Magnesium for the nervous system. Stress and lack of magnesium Composition, dosage forms and varieties of Magne B6

In "these days" a woman experiences nervousness, fatigue, anxiety, frequent headaches, aching muscles and joints, swelling of the limbs. The treatment of increased irritability can be carried out with the help of magnesium, which reduces the intensity of the manifestation of PMS.


A feeling of anxiety and psychological instability can occur as a result of stress, the development of various diseases, and chronic fatigue. May be accompanied by shortness of breath or palpitations. Often, such conditions are associated with a deficiency of important minerals in the diet, including a lack of magnesium, which regulates excitation processes in the brain and helps maintain psychological balance and balance throughout the day.


Stress can "burn" the daily intake of magnesium in 10 minutes. A bad temper and irritability are inseparable from such a state. Therefore, in the treatment of irritability and nervousness, the doctor often prescribes medications containing magnesium.


Increased irritability is often caused by the fact that everything falls out of hand in a person, there is not enough strength for anything. In turn, magnesium is the main element for the synthesis of ATP - an energy source for all cells of the body. In addition, it regulates the processes of excitation in the brain, promotes muscle relaxation, is necessary for the production of serotonin - the hormone of pleasure, has a positive effect on the functioning of the heart, which generally increases efficiency.


Often, internal accumulated stresses and overexertion have physical manifestations, such as tics, trembling, heart palpitations. Along with the direct treatment of the problem, it is important to think about a balanced diet, because. similar physical manifestations may be associated with a lack of magnesium. Therefore, in the treatment of physical manifestations, the doctor often prescribes the intake of drugs containing magnesium.


O.A. Gromova1,2, A.G. Kalacheva1,2, T.E. Satarina1,2, T.R. Grishina1,2, Yu.V. Mikadze3, I.Yu. Torshin2,4, K.V. Rudakov4
1GoU VPO "Ivanovo State Medical Academy" of Roszdrav
2Russian Collaborating Center of the UNESCO Institute for Microelements
3Faculty of Psychology, Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov
4Laboratory of Computational and Systems Biology, Computing Center named after A.A. Dorodnitsyn RAS

The stress state of the body, in general, corresponds to the imbalance between external conditions and the body's ability to adequately respond to them. Systematic dissatisfaction with the results of social activity, containment of emotional manifestations, due to social norms of behavior, often lead to the fact that a modern person often experiences a lack of peace of mind, emotional balance, along with a gradual loss of efficiency in work and the occurrence of chronic diseases.
The analysis of stress states is one of the topical areas of research into unfavorable functional states of a modern person. Evaluation and strengthening of the adaptive capacity of the body is considered as one of the important criteria of health. The higher the adaptive capacity of the body, the lower the risk of disease, since the more reliable protection against disease. Any kind of stress can be considered as a source of "disadvantage at work", given its negative effect on the results of activities and the development of personal maladjustment and mental health disorders. The procedural-cognitive paradigm understands stress as a process of updating the repertoire of internal means of overcoming difficulties. The two-factor model of "demand and control" and the "hormonal model" are among the basic models of stress.
In particular, stress during intensive learning can be seen as the result of an imbalance between the requirements of the learning environment and human resources, including subjective assessment. The curriculum of 3rd year students of medical universities is characterized by information overload, especially during the examination session. High emotional and intellectual stress in the pre-examination and examination period can be considered as an adequate model of professional stress for able-bodied young people and methods for assessing professional stress in students can be applied. In this work, we investigated the effect of magnesium in a synergistic combination with pyridoxine on the ability of students to adapt to conditions of increased stress. For the study of anti-stress activity, the drug Magne B6 produced by the French company Sanofi-aventis was used.

Materials and methods
Sample of students. 89 3rd year students of IvGMA voluntarily took part in the study. During the selection process, the volunteers were divided into 2 groups: the study (first) group of 58 people and the control (second) group of 31 people. Students in the first group received Magne B6 therapy 2 tablets 3 times a day (daily dose of magnesium - 288 mg based on pure magnesium, pyridoxine - 30 mg) for 2 weeks, then - 2 tablets 2 times a day (daily dose magnesium - 192 mg, pyridoxine - 20 mg) for 6 weeks. Students in the second group (control) did not take any special drugs.
The average age of students in the study group was 20 years (19-25 years), the control group - 21 years (19-25 years). In the study group, women accounted for 72% of the total number of the group of students surveyed, men - 28%; in the control group, a similar proportion of sexes was observed (67% women, 33% men). The average body weight of students in both groups was 56.79 ± 3.46 kg for women and 72.8 ± 5.1 kg for men.
The criteria for exclusion from the study were the presence of severe, acute and chronic somatic, mental diseases, the intake of any medications and dietary supplements. The study complied with the ethical standards of biomedical ethics committees developed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki as amended in 2000 and the Rules of Clinical Practice in the Russian Federation (1993). All students gave written informed consent to participate in the study.
Survey protocol. Each participant in the study was examined according to the protocol twice. The first examination was carried out before the start of the study and the second - at the end of the study (after 8 weeks). Statistically significant differences between students of the first and second groups were evaluated in dynamics - day "0", day "60". According to the protocol, the following were evaluated and analyzed:

Individual registration cards (IRCs) containing medical and demographic (age, gender), anthropometric (height, body weight) characteristics, data on health status, information on social and labor status, attitudes towards smoking.
The level of magnesium deficiency and pyridoxine, which were assessed during testing using a structured questionnaire.
The level of students' exposure to stress using the methodology of integrated diagnostics and correction of professional stress IDICS, presented as a structured questionnaire of 6 main scales and formed in accordance with the hierarchical scheme of stress analysis. A brief description of this technique is given in Table 1. According to the IDICS scale, the manifestations of acute stress were: physiological discomfort, mental and emotional tension, communication difficulties. Chronic stress was additionally characterized by asthenia, sleep disturbances, anxiety, depressive states, and aggression.

Personal and behavioral deformations, assessed by the presence of signs of the "burnout" syndrome (apathy, complete lack of interest in work and study), neurotic reactions, shocking or excessive isolation.
The state of various types of memory, for which the diagnosis of the general state of auditory, visual and motor memory was carried out using a neuropsychological diagnostic technique using the DIACOR program developed at the Faculty of Psychology of Moscow State University. This made it possible to answer the question about the weakest links of the corresponding types of memory, such as the basic mental process that affects the manifestation of other mental functions when exposed to occupational stress.

For statistical processing of the research results, methods of mathematical statistics were used, including the calculation of numerical characteristics of random variables, testing of statistical hypotheses using parametric and non-parametric criteria, correlation and dispersion analysis. The method of visual comparison of 95% confidence intervals was also used to test statistical hypotheses about the difference in the mean values ​​of features. Confidence intervals were estimated using the binomial distribution. To designate the boundaries of the 95% confidence interval of relative values, the symbol "#" was used, separating the upper and lower boundaries of the 95% confidence interval of the true mean value of the random variable. Comparison of predicted and observed frequencies of occurrence of signs was carried out using the Chi-square test. To compare the dependent variables, we used the Wilcoxon-Mann-Whitney T-test, which is the most accurate in medical research (which, as you know, is not limited to a certain form of distribution of a random variable). For statistical processing of the material, the STATISTICA 6.0 application program was used. Confidence levels were calculated; the values ​​of P
Results and discussion
There were no statistically significant differences in the age, sex or body weight of students in both groups (p > 0.05). Table 2 shows an analysis of the frequency of occurrence of diseases in the examined students. An analysis of the frequencies of occurrence of certain diseases registered among students in the IRC showed that most often in students of both groups there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular diseases. For all diseases, there were no statistically significant differences in the incidence of individual diseases between groups 1 and 2 (p > 0.05).
The homogeneity of the study groups was also analyzed by Spearman pair correlation. In both groups, on day 0, there were clear correlations between magnesium deficiency levels and IDICS scores. Thus, correlations were found between the level of magnesium deficiency and the conditions and organization of work (P
1. Exposure to stress
Indicators of the general level of stress in the study groups on day "0" had practically no differences and the overall stress index on the IDICS scale ("V0" in Table 3) corresponded to a high level (58.1 in the study group and 55.3 in the control group) . On day 0, students in both groups could distinguish the following characteristics of occupational stress:

External circumstances hindering activity (poor working conditions, problems in the organization of the labor process and high intensity of workloads);
strengthening of inadequate forms of stress relief: smoking, drinking alcohol;
displaying hostile behavior that is characteristic of magnesium deficiency.

When comparing the assessment of professional stress in students of the initial level (day "0") and after 2 months (day "60") in the control group (second group), the subjective assessment of the professional situation significantly worsened (during the observation period, the load increased in the semester, the exam session) (p = 0.021). The deterioration was accompanied by signs of psychological exhaustion - emotional tension, a decrease in general well-being, an increase in feelings of anxiety, signs of depression, and sleep disturbances.
At the same time, in the study group that received Magne B6 therapy, despite the increase in stress in studies and preparation for the session, the test index of the subjective assessment of the professional situation did not change significantly (which corresponds to the maintenance effect of the drug). In addition, Magne B6 therapy significantly reduced the severity of acute and chronic stress experiences (p = 0.022 and 0.001, respectively), which was manifested in an improvement in general well-being, mood, concentration, and recalling the necessary information. In the control group, the level of chronic stress also decreased, albeit not significantly (we believe that this is a response to the use of placebo and an element of retaining some test questions in memory).
Most importantly, taking Magne B6 led to a decrease in the severity of stress reactions. The overall stress index IDICS in this group also significantly decreased (p = 0.001), while it increased in the control group. In addition, Magne B6 therapy significantly (by 30%) reduced the manifestations of personal behavioral deformities (p = 0.00001), i.e., reduced the signs of the burnout syndrome and neurotic reactions (see Table 3). Students have improved indicators of autonomy in the execution of tasks (independence). The most significant differences are summarized in Figs. one.

2. Memory function
According to the DIACOR scale, the parameters of auditory-speech, visual and motor memory were assessed. On this scale, memory functioning was evaluated inversely with the number of so-called. "Penalty points", i.e. the lower the score, the more efficiently the memory operates. In almost all parameters of all three types of memory, significant improvements were observed in the group taking Magne B6, compared with the control.
a) When evaluating the parameters of auditory-speech memory on day 60, the integral indicator of auditory-speech memory improved in students of both groups (p 6) by the end of the course of treatment, the changes were higher than in the control group: the integral indicator of memory on the DIACOR scale improved by 2.55 vs. 2.42 times, respectively (P 6, the best results were obtained in combining various stimuli into integral semantic structures, i.e., the ability to analyze and synthesize information. In the group of students who took Magne B6, penalty points for combining stimuli into integral semantic structures decreased from 1.16 to 1.02 (P b) When assessing the parameters of visual memory on day "0" in the comparison groups, no significant changes were detected (p > 0.05) On day "60", students in the control group showed an improvement the volume of direct visual memory according to the IDICS scale (p = 0.05), other parameters did not change significantly (Table 4).
At the same time, in the group of students who took Magne B6, the data obtained on day 60 indicate a pronounced and, most importantly, significant improvement in the integral indicator of visual memory (by 5.4 times, p c). on day “0” and dynamic assessment of parameters in the second group (control) no significant changes were detected (p > 0.05). The students of the study group significantly improved the integral indicator of motor memory (p = 0.0035, 2.3 times versus 1.9 times compared with the control group) due to a significant increase in the volume of direct memory (5 times, p = 0.014) ( Table 5).
Differences in the integral indicators of different types of memory are summarized in fig. 2.
Thus, the course intake of Magne B6 improves the parameters of visual, auditory and motor memory. The improvement in both visual and auditory memory parameters is correlated with the optimization of the work of the posterior structures of the left hemisphere, the anterior structures of the left hemisphere, the posterior sections of the right hemisphere and the anterior sections of the right hemisphere. At the same time, by improving motor memory performance, the drug probably also affects the functioning of brain structures that provide interhemispheric interaction.

3. Assess magnesium and vitamin B6 levels
The students of both groups had approximately the same level of magnesium deficiency and hypovitaminosis B6 on day "0". A two-month course of application of the vitamin-mineral complex Magne B6 significantly reduced the total scores of magnesium deficiency (p = 0.000001) and vitamin B6 (p = 0.00003), which corresponds to a significant improvement in the supply of magnesium and pyridoxine, while in the control group there was practically no changes in indicators are observed (Fig. 3).
Another interesting observation, directly indicating the normalization of magnesium homeostasis, was a significant decrease in calf muscle cramps in the study group (p 6 and 19.35% (6 out of 31) in the control complained of “contraction” of the calf or foot muscles during swimming or after the pool, as well as after training in the gym.On day "60", in the control group, the number of students who complained of leg cramps not only did not decrease, but also increased to 25.8% (8 out of 31), while as in the group of students who took Magne B6, no seizures were observed in any student (Fig. 4).

Thus, against the background of the course of taking Magne B6, it was noted:

1. significant reduction in signs of magnesium deficiency and hypovitaminosis B6;
2. improvement of auditory-speech, motor and visual memory;
3. Reducing the experience of acute and chronic stress, reducing personal and behavioral deformations, improving muscle function.

These results indicate that a 60-day course of Magne B6 is an effective way of pharmacological correction of magnesium and vitamin B6 deficiency, which manifested itself in a significant improvement in cognitive functions and, above all, memory and a decrease in the negative manifestations of stress during high psycho-emotional stress.
Gratitude. We are very grateful to Asp. I.V. Gogoleva, Assoc. O.A. Nazarenko, employees of the department V.A. Abramova, A.S. Murin for help in conducting the clinical study and Ph.D. A.Yu. Gogolev for help with mathematical data processing.

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A.S. Kadykov
S.N. Busheneva

The name "magnesia" is already found in the Leiden Papyrus X (3rd century AD). It probably comes from the name of the city of Magnesia in the mountainous region of Thessaly. Magnesian stone in ancient times was called magnetic iron oxide, and magnes - a magnet. Interestingly, the original name "magnesium" was preserved only in Russian thanks to Hess's textbook, and at the beginning of the 19th century, other names were proposed in a number of manuals - magnesia, magnesia, bitter earth.

The total content of magnesium in the human body is about 25 grams. It plays an important role in the formation of more than three hundred enzymes. Magnesium takes part in energy and electrolyte metabolism, acts as a regulator of cell growth, and is necessary at all stages of the synthesis of protein molecules. The role of magnesium in the processes of membrane transport is especially important. Magnesium helps to relax muscle fibers (musculature of blood vessels and internal organs). The most important value of magnesium is that it serves as a natural anti-stress factor, inhibits the processes of excitation in the central nervous system and reduces the body's sensitivity to external influences.

It is believed that 25-30% of the population does not get enough magnesium from food. This may be due to modern processing technologies and the use of mineral fertilizers in growing vegetables, leading to magnesium deficiency in the soil.

Chronic magnesium deficiency is often observed in patients with diabetes mellitus, arterial hypertension, atherosclerosis, epilepsy, osteoporosis, etc. A number of physiological conditions are known that are accompanied by an increased need for magnesium: pregnancy, breastfeeding, a period of intensive growth and maturation, elderly and senile age, heavy physical labor and physical activity in athletes, emotional stress, frequent and prolonged (more than 30-40 minutes per day). session) stay in the sauna, insufficient sleep, air travel and crossing time zones. Magnesium deficiency occurs when taking caffeine, alcohol, drugs, and certain drugs, such as diuretics, which help remove magnesium in the urine.

Our nervous system is sensitive to the level of magnesium in the body. Its reduced content can cause anxiety, nervousness, fear, as well as insomnia and fatigue, decreased attention and memory, in some cases, seizures, tremors and other symptoms. Often people complain of "causeless" headaches.

Magnesium (especially in combination with vitamin B6) has a normalizing effect on the state of the higher parts of the nervous system during emotional stress, depression, and neurosis. This is no coincidence. Stress (physical, mental) increases the need for magnesium, which causes intracellular magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium deficiency worsens with age, reaching a maximum in people over 70 years of age. According to the European Epidemiological Study of Cardiovascular Diseases, plasma magnesium levels below 0.76 mmol / l are considered as an additional (for example, arterial hypertension) risk factor for stroke and heart attack. Imbalance of Ca2+ and Mg2+ ions is one of the serious reasons for the formation of blood clots in the vessels. The use of magnesium preparations helps to reduce the tendency to form a blood clot. Magnesium, for example, enhances the antithrombotic effect of aspirin.

It is believed that magnesium plays a positive role, inhibiting the process of atherosclerosis.
Taking into account the latest data on the prevalence of magnesium deficiency in residents of large cities, its content in the blood is determined in neurological patients with chronic fatigue syndrome, vegetative-vascular dystonia, as well as depression and asthenia. Normally, the content of magnesium in the blood serum in children varies from 0.66 to 1.03 mmol / l, in adults from 0.7 to 1.05 mmol / l.

In healthy people, the daily requirement for magnesium is 350-800 mg. With magnesium deficiency, its additional administration is required at the rate of 10-30 mg per kilogram of body weight per day. In addition to dietary correction, medicinal preparations are also used. The saturation time of tissue depots during magnesium therapy is 2 months or more. The choice of preparations for correction is well known - these are inorganic and organic magnesium salts. The first generation of magnesium preparations included inorganic salts. However, in this form, magnesium is absorbed by no more than 5%, stimulates intestinal motility, which often leads to diarrhea. Magnesium absorption in the gastrointestinal tract is increased by lactic, pidolic and orotic acids, vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), and some amino acids.

The second generation of magnesium-containing preparations is much better absorbed and does not cause dyspepsia and diarrhea. Modern combined preparations include Magne-B6.

The anti-anxiety effect of Magne-B6 allows it to be included in the complex therapy of depression (together with antidepressants), convulsive conditions (in combination with anticonvulsants), sleep disorders (together with sleeping pills), and also to use the drug as an additional tool for preventing and leveling mild excitatory effects of brain metabolism activators. Magnesium therapy is quite a promising direction in the treatment of night sleep disorders of various origins, especially in patients with asthenic and anxiety conditions. The vasodilating effect of magnesium ions allows the use of Magne-B6 in combination with antihypertensive agents. However, a decrease in blood pressure in response to the administration of magnesium is achieved only in patients with magnesium deficiency.

VSDshniks are extremely serious about the contents of their first-aid kit, but only if it comes to medicines. Taking vitamins is not a royal business. Indeed, the dystonic thinks, what is the use of these vitamins in such a difficult psycho-physiological situation as his? And this is a huge misconception. Our body is an infinitely receiving and giving system, for the normal functioning of which vitamins, minerals and various valuable elements are needed. Sometimes their deficiency can seriously affect health. And they are needed by all people, and dystonics - especially. Why?

Let us explain this fact using the example of the famous combined preparation Magnesium B6, with VVD it is indispensable. And although it can be found on the window of any pharmacy, some VSDs do not suspect how much they could make their lives easier by putting these (effervescent) tablets in the medicine cabinet.

The symptoms of VVD could become weaker if ...

Each patient with neurocirculatory dystonia is well aware of the following symptoms:

While the VVDshnik is in a hurry to write off everything for dystonia and consider himself the most unfortunate in the world, his body knows for sure: he simply lacks magnesium and vitamin B6! With a lack of these vital elements, all of the above ailments will not keep you waiting. And a person can guess for a long time at the monitor what deadly disease attacked him.

The composition of the complex

The vitamin-mineral preparation (complex) Magnesium B6 with VVD can not only smooth out many unpleasant symptoms of dysfunction, but also completely remove them. The name of the tablets fully reflects their composition:

  1. Magnesium aspartate, the main "repairer" of cells.
  2. Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), an assistant to the mineral, fixing it in the cells so that the latter is not excreted from the body too quickly.

In addition to the fact that vitamin B6 itself performs many useful functions, it also helps magnesium to be absorbed better and more reliably. We can say that these two important elements are closely interconnected and enhance each other's action, which is why they are so often combined in preparations.

In some cases, patients may be recommended Magnesium B6 Forte for VVD. This is an enhanced version of the drug, which has greater bioavailability. The Forte version has twice the dosage of the two elements. In addition, the “holder” of magnesium is not lactate, as in a simple version, but citrate (citric acid), which decomposes on its own, releasing energy. But due to the price difference, many dystonics prefer the simple version of the drug.

Benefits for Dystonic

What do magnesium and its counterpart vitamin B6 do in the body of an VVDshnik?

Heart The heart muscle begins to function better, relax effectively, pump blood efficiently. Extrasystoles and other types of arrhythmias disappear. The feeling of aching pain disappears.
Vessels The vascular membranes are strengthened, due to which the vessels cease to react sharply to changes in the weather or changes in the temperature in the room, to stress and disturbed sleep patterns. Hands and feet acquire a pleasant, natural warmth, stop freezing.
Nervous system It becomes easier for a person to fall asleep, he is already so irritated over trifles. Receding neuroses, panic attacks caused by the "inflamed" state of the central nervous system. Chronic fatigue and headaches go away. In acute panic attacks, the patient can be helped by Magnesium B6 Antistress, with VVD it is especially useful for nerves.
Muscles, bones The "weather" cramps in the limbs disappear, the muscles reduce much less often, the nervous twitches of the eyelids and fingers disappear.
Body (in general) Fatty acids are absorbed better, the metabolism is getting better. Cells receive enough "material" for normal functioning, do not die in an enhanced mode. Calcium begins to be assimilated "as intended", not deposited on the walls of the arteries. The work of the gastrointestinal tract is being established.

The drug is taken three times / day, 1-2 tablets, preferably with food, so that it is better absorbed.

Another mineral that plays a big role in the healthy functioning of our body is magnesium. This element is involved in many processes - energy production, glucose uptake, nerve signal transmission, protein synthesis, bone tissue building, regulation of relaxation and tension of blood vessels and muscles. It has a calming effect, reducing the excitability of the nervous system and enhancing the processes of inhibition in the cerebral cortex, acts as an anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory factor, protects the body from infection by participating in the production of antibodies, plays a significant role in the processes of blood clotting, regulation of the intestines, bladder and prostate gland, has an antispastic effect, promotes the removal of cholesterol from the body. It affects carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism, protein synthesis, participates as a cofactor or activator of many enzymes (alkaline phosphatase, hexokinase, enolase, carboxylase, etc.), has an alkalizing effect on the body, and is in an antagonistic relationship with calcium ions.

The daily requirement for magnesium is 0.4 g for an adult, and 0.45 g for pregnant and lactating women. Magnesium is found in most foods.

Absorption of magnesium in the intestines inhibits excess calcium and fat. Under favorable conditions, up to 30-40% of magnesium is absorbed from food products.

For magnesium deficiency increased neuromuscular excitability (convulsive muscle twitching, tetany, anxiety, fear, auditory hallucinations, tachycardia), loss of appetite, fatigue, dizziness, depressed mental state and fear, pain and tingling in the muscles, chilliness, increased sensitivity to weather changes (especially cold hands and feet), acute pain in the stomach, often accompanied by diarrhea. True, these same symptoms can be caused by other reasons, but if they are eliminated by an additional intake of magnesium, then the reason for their appearance is precisely in it.

We get magnesium from food and drinking water, but only from hard water, where there is a lot of magnesium (there is little magnesium in soft water). Here are some interesting observations made by scientists. In Glasgow, for example, where the water is the softest in England, mortality from diseases of the cardiovascular system is 50% higher than in London, where the water is very hard.

Our researchers found that in St. Petersburg, where tap water taken from the Neva is soft, the number of cardiovascular diseases is higher than in regions with hard tap water.

Magnesium and vascular and heart diseases

In one of the studies, scientists determined the magnesium content in the heart muscle (myocardium) of patients who died from a heart attack and healthy people who died in car accidents. In those who died from a heart attack, 42% less magnesium was found in the damaged part of the heart than in the healthy one, and in those who died in car accidents, no difference was found in the magnesium content in the muscles of different parts of the heart.

The founder of the doctrine of stress, Hans Selye, back in 1958, in experiments on animals, proved that magnesium prevents the development of atherosclerosis. He gave one group of rats food poor in magnesium, and the other - rich. Animals from the first group soon developed atherosclerosis, and the level of cholesterol in their blood was very high, while in animals from the second group, sclerotic changes in the vessels did not occur, cholesterol remained normal.

It is known that an important role in the regulation of the amount of cholesterol in the body belongs to lecithin. This amino acid is formed in the body by the action of an enzyme containing vitamin B6, which, in turn, is activated by magnesium.

French doctors prescribed to patients with diseased blood vessels and heart, with elevated cholesterol levels, magnesium lactate and vitamin B6 in the morning and at night. For many, a month later, cholesterol levels decreased, heart pain decreased.

Magnesium and diabetes

Magnesium deficiency is often seen in adults with diabetes, especially those who are forced to use insulin. Magnesium plays an important role in the release of insulin from the pancreas and thus in the regulation of blood sugar levels. With a lack of this mineral in the body, the risk of such complications characteristic of diabetes as diseases of the heart, blood vessels and eyes increases.

Magnesium and stress

Causeless anxiety, increased irritability, blues - all these conditions can be associated with a lack of magnesium. Drink cocoa in the morning with a quarter teaspoon of magnesium oxide, and at night eat a teaspoon or a tablespoon of magnesium-rich buckwheat honey with warm tea or milk.

Magnesium and Chronic Fatigue

Canadian researchers monitored a group of 100 adult men with complaints of unreasonable chronic fatigue, decreased vital interests, and decreased sexual desire. They were given 500 mg of magnesium sulfate (bitter salt) diluted in half a glass of water in the morning and evening. After 10 days, 87 people felt much better. Fatigue disappeared, a desire to live appeared, mood, sleep and appetite improved.

Magnesium and kidney stones

French doctors from the Paris Urological Clinic found that magnesium, especially together with vitamin B6, is an effective remedy against oxalate kidney stones.

Reception within a month of 300 mg of magnesium and 10 mg of vitamin B6 leads to partial, and sometimes even complete dissolution of kidney stones. This treatment is cheap, has no side effects, and is well tolerated. Naturally, magnesium in combination with vitamin B6 is also an excellent prophylactic against the formation of kidney stones.

Studies in Finland have shown that people who eat mostly natural foods that are high in magnesium and calcium (whole grains and dairy products) have very rare kidney stones, despite the fact that the body receives an average of 4-5 g calcium per day. Calcium in this case is not deposited in the kidneys, as it is balanced by a sufficient amount of magnesium and protein that bind excess calcium.

Magnesium and migraines

Magnesium supplementation has been shown to reduce headaches in people suffering from recalcitrant migraines, and has also been shown to be effective for headaches associated with allergies and premenstrual syndrome. In combination with vitamin B6, it normalizes the mood during menstruation and relieves painful periods.

Magnesium and osteoporosis

Magnesium together with calcium stimulates the production of the hormone calcitonin by the thyroid gland and parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid gland. These hormones play an important role in keeping bones healthy and strong. With a lack of magnesium in the body, the strength and hardness of bones and teeth decreases. Lack of magnesium increases the risk of osteoporosis - a disease that leads to increased fragility and fragility of bones in older people, more often in women who have entered the menopause.

Physiological need for Magnesium, mg per day:

The guidelines MP on the norms of physiological needs for energy and nutrients for various groups of the population of the Russian Federation dated 12/18/2008 provide the following data:

Tolerable Upper Intake Levels for Magnesium have not been established.

Foods rich in magnesium, Mg

Product nameMagnesium, Mg, mg%RSP
cocoaovella701 175,3%
cherry-core598 149,5%
Kernels of seeds of pumpkin ordinary and large-fruited pumpkin, dried592 148%
sesame seed540 135%
Roasted almond kernel498 124,5%
mustard powder453 113,3%
Wheat bran448 112%
poppy seed442 110,5%
cocoa powder425 106,3%
Roasted hazelnut kernel420 105%
Flax seeds392 98%
Brazil nuts, not blanched, dried376 94%
cottonseed342 85,5%
Rowan garden red331 82,8%
sunflower seed317 79,3%
Rapeseed311 77,8%
Halva, tahini303 75,8%
Halva, tahini chocolate290 72,5%
roasted peanut kernel286 71,5%
dried celery root284 71%
cocoa mass282 70,5%
Cashew270 67,5%
Saffron264 66%
Buckwheat, food grain258 64,5%
pine nut251 62,8%
Halva tahini-peanut243 60,8%
mustard seed238 59,5%
Almond234 58,5%
soy, grain226 56,5%
Whole wheat flakes218 54,5%
Plum-core210 52,5%
pistachios200 50%
Nutmeg200 50%
Whole soy flour200 50%
Semi-skimmed soy flour200 50%
Roasted coffee beans200 50%
Buckwheat groats200 50%
Natural coffee, ground200 50%
Apricot-kernel196 49%
Peanut182 45,5%
Corn, high lysine180 45%
Halva, sunflower vanilla178 44,5%
Wheat germ flour176 44%
Mash174 43,5%
Hazelnut172 43%
sea ​​kale170 42,5%
Hazel160 40%
Milk powder, skimmed in sealed packaging160 40%
Dried boletus154 38,5%
Whey dry150 37,5%
Buckwheat150 37,5%
Barley, food grain150 37,5%
Soybean flour, defatted145 36,3%
Pink salmon caviar granular141 35,3%
Chocolate nut140 35%
Powdered milk "Smolenskoe", 15.0% fat139 34,8%
Oats, food grain135 33,8%
bitter chocolate133 33,3%
Dried beets132 33%
Macadamia nut, raw130 32,5%
Millet, food grain130 32,5%
Oat flakes "Hercules"129 32,3%
Chum salmon caviar grainy129 32,3%
Sorghum127 31,8%
chickpeas126 31,5%
Dragee, walnut124 31%
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