What can and can not be done in cases of severe sweating after childbirth. Why there is increased sweating after childbirth Night sweats while breastfeeding

Sweating after childbirth is added to the many causes of stress and postpartum depression. Only one out of ten young mothers passes this trouble. The rest have to put up with the situation or look for ways to deal with it.

Why is this happening

Very often, increased sweating is observed at night, closer to the morning. But for many, this process continues throughout the day. There are mothers who begin to sweat profusely on the eve of milk flushes.

Wet can become not only the armpits, but the back, buttocks, head. It happens that sweat acquires a sharp unpleasant odor, even if this has never happened before. This condition usually lasts the first week, sometimes dragging on for up to two months. Breastfeeding mothers can get "wet" during the entire period of breastfeeding.

But at the same time there is no temperature, fever, chills, headaches, nausea. If these symptoms appear, or excessive sweating persists for more than two to three months, you should consult your doctor. They do the same when the sweating has passed, and after a while it began to appear again.

Usually this phenomenon is explained by physiological reasons. That is, it is the result of the normal functioning of the body. There are several possible reasons for this phenomenon:

  1. Removal of fluid.
  2. Hormonal changes.
  3. Overwork, stress.
  4. The structure of tissues.

In the first week, the body actively gets rid of excess fluid accumulated during pregnancy. And not only later - the kidneys are also included in this process, so you have to go to the toilet quite often.

The influence of hormones manifests itself in different ways. Heavy sweating in the first week is due to a sharp decrease in estrogen levels. This affects the hypothalamus, which in turn controls the body's heat production. There are failures, the result of which is "overheating". To compensate for it, sweat secretion increases. More heat is produced at rest, that is, at night, hence the night sweats.

If the baby is regularly breastfed, then his mother produces prolactin. It can also affect perspiration. That is why in nursing, severe sweating is observed before the inflow of milk and lasts longer than a week, sometimes up to the complete transition of the child to regular food.

Doctors point to a constant nervous load, stressful situations, as well as exhaustion of the body after childbirth, as possible causes of increased sweat production.

The most interesting explanation is the structure of the mammary glands. They are very similar to modified sweat ones. It is possible that the “command” for lactation is incorrectly perceived by the sweat glands themselves, which is why they also begin to work hard.

What Not to Do

The first thing to learn is that heavy sweating after childbirth is not dangerous. You can not take it to heart, worry, be nervous. The emotional state of the mother is reflected not only on herself, but also on the newborn. It is better to remain calm, especially since everything will be fine soon.

No need to reduce the amount of fluid entering the body. First, it will cause a decrease in milk production. Secondly, water is the basis for metabolism. Drinking enough of it, a person contributes to the normal operation of all systems, including the normalization of sweating.

Various remedies used for hyperhidrosis, in this case, may be unpleasant for the child or even dangerous for him. Therefore, most medicines and medical procedures are simply prohibited for young mothers.

This is especially true for rubbing with decoctions according to folk recipes. Some of them are allowed to be used, but very carefully. The essential substances contained in herbs can seriously change the smell and even the taste of the mother, causing irritation in the baby.

How to fix the situation

There are still ways to influence how much a woman will sweat. Safe, harmless, even beneficial:

  1. You need to watch your diet.
  2. It is permissible to take vitamin complexes with the permission of a doctor (pediatrician, gynecologist).
  3. Drink enough clean water.
  4. Maintain body hygiene.
  5. Wear suitable clothing.
  6. Keep fit.

A balanced diet has a positive effect on metabolism. Thanks to proper nutrition, each person will sweat less. The smell of sweat also becomes less intense. In nursing mothers, with a reasonable selection of products, lactation is stabilized.

The only correct diet does not exist, since each organism is individual. In a couple of weeks, it is quite possible to understand what you need to eat and what you should not eat. You can go to the clinic for biochemical tests. The “folk” method for determining the correct nutrition is an assessment of the state of urine: a large amount of it and a light shade indicate an incorrect diet.

  • do not eat fatty foods, it is recommended to exclude spices altogether;
  • monitor the amount of fiber (cereals, legumes, vegetables);
  • meat and fish are better lean, baked;
  • the presence of first courses is a must;
  • of course, dairy products are needed - low-fat cottage cheese, yogurts.

Drink about two liters of water. More precisely, you can calculate taking into account your own weight and all the fluid consumed per day. But even without this, it is better to drink a couple of glasses more than less.

Clothing fits the one in which you feel comfortable. The best option is cotton, the worst is synthetic. It should be comfortable, well-permeable to air and moisture.

Physical condition is supported not only by sports. Nevertheless, a light gymnastic complex is very useful in this case, and at least regular morning exercises. In addition, you need to try to follow the regime of the day, get enough sleep. Walking in the fresh air is also an indispensable element, useful not only for the baby, but also for his mother.

Is it necessary to be treated

It is quite normal to sweat for not one or two, but even several weeks after childbirth. For a nursing mother, this period is sometimes extended for the entire period of breastfeeding. There are situations when a woman wakes up completely wet every morning: hair, bed, as they say, “at least wring it out.” This is also within the framework of physiology, if there are no other disorders in the body.

Of course, there are cases that require immediate consultation with a doctor. You can discuss the situation even with a pediatrician who comes to visit the baby. Or contact your gynecologist. But it is best to find a doctor who is well versed in what excessive sweating is and what causes it. No need to be shy to ask any questions, be nervous and worried. This problem exists in many people and in most women after childbirth.

Be sure to contact the clinic if:

  • severe sweating causes anxiety, and the woman is unable to cope with the problem on her own, constructive explanations from the doctor can have a good effect on the emotional state if there are no other symptoms;
  • the temperature has risen, shivering, a feverish condition has appeared - this may be manifestations of a postpartum infection;
  • any other symptoms are disturbing - perhaps problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys, serious hormonal disorders manifest themselves;
  • everything went away, but after a while it returned - sweating can be caused by colds, infectious diseases.

Many women sweat a lot after childbirth, and this is even necessary for the body. Therefore, the main thing is not to panic, the measures taken must be reasonable. Of course, you need to control your own state so as not to miss the real problem if it arises.

Breastfeeding is an important milestone in a woman's life. Connecting time with your baby.

Unfortunately, in addition to pleasant moments, this process often causes discomfort. One of the unpleasant situations is when a nursing mother sweats a lot when she puts her baby to her breast.

The causes of this pathology most often lie in the hormonal changes in the body, but can be symptoms of serious diseases.

The factors of increased sweating in a mother while feeding a child are:

  • Hormonal reorganization. During the accumulation of fluid, which from the moment the child is born becomes unnecessary. Moisture gradually leaves the body, forcing the nursing mother strongly during sleep. This process is normalized in 3-4 months.
  • lactation itself. The hormones oxytocin and prolactin are responsible for the production and quality of milk. Their increased content in the blood provokes increased work of the mammary glands. Increased sweating of a young mother during lactation is associated with the desire of the brain to cool a tired body, to prevent overheating.
  • Emotional after childbirth, provoked by a drop in the level of estrogen in the blood.
  • Increased sweat production can occur in a situation where the body does not have time to rebuild from one state to another. Feeling pregnant, the body continues to produce excess fluid, leading to increased sweating of nursing mothers. Within a month after childbirth, the condition returns to normal and the pathology will disappear by itself.
  • Postpartum depression, nervous strain, fear for the baby cause a sharp release during breastfeeding.
  • that appeared during pregnancy. A woman who has given birth may not immediately bring herself back to normal. During breastfeeding, it is forbidden to lose weight, exercise in the gym. Accumulated extra pounds remain, causing discomfort and causing the body to sweat intensely after the slightest physical exertion. In addition, the sebum produced along with the liquid becomes an excellent environment for the development of bacteria, as a result of which breast milk can have a characteristic smell of sweat. As soon as the weight returns to normal, the discomfort caused by increased sweating in a nursing mother will disappear.
  • Endocrinological diseases, such as hypoglycemia associated with metabolic disorders, make you sweat during feeding. These pathologies require medical correction, especially if they were diagnosed during pregnancy.
  • Viral infections, accompanied by fever and fever, not only cause discomfort, causing increased production of moisture, but can also cause unpleasant conditions during lactation.
  • Mastitis is a disease caused by stagnation of milk in the milk ducts, the symptoms of which are high fever, chills, and profuse sweating. With this pathology, you must immediately seek medical help.
  • Hyperhidrosis is excessive sweating. Nursing mothers suffering from this disease sweat more than others, especially at night. The secreted liquid may be accompanied by an unpleasant odor.
  • Oncology, hormonal changes in the body can provoke the growth of atypical cells, and as a result of a cancerous tumor. The stage of metastasis formation in a nursing mother is characterized by increased sweating. If you find this problem, do not panic. With early diagnosis, the disease is completely curable.

During lactation, the use of cosmetics and medications that help reduce the excessive sweating of a breastfeeding woman is prohibited.

For prevention, hygiene procedures and methods of traditional medicine are used. Should:

  • Stick to a sparing diet. It is forbidden to use fatty, fried, products containing chemical dyes and carcinogens, confectionery, lemonade. The listed products can cause diathesis in a child and sweating of a woman during lactation.
  • It is necessary to completely abandon coffee.
  • Wash the breasts with cool water before and after putting on the baby. Do not use cosmetic detergents for hygiene.
  • Observe the drinking regime. Reducing fluid intake can lead to increased breast function, fluid secretion and, as a result, increased sweating during lactation, especially at night.
  • Take a vitamin complex that contributes to the normalization of metabolism.
  • Avoid stagnation of milk, viral infections that can lead to the development of a feverish state.
  • For diseases of the endocrine system, take the drugs prescribed by the doctor.
  • Wear only cotton underwear that absorbs moisture well and allows the skin to breathe. provokes a strong production of sweat in a nursing mother.
  • A woman will be helped to cope with the abundance of fluid released, attached to the wrong side of the clothes. They absorb well and eliminate odor.

To eliminate excessive sweating during breastfeeding, you can follow the recommendations:

  • take a shower 2 times a day;
  • take daily walks in the fresh air;
  • ventilate the room, preventing air stagnation;
  • once a week take a bath with herbal tea from chamomile, sage, oak bark;
  • wipe the armpits and under the breasts with a swab dipped in a solution of medicinal herbs or potassium permanganate;
  • after hygiene procedures, treat the armpits with baby powder or starch;
  • cold compresses applied to the armpits between feedings will help to cope with sweating during lactation;
  • you need to get enough sleep, so sometimes you should ask grandparents for help with the child.

Breastfeeding is an important physiological process, often accompanied by hyperhidrosis. Hygiene procedures, proper nutrition, daily routine and herbal herbal teas will help a nursing mother to cope with strong sweating during the first months after childbirth.

Both pregnancy itself and the process of childbirth are a lot of stress for a woman's body. It undergoes many changes that affect absolutely all organs and systems. The hormonal system suffers the most. She reacts differently to stressful situations. One of the options for deviations is excessive sweating after childbirth.

Excessive sweating is a problem for almost all women in labor. In some it is more pronounced, in others it is less.

Usually a woman faces a problem in the first few days after the birth of a baby. Completely solve it manages to two months. Most heavy sweating occurs at night. It affects the axillary zones, head, back and lower back.

Expectant mothers rarely think about how they will feel after childbirth. They are more concerned about the correct bearing of the child and the birth itself. But after the baby is born, the body will begin to recover, and this process can bring some troubles with it.

If heavy sweating is observed within two months after childbirth, this is the norm. And if more - you should consult a doctor and, possibly, undergo an additional examination. By the way, if a woman experienced similar problems during pregnancy, it is quite possible that they will haunt her in the period after the birth of a child.

Why is this happening?

Increased sweating appears after childbirth for several reasons:

  1. Strong stress. It occurs due to malfunctions in the hormonal system. In the body, the level of estrogen is rapidly decreasing. The hypothalamus (the part of the brain that regulates body temperature) recognizes this decrease as a violation and begins to produce heat. To get rid of a large amount of heat, the body sweats profusely. This is the main reason why a young mother began to sweat a lot.
  2. During the bearing of the baby, a lot of fluid accumulates in the mother's body. Increased perspiration - the ability to remove excess and normalize water balance.
  3. Postpartum stress or depression. As well as disorders of the autonomic nervous system, these conditions can cause profuse sweating.
  4. In some cases, the body simply does not have time to rebuild. Actively sweating, it protects the fetus from overheating and possible abortion.
  5. Excess weight gained during pregnancy.

Possible Solutions

To begin with, it is worth understanding that the problem will be solved over time. No need to be nervous and worried once again, because stress can only aggravate the situation. It will also have a bad effect on the baby, who subtly feels his mother's mood.

There are several ways to get rid of excessive sweating. Their main goal is to restore metabolism.

  • Proper nutrition. Every day, a young mother should receive all the necessary substances with food. It is advisable to completely abandon very fatty and spicy foods, but eat more foods with fiber: lean meat, seafood, milk, cottage cheese, cereals. It is recommended to take vitamin complexes. But before using them, you need to consult a doctor.
  • Proper drinking regime. Many people think that reducing fluid intake will reduce sweating. It's a delusion. The right amount of pure water helps restore metabolism. The amount of water needed depends on body weight. Usually it is about two liters per day.
  • Complete sleep and relaxation. It is important to get enough sleep and walk as much as possible. You can set aside time for gymnastics. Physical exercise will help return the metabolism to its original state and, as a result, the woman will sweat less.
  • Hygiene. Do not forget about hygiene measures. This is a shower, washing or wiping.
  • In clothes, preference should be given to natural fabrics, such as cotton or linen.

Are medications needed?

There is no specific treatment for postpartum excessive sweating. Experts suggest using a set of measures that will help alleviate the condition. However, you should be careful: some drugs are contraindicated for a woman who is breastfeeding.

Caution should also be taken with some traditional medicine. For example, wiping with various decoctions can irritate the baby.

When to go to the doctor?

If the problem of increased sweating is solved within about two months after childbirth, you should not worry. However, if sweating continues and more, has a sharp and unpleasant odor, you should immediately consult a doctor. It may be caused by certain diseases.

Folk and other means

Deodorants will help to alleviate the situation a little. You need to purchase those that contain a minimum of harmful substances.

You can use traditional medicine recipes:

  • 5 tsp Pour baking soda into 1 cup of warm water. Mix well. With this solution, wipe those places that sweat the most.
  • Take 1 tbsp. oak bark. Pour 1 cup boiling water over and leave for half an hour. After the infusion, strain, moisten a cotton swab with it and wipe heavily sweating places.
  • Essential oil with antiseptic properties will help to cope with the smell of sweat. These are oils of lavender, bergamot, fennel, cedar. Add a couple of drops to a glass of water. Use to wipe the skin.
  • An excellent option is burnt alum. They have anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Apply directly to the skin.
  • 3 tbsp pharmacy chamomile pour a liter of boiling water. Leave for 1 hour. Add 1 tbsp. soda and stir. Infusion to use for lotions.
  • In the fight against profuse sweating, horsetail helps a lot. To prepare the infusion, you need to pour it with boiled water in a ratio of 1 to 10. Infuse for a day. Wipe the skin twice a day. You can prepare an alcohol infusion. Combine the herb with vodka or alcohol in the same proportions, strain and use for rubbing.
  • If you can’t take a shower, you can use wet wipes and a slice of lemon. Wipe, for example, armpits with napkins, and then with lemon.
  • If your face sweats a lot, you can wash your face with cold tea or milk. A mask of fresh tomatoes or rubbing with lemon slices will have a good effect.

Increased sweating during postpartum recovery is normal. It is caused by many factors, in particular, hormonal failure and the stressful state of the body, it disappears after about 2 months.

You can alleviate the situation with the help of proper nutrition, physical activity, personal hygiene measures and some traditional medicine. The main thing is not to overdo it, and if frightening symptoms appear (a pungent smell, for example), immediately consult a doctor.

We will talk about a delicate topic: "". We will discuss the causes of heavy sweating in breastfeeding moms and look at possible ways to reduce sweating. I confess frankly, and I was not spared by severe sweating, the causes of which lie in the changed hormonal background of a woman.

Excessive sweating in women: causes and treatment

It’s rare that after giving birth, having started breastfeeding, it remains with thick hair, usually the hair just climbs (), and some muscle sagging is added to everything else - the butt disappears, but if you’re not lazy, but how to reduce sweating? I will try not only to reveal the causes of hyperhidrosis (the medical name of the problem), but also to tell how nursing mothers should not treat this temporary feature of your body.

Photo of hyperhidrosis in nursing mothers

Excessive Sweating Causes of Hyperhidrosis

Since we are talking exclusively about lactating women, the hormonal background rules the ball. The body has a hard time, because you need to instantly rebuild. By itself, sweat is very necessary for the body, as a way of thermoregulation. Here are some reasons for heavy sweating after childbirth:

  • After childbirth, the body independently occurs a kind of "shrinkage of the body" removing excess fluid from the tissues with sweat.
  • A strong lack of extragen (compared to pregnancy) is a clear provocateur of hyperhidrosis, and every second nursing mother in the first months is irritably considering how to reduce sweating.
  • The body did not have time to rebuild after pregnancy and actively continues to cool, sweating so that the body and the fetus do not overheat inside, which entails the threat of miscarriage (this was the case during pregnancy).
  • The crying of the baby causes not only a rush of milk, but also active sweating.
  • Excess weight.

Excessive sweating in women: the causes and treatment after childbirth interested me like no one else. Now everything has returned to normal, but I remember the first 2-3 months with horror. As soon as my baby cried, the milk rushed wildly, and I was thrown into sweat. The first 2 months were especially difficult - continuous unrest and stress. I gained a lot of weight during pregnancy, so everything was sweating: between the breasts, the stomach, under the armpits. The smell of sweat has also changed, it has become (for me personally, it resembles a caustic onion). I constantly sniffed myself and took a shower 5-6 times a day (each time after feeding and pumping). It was embarrassing to discuss this problem, but the heat of 30 degrees outside and the endless "hot flashes" made me call .... a gynecologist. They explained to me that very soon, as soon as I stop, like a mother hen, cowardly over the child, everything will work out, and I will stop looking for the causes of severe sweating, but at the same time they sent me to be tested for stress hormones:

  • Cortisol
  • Prolactin (surprisingly).

There was also a blood test for sugar (with an increase in sugar levels, hanged hyperhidrosis is also observed)

My cortisol went through the roof five times (!).

She told me that severe sweating, the causes of which we found out in nursing mothers, is divided into areas of localization:

  • General (when he throws everything into the sweat),
  • Local increase in sweating (hair and face, chest and armpits, feet and palms).

If such symptoms do not disappear after 6 months (provided that you are breastfeeding all this time), you should immediately go to an endocrinologist or neurologist.

Let me tell you how my story ends. When Anechka was 2 months old, we went to the next weigh-in, and it turned out that in the second month my daughter gained as much as 2 kg. After this event, I somehow imperceptibly ceased to be disturbed by such a question as excessive sweating in women: causes and treatment.

How to reduce sweating - what should not be taken by a nursing mother

Unfortunately, no one knows in advance how long excessive sweating will bother him. A nursing mother should absolutely not take special medications to solve such a delicate situation. If a doctor (do not self-medicate) advises you to “drink” something from the list below, then you most likely forgot to mention that you are a nursing mother:

  1. Formidron,
  2. Formagel,
  3. Teimur paste.

They are dangerous because they are made on the basis of formaldehyde. The following four drugs block the production of certain hormones:

  • clonidine,
  • benzotropine,
  • oxybutin,
  • beta blockers.

They have very dangerous side effects: impaired speech function, difficulty swallowing food, difficulty urinating and constipation. Do you need something from this set?

If you are offered "herbal preparations". I recommend asking their base. Since the following products are produced on the basis of BELADONNA (a very poisonous plant):

  • Bellataminal,
  • Bellaspon.

And 3 or 4 more preparations, which at the beginning contain the root "bela".

If drugs should not be used, how then to be, which is the answer to the topic of this article: "excessive sweating in women: causes and treatment." Nursing mothers can only use folk methods that have been proven for centuries.

How to reduce sweating - folk methods

photo of sage - grass from sweating

Save tea with herbs. For a long time, it was sage flowers that were used in Russia, the recipe is still relevant today. Take a tablespoon of sage flowers and pour hot water (not boiling water). Insist and drink in small sips. The secret lies in magnesium, which is abundant in the plant. However, it should not be drunk without interruption for more than a month. The next plant is lemon balm (2 teaspoons per glass of well-hot water). Such. If your feet sweat a lot, then a decoction of oak bark is a proven remedy. If the armpits sweat heavily and the nursing mother has a fairly calm little one, it is worth trying compresses in the armpit from the roots of Althea.

Increased sweating is evidence of the ongoing hormonal restructuring of the body to function according to the new scheme. Heavy sweating after pregnancy ends within two months. If excessive sweating after childbirth persists for a longer time, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor.

Severe sweating after childbirth normally disappears after two months

Sweating is regulated by the hypothalamus, the brain structure responsible for thermoregulation. Since all body functions are controlled by hormones, any changes in the hormonal background lead to the fact that the autonomic system begins to malfunction and the young mother notices that she has begun to sweat at night.

During pregnancy, a woman's estrogen rises, which is responsible for a specific emotional response to the fetus, so that she protects it. After the birth of a baby, you don’t need to be so careful anymore (nature argues simply - if a pregnant woman gets into trouble, two individuals will die, if a nursing mother - one individual can survive), estrogen drops and prolactin is produced, which is responsible for producing the best food for your baby for the next year - milk. A sharp drop in estrogen, which is produced at night, causes night sweats in women after childbirth.

No less stressful than normal childbirth for mother and child is a caesarean section. In this case, the woman also often notices that she began to sweat at night.

Why night sweats occur in new mothers

Eat right and get more vitamins

After childbirth, many nursing mothers often begin to freeze in their sleep and complain of heavy sweating at night. The most common cause is the usual decrease in the blood of a nursing woman of estrogen, which is responsible for thermoregulation. For the same reason, women suffer from severe sweating during menopause.

Pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding are very stressful for the body, and profuse cold sweat can be a symptom of various pathologies that manifest after childbirth. These include:

  1. HIV infection.
  2. Lymphogranulomatosis.
  3. Tuberculosis.
  4. Diabetes.
  5. Diseases of the thyroid gland.
  6. Myasthenia.

A particularly serious symptom is sweating after childbirth at night, which is accompanied by weakness and swelling of the lymph nodes, muscle cramps in the arms and legs, increased and profuse sweating, throws you into a fever. Contact your doctor for a thorough physical examination.

How to be treated

Since there is no single reason for excessive sweating after childbirth, there is no universal way to cure either. If this problem causes inconvenience and anxiety, it must be dealt with.

To begin with, carefully observe hygiene standards (no matter how difficult it may be with a baby that constantly requires attention). Increased sweating is associated with hygiene violations in a “vicious circle” - dirty skin sweats more, which makes it dirty, etc. Review your wardrobe, give preference to linen or cotton fabrics, it allows the body to breathe.

If sweating persists for a long time, you should consult a doctor

If something bothers you while breastfeeding, do not delay, consult a doctor. Many diseases are much easier to treat at an early stage.

The diet of mothers - not only for those who say "I sweat a lot after giving birth", but for everyone - should change radically. For the next six months, your baby should only eat your milk, and for the next six months it will remain an important part of the diet. Milk should contain all trace elements, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. If your diet is insufficient, some of the elements your child needs will be produced from your body's reserves. Calcium from bones, for example (and then you will suffer from osteoporosis). Therefore, it is better to include vitamin complexes in your diet.

Try to make your diet as balanced as possible. Stick to the principles of proper nutrition and drink enough fluids.

In increased sweating in young mothers, in addition to many reasons, there is one unpleasant consequence. While you are breastfeeding, almost all appropriate drugs are contraindicated for you (even herbal ones, their metabolites can get into milk and cause allergies in the baby), and cosmetic procedures such as botulinum toxin injections. So hygiene, nutrition and lifestyle come first.

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