Dental pocket treatment. Causes of inflammation of the gum pocket and methods of treatment. Golden mustache and lemon peels

Among other problems that dentists have to deal with, a gum pocket, or periodontitis, is often diagnosed. AT varying degrees this disease is present in almost every second. However, many do not think about how to treat a pocket in the gum and other gum diseases.

It must be remembered that the bleeding that occurs during brushing is a sign that the initial stage has appeared. chronic process. In this case, you risk losing teeth that look healthy on the outside. In addition, the presence chronic infection oral cavity leads to a number of many other diseases, from cardiovascular to endocrine.

There are many reasons leading to the formation of pockets on the gums. For example, this is a careless attitude of the patient to dental care, they are not regular cleaning. Sometimes they have bad influence orthodontic problems, such as crooked teeth.

In addition, sometimes there are poor quality installed seals that scratch the gums. In some cases it plays a significant role genetic predisposition, lack of vitamins in the body, impaired metabolism, reduced immunity, and so on.

The initial stage is gingivitis, which is characterized by bleeding, itchy gums, swelling occurs. In this case, the doctor will prescribe a cleaning of dental plaque, anti-inflammatory treatment of the gums. If a necessary measures are not taken in a timely manner, then a gap is formed between the gum and the neck of the tooth, which is called a pocket.

Stone, plaque begins to accumulate in such a cavity. Appears from the mouth bad smell, swelling increases, the gums bleed, after a while the teeth begin to become covered with hard plaque.

How to treat

This stage of gum pocket treatment includes washing the gum pocket with an antibacterial composition. The procedure is repeated once a year. How to effectively treat a pocket in the gum at home? In addition, the doctor will recommend drugs that need to be used daily, rinse your mouth special formulations. If periodontitis is diagnosed moderate, then curettage was previously used.

The procedure was carried out manually, the dentist released under gum pockets of the patient, removing infected tissues and dental deposits from the cavity, after that he polished the root, attaching the tooth more tightly to the gum. The cleaned pocket contained medicines that could suppress the pathological microflora.

This procedure was painful, as was the rehabilitation period. Currently, curettage is carried out by a non-surgical method, diode lasers are used for this, which make it possible to carry out the action without bloodshed, and the patient almost does not feel pain.

If periodontitis is severe, the jawbone is also infected, and not just soft tissues. Over time, due to the destruction of the bone, the teeth lose their support, loosen, gaps can be found between them. Previously, in such cases, the patient was given removable dentures. Today thanks to modern technologies you can do without removing the teeth.

alternative surgical intervention can be considered photodynamic therapy, it is safe even on advanced stage periodontitis. The plant pigment concentrate is applied to the gums, it is based on spirulina algae. The substance acts in such a way that photosensitizers begin to form in the affected cells.

This process takes half an hour, and then a laser is applied. The beam of the visible spectrum is directed to the gum, photosensitizers disintegrate, and active oxygen is released. The oxidative process kills pathogenic bacteria and pathological cells. After therapy, inflamed tissues are removed, the pocket is closed.

It happens that one procedure is enough to eliminate bleeding, to save the patient from inflammation. Laser exposure forms a photocoagulation film on the gums. It is a kind of biological bandage that protects against recurrence and closes the periodontal pockets.

It happens that the pathological process has gone far, and the teeth are loose. How is a pocket in the gum treated? But in this case, you should not be upset, as there is a way out, this is cable-stayed shunting. The main structural element is a high-strength aramid thread, and its name is associated with suspended construction cable-stayed structures.

Busting is performed taking into account all the rules of the architecture. A thread is tied to all neighboring mobile teeth, it is placed along the perimeter of the teeth in thin grooves, then a reflective filling material is applied.

A smile in the presence of such a connecting thread does not suffer, since the thread is almost imperceptible. But, cable-stayed shunting is attractive not only in connection with high aesthetics.

This design restrains reeling, but at the same time, the teeth do not lose their natural mobility, and this is the prevention of bone atrophy. The patient does not experience any discomfort after cable-stayed splinting, and speech defects do not occur.

Lost teeth need to be restored and metal-ceramic prostheses, which are traditional this case are undesirable because they are quite heavy and the jaw is overloaded. In addition, this design requires turning teeth and depulpation.

It is better to use technologies with which there is no need to grind teeth, and use accurate, biocompatible crowns made of glass-ceramic and titanium-ceramic. How to treat a pocket in the gum on your own, in what way can you speed up recovery?

It is necessary to massage the gums in the evening or in the morning with a soft brush, a nursery is better for this. After such a massage, rinse your mouth with infusion medicinal herbs, dental elixir, or just water.

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Periodontitis is a very common dental disease today. This disease is characterized by the fact that in addition to the symptoms of inflammation, a pocket appears in the gum between the teeth, how to treat this process - important question. Delayed treatment may lead to serious consequences up to the loss of all dental units.

The cause of the disease is dental deposits and poor hygiene care behind the oral cavity. As you know, teeth should be brushed twice a day. In the morning, brushing should be done after breakfast, not before meals. Many patients do not do it right and brush their teeth after sleep. However, in this situation, after breakfast, food debris and plaque accumulated overnight remain on the teeth. These deposits continue to adversely affect oral tissues throughout the day.

If a person does not brush his teeth before going to bed, for some reason, then soft plaque begins to gradually transform into. First, it forms above the gum, and this leads to the development of inflammation. The inflammatory process is characterized by swelling of the gums, bleeding and pain.

If the patient does not remove plaque and calculus in time under conditions dental clinic, then the supragingival tartar begins to grow in the direction of the tooth root.

Such a stone sinks under the gum, pushing it lower and lower. As a result, gum recession is observed, a pocket appears in the gum between the teeth, how to treat given state is a question which this moment begins to interest and disturb any patient. After all, no one is happy with the prospect of soon being left without teeth.


Let's figure out how to treat a pocket between the teeth and a photo of the pathological process.

Photo at the time of the formation of supragingival tartar

Photo at the time of formation of abundant subgingival dental deposits

Treatment of this pathological process is necessary only with a dentist. Many patients begin to look for information about the question: “A pocket in the gum between the teeth, how to treat at home?” This can be called a big mistake. home treatment only relieves the symptoms of inflammation, but does not cure. The longer treatment is delayed, the more serious the complications will be.

Treatment in the dentist's office is professional hygiene oral cavity. It also accumulates in the periodontal pocket a large number of plaque and granulation, so their cleaning is required. To clean pathological periodontal pockets, an open or closed curettage. Due to the fact that this condition is accompanied by gum recession, it must be returned to its place. For these purposes, one of the many methods of patchwork operations is used, when the mucous membrane moves.

If the process is too long, the mobility of the affected teeth can be observed, then they need to be immobilized using a special splint. Today, dentists are more likely to use special fiberglass tapes. They aesthetically do not differ from the color of natural dental tissues, so they will not be noticeable on the teeth. In terms of strength, the material also meets all the requirements and is able to withstand the chewing load.

is an infectious gum disease characterized by the formation of periodontal pockets. A periodontal pocket appears at the junction of the teeth with the gum due to inflammation in the oral cavity. Is it possible to get rid of the periodontal pocket, and how to prevent the development of periodontitis and? Consider the question in the article.

The tooth is connected to the jawbone by a special ligament called the periodontium. Periodontium is necessary to cushion the tooth and evenly distribute the masticatory load. AT healthy condition The periodontium is hermetically protected from the penetration of pathogenic bacteria by the dentoepithelial junction. A gingival groove forms between the gum and the tooth. If periodontal depressurization occurs, bacterial plaque begins to accumulate on the root of the tooth, which provokes the formation of tartar over time.

Pathology develops against the background of improper or poor-quality oral care. Over time, the accumulated plaque on the enamel hardens and forms tartar, in which they begin to actively multiply. pathogenic bacteria. Putrefactive processes develop in the oral cavity, provoking inflammation of the periodontal tissues of the gums.

If the pathological process is not stopped, it begins to affect the bone tissue of the jaw. As a result of inflammation, a periodontal pocket appears - from the gum to the cervical part of the tooth. The depth of the pocket is characterized by the severity of the pathology. In the nome, the size of the deepening of the gums should not exceed 3 mm. If the gum "settles" down, this indicates a developing pathological process.

Factors contributing to the development of pathology:

  • pathology of gum tissues;
  • injury to the mucosa with dental stones;
  • bite defects or other orthodontic pathology.

As a result of the development of gingivitis (a focus of inflammation in the gums), a change in the morphology of the gum structures occurs. The gums loosen, swell and become inelastic. The tissue is easily injured by mechanical impact (for example, from a hard toothbrush), contributing to the spread of inflammatory processes.

Unsatisfactory quality of dental care also contributes to the formation of hard dental deposits that appear in the root zone. The deposits irritate the gum tissue, contributing to the development inflammatory process. Since they are in saliva mineral components, hardening of bacterial plaque occurs. solid formations constantly have a traumatic effect on the soft tissues of the gums, provoking inflammatory foci.

Incorrect arrangement of teeth in the jaw or their twisting is also a risk factor, as the bite is disturbed. because of malocclusion Some areas of the dentition cannot be properly cleaned with a conventional toothbrush, which provokes the formation of tartar.

There are other risk factors: long-term smoking, diabetes, pathology of bone tissue or metabolism, genetic predisposition, hormonal disorders, decreased immunity, taking medications.

False and true periodontal pocket

With swelling of the gum tissue, one can observe the formation of pockets near the cervical region of the tooth. However, this education is not pathological deviation, since it is not characterized by the destruction of the periodontium. After the elimination of the inflammatory process, the gum returns to normal and the false pocket disappears.

True periodontal pockets are of two types:

  • supraalvelar;
  • intraalveolar.

The former are characterized by a horizontal direction of bone tissue disturbance, the latter by a vertical one.

Symptoms of pathology

Patients do not immediately notice problems with the gums and turn to the dentist already in advanced cases development of pathology. Periodontitis and other gum diseases are more common in men because they smoke a lot. AT adolescence, as a rule, false pockets are formed due to hormonal adjustment organism.

Note! Periodontal disease can appear at any age poor hygiene oral cavity.

How to determine the initial form of periodontitis, by what signs?

Signs of pathology:

  • unpleasant taste in the mouth;
  • change in the shape and color of the gums;
  • bleeding and sensitivity of the gums;
  • discomfort when eating;
  • loosening of teeth;
  • exposure of the neck of the teeth.

If you have at least one of these signs, it's time to visit the dentist.

The degree of development of the disease is characterized by the following signs of a change in the depth of the pocket:

  • 1 degree - from 3 mm to 3.6 mm;
  • 2 degree - from 3.6 mm to 5.1 mm;
  • 3 degree - from 5.1 mm to 7 mm;
  • 4 degree - more than 7.1 mm.

At the very beginning of the development of the disease, patients do not feel any discomfort, so they do not rush to see a doctor. Anxiety begins to sound when the teeth are loosened, when the pathology has gone too far in its development. Pathological forms periodontitis have a feature of rapid development: the patient runs the risk of losing completely healthy teeth.


When a patient comes to the clinic, the dentist conducts the following examination:

  • questioning patients, complaints;
  • examination of the oral cavity with the help of instruments;
  • examination of the quality of dental care;
  • test for gingivitis;
  • X-ray jaws;
  • appointment of MRI or other hardware diagnostics;
  • rheography.

The diagnosis is established by identifying the following pathologies:

  • detection of symptomatic gingivitis;
  • pronounced periodontal pockets;
  • violation of the integrity of the cortical bone plate;
  • osteoporosis is a thinning of the bone tissue.

Gingivitis is characterized by reddening of the gum tissue, sometimes it acquires a bluish tint. Periodontal pockets are checked for each tooth using a special probe. The degree of density / rarefaction of bone tissue allows you to distinguish periodontitis from periodontal disease. Periodontitis is characterized by rarefaction of bone density, periodontal disease - compaction.


The basis of the treatment of periodontitis is the elimination of infection from the gum tissue. In each case, the dentist selects an individual course of treatment, due to the severity of the manifestation of the pathology. The patient must carefully follow all the recommendations of the dentist at home in order to help get rid of the pathology as soon as possible.

Note! Bad habits(smoking) exacerbate the pathology and delay the healing process.

How is the treatment of periodontal pockets in the clinic:

  • cleansing of enamel from soft / hard formation;
  • (closed/patchwork/open);
  • splinting;
  • prosthetics.

The dentist conducts a thorough professional cleaning of the enamel from plaque. It is impossible to do such cleaning at home. The doctor uses curettes and ultrasonic or manual scalers. Cleaning is quite aggressive, however, does not damage basal part tooth.

Important! With an increased accumulation of plaque on the teeth, it is recommended professional cleaning teeth twice a year.

After cleansing the teeth from hard deposits, periodontal pockets are cleaned - curettage. The procedure is indicated for pathology of the second degree, when the size of the pocket is more than 3.6 mm.


Consider the procedure for curettage of the hole in detail. Curettage is a surgical manipulation to clean the cavities of the body with the help of a medical instrument - a curette. Dentist removes pathological tissue and cleanses the cavity of waste products pathogenic microorganisms. Sometimes a curette is used to remove pathological microflora for laboratory analysis.

For example, curettage is carried out after the removal of the affected tooth with periodontitis. Dentist eliminates purulent exudate, fossilized deposits and fragments of a destroyed molar.

Curettage of the periodontal pocket is prescribed in the following cases:

  • inflammatory foci of gum tissue;
  • hard dental deposits;
  • formation of a deep pocket.

Closed curettage is performed when the gum tissue decreases by no more than 4.1 mm; tissue dissection is not performed. Unfortunately, medical methods it is impossible to rid the teeth of microbial deposits, so curettage is the only accessible way cleaning of periodontal pockets.

Open curettage of periodontal pockets is carried out when the gum tissue decreases by more than 5-6 mm. Cleaning of pockets is carried out to prevent the decay of jaw tissues. The operation is carried out under local anesthesia through a gum incision. After cleansing the tissues from microbial deposits, the gums are sutured and sanitized antiseptic solutions.

With a significant decrease in the bone (exposing the root), patchwork operation, which is different from open curettage and is carried out with the help of detachment of the gum tissue for the entire length. With this micro-operation, the bone deficiency is restored using a graft. To restore gum tissue, tissue is transplanted from the palate. This secures the tooth in the socket and prevents it from falling out.

The use of laser equipment significantly increases the efficiency of microsurgery on the gums. First, there is no risk of blood loss. Secondly, a high degree of sterility is ensured. Thirdly, the surgeon can correct and control the process of tissue processing.

Pros and cons of curettage

This procedure has its advantages and negative sides that you should be aware of. The advantages include the ability to restore the missing part of the bone, get rid of periodontal pockets and strengthen the teeth in the hole. In addition, closed curettage of periodontal pockets is inexpensive.

  • after closed curettage, relapses are possible;
  • open operation lasts quite a long time - two hours;
  • open surgery can damage the teeth and oral mucosa.


Operation is contraindicated in the presence of foci purulent inflammation: an abscess may appear. Also, curettage is not performed if the pocket has reached the jaw bone. The operation is not prescribed in the following cases:

  • a strong decrease in gum tissue;
  • great looseness of the teeth;
  • pocket size more than 5.1 mm;
  • with fibrosis.

The operation is not prescribed for existing infectious diseases in acute form, as well as at pathological disorders physiological functions.


This micro operation is carried out on mandible to expand / deepen the vestibule of the mouth with periodontitis chronic form and other pathologies. The operation is indicated for stages 2, 3 and 4 of the disease to stabilize loose teeth in the hole. Also, vestibuloplasty is indicated with a significant decrease bone mass: in this case, a biomaterial is transplanted that activates bone growth.


This operation is performed in order to stabilize the teeth in the holes. Previously, splinting was carried out using the installation metal prostheses, modern dentistry has unique methods union of teeth single system using orthodontic equipment. Tire material can be different:

  • silk;
  • polyethylene;
  • fiberglass;
  • aramid thread.

Splinting can be either permanent or temporary. Temporary is used with a slight mobility of the teeth on initial stage diseases. Permanent splinting is indicated at the risk of losing teeth.

Fiberglass holds together the entire dentition - both mobile and stable teeth. First, the orthodontist cuts out a strip on the teeth, then a fiberglass tape is placed in it and filled with a bonding solution. lower teeth splinted from the back, the upper ones - from the front.

The fiberglass tape looks quite aesthetically pleasing, so it does not cause discomfort when communicating. Also fiberglass tape solves the problem with long distance between teeth. With a strong unsteadiness of the teeth, instead of a tape, an aramid thread is used, which is characterized by high strength.

To avoid pathological education tartar, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

do not get involved in the consumption of carbohydrates;

  • apply toothbrush moderate hardness in the morning and evening;
  • use specialized toothpastes during an exacerbation of the disease;
  • clean your teeth with irrigators - they qualitatively remove plaque from hard-to-reach places.

For additional sanitation of the oral cavity, use decoctions medicinal herbs, rinses with antiseptic solutions. If inflammation worsens, rinse your mouth after each snack and meal.

For general strengthening immune status intake of microelements and vitamins is necessary. This will help eliminate the infection from the entire body.


The formation of gum pockets leads to the instability of the molars and a decrease in their ability to qualitatively grind food. Periodontitis - dangerous disease, which can lead to the loss of healthy teeth due to pathological destruction of the periodontium. The loss of several molars leads to atrophy (decrease) of the jaw bone mass, which is an obstacle to prosthetics.

Curettage in modern dentistry do with the help the latest equipment, that's why pain and discomfort is reduced to a minimum. You should not be afraid of a visit to the doctor and bring the condition of the gums to irreversible processes. For example, laser and ultrasound equipment provides not only a painless operation, but also high quality curettage. Polishing of the root zone and treatment of periodontal pockets is the prevention of re-formation of tartar in the root zone.

Periodontitis leads to irreversible changes in the bone and jaw tissue, the treatment of which will be expensive. That's why timely appeal to the dentist will help get rid of not only the beginning of the disease, but also save money on expensive operations and implants for missing teeth. As a preventive measure, you can take a course of treatment antiseptic preparations prescribed by the doctor.

The gingival pocket is a kind of depression between the tooth and the gum. In general, such a recess is absolutely normal, but on condition that its depth is not more than 3 mm. It is this distance that is available for a toothbrush. Clean deeper pocket regular brush becomes impossible. Because of this, food debris, plaque accumulate in the pocket, and bacteria begin to multiply. Sometimes pus even forms in the gum pocket. Treatment this disease should not be delayed, as the resulting infection can spread throughout the oral cavity and cause a number of inflammations.

Inflammation of the gum pockets most often appears due to non-compliance with the rules of hygiene. If you don't brush your teeth regularly, over time, plaque begins to harden. As a result, food debris and bacteria begin to penetrate under the gum, provoking an inflammatory process. As a result, the connective tissue begins to collapse, forming a gum pocket. Under the influence of bacteria, the gum begins to gradually exfoliate from the tooth. If the gum pockets are not cleaned in time, the infection will spread deep into the periodontium, root, cementum and bone tissue.

In some cases, the gum flakes off so much that you can see the root of the tooth. While the root and hard tissues unable to hold the tooth in its original position, as a result of which the patient risks losing it. The fact is that under the influence of pathogenic microorganisms, bone tissue is destroyed inside, which leads to mobility.

In addition to lack of hygiene, dental diseases such as periodontitis and periodontal disease can also lead to the formation of gum pockets. Such diseases should not be launched in any case. If you notice the first signs, you should immediately contact your dentist. Besides, contributing factors can be:

  • Incorrectly selected hygiene products. It could be a too hard toothbrush or toothpaste, made on the basis of aggressive components that irritate the oral cavity and soft tissues.
  • Long-term and frequent smoking.
  • Low intake of vitamins.
  • Too much sweets in the diet.
  • Chronic diseases.

Effective treatment of the gum pocket can only be prescribed by a specialist. Therefore, it is not recommended to try to get rid of the problem on your own with the help of new hygiene products, popular pastes or mouthwashes. As a rule, gum pocket therapy is a rather complex multi-stage process. The main stages of such treatment are:

  1. Initial examination at the dentist. Usually, at this stage, the doctor can see if there is a problem at all.
  2. Panoramic x-ray. According to the results of x-rays, you can see all the teeth in the oral cavity, as well as the degree of tissue damage. At this stage, the doctor, depending on the depth of the pocket, chooses the method of treatment.
  3. Full examination organism for the presence chronic diseases. This measure is prescribed by a doctor extremely rarely, only if it is not possible to determine the cause of the formation of gum pockets.
  4. Definition accurate diagnosis and development of a treatment regimen.

Gum disease cannot be cured overnight. As a rule, this is a process that is implemented in several stages. In addition, active participation is required from the patient himself, since even after therapy, it will be necessary to actively care for the oral cavity and carry out various procedures.

The process of treatment at the dentist can also be divided into several stages:

  1. Removal of plaque. The main problem is that it is plaque and calculus that are the sources of pathogens. Therefore, the doctor removes them first. However, this is not easy to do, in most cases several procedures are required. Special attention in this case, it is given to cleaning the gum pockets, since it is through them that access to deep tissues that are under the crown.
  2. Elimination of the inflammatory process. To this stage can only start after complete removal dental deposits between and on teeth. Then the doctor thoroughly rinses the cleaned gum pockets with a special antiseptic solution and lubricates with an anti-inflammatory gel. In addition, the patient is assigned to carry out procedures at home. Twice a day, you need to rinse your mouth with antiseptic solutions, and also lubricate the inflamed places with a special gel. The duration of such treatment is determined by the doctor depending on the degree of damage to the gums.
  3. At the end of treatment, the dentist prescribes certain preventive measures, and also gives recommendations on proper oral hygiene. As a rule, the doctor tells you which toothbrush, paste and other products are best to use. In addition, the dentist talks about how to properly brush your teeth, because it is proper care will avoid the formation of plaque and, as a result, gum pockets.

In the treatment of inflammation of the gum pockets great importance not only the work of the dentist, but also the observance of his recommendations by patients in the future. In this case we are talking not only about proper oral hygiene, but often about the need to strengthen immune defense drink a complex of vitamins and give up bad habits.

Prevention of inflammation of the gum pockets

Compliance with some norms and rules will avoid a very unpleasant process of inflammation and long-term treatment:

  • It is advisable to use specialized means for oral care. In addition to toothpaste, you should also purchase gum gel based on propolis.
  • Use mouthwash after every meal.
  • Must be eaten fresh cucumbers, apples and carrots. These products strengthen the gums and promote natural cleaning gum pockets.

In addition, do not forget about periodic visits to the dentist.

A gingival pocket is a recess that separates the gum from the tooth. When periodontal tissue disease occurs, it increases, due to which food particles get into the recess, accumulation occurs soft touch and deposition of tartar. These adverse factors cause inflammation of the gums and, if left untreated, lead to loosening and gradual loss of teeth. You can prevent their loss by seeking medical help in time.

Development of the pathological process

Normally, the pocket in the gum is deepened by no more than 3 mm. The small depth of the neck formed from soft tissues does not prevent its self-cleaning. Progressive deepening and inflammation of the gum pockets - characteristic symptom periodontal disease. The gum between the teeth swells, begins to hurt, and pus may appear from it. The initial stage of the development of the disease is gingivitis. At this stage, remove inflammatory phenomena quite easy - you need to carefully monitor oral hygiene, regularly undergo professional teeth cleaning with the removal of soft and hard plaque, rinse your mouth with antiseptics and herbal infusions.

Further development of the inflammatory process is accompanied by a significant increase in the number of bacteria. The enzymes secreted by them negatively affect the periodontal fibers, gradually causing their destruction. At this stage, the gum pockets undergo a series of changes and become periodontal. The activity of the inflammatory process increases, the soft tissues affected by it bleed when touched, erosion occurs on the gums.

The cavity between the tooth and gum becomes deeper, connective tissues, which ensure the integrity of the dentition, are affected by inflammation and weaken.

In the absence of treatment and cleaning of the gum pockets, the process will spread not only to the fibers of the periodontal ligaments, but also to the jaw bone tissue.

Receding gums lead to gradual exposure of the tooth. Destroyed tissues are not able to secure the top of the root in the hole and at some point it falls out.

On the initial stage diseases pockets in the gums are washed once a year antibacterial agent. Additionally, daily application to the affected areas is prescribed. medicines, mouth rinses medicinal formulations. With periodontitis of moderate severity, the method of curettage is effective, with severe course diseases are used photodynamic, surgical methods and cable-stayed.

Types of curettage, indications for the procedure

There are open and closed types of curettage. This technique provides effective removal tartar, food debris, affected gum tissue and softened dental cement. For closed curettage, use diode laser or ultrasonic scaler. This method of treating pockets in the gums is used in cases where the depth of the cavity surrounding the tooth does not exceed 5 mm. The deepening is cleaned, the tooth root is processed and polished, the affected tissues are removed. This helps to restore the connection between teeth and gums.

Open curettage is surgical intervention using local anesthesia. During the operation, the tissue in the area of ​​the interdental papillae is dissected, the tartar is removed, the gingival pocket is thoroughly cleaned of deposits. Then a drug is applied that accelerates the growth of the epithelium and suppresses the vital activity of pathogenic microbes. The tooth root is polished for a tighter fit of the mucous membrane to it, and the wound is sutured. rehabilitation period after the procedure is two weeks, after its expiration, patients note positive results- the gum does not bleed, does not hurt, hyperemia and swelling go away, the depth of the pocket decreases.

Indications for curettage are:

  1. the depth of the pocket of exfoliated gingival tissue exceeds 3 mm;
  2. accumulated a large amount of solid deposits;
  3. the gum is affected by the inflammatory process.

Photodynamic method

Non-surgical treatment of neglected or severe form periodontal disease can be photodynamic therapy. Before the procedure, a professional cleaning of the oral cavity is performed, after which the gums are treated with chlorophyll obtained from spirulina algae. In response to its application, epithelial cells begin to produce photosensitizer substances. After 30 minutes, the doctor directs to the diseased tissue laser ray. Its radiation leads to the decay of photosensitizers with the release of active oxygen.

Under the influence of the oxidative process, the microbes that caused inflammation are completely destroyed. The doctor removes damaged areas of tissue and closes the gum pocket. The advantage of this treatment method: sparing painless effect and high efficiency- a single procedure is enough to eliminate inflammation and bleeding. A film is formed on the gums that prevents the penetration of infection and the recurrence of the disease. The use of osteogenic preparations and amino acids helps to restore the affected tissues.

With a periodontal pocket depth of more than 4–5 mm, a patchwork method is used. During the operation, the gum is separated from the surface of the tooth, the contents of the pocket are removed, the cleaned cavity and root are treated with an antiseptic. The soft tissues of the gums are then fixed in the correct position with sutures. In most cases, the method gives positive results. Its disadvantages include the stress experienced by the patient and a long recovery period.

Cable-stayed splinting

This method of treatment allows you to strengthen teeth that have begun to loosen. Splinting technology consists in tying the moving units of the dentition with aramid thread, which is particularly durable. Thin grooves are drilled along the perimeter of adjacent teeth, after laying the thread is covered with a reflective material. The color of the filling matches the shade of the teeth, so it is almost invisible.

The cable-stayed splinting method prevents the loosening of the dentition, while at the same time ensuring the natural mobility of the teeth, preventing the jaw bones from atrophying. Fastening with aramid thread does not disturb diction and does not cause discomfort in the patient. To restore the voids of the dentition in place of lost teeth, it is advisable to use prostheses not made of metal-ceramic, but combining ceramics and glass or titanium, so as not to overload the jaw.

At the initial stage of periodontal disease, preparations made from herbal ingredients prescription traditional medicine. They inhibit bacteria and improve wound healing. Additionally, it is useful to massage the gums with a soft-bristled toothbrush, followed by rinsing the mouth with infusions of chamomile, oak bark or sage.

Good healing effect provide the following tools:

  • Peel unripe walnuts, insisted on olive oil(1 tablespoon per 250 ml). For infusion, the mixture should be placed in the refrigerator. Periodically you need to get a jar and shake it. After a week, strain and use to lubricate the gums 3-5 times a day.
  • Infusion or juice of plantain. To prepare the infusion, pour 20 g of leaves with a glass of boiling water. Use for mouthwash. squeezed out fresh leaves plant juice is applied to the diseased areas of the gums 3 times a day.
  • Compresses from grated fresh beets. The mass, without squeezing, is wrapped in gauze and kept on the gum for 15 minutes. Frequency of use - 3 times a day.
  • Infusion of grass highlander kidney. Pour a spoonful of crushed vegetative parts of the plant with a glass of boiling water. Let it brew for 15 min. Use 2 times a day, applying tampons moistened with warm infusion to the gums.
  • Gruel from crushed sea buckthorn berries. Wrap the mass of fruits in a two-layer piece of gauze and apply to diseased areas 2 times a day for 20 minutes.
  • Tincture of viburnum fruits with honey. It is necessary to mix 500 g of berries with the same amount of buckwheat honey and 500 ml of 70% ethyl (medical) alcohol. Put in a dark place for 2 weeks. How to use: 1 tbsp. l. 3-4 times a day for 20 minutes. before meals. Taking the remedy helps to strengthen the immune system and cure periodontal disease. Additionally, cotton swabs moistened with tincture can be applied to the gums.

Prevention of the development of periodontal disease

To prevent inflammation of the gums and deepening of the gum pockets, regular brushing of the teeth, rinsing the mouth after each meal, the use of floss (special thread) to clean the interdental gaps allows. Periodically, but not constantly, pastes containing abrasives should be used to remove hard deposits. High-quality removal of tartar will provide professional teeth cleaning using ultrasound.

For timely detection and elimination of emerging in the oral cavity pathological processes It is recommended to visit the dentist 2 times a year.

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