From the smell of feet what alcohol to use. The best folk remedies for sweaty feet: recipes, tips and tricks. Oak bark powder

Not pleasant aroma, emanating from the legs, worries a lot of people. If it is present almost constantly, then even the most self-confident person gradually begins to feel self-doubt and acquires additional complexes. When the feet sweat, this smell can spread very actively, even when a person is shod. And if the shoes get wet, then the amber spreads even faster and over impressive distances. As a result, constant anxiety, nervousness, self-doubt significantly complicate a person's life, make him feel uncomfortable and experience constant fear about what is in certain conditions you have to take off your shoes.

The unpleasant odor also causes inconvenience to loved ones of a person with such problems. Below we will talk what are the causes of foot odor, and how to quickly and effectively eliminate the most common causes bad smell at home.

Why is there an unpleasant odor?

The development of an unpleasant odor can be associated with both natural causes as well as pathological factors.

natural causes

sweat glands located on the surface skin and provide a very important function for the body - thermoregulation . It is with the work of the sweat glands that the appearance of smell is associated. When the temperature environment high, and the person wears socks and warm shoes, the work of the sweat glands is activated. As a result, the unpleasant odor becomes more intense.

Every day the body produces up to 200 ml of sweat. But the liquid itself, which is produced sweat glands, does not have an unpleasant odor, since it contains mainly water and only 1% ammonia , acids, chlorine and salts. The appearance of smell is due to the fact that in sweat an active life activity is developed bacteria for which it is a very suitable medium. Naturally, in socks and shoes that are constantly on a person, bacteria multiply very actively, because there is a warm and humid environment.

Each person, even in such a situation, has an individual aroma. For some people, it can be light, barely noticeable, for others it can be sharp and intense.

And some people suffer from excessive sweating because their sweat glands work too intensively. If there is such a problem, foot hygiene and hygiene in general must be carefully observed. This will help prevent bad odors.

Pathological causes

Certain pathologies can also provoke such a problem:

  • nail fungus and ;
  • hormonal changes;
  • nerve diseases, experienced, phobias;
  • vegetovascular dystonia;
  • pathology of the endocrine system;
  • vascular and heart diseases;
  • unbalanced diet.

Therefore, if problems with unpleasant foot odor suddenly begin, and this has not been observed before, it is necessary to consult a doctor and undergo an examination. After all, it is likely that this unpleasant symptom is a sign of a serious illness.

There are also provoking factors due to which bad foot odor may appear:

  • ignoring the rules of personal hygiene;
  • insufficiently frequent change of tights, socks;
  • preference for synthetic products - tights, socks;
  • constant wearing of shoes made of non-natural materials;
  • preference for closed shoes;
  • wet shoes, socks, tights.

Fungal diseases of the feet

When infected with a fungus of the nails or feet, the disease does not always develop. If the fungal agent is in contact with the body with a strong immune system , it protects against the development of the disease. But if the immune response is weak, then when infected, the fungus actively spreads, and subsequently it is very difficult to fight it.

If you suspect a fungal infection, you need to contact a specialist. Initially, the doctor must assess the patient's condition and, depending on the type of fungus and the severity of the patient's condition, prescribe a treatment regimen. In such a situation, the following means are used:

  • tablets against fungus (,);
  • antifungal sprays ( , Terbix );
  • cream against fungus (,);
  • nail polishes with antifungal action (,).

If the patient strictly follows the recommendations of the doctor, follow the instructions for the use of prescribed drugs, then he will be able to get rid of unpleasant disease. In this case, it is necessary to carefully observe all the rules of foot hygiene. Also bad smell help overcomeantifungal treatment of shoes and socks, disinfection of linen.

How to get rid of foot odor?

Those who are concerned about the unpleasant smell of the feet, of course, constantly wonder how to get rid of the smell of the feet at home. First of all, it is necessary to find out the reasons why the sweat on the legs smells unpleasant. And only then can you get the correct answer to the question of how to treat the disease that led to such a symptom, or how to remove a strong and pungent odor with folk remedies.

If a we are talking about the disease, deodorants and creams will not help overcome this problem.

But if a person is healthy, then it is necessary, first of all, to reconsider the attitude to personal hygiene. The answer to the question of how to get rid of foot odor in men and women is simple: any anti-odor agent must be used after washing your feet and replacing tights or socks.

Very often with more strict application a number of hygiene principles, the question of how to get rid of sweating feet forever becomes closed:

  • It is important to wash your feet in the morning and in the evening, doing this very carefully. It is advisable to rinse your feet with cold water after washing.
  • You need to regularly clean the skin of the feet and fingers from dead cells, for which scrubs and peeling are used.
  • It is necessary to dry the skin between the fingers very carefully after washing the feet.
  • Only socks and tights should be worn. quality material- natural or with a very slight inclusion of synthetics.
  • If the question of how to get rid of the smell in shoes is relevant for a person, he should reconsider his attitude to her choice. You should buy only high-quality pairs made from natural materials. It must be the perfect size.
  • Those who are interested in how to get rid of the unpleasant smell of shoes should take into account that this largely depends on enough frequent shift socks and tights. This must be done every day.
  • Shoe care is also important. Inside it needs to be processed antiseptic solutions. To do this, you can use a solution potassium permanganate .

Foot products

For care, you need to choose the right products for foot odor. You can use an antiperspirant deodorant or buy a deodorant cream from a pharmacy. This remedy for the smell of feet and shoes is used daily.

On the advice of a specialist, you can buy an ointment from the smell of feet and sweat in a pharmacy or medicine from sweaty feet and smell ( Cream "5 days" , « Green Pharmacy» and etc.). However, it is impossible to use such tools all the time - you need to take into account the recommendations contained in the instructions.

Also effective and properly selected remedy for sweat and foot odor, which is used for shoes.

Finally, a suitable folk remedy for the smell of feet and shoes can also be beneficial - these are baths, infusions, powders.


Taking into account the mechanism of action, deodorants are usually divided into:

  • antiperspirants;
  • normalizing the separation of sweat;
  • flavorings (they mask the smell);
  • medical.

They are produced in several forms:

  • cream;
  • gel;
  • spray;
  • talc.

Antiperspirants block the sweat glands, so they cannot be used around the clock. It is necessary to provide "rest" to the skin of the legs, which should breathe normally for some time.

Means that normalize the separation of sweat do not block the sweat glands, but at the same time maintain a minimum level of sweating.

Medicated deodorants prevent the growth of bacteria, thereby eliminating the cause of the smell. Such drugs also cannot be used all the time: after all, bacteria gradually develop resistance to one or another agent.

Any deodorant is applied to clean and dry skin of the feet. After application, you need to wait until it is absorbed or dried, and only then put on tights, socks or shoes. The product should be thoroughly washed off in the evening, before going to bed.

Lotion and cream for feet

Manufacturers offer many different creams that are used to prevent heavy sweating. Unlike some other means, you can use the cream all the time. But first you need to pick ideal remedy. If the cream is chosen correctly, it not only prevents sweating, but also nourishes and softens the skin of the feet. Here are some popular foot creams that work effectively:


Produced by an Israeli company Hlavin". The composition of the product includes, talc, ethylhexylglycerin , triethyl citrate , potato starch, arnica, chamomile, calendula. The cream is odorless. After application, the product protects against sweat for seven days. It acts in a complex, destroying the fungus and bacteria.

A little cream is applied to the previously washed and dried skin of the legs, rubbing it evenly. For several hours you can not wet your feet, and when the product is absorbed, you can lead a normal life, observing all the rules of hygiene. Re-apply only when an unpleasant odor appears.

Dry Dry

The cream is produced by the Swedish company " Scandi Line". Available as a clear liquid containing aluminum chloride hydrate , denatured alcohol. These components act to create a protein-aluminum plug. As a result, the sweat glands function normally, but the sweat is released from other places in a normal volume. It is also excreted through the kidneys.

If you follow all the rules of application, then the product protects from sweat from 3 to 5 days. Apply the product one hour before bedtime on a dry and clean skin. You should wait until the skin is dry. After that, you can not wash, but in the morning you can safely carry out all hygiene procedures.

Galeno Pharm "5 days"

The composition contains zinc oxide , which dries the skin, and also has an astringent and disinfectant effect. Also included is cetyl alcohol to help retain moisture in the skin. Camphor , which is also part of the product, is an antiseptic. And menthol gives freshness to the skin and cools the feet. All active components act in combination, while reducing the activity of sweating and relieving a person of pathogenic microorganisms.

Apply the cream "5 days" on dry skin of the legs daily. It is best to carry out this procedure before going to bed. It should be borne in mind that this tool has a slightly greasy consistency, so you need to apply it in a small amount for the cream to be completely absorbed.

Deo-control cream from Kalina

Consists of a special complex OilCARE”, which includes natural cocoa butter, shea butter, lavender, tea tree, as well as , . The cream effectively fights against pathogenic microflora, protecting the skin with an invisible film. It should be applied after the person has taken a shower and the skin is completely dry. Rub the product into the skin of the feet and fingers until it is completely absorbed. Re-apply the cream after the next wash, or when the smell of sweat appears.

Cream "Green Pharmacy"

Antifungal and deodorant, which contains, zinc oxide , camphor , tea tree oil. When it is used, a drying effect is also noted. Protects against sweat for up to five days. Apply, like all other products, to clean and dried skin. It is recommended to apply after bath procedures or visits to the sauna.

Pharmacy foot odor remedies

Pasta Teymurova

Doctors often prescribe this drug to people who are worried about excessive sweating. It effectively dries the skin, disinfects it, as it contains are contained and zinc oxide , talc.

Apply to clean and completely dry skin. It is important not to wipe it with a towel, but to wait until the skin dries on its own. Rub it into the skin of the feet, between the fingers, doing this before going to bed for 2-3 minutes. You can apply the paste for 3-4 days, after which they take a break. If necessary, you can repeat this course of treatment.

lavender oil

A natural antiseptic that not only refreshes the skin, but also effectively fights fungus. The oil is used by adding it to foot baths. Prepare such a bath using water room temperature and adding about 5 ml lavender oil. To obtain maximum effect, first the oil must be diluted in the base liquid (milk will do), since the oil does not dissolve in water. The bath should be taken for 20 minutes. Practice this procedure once every 2-3 days.


The composition contains formaldehyde, which acts as an antiseptic, and also has a deodorizing effect on the skin. It is produced in the form of a liquid, so you need to dose and apply the product very carefully. It should be applied once a day, rubbing into previously washed and dried problem areas. It is important to pay attention to the fact that with too long use, the skin may dry out.

Benzoyl peroxide lotion, gel (5 and 10%)

This drug is used according to the instructions for the purpose of treatment. But it is also effective against unpleasant odor legs. Active ingredient benzoyl peroxide inhibits the growth of anaerobic flora. You need to apply the product by light rubbing once a day, doing this with the help of massaging movements. It is important to apply the product between the fingers. It is used once a day, the duration of use is up to three months.

Alum burnt

The medicine contains potassium aluminum alum , which are processed to turn into powder. Alum is an adsorbent of sweat, they are able to neutralize fungi and bacteria, as well as reduce the activity of sweat glands. Their anti-inflammatory effect is noted. Alum is also used as a powder, for which dry and clean skin is treated with powder. Apply the powder in the morning, and in the evening, its residues should be thoroughly washed off.

Due to its antiseptic action, it effectively eliminates the cause of the unpleasant odor. fall asleep in a small amount in each sock, carefully distribute it over the entire surface and put on socks on dry and clean feet. Every evening on the days it is used boric acid, you need to wash your feet very carefully, and send your socks to the laundry. For a week, boric acid is used every day, after which you need to take a break for a week. Further repetition of the course is allowed.

There are folk methods with which you can significantly improve the situation.

  • Lemon peels. The peel of citrus fruits contains essential oils that dry the skin and give it a pleasant aroma. They are also able to destroy the fungus. Fresh crusts are rubbed in the hands to stand out. essential oil. It is applied to clean and dry skin. Other essential oils are also effective - mint, eucalyptus, lavender, cypress, etc.
  • Starch. It can be used if no other means are at hand. It is applied as a powder on clean and dried skin of the legs, after which socks are put on. Starch helps remove excess sweat and prevent odor.
  • Oak bark. An infusion is prepared from it, which produces a tannic effect, narrows the sweat glands, and dries the skin. Infusion prepared from 2 tbsp. l. bark and 1 liter of boiling water, should stand for 20 minutes, after which it is added to the foot bath. This procedure is carried out for 10 minutes daily.
  • Sea salt. Baths with its addition help to dry and deodorize the skin, eliminate bacteria and fungi. Foot baths with the addition of 2 tbsp. l. sea ​​salt should be done every evening for 10 minutes. After the procedure, the feet should dry without wiping with a towel.
  • Laundry soap. You can wash your feet cold water laundry soap, which reduces the separation of sweat and effectively fights germs. To avoid drying the skin, you can not use this soap for more than five days.
  • Carnation flowers. They are put in shoes to neutralize the unpleasant odor.
  • Decoctions and infusions of herbs. They are used daily for evening washing of feet or for baths. For the preparation of decoctions and infusions, sage, chamomile, rose hips are used, green tea etc. You can use each herb in turn or prepare a combined decoction.
  • Tea mushroom. The product prepared from it is used for baths and lotions. To prepare a solution in 1 liter of water, add 3 tbsp. l kombucha.
  • Alcohol and vinegar. They are mixed in equal proportions and wipe clean feet with this solution, as well as between the toes.
  • Soda. 1 tsp soda is dissolved in a glass of water, after which cotton swabs are moistened in it and placed between the fingers for a while. Rinse your feet with the rest of the solution. The procedure is carried out in the morning and in the evening for a week.


So, for those who are concerned about bad foot odor, it is necessary, first of all, to take care of the careful implementation of all the rules of personal hygiene. If there is no improvement for some time, you should consult a doctor to find the cause of this phenomenon. At right approach treatment can fix this problem.

Sweaty feet - delicate issue bringing a lot of discomfort. It is believed that it mainly concerns the representatives of the stronger sex, since there are many deodorants against sweating designed for men. In fact, women also often have this problem. How to get rid of sweaty feet effective remedy and remove the unpleasant odor forever?

The reasons

Excessive sweating of the feet is not only a cosmetic problem. In medicine, this disease is called hyperhidrosis. The disease is of two types:

  • local - excessive sweating manifests itself in one or more parts of the body (for example, sweating of the armpits and face, only palms);
  • generalized - excessive sweating of the whole body.

Foot sweating is a local form of hyperhidrosis, it is easier to get rid of it than to fight a generalized one.

Excessive sweating of the feet is provoked various factors the most common causes are:

  1. Inappropriate shoes. It is especially common in winter, when boots, boots with fur have unnatural material. It wears out quickly, after a few weeks of regular wearing, an unpleasant odor appears, the feet quickly become sweaty, immediately after going outside. This is especially true for shoes that are not suitable for the season. If in autumn, spring, when the temperature is no longer as cold as in winter, wear winter shoes your feet will sweat all the time.
  2. Lack of proper hygiene. Even adults do not always know how often to change socks, how many times a day to wash your feet, what to do with an unpleasant smell, where to buy the best foot wash.
  3. Problems with nervous system. AT stressful situation excessive sweating- a frequent occurrence. Not only the legs can sweat, but also the hands, face, and the area between the legs. Even in young children, nervous hyperhidrosis can occur.
  4. Foot skin diseases, fungus. Which doctor should I contact with this problem? First of all, you need to consult a dermatologist. With a fungus, any infectious diseases, it is prescribed complex treatment. Using an antiperspirant, cream, spray will only temporarily eliminate sweating.

Important! At baby sweaty feet may accompany other symptoms high temperature body: weakness, drowsiness, others.

Sometimes hyperhidrosis of the legs occurs in a child of 12 years and older during puberty, especially in girls - with the onset of menstruation. With menopause, during pregnancy, excessive sweating may occur periodically against the background of hormonal changes.

In the pharmacy, you can buy drugs that can cure the disease that provokes sweating, and not just temporarily eliminate its symptoms. When choosing them, it is necessary to take into account the advice of a dermatologist, other specialists who have determined the nature of the problem.

To cope with sweaty feet will help such inexpensive medicines:

  1. Formidron. Antiseptic drug, which includes alcohol, formaldehyde solution. Created for outdoor processing feet, toes.
  2. Teimur paste. Ointment with an antiseptic effect, which has a drying effect, eliminating excess liquid. To achieve a quick result, it is necessary to apply the product 2-3 times a day, one of which is always before bedtime.
  3. Formagel. Fast acting gel, also contains formaldehyde. Its effectiveness is noticeable after the first application. In addition to the antiseptic action, it has a tanning effect, affects the process of perspiration, normalizing it.
  4. Zinc ointment. Cheap remedy widely used in medicine and cosmetology. The safety of using the ointment is especially appreciated - it is suitable for use in children of any age.
  5. Urotropin. It has several forms of release: powder, ampoules with a solution, tablets. It is most effective to use at home the powder dissolved in water or ready solution. Apply before bedtime.
  6. Botox. It is used exclusively in beauty parlors. Injections are made medical workers, the person remains under their supervision after the procedure. Previously, this method of dealing with hyperhidrosis was used only abroad, today it is becoming more accessible and popular.

Choosing a drug for children is more difficult than for adults. Some of them have restrictions - from 6 years. However, hyperhidrosis childhood is rare, the main thing is to choose the right quality shoes for the season.

Important! What is often associated with the problem of hyperhidrosis in a teenager is a deterioration in self-esteem, the development of complexes. Condition normal development of a person - the elimination of all factors that provoke problems.

If excessive sweating is solely a cosmetic problem, it can be eliminated using the following remedies:

  1. Dry Dry. Foot deodorant for daily use. The manufacturer of the product is Sweden, whose cosmetics are valued as high quality all over the world. The Dry Dry series also includes an ointment for feet, a spray for insoles, shoes, which provides deo-control.
  2. Gevol. Cosmetic series for foot care. It will help get rid of not only excessive sweating, but also from an unpleasant odor. The manufacturer recommends using Gevol series lotion, balm, powder (talc) at the same time. Prices are usually cheaper when buying the whole "Increased Sweating" complex.
  3. 911. This cosmetic series also contains a cream for foot sweating - Nepotin. It has anti-inflammatory, drying effects. The cream contains natural ingredients, so it has practically no contraindications - extract of green tea, sage, linden, and other herbs.

You can buy these products in special cosmetic stores, on the official websites of manufacturers.

Advice! Wash your feet thoroughly before using any of them. To do this, you can use economic or tar soap. You can treat the feet before applying antiperspirants, deodorants with a solution of furacilin, salicylic acid.

Folk methods

You can reduce sweaty feet with folk methods if hyperhidrosis is not a sign of fungal, infectious disease. In these cases, only drug therapy. One of the folk remedies will help reduce sweating:

  1. Boric acid with baby powder. It is necessary to purchase any cosmetic deodorant or antiperspirant based on this substance, treat the feet with it every evening after washing. After soaking the product, apply baby powder, put on thin socks on top, leave until morning, so the effect is achieved at night. Instead of baby powder, you can use burnt alum, a product sold in pharmacies in the form of powder, which has a similar effect.
  2. Apple vinegar. Used for rubbing areas with excessive sweating. When the feet are clean, apply vinegar evenly to both feet with massaging movements. Leave on for 10 minutes, remove the residue with a cloth. In the morning, wash your feet with baby soap.
  3. Hydrogen peroxide. Another available remedy available in every first aid kit. Take peroxide and clean water room temperature in a ratio of 1:10, mix. Soak a cotton pad in the prepared solution, wipe the feet, paying attention to the area between the toes. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

When using folk remedies, it is important to make sure that there is no allergic reaction.


For the preparation of baths, you can use the following tools:

  1. Oak bark. Pour 10 tbsp. l. bark 2 liters of boiling water, bring to a boil, keep on low heat for 15 minutes. After cooling, do foot baths.
  2. Bay leaf. Pour 10 sheets of 1 liter of boiling water, leave to infuse for several hours. Before the procedure, add boiling water so that the temperature of the bath is comfortable.
  3. Soda. For 2 liters of water, take 3-4 tbsp. l. baking soda, mix. Drop into container with soda solution feet, hold for half an hour, adding warm water if necessary.
  4. Sea salt and iodine. For 2 liters of water, take 1 cup of sea salt, stir it until completely dissolved. Keep your feet in the prepared solution for 15-20 minutes. Salt is valued not only for helping with sweating, but also for having an antifungal effect.

Advice! Essential oils can be added to any foot bath to scent, eliminate odor, and soften rough skin.

Other recipes

Some other recipes that help remove excessive sweating are also popular:

  1. Tea tree oil. Before going to bed, you need to take gauze or cut off a bandage, moisten it in this product, wrap it around your legs, leave it overnight, putting on socks on top. Tea tree oil has practically no contraindications for use, so it can be used daily.
  2. Lemon. For the preparation of baths, you can use only its skins, so many actively use such an affordable tool. About 50 g of dried peels are added to 2 liters of boiling water, when everything cools down, you can make a foot bath. Also lemon peels added to other baths, for example, with soda solution.

The main rule when using any remedy for sweaty feet is that it is applied exclusively to clean feet.


efficient prophylactic sweaty feet is potassium permanganate - it can be used not only to combat hyperhidrosis, but also to prevent the problem from returning again. Several times a week, it is recommended to do foot baths with the addition of potassium permanganate, after washing your feet with tar or other soap with an antibacterial effect. At home, this procedure is simple to perform, it does not require special expensive tools.

  • change socks daily, if necessary - more often, without waiting until it appears heavy sweating, smell;
  • do not wear someone else's shoes;
  • buy high-quality shoes made from natural materials, wear them only for the season;
  • when washing your feet, pay attention to the areas between the toes;
  • if you suspect the appearance of a fungus, immediately contact a dermatologist.

Launched hyperhidrosis can provoke severe pain, serious problems with health, so it is important for everyone to follow preventive measures.

Thus, excessive sweating of the feet is not an eternal problem that you have to put up with. You can cope with it for a short juice with well-chosen treatment. It may consist of the use of pharmaceutical, cosmetics, supplemented by the use of folk recipes.

Sweaty, smelly feet cause a lot of trouble for a person suffering from hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating). Moreover, these problems are connected not so much with physiology as with psychology. With sweating feet, people are embarrassed to wear open shoes in the summer, they try not to take off their shoes at a party and in the store to try on shoes. We will review the most effective pharmacy remedies for sweating and foot odor.

The causes of sweaty feet and unpleasant odor in men, women, adolescents are:

  • synthetic socks, tights, insoles;
  • insufficient foot hygiene;
  • closed shoes and wearing them in a warm room;
  • stress and excitement;
  • increased physical activity;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • foot fungus;
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • endocrine pathologies;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • skin diseases.

Before choosing a remedy for sweating feet, you need to find out the cause of the onset of the disease, and then take action. You should consult a dermatologist who will give useful advice foot care and write a prescription for the necessary medicine.

Initially, the doctor prescribes sedatives, because often increased sweating develops against the background of unrest and stress. These drugs include motherwort, valerian tincture. Only people with increased excitability, these funds do not really help.

The dermatologist also prescribes bromides or tranquilizers. The disadvantage of these drugs is that they are highly addictive and are usually limited to 21 days. Such drugs well relieve irritability, stress and anxiety, which are common causes hyperhidrosis.

Help with this disease products containing atropine. They act on the sweat glands and sweating is significantly reduced. But it should be noted side effects in the form of decreased visual acuity, constipation, headaches.

The most popular and effective drugs

Today, you can buy remedies for foot odor in a pharmacy without any problems. The pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of drugs that help fight hyperhidrosis.


A good remedy for sweaty feet, able to destroy bacteria on the feet and fingers. It is an antiseptic, dries the skin, reduces sweat. You should be aware that the drug contains formaldehyde, which is toxic if it enters Airways, irritates them. Formidron is best used in the morning, applying it to clean, dry feet and between the toes. Use the drug no more than twice a day for no more than a month. It is forbidden to use it in the presence of damage to the skin or if there is a tendency to be allergic to the components of the drug.

Formaldehyde-based anti-sweating feet. Formagel is applied to the interdigital areas of the foot for 40 minutes, after which it is washed off with warm water. The drug is effective for two weeks, then the procedure should be repeated. Formagel is used for no more than 3 days. More long-term use can lead to dry skin or chemical burns. In the presence of open wounds, damage or allergic reactions agent should not be used.

Pasta Teimur

This is one of the most effective remedies for sweaty feet. It has a deodorizing, disinfecting and drying effect. The paste includes zinc oxide, which disinfects the skin, boric acid, which has a disinfectant effect, and talc, which dries well. The funds are applied before going to bed on dry, clean feet in a thin layer, and rubbed until completely penetrated into the skin. The disadvantages of the ointment include the fact that it stains linen.


Healing foot odor cream that can destroy harmful bacteria and reduce perspiration. The effectiveness of the drug cannot be reduced even by increased physical training and adoption of water procedures.


This drug is commonly used to treat genitourinary system, but it can also be used to keep your feet from sweating. Apply it to dry and cleanly washed feet with a cotton swab, giving Special attention interdigital areas. After treatment, wear warm socks. In the morning, feet should be washed with warm water and sprinkled with talcum powder.


It is an effective remedy for foot odor. Slows down the growth, reproduction of bacteria and foot fungus. This cheap powder is sold in any pharmacy. They can process the legs and at the same time fall asleep in shoes.

Popular antiperspirant to keep feet from sweating. Eliminates nasty smell, the leg remains dry. However, it should not be used frequently, as Drysol clogs the sweat glands and skin pores.

Pasta Lassara

One of the best means from sweaty feet. Dries the skin, eliminates its inflammation, soothes. This sweat remover creates a thin protective film on the skin of the feet, absorbs excess moisture, keeping the feet dry. for a long time. The paste contains zinc oxide, petroleum jelly, starch, salicylic acid.


Preparations based on starch, talc, boric acid, burnt alum are great for getting rid of odor and sweating of the feet. Powder slows down the growth of fungus and bacteria, absorbs sweat.

In order to get rid of sweat and foot odor, it is not enough just to use medicinal pharmaceutical products. It is necessary to take care of the hygiene of your feet, carefully choose socks, tights and take care of shoes so that the foot feels comfortable. So it is better to treat shoes or boots with a water-repellent cream, shoes should be dried from the inside and treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide or vinegar.

Means that eliminate sweating and unpleasant foot odor, pharmacy chains and modern pharmaceuticals offer a large quantity. Their choice depends on the cause of such a nuisance as hyperhidrosis. An individually selected remedy for sweating and odor will keep your feet dry and clean, they will stop smelling. Self-confidence will return to a person, because now you can safely take off your shoes without fear of leaving a sweat mark or frighten those around you with a disgusting smell.

Sweat glands, located all over the body, help regulate body temperature. internal organs providing adequate heat transfer. On the feet, under the armpits, on the palms, these formations form local accumulations, and sweat is released more intensively here. Often a person is interested in what needs to be done so that the legs do not sweat and an unpleasant odor does not appear. Let us consider in more detail the causes and methods of dealing with excessive sweating.

Sweating - normal physiological process. It is necessary to fight sweating in case of excessive humidity and when an unpleasant odor appears. It is worth remembering that a prolonged course of hyperhidrosis may indicate serious pathologies in the body.

An iodine test will help determine the fact of excessive sweating. 4-5 drops of iodine are added to 100 ml of water, the resulting solution is applied to the feet, and then the feet are powdered with starch. Blue skin indicates the development of hyperhidrosis, which requires treatment.

Causes of Bad Smell

Neglect of hygiene recommendations or disruption of the functioning of organs and systems can provoke pathology. Bacteria that live on the surface of the skin are the direct cause of bad breath. When highlighting a large number sweat microbes actively decompose the main components biological fluid. In addition, high humidity increases the risk of fungal diseases.


Excessive sweating on the legs usually occurs due to poor hygiene. This problem is more common in warm time year, when sweat is released almost constantly, because in this way the body regulates its internal temperature and prevents dangerous overheating.

Feet can smell bad in such cases:

  • Wrong choice of shoes. Too close a pair with poor ventilation, made of artificial materials, causes a kind of "greenhouse" effect.
  • Constant wearing of knitwear made of low-quality synthetics. Sweat cannot evaporate normally and there is a local overheating of the feet.
  • Strenuous physical work. Muscular exertion increases heat dissipation, and sweat helps to cool the skin. Therefore, when physical stress glands begin to intensively produce sweat and remove it through the skin.
  • Abuse of salty, spicy, richly spiced dishes.
  • Hygiene violations. In the cold season, you need to wash your feet at least once a day, in summer and early autumn - as often as possible.

Negative factors are quite easy to eliminate: just choose shoes and knitwear for the season, regularly change socks, stockings and tights. In some cases, adjusting the diet will help eliminate the smell. Do not forget about regular hygiene procedures Oh.

Body pathologies

A local increase in sweating often accompanies diseases, timely treatment which guarantees the elimination of the problem. In some cases, excessive sweating is important symptom. If a long time If you can’t get rid of the problem on your own, you need to see a doctor for an examination.

Feet can sweat a lot with such pathologies:

  • disorders of the autonomic nervous system - local neurosis affecting the fibers going to the feet;
  • endocrine diseases - excessive activity of the thyroid gland, early stages diabetes, some disorders in the work of the adrenal glands;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • chronic venous insufficiency, which is often called varicose veins veins of the lower extremities;
  • mycosis of the skin and nails.

In this case, it will help to get rid of the unpleasant odor. timely detection and adequate treatment pathologies. Proven Methods traditional medicine relieve enough unpleasant symptoms hyperhidrosis. In some difficult cases, doctors may recommend the introduction of Botox. This substance blocks the neuromuscular transmission and for a certain period of time (from 6 to 18 months) relieves the patient of the manifestations of sweating. Such therapy is carried out in specialized clinics.

Fighting methods

You can get rid of sweaty feet at home with the help of special deodorants and chemicals, able to regulate the release of sweat or quickly adsorb it. With regular use, traditional medicine recipes are effective.

Perfumes and pharmaceuticals

To eliminate odor, you can choose powders, deodorants, gels and creams that suppress or significantly limit the production of sweat. You can fight sweaty feet with antiperspirant deodorants or aromatic talcs. It is recommended to give preference to products containing zinc or aluminum oxide. These compounds reliably prevent odor formation.

In the pharmacy you can buy Teymurov's paste. This effective tool is affordable, and fights hyperhidrosis no worse than expensive cosmetic products. To speed up the absorption of sweat, shoes can be treated with medical (baby) powder. The components that make up this product suppress sweat and bind fluid well. For the same purpose, you can use potato or rice starch.

Traditional medicine recipes

What to do if your feet sweat a lot, and deodorants can not cope with it? To combat hyperhidrosis, you can use baths, compresses or wraps, as well as take it orally pharmacy tinctures hawthorn, peony, motherwort, which regulate the functioning of the nervous system.


Baths for sweating feet remain the most reliable and affordable method of combating excess sweat. Procedures are usually carried out in evening time at bedtime, continuing the treatment until the desired result is obtained.

For baths, components with a tanning effect are used:

To enhance the effect, you can sprinkle shoes and socks with powder from oak bark crushed in a coffee grinder.


Solutions that contain substances with antiseptic effects will help get rid of an unpleasant odor:

  1. Apple cider vinegar can be used undiluted on the skin. This solution should be lubricated between the toes, feet, upper part of the foot.
  2. Ordinary table vinegar for rubbing is bred boiled water in a ratio of 1:5.
  3. Essential oils have a disinfecting effect. For this purpose, you can use oil extracts eucalyptus, mint, lavender, tea tree. These funds can be added to water and treat problem areas on the legs and arms with it, as well as rub pure oil (2-3 drops each) into the skin of the feet.

Hyperhidrosis, despite the prevalence of the problem, is quite easy to treat with careful attention to own body. Carrying out simple hygiene procedures, the use of pharmaceutical or perfumery products, traditional medicine recipes will help eliminate this symptom. If excessive sweating is a symptom of the disease, then timely treatment of the underlying pathology will reduce its manifestations.

Increased sweating occurs when severe stress, during a difficult physical work, in case of non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene. In a humid environment, bacteria begin to multiply rapidly, which leads to the appearance of an unpleasant amber. If you choose the right remedy for foot odor, you can get rid of the problem for a long time.

There are different ways to combat sweaty feet.

Hyperhidrosis can be a consequence of diabetes mellitus, organ diseases respiratory system heart, hypertension, malfunctioning of the thyroid gland, hormonal imbalance. If no improvement is observed when using external agents, a complete medical examination is necessary.

Best foot odor remedy

Medicines for the treatment of hyperhidrosis, elimination of unpleasant foot odor are produced in the form of sprays, creams, ointments, powders. Some products need to be applied directly to the skin, others are designed to disinfect shoes.

Effective, safe and inexpensive remedy against unpleasant odor and excessive sweating of the armpits and legs in the form of a pharmaceutical deodorant. It has a disinfectant, cooling, antibacterial effect. Similar therapeutic properties also has Teimurov's pasta.


  • salicylic acid- has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • sodium borate - used as a preservative, eliminates and prevents the appearance of an unpleasant odor;
  • tea tree oil, lavender, lemon balm - antibacterial components, prevent infection with fungal infections;
  • mint essential oil - a vasoconstrictor;
  • menthol - refreshes and deodorizes the skin.

Teymurov's spray has an antibacterial property

The product should be applied to clean and dry skin - 1-3 times a day, it is quickly absorbed, does not leave marks on shoes. The spray cannot be used to treat the dermis if it has rashes, irritations, and is not suitable for persons under 18 years of age. average price- 86 rubles.

Natural spray to remove the smell of sweat from clothes, shoes, the main advantage is that only natural ingredients are present in the composition, so it can be used by pregnant women and children. Special plant enzymes decompose odor molecules, destroy them, and do not mask them.

Instructions for use:

  1. Take off your shoes.
  2. Spray thoroughly from the inside, put the shoes in a plastic bag.
  3. Spray on socks and feet.
  4. Wait half an hour.
  5. Dry your shoes
  6. Cover them with plastic.
  7. After half an hour, remove the film, let the shoes dry.

Spray Duftafit contains only natural ingredients

Duftafit - produced in Germany, in the Russian Federation it can be bought on the official website of the Dufta company or in an online pharmacy. The cost of a 100 ml bottle is 570 rubles, 250 ml - 1370 rubles. You can purchase large containers of 1 l, 3.5 l for refueling.

Cream-gel for the treatment of hyperhidrosis on any part of the body, eliminates the main cause of unpleasant odor - fungal infections. They release a product for men and women, because work sweat glands differs among representatives of different sexes. After 3-4 days, the amount of sweat decreases, pathogenic microorganisms disappear.

Cream-gel Nepotoff fights fungal infections

Cream to be applied thin layer on the clean skin of the feet, the interdigital zone, the substance must be rubbed for 1-3 minutes, the remnants should be removed with a napkin so that there are no marks on socks and shoes. Duration of therapy - 3-4 days, a second course, if necessary, can be repeated after 2 weeks. The product should not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding not suitable for the treatment of persons with chronic kidney disease. The drug is contraindicated in the presence inflammatory processes in the acute stage, with fresh wounds, erosions, cracks. The cost of the spray is 1300 rubles, you can buy it on the official website.

A good shoe powder with antibacterial and antifungal action. Used to get rid of the unpleasant smell of the feet, protect the dermis from fungal infections and inflammation.

Product properties:

  • salicylic and boric acid penetrates deep into the skin, fights inflammation, helps soften corns;
  • zinc absorbs excess moisture, normalizes the process of sweating;
  • menthol, calamine, camphor - relieve itching, normalize blood circulation, prevent cracks.

Powder Borosin - effective antifungal agent

To process a pair of shoes, it is enough to use half of one bag, the procedure should be carried out immediately before putting on shoes. Course duration - 5 days, therapeutic effect continues for several months. The tool belongs to budget options, you can buy it at the pharmacy.

One of the best antiperspirants that quickly eliminates excessive sweating, reduces the activity of sweat glands, and is suitable even for very sensitive skin. The composition contains a 20% solution of aluminum chloride hexahydrate - the substance effectively eliminates the manifestations of hyperhidrosis, but with prolonged use it can cause blockage of pores.

Drysol will not harm even very sensitive skin

The product should be applied to problem areas before going to bed, left to dry completely. In the morning it is necessary to wash off the remnants of the drug warm water to avoid irritation. In total, 2-4 procedures are required, for prevention, you can use an antiperspirant 1-2 times a week. The cost is 2200 rubles, they sell the medicine in online pharmacies.

Cosmetic cream, which is used to soften the skin on the legs, eliminate calluses. But due to the presence of some ingredients in the composition, the product helps to eliminate the unpleasant odor.

The basis of the cream is urea, which has an exfoliating, softening and regenerating effect, improves the barrier functions of the skin. Additionally, tea tree oil is present in the composition - one of the best natural remedies to fight fungi.

Cream Aptekar not only fights with an unpleasant smell, but also moisturizes the skin of the feet

The cream should be applied to clean, dry feet 2-3 times a day. You can buy it in pharmacies or specialized stores - the average price is 100-120 rubles.

A complex remedy for sweating in the form of a solution, helps to get rid of calluses and warts on the feet. The basis of the product is formaldehyde, in addition, alcohol, cologne, water are present in the composition.

Fernomide - complex tool from sweaty feet

Moisten a cotton pad with the solution, wipe clean, dry skin on problem areas, rinse your feet with warm water after half an hour. Carry out the procedure once a day, after 3 applications the unpleasant odor will disappear. Adverse reactions has not been identified, but the drug should be used with caution during pregnancy, lactation, not suitable for the treatment of children. The cost is 35 rubles. for 50 ml.

Antiseptic and deodorizing alcohol solution based on formaldehyde. It has an antifungal, cooling effect, can be used to treat feet and shoes.

Formidron has an antifungal effect

The drug should be used 1-2 times a day, cotton swab you need to moisten in a solution, wipe clean skin or shoes. The product must not be applied to very sensitive skin, in the presence of inflammatory processes in the dermis, are not used to treat patients under 14 years of age. The average price is 45–50 rubles.

Natural antifungal agent from China, quickly eliminates itching, inflammation, has antiseptic and moisturizing properties. Helps to get rid of fungal infections, unpleasant odor.


  • ash roots;
  • sophora;
  • Chinese ink nut;
  • mint;
  • false larch;
  • menthol;
  • honeysuckle, peony, gardenia.

Ointment Army contains natural ingredients

The product must be applied to problem areas three times a day for 30 days. Contraindications - pregnancy, lactation, age under 5 years. You can order it in an online pharmacy, the cost is 180–230 rubles.

The company produces a whole series of anti-sweat products. The most popular products in the form of powder and ointment - destroy bacteria, normalize sweating. The preparations have deodorizing, antibacterial, drying, fungicidal properties, eliminate itching, prevent the appearance of diaper rash, cracks. Composition - camphor, talc, boric and salicylic acid, menthol. The ointment contains glycerin, which retains moisture and prevents the skin from drying out.

Mode of application:

  1. Wash feet with soap and dry.
  2. Pour 1 sachet of powder into the shoes just before going out.
  3. The ointment should be applied to clean skin once a day before going to bed.

Galenopharm 5d helps to normalize sweating

After 5 days, all the unpleasant symptoms of hyperhidrosis, mycosis will disappear, if necessary, the course can be repeated after a two-week break. Therapeutic action lasts six months. The tool can be purchased at a pharmacy, the cost of the powder is 120 rubles, the ointment is 80 rubles.

Use any drug should be only after prior consultation with your doctor. Even the most safe drugs may cause severe adverse reactions.

Folk remedies for foot odor and sweating

Get rid of excessive sweating and unpleasant foot odor will help unconventional methods. For treatment, herbs, some improvised means are used.

Baths against sweating

Water procedures - The best way fight against hyperhidrosis, help to normalize the work of sweat glands, eliminate unpleasant odors. Baths can be used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes.

How to get rid of sweating with baths:

  1. Mix 30 g of willow and oak bark, chop, pour 1.5 liters of boiling water. Simmer the mixture over low heat for 10 minutes, cool, strain. Dip your feet into the solution and hold for 25 minutes. One of the components can be replaced with chamomile inflorescences.
  2. Vinegar ordinary or apple perfectly copes with hyperhidrosis, mycosis - you need to mix 45 ml of vinegar with 2 liters warm water, immerse the feet for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Brew 5 liters of boiling water 400 g of spruce or pine needles, wrap the container with the mixture, leave for 2 hours. Strain the solution, keep your feet in the liquid for half an hour.

In addition to water procedures before leaving the house, you can wipe the skin clean apple cider vinegar or a slice of lemon, pour a little boric acid into your socks.

Tinctures and powders for the treatment of hyperhidrosis

If there is no pharmacy powder on hand to eliminate the smell of sweat, get rid of unpleasant problem some help folk remedies.

Effective powders:

  • talc - crushed mineral that dries the skin well, eliminates odor, gives a feeling of freshness;
  • starch - helps even with advanced forms of hyperhidrosis, but the agent turns the liquid into a viscous substance that sticks to the skin, rubs;
  • a mixture of equal amounts of salt, cornstarch and soda;
  • oak bark - grind dried raw materials into powder, apply to clean feet, put on socks made of natural materials, do not wash your feet in the morning, gently shake off the rest of the powder.

Talc - good remedy to combat foot odor

Effectively combats sweating birch tincture- pour 40 g of kidneys with 250 ml of vodka, send the mixture to a dark room for 10 days. Treat problem areas twice a day for 10-20 days.

Excessive sweating of the feet is a common problem that occurs in children and adults. The cause of hyperhidrosis may be external factors, genetic predisposition, some diseases. For effective treatment It is better to use pharmacy and home remedies in a complex.

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