The influence of computer games - Psychology - Health (body and mind) - Catalog of articles - The Force of Truth. The real impact of video games on a person

Most computer games have a beneficial effect on the character and behavior of a person, developing many important qualities in him and giving him the opportunity to take a break from everyday hustle and bustle. However, many people do not agree with such a judgment, since, in their opinion, absolutely all games bring complete harm to both the younger and older generations. But is it really so? Let's figure it out.


A few days ago, I accidentally stumbled upon an "interesting" article on the Internet, which tells about the negative impact of computer games on the psyche of young people. After reading it, I decided to read other materials on a similar topic in order to find out the opinion of other authors regarding this problem. And imagine my surprise when, with great difficulty, I managed to find an article with the opposite point of view.

Oddly enough, but in our time it has become very popular to blame computer games for all troubles. Most often this can be seen in the field of modern television, where occasionally there are reports about how some teenagers, under the influence of video games, begin to commit criminal acts, harming people around them. In addition, similar information can be found on many news websites, whose publications, as a rule, should be based only on verified facts.

Personally, I take a different position and believe that computer games are not capable of negatively affecting the psyche of a child or an adult. And all the accusations that are put forward by the gaming industry are just an excuse to cover up a truly urgent problem. But let's not rush and first make sure that the main part of computer games has a good effect on a person, and only then we will discuss the essence of this "hidden problem".

Why do video games have a positive effect on people?

Firstly, most computer games help a person to relax after a hard day at work. Unfortunately, the current life of many people adheres to a strict rhythm of "home → work → home", so they simply do not have extra time and energy to go, for example, to the cinema. It is for this reason that they prefer to play video games, because this type of recreation does not force them to go out and is able to give them the same emotions as any interesting movie or series.

Secondly, some types of games that, according to most, make people irritable, on the contrary, help them get rid of it. This is especially true for such genres of the gaming industry as shooters and fighting games. Let me give you an example: if some unpleasant situation happened in your life that caused you a strong feeling of anger, then instead of taking it out on your family and friends, you can go into any shooter and shoot fictional characters there. Thus, you will be able to get rid of anger and calm down.

Thirdly Thanks to video games, children develop a rich imagination. In fact, any computer game is a fabulous universe that you can explore without leaving your home. Finding himself in such a place, the child begins to take a direct part in the development of this world, performing good and heroic deeds. In other words, in many games, teenagers can become brave brave men protecting a magical land, which, in turn, has a positive effect on their thinking and fantasy.

Fourth, most computer games strive to convey to their players a deep sense of goodness, justice and other qualities that each of us should possess. This can be easily seen by paying attention to a significant part of all modern video games, the main meaning of which is to save the world and fight evil. Of course, there are exceptions to this rule, but the same pattern can be found, for example, in cinema. Therefore, this is not unusual, as negative aspects can be found in most works of art.

Fifth, a large number of games forms useful knowledge and skills in people, namely:

Shooters develop reaction, cunning and the ability to work in a team.
Strategies develop tact, logic and mental coordination.
RPG develops imagination and the ability to make complex decisions.
Online games develop communication skills.
Horrors help overcome fear.

In addition, with the help of computer games, you can make new acquaintances, learn foreign languages ​​and even earn money. And I still do not understand why the older generation has a negative attitude towards the gaming industry, blaming it for its negative impact on the character and behavior of young people.

What is the essence of this problem?

Everything is quite simple: the main reason for increased aggression in modern teenagers is the usual lack of education, and not some games there. Any adequate child growing up in a prosperous and loving family will not sit in front of a computer around the clock, worsening their vision and posture, and be negatively influenced by video games and the Internet. In addition, if a healthy teenager regularly exhibits attacks of aggression, then only his parents are to blame, because they did not bother to identify and prevent this problem in advance.

I don't understand people who have children without making sure that they can devote a huge amount of time to raising them and financially provide for them until they come of age. Very often I become a witness of such cases when a young couple who do not have normal housing and a decent salary think about having a child. This is wrong, because they will not be able to take a direct part in the life and development of their child due to lack of time, energy and other particularly important reasons. And it is from such families that one can now hear that bad games, films, songs and much more are to blame for all the troubles of their child. In general, everyone is to blame, but not them.

"If you go overboard,
the most pleasant will become the most unpleasant.
Democritus of Abdera

At school, in society and families, there are often discussions about what is more in computer games: harm or benefit? Today, many children are passionate about computers and especially computer games: in the game they cease to be passive observers, and get the opportunity to actively influence the events of the virtual world. Unfortunately, parents do not quite understand that this problem is their own fault. However, it is their duty to return a child lost in the Net to the earth.

Many people like to play computer games, even children, starting from 4-5 years old and older. Boys love to play various “shooter games” containing scenes of murders, blood, fights, accompanied by sound effects in the form of hysterical screams, screams, etc. Computer games block the process of positive personal development, make the child immoral, callous, cruel and selfish.

Children begin to behave like this on the street, at night they have nightmares, they try to repeat the movements. This is a special degree of concentration on any object of the inner or outer world. In computer games, attention is focused on repetitive, stereotypical actions (running - shooting) occurring on the screen. The feeling of real time is lost, the child plunges into a kind of trance. If games are used often and for a long time, the plots of which include only chases and murders, and people act as victims, then information is gradually laid down and fixed at an unconscious level that it is possible to kill and not be punished for it. Such an unconscious attitude to violence can dramatically reduce the psychological barrier to such acts in real life.
There is a problem of “freezing” in the virtual world, when a child cannot take his eyes off the screen for several hours. At the same time, the interaction of the child with people is limited, the communication skills necessary for the child for normal mental and social development are lost.

With prolonged work in front of the monitor, overwork occurs, and even exhaustion of the nervous system. Therefore, sanitary standards must be observed. Particular attention should be paid to children with minimal organic lesions of the nervous system (associated with the pathological course of pregnancy and childbirth in the mother or infections in the child in the first months of life). Such children are inattentive, hyperactive or, conversely, slow and lethargic. Their nervous system is experiencing an increased need for a protective reaction - a trance. The processes of unconscious imprinting of information and the development of computer addiction are faster for them.
But in addition to the physical health of children, it is important to think about their mental health.

Scientists have proven that in large doses, computer games lead to the accumulation of chronic stress with all the negative consequences for the child's body.
How do computer games ("toys") affect the mental development and personality of a child? Can they contribute to his emotional development, cause deviations in his behavior, aggressiveness and cruelty? There are many commercial computer games of educational and developmental orientation. They broaden the horizons and general awareness, develop the child's logical thinking, eye, reaction speed, form the child's skills to plan mental actions. But along with them, there are also many "toys" that are classified into "flying", "shooter", "action", "racing", "strategy". They also contribute to the development of individual abilities of the player, but at the same time negatively affect the child's psyche. Despite this, most children love them much more than non-aggressive educational and educational games. Still, when playing, the child feels like a “cool” omnipotent superhero.

Almost all of these games have an age limit, which is indicated on the cover. But who takes this into account? And parents do not think about these issues at all. Can some kind of computer toy cause harm? It turns out, maybe, and even a lot. Psychological studies, in particular by domestic scientists, show that Western-made commercial computer games that dominate the market today instill an aggressive-individualistic morality in a child. Getting used to the role of the main character, controlling the hero or a weapon placed on the bottom panel of the display, the child has the opportunity to deal with virtual victims without hindrance and with impunity. Often in such games, it is the number of “killed” and “wounded” that is a quantitative indicator of the player’s level of achievement: the greater the number of victims, the more points the machine will give, therefore, the more the child will be pleased with himself. All this very quickly affects his mind, then false attitudes are formed in him: “I am against everyone!”, “The more I“ kill ”, the better!” Many games promote violence, rude speech.

Some researchers believe that playing with aggressive "toys" gives the child the opportunity to get rid of negative emotions that are habitually restrained, and to develop an aversion to violence and cruelty. However, children often imitate violence during role-playing outdoor games with peers or in serious life situations, examples of which they saw on television or “worked out” themselves during a computer game. As a rule, aggressive reactions are most pronounced in adolescents, but they are laid down and consolidated in early childhood. Already younger students tend to imitate the so-called anti-social characters from movies and TV shows, video and TV movies, computer characters, whose aggression is usually rewarded and presented in a winning light. Children tend not only to identify with individual victims or aggressors, but also to transfer these roles to real situations. In addition, a child may become insensitive to rudeness and cruelty after watching a lot of scenes of violence. And finally, children, especially younger ones, may, based on what they see, begin to consider violence an acceptable model of behavior and even a way to solve their problems.

Scientists have found that computer games stimulate only a certain part of the child's brain, so children should read, write and do more math. In addition, it is useful for children to play outside and communicate with other children as much as possible. Instead of "traditionally" playing sports such as football, preference is given to the "FIFA" simulator. So there is a problem. Society does not pay due attention to this. And the computer continues to involve more and more people in the virtual world, making them addicted.
How to help a child get out of "captivity"?
It is necessary to limit the time of working at the computer and playing games on it, because a long stay in front of the monitor screen can adversely affect the physical well-being of the child. These are problems with vision, with the spine, hands, psyche and sleep, as well as information overload. Electromagnetic vibration and ionizing radiation of even the most protected modern monitors are a big burden on the vision and posture of a child's body that is still being formed. Given this, the sanitary and hygienic requirements are quite categorical: no more than 30-40 minutes a day for children of primary school age and no more than an hour for teenagers and young men.

In conclusion, the following can be said. Just as parents care about the quality and quantity of food for their child, they should take care of the quality and quantity of computer products consumed by the child, interest the child in educational and developmental games, prevent the use of base games, and monitor the time that the child spends at the computer.

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1. Computer games

2.2 Computer and vision

2.3 Diseases related to muscles and joints




The game is an indispensable companion of the development of mankind. At the stage of archeoculture, games performed extremely important functions. They were used to socialize the younger generation, to prepare for a collective hunt, for training. But educational and training functions were not the main ones in the ancient gaming activity; the main field of play is holidays, rituals, primitive art (dance, music, myths). All these activities are archaeocultural creative and communicative activities.

Neoculture liberated the masses, the working people had leisure and with it an increased demand for entertainment, games, and spectacles. In the 20th century, the leisure industry developed, which occupied all communication channels and means: newspaper, magazine and book business, theater and cinema, radio broadcasting and television. The gaming essence of this industry is obvious: it produces not material goods, but entertainment items that fill people's leisure time.

Today's pace of computerization exceeds the pace of development of all other industries. Today, not a single medium-sized firm, not to mention large companies, can do without computers and computer networks. A modern person interacts with a computer constantly - at work, at home, in a car and even on an airplane. Computers are rapidly taking root in human life, taking their place in our minds.

Along with the advent of computers, computer games appeared, which immediately found a lot of fans. These games accompany the younger generation from childhood, causing, on the one hand, a slowdown in development and even atrophy of the musculoskeletal system and muscle muscles, and, on the other hand, rapidly developing the intellect, logical thinking and imagination of a person. The computer player gets used to moving from one virtual world to another, quickly perceive unfamiliar situations and adapt to them. In the rapidly changing society of the 21st century, developed intellectual flexibility will ensure adaptation to new, unexpected realities. Computer games thus perform the function of youth socialization in a post-industrial society.

The development and improvement of games is closely related to the development of computer software and technology. Now many components of computers are being developed, almost specifically for games. For example, expensive video cards, the cost of which reaches half the cost of a satisfactory computer for office work. All games are developed taking into account the latest innovations in computer technology, reacting to all achievements and getting closer to the reality of image and sound. To date, there are amazingly believable games with good graphics and sound design, almost completely imitating life. There is and is constantly emerging a huge number of companies that provide more and more games of an extremely diverse nature.

1. Computer games

A computer is as safe as any other home appliance. But, as with other household appliances, there are potential health risks associated with its use. Considering the impact of computers on health, we note several risk factors.

These include:

Problems related to electromagnetic radiation;

vision problems;

Problems related to muscles and joints;

Problems of insomnia, stress, nervous disorders;

Respiratory problems.

In each of these cases, the degree of risk is directly proportional to the time spent at the computer and near it.

2. The influence of the computer on the human body

2.1 Influence of electromagnetic radiation

Every device that produces or consumes electricity generates electromagnetic radiation. This radiation is concentrated around the device in the form of an electromagnetic field. Some appliances, such as a toaster or refrigerator, generate very low levels of electromagnetic radiation. Other devices (high voltage lines, microwave ovens, televisions, computer monitors) generate much higher radiation levels. Electromagnetic radiation cannot be seen, heard, smelled, tasted or touched, but nevertheless it is present everywhere.

As for the impact on the human body of electromagnetic radiation of lower frequencies - radiation of very low frequency and ultra-low frequency, created by computers and other household electrical appliances, here scientists and consumer rights advocates have not yet come to a consensus. However, some works and studies in this area identify possible risk factors, for example, it is believed that electromagnetic radiation can cause disorders of the nervous system, decreased immunity, disorders of the cardiovascular system and abnormalities during pregnancy and, accordingly, a detrimental effect on the fetus. According to the Russian Center for Electromagnetic Safety, women working at a monitor from 2 to 6 hours a day experience functional disorders of the nervous system on average 4.6 times more often than in the control group. According to American scientists, women who work more than 20 hours a week at monitors in the first three months of pregnancy had 2 times more miscarriages than women employed in other jobs. According to Swedish researchers, female PC users are 1.5 times more likely to have miscarriages, and 2.5 times more likely to have children with congenital malformations. The research in this area, verified in recent years, has only added to the concern and raised new unanswered questions. Like all devices that consume electricity, a computer emits electromagnetic radiation, and from household appliances, only a microwave oven or a TV can be compared with a PC in terms of the strength of this radiation, but we don’t spend very much time in close proximity to them, and electromagnetic radiation has less impact with increasing distance from the source to the object. Thus, the computer is the most dangerous source of electromagnetic radiation.

2.2 Computer and vision

If the question of the influence of electromagnetic fields on health is still controversial, then the computer certainly affects vision negatively. In any case, when children or adults are busy with work related to eye strain, their eyes get tired. This problem is well known to a car enthusiast who is on the road for a long time, or to any reader who spends hours in a book. The muscles that control the eyes and focus them on a particular subject simply get tired from being overused. Potential eye fatigue exists in any work that involves vision, but it is greatest when you need to view an object at close range. The problem is even more pronounced if such activity involves the use of high brightness devices such as a computer monitor.

Children especially often get tired eyes, because their eyes and the muscles that control them have not yet grown stronger. Reading beyond measure, sitting in front of a TV or computer for an unlimited time require serious tension from young eyes. Most often, visual fatigue leads to the fact that children become lethargic and irritable. As every parent can attest, these effects do not necessarily occur only when working at a computer. When children overdo any activity, they often become irritable. If your child is more aroused than usual, and there is no other obvious reason for this, then this may well be caused by his prolonged exposure to the computer. Excessive interest in working at the computer can also exacerbate existing vision problems. Many children suffer from a slight deterioration in vision, which can be regarded as a "nuisance". Over time, vision correction will be required here, but medical intervention may be avoided until adolescence or adulthood. But if children are so keen on the computer that they spend all their free time at the keyboard, then this “nuisance” can develop into something more that will require correction at an early age. And some ophthalmologists worry that too much computer use at an early age can have a negative effect on the muscles that control the eyes, making it very difficult for a child to focus on a particular subject, especially in activities such as reading. If this happens, the problem of vision correction will have to be solved with the help of glasses. Fortunately, most of these problems can be easily avoided. If, despite these precautions, your child complains of a headache, if his eyes become inflamed and itchy, or if he suddenly has difficulty with reading or other school activities, then you need to take him to an ophthalmologist. Do not forget to mention at the same time that you have a computer at home, and tell us how much time your child spends on it. The doctor may prescribe special exercises for the eyes or choose glasses for the child, designed specifically for working at an average distance characteristic of a computer. In connection with the intensive work at the computer, mankind has new diseases even more dangerous, like progressive astigmatism. Under the influence of the radiation coming from the monitor, the graininess of the image and the non-flatness of the monitor screen, computer scientists experience irreversible changes in the cornea of ​​​​the eye. As a result of these changes, the image begins to be focused by the optical system of the eye not into a round point, but into an oval. A visually ill person observes a change in the shape of objects, blurry edges, doubling of small images. This disease is not curable, since all current operations correct the imperfection of the optical system of the eye by affecting the cornea, while this disease affects the cornea. In this case, she will not be able to undergo the operation. In the end, this disease leads to blindness - the patient's images are completely defocused, and he sees objects as if through a misted glass. computer organism disease

2.3 Diseases related to muscles and joints

Among people who make a living working on computers, the largest number of health complaints are associated with diseases of the muscles and joints. Most often, it is simply neck numbness, shoulder and lower back pain, or tingling in the legs. But there are, however, more serious diseases. Pain in the hands, especially in the right hand, caused by long work at the computer, has acquired the name of carpal tunnel syndrome or carpal tunnel syndrome, and has also acquired the status of an occupational disease of computer scientists (programmers, machinists and people whose work is carried out mainly on a computer). The cause of the pain is a pinched nerve in the carpal tunnel. Pinching can be caused by swelling of the tendons passing in close proximity to the nerve, as well as swelling of the nerve itself. The cause of a pinched nerve is a constant static load on the same muscles, which can be caused by a large number of repetitive movements (for example, when working with a mouse) or an uncomfortable position of the hands while working with the keyboard, in which the wrist is in constant tension. All this can lead to a constant feeling of pain or discomfort in the hands, weakening and numbness of the hands, especially the palms. It is worth noting that pain in the hands can be caused not only by a pinched carpal nerve, but also by damage to the spine (osteochondrosis, herniated discs), in which the nerve leading to the hands from the spinal cord is damaged. The main diseases of the spine that develop as a result of a long stay at the computer are: osteochondrosis and curvature of the spine. If the possibility of developing a curvature of the spine is greater at an early age, then osteochondrosis is dangerous for people of all ages, it is also worth noting that the consequences of osteochondrosis are more dangerous than the consequences of various types of curvature of the spine. Curvature of the spine (scoliosis, lordosis, kyphosis). One of the reasons for the development of curvature of the spine is not maintaining the correct posture, both while working at the table, and when walking, etc. Thus, a child who does not sit straight at school at a desk and at home at a computer may well acquire a curvature of the spine. It should also be noted that the curvature of the spine not only makes a person unattractive, but can later lead to disruption of the internal organs, which will subsequently affect his health and ability to work.

Children rarely have such problems, yet the most addicted of them do not spend as much time at the computer as adult professionals. However, it still makes sense to monitor the position of the child if he sits too long at the computer. Make sure that the chair the child is sitting on is not too high or too low. (If the computer is used by family members of different heights, then you can purchase a special office chair, the seat height of which is easily adjustable). Make your child not hunch over while studying at the computer. If you get him into the habit of sitting up straight and looking straight at the computer, he is likely to avoid muscle and joint problems in the future.

2.4 Stress, insomnia, nervous disorders

In addition to the fact that prolonged work at the computer adversely affects health, which already affects the psyche, it is also associated with constant irritation, the source of which can be different situations. Probably, there is no such person who has never had a computer freeze, with loss of unsaved information, had no problems with any programs, etc. Moreover, according to research results, stressful situations associated with a computer, and especially with the Internet, lead to an increase in the consumption of alcoholic beverages. Thus, we get either mental imbalance or alcoholism, or both. Another important factor is neuro-emotional stress in children. It's no secret that communication with a computer, especially with gaming programs, is accompanied by strong nervous tension, since it requires a quick response. A short-term concentration of nervous processes causes obvious fatigue in a child. Working at a computer, he experiences a kind of emotional stress. Our studies have shown that even the very expectation of a game is accompanied by a significant increase in the content of adrenal cortex hormones.

2.5 Diseases of the respiratory system

Respiratory diseases that develop due to long-term work with a computer are mainly allergic in nature. This is due to the fact that during the long operation of the computer, the monitor case and the boards in the system unit heat up and release harmful substances into the air, especially if the computer is new. In addition to releasing harmful substances, the computer creates an electrostatic field around itself, which attracts dust and, accordingly, it settles in your lungs, while a working computer deionizes the environment and reduces air humidity. Each of these factors adversely affects both the lungs and the entire body as a whole.


Any progress in science or technology, along with clearly expressed, of course, positive phenomena, inevitably entails negative aspects. The issues of computerization of society are now among the many factors affecting people's health. That is why it is so important to assess the degree of influence of information technology on human health.

Recently, one often hears about the harmful effects of a computer as one of the means of modern information technology on the user's body. The degree of safety of the user of computer equipment is regulated by many different international standards, which are becoming stricter and stricter every year. Recent studies by scientists have shown that not so much computer technology itself is a direct factor in the negative impact on the human body, but its incorrect location, non-compliance with elementary hygiene standards regarding work and rest. Investigating the problem of the impact of a computer on human health, it becomes obvious that the means of modern information technology, of course, affect the user's body and "communication" with a computer requires strict regulation of working hours and the development of sanitary and hygienic measures to reduce and prevent such impacts.

It should be remembered that everything is good in moderation, even though a computer is a useful thing, but the harm of a computer can be more than good, so do not get carried away with it to your detriment and do not forget that your health is, in any case, more important!



2. A. Zakirov, A. Kostenko "New technologies and health"

3. M. Ilyitskaya "My friend is my enemy"



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Computer games today are regularly played by 60 to 90% of teenagers. Many parents are at a loss, because they are sure that an active virtual life interferes with learning, hinders the development of social skills and, most importantly, that games with elements of violence infect a teenager with their cruelty.

“Research refutes this dependence,” explains developmental psychologist Timur Mursaliyev. - Most schoolchildren, plunging into the virtual world, forget about reality. Recklessly shooting 50 opponents per minute, the teenager is aware that his enemies are pixels, they are drawn. It is impossible to learn how to kill a person by shooting pixels. It may be interesting for a teenager to perform a virtual operation and see what the person has inside. But just as enthusiastically, he dismantled the typewriter in childhood, wanting to understand how it was made ...

Role-playing games develop social skills, strategy games train the ability to analyze

A truly aggressive behavior of a teenager in real life is a symptom of his inner trouble, and “shooters” and other “action games” attract him precisely because they allow him to relax, throw out aggression in a socially acceptable way. Evil antics are a reason not to turn off the computer, but to think about what is happening in his soul, in his relationships with peers and in your family life.

The influence of computer games can be quite positive. Many games - if you devote a limited time to them - are useful for the formation of various skills. So, role-playing games (for example, Baldur’s Gate) develop social skills, strategy games (Heroes 3 or Warcraft) train the ability to analyze, and shooters (Quake or Counter-Strike) develop teamwork skills, tactical decisions and reactions. Simulation games (racing, flying on airplanes, like IL-2 or NFS) broaden one's horizons and help to understand technology, logic games develop spatial thinking.

Find out more

On the site Internet Development Fund parents can find the most complete selection of scientific research on the topic "Children and the Internet", comments by leading Russian psychologists, and also sign up for a consultation with specialists.

“It is difficult to control a teenager's relationship with the Internet,” admits Timur Mursaliyev. - Moreover, you should not put passwords on your computer, the ban only increases its attractiveness. Try to agree - both on the time spent playing, and on the choice of games in compliance with age restrictions (today they are indicated on all licensed versions).

The technological progress of the 21st century is not just a race, it is a revolution. If 30 years ago, no one could have thought that it would be so easy to find information, have fun, study or even work with the help of some kind of computer. That it will be possible to talk using the phone from anywhere in the world, and besides, not only talk, but also play and read. Modern technology works wonders. It not only entertains and teaches, but also helps, saves and pleases a person.

Computer games are such programs that are designed to entertain a person, to occupy free time. Playing computer games, people relax, go headlong into the virtual world. Sometimes it is possible to calm a child down only with the help of computer games, sometimes, when there is nothing to do, this is a remedy for boredom. However, not all people think about how computer games affect the human psyche.

How games affect children is discussed in many manuals, articles, newspapers and magazines, they talk about it on television, radio and in children's clinics. After all, this problem is becoming more and more urgent. Children are drawn into computer games worse than adults. Indeed, the psyche of a person, especially a small one, can be easily influenced from the outside.

Walking down the street, you will no longer see, as before, a crowd of children playing hopscotch or catch-up. Not everyone even remembers such games. But this is real life, not virtual. Parents, in order to distract the child, not to follow him and not to worry about him, simply hand him a mouse. It's not right, and it's poisoning society. Computer games are, of course, fun and interesting, but in a certain amount. Otherwise, their influence on the human psyche will be too strong and it will be difficult to break away from computer games.

Psychologists do not advise children to abuse computer games, as this has a dangerous effect on the human psyche. The child may grow up nervous and violent. If a person is taught from childhood that cruelty is good, he will not be able to distinguish between boundaries, he will not be able to follow the rules and laws. Computer games affect the psyche of the child, because the main task of games is rivalry. With yourself (break the record set earlier), forgiving your partner, or even against the game itself. Therefore, the child becomes irritated, becomes nervous and twitchy. It is difficult for a child who plays computer games from early childhood to get along with peers. He is withdrawn, shy, tight-lipped.

Computer games also have an impact on adults, both good and bad. Games make you fight, games are excitement. Each computer game can teach you something: strategies, logic, they teach you to think and draw conclusions, to strive for something. However, a person who abuses computer games may forget about real life. It is an addiction, just like alcohol, smoking, drugs and gambling.

There are many online games on the Internet. This is a great way to make money. A person, carried away, drags on. As a result, he is ready to give all the money for the sake of some kind of game. This is psychology and those who know how to influence the human psyche can make good money on it.

Getting into the virtual world, people do not think about their problems in the real world. The virtual world is often more interesting than the real one. It captivates, attracts. There a person can live the life he wanted to live once or wants to live now. However, many people forget that a person himself builds his life, and only he can change it. Computer games are just a way to hide from reality. That is what attracts people.

Computer games are not only an interesting game. Movies, cartoons, books are written on computer games. People gather themed evenings that are dedicated to a particular game.

Many couples get acquainted with the help of computer games, many find good friends, comrades or just a fun company. Therefore, the virtual world is closely connected with the real one.

Computer games are not such a safe thing. After all, many go crazy on this very soil. People do not withstand the load that comes to them from the real world, and besides, they are influenced by the virtual universe with all the cruelty, murders and fake emotions.

Strange as it may seem, but computer games affect not only the mental state of a person, but also physiology. Firstly, they affect male potency. Now, in modern computer games, there is just nothing. Men are no longer happy with sex, games are pushed into the background. Secondly, computer games are a passive activity. If you abuse them, a person's physique will change. Cellulite, muscle dystrophy, joint pain - all this is due to sitting at the computer for a long time. Vision also deteriorates, the head hurts, blood vessels burst in the eyes, black circles under the eyes.

Because of computer games, it is difficult for a person, especially a guy, to communicate with people in reality later. In the game, you can be anyone: an elf, a dragon, a knight or a prince. When a person leaves the virtual world for the real one, he realizes who he really is. There is nothing wrong with being just human. However, this means that there are no those adventures and that heroism that was in the game. People just get frustrated with their lives, get depressed, irritable and unfriendly.

If you sit at the computer for a long time, playing games, you can lose your individuality. Learn to separate good and bad. Computer games in small quantities make life more fun, in large quantities they kill the desire to live. A child should not be allowed to play such games for a long time, otherwise he may grow up wild and naughty. It is hardly possible to make someone happy if you disappear in virtual reality all the time. Don't make yourself happy in the first place. Therefore, you need to see sulfur in everything, and not go to extremes, because nothing good will come of it.

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