Who constantly wants to sleep. Strong fatigue quickly sets in and you want to sleep, even after a night's sleep. What diseases cause constant loss of strength and drowsiness

Why does a woman constantly want to sleep, understanding that this fact is not the norm. Why such weakness, no energy, lethargy and you can hardly drag your legs - what to do about it? One desire is to sleep forever.

There is nothing to say, many understand that it is impossible to live like this. Let's find the reason - why a woman constantly wants to sleep and try to get rid of drowsiness.

Why you want to sleep all the time reasons for women:

A woman also cannot go without sleep, it is enough from 7 to 8 hours. You only need to sleep at night.

Know that the quality of sleep is affected by an evening cup of coffee, sitting in front of the TV, switched on phones and luminous devices.

Turn off everything before going to bed, walk outside before going to bed. Perhaps then the quality of your sleep will improve, you will begin to rest.

The quality of sleep is affected by:

  1. Your food.
  2. Age is associated with changes in the hormonal background of the body.
  3. Stress, if they are almost constant in your life.
  4. Physical state.
  5. genetic components.
  6. Diseases received during life.

If in the morning and during the day you do not feel rested, you get lethargy in your body, there is no energy, sound the alarm.

And now the main reasons for the constant desire to sleep:


In older women, failures in her work in the first place can cause symptoms:

  1. Fatigue, lethargy, constant sleepiness.
  2. Pain and discomfort in the muscles of the body.
  3. Body weight decreases or vice versa becomes more.
  4. Vision problems begin.
  5. We are working slowly.
  6. Body temperature changes.
  7. The appetite also changes.

The thyroid gland directs the work of every organ and cell in our body, producing special hormones.

And the level of energy affects directly.

Therefore, when making a diagnosis due to eternal drowsiness, check the functioning of the thyroid gland. It is treated with hormones that maintain the level in your body of those that you lack. Treatment is necessary, you do not need to be afraid of it.

Include more protein in your diet: fish, kelp (seaweed), flax seeds.

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome:

There is such a disease. The name speaks for itself - you work a lot, you get nervous, you forget to rest.

Very often there is an imbalance of the adrenal glands - they also produce hormones. This is usually observed after 50 years. The most famous are cortisol, adrenaline.

What does a person feel with this disease:

  1. No matter how much he sleeps, he does not feel rested.
  2. All joints and muscles hurt.
  3. Permanent.
  4. Flu symptoms - sore throat, whole body breaks.
  5. There are convulsions, constipation.
  6. Head is bad.
  7. Remembering anything and concentrating is very difficult.

The amount of hormones produced depends on the stress you receive. If it is constant, you will feel badly.

Tension, fatigue, lethargy, desire to lie down and not move the arms.

Only a healthy lifestyle, timely rest, treatment of concomitant sores, daily routine, healthy nutrition for the body, sports can normalize this condition.

Low blood pressure:

In this case, there is a lack of oxygen, weakness, drowsiness. The woman often yawns.

Low blood pressure must be treated. Green tea, coffee, salted herring, a piece of lard will help.


greatly contributes to drowsiness. We move a little, we eat a lot. Sooner or later you will develop type 2 diabetes.

Drowsiness occurs with a lack of nutrition of the brain. There is a lot of glucose in the blood, but it does not enter the brain. The person is very tired. He can eat and sleep.

To lose weight in this position is to save your health.

Obstructive sleep apnea:

The people simply - snoring. This is oxygen starvation. There is a short pause in breathing during sleep at the height of snoring. Then he snores and begins to breathe.

Quite common in older, obese women.

Mandatory examination:

Somnological examination in a dream. After establishing the cause, special devices are used to treat snoring. In some cases, surgical treatment is performed.

But first of all, all sufferers need to lose weight.

It is very difficult to cope with daytime sleepiness. Sometimes a person gets used to sleeping during the day, then, due to daytime employment, he cannot do this.

Here it comes to curiosities, a woman can fall asleep at a table in a cafe or dining room.

Daytime sleep is needed for the elderly, young children. For women in their prime, drowsiness is very disturbing, sometimes the problem can lead to depression.

  1. A woman's memory and working capacity decrease.
  2. She is constantly tired.

Cold and hot shower:

  1. A good method to recover: cold water. Drowsiness rolled in - go to the bathroom, open the shower.
  2. First a little warm water, then cold. After 3 minutes, there will be no trace of drowsiness.


  1. A quick walk outside will help. At first you will be very weak, then the energy will not keep you waiting. Don't be lazy.
  2. By the way, this is an effective recipe. Everyone who plays sports and eats right does not suffer from drowsiness.

Food and water:

  1. See what you are eating. Remove everything harmful, fried, heavy. More vitamins. Fight constipation.
  2. Drink clean water, with its shortage comes weakness and lethargy, and hence drowsiness.
  3. The blood thickens, nutrients do not reach the cells well, including oxygen.
  4. A simple method for determining if you are drinking enough water: pay attention.
  5. If it is light yellow - everything is in order. Drink more if the color is dark.
  6. Drowsiness is caused by full meals: meat, dumplings, pancakes, cake, pies.
  7. The blood drains from the head and rushes to the stomach - you want to sleep.
  8. Do not fill your stomachs to capacity, no. Learn to leave with the feeling of "I'm not full." After 20 minutes satiety will come.
  9. Eliminate coffee from your menu, oddly enough, it contributes to drowsiness.
  10. Do not drink alcohol, after you will suffer for a long time either insomnia or vice versa, drowsiness.
  11. At lunch, you can lie down to rest for 20 minutes. Sleeping as much as you like is bad, it will be even worse.
  12. When working at night, daytime sleepiness is natural.

Essential oils:

  1. Some essential oils will help disperse daytime sleep: jasmine, rosemary.
  2. Just smell the open bottle of oil.

Night rest:

Establish a night's sleep, get enough sleep.

  1. Read a book before falling asleep. Scientists claim that it promotes falling asleep.
  2. If you suffer from drowsiness, do not watch TV in the evening. It's bad for the brain.

There are female owls, for them this is the norm.

In winter, most often you want to sleep. It is dark outside, there is not enough sun, we walk sluggish, drowsy.

Hidden gymnastics:

If drowsiness caught you at work, do hidden gymnastics.

  1. This is an alternating tension and relaxation of the muscles: buttocks, thighs, arms, abdomen.
  2. Outsiders will not notice this, but you will get rid of drowsiness.
  3. Ventilate the room, let clean air into the room or try to go outside.
  4. Rinse your face and hands with cold water.
  5. Do a shoulder massage. Vigorously rub your neck, soon a surge of strength will be noticeable.
  6. Rub your hands vigorously to make your palms light up. You will immediately notice that drowsiness passes.

Why a woman constantly wants to sleep can be answered for a very long time. I have listed all the most common reasons.

Summary of all that has been said:

  • Diseases should be treated if they are the cause of drowsiness.
  • Get a normal night's sleep.
  • Do not eat junk food, more vegetables and fruits.
  • Sport should be in your life, at least 10 minutes of gymnastics.
  • Don't overeat.
  • If necessary .
  • Rest when you are very tired.

Health to you for many years, without daytime sleepiness and normal night sleep.

Always waiting on my site.

See how to get rid of drowsiness:

You wake up - you want to sleep, you come to work - you want to sleep, you have lunch - you want to sleep ... Sometimes drowsiness overtakes even on weekends, when, it would seem, you have slept for a sufficient number of hours. Familiar? Drowsiness not only interferes with studying, working and relaxing, but can also be life-threatening - for example, if you drive a car. We understand why Morpheus wants to get you into his arms so much.

Look around you: a young guy is sleeping while standing on a bus, an office worker is taking a nap at a boring presentation, and a whole queue of sleepy citizens is lining up in a coffee shop for a latte! A modern person processes a huge amount of information, and drowsiness indicates that the brain needs a break. Here are the main signs of sleepiness:

  • heavy awakening in the morning;
  • lack of vivacity and energy during the day;
  • an urgent need for daytime sleep;
  • feeling irritable and restless;
  • deterioration in concentration, memory;
  • loss of appetite.

The reasons why you constantly want to sleep are different. Some of them are natural and can be dealt with on your own. In other cases, we can talk about serious disorders and diseases - here the help of a specialist is already needed. The main causes of drowsiness are:

  • sleep disturbance;
  • Unhealthy Lifestyle;
  • overwork and stress;
  • various diseases;
  • poorly ventilated area.

Let's consider them in more detail.

The most common cause of sleepiness is the most obvious one: You simply don't get enough rest at night. Everyone needs a certain amount of time to sleep. As a rule, it is 7-8 hours, but there are exceptions. In addition, the feeling of drowsiness arises from a violation of sleep cycles: waking up in the middle of a cycle, a person feels overwhelmed, even if he slept enough.

You may not know how much sleep you need. And if you know, you can sacrifice sleep due to work or other duties. Intentional restriction of sleep is one of the most important problems in modern society. Many people think that in this way there will be more time for business, but this is not entirely true: for someone who “nods”, attention is scattered and motivation disappears. The body does not work at full strength and goes into reserve mode.

Drowsiness occurs not only due to lack of sleep, but also due to its poor quality. Insomnia can have a variety of causes, one of them is the presence of artificial light. For example, watching TV or reading a news feed on a smartphone before going to bed stimulates brain activity and does not contribute to good health in the morning.

The constant desire to sleep often worries people with sleep disturbances and flexible work schedules. Those who often travel on business trips, fly from one time zone to another, and also work the night shift are most prone to sleep problems.

Do you like to discuss interesting topics with friends over a cup of coffee or with colleagues in a smoking room? Then the cause of lethargy lies on the surface. Caffeine in moderate doses can improve focus for a short time, but overdose can have devastating effects. The adrenal glands produce the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine, which "pump" the body and give us a feeling of cheerfulness. But if the adrenal glands work too hard and often, as happens with lovers of caffeinated drinks, then a new portion of hormones simply does not have time to form. And we know about the dangers of smoking from an early age. Nicotine causes a spasm of blood vessels, the brain receives less oxygen, and against this background, the smoker develops a feeling of lack of sleep. By stimulating the nervous system, both caffeine and nicotine can cause insomnia and other sleep disorders.

Some people like to have a hearty meal, thinking that a hearty meal will provide the necessary energy for the rest of the day. However, this is not quite true. Why do you always want to sleep after eating? After the body has spent a significant part of the energy on digesting food, it is difficult for it to maintain other activities: after all, to ensure normal digestion, blood from the brain flows to the stomach and intestines. So you should not overeat: in order to digest an excessively large amount of food, the body will need more strength.

In addition, the lack of breakfast is directly related to drowsiness. Many people get ready for work in the morning at a frantic pace, forgetting about the first - and most important - meal. Eating breakfast within an hour of waking up starts your biological clock. And when, on the contrary, you skip breakfast, the body has nowhere to take energy from.

Many people are faced with a situation where drowsiness manifests itself in winter. The reasons for this "winter hibernation" lie in the peculiarities of the season. In winter, daylight hours decrease, and in general the sun can be seen infrequently in winter. Due to the central heating in the apartments, the air becomes dry. To avoid this, you need to regularly. Also in winter you often want to sleep because of. We do not always get the right dose of nutrients from food, and we consume less vegetables and fruits in winter. Therefore, doctors advise taking vitamin and mineral complexes.

Sleepiness due to health problems

Some people feel sleepy due to taking certain medications that have a sedative (calming) effect. These are antidepressants, tranquilizers, antipsychotics, etc. In this case, it is worth discussing the existing problem with your doctor - perhaps he will advise another drug that causes less drowsiness.

Someone constantly sleepy because of cloudy and rainy weather. This is not surprising: melatonin, the hormone that controls our sleep, ceases to be produced only when exposed to daylight. Also, changes in atmospheric pressure in bad weather provoke a decrease in blood pressure, we get less oxygen and because of this we want to get to bed faster. Meteorological dependence is most clearly observed in hypotensive patients.

Drowsiness can be a sign of serious health problems: brain pathologies, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, etc. Therefore, if you cannot explain the causes of fatigue and drowsiness, you should consult a doctor.

Why else do you want to sleep during the day? Weakness and drowsiness can be reactions to stress or overwork - both physical and mental. If at the very beginning of the influence of a stressful situation on a person, his condition is accompanied by excitability and insomnia, then after prolonged stress the body wants to recover, and the most effective rest is sleep. In this case, it is recommended to sleep more than usual in order to make up for the lack of rest during the day. Depression, which often develops against a background of stress, also poses a danger to your health and sleep. Often, depression is mistaken for a bad mood or bad temper, although in fact it is a very serious disorder. If you feel apathy, fatigue and unreasonable anxiety, you should definitely contact a specialist.
Sometimes the feeling of drowsiness is associated with chronic fatigue syndrome - it manifests itself in the form of lethargy, which does not disappear even after a long rest. Chronic fatigue syndrome often leads to significant deterioration in vital signs.

Sleepiness due to stuffiness

Stuffiness is another reason for constant drowsiness. High levels of CO2 in the air reduce alertness, worsen mood and cause fatigue. If the situation is not corrected in any way for a long time, mild discomfort will turn into severe and insomnia. the only way is to let in fresh air from the street. That's just the house you need right - then drowsiness as if by hand will remove. The easiest and most effective way to organize a good microclimate is a system. Getting rid of street noise and supplying fresh, clean air to the apartment will help.

Sleepiness in different people

Let's see who is more prone to drowsiness. Why does a woman always want to sleep? It is believed that in women drowsiness manifests itself more often due to hormonal fluctuations. However, men also often suffer from a breakdown: for example, low testosterone provokes muscle weakness and impaired attention.

The issue of drowsiness worries many. Sleepiness is especially characteristic of the first trimester. This happens because the body gets used to hormonal changes and switches to a new mode of operation. Also, during gestation, progesterone is produced, which causes drowsiness. Fatigue and malaise will come to naught when the body is completely rebuilt. Also, the occurrence of lethargy can be affected by the emotional background - unrest and anxiety. Therefore, during pregnancy, it is necessary to adhere to a clear sleep schedule and a calm lifestyle.

Preparing for future motherhood, many women are interested in: ? Usually, newborns and children under one year old spend most of their lives sleeping. The sleep pattern of the baby depends on the daily routine in the family, nutrition, the state of the nervous system, but on average, the allowable number of hours of sleep is 18 hours a day for children aged 1-2 months and 11-14 hours for children under one year old. A child spends so much time sleeping because his nervous system and brain have not fully formed by the time of birth. In a calm state, that is, in a dream, they develop most productively. However, if you notice excessive drowsiness and suspicious symptoms (for example, pallor, lethargy, lack of appetite) in your child, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

By the way, drowsiness in adults and infants can be caused by the same reason. We all know that parents rock their children to sleep. Therefore, there is no need to worry if drowsiness occurs in transport: the desire to sleep is a normal reaction to motion sickness, familiar to all of us from infancy.

Some notice a breakdown in themselves, feel sleepy and tired. Even if you follow the schedule of work and night rest, you can still not feel rested, some people constantly want to sleep. What is this problem and how can it be overcome?

Main causes of sleepiness

There are various physiological reasons why you want to sleep during the day. In rare cases, they can adversely affect human health and life, the main factors are:

  • inadequate, poor night's rest. Even if a man or woman sleeps 8 or more hours at night, you can still feel tired and want to take a nap during the day. Such a phenomenon can occur due to nocturnal awakenings, as well as due to a sensitive, not sound sleep;
  • excessive fatigue can be the reason why you want to sleep. If during the day you constantly overwork physically or emotionally, get exhausted at work, then eight hours of sleep will not be enough at night. With intensive and time-consuming work, for a full recovery of strength at night, the body will require to sleep longer;
  • as a result of insufficient lighting and heat. When it is cold and overcast outside in winter or in the first weeks of spring, artificial lighting is often turned on indoors. The body during this period does not distinguish well between day and evening, so a person often does not have strength and energy, apathy and fatigue occur;
  • freezing. In the winter period of cold weather, when the body temperature decreases, fatigue appears, one wants to sleep and weakness occurs;
  • pregnancy is one of the common reasons why a woman constantly wants to sleep. In this case, the body experiences an increased load, this is an explanation for drowsiness. If you constantly want to sleep during pregnancy, then you need to consult a doctor who can prescribe effective vitamin therapy or some other means;
  • low pressure. With a decrease in atmospheric pressure, a person’s blood pressure decreases, so there is a desire to sleep and weakness;
  • sleeping pills or any other medicines, after which lethargy and drowsiness appear;
  • overeating often leads to a desire to sleep. This happens because the body needs energy to digest the food consumed, as a result of which the brain receives less blood than usual, there is a slight oxygen starvation, so you want to sleep a lot.

Various diseases

There are various health problems that cause constant sleepiness.
Among these diseases are:

  • viral, infectious diseases occurring in chronic or acute form. Such diseases are manifested by the fact that a man or woman has constant fatigue, lethargy, and no energy. This happens because the immune system spends a lot of energy fighting infection;
  • depression, stress. With these problems, apathy and a strong desire to sleep appear, which are a protective reaction of the brain to emerging difficulties. In order not to experience these problems, the brain wants to shut down as soon as possible;
  • anemia. When a person has anemia, then an insufficient amount of oxygen is supplied to the internal organs and tissues of the body, as a result, it begins to fall asleep;
  • atherosclerosis of blood vessels is one of the reasons why you constantly want to sleep. With this disease, headaches and tinnitus are also observed;
  • intoxication. If a man or woman excessively consumes alcohol, smokes, then the result is a violation of night sleep. Alcohol and smoking leads to insufficient oxygen supply to the brain, which is why lethargy and fatigue appear;
  • beriberi, that is, a lack of vitamins and microelements in the body, is especially often manifested when it is cold, in winter and spring;
  • idiopathic hypersomnia explains why a man or woman constantly wants to sleep. If there is a complex form of this disease, then it is called narcolepsy.

In addition to all of the above, there are other diseases that negatively affect the nervous system and lead to lethargy, fatigue, such diseases include: heart failure, liver and kidney pathologies, vegetovascular dystonia, severe bleeding, fever, oncological diseases, diabetes mellitus , hypothyroidism, and others.

Ways to deal with sleepiness

There are many different ways of what to do and how to deal with constant drowsiness and fatigue:

  1. Have a cup of coffee. Strong, hot coffee invigorates the body, fills it with energy, but you should not abuse this drink and take it more than 1-2 times a day.
  2. Wet your neck and wash with cold water.
  3. Brew strong black tea. This drink contains various substances that help the body cheer up.
  4. Do a warm-up, move around. You can walk down the street, go to the balcony, do a little exercise, stretch your arms, legs, neck and back, or just get up and walk around the house.
  5. Ventilate the room. Many have noticed that fresh air contributes to the flow of energy, invigorates. It is very important to ventilate the room in which you have to stay for several hours a day so that there is enough oxygen in the room. You need to open windows even in winter when it's cold outside.
  6. Change activity. If monotonous work makes you sleepy, during which you need to be focused and attentive, then you can do something active for 10-15 minutes, this helps many people when lethargy and a desire to sleep constantly arise during the day.
  7. Monitor your diet. You need to eat more fruits and vegetables, you can’t overeat, it’s better to eat less, but more often, preferably light meals, less chemicals and fast foods.
  8. Apply ice to the temples and forehead for a short time, this helps many to fight fatigue.
  9. Citrus fruits are good. You can put lemon or orange oil nearby for a few minutes. If there is no such oil, then you can eat an orange or put a slice of lemon in tea.

Folk ways

No matter what the cause of severe fatigue in a person, you can try to make the following simple remedies:

  • a small spoonful of dried chamomile flowers pour 200 gr. milk, boil and leave on low heat for 15 minutes. When the broth has cooled, you need to add a spoonful of honey to it, and drink half an hour before a night's sleep;
  • fill a glass with chopped walnuts, mix with a lemon passed through a meat grinder. To the resulting mixture, add a glass of honey, use the remedy in a tablespoon 3 times a day;
  • pour a glass of hot water 5 gr. Icelandic moss, which is then boiled for 5 minutes. The broth cools, it must be drunk in a day, you can not drink more than 30 grams at a time.

Taking vitamins

What to do if you want to sleep? You can go to the pharmacy and buy these vitamins:

  1. Pantocrine is a remedy that very effectively improves performance and adds energy to a man or woman.
  2. Longdaisin quickly removes drowsiness and apathy.
  3. Modafinil increases the stamina of the body, improves brain function.
  4. Enerion is usually taken if a person is too tired at work.
  5. Berocca Plus contains vitamins B and C, effectively combats the desire to sleep and weakness.
  6. Bion 3 energizes the body, helps eliminate lethargy and weakness.
  7. Alphabet Energy is a complex of vitamins and microelements that have a tonic effect, improve blood circulation in the brain, normalize energy metabolism and increase efficiency.

What else to pay attention to

What to do if you are already tortured by lethargy and weakness? It is necessary to analyze the daily routine, it is desirable that every day the time of falling asleep and the time of morning awakening should be approximately the same. Before going to bed in the evening, you should not drink strong tea or coffee, and it is also advisable not to watch TV a couple of hours before a night's rest, especially violent films, scenes of violence, thrillers and intense pictures, and you should not watch the news before going to bed. which are few positive. It is advisable to turn off all the lights in the house an hour before bedtime.
It is necessary to pay attention to how much fluid the body receives per day. If you drink little water during the day, then there will be dehydration, leading to a lack of strength and drowsiness. An adult, man or woman should consume about 1.5-2 liters of pure water during the day.
When weakness appears, you need to analyze how much time a day it turns out to be in the fresh air. It is advisable to walk on the street as often as possible or do some business in the air, and not indoors.
The next thing that deserves attention is the bed. If it is inconvenient for a person to rest on the bed at night, for example, due to a too hard mattress, a small or vice versa large pillow, a very thin or too warm blanket, then sleep will be restless, intermittent, and during the night it will not be possible to rest normally. In addition, if the bedroom is very stuffy, hot or vice versa cold, then this leads to a violation of night rest. At night, there should be no extraneous sounds and noises, the bedroom should be dark. Before going to bed in the evening, you can drink a soothing collection of chamomile, mint, lemon balm and motherwort. These natural ingredients soothe the nervous system, help to relax and calm down.

Important! Scientists report that poor-quality, insufficient night sleep can be the reason why a constant headache, lethargy occurs, and some may even experience suicidal tendencies.

When to See a Doctor

If drowsiness and fatigue have become chronic, and it is no longer possible to cope with them on your own, then you should immediately go to the hospital. In addition, if a person suspects the development of any disease that causes lethargy, then it is necessary to go to the doctor. A qualified doctor will examine and perform the necessary diagnostic procedures to determine the cause of drowsiness. You may need to take blood and urine tests, they can help the doctor make a correct diagnosis.
It is important to go to the hospital if a person has any psychological illness, disorder or depression. They require specialist advice and mandatory medical intervention. Trying to cure them yourself is usually useless, sometimes even dangerous.

What Not to Do

With constant fatigue and apathy, you can’t go to the pharmacy on your own and buy medicines at your own discretion, often this does not solve the problem, but only exacerbates it. In addition, you can not constantly stimulate the nervous system with energy drinks, strong tea or coffee. These drinks can invigorate the body, they do not eliminate the root cause of hypersomnia, in addition, they create the body's dependence on these stimulants, as a result, a person can no longer live normally without these dopings.


So, a person can feel tired and constantly sleepy for various reasons, which can be external, physiological or pathological. First of all, you need to find out why this problem arose, then you can try to fix it yourself using folk methods or other methods described in this article. But if the weakness and drowsiness does not go away, besides, there are any other negative symptoms, for example, headaches, feeling unwell, pain in the internal organs, and so on, then you should go to the hospital as soon as possible so that an experienced doctor diagnosed and prescribed effective treatment for the existing disease.

If the constant feeling of drowsiness, fatigue, weakness does not allow you to fully enjoy life. It is necessary to understand the causes and find a way to deal with this condition.

The modern pace of life completely immerses a person in a whirlwind of deeds and obligations. And here there is no strength, not only to work, but even to bring your head off the pillow. Everything becomes indifferent, there is only one thought in my head, about sleep and rest. Even though the day has just begun.

Fatigue, apathy, drowsiness: causes

If such a state often knocks out of the usual way of life, you need to seriously think about and find the cause of fatigue, apathy, drowsiness.

Possible reasons include:

  • Lack of oxygen, with a long stay of a person in a suffocating and unventilated room, affects the functioning of the brain. This adversely affects well-being, causes headaches, fatigue and drowsiness. A sure sign, in such a situation, is yawning. This is how the body signals the lack of clean air.
  • Magnetic storms and weather can affect overall health. This is especially true for patients with cardiovascular and nervous systems. A healthy person may experience a breakdown, drowsiness, irritability, headache. If such symptoms occur similarly to changing weather or magnetic storms, you should reconsider your regimen and diet.
  • Lack of a sufficient amount of vitamins in the human body, especially during the cold periods of the year
  • Wrong and unbalanced diet
  • Small amount of fluids drunk per day
  • Bad habits
  • Disorders in the hormonal system
  • Vegetovascular dystonia
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Wrong daily routine
  • Hidden or chronic diseases
  • Excessive exercise
  • Persistent or systematic sleep deprivation
  • Drinking disorders and dehydration
  • Pregnancy
  • Head injury
  • Frequent nervous tension, stress
  • Excessive coffee consumption

Causes of increased sleepiness in men. How to fight?

Women, according to statistics, more often than men suffer from increased sleepiness. But, if the husband hardly gets out of bed in the morning, looks for a convenient time to take a nap, does not pay attention to his wife, not to mention housework. Maybe you should not immediately scold him, but find the cause of this condition.

  • One of the first reasons is eating bad habits. Smoking reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood, which causes drowsiness and fatigue. The use of alcoholic beverages removes water and the necessary micro and macro elements from the body, disrupts the functioning of the liver, which also does not contribute to healthy well-being.
  • Prostatitis, an inflammation of the prostate gland, can make you feel sleepy and tired. The body is fighting a disease that can be almost asymptomatic. If you do not pay attention to this for a long time and do not engage in treatment, failures in the hormonal system are possible.
  • Excessive exercise can cause constant fatigue and drowsiness
  • Shift work when the body cannot adapt to the work schedule
  • And all other causes of drowsiness

In order for the fight against constant drowsiness to be successful, you must:

  • Eliminate the exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • It is advisable to overcome your bad habits or, as an extreme option, reduce the number of cigarettes smoked for the whole day, exclude the use of alcoholic beverages
  • Observe the regimen of food intake, do not overeat before going to bed, eat right
  • Sleep at least seven hours a night
  • Try to reduce physical activity. If the work is sedentary and inactive, you should go in for sports: walking, exercising, jogging

IMPORTANT: If drowsiness does not go away for a long time, even with all the rules of a healthy lifestyle, you should seek help from medical professionals to rule out serious diseases.

Causes of increased sleepiness in women. Video

On the shoulders of the weaker sex there are too many obligations, problems and worries. Constant excessive stress, physiological and psychological stress. Incomplete sleep. All this greatly affects the well-being, causes a feeling of fatigue and drowsiness.

But there is another important reason for this condition, heavy menstruation. Large blood loss, during critical days, provoke anemia. This provokes dizziness, faintness, loss of strength.

IMPORTANT: Abundant menstruation is not the norm. Be sure to contact a specialist to find out and eliminate the causes, the correct treatment tactics.

The most pleasant reason for increased drowsiness is the signal of the body about the onset of pregnancy. Increased drowsiness accompanies the expectant mother during the first trimester. The reason for this is hormonal changes and adaptation of the body to a new state.

Video: Drowsiness, apathy. The reasons

Drowsiness in a child, causes

Drowsiness in a child requires careful attention to finding out the cause of this condition. This is especially true for babies. If the baby was born hard, states of uninterrupted sleep are possible. A possible reason may be that the baby is not properly attached to the breast during feeding.

But, if the baby, in addition to increased drowsiness, has symptoms such as:

  • Temperature rise
  • Very weak almost inaudible, crying
  • Dry mucous membranes of the mouth and eyes
  • Sunken fontanel
  • Toddler table very little pee
  • Skin laxity

IMPORTANT: All of these reasons require immediate assistance.

The causes of drowsiness in children under twelve years of age is the formation of the nervous system. But if such symptoms are observed quite often, it is necessary:

  • Review the child's wakefulness and sleep patterns. A baby's night sleep should be at least ten hours. If you do not comply with this rule, the child will be tired and broken all day, will not be able to concentrate on classes or games.
  • Wrong and unbalanced diet. The child prefers sweets or fast food to healthy food
  • Sedentary lifestyle. The child, walks in the yard or park, prefers playing on the computer or watching TV
  • Too much exercise
  • Overweight

Causes of increased drowsiness may be health problems:

  • Onset or transmission of infectious diseases
  • Decreased hemoglobin level
  • Problems with the functioning of the thyroid gland
  • Diseases of the heart and kidneys
  • Low blood pressure
  • Taking medications that cause drowsiness

In adolescents, in addition to all of the above reasons, drowsiness can be caused by:

  • fears
  • Anxiety
  • Disappointments.

IMPORTANT: If a child, whether he is a baby or a teenager, has increased drowsiness and fatigue, special attention should be paid to this. Seek help from doctors to rule out health problems.

If everything is good in this regard, you need to:

  • Be sure to review the daily routine and nutrition, make the necessary adjustments.
  • Spend more time outdoors
  • Talking with the child, unobtrusively interested in his problems, which greatly worries him
  • Help find the right solution in the current situation.

What diseases can cause frequent drowsiness?

Frequent drowsiness may indicate an exacerbation of chronic diseases, latent infections, or the onset of a new disease:

  • Cancer neoplasms
  • Respiratory arrest syndrome during snoring
  • Periodic hibernation syndrome is when a person constantly wants to sleep, even after a full night's sleep.
  • Diabetes
  • Decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood
  • Thyroid diseases
  • Urinary tract infections
  • Lowering blood pressure
  • Problems in the work of the heart
  • Avitaminosis

Diabetes mellitus and drowsiness, treatment

Symptoms of diabetes may include:

  • constant thirst
  • Frequent urination
  • Itching and dry skin
  • dizziness
  • Drowsiness and constant feeling of tiredness
  • Exhaled air smells of acetone
  • Appetite increase
  • Unreasonable weight loss.

IMPORTANT: The cause of drowsiness in diabetes is both a lack of insulin in the body and its excess.

When observing such symptoms, tests should be taken to determine the level of glucose.

A condition in which blood sugar levels are consistently higher than normal is called prediabetes. This is not yet diabetes, but you should completely reconsider your lifestyle. To normalize the level of sugar should:

  • Do sport
  • Lose extra pounds
  • Lead a healthy lifestyle

IMPORTANT: To improve your condition, you can drink a cup of strong tea or coffee, the main thing is not to overdo it.

To fight the disease you need:

  • Maintain a sleep and wake schedule
  • exercise in moderation
  • Eat properly
  • Don't overwork.

Drowsiness in iron deficiency anemia. What to do?

The following symptoms indicate a lack of iron in the body:

  • state of fatigue
  • dizziness
  • hair loss
  • drowsiness

IMPORTANT: If the symptoms match, a blood test should be done to determine the hemoglobin level.

For treatment, you should take special drugs that increase iron levels.

Is sleepiness a sign of depression?

Depression is a psychological disorder. Most often, it is women who suffer from this disease. Symptoms of depression are:

  • negative thinking
  • Loss of the value of life
  • Unwillingness to do something
  • Apathy for the environment
  • Constant sleepiness
  • Severe headaches

IMPORTANT: This condition can last from three weeks to several years. It is very important not to start the disease. And in time to take measures so that the form of mild depression does not develop into a more serious one that requires inpatient treatment.

Drowsiness and fever. What to do?

The cause of drowsiness, at elevated temperatures, is that the body is struggling with the disease with all its might. The main thing is to know the cause of the increase in body temperature. If these are colds, you should not worry, you just need to help the body:

  • adhere to bed rest
  • drink, in plenty, liquid, for a speedy recovery

IMPORTANT: If the cause of the temperature increase is unclear. And drowsiness, straight knocks down, up to a semi-conscious state, you need to consult a doctor.

Drowsiness and lack of appetite. What caused the loss of appetite?

Loss of appetite and drowsiness are interrelated. Without food, the body does not get the nutrients necessary for life.

IMPORTANT: If the cause of loss of appetite is past viral diseases, there is no need to worry. The body just needs a good rest.

Other causes of loss of appetite:

  • Gastrointestinal diseases
  • Problems in the thyroid gland
  • depression
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases
  • Disturbed metabolism

IMPORTANT: And, probably, the easiest and most effective way to feel great at the workplace is to have a good mood.

How to get rid of drowsiness with the help of folk remedies?

In order to get rid of drowsiness, you can seek help from traditional medicine. You can try taking tinctures:

  • eleutherococcus
  • lemongrass
  • ginseng
  • golden root
  • motherwort
  • hops

Traditional medicine advises to wash only with clean water, without soap. Soap contains a high percentage of alkali, which, in turn, promotes penetration into the body through the skin, and causes a feeling of drowsiness.

You can try to take an infusion of dope. To do this, pour a glass of boiling water twenty grams of plant leaves. Insist for half an hour. To relieve drowsiness, take one third of a glass a day.

IMPORTANT: It is necessary to be treated with folk remedies carefully, they do not eliminate the cause of drowsiness, but only relieve symptoms for a while.

Taking tinctures, you can simply exceed the allowable dose of the drug, and only aggravate your condition.

One of the safest folk remedies is a rosehip decoction. It can be drunk instead of tea or coffee. Vitamin C contained in this drink has a beneficial effect on the entire body, increases its efficiency, resistance to viruses and stress.

IMPORTANT: Be sure, if the constant feeling of drowsiness is supported by other symptoms indicating an exacerbation or onset of the disease, you should seek help from specialists.

The main tips for constant drowsiness are:

  • Healthy sleep
  • Proper and nutritious nutrition
  • Drink enough water throughout the day
  • Taking vitamins in the cold season
  • Maintaining a sleep schedule, going to bed and waking up at the same time
  • Do morning exercises regularly, every morning
  • If possible, do a light jog
  • Do not abuse coffee and strong black tea, opt for green or vitamin-containing drinks
  • Take a contrast shower in the morning
  • hardening
  • Walks in the open air.

And of course, all this should be accompanied by a good mood and positive thinking.

Video: How to overcome fatigue, drowsiness and weakness?

Hello dear readers. The problem of constant drowsiness is familiar, probably, to everyone. Some tend to sleep only after a hearty lunch, while others fall asleep right in the middle of the working day. Of course, each organism is individual, therefore, the causes of permanent or temporary drowsiness will be different for everyone. Basically, the problem of drowsiness is attributed to any weather conditions, and this or that weather affects each person in its own way. Someone falls asleep from the excruciating summer heat, and for someone the cold is the main reason for sleep. As you know, during sleep, the body temperature rises significantly, which means that it is with the help of sleep that our body tries to warm itself. But these are only external factors that affect our condition, so you should not write off all sins only on the weather. After all, the cause of such a problem does not always lie on the surface.

In addition, the problem of constant drowsiness may occur due to any abnormalities in the body.

And this, in turn, can talk about serious diseases that are hidden under such a harmless symptom.

The reason can be anything, but this does not mean that you need to turn a blind eye to the problem of drowsiness.

Of course, if this is a temporary phenomenon that repeats itself depending on the season, then there is no reason to worry.

But if the symptom arose quite unexpectedly, and is permanent, then it is better to seek help from a specialist.

In any case, you need to listen to your body, because in this way it tries to signal any malfunctions in the operation of one of its systems.

17 reasons why you constantly want to sleep

There are quite a few reasons for such a manifestation, but most of them depend, nevertheless, on the individual characteristics of the organism. Therefore, it is necessary to highlight the common causes of such a problem.

We will be able to cope with some of them on our own, but there are also cases in which we simply cannot do without the help of a specialist.

There are two main causes of drowsiness:

  1. Physiological.
  2. Pathological.

Physiological drowsiness manifests itself, most often, after overwork, and it can be both physical and psychological.

And sometimes both overcome a person, and he simply falls down even at the very beginning of the day.

In this state, all the daily duties and goals of a person are dulled against the backdrop of a great desire to just lie down and take a nap.

Naturally, performance is reduced to a minimum, because the body has no strength left at all.

It is known that in a dream the human body is restored, so during an illness we can sleep at least for days. Thus, all energy will be directed only to the fight against the disease.

So, after a hard day's work, we only need rest so that the body has time to recuperate before morning.

Some people, in an effort to have time to redo all the cases, or to earn more money, may not sleep at night and do those things that they did not have time to do during the day.

At the same time, a person feels quite cheerful, especially when a cup of coffee is at hand.

But this state is deceptive, and after a couple of such nights, you will simply fall into a long hibernation, which will destroy all your plans for the near future.

Factors provoking the occurrence of physiological drowsiness

Sleepiness after eating

Probably, at least once in a lifetime, she defeated everyone. Moreover, it usually occurs after a hearty dinner.

The fact is that our stomach receives a fairly large amount of food after sleep, since we usually do not eat much for breakfast.

So, the digestive organs begin to work in an enhanced mode, and therefore, most of the blood flows to this system.

Thus, the brain receives an insufficient amount of oxygen, which means that sleep will be its natural reaction.

Constant lack of sleep

Of course, it may seem to us that we are already used to sleeping for 5 hours, and everything seems to be fine. And we allegedly do not notice the fatigue that is constantly with us.

But sooner or later, sleep will still overtake us, and we still have to get enough sleep. Even if it seems that such a lifestyle is not so bad, you should not think that it will not affect your health in any way.


Usually accompanied by lack of appetite and insomnia, because of which we lose the main source of energy, in addition, the body does not have time to recover.

In addition to all this, significant damage is done to our nervous system, which must also be restored at least in a dream.

This condition can last from several days to a week, after which the body itself will give a signal that it needs rest.


In the first months, one of the characteristic symptoms is precisely drowsiness, which few people pay attention to, because, probably, everyone suffers from constant lack of sleep.

In the last trimester, hormones slow down the processes in the brain, which is why the woman is constantly in a sleepy state.

Day mode failure

Basically, this problem affects people working at home, because they do not have a clear framework for the working day.

Because of what they can work until late at night, and sometimes all night, as a result of which, it happens that a person sleeps during the day and works at night.

This may seem convenient at first, but later a slight malaise can develop into malfunctions of some body systems.

Side effects of certain drugs

If, along with the start of taking any medication, you have a symptom in the form of drowsiness, then you should immediately read the instructions for the drug.

If drowsiness reduces your performance, it is best to ask your doctor to change the prescribed drug to another one.

Insufficient sunlight or cold

Usually in the winter season it is more difficult for us to wake up in the morning, and we go to bed much earlier. This is due to the fact that it starts to get dark quite early, and the morning, due to cloudy weather, seems dark.

Causes of pathological drowsiness

If you at least roughly know what could cause constant lack of sleep, then, in general, there is nothing to worry about. After all, you can always correct the situation by organizing your daily routine.

But if drowsiness appeared on its own, and you do not see any prerequisites, then this may indicate more serious health problems that no longer appear.

Often people confuse pathological and physiological fatigue, and this happens because of a frivolous attitude to their own health.

Sometimes we just don't want to notice some minor health problem until more serious symptoms appear.

If every day you get enough sleep, but already in the afternoon you again have a desire to lie down to take a nap, then most likely this is how the body tries to tell that some malfunctions have occurred in its work.

So, our body is trying to restore its strength, because apart from this, there are no other ways. There are insidious diseases that do not manifest themselves in the early stages, and if they do, we simply do not notice these symptoms. Thus, the body tries to cope on its own, knowing that no one will help it at this stage.

Each of the diseases is life-threatening, so it's best to take it seriously. You see how simple drowsiness can speak of such terrible diseases.

Why do you always want to sleep. What to do if lethargy

Depending on the cause of drowsiness, you can try to get rid of this symptom yourself.

Of course, if the reason for the constant desire to sleep is any disease, then simple methods of dealing with sleep are unlikely to help you.

How to deal with constant sleepiness?

Here you definitely need to see a doctor who can determine the disease. Thus, you will be prescribed a treatment aimed at a specific disease, and therefore drowsiness, which is its symptom.

But if you are sure that your drowsiness and lethargy arose only due to lack of sleep or stress, then you will have to deal with it yourself.

Therefore, tips will come to your aid that will help stop the constant desire to sleep:

Drink plenty of water, because a fairly common cause of drowsiness is precisely dehydration.

Drop everything and run outside to bask in the sun. Thus, you can recharge your batteries, and the light is unlikely to help you fall asleep.

Physical exercise will also help to cope with drowsiness, because during their implementation, blood pressure rises, which means that we will not be able to sleep. You can do a little warm-up right at the workplace.

Talk more about topics that can grab your attention. Listen to music that will make you tap your foot to the rhythm. The main thing is not to listen to classics or melancholic music, otherwise you will sleep like a baby right at your desk, or rather, on it.

Eat in moderation, because it is during overeating that we tend to sleep. The body cannot cope with such a volume of food, so all its forces are focused on digestion, and the brain at this time gradually sinks into sleep.

The smell of mint and citrus will definitely keep you awake, so you can purchase a couple of vials of essential oils from these plants.

Eat more nuts, because they are the main source of energy, besides, such a snack will definitely not interfere with the brain.

Massage your earlobes or stretch your fingers. Even such simple exercises will help to cope with annoying daytime sleep.

Start cracking jokes at work on your lunch break. Colleagues will definitely appreciate your humor, and laughter will help you forget that a minute ago you really fell asleep.

Well, if your sleep is much stronger than all these methods, and you are already tired of fighting, then what remains to be done, how not to succumb to your enemy? Take a nap for 15 minutes and after that, you will definitely feel better.

Drowsiness does not always indicate fatigue or lack of sleep, so do not ignore such a symptom.

Especially if there are no prerequisites for its occurrence. Therefore, it is imperative to figure out why you constantly want to sleep. And what to do if there is constant lethargy, because a serious illness does not appear immediately, so you should not wait until it does happen.

Listen to your body, because even simple drowsiness can save you from the serious consequences of a serious illness.

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