now you know it. In addition, by cleaning we prepared ourselves for hatha yoga: pure blood will not throw harmful substances from a diseased organ into neighboring ones, but will bring them out with exhalation, with sweat ... So you can safely start the exercises.

Now the main asanas of yogis are widely known, and it makes no sense to list them here. Pick up a few postures recommended for your illnesses and study them. But at the same time, be sure to remember: asanas must be done with pleasure, otherwise you will not get the desired effect. And do not twist your arms and legs: any posture is achieved by unusual stretching or contraction of a certain muscle group, so you need to master it gradually. The time spent in a pose is precisely determined by desire. As soon as the pleasure has dried up and interest has dulled, change the asana or move into shavasana - a pose of absolute rest.

Master vajrasana first and accustom yourself to use it constantly during rest or sitting work. To take this pose, you just need to kneel, and then sit between your heels, pushing them apart. Try to keep your knees together and your toes touching tightly. In order not to hurt, you can put a small pillow under your feet in the heel area. Relax, sit still. In this position, you can do any sedentary work or read a book, relax. In addition, with this position, there is no stagnation of blood in the pelvis. After a while, vajrasana will become your favorite posture. It stimulates blood circulation in the pelvic area, normalizing the functioning of the organs located there.

Sitting in vajrasana, at first it is convenient to master such poses as gomukhasana (put your hands behind your back, alternately one over your shoulder, the other from your waist, and clasp them between your shoulder blades with your fingers), supta vajrasana (in order to take this pose, you need to slowly, helping yourself with your hands, lean back until your head touches the floor; while you can put your hands under your head or just throw it back).

Take the following poses more often: shavasana (absolute rest), yastikasana (reed), makrasana (crocodile). 12 varieties of Makrasana postures will help a person get rid of a myriad of diseases. The main effect of them is the cleansing of the spine and the muscles adjacent to it. And you should know that almost the entire nervous system that controls the functioning of the organs of our body originates in the region of the spinal column and many pain effects and unpleasant sensations arise in us because the nerves are clamped by deposits of salts and toxins between the vertebrae.

Performing the listed asanas is both pleasant and easy. Gradually master the postures of half-lotus and lotus, half-birch and birch, grasshopper and plow. By the time you master them, you will no longer need to be convinced of their benefits: the body very quickly responds to hatha yoga with good health, and acquaintance with other, more specific and complex asanas will happen as if by itself. Information will come to you when you are ready to understand and use it.

But always remember - poses are performed as long as you enjoy them. And then this is only an insignificant part of yoga and only the initial, sparing method of stimulating blood circulation, which is extremely necessary for those who get rid of the most serious illnesses. To fully comprehend yoga, you need a genuine passion. However, the laws of cleanliness and nutrition already familiar to you are also yoga.

From jogging to ultramarathon

After the “run from a heart attack” due to the bad manners of runners, due to the unpreparedness of their body for stimulating blood circulation, was turned into a “run to a heart attack”, the number of those suffering to recover significantly decreased in parks and squares. But now we will try to introduce a little logic into the jogging technique - and everything will fall into place.

Jogging and running in general is a phenomenon so natural for the living creature of the Earth that Nature is simply not able to suggest a more useful and sparing method of physical exercise. Running ideally warms up the entire body to the last cell, which is why it melts intensively and through the pores cholesterol is brought out with deposits of toxins “stuck” in it, carcinogens, “excess” salts ...

(Keep in mind, cholesterol is a waxy substance that is essential for the body, it forms the shell of our cells. So do not try to artificially get rid of it. When you streamline your diet, it will naturally all go to the needs of your body.)

Jogging perfectly cleanses the lungs and at the same time does not require deep breathing, promotes the release of carbon dioxide into the blood and the development of the chest. And running is also beautiful because here the load on the body is regulated by the runner himself and in a huge range - from maximum sprint tension to a complete stop and transition to a step.

Your task is to run long, relaxed, pleasant, not burdensome. Here you need to know a few rules, and each of them is important.

The first rule: at first for a few days you just have to force yourself to run, just start running until it becomes a habit or you get into the taste. It is necessary every day at a certain time to simply order yourself - and run. There is no other way out.

The second rule: you need to force yourself to run as slowly and relaxed as possible, shortening your stride as much as possible. Remember - only the effect of running is important to you, this very jump, “jump”, a moment of tension and shaking of all the muscles of the body. Let at first this jumping from foot to foot be barely noticeable - do not worry, over time your legs will carry you faster and further. But even then it is better for you to restrain their agility in order to run longer, but not faster. After all, your task is simply to warm up the body.

The third rule is to jog in warm clothes, at least at first. The warmer you are dressed, the faster and more profusely sweat. And the amount of sweat will determine the intensity of your recovery.

The fourth rule: after running, you need to lie down (having spent half the time that it took to run), putting your feet above the level of your heart. This rule is of great importance, it is it that will save you from a heart attack.

This seems to require an explanation. The fact is that man, unlike other animals, once managed to take a vertical position, and since then this has been his favorite posture. Thanks to her, he freed his hands for work. And thanks to her, he got a lot of trouble.

We will not list the problems of childbearing here - they are known from the Bible. Let's focus a little on the negative aspects of the sitting position: when sitting, all the organs of the lower abdomen and pelvis are squeezed, blood stagnation occurs here, functional processes are inhibited, and long sitting threatens with prolapse of the stomach and the big troubles associated with this phenomenon.

Let us dwell in more detail on the specifics of blood circulation in a living and healthy human body, and in particular in the body of a standing, walking or running person.

Note that the entire animal world keeps the body horizontal. Head, heart, stomach - all almost on the same level. Only the legs are below, and they contain 30% of the blood that the heart is forced to pump up to pass through the lungs and supply the circulatory system with lymph. The remaining 70% of the blood it moves horizontally, with minimal energy consumption.

In a “standing” person, the opposite is true: 70% of the blood is below the level of the heart, and in order to pump it up, huge tensions in the heart muscles and huge energy costs are required. And 30% of the blood should be above the level of the heart, providing blood flow to the brain. This blood is directed down by gravity, which does not at all facilitate, but even more complicates the task of the heart, because it has to replace this blood with fresh, pumping up more and more of its portions.

Unfortunately, our heart does not always cope with such huge loads. When walking, during intensive walking, and especially when running, when the state of the body directly depends on the blood circulation, when, moreover, the blood vessels of the legs are dilated and their volume is increased, the heart works with enormous overloads. That is why, in order to bring down the effect of overloads, after the next jogging, you must definitely give your heart a rest. If you lie down and put your feet so that they are just above the level of the heart and the blood flows to it by gravity, and lie down like that for half the time spent running, then this rest will be quite enough to restore the strength of the heart and in order to avoid trouble.

Moreover, during the run itself, if you feel that your legs are buzzing and your heart is working with tension (although you are running deliberately relaxed), do not refuse to stop and stand bent over, lie down on the grass for a while, and if you want, take the pose of a half-birch or birch . From the outside, this will seem like fun or a fad, but it will give you pleasure, and give your heart the necessary relief.

By forcing yourself to run every day, you will soon notice with surprise how your route grows, lengthens. Notice that you want to run longer and further. Don't hold yourself back. Focus only on small efforts. And then not hundreds of meters, not kilometers, but tens of kilometers will become nothing to you, and the marathon will not seem like an unrealizable dream.

But no matter how successful you end up being, no matter how confident you are that you can handle both a marathon and a hundred-kilometer ultramarathon (and there are many such examples), never, under any pretense, fight for running speed. We repeat: your task is a healthy, relaxed run, a free run that brings happiness, when it’s not a sin along the way and just walk, and lie down, and take the pose of a half-birch or birch, and even leave the race (if it’s better for you).

Listen carefully to the state of your body and implicitly fulfill its whims - and Nature itself will save you from trouble. Just do not take for the voice of Nature the whining of atrophied muscles and the resistance of a lazy, accustomed to immobility body. And in no case during long runs do not eat proteins and carbohydrates. Your menu for this time is only fruits, vegetables and juices.

Bodybuilding (bodybuilding)

This is another great way to stimulate blood circulation and warm up the body. It also warms up the whole body, however, gradually, from muscle to muscle. And there are secret rules.

Wellness bodybuilding is different in that its exercises must be performed without any weights and also with minimal muscle tension. You need to focus, as with jogging, not on tension, but on the duration and relaxation of the exercises. Their complex is extremely simple. Starting with the fingers and ending with the toes, you work out the movements of all the joints and the spine. If this arouses your interest, use the anatomical atlas to explore your joints and muscles, figure out what movements each muscle group works with, and start exercising.

The obligatory rule of such exercises is that each movement should be performed slowly and from the maximum compression to the maximum stretch of the muscle, for the entire amplitude. At the same time, you need to manage to imagine that you have some kind of weight in your hands (dumbbells, kettlebells, barbell, expander) and that you are applying the minimum (exactly the minimum, carefully read the text) effort that would help you perform this particular movement with this projectile.

The meaning of such activities should be clear: the absence of sports equipment will save your heart from overwhelming loads, and a long exertion of strength will help warm up the body well and stimulate blood circulation. Over time, of course, your hands will reach for dumbbells and expanders, but this will not happen at the stage of recovery, but already with the physical well-being of a healthy body.

Nevertheless, until this happy moment has come, you every day and very disciplinedly perform each exercise from the complex you have developed. Be patient until the working muscle warms up and even becomes a little numb from fatigue. Consider - a slight tingling means that the blood has begun to eject uric acid deposits from the working muscle. Then move on to another exercise, to work with another muscle group. It will take a lot of time for this, up to an hour for a morning workout, and over time you will want to warm up in the same way both in the afternoon and in the evening. Do not deny yourself this pleasure.

After a set of exercises, you need to thoroughly rub the heated body with a damp towel or take a warm shower. After getting out of the shower, do not dry yourself, put on a bathrobe and wait a few minutes until the skin dries itself.

Very soon you will feel how gradually your muscles are filled with strength and health. But this is not enough - over time, you will suddenly clearly realize what profound beneficial changes have occurred in the body, and you will understand that your health is literally in your hands.

We will talk about the specifics of breathing during physical exertion and about breathing in general in the following chapters.

morning complex

When it comes to the need for physical activity to maintain health at the proper level, many people complain about the lack of time: they, you see, have so many things to do that there is absolutely no time to take care of their own health. These are excuses, of course. But if someone really has no time, we will meet them halfway.

The complex, with which we will now introduce you, is intended, in general, for women, since it makes their figure and posture ideal. But maybe men will like it too. After all, all the exercises of the complex require only five minutes. And then, it must be done lying in bed, after waking up. And from the "royal" posture and muscle strength that it provides, no one will refuse. However, this complex is very difficult and in five minutes it exhausts you so much that you can even wring out a sheet.

1. So, you woke up and stretched to your heart's content, lying on your back. After that, without changing your position, press the back of your head on the pillow with all your might for 5 seconds. You can rest for 5 seconds and again press the back of your head on the pillow for 5 seconds. Repeat the exercise 6 times, and it will take you a minute to complete it. In that minute, your neck has stretched, straightened and thinner, your head is now held high and proud.

2. Place a pillow on your chest and hug it tightly for 5 seconds. Rest for 5 seconds - and again press the pillow to your chest for 5 seconds. Performed 6 times, this exercise will take you a second minute. In this minute, your shoulders have lost weight and are now laid back, straightening your posture and outlining the line of your chest.

3. Put a pillow between your legs and squeeze it hard with your knees for 5 seconds. Take a rest. For 6 such repetitions, it will take you a third minute. In that minute, your hips have thinned and strengthened, and your perineal muscles have gained the ability to contract to perform the Kegels exercise. (And a woman who masters the art of "kegels" becomes a goddess for a man.)

4. Spend the fourth minute holding your legs at a 45 degree angle for 5 seconds and resting for 5 seconds between leg raises. This will flatten your belly like a gymnast.

5. The last minute will take you to set the muscles of the calves. With the fingers of one foot, you need to pull the toes of the other foot towards you for 5 seconds. Then change legs. And so - 6 times. This exercise not only stretches the calves and makes the legs of a woman “chiselled”, but, as IP Neumyvakin talentedly noted, gradually draws toxins from the spine.

So, the complex is over, you can get up. A good warming up of the body is guaranteed to you. And perfect posture too. And by the way, the heart does not waste strength, because you worked lying down.

Of course, after warming up the body, no matter how it is done, you need to take a shower or rub yourself well with a damp towel to wash off the sweat and open the skin pores.

* * *

Let's go back to hatha yoga. Yogis believe that water for washing the body should not be hot or cold, but pleasant. By the way, do not be mistaken about the fact that yogis in

In an effort to cleanse the body, they constantly experience some kind of stressful sensations. Not true. Perhaps the most important commandment of a true yogi is to be happy, and if something gives him discomfort, then this no longer fits into the code of hatha yoga.

So the water should be pleasant. Like cold showers - turn on cold water. Like hot - yes even boiling water. But at first, it is better, of course, to use water at body temperature so as not to take excess energy from the body for thermal insulation of internal organs. Water will wash away the sweat from you, open the pores, and the towel will massage the skin, improve blood circulation and stimulate the work of the sweat glands.

But even here there is a secret. If you decide to take a shower, massage the skin with your hands, rubbing it intensively in jets of water. And you don’t need to dry yourself with a towel after a shower, it’s better to dry yourself by throwing on a bathrobe. This will improve the nervous system, raise the tone, and preserve the natural background of the biofield. The same is true after wiping with a wet towel: a wet body no longer needs to be wiped with a dry towel.

If you know what a biofield is, then you understand the attitude to rubdowns. The biofield is a kind of energy shell with which the body tries to isolate itself from the environment. If you brush away your biofield with the movement of a towel, it will have to be created again - at the expense of your energy.

And do not be afraid to catch a cold: if you have a clean intestine and you eat well, you are no longer afraid of any acute respiratory infections or flu. You can rely on the experience of those who have passed the stage of natural healing and have long forgotten about doctors and bulletins. However, if you treat our methods carelessly and consider them a waste of time, then no one will vouch for your health.

Bath, sauna, steam room

Those who have not completed a full course of bowel cleansing and have not divided their menu into a carbohydrate and protein table, we categorically warn against visiting a steam room or sauna. Actually, all techniques that begin with stimulating blood circulation can only be performed against the background of a “new” lifestyle, otherwise they will only bring harm. But if your roots are clean and draw pure substances into the blood, and the stomach does not suffer from improperly eaten food, a steam room, a sauna, and sunbathing on the beach will only benefit you.

The bath differs from other methods of stimulating blood circulation in that it warms up the body not from the inside, but from the outside, from the skin, and it is important for you to warm up “through and through”. So warm up your body more intensely. Broom, rubbing, massage will help you with this. Drink juices in the sauna, they purify the blood. In the future, we will reveal this secret to you.

Do not be afraid of any overheating and "thermal strokes": nothing threatens you anymore. The only thing: after warming up, do not rush outside, cool down a bit. Be especially careful if you have been lying in a hot tub or on a steam room shelf for a long time.

Remember, when you stand up, the blood will quickly sink down through the dilated vessels down to the legs, and it will be very difficult for the heart to pump it up to the height of the head. Ask the doctors: tragedies often happen when a person who is well warmed up in a lying position jumps up - and after a few seconds falls dead. He is perfectly healthy, but the heart could not pump blood from the dilated vessels of the legs to the brain, and due to lack of nutrition, the brain turned off and turned off the heart. That's all. Without intense massaging of the chest, it cannot be revived.

Monitor your condition carefully. It is easy to determine by the pulsation of blood in the temples. If you feel a tense pulsation, immediately lie down right where you are: back in the bath, even on the floor ... Don't risk it. If you still need to take a few steps, try to move around with your head down and as low as possible. Wait while lying down until the increased pulsation in the temples passes, and do not get up until you have cooled down.


It is necessary here, because this is where we finish the elementary course of natural healing of the body. Further information is intended for those who have set themselves the goal of becoming perfectly healthy and want to carry out a complete prophylaxis of the body, or for those who are so seriously ill that treatment with only the listed methods will take years.

So, let's summarize what we have come to.

Your body was sick because it was clogged with completely unnecessary substances: products of decay and fermentation, carcinogens, toxins, uric acid, casein, and so on and so forth. Under the skin, under a layer of fat, salt deposits, deposits of unused cholesterol, stones, tumors were hidden ...

All these troubles came from a polluted large intestine, where the remnants of undigested food accumulated over the decades.

And besides, you did not have enough strength to fight diseases and epidemics, because all your strength was spent on trying to digest illiterate lunches, breakfasts and dinners.

Now, proper nutrition, separation of proteins from carbohydrates, a simple mug of Esmarch with 2 liters of boiled water at body temperature, a slightly acidified tablespoon of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice, proper and reasonable stimulation of blood circulation do their job: you gradually get rid of diseases accumulated in the body.

What awaits you in these conditions?

The strangest and most unpleasant thing is the opportunity to feel for a moment the signs of those diseases that you were afraid of or that you were not even aware of. An attack of osteochondrosis for a couple of hours, a sudden pain in the kidneys, in the liver, some temporary discomfort in the heart ... has not yet manifested itself in any way, and now the correct way of life has forced it to recede, dry up, dissolve. And it happens that before leaving, she makes herself felt for a minute. So, reminds me that she supposedly was. And that's it. You will never feel it again.

Everything else goes remarkably smoothly. Habitual pains disappear one after another after a few days; well-being, and with it the mood improves; go stones, protein tumors, deposits of salts, fat. By the way, we can talk about the fat layer in more detail: fat in malnourished people grows because the body uses it, throwing unnecessary substances that interfere with it under the skin. And with the disappearance of the flow of these substances, the process of obesity first stops, then, as the body is cleansed, the previous accumulations of fat also disappear. And, of course, you lose weight. Simultaneously with the improvement of well-being, your appearance becomes more and more “terrible”, so that at the end of the treatment it will seem to others that you are simply exhausted. Do not worry, trust your well-being, it will accurately tell you whether you are on the right track. And your well-being, with all the surprise and distrust of others, will keep getting better and better.

And when all harmful substances leave the body and only healthy cells remain in it, in a matter of days you will gain weight corresponding to your gene code, and your complexion will be equal to world beauty standards. In addition, nothing from the unpleasant past will remind of itself. And you will know the beauty of life. You will truly feel like the master of your health. You will feel free. And you will awaken goodness to the world around you.

Live. Live smart. And be happy.

And those who do not have enough open secrets, who are seriously suffering, who are already visited by hopelessness, we invite you to further conversation - about the amazing methods of cleansing all the organs of the body.

The human body is a single whole, it has a lot of organs that do not work randomly. All of them are subject to certain rules, called unconditioned reflexes. These are things in which a person cannot interfere with his desire and consciousness, everything happens independently of a person. For example, after eating, hydrochloric acid, bile, and pancreatic enzymes begin to be produced. These processes are out of control. They are not felt.

The body consists of many organs that are included in the work thanks to the endocrine (hormonal) system. It consists of glands that are closely interconnected with each other. If any hardware fails, the whole system will fail. But it is not felt symptomatically (clinically). One of the organs may not work at all, but it will not be sick. Symptoms will hurt and manifest on the organ that was not “included” in the work, one or another symptom will be felt there - pain, heaviness, heartburn, bitterness, etc. These symptoms with the causative factor are in a very distant relationship.

Since the hormonal (endocrine) system controls all the properties of the body (all functions), it is worth talking about it in more detail. It is made up of glands. The hypothalamus is the connection between the body and the spirit. The remaining glands are "worker bees": the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, mammary in women and breast in men, pancreas, adrenal glands, appendages and ovaries. Anatomically, everyone is the same. The glands are interconnected with each other. Of these glands, the mammary glands and appendages work directly as hormonal organs only during the period when a woman is pregnant and nursing a child. Otherwise, these glands are dormant. They reflect the correct or incorrect functioning of other major glands. The main glands are the pituitary, thyroid and pancreas, which include all other glands. Therefore, if adenomas, fibroids are observed, these are disorders of the thyroid gland. It is useless to treat all these things. There is no cure at all. No matter how much you want, no one system - neither herbal medicine, nor homeopathy, nor acupuncture - can ever cure anyone, you can only relieve the symptoms. The Lord heals! Everything else only relieves the symptoms by any means. Some are more dangerous, others are less dangerous for humans, but only the symptoms are removed.

The causes of most diseases are the sinful structures of man. When a person violates something, he gets something. It is known that a person gets this or that problem if he has sinned. Next comes the symptom, and after a while, the disease. With this “bell”, the Lord gives a person the opportunity to think. Modern medicine gives a pill that relieves the symptom but does not cure. Removing symptoms, a person often does not think about the cause of the symptom. The disease accumulates, and as a result, as a result of these accumulations, to which they turned a blind eye, there arises, for example, such a disease as cancer. Practice and experience show that cancer can be cured quickly enough.

The endocrine system produces hormones. When the hormone is released into the blood, the vessel expands or narrows, therefore, the pressure increases or decreases. Hormones come out in very small quantities - in hundredths, putting all organs into operation. This system, with its pathology, does not hurt - neither the thyroid gland, nor the pituitary gland, nor the adrenal glands. They may not work at all, but they do not hurt. The only causal factor in their failure is the emotional factor. Any emotion is a passion: irritability, anger, envy, resentment. Any passion is a sin. Thus, the germ of all hormonal disorders is sin. What needs to be removed by repentance and.

Since the thyroid gland produces a hormone from four iodine atoms, it is very difficult to “catch” it in pathology. Ultrasound examination, most often used to diagnose problems with the thyroid gland, does not reflect its work, but only shows the size, consistency, any inclusions - cysts, stones, tumors.

By producing a hormone from four iodine atoms, the thyroid gland must somehow receive this iodine. To do this, it is necessary to eat foods containing iodine, which must be digested, get from the intestines into the blood, and then the thyroid gland, producing thyroxine, throws it into the liver. This is normal. But for those living in an endemic region, where there are no seas, oceans, and, consequently, products containing iodine, the thyroid gland does not work normally in anyone. A person begins to have problems with pressure, etc. Another destructive factor affecting the thyroid gland is the emotional factor. The next one is exposure similar to the Chernobyl disaster. Today, this factor plays a significant role due to the increasing number of cell phones and towers providing cellular communications. Thus, irradiation is ongoing and affects everyone without exception. Because these radiations are not visible, and we do not feel them, they become even more dangerous. Together with stress, this leads to the fact that in almost all people in our country the thyroid gland does not work, while it does not hurt and does not manifest itself in any way. To check the thyroid gland, there is a method for donating blood to determine the hormone T-4. However, there is one feature here: for the work of each organ there is a specific time. Organs work, rest, regenerate according to a certain schedule; We are not in a position to influence this process. The thyroid gland enters its work from 20 to 22 hours. That is why in Soviet times blood sampling for thyroid hormones was carried out at 21:00. Now laboratories take blood for analysis in the morning, when it is impossible to determine the presence or absence of thyroid problems.

Since this system is self-healing and our main task is to bring the human body back to normal, it is necessary to know how to check the functioning of the thyroid gland. Since this hormone also includes iodine atoms, you need to take pharmacy 5% iodine and apply it to both hands from the inside (on the wrists). Since the glands of the endocrine system are paired, they, alternating, can work in different ways. Hence the unilateral pathology. For example, a stroke is always unilateral. Consequently, the right or left gland works worse. To determine this, smears are made on both hands, while the thyroid gland is working. If the thyroid gland does not need iodine, it will not be absorbed. And vice versa: the greater the need for iodine, the faster it will be absorbed. It is necessary to pay attention to which hand (right or left) iodine will be absorbed most quickly. It is in this direction that pathology is located.

The second hormone produced by the thyroid gland is thyrocalcitonin. Only in its presence is calcium absorbed. Both men and women develop osteoporosis during menopause. Even with increased calcium intake, it will not be absorbed by the body if the thyroid gland does not produce the above hormone. Since in almost everyone the thyroid gland does not work fully due to our endemic situation and the lack of iodine products, osteoporosis is most common in us, especially after forty years. Calcium intake does not help. The body system is a self-healing system. But what is responsible for self-healing, as a rule, “breaks”, for example, the thyroid gland. That is why the metabolism is disturbed.

Taking any medications and vitamins in this case is useless.

The thyroid gland stimulates the liver to produce immunoglobulins, bile and bile secretion, that is, it provides its hormone with the correct contraction and release of bile during meals. At rest, bile accumulates in the gallbladder, and during meals it is released along with enzymes produced by the pancreas.

Bile is a very strong alkali, similar to laundry soap, it disinfects food, and pancreatic enzymes digest this food. The food bolus enters the intestine where absorption takes place. Bile accompanies food until it leaves the body. All the villi of the small intestine are disinfected during the passage of bile, freed from pathogenic bacteria and mucus. All this happens only with the normal functioning of the thyroid gland.

When the thyroid gland malfunctions, there is a violation of the tone and motility of the gallbladder contraction. Bile is released slowly or not at all during meals (dyskinesia). The first portion of food enters the intestines undisinfected and undigested, which creates the presence of pathogenic microflora (worms) in the intestines. Food not processed by pancreatic enzymes will not be digested, which means it will not be absorbed. This will cause the fermentation process and lead to discomfort. It is for this reason that many people experience a feeling of heaviness in the stomach after eating. After all the food has passed, the bile and pancreatic enzymes continue to exit, but with a delay, since all the food has already gone into the intestines, and the bile and enzymes still enter the duodenum. At this time, in the empty stomach, the pressure drops, and in the intestines, into which the food has gone, it increases. Due to the difference in pressure, bile and pancreatic enzymes (very strong alkali in quality) enter the stomach, which should not be normal.

The stomach is the main organ that reveals the essence of the system of Seraphim Chichagov. In a normal state, the stomach produces hydrochloric acid and pepsins, i.e., gastric juice. Hydrochloric acid and pepsins are very strong acids that dissolve organic matter (for example, a piece of raw meat). During the day, the stomach produces a large amount of gastric juice. Of these, only 2 liters are involved in digestion. The stomach digests animal proteins: eggs, fish, meat, dairy products. Everything else is digested by the pancreas, dissolving carbohydrate foods and producing alkali. Animal proteins dissolve in the stomach. Of the total volume of hydrochloric acid, a significant part is daily absorbed into the blood. With the normal functioning of the stomach in human blood, a normal concentration of chlorine ions, which are natural angioprotectors, is achieved. That is why blood, tears, sweat, urine, has a salty taste. All body fluids contain sodium chloride (0.9%), or saline. The stomach must constantly maintain a certain percentage of sodium chloride in the blood. Chlorine is a disinfectant. It thins the blood, dissolves blood clots, plaques on blood vessels, dead cells, microbial flora, sand and stones in the gallbladder and kidneys, moles, papillomas, warts, cysts and tumors anywhere in our body. It is the stomach that maintains a certain quality of blood. If he does it right, the person does not have any diseases, including cancer.

Consider the work of the stomach in more detail. In a normal state, the stomach is a muscular bag, which has sphincters above and below (valves - cardiac and pyloric), these valves separate it from other media. The human mouth has a very strong alkaline environment, the esophagus is weaker, but also alkaline. All this passes into the very acidic environment of the stomach, where the first valve is located, separating the acidic environment from the alkaline one. After the stomach comes the duodenum, the small intestine. Bile and pancreatic enzymes go there. These are very strong alkalis. Everything is closed with one valve. The system should clearly open and close at the level of unconditioned reflexes, with the participation of adrenal hormones. This is how the Lord created man.

In case of problems with the thyroid gland, after each meal, bile (due to the difference in pressure) is squeezed out into the stomach, where strong hydrochloric acid is located. Reacting, alkali and acid give a neutral environment, resulting in the formation of salt (precipitate) and water. That is, hydrochloric acid is neutralized, which is produced after eating only to leave and be absorbed into the blood. If this happens after every meal, then the concentration of chlorine in the blood is not replenished. When the concentration of chlorine drops, the blood increases its viscosity. Blood clots form (thrombophlebitis is a lack of chlorine in the blood).

When thrombophlebitis appears, viscous blood begins to stick together small vessels - capillaries, which are most of all on the arms, legs and head. Blood circulation is disturbed: hands become numb, cold, sweat. The most serious is the violation of the microcirculation of the vessels of the head, since the head is our microprocessor, responsible for all underlying organs, for all unconditioned reflexes. With this violation, memory begins to suffer, fatigue increases, drowsiness and lethargy appear. This is not vegetovascular dystonia, it is a little different. Vegetovascular dystonia is caused by one of the adrenal hormones. And here small vessels are sealed, the nutrition of the brain is disturbed, as a result, blood circulation is disturbed. Not only the brain itself suffers (it is in hypoxia: a person gets tired, does not perceive a large amount of information), but also hair follicles (they do not eat, which leads to hair loss), eyes. The muscle of the eye is constantly in motion and must receive oxygen in a large volume, which is impossible when gluing small vessels, so it begins to spasm, resulting in myopia, hyperopia or astigmatism - a complex condition. The optic nerve, not receiving nutrition, first dystrophies (the eyes begin to turn red and tired), and after some time, optic nerve atrophy (falling diopters) begins. A person begins to wear glasses, although the eyes are not to blame. This long-term dystrophy, caused by a general dystrophy of the brain, leads to such a pathological condition. Over time, when larger vessels begin to seal, a stroke or heart attack occurs. And when a person gets into intensive care, he is injected intravenously with saline - sodium chloride 0.9%, dripping for many hours. If the stomach maintained the correct percentage of chlorine, we would not have heart attacks or strokes.

All intensive care in the hospital is reduced to medication. Any tablet again enters the stomach, causing certain complications and side effects. The drug, removing the symptom, has a huge number of side effects and effects. If the causative factor of circulatory disorders in the body is poor secretion of hydrochloric acid, poor functioning of the stomach, and the drug that gets there worsens this situation even more, then by removing the symptom, we exacerbate the causative factor. As a result, a person who has received a heart attack or stroke still dies from this (from the second, third), because the causative factor remains in the pathology of the stomach.

Viscous blood is filtered every second by the kidneys. Kidneys are a common water filter. When using the Barrier household filter, the cassette must be changed more often, the worse the water quality is, since the filter becomes clogged faster. Kidneys cannot be changed. The kidneys are an organic filter that filters the blood. The bulk of the blood is sodium chloride 0.9%. If the stomach supports this percentage, then chlorine is a disinfectant. It kills all pathogenic microflora, simultaneously dissolving salts, sand, stones. This filter lasts forever, it never clogs or clogs if the stomach maintains a normal concentration of chlorine. If the concentration is insufficient, the blood becomes viscous; filtering viscous blood, the kidneys begin to clog, the filtration of the kidneys worsens, creatinine appears in the urine, the excretory function of the kidneys is disturbed, which does not allow the removal of uric acid salts (ammonia) from the blood. When properly filtered, urine is yellow-brown in color and has a strong odor. If this is not the case, then uric acid is not excreted, but remains in the body, since with a lack of chlorine, the kidneys do not filter urea. Ammonia salts are very toxic, so the body begins to dump them into the spine, into the joints, onto the walls of blood vessels so that they do not get into the brain and poison it. As a result, diagnoses appear: atherosclerosis, osteochondrosis, arthrosis, scoliosis - all these are urea salts in one place or another in our body. When all places of the body are filled, urea is dumped on the skin: moles appear on the body. Moles are urea, and the color of moles is the color of urea. With age, the kidneys become so clogged that urea is not filtered out at all, senile spots begin to appear, mainly on the face, arms and legs. This is an indicator of the presence of kidney stones that do not hurt until the stone begins to move. Nephrologists determine kidney function with a simple test. The person sits down, he is asked to put his hands on his knees; if, when straightening the leg, the palm feels a crunch and crackle, it means that the filtration of the kidneys is broken.

In this case, the kidneys are not to blame, they are an ordinary filter that filters viscous, chlorine-free blood every second.

When salts are deposited, all vessels suffer, but most of all the vessels of the brain and heart (atherosclerosis of the brain and heart), which leads to circulatory disorders. When unfiltered urea salts remain in the blood, and the reserve stores are clogged with urea, in order to save the brain, the body gives a command and vasoconstriction begins to prevent urea from entering the brain. When a vessel narrows, the pressure in it increases. Previously, zemstvo doctors, diagnosing hypertension, said: "Urine hit the head." There was no name, definitions were given by concepts. A diuretic was prescribed immediately. Now they do the same, especially if the patient is elderly. The vessels and the stomach are not to blame, the problem is in the thyroid gland. When diagnosing a disease, the whole organism should be comprehensively considered.

The Lord created man perfect, the system of our body is capable of self-healing. But the recovery mechanism often breaks down, thanks primarily to passions (emotions).

Consider the adrenal glands. They produce 50 hormones, one of which is adrenaline. If adrenaline is produced more often and more than expected, then all 49 hormones fall, including aldosterone, which distributes the release of fluid or its retention in the body. A person begins to swell, swell, gain weight, but this is not fat, but water, which could not come out due to aldosterone. The first thing to be checked is the work of the thyroid gland. This is due to being in an endemic area. In our country, a state program has been created for iodizing food products (iodized salt, iodized bread). However, it is impossible to eat a pack of salt right away, and during heat treatment or storage in an open form, iodine evaporates and a person actually does not receive iodine. In addition, the daily dose of iodine is greatly underestimated due to the fact that dosages and standards have not been revised for a long time (taking into account the stressful situation and exposure). A person's condition improves when he goes to the sea, because there is iodine and chlorine. Marine fish do not have tumors, as they live in chlorine water, which dissolves any tumor.

At the birth of children, there are no moles on their body, they appear after the children are given antibiotics, injuring the stomach with chemicals. This causes disturbances and leads to the appearance of moles. This is thrombophlebitis, which sealed the kidneys, and urea began to stand out in this way. All moles stand out mainly not on the lower extremities, but at the top, because the heart and brain are located here, and the body will not allow these organs to be poisoned. The skin is the second excretory gate (with non-filtering kidneys). Often it is covered with moles from the waist up.

The cells of the body have a certain composition: inside the cell is potassium, outside the cell - sodium chloride. The stomach maintains chlorine at a certain percentage (0.9%), then chlorine is a disinfectant. Bacteria live around the cell, and a virus lives inside the cell (therefore, antibiotics do not treat viruses). The virus acquires the ability to penetrate into the cell when the concentration of chlorine falls.

Sodium and potassium are trace elements that enter the body only with food (they are not synthesized in the body). The daily dose of potassium is 2-3 grams, and sodium is 6-8 grams. This means that there should be more sodium in food than potassium. With this distribution, the body maintains a sodium-potassium balance, or equilibrium; it is in this ratio that a certain cell permeability is maintained. When nutrition enters the cell, waste is released from the cell into the blood and a nerve impulse is transmitted through potassium to sodium, and from sodium to potassium (to the brain and back). If more potassium is supplied than necessary, it begins to accumulate in the cell and it swells. To prevent the cell from bursting, the body begins to draw water into it, which leads to its increase. Internal and external edema, excess weight appear, the load on the heart, legs, blood vessels increases, and potassium begins to enter the blood plasma. The nerve impulse is not transmitted through potassium, blocking occurs, which leads to spasm. Often in such situations there are cramps in the calf muscles, which indicates an excess of potassium, and not a lack of it. Spasm of the vessels of the head gives a headache. If this happens to the heart, angina pectoris begins. All this is due to excess potassium in the plasma. In such a case, the blood becomes not salty, but sweet, and therefore the kidneys cannot filter it and block it. This is not diabetes (sugar against this background may be normal), but a malfunction of the stomach.

If the stomach works correctly, when eating ordinary buckwheat porridge (it, like any carbohydrate, immediately gives an increase in blood sugar levels, even if the porridge is unsweetened), the sugar level rises. When potassium begins to enter the bloodstream, the receptors react to this, the stomach begins to intensively throw gastric juice into the blood, while it extinguishes potassium, increases sodium chloride, potassium leaves, the kidneys begin to filter well; After eating, we feel a surge of energy.

If the stomach is disturbed after eating, drowsiness, lethargy, and weakness occur. These are the first signs of potassium in the blood plasma. If we were nervous the day before, or during the meal we discuss some problems, watch TV, empathize or worry, our valves are not closed. Bile enters from below, and hydrochloric acid from above; it causes heartburn. Atrophic gastritis occurs due to the fact that for decades bile entered the stomach from the duodenum and the cells stopped producing hydrochloric acid. There is no pain, no ulcer, but the stomach cannot cope with this problem. Now everyone has very weak hydrochloric acid, since the stomach does not produce it in sufficient quantity and concentration, hence viscous blood and thrombophlebitis.

Stomach ulcers are caused by the bacterium Heleobacter. This is a bacterium that lives in the bile environment. And what does bile do in the stomach if it should be elsewhere? If the gastric juice is neutralized by bile and pepsins, trypsins (pancreatic alkalis), then the stomach is filled with bile. Most ulcers do not depend on food, they depend on emotions, on stress. This is an endocrine problem.

What can each of us do to restore our health?

There is a working time and a recovery time for each organ; it's called physiology. Physiology is greatly curtailed due to the fact that the Russian physiologist, the excellent scientist Pavlov, at one time had the imprudence to engage in higher nervous activity, which in Soviet times formed the basis of psychotronic weapons. Therefore, all his works were seized. All the main works of the physiologist Pavlov are kept under the heading "Secret".

Physiology is unconditioned reflexes, they do not depend on a person. Each of the organs works or recovers at its own specific time. If we do the right thing during the recovery or work of a particular organ, we never get sick. The stomach starts working from 5 o'clock in the morning, it produces hydrochloric acid and pepsins, which dissolve organic matter. The cells that produce this are also organic, also alive, which means they cannot live around the clock, they are also digested with hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the stomach works for a maximum of 12 hours - from 5 am to 5 pm. By 6 pm, there is no hydrochloric acid in the stomach, nor the cells that produce it; consequently, food taken after six o'clock in the evening is not assimilated, not digested, and will lie and rot in the stomach until the next day. Hence the bad breath in the morning, the state of fatigue, lack of appetite.

Since hydrochloric acid is a very strong solvent, so that the cells in the stomach do not dissolve, you need to eat something every 2 hours during the day. It doesn't have to be whole troughs of soup, etc., you can just have something to eat. Since the body's system is self-healing, it must suggest which trace elements are more needed in a given period. There shouldn't be any diet. Everyone has their own blood condition and the need for various trace elements: one needs zinc, another magnesium, etc. The body begins to ask for trace elements in the form of certain products, so there are neither prohibited nor permitted products. When the whole organism is restored, food will be a medicine for the body, and the person will not get sick. The body itself will find the product necessary for recovery, just as animals, not knowing the name of a medicinal herb, find it and recover.

During the day, food should come as often as possible, after about two hours, so five meals a day are recommended (as in a sanatorium). The strongest hydrochloric acid is produced early in the morning, and there is a strong feeling of hunger. During this period, the cells in the stomach are young, the acid is strong, which means that it is necessary to eat proteins of animal origin for breakfast (during fasting, it can be fish), for lunch - soup, and for dinner - cereals, carbohydrates, because they are not digested by the stomach and will quickly go away, and the stomach will begin to recover. Therefore, dinner can consist of cereals with vegetables or pasta, especially since they give a long feeling of satiety, as they are digested for a long time.

From 18 hours, the kidneys are included in the work. They start filtering to remove all the dead cells that the stomach has dissolved. To help the kidneys filter very viscous blood, after 18 hours you can drink salted water, similar to the saline that is sold in the pharmacy (the salt concentration in saline is very accurately worked out, since the solution is intravenous). You can taste it, remember and cook it yourself. Mineral water "Essentuki" No. 4 or No. 17 has the same composition, so after 18 hours you can drink mineral water.

Due to the fact that we consume a huge amount of foods rich in potassium, now everyone has an excessive concentration of it in the blood. The stomach cannot extinguish this excess potassium with acid, the body gives an unconditioned reflex - the mouth begins to dry. When the body itself cannot remove potassium, it tries to wash it out with water so that the blood does not clot; there is a feeling of thirst. A person does not have a feeling of thirst if all body systems function normally. All daily liquid should not exceed 500 ml, and even then to indulge in tea, and not because of the need for it.

The most common reaction in the body is the neutralization reaction "acid plus alkali - water." The mouth is alkaline. Food is reflexively determined, the receptors work, making a decision on the production of acid or pancreatic enzymes. Then the food enters the stomach and is processed with acid, after passing through the stomach, for example, buckwheat porridge, it goes to the intestines and is digested by pancreatic enzymes. In the stomach, she was treated with gastric juice, and in the intestine - with alkali; this is another neutralization reaction. After the pancreas has digested this porridge, and there are proteins of plant origin, these proteins are broken down into amino acids, which go from the intestines into the blood. From these amino acids, the body synthesizes its own proteins. An amino acid is a bipolar brick: on the one hand, an alkaline group, on the other, an acidic (carboxylic) group. Protein synthesis occurs due to the combination of bipolar carboxylic and alkaline groups. The alkali group combines with the carboxy group to form water. Protein consists of thousands of amino acids, therefore, having processed buckwheat porridge, the body synthesized a huge amount of distilled water of the highest quality. The body excretes the excess in the form of urine. The body is self-sufficient.

Violation of hormonal recovery mechanisms at the emotional level leads to disruption of the whole organism. Subject to the dietary regimen according to the physiology of the stomach, a recovery time for atrophic gastritis appears. From 18 o'clock the cells regenerate, by the morning a large amount of acid appears, a person wakes up from a strong feeling of hunger. There is no need for a lot of food. With the correct operation of all body systems, it is enough to eat a piece of rye bread for life, from where the body can synthesize all the necessary substances, elements and vitamins, with the exception of vitamin C, which must come from outside.

Therefore, if everything works well, a person needs a piece of bread, salt and an onion. Everything else just clogs the body. The stomach does not digest anything now, people eat a huge amount of food, they take a blessing on dairy products during fasting, but nothing is digested due to the lack of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the state of a person in fasting worsens even more, and with such nutrition, the stomach does not recover.

A gastroenterologist, examining patients who come for examination on an empty stomach, is faced with the fact that in the morning the patients have a full stomach, despite the fact that they all did not have breakfast. The man ate at 8 o'clock in the evening, all the food remained in the stomach. The stomach did not recover overnight, a person with a sore head, because inside there is fermentation and decay, bad breath; all this poisons the blood, the person feels bad. The doctor can't see the stomach. Only by advising patients not to eat supper, the doctor will be able to examine patients normally.

When switching to the Serafim Chichagov system, despite the absence of any treatment, a person notices the changes taking place: the brain begins to work better, vision is restored, and appearance improves.
Since potassium and sodium are substances that are not synthesized by the body, but come from outside (mainly with food), and all food is mainly potassium, the main task of a person is to increase the amount of sodium and reduce the amount of potassium foods in the diet. For 100 grams of product - 2 grams of potassium (this is the daily norm) contains yeast bread. Thus, a piece of bread (100 g) contains the daily requirement of potassium, since yeast is the strongest source of potassium. Therefore, it is better to consume yeast-free products. Another source of potassium is everything sweet: honey, jam, dried fruits, fruits, nuts, seeds. These products should be consumed in small quantities, carefully.

Sodium-rich foods should be plentiful in the diet. If you do not take into account the time of fasting, then these are eggs, fish, meat, milk - it contributes to the production of hydrochloric acid. Sodium products are stomach products: proteins that the stomach digests, and all spices - mustard, horseradish, adjika (those that grow in our country). All this enhances the production of hydrochloric acid, which makes the food entering the body sterile. This also includes all fermented foods (not pickled with vinegar!), Fermented, fermented. When a vegetable product ferments (and it ferments for two weeks), the fermentation process turns ordinary cabbage into a product that is perceived by the body, almost like meat. Sauerkraut is digested by the stomach, increasing the production of hydrochloric acid. The stomach does not suffer, which is very important in fasting. Our ancestors knew this well, therefore, as soon as fasting began, in Russia they consumed a huge amount of products such as pickled apples, cloudberries, pickled mushrooms, sauerkraut, etc.

Fermentation ends when mold stops forming and gas formation stops. You can peel the carrots, put them in an enamel bowl, put Antonov apples on top and pour salt water over them. Put under oppression for two weeks. In the same way, you can cook beets and store them until the next harvest. The use of these products does not cause gas formation, they are digested by the stomach, they can be boiled, used to make vinaigrette, added to soups, given that such beets are cooked longer than ordinary beets or carrots, because after fermentation it becomes denser. The stomach perceives such food as meat. This is very important in fasting, when a person consumes predominantly carbohydrate foods, which leads to thickening of the blood.

In addition to pickles and pickles, you can eat any cabbage - broccoli, seaweed, white cabbage. Cabbage contains vitamin K, which is an anti-gastritis vitamin. Cabbage juice is used for ulcers and gastritis, as it enhances the production of hydrochloric acid.

You can eat soaked potatoes. Potatoes have a huge amount of potassium; if the potatoes are peeled and left overnight in water, the potassium will go away, and the potatoes, having drained the water, can be boiled, fried and baked.

Cereals also contain potassium, but if there is more sodium in the diet, cereals and pasta can and should be eaten.

From drinks, tomato juice is well absorbed. You can take pastes, for example, “Tomato”, dissolve, make tomato juice, or prepare yourself in the fall. Tomato juice should be drunk with salt.

A large amount of sodium is found in chicory; chicory is our coffee. Chicory is properly harvested in the fall after flowering, the roots of the plant are harvested. Another plant that can be used with benefit is Ivan tea, or fireweed. It is harvested during the flowering period, but not the flowers, but the leaves are used. The collected leaves must be fermented, that is, processed mechanically until the juice appears, and only then dried. All herbs and tea preparations: mint, lemon balm, currant leaves, cherries - must be fermented, then the color of the tea will be strongly saturated, the tea will bring more benefits.

Japan and China are considered to be the ancestors of tea drinking, but tea is drunk there in very small portions. It is not useful to drink sweet tea, since there is sodium chloride in the blood, and sweet tea (water) is immediately absorbed into the blood, reducing the concentration of sodium, as a result of which the kidneys block it and do not remove it.

Very often, the feeling of thirst is confused with other feelings. During the heat, doctors advise patients not to drink anything. To check whether a person is really thirsty, you can conduct such an experiment: give warm boiled water in the heat. If a person does not want to drink it, but wants cold water, then he needs not water, but cooling. Therefore, during the heat, it is enough to put a heating pad with ice on your head or stand under a cool shower; the feeling of thirst will disappear. If at this moment you drink sweet water or fruit drink, the sugar present there will increase the concentration of sugar in the blood, which will lead to the drying of the mucosa. Sugar will rise, and the body, in order not to get a heart attack or stroke, will constantly require water.

Foods rich in sodium should be the basis of the diet, because a person does not eat for enjoyment, but to maintain his vitality. It is often mentioned in the literature that a person should get up from the table with a slight feeling of hunger. The stomach cannot digest a large amount of food, and a modern person produces very little hydrochloric acid. Therefore, it is necessary to regulate the amount of food consumed, which for each person depends on growth and physique. Best of all, if the volume will correspond to two palms folded together (single meal), regardless of what we eat. No need to use set meals: first, second, compote on top. It's impossible to digest. The principle of nutrition is "there is one thing." Porridge, soup, tea - everything should be consumed at intervals of 1-2 hours. Then the stomach will easily process everything.

Fluid in the stomach is not absorbed. It is absorbed in the intestine (large), and passes through the stomach in transit. If you drink tea or juice immediately after a meal, the liquid will be in the stomach while the latter digests the food eaten. This means that the concentration of gastric juice will be washed out, the food will stand in a lump for a long time. It will be a very long digestion. Therefore, you can drink an hour before a meal or after an hour after a meal.

If a person follows simple physiological principles, he will stop getting sick. With the right concentration of chlorine in the blood, blood clots, plaques, moles, tumors will begin to dissolve, sand will begin to come out, the joints will be cleansed, and vision will be restored. The first sign of recovery will be a change in the color and smell of urine.

There is the Creator, and there is the crown, the pinnacle of His creation - man. It cannot be that God created people dependent on some additives, microelements, so that people artificially support themselves with something. The human body is perfection itself. When the body enters this mode, and this happens after about a week of "withdrawal", the state of a person becomes amazing: there is no weakness, after eating there is an influx of strength, even outwardly the person is transformed.

Brief tips for those starting to improve the body

  1. Do not eat after 6 pm.
  2. Eat a little, several times a day. Don't overeat. The amount of food taken should not exceed the volume of folded hands, which approximately corresponds to the volume of the stomach. Try to stick to a separate diet.
  3. Minimize the amount of fluid taken, if possible, to 0.5 - 0.8 liters per day.
  4. Tea or other liquid should be taken 1 hour before or 1 hour after a meal.
  5. Dissolve 1-2 large salt crystals under the tongue several times a day.
  6. Go to bed, if possible, no later than 22 hours.
  7. Make iodine nets from 20:30 to 21 hours.
  8. Use Ivan-chai instead of imported tea and chicory instead of coffee, thereby moving away from the use of caffeine in food.

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Review of the brochure "Improvement of the body according to the method of the holy martyr Seraphim Chichagov"

Ksenia Kravchenko's pamphlet "Improvement of the body according to the method of the Hieromartyr Seraphim Chichagov" was confiscated yesterday from the lovely ladies who serve as a cook in the Novospassky Monastery (Moscow). - M., 2013 (specifically 2013, not 2012).

I offer you a review of this brochure.

1. The brochure does not have the stamp “Approved by the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church”, and therefore, according to the accepted rules, it cannot be distributed through church bookselling. The edition of the brochure is not specified.

2. The brief annotation at the beginning of the brochure states “permitted for children over 12 years old” (i.e. 12+), but does not say: from whom such permission was specifically obtained. There is absolutely no information about the author, although it is stated (leaflet, cover) that the "practitioner" K.P. Kravchenko has "more than twenty years of positive experience in treating patients using this technique."

3. The pamphlet cites the Holy Martyr himself. Serafim Chichagov, however, there is not a single link to the source of the citation.

4. The brochure is abundantly filled with stylistic, grammatical, punctuation and terminological errors, arbitrary conclusions (who gave this “improving system” the name “Seraphim Chichagov’s system”? Is it K. Kravchenko herself?) Why is there no at least an etymological explanation for the names of diseases of the past: “ gnaw”, “fever”, “kondrashka” (p. 9)?

Typical examples:

“To understand what it is, how it sounds in a modern way, is quite difficult, one can only guess” (p. 10).

“If we were nervous the day before, or during a meal we discuss some problems, watch TV, empathize or worry, our valves are not closed” (p. 33);

“A patient who came to me with a uterine tumor (a comma is missing) says: “Help, my mother died of uterine cancer, I don’t want to follow her path”! In the course of our (correctly our) research, we found out the following point: girls bear the problems of their father and father's family, boys bear the problems of their mother and mother's family” (pp. 69-70).

Indeed, the "outstanding" discovery of the "Orthodox" doctor!

On page 12, the "doctor" Ksenia Kravchenko draws a blasphemous metaphor - a direct parallel between the Eucharistic Chalice, which contains the Body and Blood of Christ, and the medical cup-emblem:

“In an old medical textbook, the symbol of our medicine is a snake over a bowl. It is known that a person gets this or that problem if he has sinned. Next comes the symptom, and after a while, the disease. A person, remembering, goes to confession, confesses, and then goes to the Cup, he takes communion, and the disease goes away. Now a serpent is writhing around this Chalice. It is known who the snake is. We see him on the icon of George the Victorious defeated. The serpent is a prototype of Satan, the father of lies” (p. 12, cited with abbreviations).

Here's how, no more, no less: the serpent-Satan is now writhing around the Eucharistic chalice!

5. The reference apparatus is almost completely absent (at the end of the brochure, there is only a mention of 2 books: “To Conquer the Disease” (published by the Church of the Nine Martyrs of Kiziche, 2012 and Chichagov L.M. “Medical Conversations” (reprint 1891) ; no references to authoritative medical reference books and manuals;

6. At the end of the pamphlet, readers are forced to "read the Psalter of Metropolitan Peter Mohyla." "Chin" is essentially so far from prayers for the dead, including reading the Psalter for the dead, that it is unnecessary to comment on it.

7. It is claimed that the “Chichagov system” has helped many, but these and similar statements are unfounded, the brochure does not contain specific examples of help and positive results, from which diseases cases of healing have been recorded, etc.

8) The history of the drug "Decaris" (p. 66) begins like this:

“Somewhere in 1972, on the basis of the First Sechenov Medical Institute in Moscow, there was an interesting young man at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. He became interested in this Decaris and wrote his PhD thesis. When he defended her, he was immediately given a doctorate. And immediately in all clinics they began to use this Decaris. A patient arrives and they begin to treat him according to the scheme that we advise everyone. This is the scheme of that young man.”

All this is reminiscent of cheap fiction, a fairy tale "once upon a time" and "once somewhere in the thirtieth kingdom", "one grandmother said." What is an "interesting young man"? What is the name of his scientific work, for which he was immediately given a doctoral degree, which was quite a rare phenomenon at that time?

8a. Ksenia Kravchenko arbitrarily interprets the medical practice of the holy martyr, which, according to her, consists, in particular, in the fact that he, it turns out, was not interested in what disease or disease of which organ a person turned to him for help:

“Vladyka considered diseases regardless of the affected organ and, taking their forms, paid attention to the general condition: to the course and development, and most importantly, to the end of the disease” (p. 8.).

This is something unique in medical practice, but not Dr. L. Chichagov, but K. Kravchenko herself, freely interpreting the works of the archpastor. How can you treat a person "in general"?

9. The brochure contains many very controversial points, unsubstantiated generalizations and statements, catchy comparisons, and even extremely absurd statements:

“Practice and very extensive experience show that there is no disease that would be cured faster than any other than “cancer”” (p. 13, bold hereinafter highlighted by us, the name of the disease “cancer” Ksenia Kravchenko for some reason took in quotation marks. And what is this great experience in a quick cure for cancer that Ksenia Pavlovna refers to?).

“The endocrine system produces hormones. Hormones come out in very small quantities, in hundredths, starting all organs to work. This system, with its pathology, does not hurt: neither the thyroid gland, nor the pituitary gland, nor the adrenal glands. They may not work at all, but they do not hurt. The only causal factor in their failure is the emotional factor. Any emotion is a passion: irritability, anger, envy, resentment. Any passion is a sin. Thus, sin is the germ of all hormonal disorders” (pp. 14-15, op. abbr.).

Here's how: "get annoyed" a little - and your endocrine system is out of order! Although every passion is a sin, not every emotion is a sin. The Apostle Paul commanded to weep with those who weep and rejoice with those who rejoice, not for the sake of something in the human body failing.

“Producing a hormone from four iodine atoms, the thyroid gland must somehow receive this iodine. To do this, it is necessary to eat foods containing iodine, which must be digested, get from the intestines into the blood, and then the thyroid gland, producing thyroxine, throws it into the liver. This is normal. But living in an endemic area where there are no seas, oceans, and, consequently, products containing iodine, the thyroid gland does not work for anyone” (pp. 16-17).

You, the reader, understand that no one, neither K.P. Kravchenko, nor you, nor anyone else from your immediate and distant environment, does not have a thyroid gland?! Nobody! This is first. And secondly, Russia is still washed by the seas and oceans, and buying iodine-containing marine products in stores is not a significant problem now.

Now everyone has very weak hydrochloric acid, since the stomach does not produce it in sufficient quantity and concentration, hence viscous blood and thrombophlebitis (p. 33).

All ulcers (most ulcers) do not depend on nutrition, they depend on emotions and stress (page 33).

Due to the fact that we consume a huge amount of foods rich in potassium, now everyone has an excess concentration in the blood (p. 37).

Another destructive factor affecting the thyroid gland is the emotional factor. The next one is exposure similar to the Chernobyl disaster. Today, this factor plays a significant role due to the increasing number of cell phones and towers providing cellular communications. Thus, irradiation is ongoing and affects everyone without exception. Because these radiations are not visible, and we do not feel them, they become even more dangerous (p. 17).

Firstly, only the Chernobyl catastrophe itself (or, to a certain extent, the radioactive accident at the Fukushima nuclear power plant reactors in March 2011 comparable to it) can be similar to the Chernobyl disaster. The lack of logic and common sense is the comparison of the lethal radiation of radioactive fuel from nuclear reactors with the radiation received by users from mobile phones, laptops, plasma TVs, etc. In this case, all subscribers of cellular operators would die within 2-3 weeks, like courageous firefighters and liquidators, or become severely disabled. Secondly, the danger of electromagnetic radiation is determined by completely different parameters, for example, its intensity, and not at all by the fact that a person does not feel it.

“When a plant product ferments, and it ferments for two weeks, the fermentation process turns ordinary cabbage into meat” (pp. 41-42).

“Out of ten liters of gastric juice, eight liters are absorbed into the blood daily” (p. 21).

“A person can do without any treatment at all” (p. 48).

“It is useless to treat all things. There is no cure at all. No matter how much one wants, never and no one can be cured by any system: neither herbal medicine, nor homeopathy, nor acupuncture, one can only relieve the symptoms ”(pp. 11-12)

Note. The phrase once again reveals the low educational qualifications of Ksenia Ravchenko. A competent doctor will write “It is useless to treat all diseases”, but not “things”. Such verbal nonsense haunts the author throughout the entire pamphlet.

10. Ksenia Kravchenko's pamphlet contains both practical and theological contradictions, revealing the author's incompetence in Orthodox anthropology. On the one hand, the author is trying to solve the problem of fasting food, on the other hand, he proclaims the slogan “no fasting”:

“There shouldn't be any diet. Everyone has their own blood condition and the need for various trace elements: one needs zinc, the other magnesium, and so on. The body begins to “request” trace elements in the form of certain products containing the necessary element, therefore there are no prohibited or permitted products ”(p. 35).

“People eat a huge amount of food, they take a blessing on dairy products during fasting, but nothing is digested due to the lack of hydrochloric acid. Therefore, the state of a person in fasting worsens even more” (p. 40).

And then there's anthropology. Think about what he writes

“The causes of most diseases are the sinful structures of man. When a person “violates something”, he “gets something” (p. 12) – very similar to the doctrine of karma, and it is not clear: what does the author mean by the new terminology of sinful structures, because further this phrase is not revealed by him, and is not found in Orthodox anthropology.

“The Lord created man perfect, the system of our body is capable of self-healing. But the recovery mechanism is often “broken down”, primarily by passions (emotions)” (p. 28).

“It cannot be that God created people dependent on any additives, microelements, so that people artificially support themselves with something. The human body is perfection itself” (pp. 45-46).

“In this case, why does the author crucify, talking about the need to maintain sodium-potassium and iodine balance, advertises “Dekaris” on three pages” (pp. 66-68), if a person is so perfect that he does not need microelements, additives, medicinal drugs! Why pass off your prejudices “it cannot be” as real phenomena?

“Children under the age of 7 do not get sick, and if they get sick, then this shows that they bear the problems of their parents” (p. 69).

There are certain requirements for such brochures. Hieromartyr Seraphim Chichagov really developed a method for treating diseases, which, however, is arbitrarily and distortedly interpreted by respected K. Kravchenko and has nothing to do with what she writes about. The brochure has a pronounced pseudo-scientific and pseudo-Orthodox character. If there is at least some benefit to a person from using this scheme or system in practice, then it is minimal.

Attributing her conjectures to the holy martyr Seraphim Chichagov, hiding behind his authority, Ksenia Kravchenko harms the Church, and also bears full responsibility before the memory of the saint for the arbitrary and anti-scientific interpretation of his medical practice.

Procopius Zhamkov, Hierodeacon

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