How many calories are in boiled chicken stomachs. Chicken stomachs benefits and harms to the body

There are few people who do not like chicken stomachs, the very ones that are popularly called chicken navels. Chicken stomachs are part of the giblets offered in stores. You can cook a lot of delicious treats from this offal, but let's talk about the benefits and dangers of this product, and also find out why he fell in love so much.

Chicken stomachs: calories and composition

In terms of their chemical composition, chicken stomachs are similar to most poultry offal. Among the ingredients of this type of giblet are proteins, a small amount of fat, water and less than 1% carbohydrates. The main value of the product lies in the fact that the navels contain a large amount of iron and folic acid. The latter, as you know, is an indispensable element for tissue regeneration and organ development. In addition, chicken stomachs include: vitamin A, B vitamins (including thiamine, niacin and riboflavin), potassium, sodium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, manganese, cobalt, copper.

calories: 100 grams of boiled chicken ventricles contains 105 kcal, stewed navels are less caloric - 75 kcal / 100 g, calorie content of fried stomachs is 120 kcal per 100 grams of product.

Beneficial features

We got acquainted with the composition of chicken ventricles, but it is quite difficult for a person who is not familiar with the characteristics of a particular substance to understand what benefits it has on the body. Therefore, we hasten to bring to your attention a list of the properties of chicken stomachs.

1. Increasing appetite, improving the condition of the skin and hair, maintaining the functions of the circulatory and immune systems are largely possible due to the content of protein, folic acid and iron in chicken stomachs.

2. Stimulation of the process of cell division, growth and development of almost all tissues and organs are due to the inclusion of folic acid in the composition of chicken navels. Due to this property, this product should be included in the diet of young children and pregnant women.

3. Improved bowel function. Chicken stomachs are covered with a yellow film from the inside, it contains substances that contribute to the natural cleansing of the intestines and the normalization of its microflora.

4. The yellow films mentioned in the previous paragraph, called the cuticle, are not used in cooking. Nevertheless, traditional healers have found a worthy use for them. So, carefully dried and powdered films that cover the ventricles from the inside are an excellent remedy for diarrhea and even bloody diarrhea. By the way, they use a similar powder for dysbacteriosis, pain in the stomach and pancreas, as well as for exacerbation of gastritis. All the same yellow films help with dystrophy and rickets, as well as a weakened body.

Chicken stomachs: harm and precautions

Undoubtedly, chicken stomachs are very useful, but when going shopping, remember that they are a perishable product. The maximum storage time for navels in the refrigerator is 2 days, after the expiration of the indicated period, the giblets will not only lose most of their beneficial properties, but can also pose a danger to your health, because they can absorb harmful toxins over time. That is why it is extremely important when buying to pay attention to the date of manufacture of the ventricles, and after cooking, try to eat them as soon as possible.

Chicken stomachs (popularly called "navels") are offal of birds. They are characterized by a specific taste, but if you follow the correct technology during the cooking process, then as a result you will get a tender and juicy dish that will take center stage on the dining or holiday table.

The basis of the stomachs is a rigid muscle tissue, so long-term heat treatment is necessary. It is worth paying attention to the taste and beneficial properties of this product for the body.

The nutritional value

The main component of the product is 22% animal protein. The composition of chicken stomachs includes fiber, which can improve digestion, and ash, as a natural sorbent.

The chemical composition of chicken stomachs is diverse - these are macro- and microelements in the form of potassium with phosphorus and sodium, calcium with zinc, iron and copper. As part of the product, vitamins were isolated - niacin with pantothenic, folic and ascorbic acids, riboflavin.

The calorie content of chicken stomachs is low - in the range of 130-170 Kcal per 100 g of offal, so they belong to the category of dietary products.

This product belongs to the category of offal, so the question arises - are chicken stomachs useful? Before purchasing this type of offal, find out how chicken stomachs are useful. Each product is characterized by both benefit and harm - chicken stomachs are no exception. Pay attention to the beneficial properties of chicken stomachs:

  • improving appetite, stimulating the processes of secretion of juice in the stomach, ensuring healthy microflora in the intestines;
  • normalization of the work of the kidneys with the brain, the heart with the nervous system;
  • supplying the body with energy;
  • the content of a sufficient amount of iron to prevent the development of anemia;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • ensuring the prolongation of youth due to selenium in a record amount, which is responsible for the prevention of malignant tumors with a general increase in immunity;
  • saturation of the body with zinc, which is necessary in the process of skeletal formation;
  • general improvement in the condition of the skin with nails and hair due to vitamins in large quantities.

The list shows that the benefits of chicken stomachs are great for the body.

Harm and contraindications of chicken stomachs

When buying, it is important to consider the possible harm to chicken stomachs. Remember that the use of any offal in large quantities is harmful. According to the opinion of nutritionists, within 300 mg of cholesterol can be consumed per day, and chicken stomachs in 100 grams are about 239 mg of cholesterol. Therefore, frequent use can cause heart disease.

Chicken gizzards are not included in the category of products that are contraindicated during pregnancy, however, it is better to limit the consumption of dishes from this product. Expectant mothers can use them no more than 2 times a week.

From the diet of babies up to a year, exclude urine stomachs, because they are very heavy food, not suitable for the child's digestive system. After the child is over a year old, start introducing this offal into his diet no more than once a week, pre-chopping.

A direct contraindication to the use of chicken navels applies to those people suffering from individual intolerance.

How to store chicken stomachs

Chicken stomachs are included in the category of perishable products (shelf life is only 2 days), so during the purchase process, pay attention to the packaging, with production and sale dates. Shop for peeled chicken stomachs and unpeeled chicken stomachs.

Follow the correctness and shelf life - if the conditions are violated, then the spoiled product can harm the body. After 2 days, chicken stomachs become a source of toxic substances. Chilled offal is considered healthier than the frozen version.

You can visually determine the freshness of the stomachs - they should be clean and shiny.

How do you clean and cook them?

Before sending chicken stomachs for cooking, properly process them by rinsing and cutting off the yellow film.

Culinary processing of chicken stomachs carries five main features:

  • it is better to defrost the frozen version of chicken stomachs in the refrigerator - this will take 12 hours;
  • film of chicken stomachs is considered useful when used separately in the form of a powder. Remove it from the product before cooking, cleaning the stomachs and washing out the sand;
  • it is important to know how much to cook chicken stomachs - if the bird is young, it will take about 40 minutes, and if the old one - at least 2 hours;
  • a distinctive feature of the stomachs is the absorption of aromas and flavors of spices, so use various herbs with roots in the cooking process;
  • for maximum benefits, cook the dish on a minimum level of fire - chicken stomachs will take time, but the result will please you.

Based on chicken stomachs, it is easy to cook a large number of dishes. In this case, the product itself can be boiled, fried, baked or used as an ingredient in a salad. A real housewife will not have a question - what to cook from chicken stomachs, because this is a universal offal.

Chicken stomachs - benefits and contraindications

We all know that chicken meat is one of the most common and healthy foods. But very often we forget about offal, which also have excellent taste, bring significant benefits and are much cheaper than any meat. Chicken ventricles can be safely attributed to them, with proper preparation they have an excellent taste and have a beneficial effect on the whole organism as a whole.

A delicious and healthy soup is cooked from chicken ventricles, fried, stewed, stuffed for pies and pancakes, various salads are prepared. They go well with various side dishes: cereals, pasta, vegetables, etc. And in order to give an even more refined taste, sour cream, cream, various seasonings and spices are added.

How to cook chicken stomachs

A small minus is that it takes a long time to cook chicken ventricles, since they consist of muscle tissue and are quite dense. Young ventricles are boiled for about 40 minutes, and old ones are much more than 1 - 2 hours. But the soft and delicate taste of the product will not leave anyone indifferent, and their benefits are tangible for the whole organism. Before boiling the stomachs, they must be thoroughly rinsed under running water, remove the sand that may be inside. Then cut off the film and excess fat. You can cook the product as a whole, or cut into several parts. They are mainly processed by boiling and stewing, thanks to this method they become soft and very tasty.

Chicken stomach: calories and nutritional value

A complete balanced diet is one of the components of health and longevity. When buying products, people take into account such factors:

  • caloric content;
  • the nutritional value;
  • taste qualities;
  • price.

When choosing meat, chicken is increasingly preferred. Firstly, there are no religious or cult prohibitions on its consumption. Secondly, in terms of the combination of price and quality, chicken is one of the most popular sources of animal protein. It is useful, affordable, and easy to prepare. The same applies to chicken by-products. These are the liver, hearts and stomachs. The last product is the most valuable of those listed.

The nutritional value

Chicken stomachs, or navels, are just a storehouse of nutrients, they contain: potassium, iron, phosphorus, zinc, as well as vitamins B, E and folic acid.

How many calories are in chicken stomachs? In 100 g - 114 kcal, protein content - 18.2 g, fat - 4.2 g, carbohydrates - 0.6 g.

Folic acid activates the process of cell division, is involved in tissue regeneration and organ development. Therefore, the product should be included in the diet of children after a year and pregnant women.

The nutritional value of chicken stomachs lies in the high protein content with a small amount of fat. This makes the product dietary. That is why dishes prepared from it are shown to people who are struggling with being overweight, as well as to all those who are trying to keep their body in shape. 30 grams weighs an average chicken stomach. Its calorie content is 28.2 kcal.

Product benefits

To get the maximum benefit from the product, you should know that its shelf life does not exceed 2 days, and when frozen, the beneficial properties are almost completely lost.

Dishes from chicken stomachs improve appetite, stimulate digestion, and contribute to the improvement of intestinal microflora. The product normalizes the functioning of the kidneys, brain, nervous system and heart. It contains a large amount of iron, helps to avoid the development of anemia. Normalizes metabolism, supplies energy. Chicken stomachs provide a third of the body's daily requirement for zinc, which is necessary for the formation of the skeleton, help fight viral diseases and have a positive effect on a person's appearance.

100 g of the product contains 84% ​​of the daily requirement for selenium, which is of great importance for health. This trace element helps to prolong youth, improves immunity, increases life expectancy, and prevents the progression of cardiovascular diseases.

Product harm

Nutrition must be balanced. Excessive consumption of chicken stomachs is harmful. Their 100-gram serving contains 239 mg of cholesterol at a daily rate of 300 mg. Abuse of the navels increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

May harm a product whose storage conditions or shelf life have been violated, because after 48 hours of storage, toxic substances begin to be produced and accumulate in it.

Product selection

When buying chicken navels, pay attention to their appearance. The offal consists almost entirely of muscle tissue, so its structure must be elastic. The navels should be moderately moist, but without mucus, and the surface should be smooth, without damage and tears. The presence of an unpleasant sour smell is evidence of a poor-quality product. Buy better chilled navels. In them, unlike frozen ones, all useful substances are preserved.

Trade usually offers two options for navels: peeled and with a yellow inner shell. It is better to choose completely peeled.

Preparation for cooking

The product must be washed and thoroughly cleaned of films, grease and dirt. The navels are cut into two or four parts. Before heat treatment, they must be washed again.

The chicken stomach is a rather rigid organ. It consists of thick muscles, this is due to the feeding habits of birds. They have no teeth, and food is crushed in the stomach. Therefore, the heat treatment of chicken stomachs must be carried out carefully, in accordance with the recommendations of nutritionists.


Choose a recipe. To preserve the benefits of eating the product and give it softness, it is important to properly prepare the chicken stomach. The calorie content of the finished dish due to the use, for example, of an excessive amount of fat, can nullify all efforts to reduce it. However, there are many recipes, the choice is large.

Many dishes are prepared from chicken stomachs. They can be fried, baked, stewed with vegetables, mushrooms or potatoes. Stew, pilaf, pate are prepared from chicken navels. The product goes well with various sauces. A nutrient broth can be prepared from a mixture of offal.

Chicken gizzards can be cooked as an independent dish and eaten boiled with a side dish. Can be used as a filling in the preparation of pancakes, rolls, pies.

Boiled chicken navels

The easiest recipe. With a minimum of effort, we get the second dish - boiled chicken stomachs. The calorie content of the product allows it to be used in dietary nutrition.

When preparing any dish from chicken stomachs, they must first be boiled. This may take a long time. If you do not pre-soak the navels, you need to cook them for at least an hour, or even more. You need to cook on low heat. If you soak the product before cooking, it will take less time - no more than 40 minutes.

Pour the cleaned navels with cold water, add spices and put on fire. Boil, depending on whether they were soaked or not, from 40 minutes to an hour and a half. The navels will become very tender and nourishing.

Calorie content of boiled chicken stomachs at the level of 143 kcal. Product nutritional value:

  • proteins - 20 g;
  • fats - 7 g;
  • carbohydrates - 0 g.

Braised chicken stomachs

To prepare the dish you will need the following products:

  • pre-boiled navels;
  • onion;
  • carrot;
  • favorite spices, salt;
  • sour cream;
  • vegetable oil.

3 medium sized onions, peeled and finely chopped. Put a frying pan with high sides on fire, pour in vegetable oil. Pour chopped onion, reduce the temperature to a minimum. Simmer covered for ten minutes. Next, peeled, grated carrots and boiled stomachs are added to the pan to the onions. Pour all half a cup of boiling water and simmer under the lid for about an hour, adding water if necessary. Bringing the dish to readiness, add three to four tablespoons of sour cream, spices and salt. Stir and keep on fire for another ten minutes. Serve with any side dish, sprinkled with chopped herbs.

The calorie content of stewed chicken stomachs is 123.25 kcal per 100 g of the product.

The nutritional value of a dish based on 100 g is presented in the table.

This dish is easy to prepare in a slow cooker.

For stewing, a boiled chicken stomach is taken, the calorie content will depend on the products added during cooking. The use of vegetables allows you to get a low-calorie dish.

The use of offal helps to get rid of any problems with nails and hair. The high protein content improves the condition of the hair.

Since we have such an interesting product with great potential for useful use, we need to understand it carefully and in order.

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Composition and calories

Understanding the benefits and harms of a product begins with a study of calorie content and composition. In chicken stomachs, we immediately see profitable numbers for the diet menu: 100 grams have from 110 to 130 kcal.

By removing fat from the navels and choosing recipes with a little oil for frying and stewing, we will get a very appetizing source of protein - without a distortion in daily calorie content. Sauces for it can be prepared on the basis of low-fat sour cream, there would be a desire to lighten the daily calorie content.

Let's summarize the important data on the nutritional value of chicken gizzards into a handy infographic:

So, what do we see per 100 grams of the product:

  • at least 20 grams of protein;
  • a little fat - 4.6 grams;
  • traces of carbohydrates.

As in any meat, a very valuable element is present in the stomachs - iron: up to 2.5 mg. And this is the same heme iron from meat, which is best absorbed in the body.

Other obvious advantages of chicken navels are the absence of sugar, the high content of zinc, phosphorus and selenium, vitamins B 2, B 3 and B 12. Frequent information about vitamin B 9 (folic acid) is erroneous: 1-1.3% of the average daily requirement cannot be called an impressive figure.

On the opposite side of the scale - the amount of cholesterol. That's where the number is impressive: up to 80% of the average daily requirement in just one 100-gram serving.

What are the benefits of chicken stomachs

And how to most correctly include offal in the diet - two main questions. Answering them is not difficult, given the data of modern science. Let's start with the main nutrients.

The benefits of iron, zinc, phosphorus and selenium

Iron is hemoglobin, and that says it all. The most important protein provides oxygen transport to the cells of all tissues of our body. Without iron, the pathological lot of the body is iron deficiency anemia, in which the most severe deviations can cost a person serious problems and even life.

Phosphorus is the health of bones, teeth, brain, DNA and RNA production and acid-base balance. Calcium + phosphorus - the basis of bone tissue. It is necessary to ensure a harmonious ratio of phosphorus and calcium in the diet so that the elements do not interfere with the absorption of each other. The most successful ratio of calcium-phosphorus (2:1) in dairy products. From these positions, any meat loses to milk and it is beneficial to take note of recipes from chicken stomachs, where milk sauces are present.

Zinc is associated with male health and fertility, antioxidant protection, production of digestive enzymes, insulin and growth hormone, healthy skin and effective detoxification after alcohol abuse.

Selenium is a harmonious immunity, sufficient activity of antioxidant vitamins, proper absorption of iodine and thyroid health.

Zinc and selenium in combination with vitamins A, E and C - the basis of antioxidant protection. That's why it's beneficial to accompany chicken gizzard recipes with fresh, uncooked vegetables.

For example, a simple and always affordable salad of raw cabbage and carrots, which is seasoned with lemon juice and olive oil. We also achieve high-quality iron metabolism, which is best absorbed in the presence of vitamin C.

The benefits of B vitamins

Vitamin B 2 (or riboflavin) is a donor for 2 key flavin enzymes that are involved in a large number of reactions. Synthesis of vitamin B6 for proper methylation, maintenance of normal levels of glutathione and hemoglobin, inactivation of aldehydes, oxidation of succinic and other acids - vitamin B 2 derivatives are active everywhere.

Vitamin B 3 (or niacin, nicotinic acid)- no less ubiquitous substance. Harmonious lipid and carbohydrate metabolism, anti-atherogenic effect, good microcirculation and blood fluidity, normal detoxification - this is the main list of processes that are disturbed by insufficient intake of niacin.

Vitamin B 12 is an interesting substance and an important participant in methylation. The only vitamin synthesized exclusively by microorganisms (bacteria, actinomycetes). Deficiency leads to several types of anemia and major problems in the nervous system, including destruction of the nerve sheath and permanent death of nerve cells.

All B vitamins are called "neuroprotectors" - because of their powerful role in the health of the nervous system, including the brain. By the way, the offal contains some vitamin b6- the key worker of methylation - up to 6% of the daily requirement.

From the foregoing, it is obvious that the periodic inclusion of chicken stomachs in the diet can bring great benefits to our health.

Possible harm to the product

Sodium and cholesterol are two substances that are alarming in this offal.

If you have problems with blood pressure or kidneys, sodium balance is easy to achieve.

Food should not be salted at the beginning of cooking. Only at the end, deliberately not adding salt in comparison with the usual tastes. You used to take 1 generous pinch, today you take half a pinch. One or two months of consciousness and a new habit to gain a foothold in the place of the old one.

Although there is not much sodium in the navels (3%) and it is balanced by potassium (up to 7%). But cholesterol goes off scale - up to 80% of the average daily rate. Let's figure out how dangerous it is and what to do so that an interesting meat ingredient does not cause damage to health.

Is cholesterol really that bad?

"Cholesterol is harmful - reduce to a minimum!" - an irrelevant horror story of yesteryear. To date, it has been scientifically proven that the most dangerous enemies for human vessels are inflammation and oxidation, a bias in the consumption of omega-6 fatty acids to the detriment of omega-3 and sugar in all forms.

Moreover, it is pointless to completely exclude cholesterol from the diet. Most of the problems with atherosclerotic plaques on the inner surface of blood vessels are based on the endogenous production of cholesterol, and not on its intake from the outside.

Constantly worrying about meat does not make sense. It is much more profitable to eat a variety of meat proteins with a moderate fat content, significantly reduce sugar and enrich your diet with omega-3 fatty acids (fish, fresh flaxseed oil).

How many chicken stomachs can you eat

By eating navels up to 2 times a week, no more than 100 grams at a time, we get a lot of protein, iron, selenium, zinc, B vitamins and do not harm the health of the cardiovascular system.

Especially when we accompany navel dishes with a lot of fiber vegetables - soups with white cabbage, salads with raw carrots, beets, broccoli, etc.

Nutrition for pregnant women, the elderly and children

Separately, it is worth mentioning the use of stomachs in the menu of pregnant women and the elderly. Effective tips are simple:

  • Grind, preferring dishes with finely chopped navels;
  • Do not use more than 2 times a week;
  • Monitor the size of the serving (1 serving is like 2/3 of the fist of the person himself);
  • Prepare dishes from stomachs with a minimum content of heartburn provocateurs (tomato paste, tomatoes, onions).

So the described benefits of chicken stomachs will fully take place, but there will be no harm in the form of a slowdown in digestion, heaviness in the stomach or heartburn.

In the nutrition of children under 3 years old, it is better not to use stomachs, offering babies easier-to-digest meat, small fish (1 r / week) and quail and chicken eggs.

How to choose the right one when buying

Chicken stomachs have a short shelf life. Only 48 hours is the time during which the navels can be eaten. Therefore, always pay attention to the date.

Unscrupulous retail chains and manufacturers restore the illusion of meat freshness by soaking it in spices and garlic water. We carefully smell the product: at the slightest garlic smell, we don’t buy it.

By organoleptic properties, fresh chicken stomachs are pink in color, slightly moist, with a slightly sweet aroma.

How to clean chicken stomachs - video

We will not advise you how to clean chicken stomachs from the very beginning. In our age of the conveniences of civilization, the surest thing is to buy already cleaned navels. But how to remove random unnecessary leftovers from them can be seen in the first half of the video below:

How to marinate chicken stomachs

Curiously, in France, chicken stomachs are firmly established in the menu of elite restaurants - the famous marinated navel confit.

The French marinade is versatile: it allows the meat to soften well and absorb the smell of citrus fruits. After pickling, proper stewing will make the offal meat especially soft and juicy.

For 600-800 grams of navels we need:

  • Onion - 1 pc. big size
  • Black peppercorns - 10 pcs.
  • Ground black pepper - ½ teaspoon
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 leaves
  • Orange peel - grated with ½-1 large fruit

How we prepare:

  • We wash the navels and remove the remnants of fat and greenish inclusions along the edges (if any).
  • Soak the stomachs for 1-2 hours in clean cold water. You can do without this stage, although it additionally prepares the meat for the adoption of the marinade.
  • We prepare the marinade in a blender, interrupting all the ingredients at high speed to small pieces.
  • Roll the navels in the marinade and send to the refrigerator for 2-3 hours.

As a result of pickling, the navels turn pale, which indicates high-quality impregnation. Without wetting the marinade, we send it to stew!

How to cook chicken stomachs

The most dietary recipe is cold salads with boiled stomachs.

Another good option is a stew with navels stewed for a long time and an abundance of vegetables.

Or simple stewed navels with a small amount of onions and carrots - in the company of a light vegetable salad with a low-fat dressing.

When stewing, remember the main rules on how to cook chicken stomachs so that they are soft:

1 - The first 10 minutes, fry over high heat in an open pan - until golden brown.

3 - Combine the ingredients of the stew and simmer until tender together. In general, the navels should spend at least 60 minutes on the stove.

Culinary traditions of the world

In addition to the French, an unusual offal was chosen all over the world. It is not available except in desserts, but soups, appetizers and main courses are prepared everywhere and for every taste:

  • Minced chicken stomachs is one of the classic fillings for Russian pancakes;
  • Whole stomachs are easy to find as kebabs in fast food in Haiti and many Southeast Asian countries;
  • Among Hungarians, goulash with navels is almost as popular as beef;
  • Portugal: stewed stomachs - a favorite snack for alcoholic drinks;
  • Japan, China, Korea: stomachs are a frequent guest of barbecues and soups, and almost the most famous offal in cold salads;
  • Chicago and Central America: Deep-fried gizzards served with French fries or mashed potatoes;
  • In Uganda, Cameroon and Nigeria, boiled chicken gizzards are traditionally given to the oldest companion or the most respected man at the table.

Chicken stomachs in folk medicine

The recipe of our grandmothers does not cease to circulate across the Internet. Dried film powder of chicken stomachs, which has long been used to treat diarrhea and indigestion. Whether it is worth using it in the modern world is more of a rhetorical question. For digestive disorders, we focus on more convenient and effective dosage forms.

Chicken stomachs or navels are by-products of poultry. They have a specific taste, but with the right cooking technology, they acquire tenderness and juiciness, becoming the main dish on the table. The stomachs are made of tough muscle tissue, therefore, they require prolonged heat treatment. Much attention deserves not only taste, but also the properties of this product that are beneficial for the body.


The calorie content of chicken stomachs is low, so they can be included in the diet for weight loss. The navels contain fiber, which contributes to a feeling of satiety and normalizes digestion. The product is rich in ash, which effectively removes toxins. The proteins in their composition are easily digested.

What other beneficial properties do chicken stomachs have for the body?

  • improve appetite, stimulate the secretion of gastric juice, help the development of healthy intestinal microflora;
  • normalize the work of the kidneys, brain, heart, nervous system;
  • supply energy;
  • contain a sufficient amount of iron, which helps prevent the development of anemia;
  • contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes;
  • thanks to the record content of selenium, they prolong youth, help prevent malignant formations, increase life expectancy, significantly increase immunity, and prevent cardiovascular diseases from progressing;
  • saturate the body with zinc, necessary for the formation of the skeleton, fighting viral diseases, positively affecting the appearance of a person;
  • contain a large amount of vitamins that improve the condition of the skin, nails, hair;

Before cooking chicken stomachs, you need to process them by washing and cutting off the yellow film. "Waste" is very healthy, so it should be well dried and ground into powder. Dry film of the stomach is an excellent remedy for diarrhea, in the treatment of dysbacteriosis, pain in the stomach and pancreas, during an exacerbation of gastritis. The powder can be used to prevent rickets (including children), dystrophy, with exhaustion of the body, in order to dissolve and remove sand and kidney stones.


Eating chicken stomachs in large quantities is harmful to the body. Nutritionists recommend consuming no more than 300 mg of cholesterol daily, and a 100-gram serving of the product contains 239 mg of this substance. Excessive consumption of chicken navels can increase the risk of heart disease.

Stomachs with disturbed conditions or shelf life can bring harm. In a fresh product, toxic substances begin to be produced after 48 hours. Chicken navels that have been frozen are less healthy than chilled ones. A sign of fresh stomachs is a clean and shiny appearance. A cloudy product will not benefit the body.

The amount of saturated fats and carbohydrates in chicken stomachs is not exceeded. They do not contain carcinogens and GMOs.


The energy value of 100 g of chicken stomachs is 94 kcal, which is 4.51% of the recommended rate per day. Data on the calorie content of 1 medium stomach are presented in the table:


Chicken stomachs are not contraindicated during pregnancy, if not abused. Expectant mothers should include them in their diet no more than 2 times a week.

Babies under one year old should not be given chicken stomachs, as this is a very heavy food for the immature children's digestive system. After 12 months, a child can be offered this product in a crushed form once a week, subject to a normal reaction of his body to meat.

Chicken navels are contraindicated for use with individual intolerance.

The nutritional value

Vitamins and minerals

Chicken stomachs can increase appetite, stimulate digestion and saturate the body with valuable chemical elements. The most useful are navels cooked by stewing in a minimum amount of water. Nutritionists do not recommend completely removing meat from the diet, replacing it with offal. By serving chicken stomachs to the table twice a week, you can normalize the functioning of the digestive organs and lose weight significantly.

Chicken stomachs are poultry by-products. Not everyone has a specific taste of offal, but properly and competently cooked chicken stomachs cannot leave anyone indifferent. The ventricles require prolonged heat treatment, as they consist of muscle tissue directed in three different directions. Therefore, it takes a long time to cook or stew them, but the result rewards such patience. Chicken stomachs can be boiled, stewed and fried, baked and cooked from them soups, add them to salads or make stuffing for pies and pancakes. For a side dish for chicken ventricles, any cereals, pasta, vegetables or mushrooms are suitable. To add sophistication and improve the taste, cream or sour cream, seasonings and spices are added to the chicken ventricles.

The benefits of chicken stomachs

The composition of chicken ventricles contains many useful substances and ingredients. They contain vitamins A, B5, B2, B3, B9, a little vitamin C. They contain fiber, water, ash, carbohydrates and proteins, saturated and unsaturated fatty acids. Of the minerals found in them calcium, copper, magnesium, iron, zinc, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium. The ventricles are rich in protein, which is about 21%. The protein of chicken stomachs is easily digested, which makes them a very valuable and energetically important product. Chicken gizzards are rich in folic acid, which stimulates cell division, tissue growth, and organ development. Due to the high content of folic acid, chicken stomachs are good for pregnant women and for future babies. They increase appetite, have a beneficial effect on the appearance and condition of the skin. They keep the circulatory system in good condition, strengthen the blood vessels and muscles of the heart, strengthen the immune system. The benefits of chicken stomachs and for the digestive system are known. In addition to improving appetite, stomachs help stimulate the process of digestion and natural bowel cleansing, as well as maintaining a healthy microflora in it.

For this purpose, yellow films covering the stomachs serve. When buying uncleaned stomachs, do not rush to throw away these films. They are very beneficial for health. It is necessary to separate them from the stomachs, wash and dry. When they become crispy, grind them in a coffee grinder to a powder state. This powder is successfully used to treat dysbacteriosis, diarrhea and diarrhea, to treat pain in the pancreas and stomach pain during exacerbation of gastritis. The same powder can be taken to prevent dystrophy, rickets and weaken the body. Also, this fermented powder is used to treat kidney stones, dissolve them and remove sand. You need to use this powder on an empty stomach, for quite a long time. You need to store it in a glass jar with a tight lid in a dark and cool place. Stale stomachs can be harmful to health. Therefore, be sure to pay attention to the production date and expiration date. Chilled chicken stomachs are stored for only 2 days, after this period, decomposition processes begin in them and harmful toxins accumulate. It is not recommended to use chicken stomachs in case of individual intolerance to this product.

Calorie content of chicken stomachs

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