Herbs for chronic prostatitis. Herbal collection for the treatment of prostatitis. How herbs work

There are many different drug regimens to combat prostate adenoma, but this does not mean that you can forget about the benefits of herbal medicine for prostatitis. Firstly, the treatment of prostatitis with herbs does not side effects, secondly, the effectiveness of folk recipes has been tested by time. This allows you to use herbs for prostatitis for a long period of time (half a year / year), without fear of hypovitaminosis or dysbacteriosis, which is especially important in chronic inflammation of prostate adenoma. In fact, the treatment of prostate adenoma with herbs allows you to remove all the symptoms of the disease, whether it is painful urination or problems with bowel function.

Preparation of phytopreparations for the treatment of prostate adenoma

For the successful use of herbs for BPH, it is very important to properly prepare the plants. All medicinal plants used to treat inflammation of the prostate are used either as an infusion or as a decoction. At the same time, the aerial parts of plants are more suitable for decoctions - leaves, flowers, stems, and for decoctions it is better to take roots, buds, seeds or bark. The selected plant is crushed (the maximum size for decoctions is 5 mm, for tinctures - 3 mm, the seeds are ground).

Then, in accordance with the chosen recipe, the finished mixture is placed in a glass or enamel bowl, poured with boiling water and kept in a water bath (infusions for about 15 minutes, decoctions for 30 minutes). The liquid is then cooled to room temperature and filter (if the plant contains astringents or tannins, then filter until cool).

It is very important to understand that decoctions and infusions of herbs for prostate adenoma cannot be prepared for future use, because over time medicinal properties plants are lost.

What herbs treat prostatitis?

It is quite difficult to answer the question: “what herbs to drink with prostatitis?” without being examined by a doctor, since inflammation of prostate adenoma can be caused various reasons starting with infections and ending with impaired blood flow. Therefore, the choice of a natural remedy should be approached based on the cause of the disease and its manifestations, in each case.

Usually, folk recipes use plants that relieve inflammation, have a mild sedative or diuretic effect, can reduce pain, normalize blood circulation, activate immune system body and saturate it with vitamins.

In general terms, if we consider all herbs for prostatitis, then the most effective of them are:

Let's take a closer look at the action of each of these plants, as well as how to use them for prostate adenoma.

Treatment of prostatitis with parsley

Parsley from prostatitis traditional healers have been recommended to patients for many centuries. A patient who has chosen this plant as a medicine should be patient, since the course of treatment, both with parsley itself and with its seeds, is very long (2-3 months).

A decoction of parsley root against inflammation of the prostate is prepared as follows: grind half a glass of plant roots, then pour 1 liter of boiling water and simmer for about 1/3 hour. Then the mixture must be cooled and filtered. The prepared broth must be drunk throughout the day.

With parsley seeds, the situation is somewhat different: 4 teaspoons of seeds are taken, ground into powder, poured with a glass of boiling water and insisted in a thermos for 15 minutes. The finished broth is filtered and taken in a tablespoon four times a day.

Treatment of prostate adenoma with hemlock

Hemlock with prostatitis can be used in the form of a tincture, a solution for microclysters or in dry form (seeds). Usually, hemlock tincture is drunk 1 drop mixed with 50 g of water several times a day, gradually increasing to 15 drops. This treatment continues for several months.

At the same time, it is important to monitor your health, for fear of such signs of poisoning as headaches, nausea, or dizziness. If such reactions are detected, treatment should be suspended.

Treatment of prostatitis with wormwood

The correct use of wormwood for prostatitis allows you to restore metabolism and kill the simplest pathogens of pyogenic infections of the prostate gland.

For a full course of treatment, the patient usually needs about 100 g of dry matter. Treatment is as follows. Wormwood is crushed in the hands and sifted through a colander. What is sifted, take a pinch every 3 hours for 3 days (including at night). Then for another 4 days it is consumed 6 times a day at regular intervals (no need to drink at night).

The part that has not been sifted is steamed in water and used for microclysters. They must be done throughout all 7 days of using the dry mix. For an enema, you will need to take 1 tsp. with the top of the dry matter and pour a liter of boiling water, let cool under the lid to 40 C. 100 g of the infusion is poured and 50 of them are injected into oneself at bedtime anus, and 50g - in the urethra. It is necessary to enter into the urethra by quickly pressing the syringe, holding the edges urethra at the tip of the syringe.

With chronic prostatitis, pus may begin to come out on the 4th-5th day of treatment. This confirms the effectiveness of the use of wormwood in inflammation of the prostate gland.

Treatment of prostatitis with Ivan-tea

This medicinal plant has a bright sedative and anti-inflammatory effect, soothing the prostate gland, so fireweed was often also called men's tea.

Ivan tea for prostatitis is used like any other tea - 1 tsp. raw materials in a glass of boiling water. You need to drink it twice a day, without sweetening. Ivan tea for prostatitis should be used for 1-2 months, without stopping treatment even after the symptoms disappear.

There are no contraindications to taking fireweed for prostatitis, in addition to individual intolerance.

Treatment of prostatitis with red root

The red root in folk medicine has found wide application in the treatment of inflammation of the prostate and complications such as male infertility and sexual dysfunction. Red root treatment for prostatitis occurs due to biologically active substances contained in this plant, the action of which is aimed at relaxing the smooth muscles of the prostate glands, which helps to improve blood circulation and urine outflow.

Preparations containing red root can be easily found in any pharmacy. For those people who prefer to prepare the medicine themselves, the following recipe is useful: chop 100 grams of red root and pour 200 grams of vodka, let it brew for a week. After that, the tincture is filtered and taken 20 drops, diluting them in 100g of water. Drink before bed for a month.

Treatment of prostatitis with celery

Among the most common remedies for prostatitis, celery takes second place. And this is not surprising, because this plant contains a large amount of zinc and vitamin E - what an inflamed prostate needs.

For the treatment of prostate adenoma, the juice of this plant is used, which is easy to prepare at home. Just enough to take fresh roots celery and run them through a juicer. Drink the resulting juice 3-4 times a day, 2 teaspoons before meals. For getting maximum effect it is best to prepare a new portion of juice every day.

Treatment of prostatitis Kalanchoe

Elena Malysheva: "Prostatitis is defeated by European doctors. Their discovery in the region men's health perfect. It's a breakthrough and it's called..."

There are many prescriptions for the treatment of prostate adenoma Kalanchoe, the most common of which is the following: lower kalanchoe leaves washed and ground, then a glass (100g) of the resulting mixture is poured with 200g of vodka and insisted for 10 days in a dark place. Then the tincture is filtered through a strainer or gauze, placed for storage in a cool place (possibly in the refrigerator). The tincture of Kalanchoe prepared in this way for prostatitis is taken twice a day, 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach (in the morning and in the evening 20 minutes before meals) until improvement. Next, you need to take a break of 2 weeks, and re-drink the tincture for 2-3 weeks.

Turnip in the treatment of prostatitis

For the treatment of prostatitis, you can use both colza seeds and juice from leaves and stems.

Treatment with juice will take the patient 2 months, during which he needs to drink 2 tablespoons four times a day. fresh juice.

In addition to juice, in chronic forms of inflammation of the prostate gland, men are recommended to include the following vitamin salad in their diet:

  • green onions;
  • beet;
  • dandelion;
  • celery;
  • colza leaves.

All components of the salad are taken in equal proportions and seasoned with sunflower oil.

A decoction is prepared from the seeds of the colza, which in equal parts includes the seeds of the lanceolate plantain, parsley, onion, coriander and carrots. All seeds must be ground in a coffee grinder and then ground in a mortar. Then 2 tbsp. mixture pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, cover with a lid and simmer for half an hour over low heat. Then the container with the broth is wrapped in a towel and allowed to stand for half a day. Strain the resulting infusion and drink 100 ml in the morning half an hour before meals and 200 ml in the evening before bedtime for a month. Then - a break for 2 weeks and repeat the course of treatment.

Treatment of prostatitis with ginger

Recommended by representatives oriental medicine. Today, the root of this plant can be found on sale quite often, so there should be no problems with preparing a recipe for prostate adenoma.

For tincture, you will need to take 50 g of root and 0.5 liters of vodka. The root is best cut into rings 1-2 mm thick and pour vodka. Let it brew for half a month. The finished tincture is recommended to be used three times a day 15 minutes before meals, 15 drops each.

Treatment of prostatitis with black cumin

Black cumin for prostatitis can be used both orally and directly in the area of ​​​​inflammation.

With prostate adenoma, it is mainly not the seeds of the plant that are used, but its oil. Black cumin oil for prostatitis can be used as a rubbing agent. Oil is rubbed in a circular motion in the scrotum and lower back.

For those who prefer oral treatment, the following recipe is suitable: for 100 ml of water, a teaspoon of dry chamomile, a spoonful of honey and a spoonful of cumin oil are taken. The resulting broth is drunk several times throughout the day, at regular intervals.

Echinacea for prostatitis

Echinacea extremely useful plant, so anyone can easily find recipes for treating prostate inflammation with herbs, inflorescences or echinacea roots.

However, according to traditional healers, the tincture from its roots has the greatest beneficial effect on the prostate gland. It is prepared as follows: echinacea roots are crushed and poured with 95% alcohol so that it barely covers the roots. In this state, the raw materials are insisted for 2 weeks, then squeezed and filtered. The finished tincture is drunk 30 drops three times a day, half an hour before meals.

Wintergreen for prostatitis

Wintergreen is no less useful for prostate adenoma, from the leaves of which both water and alcohol infusions can be prepared.

For water infusion you need to take a pinch of wintergreen leaves and throw it into a glass of boiling water, let it brew in warmth for 3 hours. After that, the infusion is filtered and drunk 50 ml three times a day before meals, for 4 weeks.

Alcohol tincture requires more time for its preparation, however, it is prepared 1 time for a course of treatment, and not every day like water. They make it as follows: take half a glass of finely chopped wintergreen leaves and pour a glass of vodka, after which they let it stand in a dark place for 21 days. Then strain and drink three times a day before meals, 30 drops per spoonful of water.

Nettle for prostatitis

There are three popular recipes for using nettle for prostatitis:

  1. Alcohol tincture - 5 tsp seeds per 250 ml of port, boil it all for 5 minutes and drink: or 1 tsp. three times a day, or 75 ml at bedtime.
  2. Water-alcohol extract. Unlike the previous recipe for prostate adenoma, this will require not seeds, but nettle roots, which are ground in a coffee grinder and poured with 40% alcohol so that it completely covers the raw material (proportion 1: 1). Let it brew for 3 weeks and drink 3 times a day for 2 tsp. before eating.
  3. Nettle tea. In fact, this is the fastest and most unpretentious recipe. It is enough to take 30 g of fresh leaves or 10 g of dried leaves, pour boiling water over them, let them stand for 10 minutes and drink instead of regular tea 3 times a day. You can also use ready-made herbal tea bags sold in pharmacies.

Treatment of prostatitis with celandine

The use of celandine for prostate adenoma allows you to relieve inflammation of the prostate gland caused by hypothermia or a bacterial infection.

To treat prostate adenoma with celandine, you need to take a tablespoon of dried grass, grind it and pour a glass of boiling water. Then, cover with a lid, let it brew for two hours. Celandine for prostatitis must be taken every day for a month, 1 tbsp. before eating.

When using decoctions and infusions of celandine against prostatitis, it is important not to exceed the recommended dosage, since this plant is poisonous.

Treatment of prostatitis with chamomile

Chamomile with prostatitis is advisable to take both orally and in the form of microclysters. A decoction of chamomile is not difficult to prepare, since buying this medicinal plant can be in any pharmacy in the form of herbal tea bags. Drink chamomile three times a day for 1 glass instead of regular tea.

For microclysters, it is better to steam the sachet for a lower water content (50-100 ml), wait until the broth cools to room temperature. Douching is carried out in the evening before going to bed.

Burdock root for prostatitis

Infusions prepared from burdock root have a pronounced healing action with sclerotic and cicatricial changes in the prostate and seminal vesicles, inflammatory processes, which are the basis of prostatitis. An infusion of burdock roots is prepared as follows: 15 g of crushed root is poured with 2 cups of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Take warm half a glass 4 times a day.

Aloe for prostatitis

Treatment of aloe prostatitis is associated with the ability of this plant to activate defensive forces organism. It should also be taken into account that while growing, aloe accumulates zinc, which plays a key role in the process of restoring the activity of the prostate gland. It is not necessary to prepare aloe in some special way for the treatment of prostatitis. It will be enough to cut off a piece of a leaf 25 mm long, eat it daily for 30 days. Those who do not like the taste of this plant can buy aloe in ampoules and, after puncturing a course of injections, restore the body's defenses.

Plantain with prostatitis

Seeds and leaves of plantain for prostatitis are used due to the ability of this plant to have a tonic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antiseptic and bacteriostatic effect on the bladder and prostate.

The most common recipe for prostatitis using plantain is the following infusion: 1st.l. crushed plantain leaves are poured with a glass of boiling water and infused for about two hours, filtered and drunk for two months before meals, four times a day.

Yarutka field with prostatitis

Official medicine does not confirm the benefits of using field yarutka for prostatitis. Yes, and in folk medicine this plant was not found wide application, and this despite the pronounced strengthening, tonic, diuretic, antispasmodic, wound healing and antimicrobial effects.

Traditional medicine recommends this recipe for the treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland: 2 tablespoons of yarutka with a slide fall asleep in a liter thermos with boiling water and let it brew for 40 minutes. Ready infusion must be drained, otherwise it will quickly turn sour. The decoction tastes like water from boiled corn, it should be drunk four times a day for 3-4 weeks.

Boron uterus with prostatitis

The upland uterus has a tonic, diuretic, analgesic, immunomodulatory, absorbable, antitumor, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect on the patient.

The most effective in the fight against prostatitis is a tincture prepared according to the following recipe: 5 tablespoons of crushed leaves are poured into 0.5 liters of vodka, placed in a dark place, where the infusion is infused for 21 days. From time to time, the infusion must be shaken. Then filter and drink an hour before meals, 25 drops, three times a day.

In those three weeks, while the tincture is being prepared, it is good to drink a decoction of the leaves of the hog uterus from prostatitis. Preparing a decoction is easy! Take 1 tablespoon of herbs for 1 cup of boiling water and cook over low heat for 10 minutes, then cool under the lid to room temperature (3-4 hours). You need to drink a decoction of 1 tbsp. 5 times a day.

Cranberries for prostatitis

Cranberry juice with prostatitis can improve cell metabolism, relieve inflammation of the gland and increase urine excretion. If it is not possible to get Fresh Juice, then you can use cranberry leaves by steaming it instead of tea leaves, like regular tea or mixing it with others medicinal plants such as chamomile or fireweed.

To achieve a therapeutic effect, cranberries should be drunk 4 times a day, 1 glass for 1-2 months, even after the symptoms of prostate inflammation disappear.

Calendula for prostatitis

Calendula treatment for prostatitis lasts about three months, after which it is necessary to give the body a rest for 2 weeks and conduct a second course of treatment, the duration of which will be one and a half months. In chronic forms of prostate inflammation, it is recommended to alternate courses of treatment and breaks for 1-2 years, which will strengthen the body and finally get rid of prostate adenoma.

As practice has shown, best result in treatment can be achieved if you use calendula not separately from other plants, but as part of herbal preparations. The most effective are 2 collections:

  1. Take 25 g of calendula and yarrow flowers, 15 g of fennel fruits and field harrow root, 10 g of nettle leaves and horsetail. All ingredients are well crushed and poured into a thermos in the proportion: 2 tablespoons of raw materials per liter of boiling water. After the herbs have been infused for 3 hours, honey is added to them to taste and they drink a third of a glass three times a day.
  2. Mix 30g of calendula with 25g of horsetail, 15g of elecampane root and 10g of mint, sage and nettle leaves. All this is diligently crushed and poured into a thermos with boiling water in the proportion of 4-6 tbsp. per liter of water. Insist herbs for 2 hours, add honey and drink three times a day half an hour before meals, a third of a glass.

Treatment of prostatitis with cloves

Treatment of prostatitis with cloves is simple, requiring neither a lot of ingredients nor time. It is enough to take a little dried plant, grind it and pour a glass of boiling water, let it brew for a while. The infusion should be drunk on an empty stomach a few minutes before meals for half a cup. You should not prepare a large amount of cloves at once, it will be more efficient to prepare a fresh portion of the infusion daily.

Bearberry for prostatitis

bearberry is enough effective tool to relieve inflammation caused by various diseases genitourinary system, including prostatitis. As the practice of using bear ears shows, the most effective recipes are those in which plant leaves are not amenable to heat treatment. That is, either alcohol tinctures or cold water tinctures.

Bearberry is equally effective as in the chronic form of inflammation of the prostate (there is a normalization of work urinary tract and providing an anti-inflammatory effect), and in acute infectious form diseases (an excellent natural antiseptic that destroys pathogens). In the treatment of prostate adenoma, bearberry can be used in the form of tea (5-10 g of raw materials per glass of boiling water and let it brew for 5 minutes), 1 cup after each meal. Also in the form alcohol tincture(2 tablespoons of crushed leaves pour 100 g of vodka and insist in a dark place for 2 weeks) 15 drops three times a day.

Yarrow for prostatitis

Most often the reason acute prostatitis is an infection brought from another focus against the background of weakened immunity, therefore it is so important to use plants that not only strengthen the body's defenses, but also have antibacterial action such as yarrow.

  • At acute inflammation prostate adenoma is well helped by the following infusion: 20 g of yarrow and cherry stalks, 15 g of goldenrod, 30 g of corn stigma are taken and ground. 2 tsp the mixture is thrown into a cup of boiling water and insisted for 15 minutes. Drink like regular tea.
  • In chronic inflammation: 10 g of yarrow and birch leaves are taken, 20 g of bearberry leaves are brewed in half a liter of boiling water, insisted for two hours and filtered. Eat 2 tbsp. a day before meals.

Also, this plant can be used for microclysters. For this, 2 tbsp. yarrow and chamomile flowers are steamed in a glass of boiling water, cooled to room temperature and injected into the urethra in a quarter cup before bedtime.

John's wort for prostatitis

St. John's wort is useful for prostatitis because it quickly eliminates all congestion in the pelvis, which is often the cause of prostatitis. For the treatment of prostate adenoma, it is necessary to harvest St. John's wort during the flowering period so that the tops of the grass are cut off along with the flowers.

Preparing an infusion of St. John's wort is simple: the harvested grass, along with flowering, is crushed and steamed in a proportion of 4 tbsp. for a cup of boiling water. Filter and drink half a glass 4 times a day, before meals.

Despite the fact that all of the listed herbs have healing effect and are able to cure both acute and chronic inflammation of the prostate gland, it is not recommended to use them for a long period of time, since in this case various side effects may occur, including problems with the kidneys and potency.

Inflammation of the prostate gland is very common in men 20-40 years old. modern medicine offers many therapeutic methods, but do not forget about folk recipes. Plants and herbs for prostatitis are the most effective if taken regularly with collections and infusions. Phytotherapy gives results no worse, and sometimes better, than drug therapy.

What is prostatitis

Inflammation of the prostate is diagnosed in approximately 80% of mature men. According to statistics, this is every 10 patients. The main cause of the disease is a violation of blood circulation, and this leads to an increase in the prostate gland. This is the result of sedentary work, obesity, infection and many other situations. Often, pathology occurs in men after influenza, tuberculosis, tonsillitis, or as a result of the development of urethritis and gonorrhea.

The cause of secondary infection may be inflammation of the urethra or rectum, that is, microbes rise up the ascending type from the urethra ( anus) to the prostate. The predisposing factor in the development of pathology is chronic constipation, untreated carious teeth, sluggish tonsillitis or bronchitis. Not the last role is played by the immune system, which loses protective functions due to the presence of bad habits, physical overwork or malnutrition.

Treatment of prostatitis with herbs

Therapy folk recipes involves the intake of natural juices, decoctions, tinctures. It is desirable that herbs for the treatment of prostatitis are not prepared in reserve. Most best effect produce freshly cut plants. However, not everyone has the opportunity to find them at the right time. In this case, the herbal collection from prostatitis in pharmacies is also suitable. They may be different.

There are recipes that eliminate the exacerbation of the disease, and other fees will help with chronic course diseases. At the initial stage, herbs can completely cure the disease, and with long-term prostatitis - improve the patient's condition, reduce the risk surgical intervention. It is advisable to take herbs for prostatitis in preventive purposes, not after the problem has already occurred.

Why Herbal Treatment Works

What are the benefits of collecting herbs for prostatitis? Treatment of inflammation of the prostate gland at home with plant collections is possible long time. Phytotherapy has no side effects if the recipe and dosage are followed correctly. In addition, all fees and herbal tea from prostatitis have a complex effect on the body, therefore, in addition to the main treatment, the man will ensure the healing of the whole organism.

Mixed herbs for prostatitis in men will become tangible helpers during healing. Phytotherapy helps to solve the problem of urination, reduces pain, and has a beneficial effect on the intestines. Reviews of men who suffer from chronic inflammation of the prostate claim that herbal preparations cope with the disease much more effectively than traditional medications.

Most Effective Herbs

All diseases that relate to the genitourinary system are associated with infections and inflammation, so the basis of herbal collection for prostate is anti-inflammatory plants. What herbs for prostatitis are the most effective:

  • ginger root;
  • yarrow herb;
  • tansy flowers;
  • hop cones;
  • pumpkin seeds;
  • aspen bark;
  • celandine grass;
  • birch buds;
  • herb bearberry;
  • succession grass;
  • cowberry berries;
  • ginseng root;
  • hypericum herb;
  • Kalanchoe leaves;
  • chamomile flowers;
  • aloe leaves and others.

Men should be aware that before self-treatment with folk recipes, it is imperative to seek the advice of a doctor, because self-treatment is easy to earn a chronic form of the disease. It should be noted that in any medicinal collection for prostatitis there should be plants that relieve spasms, for example, dandelion leaves, peppermint or linen. Components that cleanse blood vessels and improve blood composition will not interfere. Consider the most effective herbs that are offered for the treatment of prostatitis.


The medicinal raw materials of the hazel plant are nuts, bark and leaves. In the treatment of such an ailment as prostate adenoma, infusions or decoctions of the leaves are made. The bark is often used for the manufacture of ointments for external use. The most effective medicine is considered to be made from hazelnuts. They have the ability to improve the elasticity of blood vessels, remove excess cholesterol, and improve metabolism.

Better for prostatitis medicines made on the basis of the bark and leaves of hazel. The therapy is aimed at adjusting the circulatory system in a sick man, at removing inflammatory processes in the prostate. The duration of treatment is prescribed by the doctor individually, which depends on the patient's condition and the severity of the pathology. When using this plant, you need to know that the infusion and decoction of hazel increases pressure and has the ability to cause allergic manifestations on the skin.

Stinging nettle

This plant uses leaves, seeds, shoots and roots. Effective from nettle dioecious compresses, ointments, tinctures, decoctions. The plant is useful to take in all diseases of the genitourinary system. Nettle can have a beneficial effect on reproductive function and potency. The plant helps to strengthen the immune system, relieves inflammatory processes, but cannot completely destroy the pathogen, therefore, with prostatitis, this herb should act exclusively in addition to medical therapy.

upland uterus

Universal plant ortilia lopsided or upland uterus helps in the treatment of both men and women with diseases of the genitourinary system. The herb is effective for prostatitis due to its "hard" composition:

  1. Tannins. Gentle on blood flow.
  2. Flavonoids. They have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.
  3. Coumarins. Take off pain syndrome, neutralize bacteria.
  4. aromatic compounds. Thanks to antioxidant properties, they stop the course of the disease, cleanse and heal the body as a whole.
  5. Arbutins. Quickly remove urine, relieve inflammation.

herbal tea

herbal teas from prostatitis differ in the number of incoming ingredients and in appearance. The most famous herbal tea is Monastic collection, made according to the recipe of monks from Belarus. The herbs that are included in the collection have a beneficial effect on the male body, enhance the effect of each other. swamp calamus eliminates pain syndrome, yarrow stops inflammation, St. John's wort helps prostate cells regenerate, and horsetail improves urination.

To combat prostatitis created a lot medicinal fees. Among them, urological herbal tea No. 11 can be noted, which can be easily bought at any pharmacy. Tea eliminates the inflammatory process in prostate, accelerates the healing process, disinfects tissues. To restore sexual functions, thyme herb has been added to herbal tea No. 11. Due to juniper berries, metabolism is regulated, and harmful substances remove birch leaves.

Most Effective Recipe

main feature herbal therapy in that it is allowed to use several different types plants. To speed up recovery, it is better to use herbal preparations for prostatitis, which have a complex effect on the entire body. Several effective recipes, which allow you to quickly get rid of inflammation of the prostate:

  1. Kalanchoe tincture. It has a bactericidal healing effect. It is necessary to take the lower leaves of the plant (100 grams), chop, put in a glass. Next, the raw material is required to pour 200 g of vodka (alcohol), then put in a dark place for 10 days. After the tincture should be filtered, store cool. The medicine should be taken 2 times: on an empty stomach in the morning and in the evening 20 minutes before meals, 1 teaspoon until the condition improves. Then a break is made for 10-14 days, after which the course is repeated (from 2 weeks to 1 month).
  2. Parsley decoction. Dry leaves and roots of the plant are crushed and mixed. After 1 tablespoon of herbs, it is recommended to pour 250 ml of boiling water (you can strongly hot water), then insist in a thermos for about 40-50 minutes. After the raw material should be filtered, squeezed. You need to use the medicine daily for 2 tbsp. l. 4 times / day before meals for 20 minutes. It is advisable to drink a decoction until complete recovery.

Cooking herbal infusions correctly

What herbs for the problem of prostatitis are the most effective, have already been figured out. However, few people know how to cook them properly, which was the expected result. Is being done herbal infusion So:

  • all components must be crushed;
  • the medicine should be prepared in glass, enameled, porcelain dishes, with a volume of at least 1 liter;
  • the minimum duration of infusion is 20 minutes;
  • tincture or decoction should first be cooled, then filtered.

Video: herbal medicine for prostatitis

Since ancient times, people have used the healing properties of herbs in the treatment of various diseases. Prostatitis is no exception. Its unpleasant feature is that it does not immediately make itself felt. This is a purely male disease, progressing and manifesting itself at first minor symptoms, is often running.

Along with highly efficient drug treatment you can and should use herbal preparations. If the disease has an initial form, then there is a high probability complete cure. According to experienced patients, certain herbs with healing properties that affect this particular area are often much more more effective than tablets. Let's see what herbal preparations and herbs individually can be used for prostatitis?

How does herbal tea work

Herbal treatment has a mild and beneficial effect on the body as a whole and rarely has side effects compared to medications. Herbal medicine can be used for a long time, and this prevents the recurrence of the disease. You can use both individual herbs with their healing properties, and make herbal preparations.

Multi-component herbal preparations are more effective, as they include herbs with different directions and effects.

  • Prostatitis is a disease of the prostate gland, the basis of the fees should be herbs that relieve inflammation. Herbs such as chamomile, marigold, meadowsweet leaf, narrow-leaved fireweed, St. John's wort, licorice, meadowsweet relieve inflammation. It is these herbs that are anti-inflammatory, but each of them acts in its own way, so the more such herbs in the collection, the more effective the treatment will be.
  • Also, herbs that relieve pain, spasm and discomfort. These include - dandelion leaf, mint, flaxseed. Any inflammation sooner or later begins to be accompanied by pain, so it is necessary to use painkillers.
  • Along with anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving herbs, with prostatitis in herbal preparations, it will not be superfluous to use herbs that cleanse blood vessels and improve blood composition. This is necessary to increase blood flow in the pelvic organs, which leads to faster recovery.
  • To increase sexual function, you can add to the collections such herbs as ginseng, Manchurian aralia.
  • You can use herbal tea for prostatitis. It usually includes such a plant as a field yarutka. It has anti-inflammatory and diuretic effects.

IMPORTANT! Herbal preparations for prostatitis can be of great help, but their use is best coordinated with a phytotherapeutist - a specialist in the use of herbs in the treatment of diseases, since their independent use can adversely affect health due to individual intolerance to a particular herb.

Herbs for Men's Health

It is possible to identify several effective herbs in the treatment of prostatitis.

Aloe tree

This is a natural immunomodulatory agent that restores the body's defenses and helps fight the disease. It also has the ability to accumulate zinc in itself, which is necessary for the full functioning of the sex glands, including the prostate gland. It also prevents the development of tumor-like neoplasms, improves the structure of spermatozoa, increases their activity, participates in the formation of immune cells and, thereby, protects the body from infections.


Anti-inflammatory, bactericidal agent. It enhances tissue metabolism and enhances the body's resistance to disease. The leaves of this plant have many vitamins and minerals, so Kalanchoe disinfects and kills infections.

Leaves and buds of birch

Diuretic, anti-inflammatory agent. When using birch leaves, swelling and inflammation are well removed, and kidneys are treated genitourinary system, including the prostate gland.


A well-known remedy for male power. It is anti-inflammatory and restorative male power means. Most often, parsley juice is taken to enhance sexual desire, and for the treatment of prostate diseases, it is better to use an infusion of parsley seeds.


It has an antibacterial, restorative, tonic and anti-inflammatory effect. It interferes with the breakdown of sex hormones and improves sexual life. An infusion of nettle seeds improves erectile function and increase sexual desire.

Herbal remedies for prostatitis

Phytotherapy can work wonders if you choose the right herbal collection for treatment. Used with great success in prostatitis the following fees herbs.

Collections of herbs for infusion and ingestion

Infusions from the collection of herbs are prepared and taken according to the same scheme, although their compositions are different. Add 1 tablespoon of chopped herbs and mix everything. Pour boiling water - 500 ml of water for 2 tbsp. spoons healing mixture. Leave for an hour and strain. Infusion drink warm half a cup 7 times a day.

1. Melissa officinalis, cudweed swamp, oat seeds, flowers and fruits of hawthorn, black currant, common lilac flowers, horsetail grass, wild rose fruits, birch and lingonberry leaves, celandine grass, pine buds.

2. May lily of the valley flowers, round-leaved wintergreen, tripartite succession, birch leaves, birch buds, plantain leaves, calendula flowers, blackcurrant leaves and fruits, celandine, medicinal asparagus shoots, medicinal chamomile, sowing oat seeds.

3. Licorice root, blackberry leaves, sweet clover flowers, lingonberry leaves, juniper fruits, Veronica officinalis, fruits and leaves of black currant and mountain ash.

4. Sage leaves, fennel fruits, birch leaves, blueberry fruits and leaves, oat seeds, wintergreen, field horsetail, cornflower flowers, May lily of the valley flowers, plantain leaves, mountaineer bird, celandine grass.

Collection of herbs for compresses (phytoapplications) for prostatitis)

Along with herbal infusions for the treatment of prostatitis, it is recommended to do external procedures at home. These include therapeutic baths, enemas and compresses (phytoapplications). They render favorable influence- stimulate blood circulation, improve recovery processes, have anti-inflammatory, soothing, resolving, disinfecting and analgesic effects.

They are made according to following scheme. It is necessary to mix the mixture of chopped herbs, pour hot water at 80 degrees, leave for 40 minutes, let the grass steam out. As it cools to 37-38 degrees, drain the water, and squeeze the mixture and put it in an even layer on the desired linen fabric, gently wrap it in an envelope, let it soak and apply on the perineum and sacrum for 45 minutes. Then you need to lie in bed under the covers for at least 3 hours, so it is better to do phytoapplications at night. For greater effect, honey can be added to the mixture before transferring to the fabric. In total, you need to make from 10 to 15 compresses. The following herbs can be used.

1. One art. spoon mixed: chamomile, wintergreen, sweet clover, calamus marsh, calendula, birch and currant leaves, herb succession, toadflax officinalis, pine buds, mountain arnica.

2. Leaves of high elecampane, bird cherry leaves, medicinal melilot, cudweed swamp, black currant leaves, calendula, May lily of the valley, eucalyptus leaves, juniper shoots, coltsfoot leaves, meadow clover grass, sowing oats, celandine. All herbs are mixed in an enamel bowl, 1 tbsp. spoon.

Collection of herbs for medicinal baths

1. Fennel fruits, heather shoots, medicinal chamomile, medicinal sweet clover, motherwort, currant, lingonberry and birch leaves, calendula and celandine.

Mix 1 tbsp. spoon chopped herbs. Pour the mixture with boiling water: 100 grams of collection per 3 liters of water. Let it brew for an hour and a half, strain and pour into the prepared bath at a water temperature of 35 degrees. Lie down for 10 minutes. After taking such a bath, washing is not recommended. You just need to blot your body with a clean towel and go to bed. For a course of treatment, 8-10 baths should be done. If, after taking such a bath, the arterial pressure, it is necessary to stop this procedure.

2. Juniper shoots, medicinal chamomile, tricolor violet, St. John's wort, birch leaves, medicinal sage, calendula, five-blade motherwort, strawberry leaves.

3. Creeping wheatgrass, birch leaves, highlander herb, five-bladed motherwort, medicinal valerian herb, creeping thyme, black alder leaves, chamomile, calendula.

Collection of herbs for enemas with prostatitis

1. Calendula flowers, chamomile, oat seeds, birch leaves, mountain arnica flowers, Veronica officinalis herb.

One st. mix a spoonful of crushed herbs, pour 10 grams of the mixture with half a liter of boiling water, leave at room temperature until cool, strain. pre-make cleansing enema, and only then treatment. Enter into the rectum, and try to keep the contents of the herbal enema in the rectum for up to an hour. Repeat every other day for two weeks.

2. Sage, herb succession, chamomile, gray blackberry, currant leaves, mountain arnica - flowers.

3. Dryweed marsh, leaves and fruits of blueberries, mountain arnica, chamomile, seeds of oats, birch leaves.

IMPORTANT! Any disease is better to prevent than to cure. That's why healthy lifestyle life, personal hygiene, proper nutrition, regular sex life and sports will help men avoid problems with the prostate gland and maintain overall health.


The healing properties of herbs and plants have long been known to doctors, so they are often prescribed for the treatment of their tinctures or decoctions. Using an herbal tea for prostatitis can also be a good idea, because. plants have a beneficial effect on internal organs and often work even more effectively than tablets. In folk medicine, there are many recipes in which herbs are used both in a single number and in combination with others. In the second case, there will be more benefit from the medicine, because. certain properties will be strengthened, new ones will be added.

Herbal preparations can be found in a ready-made form in a pharmacy, or you can try to collect it yourself. There is enough information on the Internet to do it right and not harm your health. In our article we will tell you which herbs can be combined with each other, what remedies can be prepared from them.

What is prostatitis?

Urological collection for prostatitis is used for any form of the disease. But what is it? They call it prostatitis inflammatory disease prostate, which is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • Frequent urge to urinate, especially at night
  • Pain when going to the toilet, discomfort during bowel movements
  • Pain in the pelvis, perineum, lower back
  • Painful ejaculation, erectile dysfunction
  • Increased body temperature
  • Weakness, irritability

These signs describe the chronic form of prostatitis. With its exacerbation, they all become much stronger, a temperature of 40 degrees is added to them, acute delay urine, fever. When they occur, you should immediately consult a doctor, because. at this time, inflamed tissues can begin to change into tumor or transform into connective ones (they cannot perform the main functions of the prostate).

In many men, the first symptoms of the disease are practically not noticeable, so it is found only at a doctor's appointment, after testing, or already during an exacerbation.

Factors such as bad habits, malnutrition, sedentary image life, lifting weights. If it is always untimely to empty the bladder, to refrain from sexual intercourse for a long time, then the prostate can also become inflamed. Common causes diseases become:

  1. Stagnation in the pelvis
  2. Infection in the prostate
  3. Hormonal disorders
  4. Decreased immunity
  5. Inflammatory diseases in neighboring organs

be transmitted pathogenic microorganisms can and from the bodies which are far from a prostate. For example, in the intestines, some microbes are a normal part of the microflora, but when they enter the prostate, they begin an inflammatory process. It is important to see a doctor as soon as possible in order to have time to stop the phenomenon and prevent bacteria or the virus from getting into other tissues. Herbal preparations can help in this patient.

What herbs are effective against prostatitis?

In the treatment of prostatitis, the patient can use drug therapy, attend physiotherapy, and as additional funds choose traditional medicine. The herbal collection for prostatitis found in pharmacies can eliminate the main symptoms of the disease, stop the reproduction of pathogens, and improve erectile function. Depending on the plants of which it consists, you can achieve the following actions:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Painkiller
  • Regenerating
  • Immunostimulating
  • Antispasmodic
  • Antipyretic
  • Antibacterial
  • diuretic, etc.

Collection from prostatitis is collected in accordance with the symptoms and stage of the disease. No need to use dangerous and powerful plants on initial stages or be treated with weak herbs for exacerbations. Below we list those plants from which you can make a collection and indicate what they can be combined with, give detailed recipes for tinctures and decoctions.

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St. John's wort. Used in the treatment of prostatitis and impotence, it is added to the fees due to its strong anti-inflammatory effects. A decoction only from it will have analgesic and diuretic properties, return “male strength” to the patient, and strengthen the immune system. To prepare it, you need:

  1. Mix 30 g of raw materials with 1 liter of water
  2. Bring the drink to a boil, after 5 minutes remove from the stove
  3. After cooling, strain and drink instead of tea throughout the day

To strengthen positive action St. John's wort, other herbs can be added to it. Here is a recipe for one of the herbal preparations for prostatitis with its use. You will need to take 2 parts of St. John's wort and chamomile, 1 part of linden leaves and celandine. All this mixes well, and then 3 tablespoons of the mixture are poured into 0.5 liters of water. The decoction is placed on water bath for 2 hours, after which he is allowed to brew for the same amount of time. Drink it should be 1 glass before bedtime.

Another collection is used to improve the functioning of the central nervous system, remove toxins that are produced by inflamed tissues, and accelerate regeneration. It consists of:

  • 100 g St. John's wort
  • 100 g chamomile flowers
  • 100 g birch buds
  • The same number of strawberry leaves and immortelle

All this is prepared by pouring 2 liters of water. The decoction is infused for about a month, a quarter cup is drunk 2 times a day.

Chamomile. With prostatitis, chamomile is considered the plant that can reduce inflammation and stimulate local immunity. Thanks to the rich chemical composition it saturates the body with minerals and vitamins, speeds up metabolism, relieves pain and disinfects tissues. Its decoction is used for oral administration, as well as for microclysters and in cooking. rectal suppositories. To prepare it, follow these steps:

  1. Pour 30 g of inflorescences with a glass of boiling water
  2. Let it steep for about 30 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth
  3. During the day, drink the infusion, the next day be sure to prepare a new one.

Collection with chamomile can also be used for microclysters. To do this, you need to mix in equal proportions (1 tablespoon each) her, celandine, calendula, mountain arnica and plantain. Pour a mixture of them with 500 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse until the infusion cools to room temperature. It is once again diluted with water (0.5 l) and only after that it is used for enemas.

Another infusion, for internal use, contains many more components. It will require:

  • 10 teaspoons of rose hips and hawthorn
  • 5 tsp cudweed
  • 4 tsp chamomile and meadowsweet
  • 3 tsp birch and lingonberry leaves, knotweed grass, fireweed
  • 2 teaspoons sweet clover and wintergreen
  • 500 ml water

All ingredients are mixed and only 2 tablespoons of them are filled with water. It is best to do this in a thermos. In the morning, strain the medicine and take instead of any liquid (you need to drink about 5 glasses a day). Ready-made herbal preparations for prostatitis in pharmacies with chamomile are often sold in the form of herbal tea. With it, the treatment will be much more pleasant, because in the morning you will just need to brew 1 sachet.

El Macho for potency

Nettle. It is added to the collection so that it has such a property as a decrease pain. This plant contains a lot of vitamin C, which will protect tissues from malignant neoplasms and increase their protective functions, tannins, which will help stop bleeding and strengthen blood vessels, as well as essential oils, trace elements and acids. Its seeds and roots are used against prostatitis.

A tincture of only these parts of the nettle can be made by mixing one spoonful of finely chopped root with 0.5 liters of vodka, tightly closed and left in a dark place for 3 weeks. Periodically, the tincture must be shaken. After the required time has passed, the drink is poured into containers with dark glass and taken 20 drops 1 time per day.

As a collection, nettle is often used together with needles. To make a tincture with them, you will need 200 g of plant roots and 30 g of pine needles. They are poured with 1 liter of vodka and left for 7 days in a cool and dark place. Use the remedy 2 times a day, 15 drops.

Burdock root. With inflammation of the prostate gland, it is used due to its ability to improve metabolic processes, remove toxins, and have a beneficial effect on digestion. Also, the root is able to cope with many pathogenic bacteria, anesthetize the prostate, accelerate the process of its recovery. Burdock root is eaten both raw and fried. A tincture is made from it in water.

To prepare the medicine, take 2 tablespoons of crushed raw materials and pour 500 ml of water. Put it on a slow fire, let it boil for 10 minutes. Then let it brew for 1 hour, strain and drink 100 g (heated) three times a day. Herbal collection requires:

  1. Take 1 spoon of burdock root, birch buds, hop cones, succession, calendula, celandine
  2. Mix, pour 1 cup boiling water
  3. Let it brew for 6-8 hours, then filter through cheesecloth
  4. Take a third of a glass 3 times a day

The course with such a tool should last 2 months. With burdock, there is another herbal collection for the treatment of prostatitis. It contains a string, knotweed and hop cones. All ingredients are taken in 1 spoon, pour a glass of fresh boiling water. Insist and take the remedy in the same way as the previous one.

Recipes for other fees

In addition to those listed, there are many other recipes. folk remedies. We list the other most effective fees herbs from prostatitis not mentioned by us earlier. You can cook:

  • Take 1 part of mint and dandelion leaves, 2 parts of meadowsweet leaf and 3 parts of clover and fireweed. They are poured with 1 sheet of boiling water, let it brew for 2 hours. After they have passed, it is necessary to strain the broth and allow to cool. Take 1 glass 2 times a day
  • Mix 1 tablespoon of flowers of lily of the valley, wintergreen, calendula, birch buds, plantain and birch leaves, chamomile, celandine. From the mixture, take only 2 tablespoons and pour 500 ml of boiling water. After an hour, strain, drink half a glass 7 times a day warmed
  • In proportions of 2 to 1, mix the motherwort and birch leaves. Add to them 1 part of plantain and rose hips. All this is infused for 2 hours, then filtered and consumed orally after each meal for half a glass
  • Take 2 parts of calendula and yarrow, 1 part each of nettle, fennel and harrow. Brew herbs in 0.5 liters of boiling water, let it brew for 3 hours. Take after filtering 1 tsp. 3 times a day

If you are wondering what other herbal preparations will help cure prostatitis, you should contact your doctor. He knows best what plants will suit you and advises you to make a collection of them. If the specialist says that you do not need such treatment, listen to him and use only traditional methods.

Herbal preparations

Herbal preparations against prostatitis also represent a kind of fees, because they contain several medicinal herbs. They, like folk remedies, have practically no contraindications and side effects, they do not negative impact to the kidneys, liver, or digestive system. You should not take them without consulting a doctor, because. they may conflict with other medicines you are taking.

The effectiveness of drugs based on herbal ingredients has been proven by many studies. They successfully cope with the symptoms of the disease, and with its causes.

Prostamol Uno. It can be called a kind of pharmaceutical collection of herbs for prostatitis, the main component of which is the extract of the fruits of the creeping palm tree. Tablets are used for chronic prostatitis and prostate adenoma. Their only contraindication is individual intolerance to the components. Instructions for use states that:

  1. Take 1 capsule daily
  2. Do it after meals with a glass of water large quantity water
  3. The course of treatment lasts about 10 days, but it can be adjusted by the doctor

No side effects have been observed, but some patients may experience allergic reactions.

Cernilton. Means plant origin, indications for the use of which are acute and chronic prostatitis, prostatic hyperplasia. Accepted depending on the diagnosis. With an exacerbation of the disease, it is required to drink 4 pills 3 times a day, at the chronic stage, 1 tablet is enough three times a day.

The duration of therapy is from 3 to 6 months. You can combine the drug with any other, even antibiotics. Among adverse reaction very rarely there is vomiting, allergies.


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The disease develops under the influence of various infections and contributing factors, and quickly from the acute phase passes into the chronic.

In the first stages, it is always necessary to find out the underlying cause of prostatitis and eliminate it with medication.

In the future, it is possible to use herbs for prostatitis, herbal medicine has many advantages and has positive influence on the condition and function of the prostate gland.

Benefits of using herbal medicine in the treatment of prostatitis

The use of herbs and their fees is ancient method treatment of various diseases.

Thousands of years ago, people could restore their health only with the help of what nature itself gave them.

During this time, a person has learned to choose herbs depending on their effect on the body.

Modern medicine offers hundreds of drugs for the treatment of any of the identified pathologies, but since tablets and solutions are always prepared using chemical components, toxic harm from them will certainly be present during therapy.

Herbs, on the other hand, are completely natural and if you know how to use them correctly, you can get an excellent therapeutic result.

There are several time-proven benefits of herbal medicine, and even skeptics agree with them.

  • Herbal preparations are perfectly combined with synthetic preparations and therefore they can be introduced into treatment during the main therapy.
  • Herbs are almost never addictive and therefore you can use them for months, taking short breaks.
  • Phytotherapy is often much cheaper than the use of modern pharmacological agents. However, most herbs can be prepared independently.
  • Herbs and plants act on our body in several directions at once, so using them for one disease, we simultaneously eliminate other pathologies.
  • Some herbs have excellent immunostimulating properties, due to this, the recovery of the whole organism occurs faster.
  • It has been proven that phytotherapy is indispensable in the chronic course of the disease. For example, the treatment of prostatitis with herbs avoids another exacerbation of the disease and helps to restore the functioning of the prostate gland. It is quite possible to stop mild and beginning forms of some diseases with herbs without resorting to the use of synthetic drugs.

Herbs collected in an ecologically clean place are not capable of harming the human body, but only under one condition.

When compiling fees, you should always take into account the recommended dosage and you should always go through the entire course of herbal medicine to the end.

The mechanism of action of herbs in prostatitis

Prostatitis is a disease that develops in the presence of infection and congestion in the tissues of the organ.

Naturally, to eliminate these pathological phenomena, it is necessary to choose those herbs and fees that will eliminate the ongoing negative changes.

Choose plants from following effects.


That is, herbs for prostatitis should fight infection localized in the urinary organs.

Active ingredients such plants accumulate in the urinary organs and help fight infection.

Uroseptics include bear ears, lingonberry leaves, goldenrod, tansy, horsetail.

Most of these plants also have a diuretic effect, which is also necessary for the treatment of prostatitis.

Pain reduction.

A plant with an anti-inflammatory effect is needed to reduce inflammatory response. Under their influence, pain is also reduced.

Traditionally, for the treatment of prostatitis, meadowsweet, chamomile, licorice, aspen bark, willow-herb are used.

Hormonal area.

Prostatitis also causes sexual dysfunction, so it is important to use herbs that have a positive effect on the hormonal sphere.

Such plants include euphorbia palas, eleutherococcus, bighead, aralia.

Restore circulation.

During treatment, blood clover, chestnut will help restore impaired blood circulation.

Herbs for prostatitis can be used both separately and in collections. Phytocollection is especially necessary when you need to simultaneously eliminate pain, improve urination and get rid of infection.

Herbal remedies for prostatitis

You will need dry hazel leaves and its bark. Pour a spoonful of dry collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for about 40 minutes. After straining, the infusion is drunk two tablespoons at least three times a day.

herbal mixture.

It will take 10 grams of gorse dye herb, kupena leaves, eryngium herb, hazel root, horsetail herb, umbrella winter love.

These herbs are added 20 gr. omentum root, 12 grams of hemp seeds. A spoonful of the dry mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water, insisted and drunk during the day, dividing the infusion into equal portions.

It will take 25 grams of chestnut peel, it needs to be crushed and poured with 250 ml of pure alcohol.

The tincture should stand in a dark place for 10 days, while shaking it every day.

After preparation, the mixture is filtered, for the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to drink 30 drops of tincture three times a day.

Oats and birch buds.

It is necessary to prepare an equal amount of infusion of oats, rose hips and birch buds. All infusions after preparation are mixed with each other, drink the healing liquid in half a glass 3 times a day.

This recipe cleanses the kidneys and liver well, improves immunity, and removes infection.

The prepared infusion can be washed down and flower pollen, which provides the most positive impact on prostate tissue.

Phytocollection of herbs and leaves.

It will take 100 grams of chamomile flowers and knotweed grass, 50 grams each. dry leaves of strawberries, raspberries, black currants, cherries, lingonberries and herbs corn silk.

All herbs are mixed together, after which one tablespoon of the dry mixture is steamed with a glass of boiling water.

The infusion is drunk warm, this recipe has a positive effect not only on all urinary organs, but also perfectly strengthens the immune system and nourishes the body with vitamins.

Birch leaves and onion feathers.

Dry leaves from May birch should be mixed with dried feathers from onions. To prepare the infusion, you need a spoonful of the mixture, place it in a thermos and pour 500 ml of boiling water.

The mixture should be infused for about 4 hours, after which it is drunk per day, dividing the volume by 4 times.


Fresh parsley juice must be diluted with honey in a ratio of 1:1. Take the prepared mixture two tablespoons three times a day.

fresh parsley very useful for men's health, so in the season you need to eat it as much as possible, adding without heat treatment in salads and other dishes.

Herbs and honey.

It will take 10 grams of birch leaves and yarrow grass, bearberry leaves 20 grams.

The whole mixture is poured with half a liter of boiling water, infused for two hours, after which one or two tablespoons of honey are added to it. The prepared infusion is stored in the refrigerator and drunk two tablespoons up to three times a day.


It is necessary to mix equal amounts of motherwort grass, plantain, St. John's wort and celandine grass, wintergreen leaves, bearberry grass.

Then two tablespoons of this collection are poured with half a liter of boiling water. The liquid is infused for two hours, filtered and drunk during the day in uniform portions. The course of treatment can last up to one month.

The leaves of young nettle in the amount of one spoon must be poured with a glass of boiling water and after insisting, drink the decoction during the day.

Nettle well increases the defenses and enhances the work of the blood-forming organs.

Monastic collection from prostatitis

The treatment of prostatitis with herbs is also based on the use of a special monastic collection.

Buy natural collection The easiest way is through the internet. With the correct course use of monastic tea, you can achieve the following effects:

  • Remove quickly aching pain in the perineum and testicles, which often accompanies prostatitis.
  • Normalize the process of urination.
  • Deal with impotence.
  • Improve blood circulation and remove congestion in the pelvic organs.

The monastery collection has an excellent antimicrobial effect, copes with any of the most chronic infections. The benefits of using this tea have already been appreciated by many men.

Features of the use of phytocollections in chronic prostatitis

In chronic prostatitis, herbal treatment can continue throughout life.

Experts advise repeating the course of treatment up to several times a year, taking breaks of one to two months between them. It is advisable to use new fees each time or alternate them, the effect of such treatment will be much more noticeable.

Herbs for chronic prostatitis allow you not to experience discomfort and pain, restore prostate tissue and increase immunity, which has a positive effect on general well-being and on sexual function.

Treatment of prostatitis with herbs and others should be carried out if you feel that positive result available.

Otherwise, it is necessary to change the collection or look for the root cause of the deterioration in performance. urinary organs passing necessary examination.

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