Fatty degeneration of the liver: signs and diagnosis of the disease, how to treat and prevent. Traditional medicine recipes for the treatment of liver dystrophy. Other diseases from the group Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Fatty degeneration liver disease, also called fatty liver disease, results from the accumulation of fatty tissue in its cells. As a result, the liver can no longer function normally and eliminate toxic substances.

Stages of the disease

Based on the degree of damage to liver cells and the accumulation of simple fats in them, three stages of the disease are distinguished. With fatty hepatosis of the I degree, foci of accumulation of cells with a high concentration of fat are formed. When, due to an increase in the area of ​​​​these accumulations, connective tissue begins to grow between the cells, we can say that the pathological process has passed into the II degree. Fatty degeneration of the liver III degree characterized by a significant accumulation of fat cells and the appearance of pronounced stripes connective tissue ending with strands of fibroblasts.

Causes of the disease

The transformation of normal cells into fat cells can occur by different reasons. Pathologies associated with impaired lipid metabolism lead to this: obesity, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertriglyceridemia. Exposure of toxins to the liver can also eventually lead to fatty degeneration. The liver is prescribed the function of a kind of filter: it neutralizes toxic and foreign substances in the body. But if the toxic effect on the organ becomes permanent (for example, with regular alcohol intake), at some point it will no longer be able to cope with it. There is a fairly high chance of developing fatty hepatosis in people living in areas with high radiation. In addition, it does not lead to disease proper nutrition(irregular food intake, lack of protein in the diet, starvation), as a result of which the lipid metabolism. Fatty liver disease can also result from long-term use antibiotics. Endocrine diseases lead to a pathological process in the liver due to excessive or, on the contrary, insufficient action of certain hormones.

Fatty degeneration of the liver: symptoms

As the cells are affected, symptoms begin to appear. They become most pronounced in Stage III disease when treatment is no longer possible. In this case, only one thing can help a person - a liver transplant. So, the main symptoms of fatty hepatosis are: heaviness in the abdomen from above (in the area where the liver is located), dysbacteriosis, decreased visual acuity, tarnishing of the skin, nausea, and vomiting. These symptoms appear when acute form disease, while the chronic one proceeds without any pronounced symptoms.

Fatty degeneration of the liver: treatment

The basis of treatment is the observance of a special diet aimed at maximum limit intake of fat. Due to this, it is possible to ensure that the fat that has already accumulated will begin to be actively used, which will allow the liver to get rid of it. Should be excluded from the diet fatty fish and meat meat broths, beans and beans, mushrooms, tomatoes, onions and garlic (fresh), radishes, sour cream and cottage cheese with a high percentage of fat, canned food, smoked meats, carbonated drinks. Coffee should be replaced with unsweetened tea. Compliance with such a diet is mandatory, it is the basis of all treatment!

Turbid swelling is the initial and reversible stage of proteinaceous dystrophy. As a result of impaired oxidative phosphorylation, mitochondria become permeable to calcium and water ions. changing state of aggregation protein, it swells and becomes clearly visible (A. F. Blyuger, 1964). As a result, protein granularity is observed in hepatocytes. Sometimes cloudy swelling occurs as a manifestation of an adaptive reaction in response to increased vital activity of the organism.

Hydropic, or vacuolar, degeneration indicates a pronounced protein degeneration of the liver cells and is always pathological sign. In these cases, crystalloids are formed from dissociating protein complexes. The consequence of this is an increase in cytoplasmic edema, stretching of ergastoplasmic cisterns, forming vacuoles filled with water.

Hydrosy regenerated hepatocytes are sharply enlarged in size, poorly stained with ordinary paints. In their cytoplasm, large unstained vacuoles are visible, which gives the cell a reticulate appearance. Sometimes the vacuoles merge, the cell increases significantly in size and acquires a spherical appearance. This condition is defined as ballooning degeneration (Popper and Schaffner, 1957).

Electron microscopy reveals pronounced stretching of ergastoplasmic cisterns, a small number of ribosomes, an increase (swelling) and an increase in osmiophilicity of mitochondria, often containing transparent crystalloid formations (Phillips, 1968).

Hydropic degeneration, obviously, occurs as a result of hypoxia of the hepatic parenchyma. Similar changes in cell ultrastructures during hypoxia were observed by many researchers (A. I. Strukov and E. F. Lushnikov, 1962; A. A. Pokrovsky, M. M. Tapparov, V. A. Tutalyan, 1967). Hydropic dystrophy is reversible.

Acidophilic degeneration in the initial stage is reversible, with a pronounced degree leads to necrosis of hepatocytes. The cytoplasm of the liver cell becomes homogeneous, gradually loses its basophilicity and acquires eosinophilicity. The cell nucleus undergoes pycnosis. Hyaline changes can be caused by the so-called focal cytoplasmic degradation. This process is similar to the formation of an autophagic vacuole - cytolysis. Part of the cytoplasm is separated from the cell and undergoes cytolysis. Often, with focal cytoplasmic necrosis, such foci are sequestered and pushed into the tissue gaps, forming the so-called Kaunsilmen's bodies. Scattered foci of cytoplasmic acidophilic necrosis with electron microscopy are found much more often than with light microscopy. Often they are found in cells that have other signs of damage or appear normal. With active viral hepatitis this process serves as one of the electron microscopic signs of the disease (Phillips, 1968).

A manifestation of acidophilic degeneration is the appearance in the cytoplasm of hepatic cells of Mallory bodies (1932) - hyaline-like inclusions stained with hematoxylin-eosin in various shades of red. Various assumptions have been made regarding the nature of these bodies. They are considered glycogen bodies, consisting of glycogen particles located between rows of smooth membranes; a consequence of focal cytoplasmic degradation; clots, partly composed of lipids. Mallory bodies are most common in cirrhosis of the liver, but are also found in other liver diseases and always indicate pronounced activity. pathological process in her.

Electron microscopy studies made it possible to establish some morphological and clinical correlations. Thus, according to Schaffner et al. (1963), Phillips (1968), liver failure and sudden death correlate with changes in mitochondria; jaundice, sulfabromphthalein retention and hypercholesterolemia are associated with changes in peribiliary structures and bile capillaries; hepatomegaly - with intracellular and extracellular fat accumulation; hypoprothrombinemia and hypoalbuminemia may be associated with vacuolization of the endoplasmic reticulum.

What actually is liver dystrophy?

Liver dystrophy, steatosis, lipodystrophy or hepatosis - all these terms refer to the same chronic disease in which liver cells are gradually replaced by fat.

It should be noted that this fatty liver is quite well known, as many common factors can trigger the development of this disease. Hepatosis of the liver is the very initial stage of development of the most popular ailment in modern world- cirrhosis.

Causes of liver dystrophy

Steatosis, as a rule, occurs due to such reasons:

  1. Intoxication with various hepatotropic poisons ( poisonous mushrooms, yellow phosphorus, etc.).
  2. Frequent drinking of alcoholic beverages.
  3. Abuse of foods that contain great amount preservatives and fats.
  4. Obesity or prolonged fasting.
  5. Parenchymal proteinaceous dystrophy.
  6. Uncontrolled use some medicines.
  7. Drug addict.
  8. Tumors of the pituitary gland.


First, based on changes in the structure of steatosis, several types of hepatic dystrophy are noted:

  1. Zonal diffusion. It is characterized by local fatty formations in specific areas of the liver. Clinical manifestations strong enough.
  2. Disseminated widespread dystrophy. Fat formations are nearby and significantly compacted in the human liver. Symptoms: general weakness and discomfort in the right hypochondrium.
  3. Disseminated focal dystrophy. It is characterized by rare, dotted and inconsistently located fatty formations. Symptoms are not expressed.
  4. diffuse dystrophy. This type of liver dystrophy is characterized by copious amounts fatty inclusions, which may be in place of the entire liver or in one of its parts.

In addition, renal dystrophy can be divided into several stages depending on the period of development of the disease:

  1. Stage one - small fatty formations can be found in the liver cells, which have almost no effect on the functions of hepatocytes.
  2. Stage two - there is a beginning of destruction of the liver, that is, hepatocytes, and small inflammations or cysts can form near the dead cells.
  3. Stage three - liver changes can no longer be prevented, some parts of the liver die off, as a result, cirrhosis of the liver develops.

What is dangerous liver dystrophy?

Liver dystrophy - really serious illness, which in no case can be overlooked or not paid due attention to specific symptoms.

Therefore, if a person with steatosis does not want to start treatment, then later he can expect:

  1. Increased Risk cardiovascular diseases and diabetes.
  2. Liver necrosis.

To avoid such horrific consequences, you need to listen to your body and be aware of the signs of liver dystrophy.

Symptoms and signs of fatty liver

Patients suffering from metabolic disorders in the liver cells often do not have complaints about their physical state, because on initial stages hepatosis of the liver is painless and outwardly imperceptible.

The illness resolves within a fairly long period. Over time, the patient begins to experience discomfort in the form of:

  • constant weakness body;
  • headache;
  • rapid exhaustion during activities requiring physical activity;
  • dizziness.

Most a rare occasion is liver dystrophy with prominent clinical symptoms. Of these, we can distinguish:

  • sharp weight loss;
  • sharp and unbearable pain;
  • bloating.

Methods for diagnosing liver dystrophy

There are two ways to detect lipodystrophy:

  1. Blood chemistry . This analysis easily indicates an increase in the number special types proteins (alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspartate aminotransferase (AST)), which have the ability to increase in liver dystrophy.
  2. ultrasound abdominal cavity. It immediately detects the echo signs of hematosis and allows you to make an accurate diagnosis.

Treatment of the disease

Before talking about drugs that help relieve symptoms and cure the disease, it should be noted that without following a certain diet, any medications will not work to their full potential and will not help as we would like. Often, dietary therapy alone is enough for recovery.

Only in the event that proper nutrition recommended by the doctor does not help get rid of liver dystrophy should medical methods treatment. From a wide selection of drugs in getting rid of hepatosis of the liver, drugs can be used that help break down fats and remove them from the body.

Photo: diseased cells For example:

  • Sirepar;
  • Hepatofalk.

It should be emphasized that it is necessary to repeat this course of treatment repeatedly, several times a year.

A sick person whose condition is stabilized with the use of drugs also needs:

  • vitamin therapy;
  • the use of hepatoprotectors and antioxidants that improve the functioning of the liver, perform protective function in relation to cell membranes;
  • immunomodulating medications strengthening the body.

Also, if the patient suffers from this disease simultaneously with obesity, then it is recommended to him:

  • gradually reduce weight (about 1-1.5 kg per week);
  • do gymnastics;
  • do various exercises aimed at burning excess subcutaneous reserve reserves.

What specific physical activity worth doing, you should certainly find out from a specialist in the field of medicine.

Diet for sickness

Nutrition for fatty liver must be carefully considered so that daily diet included maximum amount healthy foods rich in:

  • proteins;
  • vitamins;
  • pectin;
  • fiber.

The amount of fat should be reduced to a minimum.

The basic rules of the diet for lipodystrophy:

  1. Eat at least 100 grams of protein per day.
  2. Completely give up alcoholic beverages.
  3. 2/3 proteins should be of animal origin.
  4. Do not eat a large amount of food at a time, that is, eat fractionally.
  5. Do not consume more than 20% fat from total food per day.
  6. Reduce the use of preservatives and purine substances.

Consideration should be given to the diet and healthy foods with liver hepatosis.

Photo: pictures Absolutely all dishes should be boiled, steamed or baked in the oven (for example, fish or meat).

The accumulation of fatty tissues in the liver causes this pathology and leads to dysfunction of the organ. The mechanism of the progression of the disease is such that the initial stage is characterized by the accumulation of excess fat in the hepatocytes (liver cells) themselves, and with an excess content, breaks through cell membrane and leads to the proliferation of connective tissue and fatty degeneration of the liver.

Features of such pathologies, as well as possible plan treatment is given in our article.

The concept and code of the disease according to ICD-10

Fatty liver disease is characterized different character occurrence and rate of cell transformation. Depending on the origin, two forms of hepatosis are distinguished: alcoholic and non-alcoholic.

They also classify primary and secondary form diseases. In the International Classification of Diseases, it is registered under the code K 76.0 - fatty degeneration liver.

The reasons

The risk factors leading to the development of such a disease are common to all characteristic liver diseases. Under influence toxic substances, most often alcohol, the excretory function of the liver is disrupted, and healthy hepatocytes die, which are replaced by connective (fibrous) tissue.

The photo shows fatty hepatosis of the liver

Others contribute to liver poisoning chemical compounds, for example, work in harmful conditions or living in ecologically disadvantaged areas.

The health of the liver is influenced by the lifestyle and eating habits of the patient, as well as hereditary factors. Most often, several causes contribute to the onset of the disease at once, so the risk of hepatosis should be considered in the following cases.

For what reasons can a disease occur:

  • hereditary predisposition.
  • Metabolic disorders in endocrine diseases.
  • (usually over ten years).
  • Long-term use of some medications(most often non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  • Diseases of viral hepatitis.
  • Violations of the normal and functioning of the gallbladder.
  • Metabolic disorders, obesity.
  • permanent power cut, strict diets and starvation.

A combination of causes leads to the development of fatty hepatosis. In some cases, the cause may not be clear, so no one is immune from such a disease.


Depending on the number of affected cells, there are four stages of the disease, which determine the further prognosis for the patient.

Hepatosis classification:

  • Zero stage. AT individual groups cells contain fatty inclusions.
  • First degree characterized by damage from 10 to 335 hepatocytes. Fat droplets become larger in size, forming separate lesions.
  • Second degree determines cell damage at the level of 33 - 66% of the total. Cellular obesity is formed various kinds connections.
  • Third stage. Fat inclusions go beyond the boundaries of hepatocytes, forming fatty cysts. Cell damage reaches more than 66%.

Appropriate treatment will help eliminate unpleasant symptoms and completely get rid of the disease. This will take years, and the doctor's recommendations must be followed for the rest of your life, but compared to the prospect of cirrhosis and lethal outcome, is the most viable option.


For the most part, the manifestations of the disease can be seen only in advanced stages.

Prior to this, hepatosis does not manifest itself in any way and the disease can be detected only when preventive examination including abdominal ultrasound.

Objective complaints begin to appear when more than 10% of the total number of replaced liver cells becomes. At this stage, more than half of the body ceases to perform its functions.

Common complaints are:

  1. Soreness in right side.
  2. Enlarged liver size, noticeable with.
  3. Digestive disorders: vomiting, or constipation.
  4. Deterioration of the skin and hair.
  5. predisposition to colds, poor immunity and allergic reactions.
  6. Violations reproductive function, impossibility of conception.
  7. Women have deviations menstrual cycle, heavy or irregular bleeding.
  8. Deterioration of blood clotting.

Usually anxiety symptoms do not appear at once, but increase over time. First, patients complain of soreness and discomfort, then symptoms of intoxication of the body appear, because the affected organ ceases to perform its function.

Video program about the signs of fatty liver hepatosis:

Acute disease in pregnant women: clinical guidelines

Hepatosis of the liver is one of the most complex pathologies pregnant. Symptoms can be confused with food poisoning or infectious disease. Correct staging difficult and acute diagnosis clinical picture because the symptoms are varied.

What are the patients complaining about?

  • Frequent vomiting without relief.
  • Pain in the abdomen of unclear localization.
  • Jaundice of the skin and sclera.
  • General deterioration.

According to statistics, this pathology develops between 30 and 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Cases of acute fatty liver occur approximately once in 13,500 - 14,000 births, therefore timely diagnosis extremely difficult.

Usually a woman enters the hospital with a suspected infection or late toxicosis, which is considered a threat to not bearing. Unfortunately the only possible treatment there will be a delivery as soon as possible followed by drug therapy.

Previously, mortality from such a pathology was almost 100%, now the threat is less (about 25%), but still, such a complication of pregnancy is considered extremely dangerous for the life of the mother and child, so all possible measures should be taken immediately.

alcohol form

Alcohol - main enemy liver, because it leads to its dysfunction.

Hepatosis that has arisen for such reasons quickly degenerates into, which is an irreversible violation of the structure and functions of the liver.

With this development, the prognosis for the patient is extremely negative, because usually the survival rate of patients is about 40% in the first three years.

Fatty hepatosis of the pancreas: treatment

Appoint optimal therapy a specialist hepatologist will help. Based on the examinations and analysis data, an individual course of medications is selected.

The dosage and regimen will be somewhat different, because such funds should provide unloading of the affected organ, as well as improve functions due to special enzymes.

Treatment includes the following items:

  1. Strict diet. Food restriction is prerequisite successful treatment. The diet should be varied, but as light and nutritious as possible.
  2. Lifelong abstinence from alcohol. Even with the development of non-alcoholic fatty hepatosis, refusal to bad habits, including smoking, should be conscious.
  3. Leading Patients sedentary image life, are at risk for the development of such a disease, so the necessary plan physical training can be agreed with the doctor.
  4. Medical therapy. The selection of drugs is carried out on an individual basis, and such funds will have to be taken in long courses for the rest of your life. According to laboratory tests the dosage and type of drug are adjusted, but drug support for liver functions takes important role in her treatment for hepatitis.
  5. Methods traditional medicine including the intake of herbal decoctions. They have a choleretic, cleansing and diuretic effect, are effective in complex therapy hepatosis.

A separate word can be said about special preparations - hepatoprotectors. They contribute to the normalization of liver function, even with significant damage to hepatocytes.

These drugs are generally safe for long-term use, you can choose the optimal dosage for each patient, and their effectiveness will allow them to be used even in the treatment of cirrhosis.

Essentiale, Galsten, Phosphogliv, Glutargin and Arginine drugs caused particular popularity and trust of patients. In addition, ursodeoxycholic acid preparations are often used, for example, Ursofalk, Grinterol, Ukrliv, Ursodesk and others. They are used for biliary disorders of the biliary tract.

Why is the disease dangerous?

Fatty hepatosis leads to liver dysfunction, which is deadly for the patient.

Gradual intoxication of the body negatively affects the functioning of the heart, kidneys and even lungs, causing irreversible damage. Most often, hepatosis develops into, but this disease is not at all treatable.

In addition, the following complications are noted:

  • (enlargement of the liver).
  • Disorders of the cardiovascular system.
  • Dysfunction of the abdominal vessels.
  • General intoxication of the body.
  • Progressive.

The development of cirrhosis with diagnosed hepatosis is a matter of time. The degeneration of cells and the growth of connective tissue in hepatosis of the last degree is irreversible, and therefore leads to the appearance of cirrhosis.

The rate of development of such an ailment is different in each individual case, but the prognosis for the patient is very poor.


It is impossible to determine the disease at an early stage using laboratory tests. Unfortunately, the increase normal indicators liver enzymes occurs already with progressive hepatosis.

At the zero and first stages, the disease is diagnosed exclusively special methods research, for example, or. It is distinguished by good information content and safety, which will show all tissue changes.

How to cleanse the liver with traditional medicine?

An effective method of treating and preventing hepatosis is liver cleansing. It can be carried out independently, but a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary. If there are no contraindications, and the specialist has approved the chosen method, you can proceed with the procedure.

Options for independent use:

  • Preventive cleansing begins with a preliminary cleansing of the intestines.(fasting and enemas, only drinking water is allowed), after two days you need to take two tablets of allochol and lie on your right side. An hour later, drink 50 grams of warm vegetable oil(olive or linseed is best), after that 30 grams lemon juice. Apply a heating pad to your right side and lie down for at least two hours.
  • Cleansing with vegetable oil is also very effective. To do this, three days before the event, you must completely abandon food of animal origin, on the eve of doing cleansing enema. Before starting cleaning, it is also worth completely eliminating solid food, replacing a small amount natural vegetable juice. Every day at 19:00 optimal time for the release of bile), you need to drink 100 - 120 grams of warm vegetable oil. After that, it is worth lying down, using a heating pad on the right side. After about two hours, the process of bowel release will begin. You can repeat this cleaning two to three times a year.
  • Cleaning with buckwheat porridge. To do this, it is necessary to cook 50 grams of buckwheat chopped per 200 grams of water. Boil for a long time, about 20 - 35 minutes, without salt, oil and other ingredients. Eat porridge in one go while warm. After that, lie on your right side, placing a heating pad under it. After a while, go to the toilet. The feces will be liquid, dark in color, which indicates the effectiveness of cleaning. You can repeat this cleaning no more than once a month.

When conducting similar procedures, it is very important to follow the recommendations of the doctor, and also not to abuse these methods. If you feel worse, be sure to consult your doctor to avoid possible complications.

Diet: sample menu

Adjusting your diet to take into account liver pathologies is not so difficult. To do this, one should take into account the need for fractional nutrition (portions should be designed for 4-5 single meals), cooking technology (cooking, steaming and baking, rarely stewing).

The amount of salt must be reduced, and fat must be removed from the diet.

In general, the nutritional composition remains complete, only alcoholic drinks, "harmful" foods and fatty foods. The information provided will help to accurately determine all the boundaries of what is permitted.

Allowed foods:

  • Lean meat, meat products.
  • Low-fat fish stewed and boiled.
  • Milk boiled sausages.
  • Vegetable and milk soups.
  • Chicken egg (1 piece per day).
  • Mild cheese, ham.
  • Kashi on the water.
  • Low fat dairy products.
  • Boiled or stewed vegetables (can be baked).
  • Vegetable salads.
  • Omelet for a couple.
  • Fresh fruits (except citrus fruits) and non-acidic berries.
  • Compotes, jelly, decoctions, weak tea.

It should be taken into account that daily allowance fat is reduced to 70 grams. With caution, sour cream, fermented baked milk is used, fatty cottage cheese. You should also limit your intake. strong tea, coffee, mineral sparkling water.

Legumes should be consumed very limited quantities. If you have problems with digestion, this product is completely removed from the diet.

Prohibited Products:

  • Any kind of alcohol.
  • Sweet sparkling water.
  • Purchased snacks (chips, nuts and crackers).
  • Spicy, fatty and overly spicy dishes.
  • Concentrated meat broths.
  • Pickles and smoked meats.
  • Fresh onion and garlic.
  • Fresh radish and radish.

An important dietary requirement is fractional nutrition. You should divide the diet into several small portions and sit down at the table four to five times a day. You will need to follow a diet for life, for which you will not be long in improving your well-being.

Is it possible to cure the pathology completely?

Diagnosed on early stages hepatosis is successfully amenable to medical adjustment. Special preparations and a radical change in lifestyle and eating habits will help to avoid complications.

On the last stage or when insufficient treatment, hepatosis progresses rapidly and leads to severe complications and . In this case, it is impossible to get rid of the disease, the drugs only eliminate the accompanying manifestations and discomfort.


The best way to avoid developing this disease is to follow the rules healthy lifestyle life. A strict diet, the exclusion of alcohol, harmful and difficult to digest food, as well as fractional nutrition - all these activities should become permanent.

It is very important to undergo examinations on time, to treat the acute phase of diseases, preventing the transition to chronic form. In addition, if there are associated problems, for example, with overweight, you should work hard on yourself to reduce the risks of such a pathology.

Fatty liver disease is a serious liver disease that leads to irreversible consequences in the organ.

Under the influence of external and internal adverse factors, liver cells accumulate excess fat, which then fills the entire space in the affected organ. Such a pathology often leads to, which is an irreversible disease and a mortal threat to the patient.

Fatty degeneration- dystrophy, accompanied excessive accumulation lipids in parenchymal cells or interstitial tissue. Fatty degeneration should not be confused with simple obesity, in which fatty tissue increases in volume.


Distinguish fatty degeneration

  • parenchymal, with accumulation of lipids in cells and
  • vascular, with the accumulation of lipids in the walls of arteries in atherosclerosis.

Microscopically parenchymal fatty degeneration divided into:

  • small-drop,
  • medium drops,
  • coarse-drop.


Parenchymal fatty degeneration is common, especially with chronic diseases with circulatory disorders hormonal disorders, at chronic alcoholism, at alimentary obesity. Fatty degeneration with the deposition of lipids in the walls of the arteries occurs in most people and is observed even in infants.

Conditions of occurrence.

For parenchymal dystrophy - increased formation of new and slow catabolism of old triglycerides in the cell. For fatty degeneration in atherosclerosis increased content in the blood of low-density beta-lipoproteins, plus a number of factors that contribute to their deposition in the walls of blood vessels.

Origin mechanisms.

For parenchymal dystrophy, this is:

  1. Excessive entry into the cell of triglycerides and starting products for their synthesis.
  2. Entry into the cell excess quantities glucose metabolized to fat. It is noted with excessive consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates.
  3. Decreased utilization of fats in the cell under conditions of hypoxia.
  4. The transition of the cell under conditions of hypoxia to anaerobic glycolysis, by-product which are triglycerides.
  5. Disintegration of organelle membranes when exposed to toxic substances.

For fatty degeneration in atherosclerosis, this is lipid infiltration of the inner lining of blood vessels.

macroscopic picture.

In the myocardium with parenchymal fatty degeneration on a red-brown background, yellowish stripes and spots are noted, which is called the “tiger heart”. The liver is slightly enlarged, has a shade of coffee with milk, is designated as "goose liver". On the section, areas with more pronounced fatty degeneration may look like irregular spots that form a landcart pattern. Kidneys with accumulation of lipids in the epithelium of the tubules are moderately enlarged, have a whitish color.

With atherosclerosis in inner surface arteries - yellowish spots and stripes.

microscopic picture.

With parenchymal fatty degeneration, optically empty vacuoles of various sizes are detected in the cells, since the fat in them was dissolved when the tissue was passed through alcohols and chloroform. To clarify the fatty nature of vacuoles, tissue sections made on a freezing microtome are stained with Sudan III or Sudan IV, while the lipid inclusions are stained orange or black.

With atherosclerosis in the intima of the arteries, using the same stains, diffuse deposits of lipids are detected, sometimes captured by macrophages, which are called xanthoma cells.

clinical significance.

By itself, parenchymal fatty degeneration does not significantly affect cell function, however, it is a marker of the cause of it. pathological condition- hypoxia, intoxication, etc. Fatty degeneration is a reversible phenomenon.

The deposition of lipids in the walls of the arteries is accompanied by a narrowing of their lumen, which, if the process is significant, may be accompanied by a violation of blood flow in the vessel, and, therefore, adversely affect the state of the blood-supplying tissue.

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