Daily requirement bzhu for. Daily intake of carbohydrates for a person

When looking for accurate information about the daily calorie intake and BJU numbers needed for men and women to lose weight or gain muscle mass, it is easy to run into large quantity divergent opinions. Many sites offer their own recommendations or even ready-made calculators for calculating daily allowances, without going into details at all and without explaining where the numbers come from.

The situation is complicated by the fact that there are simply no universal nutritional standards - it all depends on the individual, his goals and level. physical activity. In this material, we have summarized the latest scientific information and presented not just general data, but detailed tables on the norms for the use of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, taking into account a person’s gender and body weight.

Daily intake of carbohydrates

Protein intake per day:

Norm with a weight of 50 kgNorm with a weight of 60 kgNorm with a weight of 70 kgNorm with a weight of 80 kg
For weight loss165 g170 g175 g185 g
To maintain weight145 g155 g165 g175 g
For a set of muscles180 g190 g200 g210 g
For weight loss140 g150 g165 g175 g
To maintain weight115 g125 g135 g145 g
For a set of muscles155 g165 g175 g185 g

Daily fat intake

It must be remembered that fats are the most important element healthy eating a person, without which normal metabolism and metabolism is impossible. The role is also played by the fact that both an excess of fats in the diet, leading to weight gain, and their lack, which reduces not only the production of hormones, but also immunity, are harmful. At the same time, they are of particular importance.

It is also interesting that the most beneficial diets for health and weight maintenance - traditional and - imply a fairly significant proportion of fat in the diet (about 35-50% of all daily calories). However, it must be remembered that the source of these fats should be predominantly vegetable oils, and not animal fat.

Fat intake per day:

Norm with a weight of 50 kgNorm with a weight of 60 kgNorm with a weight of 70 kgNorm with a weight of 80 kg
For weight loss40 g40 g40 g40 g
To maintain weight55 g60 g60 g65 g
For a set of muscles70 g70 g75 g80 g
For weight loss30 g35 g35 g40 g
To maintain weight45 g50 g50 g55 g
For a set of muscles60 g60 g65 g70 g

Calorie definition

On the one hand, the definition is the basis for compiling a diet for weight loss or for gaining muscle mass. On the other hand, the figure calculated even by the most accurate formula will be very approximate, since any method of mathematical determination of the daily calorie intake has a significant error of 300-500 kcal.

The role is also played by the fact that the needs real person in daily calories always varies from day to day, because the body always adapts to various external factors, slowing down or speeding up the metabolism. In fact, in most cases, to determine approximate norm calories, it is enough to multiply the body weight in kilograms by a factor of 35 (i.e. 2625 kcal for 75 kg).

BJU table: Norms for weight gain

In fact, when gaining muscle mass, nutrition plays a more significant role than strength training itself. For growth, the number of daily calories should be increased by about 15-20%. Carbohydrates should be consumed at the maximum limit of the norm, but proteins and fats - in moderation (otherwise the body may).

We also note that the timing of nutrient intake is important - for example, a significant portion of carbohydrates should be eaten during the "carbohydrate window", lasting 2-3 hours after strength training). In this case, the body will store carbohydrates in the form (in literally increasing their visual volume), and not at all in fat reserves.


When determining your daily requirement for proteins, fats and carbohydrates, you need to take into account not only the main goal (weight maintenance, weight loss or muscle gain), but also adjust for age and general activity level. At the same time, it is not just the figure itself that plays a role, but what is hidden behind it, since both fats and carbohydrates are not at all the same - some of them are useful, while others are harmful.

Scientific sources:

  1. Calculate Your Recommended Carbohydrate Intake,
  2. Calculate Your Recommended Protein Intake,
  3. Calculate Your Recommended Fat Intake,

The need of an adult for carbohydrates depends on the lifestyle, the nature of the work performed, age, external temperature, the presence of "stressful" situations and averages 400-500 g per day.

For the elderly, the total amount of carbohydrates in the diet should be 250-300 g, mainly due to complex, slowly absorbed carbohydrates (up to 85-90% of their total amount).

AT recent times recommend changing the ratio in the consumption of simple and complex carbohydrates towards the increase of the latter. Many researchers attach great importance to this factor in the prevention of diseases such as diabetes, atherosclerosis, myocardial infarction, caries, etc.

Theoretically, carbohydrates are non-essential nutrients (components) of food. However, as studies by nutritionists have shown, a person of working age needs 50 g of simple and 400 g of complex carbohydrates daily. With a decrease in the consumption of this amount of carbohydrates, fats will be used more to provide the body with energy, as a result of the oxidation of which ketone bodies accumulate in excess.

A low-carbohydrate diet of a physically active person leads to the fact that part of the amino acids of proteins diet not used as plastic material, but to replenish energy costs. All this, however, does not exclude the need for a sufficiently strict dosing of all carbohydrates in the human diet, and especially easily digestible ones. Overconsumption sucrose contributes to the development of atherosclerosis. In countries where 50-60 g of sucrose per day is consumed, disease-related mortality of cardio-vascular system is approximately 23 people for every 100 thousand of the population, and where they consume 125-135 g - 235 people.

When it comes to the rational consumption of sugar, one should take into account the age, working and living conditions of a person, take into account weather conditions. For example, an oilman in Siberia winter period 85 g of sweets a day will not hurt, and for a middle-aged person who is not engaged in physical labor, the dose of sugar should be reduced by half, a pensioner needs even less sweets.

Glucose, galactose and other sugars formed from them in the body, as well as their derivatives (fructose, amino sugars, sialic acids, etc.) are essential components of glycoproteins, which include most blood plasma proteins. Glycoproteins and glucolipids, along with proteins and phospholipids, are part of cell membranes, which play an important role in metabolic processes.

Main food sources carbohydrates are cereals and products of their processing (bread, flour, cereals, pasta and bakery products), fruits, vegetables, confectionery (sugar, jams, sweets, honey), ice cream, compotes, jelly, fruit waters.



What is the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. How to calculate the BJU rate and determine the calorie content of the diet.

Many of us strive for beauty and health. One of the ways lies through the selection the right products nutrition. To achieve results, when compiling a diet, two factors should be considered:

  • The benefits of products, namely the content necessary elements(vitamins, minerals).
  • The amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day that the body needs.

Health depends on it general well-being, mood and speed of achieving your goals (weight loss, muscle gain, weight retention, and so on). What is the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day and what should be taken into account when planning a diet?

Daily protein intake

Protein (protein) is a building material for connective tissues and human muscles. This is the element that is directly responsible for the energy balance. When setting certain goals (lose weight, increase muscle mass) should be kept under control and regulate the amount of protein entering the body. In doing so, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • age;
  • Lifestyle;
  • goals;
  • region of residence and so on.

If, in the process of losing weight, the amount of incoming protein is sharply reduced or completely abandoned, then energy is drawn not from fat deposits, but from muscle fibers. As a result, muscle mass decreases and the risk of various diseases increases.

The norm of protein per day for weight loss or weight gain calculated based on the current weight. For accurate calculation total mass multiply by a factor of 2-2.5. The selected parameter depends on physical activity. The higher the activity, the larger the factor should be used in the formula. The resulting number is the required amount of protein in grams. So, an athlete of average build, who visits the gym 4-5 times a week and has a mass of 100 kg, needs 200-250 grams of protein per day.

It is worth considering one more nuance. Proteins are of two types - animal and vegetable. The main part of the protein should come from animal products (2/3) and only 1/3 from vegetable products (beans, soybeans, peas and others). Protein deficiency is dangerous for the body. With a long-term shortage of a substance, a number of problems are observed:

  • anorexia;
  • disruption of work internal organs and systems;
  • weight loss;
  • deterioration of well-being;
  • skin problems;
  • weakening immune system and so on.

Daily fat intake

Scientists have proven that fats (like protein) are of two types - animal and vegetable. They have a high energy value (calorie content), therefore they are important for the body. The breakdown of a gram of fat gives 9-9.5 kcal, which are used for certain actions of the body or are deposited in the form of fatty deposits in the liver, kidneys, subcutaneous tissue and other "repositories". Such "reserves" are formed with their active consumption from food, as well as with excessive use of other elements - proteins and carbohydrates.

The main advantages of fats:

  • improvement palatability food;
  • ensuring better absorption of useful elements;
  • supply beneficial vitamins belonging to the category of fat-soluble - E, K, D and A.

To avoid excessive weight gain, the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day should be normalized. At the same time, it is worth knowing that In the composition of consumed fats, there are two types of element:

  • unsaturated fats (found in vegetable oils);
  • saturated fats (come from the consumption of birds and animals).

The presence of polyunsaturated fats in the diet provides better adaptability to negative conditions. environment, improving the immune system, normalizing cholesterol levels and so on. Excessive consumption of saturated fats is dangerous. Here are the possible consequences:

  • digestive problems;
  • deterioration in the digestibility of proteins;
  • obesity;
  • development of diabetes;
  • the appearance of heart problems and so on.

Fats play a key role in the body and perform many functions:

  • construction;
  • transport;
  • heat-insulating;
  • protective and so on.

In addition, their consumption ensures the dissolution of most of the vitamins in the body of men and women. But that's not all. Many calculate the rate of carbohydrates per day in the hope of getting enough energy, forgetting that fats are no less important in matters of energy production.

Daily rate fat is calculated by easy principle. First, calculate the first component of the formula:

  • with growth up to 165 cm, subtract 100 from it;
  • with a height of 166-175 cm, subtract the number 105;
  • for heights of 175 cm or more, subtract 110.

The ratio of 1 kg of weight = 0.7-0.9 grams of fat is considered ideal. So, if after calculating according to the formula discussed above, the weight turned out to be 80 kg, but in reality - 75, then the individual amount of fat is calculated as follows - 75 * 0.7 \u003d 52.5 grams.

It is worth noting that the number calculated above is the minimum norm for the body. On average, a person should receive:

  • At the age of 18-29, men need 105-160 grams, and women - 90-120.
  • At 30-39 years old male body 100-140 grams are required, for women - 85-115.
  • After 40 years, the need for fat decreases - 60-70 grams.

The rate of proteins, fats and carbohydrates per day for weight loss should be calculated individually- it is important. In addition, a key role should be given to the selection of products in the diet. So, in relation to fats, it is worth considering the following volumes:

  • hazelnut - 67 g/100 g of product;
  • butter - 82;
  • Brazilian nut - 66;
  • pork - 68;
  • almonds - 58;
  • soft cheese - 33;
  • cheddar - 32;
  • chocolate - 31 and others.

Fats should be ingested in moderation. If you have to eat something fatty, then it is recommended to take an orange or lemon juice. This approach is a chance to reduce inflammatory processes and minimize harm. At the same time, it is forbidden to exclude fats from the diet. It is worth remembering that such a refusal leads to a number of serious problems:

  • disorders of the gastrointestinal tract and nervous system;
  • development of thrombosis and atherosclerosis;
  • obesity
  • accumulation of cholesterol;
  • memory loss and so on.

In addition, fat is a source of energy for muscles, which simply will not develop without a sufficient volume of this element.

Daily intake of carbohydrates

Not less than important question- the rate of carbohydrate intake per day. This is because carbohydrates (along with fats) are considered energy providers. Their processing provides 60-80 percent the needs of the body.

In this case, carbohydrates are conditionally divided into three categories:

  • Simple - substances that are most quickly absorbed by the body. Fructose and glucose fall into this category.
  • Complex. The peculiarity of such elements is slow digestibility. Representatives - starch, glycogen.
  • Non-digestible - substances that are "ballast" for the body due to the inability to be normally absorbed in the digestive tract. Representatives - fiber, pectin.

When calculating daily allowance carbohydrates, all the considered components should be taken into account. Each of the elements is important for the normal functioning of organs and systems. Even such a “ballast” as fiber helps the gastrointestinal tract cope with the load and improves the course of digestive processes.

The daily norm of carbohydrates for a person is at the level 2 grams per kilo of weight. Of the total volume of the incoming element, only 15-20% is allocated to quickly digestible (simple) carbohydrates - sugar, honey, sweets.

Exceeding the norm leads to:

  • obesity
  • problems with teeth;
  • blood diseases;
  • diabetes
  • development of atherosclerosis.

Deficiency is also dangerous. The following problems are possible here:

  • apathy;
  • stomach upset;
  • excessive fatigue.

Calculation of the norm of BJU and calorie content of the diet

To maintain body weight daily intake proteins, fats and carbohydrates should be regulated. Wherein not allowed to focus on various diets - It is worth focusing on the correct composition of the diet. Knowing the BJU norm, it is possible to solve any tasks:

  • lose weight;
  • gain weight;
  • keep fit;
  • "dry" and so on.

Also, when calculating the daily norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is worth remembering that the mentioned elements must be supplied in proportion 30%-20%-50%. But this is the generally accepted version. In practice, with this distribution, there are two negative points:

  • The body receives an excess of carbohydrates and does not have time to process them into energy.
  • There is a high risk of protein deficiency, which is fraught with consequences for the body. We know that protein is a building material on which muscle growth, recovery and metabolism depend.

To correctly calculate the rate of carbohydrate intake per day for weight loss or weight gain, it is worth working on a different principle. According to most nutritionists, the best ratios to fight overweight 50-20-30% are considered, a for drying 60-15-25%.

To accurately find out the daily rate of carbohydrates for women, it is worth calculating the total calorie content. So, calorie intake for a person (per kilo of weight) with 3-5 workouts per week is calculated by the formula - body weight * 35. This amount of calories allows you to maintain the mass at the same level. But without regular physical activity - weight * 30.

The rate of carbohydrates per day for women and men (and, accordingly, calorie content) during weight loss is reduced to next level– desired weight*24. But this formula is suitable if excess weight does not exceed ten kilograms.

Example. The girl has a weight of 70 kg. At the same time, her desire is to reduce the weight to 60 kg. In this case daily calorie content diet is 60*24 = 1440 kcal. For greater accuracy, it is allowed to take an intermediate version (65 kg). In this case, the calorie content will be 65 * 24 \u003d 1560 kcal.

In a situation where excess weight exceeds ten kilograms, then the rate of carbohydrate intake should be reduced gradually. The process of losing weight follows the same principle.

Example. The man set a goal to lose weight from 100 to 70 kilograms. In this case, the formulas will differ for each of the stages:

  1. The current weight is 10 * 24. In our case - (100-10) * 24 = 2160 kcal.
  2. Further - (90-10) * 24 \u003d 1920 kcal.
  3. The last stage - (80-10) * 24 \u003d 1680 kcal.

So, step by step, the daily intake of carbohydrates for a man is reduced, as well as the total caloric content of the diet. At the same time, in order to achieve results, it is important not only to correctly compose a diet, but also to add active physical exercise. The optimal number of trips to the gym is 3-5 per week.

At the same time, remember that numbers and percentages are individual parameters that may differ. Template calculation of the norm of calories can provide little effect. For a more accurate calculation, it is worth starting from many factors - including working by trial and error. Perfect option- contact a nutritionist who will calculate the BJU personally, taking into account the mass and activity of training.

To simplify the calculation, it is worth having approximate values ​​before your eyes - the daily norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. The table is shown below:

At the same time, remember that in the matter of compiling a diet, it is important to strictly adhere to existing rules and do not forget about the individuality of your body. Also, avoid abrupt change the usual mode - all processes should go smoothly. This is the only way to rebuild the body without consequences and achieve the desired results.

Doctors now and then declare the need balanced nutrition. What is it connected with? One of the main factors in the need for proper nutrition is the control of the amount of carbohydrates. Some people believe that this is necessary only for any diseases, but this opinion is erroneous.

One of essential functions of these substances is the regulation of the metabolism of proteins and fats. In addition, the molecules of some amino acids that take part in the formation of enzymes are composed of carbohydrates.

According to average indicators, carbohydrates supply the body with more than half of all energy, so their amount in food must be carefully monitored. This is especially true for athletes (for high results or weight gain) and diabetics.

Groups and types of carbohydrates

Carbohydrates can be obtained from various food, however, their value may differ depending on their source.

Carbohydrates are divided into the following groups:

  • Complex (or complex) are substances that contain natural products.
  • Easily digestible (or simple). These types of carbohydrates include disaccharides, monosaccharides and isolated carbohydrates. Substances of this group are contained in chemically processed foods and fruits, milk, refined sugar and sweets.

By type of carbohydrates can be divided into:

  • Monosaccharides. The main representatives of this species are fructose and glucose. They consist of a single molecule, which allows them to break down in a short amount of time, and be instantly absorbed into the blood. The source of monosaccharides are many vegetables and fruits, as well as honey.
  • Disaccharides. These are sucrose, maltose and lactose. They consist of two monosaccharides, so they have more long time splitting. Present in pasta, dairy products and products that contain refined sugar.
  • Polysaccharides. Based on the name of this type, it can be determined that these carbohydrates consist of many (up to several thousand) monosaccharide molecules. A similar structure has starch, cellulose, pectin, chitin. They are extremely important for humans, due to the longer digestion time and the presence of a large amount of vitamins, minerals and proteins in them. It should be noted that some polysaccharides are not absorbed, being a kind of ballast. These are fiber and pectin.

Daily intake of carbohydrates

hedgehog daily amount carbohydrates coming from food into the human body should be equal to 2 grams per 1 kilogram of weight. However, not only their quantity is important, but their type. So, out of the total simple carbohydrates(honey, fruits) should be no more than 15%.

At malnutrition the amount of carbohydrates that enter the body each day can have a Negative influence on health. Additional carbohydrates can lead to the development of the following diseases:

  • diabetes;
  • blood diseases;
  • atherosclerosis;
  • obesity;
  • caries.

A lack of carbohydrates can cause apathy, fatigue, and digestive problems.

When calculating the daily intake of carbohydrates, it should be noted that at a certain age, as well as with increased physical or mental activity, the body's need for carbohydrates may differ. This is easily explained by the burning of calories during any physical activity, and carbohydrates are the source of half of all calories for the body.

In diabetics, the control of carbohydrates allows you to regulate the amount of sugar in the blood, and in athletes - to control the necessary weight gain.

Daily carb intake for men

Men, most of whose life is spent sitting at the table, should receive every day 103 grams of carbohydrates. It concerns age category from 18 to 30 years old. With age, the need for carbohydrates decreases. Thus, a similar category of workers mental labor 30 to 40 years old needs 98 grams of carbohydrates daily, and from 40 to 59 years old - 93 grams.

For men aged 18 to 30 years old, whose work is associated with light physical labor, the daily norm is 110 grams of carbohydrates. From 30 to 40 years, the required amount of carbohydrates decreases to 106 grams. From 40 to 59 years old, the daily norm is 101 grams.

A moderate job (a person may work in an office but occasionally go to the gym) requires 117 grams of carbs between the ages of 18 and 30, every day. Between the ages of 30 and 40, this amount drops to 114 grams. And from 40 to 59 - 108 grams.

A person between the ages of 18 and 30 who engages in heavy physical labor (or regularly works out in the gym) should receive 136 grams of carbohydrates. From 30 to 40 years old - 132 grams, and from 40 to 59 years old - 126 grams.

Work associated with especially hard physical labor requires the human body, aged 18 to 30, to receive 158 grams of carbohydrates every day. At the age of 30 to 40 years - 150 grams, and after 40 and up to 59 - 143 grams.

Daily carb intake for women

For women who work exclusively intellectual activity, at the age of 18 to 29 years, the norm of carbohydrates is 88 grams. From 30 to 39 years old, 84 grams is considered the norm, and from 40 to 59 years old - 81 grams.

For women aged 18 to 29 who occasionally get light exercise, the norm is 93 grams of carbohydrates. From 30 to 39 years, the norm is 80 grams, and from 40 to 59 years - 86 grams.

For women aged 18 to 29 years old, whose work is associated with average physical activity, the norm is 99 grams of carbohydrates. From 30 to 39 years old, this amount drops to 95 grams, and from 40 to 59 years old, to 92 grams.

For women 18 to 29 years old who deal with regular physical activity in their lives, the norm is 116 grams of carbohydrates. From 30 to 39 years - 112 grams, and from 40 to 59 years - 106 grams.

The rate of carbohydrates for athletes

The daily amount of carbohydrates that a professional athlete should receive depends on his weight and the sport he plays.

When jumping and running short distances, the amount of carbohydrates should be about 9.5 grams per kilogram of weight. Running for long and extra long distances requires an athlete daily about 12 grams per 1 kilogram of weight.

In a sport that requires a significant set of muscle mass, it is also important to eat right, otherwise there will be no result. The amount of carbohydrates should be maintained at 6 grams per kilogram of body weight (in the absence of exhausting track and field training) per day.

In addition, in order to gain mass, the athlete needs to monitor the choice of products before and after training. Slow carbohydrates should be consumed a couple of hours before training, and fast carbohydrates - 1 hour before. Besides, fast carbohydrates It is recommended to use immediately after physical exertion, as they will quickly be able to replenish the energy spent.

Without proper nutrition, an athlete will not be able to achieve the necessary weight gain.

Proper nutrition is the way to health and achievement of high results in all spheres of life, both for men and women. Controlling the amount of carbohydrates allows you to competently replenish the energy losses of the body. From the whole set of nutritional rules, control daily rate carbohydrates - one of the most important, especially among diabetics or when losing weight.

What are carbohydrates, how much should they be consumed and what foods contain them - we will talk about this in this article.

Today, thinking about your diet is fashionable, not only because it is a trend, but because a healthy lifestyle has finally come into fashion. A healthy lifestyle can only be called when a person is actively engaged in physical activity and plans his diet correctly.

What are carbohydrates and why do humans need them?

Modern Internet sources are full of headlines about protein diets that are completely devoid of carbohydrates. From the point of view of human anatomy, such actions are detrimental to the body, because the daily intake of food should contain proteins, fats and carbohydrates at the same time. none of the above listed components is not able to replace another, so adjusting your diet on your own is dangerous to health.

Carbohydrates are organic compounds made up of oxygen, carbon and hydrogen. There are two more types organic compounds, without which a person cannot fully function, are proteins and fats. The task of these three components is to provide the human body with energy, that is, the ability to exist.

Carbohydrates are the healthiest and necessary for the body human substances, because they are able to give the largest number energy during oxidation (1 g of carbohydrates is equal to 17 kJ). Only carbohydrates are converted into glucose, which is the energy generator in the human body.

From anatomy, everyone knows that the body draws its strength from the processing of glucose in the blood, and from glycogen (energy reserve). Glycogen is stored in the liver and muscle tissue, it is designed to ensure normal life in a critical situation (in the absence of glucose or carbohydrates).

If you do not eat carbohydrate-containing foods for a long period of time, then your health will noticeably worsen:

  • headache;
  • malaise and weakness;
  • inability to think quickly and make decisions;
  • inability to perform physical activity;
  • fluid loss and dehydration.

This list can be continued, given the functions of carbohydrates in the human body:

  1. Energy - the ability to provide the body with 60% of the daily energy needs.
  2. Building - contributing to the construction of cell membranes (including cells of the immune system), complex molecules, participation in the construction of the DNA code storage.
  3. Specific - providing an antitumor effect, helping hormones to recognize where and in what quantity they are needed by the body.
  4. Regulatory - is provided due to the fact that coarse food fibers are not digested in the intestine, thereby stimulating intestinal motility.

Daily requirement for men and women

Carbohydrates can be synthesized by the human body on their own, but their amount is too small to satisfy the daily human need, so carbohydrates must be supplied with food.

daily requirement in carbohydrates is strictly individual and depends on many factors, but on average, the following ratio can be distinguished: 2 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight. Moreover, it is worth distinguishing carbohydrates by category, because simple and easily digestible carbohydrates should not exceed 15% in the diet.

Factors affecting the size of the daily requirement for carbohydrates include:

  • the severity of physical activity (athletes and people associated with increased physical activity are recommended to increase the amount of carbohydrate-containing foods);
  • age (the older the person, the less his need for organic substances);
  • mental stress (people engaged in mental work are recommended to increase the daily intake of carbohydrates);
  • the presence of various diseases (diabetes mellitus, diseases of the liver, heart and other organs).

To more accurately describe the daily requirement of men for carbohydrates, they should be divided into categories:

Category of men
Men leading a passive lifestyle, office workers engaged in mental work Youth 100-103gr
Average age 96-98gr
old age 91-93g
Men doing light physical activity Youth 108-110g
Average age 104-106gr
old age 99-101g
Men engaged in moderate work (possibly office workers who play sports) Youth 115-117gr
Average age 112-114gr
old age 106-108gr
Men Leading active image life, exercising in the gym regularly or exercising hard work at work Youth 134-136gr
Average age 130-132gr
old age 124-126gr
Men whose occupation is associated with increased or extreme loads (Olympic athletes, bodybuilders) Youth 156-158gr
Average age 148-150gr
old age 141-143g

As for women, their need for carbohydrates is also calculated by lifestyle outcomes.

Category of women Daily requirement for carbohydrates
Women doing intellectual work Youth 86-88gr
Average age 82-84gr
old age 79-81g
Women who do not lead an active lifestyle, but occasionally receive light exercise Youth 91-93g
Average age 88-90gr
old age 84-86gr
Women whose work or lifestyle involves moderate physical activity Youth 97-99gr
Average age 93-95gr
old age 90-92gr
Women whose lifestyle is associated with regular and heavy physical activity Youth 114-116gr
Average age 110-112gr
old age 104-106gr

When calculating the rate of carbohydrate intake per day, it is worth understanding the categories of carbohydrates and their quality.

Fast (simple) and complex (slow) carbohydrates

Doctors and nutritionists tend to divide carbohydrates into two broad categories:

  1. Simple or easily digestible.
  2. Complex or difficult to digest.
  • sugar and honey;
  • bakery products, pasta;
  • sweet fruits and vegetables;
  • raisins and dried fruits;
  • fruit juices.

Some dishonest manufacturers mislead people and assure that if you replace glucose with fructose, you can easily lose weight. In fact, this is not the case, since both of these substances belong to easily digestible carbohydrates. This means that they are absorbed in the human body after 5-10 minutes, sugar quickly enters the bloodstream and causes chain reaction in the body.

When glucose enters the bloodstream, the body begins to produce the hormone insulin to fight sugar, or rather, to build processes in the body. If physical activity is not followed after taking a large amount of light carbohydrates, then the body will process them into fats. If glycogen stores are depleted, then the body will first take up the restoration of energy reserves, and after that it will produce fat and store it in the subcutaneous tissues.

When glucose runs out, insulin will stop being produced, and the person will feel hungry again. Thus, the body requires more insulin, which is a kind of drug. This chain is difficult to break, but if this is not done, then overweight will be added in the near future.

Complex or indigestible carbohydrates are opposite in their effect on the human body. That is, their arrival is accompanied long process digestion, during which energy is slowly released. They contain a minimum amount of glucose and fructose, so the body will not ask for supplements every half an hour, but on the contrary, the feeling of hunger will go away for several hours.

Complex carbohydrates are not digested completely, therefore they stimulate the work of the intestines, that is, its motility. As a result, a person can observe an improvement in the digestion process, an improvement in well-being, a lack of constant feeling hunger, weight loss.

What products are classified as complex (table)

The list of complex (slow) carbohydrates is not so great, but all these products need to be loved, because they are priceless for the body and are only beneficial. It is worth noting that carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex, based on the glycemic index (GI) of products, the higher it is, the “harmful” or product with more calories. Products with the least glycemic index will not raise blood sugar levels, which means that insulin will not be produced.

Group Products
Vegetables and greens Pumpkin, carrots, celery, potatoes, brought together, tomatoes, zucchini, cabbage, lettuce and spinach.
Fruit Peaches, apples, pears, pomegranates, almost the entire range of unsweetened citrus fruits.
Cereals and legumes Peas, beans, lentils, wheat, oats, rye, brown rice. Moreover, it is very useful to use cereals in a germinated form.
Kashi Almost all types of known cereals: oatmeal, buckwheat, rice, millet, barley, barley, except for semolina. They can be cooked with both water and milk. Durum wheat pasta.
Dairy Milk, kefir, cottage cheese, cream, yogurt, but on condition that the products are not fatty, and do not contain flavorings and sweeteners.
Beverages Dry wine, tomato juice, Birch juice.

It can be seen from the list that you don’t have to particularly infringe on yourself, because the products we are used to are very useful. In addition, you don’t have to give up sweets completely. In this category, there are also representatives with a low glycemic index: dark chocolate, marmalade, fructose ice cream.

How to use them so as not to harm the body?


-15 kg per week!. WITHOUT HUNGER STRIKES, CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICAL ACTIVITIES! Eliminate the very cause of excess weight, normalizing metabolic processes in the body.

In order for carbohydrates to bring the body only the benefits planned by nature, their consumption must be balanced. You should not completely exclude simple carbohydrates from the diet, just their amount should not exceed 15-20% of the daily intake of all carbohydrates.

There are no special requirements for the carbohydrate intake regimen, but the following recommendations can be distinguished:

  • most of the daily allowance should be eaten for breakfast, then before lunch there will be no feeling of hunger, and the energy that will be released as a result of oxidation will not be wasted and will be spent in the right direction;
  • the rate of carbohydrate intake should be strictly calculated based on the weight and lifestyle of each person individually;
  • carbohydrates must be balanced along with proteins and fats, since the body spends a lot of energy on their processing;
  • it is worth considering the required amount of vitamins and amino acids that are involved in the process of converting organic substances. There are products that themselves are able to provide the processing process, but most often this process requires an additional amount of vitamins, so drink vitamin complexes for prevention is very correct;
  • after heavy physical exertion, eating fast carbohydrates is allowed to restore strength;
  • you should not limit yourself in carbohydrates, otherwise the body will not have enough energy to carry out the usual life activity;
  • you should exclude the use of carbohydrates 2 hours before bedtime, since at night no one will exercise, therefore, energy will be converted into fat;
  • for dinner it is best to eat protein foods;
  • carbohydrate-containing foods are best eaten cold, as they are absorbed by the body much longer;
  • you need to carefully read the labels on the products, if there is no sugar in the composition, this does not mean that it is not there, perhaps there is glucose, sucrose, dextrose and other substitutes that are no less harmful.

By following these recommendations, you can balance your diet in such a way that it is complete and as useful as possible. At the same time, do not forget about regular physical activity, which helps the body wake up, spend excess energy and not accumulate fat, which is then difficult to get rid of.

Well, finally we got to the most interesting: How many carbohydrates do I need to eat per day to be beautiful, healthy and charming?

A very interesting question. Because deficiency of carbohydrates affects our well-being, and their excess primarily affects our waist and hips))

We already know that only simple carbohydrates are absorbed by the body, but it is preferable to get them from complex carbohydrates in combination with ballast, i.e. fiber and other dietary fiber. In this case, we will look for optimal ratio between them.

The optimal situation is when a person receives 50-60% of all daily energy from the consumption of carbohydrates. This is approximately 300 - 500 grams and depends on the person's body weight and on his physical activity. So for knowledge workers, i.e. with light physical activity, this ratio will be equal to 5:1 - i.e. 5 gr. simple carbohydrates per 1 kg. normal weight body (I emphasize normal. We'll talk about what it is in future articles). This, respectively, for men 350-360 gr. per day, and for women 290-300 gr. If you work physically or are actively involved in sports, then the need for carbohydrates increases to 8:1, i.e. 8 grams per 1 kg. normal body weight. And this is about 500 gr. digestible carbohydrates.

Table "Daily requirement for proteins, fats, carbohydrates"

We already know that weight is directly related to the amount of digestible carbohydrates consumed per day, so if you want to change your weight, then you should calculate the amount of carbohydrates at the weight you are targeting.

Daily fiber intake.

In the diet, approximately 70% of all carbohydrates should be starch, 20% simple carbohydrates and 10% dietary fiber.

Science has proven that a person needs to consume 35 grams per day. rough dietary fiber. Where do they come from? From raw vegetables and fruits, as well as from cereals and other grain products. 35 grams of fiber per pure form this is approximately 500 grams of vegetables and fruits eaten during the day.

Daily amount of sugar.

Consider sugar as a net carbohydrate. It belongs to simple carbohydrates and the body's need for it is about 65 grams. If energy costs are increased, i.e. you go in for sports, intense physical labor, then consumption can be increased to 80-90 gr. in a day. Here, care must be taken to a large number of sweets were not consumed at the same time and did not displace protein foods from the diet.

In mature and old age, these norms decrease to 30-40 gr. The same applies to people who lead sedentary image life.

Daily intake of complex carbohydrates.

Starch is known to be found in flour, cereal dishes, as well as in potatoes and legumes. Knowing the starch content in foods, we can calculate how many of them we can eat per day without harm to our figure and health. (You can find the table in my article “Carbohydrates: from simple to complex.) So, on average, cereals, flour and potato dishes we can eat about 400 grams a day in total.

To the norms of carbohydrate consumption, I also refer to the number of meals per day. It should be 5 times. This will ensure a uniform supply of energy throughout the day, will allow you not to overeat and, accordingly, maintain excellent health, performance, beauty and charm.

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In order for you to clearly control your weight, it doesn’t matter if you are trying to lose it, gain it or maintain it, in any case you just need to know what the daily intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates is. The table will help you figure it out in no time.

Rule number one: the key to success is the right balance

All the needs of the body useful substances ah, micro- and macrocomponents, of course, are strictly individual. Therefore, since most of the calculations according to the criterion “daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates” are made for an ordinary, average person, after a while you yourself will understand what exactly your body requires, and you can slightly adjust any program exclusively for yourself.

The most simple formula the ratio of BJU (or proteins-fats-carbohydrates) is approximately 1:1:4. But it is not suitable for everyone, since a lot of nutrition depends on your age, weight, lifestyle and the results you want to achieve. So if you want to know in more detail how to make the most efficient use of this formula in your diet, let's look at each of its components separately.


Protein is required component all tissues of the human body. AT children's body they are needed for growth, in adults - for tissue regeneration. The composition of all proteins includes various amino acids, each of which is simply necessary for a person.

The predominant sources of protein with a unique set of amino acids are nuts, sprouted grains, soy milk, white meat of chicken or turkey, fish, lean varieties cheese or other fermented milk products, milk.

We select the amount of proteins based on your weight

The daily rate of protein intake is calculated at the rate of one and a half grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. It is desirable that 30-35% of the total amount of proteins are of animal origin, and the rest are of vegetable origin. Thus, if an adult weighs, for example, 70 kilograms, he should consume 105 grams of protein per day, only a third of which, i.e. 35 grams, should be of animal origin.


It is a big misconception to think that consuming fat can only harm yourself and your figure. The main thing is that there should be a measure in everything. Fats are simply necessary for the human body, because without them, many cells will not be able to function normally.

All fats that exist in nature are divided into saturated and unsaturated, this is determined by the ratio of fatty acids and glycerol in the composition.

For normal functioning The body needs three main polyunsaturated fatty acid These are Omega-3, Omega-6 and Omega-9. You can find them in fish pumpkin seeds, vegetable oils (olive, almond).

Saturated fats, selected in a strictly defined amount, saturate the body with the necessary energy. However, be careful, a large amount of saturated fat in food contributes to increased deposition of cholesterol on the walls of blood vessels.

What happens if you completely eliminate fats?

It is also worth reducing the consumption of so-called trans fats to a minimum, since their effect on the body cannot be called positive. These fats are often found in flour products especially in margarine.

Lack of fat can lead to a decrease in overall immunity, disorders in the central nervous system, problems with the intestines and duodenal ulcers.

Excessive presence of fats in the diet is the cause of high blood cholesterol levels, obesity and memory loss.


Carbohydrates are one of the main components of our daily diet. Moreover, it is one of the most important sources of energy. That is why reducing the amount of carbohydrates consumed will not lead to anything good. It is more important to learn how to choose the “right” carbohydrates.

The energy that comes in per day human body, about three to four fifths should be replenished through complex carbohydrates, one tenth - due to simple ones, and the rest - when burning proteins and fats. Therefore, the daily rate of protein and carbohydrates in your diet must necessarily correspond to the amount of fat.

All the carbohydrates that can only be on your plate are divided into three large groups: monosaccharides, polysaccharides and oligosaccharides. All of them are simply necessary for our body, otherwise no proteins and fats simply can not be absorbed. Largest part carbohydrates entering the body are monosaccharides and disaccharides. Be careful, with excessive intake of sugar in your body, some of it can accumulate in the muscles and liver as glycogen.

What other carbohydrates are there?

Also, according to the time or speed of obtaining energy by the body, carbohydrates are divided into fast and slow (or, as they are also called, simple and complex).

Slow carbohydrates should become a constant part of your daily diet, but again, do not overdo it, the amount of this substance directly depends on how active you lead a lifestyle. However, the average daily intake of carbohydrates is about 350-500 grams, no more.

One of the most accessible representatives of fast carbohydrates is sugar, since it contains only two molecules - glucose and fructose. Fast carbohydrates (all kinds of sweets, fruits, buns, etc.) are absorbed into the bloodstream with instant speed, almost immediately after we have eaten, but they also disappear as quickly as they appear. Therefore, it is desirable, if not completely, then at least as much as possible to exclude foods supersaturated with fast carbohydrates from your diet. Remember, fast carbohydrates are the main initiators of obesity. Therefore, if you want to independently calculate the daily rate of fats, proteins and carbohydrates, be sure to pay attention to the latter.

Unlike the former, slow carbohydrates are absorbed into the blood over a much longer period of time, but on the other hand, this happens much more evenly, and the fat reserves of our body are not replenished.

Daily rate of fats, proteins and carbohydrates: calculation table

The most important thing in the diet is the correct ratio of BJU, the table of the number of which is determined mainly by your age and lifestyle. Remember, the whole point of diets and just proper nutrition is not to completely exclude all kinds of harmful things from your diet, leaving only vegetables and herbs. The main and main goal is to make sure that the body receives exactly the amount of nutrients that it needs.

For children and the elderly, the daily intake of fats, proteins and carbohydrates (table below) is significantly different. This must be taken into account. If you strictly follow all the tips mentioned above, you will understand that calculating the daily intake of proteins, fats and carbohydrates is, in general, a simple matter. And the benefits of it are very, very many!

In order to make it easier for you to choose what is right for you, below is the daily allowance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. The table for men and women contains all the necessary values.


Always think carefully about your menu. For example, eating fats at the same time as carbohydrates is not recommended for the reason that with a one-time intake of both of them, the body first of all begins to break down carbohydrates, since it takes much less time for this than for the processing of fats. Thus, fats are simply stored in reserve.

It is better to limit or even eliminate the intake of carbohydrates after six or seven in the evening, by the evening the metabolism becomes a little slower, which means that carbohydrates are no longer completely processed, and insulin enters the blood in excess.

If you want, for example, to lose weight, give up simple carbohydrates for a while, and fats are best consumed from nuts or fish. Also limit the amount white rice and potatoes.

And in order to make it easier for you to control yourself at first, try starting a food diary. In it you will write down everything that you ate during the day. And you need not just write it down, but also work hard, and before eating, weigh a portion and calculate how much protein, fat, carbohydrates and calories are in it. Only you need to do this really honestly, because you definitely can’t deceive your body! Never forget that there is a certain daily norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, which is simply necessary to follow.

For successful weight loss or for gaining muscle mass, it is very important to control your daily diet nutrition. To do this, you need to know how to correctly calculate the BJU and determine the energy value of each meal consumed.

How to determine the rate of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet

In search of reliable information about the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are so necessary for weight loss, people are faced with a lot of opinions that differ. Or they simply begin to consume a lot of protein, and turn the proverb “The fool has gotten into soap” into reality, but this approach turns out to be meaningless and even harmful. Because large doses of protein affect the health of our kidneys and liver.

You can achieve the result of losing weight with the help of the correct calculation of your diet and energy value every food you eat. Refusal to eat does not help, and debilitating hunger strikes only torment you and cause irreparable harm to your body. But how to calculate BJU for us? First of all, the norms of proteins, fats and carbohydrates for proper nutrition were provided to us by WHO.

Daily protein intake

Protein or, simply put, protein can be attributed to a vital nutrient. He creates optimal conditions for the normal functioning of your body. Great importance protein has to develop nervous activity. The correct content of it in food improves the regulatory function of the cerebral cortex, improves tone nerve endings thereby speeding up reaction and reflection.

The most valuable thing a person has is his life and health, and trusting him to non-professionals is the same as trying to commit suicide. According to nutritionists and WHO, the health and activity of a person directly depends on the norm of his nutrition when receiving proteins from 1 g per 1 kg of your body weight.

Losing weight on a protein diet is only indirect and is achieved only by increasing the amount of protein you eat. If you decide to reduce daily dose protein, then in this way you will not help your body, but noticeably worsen your condition.

Proteins are divided into two types - vegetable and animal. The former, unlike the latter, are less valuable, since they lack, or are in low content, amino acids.

For example, an adult who works under normal conditions without serious physical exertion needs from 1.3-1.4 g of protein per 1 kilogram of weight.

If physical activity is performed, then this figure increases from 1.5 g or more. In total, the daily allowance for men is 96-132g. For women, this norm is slightly less - starting from 82-92.

The rate of fat intake per day

Do we need fats, because people are so afraid of them? In fact, without fats, we would not be able to get important vitamins for us that help strengthen immunity, thereby preventing various diseases. They are needed to strengthen bone tissue and for good vision.

Vitamin deficiency can negatively affect general condition our health. An insufficient amount of these helpers can affect the deterioration of mood and cause apathy. Also, the absence of the minimum required amount of fat will be revealed in the deterioration of the skin, hair, muscle weakness and other unpleasant factors.

No matter how strange it may sound, fats are called the secret of female attractiveness. Before nutritionists or fitness trainers calculate the daily amount of BJU for you, they ask you to pay attention to those norms that WHO considers useful and not allow them to be reduced.

If you don't have strict diet, then the consumption of fat should not fall below 0.8 g per 1 kg of weight, this is a critical mark if you lower it below, then this can lead to the consequences mentioned earlier.

How many carbohydrates to eat per day?

Proper nutrition requires not only protein, but also fats and carbohydrates. There are quite a few misconceptions associated with them. Some say that carbohydrates should be completely eliminated and this will lead to weight loss. This is partly true, you will lose weight, but this will only happen for a short time and incur Negative consequences for your overall health. In addition, the weight that you lose will come back again.

Carbohydrates are divided into disaccharides and monosaccharides. Their balance gives good nutrition for our muscular system thereby allowing it to function at a normal pace. Foods such as sugar or white flour lead to weight gain.

Low-index carbohydrates include cereals: buckwheat, oatmeal, rice, lentils, as well as vegetables, which are recommended to be eaten up to 40% of all calories per day. In the case of an excess of carbohydrates that come during the day, diabetes mellitus may appear, as well as weight gain, up to obesity.

It is known that carbohydrates give energy to the body - they are our fuel, which nourishes and gives strength to the brain and muscles.

Based on this, we simply need indigestible or, simply speaking, slow carbohydrates. And those that the body quickly absorbs are best consumed in the morning and try to minimize their component in our daily diet.

Table of norms of proteins and carbohydrates

People who want to lose weight or, conversely, gain muscle mass, need to pay due attention to how they eat, how much protein, fat and carbohydrates are present in their diet.

Wrong calculation entails predictable bad consequences. Calorie calculators can fail, and they simply don't explain the calculations they show.

Inaccuracies often occur due to incorrect measurements or calculations on the calculators themselves.

But how to determine the amount of BJU without such auxiliary calculator programs, which will be consistent with nutritional standards, and at the same time will not harm your health? You will find answers below.

Norm for men

Norm for women

A person's health begins with his breakfast and ends with dinner. And therefore, for the proper functioning of our body, it is simply necessary to eat BJU every day. Their ratio should be 1:1 or 2:4, these are averages around the world.

Many factors depend directly on your body. Your age, gender, gender physical work the amount of water you drink. This will help you calculate your daily calorie intake.

Calorie definition

A term such as "calorie" means - the energy released during the combustion of fuel. The calorie content of food is a certain amount of energy that we receive when our body burns food. Interesting fact: Our body digests food, and the proportion of calories absorbed may differ from the numbers that we see on the package of a food bought in a store.

The foundation of good nutrition is the use of enough calories. If nutritionists claim that they have calculated for you the exact rate of calories per day, then be careful because the calculated figure using the formula will only be approximate.

But what then to do and is it worth trying to look for this figure? Yes, a certain number of calories per day is vital for us. Our body is designed in such a way that it adapts to external factors, thereby helping itself and us, it can slow down or speed up the metabolism, thereby regulating the intake necessary vitamins and minerals.

Our need for calories is different and can vary from day to day in different ways. Because somewhere we spent our day actively giving heavy load than usual. During the weekends, we stayed at home and did almost nothing all day long, lying on the couch reading our favorite book or watching a funny TV show.

Or during exams or studying something, we spent our strength. And the degree of calorie intake of our body has changed. That is why the mathematical calculations of the daily norm are only approximate figures. They give an error of 250-500 kcal.

calories for weight loss and muscle building

Why do people often try to determine the number of calories to be consumed per day? This desire is based on two points - the desire to lose weight or gain muscle mass, and very rarely - just get better to improve health.

Knowing your height and weight, thanks to the formula, we can calculate the base or BOV - the basic metabolism using the Mifflin formula. For example, you spend 2762 kcal per day, and to gain mass you need to consume 3177 kcal. The difference between these figures is 15%. Simply put, you need to consume 15% more than you spend in a day - this will prerequisite in order to gain muscle mass.

At the same time, you should not forget about the proportion of BJU that you consume per day, if it is less, then you should forget about mass gain. Following this formula and doing physical activity, you still do not achieve the result you need. What to do in this case? It makes sense to increase the number of calories by 12%.

For those who want to lose weight, the formula works in reverse order- you also need to know your basal metabolic rate (BMR). The number of calories that the body needs to support life during rest.

For women, the formula is:

BOV \u003d 10 * weight + 6.25 * height (cm) -5 * number of years -161

For men, the formula is:

BOV = 10 * weight + 6.25 * height (cm) -5 * number of years +5

Why is it so important to calculate BJU?

One of the factors in creating a slender and attractive body is proper nutrition. In addition to the norm of calories per day, it is necessary to count the BJU. Why is this necessary and why is it so important?

Consider three reasons:

  • The first is protein, it is necessary for building muscles. How more muscle- topics faster metabolism. If the protein is not enough, then the nutrition for the muscles will become scarce. By monitoring the amount of protein you eat, you improve the balance of your diet. An excessive amount of this building material will cause disruption of the liver and intestines.
  • The second is fats, their lack threatens hormonal disorders that will cause irreparable harm to health. The minimum amount of fat should be at least 30 when calculating BJU. This data is provided by the WHO. If you overdo it and chase fats, then there is a risk that you will get problems with blood vessels and high cholesterol.
  • The third is carbohydrates, a small amount of them in the body will not provide the necessary energy, without which the body will be in constant decline forces. Carbohydrates affect our mood. If you overdo it, then their excess will contribute to the deposition of fat on the body.

You will find a lot of useful information about the norm of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the following video:

Whatever diet and formula you choose, it is always worth remembering the golden mean. Proper nutrition is not only in numbers, but also in the usefulness of the food itself. Behind the numbers in the formulas are the lives of people who have explored for our benefit.

All people have different ways in regards to maintaining the health and beauty of the body. Keep your weight normal, exercise properly, count calories, and you will achieve your goal.

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