Arnica mountain (Arnica Montana). Homeopathy arnica - an effective remedy for mechanical damage Arnica granules homeopathy indications

Instructions for use:

Arnica is a medicinal plant used to stop bleeding, in the treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system, and also as an external agent that accelerates the resorption of hematomas.

Chemical composition

Arnica is a perennial herb from the genus Asteraceae (more than 30 species), mainly grows in North America, Canada, Russia and European countries. The plant is also called mountain mutton, throat grass, Ivanov color, mountain leotard, beard, hare cabbage, initial letter.

Mountain arnica is famous for its medicinal properties - an unpretentious plant found on the edges and in thickets of shrubs. Sakhalin arnica and meadow arnica also have healing properties - low plants (up to 60-80 cm) with a pleasant peculiar smell (they have a short cylindrical rhizome, leaves shortly pubescent on top, yellow flowers and narrow pubescent fruits).

The underground parts of mountain arnica contain: tannic components, wax, bitterness, resins, essential oils, vegetable analogues of hormones, gum.

The inflorescences contain: arnicin (up to 4%), essential oil, tannins (up to 5%), cynarin, choline, carnaubic alcohol, zeaxanthin, crystalline substance, gelenin, sterols, fatty oil, vitamin C, sucrose, organic acids.

For treatment, flower baskets of plants of the second year of vegetation (or more) are usually used. Harvesting begins in mid-June, while flower baskets are plucked without stems. With proper collection and drying, the healing properties of arnica can last up to 2 years.

Beneficial features

Arnica has been used as a remedy for a long time. In modern official medicine, the herb is not used very often, although it is included in the pharmacopoeia of many countries.

Arnica is among the plants from which the first homeopathic preparations were made, usually using its underground parts. In most cases, these are remedies for sprains, bruises, dislocations, birth injuries. They are prescribed for sleep disturbance, coughing, sore throat, retinal detachment, dryness in the throat, coughing up blood, stomach flaccidity, emphysema, retinal hemorrhages. The use of arnica in the form of homeopathic preparations reduces the duration of the recovery period after surgery, and also helps to alleviate the patient's condition during this period.

In small quantities, arnica flowers activate the brain, in large quantities they suppress it. They have anticonvulsant properties, suppress the reflex excitability of the central nervous system, increase the lumen of the blood vessels that feed the brain. Preparations made from arnica flowers help lower blood pressure.

Due to the beneficial properties of arnica, in folk medicine, the plant is used as an astringent for digestive disorders, to expel excess water from the body, for women's diseases, acute respiratory viruses (ARVI), inflammation of the bronchi, after concussion and epilepsy.

For ulcers, abscesses, wounds and rashes, the affected area is treated with an aqueous solution of the plant. For pain in the joints, backache, injuries, gout and toothache, lotions are used.

Alcoholic tinctures of arnica flowers are effective as a hemostatic agent for nosebleeds or uterine bleeding. In obstetrics and gynecology, they are used for inflammation and violation of the involution of the uterus after childbirth.

Indications for use

  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Various bleeding (including those caused by a cyst, polyps or other tumors of the uterus and its appendages);
  • Increased nervous excitability;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Hypertension;
  • Myocarditis;
  • Angina.


  • Individual intolerance;
  • Pregnancy;
  • Increased blood clotting.

Arnica home remedies

The use of arnica is effective for inflammation of the ovaries, heavy menstruation, uterine bleeding, fibroids, inflammatory processes in the uterus, fibroids. For this, an infusion is prepared from the plant: 1 tablespoon of flowers is poured into 1 cup of boiling water and infused for 4 hours. Take 50 ml up to 4 times a day. Such an infusion can be used externally in the form of lotions for joint injuries and extensive bruising. In the first 3 days after injury, cold infusions of arnica are used, then warm ones.

To obtain an infusion used as a hemostatic and choleretic agent, 1 tablespoon of arnica flowers should be placed in an enamel bowl, pour 1 cup of boiling water and simmer under a closed lid for 15 minutes in a water bath. An hour later, the infusion is brought with boiled water to a volume of 200 ml. Take, diluted in milk, 1 tablespoon three times a day after meals.

For various inflammations of the mouth and throat (with pharyngitis, tonsillitis, periodontal disease and stomatitis), rinses are used, for which 3 teaspoons of arnica flowers are poured with 2 cups of boiling water and infused for 2 hours. Effectively carry out procedures up to 5 times a day.



Arnica montana belongs to the large Asteraceae family. It is known as leopard poison. Its value in wounds was known to the Greeks and Romans. The inhabitants of the mountains especially appreciate this property. It has been reported that the inhabitants of the Andes usually, in case of injury, tear the grass that grows so comfortably at high altitude, pour boiling water over it and give this decoction to the wounded to drink.

The bright yellow color of the flowers makes them very conspicuous; the tongues of flowers, jagged at the ends, are in such a disorderly arrangement that it seems as if the plant has no upper part, as if it had been blown away by a mountain wind. The stem is tall, one foot or less, with double opposite leaves; it grows from a rosette of dark green leaves at the base, the reverse side of which is lighter. The rhizome is woody with a large number of small roots; if it is soaked, it acquires a special apple smell and astringent taste.

A mother tincture is prepared from the root, flowers and leaves after removing the fly larvae that are commonly found on this plant.

Although it is generally accepted that Arnica is predominantly an excellent remedy for wounds and injuries, it has been duly tested and its full pathogenesis is found in the homeopathic Materia Medica.


This herb usually acts on the blood vessels causing them to dilate, then to stasis and finally to become more permeable. As a result of these changes, various types of bleeding and hemorrhagic purpura can be observed. Changes in the tone of the walls of blood vessels are expressed either by the pallor of the skin, or by its redness.

Involvement in the process of the digestive system causes nausea, vomiting, diarrhea or dysentery. Action on the central nervous system causes increased excitation, prostration, visual disturbances, tremors and even convulsions.

The action on muscle tissue is expressed in excessive contraction and hypertrophy, for example, an increase in the heart. In the future, myalgia develops with a feeling of weakness and hypersensitivity as a result of local hyperemia.

Local action on the skin causes severe irritation and a rash that may be erysipelatous, vesicular or pustular in character.


Arnica was studied by Hahnemann and described in the first volume of "Materia Medica Riga".


There is both pallor and redness. Unusual is the combination of a hot head and face with a cold nose and body; the upper part of the body is hot, the lower part is cold.

Spotted, bruised patches in many cases.

The head jerks back. Turns and turns constantly in bed; it is not from anxiety, but from the unusual and characteristic feeling that the bed is uncomfortably hard and full of lumps.

The patient is gloomy, demands to be left alone, does not even want to talk. The pain is so unbearable that even the thought of being touched or even approached is terrifying.

Unable to concentrate and disgusted by any effort, even conversation. Usually there is a lack of self-confidence.

Forgetfulness is often expressed; for example, should go back and see if he turned off the gas. Starts. Feels the fear of imminent death.

An unusual psychological attitude is characteristic: when he is seriously ill, he says: “I am healthy, why bother and call a doctor?”.

A French physician describes a patient requiring Arnica as follows: “Hyperexcitable, laughs for no reason; when they contradict him, he goes crazy and screams at the top of his voice. Capricious: wants to get a lot of things, and then does not know what to do with them. Nonsensical, in a quarrel with everyone. He knows everything better than others; no one can take over him; arrogant and domineering. Worries about the present and the future; in desperation; becomes indifferent to everything, lazy, disgust and incapacity for any kind of work appear; extremely confident and stubborn. Stupidly cheerful, fickle, mischievous.

Here is such a hodgepodge with a predominance of a gloomy mood. Agoraphobia is also mentioned.


There is a general hypersensitivity to heat and cold, not to mention touch. Appetite is changeable; aversion to food, with particular aversion to meat, meat broth, milk.

There is anorexia or rapid satiety. Described "wolf" hunger. There is also a desire for vinegar, alcohol.

Thirst is extremely pronounced, especially wants cold water, or thirst may be completely absent.

He falls asleep only at 2-3 am, and sleep is usually interrupted by disturbing dreams. Daytime sleepiness is accompanied by frequent yawning.


General symptoms

Sensation of bruising, as if the whole body were in pain from being struck or kicked. Moreover, the feeling of weakness is accompanied by severe weakness and fatigue. Sensitivity and soreness of the whole body, and throbbing and burning with muscle twitching. The condition worsens with any sudden movement and push. Superficial bleeding with dark venous blood; characterized by spontaneous bleeding and bruising. There may also be sepsis, especially its purulent variant. There is a stuporous state with urinary incontinence.

When getting up after sleep, when moving and walking, dizziness sets in: it seems that everything around is spinning. It is accompanied by nausea, with a tendency to fall to the left; worse with closed eyes. Violent headache, as if the head were being pulled from within, or as if a nail were driven into the skull; it is often one-sided, worse in the morning, accompanied by twitching of the muscles of the face. The neuralgic type of headache is aggravated by the slightest movement of the head.

Eye symptoms when this remedy is indicated are: haemorrhage under the conjunctiva and retina; diplopia after injury; conjunctivitis with burning tears; eyestrain from TV or eye strain for other reasons.

There are shooting pains in and around the ears. Deafness and buzzing after a blow.

Respiratory system

Violent tingling in the nose precedes epistaxis. Epistaxis may be after an injury or begin during whooping cough or typhoid fever. There are sharp stitching pains in the chest, especially in the left side, which are aggravated by breathing and coughing. Dry tickling cough accompanied by expectoration of sputum streaked with blood; worse in the morning. With whooping cough, the child cries before an attack.

Digestive system

Lips chapped, with sensation of burning heat. There is a putrid taste in the mouth and bad breath. Tongue covered with sticky yellow coating. Belching with smell of rotten eggs. Enhanced salivation. Dysphagia is accompanied by nausea, sometimes empty belching and regurgitation. Pain and oppressive discomfort radiate to the back. The vomit may contain dark clotted blood. Colic or colic in the abdomen. Passing flatus with a smell of rotten eggs. Diarrhea with tenesmus, stools offensive or blood-stained, may be involuntary; forced to lie down after every bowel movement. Dysentery manifestations are accompanied by urinary retention (ischuria); relatively large intervals between bowel movements. "Typhoid status" may be replaced by putrid eructations, tympanitis, tenderness of the abdomen, bedsores, as if dying, terribly offensive stools, which often pass in sleep, chalky.

The cardiovascular system

Pain in heart, as if constricted. Heart beats are irregular and sluggish. The palpitations appear at night.

urinary system

Dysuria is caused by spasm of the sphincter at the base of the bladder. The urge is frequent, and the urine does not begin to depart immediately. Involuntary urination during sleep. After exertion, acute urinary retention is possible. Sometimes there is hematuria.

reproductive system

Severe pain in the region of the uterus prevents the patient from walking upright. During pregnancy, fetal movements are especially painful at night and interfere with sleep. Menopause is accompanied by severe fatigue and extreme asthenia, palpitations, fever in the head, coldness of the body and bruising with any contact.

Propulsion system

An unusual symptom is deathly cold forearms. Pain in the muscles is accompanied by a feeling of weakness; it can appear as a result of overexertion or unusual movements. The pains are sharp and shoot along the course of the limbs. Feet and hands may swell, they feel pain and weakness. Wrist or hip joint hurts as if bruised. Great heaviness in the limbs, as from fatigue. Hyperesthesia in the back is accompanied by sudden spasms in the neck and paraspinal muscles. Muscle weakness can affect the ability to hold objects and gait.

Various lesions: eczema, pustules, papules, psoriasis, or ulcerations, such as bedsores. These rashes are usually localized symmetrically. Successive eruptions of small, very painful boils are important for the diagnosis.


Worse, damp cold weather; under the influence of solar heat, from movement and any effort; at any contact; from wine. The condition improves when lying down with the head down (however, the bed still feels hard).


The use of this remedy is indicated in many cases. The main one, of course, is its unique and outstanding ability to heal any wounds and injuries. This remedy not only stops bleeding and promotes healing of the injured area, but it also alleviates the shock and removes the effects of the emotional trauma associated with the injury.

External applications are used in cases where there is no violation of the integrity of the skin in case of damage to the type of bruise. For this purpose, a lotion is prepared from 5-10 drops of the mother tincture, or, more preferably, from a 1 C dilution in a pint of water or weak alcohol. Contact with the skin should not exceed 24 hours, as otherwise an erythematous rash will appear. The medicine should be given before and after surgery and dental treatment. It is also useful for long-term trauma.

This remedy is especially valuable in cases of contusion with or without a fracture of the bones of the skull, in trauma to the muscles from a sharp effort, in all cases of fractures in order to reduce swelling and relieve pain.

Arnica montana is indicated for constant fatigue, whether physical or mental. It is used in cerebral hemorrhage, gout, when the patient is afraid that he will be approached, and after childbirth.

mountain arnica(Arnica montana) or mountain ram is a plant of the Compositae family. It was used in medicine even before the advent of homeopathy as a science. It was introduced as a homeopathic remedy by Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of the method, in 1805. The drug is prepared from freshly squeezed juice of a whole plant during its flowering period. Arnica is the top seller in the homeopathic pharmacy.

Arnica has an analgesic effect, relieves swelling, stops internal bleeding, promotes the resorption of hematomas resulting from closed injuries, and has a healing effect. In short, this is the first anti-traumatic medicine to be used in the treatment of injuries and bruises.

Indications for the use of the drug.

1. A homeopathic medicine made from Arnica is recommended for various kinds of mechanical damage, in the treatment of injuries, bruises and bruises. Separately, it is worth noting some types of injuries in which Arnica is used. These are acute soft tissue injuries and chronic injuries (occur, for example, in athletes). Therefore, sometimes Arnica is called a sports medicine. Swiss climbers look for this herb and chew its leaves while climbing the mountains, this helps them relieve muscle pain after a difficult climb.

2. Arnica has an effect on the cardiovascular system. It is recommended in case of chronic overwork of the heart muscle, with myocardial dystrophy, as a restorative agent after a heart attack.

3. I suggest that women take Arnica with them to childbirth. It is very useful after childbirth for both mother and child.

4. Arnica should be given when a child has a postpartum hematoma.

5. Arnica contributes to the recovery of a person in the postoperative period, in our pharmacy there are two homeopathic complexes after operations, Arnica is one of the most important components in them.

6. Arnica is useful in dental interventions, tooth extractions, when installing braces to form a correct bite, it relieves pain in the teeth and gums.

7. It can be prescribed for flu, sore throat and dryness during coughing, if the symptoms are accompanied by feelings of soreness and weakness.

9. This tool helps to eliminate the adverse effects of lifting weights when rearranging furniture in the house or doing chores in the garden.

10. Arnica is indicated after a stroke when an internal hemorrhage has occurred. Of course, in this case, it is prescribed along with traditional treatment in a hospital. It can also be given as a course during rehabilitation after a stroke.

4. Then I began to master Arnica in surgical interventions - in operations with implantation, tooth extractions, circumcision of the foreskin in boys, caesarean sections and gynecological interventions. I gave the drug to my girlfriends who were going to the hospital. And each time they told me that not only they used it, but also other women in the ward noted relief and periodically asked for another dose of sweet balls.

5. My dad made a lot of dental implants for himself, and each time he took Arnica with him.

For twenty years of study and homeopathic practice, I have many times been convinced of the benefits of Arnica, and only for Arnica can one be grateful to homeopathy. It helps out in many cases, the main criterion is the feeling of injury and bruising. In any situation when you experience this sensation, you can safely take 5 grains, and you will feel relief. Therefore, I recommend making friends with this good homeopathic medicine, it is really very useful!

With concern for your well-being, Dina Bakina.

Raw materials: Arnica montana L. - mountain arnica (whole plant or individual inflorescences, aboveground and underground parts).

Family: Asteraceae (Composites) - Asteraceae (Compositae).
Homeopathic granules D3, C3, C6 and above. Drops D2, D3, C3, C6 and above. For external use Arnica ointment, Arnica ointment.

With all types of injuries, bruises, fractures, sprains, bruises, hemorrhages. Arnica montana is indicated even for long-term trauma, for example, headaches due to a head bruise in the past, bleeding, angina pectoris, myocardial infarction, and any cardiac arrhythmias. Particularly effective in the treatment of muscular, good-natured, mentally retarded subjects who are prone to bruising and falling asleep in vehicles.

Worse, touch and motion.


Arnica montana
According to Vavilova N.M.

Arnica Montana L. - Arnica mountain.

A perennial herbaceous plant with an obliquely ascending cylindrical rhizome, seated with brown scales, and with numerous brown roots extending from it. The stem is straight, 15-80 cm in height, at the base with a rosette of wide oval leaves. Stem leaves one - two pairs. Flower baskets at the top of the stem and branches solitary, 2-5 cm in diameter; marginal flowers in the basket reed, female, internal - tubular, bisexual. Corollas are yellow with an orange tint. Grows in alpine meadows and forests of Central and Southern Europe. In the USSR, it is found in the Carpathians, less often in Belarus, Lithuania and Latvia.

Part used: for internal use rhizome with roots; for external use - a whole, fresh flowering plant.

Chemical composition: rhizome with roots contains an essential oil (0.5-1.5%), consisting of 80% thymohydroquinone dimethyl ether, as well as floroisobutyric and fluoromethyl ethers; unsaturated hydrocarbon, isobutyric, angelic or valerian, fumaric, succinic and lactic acids, inulin, catechin tannin. The inflorescences contain - an essential oil of an unexplored composition (0.04-0.4%), fatty oil, organic acids, phytosterols ("arnisterol" or "arnidiol"), arnidendiol and isoarnidendiol, choline, tannins, carotenoids, gelenin, xanthophyll , xanthophilerpoxide and zeaxanthin; flavone, a toxic substance with a cardiac effect.

Application in medicine

In the Middle Ages, Arnica was considered a remedy for bruises and wounds and was well known under the name Panacea Lapsorum. In the 19th century, Arnica was used for rheumatic pains, cancer, tuberculosis and as an eye lotion for cataracts (Hager).

Currently, Arnica is included in the IX Pharmacopoeia of the USSR. It is recommended inside as a sedative and antispasmodic agent (with spasms of blood vessels), as a hemostatic agent in obstetric and gynecological practice with insufficient uterine involution after childbirth and with inflammatory diseases of the genital organs.

In Poland and Germany, Arnica is widely used, Arnica preparations are given orally for hypertension, angina pectoris, angiospasm, bronchial asthma, atherosclerosis, inflammation of the veins, rheumatism, hysteria, chronic laryngitis, dry pleurisy (A. Ozherovsky). As an external remedy, Arnica is used for diseases and skin lesions. T-ra Arnicae is given orally 30-40 drops 2 times a day before meals. Infusum Arnicae ex 10:200 - one tablespoon 3 times a day. Externally applied in the form of lotions diluted with water 1:10 (M.D. Mashkovsky).

Application in homeopathy

Arnica Montana was introduced into homeopathic practice by Hahnemann in 1805. The action of Arnica was tested on 9 persons, the data of the tests are in the Ị volume of "Pure Pharmacy". In homeopathy, Arnica is a remedy for bruises and various kinds of injuries, including birth and postoperative. Arnica quickly stops pain, stops bleeding, promotes the absorption of extravasates and the resorption of blood clots. Arnica is useful in so-called trace diseases that have arisen after bruises, injuries or any, even old, operation, which are the result of a concussion of the brain, expressed by persistent headaches. Arnica is also indicated in diseases resulting from overstrain of the heart muscle and skeletal muscles in athletes, wrestlers and athletes, especially in hypertrophy of the heart, manifested by shortness of breath, palpitations, and general weakness. With hypertrophy of skeletal muscles, when they have pain (myalgia). Arnica serves as an indispensable antiseptic in the postpartum period to prevent the development of sepsis and pyemia.

Rapid analgesic action. Arnica, applied externally and internally, indicates its selective action on sensitive nerve cells. Arnica is considered a true vascular remedy, acting on the veins and arteries, and especially on the capillaries. It is indicated for violation of cerebral circulation, with apoplexy, hypertensive crises, atherosclerosis of cerebral vessels. Arnica is also useful in diseases of the digestive tract caused by excessive hasty eating or poor quality food.

When Arnica is taken, sanguine persons with a well-developed muscular system, with Habitus apoplecicus, react particularly well, and are quickly excited and quickly calmed down. They are characterized by painfully increased sensitivity to touch and the appearance of hemorrhages (bruises) from a small injury or light pressure on the skin.


Apoplexy. Brain state. Nose bleed. Fractures, shock, hemoptysis. Hypertonic disease. Bleeding from various organs. Concussions. postoperative trauma. Myalgia. Arthralgia of traumatic origin. Cerebral atherosclerosis. Thrombophlebitis. Furuncles. Burns. Frostbite. Gastritis. Enterocolitis. Prolapse of the rectum. Haemorrhoids. Bedsores. Habitual miscarriage. Cracked nipples. Polypos. Urinary incontinence.

Main indications

Nervous system. Severe headaches after bruises, falls, concussions. Vertigo when walking. Great weakness to prostration. Sleeplessness from mental or physical overwork. Traces of reactions after injuries. Depletion of the nervous system. Paresthesia.

Eyes. Hemorrhages in the sclera and retina.

Throat. Hoarseness from overexertion of the vocal cords in lecturers and singers.

Heart and blood vessels. Hypertension with epistaxis, crises and headaches. Pain in the heart from physical exertion, with tachycardia and general debility. Tendency to bleeding and hemorrhage. Feeling of numbness in the hands.

Digestive organs. Sensation of pressure in the stomach as from a stone. Bloody, offensive stools, with painful tenesmus. Involuntary stool at night.

Leather. Group eruption of small, very painful boils surrounded by a bright red rim. Burns. Frostbite. Bedsores.

female organs. Passive meno - and metrorrhagia of a congestive nature, aggravated by physical exertion. Atonic bleeding in the postpartum period. Painful, bleeding cracked nipples. Threatened miscarriage. Painful movement of the fetus during pregnancy.

urinary organs. Hematuria. Urinary incontinence when running and walking fast. Pain in the bladder. Stagnation of urine. Urination with tenesmus.

Modality. Worse, slightest touch, wine. Better from lying with head low.

Doses. It is given from 3 to 30 divisions. With bruises, postpartum and postoperative injuries after curettage of the uterus, prophylactically with the danger of habitual miscarriage, with various bleeding, acute thrombophlebitis, furunculosis, it is prescribed in 3 divisions every 1-2 hours, 5 drops or grains. With hypertension, varicose veins, hemorrhoids - in 3.6 and 30 division 1-2 times a day with periodic breaks of 2-3 days. With angina pectoris, in 3 or 6 divisions, depending on the body's response. Arnica is applied externally in a 3% solution as a wet dressing. In the absence of skin damage, a wet bandage from T-rae Arnica is placed on the site of injury for anesthesia for 20-30 minutes. 5% and 10% ointment is applied to nipple cracks.

Arnica Montana
According to V. Berike

Causes processes in the body similar to those observed in injuries, falls, blows, contusions, etc.

Tinnitus. The manifestations of putrefaction. Septic conditions: prevention of purulent infection. Apoplexy with red, puffy face.

It is especially indicated in cases where the existing pathology is caused by an injury, even a very old one. Overvoltage of any organ, after traumatic injuries, overloads. Patients of this type are predisposed to congestion in the brain. It works best on full-blooded people, less on weakened, anemic, with cardiac edema (hydropericardium) and shortness of breath. Muscle tonic. Psychic trauma resulting from grief, remorse, or financial ruin. Limbs and whole body ache as if bruised; pain in the joints, as if sprained. The bed feels too hard. It has a pronounced effect on the blood. Affects the venous system, causing stasis. Ecchymosis and hemorrhage. Decreased tone of blood vessels, dark and blue spots. Tendency to bleeding and subfebrile fever. Tendency to tissue degeneration, septic conditions, abscesses that never mature. Soreness, weakness and weakness. Neuralgia with lesions of the vagus nerve. Rheumatism affecting the muscles and tendons, especially in the back and shoulders. Aversion to tobacco. Epidemic flu. Thrombosis. Hematocele.

Psyche. Afraid to be touched or approached. Unconscious: answers questions correctly, but then relapses. Indifference; cannot continue active work for a long time; gloomy, delirious state. Nervousness; does not tolerate pain; hypersensitivity of the whole body. Claims that nothing special is happening to him. Strives to be alone. Agoraphobia (fear of open spaces). Condition after mental overstrain or mental shock.

Head. Hot, but the whole body is cold; confusion of thoughts; increased sensitivity of the brain to sharp, stinging pains. Feeling of tightening of the scalp; cold spots on the forehead. Chronic dizziness; all objects rotate, especially when walking.

Eyes. Diplopia of traumatic origin, paralysis of the eye muscles, retinal hemorrhages. Painful sensation in the eyes, as if bruised, after working the eyes at close range. He tries to keep his eyes open; when they close, he feels dizzy. Feeling tired, tired after looking at all sorts of "sights", watching movies.

Ears. Noise in the ears from congestion of blood to the head. Sudden sharp (shooting) pain in and around the ears. Bleeding from ears. Dullness of hearing after concussion. Pain in the cartilages of the ear, as if bruised.

Nose. Bleeding after every bout of coughing; blood is dark, thin. Nose feels sore; cold nose.

Mouth. Bad breath. Dryness and thirst. Bitter taste (Coloc). Taste in the mouth like a rotten egg. Sore gums after extraction of teeth (Sep). Empyema of the maxillary sinus.

Face. haggard; very red. Heat in the lips. Herpes on the face.

Stomach. Strong desire for vinegar. Aversion to milk and meat. "Wolf" hunger. Hematemesis. Pain in stomach while eating. Fullness, satiety, combined with disgust. Flatus passes up and down with oppressive, tormenting sensation. Pressure in stomach, as from a stone. Sensation as if the stomach were pressed against the spine. Fetid vomiting.

Stomach. Sharp, stitching pain under false ribs and in abdomen. bloating; fetid gases.

Chair. Tenesmus from diarrhoea. Fetid, brown, bloody, putrid, involuntary stools. It looks like sourdough bread made from rye flour. After each bowel movement forced to lie down. Diarrhea with general exhaustion; worse lying on left side. Dysentery stool with muscular pains.

urinary system. Retention of urine during fatigue. Dark brick-red precipitate. Tenesmus in the bladder, with great soreness when urinating.

Female reproductive organs. Injuries of the genital organs after childbirth. Severe postpartum pain. Uterine bleeding as a result of mechanical damage during coitus. Soreness of the nipples. Mastitis of traumatic origin. Sensation as if the fetus were in a transverse position.

respiratory organs. Cough in cardiac pathology: paroxysmal, at night, during sleep, aggravated by physical exertion. Acute tonsillitis; swelling of the soft palate and tongue. Pneumonia with threat of paralysis. Hoarseness from overexertion of the voice. Raw feeling and soreness in the morning. Tears and sobs cause a fit of coughing. Sensation of dryness beginning with tickling deep in trachea. Expectoration of bloody sputum. Shortness of breath with hemoptysis. All the bones and cartilages of the chest are painful. Violent spasmodic cough with herpetic eruptions on the face. Whooping cough, the child cries before a coughing fit. Pleurodynia (Ran; Cimic).

Heart. Angina pectoris: the pain is especially pronounced in the elbow of the left hand. Sharp, stitching pain in the heart. The pulse is weak and irregular. Hydropericardium with distressing dyspnea. The limbs are swollen, painful, feeling of weakness. Fatty degeneration and hypertrophy of the heart.

limbs. Gout. The patient experiences a strong fear of touching and even approaching him. Pain in back and limbs, as from bruises. Sensation of stretching and dislocation. Pain after overexertion. The bed feels too hard. Dead cold in the forearms. Cannot walk straight due to pain. As from bruises, in the pelvic region. Rheumatic manifestations begin from below and spread upwards (Led).

Leather. Black cyanotic. Itching, burning, small papular rashes. Many small boils (Ichthyol; Sil.). Ecchymosis. Bedsores (locally-Bovinine). Compacted acne with a characteristic symmetrical arrangement of rashes.

Dream. Insomnia and restlessness when overtired. Coma drowsiness; wakes up with a hot head; nightmares: dreams of death, mutilated bodies, etc. Night terrors. Involuntary stool during sleep.

Fever. Feverish manifestations are very reminiscent of the typhoid clinic. Trembling all over body. Heat and redness of the face, accompanied by coldness of the whole body. internal heat; feet and hands are cold. Sour night sweat.

Modalities. Worse, slightest touch; from movement; at rest; from wine; from damp cold. Better by lying down or with head down.

Relationships. Antipodes: Camph.

Additionally: Acon; IP.

Compare: Acon; Bapt; dll-p; Nam; Rhus; Hyper.

Vitex trifolia. With sprains and pain, with headaches in the temples, pain in the joints, in the abdomen, in the ovaries.

Breeding. From the third to the thirtieth.

Locally - a tincture, but never apply it topically when hot or if there are violations of the integrity of the epidermis at this place (cuts, scratches, abrasions).

homeopathic medicine in granules

Arnica montana C6

Injuries (bruises, dislocations, abrasions, sprains, cuts, hematomas, bedsores, bleeding, bone fractures); muscle pain after physical labor. Prevention of complications after injuries of the brain and spinal cord (concussion, concussion) and surgical interventions. Post-traumatic headaches, dizziness.

5-7 granules 3-4 times a day half an hour before meals. For the treatment of the consequences of injuries of the brain and spinal cord, it is recommended to use the drug as indicated above for 1 month, and then for prophylactic purposes - 3-4 granules 1 time per day for 3-4 months, depending on the patient's condition.

The drug is prepared from the grass of the mountain ram, popularly called "leopard death". Its reception strengthens blood vessels, muscle tissue; accelerates the fusion of bones in fractures. In the treatment of external hematomas, wounds, bedsores, in order to speed up the treatment and increase its effectiveness, it is advisable to combine the intake of granules with the local application of homeopathic ointments (Arnica, Bellis Perennis and other methods of treatment as directed by the doctor).

Hold the granules under the tongue for 1-2 minutes until completely resorbed. During the period of treatment with homeopathic medicines, avoid drinking coffee, alcoholic beverages, a large number of spicy and spicy foods.


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