Oral rehydration products list. Features of the treatment of dehydration in children. At what age is Regidron allowed?

Active fluid loss from the body is a fairly serious condition that requires immediate response and appropriate correction. Such a nuisance most often provoked by severe diarrhea and vomiting, and dehydration is sometimes observed with extreme heat when the body loses a lot of moisture, and a person does not consume enough water. deal with not severe loss th fluid is quite simple, but in children such a condition may be the reason for transportation to the hospital. Let's talk on www.site how rehydration therapy can be carried out at home.

Correcting severe dehydration is quite difficult, it is much easier to prevent its development. It is for the prevention of such a problem that it is necessary to carry out rehydration therapy at the very first symptoms that can cause severe fluid loss.

With the development of dehydration and for its prevention, it is necessary to provide the patient with rest. Lay it on a flat surface, and it is best to place it in a fairly cool and humid room where air circulates well. It is extremely important to constantly give the victim water, preferably in minimal portions. Also, various rehydration solutions can be used for this purpose, but we will talk about them a little lower.

If overheating is the cause of dehydration, it is worth attaching an ordinary cloth to the forehead of the victim, moistening it cold water. You can also wet clothing, or put the victim in a bath or shower.

Rehydration solutions

Such medicinal formulations can be purchased at any pharmacy, they are relatively cheap, as well as easy to use. They can be easily used at home. by the most known means of this type is, consisting of sodium chloride, potassium chloride, as well as sodium citrate and glucose. All ingredients are balanced among themselves. The contents of a sachet of Regidron should be dissolved in one liter of warm, pre-boiled water.

In general, rehydration of the body at home should be carried out in two stages. The first of them involves the restoration of the lack of salts, as well as water, which is observed before the start of therapy. This stage lasts about four to six hours. The patient is given a solution of the drug in small doses - ten to twenty milliliters at a time with an interval of ten to fifteen minutes.

The next stage is aimed at compensating for fluid losses, as well as electrolytes, along with stool, vomiting, and perspiration (sweat). In this case, for every kilogram of body weight, fifty to one hundred milliliters of solution is used per hour.

Instead of Regidron, you can also use its analogues, represented by Hydrovit, Trihydron, Reosolan, etc.

Features of the treatment of dehydration in children

AT childhood dehydration is more difficult to correct, since the body weight of a child is less than that of an adult, and active fluid loss for babies can be very dangerous. The main problem in treating such a problem at home is the difficulty of persuading the baby to take a brackish solution of the drugs described above. But on the pharmaceutical market there are also special medicines for rehydrating babies, they have a pleasant taste. The most famous representatives of such drugs can be called Humana Electrolyte and Gastrolit.

Humana Electrolyte is suitable for the treatment of children from the age of three. A sachet of this remedy is diluted in a glass of water. The composition of this drug also contains fennel, which eliminates colic, and pectin, which removes toxins from the body.

Gastrolit is available in the form of tablets, each of which is diluted in one hundred milliliters of water. This medicine great for treating babies from birth, it has a pleasant taste, and also helps to cope with inflammation, spasms and bloating.

Many doctors claim that the prevention and treatment of the initial degree of dehydration can be carried out using ordinary water, fruit decoctions (apple, raisin), as well as sweetened tea with lemon juice. You can drink any liquids with dehydration in small sips, from a spoon or through a straw.

If the child is on breastfeeding, then during illness he should be allowed to hang on his chest for as long as he wants.

How do you make your own perfect rehydration solution?

For self cooking solution for the treatment of dehydration is to combine three-quarters of a teaspoon of salt, four tablespoons of sugar, a glass of freshly squeezed orange juice and also a glass of water. The resulting drink should be taken in small sips.

To prepare a classic solution for the treatment and prevention of dehydration, it is worth dissolving a couple of tablespoons of sugar, as well as a quarter teaspoon of salt and the same amount of soda in a glass of water. Take in the same way as regular Regidron.

For the treatment of children, you can prepare a decoction of raisins: boil one hundred grams of raisins in a liter of water for half an hour, strain through a sieve and grind the raisins. The resulting broth must be combined with a teaspoon of salt, half a teaspoon of soda and four teaspoons of sugar. Boil for two more minutes and cool. Give the baby as often as possible a teaspoon.

With severe fluid loss, especially in children, as well as with symptoms of severe dehydration, it is imperative to seek medical help.

One of the most common pathological conditions in the children themselves different ages considered to be poisoning. They are most often accompanied unpleasant symptoms, among which are far from last place takes vomiting and diarrhea. Both of these phenomena are quite dangerous for the body, especially if we are talking about the child, since such symptoms are fraught with rapid loss body fluids. Accordingly, in the event of such manifestations, it is necessary to take measures to restore the water-salt balance as soon as possible, namely, to take special solutions for rehydration.

For oral rehydration of the child's body at home, you can use various medicinal formulations that can be purchased at any pharmacy. The most common medicines of this kind are considered to be Humana Electrolyte, Gastrolit, as well as Regidron and Hydrovit. Let's talk about the features that oral rehydration has, we will take a closer look at drugs for children.


Given medicine is one of the most common among rehydration formulations. It is manufactured in Finland by Orion Corporation. In a pharmacy, this medication is sold in the form of a dosed powder, which contains three and a half grams of sodium chloride, two and a half grams of potassium chloride, almost three grams of sodium citrate, and ten grams of glucose. One package of Regidron contains twenty sachets, each of which contains a little less than nineteen grams of crystalline powder, painted in White color and highly soluble in water. Liquid resulting from dilution this composition, has both a sweetish and salty aftertaste.

main destination medicinal composition Regidron (as well as other rehydration solutions) consists in restoring, as well as in correcting acid-base balance, which was disturbed due to the withdrawal of electrolytes from the tissues, which is observed with diarrhea or vomiting.

Since this drug is a source of glucose, it effectively maintains the proper level of salts and citrates, maintaining optimal acid balance. Regidron is advised to use most often, since it contains a little more low content sodium, and a little more potassium.

For cooking medicinal solution you just need to dilute the contents of the sachet with a liter of warm, pre-boiled water, for small children the concentration can be made weaker, while it is worth slightly increasing the amount of drug consumed. The resulting remedy should be given to the baby in small sips after each bout of vomiting or liquid stool. Before each dose, the solution should be mixed. The optimal dosage of Regidron is ten milliliters per kilogram of weight per hour, if diarrhea is accompanied by vomiting, then this volume should be doubled or even tripled.

It is worth considering that this drug is not used for problems with the kidneys, as well as for diabetes or intestinal obstruction. Contraindications also include the unconscious state of the patient or increased arterial pressure.

Since Regidron does not contain any flavoring additives, children usually drink it reluctantly. In this case, such a medicine can be replaced with more palatable formulations.

Humana Electrolyte

This medication is great for treating children from the first days of life, when it comes to using a solution with fennel. Banana composition is allowed to be used in relation to children from the age of three. The drug is available in the form of a powder for the preparation of a solution, while in a carton there are twelve sachets of 6.25 g each. Such a volume should be diluted with one glass of pre-boiled warm water. Children under three months of age should be given two hundred to six hundred milliliters of the drug in three to eight doses, in general, the dosage can range from fifty to one hundred (one hundred and fifty) milliliters per kilogram of body weight.

The main advantage of Humana Electrolyte is its pleasant taste qualities. In addition, the supplement in the form of fennel helps to eliminate colic and bloating, and the presence of banana pectin in the composition helps to bind and eliminate from the body different kind toxins.


This drug, unlike the formulations already described above, is available in tablet form, there are thirty tablets in the package. A couple of tablets of such a substance must be dissolved in one hundred milliliters of ordinary hot water. The resulting solution should be cooled to body temperature. Such a medicine is given to children literally from birth, and, as in previous treatment options, babies drinking should be given fractionally in minimal portions. For one kilogram of body weight, it is worth consuming ninety-one hundred and thirty milliliters of the solution.

The main advantage of this Gastrolit is a pleasant chamomile taste, in addition, the extract of this medicinal plant, which is part of the drug, has a good antispasmodic effect, copes with inflammatory processes, optimizes peristalsis, and also prevents intestinal bloating from developing.

It should be noted that diarrhea and vomiting in children is serious occasion call the doctor as soon as possible similar states can be severely complicated and require more serious treatment.

Ekaterina Poteryaeva, pediatrician

The basis of any treatment intestinal infection is to replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes. And the main drugs for this are solutions for oral rehydration.

Speaking of these solutions, everyone immediately remembers Regidron. However, this is not the only drug, and what is there to hide - not the best for children. early age(more on this later).

And for starters...

What oral rehydration solution(ROR)?

It is a solution containing sodium, chloride, potassium and complex carbohydrates or glucose. It is necessary to replenish the fluid lost by the body in any type of dehydration.

Until 2003, the "gold standard" of ROP was a solution with an osmolarity of 311 mmol/l. For years, scientists have searched for more the best option, which can not only replenish the loss of fluid and electrolytes, but also reduce the duration of diarrhea. And in 2003 WHO and UNICEF published new policy in oral rehydration therapy (ORT). Scientists have recommended low-osmolar solutions for ORT. And the standard is a solution with an osmolarity of 245 mmol / l. Many studies have looked at solutions ranging from 210 to 268 mmol/L.

The reason that forced scientific minds to revise the recommendations in the direction of reducing the osmolarity of the ROP was the risk of developing hypernatremia and increased diarrhea, especially in infants and young children.

Thus, to date, ROPs with an osmolarity of 245 and below (in babies) are recommended for the treatment of dehydration.

Let's take a closer look at oral rehydration solutions on the market and their osmolarity.

1. Everyone's favorite Regidron. Its osmolarity is 282 mmol/l. It is higher than recommended by WHO. That is why Regidron in children younger age may prolong (or even exacerbate) diarrhea.

2.Regidron Bio. Osmolarity 225 mmol/l. This drug is low osmolar, so it can be used in children. However, according to the instructions, it is not allowed for use in children under 3 years of age (most likely due to the fact that it is not registered as a drug, although it is manufactured by the same company as regular Regidron).

3. Regidron Optim. Osmolarity 245 mmol/l. Here it is - the solution recommended by WHO. However, in our pharmacies is rare.

4.Humana electrolyte with fennel. Osmolarity 225 mmol/l. Approved for use from birth.

5. Humana electrolyte banana flavor. The osmolarity is not much higher than Humana's Fennel Electrolyte at 229 mmol/L. Allowed from 3 years (probably not because of the higher osmolarity, but because of the banana flavor).

6. Hydrovit. Osmolarity 240 mmol/l. The drug can also be used in both children and adults.

7. Hydrovit forte. Osmolarity 311 mmol/l. This drug corresponds to the old POP formula, which is on WHO this moment does not recommend.

8.Hipp ORS 200 carrot-rice water. Recommended for children from 4 months. Osmolarity 235 mmol/l. However, only this drug should not be used for ORT, because in large volumes in young children it can cause allergic reactions(after all, carrot broth), but as one of the components of therapy - completely. Theoretically, Hipp has more apple broth, but as far as I know, it is not for sale in the Russian Federation.

9. Biogaya ORS. Osmolarity 220 mmol/l. The drug is approved from birth. Another advantage is that it contains zinc, which is recommended by WHO for the treatment of diarrhea in children.

That is, for young children, it is better to use from the presented preparations: Biogaya ORS, Regidron Bio, Regidron Optim, Humana Electroit (any), Hydrovit, Hipp ORS 200. And Regidron with an osmolarity of 282 mmol / l will be left for use in adults.

Human life is inextricably linked with the formation of various fluids - the body constantly produces sweat, tears, gastric juice etc. Even the air we breathe in can be humidified before being processed by our body.

In the process of metabolism, the body produces and accumulates a variety of toxic substances that are excreted in the urine. All these processes lead to a normal, natural loss of fluid, the deficiency of which is replenished by quenching thirst.

Most childhood, as well as adult diseases, are accompanied not by natural, but by pathological fluid losses, which include, for example, vomiting and diarrhea.

Causes of pathological fluid loss and its consequences

At various diseases pathological fluid loss can be caused by various factors:

  1. In case of poisoning infectious diseases observed intoxication, vomiting and diarrhea.
  2. With a cold, fluid loss leads to the formation of snot and sputum, as well as heat, rapid breathing, excessive sweating.
  3. Burns and wounds - liquid also evaporates from their surface.
  4. Some diseases cause frequent urination.
  5. Dehydration can be caused by significant blood loss or heat stroke.

The situation is aggravated by the fact that during illness a person usually eats less or does not take food for several days in a row, not always able and wants to drink on his own - all this makes the flow of water into the body even more scarce compared to the normal state.

With pathological fluid losses, simply quenching thirst is not enough to equalize the body's water balance.

The consequences that can occur if the level of fluid in the body is not increased in time are potentially extremely severe, up to lethal outcome(sometimes it only takes a few days). Group increased risk- infants, small and middle-aged children, the elderly, pregnant women, sick with any chronic diseases.

What measures are taken for pathological fluid loss

To improve the patient's condition and prevent further dehydration, it is necessary to create conditions that are most correct for such a situation:

  • The room in which the patient is located should be well ventilated, the air should not be dry, and the air temperature should be high;
  • Measures are taken such as forcing to drink water (little by little, in small sips, making sure that the urine is separated in proportion to the liquid drunk);
  • A dropper can be placed with a solution that will balance water balance in the body and remove toxins;
  • Blood transfusion is also one of the methods of replenishing the volume of fluid in the body.

One of the most common home treatments for dehydration is oral rehydration.

What is rehydration therapy

Rehydration, in fact, is the replenishment of the missing moisture in the body. The term "oral" refers to the way this fluid enters the body - through the mouth. However, do not confuse such therapy with drinking plain water!

Rehydration preparations are much more complex in composition than water and are close to the chemical content of body fluids.

When the body loses any fluid, it releases not only water, but also other substances, such as chlorine and sodium when sweating. This means that when dehydration occurs in the body, there is a shortage of not only moisture, but also salts.

To solve this problem, preparations used for rehydration have been developed - an ideal balance of water, salts and glucose. Sometimes the composition of such funds is supplemented with herbal extracts, decoctions of cereals.

Medications for rehydration

Preparations for rehydration therapy are sold in pharmacies without a prescription. The price for them is not high, and the effectiveness of such funds can at some point save a life. That is why you should always have home first aid kit at least a small supply of these medicines.

One of the most popular and easy to use is Regidron. It is sold "in portions" - bags. One serving is enough to prepare 1 liter of liquid, which will quickly, gently restore water-salt balance organism.

All other products essentially duplicate Regidron - they are made in the form of powder or granules, diluted with water. For example, drugs such as Hydrovit, Maratonic, Normohydron, etc.

In order for oral rehydration agents to be as effective as possible, some rules must be followed.

Before preparing the solution, be sure to read the instructions for use and answer the following questions for yourself:

  1. In what liquid should the powder be dissolved? In the vast majority of cases it is water, but you should make sure.
  2. What volume of water must be used to dissolve one portion of the powder or granules?
  3. Should the water be boiled? What should be the temperature of the liquid when diluting the drug?
  4. What conditions must be created in order to properly store the rehydration solution?
  5. How quickly should the patient drink the drug, for what time?

Do not add anything to the finished solution that is not provided for in the instructions for preparing the drug - no vitamins, no tinctures, no decoctions.

Try to keep the temperature of the rehydration solution as close as possible to the temperature of the patient's body - this way the liquid will be absorbed by the patient's body much faster and more efficiently.

Remember to take rehydration medications until signs of dehydration disappear, such as:

  • Constant thirst;
  • Rare urge to urinate, lack of sweating and tears;
  • Rapid pulse;
  • The color of urine is rich yellow;
  • Dryness of the skin, as well as mucous membranes.
  • Antipyretics are practically ineffective, it is very difficult to bring down the temperature.

If something is not clear to you in the instructions for use, if you doubt that you can alleviate the patient's condition with solutions for oral rehydration, and also if the patient's health is consistently poor, worsens, you should consult a doctor!

Making a Rehydration Solution at Home

In case the disease is caught by surprise, there is no time, opportunity or money to go to the pharmacy for the powder, it is very easy to prepare an oral rehydration solution on your own. Even a child can make it, because all the components are sure to be found in any kitchen.

In 1960, WHO compiled the first dehydration solution recipe - it consists of salt (an incomplete teaspoon) and sugar (4 tablespoons), as well as a glass of water and orange juice (preferably freshly made). Such a liquid is often prepared for children, because the taste of orange juice helps to reconcile a little with taking the medicine.

There is another standard recipe, the simplest, recommended by the World Health Organization - 3 grams of salt, 18 grams of sugar, 1 liter of water.

Summer is already in full swing. It has become unbearably hot outside, and, as we all know, the heat is a fertile time for the reproduction of germs and infections. The source of danger can be dirty hands, and insufficiently well-washed fruits or berries (and there are a lot of them in the summer season in Almaty). Any of these factors can cause poisoning or, for example, rotavirus infection. And not only children, but also adults can suffer. Therefore, the information is relevant for everyone, regardless of age and gender.

Some thrifty parents have their own pharmacy mini-warehouse at home, which stores a lot of medicines that are completely useless and even harmful to the child. Trusting mothers and fathers buy expensive advertised drugs "just in case", often not even really understanding what kind of medicine it is and what its purpose is. Can such hoarding be useful? Of course not.

Must have in first aid kit minimum set for emergency ambulance, which can really save a child's health and even life. Oral rehydration products should be among such mandatory drugs. They will help children's body cope with any disease faster.

Theory of life-giving moisture

Main component human body- This is water. It accounts for approximately 70% of body weight. In the process of life, the body continuously produces sweat, saliva, digestive juices, mucous secretions, urine. Urine removes waste materials and toxins. All of these discharges are normal. physiological losses Therefore, it is necessary to constantly replenish water in the body - drink liquids, eat fruits and vegetables.

In case of poisoning and infectious diseases, the amount of toxins increases and pathological fluid loss begins, which is dangerous for the child.

Causes of pathological fluid loss during illness:

increased sweating;

- rapid breathing and a large flow of fluid to moisten the breath;

- heat;

- diarrhea and / or vomiting;

- the formation of mucus (with a cold) and / or sputum.

What is dehydration?

Significant dehydration even healthy body leads to intoxication and enzymatic inhibition, the volume of blood is reduced, the nutrition of cells and their supply of oxygen is disturbed. In weakened infectious disease the body, which consumes a lot of fluid, these processes occur in express mode. Clear signs dehydration: thirst, dryness skin, infrequent urination and dark color urine, weakness - the child becomes like a squeezed rag. Dehydration greatly complicates the treatment process and can be fatal.


To have something to spend, you need to take the liquid somewhere. During illness, it is extremely difficult for the body to replenish reserves in the right amount because the child is naughty, refuses to eat and drink. healthy baby gets plenty of fluids with the most different products: yoghurts, milk, fruits and berries, purees, soups, cereals, ice cream, juices. And in case of illness, this portion is significantly reduced and a moisture deficit begins without rehydration, that is, without replenishing the losses in sufficient volume.

And if there is no reserve that can be removed, then poisonous toxins accumulate in the body. In order for them to be removed, excessive drinking is necessary, that is, roughly speaking, you need to drink through force, when you don’t feel like doing it at all. Of course, you should not forcefully pour water or tea into a sick child - this last resort one might even say barbaric. There is a more humane and rational method of treatment - rehydration therapy.

Oral rehydration is a formidable weapon against any disease

Oral rehydration is water replenishment naturally through the mouth. There is an arsenal of rehydrators on the shelves in the form of tablets, powders and granules. “What do pills and powders have to do with dehydration?!” - you ask. The fact is that the body catastrophically loses along with water and salts: chlorine and sodium. Also, rehydrating agents may contain auxiliary ingredients, for example, nutritional glucose, extracts of anti-inflammatory herbs and cereals. They further stimulate immune system, improve fermentation, provide energy and help the body fight infection.

The simplest and most effective rehydrating drugs

There is no need to run to the pharmacy and sweep the entire supply of rehydrating agents off the shelves there. It is enough to have any of these drugs in the home medicine cabinet and constantly monitor its expiration date.

How to take rehydrating drugs?

Instructions are attached to any medicine. If you bought the powder, then it is right on the package. Read the instructions carefully and follow the recommendations described in it.

Pay attention to the following points:

1) in what amount of liquid one sachet of medicine should be dissolved;

2) what water to use and what temperature;

3) how much you need to drink the solution at a time;

4) where and how to store the prepared solution;

5) how long can it be stored.

Please note that usually the dose for a single dose is calculated in milliliters ready solution per kilogram of patient weight (ml/kg). The instructions also indicate the norm for severe dehydration (for example, with diarrhea or vomiting) and weakening of symptoms. That is, for example, if the package says that maximum dose is 10 ml / kg, and your child weighs 20 kg, then at a time he can be given no more than 200 ml of the finished solution (not a full faceted glass).

How to make your own rehydrating solution

If the home first aid kit was not the right medicine, then you can prepare the solution yourself. It is desirable to have for this electronic balance to weigh all the ingredients as accurately as possible.

table salt - 3 g;

sugar - 18 g;

water - 1 l.

The dose is calculated based on the fact that with diarrhea and vomiting Small child loses 10 ml of water per 1 kg of its weight. If it weighs 10 kg, then with each bowel movement, 100 ml of fluid is excreted from the body. This amount of solution should be given to him to drink. If the child categorically refuses food, then you need to give him more liquid (water, tea, sour fruit drink or compote).

In order not to guess on the coffee grounds and not to determine by eye how much salt and sugar you poured and how much solution you need to give the child, always keep some kind of rehydrating drug in the medicine cabinet.

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