How to get rid of infection. Treatment of a viral infection at home with folk remedies. Symptoms of concern

Summary: Tips pediatrician. Colds in children treatment. Colds in children how to treat. Colds in children under one year old. The child was ill with SARS. The child has the flu. Viral infection in children treatment. Viral infection in children symptoms. Viral infection than to treat. Bacterial infection in children. Bacterial infection symptoms. Bacterial throat infection.

Attention! This article is for informational purposes only. Be sure to consult your doctor.

If a child has an acute respiratory infection (ARI), then the question of whether the disease is caused by viruses or bacteria is fundamental. The fact is that pediatricians of the so-called "old school", that is, those who graduated from the institute in the 1970-1980s, prefer to prescribe antibiotics for any rise in temperature. The motive for such appointments - "whatever happens" - does not hold water. One side, viruses that cause most acute respiratory infections are completely indifferent to antibiotics , with another - in some viral infections, the prescription of antibiotics can lead to serious complications , next to which the traditional complications of antibiotic therapy - intestinal dysbacteriosis and drug allergies - will seem like a task for the first grade of high school.

There is only one way out of this situation, which is very effective, although rather laborious - to assess both the condition of the child and the appointment of the attending physician. Yes, of course, even local pediatrician, who is customary only to scold, and he is armed with a university diploma, not to mention the head of the department of pediatrics in the same district clinic, and even more so about the candidate of sciences, to whom you take your child every six months to prescribe or cancel preventive vaccinations. However, none of these doctors, unlike you, has the physical ability to watch your child on a daily and hourly basis.

Meanwhile, the data of such an observation in the medical language is called an anamnesis, and it is on them that doctors build the so-called primary diagnosis. Everything else - examination, analyzes and X-ray studies - serves only to clarify the actual diagnosis already made. So not learning to really assess the condition of your own child, whom you see every day, is simply not good.

Let's try - we will definitely succeed.

In order to distinguish ARI caused by viruses from the same ARI, but caused by bacteria, you and I need only minimal knowledge of how these diseases proceed. Data on the frequency with which a child was sick in a year will also be very useful. recent times who and what is sick in the children's team, and, perhaps, how your child behaved in the last five to seven days before getting sick. It's all.

Respiratory viral infections (ARVI)

There are not so many respiratory viral infections in nature - these are the well-known influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus infection, respiratory syncytial infection and rhinovirus. Of course, in thick medical manuals it is recommended to do very expensive and lengthy tests to distinguish one infection from another, but each of them has its own "calling card", by which it can be recognized already at the patient's bedside. However, you and I do not need such deep knowledge - it is much more important to learn to distinguish the listed diseases from bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. All this is necessary so that your local doctor does not prescribe antibiotics for no reason or, God forbid, does not forget to prescribe them - if antibiotics are really needed.

Incubation period

All respiratory viral infections (hereinafter - ARVI) have a very short incubation period - from 1 to 5 days. It is believed that this is the time during which the virus, having entered the body, is able to multiply to the amount that is already manifested by cough, runny nose and fever. Therefore, if the child does get sick, you need to remember when he last time previously visited, for example, children's team and how many children there looked sick. If less than five days have passed from such a moment to the onset of the disease, this is an argument in favor of the viral nature of the disease. However, just one argument will not be enough for us.


After the end of the incubation period, the so-called prodrome begins - a period when the virus has already unfolded in all its might, and the child's body, in particular its immune system, has not yet begun to adequately respond to the adversary.

It is possible to suspect something was wrong already during this period: the child's behavior changes dramatically. He (she) becomes capricious, capricious more than usual, lethargic or, conversely, unusually active, a characteristic glint appears in the eyes. Children may complain of thirst: this is a viral rhinitis, and the discharge, while it is not much, flows not through the nostrils, but into the nasopharynx, irritating the mucous membrane of the throat. If the child is less than a year old, sleep changes first of all: the child either sleeps for an unusually long time, or does not sleep at all.

What to do : It is during the prodromal period that all the usual antiviral drugs- from homeopathic oscillococcinum and EDAS to rimantadine (effective only during a flu epidemic) and viferon. Since all of the listed drugs either do not have side effects at all, or these effects are minimal (as with rimantadine), they can be started already during this period. If the child is older than two years old, SARS may end without even starting, and you can get off with a slight fright.

What NOT to do : You should not start treatment with antipyretics (for example, with efferalgan) or with advertised cold drugs such as coldrex or fervex, which are essentially just a mixture of the same efferalgan (paracetamol) with antiallergic drugs, flavored with a small amount of vitamin C. Such a cocktail is not only will blur the picture of the disease (let's still hope for the competence of the doctor), but it will also prevent the child's body from responding qualitatively to a viral infection.

The onset of the disease

As a rule, ARVI begins sharply and brightly: body temperature jumps to 38-39 ° C, chills appear, headache sometimes - sore throat, cough and runny nose. However, these symptoms may not be - the beginning of a rare viral infection marked by local symptoms. If, however, things still come to such a rise in temperature, you should tune in to the fact that the disease will drag on for 5-7 days and still call a doctor. It is from this moment that you can start the traditional (paracetamol, heavy drinking, suprastin) treatment. But now you should not expect a quick result from antiviral drugs: from now on, they are only able to contain the virus.

It is very important to remember that after 3-5 days, an already almost recovered child can suddenly worsen again, as doctors say. Viruses are also dangerous because they are able to drag a bacterial infection along with them - with all the ensuing consequences.

Important! Virus that infects upper Airways, always causes an allergic reaction, even if the child is not allergic. Moreover, at a high temperature, a child may have allergic reactions (in the form, for example, of hives) to the usual food or drink. That is why with ARVI it is very important to have antiallergic drugs on hand (suprastin, tavegil, claritin or zirtek). By the way, rhinitis, which is manifested by nasal congestion and watery discharge, and conjunctivitis (shiny or reddened eyes in a sick child) - characteristic symptoms a viral infection. With bacterial damage to the respiratory tract, both are extremely rare.

Bacterial infections of the respiratory tract

The choice of bacteria that cause infectious lesions upper (and lower - that is, bronchi and lungs) respiratory tract is somewhat richer than the choice of viruses. Here are corinbacteria, and Haemophilus influenzae, and Moraxella. And there are also pertussis pathogens, meningococcus, pneumococci, chlamydia (not those that venereologists recklessly deal with, but transmitted by airborne droplets), mycoplasmas and streptococci. I’ll make a reservation right away: the clinical manifestations of the vital activity of all these unpleasant microorganisms require doctors to immediately prescribe antibiotics - without a timely start antibiotic therapy the consequences of bacterial damage to the respiratory tract can be completely catastrophic. So much so that it is better not to even mention it. The main thing is to understand in time that antibiotics are really needed.

By the way, in the company of dangerous or just nasty bacteria who love to settle in the airways is not included Staphylococcus aureus. Yes, yes, the very one that is so recklessly sown from the upper respiratory tract, and then poisoned with antibiotics by some especially advanced doctors. Staphylococcus aureus is a normal inhabitant of ours with you skin; in the respiratory tract he is an accidental guest, and believe me that even without antibiotics he is very uncomfortable there. However, let's get back to bacterial infections.

Incubation period

Main difference bacterial infection respiratory tract from viral - longer incubation period- from 2 to 14 days. True, in the case of a bacterial infection, it will be necessary to take into account not only and not so much the estimated time of contact with patients (remember how it was in the case of SARS?), but also the overwork of the child, stress, hypothermia, and finally, the moments when the baby uncontrollably ate snow or wet your feet. The fact is that some microorganisms (meningococci, pneumococci, moraxella, chlamydia, streptococci) are able to live in the respiratory tract for years without showing themselves. To active life they can be caused by the very stresses and hypothermia, and even a viral infection.

By the way, it is useless to take smears on the flora from the respiratory tract in order to take action in advance. On standard media, which are most often used in laboratories, meningococci, streptococci and the already mentioned Staphylococcus aureus can grow. It grows the fastest of all, clogging, like a weed, the growth of microbes that are really worth looking for. Incidentally, in achievement list"Not sown chlamydia includes a quarter of all chronic tonsillitis, interstitial (very poorly diagnosed) pneumonia, and in addition reactive arthritis (because of them, in combination with chlamydial tonsillitis, a child can easily lose tonsils).


Most often in bacterial infections, visible prodrome absent - the infection begins as a complication of acute respiratory viral infections (otitis media caused by Haemophilus influenzae or pneumococci; sinusitis, originating from the same pneumococci or moraxella). And if ARVI begins as a general deterioration in the state without any local manifestations (they appear later and not always), then bacterial infections always have a clear "application point".

Unfortunately, it's not only spicy otitis media or sinusitis (sinusitis or ethmoiditis), which are relatively easy to cure. Streptococcal tonsillitis is far from harmless, although it is already without any treatment (except for soda rinse and hot milk, which no caring mother will fail to use) disappears by itself in 5 days. The fact is that streptococcal tonsillitis is caused by the same beta-hemolytic streptococcus, which includes the already mentioned chronic tonsillitis, but, unfortunately, they can lead to rheumatism and acquired heart defects. (By the way, tonsillitis is also caused by chlamydia and viruses, such as adenovirus or Epstein-Barr virus. True, neither of them, unlike streptococcus, ever lead to rheumatism. But we'll talk about this a little later.) after recovering from a sore throat, it does not disappear anywhere - it settles on the tonsils and behaves quite decently for quite a long time.

Streptococcal tonsillitis has the shortest incubation period among bacterial infections - 3-5 days. If there is no cough or runny nose with angina, if the child retains a sonorous voice and there is no redness of the eyes, this is almost certainly streptococcal angina. In this case, if the doctor recommends antibiotics, it is better to agree - leaving beta-hemolytic streptococcus in the child's body may turn out to be more expensive. Moreover, when it first enters the body, streptococcus is not yet hardened in the struggle for its own survival, and any contact with antibiotics is fatal for it. American doctors, who cannot take a step without various tests, found that already on the second day of taking antibiotics for streptococcal tonsillitis, the vicious streptococcus completely disappears from the body - at least until the next meeting.

In addition to streptococcal tonsillitis, complications from which will either come or not, there are other infections, the results of which appear much faster and can lead to much more nasty consequences.

The microbe that causes seemingly harmless nasopharyngitis is absolutely not accidentally called meningococcus - under favorable circumstances, meningococcus can cause purulent meningitis and sepsis of its own name. By the way, the second most common pathogen purulent meningitis- also at first glance harmless Haemophilus influenzae; however, most often it is manifested by the same otitis media, sinusitis and bronchitis. Very similar to bronchitis and pneumonia caused by Haemophilus influenzae (usually occurring as complications of SARS), pneumococcus can also cause. The same pneumococcus causes sinusitis and otitis media. And since both Haemophilus influenzae and pneumococcus are sensitive to the same antibiotics, doctors don’t really understand who exactly is in front of them. In one and the other case, you can get rid of a restless adversary with the help of the most common penicillin - long before pneumococcus suits little patient serious problems in the form of pneumonia or meningitis.

Rounding out the hit parade of bacterial infections of the respiratory tract are chlamydia and mycoplasma - the smallest microorganisms that, like viruses, can only live inside the cells of their victims. These microbes are not capable of causing either otitis media or sinusitis. The calling card of these infections is the so-called interstitial pneumonia in older children. Unfortunately, interstitial pneumonia differs from the usual one only in that it cannot be detected either by listening or by percussion of the lungs - only on x-rays. Because of this, doctors make the diagnosis of such pneumonia rather late - and, by the way, interstitial pneumonia proceeds no better than any other. Fortunately, mycoplasmas and chlamydia are very sensitive to erythromycin and similar antibiotics, so the pneumonia they cause (if diagnosed) responds very well to treatment.

Important! If your local pediatrician is not very competent, it is important to suspect interstitial chlamydial or mycoplasmal pneumonia before him - if only to hint to the doctor that you do not mind getting a lung x-ray.

The main symptom of chlamydial and mycoplasmal infections is the age of the children who are sick with them. Interstitial chlamydial and mycoplasmal pneumonias most often affect schoolchildren; the disease of a young child is a rarity.

other signs interstitial pneumonia is a prolonged cough (sometimes with phlegm) and pronounced complaints of intoxication and shortness of breath with, as medical textbooks put it, "very poor physical examination data." Translated into normal Russian, this means that despite all your complaints, the doctor sees and hears no problems.

Data on the onset of the disease can help a little - with a chlamydial infection, everything starts with a rise in temperature, which is accompanied by nausea and headache. With mycoplasma infection, the temperature may not be at all, but the same prolonged cough accompanied by mucus. I did not find any intelligible symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia in any Russian manual on pediatrics; but in the manual "Pediatrics according to Rudolf", which has survived in the USA, by the way, the 21st edition, it is recommended that against the background of deep breathing, press the child on the sternum (in the middle of the chest). If this provokes a cough, then most likely you are dealing with interstitial pneumonia.

ARVI is commonly referred to as acute respiratory viral infections that occur as a result of the penetration of various viruses. These include rhinoviruses, adenoviruses, influenza and parainfluenza. At the same time, their development is rapid. The incubation period averages one to two to five days. No matter how simple a cold sounds, the treatment of SARS at home should be started as soon as possible.

It is customary to refer to SARS such diseases as rhinitis, pharyngitis, nasopharyngitis, tonsillitis, laryngitis, influenza and parainfluenza. However, many of them have similar symptoms. The main symptoms of colds include the following.

  • A sharp increase in temperature to 38-39 degrees.
  • The occurrence of fever and chills.
  • Painful feeling in the head.
  • Itching and unpleasant sensation in the throat.
  • Nasal congestion and runny nose.
  • Lachrymation and pain in the visual organ.
  • Sneeze and.
  • An ache in muscle tissue.
  • General weakness and malaise.

With untimely treatment or ignoring the symptoms, the patient risks getting complications in the form of pneumonia, bronchitis, otitis, sinusitis.
The course of the disease depends on which virus has entered the body. If available chronic diseases, then when ARVI occurs, their exacerbation will begin.

Unfortunately, it is simply impossible to cure a viral infection in 1 day. But there is high probability reduce the time of illness by following a few recommendations.

Rapid treatment of SARS

Many patients, when showing signs of illness, want to recover quickly and work at full strength again. This raises the question of how to quickly recover from SARS. On average, the duration of the disease is about five days. At strong immunity and great desire you can quickly recover, eliminate symptoms and defeat the virus in three days. To do this, you should follow a few important recommendations.

  1. Compliance with bed rest. It is simply impossible to carry a cold and flu on your feet. This will not only increase the duration of the disease, but also lead to adverse consequences.
  2. Reception antiviral agents at the first signs. They can be purchased at pharmacy kiosks or prepared independently according to folk recipes.
  3. The use of heating procedures. If the temperature is low and keeps within 37.5 degrees, then you can soak your feet in hot water with the addition of herbs, essential oils and mustard. But such manipulations have contraindications in the form of the presence oncological processes, skin diseases in the form of dermatitis or damage, the occurrence of formations in the gynecological plan.
  4. Compliance drinking regime. Drinking plenty of liquid will quickly get rid of viruses. For such purposes, water, mineral water, fruit drinks from berries and compotes are suitable.
  5. Washing of the nasal passages. To quickly get rid of SARS, with nasal congestion and runny nose, it is necessary to rinse the nose with various solutions. They can be purchased at a pharmacy or prepared at home.
  6. Carrying out inhalations. If the patient does not have a temperature, inhalations can be done. For the procedure you will need hot water with steam, soda, iodine or medicinal herbs. You can use a nebulizer. Then it is enough to use saline or Miramistin.

Also, the quick treatment of SARS includes the right diet in the diet. Food should be easy to digest, but at the same time contain a lot of vitamins, carbohydrates and minerals. This condition is especially important in the treatment of a child. The disease is often accompanied by disorders of the digestive system.

Medicines for the treatment of colds and flu

To know how to treat SARS and influenza, it is better to consult a doctor. Based on the condition of the patient, the doctor will be able to recommend the necessary medications.

Includes the mandatory intake of antiviral drugs. Patients are often prescribed the following drugs.

  1. Means containing interferon. They can be used by adults, children, infants, women during gestation and lactation. They do not cause side effects and have no contraindications. These include:
    Viferon. The product is available in the form of suppositories and ointments. Issued to children from birth.
    Cycloferon. Produced in the form of tablets. Approved for use in children older than three years.
    Grippferon. Allowed for children from infancy. Available in the form of drops. Suitable for both treatment and prevention of flu and colds.
    Interferon. Analogue of Grippferon. It costs two to three times cheaper, but is not inferior in any way expensive drug. Allowed for children from birth.
  2. Amiksin. A drug that quickly and effectively copes with various viruses. Combination with antibiotics of any group is possible. Approved for use in children over six years of age.
  3. Arbidol. Designed for children and adults. Produced in the form of tablets. It has the ability to cope not only with influenza and parainfluenza viruses, but also with adenovirus infection.
  4. Kagocel. A modern drug that can cope with the disease even with belated treatment. There is a contraindication childhood under six years of age.

Treatment of colds also includes taking antipyretics. They should be taken if the patient has a high temperature. Injections will help to quickly bring down the temperature, since the medicine immediately penetrates directly into the blood and muscle tissue.

In childhood, Paracetamol and Ibuprofen in syrup, or Cefecon suppositories are prescribed.

Adults can take Aspirin, Analgin, Spazmalgon, Paracetamol, Ibuklin.

If the disease is still early stage manifestations, its development can be prevented. A loading dose will help to quickly cure ARVI ascorbic acid. In the first three to four days, you need to take thousands of milligrams of the vitamin until then once a day. After that, the dosage should be halved.

Folk methods for the treatment of SARS

How with the help folk ways? There are several effective recipes.

  • Fluid intake of at least two liters per day. The best drinks for Get well soon cranberry or lingonberry juice, a decoction of rose hips, raspberry or currant tea are considered.

    A decoction of medicinal herbs coltsfoot has a beneficial effect on the body. It allows you to eliminate inflammatory processes and fights various microbes. To prepare the infusion, you need to take fifty grams of grass and pour half a liter of boiled water. Let it brew for about an hour, then strain. You need to take the remedy several times a day in a warm form.

    A decoction of sage will also help eliminate the symptoms. The infusion is considered effective for coughs. strong character and sore throat. To prepare a decoction, you need to take fifteen grams of grass and pour a cup of boiled water. Put on a small fire and bring to a boil. Cook on the stove for another three minutes. After this, the infusion should be infused for an hour. It is necessary to take the remedy up to four times a day.

    1. Gargle. To myself effective remedy include soda-salt solution with iodine. To prepare it, you need to take a glass of warm water, add one spoon of salt and soda there. Then stir and dilute with a few drops of iodine. Rinsing should be done for ten minutes up to six times a day.
    2. Lubrication of the chest and dorsal region. This method should be used at the first manifestations of a cold. Approved for use in children with early age. To prepare the product, take a bottle almond oil and add one drop each of eucalyptus and clove essential oils.
    3. Instillation of drops in the nose. Such a medicine will help even with severe runny nose. To prepare drops, you need to take a spoonful of liquid honey and add a spoonful of warm water and beetroot juice. Mix the mixture well. The medicine should be instilled into each nasal passage two to three drops up to five times a day.
    4. Taking a fortified remedy. This method will help increase defenses and strengthen immunity. To prepare it, you need to take two large lemons, raisins, almonds, walnuts in equal proportions and a jar of liquid honey. Nuts, raisins and lemon should be thoroughly chopped. Then pour honey. Let it brew for two to three days. The medicine must be taken one tablespoon up to three times a day.

      It can also be used as a preventive measures. But you need to take it one teaspoon up to two times a day. The mixture can be taken by women during the gestation period and children from two years of age, if they do not have allergic reactions to products.

    5. Use of garlic drops. It is believed that all viruses enter the human body through the nasal mucosa. To overcome colds or protect yourself from illness, you need to use garlic oil. To prepare it, you need to take two cloves of garlic and grind them thoroughly. Then pour a spoonful of warmed vegetable or olive oil. Leave for twelve hours to brew. In case of illness, the medicine should be dripped three to four drops into each nostril up to three times a day. Treatment course is five to seven days. As a preventative measure, you need to drip two drops up to two times a day before going outside.

    You can cure SARS and influenza at home. But in order to quickly recover, the symptomatology must be eliminated at its first manifestations.

    ARVI (acute respiratory viral infection) is a respiratory disease caused by a viral infection entering the body. The route of transmission of viruses is airborne. People with weakened immune systems are most likely to become infected acute infection during the cold period of time, this happens especially often.

    To provide the patient quality care, the doctor prescribes drugs with a complex spectrum of action. Next, consider what kind of disease it is, what are the causes and symptoms in adults, and how to treat ARVI for quick recovery organism.

    What is SARS?

    SARS are airborne infections caused by viral pathogens that mainly affect the respiratory system. Outbreaks of respiratory viral infections occur all year round, but the epidemic is more often observed in autumn and winter, especially in the absence of high-quality prevention and quarantine measures to detect cases of infection.

    During periods of peak incidence of acute respiratory viral infections, ARVI is diagnosed in 30% of the world's population, respiratory viral infections are many times higher in frequency than other infectious diseases.

    The difference between ARVI and ARI at first glance is insignificant. However, there may be a virus (influenza) or a bacterium (streptococcus), the causative agent of ARVI is only a virus.

    The reasons

    SARS are caused by a variety of viruses related to various kinds and families. They are united by a pronounced affinity for the cells of the epithelium lining the respiratory tract. Acute respiratory viral infections can be caused by different types of viruses:

    • flu,
    • parainfluenza,
    • adenoviruses,
    • rhinoviruses,
    • 2 serovars RSV,
    • reoviruses.

    Entering the body through the mucous membrane of the upper respiratory tract or the conjunctiva of the eyes, viruses, having penetrated the epithelial cells, begin to multiply and destroy them. Inflammation occurs at the sites of introduction of viruses.

    Source of infection- a sick person, especially if this person is in initial stage diseases: feeling unwell and weak until the moment when a person realizes that he is sick, already isolating the virus, he infects his environment - the work team, fellow travelers in public transport, family.

    The main route of infection airborne, with small particles of mucus and saliva released when talking, coughing, sneezing.

    For the development of SARS great importance has a concentration of virus in environment. So, the smaller the number of viruses that enters the mucous membranes, the lower the percentage of the likelihood of developing the disease. A high saturation of viruses persists under conditions enclosed space especially with large crowds. The lowest concentration of viruses, on the contrary, is noted in the fresh air.

    Risk factors

    Provoking factors contributing to the development of infection:

    • hypothermia;
    • stress;
    • poor nutrition;
    • unfavorable ecological situation;
    • chronic infections.

    It is best to determine how a doctor can treat SARS. Therefore, in the event of the appearance of the first symptoms, it is necessary to call a local therapist or pediatrician.

    Incubation period

    The incubation period of SARS in adults can last from 1 to 10 days, but mostly it is 3-5 days.

    The disease is highly contagious. Viruses enter the mucous membranes by airborne droplets. You can get sick through the touch of hands, dishes, towels, so communication with the patient should be strictly limited.

    In order not to infect other family members, the patient must:

    • wear a special gauze bandage;
    • use only your personal hygiene items;
    • process them systematically.

    After past illness immunity does not develop resistance to SARS, which is due to a large number of different viruses and their strains. Moreover, viruses are subject to mutation. This leads to the fact that an adult can get ARVI up to 4 times a year.

    If a patient is diagnosed with a disease, he is prescribed antiviral drugs and bed rest until complete recovery.

    The first signs of an acute respiratory viral infection

    Usually begins with a slight malaise and sore throat. Some people experience an exacerbation at this time. chronic herpes, accompanied by the appearance of characteristic bubbles with liquid in the lips.

    The first signs of an acute respiratory viral infection will be:

    • pain in the eyes;
    • promotion general temperature body;
    • a situation in which watery eyes and a runny nose;
    • sore throat, dryness, irritation, sneezing;
    • an increase in the size of the lymph nodes;
    • sleep disorders;
    • coughing fits;
    • voice changes (if the mucous membranes of the larynx are inflamed).

    How contagious is SARS for an adult? Experts have found that a person who catches the virus becomes contagious 24 hours before the very first symptoms of the disease are detected.

    Thus, if signs of a respiratory infection appeared 2.5 days after the introduction of the pathogen into the body, then a sick person could infect others starting from 1.5 days after communicating with the previous carrier of the virus.

    SARS symptoms in adults

    Common features of SARS: a relatively short (about a week) incubation period, acute onset, fever, intoxication and catarrhal symptoms. Symptoms of SARS in adults develop rapidly, and the sooner responses to the invasion of the infection are taken and treatment is started, the easier the immune system will cope with the disease.

    Main symptoms:

    • Malaise - weakness in the muscles and aching joints, I want to lie down all the time;
    • drowsiness - constantly sleepy, no matter how long a person sleeps;
    • runny nose - at first not strong, just like clear liquid from the nose. Most attribute it to abrupt change temperatures (went from the cold into a warm room, and condensation appeared in the nose);
    • chills - discomfort when touching the skin;
    • sore throat - it can be expressed as a tickle, and a tingling sensation or even pain in the neck.

    Depending on the state immune system, the symptoms of SARS may increase or decrease. If a protective functions respiratory organs are high level, it will be very easy to get rid of the virus and the disease will not cause complications.

    In addition, if usual symptoms SARS do not go away after 7-10 days, then this will also be a reason to consult a specialist (more often it becomes an ENT doctor).

    Kinds Symptoms in an adult
    adenovirus infection
    • High fever that lasts from five to ten days;
    • strong wet cough, aggravated in a horizontal position and with increased physical activity;
    • enlarged lymph nodes;
    • runny nose;
    • sore throat when swallowing.
    • Very high temperature;
    • dry cough, painful in chest;
    • sore throat;
    • runny nose;
    • dizziness and sometimes loss of consciousness.
    parainfluenza The incubation period lasts 2-7 days. This form of ARVI is characterized by an acute course and an increase in symptoms:
    • Body temperature up to 38 degrees. It persists for 7-10 days.
    • Rough cough, hoarseness and change in voice.
    • Painful sensations in the chest.
    • Runny nose.
    RS infection Its symptoms, in general, are similar to parainfluenza, but its danger is that, as a result untimely treatment bronchitis may develop.

    If the patient has chronic diseases, then this can lead to an exacerbation. During the period of exacerbation, diseases develop: bronchial asthma, bronchitis, sinusitis,. They worsen a person's condition and make it difficult to treat.

    Symptoms of SARS requiring emergency medical attention:

    • temperature above 40 degrees, almost or not responding to taking antipyretic drugs;
    • impaired consciousness (confused consciousness, fainting);
    • intense headache with inability to bend the neck, bringing the chin to the chest
      the appearance of a rash on the body (asterisks, hemorrhages);
    • chest pain when breathing, difficulty inhaling or exhaling, feeling short of breath, coughing up phlegm (pink is more serious);
    • prolonged, more than five days of fever;
    • the appearance of secretions from the respiratory tract green, brown, mixed with fresh blood;
    • pain behind the sternum, not dependent on breathing, swelling.


    If the necessary measures for its treatment are not taken with ARVI, complications may develop, which are expressed in the development of the following diseases and conditions:

    • acute sinusitis (inflammation of the sinuses with the addition of a purulent infection),
    • lowering the infection down the respiratory tract with the formation and,
    • spread of infection to auditory tube with the formation
    • accession of a secondary bacterial infection (for example,),
    • exacerbation of foci chronic infection both in the broncho-pulmonary system and in other organs.

    Particularly susceptible to this are the so-called "adult" teenagers who cannot sit at home for a minute. It is necessary to have a conversation with them, because complications after SARS can not only spoil life, there have been cases with a fatal outcome.


    Which doctor will help? If you have or suspect the development of ARVI, you should immediately seek advice from such doctors as a general practitioner, an infectious disease specialist.

    For the diagnosis of ARVI, they usually use following methods examinations:

    • Examination of the patient;
    • Immunofluorescence express diagnostics;
    • bacteriological research.

    If the patient develops bacterial complications, then he is sent for a consultation with other specialists - a pulmonologist, an otolaryngologist. If pneumonia is suspected, an X-ray of the lungs is performed. If there are pathological changes from the ENT organs, then the patient is prescribed pharyngoscopy, rhinoscopy, otoscopy.

    How to treat SARS in adults?

    At the first symptoms of the disease, bed rest is necessary. You need to call a doctor to make a diagnosis, determine the severity of the disease. In light and moderate form ARVI is treated at home, severe form- in the infectious diseases hospital.

    1. Mode.
    2. Decrease in toxicity.
    3. Impact on the pathogen - the use of antiviral agents for ARVI.
    4. Elimination of the main manifestations - runny nose, sore throat, cough.

    Drugs for the treatment of SARS

    It is necessary to treat SARS with the help of antiviral drugs, because the main cause of the disease is a virus. From the first hours of the onset of symptoms of acute respiratory viral infections, no later than 48 hours later, they begin to take one of the drugs 2 times a day:

    • Amiksin;
    • rimantadine or amantadine - 0.1 g each;
    • oseltamivir (Tamiflu) - 0.075 - 0.15 g;
    • zanamivir (Relenza).

    You need to take antiviral drugs for 5 days.

    Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This category includes:

    • ibuprofen,
    • Paracetamol
    • Diclofenac.

    These drugs have an anti-inflammatory effect, reduce temperature indicators relieve pain syndrome.

    Can be taken combination drugs containing paracetamol - for example:

    • Fervex,
    • Theraflu

    Their effectiveness is the same as that of conventional paracetamol, but they are more convenient to use and reduce the intensity of other symptoms of SARS due to the presence of phenylephrine and chlorphenamine in the composition.

    Antihistamine medicines needed to reduce signs of inflammation: nasal congestion, swelling of mucous membranes. Reception "", "Fenistila", "Zirtek" is recommended. Unlike first-generation drugs, they do not cause drowsiness.

    Against nasal congestion and runny nose with SARS in adults are used vasoconstrictor drops in the nose Vibrocil, Nazivin, Otrivin, Sanorin.

    Are antibiotics needed?

    The prognosis for SARS is generally favorable. The worsening of the prognosis occurs when complications occur, more than severe course often develops when the body is weakened, in children of the first year of life, persons old age. Some complications (pulmonary edema, encephalopathy, false croup) can lead to death.

    The main indications for taking antibiotics for colds are the following:

    • chronic inflammation of the middle ear;
    • purulent otitis;
    • purulent;
    • quinsy;
    • abscess;
    • phlegmon.
    1. An important action is isolation of the patient from society because the infection will then spread. Being in crowded places, the infected will endanger them.
    2. It is required to observe a number of rules regarding the room where the patient is located. This includes its wet cleaning, mandatory ventilation (every 1.5 hours), temperature regime(20-22 °), it is good if the indoor humidity is 60-70%.
    3. Need to drink plenty of water, it should only be warm. In fact, this is any drink: tea, decoctions, compote, just warm water etc.
    4. Reception shock dose vitamin C. In the early days of SARS, you need to take ascorbic acid up to 1000 milligrams per day.
    5. Warming up feet and hands with hot baths. Warming procedure can be carried out if the patient does not have a temperature.
    6. Gargling. The throat must be gargled so that the infection does not spread. Gargling helps relieve coughs. Soda-salt solution, decoctions of chamomile, calendula, sage are suitable for gargling.
    7. Rinse your nose regularly saline solutions . The cheapest option is saline, you can use modern drugs Dolphin or - their effectiveness in comparison with conventional saline is absolutely identical.
    8. Inhalations. This procedure aimed at relieving coughs. From folk remedies, for inhalation, you can use steam from potatoes "in uniform", as well as decoctions of chamomile, calendula, mint and other medicinal herbs. From modern means, a nibulizer can be used for inhalation.

    At acute stage diseases, a person has a fever, a serious condition, apathy, loss of appetite, pain in the joints, muscles, etc. As soon as the virus begins to “lose up”, the temperature balance normalizes - perspiration occurs, the pallor of the skin turns into a blush, the patient wants to eat, is drawn to sweets.


    Food during the treatment of ARVI should be light, quickly digestible. It is important to maintain a balance of fats, proteins and carbohydrates. For a speedy recovery, it is worth limiting the amount of fat consumed. But it is not necessary to give up easily digestible carbohydrates. They will replenish energy reserves.

    Depending on the stage of recovery, the nutrition of a patient with ARVI can be built as follows:

    • On the first day of illness - baked apples, low-fat yogurt, fermented baked milk.
    • On the second or third day - boiled meat or fish, porridge with milk, dairy products.
    • On the days of complications of the disease - boiled or stewed vegetables, low-fat sour-milk products.

    Folk remedies for SARS

    ARVI can be treated with the following folk remedies:

    1. Brew in a glass of boiling water for 1 tsp. ginger powder, ground cinnamon, add ground black pepper on the tip of a knife. Insist under the lid for 5 minutes, add 1 tsp. honey. Take a glass every 3-4 hours.
    2. Modern healers recommend treating colds with a special mixture of juices. You will need: juice from 2 lemons, 1 crushed garlic clove, 5 mm fresh root ginger, 1 apple with peel, 1 pear with peel, 300 gr. water, 1 tablespoon honey. If the juice is intended for adults, you can add a slice of radish 2 cm thick to it. Drink the resulting mixture 2 times a day until complete recovery.
    3. You can inhale over a container with hot water. To increase efficiency, a clove of garlic, an extract of needles, fir oil, and eucalyptus are added to the liquid. Also, on the basis of these oils, nasal drops are made.
    4. To disinfect the air in the room, it is worth putting a container with onions or garlic in the room. They are rich in useful phytoncides that destroy viruses.
    5. Loss of smell is one of the most unpleasant symptoms colds (especially for an aromatherapist!) Chervil, geranium and basil oils can help your trouble. Use them when taking baths and during inhalations.


    To preventive methods SARS include:

    • limiting contact with a sick person;
    • use of a protective gauze mask;
    • humidification of the air to prevent drying of the mucous membranes;
    • quartzization of premises;
    • ventilation of premises;
    • good nutrition;
    • sports;
    • the use of vitamins and restorative drugs in the offseason;
    • personal hygiene.

    You will get the maximum result if you carry out complex treatment of acute respiratory viral infections, take all the drugs prescribed by your doctor and remember about bed rest.

    Viral diseases infect cells in which there are already violations, which is what the pathogen uses. Modern studies have proven that this happens only with a strong weakening of the immune system, which is no longer able to adequately fight the threat.

    Features of viral infections

    Types of viral diseases

    These pathogens are usually distinguished by a genetic trait:

    • DNA - human catarrhal viral diseases, hepatitis B, herpes, papillomatosis, chicken pox, deprive;
    • RNA - influenza, hepatitis C, HIV, polio, AIDS.

    Viral diseases can also be classified according to the mechanism of influence on the cell:

    • cytopathic - the accumulated particles break and kill it;
    • immune-mediated - the virus embedded in the genome sleeps, and its antigens come to the surface, putting the cell under attack by the immune system, which considers it an aggressor;
    • peaceful - the antigen is not produced, the latent state persists for a long time, replication starts when favorable conditions are created;
    • degeneration - the cell mutates into a tumor.

    How is the virus transmitted?

    The spread of a viral infection is carried out:

    1. Airborne. Respiratory viral infections are transmitted by the retraction of mucus particles splattered during a sneeze.
    2. Parenterally. In this case, the disease passes from mother to child, during medical manipulations, sex.
    3. Through food. Viral diseases come with water or food. Sometimes they stay dormant for a long time, appearing only under external influence.

    Why are viral diseases epidemic?

    Many viruses spread quickly and massively, which provokes the emergence of epidemics. The reasons for this are as follows:

    1. Ease of distribution. Many serious viruses and viral diseases are easily transmitted through saliva droplets inhaled. In this form, the pathogen can maintain activity for a long time, therefore it is able to find several new carriers.
    2. reproduction rate. After entering the body, the cells are affected one by one, providing the necessary nutrient medium.
    3. Difficulty of elimination. It is not always known how to treat a viral infection, this is due to the lack of knowledge, the possibility of mutations and the difficulties of diagnosing - at the initial stage it is easy to confuse with other problems.

    Symptoms of a viral infection

    The course of viral diseases may differ depending on their type, but there are common points.

    1. Fever. It is accompanied by a rise in temperature to 38 degrees, without it only mild forms of SARS pass. If the temperature is higher, then this indicates a severe course. It does not last longer than 2 weeks.
    2. Rash. Viral skin diseases are accompanied by these manifestations. They may look like spots, roseola, and vesicles. It is typical for childhood, in adults rashes are less common.
    3. Meningitis. Occurs with an enterovirus and is more common in children.
    4. Intoxication- loss of appetite, nausea, headache, weakness and lethargy. These signs of a viral disease are due to toxins released by the pathogen in the course of activity. The strength of the impact depends on the severity of the disease, it is harder for children, adults may not notice it.
    5. Diarrhea. Characteristic of rotaviruses, the stool is watery, does not contain blood.

    Human viral diseases - list

    Impossible to name exact number viruses - they are constantly changing, replenishing an extensive list. Viral diseases, the list of which is presented below, are the most famous.

    1. Flu and cold. Their signs are: weakness, fever, sore throat. Antiviral drugs are used, when bacteria are attached, antibiotics are additionally prescribed.
    2. Rubella. Eyes, airways, cervical lymph nodes and skin. It spreads by airborne droplets, accompanied by high fever and skin rashes.
    3. Piggy. The respiratory tract is affected, in rare cases, the testes are affected in men.
    4. Yellow fever. Harms the liver and blood vessels.
    5. Measles. Dangerous to children, affects the intestines, respiratory tract and skin.
    6. . Often occurs in the background of other problems.
    7. Polio. Penetrates into the blood through the intestines and breathing, with brain damage, paralysis occurs.
    8. Angina. There are several types, characterized by headache, high fever, strong pain in the throat and chills.
    9. Hepatitis. Any variety causes yellowness of the skin, darkening of the urine and colorless feces, which indicates a violation of several bodily functions.
    10. Typhoid. rare in modern world, strikes circulatory system may lead to thrombosis.
    11. Syphilis. After the defeat of the genital organs, the pathogen enters the joints and eyes, spreads further. It has no symptoms for a long time, so periodic examinations are important.
    12. Encephalitis. The brain is affected, a cure cannot be guaranteed, the risk of death is high.

    The most dangerous viruses in the world for humans

    The list of viruses that represent the most great danger for our body:

    1. Hantavirus. The causative agent is transmitted from rodents, causes various fevers, mortality in which ranges from 12 to 36%.
    2. Flu. These include the most dangerous viruses, known from the news, different strains can cause a pandemic, a severe course affects the elderly and young children more.
    3. Marburg. Opened in the second half of the 20th century, is the reason hemorrhagic fever. It is transmitted from animals and infected people.
    4. . It causes diarrhea, the treatment is simple, but in underdeveloped countries 450 thousand children die from it every year.
    5. Ebola. As of 2015, the mortality rate is 42%, it is transmitted by contact with the fluids of an infected person. The signs are: sharp rise fever, weakness, sore muscles and throat, rash, diarrhea, vomiting, possible bleeding.
    6. . Mortality is estimated at 50%, intoxication, rash, fever, and lymph node damage are characteristic. Distributed in Asia, Oceania and Africa.
    7. Smallpox. Known for a long time, dangerous only to people. Rash, fever, vomiting, and headache are characteristic. The last case of infection occurred in 1977.
    8. Rabies. Transmitted from warm-blooded animals, affects the nervous system. After the appearance of symptoms, the success of treatment is almost impossible.
    9. Lassa. The pathogen is carried by rats, first discovered in 1969 in Nigeria. Kidneys are affected nervous system, myocarditis and hemorrhagic syndrome begin. The treatment is difficult, the fever claims up to 5 thousand lives annually.
    10. HIV. It is transmitted through contact with the fluids of an infected person. Without treatment, there is a chance to live 9-11 years, its complexity lies in the constant mutation of cell-killing strains.

    Fight against viral diseases

    The complexity of the fight lies in the constant change of known pathogens, making the usual treatment of viral diseases ineffective. This necessitates the search for new drugs, but present stage development of medicine, most measures are being developed quickly, before the epidemic threshold is crossed. The following approaches have been adopted:

    • etiotropic - prevention of the reproduction of the pathogen;
    • surgical;
    • immunomodulatory.

    Antibiotics for a viral infection

    In the course of the disease, there is always a suppression of immunity, sometimes it is necessary to strengthen it to destroy the pathogen. In some cases, with a viral disease, antibiotics are additionally prescribed. This is required when joining bacterial infection, which is killed only in this way. With a pure viral disease, taking these drugs will not only worsen the condition.

    Prevention of viral diseases

    1. Vaccination- effective against a specific pathogen.
    2. Strengthening immunity- Prevention of viral infections in this way involves hardening, proper nutrition, support with plant extracts.
    3. Precautionary measures- the exclusion of contacts with sick people, the exclusion of unprotected casual sex.

    Respiratory system (also called the respiratory system) external respiration) It has complex device, it is necessary for the implementation of gas exchange between the inhaled air and blood circulating in the circle of blood circulation, which begins in the right ventricle of the heart and ends in the middle sections of the left atrium. Main organs respiratory system are the nasal cavity (nasolacrimal duct), tracheal tube, lungs, bronchi, bronchioles, and diaphragm. If the mucous membranes or parenchyma of the respiratory organs become inflamed, the patient develops symptoms of intoxication, the temperature rises and signs characteristic of respiratory diseases appear.

    The pathology of the respiratory system with the most favorable prognosis for recovery is ARVI. Acute viral infections can resolve on their own within 5-7 days, but if the patient does not take any measures to combat the pathogen, complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia may begin against the background of the primary infection. Some go to the other extreme: they try to cure ARVI in 1 day, starting to take all the drugs in a row, which only leads to a subsidence of the infection, but does not contribute to the development of immunity. Patients should be aware that even the most effective medicines will not help to cope with a viral infection in 1 day Therefore, it is necessary to approach the treatment wisely.

    SARS can cause various groups viruses, but the most common are parainfluenza viruses, rhinoviruses and adenoviruses. In 90% of cases, infection occurs by airborne droplets during communication, but there are cases when the virus was transmitted to healthy person through physical contact, such as a handshake. The main risk group for the occurrence of ARVI includes preschool children of the younger age category- from 2 to 5 years. This is due to the fact that viruses spread very quickly in groups and are able to maintain their viability outside the human body from 16 to 72 hours.

    Once in the body, the virus begins to multiply actively. At an early stage, it occurs in the nasopharynx or larynx. lasts given period 1-2 days and is manifested by moderate sneezing, slight sore throat and coughing. Hyperthermia on this stage usually absent, so recognize the onset of the disease and take it in time necessary measures almost impossible.

    From the nasopharynx or larynx, the pathogen enters the systemic circulation and causes acute intoxication and characteristic symptoms, which can include:

    • temperature rise to 38-38.5°C;
    • headache;
    • squeezing in the temporal zone (sometimes the pain goes to the back of the head);
    • rhinitis (running from the nose, sneezing, congestion);
    • cough (dry at the initial stage);
    • chills.

    Muscle pain and aching joints are characteristic of the flu, but if ARVI is caused by parainfluenza viruses, similar symptom may well be present in the general clinical picture diseases.

    Important! The formation of the immune response occurs on the 4th-5th day of the disease, therefore it will not be possible to cure ARVI in 1 day, but it is possible to significantly improve the patient's condition and maintain working capacity if there is an urgent need for this.


    Medicines of this group are active against most strains of viruses and help to cope with pathogens by destroying the protein membrane and stopping their vital activity. A significant disadvantage can be considered the weak activity of one's own immune cells and insufficient production of immunoglobulins, which form immunity and prevent re-infection. For this reason, many countries have abandoned the use of these drugs and consider their appointment inappropriate, but if necessary, quickly improve the patient's condition, they should form the basis of treatment. The most popular antiviral drugs are listed below, as well as how they are used for SARS.

    Enough effective drug for the treatment of viral diseases of various etiologies, which includes umifenovir. The tool is available in the form of tablets, capsules and powder, suitable for the treatment of children from the age of three. Also effective in the treatment rotavirus infection, herpes, chronic bronchitis and pneumonia.

    You need to take the drug before meals, drinking boiled water. The dosage depends on the age of the patient and can be from 1 to 4 tablets to be taken 4 times a day. The recommended duration of treatment is 5 days, but in some cases more may be required. long-term use- up to 10 days. For pregnant women, treatment with "Arbidol" can be prescribed from the 16th week of gestation. average cost- 135-170 rubles.

    A fairly expensive drug (the cost of a package can reach up to 1490 rubles) from the group homeopathic remedies. Has a targeted effect against influenza viruses and other respiratory infections. It can be used to treat children (including infants of the first year of life), as well as pregnant and lactating women without adjusting the dosing regimen.

    The standard dosage is 1 dose 1 time per day sublingually. The drug must be placed under the tongue and wait for the complete dissolution of the tube. This should be done 15 minutes before meals. For children, the contents of the tube are diluted with water or milk mixture.

    On a note! For rapid achievement therapeutic effect in the first three days, an increase in dosage to 2 doses per day (morning and evening) is allowed.

    These drugs are considered the most benign. They contribute to the development of their own immunity and help to cope with the symptoms of SARS in 2-3 days. At early start treatment, positive dynamics will be noticeable after the first day of treatment.

    The drugs in this group include:

    • "Genferon";
    • "Viferon";
    • "Gerpferon";

    These drugs are available in the form of rectal suppositories, tablets and ointments for topical and nasal use.

    Table. The cost of antiviral drugs.

    Drinking regimen: what to drink to recover quickly?

    Drinking with SARS should be plentiful- this will help restore a sufficient level of moisture in the mucous membranes, accelerate the elimination of toxins from their systemic blood flow and reduce the manifestations of intoxication. For sore throats, it is better to give to the patient warm drink. It is strictly forbidden to give hot drinks, as they can lead to injury to the inflamed mucosa and increase pain.

    Drinks that will help you quickly cope with the signs of SARS and improve the patient's well-being are listed below.

    At early symptoms ARVI is also useful to drink warm milk with addition a small amount butter and spoons of honey. Such a drink helps to relieve inflammation, relieve pain and improve sputum discharge. If the patient has no disease digestive tract and history of internal bleeding, treatment can be supplemented ginger tea, as it is rightfully considered the best folk remedy for viral diseases of the respiratory system.

    Cure in 1 day: a scheme for the rapid treatment of SARS

    Below is exemplary scheme treatment that will help to significantly improve well-being and reduce the severity of cold symptoms in just one day, allowing the patient to go to work or continue important business.

    Antiviral therapy

    From the very beginning of the disease, it is necessary to start taking drugs with antiviral and immunomodulatory effects, for example, Anaferon or Ergoferon. On the first day of illness, they must be taken according to the following scheme:

    • 4 tablets with an interval of 30 minutes;
    • 3 tablets with an interval of 2 hours.

    The tablets should be kept in the mouth until they are completely dissolved. In total, 7 tablets should be taken on the first day of treatment. Lubricate the nasal passages three times a day with nasal ointment " Oxolinic ointment"Or instill drops of" Grippferon ".

    Bed rest

    In order to feel good on the second day of illness and be able to do the necessary things, it is necessary to observe strict bed rest. The patient needs to be in bed, sleep more, limit TV viewing. This will help restore strength to fight the disease.

    Plentiful drink

    You need to drink a lot and often. Abundant fluid intake has a positive effect on the dynamics of recovery and the general well-being of the patient. It is best to combine berry fruit drinks and herbal teas. The total volume of fortified drinks per day should be at least 2-2.5 liters. Additionally, it is recommended to take ascorbic acid - 1 tablet 3 times a day after meals.


    Ventilation is necessary to purify the air and destroy the viruses that the patient releases into the surrounding space. You need to ventilate the room often - about every 2 hours. If the air humidity does not correspond to the norm (the level of 45-60% is considered the norm), measures should be taken for additional humidification: turn off the heating devices, turn on the humidifier or spray the air with a spray gun. Wet cleaning with disinfectants should be carried out twice a day - this will help to destroy most indoor pathogens and speed up recovery.

    Nasal lavage

    Washing the nasal passages is the most important procedure for a quick recovery, especially if the infection is at an early stage. If the patient will wash the nose at least 6-10 times a day, there is a chance that the viruses will not have time to get into the bloodstream and the patient will recover in 1-3 days. You can rinse your nose with saline (sodium chloride 9%), as well as ready-made saline solutions that can be bought at a pharmacy. It can be:

    • "Aquamaris";
    • "Afrin";
    • Aqualor.

    Pawn nasal ointment or instilling drops into the nasal passages is recommended only after preliminary rinsing.

    Important! If the patient wants to recover as quickly as possible, it is not recommended to bring down the high temperature (up to 38.6 ° C). Most viruses die at such indicators, so the first day must be endured - this will speed up recovery and help develop strong immunity.

    The above methods are quite effective for complex treatment SARS, but you should not hope for recovery in 1 day. If you follow all the recommendations, you can achieve a significant improvement in well-being during this period, but you need to continue treatment for another 5-7 days to prevent relapses and complications.

    Video - Cure acute respiratory infections and colds without pills

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