Winter footwear warranty

What is atomic orbital hybridization? In what cases does it take place? What types of AO hybridization do you know? Is there AO hybridization and what type in molecules: N 2 , BCl 3 , PCl 3 ?

Solution: As a result of the combination of different orbitals (s, p, d, etc.), new atomic orbitals of an intermediate form arise, which are called hybrid ones. And the rearrangement of different orbitals, allowing it to more fully overlap with the orbital of a neighboring atom, is called hybridization. Hybridization occurs when an atom is excited, for example:

4 Be – 1s 2 2s 2

s p


In excited state:

s p


And as a result:

one s + one p-orbital → two sp-hybrid orbitals.

When one s- and two p-orbitals are hybridized, three sp 2 -hybrid orbitals are formed.

In the BCl 3 molecule, the central atom B is 1s 2 2s 2 2p 1 in an excited state:

s p


This type of hybridization explains the location of all three bonds in the BCl 3 molecule in the same plane.

If from the side of the atom, four atomic orbitals of one layer participate in chemical bonds - s-, p x, p y, p z, then as a result of their hybridization, four equivalent sp 3 - orbitals are formed.

An atomic orbital can change its “shape” only by combining with other atomic orbitals of a different symmetry of the same atom. Hybridization occurs when an atom is excited, i.e. requires energy expenditure.

In a nitrogen atom molecule:

Nitrogen atom 7 N – 1s 2 2s 2 2p 3

s p


There are no free orbitals and the excitation of the atom does not occur, therefore, hybrid orbitals do not participate in the formation of a nitrogen molecule, just three p-orbitals participate.

In the PCl 5 molecule, the central atom P is 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 3 in an excited state:



As a result, five sp 3 d - hybrid orbitals are formed.

In the PCl 3 molecule, the central atom P is in an unexcited state:



There are three p-orbitals involved in the bond. Therefore, AO hybridization does not occur in the PCl 3 molecule.

Shoe Warrantyprovided for by the law of the Russian Federation dated February 7, 1992 No. 2300-1 "On consumer protection". In accordance with the law, in case of detection of defects in the purchased goods, the consumer has the right to file an appropriate claim. What is the warranty period for shoes and how to calculate it correctly, you will learn from our article.

Warranty period for shoes

The legislator has established a rule according to which the consumer can make a claim to the seller regarding the defects of the purchased goods during the entire warranty period.

There are 2 warranty periods for shoes:

  • set by the manufacturer of the product;
  • set by the seller of the goods.

The first term is mandatory, and the second is set at the discretion of the seller.

The seller, as a rule, establishes a guarantee for shoes from 14 to 30 days.

Mandatory warranty periods established by the legislator and observed by the manufacturer are calculated in accordance with a specific GOST:

  • GOST 26167:2009 "Casual footwear made of synthetic and artificial leather" - warranty period from 30 to 80 days;
  • GOST 2063-92 "Sports shoes" - 60 days;
  • GOST 19116 "Model footwear" - from 60 to 90 days;
  • GOST 26165: 2009 "Children's shoes" - 30 days;
  • GOST 1135-88 "Home and road shoes" - 30-35 days.

If the shoes were purchased at a seasonal sale, the warranty period also applies to them. At the same time, the guarantee does not begin to flow from the moment of purchase, but from the day when the season for wearing shoes comes.

The guarantee for shoes begins to be calculated with the onset of the corresponding season. The timing of the onset of the season is determined in each region based on the characteristics of the climate.

If we consider, for example, climatic conditions the European part of Russia, in particular Moscow and the Moscow region, then the seasons are determined by the following calendar periods:

  • winter - from November 1 to March 1;
  • spring - from March 1 to May 1;
  • summer - from May 1 to September 1;
  • autumn - from September 1 to November 15.

That is, if, for example, you are a resident of Moscow and in the summer you bought winter shoes, it is quite logical that you will wear it no earlier than November. Therefore, the warranty period begins to flow from November. However, if you started wearing shoes out of season, quality claims will not be accepted.

As a rule, along with the shoes you are given a memo in which there is an indication of the warranty period. In some cases, such information can be seen on the information board in the store. Some regions issue Trading Rules certain types goods in which the seasons of the seasons are foreseen.

If you ordered shoes online or from a catalog, then in this case the moment of concluding the contract and depositing money may not coincide with the moment of transferring the shoes to the consumer. So when does the warranty period start? From the moment the shoes are handed over to the buyer.

What is covered by the footwear warranty?

As you know, shoes consist of the main part and accessories, which include various fasteners, buckles, decorations and heels. But very often, sellers assure buyers that the warranty does not apply to fittings. Is it so? No.

The footwear warranty also applies to accessories. By general rule If a separate warranty period for fittings is not established, then it is equal to the warranty period for the main product.

However, it is possible to make a claim after the expiration of the warranty period, both for shoes and accessories. The legislator clearly defines that in this case the consumer has the right to file a claim if the defects of the purchased goods were discovered within a reasonable time, but no later than 2 years from the date of purchase. That is, if you prove that defects in the product arose before the moment of purchase (for example, there was a hidden factory defect that “revealed” itself in rainy weather), then the seller has no right to refuse to satisfy your claim.

In most cases, this requires an appropriate examination. However, we recommend that you first write a claim to the seller, as he can satisfy it voluntarily. And only then, if the seller does not satisfy the claim, go to court and give the shoes for examination.

Winter footwear warranty

Despite the fact that winter shoes are one of the simplest in terms of their “maintenance and configuration”, in practice there are quite a few questions related to the guarantee for winter shoes.

A fairly common problem is that very often winter shoes are slippery, and it becomes impossible to walk in them. But is this case included in the guarantee for shoes in winter?

The first thing you need to do is send a claim to the seller (See below). How to return an item of inadequate quality?). If he refuses to voluntarily change shoes, then you have the right to go to court and conduct an examination. But we warn you right away - in this case you will need to prove that the shoes are made in violation of GOST and TU, production technology, etc. In addition, there is Article 1064 of the Civil Code, which clearly states that the seller is exempt from damages if he proves that the damage was caused through no fault of his own. That is, we recommend that you involve the shoe manufacturer as a third party.

In addition, some shoes are only worn when certain temperature and weather conditions due to the brittleness of the material. The seller must notify you of this. This is his duty, provided for in Article 10 of the Law "On Protection of Consumer Rights". If he did not, and your shoes were damaged as a result, you can safely file a claim.

Don't be afraid to defend your rights. If the seller voluntarily refuses to satisfy your claim related to low-quality shoes, and you are firmly convinced that the guarantee for the shoes is valid, go to court. No state duty is paid in consumer protection cases. In addition, if during the trial an examination was carried out, the results of which reveal that the seller is to blame for the shortcomings of the goods, he will pay for the services of an expert, regardless of who initiated the examination.

You've probably heard of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, an evidence-based psychotherapy that aims to change negative thoughts and behaviour. This method seems to be mentioned in almost every psychology article on the Internet: “Sleep problems? Try CBT." "Childhood trauma? CBT can help.”

So what is it? Does Cognitive Behavioral Therapy really help psychological disorder, And if so, how? How much does it cost, and can you just use CBT techniques on your own? GR found answers to these questions.

What is CPT?

Cognitive behavioral therapy is one of the many treatments used in psychotherapy. It is based on the assumption that many problems in life are due to wrong thoughts and behaviors. In practice, cognitive behavioral therapy usually consists of identifying problematic thoughts and behaviors and replacing them with healthier responses.

For example, let's say, a certain nameless girl began to strain exits into society, and she began to constantly stay at home. The therapist can tell her that her fear is irrational, teach her how to restructure her thoughts and relax her body, develop a plan of action to help the patient stay calm at parties. In the next session, they will evaluate what worked and what didn't and tweak the girl's behavior and thoughts until she is comfortable interacting with other people.

What problems can CBT help with?

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy helps with everything from phobias, anxiety, depression, trauma, self-esteem issues and ADHD, to relationship problems - shyness, family squabbles. In principle, if the problem is related to thoughts and behavior, CBT can help.

Why is CBT so popular?

One of the reasons CBT is popular and widely used is that it has been widely studied. The goal of the method is to produce clear and noticeable changes in thought and behavior that are of interest to researchers in their own right. In addition, the results of CBT are not long in coming.

What happens in a CBT session?

Essentially, you come to a session with problems you would like to overcome or situations that you find stressful and work with the therapist to outline a course of action. You will be asked to identify problematic thoughts or behaviors and look for ways to change them. When the method is accepted, "homework" follows.

What is "homework"?

CBT is fast (8 to 12 sessions, which is fast by psychotherapy standards) and effectively reduces the symptoms of the problem if the patient does well at home. Typical homework might include relaxation exercises, journaling thoughts and emotions throughout the week, reading a book that relates to your problems, or looking for situations to apply a new approach.

For example, a man is depressed and one of its main factors is his low self-esteem. He is selfish and constantly scolds himself. Then he can be helped by a technique called “thought stopping”, where he abruptly breaks the flow of negative thoughts by shouting (in his mind) “Stop!”. And then he redirects his thoughts to something more positive, like self-praise or meditation. Homework may include practicing this technique at least once a day until the next session.

Who is not suitable for CBT?

Some people like to go to a therapist all the time to gently and gradually get rid of their problems (or maybe they just like talking to a doctor). CBT appears to be a more hands-on and short-term style of therapy and may not be suitable for clients with requests for long-term work with a therapist.

If your inner sage has brought you to therapy, then your body is ready for recovery.

(BKST) is a way to maintain the rhythmic manifestations of health in the body after a gentle, careful resumption of the mobility of tissues and organs, restoration in those places in the body where the fixation has formed.

term primary respiration bodies denote such a phenomenon as self-organizing movement in body fluids, self-management of fluidity, mobility, motility, etc., which M. Shea (2005) describes as integrity. These are the forces of life, the manifestation of health.

A fixation or area of ​​inertia (fulcrum) in the body is a point of immobility or an axis of support around which fluids (cerebrospinal fluid, etc.), tissues and organs are organized.

A stone at the bottom of a river, like a fulcrum, around which the water swirls

Fulcrums (places of inertia) can be several in one person. There are physiological rest points, anchors), i.e., existing in the norm, but there are pathological ones that have arisen after injuries. Natural fulcrum, for example, is the spine, and pathological, figuratively speaking, is a compressed area in the body in which. Such injuries memorized by the body are accompanied by a violation of the balance of tensions in the fascia of the body, which distorts the entire structure of the body. Such places become denser and the craniosacral rhythm above them is perceived as distorted. The therapist identifies these areas by palpation on the feet, shins, thighs, pelvis, arms, chest, head.

The natural fulcrums of the coastal strip of the sea are stones and the water running on them in places seems to freeze or sway easily in one place.

Fulcrum pathological(restrictions, areas of inertia, places with limited mobility) can manifest themselves:

  • in the joints, as blockage or subluxation;
  • in the fascia (tendons) - in the form of adhesions or scars;
  • on visceral sliding surfaces, as hyperemia (inflammation);
  • in liquids - vortices, curls, concentric waves;
  • at the level of light - dullness, flickering.

Causes of the appearance of pathological fulcrum(limitations of mobility, areas of inertia):

  • physical (trauma, physical overload);
  • mental (repressed emotions, resentment, unexpressed aggression, etc.);
  • chemical ( malnutrition, side effects drugs, various intoxications).

Natural fulcrum (place of inertia). Around deep obstacles, the flow of water may take the form of a funnel or move in a spiral.

How do mobility restrictions occur?

When an injury penetrates the body, the body reacts typically: trembling, shaking, screaming, vomiting, sweating, dreams, etc. At the same time, the body defends itself and, in order to save itself, begins to compress the injury site, forming an inertial area. Primary respiration in such places weakens, and the manifestation of health fades away.

Around the obstacles, a turbulent stream of water foams, everything is mixed up, healthy transparency is not visible, in such places there will be no fish, algae will gradually disappear.

How can Biodynamic CranioSacral Therapy help to get rid of places of inertia in the body?

BKST is accompanied by good relaxation, which is often enough to loosen the site of the fulcrum injury. It brings relief, recovery. After the session BKST improves the flow of lymph and blood in the vessels, cleanses bile ducts, the intestines work more actively, the plasticity of tissues increases, including tendons, fascia of the body, muscles, joints, spine, the fluidity of tissue, fascial, intercellular fluids, strengthened the immune system, migraine passes, vision becomes sharper.

Tasks of biodynamic craniosacral therapy:

  • identification of mobility disorders of various tissues and organs, their restoration;
  • diagnosis of disorders and its harmonization by releasing and resolving tensions in the body membranes;
  • revealing the potencies of the liquid media of the body and their organization around rest points(balance).

Contraindications for biodynamic craniosacral therapy on the head:

  • stroke ( acute disorder cerebral circulation) - the entire acute period;
  • fresh cerebral hemorrhages;
  • epilepsy with frequent seizures;
  • blood diseases.

Contraindications for execution compression head technician:

  • fresh craniocerebral trauma;
  • hemorrhage in the brain;
  • aneurysm of cerebral vessels;
  • inflammation inside the skull;
  • recent operations on the skull;
  • tumors inside the skull;
  • epilepsy;
  • caution in diabetes - risk of hypoglycemia, childhood up to 8 years;
  • systolic arterial pressure above 200 mm Hg.

What happens to the body after relaxation during

The release of tension in the body, releases structures (joints, bones, muscles, ligaments) that have primary natural, innate wisdom and knowledge about the mechanisms of self-correction - smooth, gentle, independent displacements. So the spine is restored, pain in the back goes away. The vertebrae, as if playing with each other, easily slide and turn into place. You thought - a beautiful fairy tale, it does not happen like that! But, these natural, barely perceptible movements can be observed during the session, really feeling them in your body. Relaxation and relaxation of structures is accompanied by the acquisition of freedoms and the release vitality(potentials). Now the body will need to make much less effort to live a quality life.

The answer to the question of what happens to the body during BKST was partly obtained in our own research using registration as an instrumental method. vital functions organism of the method of electroacupuncture diagnostics "Biogalvanic method of point segments" developed at the Ukrainian Institute of Human Ecology. (Zhukov, V.V. On the possibility of registration information influence«attending physician – patient» / V. V. Zhukov, V. A. Usanova // Scientific works; Sat. "On the basis of physical interaction". - Dnepropetrovsk: MABET, 2005. - S. 148–153. The results obtained showed that the following happened in the human body after a BKST session:

  • metabolism slowed down, shifting to the level of economical energy consumption, which manifested itself on the corresponding health balance map as a downward shift in the corridor physiological norm;
  • recovered protective functions, which was manifested by the displacement of the hypothalamus line (the dotted line marked on the margins of the health balance map with a triangular icon) to the area of ​​the balanced norm;
  • decreased activity pathological conditions, which manifests itself in the desire of the corresponding points to enter the corridor of the physiological norm.

The above figures show a certain pattern: pathologies inflammatory nature(corresponding points above the physiological norm corridor) normalize much faster than deficiency pathologies (corresponding points below the physiological norm corridor).

To feel what life force is inherent in each of us, you can watch the film "The Process of Fertilization and Formation of Man."

/ In what cases is it necessary and how is the grinding of a wooden ceiling performed?

In what cases is it necessary and how is the grinding of a wooden ceiling performed?

Many people have come across the fact that wooden ceiling coverings lose their visual appeal over time. Wood can fade, have cracks that need to be repaired, or just get bored with the color of the paint that everything was painted with. In such cases, grinding of a wooden ceiling is almost always required.

In what cases is it needed

Oddly enough, most often sanding is required in new wooden houses, and not for repairing old coatings. Everything is explained quite simply: a new coating must be prepared for painting or varnishing, and for this, the plane must be even and smooth.

The second case when this procedure cannot be dispensed with is the application of paint of a new shade. The old one will have to be removed and done with high quality, it is possible only with the help of grinding. You will also have to subject the coating to such a procedure when redecorating the ceilings is carried out, without cardinal changes - you need to remove a thin outer layer of wood to reveal the existing texture of the tree and its natural pattern.

Naturally, the coating will have to be sanded even when the material initially has any defects: knots, protruding splinters and other similar details. The surface must be brought to beautiful view so that after varnishing or staining no flaws spoil appearance ceiling.

What tools are needed

Unlike plastered ceilings, which, in most cases, are processed exclusively by hand, it will be a little easier to work with wood - a variety of power tools are used here, which greatly facilitate the work. At the same time, grinding a wooden ceiling can be done not even with specialized devices, but with that tool. Which is available almost always - with an ordinary drill.

Its productivity is not too high and large areas will require a lot of time and effort, but the result will still be better than when working. with bare hands and regular sandpaper. Sandpaper will be required in any case - a network of places where it is very difficult to get close with a bulky tool and you have to act the old fashioned way - with your hands.

The best option is to have a special grinder. It can be either a special tape or eccentric machine, or a standard “grinder” with a nozzle in the form of a round disk, to which special sandpaper circles are attached. A surface grinder will help to process not too large areas of the surface. Its performance is higher than that of a standard drill, but it will be tedious to work on large spaces.

What to remember

The first thing to understand is that sanding a wooden ceiling is a very tedious and time-consuming task. You will need not only a lot of time, but also physical strength to achieve an acceptable result. You have to work on your head and your hands will constantly get very tired. At the same time, the cost of work, even if self-fulfillment remains considerable - at first glance, grinding discs or a tape for a typewriter are not so expensive, but the main problem is that a lot of discs will be required, as well as sandpaper.

The second nuance is work experience. If you do not have it, it is better to turn to professionals or take an experienced person as mentors. Although the power tool greatly facilitates the work, it will not insure you against mistakes that will inevitably occur. At the same time, there is a chance not only not to make the plane beautiful, but to spoil it even more.

The last nuance is the tool. If it is already available, carefully read the instructions - some models of machines and drills will not be able to withstand a long load and you need to constantly give them a "rest". Otherwise, you will simply lose a specific device - the tool will simply burn out. When purchasing everything specifically for repairs, ask the seller which of the selected models is best suited for your tasks and do not give preference to the cheapest options - the miser pays twice.

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