Milk thistle herb collection. Effective effect of seeds on the body. Very interesting video about the beneficial properties of milk thistle

Milk thistle - Silybum marianum (L.) Gaertn.

Semeystov Compositae - Compositae

Other names:
- sharp-variegated
- frog

Botanical characteristic. Milk thistle is a monocarpic (annual or biennial) with an upright stem 60-150 cm tall, covered with a powdery coating. The leaves are large, spotted, glossy, pinnately lobed or pinnately dissected, leathery, dark green, mottled with shiny white transverse interrupted stripes, prickly along the edge of the plate and veins on the lower side, the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile, amplexicaul. Baskets apical, solitary, oblong or spherical, on thin peduncles. The leaflets of the involucre are green, tiled, outer and medium - with a protruding leaf-shaped prickly rigid appendage. Flowers tubular, pink, purple or white. Fruits are marble-spotted, dark brown or black with longitudinal light lines, elliptical bare achenes up to 7 mm long, with a tuft 2-3 times longer than the achenes. Blossoms in July-August, fruits ripen in August-September. Propagated by seeds.

Spreading. In the central and southern strip of the European part, in the Caucasus, in the southern part of Western Siberia, in Central Asia. Widely distributed in Western Europe, Asia Minor, North Africa and southern Australia. His homeland is Southern and Atlantic Europe.

Habitat. It grows in weedy places, in abandoned fields, along roads, in wastelands and dumps, in dry places. Often bred in gardens as an ornamental and medicinal plant. Sometimes grows on very dry and saline soils.

Harvesting, primary processing and drying. The fruits are harvested at the end of August - September, during the drying period of the wrappers on most side baskets. Harvesting is carried out by mowing the above-ground part in the first half of the day with the help of hay mowers, the resulting mass is dried on a current and threshed. The fruits are separated from impurities and dried in dryers.

Standardization. The quality of raw materials is evaluated in accordance with the requirements of TU 64-4-30-81.

Microscopy. At microscopic examination fruits diagnostic value has the structure of the pericarp in a cross section, consisting of several layers: the epidermal layer - the cells are palisade-like elongated, the outer and side walls are strongly thickened; pigment layer - one row of cells with brown contents; a layer of fibrous cells of the mesocarp (6-7 rows of large cells with mesh and spiral thickening of the walls). The seed coat, tightly fused with the pericarp, is externally represented by a thick layer of elongated sclereids with thickened walls. Seeds without endosperm.

quality reactions. Flavolignans are found in the alcoholic extract of raw materials by the characteristic absorption maximum in the UV region of the spectrum at a wavelength of 289 nm.

Numerical indicators. Humidity no more than 12%; total ash not more than 6%; other parts of milk thistle not more than 2%; organic impurities not more than 2%, mineral - not more than 1%.

The method of quantitative determination is based on the measurement of the optical density of the extract after adding aluminum chloride to it (spectrophotometry). The content of flavolignans must be at least 2.7%.

Chemical composition. Chemically, this plant has not been studied enough. Up to 32% fatty oil, a little essential oil (0.08%), resins, mucus, as well as biogenic amines (thiamine, histamine) and about five flavonoids, flavolignans, were found in the seeds.

pharmacological properties. The active ingredients of rostothistle (mainly silibinin) have a hepatoprotective effect: they improve metabolic processes in the liver, increasing its resistance to adverse conditions; increase the activity of liver enzymatic systems; accelerate the regeneration of liver cells after damage, toxic effects and after infectious diseases.

Medicines. Fruits, extract, tincture. Preparations "Cholelitin", "Silibor", "Legalon", "Karsil".

Application. In the past, the fruits were pungently used in medicine for diseases of the liver and spleen, inflammation of the bile ducts, cholelithiasis, jaundice, hemorrhoids and colitis with constipation.

At present, it is sharply and variegatedly used in medicine in the form of a tincture as part of the Cholelitin preparation, which is used to treat cholelithiasis, cholecystitis and relapses of jaundice.

Flavolignans from the fruits of this plant are available in the form of tablets called Silibor for the treatment of hepatitis and liver cirrhosis. "Legalon" is used for acute and toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis and dystrophy of the liver. Fruit extract is part of a number of complex choleretic drugs.

In homeopathy, preparations of ripe fruits are also used for diseases of the liver, gallbladder and spleen.

. Synonyms and common names. Mary's thistle, sharp-variegated, Mary's Tatar, holy thistle, St. Mary's thistle.

Thistle is spotted. Pharmacy name of milk thistle. Cardui mariae fructus (milk thistle fruit).

Botanical description of milk thistle. Milk thistle is a two- or many-year-old plant up to one and a half meters high. The stem is straight, simple, branched, covered with powdery coating. The leaves of the plant are large, green with white spots, with spines along the edge. Flowers - white, pink or lilac; tubular, collected in spherical baskets. The outer leaves wrapping the baskets end in long spines. The fruits of milk thistle are dark brown achenes with a tuft.

Distribution of milk thistle in nature. The homeland of the plant is North Africa, the Caucasus, middle Asia, Mediterranean, Pyrenees, Balkans. Currently found throughout almost all of Europe, North and South America, Africa. The plant has spread widely, cultivated for medicines and in gardens. Easily runs wild and becomes an aggressive weed.

Used parts of milk thistle. Seeds without a tuft are used (they are also fruits), roots.

Collection, harvesting and storage of milk thistle. Milk thistle seeds are harvested in August and September, dried well, stored in bags in a ventilated room. The roots are dug up in autumn, washed and dried at a temperature of 40-50 degrees.

Active ingredients of milk thistle. Milk thistle seeds contain fatty oil (up to 32%), essential oil(0.08%), flavolignans (silybin, silydianin, silicristin), resins, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K), biogenic amines, selenium, copper, mucus.

Pharmacological action of milk thistle. The most famous effect of milk thistle is hepatoprotective. Flavolignans of plant seeds prevent the release of lysosomal enzymes in liver cells (hepatocytes), inhibit lipid peroxidation. That is, milk thistle has an antioxidant effect. Hepatocytes become less vulnerable to toxins, the ability of the liver to regenerate increases, and it is detoxified.

Milk thistle seed mucus has a gastroprotective (stomach protective) effect. The betaine contained in them improves digestion due to the choleretic effect. fatty oil contributes to the prevention of atherosclerosis due to unsaturated fatty acids. Macro- and microelements, vitamins contribute to the normalization of metabolism. Milk thistle also stimulates milk production.

Indications for the use of milk thistle. It is used for hepatitis, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration of the liver, cholelithiasis, alcoholism, poisoning with hepatotoxic poisons. It is prescribed in parallel with the intake of chemotherapeutic agents and with a lack of milk during breastfeeding. Also used in the treatment of leg ulcers, open fractures feet, varicose disease and many more diseases.

Dosage and administration of milk thistle. Most often in medicinal purposes use the fruits of milk thistle. Powder from them (meal) can be prepared by grinding the seeds in a coffee grinder. For liver diseases, it is taken one spoonful 3-4 times a day, 20-30 minutes before a meal, washed down with water. Courses of treatment for 40 days with breaks of 2 weeks until recovery. Schroth is also able to lower blood sugar levels, help with varicose veins.

Milk thistle seed oil finds wide application in medicine. It is produced by cold pressing. It is used as an anti-inflammatory, wound healing, anti-burn, hepatoprotective agent. Also, the oil is used for jaundice, atherosclerosis, and externally - in the treatment of psoriasis, acne and baldness. Another area of ​​​​use of milk thistle oil is gynecology. It is used in the treatment of menopausal vaginitis, for the regulation of sexual and endocrine function. It is taken in a teaspoon 3 times a day half an hour before meals. In parallel, meal is received according to the above scheme.

Milk thistle fruit extract is part of the combined herbal preparation Iberogast.

The use of milk thistle in food. Milk thistle oil is used in cooking. Milk thistle meal or flour is used in clinical nutrition.

Side effects of milk thistle. Pain in the liver is possible, but it is better to endure them under the supervision of a doctor. Sometimes there is diarrhea, abdominal discomfort.

Contraindications to the use of milk thistle. Also contraindications are the presence mental illness and epilepsy. In case of heart disease, you need to consult a doctor - milk thistle contains a lot of calcium.

Precautions when using milk thistle. It is not recommended to take during pregnancy. It can interact with blood sugar lowering drugs, drugs that are exchanged in the liver, phenytoin, and plants with the same effect.

Many consider this "thorn" common weed. However, as is often the case in life, the beautiful inner content is not always accompanied by external beauty. Therefore, probably few people know how useful milk thistle actually is. The use of this miracle plant allows you to maintain the health of the liver and protect it from toxic effects. Milk thistle helps with mucosal inflammation gastrointestinal tract and constipation. Purifies the blood and contributes to the overall rejuvenation of the body. And we want to tell you more about this plant and its wonderful properties.

Milk thistle. A photo

For youth and slimness

Milk thistle is rich in vitamins and antioxidants. Preparations and preparations with milk thistle help cleanse the body, remove toxins and toxins from the body, improve digestion and metabolism. As you understand, all these properties contribute to gradual weight loss.

It is recommended to take vegetable raw materials at 300-400 mg per day. Either in powder or decoction form. Remember, milk thistle is contraindicated for some. The benefits and harms of such cleansing are best discussed with your doctor. The course should not last longer than a month.

The process will go slowly, but the result should be fixed for a long time. But taking milk thistle will only be effective if you reconsider your eating habits in favor of healthy eating and increase physical activity.

Another big benefit of milk thistle is its antioxidant properties. It slows down aging and keeps the skin toned.

The main value is in the seeds!

The most valuable are the seeds of the plant. They are usually dried and ground into powder. It is taken with water or decoctions and infusions are prepared from it.

Also from milk thistle seeds at home you can get healing oil. 10 teaspoons of milk thistle seeds are added to a liter, then the substance is boiled in a water bath for about ten minutes. The mixture is then cooled and squeezed. Store in a tinted glass container.

Such homemade butter used inside for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, hemorrhoids and varicose veins, some diseases of the female reproductive system. Usually it is drunk in a monthly course of 2-3 teaspoons before meals.

In addition, this remedy has excellent healing, regenerating, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Therefore, ulcers, burns and wounds can be treated with milk thistle seed oil. Its use is also possible with angina and stomatitis.

Well heals milk thistle seed oil and anal fissures. First, after making an enema, enter 30-40 ml of oil with a small pear. It is better to do the procedure before going to bed.

Milk thistle oil is also used for uterine erosion in women. A small amount of oil is injected into the vagina at bedtime for 12 days. Another way: mix 50 ml of milk thistle seed oil with 3 ml. Enter 3 ml into the vagina in the evenings for 21 days.

This is what milk thistle seeds look like...

Leaves: dry and squeeze the juice

Milk thistle leaves, like other parts of this plant, can be dried and brewed. This tea normalizes blood pressure, improves the functioning of the liver and gastrointestinal tract, and helps to cleanse and rejuvenate the body. Dried petals of milk thistle flowers, which are collected during the flowering period and dried, can also be added to such tea.

Used for treatment and fresh milk thistle. Indications for use are very different. For example, leaf pulp heals wounds, cuts and burns well. After removing the thorns from large leaves, they are crushed, applied to the affected area and bandaged. The bandage is changed periodically.

Squeezed from the leaves in summer medicinal juice. Do this when the milk thistle throws out the first arrows and is ready to bloom. Take it on an empty stomach in the morning. It is good for constipation and colitis. If appeared acne, the face can be wiped with milk thistle juice. In diseases of the joints, compresses from milk thistle juice and gruel bring significant relief.

Roots will do too!

If the product is really useful, then it is useful in everything. Here is milk thistle - seeds, leaves ... But that's not all!

Be sure to prepare milk thistle roots in the fall. To do this, they are washed well, cut into small pieces and dried in a dark, well-ventilated place. You can also dry the raw materials in the oven at a very low temperature of 40-60 degrees.

Store raw materials in glass jar not longer than one year, used for preparation medicinal products. They drink, like other remedies based on milk thistle, for liver diseases, constipation, colitis, urinary retention and other diseases.

A decoction of the roots of milk thistle - good remedy with toothache. A tablespoon of dry chopped root is poured into a glass of water and boiled for half an hour in a water bath. Without waiting for the broth to cool, it is filtered and diluted with the same amount of boiling water. You can rinse your mouth with warm infusion. Such rinses will also help with bleeding gums.

How to grow milk thistle

If you have a cottage or plot, it is quite possible to grow milk thistle. To all its other advantages, one more thing can be added - it is an unpretentious plant that grows on almost any soil (with the exception of wetlands). Enough to plant milk thistle seeds in early spring into the ground to a depth of 5–7 cm. It is desirable that the chosen place be sunny.

Milk thistle grows quickly. An adult plant reaches a height of one and a half to two meters. Harvesting the plant begins in the second half of August. The collection continues literally until the cold weather. Dried milk thistle is best kept. Useful properties of dry vegetable raw materials are preserved for 2 years.

When growing milk thistle, be prepared for the fact that the plant is very well inseminated and quickly spreads around the site. In spring, it is better to weed out seedlings where they are not needed, until the plant has grown.

No cottage - go to the pharmacy!

Today on sale you can find great amount preparations based on milk thistle. This is oil, and crushed seeds, and alcohol infusions(we do not recommend infusions - the harm of alcohol cannot be covered by the benefits of milk thistle). Milk thistle is also available in tablets and capsules. Instructions for use for each of the drugs will tell you how to use this tool. Most preparations based on milk thistle are aimed at the prevention and treatment of liver diseases. The most popular are Karsil and Essentiale.

An interesting remedy is vegetable fiber from milk thistle seeds. It is sold in a pharmacy and is the fibers left after the milk thistle seeds are squeezed. Like any other, it helps to normalize digestion. In addition, milk thistle seed fiber is prescribed as a supportive agent for cirrhosis, hepatitis, pancreatitis and cholecystitis. The product is available in the form of tablets or powder.

It is usually taken in a course of one month. Tablets drink 5 pieces twice a day. Milk thistle powdered fiber is diluted in kefir, juice or plain water and drunk half an hour before breakfast, lunch and dinner.

Take with caution!

Is milk thistle dangerous? Of course, there are contraindications, but they are minimal. First of all, it is an individual intolerance.

It is also not recommended to use milk thistle during pregnancy and lactation. Another contraindication is the presence of stones in the gallbladder. In such cases, you can start taking it only after consulting a doctor, drinking milk thistle preparations or decoctions in small doses.

Milk thistle can cause unpleasant side effects- bloating, mild pain in the liver and stomach, headache, rash. Such symptoms are also observed with an overdose of milk thistle.

Milk thistle preparations usually contain auxiliary and additional components. Therefore, before use, read the instructions for contraindications. It is best to consult with your doctor before taking any medications.

Milk thistle is one of the oldest plants used in herbal medicine. The medicinal properties of this herb were appreciated by the ancient Romans, who used it as a remedy for liver regeneration.

milk thistle

Another name for milk thistle is milk thistle. The name refers to the "milk" that flows from the "veins" of the plant, as well as its thistle-like appearance.

For medicinal purposes, milk thistle fruits are mainly used, i.e. oblong, hard grains. It is from their shells that they extract healing substances. These seeds are difficult to break, so it's best to take them ground. Milk thistle meal is also useful - cake obtained after separating oils with organic solvents.

Milk thistle is known to be the most effective natural product to restore liver cells. This is confirmed by many Scientific research. The herb is used in case of jaundice, cirrhosis, fatty degeneration or inflammation of the liver.

Milk thistle is also used in cases of mushroom poisoning, psoriasis, gallstones, Alzheimer's disease and diabetes. This product is readily available and inexpensive.

Milk thistle and its beneficial properties

Milk thistle contains:

  • silymarin (about 2-3%) - this is the name of a unique complex of flavolignans, consisting of silybin, isosilybin, silydianin, silichristin, taxifolin;
  • phytosterols (campesterol, stigmasterol, beta-sitosterol);
  • flavonoids (quercetin, apigenin, luteolin);
  • oil (20-30%);
  • protein (25-30%).

Milk thistle owes its beneficial properties to the content of silymarin in it (or rather, silybin). This substance, as an effective antioxidant, stimulates protein synthesis and protects cells from various damages and mutations.

And what other medicinal properties of milk thistle are known in medicine? Here are the main ones:

  • detox action - substances contained in the plant protect liver cells from toxins (for example, poisonous mushrooms, alcohol and drugs);
  • activation of bile secretion, and, consequently, the absorption of fats;
  • stimulation of glutathione production.

Milk thistle and liver disease

"Silimarol", "Silymarin", "Silicinar" are well-known drugs for the liver from pharmacy shelves. Not surprisingly, their name is associated with silymarin. Each of them contains exactly this substance, obtained from milk thistle meal. "Silymarin" has medicinal properties, is used in most liver diseases. Due to its strong anti-inflammatory properties, it restores the epidermis, protects and restores the liver. Silymarin prevents the occurrence and development of mechanisms responsible for the development of diseases such as hepatitis, steatosis or cirrhosis of the liver. It has been found that in the case of even very advanced stages of liver disease, silymarin can inhibit their development.

Milk thistle and body detoxification

Have you heard of an experiment that was carried out using milk thistle and a strong poison derived from fly agaric? It turned out that the extract from milk thistle blocks the action of this extremely toxic substance and thus save a person's life. In such difficult cases as fly agaric poisoning, intravenous administration concentrated dose of silybin. A commercially available silybin concentrate called Legalon Sil has been shown to be effective in such cases. It was found that the overall mortality of patients treated with the drug, regardless of the severity of liver damage, is less than 10%. Unfortunately, this is a very expensive treatment. Legalon Sil is also used in the treatment of patients with hepatitis C.

Silymarin in combination with probiotics is useful after antibiotic therapy. Antibiotic therapy may Negative influence for functioning digestive system and damage the liver. Studies confirm that silymarin inhibits the destruction of the liver and stimulates its regeneration. Preparations containing milk thistle extract are recommended for people who take strong synthetic drugs for a long time.

Milk thistle. Healthy, young skin

Silymarin cares not only for the health of the liver, but also for the health of the skin. Therefore, it is used in production cosmetics such as creams and ointments. Silymarin protects the skin from toxic substances, as well as harmful effects ultraviolet radiation. Exactly ultraviolet radiation considered to be the main reason sunburn, aging and even skin cancer.

Spotted silymarin, obtained from the seeds of milk thistle, accelerates wound healing, has an antioxidant effect, due to which it can be useful in the treatment of many diseases. dermatological problems, including, for example, as a basis for the treatment of psoriasis.

Liver protection during chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is one of the most commonly used methods in the fight against oncological diseases. Unfortunately, it comes with serious side effects, such as inflammatory processes liver and problems with its functioning. It may also be useful in this case, milk thistle. Scientists from New York conducted a study in a group of 50 children with acute leukemia. At the beginning of the study, inflammation of the liver was detected in all examined children ( elevated values liver enzymes AST and ALT). Half of the participants received a milk thistle preparation for 28 days, while the other half received a placebo. After the end of this time, the group of children taking milk thistle showed a decrease in liver enzymes (more low level AST) compared with children taking only placebo. This study has given promising results, especially since milk thistle does not affect the effectiveness of chemotherapy.

Anti-cancer properties of milk thistle

Research results show that milk thistle fruit extract may have antitumor effects. The activity of silymarin has been proven in the treatment of cancers of the lung, prostate, pancreas, kidney and skin.

Milk thistle silymarin combined with curcumin may be effective in treating colon cancer. Both components show greater efficacy in therapy when taken together (so-called synergism).

Milk thistle and type 2 diabetes

The use of milk thistle has a positive effect also in the case of type 2 diabetes. This was confirmed by one of the studies that was conducted on a group of 51 patients. diabetes 2 types. The study lasted 4 months. Half of the participants received milk thistle extract ("Silymarin" 200 mg tablets 3 times a day) and the other half received a placebo. The results of the study showed significant reduction HbA as well total cholesterol, LDL and triglycerides in a group of people who took milk thistle extract.

Milk thistle - in what form to take?

There are many drugs on the market based on them. The advantage of these drugs is a concentrated dose of silymarin (the content of silymarin in milk thistle fruits is only 2-3%), as well as a higher bioavailability compared to whole milk thistle fruits. But, despite this, the most popular product is whole, ground grains of the plant or crushed milk thistle meal. A spoonful of ground milk thistle seeds can be regularly added to smoothies, juices or muesli. Seeds contain many more valuable components than just silymarin. whole grain milk thistle is also minerals, vitamins, fatty acid and other nutrients.

Of course, when serious illnesses, like cirrhosis, poisoning or liver damage, rather, the consumption of plant grains alone will not be enough to achieve the desired therapeutic effect. In this case, preparations containing standardized extracts of silymarin at a concentration of 70-80% are better suited. But if you don't have special problems with the functioning of the liver, and you want to keep it in good condition, it is worth using milk thistle fruits regularly to strengthen and improve the functioning of this organ.

You can easily buy milk thistle fruits in many grocery stores and pharmacies.

milk thistle tea

In addition to tablets, capsules, supplements, and decoctions, milk thistle is available as a tea. Despite the fact that a cup of milk thistle tea is the smallest portion of what this plant is fraught with, it is still worth a try. It has a delicate, mild taste and is a great substitute for another mug of black tea. If desired, you can add a little honey to it.

Milk thistle oil

Milk thistle oil is better to choose cold-pressed, unrefined and take it, of course, in its raw form. This product is great for dressing any salad.

Milk thistle oil can be taken orally and used in cosmetic purposes. It moisturizes and regenerates the skin well. When applied externally, it will help to cope with burns or other hard-to-heal wounds. Its effectiveness has been proven in the treatment of purulent processes, eczema, bedsores, erythema, and allergies. Milk thistle oil restores well brittle hair and nails.

For prevention, it is recommended for people who have daily contact with toxins, for example, work in harmful conditions. For internal use, it is recommended to drink 2-3 teaspoons of oil per day (in case of severe poisoning, higher doses are used). It has a slightly bitter, nutty flavor and a yellow-brown color. Applying it externally, make regular compresses or rub the oil into the affected areas of the skin. The effect will be observed in a few weeks.

In case of occurrence serious problems with health and disease, possible application milk thistle should be discussed with a doctor.

Milk thistle can influence the action the following drugs:

  • antihistamines based on fexofenadine,
  • tranquilizers - including alprazolam (Xanax), diazepam (Valium), and lorazepam (Ativan)
  • anticoagulants - to thin the blood.

Milk thistle should not be used in the treatment of acute poisoning.

Milk thistle contraindications:

  • Medicines from the plant should not be taken by people who suffer from blockage of the bile ducts (in case of their increased secretion of bile, it is dangerous).
  • Due to the lack of sufficient data confirming the complete safety of the use, milk thistle is not recommended for use in children under the age of 12 years. This also applies to women during pregnancy and during breastfeeding.

Milk thistle: reviews

Most milk thistle reviews are positive. The action of the herb is used to improve functions internal organs. At long-term use most people notice an improvement in digestion processes. By improving liver function, the body is better cleansed, and thus appearance becomes more attractive. Most consumers buy ground milk thistle grains or silymarin tablets.

Negative reviews about milk thistle are rather exceptions, usually associated with its misuse. Some expect immediate results and improvement after the first application. Unfortunately, like any herbal remedy Taking milk thistle requires patience and regularity.

People call milk thistle “spicy-variegated” because of its green, very prickly leaves (spicy) with white stains and spots (variegated). You have landed on this page because you are interested in medicinal plants. Today the story will be about unique plantmilk thistle.

Milk thistle | Silybum marianum | Thistle species | Asteraceae family

● In different regions of Russia, the plant is called milk thistle, marina, silver tartar, prickly. Milk thistle differs from other species of thistle in the presence of white spots on the leaves. This is a rather prickly plant, grows up to two meters in height, bright purple flowers are collected in a prickly basket, similar to the autumn aster, which is why it belongs to the aster family.

● Milk thistle grows southern regions Russia and Ukraine Western Siberia, Central and Western Europe, Scotland, Asia and America. It blooms in July-August, for many nations it is a worthy decoration of the garden. Seed collection is usually done in late August or early September after the wrappers on many of the side baskets have dried.

● Start harvesting medicinal thistle seeds early in the morning, when the baskets have not yet blossomed. After harvesting, the raw materials are cleaned of plant impurities and dried. Then they are placed in paper or fabric bags in ventilated areas and stored for no more than one year.

● In the fall, they dig up the roots, clean them from the ground, and wash them with running water. tap water and dried in special dryers at a temperature of 40-50 degrees or in the sun. Store for one year in a closed glass container.

Healing (useful) properties of milk thistle

● How medicinal plant milk thistle has been known since ancient times. However, it received application and special popularity after the study of its biochemical properties. The most important component of milk thistle is biologically active substance silymarin, which is a powerful hepatoprotector that protects the liver from intoxication, an antioxidant that helps strengthen the body and.

● Many microelements found in milk thistle, such as: zinc, copper, selenium, quercetin, a complete group fat soluble vitamins, flavolignans, polyunsaturated fatty acids - a total of about 200 components, and therefore the plant is part of many medicines.

● Numerous tests and observations have proven the high protective properties of milk thistle in case of hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, chronic poisoning bleach. The plant is widely used in chronic intoxications organism, food poisoning, decreased vision and to reduce the risk of developing various cardiovascular diseases.

● Milk thistle is used to cleanse blood, radiation from toxins (slags), after undergoing courses of radiation and chemoprophylactic therapy for. Known cases successful treatment milk thistle patients with poisoning by a dangerous mushroom - pale grebe.

● Milk thistle is a medicinal plant for the stomach, liver. The plant gained particular popularity because it is unique means to repair damaged liver cells, from which to a large extent depends on how capable the human body is to resist infections and toxins.

● The liver helps to eliminate toxic substances from the body chemical substances and products of exchange. If the liver is damaged, the entire body is at risk of death. It has been proven that in many cases, ailments are associated with poor liver function: chronic headaches, skin rashes, insufficient blood circulation, gastrointestinal, irritability, mood swings, poor body resistance to infections, lack of concentration.

● The use of milk thistle in traditional medicine absolutely harmless, this is what makes it different from most medicinal herbs. Combines perfectly with other herbs in collections, especially with agrimony for the treatment of various infectious and somatic diseases. All parts of the plant are used for medicinal purposes.

● Decoctions and infusions of milk thistle, ready pharmaceuticals based on it, they are used for diseases of the spleen, including autoimmune thyroiditis, blood, with the deposition of salts, varicose veins, dropsy, obesity, and, hemorrhoids.

Milk thistle - traditional medicine recipes

● Traditional medicine recommends the following prescription for the treatment of convulsions, urinary retention, gastric catarrh, diarrhea and (as a gargle). Boil in a closed enamel bowl in a water bath for half an hour a tablespoon of chopped milk thistle roots in a glass of boiling water. Filter and add to decoction boiled water to the original volume. Take a tablespoon before meals three times a day, and rinse with a toothache oral cavity.

as a diuretic and cholagogue drink milk thistle leaf juice with constipation and (before meals three times a day for a tablespoon).

● When using flour from the seeds of the plant, the blood sugar level decreases, the blood is cleansed, cured (one teaspoon half an hour before meals 4 times a day, washed down with water).

For the treatment of hepatitis A, B, C, it is recommended to use a decoction of milk thistle seeds. Pour 30 grams of crushed seeds with half a liter of water and boil over low heat until half the liquid has boiled away. Drink a tablespoon every hour from 8 am to 8 pm. We are treated for three weeks, then a break for 14 days and again we drink the decoction for 21 days.

Milk thistle seeds. For all liver diseases, it is best to take the dry powder of seeds by a teaspoon 4 to 5 times a day. The course is 40 days, a break of 14 days, and in this way we are treated for six months.

Infusion of milk thistle herb with roots displays efficiently toxic substances from the liver and prevent its damage. Brew two tablespoons of raw materials (grass with roots) half a liter of boiling water and insist all night. ¾ cup three times a day.

For the treatment of a diseased liver in children, prepare next decoction milk thistle seed: Pour a tablespoon of raw materials with a glass of hot milk, bring to a boil and set aside to infuse overnight. Bring back to a boil in the morning. Give the child four times a day an hour after eating ¼ cup of decoction.

Another important quality milk thistle: being a good antioxidant, it prevents premature aging, neutralizing free radicals that destroy biological structures. For these purposes, it is best to prepare alcohol tincture or an extract from the seeds of the plant. Pour 50 grams of raw materials with half a liter of vodka and leave for 14 days, shaking occasionally. Take 20-25 drops per a small amount water three times a day half an hour before meals.

special value in folk medicine, oil and meal from milk thistle seeds were purchased. Oil can be bought at any pharmacy without a prescription. It is prepared by cold pressing the seeds, which gives it a special value due to the conservation of all living biological structures (enzymes).

Milk thistle meal and seed oil have a beneficial effect on metabolism, have detoxifying and anti-allergic properties, increase the body's resistance to various diseases thanks to the unique set polyunsaturated acids Omega 3 in optimal ratio with other micronutrients.

● Milk thistle oil is prescribed for external and internal use with fatty degeneration and cirrhosis of the liver, liver damage, hepatitis various etiologies, including , peptic ulcer stomach and duodenum, heartburn, biliary dyskinesia, acute and, stomatitis and periodontal disease, lesions skin, thermal and chemical burns, wounds that do not heal for a long time.

With all the listed diseases, milk thistle oil take up to 3 tablespoons per day, and meal - up to 4 teaspoons. Due to the presence of vitamin E, the oil is very useful for preventing tumor processes in gynecological practice. With the help of it, atrophic climacteric, accompanied by severe itching, are cured. To do this, the oil is injected with a syringe into the vagina at a dose of 3 ml, then the pelvis is lifted so that the oil gets on the cervix. Do not wash the oil out of the vagina. Course - 12-15 daily procedures.

● If the disease of the vagina is infectious and inflammatory, inject a mixture of milk thistle oil and natural oil into it tea tree. Shake the mixture thoroughly before use. The treatment method is the same as above. Such a mixture is used in complex conservative, to prevent the formation of excessive scar tissue.

● In conclusion of the article, I will dwell on some cautions when using milk thistle preparations. During treatment of the liver, slight pain may occur at the beginning of the course, especially in persons who have not previously taken milk thistle. If you have gallstones or bile ducts, carry out treatment under the supervision of a physician, starting with small doses of drugs. Take under the supervision of a specialist caution during pregnancy.

Stay healthy and Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!

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