Anti-epidemic measures in the focus of dysentery. Clinical examination of patients with acute intestinal infections (AII)

Chronically ill and bacterial carriers.

Name Observation duration Recommended activities

, 3 months regardless of profession. Medical observation with thermometry weekly in the first 2 months, in the next month + 1 time in 2 weeks; monthly bacteriological examination of feces, urine and at the end of observation + bile. Convalescents belonging to the group of food workers, in the 1st month of observation, are examined bacteriologically 5 times (with an interval of 1-2 days), then 1 time per month. Before deregistration, a bacteriological examination of bile and a blood test are performed once. Diet therapy and medication are prescribed according to indications. Employment. Mode of work and rest.

3 months. Medical supervision, and for food workers and persons equated to them, in addition, a monthly bacteriological examination of feces; with generalized forms, a single bacteriological examination of bile before deregistration. Diet therapy is prescribed enzyme preparations according to indications, treatment of concomitant diseases. Mode of work and rest.

acute Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them + 3 months, non-declared + 1-2 months depending on the severity of the disease Medical supervision, and for food workers and persons equated to them, in addition, a monthly bacteriological examination of feces. Diet therapy, enzyme preparations according to indications, treatment of concomitant diseases are prescribed. Mode of work and rest.

Dysentery chronic Decreed category + 6 months, non-declared category - 3 months after clinical recovery and negative results of bacological examination. Medical supervision with monthly bacteriological examination, sigmoidoscopy according to indications, if necessary, consultation with a gastroenterologist. Diet therapy, enzyme preparations according to indications, treatment of concomitant diseases are prescribed.

Acute intestinal infections of unknown etiology Decreed category + 3 months, non-declared + 1-2 months depending on the severity of the disease Medical supervision, and for food workers and persons equated to them, a monthly bacteriological examination. Diet therapy and enzyme preparations are prescribed according to indications.

12 months regardless of illness Medical observation and bacteriological examination of feces in the 1st month 1 time in 10 days, from the 2nd to the 6th months + 1 time per month, then + 1 time per quarter. Bacteriological examination of bile in the 1st month. Mode of work and rest.

Viral hepatitis A At least 3 months, regardless of profession Clinical and laboratory examination within 1 month by the attending physician of the hospital, then 3 months after discharge + in the KIZ. In addition to a clinical examination + a blood test for bilirubin, ALT activity and sedimentary samples. Diet therapy is also prescribed according to indications + employment.

Viral hepatitis B At least 12 months, regardless of profession In the clinic, convalescents are examined 3, 6, 9, 12 months after discharge. Conducted: 1) clinical examination; 2) laboratory examination + total bilirubin, direct and indirect; ALT activity, sublimate and thymol samples, determination of HBsAg; detection of antibodies to HBsAg. Those who have been ill are temporarily unable to work + within 4-5 weeks, depending on the severity past illness, are subject to employment for a period of 6-12 months, and if there are indications, even longer (they are exempted from severe physical work business trips, sports activities). They are removed from the register after the observation period has expired in the absence of a chronic and 2-fold negative result of studies for the HBs antigen conducted at intervals of 10 days.

Chronic active hepatitis First 3 months + 1 time in 2 weeks, then 1 time per month. Same. Medical treatment according to testimony

carriers viral hepatitis B. Depending on the duration of carriage: acute carriers + 2 years, chronic + as sick chronic hepatitis . Tactics for acute and chronic carriers are different. Acute carriers are observed for 2 years. Examination is carried out upon detection, after 3 months, and then 2 times a year until deregistration. In parallel with the study on the antigen, the activity of AlAT, AsAT, the content of bilirubin, sublimate and thymol tests are determined. Deregistration is possible after five negative tests during follow-up. If the antigen is detected for more than 3 months, then such carriers are regarded as chronic with the presence of chronic disease in most cases. infectious process in the liver. In this case, they require observation, as patients with chronic hepatitis

Brucellosis Until complete recovery and 2 more years after recovery Patients in the stage of decompensation are subject to inpatient treatment, in the stage of sub-compensation to monthly clinical examination, in the stage of compensation are examined once every 5-6 months, with latent form diseases - at least once a year. During the observation period, clinical examinations, blood tests, urine tests, serological examinations, as well as consultations of specialists (surgeon, orthopedist, neuropathologist, gynecologist, psychiatrist, oculist, otolaryngologist) are carried out. Employment. Physiotherapy. Spa treatment.

Hemorrhagic fevers Until recovery The follow-up period is set depending on the severity of the disease: from easy flow 1 months, with moderate to severe with expression pattern kidney failure+ long term. Those who have been ill are examined 2-3 times, according to indications, they are consulted by a nephrologist and a urologist, blood and urine tests are performed. Employment. Spa treatment.

Malaria 2 years Medical observation, blood test by thick drop and smear method at any visit to the doctor during this period.

Chronic typhoid-paratyphoid bacteria carriers for life Medical supervision and bacteriological examination 2 times a year.

Carriers of diphtheria germs(toxigenic strains) Until 2 negative bacteriological tests are obtained Sanation chronic diseases nasopharynx.

Leptospirosis 6 months Clinical examinations are carried out once every 2 months, while clinical blood and urine tests are prescribed for those who have had an icteric form + biochemical liver tests. If necessary - consultation of a neuropathologist, ophthalmologist, etc. Mode of work and rest.

Meningococcal infection 2 years Observation by a neuropathologist, clinical examinations for one year once every three months, then examination once every 6 months, according to indications, consultation with an ophthalmologist, psychiatrist, relevant studies. Employment. Mode of work and rest.

Infectious mononucleosis 6 months. Clinical examinations in the first 10 days after discharge, then 1 time in 3 months, clinical analysis blood, after icteric forms + biochemical. According to indications, convalescents are consulted by a hematologist. Recommended employment for 3-6 months. Before deregistration, it is desirable to be tested for HIV infection.

2 years Observation by a neuropathologist, clinical examinations are carried out in the first 2 months 1 time per month, then 1 time in 3 months. Consultation on cardiologist's testimony, neuropathologist and other specialists. Mode of work and rest.

erysipelas 2 years Medical observation monthly, clinical blood test quarterly. Consultation of a surgeon, dermatologist and other specialists. Employment. Sanitation of foci of chronic infection.

ornithosis 2 years Clinical examinations after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, then 1 time per year. An examination is carried out - fluorography and RSK with ornithosis antigen once every 6 months. According to indications + consultation of a pulmonologist, a neuropathologist.

Botulism Until full recovery Depending on the clinical manifestations diseases are observed either by a cardiologist or a neuropathologist. Examination by specialists according to indications 1 time in 6 months. Employment.

Tick-borne encephalitis The timing of follow-up depends on the type of disease and residual effects Observation is carried out by a neuropathologist once every 3-6 months, depending on the clinical manifestations. Consultations of a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist and other specialists. Mode of work and rest. Employment. Physiotherapy. Spa treatment.

1 month Medical observation, clinical analysis of blood and urine on the 1st and 3rd week after discharge; according to indications + ECG, consultation of a rheumatologist and nephrologist.

Pseudotuberculosis 3 months. Medical supervision, and after icteric forms after 1 and 3 months + biochemical examination, as in convalescents of viral hepatitis A.

HIV infection(all stages of the disease) for life. Seropositive persons 2 times a year, patients + according to clinical indications. Study of immunoblotting and immunological parameters. Clinical and laboratory examination with the involvement of an oncologist, pulmonologist, hematologist and other specialists. Specific Therapy and treatment of secondary infections.

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Dysentery An anthroponotic infectious disease characterized by a predominant lesion distal large intestine and manifested by intoxication, frequent and painful defecation, loose stools, in some cases with mucus and blood.

Etiology. The causative agents of dysentery belong to the genus Shigella families Enterobacteriaceae. Shigella are gram-negative bacteria 2-4 microns long, 0.5-0.8 microns wide, immobile, do not form spores and capsules. Shigella are divided into 4 subgroups - A, B, C, D, which correspond to 4 types - S. dysenteriae, S. flexneri, S. boydii, S. sonnei. In the population S. dysenteriae allocate 12 serological variants (1-12); population S. flexneri subdivided into 8 serovars (1-5, 6, X, Y-variants), while the first 5 serovars are divided into subserovars ( 1 a, 1 b, 2 a, 2 b, 3 a, 3 b, 4 a, 4 b, 5 a, 5 b); population S. boydii differentiates into 18 serovars (1-18). S. sonnei do not have serovars, but they can be divided into a number of types according to biochemical properties, relation to typical phages, ability to produce colicins, resistance to antibiotics. The dominant position in the etiology of dysentery is occupied by S. sonnei and S. flexneri 2 a.

The causative agents of the main etiological forms of dysentery have unequal virulence. The most virulent are S. dysenteriae 1 (causative agents of Grigoriev-Shiga dysentery), which produce a neurotoxin. The infectious dose of Shigella Grigoriev-Shiga is dozens of microbial cells. infectious dose S. flexneri 2 a, causing disease in 25% of infected volunteers, amounted to 180 microbial cells. Virulence S. sonnei significantly lower - the infectious dose of these microorganisms is at least 10 7 microbial cells. However S. sonnei have a number of properties that compensate for the lack of virulence (higher resistance in the external environment, increased antagonistic activity, more often produce colicins, greater resistance to antibiotics, etc.).

Shigella (S. sonnei, S. flexneri) relatively stable in the environment and remain viable in tap water for up to one month, in wastewater - 1.5 months, in moist soil - 3 months, on food products - several weeks. Shigella Grigorieva-Shiga are less resistant.

The causative agents of dysentery at a temperature of 60С die within 10 minutes, while boiling - instantly. These pathogens are detrimentally affected by solutions of disinfectants in the usual working concentrations (1% chloramine solution, 1% phenol solution).

source of infection. Sources of infection are patients with an acute form, convalescents, as well as patients with protracted forms and bacteria carriers. In the structure of sources of infection in Sonne dysentery, 90% are in patients with an acute form, in which in 70-80% of cases the disease proceeds in a mild or erased form. Convalescents determine 1.5-3.0% of infections, patients with protracted forms - 0.6-3.3%, persons with subclinical forms - 4.3-4.8%. With Flexner's dysentery, the leading role in the structure of sources of infection also belongs to patients with acute forms, however, with this form of dysentery, the importance of convalescents (12%), patients with protracted and chronic forms (6-7%), and persons with a subclinical course of infection (15%) increases. .

The period of contagiousness of patients corresponds to the period of clinical manifestations. The maximum contagiousness is observed in the first 5 days of illness. In the vast majority of patients with acute dysentery, as a result of treatment, the release of pathogens stops in the first week and only occasionally continues for 2-3 weeks. Convalescents secrete pathogens until the end of the processes of restoration of the mucous membrane of the large intestine. In some cases (up to 3% of cases), carriage may continue for several months. Tendency to lingering current more typical for Flexner's dysentery and less for Sonne's dysentery.

Incubation period- is 1-7 days, on average 2-3 days.

Transfer mechanism- fecal-oral.

Ways and factors of transmission. Transmission factors are food, water, household items. In the summer, the "fly" factor is important. A certain relationship has been established between transmission factors and etiological forms of dysentery. In Grigoriev-Shiga dysentery, the leading factors in the transmission of shigella are household items. S. flexneri transmitted mainly through the water factor. The nutritional factor plays a major role in the distribution S. sonnei. As transmission factors S. sonnei, the main place is occupied by milk, sour cream, cottage cheese, kefir.

susceptibility and immunity. The human population is heterogeneous in susceptibility to dysentery, which is associated with factors of general and local immunity, the frequency of infection with shigella, age and other factors. The factors of general immunity include serum antibodies of classes IgA, IgM, IgG. Local immunity is associated with the production of secretory immunoglobulins of the class BUT (IgA s ) and plays a major role in protection against infection. Local immunity is relatively short-term and after the disease provides immunity to re-infections within 2-3 months.

Manifestations of the epidemic process. Dysentery is ubiquitous. AT last years in Belarus, the incidence of Sonne dysentery ranges from 3.0 to 32.7, Flexner dysentery - from 14.1 to 34.9 per 100,000 population. Most cases of dysentery are classified as sporadic; outbreaks in different years account for no more than 5-15% of cases. Risk time- periods of ups and downs in Sonne's dysentery alternate with intervals of 2-3 years, with Flexner's dysentery, the intervals are 8-9 years; The incidence of dysentery is on the rise warm time of the year; in the structure of causes leading to morbidity, seasonal factors account for 44 to 85% of annual morbidity rates; in cities, two seasonal rises in the incidence of dysentery are often detected - summer and autumn-winter. At-risk groups– children aged 1-2 years and 3-6 years old attending preschool institutions.Territories of risk- the incidence of dysentery in the urban population is 2-3 times higher than in the rural population.

Risk factors. Lack of conditions for fulfilling hygienic requirements, insufficient level of hygienic knowledge and skills, violation of hygienic and technological standards at epidemically significant facilities, reorganization of preschool institutions.

Prevention. In the prevention of dysentery incidence, measures aimed at breaking the transmission mechanism take leading place. First of all, these are sanitary and hygienic measures arising from the results of a retrospective epidemiological analysis to neutralize the spread of shigella through milk and dairy products. An important section of sanitary and hygienic measures is to provide the population with a benign and epidemically safe drinking water. Compliance with sanitary norms and rules at food industry and public catering enterprises, as well as in preschool institutions, makes a significant contribution to the prevention of dysentery. The rupture of the fecal-oral transmission mechanism of shigella is facilitated by pest control measures aimed at the destruction of flies, as well as preventive disinfection at epidemically significant objects.

Given the significant contribution of seasonal factors to the formation of the incidence of dysentery, early measures should be taken to neutralize them.

Anti-epidemic measures- Table 1.

Table 1

Anti-epidemic measures in the foci of dysentery

Name of the event

1. Measures aimed at the source of infection



    when applying for medical care;

    in time medical examinations and when observing persons who communicated with patients;

    in the event of an epidemic unfavorable state of health in the given territory or facility, extraordinary bacteriological examinations of the decreed contingents can be carried out (the need for their conduct, the frequency and volume is determined by the experts of the CGE);

    among children of preschool institutions, orphanages, boarding schools, summer health institutions during examination before registration in this institution and bacteriological examination in the presence of epidemic or clinical indications; when receiving children returning to the listed institutions after any illness or a long (3 days or more, excluding weekends) absence, (the admission is carried out only if there is a certificate from the local doctor or from the hospital indicating the diagnosis of the disease);

    when a child is admitted to a kindergarten in the morning (a survey of parents is conducted about the general condition of the child, the nature of the stool; if there are complaints and clinical symptoms characteristic of OKI, the child is not allowed in the kindergarten, but is sent to a health care facility).


It is carried out according to clinical, epidemiological data and laboratory results.

Accounting and registration

The primary documents for recording information about the disease are: a medical record of an outpatient (f. 025u); history of the development of the child (f. 112 y), medical record (f. 026 y). The case of the disease is recorded in the register infectious diseases(f. 060 y).

Emergency notification to the CGE

Patients with dysentery are subject to individual registration in the territorial CGE. Physician who registered case of disease, sends an emergency notification to the CGE (f. 058u): primary - orally, by phone in the city in the first 12 hours, in the countryside - 24 hours, final - in writing, after a differential diagnosis has been made and after receiving the results of a bacteriological or serological study, no later than 24 hours from receipt.


Hospitalization in infectious hospital carried out according to clinical and epidemic indications.

Clinical indications:

    all severe forms infections, regardless of the age of the patient;

    moderate forms in children early age and in persons over 60 years of age with a burdened premorbid background;

    diseases in persons who are sharply weakened and aggravated comorbidities;

    protracted and chronic forms dysentery (with exacerbation).

Epidemic indications:

    with the threat of the spread of infection at the place of residence of the patient;

    employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them if they are suspected as a source of infection (mandatory for a complete clinical examination).

Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them, children attending preschool institutions, boarding schools and summer health institutions are discharged from the hospital after a complete clinical recovery and a single negative result of a bacteriological examination conducted 1-2 days after the end of treatment. When positive result bacteriological examination, the course of treatment is repeated.

Categories of patients who do not belong to the above contingent are discharged after clinical recovery. The need for bacteriological examination before discharge is decided by the attending physician.

The procedure for admission to organized groups and work

Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them are allowed to work, and children attending kindergartens, brought up in orphanages, in orphanages, boarding schools, vacationers in summer recreational institutions are allowed to visit these institutions immediately after discharge from the hospital or home treatment on the basis of a certificate of recovery and if there is a negative result bacteriological analysis. Additional bacteriological examination in this case is not carried out.

Food workers and persons equated to them with positive results of a control bacteriological examination conducted after a second course of treatment are transferred to another job not related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food and water supply (until recovery). If their excretion of the pathogen continues for more than three months after the illness, then they, as chronic carriers, are transferred for life to work not related to food and water supply, and if the transfer is impossible, they are suspended from work with the payment of social insurance benefits.

Children who have had an exacerbation of chronic dysentery are allowed to join the children's team if the stool has been normalized for at least 5 days, in good general condition, and at normal temperature. Bacteriological examination is carried out at the discretion of the attending physician.

Dispensary observation

Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them who have recovered from dysentery are subject to dispensary observation within 1 month. At the end of dispensary observation, the need for bacteriological examination is determined by the attending physician.

Children attending preschool institutions, boarding schools who have recovered from dysentery are subject to dispensary observation within 1 month after recovery. A bacteriological examination is prescribed by him according to indications (the presence of a long unstable stool, the release of a pathogen after a completed course of treatment, weight loss, etc.).

Food workers and persons equated to them with positive results of a control bacteriological examination conducted after a second course of treatment are subject to dispensary observation for 3 months. At the end of each month, a single bacteriological examination is carried out. The need for sigmoidoscopy and serological studies is determined by the attending physician.

Persons diagnosed with chronic dysentery are subject to dispensary observation within 6 months (from the date of diagnosis) with a monthly examination and bacteriological examination.

At the end of the established period of medical examination, the observed person is removed from the register by an infectious disease specialist or a local doctor, provided that he has made a full clinical recovery and is in an epidemic state of well-being in the outbreak.

2. Activities aimed at the transmission mechanism

Current disinfection

In home foci, it is carried out by the patient himself or by persons caring for him. It is organized by the medical worker who made the diagnosis.

Sanitary and hygienic measures: the patient is isolated in a separate room or a fenced off part of it (the patient's room is subjected to daily wet cleaning and ventilation), contact with children is excluded, the number of objects with which the patient can come into contact is limited, personal hygiene rules are observed; allocate a separate bed, towels, care items, dishes for food and drink of the patient; utensils and patient care items are stored separately from the utensils of family members. The patient's dirty linen is kept separately from the linen of family members. Maintain cleanliness in rooms and common areas. In the summer, they systematically carry out the fight against flies. In apartment foci of dysentery, it is advisable to use physical and mechanical methods disinfection, as well as the use of detergents and disinfectants household chemicals, soda, soap, clean rags, washing, ironing, airing, etc.

In kindergarten it is carried out for a maximum incubation period by personnel under the supervision of a medical worker.

Final disinfection

In apartment centers after hospitalization or treatment of the patient, it is performed by his relatives using physical methods disinfection and the use of household detergents and disinfectants. Briefing on the procedure for their use and disinfection is carried out medical workers LPO, as well as an epidemiologist or an assistant epidemiologist of the territorial CGE.

In kindergartens, boarding schools, orphanages, hostels, hotels, health-improving institutions for children and adults, nursing homes, in apartment centers where large and socially disadvantaged families live, it is carried out during the registration of each case by the CDS or by the disinfection department of the territorial CGE during the first days from the date of receipt of an emergency notification at the request of an epidemiologist or assistant epidemiologist. Chamber disinfection is not carried out. Various disinfectants are used - solutions of chloramine (0.5-1.0%), sulfochloranthin (0.1-0.2%), chlordesine (0.5-1.0%), hydrogen peroxide (3%), dezam (0.25-0.5%), etc.

Laboratory study of the external environment

As a rule, sampling of food residues, water samples and washings from environmental objects for bacteriological examination is performed.

3. Activities aimed at persons who have been in contact with the source of infection


Those who communicated in the kindergarten are children who visited the same group at the estimated time of infection as the sick person, staff, employees of the catering unit, and in the apartment - living in this apartment.

Clinical examination

It is carried out by a local doctor or an infectious disease specialist and includes a survey, assessment of the general condition, examination, palpation of the intestine measuring body temperature. The presence of symptoms of the disease and the date of their occurrence are specified.

Collecting an epidemiological history

It turns out the presence similar diseases at the place of work / study of the sick person and those who communicated, the fact that the sick person and those who communicated consumed food products that are suspected as a transmission factor.

medical supervision

It is set for 7 days from the moment of isolation of the source of infection. In a collective focus (child care center, hospital, sanatorium, school, boarding school, summer health institution, food and water supply enterprise) is carried out by a medical worker of the specified enterprise or territorial healthcare facility. In apartment buildings medical supervision"food workers" and persons equated to them, children attending kindergartens are subject to. It is carried out by medical workers at the place of residence of those who communicated. Scope of observation: daily (at the kindergarten 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening) a survey about the nature of the stool, examination, thermometry. The results of the observation are entered in the journal of observations of those who communicated, in the history of the development of the child (f.112u), in outpatient card patient (f.025u) or in medical card child (f.026u), and the results of observation of food unit workers - in the journal "Health".

Regime-restrictive measures

Activities are carried out within 7 days after isolation of the patient. The admission of new and temporarily absent children to the DDU group, from which the patient is isolated, is stopped. It is forbidden to transfer children from this group to other groups after isolation of the patient. Communication with children of other groups is not allowed. Participation of the quarantine group in general cultural events is prohibited. Walks of the quarantine group are organized and the last return from them, compliance with group isolation at the site, receiving food last.

Emergency prevention

Not carried out. You can use a dysenteric bacteriophage.

Laboratory examination

The need for research, their type, volume, frequency rate is determined by the epidemiologist or assistant epidemiologist.

As a rule, in an organized team, a bacteriological examination of communicating persons is performed if a child under 2 years of age who attends a nursery, an employee of a food enterprise, or equivalent to him, falls ill. In apartment centers, food workers and persons equated to them, children attending kindergartens, boarding schools, and summer recreational institutions are examined. Upon receipt of a positive result of a bacteriological examination of persons belonging to the category of "food workers" and equated to them, they are removed from work related to food products or from visiting organized groups and are sent to the KIZ of the territorial polyclinic to resolve the issue of their hospitalization.

health education

A conversation is being held on the prevention of infection with pathogens of intestinal infections.



Bacterial infection - is caused more often by Sonne and Flexner shchigella, less often by Grigoriev-Shig and Schmitz-Shtuzer. Incubation 1-7 (2-3) days. They usually proceed as hemocolitis, the Sonne form - as well as gastroenterocolitis (food infection). Accompanied by toxicosis varying degrees with vomiting, cardiovascular disorders, in infants - also exsicosis and acidosis.

Definition - a group of anthroponotic bacterial infectious diseases with a fecal-oral mechanism of pathogen transmission. It is characterized by a predominant lesion of the mucous membrane of the distal colon and general intoxication.

Pathogen - a group of microorganisms of the family Tnterobacteriaceae of the genus Shigella, including 4 species: 1) group A - Sh.dysenteriae, which included the bacteria Sh.dysenteriae 1 - Grigorieva-Shigi, Sh.dysenteriae 2 - Stutzer - Schmitz and Sh.dysenteriae 3-7 Large - Saks ( serovars 1-12, of which 2 and 3 dominate); 2) group B - Sh.flexneri with subspecies Sh.flexneri 6 - Newcastle (serovars 1-5, each of which is subdivided into subserovars a and b, as well as serovars 6, X and Y, of which 2a, 1c and 6 dominate) ; 3) Sh.boydii group (serovars 1-18, of which 4 and 2 dominate) and 4) group D - Sh.sonnei (biochemical variants Iie, IIg and Ia dominate). The most common species are Sonne (up to 60-80%) and Flexner.

Shigella are gram-negative non-motile rods, facultative aerobes. Stick Grigoriev - Shigi forms Shigitoxin, or exotoxin, other species produce thermolabile endotoxin. The highest infectious dose is typical for Grigoriev-Shigi bacteria. Large - for Flexner bacteria and the largest for Sonne bacteria. Representatives of the last two species are the most stable in environment: on dishes and wet linen they can be stored for months, in soil - up to 3 months, on food - several days, in water - up to 2 months; when heated up to 60° With perish after 10 minutes, when boiling - immediately, in disinfectant solutions - within a few minutes.

Reservoir and exciter sources: a person with an acute or chronic form of dysentery, as well as a carrier - convalescent or transient.

Source infectivity period equal to the entire period of clinical manifestations of the disease plus the period of convalescence, while the pathogen is excreted in the feces (usually from 1 to 4 weeks). Carriership sometimes lasts several months.

Pathogen transmission mechanism fecal-oral; ways of transmission - water, food (transmission factors - a variety of food products, especially milk and dairy products) and household (transmission factors - contaminated hands, dishes, toys, etc.).

Natural susceptibility of people high. Post-infectious immunity is unstable, reinfections are possible.

Main epidemiological signs. The disease is ubiquitous, but the incidence prevails in developing countries among populations with poor socio-economic and sanitary-hygienic status. Children of the first 3 years of life get sick more often. Citizens get sick 2-4 times more often than rural residents. Typical summer-autumn seasonality. Outbreaks are not uncommon, with Flexner shigella predominating as an etiological agent in water outbreaks, and Sonne shigella in food (milk) outbreaks.

Incubation period from 1 to 7 days, more often 2-3 days.

Main clinical signs. In typical cases (colitis form), the disease begins acutely. There are cramping pains in the left iliac region. false urges for defecation. The stool is scanty, muco-bloody. Body temperature can rise up to 38-39° C. Loss of appetite, headache, dizziness, weakness, tongue coated. The sigmoid colon is spasmodic, painful on palpation. In atypical cases, acute dysentery occurs in the form of gastroenteritis or gastroenterocolitis with symptoms of intoxication, pain in epigastric region, loose stools. Chronic shigellosis can occur in recurrent or protracted (continuous) forms: an exacerbation usually occurs after 2-3 months. after discharge from the hospital, sometimes later - up to 6 months. Subclinical forms are usually detected only during bacteriological examinations according to epidemiological indications.

Laboratory diagnostics is based on the isolation of the pathogen from feces with the establishment of its species and genus, antibiotic resistance, etc. In order to identify the dynamics of dysentery antibodies in the blood, RSK, RPHA with paired sera, however, this reaction is not very suitable for the purposes of early diagnosis.

Dispensary observation of the sick. The procedure and terms of dispensary observation:

Persons suffering from chronic dysentery, confirmed by the release of the pathogen, and carriers that secrete the pathogen for a long time, are subject to observation for 3 months. with a monthly examination by an infectious disease specialist of a polyclinic or a district doctor and bacteriological examination. At the same time, a survey of persons suffering from unstable stools for a long time is carried out;

Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them, after being discharged from work, remain under dispensary observation for 3 months. with a monthly examination by a doctor, as well as bacteriological examination; persons suffering from chronic dysentery are subject to dispensary observation for 6 months. with monthly bacteriological examination. After this period, with a clinical recovery, they can be admitted to work in their specialty;

Long-term carriers are subject to clinical research and re-treatment until recovery.

At the end of the observation period, the completion of studies, with clinical recovery and epidemiological well-being in the environment, the observed person is deregistered. Deregistration is carried out on commission by an infectious disease specialist of a polyclinic or a district doctor together with an epidemiologist. The decision of the commission is fixed by a special entry in the medical records.

The rehabilitation of an infectious patient is understood as a complex of medical and social measures aimed at a faster recovery of health and impaired performance by the disease.

Rehabilitation is aimed primarily at maintaining the vital activity of the body and adapting it to conditions after illness, and then to work and society.

Eventually medical rehabilitation a person who has had an infectious disease must fully restore both health and working capacity.

Rehabilitation often begins even during the stay of an infectious patient in a hospital. The continuation of rehabilitation, as a rule, takes place at home after discharge from the hospital, when a person is not yet working, having a "sick leave" (disability certificate) in his hands. Unfortunately, centers and sanatoriums for the rehabilitation of infectious patients are still rarely created in our country.

General principles rehabilitation are refracted through the prism of what disease the patient has suffered (viral hepatitis, meningococcal infection, dysentery, acute respiratory infections, etc.)

Among the medical and rehabilitation measures, it is necessary to highlight the following: regimen, nutrition, physiotherapy exercises, physiotherapy, conducting conversations with those who have been ill, and pharmacological agents.

The regime is the main one for the implementation of medical and rehabilitation measures.

Training of the main body systems should lead to the realization of the main goal - a return to work. With the help of the regime conditions for treatment and rest are created.

The diet is prescribed taking into account the severity and clinical manifestations of an infectious disease, taking into account predominant lesion organs: liver (viral hepatitis), kidneys (hemorrhagic fever, leptospirosis), etc. Specifically, the diet is recommended by the doctor before discharge from the hospital. All patients are prescribed multivitamins at a dose that is 2-3 times the daily requirement.

Therapeutic exercise helps speedy recovery the physical performance of the patient. The simplest objective indicator of appropriate physical activity is the recovery of heart rate (pulse) 3-5 minutes after exercise.

Physiotherapy is carried out according to the doctor's prescription according to the indications: massage, UHF, solux, diathermy, etc.

It is advisable to conduct conversations with convalescents: about the dangers of alcohol after suffering viral hepatitis, about the need to avoid hypothermia after suffering erysipelas, etc. Such educational conversations (reminders) on medical topics can be carried out at home by relatives of the patient.

Pharmacological therapy drugs that contribute to the restoration of functions and performance of those who have recovered from infectious diseases exist and are prescribed by a doctor before discharge of patients from the hospital.

The main stages of medical rehabilitation of infectious patients are: 1. Infectious hospitals. 2. Rehabilitation center or sanatorium. 3. Polyclinic at the place of residence - an office of infectious diseases (KIZ).

First stage - acute period illness; the second stage is the recovery period (after discharge); the third stage - in KIZ, where mainly issues are resolved medical and social expertise(former VTEK) related to employment.

In the KIZ, dispensary (active dynamic) monitoring of those recovering from infectious diseases is also carried out in accordance with the orders and guidance documents of the Ministry of Health (Reg. N 408 of 1989, etc.). where they are observed by an infectious disease specialist. Observation is carried out after the patient has suffered the following infections: dysentery, salmonellosis, acute intestinal infections of unknown nature, typhoid fever, paratyphoid fever, cholera, viral hepatitis, malaria, tick-borne borreliosis, brucellosis, tick-borne encephalitis, meningococcal infection, hemorrhagic fevers, leptospirosis, pseudotuberculosis, diphtheria, ornithosis.

The duration and nature of dispensary observation of recovered infectious diseases, chronically ill patients and bacteria carriers (A.G. Rakhmanova, V.K. Prigozhina, V.A. Neverov)

Name Observation duration Recommended activities
Typhoid fever, paratyphoid A and B 3 months regardless of profession Medical observation with thermometry weekly in the first 2 months, in the next month - 1 time in 2 weeks; monthly bacteriological examination of feces, urine and at the end of the observation - bile. Convalescents belonging to the group of food workers, in the 1st month of observation, are examined bacteriologically 5 times (with an interval of 1-2 days), then 1 time per month. Before deregistration, a bacteriological examination of bile and a blood test are performed once. Diet therapy and medication cherishta are prescribed according to indications. Employment. Mode of work and rest.
Salmonella 3 months Medical supervision, and for food workers and persons equated to them, in addition, a monthly bacteriological examination of feces; with generalized forms, a single bacteriological examination of bile before deregistration. Diet therapy, enzyme preparations according to indications, treatment of concomitant diseases are prescribed. Mode of work and rest.
Acute dysentery Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them - 3 months, non-declared - 1-2 months. depending on the severity of the disease Medical supervision, and for food workers and persons equated to them, in addition, a monthly bacteriological examination of feces. Diet therapy, enzyme preparations according to indications, treatment of concomitant diseases are prescribed. Mode of work and rest.
Dysentery chronic Decreed category - 6 months, non-declared - 3 months. after clinical recovery and negative results of bacteriological examination. Medical supervision with monthly bacteriological examination, sigmoidoscopy according to indications, if necessary, consultation with a gastroenterologist. Diet therapy, enzyme preparations according to indications, treatment of concomitant diseases are prescribed.
Acute intestinal infections of unknown etiology Decreed category - 3 months, non-declared - 1-2 months. depending on the severity of the disease Medical supervision, and for food workers and persons equated to them, a monthly bacteriological examination. Diet therapy and enzyme preparations are prescribed according to indications.
Cholera 12 months regardless of illness Medical supervision and bacteriological examination of feces in the 1st month 1 time in 10 days, from the 2nd to the 6th months - 1 time per month, subsequently - 1 time per quarter. Bacteriological examination of bile in the 1st month. Mode of work and rest.
Viral hepatitis A At least 3 months, regardless of profession Clinical and laboratory examination during the 1st month by the attending physician of the hospital, then 3 months after discharge - in the KIZ. In addition to a clinical examination - a blood test for bilirubin, ALT activity and sedimentary samples. Diet therapy is prescribed and, according to indications, employment.
Viral hepatitis B At least 12 months, regardless of profession In the clinic, convalescents are examined 3, 6, 9, 12 months after discharge. Conducted: 1) clinical examination; 2) laboratory examination - total bilirubin, direct and indirect; ALT activity, sublimate and thymol tests, determination of HBsAg; detection of antibodies to HBsAg. Those who have been ill are temporarily disabled for 4-5 weeks. depending on the severity of the disease, they are subject to employment for a period of 6-12 months, and if there are indications, even longer (they are exempted from hard physical work, business trips, sports activities). They are removed from the register after the observation period expires in the absence of chronic hepatitis and a 2-fold negative result of tests for HBs antigen conducted with an interval of 10 days.
Chronic active hepatitis First 3 months - 1 time in 2 weeks, then 1 time per month Same. Medical treatment as indicated
Carriers of viral hepatitis B Depending on the duration of carriage: acute carriers - 2 years, chronic carriers - as patients with chronic hepatitis The doctor's tactics in relation to acute and chronic carriers are different. Acute carriers are observed for 2 years. Examination for antigen is carried out upon detection, after 3 months, and then 2 times a year until deregistration. In parallel with the study on the antigen, the activity of AlAT, AsAT, the content of bilirubin, sublimate and thymol tests are determined. Deregistration is possible after five negative tests during follow-up. If the antigen is detected for more than 3 months, then such carriers are regarded as chronic with the presence of a chronic infectious process in the liver in most cases. In this case, they require observation, as patients with chronic hepatitis
Brucellosis Until complete recovery and 2 more years after recovery Patients in the decompensation stage are subject to inpatient treatment, in the subcompensation stage to a monthly clinical examination, in the compensation stage they are examined once every 5-6 months, with a latent form of the disease - at least 1 time per year. During the observation period, clinical examinations, blood tests, urine tests, serological studies, as well as a consultation of specialists (surgeon, orthopedist, neuropathologist, gynecologist, psychiatrist, oculist, otolaryngologist) are carried out.
Hemorrhagic fevers Until recovery The terms of observation are set depending on the severity of the disease: with a mild course of 1 month, with moderate and severe with an expression of a picture of renal failure - for a long time indefinitely. Those who have been ill are examined 2-3 times, according to indications, they are consulted by a nephrologist and a urologist, blood and urine tests are performed. Employment. Spa treatment.
Malaria 2 years Medical observation, blood test by thick drop and smear method at any visit to the doctor during this period.
Chronic typhoid-paratyphoid bacteria carriers for life Medical supervision and bacteriological examination 2 times a year.
Carriers of diphtheria microbes (toxigenic strains) Until 2 negative bacteriological tests are obtained Sanitation of chronic diseases of the nasopharynx.
Leptospirosis 6 months Clinical examinations are carried out 1 time in 2 months, while clinical blood and urine tests are prescribed for those who have had an icteric form - biochemical liver tests. If necessary - consultation of a neurologist, ophthalmologist, etc. Mode of work and rest.
Meningococcal infection 2 years Observation by a neuropathologist, clinical examinations for one year once every three months, then examination once every 6 months, according to indications, consultation with an ophthalmologist, a psychiatrist, appropriate studies. Employment. Mode of work and rest.
Infectious mononucleosis 6 months Clinical examinations in the first 10 days after discharge, then 1 time in 3 months, a clinical blood test, after icteric forms - a biochemical one. According to indications, convalescents are consulted by a hematologist. Recommended employment for 3-6 months. Before deregistration, it is desirable to be tested for HIV infection.
Tetanus 2 years Observation by a neurologist, clinical examinations are carried out in the first 2 months. 1 time per month, then 1 time per 3 months. Consultation according to indications of a cardiologist, neuropathologist and other specialists. Mode of work and rest.
erysipelas 2 years Medical observation monthly, clinical blood test quarterly. Consultation of a surgeon, dermatologist and other specialists. Employment. Sanitation of foci of chronic infection.
ornithosis 2 years Clinical examinations after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months, then 1 time per year. An examination is carried out - fluorography and RSK with ornithosis antigen once every 6 months. According to indications - consultation of a pulmonologist, a neuropathologist.
Botulism Until full recovery Depending on the clinical manifestations of the disease, they are observed either by a cardiologist or a neuropathologist. Examination by specialists according to indications 1 time in 6 months. Employment.
Tick-borne encephalitis The timing of observation depends on the form of the disease and residual effects. Observation is carried out by a neuropathologist once every 3-6 months, depending on the clinical manifestations. Consultations of a psychiatrist, ophthalmologist and other specialists. Mode of work and rest. Employment. Physiotherapy. Spa treatment.
Angina 1 month Medical observation, clinical analysis of blood and urine on the 1st and 3rd week after discharge; according to indications - ECG, consultation of a rheumatologist and nephrologist.
Pseudotuberculosis 3 months Medical observation, and after icteric forms after 1 and 3 months. - biochemical examination, as in convalescents of viral hepatitis A.
HIV infection (all stages of the disease) For life. Seropositive persons 2 times a year, patients - according to clinical indications. Study of immunoblotting and immunological parameters. Clinical and laboratory examination with the involvement of an oncologist, pulmonologist, hematologist and other specialists. Specific therapy and treatment of secondary infections.

1. Measures aimed at the source of infection

1.1. Detection is carried out:
when seeking medical help;
during medical examinations and when observing persons who have interacted with patients;
in case of epidemic trouble for acute intestinal infection (AII) in a given territory or object, extraordinary bacteriological examinations of decreed contingents can be carried out (the need for their conduct, the frequency and volume are determined by the CGE specialists);
among children attending preschool institutions, brought up in orphanages, boarding schools, vacationing in summer recreational institutions, during examination before registration in this institution and bacteriological examination in the presence of epidemic or clinical indications; when receiving children returning to the listed institutions after any illness or a long (3 days or more, excluding weekends) absence (admission is carried out only if there is a certificate from a local doctor or from a hospital indicating the diagnosis of the disease);
at the morning admission of a child to a kindergarten (a survey of parents is conducted about the general condition of the child, the nature of the stool; if there are complaints and clinical symptoms characteristic of OKI, the child is not allowed in kindergarten, but is sent to LPO).

1.2. Diagnosis is based on clinical, epidemiological data and laboratory results

1.3. Accounting and registration:
Primary documents for recording information about the disease:
outpatient card (f. No. 025/y); history of the child's development (form No. 112/y), medical record (form No. 026/y).
The case of the disease is registered in the register of infectious diseases (f. No. 060 / y).

1.4. Emergency notification to the CGE
Patients with dysentery are subject to individual registration in the territorial CGE. The doctor who registered the case of the disease sends an emergency notification to the CGE (f. No. 058 / y): primary - orally, by phone, in the city in the first 12 hours, in countryside- 24 hours; final - in writing, after the differential diagnosis and obtaining the results of bacteriological
or serological examination, no later than 24 hours from the moment of their receipt.

1.5. Insulation
Hospitalization in an infectious disease hospital is carried out according to clinical and epidemic indications.
Clinical indications:
all severe forms of infection, regardless of the age of the patient;
moderate forms in young children and in persons over 60 years of age with a burdened premorbid background;
diseases in persons who are sharply weakened and burdened with concomitant diseases;
protracted and chronic forms of dysentery (with exacerbation).

Epidemic indications:
with the threat of the spread of infection at the place of residence of the patient;
employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them, if suspected as a source of infection (in without fail for a complete clinical examination)

1.7. Extract
Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them, children attending preschool institutions, boarding schools and summer health institutions are discharged from the hospital after a complete clinical recovery and a single negative result of a bacteriological examination conducted 1-2 days after the end of treatment. In the case of a positive result of bacteriological examination, the course of treatment is repeated.
Categories of patients who do not belong to the above-mentioned contingent are discharged after clinical recovery. The question of the need for bacteriological examination before discharge is decided by the attending physician.

1.8. The procedure for admission to organized teams and work
Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them are allowed to work, and children attending kindergartens, being brought up in orphanages, orphanages, boarding schools, vacationing in summer recreational institutions, are allowed to visit these institutions immediately after discharge from the hospital or treatment at home on the basis of a certificate of recovery and in the presence of a negative result of bacteriological analysis. Additional bacteriological examination in this case is not carried out.

Patients who do not belong to the above categories are allowed to work and to organized teams immediately after clinical recovery.

Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them, with positive results of a control bacteriological examination conducted after a second course of treatment, are transferred to another job not related to the production, storage, transportation and sale of food and water supply (until recovery). If the isolation of the pathogen continues for more than 3 months after past illness However, as chronic carriers, they are transferred for life to work not related to food and water supply, and if transfer is impossible, they are suspended from work with the payment of social security benefits.

Children who have had an exacerbation chronic dysentery, are allowed in children's team with normalization of the stool for at least 5 days, good general condition, normal temperature. Bacteriological examination is carried out at the discretion of the attending physician.

1.9. Dispensary supervision.
Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them who have had dysentery are subject to dispensary observation for 1 month. At the end of dispensary observation, the need for bacteriological examination is determined by the attending physician.

Children who have had dysentery and attend preschool institutions, boarding schools are subject to dispensary observation within 1 month after recovery. A bacteriological examination is prescribed by him according to indications (the presence of a long unstable stool, the release of a pathogen after a completed course of treatment, weight loss, etc.).

Employees of food enterprises and persons equated to them, with positive results of a control bacteriological examination conducted after a second course of treatment, are subject to dispensary observation for 3 months. At the end of each month, a single bacteriological examination is carried out. The need for sigmoidoscopy and serological studies determined by the attending physician.

Persons with a diagnosis of chronic are subject to dispensary observation for 6 months (from the date of diagnosis) with a monthly examination and bacteriological examination.

At the end of the established period of medical examination, the observed person is removed from the register by an infectious disease specialist or a local doctor, provided that he has made a full clinical recovery and is in an epidemic state of well-being in the outbreak.

2. Activities aimed at the transmission mechanism

2.1 Current disinfection

In apartment centers, it is carried out by the patient himself or by persons caring for him. It is organized by the medical worker who made the diagnosis.
Sanitary and hygienic measures: the patient is isolated in a separate room or a fenced off part of it (the patient's room is subjected to wet cleaning and ventilation daily), contact with children is excluded;
the number of objects with which the patient can come into contact is limited;
the rules of personal hygiene are observed;
a separate bed, towels, care items, dishes for food and drink of the patient are allocated;
utensils and items for patient care are stored separately from the utensils of other family members;
dirty laundry the patient is kept separately from the linen of family members.

Maintain cleanliness in rooms and common areas. In the summer, indoor activities are systematically carried out to combat flies. In apartment foci of dysentery, it is advisable to use physical and mechanical methods of disinfection (washing, ironing, airing), as well as to use detergents and disinfectants, soda, soap, clean rags, etc.

It is carried out during the maximum incubation period by the personnel under the supervision of a medical worker in the kindergarten.

2.2. Final disinfection
In apartment outbreaks, after hospitalization or treatment of the patient, it is performed by his relatives using physical methods of disinfection and detergents and disinfectants. Instruction on the procedure for their use and disinfection is carried out by medical workers of the LPO, as well as an epidemiologist or an assistant epidemiologist of the territorial CGE.

In kindergartens, boarding schools, orphanages, hostels, hotels, health-improving institutions for children and adults, nursing homes, in apartment centers where large and socially disadvantaged families live, it is carried out upon registration of each case by a disinfection and sterilization center (CDS) or disinfection department of the territorial CGE within the first day from the date of receipt emergency notice at the request of the epidemiologist or his assistant. Chamber disinfection is not carried out. Use disinfectants approved by the Ministry of Health

2.3. Laboratory research external environment

The question of the need for research, their type, volume, multiplicity is decided by the epidemiologist or his assistant.
For bacteriological research, as a rule, they take samples of food residues, water and lavages from environmental objects

3. Activities aimed at persons who have been in contact with the source of infection

3.1. Revealing
Persons who had contact with the source of infection in preschool institutions are children who visited the same group as the sick person at the approximate time of infection; staff, employees of the catering unit, and in the apartment - living in this apartment.

3.2. Clinical examination

It is carried out by a district doctor or an infectious disease specialist and includes a survey, assessment general condition, examination, palpation of the intestine, measurement of body temperature. Specifies the presence of symptoms of the disease and the date of their occurrence

3.3. Collecting an epidemiological history

The presence of such diseases at the place of work (study) of the sick person and those who communicated with him, the fact that the sick person and those who communicated with food, which are suspected as a transmission factor, are being found out.

3.4 Medical supervision

It is set for 7 days from the moment of isolation of the source of infection. In a collective focus (child care center, hospital, sanatorium, school, boarding school, summer health institution, food and water supply enterprise) is carried out by a medical worker of the specified enterprise or territorial healthcare facility. In apartment centers, food workers and persons equated to them, children attending kindergartens are subject to medical supervision. It is carried out by medical workers at the place of residence of those who communicated.

Scope of observation: daily (in kindergarten 2 times a day - in the morning and in the evening) a survey about the nature of the stool, examination, thermometry. The results of the observation are entered in the journal of observations of those who communicated, in the history of the development of the child (form No. 112 / y), in the outpatient card (form No. 025 / y); or in the child's medical record (f. No. 026 / y), and the results of monitoring the workers of the catering department - in the Health magazine.

3.5. Regime-restrictive measures

Conducted within 7 days after isolation of the patient. The admission of new and temporarily absent children to the DDU group, from which the patient is isolated, is stopped.
After isolation of the patient, it is prohibited to transfer children from this group to others. Communication with children of other groups is not allowed. Participation of the quarantine group in general cultural events is prohibited.
Quarantine group walks are organized subject to group isolation at the site; leaving and returning to the group from a walk, as well as getting food - last.

3.6. Emergency prevention
Not carried out. You can use a dysenteric bacteriophage

3.7. Laboratory examination
The question of the need for research, their type, volume, multiplicity is determined by the epidemiologist or his assistant.
As a rule, in an organized team, a bacteriological examination of communicating persons is performed if a child under 2 years of age who attends a nursery, a worker in a food enterprise or equivalent to him falls ill.

In apartment centers, “food workers” and persons equated to them, children attending kindergartens, boarding schools, and summer recreational institutions are examined. Upon receipt of a positive result of a bacteriological examination, persons belonging to the category of “food workers” and equated to them are suspended from work related to food products or from visiting organized groups and are sent to the territorial polyclinic to resolve the issue of their hospitalization

3.8. Health education
A conversation is being held on the prevention of infection with pathogens of intestinal infections

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